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Chapter 8

Redox Reactions


Objective Type Questions (One option is correct)
[Redox Reaction]
1. Which of the following is a Redox reaction?
(1) CaCO3  CaO + CO2 (2) AgNO3 + NaCl  AgCl + NaNO3
(3) NaOH + HCl  NaCl + H2O (4) KClO3  KCl + O
2 2
Sol. Answer (4)
KClO3  KCl + O2
Here Cl is reduced from +5 to –1 oxidation state and oxygen is oxidized from –2 to zero oxidation state.
2. In the reaction
2Ag + 2H2SO4  Ag2SO4 + 2H2O + SO2
Sulphuric acid acts as
(1) Oxidising agent (2) Reducing agent
(3) Oxidising as well as reducing agent (4) Catalyst
Sol. Answer (1)
In H2SO4, O.S. (S) = + 6
In SO2, O.S. (S) = + 4
 Sulphur is getting reduced, hence, H2SO4 acts as an oxidizing agent.
3. In this reaction 4Al + 3O2  4Al3+ + 6O2–. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(1) It is a redox reaction (2) Metallic aluminium is a reducing agent
(3) Metallic aluminium is oxidised to Al3+ (4) Metallic aluminium is reduced to Al3+
Sol. Answer (4)
Metallic Al is oxidized to Al3+ not reduced.

Al  Al3  3e


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184 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
4. Which of the following changes involve reduction?
(1) The conversion of ferrous sulphate to ferric sulphate
(2) The conversion of H2S to S
(3) The conversion of Cl2 to NaCl
(4) The conversion of Zn to ZnSO4
Sol. Answer (3)
2 3
Fe SO4  Fe2 (SO4 )3 [Oxidation]
2 o
H2S  S [Oxidation]
0 1
Cl2  NaCl [Reduction]
0 2
Zn  ZnSO4 [Oxidation]
5. Hydrogen peroxide in its reaction with KIO4 and NH2OH respectively, is acting as a [JEE(Advanced)-2014]
(1) Reducing agent, oxidising agent (2) Reducing agent, reducing agent
(3) Oxidising agent, oxidising agent (4) Oxidising agent, reducing agent
Sol. Answer (1)
H2O2 acting as a reducing agent with KIO4 and H2O2 acting as an oxidising agent with NH2OH.
[Oxidation Number]
6. Which can act as an oxidising as well as a reducing agent?
(1) HClO4 (2) HNO3 (3) H2SO4 (4) H2O2
Sol. Answer (4)
H2O2  H2O + O
2 2

7. Which of the following statement is correct about oxidation number?

(1) Oxidation number of all atoms in elementary state is zero
(2) The sum of Oxidation number of all the atoms in the formula of a compound is always zero
(3) Alkali and alkaline earth metals have +1 and +2 oxidation states respectively
(4) All of these
Sol. Answer (4)
O.S. (O2) = 0
Elementary state
In the molecular formula, sum of the oxidation number of the atoms is zero.
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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 185
8. Which can act as a reducing agent?
(1) HNO3 (2) H2SO4 (3) H2S (4) KMnO4
Sol. Answer (3)
2 0
H2S  S
(reducing agent), as sulphur is oxidized from –2 to zero oxidation state.

9. Oxidation number of iron in Fe0.94O is

200 8
(1) +2 (2) +3 (3)  (4)
94 3
Sol. Answer (3)
In Fe0.94O
 0.94 x – 2 = 0

 x 
(Oxidation 94

10. Oxidation number of Cr in K3CrO8 is

(1) +6 (2) +5 (3) +3 (4) +2
Sol. Answer (2)
Oxidation state of Cr is +5. There are 4 peroxide ions, each one has a charge of –2

11. What is the difference in oxidation state of nitrogen in between hydroxyl amine (NH2OH) and hydrazine (N2H4)?
(1) +5 (2) +3 (3) –3 (4) 1
Sol. Answer (4)
Hydrazine NH2 – NH2 hydroxyl amine –NH2 – OH
O.S. of N in NH2OH is 1 and O.S. of N in N2H4 is –2, hence difference in O.S is 1

12. In which of the following changes, there is a transfer of five electrons?

(1) MnO4–  Mn+2 (2) CrO42–  Cr3+ (3) MnO4–  MnO2 (4) Cr2O72–  2Cr3+
Sol. Answer (1)

MnO4  Mn2

x + 4 × –2 = –1
Change in oxidation state = 7 – 2 = 5

CrO 42  Cr 3

x + 4 × –2 = –2

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186 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
Change in oxidation state = 6 – 3 = 3
7 4
MnO4  MnO2
x + 2 × –2 = 0
Change in oxidation state = 7 – 4 = 3
6 3
Cr 2 O72  2 C r 3 
2x + 7 × –2 = –2
2x = 12
x = +6
Total change in oxidation state = 2 (6 – 3) = 2 × 3 = 6
[Type of Redox Reaction and Its Balancing]
13. The number of electrons required to balance the following equation are
NO3– + 4H+ + e–  2H2O + NO is
(1) 5 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 2
Sol. Answer (3)
5 2
N O3   4H  3e  2H2O  N O
14. The reaction
Cl2 + S2O32– + OH–  SO42 – + Cl– + H2O
Starting with 0.15 mole Cl2, 0.010 mole S2O32– and 0.30 mole OH–, mole of Cl2 left in solution will be
(1) 0.11 (2) 0.01 (3) 0.04 (4) 0.09
Sol. Answer (1)

0 2 6 1
Cl2  S2O32  OH 
 SO42 
 Cl  H2O
nf = 2 nf = 8
Number of eq. of Cl2 = moles × n factor
= 0.15 × 2 = 0.30

Number of eq. of S2O32 = 0.010 × 8

= 0.08
Number of eq. of OH– = 0.30 ×1 = 0.30

∵ S2O32 has minimum equivalents hence S2O32 is limiting reagent.

Number of eq. of Cl2 remaining = 0.3 – 0.08 = 0.22
Number of moles of Cl2 remaining =  0.11
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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 187
15. The no. of moles of KMnO4 that will be needed to react completely with one mole of ferrous oxalate in acidic
solution is
(1) 3/5 (2) 2/5 (3) 4/5 (4) 1/5
Sol. Answer (1)
2 3 7 4
 Fe3  C O2  Mn2
FeC2 O4  K MnO4 
nf 5

(3  2)  2  (4  3)
n factor of FeC2O4 =  
Fe C

Number of eq. of FeC2O4 = Number of eq. of KMnO4

16. Equal volumes of 1 M each of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7 are used to oxidise Fe(II) solution in acidic medium. The
amount of Fe oxidised will be
(1) More with KMnO4 (2) More with K2Cr2O7
(3) Equal with both oxidising agent (4) Cannot be determined
Sol. Answer (2)
2 7 3 2
 Fe3  Mn2
Fe (II)  KMnO4 
nf  1 nf  5

2 6 3 3
 Fe3  Cr 3
Fe (II)  K 2Cr2O7 
nf  1 nf  2  (6  3)
let V litre, each of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7 are taken
number of equivalent of Fe+2 = Number of eq. of KMnO4
n1 × 1 = 1 × 5 × V
n1 = 5 V
Number of eq. of Fe+2 = Number of eq. of K2Cr2O7
n2 ×1 = 1 × 6 × V
n2 = 6 V
 more moles of Fe+2 will be oxidised with K2Cr2O7.

17. The stoichiometric coefficient of S in the following reaction

H2S + HNO3  NO + S + H2O
is balanced (in acidic medium):
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4

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188 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
Sol. Answer (3)
2 5 2 0
H2 S  H N O3  NO  S  H2O
nf  2 nf  3

3H2S  2HNO3  2NO  3S  H2O

coefficient of S = 3
[ Hint : n factor of oxidising agent will be coefficient of reducing agent and vice-versa]

18. The reaction of white phosphorus with aqueous NaOH gives phosphine along with another phosphorus
containing compound. The reaction type; the oxidation states of phosphorus in phosphine and the other product
are respectively [IIT-JEE 2012]
(1) Redox reaction; – 3 and – 5 (2) Redox reaction; + 3 and + 5
(3) Disproportionation reaction; – 3 and + 5 (4) Disproportionation reaction; – 3 and + 1
Sol. Answer (4)
[Quantitative Analysis Involving Redox Reaction]
19. Peroxides are basic in nature and they form hydrogen peroxides on treatment with acid. What volume of 0.5
M H2SO4 solution is required to neutralise a solution containing 7.2 g of CaO2?
(1) 400 ml (2) 300 ml (3) 200 ml (4) 100 ml
Sol. Answer (3)
Equ. of H2SO4 = Equ. of CaO2

 0.5  2  V 
 V = 0.2 I or 200 ml

20. How many gm of K2Cr2O7 is present in 1 L of its N/10 solution in acid medium?
(1) 4.9 (2) 49 (3) 0.49 (4) 3.9
Sol. Answer (1)
K 2 Cr 2 O7  Cr 3
n factor = 6
Number of eq. = NV (litre)

1 1
 1  = 0.1
10 10
w = no. of eq. × Eq. wt = 4.9 g

21. FeS  Fe3+ + SO3

Eq.wt of FeS for this change is (mol.wt. of FeS = M)

(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 5 7 9

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Sol. Answer (4)
2 2 6
FeS  Fe3  SO3

1 (3 
2)  1
 (6  ( 2))
n-factor of FeS =   
Fe s

E 
n factor 9

22. 200 ml of 0.01 M KMnO4 oxidise 20 ml of H2O2 sample in acidic medium. The volume strength of H2O2 is
(1) 2.8 volume (2) 5.6 volume (3) 0.5 volume (4) 0.25 volume
Sol. Answer (1)
7 2
 M n2  H2O  O2
K MnO4  H2O2 
nf  5 nf  2
Number of eq. of KMnO4 = Number of eq. of H2O2
200 20
0.01 5   N
1000 1000
N = 0.5
Volume strength = 5.6 × N = 5.6 × 0.5 = 2.8

23. 4 mol of a mixture of Mohr’s salt and Fe2(SO4)3 required 400 ml of 0.5 M KMnO4 for complete oxidation in
acidic medium. The mole % of Mohr’s salt in the mixture is
(1) 40% (2) 5% (3) 50% (4) 25%
Sol. Answer (4)
Mohr’s salt is
x mole (4–x) mole
 Fe3  Mn2
FeSO4 .(NH4 )2 SO4 .6H2O  Fe2 (SO4 )3  KMnO4 
nf  1
Number of eq. of Mohr’s salt = Number of eq. of KMnO4

x × 1 = (0.5 × 5) ×

Number of Moles of Fe2(SO4)3 = 3 mole
mol % of Mohr’s salt

1 1
=  100 =  100 = 25%
1 3 4

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190 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
24. The volume of 3M HNO3 required to oxidised 8 g Fe2+ is (HNO3 + Fe2+  Fe3+ + NO + H2O)
(1) 8 ml (2) 16 ml (3) 32 ml (4) 64 ml
Sol. Answer (2)
5 2
Fe2  H N O3  Fe3  NO N2O
nf  3  2 nf  5  2
1 3
8 1
Number of moles of Fe+2 = 
56 7
Number of eq. of Fe+2 = Number of eq. of HNO3
 1 = (3 × 3) × V (litre)
8 1
V (litre) = 
56  9 63
V (ml) = = 15.87  16 ml
25. 12.53 ml of 0.051 M SeO2 reacted with 25.52 ml of 0.1 M CrSO4 solution. In the reaction Cr2+ was oxidised
to Cr3+. The oxidation state at which selenium was converted is
(1) 3 (2) +2 (3) 1 (4) 0
Sol. Answer (4)
4 2 x
Se O2  Cr SO4  Cr 3  Se
nf  4  x nf  3 – 2
Number of meq. of SeO2 = Number of meq. of CrSO4
[0.051 × (4 – x)] × 12.53 = (0.1 × 1) × 25.52
0.1 1 25.52
4x 
0.051 12.53
4 – x = 3.99
26. A sample of NaHCO3 + Na2CO3 required 20 ml of HCl using phenolphthalein as indicator and 35 ml more
required if methyl orange is used as indicator. Then molar ratio of NaHCO3 to Na2CO3 is
1 2 3 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 3 4 3
Sol. Answer (3)
Let there are x1 meq. of NaHCO3 and x2 meq. of Na2CO3.
HPh : meq. of Na2CO3 = meq. of HCl
x = 20 × N
2 2
x2 = 40 N …(i)

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 191
MeOH : meq. of NaHCO3 + meq. of Na2CO3 = meq. of HCl
x1 + x2 = 55 N
x1 = 15 N
n1 ×1 = 15 N
n 1 = 15 N
x2 = 40 N
n 2 × 2 = 40 N
n 2 = 20 N
n1: n2 = 15 N : 20 N

27. A sample of FeSO4 and FeC2O4 is dissolved in H2SO4. The complete oxidation of sample required 8/3 eq.
of KMnO 4 . After oxidation, the reaction mixture was reduced by Zn. On again oxidation by
KMnO4 required eq. The mole ratio of FeSO4 and FeC2O4 is
3 7 5 7
(1) (2) (3) (4)
7 3 7 5
Sol. Answer (2)
n1 mole n2 mole 4
FeSO4  FeC2O4  KMnO4  Fe3  CO2  Mn2
nf 1 nf 3
Number of eq. of FeSO4 + Number of eq. of FeC2O4 = number of eq. of KMnO4
n1 ×1 + n2 ×3 =
n1 + 3n2 = …(1)
n1  n2  …(2)
By solving (1) and (2),
7 1
n2  and n2 
6 2
n1 7 / 6 7
 
n2 1/ 2 3

28. The equivalent mass of MnSO4 is half of its molecular mass when it is converted to
(1) Mn2O3 (2) MnO (3) MnO2 (4) MnO4–
Sol. Answer (3)

Mn2  MnO2

 Eq. wt. =
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192 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
29. In the titration of NaHCO3 with HCl, indicator cannot be used
(1) Methyl orange (2) Methyl red (3) Phenolphthalein (4) All of these
Sol. Answer (3)
Phenolphthalein cannot be used with weak base.

30. Equivalent weight of Mohr salt in the titration with KMnO4 is (M – Molecular weight)

(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 4 3 2
Sol. Answer (1)

Fe2  Fe3

Equivalent weight 

31. 100 ml of each HCl solution having pH = 5 and NaOH having pH = 8 is mixture. How much volume of
NaOH is required to neutralise to 20 ml of this mixture?
(1) 0.009 ml (2) 9 ml (3) 20 ml (4) 15 ml
Sol. Answer (1)

Milliequivalent of HCl  10 5  100 = 10–3

Milliequivalent of NaOH = 10–6 × 100 = 10–4
Meq. H+ left unused = 9 × 10–4

9  104
 Nmix   9  106
 9  10 6  10   VNaOH
 VNaOH = 0.009 ml

32. The volume of 0.1 M AgNO3 which is required by 10 ml of 0.09 M K2CrO4 to precipitate all the chromate as
Ag2CrO4 is
(1) 9 ml (2) 18 ml (3) 20 ml (4) 36 ml
Sol. Answer (2)
Mill equivalent Equation of AgNO3 = K2CrO4
0.1 × V = 2 × 0.09 × 10

 VAgNO3  18 ml

33. One litre of a solution contains 15.12 g of HNO3 and one litre of another solution contains 3.2 g of NaOH.
In what volume ratio must these solutions be mixed to obtain a neutral solution?

1 2 8 3
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 3 3 8

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Sol. Answer (1)
Eq. of HNO3 = Eq. of NaOH
15.12 3.2
V   V
63.5 40
  0.333
34. Consider a titration of potassium dichromate solution with acidified Mohr’s salt solution using diphenylamine as
indicator. The number of moles of Mohr’s salt required per mole of dichromate is [IIT-JEE 2007]
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6
Sol. Answer (4)
[Redox Reactions and Electrode Processes]
35. When Cu2S is converted into Cu2+ & SO2 then equivalent weight of Cu2S will be (M = mol.wt. of Cu2S)
(1) M (2) (3) (4)
2 4 8
Sol. Answer (4)
+1 –2 +4
Cu2S Cu2+ + SO2

–2 × 1 e
So, equivalent wt. of Cu2S =

Objective Type Questions (More than one options are correct)
1. Regarding the compound CrO5 which of the following statement is/are correct?
(1) Oxidation number of Cr is (+6)
(2) 4-oxygen atoms are present in form of peroxide
(3) Oxidation number of Cr is + 10
(4) 2-oxygen atoms are present in form of peroxide
Sol. Answer (1, 2)
Structure of CrO5 is
2-peroxide linkage Cr
 4-oxygen atoms are present in peroxide linkage and oxidation number is + 6.
2. Which of the following can acts as a reducing agent?
(1) H2S (2) HNO3 (3) FeSO4 (4) SnCl2
Sol. Answer (1, 3, 4)
S2– S + 2e– (oxidation)
Fe 2+
 Fe 3+
Sn 2+
Sn 4+
+ 2e –
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194 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
3. Which of the following can act as a reducing as well as an oxidising agent?
(1) HNO3 (2) H2SO4 (3) H2O2 (4) HNO2
Sol. Answer (3, 4)
Disproportionation reaction

H2O2  H2O + O
2 2

In HNO2 also N is in +3 O.S. which can oxidize to +5 as well as can reduce to minimum –3

4. Which of the following statements are correct regarding this equation

Br2  BrO3– + Br– ?
(1) Bromine is oxidised (2) Bromine is reduced
(3) It is an example of disproportionation reaction (4) Bromine is neither oxidised nor reduced
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 3)

Br2  BrO3  Br 

When the same substance undergoes oxidation and reduction simultaneously it is termed as disproportionate.

5. Which of the following is/are disproportionation reactions?

(1) 6NaOH + 3Cl2  NaClO3 + 5NaCl + 3H2O
(2) 2NaOH + Cl2  NaOCl + NaCl + H2O
(3) H2O2  H2O + O
2 2
(4) 2KClO3  2KCl + 3O2
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 3)

reduction reduction

5 0 1
(1) Cl  ClO  Cl (2) Cl2  OCl  Cl
2 3

oxidation oxidation


1 1 0
(3) H2 O2  H2 O  O
2 2


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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 195
6. Which of the following statements regarding H2SO5 is/are correct?
(1) The oxidation number of sulphur is +6 (2) Two oxygen atoms are present in form of peroxide
(3) Three oxygen atoms are present in form of oxide (4) The oxidation state of sulphur is + 8
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 3)
Structure is

7. Which of the following can act as an oxidising agent?

(1) H2SO4 (2) HNO3 (3) KMnO4 (4) K2Cr2O7
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 3, 4)
In all options oxidation number of central metal can decrease.

8. The oxidation number of carbon is zero in

(1) HCHO (2) CH2Cl2 (3) C12H22O11 (4) CHCl3
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 3)
It is based on simple application of common oxidation states of H and oxygen.

HCHO  net charge = 0

Similarly in CH2Cl2 and C12H22O11 (sugar)

9. 150 ml Ba(MnO4)2 in acidic medium can oxidise completely
(1) 150 ml 1M Fe2+ (2) 50 ml 1M FeC2O4 (3) 100 ml 1M C2O42– (4) 75 ml 1M K2Cr2O7
Sol. Answer (1, 2)
Alternative solution
Valency factors n for
Ba(MnO4)2 = 10
Fe+2 = 1
FeC2O4 = 3
C2O4–2 = 2
K2Cr2O7 = 6
Now on calculating
Meq. Ba(MnO4)2 = 150   10  150
Meq of Fe+2 = 150 × 1 × 1 = 150
Meq of FeC2O4 = 50 × 1 × 3 = 150
Meq. of C2O4–2 = 100 × 1 × 2 = 200
Meq of K2Cr2O7 = 75 × 1 × 6 = 450

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196 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
10. The strength of "20 volume" H2O2 is equal to
(1) 60.86 g/L (2) 3.58 N (3) 1.79 M (4) 3.035%
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 3)
20 volume H2O2
1NH2O2 = 5.6 volume

1 volume H2O2 = NH2O2

20 volume H2O2 = NH2O2 = 3.57 N
Strength in g/L = NE
= 3.57 × 17 = 60.71 g/L
N = M × n factor
3.57 = M × 2
M = 1.786  1.79 M
1, 2, 3 are correct options.
volume strength = 5.6 × N

 N  3.57
Volume strength = 11.2 × M
 M  1.78
S = N × E = 3.58 × 17 = 60.86 g/L

11. When 1 mole of KMnO4 is reacted with FeC2O4 in acidic medium, then the reacted amount of FeC2O4 is
5 3
(1) moles (2) 5 equivalents (3) moles (4) 3 equivalents
3 5
Sol. Answer (1, 2)
K MnO4  FeC2O4  Fe3  CO2  Mn2
nf  7  2 nf  (3  2)  2  (4  3)
 1 2  3
Number of eq. of KMnO4 = Number of eq. of FeC2O4
nKMnO4  nf  nFeC2O4  nf

1 × 5 = nFeC2O4 
nFeC2O4 
Number of eq. of FeC2O4 = 1 × 5 = 5 equivalents

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12. For the following balanced redox reaction, + 2MnO–4 4H+ + Br2 2Mn2+ + 2BrO–3 + 2H2O. If the molecular
weight of MnO–4 and Br2 are x & y respectively then
x y
(1) Equivalent weight of MnO4– is (2) Equivalent weight of Br2 is
5 5
(3) Equivalent weight of Br2 is (4) n-factor ratio of MnO4– and Br2 is 2 : 1
Sol. Answer (1, 3)
7 0 5
2MnO4  8H  Br2 

 2 
 2Mn  2BrO3  2H2O
nf = 1 × (7 – 2) nf = 2 × (5 – 0)
=5 = 10
E 
MnO4 5
EBr2 
n factor of MnO4 and Br2
= 5 : 10
Option 1, 3 are correct.

13. Consider the reaction,

aFeS2 + bO2  cFe2O3 + dSO2
Which is correct for the above reaction?
(1) n-factor for FeS2 is 11 (2) The ratio of moles of a : b is 4 : 11
(3) The ratio of moles of a : b is 11 : 4 (4) The ratio of moles of c : d is 1 : 4
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 4)
2 1 3 4
a Fe S2  bO2  c Fe2 O3  d S O2
1 (3 
2)  2   ( 
[4 1)]
n factor of FeS2 =  
Fe S
= 1 + 10
= 11
n factor of O2 = 2 × 2 = 4
For balancing n factors are interchanged

4FeS2  11O2  2Fe2O3  8SO2

a=4 b = 11 c=2 d=8
a : b = 4 : 11
So option 1, 2, 4 are correct.

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198 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
14. When Na2S2O3 is reacted with I2 to form Na2S4O6 and NaI then which statement is correct?
(1) n-factor for Na2S2O3 is one
(2) n-factor for I2 is two
(3) 2 moles of Na2S2O3 is reacted with one mole of I2
(4) n-factor for Na2S4O6 is one
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 3)
2 0 2.5 1
2Na2S2O3  I2  Na2 S4 O6  2NaI
nf = 2 × (2.5 – 2) nf = 2 × 1
= 2 × 0.5 =2
n factor of Na2S4O6 = 4(2.5 – 2)
= 4 × 0.5 = 2
Hence 1, 2, 3 are correct.

15. Choose the correct statement regarding following reaction

HNO2  HNO3 + NO 
(1) It is an example of disproportionation reaction
(2) Equivalent weight of HNO3 =
(3) Equivalent weight of HNO3 = M
(4) It is an example of intramolecular redox reaction
Sol. Answer (1, 2)
HNO2  HNO2  HNO3  NO
This is an example of disproportionation reaction.

16. 31.26 ml of a 0.165 M solution of Ca(OH)2 is required to just neutralise 25 ml of citric acid H3C6H5O7. Then
correct regarding this is/are
(1) n-factor of citric acid is 3 (2) Molarity of citric acid is 0.138 M
(3) Molarity of citric acid is 0.029 M (4) n-factor of citric acid is 2
Sol. Answer (1, 2)
Equivalent of acid = equivalents of base
31.26 25 31.226
 2  0.165  N ⇒ N   2  0.165  0.412
1000 1000 25

17. With 4 mole of KI one mole of Cl2 is treated to yield a solution, which is then treated with hypo solution, then
correct regarding this is/are
(1) Equivalent weight of I2 is
(2) To react completely with a solution, 1 mole of hypo solution is required
(3) n-factor of hypo solution is 1
(4) n-factor of Cl2 is 2

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 199
Sol. Answer (3, 4)

2KI  Cl2  2KCl  I2 ...(i)

I2  KI 
 KI3 ...(ii)

2Na2S2O3 + I2  Na2S4O6 + 2NaI ...(iii)

As per above reactions n-factor of Cl2 (as per reaction (i), I2 (as per reaction (iii) and Na2S2O3 (as per reaction
(iii)) is 2, 2 and 1 respectively.

18. Choose the correct regarding indicator

Titration Indicator
(1) NaOH vs. CH3COOH Phenolphthalein
(2) KMnO4 vs. FeC2O4 KMnO4
(3) I2 vs. Na2S2O3 Starch
(4) K2Cr2O7 vs. FeSO4 K3[Fe(CN)6] as external indicator
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 3, 4)
KMnO4 acts as self indicator.

19. Reduction of the metal centre in aqueous permanganate ion involves [IIT-JEE 2011]
(1) 3 electrons in neutral medium (2) 5 electrons in neutral medium
(3) 3 electrons in alkaline medium (4) 5 electrons in acidic medium
Sol. Answer (1, 4)
MnO4 
 MnO2

 Mn2
MnO4– 
Therefore in aqueous and in acidic mediums 3 and 5 electrons will transfer respectively.

20. For the reaction [JEE(Advanced)-2014]

I– + ClO3– + H2SO4  Cl– + HSO4– + I2
The correct statements(s) in the balanced equation is/are
(1) Stoichiometric coefficient of HSO4– is 6
(2) Iodide is oxidized
(3) Sulphur is reduced
(4) H2O is one of the products
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 4)
Balanced chemical equation is

6I  ClO3  6H2SO4  Cl  6HSO4  3I2  3H2 O

Here, H2O is produced and I– is oxidized.

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200 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

Linked Comprehension Type Questions

Redox is a reaction in which both oxidation and reduction will take place simultaneously. It is obvious that if one
substance gives electron there must be another substance to accept these electrons. In some reactions same
substance is reduced as well as oxidised, these reactions are termed as disproportionation reactions.
For calculating equivalent mass in redox reaction change in oxidation number is related to n-factor which is reciprocal
of molar ratio.

1. This reaction is an example of

Br2 + OH–  BrO3– + H2O + Br–
(1) Oxidation reaction only (2) Reduction reaction only
(3) Neutralization reaction (4) Disproportionation reaction
Sol. Answer (4)

Br2  BrO3  H2O  Br 

∵ Br2 is oxidized and reduced both.
 It is disproportionation reaction.

2. When P reacts with NaOH, the products are PH3 and NaH2PO2, which of the following statement is correct?
(1) P is oxidised only (2) P is reduced only
(3) P is oxidised as well as reduced (4) P is neither reduced nor oxidised
Sol. Answer (3)

P  PH3  H2PO2


3. How many moles of KMnO4 are reacted with one mole of ferrous oxalate in acidic medium?
2 1 3 5
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5 5 5 3
Sol. Answer (3)
MnO4– + FeC2O4  Mn2+ + Fe3+ + CO2
3 × MnO4– + 5e– + 8H+  4Mn2+ + H2O
5 × FeC2O4  Fe3+ + 2CO2 + 3e–
3MnO4– + 5FeC2O4 + 24H+  3Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ + 12H2O + 10CO2
∵ 5 moles of FeC2O4 reacts with 3 moles of KMnO4
 1 mole of FeC2O4 reacts with mole KMnO4

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 201
4. The equivalent weight of Cu2S in the following reaction is
Cu2S + O2  Cu+2 + SO3

M. wt M. wt
(1) (2)
1 10

M. wt M. wt
(3) (4)
8 11

Sol. Answer (2)

1 2 6
Cu2 S  O2  2Cu2  SO3  10e

 n-factor = 10

 Equivalent mass =

5. Which of the following is an example of redox reaction?

(1) 2NO2  N2O4
(2) NH4OH  NH4+ + OH–
(3) 2NO2 + H2O  HNO3 + HNO2
(4) N2O5 + H2O  2HNO3
Sol. Answer (3)
NO2 + H2O  HNO3 + HNO2
This is an example of disproportionation reaction.
 It is a redox reaction.

6. NO2 NH2

+ ne
(i) (ii)

For converting one mole of nitrobenzene to aniline, how many moles of electrons are transferred?
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 6 (4) 8
Sol. Answer (3)

(+3) (–3)

+ 6e

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202 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
The strength of H2O2 is expressed in many ways like molarity, normality, % strength and volume strengths. But
out of all these form of strengths, volume strength has great significance for chemical reactions.
The decomposition of H2O2 is shown as under :

H2O2(l)  H2O(l) + O (g).
2 2

'x' volume strength of H2O2 means one volume (litre or ml) of H2O2 releases x volume (litre or ml) of O2 at
1 litre H2O2 release x litre of O2 at NTP

= moles of O2

From the equation,

1 mole of O2 produces from 2 moles of H2O2.

x x
moles of O2 produces from 2  moles of H2O2
22.4 22.4

= moles of H2O2
11.2  x M
So, molarity of H2O2 =
1 11.2

Normality = n-factor × molarity

x x
= 2  N
11.2 5.6

1. What is the percentage strength of “15 volume” H2O2?

(1) 6.086% (2) 4.55% (3) 3.03% (4) 1.5%

Sol. Answer (2)

1 volume = 0.303%
15 volume = 15× 0.303
= 4.55%

2. 30 g Ba(MnO4)2 sample containing inert impurity is completely reacting with 100 ml of “28 volume” strength
of H2O2 in acidic medium then what will be the percentage purity of Ba(MnO4)2 in the sample? (Ba = 137,
Mn = 55, O = 16)

(1) 10% (2) 40% (3) 62.5% (4) 80%

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Sol. Answer (3)

Volume strength 28
NH2O2   5
5.6 5.6
Eq. of H2O2 = Eq. of Ba(MnO4)2

100 W
5   10
1000 375

 WBa (MnO4)2 = 18.75 g

18.75  100
 % purity =  62.5

3. What volume of H2O2 solution of “11.2 volume” strength is required to liberate 2240 ml of O2 at NTP?
(1) 300 ml (2) 500 ml (3) 100 ml (4) 200 ml
Sol. Answer (4)
11.2 volume H2O2 means
1 vol H2O2 gives 11.2 vol O2
 11.2 ml O2 obtained from 1 ml H2O2

2240  1
 2240 ml O2 obtained from = = 200 ml

2 g of brass containing Cu and Zn only reacts with 3 M HNO3 solution. Following are the reactions taking place
Cu(s) + HNO3 (aq) Cu2+ (aq) + NO2(g) + H2O(l)
Zn(s) + H+(aq) + NO3– (aq) NH4+ (aq) + Zn2+ (aq) + H2O(l)
The liberated NO2(g) was found to be 1.04 L at 25°C and 1 atm [Cu = 63.5, Zn = 65.4]
1. The percentage by mass of Cu in brass was
(1) 67% (2) 70% (3) 80% (4) 90%
Sol. Answer (1)

Cu  4HNO3  Cu(NO3 )2  2NO2  2H2O

PV 1 1.04
nNO2    0.042
RT 0.0821 298

 nCu = 0.021
 WCu = 1.335 g

1.335  100
 % Cu   66.67 %

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204 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
2. The volume of HNO3 consumed during the reaction with brass is

(1) 9.52 ml (2) 14.5 ml (3) 16.25 ml (4) 10.5 ml

Sol. Answer (2)

3. How many grams of NH4NO3 will be obtained in the above reaction?

(1) 0.405 g (2) 0.0428 g (3) 0.2018 g (4) 0.358 g

Sol. Answer (3)

NO3   NH3

NH3  H  NH4

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

1. STATEMENT-1 : KMnO 4     Mn 2 , n factor of KMnO4 is 5.

acidic medium


STATEMENT-2 : Equivalent mass of KMnO4 in acidic medium is (M = molecular mass of KMnO4).
Sol. Answer (1)

Molar mass
Equivalent mass 
n  factor
MnO4– + 5e– + 8H+  Mn2+ + 4H2O
 n-factor = 5

and equivalent mass =

2. STATEMENT-1 : H2O2  H2O + O . This is an example of disproportionation reaction.
2 2
STATEMENT-2 : H2O2 can act as a oxidising as well as reducing agent.
Sol. Answer (1)

–1 –2 0
H — O— O— H O + O2

∵ H2O2 is oxidized as wall as reduced.
 Its an example of disproportionation reaction.

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 205
3. STATEMENT-1 : Oxidation number of oxygen in OF2 compound is +2.
STATEMENT-2 : An element has a fixed oxidation state.
Sol. Answer (3)
In OF2, x – 2 = 0
x = +2
and an element can have variable oxidation state.
4. STATEMENT-1 : Oxidation state of carbon in its compound is always +4.
STATEMENT-2 : An element can show variable oxidation numbers.
Sol. Answer (4)
Carbon can show –4 and many more oxidation states also
e.g., CH4, CO, CH2Cl2 etc.
5. STATEMENT-1 : Equivalent mass of KMnO4 in different mediums are different.
STATEMENT-2 : KMnO4 can act as a oxidising agent.
Sol. Answer (2)
In acidic medium KMnO4 is reduced to Mn2+.
 It is an oxidising agent.
6. STATEMENT-1 : In the reaction : Cl2 + OH–  Cl– + ClO4– chlorine is oxidised only.
STATEMENT-2 : Oxidation and reduction cannot take place alone.
Sol. Answer (4)
0 1 7
Cl2  OH  Cl ClO4
In above reaction, Cl2 is oxidized as well as reduced both because for redox reaction both oxidation and
reduction reactions are required.
7. STATEMENT-1 : The equivalent mass of KMnO4 in acidic medium is where M = Molecular mass of KMnO4.
STATEMENT-2 : Equivalent mass is equal to product of molecular mass and change in oxidation number.
Sol. Answer (3)
 Mn2
K MnO4 

nf = 7 – 2 = 5
E 
nf 5
Molecular mass
Equivalent mass 
Total change in oxidation number

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206 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
8. STATEMENT-1 : For the reaction NaOH + H2CO3  NaHCO3 + H2O equivalent weight of H2CO3 is 62.

Molecular mass
STATEMENT-2 : n factor of H2CO3 is 1 (in above reaction) and equivalent mass = .
n factor
Sol. Answer (1)

NaOH +H2CO3  NaHCO3 + H2O

Since only one H atom is being replaced from H2CO3 in above reaction hence
n factor of H2CO3 = 1

M 2  1  12  3  16 62 Molecular mass
E  = = 1 equivalent mass  n factor
1 1 1


Matrix-Match Type Questions

1. Match Column-I with Column-II

Column-I Column-II

(A) CaOCl2 (p) + 6, + 6

(Oxidation state of Cl)

(B) S2O32– (q) + 1, –1

(Oxidation state of S)

(C) NH4NO3 (r) Peroxy linkage is present

(Oxidation state of N)

(D) H2SO5 and H2S2O8 (s) –3, + 5

(Oxidation state of S)

(t) –2, + 6

Sol. Answer A(q), B(t), C(s), D(p, r)

(A) Structure of CaOCl2 is

(B) S2O32– , 2x – 6 = –2
x = +2

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 207
(C) NH4NO3 may written as NH , 4

 oxidation no. of N = – 3 and in NO3–, oxidation no. of N = +5

(D) H2SO5 ⇒ HO — S — O — O — H
peroxide linkage

and oxidation no. = +6

For H2S2O8, structure is

and oxidation no. = +6

2. Match the following

Column-I Column-II

(A) XI2  YNO3 

 IO3  NO2 (p) X > Y
 Acidic med

(B) XClO  YCr O2  Cl  CrO

4 (q) X < Y
 alkaline

(C) XN2 O4  YBrO3  Br   NO3 (r) n-factor (oxidant) > n-factor (Reductant)
 Acidic 

(D) XAsO33  YMnO4  AsO43  MnO2 (s) n-factor (Reductant) > n-factor (Oxidant)
 Acidic 

(t) Oxidant has highest O.N. among the

oxidants involved in the reactions

Sol. Answer A(q, s), B(p, s), C(p, r), D(p, r, t)

(A) I2  10NO3  8H  2IO3  10NO2  4H2O

(B) 3ClO  2CrO2  2OH  3Cl  2CrO4  H2O

(C) 3N2O4  BrO3  3H2O  6NO3  Br   6H

(D) 3AsO33  2MnO4  3AsO43  2MnO2  2H2O

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208 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
3. Match the following
Column-I Column-II (n-factor)
(A) KMnO4 in acidic medium (p) 10
(B) Ba(MnO4)2 in acidic medium (q) 6
(C) S2O32– in alkaline medium (r) 5
(D) K2Cr2O7 in acidic medium (s) 8
Sol. Answer A(r); B(p); C(s); D(q)
(A) KMnO4  Mn2+ nf = 5
(B) Ba(MnO4)2  Mn 2+
nf = 10

(C) S 2O 52  SO 24 nf = 8

(D) Cr2O 72  Cr 3  nf = 6

4. Match the following
Column-I Column-II (n-factor of reactants)
(A) S2O32– in different medium (p) 8
(B) KMnO4 in different medium (q) 5
(C) FeC2O4 is converted into Fe3+ and CO2 (r) 3
(D) Cu2S is converted into Cu2+ and SO2 (s) 1
Sol. Answer A (p, s); B (q, r, s); C (r); D (p)
Acidic medium 2–
(nf = 1)
(A) S2O32–
Basic medium 2–
(nf = 8)

Acidic medium
(nf = 5)

Neutral medium
(B) KMnO4 MnO2
(nf = 3)

Basic medium 2–
(nf = 1)


So, total 3 e– are loosed by one molecule of FeC2O4. Hence, n-factor for FeC2O4 is 3.


So, total 8 e– are loosed by one molecule of Cu2S. Hence, n-factor for Cu2S is 8.

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 209
5. 3.48 g of MnO2 is added to 500 ml of 0.1 M oxalic acid solution. The resulting solution is then titrated against
either 0.02 M KMnO4 or 0.02 M K2Cr2O7 solution.

Column I Column II

(A) KMnO4 solution (p) N = 0.1

(B) MnO2 (q) nfactor = 2

(C) Oxalic acid (r) Vol = 167 ml

(D) K2Cr2O7 solution (s) Vol = 200 ml

(t) n factor = 6

Sol. Answer A(p, s), B(q), C(q), D(r, t)

MnO2  Mn2   2e 

2e   H2 C2 O 4  CO 2  H2 O

 nf (MnO2 and oxalic acid) = 2

Equivalent of MnO2   2  0.08
Equivalent of oxalic acid = 0.1

Equivalents of oxalic acid left = 0.02

Equivalents of oxalic acid = Equivalents of KMnO4

0.02 = 0.02 × 5 × V

V KMnO4  litre = 200 ml.
Volume of K2Cr2O7 required = 1/6 L = 167 ml

6. Match the reactions in Column I with nature of the reaction/type of the products in Column II.

[IIT-JEE 2007]

Column I Column II

(A) O 2  O 2  O 22 (p) Redox reaction

(B) CrO24  H  (q) One of the products has trigonal planar structure

(C) MnO 4  NO2  H  (r) Dimeric bridged tetrahedral metal ion

(D) NO3  H2SO 4  Fe 2  (s) Disproportionation

Sol. Answer A(p, s), B(r), C(p, q), D(p)

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210 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

Integer Answer Type Questions
1. 0.144 g of pure FeC2O4 was dissolved in dilute H2SO4 and the solution was diluted to 100 ml. What volume
in ml of 0.1 M KMnO4 will be needed to oxidise FeC2O4 solution?
Sol. Answer (6)
meq. of FeC2O4  meq of KMnO4
 1000  N.V.
Or,  1000  0.1 5  V
144 / 3
Or V = 6 ml
2. 2.48 g of Na2S2O3. xH2O is dissolved per litre solution. 20 ml of this solution required 10 ml 0.01 M iodine
solution. What is value of x?
Sol. Answer (5)
Meq. of Na2S2O3 × H2O = meq of l2
 20  10  0.01 2
 M = 248
 248 = 158 + 18x
 x=5
3. 1.245 g of CuSO4.xH2O was dissolved in water and H2S was passed into it till CuS was completely precipitated.
The H2SO4 produced in the filtrate required 10 ml of N-NaOH solution for complete neutralisation. What is value
of x?
Sol. Answer (5)
CuSO4 .xH2 O 
 CuS  H2 SO4
H2SO4  NaOH
Meq. of CuSO4 xH2O = meq. of H2SO4 = meq. of NaOH
 1000  N.V.

1.245  2
Or  10  1 or x  5
159.5  18x

4. In the reaction VO + Fe2O3 FeO + V2O5, what is the n-factor for V2O5 ?
Sol. Answer (6)
2 5
VO  Fe2 O3  FeO  V2 O5
 , nF (V2O5) = 6
6e involved per mole

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 211
x  1

 AO3  Mn 
In the reaction A  MnO4  O2 , if one mole of MnO4 oxidises 1.67 moles of
A  x to AO3 , then what will be the value of x?

Sol. Answer (2)

MnO4  5e  Mn

These 5 moles of e– are lost by A+x ion & gained by MnOΘ4 .

 1 mole A+x will lose e– = 5/1.67 = 3 moles (approx.)

Now A  x  AO3

 Oxidation state of A,

x = +5 – 3 = +2

6. A 0.1 mol of a metal is burnt in air to form oxide. The same oxide is then reduced by 0.05 M, 4 litre S 2 O32 
(acidic medium) to +3 oxidation state of metal. What is the oxidation state of metal in oxide ?

Sol. Answer (5)

M1  O2  Mx 
0.1 mol 0.1 mol

0.1 × n = 0.05 × 1 × 4


 x=+5

7. 100 ml of Na2 S2 O3 solution is divided into two equal parts A and B. A part requires 12.5 ml of 0.2 M I2 solution
(acidic medium) and part B is diluted x times and 50 ml of diluted solution requires 5 ml of 0.8 M I2 solution
in basic medium. What is value of x?

Sol. Answer (5)

Part A

1 × M × 50 = 2 × 12.5 × 0.2 …(1)

Part B
8 × M1 × 50 = 2 × 5 × 0.8 …(2)
Dividing (1) by (2) we get

M 12.5  2
 M  5M1
8M1 58

 M is 5 times diluted.

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212 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
8. For a given reductant, ratio of volumes of 0.2 M KMnO4 and 1 M K2Cr2O7 in acidic medium will be

Sol. Answer (6)

V1M1n1(KMnO4) = V2M2n2 (K2Cr2O7)

V1 M2n2 1 6
  6
V2 M1n1 0.2  5

9. The difference in the oxidation numbers of the two types of sulphur atoms in Na2S4O6 is [IIT-JEE 2011]

Sol. Answer (5)

Structure of S4O62– is

 Difference in oxidation state is +5 – 0 = +5.

10. Reaction of Br2 with Na2CO3 in aqueous solution gives sodium bromide and sodium bromate with evolution of CO2
gas. The number of sodium bromide molecules involved in the balanced chemical equation is [IIT-JEE 2011]

Sol. Answer (5)

⎡Br2  2Br – ⎤ 5 –
⎢ ⎥  5 ⎡⎣Br2  2Br  10e ⎤⎦
⎣⎢ 2 e ⎦⎥

Br2 + 5Br2  10NaBr + 2NaBrO3 + 6CO2 + 6Na2CO3

3Br2 + 3Na2CO3  5NaBr + NaBrO3 + 3CO2

11. Consider the following list of reagents : [JEE(Advanced)-2014]

Acidified K2Cr2O7, alkaline KMnO4, CuSO4, H2O2, Cl2, O3, FeCl3, HNO3 and Na2S2O3.

The total number of reagents that can oxidise aqueous iodide to iodine is

Sol. Answer (7)

K2Cr2O7 + I– + H+  I2

CuSO4 + I–  I2

H2O2 + I–  I2

Cl2 + I–  I2

O3 + I–  I2

FeCl3 + I–  I2

HNO3 + I–  I2

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 213
Multiple True-False Type Questions

1. STATEMENT-1 : KMnO4 acts as a powerful oxidising agent in acidic, alkaline and neutral medium.

STATEMENT-2 : Equivalent weight of KMnO4 in acidic medium is M/5 and in strongly alkaline medium is M/3.

STATEMENT-3 : KMnO4 solution is used as a primary standard and acts as self indicator during its titration
with Mohr salt.

(1) T F T (2) F T T (3) F F T (4) F F F

Sol. Answer (1)

MnO4  Mn (Acidic)

or, MnO4  8H  5e  Mn  4H2O

MnO4  MnO24 (Alkaline)

2. STATEMENT-1 : In disproportionation reaction, 50% of the substance is oxidised and remaining 50% is reduced.

STATEMENT-2 : Decomposition of H2O2 is not a disproportionation reaction.

STATEMENT-3 : Both HNO2 & H3PO3 can undergo disproportionation reaction.

(1) T T T (2) F F T (3) F F F (4) T F T

Sol. Answer (2)

2H2O2  H2O + O2

 1  1  2  0

H2 O2  H2 O2  H2 O  O2
| |
 

3. STATEMENT-1 : In the reaction Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)  Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s). Cu2+ ions act as oxidising agent and
Zn atoms act as a reducing agent.

STATEMENT-2 : Every redox reaction cannot be splitted into two reactions one being oxidation and the other
being reduction.

STATEMENT-3 : The oxidation numbers are artificial and are useful as a book keeping device of electrons in

(1) T T T (2) F F T (3) F F F (4) T F T

Sol. Answer (4)

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214 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
4. STATEMENT-1 : N/10, 100 ml KMnO4 solution is sufficient to oxidise M/10, 50 ml FeC2O4 solution in acidic
STATEMENT-2 : The left solution of statement-1 is sufficient to react with 8.33 ml of M/10 K2Cr2O7 solution
in acidic medium.
STATEMENT-3 : 1.06 g Na2CO3 will require 100 ml 0.1 M HCl solution with phenolphthalein.
(1) FTT (2) FTF (3) TFT (4) TTF
Sol. Answer (1)

1 1
 100  10 milli equivalent of KMnO4,  50  3  15 milli equivalent of FeC2O4
10 10

The left over FeC2O4 = 5 milli equivalent

 K2Cr2O7 required = 8.33 ml nfactor  6 

With phenolphthalein nfactor for Na2CO3 = 1

5. To oxidise M/10 FeSO4 (100 ml solution)
STATEMENT-1 : Volume required for 0.1 M solution is in order VKMnO4  VK2Cr2O7  VH2O2 .
STATEMENT-2 : The number of equivalents required will be in order H2 O2  KMnO4  K 2 Cr2 O7 .
STATEMENT-3 : The nfactor is in order nH2O2  nKMnO4  nK2Cr2O7 .
(1) T T F (2) TFT (3) FFT (4) FTF
Sol. Answer (3)
Volume required  1/n
Number of equivalents are same for all.
Number of equivalents of all reactants used must be equal.

Aakash Challengers Questions
1. During the oxidation of arsenite ion, AsO3–3 to arsenate AsO43– in alkaline medium, the numbers of moles of
hydroxide ions consumed per mole of arsenite ion are
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 2/3 (4) 3/2
Sol. Answer (1)
2. When copper is treated with a certain concentration of nitric acid, nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide are liberated
in equal volumes according to the equation xCu + yHNO3 Cu(NO3)2 + NO + NO2 + H2O
The coefficients x and y are
(1) 2 and 6 (2) 4 and 12 (3) 1 and 3 (4) 3 and 8
Sol. Answer (2)

4Cu  12HNO3  4Cu(NO3 )2  2NO2  2NO  6H2 O

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 215
3. The coefficients of I , IO3 and H in the following reaction, I  IO3  H  I2  H2O in a balanced state
would be respectively
(1) 5,1,6 (2) 1,5,6 (3) 6,1,5 (4) 5,6,1
Sol. Answer (1)
6H+ + 5I– + IO3–  3I2 + 3H2
4. Which of the following compounds does not decolourise acidified KMnO4 solution?
(1) FeCl3 (2) FeSO4 (3) SO2 (4) H2O2
Sol. Answer (1)
Fe+3 cannot be oxidized by KMnO4.
5. Number of moles of KMnO4 that will be needed to completely react with 2 moles of ferrous oxalate in acidic
(1) 6/5 (2) 3/5 (3) 2/5 (4) 1/3
Sol. Answer (1)
n factor of FeC2O4 is 3.
6. The oxidation state of sulphur in S8, S2F2 and H2S respectively are
(1) 0, +1 and –2 (2) 0, +2 and –2 (3) +2, +1 and –1 (4) –2, +1 and –2
Sol. Answer (1)
S8 (Zero)
7. Cr(OH)3  ClO  OH  ......  Cl  H2O . The missing ion is

(1) Cr2 O72 (2) Cr3+ (3) CrO 24  (4) Cr2O3

Sol. Answer (3)
Cr+3 is oxidized to Cr+6 and in alkaline medium Cr+6 exists as CrO4–2.
8. The chromate ion present in water sample is reduced to insoluble chromium hydroxide, Cr(OH)3 by dithionation,
in basic solution.

S2O24  CrO24  2H2O  2SO32  Cr(OH)3  OH

100 L of water requires 387 g of Na2S2O4. The molarity of CrO42– in waste water is
(1) 0.0448 (2) 4.448 (3) 0.0148 (4) 0.0224
Sol. Answer (3)
Balanced redox reaction is

2H2O  3S2O42  2CrO42  6SO32  2Cr 3  4 OH

MNa2S2O4 387

Now 2  nS 2  3  nCrO2
2O4 4

2  174 1
 nCrO2 (in 100  )    1.48
4 387 3
 nCO4–2 in 1 L H2O = 0.0148

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216 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
9. A sample which contains exactly 0.5 g of uranium in the form of U4+. The total uranium is allowed to oxidized
by 50 ml of KMnO4. The reaction taking place is

U4   KMnO4  H2O  UO22  Mn2  H3 O

Find the concentration of KMnO4 required for the above purpose [U = 238]
(1) 0.0336 M (2) 0.0084 M (3) 0.0168 M (4) 0.0672 M
Sol. Answer (3)
On balancing redox reaction
5U+4 + 2MnO4–  5UO2+2 + 2Mn+2
n=2 n=5
Equivalents of KMnO4 = Equivalents of U+4
50 0.5
N 
1000 ⎛ 238 ⎞
⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
 N = 0.084

N 0.084
Hence MKMnO    0.0168 M
5 5
10. A 50 ml of a 20% (w/w) solution of density 1.2 g/ml is diluted until its strength becomes 6% (w/w). Determine
the mass of water added
(1) 88 g (2) 120 g (3) 140 g (4) 180 g
Sol. Answer (3)
w Wt. of solute
%   100
w Wt. of solution
11. 1.245 g of CuSO4.xH2O was dissolved in water and H2S gas was passed through it till CuS was completely
precipitated. The H2SO4 produced in the filtrate required 100 ml of 0.1 M NaOH solution. Calculate x
(1) 5 (2) 6 (3) 7 (4) 8
Sol. Answer (3)
Eq. of H2SO4  Eq. of NaOH
Eq. of H2SO4  Eq. of CuSO4 · xH2O
12. Determine the oxidation numbers of the following elements as indicated.
(i) P in NaH2PO4 (ii) Mn in K2MnO4 (iii) I in KIO3 (iv) I in KI3
(v) Fe in Fe3O4 (vi) C in CH3OH (vii) S in Na2S4O6 (viii) Cr in CrO2Cl2
(ix) Cr in [Cr(NH3)6] Cl3 (x) Fe in K4[Fe(CN)6]
Sol. (i) + 5 (ii) +6 (iii) +5 (iv) 
(v)  (vi) –2 (vii) + 2.5 (viii) + 6
(ix) + 3 (x) +2

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 217
13. Balance the following chemical equations by the oxidation number method.
(i) CuO + NH3  Cu + N2 + H2O (ii) P + HNO3  HPO3 + NO + H2O
(iii) FeS2 + O2  Fe2O3 + SO2 (iv) Zn + HNO3  Zn (NO3)2 + N2O + H2O
(v) SnO2 + C  Sn + CO (vi) FeCl3 + H2S  FeCl2 + S + HCl
(vii) H2O2 + PbS  PbSO4 + H2O (viii) MnO2 + HCl  MnCl2 + Cl2 + H2O
(ix) I2 + HNO3  HIO3 + NO2 + H2O (x) K2Cr2O7 + HCl  KCl + CrCl3 + Cl2
Sol. (i) 3CuO + 2NH3  3Cu + N2 + 3H2O (ii) 3P + 5HNO3  3HPO3 + 5NO + H2O
(iii) 4FeS2 + 11O2  2Fe2O3 + 8SO2 (iv) 4Zn + 10HNO3  4Zn(NO3)2 + N2O + 5H2O
(v) SnO2 + 2C  Sn + 2CO (vi) 2FeCl3 + H2S  2FeCl2 + S + 2HCl
(vii) 4H2O2 + PbS  PbSO4 + 4H2O (viii) MnO2 + 4HCl  MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
(ix) l2 + 10HNO3  2HIO3 + 10NO2 + 4H2O
(x) K2Cr2O7 + 14HCl  2KCl + 2CrCl3 + 3Cl2 + 7H2O

14. Balance the following equations by Ion-electron method

(i) MnO4– + Fe2+  Mn2+ + Fe3+ (In acidic medium)
(ii) MnO4– + H2C2O4  Mn2+ + CO2 (In acidic medium)
(iii) Cu2+ + SO2  SO42– + Cu+ (In acidic medium)
(iv) N2O4 + BrO3–  NO3– + Br– (In acidic medium)
(v) Br– + BrO3–  Br2 (In acidic medium)
(vi) Cl2 + OH–  Cl– + ClO– (In basic medium)
(vii) S + OH–  S2– + S2O32– (In basic medium)
(viii) Al + NO3–  Al(OH)4– + NH3 (In basic medium)
(ix) Cr2O72– + Fe2+  Fe3+ + Cr3+ (In acidic medium)
(x) Fe3O4 + MnO4–  Fe2O3 + MnO2 (In basic medium)
Sol. (i) MnO4– + 5Fe2+ + 8H+  Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ + 4H2O
(ii) 2MnO4– + 5H2C2O4 + 6H+  2Mn2+ + 10CO2 + 8H2O
(iii) 2Cu2+ + SO2 + 2H2O  2Cu+ + 4H+ + SO42–
(iv) 3N2O4 + BrO3– + 3H2O  6NO3– + Br– + 6H+
(v) 5Br– + BrO3– + 6H+  3Br2 + 3H2O
(vi) Cl2 + 2OH–  Cl– + ClO– + H2O
(vii) 4S + 6OH–  2S2– + S2O32– + 3H2O
(viii) 8Al + 3NO3– + 18H2O + 5OH–  8Al(OH)4– + 3NH3
(ix) 6Fe2+ + Cr2 O72– + 14H+  6Fe3+ + 2Cr3+ + 7H2O
(x) 6Fe3O4 + 2MnO4– + H2O  9Fe2O3 + 2MnO2 + 2OH–

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218 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
15. A solution containing 2.68 × 10–3
mol of An+
ions require 1.61 × 10–3 mol of MnO4– for complete oxidation of
n+ –
A to AO3 in acidic medium. What is the value of n?

7 5
Sol. A n  MnO4  A O3  Mn2

nf = 5–n nf = 5

Number of eq. of A+n = Number of eq. of MnO4

2.68 × 10–3 × (5 – n) = 1.61 × 10–3 × 5



16. Calculate the weight of MnO2 and the volume of HCl of specific gravity 1.2 g/ml (and 4% by weight) needed
to produce 1.78 litre of Cl2 at STP by the reaction: MnO2 + 4HCl  MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2.

Sol. MnO2 + 4HCl  MnCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O

Moles of MnO2 = moles of Cl2

W volume

55  32 molar volume

W 1.78

87 22.4

W = 6.913 g

17. What is the mass of sodium bromate and molarity of the solution necessary to prepare 85.5 ml of 0.672 N
solution when the half cell reaction is 2BrO3– + 12H+ + 10e–  Br2 + 6H2O ?

wt. of NaBrO3 (w)

Eq. wt. of NaBrO3
Sol. N =
Volume of solution ( )

w  5  1000
0.672 =
151 85.5

0.672  151 85.5

 w

 w = 1.735 g

18. 5.7 g of bleaching powder was suspended in 500 ml of water. 25 ml of this solution on treatment with KI in
the presence of HCl liberated iodine which reacted with 24.35 ml of Na2S2O3. Calculate the % of available
chlorine in the bleaching powder.

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 219
Sol. ∵ Weight of bleaching powder present in 500 ml = 5.7 g
25  5.7
 weight of bleaching powder present in 25 ml = = 0.285 g
Normality of Na2S2O3 =  0.1
1 ml N Na2S2O3  0.0355 g Cl
0.1 N, 24.35 ml Na2S2O3  0.1 × 24.35 × 0.0355 g Cl
% of available chlorine in bleaching powder

= 0.1 × 24.35 × 0.0355 × = 30.33%
19. Borax in water gives :
B4O72– + 7H2O  4H3BO3 + 2OH–
How many grams of borax (Na2B4O7.10H2O) are required to
(a) Prepare 50 ml of 0.2 M solution?
(b) Neutralise 25 ml of 0.1934 M of HCl and H2SO4 separately?
Sol. B4O72– + 7H2O  4H3BO3 + 2OH–

Average oxidation number of B in Borax   3.5
H3BO3 (n factor = 3.5 × 4 – 12 = 2)

(a) Let weight of Borax required is W gram.

50 W
0.2 × 2 × =
100 382
MNa2B4O7 .10H2O  38.2
W = 3.82 g
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220 Redox Reactions Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)
(b) Number of equivalent of Borax = Number of equivalent of HCl

= 0.1934 × 1 × 25

W = 0.9235 gm
Number of Borax = Number of eq of H2SO4

= 0.1934 × 2 × 25

W = 1.847 g
20. One gram of commercial AgNO3 is dissolved in 50 ml of H2O. It was treated with 50 ml of KI solution. The
silver iodide thus precipitated is filtered off. The excess KI in the filtrate is titrated with KIO3 solution in
presence of 6N HCl till all the I– is converted to ICl. It requires 50 ml of KIO3. Under similar conditions,
20 ml of the same stock solution of KI required 30 ml of KIO3. Calculate the percentage of silver nitrate
in the sample.

KIO 3  2KI  6HCl  3ICl  3KCl  3H2O

Sol. KIO3 + 2KI + 6HCl  3ICl + 3KCl + 3H2O
1 mole KIO3  2 moles KI
Number of millimoles of KI in 20 ml of stock solution is 2 × 3 = 6

Number of millimoles of KI in 50 ml of the same solution = 6   15
Number of millimoles of KIO3 is 50 ml of solution =  50  5
Number of millimoles of KI used with 50 ml of KIO3 solution = 2 × 5 = 10
Number of millimoles of KI used with AgNO3 = 15 – 10 = 5
AgNO3 + KI  AgI + KNO3
1 mole AgNO3 reacts with 1 mole KI.
Number of millimoles of AgNO3 = 5
Weight of AgNO3 = 5 × 10–3 × 170

0.85  100
% AgNO3 =  85 %
1 0
21. A solution contains Na2CO3 and NaHCO3. 20 cm3 of this solution required 5.0 cm3 of 0.1 M H2SO4 solution
for neutralisation using phenolphthalein as an indicator. Methyl orange is then added when a further 5.0 cm3
of 0.2 M H2SO4 was required. Calculate the masses of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 in 1 litre of this solution.

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Redox Reactions 221
Sol. Let mass of Na2CO3 = a g
Mass of NaHCO3 = b g

HPh = number of Na2CO3 = number of H2SO4

1 a 5.0
  0.1 2   a = 0.106 g
2 106 1000

∵ 20 cm3 contains 0.106 g

0.106  1000
 1000 cm3 (1 L) contains =  5.3 g

× number of eq. of Na2CO3 + 1 × Number of eq. of NaHCO3

= number of eq. of H2SO4

5.0 b 5
0.1 2   1 = 0.2  2 
1000 84 1000
0.001 + = 0.002
b = 0.084 g
∵ 20 ml contains 0.084 g.
 1000 ml (1 L) contains = 4.2 g
22. A 1.0 g sample of Fe2O3 solid of 55.2 percent purity is dissolved in acid and reduced by heating the solution
with zinc dust. The resultant solution is cooled and made upto 100 ml. An aliquot of 25 ml of this solution
requires 17.0 ml of 0.0167 M solution of an oxidant for titration. Calculate the no. of electrons taken up by
oxidant in the reaction of above titration.
1 55.2  25
Sol. Weight of Fe2O3 in 25 ml solution =  0.138 g
100  100
Milliequivalents of Fe2O3 = Milliequivalents of Fe2+ = Milliequivalent of oxidant
0.138  2
 1000 = 17 × 0.0167 × n
So, 6 electrons are taken up by the oxidant in the titration.


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