MSDS - White Oil

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Factory: 10, Vaibhav Industrial Estate, Sion – Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai – 400 088, MH, India

Phone: +91 – 22 – 2557 6611 / +91 – 22 – 3296 6611 || e-mail: [email protected]

Title Document no. : UPIPL/MSDS/003

Revision no. : 00
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Product name White Oil

White Mineral Oil – Light / Heavy
(Light) Liquid Paraffin
(Light) Base Oil
Cosmetic Paraffin Oil
Chemical family Petroleum hydrocarbon
Used in topical products, as a lubricant and in
Uses various pharmaceutical / Cosmetic
Name of Manufacturer Unicorn Petroleum Industries Pvt. Ltd.
10, Vaibhav Industrial Estate, Sion Trombay
Manufacturing site address
road, Deonar, Mumbai – 400 088, INDIA


Component CAS no. Weight %

Mineral oil / White Oil 8042-47-5 100


Potential Health Effects:

Eye: Not known to be an eye irritant.

Skin: Not known to be a skin irritant. No harmful effects from skin absorption have been
Inhalation (Breathing): No harmful effects reported.
Ingestion (Swallowing): No harmful effects reported from ingestion.
Signs and Symptoms: Effects of overexposure may include irritation of the nose and
throat, irritation of the digestive tract and diarrhea.
Cancer: No evidence of cancer has been demonstrated in several well conducted animal
Target Organs: No data available for this material.
Factory: 10, Vaibhav Industrial Estate, Sion – Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai – 400 088, MH, India
Phone: +91 – 22 – 2557 6611 / +91 – 22 – 3296 6611 || e-mail: [email protected]

Title Document no. : UPIPL/MSDS/003

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Developmental: No data available for this material.

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions: None Known


If irritation or redness develops, move victim away from exposure and into fresh air. Flush eyes
with clean water. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
First aid is not normally required. However, it is good practice to wash any chemical from the
First aid is not normally required. If breathing difficulties develop, move victim away from
source of exposure and into fresh air. Seek immediate medical attention.
First aid is not normally required; however, if swallowed and symptoms develop, seek medical
Acute aspirations of large amounts of oil-laden material may produce a serious aspiration
Note To pneumonia. Patients who aspirate these oils should be followed for the development of long-
Physicians: term sequelae. Inhalation exposure to oil mists below current workplace exposure limits is
unlikely to cause pulmonary abnormalities.


Flash Point: >370°F/>187.8°C ASTM D-92(COC)

OSHA Flammability Class: Not applicable
Flammable Properties:
LEL/UEL%: No Data
Autoignition Temperature: No Data

Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: This material may burn, but will not ignite readily.
Vapors are heavier than air and can accumulate in low areas. If container is not properly
cooled, it can rupture in the heat of a fire.

Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam, or water spray is

recommended. Water or foam may cause frothing of materials heated above 212°F.
Carbon dioxide can displace oxygen. Use caution when applying carbon dioxide in
confined spaces.

Fire Fighting Instructions: For fires beyond the incipient stage, emergency responders in
the immediate hazard area should wear bunker gear. When the potential chemical hazard
is unknown, in enclosed or confined spaces, or when explicitly required by DOT, a self-
contained breathing apparatus should be worn. In addition, wear other appropriate
protective equipment as conditions warrant
Factory: 10, Vaibhav Industrial Estate, Sion – Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai – 400 088, MH, India
Phone: +91 – 22 – 2557 6611 / +91 – 22 – 3296 6611 || e-mail: [email protected]

Title Document no. : UPIPL/MSDS/003

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Isolate immediate hazard area, keep unauthorized personnel out. Stop spill/release if it
can be done with minimal risk. Move undamaged containers from immediate hazard area
if it can be done with minimal risk. Water spray may be useful in minimizing or dispersing
vapors and to protect personnel. Cool equipment exposed to fire with water, if it can be
done with minimal risk. Avoid spreading burning liquid with water used for cooling


This material may burn, but will not ignite readily. Keep all sources of ignition away from
spill/release. Stay upwind and away from spill/release. Notify persons downwind of the
spill/release, isolate immediate hazard area and keep unauthorized personnel out. Stop
spill/release if it can be done with minimal risk. Wear appropriate protective equipment
including respiratory protection as conditions warrant

Prevent spilled material from entering sewers, storm drains, other unauthorized drainage
systems, and natural waterways. Dike far ahead of spill for later recovery or disposal.
Spilled material may be absorbed into an appropriate absorbent material.

Notify fire authorities and appropriate federal, state, and local agencies. Immediate
cleanup of any spill is recommended.


Handling: Do not enter confined spaces such as tanks or pits without following proper
entry procedures such as ASTM D-4276 and 29CFR 1910.146. The use of appropriate
respiratory protection is advised when concentrations exceed any established exposure

Do not wear contaminated clothing or shoes. Use good personal hygiene practices.

"Empty" containers retain residue and may be dangerous. Do not pressurize, cut, weld,
braze, solder, drill, grind, or expose such containers to heat, flame, sparks, or other
sources of ignition. They may explode and cause injury or death. "Empty" drums should
be completely drained, properly bunged, and promptly shipped to the supplier or a drum
Factory: 10, Vaibhav Industrial Estate, Sion – Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai – 400 088, MH, India
Phone: +91 – 22 – 2557 6611 / +91 – 22 – 3296 6611 || e-mail: [email protected]

Title Document no. : UPIPL/MSDS/003

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reconditioner. All containers should be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner

and in accordance with governmental regulations.

Before working on or in tanks which contain or have contained this material, refer to
OSHA regulations, ANSI Z49.1 and other references pertaining to cleaning, repairing,
welding, or other contemplated operations.

Keep container(s) tightly closed. Use and store this material in cool, dry, well-ventilated
areas away from heat and all sources of ignition. Store only in approved containers
pretected from light and moisture. Keep away from any incompatible material. Protect
container(s) against physical damage.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Respiratory: A NIOSH certified air purifying respirator with a Type 95 (R or P) particulate

filter may be used in conjunction with an organic vapor cartridge under conditions where
airborne concentrations are expected to exceed exposure limits (200 mg / m3 )

Protection provided by air purifying respirators is limited (see manufacturer's respirator

selection guide). Use a NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or
equivalent operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode if there is
potential for an uncontrolled release, exposure levels are not known, or any other
circumstances where air purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection. A
respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2
requirements must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator's

Skin: Not required based on the hazards of the material. However, it is considered good
practice to wear gloves when handling chemicals.

Eye/Face: While contact with this material is not expected to cause irritation, the use of
approved eye protection to safeguard against potential eye contact is considered good

Other Protective Equipment: A source of clean water should be available in the work
area for flushing eyes and skin. Impervious clothing should be worn as needed.
Factory: 10, Vaibhav Industrial Estate, Sion – Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai – 400 088, MH, India
Phone: +91 – 22 – 2557 6611 / +91 – 22 – 3296 6611 || e-mail: [email protected]

Title Document no. : UPIPL/MSDS/003

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Suggestions for the use of specific protective materials are based on readily available
published data. Users should check with specific manufacturers to confirm the
performance of their products.


Note: Unless otherwise stated, values are determined at 20°C (68°F) and 760 mm Hg (1

Appearance Transparent, water-white

Physical State Liquid
Odour Odourless
pH No data
Vapour pressure (mmHg) <1
Vapour density (air = 1) >1
Boiling Point/Range 590°F / 310°C (approximate)
Freezing/Melting Point No data
Solubility in Water Insoluble
Specific Gravity 0.815 -- 0.895
Evaporation Rate (nBuAc=1) <1
Bulk Density 7.17 lbs/gal
Flash Point >370°F / >187.8°C ASTM D-92(COC)
Flammable/Explosive Limits (%) No data


Stability: Stable under normal ambient and anticipated storage and handling conditions
of temperature and pressure.

Conditions To Avoid: Avoid all possible sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid (Incompatible Materials): Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents

Hazardous Decomposition Products: carbon, nitrogen and sulfur oxides

Hazardous Polymerization: will not occur

Factory: 10, Vaibhav Industrial Estate, Sion – Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai – 400 088, MH, India
Phone: +91 – 22 – 2557 6611 / +91 – 22 – 3296 6611 || e-mail: [email protected]

Title Document no. : UPIPL/MSDS/003

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Not available


Not available


This material, if discarded as produced, is not a RCRA "listed" hazardous waste. However,
it should be fully characterized for toxicity prior to disposal (40 CFR 261). Use which
results in chemical or physical change or contamination may subject it to regulation as a
hazardous waste. Along with properly characterizing all waste materials, consult state and
local regulations regarding the proper disposal of this material. Container contents should
be completely used and containers should be emptied prior to discard. Container rinsate
could be considered a RCRA hazardous waste and must be disposed of with care and in
full compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Larger empty containers, such as
drums, should be returned to the distributor or to a drum reconditioner. To assure proper
disposal of smaller empty containers, consult with state and local regulations and disposal


DOT Shipping Description: Not hazardous

Note: Material is unregulated unless in container of 3500 gal or more then provisions of
49 CFR Part 130 apply for land shipment.

IMDG: Not regulated

IATA: Not regulated

Factory: 10, Vaibhav Industrial Estate, Sion – Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai – 400 088, MH, India
Phone: +91 – 22 – 2557 6611 / +91 – 22 – 3296 6611 || e-mail: [email protected]

Title Document no. : UPIPL/MSDS/003

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EPA SARA 311/312 (Title III Hazard Categories): No hazard relating to Acute health,
Chronic health, fire, pressure or reactive hazard is identified.

SARA 313 and 40 CFR 372: This material contains NO chemicals subject to the reporting
requirements of SARA 313 and 40 CFR 372

California Proposition 65: This material contains NO chemicals which are known to the
State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and are
subject to the requirements of California Proposition 65 (CA Health & Safety Code Section

Carcinogen Identification: This material has not been identified as a carcinogen by NTP,

EPA (CERCLA) Reportable Quantity: --NONE--

Canada - Domestic Substances List: Listed

This product complies as per ICH Q3C (R4) guidelines and USP <467> for Residual

This product is manufactured from the raw materials, which are not from Animal source
and manufacturing process does not involve use of any other Ruminant Material. The
starting materials are from Synthetic origin. Similarly the process is also of synthetic
origin. It is further certified that there is no cross contamination of TSE due to shared
processing equipment/facilities at our manufacturing site. Hence the above mentioned
products manufactured by us are declared free from any risk of" Transmissible
Spongiform Encephalopathy” (TSE) & “Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy” (BSE).


ISSUE Date: 14/06/2007

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