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D-155, D-179, D-206, D-239, D-246, D-268,
D-310, D-358, DT-239, DT-358, DT402 Engines

J I Case Pnnted 1n England
A Tenneco Company Don 8 ·59050 N ovember. 198 7




This manual is part of a new series of servi ce publi cations f or Neuss designed direct injection type Diesel engines, both ,
natural ly aspirated and t urbo-charged.

Together wit h the manuals

Basic Engine 1 091 624 R2


Fuel System and Turbocharger 1 091 627 R2 (to be issued at a later date)

this manual gives complete service informati on for the above engine series and replaces instructions given in previ ous
publicat ions.


The following instructions are prepared for information and guidance of skilled servicemen responsib le for maintenance
and repair of electrical equipment.

Instruct ions in this manual are restri cted to generators, alt ernators and starti ng motors of Bosch design as fitted to the
above engines. For further information on electri ca l equipment refer t o the service manual of the machine. For service
parts refer to the respective parts catalog of the machine.

Bosch Service

Where a Bosch service st ation is in reasonable vicinity it might be of advantage t o use t he exchange service offered by


Section I GeneratorI A lternators Page

Generators DC with Mechani cal Three-Element Regualtor 1/2

A lternators with Mechanical Single-Element Regualtor or

Transistorized Regu lat or 1/ 10

Trouble shooting G 1 + K 1 A lternators 1/27

Section 11 Starting Motor

JD-Seri es 11/1
JF-Series 11 /12

Trouble shooting JD + JF Series 11/ 19

- I/ 1 -

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~.. --- 8
~_. ) 2
~~,~~ ~ --- G


lllust. 1
Exp loded view of the "Bosch" Generator JA 14V 20A 16

1 Field co il 9- Terminal assembly 17 - Washer

2 Field coil 10- Boot 18 - Cover band (
3 Drive end bracket 11- Commutator end bracket 19- Bolt
4 Lock washer 12- Lock washer 20 - Ball bearings
5 Through bolt 13- Lock washer 21 - Armature
6 Bolt , po le shoe 14 - Bolt 22 - Woodruff key
7 Bolt 15- Brush 23- Retainer
8 Insulating strip 16- Brush spring 24 - Small stock set for armature


According t o appli cati on, the engines may be f itted with The generat ors are designed for use w ith a " Bosch" or
an 11 , 16 or 20 amps generator. "Wehrle" regulator whi ch varies the generat or output in
accordance wi th the state of charge of t he battery and
The following Il lustrations show the JA (R) 14V 20A 16 the load in the circuit. Output is independent of variat-
generator, excepting lllust. 6 and 11 a. ions in generator speed above the initial speed at whi ch
maxi mum output is generated. The regul at or cuts the
Testing and overhaul procedures are similar f or the circuit if generator voltage is less than battery voltage.
above mode ls. However , separate data and t est specifi ca-
ti ons are provided for each model as well as a match up Should trouble develop in the current supply system,
with respective regulator data see "specificati ons". check to determine whether the generator or the regula-
tor is at t au lt.
The generators are shunt-wound, two-pole machines
with the fie ld coils connected in series and with one Note: A defective regulator cannot be repaired. Replace
co mmon connecti on for the field and armature. with a new one.

- 1/2 -

Mechanical Data

JA(R) 14V 20A 16 G(R) 14V 16A 21 EH(R) 14V 11A 19

Permissible out-of -round 0.05 mm = .002" 0 .05 mm = .002" 0.05 mm = .002"
Permissible out-of-round 0.03 mm = .001 2" 0.03 mm = .0012" 0.03 mm = .0012"
Permissible diameter after 39 mm = 1.54" 36.5 mm = 1.40" 32 mm = 1.26"
Min . length 17.0 mm= .67" 16.0 mm = .63" 13.0 mm= .51"
Housing diameter 116 mm = 4.57" 102 mm = 4.02" 90 mm = 3.55"
Pulley nut torque 3.5- 4.5 daNm = 3.5-4.5 daNm = 3.5-4.5 daNm =
25 - 32.5 lbs. f t. 25 - 32.5 lbs. ft . 25 - 32.5 lbs. ft.

Specifications, Generator (Housing temperature 60 oc = 140 OF)

no output 2/3 output max. output

Generator Generator rpm Rated Generator rpm/amps. Generator rpm/amps.
EN(R) 14V 11 A 19 1450 1900 I 7.3 2200 I 11
G(R) 14V 16A 21 1650 21001 10.6 2350 I 16
JA (R) 14V 20A 16 1250 1600 I 13.2 1850 I 20

Specifications, Regulator

Switch setting Commencement of

1) Regulator Setting Value
Char- max. value current regulation
ging char- Return Load at double
Generator Regulator Regulating voltage at
Vol- ging Cut-in current rated speed of
tage current Voltage at 12- 2) Idle 3) Load generator
3) L oad
12.2 V speed current cold warm
Volt AMP Vol t AMP Volt Volt AMP AMP AMP
EH(R)14V11 A 19 VA14V 11A 14 11 12.4-13.1 2.5. 9.5 13.8-14.8 12.7-13.7 16.5 - -
EH(R)14V11A19 UA 14V 11 A 14 11 12.5- 13.5 5. 11.5 13.5-14.5 - - 10.5-13 9. 12
G(R)14V16A2 1 VA14V 16A 14 16 12.4-13.1 2.5·9.5 13.8-14.8 13. 1-14 25 - -
G(R)14V1 6A2 1 UA14V16A 14 16 12.5-13.2 5-11.5 13.5-14.5 - - 15-19 14-18
JA(R) 14V20A 16 UA 14V20A 14 20 12.5-13.2 5-11.5 13.5-14.5 - - 19-23 17.5-22
EH (R )14V 11 A 19 W 101 KB 14 11 12.4-12.8 5.5-6.5 13.2-14.4 - - 10.5. 11.5
G( R) 14V16A21 W 103 KB 14 16 12.4-12.8 5.5-6.5 13.2-14.4 - - 15.5 - 16.5

1) Measure at cold generator and regulator

2) Increase speed of generator and t hereby determine maximum exciter current Increase speed furt her t ill exci ter cur-
rent has dropped t o half its max. value (Regulator with PTC-Resist ance 213 exciter current) and then measure " No ·
Load 'Voltage

3) Drive the generator at 5500 RPM.

. 113 .

Maintenance Start the engine and gradually increase the engine speed.
The vo ltmeter reading should rise without fluctuation.
Inspect the generator after every six months of opera-
t ion to ensure long life. Warning: Do not allow the voltmeter reading to reach 20
T he commutator shou ld be smooth and polished with
even co louring and t here should be no signs of solder Do not race the engine in an attempt to increase t he vol-
thrown from the commutator connections. tage. it is suff icient to run the engine up to 800 - 1000
rpm. Carry out this test as brief as possible to avoid da-
Brushes must be polished over the who le face, be free in mage to t he fie ld coils.
their boxes and should be checked for wear. If badly,
worn, replace them with new ones. If there is no reading, check the brush wear.

Check brush spring pressure with the fingers to see if If t here is a low reading of approximately 1/2 - 1 vo lt,
they appear adequate. the fie ld wi nding may be at fault.

Al l parts should be free from dust and al l connections be If t here is a reading of approximately half the normal
clean and tight. vo ltage, t he armature w inding may be at fault.

Testing in Position to Locate a Fault Note: Excessive sparking at t he com mutator in the
above test indicates a def ective armature which should
Bef ore proceeding to test the generator check: be replaced. Sparking can be seen when cover band ( 18)
I I lust. 1 is removed.
T hat the drive belt is serviceab le and that the tension is
correct. Slacken the driving belt and check the bearings for free-
runni ng by spinning the pulley by hand . If the armature
That the generator is correctly connected t o the regu la- fai Is to spin freely , with the brushes ra ised from the
tor and that the ground con nections is correct. See co mmutator, the generator should be disassembled and
lllust. 2. the bearings examined.

If the generator is in good order, re move the link wi re

.-------~! DF B+PI--------, and restore t he original connections, then proceed to
----~------~0 - . test the regulator.
r--~D+/61 I
i_ ________ Y--2

Checking the Regulator

Note: Test must be made after the generator has comple-

ted a run of several hours. If the engine has been shut
down after a run , operating t emperatur may be re-estab-
lished by operat ing t he regulator at normal t o full load
for a period equal t o the down time (up to 30 minutes).

Testing the Switch (Return Current Switch)

1. Cut-in vo ltage
lllust. 2
Disconnect the cable from regulator teminal B+ and
1 Generator 4 Charge control lamp make sure the bared end of the loose cable will not
2 Vo ltage regulat or 5 Light switch contact any of the metal parts.
3 St orage battery
Connect a test lamp 12V across termina l B+ and
Checking the Generator earth.

Switch off all lights and accessories, then disconnect the Connect a voltmeter to generator terminal D+ and
cables from the generator and lin k the two generator ter- earth.
mina ls with a length of wire.
Start the engine and observe the vo ltmeter.
Connect the plus lead of a voltmeter (0 - 20 vo lts range)
to the linked generator term inals and the other lead to a With rising engine speed the test lamp must light
good earth on the generator body. up.

- 1/4 -

Vo ltage reading at t his moment is t he cut-in volta-

ge. Refer t o "Specif icat ions" .

2. Return current

Connect an ammeter wit h charge and discharge

ranges (20 amps) between regulator terminal 8+
and a half discharged and properly earthed 12 volt

Start t he engine and slowly increase engine speed

up to rated rpm.

Then slowly decrease engine speed to low idle and

observe the ammeter. Now, t he poi nter of the am- lll ust. 3
meter wil l fa ll in the discharge range and then go Hook-up for checki ng current regu lation
back to zero.
1 Generat or 3 Ammeter
A t t his very moment t he swit ch has cut off the ci r- 2 Regulat or 4 Rheostat
cuit due t o return current f lux.
Repl ace t he regulator when its voltage- or current regu-
T he return current value must be within "Speci- lation or its switch are at fault .
f ications".

Removal and Disassem bly

Testing the Voltage Regulator Disconnect battery ground cables and cables at generator
term inals. Remove the generat or and clean it externally .
No te: This test must be made with generator cold, w ith -
out batteries and load. Clamp the generator in a vi ce, using soft metal jaws. See
ll lust. 4.
Connect an ammeter to generator terminal OF and regu-
lat or terminal OF. Take off cover band, disconnect flexible connector (4)
and lead (5). lift t he brush springs and remove brushes
Slowly increase engine speed and watch the ammeter . (3 ).

Note, when maximum ammeter reading is reached. Unscrew the two through bolts ( 1 ) , then separate com-
mutator end bracket (2) and yoke (6) from the arma-
A t furt her i ncreasing engine speed, t he ammeter read- t ure.
ing w ill drop.

Stop increasing engine speed as soon as ammeter read- ·tuz g

ing has dropped to half of its f ormer max. value, or has
dropped t o 2/3 of its f ormer value if a PTC-resist ance
regulat or is installed.

Now read the voltage at generator terminal 8+. Refer to

fig ure two of "Specificatons". A deviation of - 0 .1 t o
+ 0.4 volt is permissible.

Testing Current Regulation

Connect up ammet er (3) and rheostat (4) as shown in
lllust. 3.

Run t he generator at double rated rpm, see figue (3)

and column "Commencement of current regulat ion" of ll lust. 4
specificati ons , respectively. Then adj ust the rheostat so
t he ammeter w ill read specified cu rrent value. 1 - T hrough bolts 4 Flexible connector
2 - Commutator 5 Load t o terminal D+
Wi t h specified load sti ll on and increasing engine end bracket 6 Yoke
speed, the load current must remain in its former value. 3 - Brush 7 Dri ve end bracket

- 1/5-

Cleaning, Inspection and Repair

Clean generator components with compressed air and a

lint-free petrol moistened cloth.


Check for wear and see that connectors are well so ldered .
Replace wo rn brushes when their length is less than spe·
cif ied.

A new brush set does not need "bedding" but check t o

see t hat new brushes move freely in their guides.

Brush Springs
1 Retaining screws 5 Coil end band
6 Check t he brush springs f or pressure and examine for
2 Drive end bracket Commutator
Coi I end band 7 Retaining plate corrosion, freedom of movement and that they bear
Armat ure core 8 Ball beari ng squarely on top of t he brushes. Replace fatigued, bent or
corroded springs as complete sets.

Remove retaini ng screws ( 1) I Ilust. 5 and separate the

drive end bracket (2) from the bearing. Bearings

If necessary pul l the two ball bearings from the arma- Clean the bearings thoroughly in spirit and examine f or
ture shaft, using a suitable puller too l. pi tting of the balls and races and test for free and
smooth rotation.

Repack the bearings with high melt ing-point grease for

HA LF the circumference of the cage.

Warning: On no account should ordinary grease be used

as t his will melt when warm, find its way out of the bear-
ings and penetrate the com mutator.


The binding bands (3) and (5) ll lust. 5 should be exa·

mined f or sign of loosening.

If the co mmutator has been neglected and is in very bad

condition, it should be set up in a lathe and skimmed,
using a diamond too l for preference. lt is of great impor-
tance that after skimming, t he commutator surface
should be concentric w ith the bearing diameters.

lllust. 6 Only a very light cut should be t aken, and the tool
11 amps Generator shou ld be sufficiently keen t o leave a smooth surface.

1 Commutator end bracket 4 Yoke The insulators between the commutator segments should
2 Terminal 5 Spring washer be undercut to a depth of 0.8 mm = 1/32".
3 Access hole 6 Terminal D+
Use a hacksaw blade ground to the t hick ness of the i nsu-
Disassemble 11 amps generator, l llust. 6. as follows: lator and ensure that all the insulator is removed at the
sides of the slots.
Remove the two through bolts.
Finally, again mount the armature in al lathe and take a
Work out the rubber plug from access hole (3) and re- poli sh cut of about 0.03 mm = .001".
move the screw f rom terminal (6). Li ft off the co mmuta-
tor end bracket ( 1), t aking care spring washer (5) does T he slots between the segments should be cleared of
no t drop. Take off yoke (4) from the armature. turnings and the undercutting of the micas should be

- 1/6 -

maintained at about 0.8 mm = 1/32". Care must be ·guz !>

taken to see that no mi ca is left level with or projecting
above t he surface of the co pper segments.

Warning: No attempt should be made to machine the ar-

mature core or to true up a distorted armature shaft. ~)!
Connect the probes of an ohmmeter to the armature
shaft and to any segment as shown in l llust. 7.

Low or zero ohm readings indicate a short.

If a short i n the wi ndings is suspected the armature

should be tested by means of a " growler". If during this
test a hacksaw blade is rested on the core laminations
whi 1st the armature is rotated, a short is indicated when
the b lade is attracted to t he core. ll lust. 8
Test ing t he field co il insulat ion

Connect one probe of an ohmmeter t o terminal 0+ and

t he other to a clean part of the yoke as shown i n I Ilust. 8.

Low or zero ohm readings indicate that the coil is short -

ed to the yoke .

lllust. 7
Testing co mmutator insulat ion

The armature coils should be tested for continuity by

passi ng current f rom the battery t hrough the armature
via two brushes (set at 180 degrees) pressing on to the
commutator, and noting on·a milli-volt meter the voltage
drop bet ween every adjacent pair of segments. A vari able
resistance should be incorporated in t he circuit to limit l llust. 9
the voltage passing t hrough at about 2 volts. As the ar- Testing the f ield coi l for open circuit
mature is slowly rotat ed, the volt age drop ind icated on
the meter should be substantially the same for any pair Connect the two problems of an ohmmeter to the ter-
of adjacent segments. minal as shown in l llust . 9. The f ield resistance shou ld be
3.5 - 3.9 ohms. An "inf inite" ohm reading i ndi cates a
A low reading, or none at all, wou ld indicate a partially break in the f ield coi Is.
shorted coil or commutator segment, and a high reading,
a high resistance in the coi l circuit, probable a badl y sol-
dered joint at the commutator ri ser. Field Coil Short

Faulty armatures must be replaced. An ammeter in series with the coi l wil l indicate, by a
high reading, if a short between turns is present . In t he
latter event, individual coils should be isolated and test-
Field Coils ed for resistance until the fault is discovered.

The field coi ls must be maintained clean and free from Note: In case of a short circuit, break or coi l short, the
dust and moisture. The f lexible lead should show no field coil must be replaced .
signs o f abrasion and t he tangs should be clean and wel l
soldered. Replace a defect ive field coil as fol lows:

- rt7 -

Unsolder the coil connections. Unscrew the fixing screws An "infinite" ohm reading indicates the insulation is in
and separate pole shoes and coi l. order.

Fi t the new fie ld coi Is over the pole shoes and place Note: For thi s t est, the end bracket must be free of
them in posit ion inside the yoke. brush dust and dry.

Locate the pole shoes by light ly tightening the fixing Replace the end bracket, if insulation is poor.
- 3
Polarizing the Generator

The Bosch DC generator has sufficient remanent magne-

tism and t herfore needs no polarizing on new or re-
placement unit. However, if the unit has been disassem-
bled and field coi Is are tested or replaced, polarize the
1 2 generator as follows:

Instal l the generator and connect cables in accordance

w ith the wiring diagram.

With V -belt off. bridge regulator terminals B+ and D+

G A-339 1.
with a jumper lead for one second.

---- ll lust. 10
Shaft for pole shoe mounting The momentary surge t hrough the generator will run the
generator as a motor and polarize it.
1- Outer yoke diameter 3 - Yoke length
2- Armature diameter 4 - 5 mm = 3/16" Warning : Do not run the overhauled generator w ithout
+0.35- 0.40 mm =.0 14- .016" polarizing it or the regulator will be damaged.

For proper alignment, slide the shaft lllust. 10 into the Assembly (
yoke. Tighten the pole shoe screws fully and lock them
by caulking. Assembling the generator is a reversal of the dissasemb-
ling procedure.
Replace the insulation piece between field coil con nec-
t ion and yoke, the re-so lder the connection. The f ollowing points must be observed.

Observe stri et clean Iine ss.

·sza 9
Be sure the locating tangs of the yoke engage in the re-
cesses of both end brackets.


l llust. 11
Testing brush guide insulation

1 Commutat or end bracket 3 - Earthed brush

2 Insulated brush guide guide
lllust. 11 a
Test the insulation of brush guide (2) l llust. 11 by means 11 amps Generator
of an ohmmeter. Installing commutator end bracket

- 1/8-

Make sure t he Woodruff key seats properly and t ighten for any indication if the ar mature may be fou ling the po-
t he p ul ley nut to speci f ied t orque. le shoes.

Unhook both brush springs and withdraw the carbon

brushes, then slide the commutator end bracket on the
Replace the cover band ensuring that the gasket effec- ar mature, l llust. 11a.
tively seals the yoke ports.

Place the brush springs in working position, using a suit-

After assembling the generator, spin the armature by able hook. Check t o see the brushes move freely in their
hand to ensure f ree rotation and at the same t ime li sten guides.

. 1/9.


The fol lowing alternator and regulator assemblies have been fitted to meet power requirements wi th various engine
appl ications.

* 1) G1 -14V 28A 22 3 144 924 R91 *1) With piggy-back transistorized voltage regulator
* 1) G1-14V 28A 22 3144907 R91 and load dump diode (system protect ion ).
* 1) G1 -14V 33A 27 3 218 239 R9 1
* 1) G1-14V 33A 27 3 218 577 R9 1 *2) With separate one-element-two contact voltage
*2) K 1-14V 35A 20 3 136 412 R91 regu lator .
*2) K 1-14V 55A 20 3 139 172 R91
*3) K 1-14V 55 A 20 3 218 544 R91 *3) With piggy-back transistorized voltage regu lator
*3) K1 -28V 27A 23 3 218 884 R91 and capacitor.
*4) K1 -28V 27A 23 3144 930 R9 1
*3) K 1-28V 45A 27 3 144 988 R92 * 4) With piggy-back transistorized vo ltage regulator.

GA- 4881A.

l llust. 12
"G 1" alternator, w ith piggy-back voltage regulator
and load dump diode

1 - Stator 9- Washer 27 - Diode plate

2 - Drive end f rame 10- Screw 28 - Screw
3 - Rotor 11 - Sli p ring end frame 29 - Lock washer
4 - Slip rings 12- Piggy-back voltage regu lator assy 30- Washer
5 - Ball bearing 13 - Brush set 42- Load dump diode
6 - Retainer plate 14- Brush ho lder 51 - Rotor parts, set
7 - Screw 15- Ball bearing 52 - Terminal parts, set
8 - Lock washer 23 - Gasket
. 1/ 10.


~i 28 29

~45 ~

1 <-'

lllust. 13
" K1" A lternator

1 Stator 13- Brush, set 26- Exciter diode

2 Drive end frame 14 - Brush spring 28 - Screw
3 Rotor 18- Diode (- load current) 29- Spring washer
4 Sl ip rings 19- Cover 30- Washer
5a Ball bearing 20 - Screw 45 - Plug
5b - Ball or needle bearing 21 - Spring washer 51 - Rotor parts, set
6 - Retainer plate 22- Heat sink, assy. 52- Termi nal parts, set
10 - Sl ip ring end frame 24- Diode(+ load current )
12-14 - Brush holder assy. 25- 26- Diode plate (exciter current)

Operat ing Instructions 3. Before start ing with an external battery, disconnect
the cab le from alternator terminals B+ and D+ to
avoid diode failure due to possible mistaking of posi-
A) General tive and negati ve battery posts.

Never use 24V batteries on a 12V system. Starting mo- 4. When quick-charging wi t h con nected vehi cle light sys-
tor and alternator may be damaged. tem tighten battery clamps. Couple negative with ne-
gative and positive connections.
B) Alternator with Piggy-back Vol tage Regulator
5. During welding operations on vehi cles attach the
1. When t he alternator is running do not short alterna- ground terminal of the we lding machine directly to
tor terminals B+ and D+ across or to ground (not that part of the vehicle, wh ich is to be welded.
even by touchi ng).
6. Take care for negative earth return of battery and
2. Start the engine only with specified power supply. alternator.

- I / 11 -

C) Alternators with separate Voltage Regulator vel. If low, charge battery . If battery wi ll not take
an adequate charge, or is otherwise unsatisfactory,
1. To protect the alternator and the electrical system rep lace battery.
during operati on without battery, remove t he cab-
les from the regulator prior to starting the engine. 6. Replace unsealed ball bearings after 4000 hours of
operation or earlier if the unit is disassembled.
Also remove the cab les from regulator before start-
ing, if a non -operative dry-precharged or defective
battery is installed .

2. Do not separate or connect cables between regula-

tor, alternator and battery during operation.

3. When alternator is runn ing, avoid any shor t ci rcu-

iting (even by touching) of connections on regula-
tor and alternator and to ground.

4. When quick-charging with connected vehicle light

system tighten battery clamps. Couple negative
wi th negative and positive w it h positive connec-

5. Duri ng we lding operations on vehi cles attach the ll lust. 14

ground termi nal of the we lding machine directly (Unsealed bearings on ly)
to that part of the vehicle, w hi ch is to be welded. ...
Ball bearing, drive end side 2 - Cover washer
6. When starting the engine w ith dry-pre-charged bat-
tery, made operative beforehand by f illing in acid , 7. Fil l on ly one side of the ball bearing with high
reconnect alternator and regulat or. mel ting-point grease "Bosch F 1 v 34" or equiva-
lent. lllust. 14.
7. Take care for negati ve ear th return of battery and
alternat or. Over-lubrication may result in oxidation of t he slip
8. When starting by means of a rectifier , during test
runs, no connecti on must exist between altern ator
and regulator.
Principle of Operation

Preventive Maintenance

The alternator requi res very litt le maintenance; however

making the following checks of the alternator charging
system will avoid many problems that might otherwise
I ~~.._.________,
1. Check belt tension. Refer to your Operator's Ma-
nual for proper belt tension.

Note: Do not over t ighten - damage to bearings I. D-., - s

may result. LJ:: .--_---.- , - - __ j
2. Keep pul ley nut t ight. See "Specifications" . I

3. Check alternator B+ an d D+ termi nals and ca ble lllust . 15

connect ions for good condition, secure fastening Circui t diagram "G 1" alternator wit h transistori zed
and f reedom from corrosion. piggy-back voltage regulator

4. Check battery cables and connections for good 1 A lternator 4 Charge control lamp , 2W
conditi on , secure fastening and freedom from corro- 2 Batt ery 5 Vo ltage regulator
sion. 3 Light switch 6 Load dump diode

5. Check electrolyte level in battery. Add water if G Field co il (rotor)

needed. Check battery condition and charge le- U ,V ,W - Windings (stator)

- 1/12 -

A diode is an electrical device which rectifies alternating

current to direct current by allowing current to pass
t hrough it f reely in one direction but not in the other,
ll lust. 17.

Therefore, the alternating current output f rom the stator

windings, U,V,W is applied

a) to an insulated three phase f ul l wave bridge rectif ier

which provides direct current to t he battery and to
the electri ca l accessories of the vehicle, whi le return
f low is establ ished by three negative rectifier diodes,
b) to a positive three phase full wave bridge rectifier
which provides direct current (exciter current) to the
ll lust. 16 regulator and rotor, see l llust. 15.
Circui t diagram The six positive and the three negative recti fer diodes
Alternator wi t h separate, mechanical of the "G1" alternator are imbedded in a circular
voltage regulator ( 12 V system) mounting plate, located inside of t he alternator , see
l llust. 27.
1 Alternator 4 - Charge control lamp, 2 W
2 Battery 5 - Regualtor On "K 1" alternator models, there are three positive rec-
3 Light switch G - Field coil (rotor) t ifier diodes integrated in the heat sink which are provid-
U,V,W - Windings (stator) ing direct current to the battery and to the accessories.
Return f low is established by three negative rectifi er dio-
Note: With 24 V system and separate voltage regulator des, imbedded in the slip ring end frame, see (3) lll ust.
a four-lead cable with spade type connectors is used be- 48.
tween regulator and alternator terminals (0+, 61, OF,
D- ), termi nal 61 being the ground connection. Direct current f or alternator excitement is provided by a
three phase full wave bridge recti f ier, whi eh is mounted
?re-excitement inside the alternator, see I Ilust. 16 and also (4) I Ilust. 45.
For detai ls, see "Servicing".
With engine shut off, the remnant magneti sm in the ro-
tor is very weak. To provide instant power the alterna - Voltage Regulators
tor is pre·excited as f ollows:
With light switch (3) on, current taken from the batte- Both vo ltage regulator type, t he t ransistorized piggy-
ries (2) flows via charge control lamp (4) and regu lator back type and the seperately mounted mechanica l con-
via field coi l (G) to ground, lllust. 16. With t he trans- tact type, are operating on the same basic principle, i.e.
istori zed regu lator (5) ll lust. 15 the exciter curren t is exciter current is li mited to a pre-determined value re-
passing through the regulator to ground. sulting in the required voltage of the output current.
While passing the field co il, a magneti c field rou nd the
rotor is built up. This voltage cont rol operates ef fective ly at fluctuating en-
Theref ore, if the engine is started, the altern ator will gine speeds and changing load requi rements. Both regu-
give output at once. lators are not serviceable and must be replaced if they fail.
With rising engine speed, the charging voltage wi ll reach
battery vol tage val ue, so the control lamp goes out to in- Voltage Peaks
dicate that the chargi ng ci rcui t works properly.
A) On G1 alternators with piggy-back type regulator a
Note: A charge control lamp of min. 2 Watt is mandato- load dump or Zener diode (6) l llust. 15 is connected
ry for proper pre·exci t ation (12V charging system) . between output terminal 8+ and ground. This diode
blocks current flow to t he ground under nor ma l
Rectifier Diodes operating conditions. If , however , voltage should rise
above 22 - 30 volts due to some fai lure in the wi ring

+ 111-1
etc. the diode wil l dump the excessive load to the
ground and protect alternator, diodes and ci ruit .

Caution : The Zener diode wil l not protect the alter-

nat or and electrical ci rcu it, if positive and negat ive
lll ust. 17 posts of an external or booster battery are mi xed up.
Symbol of rectifier diode
B) K 1 alternator models are protected against voltage
+ side - conventional current passing through peak loads ei ther by a capacitor or a peak load resis-
-side - convent ional current blocked tant regulator.

- 1/ 13 -

Electrical Test Specifications

Performance Test Resistance

Al terna tor
Alternator speed Adjusting load Stator 1) Rotor
(RH Rotation)
RPM A Ohm+ 10% Ohm+ 10%
G1 - 14V 28A 22 1500 10 0.4 6.5 2)
2200 18
7000 28
G1 - 14V 33A 27 1600 10 0.3 4.0 2)
2700 22
7000 33
K1 - 14V 35A 20 1300 10 0.26 4.0 2)
2000 23
6000 35
K1 - 14V 55A 20 1200 10 0.14 4.0
2000 36
2350 3) 40
6000 55
K1 - 28V 27A 23 1315 5 0.4 8.7
2300 18
6000 27
K1 - 28V 45A 27 1750 10 0.22 9.0
2750 30
6000 45

*)Alternator (with regu lator) 600 warm 2) With piggy-back regulator 3.4 Ohm
1 ) Between Coi I ends 3) Do not exceed this value if R. Bosch test bench EFAW 275 is used .

Voltage Regulation 12V System: 24V System:

Mechanica l Contact Type Regulator= 13.8 -:- 14.8 V Transistorized Reg ulator = 27.3-:- 28.3 V
Transistorized Regu lator= 13.9-:- 14V
Note: Take vo ltage readings at 4000 alternator revolu-
tions with regu lator cold.

Technical Data

Minimum diamet er of slip rings, A lternator G1 . .. ... . . 26.8 mm

A lternator K 1 . .. . . . . . 3 1.5 mm
Run -out of slip rings, max. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 0.03 mm
Run -out of rotor, max. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 0.05 mm
Minimum protruding length of carbon brushes . . .. . . . . . 5.00 mm
Protruding length of new carbon brushes . . . . . . .. . . . . . 10.00 mm
T ightening torque of drive pulley nut . . . . . . . . .. . . 3.5- 4.5 daNm

. 1/1 4 .

Test Instruct ions A lternator in Position

To check alternator cond it ion on t rators, the use of t he
" I H Diagnosti c Center" is recommended. Consult "Ope-
3 rator's Manual GER 17 CIE" when using this equi pment.

As an alternative method proceed as follows:

Connect a suitable ammeter between alternator output

termina l B+ and t he charging cable.

6 With alternator warm, run the engine at rated speed and

take a reading.

If a half discharged battery is installed and if some acces-

sories (heating pipe etc.) are switched on, the amps read-
ing should approach the specified maximum value.
l llust. 18
Electrica l hook up for test bench checks
Note: An alternator output up to 10% below Specifica-
1 A lternator 5 Ammeter tions is sti l l considered acceptable.
2 Regulator 6 Protective resistor
3 Rheostat 7 Battery
4 Voltmeter 8 Lamp (2 Watt) If results are not statisfactory, disassemble and repair
the alternator.

A lternator Remo ved

To check alternator output and its regu lating voltage Servicing "G1" Alternator
ma ke a hook up as shown in I Ilust . 18.
T he fol lowing illustrations show the "G1" alternator
To avoid dangerous vo ltage peaks, test the alternator and operat ing with piggy-back transistori zed voltage regula-
regulator on ly with shunt connected battery. tor.

Connect negative battery post to t he alternator frame .

Connect protective resistor (6) to battery (7) in series

and rheostat (3) to battery shunt.

Switch off the rheostat only with battery connected. Disassembly

Disconnect t he battery only, when the alternator is not

operat ing.

Wi t h alternator warm (60 oc = 140 OF) check for speci-

f ied output, see "Specifications" .

Adjust t he load rheostat (3) if necessary to obtain desi-

red output.

Voltage must rema in within specif ied li mits under vary-

ing load cond itions.

Note: The output test given above is basi c and can be

performed with a minimum of test equipment.
lllust. 19

Where a " I H Diagnosti c Center" is avai lable checks can

be performed more convenient ly with t he alternator in Use a special too l when loosening or tightening the pul-
posit ion , see below. ley nut. I Ilust. 19.

- 1/ 15-

l llust. 20 lllust. 22

1 Brush holder assy. 1 Drive end f rame

2 Transistori zed vo ltage regulator 2 St ator
3 Zener diode 3 Slip ring end f rame

Remove brush holder assembly ( 1+2 ) and Zener diode Pul l off drive end frame (1) wi th rotor , I Ilust. 22.
(3), l llust . 20.

l llust . 23
ll lust. 21
1 Rotor
1 - Marks 2 Bal l bearing
2 - Through bolts 3 Spacer rings
3 - Spacer ring

To f aci l itate reassembly mark t he stator, drive end and Use an arbor press t o separate t he rot or from the drive
slip ring end f rame ( 1) I Ilust . 21. end frame bearing.

Remove t hrough bolts (2). Remove ball bearing (2) ll lust. 23.

- 1/ 16 .

l llust. 24 l llust. 26
Checking diodes w ith stator in place,
1 - Retainer plate 2 - Ball bearing using an ohmmeter

Remove retainer plate ( 1) and ball bearing (2). I Ilust.

24. Check invidual diodes for shorts or opens.

The simplest method for check ing diodes is to use a test

lamp of not more"than 12 Volts.

To check diodes ( 1) l llust. 25 connect one lead of the

Cleaning, Inspection and Repair test lamp to 8+ and the other in turn to the individual
Clean alternator components with a lint-free petrol mois-
tened cloth. Note, whether t he lamp lights or not . Now reverse the
leads and note whether the lamp lights or not.

Diodes If t he lamp lights in both checks, the diode is short ed , or

if the lamp f ails to light for either check, the di ode is
Check load dump diode ( 1) I Ilust. 42 with a rising vol- open.
tage. The diode must be blocked at normal operating
voltage and permit free flow if the threshold voltage of A good diode wi ll light in one of the two checks on ly.
22-30 V is exceeded.
Check t he remaining diodes in the same manner. Howe-
ver, connect one test lamp lead to D+ when checking
diodes (3) and connect one test lamp lead to ground
when checki ng diodes (2).

Note 1: If tests on charging and exci ter current recti fier

diodes are unsati sfactory, the stator winding may be

Unsolder stator winding ends and remove the st ator.

Repeat diode checks as shown in I I lusts. 27 to 29.

Note 2: An alternative method for checki ng diodes is to

use an ohmmeter. Hereby, the lowest range scale on the
ohmmeter should be used and the ohmmeter should
lllust. 25 have a 1 - 1/2 Volt ce ll.

1 Charging current rectifier diodes, positive To check diodes, hold the ohmmeter probes on t he dio-
2 Charging current rectifier diodes, negative des as described f or test with test lamp.
3 Exciter current rectifier diodes
4 Stator If both readings are very low, or if both readings are very
5 Sl ip ring end frame high, the diode is defective.

- 1/17 -

A good diode wi ll give one low and one high (infinite)

ohm read ing.

Note 3: If a special d iode tester, as " Bosch tester E F AW

192" is ava ilable , all of t he diodes may be checked wit h
the stator in pla ce. To check diodes w ith this teste r con-
sult manufacturer's instructions.

lllust. 29
Testing positive charging current
rectif ier diodes

Positi ve charging current

rectifier diodes
2 Probe on diode
3 Probe on B+

l llust. 27
Testing exciter current rectif ier diodes With t he stator removed, test the individual diodes as
shown i n lll usts. 27 t o 29, using methods as outlined
1 Exci t er current rectif ier diodes above.
2 Probe, o n diode (
3 Probe, on D+
4 Ohmmeter

l llust. 30
Diode plate (heat sink)

1 B+ stud
2 D+ stud
3 Insulating parts
lllust. 28
Testing negative charging current
rectif ier d iodes If one of the nine diodes, i mbedded in the p late (l llust .
30) fai ls, the p late must be replaced .
Negative charging current
rectif ier d iodes
2 Probe on ground Take care all insulating parts (3 ) are installed when re-
3 Probe on diode placi ng t his plate .

. 1/ 18 -

Stator All windings must have the same resistance readings and
be within "Specifications" .

Repla ce the stator wit h new one , if any wi ndi ng is f ound

to be defective.


l llust. 31
Testing stator winding for ground

Hold one lead of a 40 Volt test lamp or one probe of an

ohmmeter on one winding end and the other to the sta-
tor, ll lust. 31. lllust. 33
Test ing field windi ng for ground
The lamp must not light up. The ohm reading must be
infinite. Hold t he leads of a 40 Volt test lamp or the probes of an
ohmmeter on the rotor as shown in lllust. 33. The test
lamp must not light up or t he ohm reading must be infi-

lllust . 32
Testing stator winding for opens
and short circuit
l l lust. 34
1-3- Winding ends Testing field winding for opens
4 - Stator and short ci rcuits

To check stator windings for opens, hold the leads of a To check the field winding for opens, hold t he leads of a
40 Volt test lamp to the winding ends in the following 40 Volt test lamp on both slip ri ngs, lllust. 34. The test
order : End ( 1) and (2). end (1) and (3). end (2) and (3). lamp must light up.
In either check the t est lamp must light up, lllust. 32.
To check the field winding for short circuits, hold the
To check stat or windi ngs f or short ci rcui ts hold the pro- probes of an ohmmeter on t he slip ri ngs, l l lust. 34. The
bes of an ohmmeter on the end of the wind ings as men- ohm reading must be withi n "Specifications" . Note, a
tioned above. lower ohm reading wi ll shown a short circuit.

- 1/19 -

Replace the rotor with new one if the w inding is found

t o be defective.

Sli p rings may be given a polish-over if necessary.

Note: Slip ri ngs may be turned up in a lathe. Strictly ob-

serve the dimensions given in "Technica l Data" when re-
conditioni ng t hese ri ngs.

Finish with 400 grain or finer polishi ng cloth and bl ow

away al l dust.

Brush Holder Assembly

Check prot rusion of carbon brushes, see "A" lllust. 35. lll ust. 35

When replacing brushes observe t he f ollowing : 1 Brush holder assembly

2 Piggy-back t ransistori zed voltage regu lator
Use only compound soldering tin material of good qual ity. A 10 mm (.4" ). brushes new
A 5 mm (.2"). brushes worn to max. limit
Take care that tin material does not penetrate in to cop-
per leads t o ensure maxi mum f lexi bility.

Check protrusion "A". Secure insulati ng hoses close to When in place, carbon brushes should be inclined t o-
the soldered connection . wards the regulator t o facilitate installation. see I I lust. 35.

- 1/20-

Reassembly Take care, sleeve (3) contacts only the outer spacer ring
(2) when pressing f rame (1) in place.

l llust. 36
ll lust. 38
1 Retainer plate Soldering of stator w inding ends
2 Ball bearing, drive end side

Use a 100 Watt solder gun and resinated core stick 60%
Whenever t he alternator needs overhauling both bal l t in , 40 % lead solder for reconnect i ng stator winding
beari ngs should be replaced w ith new ones. ends.

To avoid oxidati on of the slip rings due to overgreasing, Caution: Do not heat excessively and do not bend or
fi ll on ly one side of t he bearings with speci fied ball bear- move the diode stem as this may damage the diode.
ing grease.
Remove all t races of t i n spatter.
Secure ball bearing (2) I Ilust . 36 w ith reta iner plate (1).
Secure plate screws by caul king. Install ball beari ng (2). After soldering recheck diodes for opens or short cir-
lllust. 23. cu its.

lll ust. 37 ll lust. 38a

1 Drive end frame

2 Outer spacer ring Pl ace the spring washer (as found on disassembling) into
3 Installing sleeve t he counter bore of the sli p ri ng end fra me and fi ll a
smal l amount of special grease into the counter bore be-
fore sliding t he rot or assembly into place, I I lust. 38a.
Slide the inner spacer ring (3) lll ust. 23 over the rotor
shaft before installing the drive end frame ( 1) I I lust. 37. Be sure, paint marks are in li ne.

- 1/21 -

l llust. 39 ll lust. 4 1

Install the t hree retainer screws w ith washer and lock

washer. ll lust . 39.

Tighten up alternately and evenly.

lllust. 42

1 Load dump
lllust. 40 2 Terminal B+

1 - Terminal 8+
2 - Terminal D+
3 - Negative heat sin k Installation

Instal l and con nect the alternator according to diagram,

Using a test lamp, check the negative heat sink for good lllust. 45.
ground condition, lllust. 40.
Before st art ing the engine, make sure to observe "Opera·
Carefully insert and install the brush holder/vo ltage re· t ing Instructions".
gulator assembl y, l llust. 4 1.
Watch the charge control lamp during start up to make
Instal l load dump as shown in l llust. 42. sure t he charging ci rcuit is in order .

Finally install fan, woodruff key and V-be lt pulley. If a new V-belt is used, readjust its tension af ter 20
hours of operation.
Use a clampi ng too l (lllust . 19) and t ighten pul ley nut
to specif ied torque.

Check the overhau led alternator in a test bench f or pro- Servicing "K1" Alternator
per output and vo ltage regulation. See "Specif icati ons" . (with separate vo ltage regulator)

. 1/22 .

Disassemb le as outlined for "G 1" alternator, l llust. 19
to 22.

Proceed as f ol lows:

l llust. 45

1 Heat sink , positive diodes

2 Terminals B+
3 Insulated tongues
4 Heat sin k , exciter diodes
5 Screws
6 Screw (D+ lead)
ll lust. 43

1 Drive end frame 3 Spacer ring, outer Unscrew the nuts from both terminals B+, and take off
2 Rotor shaft 4 - Retainer plate screws heat sink ( 1), as shown in I Ilust. 45.

Remove screws (4) lllust. 43. Now, al l diodes are accessible for testing. A lso tongues
(3) are accessi ble.
Take off the drive end frame, taking care spacer ring (3)
does not drop.
If necessary, unscrew screw (6), to disconnect D+ lead .
Remove ball bearings from the rotor shaft.

lllust. 44 l l lust. 46

1 Drive end frame 5 Stepped stop ring 1 Negative diodes 3 D+ lead

2 Sli p rings 6 Retainer plate 2 Ends of stator winding 4 Slip ring end frame
3 Rotor 7 Ball bearing
4 Snap ring 8 Spacer ring
Using a solder gun and flat nose pliers (heat sink), unsol-
Remove reta iner plate (6) and stop ring (5). Do not re- der the ends of the stator w inding (2) lllust. 46, also un-
move snap ring (4) lllust . 44. solder negative diodes (1 ).

- 1/23 -

Unscrew exciter diodes heat sink (4) lll ust. 45 and re-
move it together with positive diode heat sink ( 1). There-
after separate the stator f rom slip ring end frame.

ll lust.49

1 - Brush holder assembly 2 - Cover

lllust . 47
Heat sinks, disconnected
Cleaning, Inspection and Repair
1 Positive heat sink 4 Exciter diodes
2 Exciter heat sink 5 Insulated tongues Clean alternator components with a lintfree. petrol mois-
3 Positive diodes tened cloth.

Separate heat sink ( 1) and (2) l llust. 47 by unsoldering

the leads from the tongues (5) . Stator and Rotor
Removing diodes: Refer t o "Inspection and Repair".
Check stat or and field wind ings for shorts, opens and
ground contact as outlined for "G1" alternator.

Repla ce the stator or the rotor with new one if any win-
ding defects are detected.

True up or po lish sl ip rings as necessary. Replace both

ball bearings with new ones. Observe greasing instruc-
tions for ball bearings.


Check each of the nine rect ifier diodes for a shorted or

l llust. 48 opened condition.
Stator and slip ring end frame, separated

1 Stator 3 - Negative diodes Use testing met hods as outlined for "G 1" alternator dio-
2 Slip ring end frame des.

Tor remove brush holder assembly ( 1 ) ll lust. 49, remove For ind ividual tests, see ll lusts. 50 to 52.
cover (2) and nuts of terminals D- and DF .

While sliding out the brush holder take care its insulating Make sure, heat sin k (3) l llust. 50 will not touch the
parts do not drop. slip ring end frame, when testing diodes.

- 1/24-

Replacing Diodes

l t is recom mended to replace diodes p referably complete

wi th their heat sink plates.

When replacing individual diodes, the use of the special

too l set "Robert Bosch E F LJ 57" is strongly recommen-

The too l set is provided to work with an arbor press. Ne-

ver try to replace diodes w ith hammer blows. This may
destroy other. still operative diodes.

Reset the diode fit before installation. Smear diode seat

with SILICON oil "63v 2" before diodes are being pressed
in place. After fitting, test diode for proper operation.
ll lust. 50
Testing positive charging current rectifier diodes
1 Insu lation tongues 3 - Heat sink
2 - Positive diodes
Brush Holder

ll luse 53
lllust . 51 Brush holder assembly
Testing negative charging current rectifier diodes
- Insulation tongues 2 - Slip ring end frame 1 DF Terminal 4 Brush spring
2 Insulating parts 5 Carbon brushes
3 Flexible lead

Check brushes (5) ll lust. 53 for wear, also check ten-

sion and condition of spri ng (4). See "Technical Data".

Check to see lead (3) is well soldered and not cracked.

A faulty holder should be rep laced wi th a new one.


Reassembling the al ternator is a reversal of the disassem-

bly procedure.

The following points must be observed :

l llust. 52
Testing exciter current rectifier diodes Do not overheat diodes when soldering. Use a pair of
1 Insulated diodes 3 - Exciter diodes f lat nose pliers for heat sink. Retest diodes after solder-
2 Terminal D+ ing.

- 1/25-

When installing the rotor, make sure slip ri ngs and car- Installation
bon brushes are absolutely clean and dry .
Instal l the alternat or and adj ust V-belt tension.

Do not over look to install the V-belt pulley key . With engine shut down and operative battery instal led,
connect regulator and alternator according to I Ilust. 16,

Secure screws (4) ll lust. 43 after t ightening by caul k- Connect battery ground cable .
Star t t he engine and watch the charge control lamp to
see the charging circuit is in order.
Note: Since the inner race of the bal l bearing and the fan
are fastened by friction on ly, be sure the V -belt pul ley If a new V-belt is used, readjust its tension after 20
nut is ti ghtened wi th specif ied t orque. hours of operation .

- 1/26 -

Trouble Shooting (G1 and K1 Models)

Behaviour of charge
control/amp, with light Hints to locate a fault Problem
switch "On".

Charge control lamps does a) Test lamp, con nected to alternator a) Charge control lamp defective or an
not light, while engine is terminals B+ and D+. Iights brightly open in the control lamp circuit .
shut down .
b) Test lamp, as connected above. does b) Short in one plus load current diode.
not light At once disconnect charging cable
from B+, otherwise battery will dis-
charge with engine shut down.
c) Test lamp connected to D+ and
ground glows. A lso the charge control c) Carbon brushes excessively worn. Oxi-
lamp glows. In thi s case, pull off the dation on slip rings. Open field wind·
plug from the regul ator and connect ing. Defective regulator or an open in
an ammeter to terminal B+ and DF . the cable from regulator to alternator.
The ammeter reads 0 amps.

With engine shut down or Disconnect the plug from the regula-
running, the charge con- tor when engine is shut down.
trol lamps lights con-
stant ly bright. a) Charge contro l lamp sti ll lights. a) Cable, control lamp to terminal D+ is
The charge control lamp does not shorted.
light. In t his case reconnect t he plug
on regulator and connect an am meter
between alternator termin als B+ and

b) The ammeter reading is less than b) Regulator defective.

2 amps.

c) The ammeter reading is more than c) Field winding or cable to DF shorted.

2.5 amps.

While engine is shut down Connect a test lamp to terminal B+

the charge control lamp and D+ while engine is running.
lights brightly .

At running engine, how- a) Test lamp does not light. a) Serious electri ca l resistance in the
ever. the lamp does not go charge circu it due to loose . cracked
out, it goes dim or just corroded cables.
b) Test lamp glows. b) Regu lator defective (danger of battery
overcharging) or
Alternator defective (unsatisfactory
battery charging).

With engine shut down, replace the

regulator with a new one. Start engine
and again connect a test lamp to ter-
mina! B+ and D+.

c) Test lamp does not light. c) Removed regulator is defective.

d) Test lamp glows. d) Alternator defective.

Note 1: Nearly all of the f ailures, occuring in the charging circuit, w il l be indicated by the behaviour of the charge con -
tro l lamp.

Note 2: For checking the circuits and units of the system on tractors. the I H Diagnostic Center is recommend ed. For
details see "Operator's Manual GER 17 C/E" .

. 1/27.


is now transmitted by the overrunning clutch ( 12) from

2 the starter to the f lywheel to crank the engine.

To protect the armature from excessive speeds when

4 the engi ne starts, the clut ch is designed t o "overrun" or
turn faster than the armature, which permits the pinion
to disengage itself in a short time.

The pinion w ill not be permittet to disengage unti l the

12 solenoid circui t is cut.

The armature brake stops the motor as power is cut.

7 Here are three design stages as follows :

15 14 10 9 a) Shun t coil (11) l llust.1 (displaced )

lllust. 1
Schematic view of the "Bosch" starting b) Mechanical spring frictional brake (displaced)
motor JD (with shunt coil)
c) Reinforced brush springs
1 Shi ft lever 9-10- Shi fter rings
2 Closing coil 11 Shunt coi l When trouble develops in t he starting motor sy stem and
3 Holding coil 12 Overrunning clutch the motor cran ks the engine slowly or not at al l, checks
4 Solenoid plunger (drive assembly) shou ld be made to determine whether the trouble is in
5 Field coil 13 Spring the starting motor, batteries, connect ing wiring or else·
6 Commutator 14 Spiral splines where.
7 Armature 15 Pinion stop
8 Pole shoe Note: Starting motors differ in design and output. See
"Electrical Specificati ons" and "Mechanical Specifica-
General t ions" .

T he starting motor is an electric motor of a higly specia- When ordering parts observe manufacturers code plate
lized design . lt is cabable of producing high horsepower and date given in the parts catalog.
and tremendous torque despite its small size.

lt is a four brush, earth return machi ne with seriesparal-

lel connected field coils and operates off a 12 vo lt or 24 Preventive Maintenance
volt system.
After every 1000 hours of operation or on ce a year re-
A solenoid-operated drive assembly (12) lllust. 1 is move cover (2) l llust. 10 and carry out following in-
carried on the spiral armature shaft whi ch ensures posi- spection .
tive engagement of the pinion w ith the ring gear before
the motor is energized due to main current. No te: Rep lace bolts ( 1) I Ilust. 10 after the cover is re-
The shi ft lever (1) actuated by the solenoid (4) slides the
overrunning clutch and drive pinion assembly along the Check that the brushes move freely in the ir holders by
spiral splined armature shaft to engage or disengage the holdi ng back the brush springs and pulling gently on the
pinion . flexible connectors.

The engagement of the pinion and flyw heel ring gear is If the movement is sluggish, remove the brush from its
supported by the screwing effect of the spiral spli nes holder and clean its sides wit h a f luffless petrol moiste-
(14) . On occasions of tooth to tooth abutment, whilst ned cloth. Replace the brush in its original position .
axial movement of t he pinion stops, the plunger of the Brushes which are worn must be replaced as a set.
solenoid continues to move, loading spring (13) and also
closing the solenoid contact. Check the tension of the brush spri ngs using a spring ba·
lance. Spring tensions are given in "Specifications". If
When the switch is closed the main current from t he the tension is low, fi t new springs as a set.
batteries begins to rotate the armature (7) and the pin·
ion. The commutator must have a smooth blue/grey appear·
ance. lt may be cleaned by pressing a fine dry cloth
As soon as the teeth of the pinion become aligned, t he against it while the motor is turned. If the commutator
co mbination of spring pressure and screwing effect slide is very dirty or oil contaminated, moisten the cloth with
the pinion into mesh w it h the f lywheel ring gear. Torque petro l.

- 11/ 1 -

Check that all elect rica l connections are clean and tight . 4. 1
Any that are dirty or corroded must be cleaned and the I
contacting surfaces lightly smeared w ith pet roleum jelly. G>
l> ,--·--·'·--·-- · -·-·-··-l..
Ensure that the starting motor mounting bolts are tight (..)
at al l t imes. A loose mounting w ill cause pinion and ring (..)
gear wear.

Check the cables for chafing or for cra ck ing, particularly
at the point where the cable enters the terminal lug.
Approx. every two years disassemble the motor. Clean
and l ubricate the motor with a special high melting point
grease. lllust. 3

Bosch Number 0 001 359 ...

Lubrication 0 00 1 360 ...
0 00 1 364 ...
New brushings shou ld be soaked in " Bosch oil 1v13" for
1/2 to 1 hour before installati on. 1 Field coi l
2 Closing coil (solenoid)
Using "Bosch F 1 2v3" grease, lubri ca te the following 3 Holding co il (solenoid)
points light ly: 4 Shunt coi l

Journals and spi ral splines of armature shaft. Shifter le-

ver fork and shi fter rings.
r-·---- ., 3
Shims on commutator end. I
Washer on armature drive end. 4 2
Spring and pinion of the overrunning clutch.
Pi vot pin of the shift lever (lubricate more liberally ).

I I lust. 4
Bosch Number B 001 8 16 ...
...... 362 ...
G> . ...... 367 .. .
l> 1 Field coi l
(..) 2 Closing co il (solenoid )
(..) 3 Holding coi l (solenoi d)
<0 4 St arter switch
Solenoid Switch:

Before fitting the solenoid switch, adjust di mension "a"

2 lllust . 5.
lllust. 2
Bosch Number 0 00 1 354 ... If dimension "a" is not adjustable, inspect the actuating 1
slot in t he switch rod f or wear. Replace solenoid switch

1 - Field co il 2 - Closing and holding co il if necessary.

. 11 /2 .

lllust. 5

Dimension "a" (in pul l-in position)

Starting motor 0 001 354 .. . = 33.8 - 34.2 mm

St arting motor 0 001 364 ... = 34.0 - 34.2 mm

1 - Secure here (with a spot of pain t)

2 - Seal here
3 - Shi ms

Draw-in voltage

12V-system = 8 V min .
- a ---l 24V -system= 15 V min .

Electrical Specifications
Starting switch
Li ght running test ampereage
Lock test Switch-on
Bosch Starting (id ling) Closing and
voltage at Holding
Order-N o. Motor holding
terminal 50 coi l only
Torque coil
V A RPM V A min .daNm V A A
0 00 1 354 080 JD-12V1.8kW 11 .5 75 5000 6.5 580·700 3.7 7.5 20 -
0 001 359 075 90 4800 4 760-900 4.6 8 67 13
JD-12V3 kW 11 .5
....... ...... 074
0 001 360 001 JD-24V 4kW 23.5 50 5500 14 760·880 6.2 18 38 8
0 001 364 103 12 970· 7 18 24 6
JD-24V4.8kW 23 85 6500
............. 105 11 70

Note: Test Specif ications are based on a battrery rating similar to regu lar application . Electrolyte temperature must be
+ 20 oc (68 OF) and a suppl y cable of adequate cross section (low resistance ) should be used.

Mechanical Specifications

Starting Motor JD-12V 1.8 kW JD-1 2V 3 kW JD-24V 4 kW JD-24V 4.8 kW

Brush spring pressure, daNm 1 - 1.3 2.6- 2.8 2.8-3.8 2.8 - 3.8
from 11 .75 and up
Starting switch, dimension "a", mm 34.8-35.0 - - -
Swi tch, permissible contact wear. mm 1 -2 1- 2 0.7- 1.3 0.7- 1.3
Armature end play. mm 0.1 -0.3 0.1 -0.3 0.1 - 0.4 0.1 - 0.4
Armature breaking torque, Ncm 4.5-75 45 -75 4-5.5 4.5 - 7.5
Overrunning clutch torque, Ncm 26-32 40 - 55 4 - 5.5 4.5-7.5
Commutat or, Dia, new , mm 42 42 42 42
Commutator, mi nimum Dia, mm 39.5 39.5 39 .5 39.5
Commutator, max. run out, mm 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Armature, max. run out, mm 0. 10 0. 10 0.10 0. 10
Carbon brushes, min . length , mm 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5
Armature, shaft, runn ing clearance, mm 0.095-0. 14

. 11 /3 .

Testing in Position 2. If t he voltmeter records a sl ight voltage drop, current

is only f lowing through holding coil (3) lllust. 3,
there is a break in the electrical connections or in t he
motor itself.

3. If the volt meter records a voltage drop below 6 or 12

V respective ly , but the motor works sluggish, check
t he cond ition of all batteries. If t he batteries are in
order , t he slow action of the motor is the resu lt of
serious electri cal res istance, deta iled in 1 above.

Bench Testing

lllust. 6 Whenever possible test the starting motor on a test

bench, prior and after repair.
1 Solenoid 4 Motor terminal
2 Bat tery terminal (30) 5 Cable to field coi ls A s an alternative method, the motor may be tested as
3 Swi tch terminal (50) outli ned below.

Hereby, it is i mpractiable to carry out the partial load

test and the lock test is not quite as accurate.
Starter Switch
However, t he light running test is best to reveal the es-
Connect a voltmeter between ter minal (3) I Ilust. 6 and sential fact to decide on an acceptable performance.
earth and operate the starter switch . Proceed as f ollows:

No read ing indicates a faulty switch or connection . Secure t he st arting motor in a vice and connect, in series
a starter switch, an ammeter capab le of carrying the spe-
Check across the swi tch w i th a j umper lead to see cif ied amperage and a battery as speci f ied. Connect a
whether the fau lt is in the swi tch or in the cab le. voltmeter between the motor ter minal and the yoke.

Use a supply cable of specified resistance. Connect the

return cable to a fixing lug on the drive end bracket.
Solenoid See lllust. 7.

1. Connect a vo ltmeter between termi nal (2) and earth.

No reading indica tes a loose or corroded cab le con-

2. Connect the vo l tmeter between termina l (4) and

earth and operate t he starter switch. No reading indi-
cates a fau lty closing o r hold ing coi l or poor soleno id

lllust. 7
Motor Instrument hook up for bench testing

Connect a voltmeter across the battery terminals (or

across the terminal of two batteries connected in series)
and operate the starter swi tch. Light Running Test

1. If the voltmeter records a voltage drop, current is

flowing through the coi Is but the armature is not ro-
tat ing, the rotor must be disassembled f or examina- To avoid acci dents, cover t he pinion of t he
tion . overrunn ing clut ch.

Note: When star ting, vo ltage may fa ll to approx. 8 or

15 volts respectively. T he actual f igure recorded w ill Operate the switch and note t he speed of armature ro-
depend on temperature, cond ition of the engine, seri- tatio n , using a tacho meter, and t he readings given by t he
ous electrica l resistances by loose, cracked and corro- ammeter and voltmeter. T hese should conform wi t h the
ded cables, poor contact or faulty comm utator. figures given in "Specificat ions".

- 11/4-

Whi le the motor is runn ing, examine the brush gear and Note 3: If a constant vo ltage busbar supply is used when
check if there is any undue sparki ng at the commutat or carrying out the lock t orque test, a higher lock voltage
or excessive brush movement. may be shown on t he voltmeter than the va lue given
in "Specifications". In th is event a variable resistor or
Note: A low idle speed readi ng indi cates a higher mecha- rheostat of suitable current carryi ng capacity should be
nica l running resistance, i.e. worn bearings etc. Usually connected in the battery circuit and adjusted until the
this is accompanied by a lower voltage and a higher am- lock voltage is as specified. Readings of current and tor-
perage reading. que should be taken at this value.

If , on the other hand, idle speed is too high the armature Attention: Do not allow the motor to overheat . Max.
brake or brush springs may be defective. permi ssible temperature 90 oc = 140 OF. Max . time of
operating 1 - 2 sec.

Lock Test
Load Test

If a suitable test device and equ ipment are available, test

the motor under load. Refer to "Specifi cations".

Note: To check correct engagement and disengagement

of the pinion in the flywheel ring gear, pinion clearance
must be as specified.

For suitable ring gear, see the "Parts Catalog".


Disconnect battery ground cables.

Loosen the cables f rom the terminals of the starter sole-


lllust. 8 Remove the motor and clean it externally .

Si mple rig for measuring lock t orque
Disassembly (3 kW Starting Motor only)
1 Spring scale 3 - Holding device
2 Arm

A 12" (Example for ft. lbs read ing, see note 1)

8 1 m (Example for metric read ing, see note 2)

With the motor firmly clamped in the vice and meters

connected as shown in I I lust. 7 attach an arm to the driv-
ing pinion and connect the free end of the arm to a
spring scale as shown in lllust. 8.

Operate the switch and note the current consu mption,

voltage and the reading on the spring scale. These read-
ings should conform with the specif ied f igures.

Note 1: If t he arm is 305 mm= 12" long, the scale will

read directly in ft. lbs. of torque. For other arm lengths, lllust. 9
the torque can be calculated by multiplying the scale
reading in pounds by the length of the arm in feet. 1 - Solenoid 2 - Fi l lister head bolt

Note 2: To read in daNm of torque arm A should be 1

meter. If, for practi cal reasons, 1/2 of a meter or 1/4 Clamp the motor in a vice, using soft metal jaws, I Ilust. 9.
of a meter are used, spring values shou ld be doubled or Remove the f ield lead from its terminal. Remove bolts.
multiplied by four respectively. Lift the solenoid t o disengage the plunger.

- 11 /5-


lllust. 10 l llust. 12
1 U-washer 3 Armature shaft
1 Through bolt 3 - 0 -ring 2 Shims 4 - Commutator end bracket
2 Dust cover

Remove bolts ( 1) I Ilust. 10 cover (2) and 0-ring (3).

lllust. 13
1 - Brake thrust washer 2 - Brake disk

ll lust. 11 If so furnished remove washer (1) and disk (2) lllust. 13.

1 - Brush spring 2 - Brush

Lift the brush spring and pull out the brush as shown in
ll lust. 11 .

Disconnect the f lexible connectors from the termi nal

t angs.

Remove al l brushes.

Remove U-washer (1) lll ust . 12. When pulling the end
bracket (4) from the armature shaft (3) carefully remove
shims (2) in front and behind the commutator end

Do not drop or mi x up shims. ll lust. 14

1 Yoke 4 Shift lever pivot screw
Note t he thi ckness of each shim pack to simplify reas- 2 Locating tang 5 - Drive end bracket
sembly. 3 Locating recess

. 11 /6 .

After the comm utator end bracket is removed, lift off

yoke (1) lllust. 14. Remove shift lever pivot screw (4).

ll lust. 17
1 Pinion stop 5 Brake spring
2 Snap ring 6 Thrust washer
3 Overrunning clutch 7 Brake disk
assembly 8 0-ring
l llust. 15 4 Center bearing

1 Armature 3 Shift lever Remove parts (4 - 8) lllust. 17 from the armature shaft,
2 Center bearing 4 Drive end bracket if so equipped.

Disassembly (1.8 kW Starti ng Motor only)

Lift the armature and the center bearing (2) as shown i n
I I lust . 15, then disengage shift lever (3) and separate the Remove dust cover.
armature from drive end bracket (4). Disconnect leads and remove brushes.
Disconnect fie ld lead from solenoid .
Remove the two stud nuts to free the commutator end
Pull the end bracket from the armature shaft and lift off
the yoke.
Remove studs (3). screw (8) and bolts (9) lllust. 18.


l llust. 16

1 Hollow drift
2 Pinion stop
3 Overrunning clutch assembly
4 Center bearing l llust. 18
1.8 kW starting motor, commutator end
bracket and yoke removed
Drive pinion stop (2) off the snap ring, using hol low 1- Contact washer 7- Pinion stop
drift (1) l llust. 16. 2- Shim(s) 8 - Shift lever pivot pin
3- Studs screw
4- Armature 9 - Through bolt
Remove the snap ring and slide parts (2 - 4) off the shaft 5- Center bearing 10- Solenoid
end. 6- Drive end bracket

. 11/7 .

Remove pinion stop (7) l llust. 18, slide part s (2 - 9)

I Ilust. 20 from the armature shaft.

Remove cove r (2) from solenoid (1) ll lust. 21, if re -

movable type is fi tted .

Cleaning, Inspection and Repair

(all JD Models)

Clean the components of the motor .

Do not wash or dip bearing bushings or overrunning

cl utch in a grease dissolving agent.

lllust . 19 Brushes
Remove armature and so lenoid as shown in ll lust. 19 . Worn brushes must be replaced when the gap bet ween
their flexib le connectors and guides is less t han 3.9 mm
(5/32") .

New brushes do not need "bedding" but check to see

that they move free ly in their boxes.

Brush Springs
Spring tension must be checked in operating position ,
i.e. with the spri ng beari ng on the brush and the brush
on the commutator.
Replace the spring set when t he tension of one spring is
not wit hin speci fications. Be sure new springs are press-
ing on the center of the brushes.

lllust. 20 Commutator
1 Armature 6 Spring
2 Brake disk 7 Shift ring halves Clean the commutator with a strip of very fi ne "emery"
3 Thrust washer 8 Spring cloth. Check for lifted, worn and burned seg ments. Care-
4 Spring 9 Overrunn ing clutch ful ly examine the com mutator for thrown solder and
5 Center bearing assembly high mica. If necessary , mount the armature in a lathe.

,. Assure t he armature shaft is in line and not bent . Refer

to "Specif ications". Rotate at high speed and ta ke a
light cu t with a very sharp (Diamond ) t ool. Do not re -
move more material than necessary. Ref er to "Specifica-

With a com mutator saw blade conforming with t he

thickness of the mica bet ween the bars undercut evenly
up to 0.8 mm (.03").

Final ly, again mount the armature in a lathe and take a

pol ish cut of about 0.03 mm (.001 ") t o remove under-
cutting burrs.

l llust. 2 1
1 Solenoid 3 Contact f aces Check for loose tu rns in the armature w indings for worn
2 Cover 4 - Contact bridge spira l spl ines and loose binding bands.

- 11 /8-

A damaged armature must always be replaced and no

attempt should be made to machine the armature core
or t o true up a distorted armature shaft . An indication
of a bent shaft or a loose pole shoe, may be given by
scored armature laminations.

Bearing Bushings GA-2610.

Check bearing bushings of t he co mmutat or end bracket,
drive end bracket and center bearing. To prevent armatu- ll lust. 23
re and pole shoe damage remove bushings which are ex- Short circuit testing t ool
cessively worn. New bushings must be pressed into their
bores with a shouldered, highly polished mandrel of the Note: The motor overheating may cause thrown solder
same diameter as the armature shaft. to short circuit the commutator segments.

In the new bushings the armature must spin freely with- Note. If so equipped the shunt coi l end (1) ll lust . 24
out brushes installed. must be unsoldered, when testing the coi Is.

If it does not, do not rework bushings with a reamer.

Use a polished mandrel which is slightly larger in diame-
ter than the shaf t to get the necessary running clearance.

Electrical Test

lllust. 24
Break test

1- Shunt coil end (unsoldered) 3- Lead to solenoid

2- Field coil ends 4 - Ohmmeter
(brush connectors)

lllust. 22
Checking armature insulation Break Test
1 Spiral splines Use an ohmmeter, connect its two probes to lead (3)
2 Binding bands and in turn to each of the coi l ends (1 and 2) as shown
3 Commutator in lll ust. 24.

If the reading is more than .003 ohm or a 12 volt test

To check armature insulation, use a ohmmeter or 40- bulb con nected as above does not light, there is a break
vo lt a.c. test lamp. Infinite reading shou ld be shown on in t he coils.
t he meter, or the test lamp should not l ight , when con-
nected between the armature shaft and the commuta-
tor segments. Faulty insulation will be indicated by a Insulation Test
low ohmic reading or by the lighting of the test lamp.
Connect an ohmmeter or a 40 volt a.c. test lamp bet -
ween lead (3) and a clean part of the yoke.
If a short circuit is suspected, check the armature on a
"growler" or use a conventional testing tool as shown in Lighting of the lamp or a low ohmic reading indicates
lllust. 23. that the field coils are earthed to the yoke.

- 11 /9 -

Replace the yoke assembly when t ests reveal any co i I da- Check the pinion {2) ll lust. 26forwearanddamage.Siide
mage or pole shoes are burnt and scored by the armature t he clutch assembly on the armature shaft to check f or
due to bearing failure. binding.

Conne ct an ohmmeter or a 40 vo lt a.c. test lamp bet - Check the overrunn ing t orque of the p1n1on, using a
ween each of the two insulated brush boxes {1) lll ust. torque balance as shown in lllust. 28. Refer to "Specifi -
25 on t he com mutator end bracket, and the end bracket cations".
Important: If overrunn ing torque is insufficient the
Lighti ng of the lamp or a low ohmi c read ing indicates pinion slips earlier than specified , i.e. there may be no
that the box is earthed to t he bracket. positive power-lock between the start ing motor and t he

When the overrunn ing torque is higher than specified

there is danger of over-speedi ng the armature , when the
engine starts f iring.

The clutch assembly must be replaced when parts of the

clutch are worn or the overrunning torque of lock me-
chanism is not as specified.


A) Bench - Test

First check the draw-in voltage. Refer to "Specifica-

l llust. 25 t ions" . Then connect a vo ltmeter as shown in I Ilust. 26a.
Testing of the brush boxes A vo lt reading will show the solenoid contact is closed.
If so, unearth term inal {3) to see if the solenoid contact
1 Insu lated brush boxes is kept closed only by the holding coil {3) lllust. 4. (
2 Earthed brush bo xes
Note: A badly worn or burnt contact wi ll create high
Note: Clean off all t races of carbon dust before making resistance, indicated by an excessive vo ltage drop at
this test. bench testing. Be sure when testing that the shift lever
{6) remains in the slot of plunger {5) I I lust. 26a.
Replace the com mutator end bracket, when insulation is

Overrunning Clutch Assembly

"£19Z 9

3 4 5

5 4

lllust. 26a
Test hook up

1 Battery termin al {30) 4 Return spring

2 Switch terminal {50) 5 Plunger
3 Motor terminal 6 Shift lever

1 Bushing
lllust . 26

4 - 5 Shift rings
B) Test on Starter u
2 Pini on 6 Pinion spring Check to see the amperage of closing- and ho lding coil
3 Overrunning clutch are within "Speci fi cations" .

. 11 /10.

Replace the solenoid with new one, if respective checks Be sure the locating tangs of the yoke engage in the re-
are not satisfactory. cesses provi ded for this purpose in the drive end bracket ,
in the center bearing and also in the commutator end

Reassembly Instal l the two through bolts (2) lllust. 27 with dust co-
ver off .
Assemb ly of the starting motor is reversal of the disas-
sembling procedure. The fo llowing points must be ob- Install the U-washer and check the end play of the arma-
served : ture with a feeler gauge. Refer t o "Specifications" . If
end play is more t han specif ied,add shims (6) as necessary.
Every com ponent must be clean and dry.
Check to see that the armature spins freely , then install
Grease bearings, shims. spiral splines, shifter rings and brushes.
the plunger of the solenoid with a long time lubricant
or special starti ng motor grease. Install new 0 -rings (4). When finally installing bolts (2)
be sure to fit also their insulation sleeves (5).
Instal l shim packs as f ound in disassembly in front of
and behind the co mmutator end bracket. Check the breaking torque of the armature, using a
torque balance. Refer to "Specifications". See l llust . 28.

lllust. 28
Checking breaking torque
lllust. 27
If the armature does not slip within specifications , see
1 Commutator end bracket 4 0-rings for armature shaft binding or low brush spring tension.
2 Through bolts 5 Insulation sleeve
3 Dust cover 6 Shims For information on testing refer to respective section.

- 11/11 -


Illust. 29

Sectional view of JF starter

1 - Housing, drive end 5 Shift lever 9 Thrust collar, commutator

2 Overrunning clutch assy 6 Cover commutator end 10 Shims, end float
3 Pinion stop 7 Grommet 11 - U-washer
4 Stop on armature shaft 8 Coil spring, brush 12 Bushing,oilless

General c) No mechanical armature brake. Braking action is

taken care of by increased brush pressure.
The iF Starting motor is designed on the same general
principle as the JD model. d) Coil type brush spring and special brush holder assy.

e) Shims for armature end float adjustment, accessible

Main differences are as follows: without disassembly.

a) Six-roller overrunning clutch with self centering Although the principle of operation is the same, assem-
bly and disassembly procedures are somewhat different.
h) Shorter spiral splines with stop ring (4) on armature
shaft. For Circuit Diagram, see JD "Starting Motor.


Electrical Specifications

Min. Starting switch

Lock test switch-on amperages
Light runn ing test
R. Bosch vo ltage Closing and Holding
Starting Motor (idling)
Order-No. Torque at terminal holding coi l only
min . 50 coi l
V A RPM V A daNm V A A
. -
0 001 362 064
JF-12V2.4kW 11 .5 95 6500 4.5 700-800 3.4 7.5 60 12
..... .... ..... 063
0 001 362 300 850-
JF-12V2.7kW 11.5 125 7000 4.5 3.5 7.5 60 12
....... ··· -·-· 301 1000
0 001 367 001
11 50-
..... .. ··· ···· 002 JF-12V 3kW 11 .5 130 7000 7.2 5.7 8 60 12
... .... -······ 003
B 001 8 16 042 JF-24V 4 kW 23 85 7000 13.5' 6.5 18 24 6

Note: Test Specifications are based on a battery rating similar to regular application. Electroly te temperature must be
+ 20 oc (68 OF) and a supply cable of adequate cross secti on (low resistance) should be used.

Mechanical Specifications

Starting Motor JF-12V-2.4 kW JF-12V-2.7 kW JF -12V-3 kW JF-24V-4 kW

Commutator, mini mum Dia, mm 42.5 42.5 42.5 42.5
Commutator , max. run out, mm 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Armature, max. run out, mm 0. 10 0.10 0. 10 0.10
Armature, end play, mm 0. 1 - 0.4 0. 1 - 0.4 0. 1 - 0.4 0.1 -0.4
Overrunning clutch torque, daNcm 3.5-6.5 3.5-6.5 3.5-6.5 3.5 - 6.5
Armature breaking torque, daNcm 4.5- 7.5 4.5-7 .5 5.0 - 12.0 5.0- 12.0
Brushes, min. length, mm 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
Brush spring pressure, daN 2.4 2.4 3.1 3.1
Armature shaft, running clearance in bushings mm 0.095-0.14

Removal and Disassembly

Disconnect battery ground cable.

Disconnect starter cables from terminals 30 and 50.
Remove starting motor and clean externally.

lllust. 31

lll ust. 30 Remove U washer ( 1) and shims (2) I Ilust. 31.

Remove nuts and lift off commutator end cover (1)
Remove end cap (1) wi th sea l (2) I Ilust. 30. ll lust. 32.

1 091 630 R2 - 11 / 13-


Remove ca rbon brushes (2) l llust. 33. To do this. bend

open retainer flaps for co il springs (1).

l llust. 35

l l lust.32

ll lust. 36

1 Solenoid housing 3 - Return spri ng

lllust. 33 2 So lenoid plunger

Remove solenoid housing ( 1) I Ilust. 35 and 36.

ll lust. 34

Remove brush holder assy ( 1) I I lust. 34. Remove nut

(2) to disconnect lead from solenoid. ll lust . 37

. 11 / 14.

Remove yoke assy. (1) lllust. 37. Disengage plunger (2)

from sh ifter lever and remove pivo t pin screw (3).

lll ust. 41

Remove snap ring (2) using a screwdriver, l ll ust. 41 (on

ll lust. 38 reassemb ly replace this snap ring with a new one). Re-
Remove both studs, see lll ust. 38 move overrunning cl utch assy. from armature shaft.

Cleaning Inspection and Repair

Clean movi ng parts in solvent and dry w it h compressed

air. Do not apply solvent to overrunning cl utch, arma-
t ure or f ield coil or solenoi d.

Careful ly inspect parts for wear and/or damage.


For commutator service and replacement of oi l less bush-

I I lust. 39 ing, refer to " JD Start ing Motor".

Pull armature assy ( 1) w ith shif t lever (2) f rom the drive Bef ore rewor ki ng the armature, check for ground de-
housing. fects. Use an ohmmeter as shown in l llust. 42 or a test
light. When work ing w ith a test light , use 40V AC f or
12V starters and 80V AC for 24V starters.

l llust. 40

Remove pm10n stop ( 1) I Ilust . 40, using a suitable

wrench socket (2) . ll lust . 42

- 11 /15 -

T he ohmmeter should show an " infini te" readi ng {n o

continu ity) . T he test light should not light up or glow.
Faulty insulat ion is i ndicated by a low ohmic reading or
by the lighting of the test lamp.

If a short circui t is suspected, check the armature on a

"growler" or use a conventional testing t ool as shown i n
!!lus t. 43.

I! lust. 45

G A-26 10. Brush Holder A ssy

Check insulated brush holders f or ground defects using

!! lust. 43 an ohmmeter. When using a test light, apply 40V AC
Short ci rcu it testing tool fo r 12V start ers and SOV AC f or 24V starters. The ohm-
meter should show an "in fini te" reading {no cont inuity).
The test light should not light up or glow.
Yoke A ssemb ly
Soleno id A ssembly
Check field co ils for grounds, see lllust. 44. When using a
test light , apply 40V AC for 12V starters and SOV AC
for 24 V st arters.

8 7
ll lust . 46

1 Plunger 6 Bol t, terminal

2 Coil 7 Plate, contact
3 Magnet 8 - Stud, spring
4 Spring, contact 9 - Spring, return
!! lust. 44 5 Head, contact

It is advi sable to check amperage of the solenoid coi I

The ohmmeter should show an " infinite" reading {no before removing t he starting mot or . To do thi s inter-
con t inui ty ). The test light should not light up or glow. pose an 0 - 100 amps meter into t he line at termi nal 50.
Check out readings against "E lect rical Specificat ions".
Check f ield coi ls for opens, see l llust . 45. When using a Rep lace the solenoid if found to be defective.
test light, appl y 6V DC. The ohmmeter should show con -
t inuity or the test light should l ight up to indi cate a
good co il. Carbon Brushes

Replace t he yoke assembly w hen tests reveal any coi l da- For wear limits ref er to " Mechanica l Specifications".
mage or pole shoes are burnt and scored by armature If rep lacement is necessary, it is good practice to re-
due to bearing fai lure. place t he complete set incl uding coi I springs.

- 11/ 16 -

Take care when solder ing, that materia l does not pene-
trate copper leads (2) l llust. 47 so as t o retain their f lexi-
bi lilty. Check tension of coil springs (3) and replace if i n

Take special care when replacing carbon brushes. Bend

retainer flaps (4) to approx . 300 without deforming box
(6). Use special Bosch too l KDAL 5030 if possible, see
ll lust. 48.

If a pai r of suitable pliers is used to bend f laps, be sure

to check for free movement of brushes in their boxes.

5 •<J,
l llust. 47

1 Carbon brush 4 Flaps, retainer

2 Lead, f lexible 5 Commutator
3 spring, coil 6 Box, brush

lllust. 50

1 Pinion 3 Jump spring

2 Clutch, si x-roller 4 Co llar

Overrunning Clutch Assy

Check overrunning torque of clutch and compare with

"Mechanica l Specifications". Replace the oil less bushing
in pini on end if wo rn. Replace the cl utch assy with a
l llust . 48 new one if any other components are found to be defec-


Reassembly is the reversa l of the disassembly pro-

cedure . Observe strict cleanli ness.

L ubricate t he components shown in lllust. 51 with

Bosch grease Ft 2 v 3 or equivalent.

Take care that:

a) The yoke assy f its properly in front drive housing.

b) Carbon brushes are f ree to move in their boxes.

c) Stud nuts have washers and are evenly tightened and

ll lust. 49 sealed.

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d) A r mature end f loat is properly adj usted to 0.1 - 0.3


e) End cap (1) lllust. 30 has a new seal (2) .

f) Joints are sealed with a Bosch caulking wax·spray FL

58 v 3 or equivalent to prevent ingress of water.

After Reassembly
Check armature breaking torque. Make no·load and lock
test of wh ich the no-load test is most import ant. Refer
G to " Electrical Specifications" for JF starting motors.
lllust. 51
For test procedure and installation refer to JO starting
G = Grease lightly motor.

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Trouble Shooting

Trouble Probable Cause

Starting motor will not operate or operates slowly. Battery discharged or f aulty.
Cables or terminals are loose, corroded or broken .
Brushes worn or not seating properly.
Brush spring tension t oo low.
Commutator worn.
Burned or corroded switch parts.
Solenoid fau lty.

Starting motor operates, but t he pinion does not Foreign matter on armat ure shaft.
engage the ring gear. Damaged pinion or ring gear.
Splines or linkage damaged .
Solenoid defective.

The pinion engages, but the starting motor does not Overrunning clutch slips.
crank the engine. Excessive voltage drop in the supply ci rcuit.
Discharged or fau lty battery.
Engine blocked (pist on sticking).
Brush spring tension t oo low.
Solenoid defective.

Motor continues to operate after the starter Starter switch or solenoid fau lty.
switch is released . (Stop engine immediately).

Pi nion wi ll not disengage. Return spring of the solenoid fatigued or broken .

Sprial splines rough or damaged.
Shifter fork or lin kage stick ing.

Motor continues to rotate too long after power is cut. A rmature brake def ective.
Brush springs fatigued or carbon brushes worn excessively

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