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As Chairman of the New Kent County Republican Committee, I, Mark Daniel, pursuant to the Plan
of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia, and as recommended and as directed by the
New Kent County Republican Committee at its regular meeting on Tuesday, February 11th, 2020,
do hereby issue this call for a 2020 County Convention to be held as follows:

Qualifications for Participation

All legal and qualified voters of New Kent County, under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
regardless of race, religion, national origin, or sex, who are in accord with the principles of the
Republican Party, and who, if requested, express in open meeting either orally or in writing, as may
be required, their intent to support all of its nominees for public office in the ensuing election, may
participate as members of the Republican Party of Virginia in its mass meetings, party canvasses,
conventions, or primaries encompassing their respective election districts. All individuals desiring
to participate in the County Convention may be required to present some form of photo identification
such as a valid driver’s license, or other positive identification.

A voter who, subsequent to making a statement of intent, publicly supports a candidate in

opposition to a Republican nominee shall not be qualified for participation in party actions, as
defined in Article I of the Party Plan of the Republican Party of Virginia, for a period of four (4)
years. A person otherwise qualified shall not have participated in Virginia in the nomination
process of a party other than the Republican Party within the last five years. A single exception
shall be approved for a voter that renounces affiliation with any other party in writing, and who
expresses in writing that he/she is in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and intends,
at the time of the writing, to support the nominees of the Republican Party in the future. Any voter
that utilizes the foregoing exception, and thereafter participates in the nomination process of a party
other than the Republican Party, shall not have the benefit of the exception identified in this
paragraph thereafter. Within 30 days of receipt, the Official Committee shall provide a copy of this
signed renunciation statement to the Republican Party of Virginia, to be maintained for a period of
5 years.

Any Military Member who is qualified under the provision above to participate in Republican Party
actions and who complies with the procedures to become a delegate to this convention as set forth
in this Official Call, and who produces valid military identification or other proof of active duty
status shall be certified as delegate and shall not be required to be elected as a delegate.

Each candidate for Delegate to the New Kent County Republican Convention shall pay a filing
fee of Five Dollars ($5.00).

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New Kent County 2020 Convention Purposes

The New Kent County Republican Convention shall convene at New Kent High School, 7365 Egypt
Rd., Quinton, VA 23124 or its alternate site as designated by the NKCRC Chairman on Thursday,
April 2nd, 2020 at 7:00 PM for the following purposes:

1. Electing the following members of the New Kent County Republican Committee (NKCRC)
for a two-year term:
a. Chairman
b. 66 District/Precinct members (maximum)
c. 29 At-Large members (maximum)

2. Electing up to 275 Delegates and 275 Alternates to cast 55 votes at the 1st Congressional
District Convention, to be held at Caroline County High School, 19155 Rogers Clark Blvd.,
Milford VA or its alternate site beginning at 1:00 PM Saturday June 13th, 2020 for the purposes
a. Electing a Chairman for the 1st Congressional District; and
b. Electing three (3) members of the Republican State Central Committee for a term of
four years or until their successors are elected; and
c. Electing three (3) Delegates and three (3) Alternate Delegates to the Republican
National Convention to be held in Charlotte, NC on August 24-27, 2020; and
d. Electing one (1) Republican candidate for Elector for President and Vice-President of
the United States to be voted for at the election on Tuesday November 3, 2020; and
e. for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the Convention.

3. Electing up to 275 Delegates and 275 Alternates to cast 55 votes at the Republican Party of
Virginia Convention, to be held at the Richmond Convention Center, 403 N. 3rd Street,
Richmond VA or its alternate site beginning at 2:30 PM on Friday May 1st, 2020 and at 10:00
AM on Saturday May 2nd, 2020 for the purposes of:
a. Binding Virginia Delegates to the 2020 Republican National Convention as to their
choice for President on the 1st ballot by a Presidential Preference Poll; and
b. Electing twelve (12) At-Large delegates and twelve (12) At-Large Alternates to the
Republican National Convention; and
c. Nominating two (2) Electors At-Large to be voted for in the presidential election on
November 3rd, 2020; and
d. Electing a State Chairman; and
e. Nominating a National Committeeman and National Committeewoman; and
f. for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the Convention.

NKC Republican Convention Registration

Registration shall begin at 5:30 P.M. and shall end at 6:45 P.M. or when the convention is called
to order. However, anyone in line at that time who has pre-filed and paid the appropriate fees will be
allowed to register and participate as a full delegate in the convention. A valid picture identification
will be required for registration.

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Composition of County Convention

The New Kent County Convention shall be composed of (i) delegates and alternate delegates of the
respective Magisterial/Supervisor Districts they represent; and (ii) Military Members, as defined in
the Party Plan. Representation by delegates shall be based on one (1) delegate vote per 250 of the
total number of Republican votes cast in each Magisterial/Supervisor District in the last
gubernatorial and presidential elections combined. The delegate votes shall be as follows:

Magisterial/Supervisor District Voting Strength Max# Delegates

#1 Tunstall & Southern Branch 12 60

#2 Quinton & Kentwood 12 60
#3 Watkins & Cumberland 10 50
#4 Prov Forge & Mountcastle 11 55
#5 Eltham & Chick River 10 50
Total 55 275

Mandatory Candidate Filing and Fee Requirements

Candidates for the position of Chairman must submit the attached filing form and fees by mail to
NKCRC at P.O. Box 831, Quinton VA 23141 or in person to Fran Kennedy, Recording Secretary
of the NKCRC, at 11323 Pinewild Drive, Providence Forge VA no later than Friday, March 20th,
2020 at 7:00 PM. Call Ms. Kennedy at 757-608-8146 to ensure she will be available. Said form is
attached to this Call and may be obtained at and must be fully
completed and signed by the candidate in order for that candidate to be deemed properly filed.
A filing fee of $150 shall be required to run for Chairman of the Committee. Checks or money
orders are to be made payable to the New Kent County Republican Committee and must
accompany the attached pre-file form. Cash will not be accepted. Only those candidates for Chair
who file both their pre-file form and filing fee no later than Friday, March 20th, 2020 at 7:00
PM will stand for election at the convention. Filing fees are non-refundable.

Candidates for Magisterial/Supervisor District Committee member, At-Large Committee member

or Delegate to the 1st District or State Conventions must submit the attached filing form and fees
by mail to NKCRC at P.O. Box 831, Quinton VA 23141 or in person to Fran Kennedy, Recording
Secretary of the NKCRC, at 11323 Pinewild Drive, Providence Forge VA no later than Friday,
March 20th, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Call Ms. Kennedy at 757-608-8146 to ensure she will be available.
Individuals seeking to be a committee member or delegate MUST denote the District that they are
registered to vote in or they shall not be considered. If the number of qualified individuals filing
for these positions exceeds the total number allotted above, selection of candidates will be
determined by the earliest postmark dates and dates of delivery that the filing forms and fees are
received. Filing fees are non-refundable.

If the number of persons pre-filing as candidates for election at the Convention does not exceed
the number to be elected or nominated for a particular office, once the appropriate Convention
Committee determines that such persons meet the requirements of Article I of the State Party Plan,
the Convention Chair shall declare them elected or nominated. No nominations for offices to be

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filled by the Convention may be made from the Floor except upon the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of
those delegates present.

Filing to become a Delegate to the County Convention

All individuals who wish to be a delegate to the county convention must file an official filing form
and fees by mail to NKCRC at P.O. Box 831, Quinton VA 23141 or in person to Fran Kennedy,
Recording Secretary of NKCRC at 3301 New Kent Highway, Quinton VA 23141. A filing fee of
$5 must accompany the filing form. All forms and fees must be received no later than Friday,
March 20th, 2020 at 7:00 PM. The filing form is attached and also available at Individuals seeking to be a delegate MUST denote the District
that they are registered to vote in or they shall not be considered. If the number of qualified
individuals filing to be a delegate for a Magisterial/Supervisor District exceeds the total number
allotted above, selection of candidates will be determined by the earliest postmark dates and dates
of delivery that the filing forms and fees were received. Persons indicating on the filing form that
they wish to be a candidate for Delegate at any of the Conventions are not obligated to attend said
Convention. Filing fees are non-refundable.

Allotment of County Convention Delegate Votes

The County Convention shall be composed of Delegates and Alternate Delegates from the
Magisterial/Supervisor Districts that they represent. Representation shall be based on a percentage
of the total number of Republican votes cast in each District in the last Presidential and Gubernatorial
elections combined. Each District/Precinct will be allowed one (1) delegate vote for each two
hundred fifty (250) votes cast, or a major fraction thereof. Each precinct shall be entitled to at least
one (1) delegate vote. Up to five (5) Delegates and five (5) Alternate Delegates may be elected for
each Delegate Vote, but no Delegate shall have less than one-fifth (1/5) of a vote. As provided by
Section H (3) of the Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia, each District/Precinct
delegation shall vote full vote at the County Convention.

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