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Peer Observation Number:

Date/Time: 16/10/2019 Name of Student Teacher to be observed:

Reem Saleh

Setting: Science Grade: 2

Area of Focus – creativity and Name of Observer/Critical Friend:

interesting teaching approaches. Nawar Rashed

Topic for the lesson & Learning Outcomes:

Science – how animals grow and change.

Students will be able to identify and arrange the life cycle of frogs and butterflies.

a) Give 3 examples of positive a) Give 3 examples of how differentiation

reinforcement strategies that have has been used to cater to all learners
been used. including those with special needs.
Verbal feedback – shoot for the stars – - she offered extra help for low
good behavior bracelet. level students.
Verbal reinforcement - she gave the high-level kids
Reach for the stars challenging questions.
Good behavior bracelet - she assigned the medium level
students to work in pairs.
b) What was efficient about these
strategies? b) What was efficient about these
When she gave the students verbal strategies?
reinforcement it was on the spot and - It ensured that all the students
in encourages the students had equal opportunities to
understand the lesson
c) How could these strategies have been c) How could these strategies have been
improved? improved?
Instead of praising the group in a low - She could make the activities
voice she could get the attention of more differentiated and
the whole class and show them how challenging for the students.
well the group is working together.
Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
 
Displays a high standard of professional behaviour, which 
includes punctuality and readiness for the session.
Shows initiative and enthusiasm during the session. 

Promotes a safe, and positive learning environment & 

builds good rapport with the learners.
Comments or reasons for scoring above:
She starts her lesson with enthusiasm and has better relationship with her
students than the last time I observed her. She smiles to the students more and
approaches the topic directly and easily. Reem shows initiative to be a great
teacher in the future she is creative, and she builds a safe learning environment
for the students.

1 2 3 4 5
Planning for Learning  

Provides a lesson plan, which includes all the required 

information and has clear and explicit learning outcomes.
The activities are well sequenced to scaffold student 
learning towards the learning objectives.
Incorporates differentiation through activities, questioning 
and/or learning styles.

Materials and resources for teaching are of high quality and 

appropriate to the level of the learner.
Shows a student-centered focus in the lesson plan. 

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

Reem provided me with the lesson plan beforehand and talked to me a little bit
about what she was going to do in the lesson. She scaffolded the student’s
learning and offered support whenever needed. Unlike last class reem had applied
some type of differentiation for the students, and she used high quality material.

1 2 3 4 5
Implementing and Managing Learning  

Uses accurate and appropriate language. 

Maintaining engagement – independence 

Ensures instructions, questions & explanations are clear, 
accurate & constructive.

Uses effective questioning & elicitation (probe, praise, 

rephrase, redirect) techniques.

Establishes and maintains clear and consistent rules & 

routines and utilizes a variety of positive reinforcement
strategies to ensure that they are followed.

Maintains an appropriate pace to challenge and motivate 

the students.
Uses a range of teaching strategies. 

Manages lesson time effectively. 

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

Reem explained all the vocabulary she used during the lesson, she also used
simple language with the students, but had a few grammatical errors. She did
continuous questioning all through the lesson to make sure the students
understand, and she had clear rules and good classroom management techniques.

Monitoring and Assessment 1 2 3 4 5

 
Monitors student progress effectively during the session. 

Provides ongoing feedback to students to enhance learning 

during the session.

Uses formative and summative assessment instruments 

such as checklists, grading scales, rubrics, tests and
projects etc. to evaluate students’ performance.

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

Reem observed her students while they were working and gave oral feedback
about their work and their behavior and their levels of understanding. She also
offered help to the students who were struggling during the lesson, and if they
were still confused, she tried explaining using other strategies. For the assessment
she observed the students and asked questions at the end of the lesson.

Overall Observed Strengths Overall Suggestions for further development

She had a good relationship with her Overall, I think Reem’s lesson was good,
students, she also had very creative she improved very well since her first
activities that assisted the student’s lesson. The only thing that she might
understanding. Her lesson plan was need to improve is her grammar and
well written and, in enough details, pronunciation
even for another teacher to teach with
no problem.

Reflection (to be completed after discussion of Peer Review with colleague):

This is my second time doing a peer observation, and it was a very helpful thing to
do. I was very excited to see how Reem developed since the last time I observed
her, and she was very confident this time and excited to be observed for the first
time by out MCT. I was so proud of Reem and could not wait to share my feedback
with her, she was pleased with my assessment and happy that her lesson was
successful. It was a great experience and I wish Reem all the best in her future
career as a teacher.

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