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2 Experiment 2: Instruction Set Analysis 2

& Modular Programming Techniques


The main objectives of this experiment are to familiarize you with:

 Program flow control instructions
 Conditional and repetition structures
 The concept of modular programming
 Macros and Subroutines

Experiment 2

Pre-lab requirements
Before starting this experiment, you should have already familiarized yourself with MPLAB software and how to
create, simulate and debug a project.

Introducing conditionals

The PIC 16series instruction set has four instructions which implement a sort of conditional statement: btfsc ,
btfss, decfsz and incfsz instructions.
1. btfsc checks for the condition that a bit is clear: 0 (Bit Test File, Skip if Clear)
2. btfss checks for the condition that a bit is set one: 1 (Bit Test File, Skip if Set)
3. Review decfsz and incfsz functions from the datasheet

Example 1: movlw 0x09

btfsc PORTA, 0
movwf Num1
movwf Num2

The above instruction tests bit 0 of PORTA and checks whether it is clear (0) or not
 If it is clear (0), the program will skip “movwf Num1” and will only execute “movwf Num2”
Only Num2 has the value 0x09
 If it is set (1), it will not skip but execute “movwf Num1” and then proceed to “movwf Num2”
In the end, both Num1 and Num2 have the value of 0x09

You have seen above that if the condition fails, the code will continue normally and both instructions will be

Example 2: movlw 0x09 Firstcondition, secondCondition, and

btfsc PORTA, 0 Proceed are called Labels, Labels are
goto firstcondition
goto secondCondition
used to give names for a specific block
Proceed of instructions and are referred to as
…….. your remaining code shown above to change the program
firstcondition execution order.
movwf Num1
goto Proceed
movwf Num2
goto Proceed

Example 2 is basically the same as Example 1 with one main difference:

 If it is clear (0), the program will skip “goto firstcondition” and will only execute “goto
secondCondition”, the program will then execute “movwf Num2” and then “gotoProceed”
Only Num2 has the value 0x09
 If it is set (1), it will not skip but execute “goto firstcondition”, the program will then execute
“movwf Num1” and then “gotoProceed”
Only Num1has the value 0x09

Conditional using Subtraction and how the Carry/Borrow flag is affected?
The Carry concept is easy when dealing with addition operations but it differs in borrow operations
according to Microchip implementation.

Carry is a physical flag; you will find it in the STATUS register,

Borrow is not implemented; it is in your mind 
In the following examples we will show the status of the Carry/Borrow flag and how it differs between
addition and subtraction operations:

Ex1) 99-66 Ex 2) 66 – 99
Expect no Expect
10011001 – 01100110-
01100110 borrow since 10011001 borrow since
99 > 66 66 < 99
10011001+ 01100110+
10011010 2’s complement of 66 01100111
100110011 011001101

There is carry (C = 1), since Borrow is the complement There is no carry (C = 0), since Borrow is the
of Carry, then Borrow is 0 (No borrow) which is complement of Carry, then Borrow is 1 (There is
correct borrow) which is correct

Program One: Check if a value is greater or smaller than 10, if greater Result will have the ASCII value G, if
smaller, it will have the ASCII value S.
1 include ""
2 cblock 0x25
3 testNum
4 Result
5 endc
6 org 0x00
7 Main
8 movf testNum, W
9 sublw .10 ;10d - testNum
10 btfss STATUS, C
11 goto Greater ;C = 0, that's B = 1, then testNum > 10
12 goto Smaller ;C = 1, that's B = 0, then testNum < 10
13 Greater
14 movlw A'G'
15 movwf Result
16 goto Finish
17 Smaller
18 movlw A'S'
19 movwf Result
20 Finish
21 nop
22 end

1. Start a new MPLAB session, add the file example3.asm to your project
2. Build the project
3. Select Debugger  Select Tool MPLAB SIM
4. Add the necessary variables and the working register to the watch window (remember that user defined
variables are found under the “Add Symbol” list)
5. Enter values into testNum, simulate the program step by step, concentrate on what happens at lines10-12
6. Keep an eye on the Flags at the status bar below while simulating the code
7. Enter other values lesser and greater and observe how the code behaves

 What is the value stored in Result when testNum = 10? Is this correct? Can you think of a solution?

Program Two: Counting the Number of Ones in a Register’s Lower Nibble

Introducing simple conditional statements

This program will take a hexadecimal number as an input in the lower nibbles (bits 3:0) in a register called
testNum.The number will be masked by anding it with 0F, (remember that 0 & Anything = 0, while 1 & anything
will remain the same), we used masking because if the user accidentally wrote a number in the higher nibble
(bits 3:0), it will be forced to zero. The number in the lower nibble will not be affected (anded with 1). The
masked result will be saved in a register called tempNum.
Now tempNum will be rotated to the right, bit0 (least significant bit) will move to the C flag of the STATUS
register after rotation. Then it will be tested whether it 0 or 1. If it is 1, the numOfOnes register will be
incremented. Else the program proceeds. This operation will continue for 4 times (because the number of bits in
the lower nibble is 4)

1 include "" Byte 8 bits

2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 cblock 0x20 Higher 4 bits Lower 4 bits
4 testNum ;GPR @ location 20 Upper Nibble Lower Nibble
5 tempNum ;GPR @ location 21
6 endc
8 cblock 0x30
9 numOfOnes ;GPR @ location 30
10 endc
12 org 0x00
13 clrf numOfOnes ;Initially number of ones is 0
14 movf testNum, W ;Since we only need to test the number of ones in the lower nibble, we
15 ;mask them by 0F (preserve lower nibble and discard higher nibble)
16 andlw 0x0F ;in case a user enters a number in the upper digit. Save masked result
17 movwf tempNum ;in tempNum
18 rrf tempNum, F ;rotate tempNum to the right through carry, that is the least
19 ;significant bit of tempNum (bit0) goes into the C flag of the
20 ;STATUS register, while the old value of C flag goes into bit 7 of
21 ;tempNum

22 btfsc STATUS, C ;tests the C flag, if it has the value of 1, increment number of ones and
23 incf numOfOnes, F;proceed, else proceed without incrementing
24 rrf tempNum, F
25 btfsc STATUS, C ;Same as above
26 incf numOfOnes, F
27 rrf tempNum, F
28 btfsc STATUS, C
29 incf numOfOnes, F
30 rrf tempNum, F
31 btfsc STATUS, C
32 incf numOfOnes, F
33 nop
34 end
As you can see in the above program, we did not write instructions to load testNum with an initial value to test;
this code is general and can take any input. So, how do you test this program with general input?

After building your project, adding variables to the watch window and selecting MPLAB SIM simulation tool,
simply double click on testNum in the watch window and fill in the value you want. Then Run the program.

Change the value of testNum and re-run the program again, check if numOfOnes hold the correct value.

Coding for efficiency: The repetition structures

You have observed in the code above that instructions from 18 to 32 are simply the same instructions repeated
over and over four times for each bit tested.

Now we will introduce the repetition structures, similar in function to the “for” and “while” loops you have
learnt in high level languages.

Program Three: Counting the Number of Ones in a Register’s Lower Nibble

Using a Repetition Structure
1 include ""
2 cblock 0x20
3 testNum
4 tempNum
5 endc
7 cblock 0x30
8 numOfOnes
9 counter ;since repetition structures require a counter, one is declared
10 endc
12 org 0x00
13 clrf numOfOnes
14 movlw 0x04 ;counter is initialized by 4, the number of the bits to be tested

15 movwf counter
16 movf testNum, W
17 andlw 0x0F
18 movwf tempNum
19 Again
20 rrf tempNum, F
21 btfsc STATUS, C
22 incf numOfOnes, F
23 decfsz counter, F ; The contents of register counter are decremented then test :
24 goto Again ; if the counter reaches 0, it will skip to “nop” and program ends
25 nop ; if the counter is > 0, it will repeat “goto Again”
26 end

Introducing the Concept of Modular Programming

Modular programming is a software design technique in which the software is divided into several separate
parts, where each part accomplishes a certain independent function. This “Divide and Conquer” approach allows
for easier program development, debugging as well as easier future maintenance and upgrade.

Modular programming is like writing C++ or Java functions, where you can use the function many times only
differing in the parameters. Two structures which are similar to functions are Macros and Subroutines which
are used to implement modular programming.

Subroutines are the closest equivalent to functions
 Subroutines start with a Label giving them a name and end with the instruction return
doMath Process
Instruction 1 Instruction 1
Instruction 2 Instruction 2
. .
. .
Instruction n Calculate
return Instruction 7
Instruction 8
This is still one subroutine, no matter the number
of labels in between

 Subroutines can be written anywhere in the program after the org and before the end directives
 Subroutines are used in the following way: Call subroutineName
 Subroutines are stored once in the program memory, each time they are used, they are executed from
that location

 Subroutines alter the flow of the program, thus they affect the stack
Call doMath

So what is the stack and how is it used?

Initially the program executes sequentially; instructions 1 then 2 then 3, when the instruction Call doMath is
executed, the program will no longer execute sequentially, instead it will start executing Instructions35, then 36
then 37, when it executes return, what will happen? Where will it go and what instruction will be executed?

When the Call doMath instruction is executed, the address of the next instruction (which as you should already
know id found in the program counter) Instruction4 is saved in a special memory called the stack. When the
return instruction is executed, it reads the last address saved in the stack, which is the address of Instruction4
and then continues from there.
----Read section 2.4.1 of the P16F84A datasheet for more information regarding the stack----

Macros are declared in the following way (similar to the declaration of cblocks)
macroName macro
Instruction 1
Instruction 2
Instruction n

 Macros should be declared before writing the code instructions. It is not recommended to declare macros
in the middle of your program.
 Macros are used by only writing their name: macroName
 Each time you use a macro, it will be replaced by its body, refer to the example below. Therefore, the
program will execute sequentially, the flow of the program will not change. The Stack is not affected

Programs Four and Five
The following simple program demonstrates the differences between using macros and subroutines. They
essentially perform the same operation: Num2 = Num1 + Num2

Example4 using Macro Example5 using Subroutine

1 include "" 1 include ""
2 2
3 cblock 0x30 3 cblock 0x30
4 Num1 4 Num1
5 Num2 5 Num2
6 endc 6 endc
7 7
8 Summation macro 8
9 movf Num1, W ;Macro Body 9
10 addwf Num2, F 10
11 endm 11
12 12
13 org 0x00 13 org 0x00
14 Main 14 Main
15 Movlw 4 15 Movlw 4
16 Movwf Num1 16 Movwf Num1
17 Movlw 8 17 Movlw 8
18 Movwf Num2 18 Movwf Num2
19 Summation 19 Call Summation
20 Movlw 1 20 Movlw 1
21 Movwf Num1 21 Movwf Num1
22 Movlw 9 22 Movlw 9
23 Movwf Num2 23 Movwf Num2
24 Summation 24 Call Summation
25 25 goto finish
26 finish 26
27 nop 27 Summation
28 end 28 movf Num1, W
29 addwf Num2, F
30 return
31 finish
32 nop
33 end

Analyzing the two programs and highlighting the differences

For both applications, go to View  Program Memory, let’s see the differences:

Figure 1. The example using macros
In the program memory window, notice that the macro name is replaced by its body. The instructions movf
Num1, W and addwf Num2, F replace the macro name @ lines 19 and 24. Using macros clearly affects the space
used by the program as it increases due to code copy.

Figure 2. The example using subroutines

Now notice that the subroutine is only stored once in the program memory. No code replacement is present.
You can also observe from the program memory that the program utilizing the macro executes sequentially from
start to end, while the second program alters the program flow.
For Program Two, do the following:

1. After building the project, go to View  Hardware Stack

2. Simulate the program up to

the point when the green
arrow points to the first Call
Summation instruction.

3. Look at the status bar below

your MPLAB screen, what is
the value of pc (program
counter) (Note that the
program counter has the
address of the next
instruction to be executed, that is Call Summation, Remember the instruction the arrow points to is not
yet executed)
4. Now execute (use Single step) the Call Summation instruction.
 After doing step4, what is the address of PC?
 What is now stored at the TOS (Top of Stack)? (Refer to the Hardware Stack window)
 How many levels of stack are used?
5. Now, continue simulating the program (subroutine). After executing the return instruction
 What is the address of PC?
 What is now stored at the TOS?
 How many levels of stack are used?
6. Repeat the steps above for the second Call Summation instruction?

The operation of saving the address on the stack - and any other variables - when calling a subroutine
and later retrieving the address – and variables if any - when the subroutine finishes executing is called
context switching.

Important Notes:
1. Assuming both a macro and a subroutine has the exact same body (same instructions), the execution of
the subroutine takes slightly more time due to context switching.
2. You can use macro inside a macro, call a subroutine inside a subroutine, use a macro inside a subroutine
and call a subroutine inside a macro
Further Simulation Techniques: Step Over and Step Out

“Step Over” “Step Out

Step Over is used when you want to execute the subroutine as a whole unit without seeing how each individual
instruction is executed. It is usually used when you know that that the subroutine executes correctly and you are
only interested to see the results.

1. Simulate program two up to the point when the green arrow points to the first Call Summation
2. Press Step Over, observe how the simulation runs

Step Out resembles Step Over, the only difference is that you use it when you are already inside the
subroutine and you want to continue executing the subroutine as a whole unit without seeing how each
remaining individual instruction is executed.
1. Simulate the program up to the point when the green arrow points to the first instruction inside the
Summation subroutine: movf Num1, W
3. Press Step Out, , observe how the simulation runs
In both cases, the instruction are executed but you only see the end result of the subroutine

Time Calculation

To calculate the total time spent in executing the whole program or a certain subroutine, do the following:

1. Set the oscillator (external clock speed) as follows:

2. Set the processor frequency to 4MHz

This means that each instruction cycle time is 4MHz/4 = 1MHz and T = 1/f = 1/MHz = 1µs

3. Now set breakpoints at the beginning and end of the code you want to calculate time for

4. Go to Debugger  Stop Watch

5. Now run the program, when the pointer stops at the first breakpoint  Press Zero
6. Run the program again. When the pointer reaches the second breakpoint, read the time from the
stopwatch. This is the time spent in executing the code between the breakpoints.

Modular Programming
How to think Modular Programming?
Initially, you will have to read and analyze the problem statement carefully, based on this you will have to
1. Divide the problem into several separate tasks,
2. Look for similar required functionality
Non Modular and Modular Programming Approachs: Read the following problem statement
A PIC microcontroller will take as an input two sensor readings and store them in Num1 and Num2, it will then
process the values and multiply both by 5 and store them in Num1_5, and Num2_5. At a later stage, the program will
multiply Num1 and Num2 by 25 and store them in Num1_25 and Num2_25 respectively.

Analyzing the problem above, it is clear that it has the following functionality:
 Multiply Num1 by 5
 Multiply Num2 by 5
 Multiply Num1 by 25
 Multiply Num2 by 25

As you already know, we do not have a multiply instruction in the PIC 16F84A instruction set, so we do it by
addition since:
2x3=2+2+2 ; add 2 three times
7 x 9 = 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 ; add 7 nine times

So we write a loop as follows (example 4 x 9, add four nines), initially one nine is placed in W then we construct a
loop to add the remaining 8 nines:

movlw .8 ; because we put the first 4 in W, then we add the remaining 8 fours to it
movwf counter
movf temp, w ; 1st four in W
addwf temp, w
decfsz counter, f ; decrement counter, if not zero keep adding, else continue
goto add
; continue with code

A Non Modular Programming Approach Modular Programming Approach

Write multiply code for each operation above Write one “Multiply by 5” code, use it two times
Write one “Multiply by 25” code, use it two
Note that you do not need to write the “Multiply
by 25” code from scratch, since 25 is 5x5, you
can simply use “Multiply by 5” two times!
Code lines: 38 Code lines: 27
get Num1 1 get Num1 1
Write whole code to multiply Num1 by 5 7 call “multiply by 5” function 1
Store in Num1_5 1 Store in Num1_5 1
get Num2 1 get Num2 1
Write whole code to multiply Num2 by 5 7 call “multiply by 5” function 1
Store in Num2_5 1 Store in Num2_5 1
get Num1 1 get Num1 1
Write whole code to multiply Num1 by 25 7 call “multiply by 25” function 1
Store in Num1_25 1 Store in Num1_25 1
get Num2 1 get Num2 1
Write whole code to multiply Num2 by2 5 7 call “multiply by 25” function 1
Store in Num2_25 1 Store in Num2_25 1
goto finish 1 goto finish 1
nop 1 nop 1

A single Multiply by 5 function

A single Multiply by 5 function 5

include "" include ""
cblock 0x30 cblock 0x30
Num1 Num1
Num2 Num2
Num1_5 Num1_5
Num2_5 Num2_5
Num1_25 Num1_25
Num2_25 Num2_25
temp temp
counter counter
endc endc

org 0x00 org 0x00

Main Main
movf Num1, w ;Num1 x 5 movf Num1, w ;Num1 x 5
movwf temp call Mul5
movlw .4 movwf Num1_5
movwf counter
movf temp, w movf Num2, w ;Num2 x 5
add1 call Mul5
addwf temp, w movwf Num2_5
decfsz counter, f
goto add1 movf Num1, w ;Num1 x 25
movwf Num1_5 call Mul25
movwf Num1_25

movf Num2, w ;Num2 x 5 movf Num2, w ;Num2 x 25

movwf temp call Mul25
movlw .4 movwf Num2_25
movwf counter goto finish
movf temp, w
add2 Mul5
addwf temp, w movwf temp
decfsz counter, f movlw .4
goto add2 movwf counter
movwf Num2_5 movf temp, w
movf Num1, w ;Num1 x 25 addwf temp, w
movwf temp decfsz counter, f
movlw .24 goto add
movwf counter return
movf temp, w
add3 Mul25
addwf temp, w movwf temp
decfsz counter, f call Mul5
goto add3 movwf temp

movwf Num1_25 call Mul5
movf Num2, w ;Num2 x 25 finish
movwf temp nop
movlw .24 end
movwf counter
movf temp, w
addwf temp, w
decfsz counter, f
goto add4
movwf Num2_25
goto finish

Notes on passing parameters to subroutines

Subroutines and macros are general codes; they work on many variables and generate results. So how do we tell
the macro/subroutine that we want to work on this specific variable?
We have two approaches:

Place the input at the working register Store the input(s) in external variables
Take the output from the working register Load the output(s) from external variables

Example: Example:

Main Movf Num1, W ;load Num with Num1

Movlw 03 ;input to W Movwf Num
Call MUL_by4 Call MUL_by4
Movwf Result1 ;output from W Movf Result, W ;read the result and store
Movlw 07 ;input to W Movwf Result1 ;it in Result1
Call MUL_by4 Movf Num2, W ;load Num with Num2
Movwf Result2 ;output from W Movwf Num
Nop Call MUL_by4
. Movf Result, W ;read the result and store
. Movwf Result2 ;it in Result2
Movwf temp MUL_by4
Rlf temp,F Rlf Num,F
Rlf temp, F Rlf Num, W
Movf temp, W ;place result in W Movwf Result ;place result in W
Return Return

In this approach, the MUL_by4 subroutine takes the In this approach the MUL_by4 subroutine expects to
input from W (movwf), processes it then places the find the input in Num and saves the output in Result.
result back in W. Notice that we initially load W by Therefore, before calling the subroutine we load
the numbers we work on (here 03 and 07) then we Num by the value we want (here Num1) and then
take their values from W and save them in Result1 take the value from Result and save it in Result1.
and Result2 respectively The same is repeated for Num2
This approach is useful when the subroutine/macro This approach is useful when the subroutine/macro
has only one input and one output takes many inputs and produces multiple outputs

Special types of subroutines: Look up tables

Look up tables are a special type of subroutines which are used to retrieve values depending on the input they
receive. They are invoked in the same as any subroutine: Call tableName
They work on the basis that they change the program counter value and therefore alter the flow of instruction
The retlw instruction is a return instruction with the benefit that it returns a value in W when it is executed.


addwf PCL, F ;add the number found in the program counter to PCL (Program counter)
retlw Value ;if W has 1, execute this
retlw Value ;if W has 2, execute this
retlw Value

retlw Value

Value can be in any format: decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary and ASCII. It depends on the application
you want to use this look-up table in.

Program Six: Displaying the 26 English Alphabets
This program works as follows:
Counter is loaded with the number 1 because we want to get the first letter of the alphabet, when we call the
look-up table, it will retrieve the letter ‘A’. The counter is incremented by 1 and then checked if we have reached
the 26th letter of the alphabet (27 – the initial 1), if not we proceed to display the second letter ‘B’ and the third ‘C’
and so on. When we have displayed all the alphabets, counter will have the value 27 after which the program
1 include ""
2 cblock 0x25
3 counter ;holds the number of Alphabet displayed
4 Value ;holds the alphabet value
5 endc
6 org 0x00
7 Main
8 movlw 1 ;Initially no alphabet is displayed
9 movwf counter
10 Loop
11 movf counter, W
12 call Alphabet ;display Alphabet
13 movwf Value
14 incf counter, F ;Each time, increment the counter by 1
15 movf counter, w ;if counter reaches 27, exit loop else continue
16 sublw .27
17 btfss STATUS, Z
18 goto Loop
19 goto finish
20 Alphabet
21 addwf PCL, F
22 nop
23 retlw 'A'
24 retlw 'B'
25 retlw 'C'
26 retlw 'D'
27 retlw 'E'
28 .
29 .
30 retlw 'Z'
31 finish
32 nop
33 end

1. Complete the look-up table above with the missing alphabet

2. Add both counter and value to the watch window.
3. Place a breakpoint @ instruction 14: incf counter, F
4. Run the program, keep pressing run and observe the values of the variables in the Watch window

Appendix A: Documenting your program

It is a good programming practice to document your program in order to make it easier for you or others to read
and understand it. For that reason we use comments. A proper way of documenting your code is to write a
functional comment, which is a comment that describes the function of one or a set of instructions. Comments
are defined after a semicolon (;) and are not read by MPLAB IDE


; Switch to Bank 1 Good comment √
; Set the RP0 bit in the Status Register to 1 Bad Comment, no new added info X

How to professionally document your program?

At the beginning of your program, you are encouraged to add the following header which gives an insight to your
code, its description, creator, version, date of last revision, etc… Most importantly, it is encouraged to document
the necessary connections and classify them as input/output.

; * Program name: Example Program
; * Program description: This program …….
; * Program version: 1.0
; * Created by Embedded lab engineers
; * Date Created: September 1st, 2008
; * Date Last Revised: September 16th, 2008
; * Inputs:
;* Switch 0 (Emergency) to RB0 as interrupt
;* Switch 1 (Start Motor) to RB1
;* Switch 2 (Stop Motor) to RB2
;* Switch 3 (LCD On) to RB3
; * Outputs:
;* RB4 to Motor
;* RB5 to Green LED (Circuit is powered on)
1. Your code declarations go here: includes, equates, cblocks, macros, origin, etc…
2. Your code goes here…
3. When using subroutines/macros, it is advised to add a header like this one before each to properly
document and explain the function of the respected subroutine/macro.
;* Subroutine Name: ExampleSub
;* Function: This subroutine multiplies the value found in the working register by 16
;* Input: Working register
;* Output: Working register * 16

Appendix B: Instruction Listing


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