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Oracle® Data Relationship

Management Suite
Installation Guide

March 2020
Oracle Data Relationship Management Suite Installation Guide, Release


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Documentation Accessibility

Documentation Feedback

1 About Data Relationship Management Suite

2 Installing Data Relationship Management

Installation Prerequisites 2-1
Architecture Options 2-3
Oracle Database Prerequisites 2-6
SQL Server Database Prerequisites 2-7
Additional Documentation 2-7
About Middleware Home and EPM Oracle Home 2-8
Foundation Services 2-8
Data Relationship Management CSS Bridge 2-9
Deployment Scenarios for Data Relationship Management and Foundation
Services 2-9
Installing Data Relationship Management 2-11
Installing Data Relationship Management in a Distributed Environment 2-12
Troubleshooting 2-12

3 Configuring Data Relationship Management

Configuring Foundation Services for Data Relationship Management 3-1
Configuring Secondary Foundation Services Hosts 3-2
Configuring Shared Services with an External Provider 3-2
Configuring Shared Services with Data Relationship Management User Roles 3-3
Starting the Data Relationship Management Configuration Console 3-3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications 3-3
Creating an Application 3-3

Setting the Application Default Culture 3-4
Date, Time, and Number Formatting 3-4
Creating a Repository 3-5
Creating a SQL Server Database 3-7
Generating SQL Scripts 3-8
Manually Running Database Scripts 3-9
Copying a Repository 3-10
Configuring Host Computers 3-10
Configuring an Engine Host 3-10
Configuring the API Adapter 3-11
Configuring Web Servers 3-11
Configuring the CSS Bridge 3-13
Configuring an SMTP Server 3-14
Configuring Analytics URL 3-14
Configuring Authorization Policies 3-15
Configuring EPM Registry Settings 3-15
Configuring Common User Provisioning 3-16
Configuring Scheduled Tasks 3-17
Purging Deleted Version Records 3-17
Removing an Application 3-18
Saving Configuration Settings and Starting the Service on the Application Server 3-18
Launching Data Relationship Management in a Web Browser 3-18
Configuring the Migration Utility 3-19
Load Balancing Data Relationship Management Web Applications 3-21
Terminating SSL at the Web Server 3-23
Using Single Sign On with Data Relationship Management 3-23
Web Access Management 3-25
Oracle Access Manager 3-25

4 Deploying and Configuring the Data Relationship Management Web

Services API
System Requirements 4-1
Deployment Prerequisites 4-1
Installing and Configuring Foundation Services 4-2
Installing Metadata Services Schema for Oracle Web Services Manager 4-2
Configuring Oracle Web Services Manager 4-2
Configuring WebLogic with an External Provider 4-3
Configuring the API Adapter 4-3
Deploying the Web Services Applications 4-3
Securing the Data Relationship Management Web Services 4-3

Configuring Policies in Oracle Web Services Manager 4-4
Testing the Data Relationship Management Web Services Using Oracle Enterprise
Manager 4-4
Configuring Logging for the Web Service Applications 4-6
Troubleshooting 4-6

5 Installing and Configuring Data Relationship Management Analytics

System Requirements 5-1
Deployment Prerequisites 5-2
Installing and Configuring Data Relationship Management Analytics 5-3
Upgrading Data Relationship Management Analytics 5-7
Logging 5-7
Troubleshooting 5-7

6 Upgrading a Data Relationship Management Installation

Supported Upgrade Paths 6-1
Upgrading Checklist 6-2
Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management Application 6-4
Data Analysis 6-7
Working with External Connections 6-9
Creating External Connections 6-9
Applying External Connections 6-10
Data Conversion 6-10
Users 6-11
Transactions 6-11
Exports 6-12
Imports 6-13
External Connections 6-13
Properties 6-13
Applying Updates to an Application 6-13
Manual Upgrade Tasks 6-13
Upgrading Properties with Derived Property References 6-14
Upgrading Batch Client Scripts 6-14
Upgrading API Programs 6-14
Troubleshooting 6-15

7 Monitoring Data Relationship Management Applications

Application Status 7-1

Computer Status 7-1

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About Data Relationship Management
Oracle Data Relationship Management Suite consists of:
• Oracle Data Relationship Management
• Oracle Data Relationship Management Read Only Access
• Oracle Data Relationship Steward
• Oracle Data Relationship Governance
• Oracle Data Relationship Management Analytics
• Oracle Data Relationship Management for Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Planning
• Oracle Data Relationship Management for Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Suite

Installing Data Relationship Management
Related Topics
• Installation Prerequisites
• Additional Documentation
• About Middleware Home and EPM Oracle Home
• Foundation Services
• Installing Data Relationship Management
• Installing Data Relationship Management in a Distributed Environment
• Troubleshooting

Installation Prerequisites

Installation instructions for Release are available in Oracle Data
Relationship Management Readme.

Items to check:
• Oracle Data Relationship Management must be installed by a user who is logged
in as an administrator. Installers should select to Run As Administrator when
launching an installation executable.
• Intended host computers meet or exceed the minimum system requirements.

For information on certified versions of platform components, refer to the
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Certification Matrix
posted on the Supported System Configurations page on Oracle
Technology Network (OTN):

• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2. If the .NET Framework is not installed and you
do have an internet connection, then the Data Relationship Management installer
will install it for you.
• Database server is installed and running on the database computer.

Chapter 2
Installation Prerequisites

• If the repository is set up on an Oracle database, then it should be configured with


Parameter Value

• Internet Information Services (IIS) is installed and operational on the Web server.
You must include ASP.NET 4.7 support for Data Relationship Management
applications to function properly.

MaxFieldLength and MaxRequestBytes need to be set to 32 KB.

• User accounts that can perform these actions are available on the application
– Edit registry settings
– Read and write to the local file system
– Launch processes
– Run as a service

PDF Font Requirement for Asian Glyphs

To provide multi-language font support for the Download to PDF option in the Data
Relationship Management client, the system font "Arial Unicode MS" font must be
installed on all Data Relationship Management IIS servers.

Virtual Memory Pagefile Sizing

To ensure proper performance, it is strongly recommended that Windows pagefile size
on the Data Relationship Management server be at least 1.5 times system memory
with growth allowed up to 2.0 times system memory. When system memory is large
(for example, 64 GB and higher) the pagefile can be between 1.0 and 1.5 times
system memory. Smaller pagefile sizes can result in serious performance and
functional issues.

Oracle Managed Files

Database environments that allow Oracle Managed Files only require CREATE
TABLESPACE commands that do not specify a filename when using the DATAFILE
When installing Data Relationship Management in these environments, the tablespace
must be manually created before running the Data Relationship Management
Repository Wizard. Then, the already-created tablespace names need to be specified
when you define the tablespace for the Data Relationship Management application in
the Repository Wizard.
As an alternative, you can use the Data Relationship Management Console Repository
Wizard to run SQL manually. But the generated SQL must have CREATE

Chapter 2
Installation Prerequisites

TABLESPACE commands that have only the DATAFILE directive with no filename
specified, allowing the Oracle RDS to auto-complete the filename value.
You can omit the filename value from these SQL commands by performing either of
these tasks:
• Leave the filename fields blank in the Repository Wizard screen where
Tablespace options are entered.
• Review and edit the generated SQL as necessary.

HTTP Quality of Service Issues

The Data Relationship Management Client delivers a rich user experience via web
browser over HTTP. For customers running the Data Relationship Management Client
over a network with extremely high latency, high hop counts, or other low HTTP quality
of service, it may be necessary to deliver the Client via browser sessions hosted on a
Citrix Server, RDP gateway server, or other comparable UI hosting solution within the
Data Relationship Management datacenter to mitigate networking issues.

Architecture Options
The following diagrams depict different scenarios for configuring Oracle Data
Relationship Management.

EPM Foundation must be installed on a Windows server accessible by Data
Relationship Management. It can be run locally or on FMW App Server.

Figure 2-1 Data Relationship Management Standard Architecture

Chapter 2
Installation Prerequisites

Figure 2-2 Data Relationship Management with EPM Foundation

Chapter 2
Installation Prerequisites

Figure 2-3 Data Relationship Management with API Integrations

Chapter 2
Installation Prerequisites

Figure 2-4 Data Relationship Management with DRM Analytics

Oracle Database Prerequisites

• Oracle Data Relationship Management requires access to ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS
for database export external connections.
• If you are using an Oracle RAC database system, you must create the
tablespaces with the appropriate RDBMS software prior to installation.
• Whether the scripts are run automatically or manually, a user with DBA rights must
be logged in. When you manually execute the database scripts, the User ID that
was designated for Data Relationship Management database connectivity in the
Repository Wizard is created in the RDBMS (if it does not already exist). The user
is assigned a default tablespace of DRM_DATA and must have access rights to
the following items:
– Default tablespace (usually DRM_DATA)

Chapter 2
Additional Documentation

• When you manually execute the database scripts, the user is logged in as the
schema owner which, has a default tablespace of DRM_DATA. This user must
have access rights to the following items:
– Default tablespace (usually DRM_DATA) — this can be done after the install if
the tablespaces were not created.

You can change the schema owner name during the installation process.

SQL Server Database Prerequisites

• If you are using a SQL Server Cluster database system, you must create the
database with the appropriate RDBMS software prior to installation.
• If the User ID designated for Oracle Data Relationship Management database
connectivity is created manually prior to the installation, it is important to make this
user database owner of the Data Relationship Management database.

Additional Documentation
You can find Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System installation
documentation in the Oracle Documentation Library on the Oracle Technology
Network. The following documentation may be useful for installing and configuring
Oracle Data Relationship Management:
• Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation Start Here
• Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and
Configuration Guide
• Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and
Configuration Troubleshooting Guide
• Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Backup and Recovery Guide
• Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Security Configuration Guide

Chapter 2
About Middleware Home and EPM Oracle Home

About Middleware Home and EPM Oracle Home

Middleware Home
A Middleware home consists of the Oracle WebLogic Server home, and, optionally,
one or more Oracle homes, including EPM Oracle home. A Middleware home can
reside on a local file system or on a remote shared disk that is accessible through
Network File System (NFS).
The Middleware home location is defined during the first product installation on the
computer. Subsequent installations on the computer use the previously defined
location. The default installation directory is Oracle/Middleware. The Middleware
home location is referred to as MIDDLEWARE_HOME throughout this document.

EPM Oracle Home

An Oracle home contains installed files necessary to host a specific product, and
resides within the directory structure of the Middleware home. The EPM Oracle home
contains files for EPM System products.
Components of EPM System products are installed in the EPM Oracle home directory
under the Middleware home. The default EPM Oracle home location is
MIDDLEWARE_HOME/EPMSystem11R1. In addition, common internal components used by
the products are installed in EPM Oracle home. Choose the location carefully to
ensure that the location has enough disk space for all products that you are installing
on the machine. You cannot change the location.
The EPM Oracle home location is defined in the system environment variable called
EPM_ORACLE_HOME. The EPM Oracle home location is referred to as EPM_ORACLE_HOME
throughout this document.

Foundation Services
Oracle Data Relationship Management requires Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services
to be installed when the following optional features are used:
• User authentication with external user directories such as LDAP.
• Load balancing Data Relationship Management Web applications
• Using single-sign on with Data Relationship Management
• Integrations with Oracle General Ledger for E-Business Suite and Fusion
Accounting Hub
• API programs and SOA-based processes using the Data Relationship
Management web service
The Foundation Services installation includes the following components which can be
configured to enable these features for Data Relationship Management:
• Oracle WebLogic Server
• Oracle HTTP Server
• Oracle Web Services Manager
• Oracle Hyperion Shared Services

Chapter 2
Foundation Services

Foundation Services is installed using the EPM System installer. The installation and
configuration process for Foundation Services is documented in the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

Data Relationship Management CSS Bridge

The Oracle Data Relationship Management CSS Bridge is used to communicate with
Oracle Hyperion Shared Services and must be installed when Oracle Hyperion
Foundation Services is used with Data Relationship Management. The following
information and requirements are important for understanding the Data Relationship
Management CSS Bridge.
• The CSS Bridge Host system can be the Data Relationship Management
application server or a different supported Microsoft Windows system.

The CSS Bridge component is not supported on Unix/Linux systems.

• If the designated CSS Bridge Host is not the Data Relationship Management
application server, then the CSS Bridge component must be installed on the CSS
Bridge Host. In this scenario, the CSS Bridge can be installed as a standalone
• A Foundation Services installation and deployment is required on the Windows
system where the CSS Bridge will be installed and running.
For CSS Bridge deployment options, see Deployment Scenarios for Data Relationship
Management and Foundation Services.

Deployment Scenarios for Data Relationship Management and

Foundation Services
Review Figure 2 for more information on Oracle Data Relationship Management with
Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services. See Configuring Secondary Foundation
Services Hosts.

All systems are Microsoft Windows unless otherwise noted.

Chapter 2
Foundation Services

Table 2-1 Deployment Scenarios for Data Relationship Management and Foundation Services

Scenario System 1 System 2 System 3

1 • Windows Data N/A N/A
application server
• Windows primary
Foundation Services
• Windows Data
Management CSS
2 Windows Data • Windows primary N/A
Relationship Management Foundation Services
application server instance
• Windows Data
Management CSS
3 • Windows Data Windows primary N/A
Relationship Foundation Services
Management instance
application server
• Windows secondary
Foundation Services
• Windows Data
Management CSS
4 • Windows Data Unix/Linux primary N/A
Relationship Foundation Services
Management instance
application server
• Windows secondary
Foundation Services
• Windows Data
Management CSS
5 Windows Data Unix/Linux primary • Windows secondary
Relationship Management Foundation Services Foundation Services
application server instance instance
• Windows Data
Management CSS

Chapter 2
Installing Data Relationship Management

Installing Data Relationship Management

The Oracle Data Relationship Management installer requires Run As
Administrator rights in order to execute properly.

Before installing Data Relationship Management, review Architecture Options.

To install Data Relationship Management:
1. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the installation program, right-
click setup.exe and select Run as administrator.
2. Select the language for the installation and click OK.
3. If you do not already have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 installed, click Install
to install it.

You must have an internet connection for the .NET installation to

4. On the Welcome dialog box, read the license agreement and click Next.
5. Click Next to accept the default installation directory for Data Relationship
Management files, or click Change, select an installation location and then click
6. On the Setup Type dialog box, select the type of installation to perform and click
• Complete — Installs the Application Server, CSS Bridge, Web Server,
Migration Utility, and Batch Client.
• Custom — Allows you to select the components to install. You can select from
the following components:
– DRM Application Server––Core engine and server files
– DRM CSS Bridge––Data Relationship Management connector for Oracle
Hyperion Shared Services
– DRM Web Server––Primary Web application for Data Relationship
Management users
– DRM Migration Utility––Web application for managing application
– DRM Batch Client––Windows console client for running batch operations
7. Do one of the following:
• If you selected Complete, skip to the next step.

Chapter 2
Installing Data Relationship Management in a Distributed Environment

• If you selected Custom, on the Custom Setup dialog box select the features
to install and click Next.

All features are selected by default. Deselect the features that you
do not want to install.

8. Click Install.
9. Click Finish.

To create and configure Data Relationship Management applications,
select the option to launch the Data Relationship Management
Configuration Console.

Installing Data Relationship Management in a Distributed

Installing Secondary Data Relationship Management Web Server Hosts
To install a secondary Oracle Data Relationship Management Web Server computer,
install the Data Relationship Management Web Server component on the secondary
computer. See Configuring Foundation Services for Data Relationship Management.

Installing Secondary Foundation Services Hosts

The following Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services components must be installed on
the secondary Foundation Services instance using the EPM System Installer:
• Foundation Services Web Applications
• Static Content Files
• WebLogic Application Server

For information on installation troubleshooting, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting Guide.

Configuring Data Relationship
The Oracle Data Relationship Management Configuration Console is an application
server configuration utility and is installed automatically when you install the
application server component. You can open the console at the end of the installation

All Data Relationship Management servers and related servers must be
configured to actively synchronize to a common time source on the network.
Unsynchronized servers will lead to Web Services failures for packaged
integrations and other Data Relationship Management API usage. It will also
increase the complexity for deployment and operation of Data Relationship
Management with its partner systems.

All Data Relationship Management servers and related servers must be
configured to use the same keystore in the same path on every server.

Configuring Foundation Services for Data Relationship

The Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services installation includes several components
which must be deployed and configured using the EPM Configurator tool before
Oracle Data Relationship Management can use them.
See the "Configuration Sequence" section of the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System Installation and Configuration Guide for information on the order
in which components should be configured. Refer to the "Configuring EPM System
Products" section for instructions for performing the configuration of Foundation
Services components.

Configuring Shared Services for Single Sign On (SSO)

See “Configuring EPM System for SSO” in the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System Security Configuration Guide.

Chapter 3
Configuring Foundation Services for Data Relationship Management

Configuring CSS Mode for Data Relationship Management

The Data Relationship Management server must be configured for CSS Authentication
mode or Mixed mode in order to authenticate users using Oracle Hyperion Shared
Services. See Configuring the CSS Bridge and Configuring Authorization Policies.

Configuring Secondary Foundation Services Hosts

• The Windows Oracle Data Relationship Management service must be started and
running on the CSS Bridge Host computer before starting the Data Relationship
Management service on the application server.
• If a secondary Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services instance is utilized for the
CSS Bridge, then:
– The following Foundation Services components must be configured on the
secondary Foundation Services instance using the EPM System Configurator:
* Configure Common Settings
* Configure Oracle Configuration Manager
* Configure Database
* Deploy to Application Server
– For the Select the EPM Oracle Instance to which the configuration would be
applied configuration, use the default or custom path for Home directory for
EPM Oracle instances; use the default for EPM Oracle instance name.
– For the Set up Shared Services and Registry Database associated with the
instance home configuration, select the Connect to a previously configured
Shared Services database option, and provide the connection information for
the database configured for the primary Foundation Services instance.
– For the Deploy to Application Server/Specify WebLogic Domain configuration,
select the Deploy Web applications to a new domain option.
– After installation and configuration, the EPM Web Application Server does not
need to be started or running on the secondary computer.
See Data Relationship Management CSS Bridge.

Configuring Shared Services with an External Provider

To configure Oracle Hyperion Shared Services, see "Configuring OID, Active
Directory, and Other LDAP-based User Directories" in the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.
For development purposes, Shared Services can be configured to use the WebLogic
embedded LDAP server as an external directory. For information, go to: http://
and select EPM System Tips & Tricks 1-72 (PDF). In that document, see "Is it
possible to use the WebLogic embedded LDAP server as an external directory for
EPM System 11.1.2 products?".

Chapter 3
Starting the Data Relationship Management Configuration Console

Configuring Shared Services with Data Relationship Management

User Roles
You add Oracle Data Relationship Management roles in Oracle Hyperion Shared
Services by running one of the SQL scripts provided with the Data Relationship
Management installation.
To add Data Relationship Management roles in Shared Services:
1. On the server where Data Relationship Management is installed, navigate to the
server\config folder, which is typically:
2. Run the appropriate SQL script for the Shared Services database which was
configured in the EPM configuration process: drm_roles_oracle.sql or
a. Log into the database server as a user with database administrator privileges.
b. Run the script against the Shared Services database.

Starting the Data Relationship Management Configuration

To open the Oracle Data Relationship Management Configuration Console, select
Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Data Relationship
Management, then Configuration Console.

Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

Oracle Data Relationship Management uses applications to manage data and serve
user requests for accessing data. You can run one or more Data Relationship
Management applications on a single machine. Each application and repository can be
accessed by only one active instance of Data Relationship Management application
Before configuring multiple Data Relationship Management applications, review Figure

Creating an Application
Oracle Data Relationship Management applications are created in the Configuration
Console. At least one application must be created.
To create a Data Relationship Management application:
1. In the Data Relationship Management Configuration Console, click Add to create
a new application.
2. On the Configuration tab, configure the repository.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

If you have not created a repository, or need to upgrade the repository,
you need to use the Repository Wizard. See Creating a Repository.

3. Click Save Configuration.

4. From the Local Service menu, click Start to start the Data Relationship
Management service.
When you add a new application, the application is created with standard default
parameters. The default application name is generated from the computer name.

Setting the Application Default Culture

You can set the default culture used for each Oracle Data Relationship Management
application. The default culture is used for localization of the Web client if the setting
cannot be determined from the Web browser.
To set the default culture for an application:
1. In the Data Relationship Management Configuration Console, select an
2. From Default Culture select an option:
• en-US – English
• fr-FR – French
• de-DE – German
• ja-JP – Japanese
• ko-KR – Korean
• zh-CHS – Simplified Chinese

Date, Time, and Number Formatting

Date and time values are formatted in the invariant culture. This allows for a
predictable response and action can be taken to re-format the result, if desired.
Formatting of number property data values in the Oracle Data Relationship
Management user interface is determined by two factors:
• The language setting of the Data Relationship Management client computer's
• The Regional Options settings defined for the Data Relationship Management
service logon account on the Data Relationship Management application server
The Data Relationship Management Web Client session information includes the
user's culture as defined in the browser's language setting. The data value formatting
displayed at the client for the requested culture is determined by how the
corresponding culture formatting is defined on the Data Relationship Management
server for the Regional Options of the DRM service logon account. The client

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

operating system's Regional Options settings do not affect data formatting in the user
Similarly, the Data Relationship Management Batch Client parameter "/CultureName"
allows you to specify the culture format as you would via the browser language. And
as with the Web client, the data value formatting is determined by how the
corresponding culture is defined on the Data Relationship Management server for the
Data Relationship Management service logon account.

The default logon account for the Data Relationship Management Server
Processes service is "Local System". To view or customize the Regional
Options used by Data Relationship Management, the Data Relationship
Management service logon account should be changed from Local System
to a local Administrator account. This enables you to log onto the server as
the service account and view or modify the Regional Options that the Data
Relationship Management service uses.

Creating a Repository
The Repository Wizard in the Configuration Console allows you to create a new
repository or upgrade a repository. For information on upgrading, see Upgrading an
Existing Data Relationship Management Application.

Each Oracle Data Relationship Management application needs it own
repository. Two applications should never be configured to use the same

Depending on the configuration of the network, DNS setup and IPv4/IPv6
configuration and localhost settings, and since these settings vary widely
across implementation topologies, it may be necessary to set up the Data
Relationship Management service connection to the repository using the
appropriate Fully Qualified Domain Name or the static IP address and the
database service identifier.

To create a new repository:

1. Click the Repository Wizard button.
2. Select Create a new repository.
• Optional: Select Estimate size based on existing repository to create a
new repository based on the size of an existing repository.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

• Optional: Select Generate SQL scripts to create and download database

creation scripts to run at a later time
3. Click Next.
4. Do one of the following:
• If you are generating scripts, go to Generating SQL Scripts.
• If you selected any other option in the previous step, continue to the next step.
5. Do the following:
• Select the database provider: Oracle or SQL Server.
• Enter the connection to the target database where the new repository will
• Enter the user ID and password for an administrator who has rights to create a
database schema and data files.

For SQL Server, only SQL accounts are supported.

• Optional: For Connection Timeout, enter the number of seconds to wait for
a connection to open before canceling the attempt and generating an error.
The default is 60 seconds. For Command Timeout, enter the number of
seconds to wait for a command to execute before canceling the command and
generating an error. The default is 900 seconds.

Setting the timeout value to zero indicates no timeout is used. These
settings are saved in the drm-config.xml and are used by the
engines when they start. To perform large operations (such as a
large version delete), set the Command Timeout to a larger value
than the default.

• Click Test Connection.

6. Click Next.
7. Do one of the following:
• For an Oracle database, continue to the next step.
• For a SQL Server database, go to Creating a SQL Server Database.
8. Enter the user id and password which will be created as the schema owner for the
Data Relationship Management repository.
9. Accept the default tablespace settings or make changes and click Next.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

It is highly recommended that dedicated tablespaces be used for Data,
Indexes, Transactions, and Properties. The default tablespace names
may already be in use, and will be re-used if a new tablespace name is
not specified.

10. On the Application Administrator Creation page, enter a password for the
Administrator user and click Next.
11. On the Create Repository Confirmation page, review the settings and click Next
to start the creation process.
When the database has been created a success message is displayed.
12. Click Next.

Repository creation, copy, and upgrade information is written to the
Repository Wizard log. Click Save Log on the Repository Operation
Complete page of the wizard to save the log file.

13. On the Repository Operation Complete screen, click Finish.

You are returned to the main screen of the console where you can review the

If you entered the Repository Wizard from the menu bar, Finish returns
you to the first page of the wizard. If you entered the wizard from the
button on the application tab, clicking Finish applies the settings to the
selected application. If you click Cancel, the repository is still created, but
the settings are not applied to any application. The new database is
applied when you save the configuration.

14. Click Save Configuration, otherwise connection information is lost when the
console is closed.

Creating a SQL Server Database

To configure a SQL Server database for the Oracle Data Relationship Management
1. Enter the user id and password which will be created as the login for the Data
Relationship Management database.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

When creating a database user name or password, you cannot use the
following symbols: at (@), slash (/), comma (,), and colon (:).

2. Enter the name of the database to create to hold the Data Relationship
Management repository.

Database names cannot begin with a number.

3. Do one of the following and then click Next:

• Select Use server defaults for data files to use default settings for the path
to and size for the database and log file.
• Enter the path to and size for the data file and log file.
4. On the Application Administrator Creation page, enter a user name and
password for the Administrator user and then click Next.
5. On the Create Configuration page, review the target repository information, and
then click Next.

After the repository is created, you can save the log.

6. Do one of the following:

• Click Finish to apply the changes to the current application.
You are returned to the main screen of the console where you can review the
• Click Cancel to exit the wizard.
7. Click Save Configuration, otherwise connection information is lost when the
console is closed.

Generating SQL Scripts

You can generate SQL scripts from which you can manually create a repository. When
you save the scripts, you are not required to provide repository connection information.
To generate SQL scripts:
1. Click the Repository Wizard.
2. Select Generate SQL scripts and click Next.
3. Select the Oracle or SQL Server tab and enter repository information.
4. Click Next.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

5. On the Repository Creation Script screen, click Save to File and navigate to a
folder in which to save the file.

The file name for both Oracle and SQL Server databases is drm-create-

6. Click Next.
7. On the Repository Object Creation Script screen, click Save to File and
navigate to a folder in which to save the drm-create-schema-objects.sql file.
8. Click Next.
9. Click Finish.

Manually Running Database Scripts

Based on your local security procedures, creating a new database may require a level
of access that is not available to the user installing Oracle Data Relationship
Management. Thus, during the installation, there is an option to save the database
scripts to disk rather than running them automatically. The scripts can then be run
separately by the appropriate database administrator.
To manually run scripts:
1. Log into the database server as a user with database administrator privileges.
2. Run the scripts in the following order:
• drm-create-database.sql
• drm-create-schema-objects.sql
3. After all scripts have been successfully run, open the Data Relationship
Management Configuration Console.
4. Click Add.
5. On the Repository Configuration tab, enter the service connection information
and click Save Configuration.

You can click Test Connection to verify connectivity.

This completes the manual creation of the Data Relationship Management

6. Select the application from the Applications list.
The database is automatically initialized the first time the application is started.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

Copying a Repository
The Repository Wizard in the Configuration Console provides the ability to copy a
repository from a current release to a different repository running on the same or a
different database provider.
• Copy path option 1:
Run the Create a New Repository and Copy or Upgrade an Existing
Repository options simultaneously.

Refer to the description on the Repository Wizard Source Connection
page for important information on the different copy methods for a
current release repository.

• Copy path options 2:

1. Run the Create a New Repository option or manually run the create
repository SQL scripts.
2. Run the Copy or Upgrade an Existing Repository option using the new
repository created in step 1 as the target connection.

Configuring Host Computers

Oracle Data Relationship Management server components can operate on one or
more host computers. The Configuration Console enables you to configure host
computers for each server component. For configuration details, refer to the applicable
host computer section:
• Configuring an Engine Host
• Configuring the API Adapter
• Configuring Web Servers
• Configuring the CSS Bridge
• Configuring an SMTP Server

Configuring an Engine Host

To configure an engine host computer:
1. In the Configuration Console, select Host Machines and on the Engine tab, enter
the computer name and port number.
2. For Engine Startup Timeout, enter the number of seconds to wait when starting a
Oracle Data Relationship Management engine process.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

If the engine does not respond within the number of seconds, an error is
logged in the Windows Event Log.

Configuring the API Adapter

The API Adapter component is included with the Oracle Data Relationship
Management Application Server installation component.

Enable the API Adapter if you are going to access Data Relationship
Management using the Web Services API.

To enable the API adapter host:

1. In the Configuration Console, select Host Machines and then API Adapter.
2. Do the following:
• Select Enable API Adapter.
• Enter the port number for the host.
• Enter the SSL certificate name.
3. Click the Test URL link to verify that the link is valid.

Configuring Web Servers

On the UI Web Servers tab, list the servers that are configured to run the Oracle Data
Relationship Management Web client application.
On this tab, you can also:
• Configure additional Web server attributes for calculating node URLs on the Web
Farm tab.
• Set up anonymous profiles which allow access to the Web client via a custom URL
without the user having to log in on the Anonymous Profiles tab.
To configure Web Servers:
1. In the Configuration Console, select Host Machines and then UI Web Servers.
2. On the Host Servers tab, enter the name of the server(s) that are configured to
run the Data Relationship Management Web client application.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

The computer name must be listed here in order for the application to be
displayed in the application list for the Data Relationship Management
Web client when a user logs into Data Relationship Management.

3. On the Web Farm tab, do the following:

a. In Host Name, enter the computer name to be used for all calculated node
b. Enter the host port number.

The default is 80.

c. In Path, enter the directory application path for the Data Relationship
Management logon page.

The default is

d. Select Uses SSL to use "https://" computed URLs. Otherwise, "http://" is used.
e. Click the Test URL link to verify that the link is valid.
4. On the Anonymous Profiles tab, do the following:
a. Enter a name in the Add Profile text box.
b. Click the plus sign ( + ) to add the profile to the list of profiles.
c. Enter login credentials for the profile.
d. Click Save Profile to validate and save the new profile in memory.
e. Click Save Configuration to permanently save the profile to the Data
Relationship Management configuration.

All profiles on this tab are saved to the servers on the Host Servers tab.

The anonymous access URL is created in this format:

For example,

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

Configuring the CSS Bridge

To configure the CSS Bridge:
1. In the Configuration Console, select Host Machines and then CSS.
2. On the General tab, configure the following options:
• Enable CSS Bridge – Select to enable CSS
• Enable SSO – Select to enable Single Sign On.

For information on SSO, see Using Single Sign On with Data
Relationship Management. For information on setting authentication
settings, see Configuring Authorization Policies.

• CSS Bridge Host – Enter the name of the Shared Services computer that will
be running the Data Relationship Management CSS Bridge component that is
required for Data Relationship Management to communicate with Shared
Services. For more information, see Data Relationship Management CSS
Bridge and Configuring Secondary Foundation Services Hosts.
When properly configured, the drm-netjnibridge-host.exe process will be
launched on the CSS Bridge Host. Refer to the Windows event logs on the
CSS Bridge Host and Oracle Data Relationship Management computers to
troubleshoot configuration issues.
• JVM Path – The path to the java virtual machine (jvm.dll). Default location
for 64-bit is C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk1.8.0_181\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll.
• Oracle Instance – The path for the EPM instance. Default location is C:

All settings on the General and Class Path tabs are relative to the CSS
Bridge Host computer which is not necessarily the Data Relationship
Management application server.

3. On the Class Path tab, enter the paths to the required .jar files. These paths must
be modified for the user's environment. Examples of class paths are:

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

Configuring an SMTP Server

The Data Relationship Governance feature uses email notifications to notify
governance users and data managers of requests activities. You must enable and
configure SMTP Server settings for Data Relationship Governance notifications to

An SMTP server must be set up locally or be remotely accessible by the
Oracle Data Relationship Management application server.

To configure an SMTP server:

1. In the Configuration Console, select Host Machines and then SMTP Server.
2. Select Enable SMTP.
3. Specify the host name of the SMTP server and the port number.
4. Specify the SMTP port number.
5. Optional: Select Use SSL to use "https://" computed URLs. Otherwise, "http://" is
6. Optional: Select Requires SMTP Authentication and enter the user name and
password for the SMTP server.
7. Enter the sender name which will display in the email From field.
8. Enter the sender email address.

Configuring Analytics URL

To be able to drill through from the Oracle Data Relationship Management Analytics
module to Oracle Data Relationship Management you must configure.
To configure the Analytics URL:
1. In the Configuration Console, select Host Machines and then Analytics URL.
2. On the Analytics URL tab tab, do the following:
a. In Host Name, enter the computer name of load balancer or web farm to use
when generating URLs.
b. Enter the host port number.

The default is 9800.

c. In Path, enter the directory application path for the Data Relationship
Management Analytics component.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

The default is

d. Select Uses SSL to use "https://" computed URLs. Otherwise, "http://" is used.
e. Click the Test URL link to verify that the link is valid.

Configuring Authorization Policies

On the Authorization Policies tab, you can select the user authentication type,
modify internal authentication policies, and set lockout parameters for users.
To configure authorization policies:
1. In the Configuration Console, select Security Settings and then select
Authorization Policies.
2. Click Load Settings to populate the current settings as saved in the Oracle Data
Relationship Management system preferences.
3. Select the method for authentication:
• Internal – Managed fully by Data Relationship Management.
• CSS (Common Security Services) – Centralized support for external user
directories using Oracle Hyperion Shared Services.
• Mixed – Allows authentication option (Internal or CSS) to be specified by the
4. Set password preferences:
• Expiration Period (days) – Number of days that a user's password is valid.
• Maximum Length – Maximum length for user passwords; zero indicates no
• Minimum Length – Minimum length for user passwords; zero indicates no
• Warning Period – Positive or negative number to indicate how many days
before (-) or after (+) the password expiration date to warn users to change
their password before no longer allowing them to log in.
5. Set user lockout preferences:
• Inactivity Threshold – Maximum number of days of inactivity before a user is
locked out.
• Invalid Logins Allowed – Maximum number of invalid log in attempts before
a user is locked out.
6. Click Save Settings.

Configuring EPM Registry Settings

Oracle Data Relationship Management application settings must be registered in the
Oracle Hyperion Shared Services EPM Registry to enable Common User Provisioning.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

You can unregister an application by clicking Unregister. To unregister an
application, the CSS Bridge must be enabled and the application that you are
unregistering must be running.

To register a Data Relationship Management application:

1. Ensure that you have enabled the API adapter and CSS bridge for the Data
Relationship Management application and set the authentication setting to CSS or
See Configuring API Adapter Hosts, Configuring the CSS Bridge, and Configuring
Authentication Settings.
2. In the Configuration Console, select EPM Registry and then on the Application
tab specify the Data Relationship Management Web service by providing this
• HTTP or HTTPS protocol
• Host computer name of the Web service
• Port number
• Application context — Name of the WebLogic application for the Web service

This information is combined into a URL; for example, http://
where http is the protocol, servername is the host computer name of the
Web service, managedServerPort is the port number of the managed
server, and oracle-epm-drm-webservices is the name of the WebLogic
application for the Web service.

3. Specify the Data Relationship Management user credentials used for the
4. Click Register.

Configuring Common User Provisioning

The Common User Provisioning feature enables users and groups to be provisioned to
Oracle Data Relationship Management applications using Oracle Hyperion Shared
Services. This configuration allows Data Relationship Management users to be
provisioned in a common location along with other Oracle EPM applications. Common
User Provisioning also eliminates the need to separately provision users in the Data
Relationship Management application. Provisioning information can be synchronized
from Shared Services to Data Relationship Management on-demand or a scheduled
basis. Common User Provisioning is disabled by default.

Chapter 3
Configuring Data Relationship Management Applications

Before enabling Common User Provisioning for a Data Relationship
Management application, Data Relationship Management roles must be
added to Shared Services and the Data Relationship Management
application must be registered with Shared Services. See "Managing
Common User Provisioning" in Oracle Data Relationship Management
Administrator's Guide.

To enable Common User Provisioning:

1. In the Configuration Console, select Security Settings and then CSS
2. Select Enable Common User Provisioning.
To schedule daily synchronization from Shared Services:
1. In the Configuration Console, select Security Settings and then CSS
2. Select Enable Common User Provisioning.
3. Select Auto Synchronize and then enter a start time.
4. Enter the username and password for a user with the Shared Services
Provisioning Manager role.

Configuring Scheduled Tasks

The Task Runner component handles the execution of scheduled processes which run
in the background on the Data Relationship Management application server. The
Configuration Console enables you to define settings for scheduled tasks.

Purging Deleted Version Records

Database records for deleted versions are permanently removed from the Oracle Data
Relationship Management repository as a scheduled task. This process reduces the
impact on performance of other system operations by allowing the delete process to
be run during periods of low system usage. An administrator can configure frequency
and blackout settings for the purge process.
To permanently delete all version-related records for versions that have been marked
for deletion:
1. In the Configuration Console, select an application and then select Scheduled
2. Click Load Settings to populate the current settings as saved in the Data
Relationship Management system preferences.
3. Enter a number for the frequency of the purge and then select the unit of time as
hours, minutes, or seconds.
4. Optional: To set a blackout window when scheduled purges should not run, enter
the start time for the blackout and then select how long (in hours) the blackout
should last.

Chapter 3
Saving Configuration Settings and Starting the Service on the Application Server

5. Click Save Settings.

Removing an Application
You can remove an application when it is no longer useful.
To remove an application, right-click the application and select Remove.

Saving Configuration Settings and Starting the Service on

the Application Server
Changes made in the Configuration Console must be saved and the Oracle Data
Relationship Management service must be restarted for these changes to take effect.

The configuration console runs on the application server.

To save settings and start the Data Relationship Management service on the
application server:
1. In the Configuration Console, click Save Configuration.
2. From the Local Service menu, click Start.

The "Oracle DRM Server Processes" service on all secondary servers
MUST be started and running BEFORE starting the "Oracle DRM Server
Processes" service on the application server.

Launching Data Relationship Management in a Web

To launch Oracle Data Relationship Management in a Web browser:
1. Click Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Data Relationship
Management, and then Web Client
2. Log in with the ADMIN user ID and password defined during the Repository
Wizard process, or an existing user in an upgraded repository.

If you manually created the repository from scripts, the password is

Chapter 3
Configuring the Migration Utility

Disabling Compatibility View Mode in Internet Explorer

Data Relationship Management does not support Compatibility View mode offered in
Microsoft Internet Explorer.
To disable this feature:
1. In Internet Explorer, select Tools, and then Compatibility View Settings.
2. Make sure that the following options are not selected:
• Display intranet sites in Compatibility View
• Display all websites in Compatibility View
3. Click Close.

Configuring the Migration Utility

The following table describes Migration Utility configuration settings in the appSettings
section of the web.config file. This file is located in the following directory by default:

Any changes made to the web.config file will require a restart of the Web
site in IIS to take effect.

Table 3-1 Configuration Settings

Key Description
configuredServers Specifies the admin-configured connections.
Each server connection must be separated by
a semi-colon.
Syntax is display|net.tcp://URL/
Oracle/Drm/Engine|name where:
• display is the display name
• URL is the URL for the remote application
The URL can be copied from the DRM
Console. Select the Host Machines tab
and the Engine URL is displayed on the
Engine sub tab.
• name is the user name

Chapter 3
Configuring the Migration Utility

Table 3-1 (Cont.) Configuration Settings

Key Description
showExceptionDetail Specifies whether detailed exception
information is displayed on the error page.

Showing full
details may
present a
security risk, as
the detailed
information may
include file paths
or other
information. This
setting should
only be enabled
for debugging or

Specify True to enable exception detail or

False to display detail according to the log4net
settings. The default value is False.
enableAboutPage Specifies whether the About page is enabled.
The About page displays the version of the
Migration Utility and system components; for
greater security, this page is disabled by
default. To check the version of the Migration
Utility you can enable this page.
To enable the page but restrict access to
administrators, edit the Discretionary Access
Control List (DACL) on the /Forms/About.aspx
file. See the IIS documentation for more
information about how DACLs, Directory
Security, and anonymous access interact to
control access to Web pages.
Specify True to show the About page. The
default value is False.

Chapter 3
Load Balancing Data Relationship Management Web Applications

Table 3-1 (Cont.) Configuration Settings

Key Description
HTTPSOnly Specifies if attempts to connect to this Web
application over HTTP protocol are
permanently redirected to HTTPS protocol.
Specify True to redirect from HTTP protocol to

protocol must be
set up before
setting this to

XFrameOptionsHeader Specifies whether the DRM Web application

can run in iFrames.
Specify SAMEORIGIN to allow the DRM Web
application to run inside of a portal using
Specify DENY to disallow the DRM Web
application from running inside of an iFrame.
The default setting is DENY.

Increasing Upload File Size

The default limit for uploaded files is 4 MB. To change the default limit to 20 MB, add
this setting in the <system.web> element of the web.config file:

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="20480" executionTimeout="3600" />

By default, the web.config file is located in C:\Oracle\Middleware

Load Balancing Data Relationship Management Web

You can configure Oracle HTTP Server to provide load balancing support to two or
more Oracle Data Relationship Management Web applications. You set up Oracle
HTTP Server to redirect requests to the IIS servers hosting the Data Relationship
Management Web client. This procedure assumes that the Oracle HTTP Server
installed by the EPM System Installer is the logical host. The EPM System Installer

Chapter 3
Load Balancing Data Relationship Management Web Applications

performs the necessary prerequisite checks for Oracle HTTP Server. For more
information, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation
and Configuration Guide.
To set up Oracle HTTP Server as a load balancer for the Data Relationship
Management Web client:
1. Install the Data Relationship Management Web Server component on two or more
computers running IIS.

The Data Relationship Management Installer is generally designed to install the

Data Relationship Management client applications to the Default Website, where
the Default Website’s IIS Site Number is 1. In special circumstances where the
first IIS site is non-HTTP, or the Default Website is not IIS Site Number 1, the Data
Relationship Management client applications may need to undergo a one-time
manual installation into IIS. For any customer impacted with this special situation,
contact Support for assistance if needed.
2. Configure Data Relationship Management applications and host computers using
the procedure described in Configuring Data Relationship Management
3. Open the httpd.conf file for Oracle HTTP Server found in the following location:
4. Ensure that the following directives exist and are enabled. Add the directives if
they do not exist.
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module “${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/”
LoadModule headers_module “${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/”
5. Create a proxy balancer definition for the Data Relationship Management Web
client by adding a BalanceMember directive for each IIS server that hosts the Data
Relationship Management Web Server component.

#Configure members for cluster

<Proxy balancer://iisdrm>
BalancerMember route=server1
BalancerMember route=server2

6. Enable sticky load balancing by adding the following directives. These sample
directives instruct Oracle HTTP Server to insert a cookie that keeps track of the
route for sticky load balancing of the proxy balancers defined in the previous step.

Header add Set-Cookie "BALANCEID= iisdrm.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e;

path=/drm-web-client;" env=BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED

7. Add the following Forward and Reverse Proxy directives.

#The actual ProxyPass

ProxyPass /drm-web-client balancer://iisdrm stickysession=BALANCEID

Chapter 3
Terminating SSL at the Web Server

#Do not forget ProxyPassReverse for redirects

ProxyPassReverse /drm-web-client http://<drm_web_server1>:80/drm-web-
ProxyPassReverse /drm-web-client http://<drm_web_server2>:80/drm-web-

8. Save the httpd.conf file and restart the Oracle Process Manager server for the
Oracle HTTP Server instance.
After configuration, the Data Relationship Management web application can be
accessed using the following URL: http://<ohs_server>:<port>/drm-web-

Terminating SSL at the Web Server

You can use SSL secure communication from a client's Web browser and the IIS
Oracle Data Relationship Management Web application drm-web-client using Oracle
HTTP Server (OHS). In this configuration, the client’s browser communicates with
OHS via the HTTPS protocol and OHS acts as a proxy and communicates with the
Data Relationship Management Web application via HTTP. See “Terminating SSL at
the Web Server” in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Security
Configuration Guide.

Using Single Sign On with Data Relationship Management

Single Sign On (SSO) for Oracle Data Relationship Management requires various
components to be installed and configured. In a typical Web SSO environment, a Web
identity management solution controls authentication and authorization for one or more
independent software systems. The goal of SSO is to allow a user to gain access to
the various independent systems without being prompted for a login for each system.
Data Relationship Management implements SSO by utilizing Oracle Hyperion Shared
Services, a web identity management solution (such as Oracle Access Manager), and
an external user directory (such as Oracle Internet Directory or Microsoft Active

A mix of SSO and non-SSO applications is not supported on a single server.

Use the following steps to install and configure SSO:

Task Reference
Install and configure Oracle Access Manager See Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation
11g Guide for Oracle Identity and Access
Management and Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access
Data Relationship Management

Chapter 3
Using Single Sign On with Data Relationship Management

Task Reference
1. Configure Shared Services with an external See “Configuring OID, Active Directory, and
user directory. other LDAP-based User Directories” in the
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
System User Security Administration Guide.
2. Configure Shared Services for SSO. See “Configuring EPM System for SSO” in the
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
System Security Configuration Guide.
3. Install Data Relationship Management. See Installing Data Relationship Management.
4. In the Data Relationship Management See Configuring Host Computers.
Configuration Console, configure Data
Relationship Management for CSS
authentication mode and enable SSO.
5. Configure a Web identity management See Web Access Management.
solution to protect the Data Relationship
Management Web application and use the
same external user directories configured in
Shared Services.
6. Install and configure IIS OAM Webgate Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing
WebGates for Oracle Access Manager
Data Relationship Management Analytics
1. Ensure that the Oracle EPM Foundation
Server has been configured with Oracle HTTP
Server. This can be accomplished by
configuring the Web Server in the EPM
System Configurator.
2. Manually configure the following directive in
the file mod_wl_ohs.conf (assuming default
port of 9800 for the DRMServer managed
server and replacing HOST with the host
name). File can be found at :
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WeblogicHost HOST WeblogicPort 9800
WLIOTimeoutSecs 6000 Idempotent OFF
WLSocketTimeoutSecs 600
3. Install Webgate for OHS See "Installing Oracle HTTP Server 11g
Webgate" in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Installing WebGates for Oracle Access
4. Deploy and configure webgate instance See "Post-Installation Steps for Oracle HTTP
using tool deployWebGate Server 11g Webgate" in Oracle Fusion
Middleware Installing WebGates for Oracle
Access Manager

Chapter 3
Using Single Sign On with Data Relationship Management

Task Reference
5. Register Webgate See "Getting started with a New Oracle HTTP
Server 11g Webgate" in Oracle Fusion
Middleware Installing WebGates for Oracle
Access Manager
6. Configure the OAM Identity Asserter See "Configuring the OAM Identity Asserter" in
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's
Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal
7. Configure external authentication provider See "Configuring LDAP Authentication
for WebLogic domain Providers" in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Securing Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6
8. Configure the default authenticator See "Configuring the Default Authenticator
and Provider Order" in Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle
WebCenter Portal
9. Restart Weblogic Admin and DRM
Managed Servers
10. Restart Oracle Process Manager (Oracle
HTTP Server)

Web Access Management

The Oracle Data Relationship Management Web application resources must be
protected so that any request to the Web application is redirected to a Web access
management application, such as Oracle Access Manager. After a user authenticates
with the security agent using basic authentication, the agent forwards the request to
the Data Relationship Management Web application where HTTP header information
is passed to the Data Relationship Management server for authentication.

Oracle Access Manager

Oracle Access Manager (OAM) provides authentication and authorization for the
Oracle Data Relationship Management Web applications. In this documentation, it is
assumed that OAM has been installed and configured with access policies for the Data
Relationship Management Web application. For more information, see "Managing
Policies to Protect Resources and Enable SSO" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management.
Data Relationship Management can be configured with Oracle Access Manager using
one of the following options:
• Install and configure Oracle Access Manager 10g or 11g Webgate for IIS on the
Data Relationship Management Web server. For the Oracle Access Manager 10g
Webgate for IIS download, see the Readme file for “Oracle Access Manager 10g –
non OHS 11g Webgates and 3rd Party Integrations”.

Oracle Access Manager Patch 20216345 is required. For more
information, go to Oracle Support.

Chapter 3
Using Single Sign On with Data Relationship Management

• Set up Oracle HTTP Server for load balancing the Data Relationship Management
Web server and install Oracle Access Manager 11g Webgate for OHS. See
"Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server 11g WebGate for OAM " in Oracle
Fusion Middleware Installing WebGates for Oracle Access Manager.
Oracle Data Relationship Management Analytics can be configured with Oracle
Access Manager by installing and configuring Oracle Access Manager 11g webgate
for OHS. See "Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server 11g WebGate for OAM"
in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing WebGates for Oracle Access Manager.
The WebGate module intercepts HTTP requests for Web content on the web server
and forwards the requests to Oracle Access Manager.
The following graphic depicts the process flow with Oracle Access Manager using the
10g Webgate for IIS on the Data Relationship Management Web server:

Deploying and Configuring the Data
Relationship Management Web Services
The Oracle Data Relationship Management Enterprise Archive Application (oracle-
epm-drm-webservices.ear) includes Web service modules that provide integration with
the Data Relationship Management server. The application archive contains the
DrmService and DrmGovernanceService Web services modules which can be
accessed over HTTP using the SOAP protocol. The Web services are implemented in
Java and are deployed to the WebLogic application server. Both services
communicate internally with the Data Relationship Management API Adapter service.
The Web services require users to be authenticated using an external user directory
which is accessible by both Weblogic and Oracle Hyperion Shared Services.
Before deploying the Data Relationship Management Web Service API, review Figure

System Requirements
• Oracle WebLogic Server 12c
• Oracle Data Relationship Management API Adapter
• Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM)
• Oracle Hyperion Shared Services
• An external user directory such as Oracle Internet Directory or Microsoft Active

For the latest requirements, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System Certification Matrix posted on the Supported System
Configurations page on Oracle Technology Network (OTN):

Deployment Prerequisites
Related Topics
• Installing and Configuring Foundation Services
• Installing Metadata Services Schema for Oracle Web Services Manager

Chapter 4
Deployment Prerequisites

• Configuring Oracle Web Services Manager

• Configuring WebLogic with an External Provider
• Configuring the API Adapter

Installing and Configuring Foundation Services

To support HTTP Basic Authentication and Web Services (WS) Security for the Oracle
Data Relationship Management Web Service applications, Oracle Hyperion
Foundation Services must be installed and Data Relationship Management must be
configured to use Oracle Hyperion Shared Services for authentication. Oracle Web
Services Manager (OWSM) is required for the oracle-epm-drm-webservice application
but is not required for the oracle-epm-drg-rest-webservice application. OWSM is
installed when you install Foundation Services but it may need to be configured if it
hasn't already been done. For information on installing Foundation Services, see
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration

Installing Metadata Services Schema for Oracle Web Services

Oracle Web Services Manager requires a database in order to function. Requirements
and instructions on how to install the Metadata Services Schema for Oracle Web
Services Manager can be found here:
• "Creating Infrastructure Schemas Using Repository Creation Utility" in Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Installation and Configuration Guide
• "Repository Creation Utility (RCU) Requirements" in Oracle Fusion Middleware
System Requirements and Specifications

Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation is available at http://

Configuring Oracle Web Services Manager

You configure Oracle Web Services Manager by running the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Configuration Wizard and configuring a WebLogic domain. You then
select the products that you want to configure in that domain.
To configure Oracle Web Services Manager, refer to "Configuring Oracle Web
Services Manager" in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System
Deployment Options Guide.

Chapter 4
Deploying the Web Services Applications

Configuring WebLogic with an External Provider

The Oracle Data Relationship Management Web Service application deployed on
Weblogic must be configured to access the same user directory that is configured with
Oracle Hyperion Shared Services for externally authenticating users.
To configure WebLogic, see "Configuring the WebLogic Domain to OID, MSAD,
SunOne" in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Deployment
Options Guide.

Configuring the API Adapter

The API Adapter must be configured using the Oracle Data Relationship Management
Configuration Console. When you configure a Data Relationship Management
application, you set up API Adapter Hosts on the Host Machines tab. For more
information, see Configuring Host Computers.

The API Adapter is used for internal communication with the Web Service
and should not be used directly by custom API programs.

Deploying the Web Services Applications

The Oracle Data Relationship Management Web service applications oracle-epm-
drm-webservices.ear and oracle-epm-drm-rest-webservices.ear should be
deployed to an existing WebLogic domain and managed server. For example, the Web
services can be deployed to the EPMServer0 managed server on the EPMSystem
domain within the EPM Foundation Server. Both .ear files are located in the
%EPM_ORACLE_HOME%\products\DataRelationshipManagement\api directory of the
application server machine.
Instructions for installing a Web application can be found in Deploying Web Services
Applications in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for Web

Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation is available at http://

Securing the Data Relationship Management Web Services

It is important to protect the DrmService and DrmGovernanceService Web services
using a security policy in Oracle Web Services Manager. Different policies may be
attached depending on usage.

Chapter 4
Testing the Data Relationship Management Web Services Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

The following policies can be used with the Oracle Data Relationship Management
Web services:

Purpose Policy
Integration with Oracle Hyperion Financial oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy
Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition or oracle/
wss_username_token_service_policy (applies
to DrmService only)
Integration with E-Business Suite General oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy
Ledger (applies to DrmService only)
Integration with Oracle Fusion Accounting Hub oracle/
y (applies to DrmService only)
Workflow Development Kit oracle/
age_protection (applies to DrmService only)
Custom API Programs or Integrations One of the following (applies to DRMService
and DRMGovernanceService):
• oracle/
• oracle/
• oracle/
• oracle/wss_http_token_service_policy

See "Attaching Policies to Web Services" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and
Administrator's Guide for Web Services.

Configuring Policies in Oracle Web Services Manager

To configure policies for the DrmService and DrmGovernanceService modules in
Oracle Web Services Manager, see "Configuring Policies" in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for Web Services.
When configuring a web service security policy that uses message protection, a
keystore must be configured to be used for encryption purposes. To configure a
keystore, refer to "Setting Up the Keystore for Message Protection" in the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management System Deployment Options Guide.

Testing the Data Relationship Management Web Services

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager
To test the Web Services using Oracle Enterprise Manager:
1. Ensure that the Oracle Data Relationship Management Web Service has an
Oracle Web Services Manager security policy attached. A local or global policy
can be attached.
For example: oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy

Chapter 4
Testing the Data Relationship Management Web Services Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

You can have only one policy at a time attached to the Data Relationship
Management Web Service. After changing the security policy, you may
need to restart the WebLogic target server to which the Data
Relationship Management Web Service is deployed.

2. In Enterprise Manager, select the domain to which the Data Relationship

Management Web Service is deployed, then select Web Services/Test Web
Service from the domain context menu or the WebLogic Domain menu in the
right pane. .
3. Enter the WSDL for the Data Relationship Management Web Service in the WSDL
text box.
For example:
4. From Operation, select an operation; for example getSysPrefs.
5. On the Request tab, select WSS Username Token and enter a username and
password with which to authenticate.

The user must exist in the security realm for the WebLogic domain and
in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services.

6. Expand Input Arguments, from the drop-down list select XML View, and paste
the following soap header argument (exactly as formatted) before the "<soap:Body
xmlns:ns1="">" tag.
When copying the argument below, there cannot be a line break or space between

<AppParameters xmlns="">
<serverUrl xmlns="">
<sessionParams xmlns="http://">ProductVersion=11.2.0,CultureName=en-
US,UICultureName=en-US, TimeZoneID=Eastern Standard Time</sessionParams>

• An AppParameters element must occur in the header for the message to
process correctly at the Data Relationship Management and Oracle Data
Relationship Governance Web services.

• When using Stateful Sessions in the Data Relationship Management and Data
Relationship Governance Web services, the SessionMaintainParams element
must occur before the AppParameters element in the SOAP header,

Chapter 4
Configuring Logging for the Web Service Applications

otherwise, the Stateful Session ID will not be recognized and will not be

• Required parameters must be populated for the selected Data Relationship

Management operations otherwise an error occurs.
7. In the soap header argument in step 6, modify the serverUrl to the appropriate
host name and port for the Data Relationship Management API adapter.
8. Click Test Web Service.

If successful, the Response tab includes the response from the Web
Service. If unsuccessful, an error message is displayed.

9. After testing is complete, re-attach the required production policy.

Configuring Logging for the Web Service Applications

Optionally, Oracle Diagnostics Logging (ODL) can be configured to log specific logging
levels to a log file that is specific for one or more logger names. To configure logging,
the Weblogic Scripting Tool (WLST) can configure the logger names specific to the
Oracle Data Relationship Management Web services:
• oracle.epm.drg
• oracle.epm.drm
• oracle.epm.webservices.drm
• oracle.epm.webservices.drg
See setLogLevel and configureLogHandler commands in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

Error Possible Cause Recommendation
Oracle EPM Foundation Agent Error Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Ensure Oracle Data Relationship
in request: begin session (message: doesn't contain the user identity. Management is configured with the
Cannot begin session. same User directory as used by the
EPMCSS-00301: Failed to WebLogic realm.
authenticate user. Invalid
credentials. Enter valid credentials. User identity is not present in Configure the WebLogic Realm with
tion: FailedAuthentication : The WebLogic security realm. the appropriate authentication
security token cannot be provider for the realm. Ensure that it
authenticated. is configured to point to the same
provider with which Shared Services
is configured.

Chapter 4

Error Possible Cause Recommendation Host or port is incorrect. Verify the Data Relationship
Failed to access the WSDL at: http:// The Web service is not running on Management Web service is
localhost:7001/oracle-epm-drm- the WebLogic domain. deployed and running on the
webservices/DrmService?WSDL. WebLogic domain.
Modify the host/port reference in the
Error while trying to communicate Host or port is incorrect. Verify the API adapter is configured
with DRM API Adapter at: http:// The API adapter is not running or and running.
localhost:5240/Oracle/Drm/ configured correctly. Change the API adapter URL in the
APIAdapter/. client program/application to the
correct value. No OWSM policy is attached to the Attach either a global or local policy
tion: SOAP must understand error: Data Relationship Management Web to the Data Relationship
{ service or, if a policy exists, the Management Web service.
2004/01/oasis-200401-wss- policy is disabled. Follow the steps in the OWSM
wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd}Security, OWSM is not configured correctly troubleshooting section:
{ and is not functioning. Ensure that
2004/01/oasis-200401-wss- the servlet can be reached and that E12839_01/web.1111/b32511/
wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd}Security. the Policy Manager Status is diagnosing.htm#CHDIDCHA

Installing and Configuring Data
Relationship Management Analytics
The Oracle Data Relationship Management Analytics module provides dashboards for
change tracking, growth analysis, request monitoring, workflow model performance,
and participant and user group performance. The module supports Single Sign On and
provides the ability to drill to and from Oracle Data Relationship Management.

System Requirements
• Oracle Database––Set open_cursors to a value greater than or equal to 600 for
the database hosting the Oracle Data Relationship Management application

SQL Server is not supported.

• EPM Foundation Server

For LDAP instructions see "Configuration OID, Active Directory and other
LDAP-based user directories" in Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System Security Configuration Guide.

• Data Relationship Management

– Application schema hosted on Oracle database
– EPM Foundation installed with Data Relationship Management on compatible
releases for Data Relationship Management External Authentication of
Analytics users. See the Release Compatibility tab of the the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management System Certification Matrix posted on
the Supported System Configurations page on Oracle Technology Network
– Oracle Data Relationship Management Analytics users must be defined in an
External Directory available for user authentication in both WebLogic and
Oracle Hyperion Shared Services
• EPM System––A configured EPM Instance, on the same release level with Data
Relationship Management, where the “DRMServer” WL Managed Server can be

Chapter 5
Deployment Prerequisites

created for Analytics deployment in either a Windows or Linux WL Domain

configured within the EPM Instance.


For Data Relationship Management Analytics deployments, the default

name of the WebLogic domain is EPMSystem and is hardcoded into the
createDrmSvc.cmd file. If your domain is not named EPMSystem then,
before running an installation or upgrade, you must edit the
createDrmSvc.cmd file to change EPMSystem to the name of your
domain. Edit the following lines in the createDrmSvc.cmd file.
set USERDOMAIN_HOME=%MW_HOME%\user_projects\domains\EPMSystem

• Hardware––The DRMServer that will be created requires at least 4096 MB of RAM

in a production environment.

The Windows file startDRMServer.cmd, the Windows Service "Oracle
DRM Managed Server (DRMServer)," and the Linux file set memory to 4096 MB by default. When
sizing hardware, these settings, as well as the minimum required
memory for non-production environments, should be considered.

• If you are configuring Data Relationship Management and Data Relationship

Management Analytics for Single Sign On, see Using Single Sign On with Data
Relationship Management.

Deployment Prerequisites
If you are configuring Oracle Data Relationship Management and Oracle Data
Relationship Management Analytics for single sign on, also see Using Single Sign On
with Data Relationship Management.

Chapter 5
Installing and Configuring Data Relationship Management Analytics

Only one copy of Data Relationship Management Analytics can be deployed,
and it can only start up and run against a single Data Relationship
Management application.
The only supported way to deploy more than one copy of Data Relationship
Management Analytics is if you are running the EPM Instance on both
Windows and Linux. In this scenario, each operating system has its own
WebLogic domain and one copy of Data Relationship Management Analytics
can be deployed per WebLogic domain, supporting up to a total of two
distinct Data Relationship Management applications.

In the Data Relationship Management Console, select the application configure the
• Use the Repository Wizard to configure the Data Relationship Management
schema––See Creating a Repository
• Set authentication mode to Mixed or CSS–See Configuring Authentication
• Enable the CSS Bridge–See Configuring the CSS Bridge
• Configure Web Farm settings to enable drill through between Data Relationship
Management and Data Relationship Management Analytics––See Configuring
Web Servers
• Configure the Analytics URL settings to enable drill through between Data
Relationship Management and Data Relationship Management Analytics––
Configuring Analytics URL
• Data Relationship Management Analytics users must be defined in an External
Directory that is configured for user authentication in both WebLogic and Oracle
Hyperion Shared Services

Installing and Configuring Data Relationship Management


Make sure that EPMServer and Weblogic AdminServer are shut down before
starting the installation.

The installation script for Windows is installConfigureAnalytics.cmd. The
installation script for Linux is

Chapter 5
Installing and Configuring Data Relationship Management Analytics

To install Oracle Data Relationship Management Analytics:

1. Download the Analytics zip file to the server where Oracle EPM Foundation Server
is installed.
2. Unzip the file into a temporary folder.
3. Run the script installConfigureAnalytics.* to install the Analytics package and
initiate the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to configure and deploy the
Analytics application. When prompted, enter the following information in the
scripting console.

Linux users complete the first 2 steps only. Windows users complete all

a. Oracle Middleware Home directory and then press Enter.

b. EPM Domain name and press Enter.
For Linux only, the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard will start.
c. Weblogic administrator username and then press Enter.
d. Weblogic administrator password and then press Enter.
e. AdminServer Host name and then press Enter.
f. AdminServer Port and then press Enter.
For Windows only, the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard will start.
4. In the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard, select Extend an existing
WebLogic domain and then click Next.
5. Select the domain directory for the target WebLogic domain within the EPM
Instance (Windows or Linux) for DRMServer and then click Next.
6. Under Extend my domain automatically to support the following added
products select Oracle Data Relationship Management Analytics -
[EPMSystem11R1] and then click Next.
7. Click Next on the Configure EPMSystemRegistry JDBC Data Sources screen
to skip the configuration.
8. Click Next on the Test EPMSystemRegistry JDBC Data Sources screen to skip
9. Enter the following on the Configure JDBC Component Schema screen for the
DRM Schema and then click Next:
• Schema Owner
• Schema Pasword
• DBMS/Service
• Host Name
• Port

Chapter 5
Installing and Configuring Data Relationship Management Analytics

10. On the Test JDBC Component Schema screen, ensure that the test is
successful for the DRM Schema.
11. On the Select Optional Configuration page, select both check boxes: Select
Managed Servers, Clusters and Machines and Deployments and Services
and then click Next.
12. On the Configure Managed Servers screen, view the DRMServer, change the
port if necessary, and then click Next.
13. Click Next on the Configure Clusters screen to skip.

Do not move the DRMServer under the existing EPMServer or
FoundationServer depending on configuration.

14. On the Assign to Clusters screen click Next and accept the defaults on the next
few screens until you get to the Assign Servers to Machines screen.
15. On the Assign Server to Machines screen, select the DRMServer and move it
under the appropriate machine.
16. On the Target Deployments to Clusters or Servers screen, ensure that the
oracle-epm-drm-web-applications application is set only on the target
DRMServer and then click Next.

To verify, click on the Cluster and Server nodes on the left target pane to
see if the oracle-epm-drm-web-applications deployment is selected for
the DRMServer.

17. On the Target Services to Clusters or Servers screen, ensure that the DRM
JDBC Datasource is only targeted to the DRMServer and then click Next.

To verify, click on the Cluster and Server nodes on the left target pane to
see if the DRM data source is selected only for the DRMServer.

18. Click Extend on the Configuration Summary screen, and when complete click
Done to exit the wizard.
19. Start AdminServer.

AdminServer can be started on Windows by running the command file, for

example C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\EPMSystem\bin

Chapter 5
Installing and Configuring Data Relationship Management Analytics

Ensure AdminServer has completely started before starting the

20. Start DRMServer.

• Windows Only––DRMServer Managed Server can be started by starting the

Windows Service "Oracle DRM Managed Server (DRMServer)" or by using
the startDRMServer.cmd file.

It is recommended that you use the Windows Service if you are
running the Managed Server in the background.

• Linux Only ––DRMServer Managed Server can be started by using the script in the domain bin folder. For example:


To start the DRMServer, issue the following command: start. To stop the DRMServer, issue the following
command: stop.

During the initial installation, ensure that the AdminServer has
completely started before attempting to start the DRMServer Managed

21. Configure Weblogic Security Provider. See "Configuring WebLogic Security

Providers" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6.

Ensure that you configure the same external directory that is configured
for the EPM Foundation Server.

Chapter 5
Upgrading Data Relationship Management Analytics

Upgrading Data Relationship Management Analytics

The AdminServer and DRMServer should not be running when performing
the upgrade.

To update an existing Oracle Data Relationship Management Analytics application:

1. Obtain the updated Analytics zip file.
2. Unzip the zip file.
3. For Linux, complete steps 4-6. For Windows, complete steps 4-10
4. Run the script upgrade.* in the upgrade folder to initiate an upgrade.
5. Enter Oracle Middleware Home directory and then press Enter.
6. Enter the EPM Domain name and then press Enter.
For Linux only, the upgrade is complete and you are prompted to restart
7. Enter the Weblogic administrator username and then press Enter.
8. Enter the Weblogic administrator password and then press Enter.
9. Enter the AdminServer Host name and then press Enter.
10. Enter the AdminServer Port and then press Enter.

For Windows only, the upgrade is complete and you are prompted to restart

A persistent ODL logger is automatically configured for the Oracle Data Relationship
Management Analytics application. Manual configuration of the managed server is not
necessary. However, by default the logger level is set to the NOTIFICATION:1 level. If
tracing is desired then set the level to TRACE:1 by navigating to Enterprise Manager
and turning on debugging levels using the Configure Logging menu for the application.

When importing (impdp) an Oracle dump file for a Oracle Data Relationship
Management Analytics schema to an Oracle database instance where another Data
Relationship Management Analytics schema already exists, the following error may
Example 5-1 Error

ORA-39083: Object type TYPE failed to create with error:

ORA-02304: invalid object identifier literal

Chapter 5

Failing sql is: CREATE TYPE "<schemaName>"."FILTERVALUES_TABLE_TYPE" OID

'BD565ED4E40844C69873A972C29FE5A9' as TABLE of varchar2 (255)

The error occurs if the dump file includes the Data Relationship Management Analytics
'TYPE' object with a specific Oracle identifier (OID). As a result of the error condition,
the imported Data Relationship Management Analytics schema will not function

To resolve the error during import, include parameter/value "TRANSFORM=oid:n" in
the Data Pump Import command or script. Refer to Oracle Database documentation
for details on the Data Pump Import TRANSFORM parameter.

Upgrading a Data Relationship
Management Installation
Upgrading is the process of deploying a new software release and moving applications
and data from the earlier deployment to the new deployment.
It is important that you review the Data Analysis and Data Conversion sections to have
a complete understanding of how data is affected during an upgrade from a Oracle
Data Relationship Management release prior to 11.2.0
The main initial certification of Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System
products per the 11.2 certification matrix is described below.

Product Certification
Application operating system Windows 2019
Oracle database Oracle 12c (
Microsoft SQL database Microsoft SQL Server 2016
JDK Oracle JDK 1.8.0_131+

Supported Upgrade Paths

Oracle Data Relationship Management Release 11.2.0 is a platform release so there
is no strict upgrade of the application from previous releases. It is certified to be
deployed on a Windows 2019 operating system. Install Data Relationship
Management Release 11.2 on a Windows 2019 OS that has not had Data
Relationship Management previously installed on it.
To migrate a previous repository, start with a repository that has been staged on Data
Relationship Management If the repository is currently on a Data
Relationship Management release earlier than, upgrade that repository to first and validate that the upgrade was successful.
Follow the steps below:
1. Stop the Data Relationship Management application and exit the Data
Relationship Management Configuration Console.
2. Migrate repository:
a. For an Oracle db Repository, use the database EXPDP process to export the
repository schema for each application and stage in a new schema on an
Oracle 12c ( database using the IMPDP utility.
b. For MSSQL Server, use the SQL Server management tools to create a
backup of the database and restore it to a new MSSQL 2016 database.
3. Start the Data Relationship Management Configuration Console and create an
application for each repository intended to be migrated, filling in the configuration

Chapter 6
Upgrading Checklist

information as appropriate to point to the repository backup staged on an Oracle

12c ( database server) or MSSQL 2016 server.
4. Run Apply Updates on the application.

Upgrading Checklist
The following table identifies the high-level tasks that you perform to upgrade Oracle
Data Relationship Management.

Table 6-1 Upgrading Checklist

Task Reference
1. Review release compatibility, system • Installation Prerequisites
requirements, and other prerequisites for this • Oracle Enterprise Performance
release. Management System Certification Matrix
If your database environment needs to be posted on the Supported System
upgraded, perform the database upgrade Configurations page on Oracle
before you proceed. See the database Technology Network (OTN):
documentation for details.
• Oracle Enterprise Performance
Note: Management System Installation and
Configuration Guide
If you are using
Oracle Hyperion
Services, you
must upgrade
the Shared
before upgrading
the Data
For more
information, see
the Oracle
Installation and

2. Back up the earlier release. Before you proceed with an upgrade, ensure
that you have backed up information from the
earlier release including databases,
applications, and other files. Back up the drm-
config.xml file before upgrading. This file is
not backward compatible with earlier releases.
3. Download and prepare the installation files. Download files for this release and extract the
zip file contents.

Chapter 6
Upgrading Checklist

Table 6-1 (Cont.) Upgrading Checklist

Task Reference
4. Stop Data Relationship Management If you are installing this release on the same
services. machine as the earlier release installation,
stop the Data Relationship Management
5. Uninstall the earlier release of Data If you are upgrading from release 11.1.2, you
Relationship Management. do not need to uninstall the earlier release.
Install this release over the earlier release.
If you are upgrading from a release before
11.1.2, you must first manually uninstall the
old release and then install the new release.
6. Install this release of Data Relationship Installing Data Relationship Management.
7. Configure Data Relationship Management. Use the Data Relationship Management
Configuration Console to configure the new
installation. See Upgrading an Existing Data
Relationship Management Application.
8. Redeploy the Web Service for this Data The name of the Web service application in
Relationship Management release. WebLogic is "oracle-epm-drm-webservices" by

If upgrading the
Web service
from a release
prior to,
the Web service
must be
using the
Instructions on
how to undeploy
a Web service
can be found in
the Oracle
Security and
Guide for Web

9. Optional: Deploy and configure the Web Deploying and Configuring the Data
Service. Relationship Management Web Service API
10. Start Data Relationship Management

Chapter 6
Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management Application

Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management

You must update the repository information for all existing applications. You can
upgrade applications from prior Oracle Data Relationship Management releases and
copy applications from the current release.

The following procedure documents a common upgrade path. Because there
are several paths for upgrade, not all of the steps below are applicable to
some of the upgrade paths.

To upgrade an existing Data Relationship Management application:

1. Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Data Relationship
Management, and then Configuration Console.
2. Select an application to upgrade or add a new application to upgrade.

You must update repository information for all existing applications
before starting the Data Relationship Management service.

3. On the Repository Configuration tab, click Repository Wizard.

4. Select these options and click Next:
• Create a New Repository
• Copy or Upgrade an Existing Repository
5. On the Source Connection page, do the following:
a. Select a database provider: Oracle or SQL Server.
b. Enter the connection to the source repository. This is the database from which
data is copied. Nothing is changed in this database.
c. Enter a user ID and password for a user who can read from this database.
d. Optional: For Connection Timeout, enter the number of seconds to wait for
a connection to open before canceling the attempt and generating an error.
The default is 15 seconds. For Command Timeout, enter the number of
seconds to wait for a command to execute before canceling the command and
generating an error. The default is 900 seconds.

Chapter 6
Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management Application

To ensure that a timeout does not occur, set the Command Timeout
to zero.

e. Click Test Connection.

6. Click Next.
7. On the Target Connection page, do the following:
• Select the database provider: Oracle or SQL Server.
• Enter the connection to the target database where the upgraded repository will
• Enter the user ID and password for an administrator who has rights to create a
database schema and data files.
• Optional: For Connection Timeout, enter the number of seconds to wait for
a connection to open before canceling the attempt and generating an error.
The default is 60 seconds. For Command Timeout, enter the number of
seconds to wait for a command to execute before canceling the command and
generating an error. The default is 900 seconds.

Setting the timeout value to zero indicates no timeout is used. These
settings are saved in the drm-config.xml and are used by the
engines when they start. To perform large operations (such as a
large version delete), set the Command Timeout to a larger value
than the default.

To ensure that a timeout does not occur, set the Command Timeout
to zero.

• Click Test Connection.

8. Click Next.
9. On the Repository Analysis screen, review and make changes to:
• Versions –– Select the versions to upgrade; de-select versions that should
not be included in the upgrade.
• Exports –– Set up file connections, database connections, and include
connections for the exports to be upgraded. You can make changes at the top
of the screen for all exports or make changes to individual exports.
• Books –– Set up pre file connections, post file connections, and combined file
connections for the books to be upgraded. You can make changes at the top
of the screen for all books or make changes to individual books.

Chapter 6
Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management Application

• Imports –– Set up import file connections for the import to be upgraded. You
can make changes at the top of the screen for all imports or make change to
individual imports.
• Invalid Property References –– These property references are invalid and
may result in unexpected behavior after upgrade.

For additional information on these objects and how data conversion
works during upgrade, see Data Analysis and Data Conversion.

10. Click Next.

11. Do one of the following:

• For an Oracle database, continue to the next step.

• For a SQL Server database, go to Creating a SQL Server Database.
12. On the Repository User and Data File Settings page, enter the user id and
password which will be created as the schema owner for the Data Relationship
Management repository.
13. Accept the default tablespace settings or make changes and click Next. For
information on default sizing of the repository, see Data Analysis.

It is highly recommended that dedicated tablespaces be used for Data,
Indexes, Transactions, and Properties. The default tablespace names
may already be in use, and will be re-used if a new tablespace name is
not specified.

14. On the Application Administrator Creation page, enter a password for the
Administrator user and click Next.

The default Administrator user is ADMIN but you can change the default
Admin user.

If you are upgrading 11.1.2.x applications, the password for an existing
ADMIN user is not overwritten with the password entered here.

15. On the Create Repository Confirmation page, review the settings and click Next
to start the creation process.
When the database has been created a success message is displayed.

Chapter 6
Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management Application

16. Click Next.

17. On the Copy Repository Confirmation page, review the settings and click Next
to start the copy process.
When the database has been copied a success message is displayed.
18. Click Next.

Repository creation, copy, and upgrade information is written to the
Repository Wizard log. Click Save Log on the Repository Operation
Complete page of the wizard to save the log file.

19. On the Repository Operation Complete screen, click Finish.

You are returned to the main screen of the console where you can review the
20. Click Save Configuration, otherwise connection information is lost when the
console is closed.
For additional application configuration tasks, see:
• Configuring Host Computers
• Configuring Authentication Settings
• Saving Configuration Settings and Starting the Service

Data Analysis
The Repository Analysis page provides information about the source repository so that
decisions can be made that affect size and objects in the new repository. The Analysis
Summary section provides an overview of the analysis. The space requirements are
broken down into different segments and are given as a whole so that the user can
better understand the space requirements for the new repository. Sizing found here is
automatically applied to the Repository User and Data File settings page when the
calculated space requirements are greater than 200 MB for each default tablespace in
an Oracle repository, or greater than 5 MB for the data and log files in a SQL Server
repository. The Object Analysis section displays outstanding issues that need to be
addressed prior to moving on with the upgrade.
• Versions –– Displays the versions and provides the opportunity to deselect
versions that should not be included in the upgrade. Deselecting a version affects
the space and count values in the Summary section.
• Exports –– Displays any exports that need special attention. Exports that require
an External Connection for results or other external files are included here.
Exports that are no longer supported, such as custom exports, are included here
as well. If no External Connection is provided, the export is configured as a client
file export. For more information on External Connection, see Working with
External Connections.
• Books –– Displays books that require an External Connection for combined files,
Pre files, and or Post files. If no External Connection is provided, the export is
configured without utilizing a combined file. For more information on External
Connections, see Working with External Connections.

Chapter 6
Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management Application

• Imports –– Displays imports that require an External Connection for its input file. If
no External Connection is specified, the import is configured as using a client input
file. For more information on External Connections, see Working with External
• Invalid Property References –– Displays property references that may cause
unexpected behavior in the Oracle Data Relationship Management system. These
invalid references are generally only caused by updating the Data Relationship
Management database directly. The following scenarios are included here.
For the following two scenarios, during repository analysis, the property definition
is flagged and its data values that can no longer be referenced are considered
abandoned. When upgrading an 11.1.1.x source, the abandoned records are not
copied to the new repository. When upgrading an 11.1.2.x source, the abandoned
records are copied to the new repository but are not displayed in the Web Client UI
and a warning is displayed in the Windows Event Viewer Application log on the
application server when the Data Relationship Management service is started.
– A global property that has been referenced as a local property in the
Property_Local or RM_Node_Prop_Local tables.
– A local property that has been referenced as a global property in the
Property_Global or RM_Node_Prop_Global tables.
For example, records in the 11.1.1.x Property_Local table will not be copied for
property definitions that are now set as global. Likewise, records in the 11.1.1.x
Property_Global table will not be copied for property definitions that are now set as
For the following scenarios, during repository analysis, the property definition is
flagged to alert the user only. The property definition is copied to the upgraded
database as it exists in the source database but should be reviewed for validity.
– A derived global property that contains a deriver parameter that references a
local property
– A global formula property that contains a formula that references a local
property in one of the following formula methods:
* IsRangeListSubset
* NodePropValue
* OrigPropValue
* ParentPropValue
* PropControllingHier
* PropMaxValue
* PropMinValue
* PropValue
* RangeListContains
* ReplacePropValue
* Stuff
– A global lookup property that points to a local property as the lookup property

Chapter 6
Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management Application

Working with External Connections

External Connections are used to access server file locations, FTP locations, and
database tables. You can create and apply default connections and you can apply
connections individually. After you create a file connection, it can be referenced by any
object that requires a file connection. For example, if you create a connection for an
export, that connection is also available in the imports section. You can multi-select
and apply or you can select all and apply.
For more information, see:
• Creating External Connections
• Applying External Connections

Creating External Connections

You can create external connections on a specific row in the analysis or at the top of

the analysis screen in the File Connections field. In both places, you click to open
the Create Connection dialog box. When you create external connections at the row
level, the connection is automatically applied to the row.
To create an external connection to a server file:

1. In the File Connections field, click .

2. Enter a name for the connection and, optionally, a description.
3. For Connection Type, select Server File.

4. Enter the UNC path to the server file. Click to test the server connection.
5. Click OK.
To create an external connection to an FTP file:

1. In the File Connections field, click .

2. Enter a name for the connection and, optionally, a description.
3. For Connection Type, select FTP.

4. Enter the host server. Click to select a test the server connection.
5. Enter a valid User ID and Password for the server.
6. Click OK.
To create an external connection to a database table:

1. In the File Connections field, click .

2. Enter a name for the connection and, optionally, a description.
3. Select the database provider: Oracle or SQL Server.
4. Enter the connection string to the database server.

Chapter 6
Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management Application

5. Enter a User ID and Password for the server.


You can click to test the connection to the database.

6. Click to load database tables.

7. Select database tables for the external connection.
8. Click OK.

Applying External Connections

When you create external connections at the row level, the connection is
automatically applied to the row. For information, see Creating External

To apply external connections to objects:

1. In the File Connections, field, click and select an external connection to

2. Select rows to which to apply the external connection.

You can use Shift + Click and Alt + Click to select multiple rows. To
apply the selected external connection to all rows, click Select All.

Data Conversion
The following sections describe how data is converted during an upgrade:
• Users
• Transactions
• Exports
• Imports
• External Connections
• Properties

Chapter 6
Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management Application

The role assigned to an ADMIN user is reset to all roles. Also, the password expiration
date is reset to the current date plus the duration set in system preferences.

If you are upgrading 11.1.2.x applications, the password for an existing
ADMIN user is not overwritten with the password entered here.

Old User Type Assigned Functional Roles

System Access Manager
Application Administrator
Data Manager
Workflow User
Functional Data Manager
Workflow User
Security Access Manager
User Interactive User
Workflow User

• The Oracle Data Relationship Management user interface displays date and time
in local time and format according to the user's session. When converting
timestamp values from releases prior to 11.1.2, the following rules apply:
– Timestamps are converted to UTC using the offset of the time zone in which
the Data Relationship Management Configuration Console is running. If the
console is running in a time zone that is different than the time zone in which
the pre-11.1.2 release source data was written, then the converted dates could
be earlier or later by one or more hours.
– Releases prior to 11.1.2 did not consistently apply daylight savings time,
therefore all transaction dates are converted using the appropriate offset
dictated by the time zone in which the Data Relationship Management
Configuration Console is running. If the date falls in a standard time period for
the time zone of the console, then the standard UTC offset is applied. If the
date falls in a daylight savings time period for the time zone of the console,
then the daylight savings UTC offset is applied. For example, in the Eastern
time zone, the standard UTC offset is -5 hours; during daylight savings time
periods, the offset is -4 hours. For all new data added after the repository is
upgraded, the stored dates also reflect the applicable standard and daylight
savings UTC offsets.
• Transaction records for deleted versions in the source repository are not copied to
the target repository, thus the number of Transaction History records copied may
not match the row count in the target RM_Transaction table.
• If you deselect versions, transactions belonging to those versions are not copied.

Chapter 6
Upgrading an Existing Data Relationship Management Application

The Export Run transaction type stores the export name in the Object Name field
instead of the Property Abbrev field.
The Data Relationship Management upgrade process uses the following transaction
name mappings:

Old Transaction Name New Transaction Name

Automator Run Action Script Run
Migration Extract Migration Export
Migration Load Migration Import
Add System Category Admin Add Hierarchy Group
Update System Category Admin Update Hierarchy Group
Delete System Category Admin Delete Hierarchy Group

The following sections explain how exports are upgraded:

Preview Exports
Exports that have the output mode of Preview are directly migrated to a Client File
target device.

Database Exports
To use database exports, updated database connection information is required to
create new External Connections. You can provide connection information for each
database export, which facilitate the creation of new External Connections. If you
choose to skip this step during the upgrade process, the database parameter
information for the export is retained and migrated, but the output mode is set to Client
File so that the export is in working order. After the system is up and running, new
connections can be created and the exports can be configured to use them.

File Exports
File locations in systems prior to this release are configured in context of the client.
Since the new system is a Web application, exports need to generate files based on
the context of the server. For exports with the File output mode, the upgrade process
allows you to provide file location information to facilitate new External Connections
that map to a UNC path. If you choose to skip this step during the upgrade process,
the filename is retained and migrated, but the output mode of the export is set to Client
File. After the upgrade process, a proper External Connection can be created, and the
export can be configured to use it.

Ancestor Exports
Ancestor exports are converted to Generation exports with appropriate settings to
return the equivalent results as in the original Ancestor export.

Export Books
Export books containing file information are treated much like File Exports. During the
upgrade process, you can create external connections to be used for the combined

Chapter 6
Applying Updates to an Application

file, Pre file and Post file for the book. If you choose to skip this step during the
upgrade process, the book is set to output to a client file.

Systems prior to this release allowed users to save import file locations and log file
locations in context of the client application. In this release, file locations are now
saved in context of the server using an External Connection, or an import can be
saved to be able to choose a local file at runtime. During the upgrade process, you are
given the opportunity to supply connection information that is used to create new
External Connections. If you choose to skip this step during the upgrade process, the
import requires that you choose a local import file at runtime. The log file is no longer
saved to a file. The import results are rendered on the page, and if desired, you can
download the results.

External Connections
External connections that were added on the Analysis page are inserted in to the new
database and referenced by the metadata objects for which they were selected.

The Oracle Data Relationship Management release introduced namespaces
for property definitions. The upgrade process for a pre- application
automatically converts derived property formulas with explicit property name
references to use the appropriate namespace prefix (Custom for user-defined
properties or Core for system-defined properties).

Applying Updates to an Application

To apply updates to an existing 11.1.2.x repository:
1. Create a new application.
2. On the Repository Configuration tab, specify repository connection information
for an existing 11.1.2.x repository.
3. Select the application from the Applications list.
4. From the Application menu, select Apply Updates.

The Apply Updates option is not applicable to any release prior to

Manual Upgrade Tasks

Related Topics
• Upgrading Properties with Derived Property References
• Upgrading Batch Client Scripts

Chapter 6
Manual Upgrade Tasks

• Upgrading API Programs

Upgrading Properties with Derived Property References

For derived property formulas from a pre- application that reference a
calculated property name based on the value of other properties at run time, the
formulas must be manually edited to insert the namespace prefix (Custom or Core)
using the Concat function. The application upgrade process cannot identify or
automatically convert derived properties of this nature since the referenced property
names are only calculated during the evaluation of the formula for a node.
For example, a formula which derives the value of the property returned from the
MyPropName property before upgrade:

The explicit property reference is updated to Custom.MyPropName after upgrade:


However, the value returned from the Custom.MyPropName property at runtime also
needs to be identified in a particular namespace. The formula needs to be manually
edited to concatenate the appropriate namespace in order for the outer PropValue
function to evaluate correctly:

Upgrading Batch Client Scripts

To function properly, you must manually upgrade Batch Client scripts from releases
before 11.1.2 by making these changes:
• Change the Batch Client program name to drm-batch-client.exe
• Change the URL to the Oracle Data Relationship Management application (refer to
the Process Manager URL on the Host Machines tab of the Configuration
See the Oracle Data Relationship Management User's Guide for information on Batch
Client parameters.

Upgrading API Programs

API programs using the Web service API can be manually upgraded to work
with the Web service API in this release. To manually upgrade, you must regenerate
proxy classes, rebuild projects, and resolve build errors that may arise from changes
to previously used methods and types. See Oracle Data Relationship Management
API Guidefor instructions on using the Web service API and regenerating Web service
proxy classes.
API programs used with Oracle Data Relationship Management releases prior to 11.2
must be manually modified to use the Web service API offered in this release.

Chapter 6

Error Cause Workaround
DRM-61043: The following In Oracle Data Relationship Add the additional Class Path
error occurred registering the Management, the manually to the
application with HSS: Can't JAR .. config in the Data Relationship
find 'com/oracle/drm/ \DataRelationshipManagemen Management Console. You
EpmRegistryclient' t\server\jar\drm-epm- must restart Data Relationship
registry.jar was not part of the Management to propagate the
release. This was added later Class Path update completely.
to provide expanded EPM Restarting the Data
Registry integration. Relationship Management
In Data Relationship Console executable alone is
Management, this not sufficient for the change to
entry must exist in the Class take effect.
Path list below the CSS Tab in
the Data Relationship
Management Console, and
the upgrade will not auto-
insert that Class Path line into
the Data Relationship
Management Config XML file.

Monitoring Data Relationship Management
Oracle Data Relationship Management applications can be monitored using the
Configuration Console.

Application Status
Application status information is located on the following tabs:
• Running Processes – You can view the computer name, name and port number
of each process, the start time of the process, and memory and CPU usage for the
• Loaded Versions – You can view the name of each version, the computer name,
and the engine for each version.
• Current Sessions – You can view the user names logged into the application,
including the time of login and the time of last activity.
To view application status information:
1. Open the Oracle Data Relationship Management Configuration Console by
selecting Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Data
Relationship Management, and then Configuration Console.
2. Select an application and then click Application Status. Use the tabs noted
above to view information for the application.

Computer Status
Computer status information is located on the following tabs:
• Machine Information – You can view the computer name, operating system,
version, time the computer started running, and the Oracle Data Relationship
Management Windows account.
• Running Processes – You can view the name and port number of each process,
the start time of the process, and memory and CPU usage for the process.
• Windows Event Log – You can view recent events, such as warnings, the source
of the event, and the event message.
To view computer status information:
1. Open the Data Relationship Management Configuration Console by selecting
Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Data Relationship
Management, and then Configuration Console.
2. Expand an application and select the computer name. Use the tabs noted above
to view information for the computer.


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