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Shri Guru Gita

108 Sutras
for Awakening

Mark Griffin

Hard Light Center of Awakening

Shri Guru Gita © 2011 ~ Mark Griffin Table of Contents
Hard Light Center of Awakening
ISBN 978-0-975902-07-3

The Siddha Lineage

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced The Structure of the Guru Gita
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information Introduction by Mark Griffin
storage and retrieval system, without the express written Shri Guru Gita for English Recitation
permission from the author.
Shri Guru Gita for Sanskrit Recitation
For more information about the Hard Light Center of Pronunciation Guide for Sanskrit Transliteration
Awakening please visit The web site GLOSSARY
provides a complete listing of Mark Griffin’s other books
and CDs, as well as links to audiobooks, podcasts and PDF
Additional Resources

The Hard Light Center of Awakening is an organization

founded and directed by Mark Griffin as a forum for the study
of spirituality and meditation. Mark Griffin is a Meditation
Master who is firmly established in the advanced Nirvikalpa
Samadhi states — rare strands of consciousness that lead to
remarkable perception and spiritual accomplishment.

First Edition: October 2, 2008

Editing, Layout, Typography: PodPublishing

The Siddha Lineage
Mark Griffin is a Westerner who was born in the 1950’s in
the Pacific Northwest. His early adult years were spent in the
aggressive pursuit of higher knowledge and purpose.
In 1989, after attracting several interested students, Mark
While a young man, Mark’s studies in art and music brought began to teach meditation. He and his students relocated
him to the San Francisco Bay area. There in 1976 he met his to Los Angeles and started the Hard Light Center of
Awakening, an association dedicated to the art and science
Guru, Baba Muktananda. After years of full-time immersion
of awareness of the Self.
in the study of meditation, Mark encountered a milestone of
extreme spiritual significance – entrance into the advanced When Mark Griffin met Baba Muktananda he immediately
state of consciousness known as Nirvikalpa Samadhi. After realized that Baba was his Guru, his true teacher. Baba’s
Muktananda died, Mark continued to study with the great Guru was the great saint of India, Bhagawan Nityananda
teachers of the Kagyu tradition, Kalu Rinpoche and Chogyam of Ganeshpuri. It is with the blessings of these remarkable
Trungpa, who supported the maturing and stabilizing of his Siddhas that Mark carries on his inspiring teachings.

The Structure of the Guru Gita Let us look for a moment now at the overall structure
of the text.
The recitation of the Guru Gita is one of the practices
of the Hard Light Center of Awakening for one simple The text uses the classic format of a student asking a
reason... as Mark Griffin says: "I am teaching you this teacher a question, with the answer forming the body of
about the Guru because I believe it's your best chance the work. In verse 2, the Goddess Parvati cuts right to
for Awakening in this lifetime". the heart of the matter and asks Lord Shiva that which
her heart most dearly longs to know: "How can I most
The Guru Gita is the core section of 352 sutras in the directly gain realization?"
latter portion of the ancient Indian text known as the
Skanda Purana. Gita means song, and indeed these sutras Shiva begins his answer to Parvati in verse 4 with one
are a song in praise of the Guru, and in recognition of phrase that contains the totality of the text: "The Absolute
the power of contemplating the Guru's nature, especially is the same as the Guru". Everything unfolds from this
through the vehicle of the repetition of these verses. core truth. The elaboration of the teaching unfolds from
Mark Griffin, the founder of the Hard Light Center of
Awakening, has selected 108 of these verses for the use Verses 5 – 71
of serious seekers - those who are sincerely interested in These verses answer: Who is the Guru? What is his
spiritual training. This fresh, original translation from essential nature? What is the method of meditation
the Sanskrit is specifically designed for the contemporary upon him? What are the benefits of this practice?
Within this large section, there are a few key specific
These 108 verses focus on the universal nature of the topics to note:
Guru. When the word Guru is used here, it is known
to be more than an individual person. Rather, it is a 14-16: The word 'Guru' as mantra
universal principle, a catalyst for enlightenment like no
other. It is referred to in the text as the Guru Tattva;
tattva translating as principle. 39-47: The Guru's lotus feet

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The Bodhicitta, the inner essence of enlightenment the discourse that follows. In verse 73 Shiva makes
within each person, which abides in the heart-mind is reference to something she does not understand,
highlighted in verses 46-51. From this perspective, and she is quick to interrupt him and ask for an
there is no question about whether to visualize the explanation.
Guru in the heart or in the crown chakra - he is in
both, as pointed out by the unity of the heart-mind Verses 78 – 88
known as the Bodhicitta: Here begins the description of the nature of a
liberated person, and what his life is like based on
that awakening.
46-48: Guru meditation in the sahasrar, the crown
of the head Verses 89 - 103
Now Shiva begins to discuss the text of the Guru Gita
49-51: Guru meditation in the heart chakra itself, its nature as a mantra, its power in spiritual
practices and its ability to enlighten and purify. He
also explains how and where it should be recited.
64-66: Following the path (margena) of the Guru
Verse 104 - 108
Verses 70 - 73 These verses move into the summary, where Shiva
Now Shiva describes the attributes of a disciple. again establishes his authority for expounding this
What is the relationship between the Guru and the knowledge and admonishing Parvati to follow his
disciple? How should the disciple behave? What are teachings.
the benefits of discipleship?

Verses 73 - 79 Join Mark now in singing the praises of this profound

Shiva goes into a more technical explanation of the Ocean of Consciousness... this force of Awakening –
aspects of realization, defining different levels of the Guru!
experience, and describing the ineffable experience
of Unity Consciousness itself. It's interesting to note ~ PodPublishing, Editors
that Parvati remains an attentive student throughout
vi vii

Introduction by Mark Griffin other words, no background in spiritual training was

required – all you had to do was meet him and want
I'd like to talk about the text of the Guru Gita. to be awakened. It's unbelievable to say those words
When you go to India you see that there is an incredible and know them to be true.
tradition of spiritual training. We have very little of
that tradition here in the West. Baba Muktananda's Muktananda was an extraordinarily powerful
mission to the West, which was conceived of by his Siddha and a profound Master. He was a true Sadguru.
Guru Bhagawan Nityananda, began a process of what There was also a side to him that was incredibly
I have referred to in the past as "Shaktipat on sight". pragmatic. He realized that most of the people with
In the past, the contact and impact between Guru and whom he came into contact didn't have even the
disciple was very much shrouded in secrecy. You slightest idea what they were getting involved in –
entered a very secret kind of life when you came just like you. Most of you don't have the slightest
under the grace of a Siddha Guru. I believe that idea what you're involved in. I see that all the time.
out of necessity, the spiritual hierarchy realized that So, faced with the idea of striking anybody with the
this entire project of human awakening needed to be thunderbolt, even those who had no background,
carried to a more aggressive level. Muktananda hit upon the idea of the recitation of the
Shri Guru Gita every morning. It is an unbelievably
It was Bhagawan Nityananda, a being of profound text and you simply recite it everyday.
unsurpassed authority in the spiritual hierarchy, who
I feel was the manager on this project and put the If I were to define my sadhana, I could find no
conditions in place for the thunderbolt of awakening clearer description of the awakening process that I
to move out of the relative secrecy that enshrouded underwent, than the Guru Gita. Step by step, idea
it in India. Bhagawan Nityananda gave rise to the by idea, principle by principle, it is an incredibly
permission blessing and empowered Muktananda profound document and it has the ability to make
to come to the West and give Shaktipat on sight. In what is very difficult and mysterious, seem available

viii ix

and understandable. this world system, at this particular time and place,
he is the ruling force. The nature of Shiva is one of
In its essence, the Guru Gita is a diagram of the centrifugal dispersion, a very wrathful spinning away
method by which the awakening process occurs. It and decompression of all qualities into emptiness.
describes the transmission of Shaktipat from the Guru That's why they say that Shiva is the fast path.
to the disciple, which is the entire principle behind
the Whispered Lineage. The Siddha Path is known By comparison, the principle of God that is
as a Whisper Lineage or a Whisper Tradition. It is known as Vishnu is one of universal cohesion, with
not written down and this very mysterious process of all qualities being brought together into an infinite
awakening of a human being emerges from the impact compression. In previous times we've heard about
between the Guru and the disciple. The Guru Gita is human beings who lived incredible long life spans
essentially a mantra by and of the nature of the Guru. when the process of awakening quite literally took
The mechanics of a mantra are such that the name of centuries. This was when the ruling force was Vishnu
the mantra, the deity of the mantra, and the power of driven. Vishnu, who is said to be the true face of God,
the mantra are a single thing. Therefore, the Guru Gita is now fourteen of sixteen parts Shiva, so it's a Shiva
is a complete description of the nature of the Guru, dominating Vishnu principle that's active right now in
how the Guru operates and the mysterious method our world system.
by which any person can come into contact with the
Guru and receive the force of the transmission. Baba was a Siddha and a Shiva Guru. That's
always a code. If a Guru is described as a Siddha, it
Again, the principle is contact. The bringing means they're outside a tradition, and spontaneously
together of the Guru and the disciple produces the arise as enlightenment. They are the manifestation
effect of awakening. This Shaktipat transmission is of a Whisper Lineage or a Whisper Tradition, and
authorized by Shiva himself, and so carries his full engage in the direct transmission from the Guru to
authority. Shiva is the Lord of the Guru Shakti. In the disciple. If a Guru is described as a Shiva Guru,

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that means that the path is the shortest possible way, as a subtext, but it was principally recited in Sanskrit.
because all qualities are dispersed instantaneously. If In the Hard Light recitation we focus on the English
a Guru is described as a Siddha AND a Shiva Guru, translation, because the power emerges from clearly
it is code for the swiftest way one can move through understanding the meaning.
the process of awakening. All of those principles are
present here in Hard Light and it is how Hard Light There is something about the way we are
operates. as people, as human beings, that even the most
important truths can be easily forgotten. We're faced
It is extremely auspicious that the Guru Gita has with so much every day and we get rubbed very thin
emerged and is now becoming a part of the margena, sometimes by the intensity of the maya. As a student
the pathway of awakening here in Hard Light. The of Hard Light, you're always being reminded to hold
practice around Baba was very simple. Do the mantra, to your discipline and plunge inward. Now you can
love God, welcome people. Simple. The practice use the recitation of the Guru Gita as a supremely
here in Hard Light is also very simple – we do pretty powerful tool that provides an opportunity for the
much the same. Awareness of the SoHam. Constant Guru to speak directly to you. You can see and feel
exposure to the Kundalini. Come and see the teacher how powerful it is to align yourself with the Guru and
as frequently as you can. And out of that process, the the Guru Principle, the external Guru of cause and the
awakening emerges. But I also now want to add the internal Guru of action, within you and without. It
daily recitation of the Guru Gita. gives you the ability to punch through the proliferating
obscurations of kleisha-born afflictive emotion, which
I think it's important that the Guru Gita be recited is always a very fierce opponent. There are also very
in English, because that's our main language and specific applications for protection, empowerment,
more than anything, it's essential that the meaning be the clearing of obstacles, the renewal of the heart and
understood. Baba started operating inside America in the purification of body, mind and spirit.
1974 and an English version of the Gita was present

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In the recitation of the Guru Gita, you align with as a powerful point of alignment with the Vajra Guru
the Guru's force in the deepest way, across the entire principle – that principle of mercy and awakening
spectrum of the expressions of Pinda, Pada, Rupa that is one and the same with God. It brings the full
and Rupatita, as mentioned in verses 74-76. Those force of the Siddha Lineage into your life. You can
words embody principles beyond understanding, and be having the usual trials and tribulations and by just
it's why the Guru is the Guru. Your life is impacted sitting down and reciting the Guru Gita, a wash of force
with Pinda, the divine Kundalini Shaktipat; Pada, the will go through you that will bring you clear. This is
SoHam, which is the coming together of the ocean of available to you now through this daily recitation.
consciousness and the creation inside your own being;
Rupa, the Blue Pearl, the true form of consciousness
that is the recognition of the true Self; and Rupatita,
emptiness beyond all qualities, the unfoldment of
infinite consciousness as the individual and universal
identities dissolve into each other and become forever
October 12, 2008
one. Lake Arrowhead, CA

I wanted to introduce Shri Guru Gita on this

celebration of Baba Muktananda's 26th anniversary
of his Mahasamadhi. And I want it to become a part
of your daily sadhana. It takes just 30 minutes to
recite, and you can read the text out loud or silently to
yourself. It's going to be recited everyday at the Hard
Light retreat site, Fire Mountain in Nimboli, India.

The impact of the recitation of the Guru Gita acts

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Shri Guru Gita for English



Salutations to the Lord SadaShiva who

is the divine source of these mantras.

The Guru, the Supreme Atman, is its


Ham is its seed, Sa is its power and

Krom is the anchor that holds the
syllables of the mantras together.

I recite the Guru Gita now to draw the

Guru’s grace.

1M Knowing that Lord Shiva held the 4M Here is the secret knowledge that is
secret of Guru Yoga, the Goddess difficult to attain in the three worlds.
Parvati bowed to him with reverence Listen to it carefully as I reveal it to
on the summit of Mount Kailas and you now. The Absolute is the same
said: as the Guru. This is the truth, O
beautiful One, this is the truth.
2M O Great Lord, O Ruler of all the
worlds, I long to know the path that 5M The Guru is the same as the Self, the
will lead me to Awakening. Please same as Consciousness itself. This
have compassion on me. Show me is the truth. This is the absolute
the way, O Supreme Teacher of the truth. Those who seek wisdom
Universe. I bow to your feet My should make every effort to find
Lord. their Guru.

3M Lord Ishvara said: 6M Let me explain to you how an

O Beloved, you are my very Self. embodied soul becomes Enlightened.
Your love and devotion draw from By offering seva at the feet of the
me this secret knowledge, inspired Guru and drawing his grace, all
by your longing, which is so rare. obscurations are purified.

7M I shall describe to you a form of 10MThe Guru is the gateway to liberation,

meditation that grants boons, generates like Varanasi, like the Ganges, and
happiness, and bestows Bhukti, which the holy banyan tree Akshaya. The
is worldly fulfillment, and Mukti, Guru is himself Vishveshvara – the
which is spiritual awakening. O great Shiva of Varanasi, with the Ganges
Goddess, listen to this teaching with at his feet. He is the Prayag, the
one-pointed concentration. confluence of the three holy rivers
at the pilgrimage center of Gaya.
Pranam to the Guru again and
8M Think of the Guru with every action again.
you perform. If you sprinkle water
on your head while remembering the
lotus feet of Shri Guru, you obtain 11M Continually remember the Guru’s
the same benefits as bathing in all form. Repeat his name and follow
the places of pilgrimage. his command – think of nothing
but the Guru.

9M Always meditate on the Guru’s

form. Sip from the Guru’s water and 12M Letting go of all attachment to
eat from the food that he has left. your social status, your reputation
Constantly repeat the mantra he has and your comforts – think of
given you. nothing but the Guru.

13M If you think of nothing else but 15M O Devi, the supreme mantra is
Me, you will easily reach the indeed the word ‘Guru’, and its
highest state of Realization. Thus, two letters gu and ru. The essence
focus one-pointedly on merging of the Smritis and Vedas decree
with the Guru. that the Guru is the personification
of the Highest Reality.

14M The word Guru is composed of

two sacred syllables. Gu, which 16M This pure king of mantras is a fire
represents the darkness and Ru, blazing in the mind – burning day
which represents light. Gu is and night, it removes the illusion
maya and Ru is the destruction that you are this body, thus freeing
of maya. Gu is the state which is you from death itself.
beyond the three gunas, and Ru is
17M There is no truth higher than the
The Guru is he who gives the Guru Tattva, the Guru principle.
experience of darkness melting Even gods and other celestial
into light, maya dissolving into beings cannot attain this highest
clarity and formation revealing of states. A sadhaka should offer
wisdom. the Guru a seat, a bed, clothing and
other things that will please him.

18M Pranam fully to the Guru with 20M The most powerful yoga, O Noble
complete abandon and let your One, is not the pranayama with
every action, thought and word its windy breathing exercises, nor
be offered to the Guru. Serve the hatha yoga with its challenging
Guru in every way and dedicate and difficult positions – rather, it is
your life to him. the Guru Yoga, the supreme yoga,
which grants the spontaneous
state, whereby the powerful prana
becomes still of its own accord,
without effort.
19M The Guru knows you inside and
out. O Beautiful One, withhold
no part of yourself from him,
neither that which you think of as 21M I bow to my Guru who rescued
pure nor that which you think of those who were sinking in the
as dark and foul – including the mire of samsara, the ocean of hell,
germs and worms of your body, and were striving for liberation by
and the blood, skin and flesh, all seeking to climb the tree of life.
of which are finally reduced to

22M I bow to the Guru who is Brahma, 25M In order to cross over the abyss
who is Vishnu, who is Lord Shiva of samsara, I recognize you as
and who is indeed Parabrahman – my father, my mother, my brother
the Ocean of Consciousness. and my God. I bow to you, my
beloved Sadguru.

23M I bow to my Guru who is Shiva, 26M The source of meditation is the
the prime tattva, the only bridge Guru’s form.
across the ocean of samsara. As The source of devotion is the
the master of all knowledge, he Guru’s feet.
knows that by which all else is The source of mantra is the
known. Guru’s word.
The source of awakening is the
Guru’s grace.

24M I bow to my Guru who opened

my eyes, that were blinded 27M I fold my hands and bow to you my
by the darkness of ignorance, Guru, the Ocean of Benevolence,
and revealed to me the light of for it is only by your grace that
knowledge. I can be freed from the wheel of
cyclic existence.

28M Through the Reality of the Guru 31M One whose mind is filled with
there is truth, from the Light of the thought, knows not; one whose
Guru there is luminosity, through mind is silent, knows everything.
the Bliss of the Guru there is joy. I I bow to the Guru, who is one with
bow to you, O Sadguru. the Absolute.

32M Goddess Parvati, only the Guru

29M I bow to my Guru, who exists to can remove the fear of aging and
reveal the truth, who ceaselessly the dread of death. The Guru
shines like the sun to light our offers protection to his disciples,
way, and who opens our hearts to even if they are cursed by the
love all those who are dear to us. sages, demons or gods.

30M It is the Guru who illuminates the 33M If Shiva is angry, the Guru protects
mind, not the mind that illuminates you. If Vishnu is angry, the Guru
the Guru. I bow to my Guru who saves you. But if the Guru is
is the supreme witness of waking, angry, there’s nowhere to hide.
dreaming and deep sleep states. Therefore strive to the utmost to
take refuge in the Guru's grace.

34M O Beloved, those who know say 37M Realizing that the Guru, the
the Guru is Shiva, the witness of Supreme Being, encompasses the
all, but without his three eyes; he entire universe, whether sentient
is Vishnu, but without his four or insentient, from a blade of
arms; he is Brahma, but without grass to Lord Brahma – I honor
his four faces. everything, by remembering my
35M There is no difference between the
contemplation of your own Guru
and the contemplation of infinite
38M I bow to my Guru, who knows
there is no second reality –
Lord Shiva. Indeed, chanting
only one unified field arising
the name of your own Guru is as
everywhere simultaneously. This
powerful as chanting the mantra
is the truth. To see otherwise is to
of infinite Lord Shiva.
be fooled by the illusion of cause
and effect.
36M The absolute form of the Guru
is like nectar to those who can
truly see. To those who cannot see 39M I bow to my Guru’s two lotus feet,
through the veil of illusion, the which destroy the painful delusion
true form of the Guru is shrouded, of duality and always protect me
like the sunrise is to a blind man. from misfortune.

40M The stream of Shakti from the 42M O Beloved, pranam with love to
Guru’s lotus feet removes all the Guru’s feet every day, making
obstacles, lights the flame of an offering of prayers and devotion
knowledge and takes one across to him wherever he may be.
the ocean of samsara, the endless
cycle of birth, decay, death and He is always fully awake and at
rebirth. one with Pure Consciousness,
witnessing the drama of myriad
world systems arising and
41M Bow to the Guru’s feet and imbibe
his essence. Thus you will attain
knowledge and detachment. The
karmas, which are at the root of 43M I bow to the two lotus feet of
your ignorance, will be destroyed my Guru, one white, embodying
and the cycle of rebirth will be Shiva; one red, embodying Shakti.
brought to an end. My speech and mind focus on
the contemplation of this divine

Tat Tvam Asi

44M Even a few particles of dust from – I Am That,
my Guru’s feet are enough to build
a bridge for me to cross over the
Prajñanam Brahman
vast ocean of samsara.
– Consciousness is Brahman,
Even one–thousandth part of
Aham Brahmaasmi
a single drop of water that has
– I Am Brahman,
touched the Guru’s feet equals the
boon of bathing in all of the holy
Ayam Atma Brahman
waters across the seven seas. To
– The Self is Brahman.
the Guru I bow.

46M The Guru’s lotus feet are in

45M Luminous with the wisdom of the mandala of the moon in
Vedanta, like the sun continually Brahmarandhra, in the thousand
radiating its light, the Guru’s lotus petal chakra at the crown of the
feet emanate the great Truths, the head. The cooling essence of the
crest jewels of the four Vedas: moon extinguishes the raging fires
of worldly existence.

47M Residing in the center of the 50M Seated upon a throne in the center
thousand petals is a divine triangle of the heart lotus is the Guru,
formed by the Sanskrit alphabet, effulgent and luminous like the
with the letters A, Ka and Tha at crescent of the moon.
each point. One should meditate
on the Guru’s two lotus feet, which In one hand he holds the book
are Ham and Sa, in the center of of knowledge, while his other
this sacred triangle. hand showers boons. One should
meditate upon the Guru’s divine
48M In the early morning, call on the form.
Guru and meditate on the peace
within his two eyes. See him
seated in the white lotus of the 51M The seat of the Guru resides in the
sahasrar, with two arms granting center of the heart space, shining
boons and fearlessness. like a perfect crystal. Meditate on
the Guru who eternally bestows
49M In the heart is a cave the size of bliss and is higher than the
a thumb, which is the seat of the highest.
causal body. Listen, and I shall
speak to you of the meditation on
this form of consciousness.

52M The Guru is beyond any description 54M Thus the Guru reveals: “I am
whatsoever. No imputed terms unborn, I am ageless, beginningless
can describe him. Thus, the Vedas and deathless. I am smaller than
say “neti neti” – he is not this, he the smallest and larger than the
is not that. largest. I move and move not. I
am far as well as near. I am inside
Contemplate this great mystery, everything and outside everything
and continually worship him with all at once. I am beyond cause and
both mind and speech. effect. I am the supreme Akasha.
I am consciousness and bliss,
never–ending, self–luminous,
imperishable and pure.“
53M Whether it moves or is stationary,
whether it is sentient or insentient, 55M I bow to my Guru, who is
it is all part of the great mandala Absolute Consciousness, who is
of the Ocean of Consciousness. eternal, who is peace personified,
who is completely pure, and who
I bow to you my Guru, who transcends the limits of space. He
expresses the state of Samadhi is beyond the primordial sound
that spontaneously knows this of Nada. He is beyond the Blue
truth. Pearl, Bindu. He is beyond the
concentrated bliss of Kala.

56M I bow to my Guru, who is the 59M My Guru is the Lord of the
embodiment of the jñana-shakti, Universe. My Guru is the Guru of
the power of knowledge. The the Three Worlds. My Self is the
thirty-six tattvas are his garland. Universal Atman. To my Guru, I
He bestows Bhukti – worldly bow.
happiness, and Mukti – spiritual
60M The Guru, the first impulse of
57M I bow to my Guru, who bestows creation, is eternal and without
atma-jñana, the knowledge of the end. He is without question the
Self. He burns away all the karmas supreme of all deities. Nothing
carried forward from countless exists which is greater than he. To
lifetimes. my Sadguru, I bow.

58M I bow to my Guru, who embodies

the great Guru Tattva, the universal 61M Merely recalling my Guru,
principle of the Guru, the highest knowledge arises spontaneously.
truth and the greatest austerity. Remembering him brings all
There is nothing worth knowing attainments automatically. By
that is more important than this. meditating on the Guru in this
way, the prasad of my Guru’s
grace delivers me to Realization.

62M I bow to my Guru who is the 63M Just as a crystal reflected in a

infinite Ocean of Consciousness, mirror, replicates its shining image,
beyond perception, beyond duality, in the same way, when the infinite
beyond the three gunas and all Ocean of Consciousness is seen in
formation. He is the embodiment the Atman, the bliss of realization
of the bliss of Brahman and the dawns and the awareness of
bestower of ultimate happiness. SoHam arises – “I Am That”.

He is ekam – one; he is nityam 64M By following the Guru margena,

– eternal; he is vimalam – free the path of the Guru, and
from impurities; he is achalam meditating upon him, one obtains
– steadfast. He is the abode jñana – knowledge, as well as
of knowledge and bliss, and is vijñana – insight. There is nothing
forever omniscient, omnipresent greater than the Guru.
and vast like the sky. He is the
witness. 65M By following the Guru’s path,
one’s mind becomes purified. Thus
To realize the great Vedantic one is then able to detach from the
mahavakya “Tat Tvam Asi”, transitory objects of the world, and
“Thou Art That”, is to become one be free from the binding influence
with the Guru. of false identification.

66M By following the Guru margena, 68M To the eternal Shri Guru I bow.
one attains the highest goal – the He is bliss incarnate, exuding joy.
realization of the bliss of Atman. His countenance radiates ecstasy.
This is generated through prasad, He is awake with knowledge of
the gift of the Guru’s grace. his own Self.

The yogis worship him as their

Lord. With the precision of a
67M I remember my Shri Guru, who is surgeon, he extricates us from the
the supreme Brahman. wheel of cyclic existence.

I speak of my Shri Guru, who is

the supreme Brahman.
69M I bow to the Guru, who embodies
I bow to my Shri Guru, who is the Lord Bhairava, constantly
supreme Brahman. revealing the five functions of
creation, maintenance, dissolution,
I worship my Shri Guru, who is concealment and the bestowal of
the supreme Brahman. grace.

70M O great Goddess, one’s behavior 71M It is not the knowledge of ancient
with the Guru is of utmost scriptures, such as the Vedas and
importance. One should never Smritis, nor is the wearing of the
behave egotistically before the clothing of a monk, that makes a
Guru. Never tell a lie to the Guru true seeker. A genuine sadhu is a
or speak discourteously to him. servant and disciple of his Guru.

Never speak ill of the Guru or

forsake him, even if you don’t 72M Through the mystery of Shaktipat,
understand his actions. the light of the Guru kindles the
light within his disciple, just as
Remember the Guru for all one candle is used to light another
eternity. If you ignore this candle.
teaching, in spite of hearing it,
you will risk a most dreadful fate, The descent of grace opens the
which will last as long as the sun way for the disciple to realize
and moon both shine. that everything is the Ocean of
Consciousness, which is beyond
the perception of the senses,
omnipresent, eternal, beyond
imputed terms and without form.

73M A disciple becomes one with 76M O my beautiful one, pinda,

Brahman by meditating on the pada and rupa are each a
Guru. In this way, the stages of specific landmark on the path
Samadhi undoubtedly unfold – of liberation, but the highest
pinda, pada and rupa. liberation is found in rupatitam,
that transcendental awareness of
74M Parvati asked: Pure Consciousness.
O Lord Shankara, please explain
these terms to me – What are 77M Goddess Parvati, know Brahman,
pinda, pada and rupa? And is the Supreme Reality, the Great
there more beyond them? Void. It is without quality, without
form, without name, without
75M Lord Shiva answered: sound and beyond perception and
Kundalini Shakti is pinda, the understanding.
attainment of Shaktipat. Hamsa is
pada, when the awareness of SoHam 78M Merge into unity with Pure
becomes unbroken. Bindu is rupa, Consciousness and attain oneness
the enduring vision of the Blue with all. As you find everything
Pearl. And there is also rupatita, arising simultaneously within
beyond rupa, known as niranjanam you, you realize only this supreme
– merging with pure Being. principle alone exists.

79M The way the individual soul merges 82M He who attains the realization of
into universal consciousness is Brahman, the highest knowledge,
like the water of many rivers indeed becomes the Guru. Then,
merging into the ocean, or like the without a doubt, wherever he
space inside and outside a clay goes, he experiences the divine.
pot finally being perceived as the
same space.
83M Then the life of a fully liberated
80M This is the state of realization, person of wisdom becomes filled
when the individual embodied with devotion. He focuses his
soul merges into the supreme every effort on service to God.
Self. Having established unity
consciousness, he celebrates this
oneness day and night, always 84M He is free from worries, and
blissful, always tranquil, wherever Bhukti and Mukti are his to
he may be. enjoy – worldly fulfillment and
81M After attaining this solitary and
tranquil state, through the grace O Parvati, his tongue is graced
of the Guru, all your attachments with Saraswati, the Goddess of
and desires dissolve into nothing. speech, learning and knowledge.

85M The supreme purity and taintless 87M O Wise One, much can be
quality of the Guru draw all that is accomplished through these
holy to him – so the place where he spiritual practices. Focus your
lives naturally becomes sanctified attention on service and working
and filled with a multitude of for the welfare of people, instead
deities. of using your accrued Shakti for
self–centered worldly gain.
In these ways, O Goddess, I have
described the nature of a liberated
person to you.
88M Without knowledge of Brahman,
all your actions are worldly and
continue to spool on more and
more karma, sinking you further
86M O Devi, by following the path of into the ocean of samsara. A
the Guru, I have clearly shown knower of truth has unspooled all
you how to achieve this liberation his karma, and all his subsequent
through devotion to the Guru and actions are no longer binding and
through meditation on the Guru. collect no further karma.

89M O Devi, this truth which I have 92M Bountiful rewards are obtained
revealed to you takes the form of by repeating the Guru Gita. The
the Guru Gita. Repeat it often to recitation removes all obstacles
remove the binding influence of and ends all suffering and
the wheel of cyclic existence. hardship.

90M Contemplate this Guru Gita 93M It removes the fear of time and
with devotion – read it, listen to death, and is the destroyer of all
the Guru recite it, journal about adversity, while protecting one
it. This will yield the fruit of from the influence of wild spirits,
liberation. demons, ghosts and thieves.

91M Recite the Guru Gita. Each and 94M It removes the disease of worldly
every letter is an empowered existence. It bestows riches and
mantra. Other mantras do not have siddhis, as well as the ability to
the merit of even one-sixteenth influence others. Always repeat
part of it. the Guru Gita.

95M Through this repetition, one 98M Itremoves all obstacles and
becomes free from bondage, quickens the fulfillment of desires.
gains the favor of all the Gods and It accomplishes the four-fold goals
attains Lordship of the deities of of life:
Consciousness. Dharma – righteous duty;
Artha – wealth;
Kama – pleasure;
96M The Guru Gita brings one into direct
contact with the pillar of the Siddha Moksha – liberation.
lineage. It brings the refined, 99M If one’s goal is liberation, the Guru
spiritual qualities of sattva guna Gita should be recited regularly.
to the forefront. It increases good The glory of liberation will be
karma and dissolves bad karma. attained, as well as the fruition of
worldly desire.
97M Repeating the Guru Gita aligns
one’s life with the Guru. It 100M Repeat the Guru Gita and bathe
brings good dreams to fruition in the cleansing waters of the
and curtails bad dreams. Fear of ocean of truth, thus washing
the astrological influence of the away the impurities of the
nine planets is diminished; and world and the binding trap of
unfinished tasks become easy to samsara, the cycle of birth and
complete. death.

101M Having established inner silence 102M O Devi, prepare your seat well,
of the mind, repeat the Guru Gita with the proper asana. Use a
with detachment, in a clean and white woolen blanket placed
sacred place. over kusha or durva grass, to reap
the highest attainments. Or use
Now I shall speak of the places a tiger skin or black deer skin,
that are beneficial for this which give rise to liberation and
spiritual practice: knowledge. Other seats are not
as favorable for your practice,
At the seashore, along a river, such as cloth, wood or sitting
in all holy temples and shrines directly on the ground.
such as those to Shiva, Shakti
or Vishnu, in a cowshed, by 103M How you position your seat is
sacred trees, such as the dhatri or also important. To influence
mango, thorn–apple or banyan, others, sit on a red seat facing
in a grove of tulsi plants, or in east. To defeat demons, sit on a
an ashram. O Beautiful One, black seat facing south. To gain
it is also fruitful to repeat the wealth, sit on a yellow seat facing
Guru Gita in a cemetery or in west. But the highest outcome
frightening desolate places. is achieved when you recite
the Guru Gita facing north on a
white seat, and realize peace.

104M Satyam. Satyam. The Guru Gita 106M Complete immersion in the Guru
is the truth. There is nothing else – Gurubhava – is the most holy
like it, O Beautiful One. pilgrimage. Going to any other
place of pilgrimage is hollow
I have revealed this truth to you and futile. O Parvati, why go
in answer to your longing. somewhere else to worship,
when the big toe of the Guru’s
This is the truth. foot is the ultimate abode of all
This is the truth. that is sacred.

107M Beyond the Guru there is nothing.

105M O Goddess, the dedication
Beyond the Guru there is nothing.
of one’s life to the Guru is
Beyond the Guru there is nothing.
extraordinary. Everything is
affected by this devotion – the Beyond the Guru there is nothing.
devotee’s mother, father, family
and ancestry are all blessed. This is the word of Shiva.
Even the earth itself rejoices. This is the word of Shiva.
This is the word of Shiva.
This is the word of Shiva.

108M Indeed, the Guru Gita is Shiva.

The Guru Gita is Shiva.
The Guru Gita is Shiva.
The Guru Gita is indeed Shiva.

This is my supreme command.

This is my supreme command.
This is my supreme command.
This is my supreme command.

And so ends the Guru Gita – the
discourse given by Lord Shiva
to his consort, the Goddess
Parvati, and recorded in the text
of the Shri Skanda Purana.

I offer this Guru Gita at the

revered lotus feet of my Guru.

Shri Guru Gita for Sanskrit


Om asya shri gurugitaa stotra mantrasya

bhagavaan sadaashiva rshih. Naana vidhaani
chandaamsi shri guru paramaatmaa devataa.

OM. Salutations to the Lord SadaShiva who is

the divine source of these mantras. The Guru,
the Supreme Atman, is its deity.


Ham bijam sah shaktih krom kilakam shri guru

prasaada siddhyarthe jape viniyogaha.

Ham is its seed, Sa is its power and Krom is the Shri devyuvaccha:
anchor that holds the syllables of the mantras
Om namo deva devesha, paraatpara jagad guro;
together. I recite the Guru Gita now to draw the
Sadaashiva mahaadeva, guru dikshaam pradehi me.
Guru’s grace.
Kena maargena bho svaamin, dehi brahmamayo
bhavet; Twam krpaam kuru may svaamin,
namaami charanau tava.
O Great Lord, O Ruler of all the worlds, I long to
know the path that will lead me to Awakening.

Kailaasa shikhare ramye, bhakti sandhaana

Please have compassion on me. Show me the
naayakam; Pranamya paarvati bhaktyaa,
way, O Supreme Teacher of the Universe. I bow
shankaram parya prchata.
to your feet My Lord.
Knowing that Lord Shiva held the secret of Guru
Yoga, the Goddess Parvati bowed to him with
reverence on the summit of Mount Kailas and said:

3M 5M

Ishvara uvacha: Guru buddhyaat mano naanyat, satyam satyam

Mama rupaasi devi tvam, tvat prityartham vadaam na samshayaha; Tallaa bhaartham prayat nastu,
yaham; Loko pakaarakah prashno, na kenaapi kartavyo hi manishibhihi.
krtah puraa.
The Guru is the same as the Self, the same as
Lord Ishvara said: Consciousness itself. This is the truth. This is the
O Beloved, you are my very Self. Your love and absolute truth. Those who seek wisdom should
devotion draw from me this secret knowledge, make every effort to find their Guru.
inspired by your longing, which is so rare.

4M 6M

Durlabham trishu lokeshu, tach chrnushva Sarva paapa vishuddhaatmaa, shri guroh paada
vadaamyaham; Gurum vinaa Brahma naanyat, sevanaat; Dehi brahma bhaved yasmaat, tvat
satyam satyam varaanane. krpaartham vadaami te.

Here is the secret knowledge that is difficult to Let me explain to you how an embodied soul
attain in the three worlds. Listen to it carefully becomes Enlightened. By offering seva at the
as I reveal it to you now. The Absolute is the feet of the Guru and drawing his grace, all
same as the Guru. This is the truth, O beautiful obscurations are purified.
One, this is the truth.

7M 9M
Dhyaanam shrnu mahaadevi, sarvaananda Guroh paado dakam pitvaa, guro rucchishta
pradaayakam; Sarva saukhya karam nityam, bhukti bhojanam; Guru murte sadaa dhyaanam, guru
mukti vidhaayakam. mantram sadaa japet.

I shall describe to you a form of meditation Always meditate on the Guru’s form. Sip from the
that grants boons, generates happiness, and Guru’s water and eat from the food that he has left.
bestows Bhukti, which is worldly fulfillment, Constantly repeat the mantra he has given you.
and Mukti, which is spiritual awakening. O great
Goddess, listen to this teaching with one-pointed 10M

8M Kaashi kshetram tannivaaso, jaahnavi charano

dakam; Gurur vishveshvarah saakshaat, taarakam
brahma nishchitam. Guroh paado dakam yattu,
Guru paadaam bujam smrtvaa, jalam shirasi gayaa sau saukshayo vataha; Tirtha raaja
dhaarayet; Sarva tirthaa vagaahasya, sampraapnoti prayaagash cha, gurumurte namo namaha.
phalam naraha.
The Guru is the gateway to liberation, like
Think of the Guru with every action you Varanasi, like the Ganges, and the holy banyan
perform. If you sprinkle water on your head tree Akshaya. The Guru is himself Vishveshvara
while remembering the lotus feet of Shri Guru, – the Shiva of Varanasi, with the Ganges at his
you obtain the same benefits as bathing in all feet. He is the Prayag, the confluence of the
three holy rivers at the pilgrimage center of
the places of pilgrimage.
Gaya. Pranam to the Guru again and again.

If you think of nothing else but Me, you will
easily reach the highest state of Realization. Thus,
focus one-pointedly on merging with the Guru.
Guru murtim smarenityam, guru naama sadaa japet;
Guroraajñaam prakurvita, guror anyanna bhaavayet.
Continually remember the Guru’s form. Repeat
his name and follow his command – think of
nothing but the Guru.

12M Gukaaras tvandha karash cha, rukaaras teja

uchyate; Ajñaana graasakam brahma, gurur eva na
Svaa shramam cha svajaatim cha, sva kirti pushti samshayaha. Gukaarah prathamo varno, mayaadi
vardhanam; Etat sarvam parityajya, guror anyanna guna bhaasakah; Rukaaro dvitiyo brahma, maayaa
bhaavayet. bhraanti vinaashanam. Gukaaram cha gunaa titam,
rukaaram rupa varjitam; Gunaatita svarupam cha,
Letting go of all attachment to your social
yo dadyaat sa guruh smrtah.
status, your reputation and your comforts –
think of nothing but the Guru.
The word Guru is composed of two sacred
syllables. Gu, which represents the darkness and
Ru, which represents light. Gu is maya and Ru is
13M the destruction of maya. Gu is the state which is
beyond the three gunas, and Ru is emptiness. The
Ananyaash chintayanto maam, sulabham Guru is he who gives the experience of darkness
melting into light, maya dissolving into clarity
paramam padam; Tasmaat sarva prayatnena, guror
aaraadhanam kuru. and formation revealing wisdom.

15M 17M

Mantra raajam idam devi, gurur ityakshara

dvayam; Smrti vedaartha vaakyena, guruh
saakshaat param padam.

O Devi, the supreme mantra is indeed the word

‘Guru’, and its two letters gu and ru. The Evam guru padam shreshtham, devaanaamapi
essence of the Smritis and Vedas decree that durlabham; Haahaa huhu ganaish chaiva,
gandharvaish cha prapujyate.
the Guru is the personification of the Highest
Dhruvam teshaam cha sarveshaam, naasti tat
tvam guroh param; Aasanam shayanam vastram,
bhushanam vaahanaa dikam.
Saadhakena pradaatavyam, guru santosha kaarakam;
Agni shuddha samam taata, jvaalaa parichakaa Guror aaraadhanam kaaryam, sva jivitvam nivedayet.
dhiya; Mantra raajam imam manye, harnisham
paatu mrtyutah.
There is no truth higher than the Guru Tattva,
This pure king of mantras is a fire blazing in the the Guru principle. Even gods and other
mind – burning day and night, it removes the celestial beings cannot attain this highest of
illusion that you are this body, thus freeing you states. A sadhaka should offer the Guru a seat,
from death itself. a bed, clothing and other things that will please

and the blood, skin and flesh, all of which are
finally reduced to ashes.

Karmanaa manasaa vaachaa, nityam aaraadhayed

gurum; Dirgha dandam namaskrtya, nirlajjo guru
sannidhau. 20M
Pranam fully to the Guru with complete
abandon and let your every action, thought and
Abhyastaih sakalaih sudir ghamanilair, vyaadhi
word be offered to the Guru. Serve the Guru in
pradair dushkaraih, pranaayaama shatair aneka
every way and dedicate your life to him. karanair, duhkhaatmakair durjayaihi;

Yasminn abhyudite vinashyati bali, vaayuh svayam

19M tat kshanaat, praptum tat sahajam svabhaavam
anisham, sevadhvam ekam gurum.
Krmi kita bhasma vishthaa, durgandhi mala
mutrakam; Shleshma raktam tva chaa maamsam, The most powerful yoga, O Noble One, is not
vañchayenna varaanane. the pranayama with its windy breathing
exercises, nor hatha yoga with its challenging
and difficult positions – rather, it is the Guru
The Guru knows you inside and out. O Beautiful
Yoga, the supreme yoga, which grants the
One, withhold no part of yourself from him,
spontaneous state, whereby the powerful
neither that which you think of as pure nor
prana becomes still of its own accord, without
that which you think of as dark and foul –
including the germs and worms of your body,

21M 23M
Hetave jagataam eva, samsaarar nava setave;
Samsaara vrksham aarudhaah, patanto Prabhave sarva vidyaanaam, shambhave gurave
narakaarnave; Yena chaivo ddhrtaah sarve, tasmai namaha.
shri gurave namaha.
I bow to my Guru who is Shiva, the prime
I bow to my Guru who rescued those who were tattva, the only bridge across the ocean of
sinking in the mire of samsara, the ocean of samsara. As the master of all knowledge, he
hell, and were striving for liberation by seeking knows that by which all else is known.
to climb the tree of life.

22M 24M
Ajñaana timir aandhasya, jñaanaañ jana
shalaakayaa; Chakshur unmilitam yena, tasmai shri
Gurur brahmaa gurur vishnu, gurur devo
gurave namaha.
maheshvarah; Gurur eva para brahma, tasmai shri
gurave namaha.
I bow to my Guru who opened my eyes, that
were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, and
I bow to the Guru who is Brahma, who is
revealed to me the light of knowledge.
Vishnu, who is Lord Shiva and who is indeed
Parabrahman – the Ocean of Consciousness.

25M 27M
Tvam pitaa tvam cha me maataa, tvam bandhus
tvam cha devataa; Samsaara prati bodhaartham, Ayam mayaañ jalir baddho, dayaa saagara
tasmai shri gurave namaha. vrddhaye; Yad anugrahato jantush, chitra samsaara
In order to cross over the abyss of samsara,
I recognize you as my father, my mother, my
I fold my hands and bow to you my Guru, the
brother and my God. I bow to you, my beloved
Ocean of Benevolence, for it is only by your
grace that I can be freed from the wheel of
cyclic existence.

26M 28M
Dhyaana mulam guror murtih, pujaa mulam guroh
padam; Mantra mulam guror vaakyam, moksha Yat satyena jagat satyam, yat prakaashena bhaati
mulam guroh krpaa. tat; Yad aanandena nandanti, tasmai shri gurave
The source of meditation is the Guru’s form.
The source of devotion is the Guru’s feet. Through the Reality of the Guru there is truth,
The source of mantra is the Guru’s word. from the Light of the Guru there is luminosity,
The source of awakening is the Guru’s grace. through the Bliss of the Guru there is joy. I bow
to you, O Sadguru.

29M 31M
Yasyaa matam tasya matam, matam yasya na
Yasya sthithyaa satyam idam, yad bhaati bhaanu veda saha; Ananya bhaava bhaavaaya, tasmai shri
rupatah; Priyam putraadi yat prityaa, tasmai shri gurave namaha.
gurave namaha.
One whose mind is filled with thought,
I bow to my Guru, who exists to reveal the knows not; one whose mind is silent, knows
truth, who ceaselessly shines like the sun to everything. I bow to the Guru, who is one with
light our way, and who opens our hearts to the Absolute.
love all those who are dear to us.

30M 32M
Yena chetayate hidam, chittam chetayate na yam;
Munibhih pannagair vaapi, surairvaa shaapito yadi;
Jaagrat svapna sushuptyaadi, tasmai shri gurave
Kaala mrtyu bhayaad vaapi, guru rakshati paarvati.

Goddess Parvati, only the Guru can remove the

It is the Guru who illuminates the mind, not the
fear of aging and the dread of death. The Guru
mind that illuminates the Guru. I bow to my
offers protection to his disciples, even if they
Guru who is the supreme witness of waking,
are cursed by the sages, demons or gods.
dreaming and deep sleep states.

O Beloved, those who know say the Guru is
Shiva, the witness of all, but without his three
eyes; he is Vishnu, but without his four arms;
he is Brahma, but without his four faces.

Shive kruddhe guru straataa, gurau kruddhe shivo

na hi; Tasmaat sarva prayatnena, shri gurum 35M
sharanam vrajet.

Harau rushte guru straataa, gurau rushte na

kashchana; Tasmaat sarva prayatnena, shri gurum
sharanam vrajet. Sva deshika syaiva sharira chintanam,
bhaved anantasya shivasya chintanam;
If Shiva is angry, the Guru protects you. If Vishnu Sva deshika syaiva cha naama kirtanam,
is angry, the Guru saves you. But if the Guru is bhaved anantasya shivasya kirtanam.
angry, there’s nowhere to hide. Therefore strive
to the utmost to take refuge in the Guru's grace. There is no difference between the
contemplation of your own Guru and the
contemplation of infinite Lord Shiva. Indeed,

34M chanting the name of your own Guru is as

powerful as chanting the mantra of infinite
Lord Shiva.

Atrinetrah sarva saakshi, achatur baahur achyutah;

Achatur vadano brahmaa, shri guruh kathitah

36M 38M
Shri guroh paramam rupam, viveka
chakshusho mrtam; Manda bhaagyaa na Naanaa rupam idam sarvam, na kenaa pyasti
pashyanti, andhah suryo dayam yathaa. bhinnataa; Kaarya kaaranataa chaiva, tasmai shri
gurave namaha.
The absolute form of the Guru is like nectar to
those who can truly see. To those who cannot I bow to my Guru, who knows there is no
see through the veil of illusion, the true form second reality – only one unified field arising
of the Guru is shrouded, like the sunrise is to a everywhere simultaneously. This is the truth.
blind man. To see otherwise is to be fooled by the illusion
of cause and effect.

37M 39M
Aabrahma stamba paryantam, paramaatma Yad anghri kamala dvandvam, dvandva taapa
svarupakam; Sthaavaram jangamam chaiva, nivaarakam; Taarakam sarvadaa padbhyhah, shri
pranamaami jagan mayam. gurum pranamaamyaham.

Realizing that the Guru, the Supreme Being, I bow to my Guru’s two lotus feet, which
encompasses the entire universe, whether destroy the painful delusion of duality and
sentient or insentient, from a blade of grass always protect me from misfortune.
to Lord Brahma – I honor everything, by

remembering my Guru.

40M 42M

Shoshanam paapa pankasya, deepanam jñaana
tejasaam; Guru paado dakam samyak, samsaarar
nava taarakam.
Shrinaatha charana dvandvam, yasyaam dishi
The stream of Shakti from the Guru’s lotus viraajate; Tasyai dishe namas kuryaad, bhaktyaa
feet removes all obstacles, lights the flame prati dinam priye.
of knowledge and takes one across the ocean
of samsara, the endless cycle of birth, decay, Tasyai dishe satatam añjaliresha aarye,
death and rebirth. prakshipyate mukharito madhupair budhaish
cha; Jaagarti yatra bhagavaan guru chakra varti,
vishvodaya pralaya naataka nitya saakshi.
O Beloved, pranam with love to the Guru’s feet
Ajñaana mula haranam, janma karma nivaaranam; every day, making an offering of prayers and
Jñaana vairaagya siddyartham, guru paado dakam devotion to him wherever he may be.
He is always fully awake and at one with Pure
Consciousness, witnessing the drama of myriad
Bow to the Guru’s feet and imbibe his
world systems arising and dissolving.
essence. Thus you will attain knowledge and
detachment. The karmas, which are at the root
of your ignorance, will be destroyed and the
cycle of rebirth will be brought to an end.

Even a few particles of dust from my Guru’s feet
are enough to build a bridge for me to cross
over the vast ocean of samsara.

Vande guru pada dvandvam, vaan manash citta

gocharam; Shveta rakta prabhaa bhinnam, shiva Even one–thousandth part of a single drop of
shaktyaat makam param. water that has touched the Guru’s feet equals
the boon of bathing in all of the holy waters
across the seven seas. To the Guru I bow.
I bow to the two lotus feet of my Guru, one
white, embodying Shiva; one red, embodying

Shakti. My speech and mind focus on the
contemplation of this divine mystery.

Sarva shruti shiroratna, viraajita padaambujah;

Vedaantaam buja suryo yas, tasmai shri gurave
44M namaha.

Luminous with the wisdom of Vedanta, like the

sun continually radiating its light, the Guru’s
lotus feet emanate the great Truths, the crest
Yat paada renu kanikaa, kaapi samsaara jewels of the four Vedas:
vaaridheh; Setu bandhaayate naatham, deshikam Tat Tvam Asi – I Am That,
tam upaasmahe. Sapta saagara paryanta, tirtha Prajñanam Brahman – Consciousness is
snaanaadikam phalam; Guror anghri payo bindu, Brahman,
sahasraamshe na durlabham. Aham Brahmaasmi – I Am Brahman,
Ayam Atma Brahman – The Self is Brahman.

46M 48M
Paadaabjam sarva samsaara, daavaanala Praatah shirasi shuklaabje, dvinetram dvibhujam
vinaashakam; Brahma randhre sitaambhoja, gurum; Varaa bhaya yutam shaantam, smaret tam
madhyastham chandra mandale. naama purvakam.

The Guru’s lotus feet are in the mandala of the In the early morning, call on the Guru and
moon in Brahmaranadhra, in the thousand meditate on the peace within his two eyes.
petal chakra at the crown of the head. The See him seated in the white lotus of the
cooling essence of the moon extinguishes the sahasrar, with two arms granting boons and
raging fires of worldly existence. fearlessness.

47M 49M
Akathaadi trirekhaabje, sahasra dala mandale;
Angushtha maatra purusham, dhyaa yatash
Hamsa paarshva trikone cha, smaret tan
chinmayam hrdi; Tatra sphurati bhaavo yah, shrunu
madhyagam gurum.
tam kathayaamyaham.

Residing in the center of the thousand petals

In the heart is a cave the size of a thumb, which
is a divine triangle formed by the Sanskrit
is the seat of the causal body. Listen, and I shall
alphabet, with the letters A, Ka and Tha at each
speak to you of the meditation on this form of
point. One should meditate on the Guru’s two
lotus feet, which are Ham and Sa, in the center
of this sacred triangle.

The seat of the Guru resides in the center of
the heart space, shining like a perfect crystal.
Meditate on the Guru who eternally bestows
bliss and is higher than the highest.

Hrdambuje karnika madhya samsthe, simhaasane

samsthita divya murtim; Dhyaayed gurum chandra
kalaa prakaasham, chit pusta kaabhishta varam
dadhaanam. 52M

Seated upon a throne in the center of the heart Yasmaat para taram naasti, neti netiti vai shrutihi;
lotus is the Guru, effulgent and luminous like Manasaa vachasaa chaiva, nityam aaraadhayed
the crescent of the moon. In one hand he holds gurum.
the book of knowledge, while his other hand
showers boons. One should meditate upon the The Guru is beyond any description
Guru’s divine form. whatsoever. No imputed terms can describe
him. Thus, the Vedas say “neti neti” – he is not
this, he is not that. Contemplate this great
mystery, and continually worship him with
51M both mind and speech.

Paraat para taram dhyeyam, nityam aananda

kaarakam; Hrdayaa kaasha madhyastham, shuddha
sphatika sannibham.

Tadejati tannaijati, tad dure tat samipake; Tad
antarasya sarvasya, tadu sarvasya baahyataha.

Ajo hamajaro ham cha, anaadini dhanah svayam;

Avikaarash chidaananda, aniyaan mahato mahaan.
Akhanda mandalaa kaaram, vyaaptam yena
charaacharam; Tat padam darshitam yena, tasmai Apurvaanaam param nityam, svayam jyotir
shri gurave namaha. niraamayam; Virajam paramaakasham, dhruvam
aananda mavyayam.
Sthaavaram jangamam chaiva, tatha chaiva
charaacharam; Vyaaptam yena jagat sarvam,
tasmai shri gurave namaha.
Thus the Guru reveals: “I am unborn, I am
ageless, beginningless and deathless. I am
Whether it moves or is stationary, whether it is
smaller than the smallest and larger than the
sentient or insentient, it is all part of the great
largest. I move and move not.
mandala of the Ocean of Consciousness.
I bow to you my Guru, who expresses the state of
I am far as well as near. I am inside everything
Samadhi that spontaneously knows this truth.
and outside everything all at once. I am beyond
cause and effect. I am the supreme Akasha.

54M I am consciousness and bliss, never–ending,

self–luminous, imperishable and pure.“

55M 57M
Chaitanyam shaashvatam shaantam, vyomaatitam
nirañjanam; Naada bindu kalaatitam, tasmai shri Aneka janma sampraapta, sarva karma vidaahine;
gurave namaha. Svaatma jñaana prabhaavena, tasmai shri gurave
I bow to my Guru, who is Absolute
Consciousness, who is eternal, who is peace I bow to my Guru, who bestows atma-jñana,
personified, who is completely pure, and the knowledge of the Self. He burns away all
who transcends the limits of space. He is the karmas carried forward from countless
beyond the primordial sound of Nada. He is lifetimes.
beyond the Blue Pearl, Bindu. He is beyond the
concentrated bliss of Kala.
Na guror adhikam tat tvam, na guror adhikam
Jñaana shakti samaarudhas, tattva maalaa tapaha; Tat tvam jñaanaat param naasti, tasmai shri
vibhushitaha; Bhukti mukti pradaataa yas, tasmai gurave namaha.
shri gurave namaha.
I bow to my Guru, who embodies the great Guru
I bow to my Guru, who is the embodiment of Tattva, the universal principle of the Guru,
the jñana-shakti, the power of knowledge. The the highest truth and the greatest austerity.
thirty-six tattvas are his garland. He bestows There is nothing worth knowing that is more
Bhukti – worldly happiness, and Mukti – important than this.
spiritual awakening.

59M 61M

Mannaathah shri jagan naatho, madgurus trijagad

guruhu; Mamaatmaa sarva bhutaatmaa, tasmai shri
gurave namaha.
Yasya smarana maatrena, jñaanam utpadyate
My Guru is the Lord of the Universe. My Guru svayam; Ya eva sarva sampraaptis, tasmai shri
is the Guru of the Three Worlds. My Self is the gurave namaha.
Universal Atman. To my Guru, I bow.
Evam vidham gurum dhyaatvaa, jñaanam
utpadyate svayam; Tat sadguru prasaadena, mukto
hamiti bhaavayet.

Merely recalling my Guru, knowledge arises
spontaneously. Remembering him brings all
Gurur aadir anaadhish cha, guruh parama attainments automatically.
daivatam; Guroh parataram naasti, tasmai shri
gurave namaha. By meditating on the Guru in this way, the
prasad of my Guru’s grace delivers me to
The Guru, the first impulse of creation, is Realization.
eternal and without end. He is without question
the supreme of all deities. Nothing exists which
is greater than he. To my Sadguru, I bow.

mahavakya “Tat Tvam Asi”, “Thou Art That”, is to
become one with the Guru.

Sphatika pratimaa rupam, drshyate darpane
yathaa; Tathaatmani chidaakaaram, aanandam so
Brahmaanandam parama sukhadam, kevalam hamityuta.
jñaana murtim, dvandvaatitam gagana sadrsham,
tat tvam asyaadi lakshyam; Ekam nityam vimalam Just as a crystal reflected in a mirror,
achalam, sarvadhi saakshi bhutam, bhaavaatitam replicates its shining image, in the same way,
triguna rahitam, sad gurum tam namaami. when the infinite Ocean of Consciousness is seen
Nityam shuddham niraabhaasam, niraakaaram in the Atman, the bliss of realization dawns and
nirañjanam; Nitya bodham chidaanandam, gurum the awareness of SoHam arises – “I Am That”.
brahma namaamyaham.

I bow to my Guru who is the infinite Ocean of 64M

Consciousness, beyond perception, beyond
duality, beyond the three gunas and all
formation. He is the embodiment of the bliss Jñaanam vijñaana sahitam, labhyate guru
of Brahman and the bestower of ultimate bhaktitaha; Guroh parataram naasti, dhyeyo sau
happiness. He is ekam – one; he is nityam – guru maargibhihi.
eternal; he is vimalam – free from impurities;
he is achalam – steadfast. He is the abode of By following the Guru margena, the path of
knowledge and bliss, and is forever omniscient, the Guru, and meditating upon him, one obtains
omnipresent and vast like the sky. He is jñana – knowledge, as well as vijñana – insight.
the witness. To realize the great Vedantic There is nothing greater than the Guru.

65M 67M
Guru darshita maargena, manah shuddhim tu
kaarayet; Anityam khandayet sarvam, yatkiñchid Shrimat parabrahma gurum smaraami,
aatma gocharam. Shrimat parabrahma gurum vadaami,
Shrimat parabrahma gurum namaami,
By following the Guru’s path, one’s mind Shrimat parabrahma gurum bhajaami.
becomes purified. Thus one is then able to
detach from the transitory objects of the
world, and be free from the binding influence of I remember my Shri Guru, who is the supreme
false identification. Brahman.

I speak of my Shri Guru, who is the supreme

66M Brahman.

Guroh krpaa prasaadena, atmaaraamam I bow to my Shri Guru, who is the supreme
nirikshayet; Anena guru maargena, svattma
jñaanam pravartate.
I worship my Shri Guru, who is the supreme
By following the Guru margena, one attains
the highest goal – the realization of the bliss of
Atman. This is generated through prasad, the
gift of the Guru’s grace.

68M 70M

Aananda maananda karam prasannam, jñaana

svarupam nijabodha yuktam; Yogindra midyam bhava
roga vaidyam, shrimad gurum nitya maham namaami.
Evam shrutvaa mahaadevi, guru nindaam
To the eternal Shri Guru I bow. He is bliss karoti yah; Sa yaati narakam ghoram, yaavach
incarnate, exuding joy. His countenance chandra divaakarau. Yaavat kalpaantako dehas,
radiates ecstasy. He is awake with knowledge taavadeva gurum smaret; Guru lopo na kartavyah,
of his own Self. The yogis worship him as svachchando yadi vaa bhavet. Hunkaarena na
their Lord. With the precision of a surgeon, he vaktavyam, praajñaih shishyaih kathañchana;
extricates us from the wheel of cyclic existence. Guror agre na vaktavyam, asatyam cha

69M O great Goddess, one’s behavior with the Guru

is of utmost importance. One should never
Yasmin srshti sthiti dhvamsa, nigrahaanugrahaat behave egotistically before the Guru. Never
makam; Krtyam pañcha vidham shaashvad, tell a lie to the Guru or speak discourteously
bhaasate tam namaamyaham. to him. Never speak ill of the Guru or forsake
him, even if you don’t understand his actions.
I bow to the Guru, who embodies Lord Bhairava, Remember the Guru for all eternity. If you
constantly revealing the five functions of ignore this teaching, in spite of hearing it, you
creation, maintenance, dissolution, concealment will risk a most dreadful fate, which will last
and the bestowal of grace. as long as the sun and moon both shine.

71M 73M

Shruti smrti avijñaaya, kevalam guru sevakaaha; Te Guru dhyaanam tathaa krtvaa, svayam brahma
vai sannyaasinah proktaa, itare vesha dhaarinaha. mayo bhavet; Pinde pade tathaa rupe, mukto sau
naatra samshayah.
It is not the knowledge of ancient scriptures,
such as the Vedas and Smritis, nor is the
A disciple becomes one with Brahman by
wearing of the clothing of a monk, that makes
a true seeker. A genuine sadhu is a servant and meditating on the Guru. In this way, the stages
disciple of his Guru. of Samadhi undoubtedly unfold – pinda, pada
and rupa.

72M 74M
Nityam brahma niraakaaram, nirgunam bodhayet
param; Sarvam brahma niraabhaasam, dipo
dipaantaram yathaa.
Shri Paarvati-uvaacha:
Pindam kim tu mahaadeva, padam kim
Through the mystery of Shaktipat, the light of samudaahrtam; Rupaatitam cha rupam kim,
the Guru kindles the light within his disciple, etadaakhyaahi shankara.
just as one candle is used to light another
candle. The descent of grace opens the way for
the disciple to realize that everything is the Parvati asked:
Ocean of Consciousness, which is beyond the O Lord Shankara, please explain these terms
perception of the senses, omnipresent, eternal, to me – What are pinda, pada and rupa? And is
there more beyond them?
beyond imputed terms and without form.

rupatitam, that transcendental awareness of
Pure Consciousness.

Shri Mahaadeva uvaacha: Pindam kundalini 77M

shaktih, padam hamsa mudaah rtam; Rupam Agocharam tathaa gamyam, naama rupa vivar
binduriti jñeyam, rupaatitam nirañjanam. jitam; Nihshabdam tad vijaaniyaat, svabhaavam
brahma paarvati.
Lord Shiva answered:
Kundalini Shakti is pinda, the attainment of Goddess Parvati, know Brahman, the Supreme
Shaktipat. Hamsa is pada, when the awareness Reality, the Great Void. It is without quality,
of SoHam becomes unbroken. Bindu is rupa, without form, without name, without sound
the enduring vision of the Blue Pearl. And and beyond perception and understanding.
there is also rupatita, beyond rupa, known as
niranjanam – merging with pure Being.
Svayam sarva mayo bhutvaa, param tat tvam
vilokayet; Paraat parataram naanyat, sarvametan
Pinde muktaa pade muktaa, rupe muktaa
varaanane; Rupaatite tu ye muktaas, te muktaa
naatra samshayaha.
Merge into unity with Pure Consciousness and
O my beautiful one, pinda, pada and rupa attain oneness with all. As you find everything
are each a specific landmark on the path of arising simultaneously within you, you realize
liberation, but the highest liberation is found in only this supreme principle alone exists.

and night, always blissful, always tranquil,
wherever he may be.

Samudre cha yathaa toyam, kshire kshiram
ghrte ghrtam; Bhinne kumbhe yathaa kaashas,
tathaatmaa paramaatmani.
The way the individual soul merges into
Tasyaa valokanam praapya, sarva sanga
universal consciousness is like the water of
vivarjitaha; Ekaaki nishpriha shaantas, tishthaaset
many rivers merging into the ocean, or like the tat prasaadataha.
space inside and outside a clay pot finally being
perceived as the same space.
After attaining this solitary and tranquil
state, through the grace of the Guru, all your
80M attachments and desires dissolve into nothing.

Sarvajña padam ityaahur, dehi sarva mayo budhaha;
Sadaananda sadaa shaanto, ramate yatra kutra chit. Sa eva cha guruh saakshaat, sadaa sadbrahma
Tathaiva jñaani jivaatmaa, paramaatmani liyate; vittamaha; Tasya staanaani sarvaani, pavitraani na
Aikyena ramate jñaani, yatra tatra divaanisham. samshayaha.

This is the state of realization, when the He who attains the realization of Brahman, the
individual embodied soul merges into the highest knowledge, indeed becomes the Guru.
supreme Self. Having established unity Then, without a doubt, wherever he goes, he
consciousness, he celebrates this oneness day experiences the divine.

83M 85M

Evam vidho mahaamuktah, sarvadaa vartate

budhaha; Tasya sarva prayatnena, bhaava bhaktim
karoti yah. Yatraiva tishthate so pi, sa deshah punya
bhaajanam; Muktasya lakshanam devi, tavaagre
Then the life of a fully liberated person of kathitam mayaa.
wisdom becomes filled with devotion. He
Sarva shuddhah pavitro sau, svabhaavaad yatra
focuses his every effort on service to God.
tishthati; Tatra deva ganaah sarve, kshetre pithe
vasanti hi.

84M The supreme purity and taintless quality of the

Guru draw all that is holy to him – so the place
Sarva sandeha rahito, mukto bhavati paarvati; where he lives naturally becomes sanctified
Bhukti mukti dvayam tasya, jihvaagre cha and filled with a multitude of deities.
In these ways, O Goddess, I have described the
He is free from worries, and Bhukti and Mukti nature of a liberated person to you.
are his to enjoy – worldly fulfillment and
liberation. O Parvati, his tongue is graced with
Saraswati, the Goddess of speech, learning and

86M 88M
Upadeshas tathaa devi, guru maargena muktidaha; Laukikaat karmano yaanti, jñaana hinaa
Guru bhaktis tathaa dhyaanam, sakalam tava bhavaarnavam; Jñaani tu bhaavayet sarvam, karma
kirtitam. nishkarma yatkrtam.

O Devi, by following the path of the Guru, I Without knowledge of Brahman, all your
have clearly shown you how to achieve this actions are worldly and continue to spool on
liberation through devotion to the Guru and more and more karma, sinking you further
through meditation on the Guru. into the ocean of samsara. A knower of truth
has unspooled all his karma, and all his
subsequent actions are no longer binding and
collect no further karma.

Anena yad bhavet kaaryam, tad vadaami
mahaamate; Loko pakaarakam devi, laukikam tu
na bhaavayet. Guru gitaat makam devi, shuddha tat tvam
mayoditam; Bhava vyaadi vinaashaartham, svayam
eva japet sadaa.
O Wise One, much can be accomplished through
these spiritual practices. Focus your attention
on service and working for the welfare of O Devi, this truth which I have revealed to you
people, instead of using your accrued Shakti takes the form of the Guru Gita. Repeat it often
for self–centered worldly gain. to remove the binding influence of the wheel of
cyclic existence.

90M 92M

Idam tu bhakti bhaavena, pathate shrunute yadi; Ananta phalam aapnoti, guru gitaa japena tu; Sarva
Likhitvaa tat pradaatavyam, tat sarvam saphalam paapa prashamanam, sarva daaridrya naashanam.
Bountiful rewards are obtained by repeating
Contemplate this Guru Gita with devotion – the Guru Gita. The recitation removes all
read it, listen to the Guru recite it, journal obstacles and ends all suffering and hardship.
about it. This will yield the fruit of liberation.

Kaala mrtyu bhaya haram, sarva sankata
Guru gitaak sharaikam tu, mantra raajam imam naashanam; Yaksha raakshasa bhutaanaam, chora
japet; Anye cha vividhaa mantraah, kalaam vyaaghra bhayaapaham.
naarhanti shodashim.
It removes the fear of time and death, and is the
Recite the Guru Gita. Each and every letter is destroyer of all adversity, while protecting
an empowered mantra. Other mantras do not one from the influence of wild spirits, demons,
have the merit of even one-sixteenth part of it. ghosts and thieves.

94M 96M
Sarveshaam stambhana karam, gunaanaam cha
Mahaa vyaadhi haram sarvam, vibhuti siddhidam vivardhanam; Dushkarma naashanam chaiva,
bhavet; Athavaa mohanam vashyam, svayam eva sukarma siddhidam bhavet.
japet sadaa.
The Guru Gita brings one into direct contact with
It removes the disease of worldly existence. the pillar of the Siddha lineage. It brings the
It bestows riches and siddhis, as well as the refined, spiritual qualities of sattva guna to the
ability to influence others. Always repeat the forefront. It increases good karma and dissolves
Guru Gita. bad karma.

95M 97M
Asiddham saadhayet kaaryam, navagraha
Mohanam sarva bhutaanaam, bandha moksha bhayaapaham; Duhsvapna naashanam chaiva,
karam bhavet; Deva raaja priya karam, sarva loka susvapna phala daayakam.
vasham bhavet.

Repeating the Guru Gita aligns one’s life with

Through this repetition, one becomes free from
the Guru. It brings good dreams to fruition and
bondage, gains the favor of all the Gods and
curtails bad dreams. Fear of the astrological
attains Lordship of the deities of Consciousness.
influence of the nine planets is diminished; and
unfinished tasks become easy to complete.

If one’s goal is liberation, the Guru Gita should
be recited regularly. The glory of liberation
will be attained, as well as the fruition of
worldly desire.
Sarva baadhaa prashamanam, dharmaartha kaama
moksha dam; Yam yam chintayate kaamaam, tam
tam praapnoti nishchitam.

It removes all obstacles and quickens the

fulfillment of desires. It accomplishes the
four-fold goals of life: Samsaara mala naashaartham, bhava paasha
nivrttaye; Guru gitaam bhasi snaanam, tat tvajñah
Dharma – righteous duty; kurute sadaa.

Artha – wealth;
Repeat the Guru Gita and bathe in the cleansing
Kama – pleasure; waters of the ocean of truth, thus washing
Moksha – liberation. away the impurities of the world and the
binding trap of samsara, the cycle of birth and

Moksha hetur japen nityam, moksha shriyam

avaapnuyaat; Bhoga kaamo japed yo vai, tasya
kaama phala pradam.

or banyan, in a grove of tulsi plants, or in
an ashram. O Beautiful One, it is also fruitful
to repeat the Guru Gita in a cemetery or in
frightening desolate places.

Atha kaamya jape sthaanam, katha yaami
varaanane; Saagare vaa sarittire, thavaa hari
haraalaye. Shakti devaalaye goshte, sarva Vastraasane cha daaridryam, paashaane roga
devaalaye shubhe; Vate cha dhaatri mule vaa, mate sambhavaha; Medinyaam duhkham aapnoti,
vrndaavane tathaa. Pavitre nirmale sthaane, nityaa kaashthe bhavati nishphalam. Krshnaajine
nushthaanato pi vaa; Nirvedanena maunena, japam jñaana siddhir, mokshashrir vyaghra charmani;
etam samaacharet. Smashaane bhaya bhumau tu, Kushaasane jñaana siddhih, sarva siddhistu
vata mulaantike tathaa; Siddhyanti dhauttare mule, kambale.
chuta vrkshasya sannidhau.
O Devi, prepare your seat well, with the proper
Having established inner silence of the mind, asana. Use a white woolen blanket placed over
repeat the Guru Gita with detachment, in a kusha or durva grass, to reap the highest
clean and sacred place. Now I shall speak of attainments. Or use a tiger skin or black
the places that are beneficial for this spiritual deer skin, which give rise to liberation and
practice: At the seashore, along a river, in knowledge. Other seats are not as favorable for
all holy temples and shrines such as those to your practice, such as cloth, wood or sitting
Shiva, Shakti or Vishnu, in a cowshed, by sacred directly on the ground.
trees, such as the dhatri or mango, thorn–apple

Satyam. Satyam. The Guru Gita is the truth. There
is nothing else like it, O Beautiful One. I have
revealed this truth to you in answer to your
longing. This is the truth. This is the truth.

Kushairvaa durvayaa devi, aasane shubhra

kambale; Upavishya tato devi, japed ekaagra
maanasaha. Dhyeyam shuklam cha shaantyartham, 105M
vashye raktaasanam priye; Abhichaare krshna
varnam, pita varnam dhanaa game.
Maataa dhanyaa pitaa dhanyo, dhanyo vamshah
kulam tathaa; Dhanyaa cha vasudhaa devi, guru
How you position your seat is also important. bhaktih sudurlabhaa.
To influence others, sit on a red seat facing
east. To defeat demons, sit on a black seat
facing south. To gain wealth, sit on a yellow
seat facing west. But the highest outcome is O Goddess, the dedication of one’s life to the
achieved when you recite the Guru Gita facing Guru is extraordinary. Everything is affected
north on a white seat, and realize peace. by this devotion – the devotee’s mother, father,
family and ancestry are all blessed. Even the
earth itself rejoices.

Satyam saytam punah satyam, dharmyam
saankhyam mayo ditam; Gurugitaa samam naasti,
satyam satyam varaanane.

Beyond the Guru there is nothing. Beyond the Guru
there is nothing. Beyond the Guru there is nothing.
Beyond the Guru there is nothing.
Guru bhaavah param tirtham, anya tirtham
nirarthakam; Sarva tirthaash rayam devi, paadaan This is the word of Shiva. This is the word of
gustham cha vartate. Shiva. This is the word of Shiva. This is the word
of Shiva.
Complete immersion in the Guru – Gurubhava
– is the most holy pilgrimage. Going to any
other place of pilgrimage is hollow and futile. 108M
O Parvati, why go somewhere else to worship,
when the big toe of the Guru’s foot is the
ultimate abode of all that is sacred.

Idameva shivam tvidameva shivam, tvidameva

107M shivam tvidameva shivam;
Mama shaasanato mama shaasanato, mama
shaasanato mama shaasanataha.

Indeed, the Guru Gita is Shiva. The Guru Gita is

Shiva. The Guru Gita is Shiva. The Guru Gita is
Na guror adhikam, na guror adhikam, na guror indeed Shiva.
adhikam, na guror adhikam;
Shiva shaasanatah, shiva shaasanatah, shiva This is my supreme command. This is my
shaasanatah, shiva shaasanataha. supreme command. This is my supreme
command. This is my supreme command.

Iti shri skanda puraane, uttara khande ishvara

paarvati samvaade, Gurugitaa samaaptaa, Shri
gurudeva charanaar panamastu

And so ends the Guru Gita – the discourse
given by Lord Shiva to his consort, the Goddess
Parvati, and recorded in the text of the Shri
Skanda Purana.

I offer this Guru Gita at the revered lotus feet of

my Guru.


Pronunciation Guide for Sanskrit different. For strict pronunciation, the difference
Transliteration is simply how long the sound is held. This is a
subtlety we have decided not to emphasize in this
There are no exact matches for several Sanskrit translation, so we have shown these vowels as
sounds in English, so some approximations have though they are the same, regardless of whether
been given. Use this guide to help you with the they are short or long.
proper pronunciation of the Guru Gita in Sanskrit,
as you read the transliteration below the Devanagari a ~ pronounced like a short u, like duh, but
Sanskrit text on the preceding pages. aa ~ pronounced with a long a, as in awl, law,
One of the greatest differences between Sanskrit saw, arm, harm
and English is the pronunciation of vowel sounds. i ~ pronounced like tee, see
English has only one variety of a, e, i, o, u – and
it is through experience that we know they are u ~ pronounced like boo, who, what's new?
pronounced differently depending on the word they
are found in. e ~ pronounced like hay, okay

In contrast, Sanskrit has sixteen vowels, including o ~ pronounced like oh no!

two a sounds, two i sounds and two u sounds, etc.
r ~ in Sanskrit, there is an 'r' sound that is actually
The difference between one and the other is only
a vowel. When you see an 'r' before another
whether it is short or long.
consonant (ex: krtam), give the 'r' a little roll
The vowel that is the most important for a Westerner of the tongue to lead it into the letters that
to understand is a. To differentiate it, we have follow. Sometimes it helps to imagine an
shown the short a as a single a, and the long a as a invisible short 'i' after the 'r' sound, to help
double aa. you say it.

To the Westerner, the difference between the short There are a couple Sanskrit vowels that are
and long e, i, u and o sounds are not so strongly diphthongs;their sound changes from the

back of the mouth to the front of the mouth: when we see a p and an h together, we
always want to pronounce it with the sound
ai ~ pronounced like "I", fight, pie, aisle of f, like fit. In Sanskrit, there is no 'f' sound
like that. The way to pronounce it is like
au ~ pronounced like ow, how, cow, hound
a p with air coming after it, like the word
ha/hi/hu ~ at the end of many Sanskrit words or 'power' or 'pound'. As an example, in verse
phrases, you often see what looks like a 8, the word phalam is pronounced more like
colon ":" in the Devanagari. This is known palam. Technically, it is a p sound with air
as visarga. Pronounce this as though there or aspiration after it, as though you were
were a faint repeat or echo of the vowel that saying "p (h)alam", making the 'ha' sound
precedes it. We have transliterated it as a very gentle and soft.
'ha', 'hi' or 'hu'. When you find the 'ha' or 'hi'
kh, gh, jh, dh, bh ~ similar to 'th' and 'ph' above,
at the end of a word, remember to pronounce
these consonant combinations mean there
it gently, almost breathlessly.
is a slight aspiration, as though you have
th ~ this is a real trick for the Westerner, because extra air following the pronunciation of each
when we see a t and an h together, we consonant. For instance, gh is pronounced
always want to pronounce it like this or like 'doghouse'; rh is pronounced like
that. In Sanskrit, there is no 'th' sound like 'roadhouse'; bh is pronounced like 'abhor',
that. The way to pronounce it is like a t with etc.
air coming after it, like the word 'anthill'.
ñ ~ pronounced like 'nya'
As an example, in verse 98, the word for
wealth is artha, and is pronounced more like jñ ~ there are several correct ways to say this.
arta. Technically, it is a t sound with air or It's acceptable to pronounce it like 'gnya'
aspiration after it, as though you were saying or as 'jnya', or even better yet, somewhere
"art (h)a", making the 'ha' sound very gentle between 'gnya' and 'jnya'.
and soft.

ph ~ this is something else to watch for, because


It permeates all dimensions and represents all

spaces – the inner, outer, physical and spiritual.
Asana ~ ("seat") The name for the cloth or skin
that one sits on for meditation. By using the
A – Ka – Tha ~ Within the cerebrum of the brain are same asana over and over, it is thought that
many aspects of the subtle body. The triangle the vibrations of the meditation permeate the
referred to in the Guru Gita is a formation that cloth and accumulate, thereby enhancing the
is in the physical brain as well as the subtle experience. Shiva is usually pictured sitting
body. Inside this triangle is absolute void, on a tiger skin, which symbolizes lust. He thus
infinite black consciousness, without form and shows his complete control over all passion.
without quality. This triangle is located in the
center of the Brahmarandhra and is formed by Atman ~ (from the Sanskrit root at = "to breathe") The
the Sanskrit alphabet. Each of the letters of the transcendental Self or Spirit. It is the eternal,
Sanskrit alphabet are understood to be sacred superconscious, Supreme Soul, and Divine Self
mantras. The first letter of the alphabet is "A" within each individual. The spiritual essence of
(pronounced ah). It and the next 15 letters form all individual human beings.
the first side of the triangle. The next set of letters
Bhairava ~ The fierce manifestation of Shiva that is
beginning with "Ka" form the second side of the
associated with the simultaneous expression of
triangle and the last set of letters beginning with
creation, maintenance, dissolution, concealment
"Tha" (pronounced ta) form the third side. A,
and the bestowal of grace. (see Five Acts)
Ka and Tha are at each of the three points. The
Guru's two lotus feet, which are Ham and Sa are Bhukti ~ Worldly fulfillment and enjoyment,
in the center of this sacred triangle. acknowledged to be an important component of
a balanced life.
Akasha ~ ("not visible") Space, ether or sky. It is the
fifth element along with the other four elements Blue Pearl ~ A scintillating blue light or bindu,
of earth (prithivi), air (vayu), fire (agni) and the size of a tiny seed that can appear during
water (apa). It is also the most subtle element.

meditation. It is said to be the doorway to the Brahmarandra ~ ("the hole of Brahman") Located
inner Self and contains the entire universe. in the thousand-petaled chakra at the crown of
the head, it is the soft spot at the brain found in
Bodhicitta ~ ("the essence of enlightenment") infants; the point where the infusion of life takes
Formed by the heart/mind connection, it place in the human being. It is just underneath
represents the union of formation and emptiness. the skull embedded in the upper layer of the
Bodhicitta reflects the truth of enlightenment, cerebrum, which is the part of the brain that is
which does not come from an outside agency, dedicated to the highest brain functions. This is
but comes from within you as you. Alignment also the seat of the Guru. It is the superior place
with the Bodhicitta produces an irresistible force to exit the body upon death. (See the concept of
for awakening. "phowa" in The Bardo Thodol by Mark Griffin).
Brahma ~ One of the three gods of the Hindu trinity: Causal Body ~ Refers to one of the four bodies:
Brahma (the Creator of the Universe), Vishnu physical, subtle physical, causal and supra
(the Preserver) and Shiva (the Destroyer). He causal. It is a body without physical form. It is
is often depicted with four heads, four faces mind itself and encompasses the mental faculties
and four arms, representing the four directions of manas (mind), buddhi (intellect), ahamkara
of east, west, north and south. He continually (ego) and infinitely more levels that become
recites the four Vedas with each of his four revealed upon awakening.
heads. (see Vedas)
Devanagari ~ (from the Sanskrit roots deva = "gods"
Brahman ~ (from the root brh = "to expand, greater + naagari = "city") the Sanskrit alphabet; literally,
than the greatest") The supreme all-pervading the city of the Gods or the writing of the Gods.
spiritual essence of the universe. Known in Vedic
philosophy as Absolute Consciousness. The Devi ~ (from the Sanskrit root div = "to shine")
ultimate reality that is the principle behind the Goddess, the embodiment of female energy and
origin of the universe and of the gods. Brahman the universal great divine mother, who is Shakti.
is THAT, the all inclusive. Described as sat-chit- Represented in the Guru Gita in her benign
ananda: being-consciousness-bliss. aspect as Parvati, the beloved of Shiva. The

fierce aspect of the Goddess is Kali or Durga, which is beyond all imputed terms (see imputed
though any manifestation of the Goddess is terms below). It has nothing to do with an empty
known as devi, which is the feminine word for or lonely feeling or an empty glass of water. It
God. Deva is the masculine word for God and is the state of void, containing nothing and yet
is used in the Sanskrit version of the Guru Gita containing everything. There is nothing similar
when referring to Shiva. to it and nothing different from it.

Dharma ~ (from the Sanskrit root dhr = "to uphold, Five Acts ~ (In Sanskrit, pañchakritya = "five fold
to sustain, to carry") That which supports or activity") Creation, maintenance, concealment,
sustains the universe. The ultimate law, the destruction and the bestowal of grace. The often
essential duty, the righteous way. To say that one seen statue of Shiva Nataraj symbolizes these
performs one's dharma means that one is acting five acts. In this statue Shiva is shown having
from total alignment with one's own life's highest four arms. His right hand holds a small drum,
purpose. It is the basic principle of divine law where the sound of creation is born. His other
and the basis of all social and moral order. right hand is raised in the traditional mudra or
position granting protection, which represents
Duality ~ The understanding that the universe is sustenance in his function as the maintainer.
composed of binary oppositions, such as male His left hand holds fire, which symbolizes
and female, light and dark, good and evil, etc. destruction. His other left hand turns inward,
It often refers to the opposition of Self and shielding, signifying concealment. His raised left
other, or form and emptiness. The Upanishads foot signifies the bestowal of grace. His balanced
say, "Fear is born from duality". In the Guru and serene posture shows that he remains the
Gita, when it is said that the Guru is beyond eternal witness even while performing all of
duality, it means that the Guru, because he lives these acts simultaneously. Another great text of
in unity consciousness – Nirvikalpa Samadhi – Kashmir Shaivism, the Pratyabhijñahrdayam,
knows that state of awareness that perceives all states that as human beings, we perform these
phenomenon as manifesting simultaneously. five acts every moment and it is only because of
our ignorance and delusion, that we are not fully
Emptiness ~ Mentioned in the Guru Gita as a state

aware of this power. Gaining the awareness that combination of these three gunas. Sattva is
we do indeed initiate the same five acts as Shiva ruled by Vishnu, is of the nature of integration,
does, allows the mind to rise to the state of pure and is characterized as white. It is the highest
consciousness and attain union with Shiva. frequency and is buoyant with light. Sattva is
knowledge, happiness, integration and infinite
Ganges ~ ("the one who goes swiftly") The most existence without differentiation. Rajas is ruled
sacred river of the Hindus that flows east through by Brahma and characterized as red. The nature
northern India. Revered throughout India, it of rajas is cyclic revolution – passion, churning
is worshipped in its personified form as the and violent spinning – that which is spinning
goddess Ganga. Pilgrimages to its holy waters towards the center and that which is spinning
are done in the belief that bathing in it brings out into infinite expansion. Tamas is ruled by
about the forgiveness of sins and helps one Shiva. It is characterized as the abysmal, infinite
attain salvation. Dying close to it or having your black. It is a quality that is so dense that it is
cremated ashes scattered in it are considered thought of as a black hole. Nothing emerges
extremely auspicious. from it. It is absolute, dense, infinite blackness,
with no light emerging and all qualities crushed
Gaya ~ One of the seven sacred cities in Bihar, India
into a compression so deep that nothing can be
and a place of pilgrimage.
discerned. It is the origin of creation. To say
Gita ~ ("song") Usually refers to a sacred text. Guru that the Guru is beyond the three gunas means
Gita - Song of the Guru, describes the Guru/ that he is the source of creation even before
disciple relationship, the nature of the Guru as creation itself came into manifestation.
a force of awakening, and how to meditate upon
Gurubhava ~ (from the Sanskrit root bhuu ="to
exist, to become") The expression or attitude of
Gunas ~ ("strand, thread or quality") The three becoming one with, or becoming absorbed in the
basic qualities or attributes of nature which Guru. Being totally immersed in the Guru, or
underlie all manifestation: sattva, rajas and identified with him. In many sacred texts, this
tamas. All manifest creation is made up of a concept is referred to as "becoming of equal

taste" with the Guru. One of Baba Muktananda's Imputed Terms ~ To attribute a quality to something.
favorite meditation practices involved the The ocean of consciousness that is referred to
identification of each part of his body, mind and in the Guru Gita is beyond all qualities. Notice
spirit with his Guru, Bhagawan Nityananda, and that even when you call something holy or
in this way he experienced Gurubhava to the sacred, it sets up a relationship with other things.
fullest. If something is holy, there must be something
that is more holy or less holy, and on and on
Guru Yoga ~ The basis of the Guru Gita. View the it goes. To say something is beyond imputed
108 verses together as a whole to understand this terms is to understand that there is nothing to
profound concept of achieving enlightenment compare it to, nothing to match it up against. It
through the relationship developed between the also means that it is the same for everyone who
Guru and the devotee. (see margena) experiences it. Normally when we experience
Hamsa ~ (see SoHam) something, we each have a unique perception
of it. For example, smelling a rose brings up
Hari ~ another name for Vishnu. (see Vishnu) different impressions for each person and an
entirely different impression for a honeybee.
Hatha ~ (from the Sanskrit roots ha = "sun/solar"; tha = This is not the case with that which is beyond
"moon/lunar") Balance between the sun and the imputed terms. Thus, that which is beyond
moon. This symbolically means the connection imputed terms is referred to as empty, devoid of
of the soul to the body. Hatha Yoga is the third all relative qualities.
limb of the eight limbs of yoga as expounded by
the great sage Patanjali, and involves physical Ishvara ~ (from the Sanskrit root ish = "to rule")
postures designed to prepare the body for sitting The Supreme Lord. The Eternal One. All that
for meditation and to enliven kundalini. Yoga humanity can know of God, both transcendent
means yoke or union and is used in the context and immanent. The fourth tattva, supreme
of uniting the individual soul with the universal divinity. (see tattva)
soul to achieve unity consciousness.
Jñana ~ (from the Sanskrit root jña - "to know, to

experience, to learn") Spiritual sacred knowledge philosophy of non-dualism, espoused by

and the highest form of wisdom beyond dualistic Kashmiri sages, that recognizes the entire
thought. Transcendent knowledge of the creation as the manifestation of Shiva, a singular,
Absolute. divine consciousness, or chitti. Followers of
Kashmir Shaivism believe that all of Creation
Kailas ~ ("crystalline") A sacred mountain in the is divine. The philosophy considers everything
Himalayas, thought to be the abode of Lord to be a part of the ongoing creative activity of
Shiva, where Parvati begins her discourse with pure infinite consciousness. It explains how the
Shiva on the Guru Gita. As well as giving a unmanifest supreme can manifest as the universe.
setting for this discourse, it symbolizes the Guru The central texts include the Shiva Sutras, the
Gita as coming from the highest, most lofty Pratyabhijñahrdayam, the Spanda Karikas, the
authority. It is also symbolic of this teaching Vijñana Bhairava and the Kularnava Tantra; and
being secret knowledge, coming from a rarefied, it could be said that the Guru Gita is also part of
pure and difficult to access place. It speaks this tradition.
to this being part of the "Whisper Tradition,”
where, through oral transmission, the highest Kundalini ~ ("coiled one") The primordial Shakti
knowledge was bestowed. lies dormant, coiled like a serpent, three and
a half times at the base of the spine in the
Kala ~ An aspect of Shakti and the manifestation of muladhara chakra. Once this mystical energy or
the world. life force is awakened, it then ignites the quest
Karma ~ ("action") The universal law of cause and for spiritual knowledge in the seeker. Through
effect governing the cycle of birth, death and shaktipat, a Siddha master is able to activate
rebirth. The concept that the accumulated effect this divine cosmic energy so that it can arise and
of every action performed, whether good or bad, expand consciousness through the purification
comes back to impact a person's destiny, lifetime that it brings about.
after lifetime. Lotus ~ A plant from the water lily family that
Kashmir Shaivism ~ An 8th or 9th century grows in muddy waters and produces majestic

pure blossoms. Therefore it is thought to be a the Aitareya Upanishad of the Rig Veda; "I Am
symbol of the recognition of pure consciousness Brahman" from the Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad
emerging from the mire of illusion. The term of the Yajur Veda; and "The Self is Brahman"
lotus is also used as an honorific as in "bowing from the Chandogya Upanishad of the Saama
to a Guru's lotus feet", which is one of the ways Veda. (see Veda)
that a devotee shows great respect for his teacher.
The word lotus is also used to represent the Mandala ~ ("circle" or "center") Symbolizes the
chakras or energy centers in the subtle body, in wholeness of creation.
that each chakra has a certain number of petals,
Mantra ~ ("from the Sanskrit root man = "to think")
like a flower. As the chakras are enlivened
A series of sacred syllables or divine sounds
through spiritual training, their petals literally
that form a word or phrase that can be repeated
open like a lotus flower.
during meditation or at any time to experience
Mahasamadhi ~ (maha = "powerful, noble"; samadhi transformation. These syllables and sounds are
= "the great union") This symbolizes a state saturated with the power to protect, transform
of consciously leaving one's physical body at and purify anyone who consistently repeats
death. It is also a celebration of the anniversary them. When a mantra is transmitted to a devotee
of such a passing. Baba Muktananda's solar from his enlightened Master, it is filled with
mahasamadhi is October 2nd, 1982. Shakti and the intention of the Master, and is
then said to be "chaitanya" or enlivened.
Mahavakya ~ (maha = "great"; vakya = "saying")
Our English word "vocal" comes from the Margena ~ (from the Sanskrit root maarg "to seek,
Sanskrit root "vak". These are the great sayings to strive") Means the way or the path and is
that most clearly express reality and are self-born used here in conjunction with Guru, as in Guru
proclamations arising from realization. They are margena, to denote the path of the Guru. The
known as the crest jewels of the Vedas and are: "I path of the Guru really has two meanings: One
Am That" from the Chandogya Upanishad of the – the instructions given by the Guru for the
Saama Veda; "Consciousness is Brahman" from specific practices of spiritual training that he
recommends. Two – the connotation that Guru

Yoga itself is the swiftest road to realization. In referred to as enlightenment.

verse 2 of the Guru Gita, Parvati asks Shiva,
"kena margena" – which path shall I take to Nada ~ ("sound") The spontaneous inner sounds that
awaken? connect the spirit with its origin. The mystic
vibrations of the eternal. The primal sound
Maya ~ (from the Sanskrit root maa = "to limit, to give from which all creation has emanated. The
form") The power of obscuration or the veil of celestial sounds that are heard in higher states of
illusion that makes it seem as though the world meditation.
is separate from absolute consciousness, which
ultimately is seen to not be true. Maya emerges Neti Neti ~ (na = "not"; iti = thus) Literally translates
as the sixth tattva, and is actually the divisive as 'not this, not this', and carries the larger
limiting power of the Divine, which is built into implication that there are no qualities or terms
creation to bring mind and matter into being. It that may be imputed or attributed to absolute
is the filter through which the infinite becomes reality. (see imputed terms)
finite and the formless takes form.
Nityananda ~ (nitya = "eternal" and ananda = "bliss")
Muktananda ~ (mukta = "freedom" and ananda = Bhagawan Nityananda is a revered saint from
"bliss") Baba Muktananda was a Shiva Guru India who was the Guru of Baba Muktananda
from the Siddha lineage in India. He was a from Ganeshpuri, India. Nityananda was an
perfected master who was instructed by his guru, Avadhut, meaning that he was a fully enlightened
Bhagawan Nityananda, to come to America in the being from birth. He took mahasamadhi in
early 70's and introduce devotees to meditation 1961.
through the gift of shaktipat (see shaktipat).
Pada ~ ("foot") In Hindu tradition, the feet of the
Mark Griffin is part of the Siddha lineage and
Guru, both the literal feet of the outer Guru and
was a student of Baba Muktananda's.
the subtle spiritual feet of the inner Guru, are
Mukti ~ ("liberation") A release from the bondage considered to be very sacred and are worshipped
of birth, death, and rebirth. Same as moksha, with great devotion.
freedom from the awareness of duality. Also

Parvati ~ The powerful Goddess and second consort of at the still point in the space between each
the Lord Shiva. Mother of Ganesha, the elephant breath. It is in this silence that awareness of
God, she is the representation of spiritual beauty. pure consciousness can be realized.
She is considered to be Shakti. The spiritual
significance of Shiva's consort is the idea of the Prasad ~ A sacred offering or a blessed or divine
union of Shiva and Shakti. This refers to the gift given by the Guru. The bestowal of grace
dawn of full realization or enlightenment when or divine help. Anything that the Guru blesses
Shakti, in the form of kundalini, rises from her carries his shakti or divine energy, and a disciple
position at the base of the spine and moves up is then able to partake of this energy through this
through the sushumna, the central channel, offering.
awakening all the chakras and merging with the Prayag ~ ("place of sacrifice") A city in the north
principle of Shiva at the crown of the head in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh located at the
sahasrar. confluence of the three holy rivers: Ganges,
Pinda ~ ("body") Kundalini shakti, the attainment of Yamuna and the invisible river, Sarasvati. It is
shaktipat – a pivotal event in the arc of a person's believed to be the place where Brahma offered
many incarnations. (see Kundalini/Shaktipat) his first sacrifice after creating the world. The
term "the three rivers" also symbolizes ida,
Pranam ~ Bowing with reference. Greeting with pingala and sushumna, the three most important
respect. Prostrating, lying in a reverentially nadis or currents of the subtle body.
prone position before a great being.
Puranas ~ ("belonging to ancient times") There are
Pranayama ~ (prana = "the life force or the vital eighteen major Puranas that originate from the
energy that sustains the body"; yama = "control") sacred scriptural texts ascribed to the compiler
The fourth limb of the eight limbs of yoga as Vyasa. They are supplements to the Vedas.
expounded by the great sage Patanjali that refers They contain stories of the incarnations of God
to disciplined yogic breathing exercises. Yama and the history of the Universe from creation to
also means death, and in this sense it carries the destruction, as well as the instructions of various
connotation of bringing the breath to a standstill deities. The Guru Gita was originally 352 verses

and recorded in the text of the Shri Skanda and disciple of his Guru.
Purana. Skanda means a group or aggregate.
Sahasrar ~ ("thousand") The thousand-petaled
Rupa ~ ("form") The bindu, the enduring vision of the spiritual chakra at the crown of the head. This
Blue Pearl that is the true form of the Universe. seventh chakra is the gateway to the highest
(see Blue Pearl). states of consciousness and is considered to be
the abode of Shiva.
Rupatita ~ Beyond rupa, known as niranjanam;
merging with pure Being. Samadhi ~ (from the Sanskrit root sam =
"completely together"; and dhaa = "to hold")
Sadashiva ~ (sada = "ever, eternally") Sadashiva is To hold completely together, as in one-pointed
the term for Supreme Being, the eternal Lord concentration or absorption. The eighth and
Shiva. In Kaishmir Shaivite philosphy, the third final limb of yoga as expounded by the great sage
tattva is Sadashiva, the level where Shiva has Patanjali. The union of oneness and the highest
begun to stir and come into relationship with the state of super-consciousness, which occurs
universe. through the full awakening and unfoldment
of the kundalini shakti. There are four states
Sadguru ~ (from the Sanskrit root sad or sat = "truth
of samadhi: laya samadhi, savikalpa samadhi,
and purity") Means "true Guru" or divine
nirvikalpa samadhi and sahaj samadhi.
Master. The great Master or perfect Guru is
one who knows the way to liberation through Samsara ~ ("continual movement") The cyclic
personal experience. existence of reincarnation: birth, death and
rebirth or transmigration. This word points to the
Sadhana ~ (from the Sanskrit root saadh = "to go
idea of being stuck in the relative ever-changing
straight to the goal") Spiritual practices or
aspect of creation without experience of the
disciplines designed to lead to enlightenment.
absolute non-changing reality. The conditioned
Sadhu ~ A spiritual seeker in search of liberation. Any endless karmic cycle of worldly existence that is
person who is practicing sadhana. The Guru transcended once one achieves the highest state
Gita points out that a genuine sadhu is a servant of enlightenment. (see The Wheel of Cyclic

Existence) touch, sight, sacred word or thought. Shaktipat

activates the dormant kundalini in a person who
Saraswati ~ (from the Sanskrit saras = "flowing" is open to receiving it. This transference of
and vati = "having") The Goddess of speech, energy from the Guru to the disciple is known as
learning, music and wisdom who also bestows the bestowal of grace. Shaktipat is a gift given
knowledge of the fine arts and all that is refined. by the Guru.
Sattva ~ (see gunas) Shiva ~ ("good or auspicious") The ruling force in
our contemporary (or current) world system;
Satyam ~ (sat = "real, pure, true") Universal truth.
the dominant law and the primordial Guru. The
That which exists and is real, beyond illusion.
God of creation, regeneration and rejuvenation
Seva ~ Selfless service, the desire to offer service for as well as destruction and annihilation, Shiva is
a greater cause without expecting recognition or often represented sitting on a tiger skin, holding
acknowledgment. a trident with snakes coiled around his neck and
arms. He is shown sitting in meditation with his
Shakti ~ ("energy" or "power") Often referred to third eye open, hence the reference in the Guru
as the Goddess Shakti, the consort of Shiva. Gita to Shiva with his three eyes. There are two
The second tattva, it is the life giving force, aspects to Shiva: the Shiva who is transcendent
the potency of the female energy, the creative and pervades everything, known as para-Shiva;
principle and its expression. Through training and the Shiva who is immanent and exists in this
with a true Guru, one's spiritual energy or shakti world – the apara-Shiva. It is the para-Shiva, the
builds up or accumulates, gradually empowering transcendent Shiva, who is the author of the five
the seeker with the ability to realize the truth. acts. In order to perform the first three of these
Daily recitation of the Guru Gita builds up a acts, he expresses himself as Brahma, Vishnu
storehouse of shakti. and the apara-Shiva. Brahma is responsible for
the creative impulse; Vishnu is responsible for
Shaktipat ~ (shakti = "energy" and pat = "descent
sustaining creation; and Shiva is responsible for
or falling down") The transmission or descent
destruction, bringing each phase of creation to a
of grace from a Guru to his disciple through

close. Kashmir Shaivism holds Shiva to be the power to realize one's every desire, knowledge of
pre-eminent God of all Gods. In his capacity as the cosmos, the ability to expand, possessing the
supreme Godhead, Shiva is recognized as the strength of an elephant, the ability to manifest
author of the Guru Gita. Mark Griffin is in the one's will, knowledge of the organization of the
Siddha Lineage, which is a Shiva lineage that body, omniscience, as well as many others.
has its roots in the mystical tradition of Kashmir
Shaivism. The Guru Gita springs from this Smritis ~ (from the Sanskrit root smr = "to remember")
tradition as well. That which is remembered. A body of religious
scriptures composed after the Vedic period,
Shri ~ (from the Sanskrit root shri = "to flame, diffuse around 500 BC.
light") A term of respect or endearment that
encompasses auspiciousness, grace, holiness, SoHam ~ (So = "That"; Ham = "I") A mantra that
beauty and the sacred, all in one word. comes from the natural sound of the inhalation
and exhalation of the breath. Thus with each
Siddha ~ ("one who is accomplished") A perfected breath the reality is stated "That Am I" – "I am
being who has realized embodied liberation. Pure Consciousness". SoHam is equivalent to
One who has attained the state of uninterrupted the mantra Hamsa, "I Am That". The use of the
unity-consciousness and has perfect and mantra SoHam or Hamsa is known as 'ajapa
permanent identity with the Source of all. Baba japa'. Japa means the repetition of a mantra.
Muktananda and Bhagawan Nityananda are When 'a' is placed before a Sanskrit word, it
examples of Siddhas. creates the opposite meaning. So ajapa means
non-repeating. In other words, this is the mantra
Siddhi ~ ("accomplishment") This refers to the that is repeated without doing the practice of
highest accomplishment, which is the attainment repetition, because it is naturally being done for
of liberation. It is also sometimes used to refer us by the breath itself. SO has its root at the first
to specific paranormal powers, which are the chakra at the base of the spine, while HAM has its
natural by-products of complete realization. root at the crown of the head at the sahasrar. SO
These siddhis include astral travel, clairvoyance, represents all of manifest creation, while HAM
invisibility, levitation, the power of attraction, the

represents the ocean of pure consciousness. limited power (kalaa); omniscience and a sense
of limited knowledge (vidyaa); perfection and a
Tattva ~ ("principle") There are three uses of this sense of limitation of desire (raaga); eternity and
word in the Guru Gita. One: Its first use is a sense of limitation based on time (kaala); and
Guru Tattva. Here it means the principle of omnipresence and a sense of limitation of space
the Guru, and points to the idea that the Guru (niyati). The next five tattvas are the individual
is more than just a person; it is also a universal soul (purusha), the basic matter of the universe
concept – a force of awakening. Two: There are composed of the three gunas (prakriti), and the
also references in the Guru Gita to the thirty- aspects of mind: the intellect (buddhi), the ego
six tattvas. This concept originating from (ahamkara) and the mind itself (manas). The
Kashmir Shaivism, states that all of reality next five tattvas are the sense organs: the ears,
can be viewed as thirty-six levels of different skin, eyes, tongue and nose. The next five are
principles. The progression of tattvas continues the organs of action: speech, locomotion, sexual
from most abstract and subtle to progressively organs, organs of excretion, etc. The next five are
more manifest principles of creation. The first the essence of what is experienced by the senses:
and most subtle layer is the principle known as sound, touch, form, taste and smell. The last
Shiva, representing pure transcendence without five tattvas are the five elements of the material
any object. The second principle is Shakti and world: ether, air, fire, water and earth. When the
represents the first stirring of manifestation. The Guru Gita speaks of the thirty-six tattvas as a
third tattva is Sadashiva, the level where Shiva garland for the Guru, it is understood to mean
has begun to stir and come into relationship with that the Guru is the Lord of the principles of all
the universe. The fourth tattva is Ishvara, and manifest and unmanifest reality. Three: Lastly,
is a level of supreme divinity. The fifth tattva is the Guru Gita refers to the Guru as the 'prime
shudda vidya, which is pure knowledge. Maya tattva': the Guru as the first or highest principle,
is the sixth tattva and generates the next five Shiva himself.
tattvas, known as the five kanchukas ("jackets"),
which are mixed values of purity and impurity. Tree of Life ~ An ancient mystical concept used
They represent omnipotence and a sense of in cultures throughout the world symbolic of

knowledge, ascension, the cycle of life and and resurfaced, like a diver coming up for air, in
eternity. With its branches reaching up and its Kashi. Varanasi is said to be over 12,000 years
roots reaching down, the tree of life symbolizes old, with a population living there on the banks
the link between the three worlds: heaven, earth of the Ganges throughout that time period,
and the underworld. It is that which unites them making it the oldest continually inhabited city
all. It is also often shown as an inverted tree on earth. Varanasi itself is considered a gateway
superimposed on the figure of the human body, to liberation, in that many believe that simply
with its root system in the sahasrar and the space dying in Shiva's city is powerful enough to break
over the crown of the head, and the branches the cycle of rebirth.
spreading throughout the nadis of the subtle
body of the human form. Vedanta ~ ("end of the Vedas") A principal branch
of Hindu philosophy that originated from Vedic
Vajra ~ ("thunder" or "diamond") Thought of as a oral traditions and scriptures and focuses on
thunderbolt, the weapon of Indra represents moksha, liberation. They are the core teachings
adamantine strength. In Tibetan and Buddhist of the holy texts, the Upanishads, which are
culture the vajra, the "diamond" scepter, is commentaries on the Vedas and are devoted to
used by deities as a ritual tool and represents the nature of God.
the Bodhicitta, the mind
of enlightenment. (see Vedas ~ ("knowledge, wisdom") The oldest sacred
Bodhicitta) scriptures of Hinduism comprised of four ancient
texts - Rigveda (the original work, which are
Varanasi ~ the modern name for the hymns of wisdom), followed by Yajurveda
the Indian city of Benares, or (sacrificial rites), Samaveda (hymns and music)
as it was historically known, Kashi, one of the and Artharvaveda (rituals designed to counteract
Wonders of the World. This is Shiva's city, one disease and other specific practical applications).
of the most holy cities in India, and is sacred to The whole body of them are known as 'Sruti',
both Hinduism and Buddhism. It is said that "what was heard". The Vedas are believed to
Shiva dove into the world in the Himalayas, have been directly cognized by the ancient seers,

who spoke of the fundamental truths of reality, as an avatar to restore dharma or righteousness.
which they recognized while in the highest Some of the incarnations of Vishnu include:
states of samadhi. The Vedas represent the Rama, Krishna, the Buddha, Jesus, Zoroaster
mystic teachings, beliefs, hymns and prayers of and Meher Baba.
the ancient sages, the Indo-Aryans of Northern
India. Wheel of Cyclic Existence ~ The Twelve Spokes
of Dependent Origin which describe the journey
Vijñana ~ (from the Sanskrit root vi = "apart"; jñaa from birth through death to rebirth. The cycle goes
= "to know") Insight, discrimination, cognition, from ignorance > dispositions > consciousness
wisdom – the ability to distinguish the real from > name and form > six sense fields > contact
the unreal. > feeling > desire > appropriation > becoming
> rebirth > aging and dying. Ignorance results
Vishnu ~ ("to pervade") Vishnu is one of the Gods from believing you are the body and knowing
of the Hindu triad with Brahma (the Creator) only the three states of relative consciousness:
and Shiva (the Destroyer). He is known as waking, dreaming and deep sleep, with complete
the preserver and maintainer of the Universe. ignorance of the fourth state of consciousness,
He is thought of as a manifestation of the One the transcendental ocean of consciousness.
Supreme God. His wife is the Goddess Lakshmi. This ignorance gives rise to the condition of
He is frequently depicted with four arms holding dispositions, which is interdependent cause
a discus, mace, conch shell and lotus. He holds a and compound effect. This in turn gives rise
discus in his upper right hand, which represents to consciousness, which is a sense of singular
the purified mandala of the universal mind. He identity and the beginning of the ego. As identity
holds a mace in his lower left hand, symbolizing is formed, we then see the development of name
the life force. He holds a conch shell in his upper and form, which represents a separation of "I"
left hand, the symbol of creation. He holds a and "That" and we begin to define ourselves
lotus flower in his lower right hand, representing as separate perceivers. This perception occurs
purity, liberation and perfection. It is Vishnu who through the development of the six sense fields
descends from time to time to take incarnation (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell and intuition).
GLOSSARY OF SELECTED WORDS 150 Additional Resources

With the development of the six sense fields, we

then begin to reach out and touch the universe.
This is the quality of contact. As soon as contact
is generated, it gives rise to a condition of feeling Other Books by Mark Griffin
and this produces a psychic imprint of sensation.
These in turn lead to desire or grasping. Having 108 Discourses on Awakening
experienced something, we try to hold on to it.
This gives rise to the condition of appropriation, The Bardo Thodol ~ The Golden Opportunity of Death
which is the process of saying, "This is my
experience". It is attachment. The cumulative Samadhi & The Subtle Body
effect of all this emotion, desire and grasping,
leads to a large collection of "baggage", which Spiritual Power
we have become and are now identified with.
The fruit of this mass of identity consciousness Shaktipat ~ Doorway to Enlightenment
seeks a form dedicated to repeating those
experiences again and again, and thus we have
rebirth. As soon as we are born, we immediately
begin aging, decaying and dying. We experience
this death as suffering, but the Wheel of Cyclic
Existence shows us that it is really just a result of These titles and more are available
one condition having led to the next condition, through our Online Store:
which leads to the next condition, and so on. visit
The intervention of the Guru allows this cycle
to be broken at any number of spokes of this
wheel, which frees us from the cyclic nature of
Audiobooks by Mark Griffin Guided Meditations by Mark Griffin

Everything and Nothing Bodhicitta I

India Yatra 2008
Bodhicitta II
Kali and the Guru
Kundalini - 1 Bodhicitta III
Kundalini - 2 Divine Will
Kundalini - 3 Kundalini
Love Is An Act Of Will
Listening To The SoHam
Power Pranayama
Prana Apana Pratyahara I - Distilled
Prana, SoHam, 4 Bodies Pratyahara I - The Five Stages
Rupa ~ The Blue Pearl
Pratyahara II
Samadhi Kunda
The Awakener The Awakener
The Bardo Thodol The Breath
The Chöd The Space Between The Breaths
The Focal Point Of Intention
The Union Of Shiva And Shakti
The Guru-Disciple Relationship
The Mechanics of Shaktipat Tune In To The Guru Radar

The Perfection of Wisdom
The Recognition of Consciousness
The Six Session Vajra Guru Yoga
The Thread of Continuousness
The Universe
The Wheel of Cyclic Existence
The Grace Waves of Guru Yoga
Varanasi 2008 These titles and more are available
What Is Here Is Everywhere through our Online Store:
What Is Shaktipat? visit
Zen And The Art Of Cessation, Observation And Samadhi

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