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BA516-OM Group 1

Case Study No. 12 Managing Inventory at Frito-Lay

1. How does the mix of Frito-Lay’s inventory differ from those at a machine or cabinet
shop (a process-focused facility)?
Frito-Lay’s product-focused facility represents a major capital investment. That investment must
achieve high utilization to be efficient. The capital cost must be spread over a substantial volume
to drive down total cost of the snack foods produced. This demand for high utilization requires
reliable equipment and tight schedules. Reliable machinery requires an inventory of critical
components: this is known as MRO, or maintenance, repair, and operating supplies. MRO
inventory of motors, switches, gears, bearings, and other critical specialized components can be
costly but is necessary
2. What are the major inventory items at Frito-Lay, and how rapidly do they move
through the process?
Major ingredients at Frito-Lay are corn meal, corn, potatoes, oil, and seasoning. Using potato
chips to illustrate rapid inventory flow: potatoes are moved via truck from farm, to regional
plants for processing, to warehouse, to the retail store. This happens in a matter of hours—not
days or weeks. This keeps freshness high and holding costs low.
Frequent deliveries of the main ingredients at the Florida plant, for example, take several forms:
◆ Potatoes are delivered in 10 truckloads per day, with 150,000 lbs consumed in one shift: the
entire potato storage area will only hold 7½ hours’ worth of potatoes.
◆ Oil inventory arrives by rail car, which lasts only 4½ days.
◆ Corn meal arrives from various farms in the Midwest, and inventory typically averages 4
days’ production.
3. What are the four types of inventory? Give an example of each at Frito-Lay
a. Raw Materials - Potato, Corn, Oil and Seasoning
b. Work in Progress – Packaging, Cleaning and cooking the potatoes
c. Finished Goods – Chips, Tube Chips, boxes of chips
d. MRO – Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies

4. How would you rank the dollar investment in each of the four types (from the most
investment to the least investment)?
a. MRO – Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies : This where we need to invest
more since this is the most important in our production and it cost more.
b. Finished Goods
c. Work in Progress
d. Raw Materials
BA516-OM Group 1

5. Why does inventory flow so quickly through a Frito-Lay plant?

Simply because their main source of income is perishable so that they need to move
quickly yet, efficiently and effectively. Moreover, they have to utilize well their time to
meet the demand of market through the help of their modern machineries and equipment.

6. Why does the company keep so many plants open?

Production of goods must move continuously, this is because they want to utilize their
time well in making finished goods and to meet the demand of market, their suppliers and
etc. Furthermore, they need to open plants, since their raw material will not last for long
and they need to process in immediately.

7. Why doesn’t Frito-Lay make all its 41 products at each of its plants?
41 product each plant is huge number to produce. Different product needs different raw
materials and even machineries. It’s too risky to buy raw materials for 41 product each
plan, since it is perishable, spoilage is fast, moreover different product requires different
process how will it made, schedule for machine to process is needed also.

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