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Peer Observation Number:

Date/Time: 10/10/2019 – 45 mins Name of Student Teacher to be observed:

Reem Saleh

Setting: science lesson Grade: 2

Area of Focus: Classroom management Name of Observer/Critical Friend:

Nawar Rashed

Topic for the lesson & Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to classify and group animals.

a) Give 3 examples of positive a) Give 3 examples of how

reinforcement strategies that have differentiation has been used to cater
been used. to all learners including those with
Verbal reinforcement special needs.
Reach for the stars There was little to no differentiation in
Good behavior bracelet the lesson.
b) What was efficient about these b) What was efficient about these
strategies? strategies?
When she gave the students verbal -
reinforcement it was on the spot and in c) How could these strategies have been
encourages the students improved?
c) How could these strategies have Reem could have added at least a little
been improved? bit of differentiation in her activities, but
Instead of praising the group in a low overall the activities were suitable for all
voice she could get the attention of the the students.
whole class and show them how well
the group is working together.

Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
 
Displays a high standard of professional behaviour, 
which includes punctuality and readiness for the
Shows initiative and enthusiasm during the session. 

Promotes a safe, and positive learning environment & 

builds good rapport with the learners.
Comments or reasons for scoring above:
She prepared for the class beforehand and had all the material ready before she
started the session, she has a safe environment for the students but needs to learn
their names better. Reem showed initiative to become a good teacher, but she needs
to show more enthusiasm during her teaching and smile to the students more and
appear to be more friendly.

1 2 3 4 5
Planning for Learning  

Provides a lesson plan, which includes all the required 

information and has clear and explicit learning
The activities are well sequenced to scaffold student 
learning towards the learning objectives.
Incorporates differentiation through activities, 
questioning and/or learning styles.

Materials and resources for teaching are of high 

quality and appropriate to the level of the learner.
Shows a student-centered focus in the lesson plan. 

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

Her lesson plan is detailed and clear even for outsiders, she has good transitions
between activities. She only had an opening activity and then moved to work on the
workbook there was little differentiation applied in the classroom and she has room
for improvement. She had good quality material her papers were laminated, and she
used hula-hoops as classification circles.

1 2 3 4 5
Implementing and Managing Learning  

Uses accurate and appropriate language. 

Maintaining engagement – independence 

Ensures instructions, questions & explanations are 
clear, accurate & constructive.

Uses effective questioning & elicitation (probe, praise, 

rephrase, redirect) techniques.
Establishes and maintains clear and consistent rules & 
routines, and utilises a variety of positive
reinforcement strategies to ensure that they are

Maintains an appropriate pace to challenge and 

motivate the students.

Uses a range of teaching strategies. 

Manages lesson time effectively. 

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

She asks the students questions continuously to ensure their understanding, she
makes sure to praise the students work and behavior and uses her classroom
management technique to either reward or punish the student’s behavior. She has
good time management and in the same time does not switch activities if the
students don’t fully understand.

Monitoring and Assessment 1 2 3 4 5

 
Monitors student progress effectively during the 

Provides ongoing feedback to students to enhance 

learning during the session.

Uses formative and summative assessment 

instruments such as checklists, grading scales, rubrics,
tests and projects etc. to evaluate students’

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

She observes the students and asks questions for formative assessments but does not
have any checklists or self-assessment for her students. She gives the students
feedback on their answers immediately and corrects their information if they have
wrong assumptions. She keeps walking around and observing every student’s work.

Overall Observed Strengths Overall Suggestions for further


1- She has good classroom 1- Build a better relationship with the

management techniques. students.
2- she has good time management. 2- Differentiate activities for the
3- She understands what she’s students.
explaining and delivers it in a 3- be more enthusiastic about her
simple and easy way for grade two. teaching.
Reflection (to be completed after discussion of Peer Review with colleague):

She feels like her previous lesson was better, because her students had good
behavior. She did not finish the whole activity but finished the essentials. She felt
confident in herself while I observed her, and she pointed out her flaws and strengths
when we discussed the lesson. She took my feedback as constructive criticism and
promised to do better, she disagreed with some of the things that I said but overall
liked what I had to say about her lesson and felt satisfied with my feedback. I advised
her to be more enthusiastic while teaching her lesson, and I will be coming back to
observe her again.

Please share feedback immediately following the observation once the forms are

Feedback meeting date: 10-10-2019 Time: 9:00 – 9:45

Observer signature: Nawar Date: 10-10-2019

Observee signature: Reem Date:10-10-2019

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