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Robert Gordon University: ARCHITECTURE, K100

I can sincerely say that all of the works seen in this portfolio are done by me and all the

original pieces are available to be seen upon request. Some of the original drawings are

scanned while the others are photographed.


1. Girl with a pearl earring

This is a aquarelle painting exercise and a

copy of Vermeer’s painting ´Het Meisje met
de Parel´. I concentrated on the textiles,
making them as realistic as I could. The real
picture size is A3. (Photographed)

2. Piano
For a perspective exercise I was told to do
during my art and design course in Helsinki,
I chose to draw the keyboard of our piano,
because I like the architectural features of it:
the contrast between the black and white keys
and the symmetric arrangement between
them. Music and piano itself are both very
close to my heart since I have played piano
for many years and my father is a pianist by
profession. The real picture size is A4.

3. City landscape
This drawing presents a part of the
University of Jyväskylä, situated in my
current hometown. I did the drawing by pen
and ink and after that I added two shapes of
humans to clarify the scale of the building.
The real picture size is A3. (Photographed)
4. Portrait
This is a quick portrait of my grandfather
which I did during our train trip from
Jyväskylä to Helsinki two years ago. The real
picture size is A4. (Scanned)

5. 3D- modeling
This is one of my very first 3D- modeling
exercises. It’s a simple still-life of three fruits
and it’s done by Blender. I’m really interested
in 3D- modeling and I’m constantly learning

6. Surfboards
I have been fortunate enough to spend a
couple of months in Hawaii. Hawaiians have
many interesting art forms and in my
opinion some surfboards are included to that
category. Surfing is one of the main free time
activities of the islands and the surfers like to
decorate their boards to suit their style. Most
of them depict the freedom and the laid-back
lifestyle the islands and surfing offer. I
painted this picture with acrylic colors while
taking a break from surfing in Haleiwa,
Oahu. The real picture size is A4. (Scanned)
7. Trinitá dei Monti
While living in Rome, Piazza di Spangna
was one of my favorite places. Rome is
full of incredible architecture and Trinitá
dei Monti, a church situated on top of the
Spanish steps, is no exception. The façade
is designed by Ciacomo della Porta and
while drawing this picture I tried to
capture at least some of the beautiful
details it includes. The real picture size is
A4. (Scanned)


1. Sunset in Haleiwa
I took this picture in Hawaii where the
sunsets are incredible but it’s difficult to
capture all of the colours of the sky to the
film. I had a perfect lightning while
taking this photo and I’m pleased with
the way how the variety of the sky is

2. An endless alley
This photo I took in Salzburg, Austria, in
the garden of Mirabells. Since the road
ends next to a dark wall, it seems endless
and the viewer’s eye is drawn to the
3. Sneakers
This is one of my first exercises I have done
with Photoshop. I got the idea while talking
with my Dutch friends; to them, sneakers
represent their own culture. They depict the
young lifestyle, easygoing and casual days of
teenagers with their own opinions and loud
way of showing them. I was trying to capture
that same idea to this photo, making the
sneakers pop out from the background.


1. A bridge
This was an assignment given to us in our
short art and design- course. Our job was
to plan and illustrate a bridge with a
“wow-factor” in three hours. I chose to
use red as a main color to make the
bridge steal the attention. The picture is
done by acrylic colors and the real picture
size is A3. (Photographed)

2. A bridge and a building

Later on I continued the assignment
depicted above during my free time.
These two are some sketches I did while
planning a bridge with a ”wow-factor”. I
also included a building to the plan. The
real picture sizes are A4. (Scanned)
3. Miniature
This is a miniature of the previous sketches. I
wanted to practice my skills of making a
miniature and I used mainly paper to do
that. I chose to make a river out of small
pieces of broken mirror. (Photographed)

4. A chair
This assignment was also given to us in the
art and design- course organized in Helsinki.
We were told to design a chair to everyday
use. I included a couple of sketches I did.

5. North Star
This is a simple building design I did a
couple of weeks ago. I wanted to capture the
shape of a star to a building. I’m very
interested in modern architecture and
always trying to come up with new ideas. I
did this drawing by colour pencils. The real
picture size is A4. (Scanned)

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