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Put the adjectives between brackets in the correct form

1. My brother has a (tidy)   room than me.

2. Australia is (big)   than England.

3. I'm (good)   now than yesterday.

4. She's got (little)   money than you, but she doesn't care.

5. He thinks Chinese is (difficult)   language in the world

6. Valencia played (bad)   than Real Madrid yesterday.

7. Cats are not (intelligent)   as dogs.

8. Show me (good)   restaurant downtown.

9. (hot)   desert of all is the Sahara and it's in Africa.

10. Who is (talkative)   person in your family?

Choose whether each sentence requires the comparative or superlative form: 

1. There are 10 houses on our street. Our house is the ________ one.



2. My brother sings better than I do, but I play guitar ________ than he does.

   the best


3. This is ________ song I have ever heard!


   the best
4. Tom is ________ than I am.


   the strongest

5. Out of all the students in our class, I am ________.

   the shortest


6. Everyone says that my sister is ________ than I am.

   the best looking

   better looking

7. She is ________ girl in our school.

   the best looking

   better looking

8. This is boring. Let's do something ________.

   the most interesting

   more interesting

9. This isn't ________ book I have ever read. 

   more interesting

   the most interesting

10. Your apartment is ________ than mine.


   the cleanest

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).

is leaving
1. Look! He (leave)   the house.

2. Quiet please! I (write)   a test.

3. She usually (walk)   to school.

4. But look! Today she (go)   by bike.

5. Every Sunday we (go)   to see my grandparents.

6. He often (go)   to the cinema.

7. We (play)   Monopoly at the moment.

8. The child seldom (cry)  .

9. I (not / do)   anything at the moment.

10. (watch / he)   the news regularly?

Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present and Present Progressive.

1. I (be)   very busy today.

2. At noon I (visit)   my friend Tanya.

3. We (want)   to have lunch together.

4. In the afternoon I (play)   squash with Emily.

5. In the evening, I (meet)   Rob.

6. We (go)   to the cinema.

7. The film (start)   at 8 pm.

Future Will or Going to?

Will or Going to?

1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper? 

B: I (write)   a letter to my friends back home in Texas. 

2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up! 

B: I (get)   you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up. 

3. A: I can't hear the television! 

B: I (turn)   it up so you can hear it. 

4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit)   

Paris, Nice and Grenoble.

5. Sarah (come)   to the party. Oliver (be)   there as well. 

6. Ted: It is so hot in here! 

Sarah: I (turn)   the air-conditioning on. 

7. I think he (be)   the next President of the United States. 

8. After I graduate, I (attend)   medical school and become a doctor. I

have wanted to be a doctor all my life.

9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is
simply too small for four people. 

B: That man at the service counter (help)   you. 

10. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk)   down to the beach
and go swimming

I feel
tired. I
think I
go to
'm going to

2 Where are you going?

I ______ visit a customer.
'm going to

3 Do you want me to help you?

No thanks. John ______ help me.

's going to

4 Would you prefer tea or coffee?

I ______ have some coffee, please.

'm going to

5 Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this?

Good idea. I ______ bring some wine.

'm going to

6 I've already decided. I ______ buy a new car

'm going to

7 What are your plans for next week?

I ______ to fly to New York on business. Probably on Tuesday but I

haven't bought my ticket yet.
'm going to

8 What are your plans for the holidays?

I ______ visit my parents for a few days and then go walking in

'm going to
9 Why are you wearing your best suit?

I ______ have lunch with my biggest customer.

'm going to

10 Do you want to have the chicken or the beef?

I think ______ have the beef.

'm going to

11 My head hurts.

Sit down and I ______ get you an aspirin.

'm going to

12 We need some more ink for the printer.

I ______ go to the shop and get some.

'm going to

13 Look! There's smoke coming out of the photocopier.

You turn it off and I ______ phone the safety officer

'm going to

14 I cannot see how to use this spreadsheet.

Don't worry. I ______ help you.

'm going to

15 I need to speak to you today.

I'm going out now but I ______ be back later.

'm going to

16 Did you phone Michael?

I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I ______ do it now.

'm going to

17 Can you help me with this? I don't understand.

I ______ give you a hand as soon as I've finished this.

'm going to

18 That's much too heavy for one person. I ______ give you a hand.
'm going to

19 Could somebody answer the phone?

I ______ get it.

'm going to

20 It's really hot in here.

I ______ put on the air-conditioning.

'm going to

Completa las frases con "already", "just", "still" o "yet".

I   walked in the door. Can I call you later?
Q1 of 9
We are   rehearsing for the concert.
Q2 of 9
Thanks for the invitation, but I have __________ seen that film. 
Q3 of 9
Have you gone to the store __________? 
Q4 of 9
You __________ started that new job and you are __________ complaining. 
Q5 of 9
They hurried to the store, but it was __________ closed. 
Q6 of 9
Are you __________ dating Jim? 
Q7 of 9
Michael hasn't paid me all the money he owes me __________. 
Q8 of 9
Michael __________ hasn't paid me all the money he owes me. 
Q9 of 9
Michael said he __________ paid you the money. 

Fill in the spaces below using either Just, Yet Or Already.

1. Don't come in here with those muddy shoes!! I have   cleaned

this floor!!!

2. Have you finished that composition for History class   ? You only
started an hour ago!!

3. I don't want to see "Alien 9" at the cinema again. I've   seen it

4. I'm sorry. You have   missed Katie. She left the office about
three minutes ago!
5. Haven't you finished that composition for history class   ? You
started over four hours ago!!

6. Oh, nothing for me, thank you. I've   eaten. I had dinner less
than an hour ago.

7. You've finished your dinner   ! You must have been starving!

8. "Have you called Yasmin to wish her luck for the exam today?" "No, not

 . I'll do it now!"

9. Kathy knows all about pizza and pasta, don't you Kathy? You've 
returned from a month in Umbria.

10. Yes, I know David. We have   been introduced. It was at a party

last week.

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