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1. Video -
1. Promises

2. Offers

3. Spontaneous or quick decisions

4. Predictions about the future

Positive/negative forms and contractions

2. Guia -
1. Jack will go to the cinema
2. Sndy will write a novel.
3. I will become a famous singer.
4. My friends will have an exam next week.
5. Jane will go to school tomorrow.
6. in 2010 robots will do the housework.
7. Dad will be home at 4 o´clock
8. Mum will iron the clothes.

1. we won’t travel to the mars

2. Bob won’t have lunch with me tomorrow
3. I won´t play football with you
4. Mr green won’t work in a library
5. They won’t have have a party next week
6. Sam won’t go to the disco tonight
7. I won’t travel to antarctica
8. The party won’t start at 7.30

1. Will you go outtonight?

2. Will Ben go dacing tomorrow?
3. They Will get married in june.
4. It won’t be cold next week.
5. Will she travel by car?
6. People won’t live on the mars.
7. Gary will move to new york.
8. When will joe go to london?
1. yes, He will
2. No, I won’t
3. yes, she Will
4. No, they won’t
5. No, it won’t
6. Yes, I will
7. No, we won’t
8. Yes, he will

3. Guia -
4. Juego -
5. Juego -
6. Video -
7. Guia de estudio –
El "simple future" se emplea:

 Para predecir un evento futuro:

It will rain tomorrow.
 Con "I" o "we", para expresar una decisión espontánea:
I'll pay for the tickets by credit card.
 Para expresar voluntad o disposición de hacer algo: I'll do the washing-up.
He'll carry your bag for you.
 En forma negativa, para expresar rechazo o falta de disposición para hacer algo:
The baby won't eat his soup.
I won't leave until I've seen the manager!
 En forma interrogativa con "shall" y "I", para formular un ofrecimiento:
Shall I open the window?
 En forma interrogativa con "shall" y "we", para formular una sugerencia:
Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
 En forma interrogativa con "shall" y "I", para solicitar consejo o instrucciones:
What shall I tell the boss about this money?
 Con "you", para dar órdenes:
You will do exactly as I say.
 En forma interrogativa con "you", para formular una invitación:
Will you come to the dance with me?
Will you marry me?

Nota:en el inglés actual, will tiene un uso preferente frente a shall. "Shall" se utiliza
fundamentalmente con las primeras personas, I y we, para ofrecer o sugerir algo, o para pedir
consejo (ver los ejemplos anteriores). Con el resto de las personas (you, he, she, they) "shall" se
emplea únicamente en construcciones poéticas o literarias, e.g. "With rings on her fingers and bells
on her toes, She shall have music wherever she goes."


El "simple future" está compuesto por dos partes: will / shall + infinitivo sin to
Sujeto will infinitivo sin to


I will go

I shall go


They will not see

They won't see


Will she ask?

Interrogativa negativa

Won't they try?

I will = I'll
We will = we'll
You will = you'll
He will = he'll
She will = she'll
They will = they'll
Will not = won't

La forma "it will" no suele contraerse.


Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa Interrogativa

I will see I won't see Will I see? Won't I see?

*I shall see *Shall I see?

You will see You won't see Will you see? Won't you

He will see He won't see Will he see? Won't he


We will see We won't see Will we see? Won't we


*We shall see *Shall we see?

They will see They won't see Will they see? Won't they

*"Shall" está en desuso pero se emplea normalmente en lugar de "will" con construcciones
afirmativas e interrogativas en primera persona (I y we) en determinados casos (ver más arriba).

8. Video -
9. Guia de estudio -
10. Guia de estudio – Ejercicios -
10. Guia de estudio – Reading about the future
Reading: The world in 2050
What will the world look like in 2050? What do they think? Fill in the table!

People Information
India will overtake China as the first largest economy in the world,
but the country will have many problems with its demographics.
The world will also have a lot of problems with the pollution and
the climate changing.
We will also need to build spaceships to travel to the Moon and
to Mars, because we will have to take resources from these place.

We will improve our technology and everybody will be able to

speak at least five languages.
People will live longer and we won’t have health problems,
because we will improve our knowledge on medicine.
We will also live in peace and the different countries won’t have
nuclear weapons anymore.

We will live in peace and won’t have any wars anymore.

We will be able to explore the space and to find other habitable
We will perhaps find other intelligent Beings on other planets in

Your turn! What do you think? What will the world look like in 2050?

In 2050, there will be cars that can fly, there will be wars over natural resources,

water will be the gold of the world, technology will take over the world. We will improve our

technology and everybody will be able to speak at least five languages.

11. Guia de estudio –- Future simple

Tomorrow Erick will get up at half past six. He will have breakfast at seven
and arrive at school at quarter to eight. His first lesson, Maths, will begin at
eight fifteen.
The second lesson, Geography, will begin at nine and a History lesson will
begin at nine forty-five.
Erick will have a break at ten thirty. Then he will have a Science lesson at
11 and his English lesson at quarter to twelve. He will have lunch at half
past twelve. There will be games at one thirty and he will go home at three.
Erick will do his homework at half past four and he will go to bed at nine
What will Mary do tomorrow?

Tomorrow Maria will get up at quarter past six. She will have breakfast at
seven fifteen and arrive at school at to eight. Her first lesson, English, will
begin at eight ten.
The second lesson, maths, will begin at half past nine and a science lesson
will begin at eleven.
Maria will have a break at eleven. Then she will have a Geography lesson
at 11 fifty and her history lesson at quarter to twelve. She will have lunch at
half past twelve. There will be PE at one thirty and she will go home at
three fifty. Maria will do her homework at five and he will go to bed at
quarter past nine.

12. Guia de estudio –-
13. Ejercicios -
14. Ejercicios -

14. Ejercicios-
15. Ejercicios -

1. My brother will be 45 in october.

2. The phone is ringing and I’m in the shower!

3. James Jones will probably become the next president

4. Mum is unemployed but she is’nt going to apply for that job because it is’nt well-paid

5. I am soexcited! We are going to move to a bigger house next month.

6. My parents will be very pround, I have passed all the exams

7. I think my sister will pass the exam, she hasstudied very hard so far.

8. I am going to take the kids to the mountains this winter.

9. There isn’t any mil left in the fridge – I know, I am going to do the shopping this afternoon

10. there is’nt any milk in the fridge – oh sorry, I will give you some juice instead.

11. Look at the clouds, it is going to rain; you should take an umbrella

12. There´s a knock at the door; that will be the postman.

13. Boys will be boys!

14. When the cat is away, the nice will play

15. I am not feeling well, I am going to falnt

16. It is 11:00 pm; I think I will go to bed now.

17. She is going to meet them at 6:00 pm

18. That will be the book you are looking for.

19. There is going to be a gale.

20. Sally is a big girl now, we will buy her a scooter.

15. Ejercicios -

1. are ging to attend 9. will lift

2. will be 10. won´t use / will give

3. is going to buy 11. am going to

4. will / win 12. am going to read

5. will be YES OR NO

6. will 1. NO

7. will travel 2. YES

8. will 3. YES.
4. YES 7. NO

6. NO 8. YES

16. Video -

17. Ejercicios – Class activity (Semana 6)

Name: ___________________ Level: ____ Date:

Main Focus: May and Might

Direction: Look at the pictures and use may or might with verbs by yourself.

You may use a ……………… to


You might use a ……………… to


You may use a ……………… to


People may use a ……………… to


People might use a ……………… to

You may use a ……………. to

You might keep an …………………………. to


People might use a …………………..…….. to


People may use this ________________ to


You may use this ____________________ to


18. Ejercicios – activity 6

Planning a
(two neighbors talking)

Martha:...What a horrible weather today. I'd love to go out, but I think it WILL (1)
continue raining.
Jane:Oh, I don't know. Maybe the sun WILL (2) come out later
this afternoon.

Martha:I hope you're right. Listen, I AM GOING TO (3) have a

party this Saturday. Would you like to come?
Jane:Oh, I'd love to come. Thank you for inviting me. Who IS
GOING TO COME 4) come to the party?
Martha:Well, some people haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark ARE GOING TO
COME (5) help out with the cooking!
Jane:Hey, I WILL (6) help, too!

Martha:Would you? That would be great!

Jane:I AM GOING TO (7) make lasagna!

Martha:That sounds delicious! I know my Italian

cousins ARE GOING TO (8A) be there. I'm sure they
WILL (8B) love it.
Jane:Italians? Maybe I WILL(9) bake a cake...

Martha:No, no. They're not like that. They WILL (10) love it.
Jane:Well, if you say so there IS THERE GOING TO
(11) be a theme for the party?

Martha:No, I don't think so. Just a chance to get

together and have fun.
Jane:I'm sure it WILL (12) be lots of fun.

Martha:But I AM GOING TO (13) hire a clown!

Jane:A clown! You're kidding me.

Martha:No, no. As I child, I always wanted a clown.

Now, I AM GOING TO (14) have my clown at my own
Jane:I'm sure everyone WILL (15) have a good laugh.

Martha:That's the plan!

QUIZ: Planning a party:

Q1: What do they think about the weather?

 It's beautiful.
 It's terrible.
 It's snowing.

Q2: What does Martha have to share?

 News that she's going to get married.

 News that she's going to have a party.
 News that she's going to have a baby.
Q3: What are Peter and Mark going to do?

 They're going to cook lasagna.

 They're going to help with the cooking.
 They're going to come dressed as clowns.

Q4: What does Jane offer to do?

 She says she'll help cook.

 She says she'll come dressed as a clown.
 She says she'll speak Italian with her cousins.

Q5: How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins?

 She's happy they'll taste her lasagna.

 She's afraid they won't understand English.
 She's says she'll bake a cake instead of lasagna.

Q6: What special plan is there?

 Martha's going to have a clown.

 Martha's going to make an announcement.
 Martha's going to have a themed party.

Q7: Why does Martha want a clown?

 She wanted a clown as a child, so now she's going to have one.

 She hates clowns.
 Because the clown goes well with the theme of the party.

Q8: Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come?

 Yes, she does.

 No, she doesn't.
Q9: How does Jane think people will react to the clown?

 She thinks they'll hate it.

 She thinks they'll love it.
 She thinks they'll have a good laugh.

19. Video –
20. Video -
21. Video -

22. Guia y ejercicios -

23. Ejercicios -

24. Ejercicios -

25. Video -
26. Video -

27. Video -

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