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Lesson Plan in Mathematics 2

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 1000,

ordinal numbers up to 20th, money up to PhP1000 and fractions ½ and 1/4.

Performance Standards: The learner is able to recognize, represent, and order whole
numbers up to 1000 and money up to PhP1000 in various forms and contexts.

Learning Competency: The learner recognizes and compares coins and bills up to PhP1000
and their notations.

I. Objectives
Within the given time frame the students will be able to:
A. Recognize Philippine money from bills to coins;
B. Compare and arrange the value of each Philippine money;
C. Appreciate the value of saving.
II. Subject Matter:
Skill: Recognizing Philippine Money for Bills and Coins
References: K12 Mathematics 2
Materials: Philippine Bills and Coins, pictures, scotch tape, manila paper
Value: Saving is important for incidental expenses and emergencies.

III. Developmental Activities

A. Preliminaries
- Prayer
- Unfreezing
- Checking of Attendance
B. Review
Ordinal Numbers
C. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation:
Story: Justine was on his way to school when he found a wallet, when he
arrived in school, he immediately gave the wallet to his teacher. “You’re an
honest boy, Justine. Thank you very much for returning my wallet. I have
prepared bills and coins inside for our math lesson today. I’m very much
thankful it’s you who found it. Mrs. Serobla said.
Ask: who found a wallet while on his way to school?
What did he do with the wallet?
What kind of boy was Justine?
If you were Justine, would you do the same? Why?

2. Presentation of the Lesson

Different kinds of Philippine Money (coins and bills)
Class Activity – Ball Pass while a music play.
a. Group Activities

Strategy 1 (Think-Pair-Share)
Color: Bills
 Orange ________________
 Red ________________
 Violet ________________
 Yellow ________________
 Blue ________________

Strategy 2 (Match Me)

Baynte-singko sentabos


Singko pisos

Strategy 3 (Order Please)

Arrange the following Philippine Money in ascending order

D. Analysis
1. How did you find activity?
2. How much is your daily allowance?
3. Are you going to spend all of it? Why or Why not?
E. Abstraction
What are the Philippine coins? Bills?

F. Application
Compare and arrange the following Philippine Money from lowest to highest

IV. Evaluation
A. Identify the following money.
B. Arrange the Philippine Money according to its value.

V. Assignment
Make a scrapbook of Philippine Money using play money.

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