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- 16th July 2018 -

This fan rulebook is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop.
Necromunda, Inquisitor, 40k, Warhammer 40k, Citadel, Games Workshop, GW and all associated logos, marks, names, races, vehicles, weapons, devices,
characters, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40k universe are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Note: each entry below is easily accessible with a single click.

Updates...............................................................3 Mutations..........................................................23
Introduction.......................................................4 Psykers & Psychic Powers................................25
How to play Inquisimunda?..............................6 Bionics...............................................................27
Designing your Warband...................................8 Prosthetics....................................................................28

Step 1: Choose your Leader's species.........................9 Implants........................................................................30

Step 2: Choose your faction........................................10 Expanded armoury...........................................31

Step 3: Choose your True Nature..............................14 Weapons.......................................................................31

Step 4: Choose an Archetype......................................15 Wargear.........................................................................37

Recruiting Fighters..........................................16 The Bizarre Bazaar...........................................38

Warband composition ................................................16 Weapons.......................................................................39

Creating a fighter.........................................................16 Wargear.........................................................................44

Fighters positions.........................................................17 Special Rules.....................................................45

Species...............................................................18 Inquisimunda Campaigns...............................50
Mankind........................................................................18 True nature & Secrecy.................................................51

Aeldari...........................................................................20 The Path to Heresy.......................................................52



Minor Xenos species....................................................21

This is not an official Games Workshop publication

The content of this book is in no way affiliated with Games Workshop and is completely unofficial. The content within is
a fan project and made for personal use. House rules, ideas, fluff descriptions could have been sourced from the
Internet with no intent to infringe on any copyright, moral right, trademark or other intellectual property. Please get in
touch if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

Special thanks to the worldwide Inquisimunda community, whose years of continuing discussions are instrumental, to
the numerous forums, blogs and websites (especially the Yaktribe community on,
DakkaDakka, Warseer, Eastern Fringe, The Conclave, Iron Sleet, Empire of Ghosts, Lexicanum, Warhammer 40k wikia)
and to the many contributors and passionate hobbyists who breathe life into the grimdark future.

Thanks for reading!

(aka “Alphonse” on Yaktribe)

GW, Games Workshop, Citadel, Black Library, Forge World, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, Space Marine, 40K, 40,000, White Dwarf, Necromunda,
Space Hulk, Battlefleet Gothic, Mordheim, Inquisitor, Epic, Gorkamorka, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons,
characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
The present book, which brings together contributors from diverse horizons, bears witness to the powerful will of the
community to establish Inquisimunda as an enjoyable game system. This endeavor is a tribute to the richness and the
depth of the 40k universe. It is an ongoing process and, by essence, a collective effort. Every contribution, no matter
how small, is a tangible step toward a better outcome.

This document is a work in progress. Throughout the pages, you may find some [comments highlighted in yellow]. They
are here to notify the community that feedbacks and tangible contributions are required or that discussions are
ongoing about this very point on Yaktribe's forums. It is also a way to expose the process that is followed and the
sources from which this part might be based on.

Chapters updateD What’s new

Added pictures of amazing conversions
General 16/07/2018
Rearranged several chapters
Introduction 15/04/18 Shortened
How to play? 16/07/2018 Chapter created to explain the new process for fighters & warband creation
16/07/2018 Complete overhaul of the warband creation process (4 steps & cards)
a warband
16/07/2018 Introduced Cards for Positions
Species 16/07/2018 Introduced Cards for Species
Mutations 16/07/2018 Individualised as a chapter & introduced Cards for Mutations
Psykers &
16/07/2018 Individualised as a chapter
Psychic Powers
Bionics 16/07/2018 Individualised as a chapter
Expanded Updated Pistols & Basic weapons stats
armoury Added Special, Heavy & Close combat weapons stats
Complete overhaul of the Bizarre Bazaar
Bizarre Bazaar 22/05/18
Added all weapons costs & rarity levels
Special rules 16/07/2018 Added rules related to the chapter 'Designing your Warband'
Campaigns 16/07/2018 Added a first draft of the Path to Heresy

Latest version Call for contributions

First, you’re invited to verify that you are in possession There is a lot of questions about the best way to
of the last update of this document. After checking the represent something in Inquisimunda, in relation to
date on the cover of this book, please visit Yaktribe's weapons, fighting styles or even purpose in life. You
Vault here to download the latest version. are welcomed to take part in the discussions (here).

Two-Page view Specifically, we are now looking for:

This document is intended to be displayed in a two- • Weapons & Wargear stats and prices
page spread like a book. Be sure to opt for “Show • Fluff & Illustrations
Cover Page in Two Page View” (cover page alone). • Bionics & Implants
• Psychic powers
To err is human • Familiar/Constructs/Beasts rules
Please feel free to report spelling mistakes and typos, • Proofreading
suggest rewording of misleading phrases, or add • Play testing and Feedbacks.
explanations to an evasive paragraph (here).

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Welcome to the world of Inquisimunda. You may have was there to rid the worlds of any heresy, to save the
heard the term whispered among mysterious players galaxy from any threat from within, without or
from secretive groups, or have stumble upon pictures beyond. Operating in secrecy and seeing their
of an unfamiliar miniature in dark and strange corners methods to be secondary to the execution of their
of the Web. Unknown species, unidentified faction. holy duties, Inquisitors act freely. Could an emperor
Before realizing you were asking yourself who was asleep in a stasis chamber really control the judgment
this little guy, what was his story, what influenced his given by his agents?
intention, your interest was inescapably piqued.
There is no coincidence. You’re here because you are
Something was happening inside of you, an odd drawn to this kind of uprising, far away from the
feeling of unspeakable attraction. You wanted to know brightly colored normalcy edicted by the Imperium or
what you had suspected for ages: everything you have its temporary allies. In Inquisimunda, you follow the
been told is a lie! There are no such things as heroes lives of the many forgotten characters who invisibly
or villains in the horrifying universe of the 41st influence the destiny of the whole galaxy, not battle
millennium. No light upon the path of the defenders after battle, war after war, but one stab after the
of Mankind and the Emperor. No absolute shadow in other, one gunshot at a time, one intrigue a day.
the heart of their registered enemies. The Inquisition

What is Inquisimunda?
Short answer: Inquisimunda is a crossover between At its core, Inquisimunda is all about Inquisitors,
Inquisitor and Necromunda (hence the name). heretics, mutants, xenos, and the men and women
that want to either tear them apart or to continue to
Inquisimunda is a way to play lesser-known characters live from their forbidden activities. It’s an alternative
from the 40k universe, named once in a Black Library approach to 40k where the focus is shifted back to a
book or briefly evoked in a 40k codex but rarely seen human perspective where even a single Astartes is a
on a tabletop. It’s a way of recapturing some of the momentous, game changing figure. Inquisimunda is
older stories of 40k, dated back from the Rogue about embodying something unusual. It could be
Trader era, that have been sidelined since then. It’s a some dismissed rogue traders, particularly cruel void
tribute to the work of artists who relentlessly tried to pirates, a not so peaceful T’au diplomatic cadre, or
depict a richer and deeper universe. Blanchitsu something completely different. It’s up to you!
regularly features such warbands in White Dwarf, and
part of the appeal of Inquisimunda is the ability to
design your very own little guys to explore the more
obscure areas of 40k background. The desire to
represent your characters by searching the whole GW
range of miniatures, converting them, using
greenstuff to make them unique, is an integral
element of Inquisimunda.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Where does it come from?
In 1995, the first official version of Necromunda came Inq28 & 40kmunda, What’s about?
out, following the idea of a ruleset published in White Technically, Inq28 is a direct translation of the RPG
Dwarf between autumn and winter 1990-1991 for a rules of Inquisitor from the 54mm scale to the 28mm
skirmish wargame called Confrontation. In 2003, a first one. Switching to a smaller scale has made a broader
fan update was compiled by the community (and range of miniatures available for conversion, easing
accordingly dubbed NCE, Necromunda Community the creation of unique character models. Thus, Inq28
Edition). is more about creativity than playing rules. This could
explain the confusion with this term, since Inq28 is
In 2001, GW published a narrative skirmish game often used to speak about Inquisimunda, or more
called Inquisitor, with 54mm scale models. It was broadly, games that feature Inquisitors or something
pretty unique in that it was essentially non- comparable in power level and tone, style and spirit.
competitive: it was more about creating a narrative
and roleplaying your characters. The rulebook was full 40kmunda is another fan proposal based upon NCE,
of artworks and background stories, an evocative allowing gamers to play with more 40k factions. It's
setting that captured the imagination. basically another take on Kill Team (or Shadow War),
warband level 40k skirmishes where fighters level up
In 2011, the community compiled a first ruleset for and have access to everything.
Inquisimunda (V1.0, V1.3 Addendum), keeping the
same game rules as Necromunda but extending the Inquisimunda gets scaled back to feel more like the

number and type of "gangs", and introducing a vast original inquisitor game with its ability to take just

armoury, as well as major psychic powers, thanks to about anything of an investigative stealth level, with

the work of Jeremy Olsen, based on an idea from 2008 the ability to level a warband up from novice fighters

in Migsula's blog on DakkaDakka “Jade Vessel”. to elites operating in the shadows.

Why a new version?

Inquisimunda v2.0 (2016) was based on NCE. Work on
a new version (v3.0), still based on NCE, was initiated
at the beginning of 2017, with a focus on streamlining
the house rules and notably the warband creation
process. Great advances have been made, but due to
the announcement of a new version of Necromunda
for the end of 2017, this initiative has been put on a
temporary hiatus.
Courtesy of ThoseWhomTheGods

N17 has come with a lot of changes to the way

Necromunda is played. Even if the new setting is not
fully complete (not yet Outlanders for instance), it is
interesting to adapt Inquisimunda to these new game

Furthermore, Warhammer 40k has seen a major new

release (8th edition) at the middle of 2017, with
substantial changes to factions, species and weapons.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
How to play Inquisimunda?
Inquisimunda N17 is based on the ruleset of Necromunda: Underhive boxed game (2017). A copy of the softback
rulebook is required to use the present supplement. It won’t take long to learn the basic rules of the game such
as moving, shooting, fighting in close combat and the turn structure, much of which experienced Warhammer
40,000 players will be familiar with already.

From there, Inquisimunda offers gamers a broader choice of warbands, species, weapons and wargear, in
replacement of the House gangs, Underhive Armoury and Trading Post of N17.

Keywords & Cards

Inquisimunda is based on Keywords to attribute special rules or to grant access to specific equipment for your
fighters and your warband. To ease understanding and mastering of the way these keywords works,
Inquisimunda proposes different sets of cards. In the following chapters, you will be guided to choose the cards
that best represent your very own idea of a warband. This process is meant to be a full replacement of the way
gangs are chosen in Necromunda: Underhive.

Designing your Warband Recruiting Fighters

In Inquisimunda, you do not choose a warband Once you have found the perfect set of rules to
among a limited list. Instead, you will be able to create represent your warband, you will be ready to recruit a
your very own warband from a first set of cards. The crew. Unlike Necromunda, there is no list to pick up
combination of these cards offers a great number of from. Instead, you will be able to combine different
possibilities to explore. All you have to do is to end up cards to create each one of your fighters. The process
with four cards, no less, no more. To make it easy for is even faster than the one for warband, since
you to choose your cards, you just have to follow four according to your previous choices, you will have only
steps, each one of them represents a key aspect of access to cards that fits your background. Only two
your warband. The most interesting step is probably cards are mandatory: Position (Leader, Champion,
the third one, as it lets you keep undisclosed your True Warrior, Heavy, Initiate) and Species. A third choice of
nature. Indeed, your warband rules could evolve cards lets you design mutants (and psykers). The last
during the course of a campaign. step is to buy some equipment (and possibly bionics).

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Rules changes
With the Necromunda Rulebook and this core ruleset for warband and fighters, You will be able to play skirmish
games in no time. For campaign games, the Gang War 1 supplement is required, as well as some alterations
exposed in the chapter: Inquisimunda Campaigns.

Below is a table to keep track of all the equivalences and changes between Necromunda and Inquisimunda.

Necromunda Rules Inquisimunda Changes

Basic rules No change
Advanced rules Added specific rules in the chapter 'Special rules'
Founding a gang Replaced by
• House lists • Designing your Warband
• Fighters statlines • Recruiting Fighters
◦ Species
◦ Mutations
◦ Psykers & Psychic Powers
◦ Bionics, Prosthetics & Implants
Underhive Armoury Replaced by Expanded Armoury
The Trading Post Replaced by The Bizarre Bazaar
Campaign (Gang War 1) Altered system in Inquisimunda Campaigns

Fun & Fluff

The main focus of Inquisimunda is not about designing a competitive
list. It's all about bringing a story to life and enjoying a different (and
darker) side of your favorite hobby. Black Library books, White Dwarf
Articles and 40k Codices are a great source of inspiration. Internet as a
whole is also full of artworks and artists. You may find
astonishing miniatures and ideas on DakkaDakka,
Yaktribe, 40k wiki, and numerous blogs. Many thanks
to them!

Keep in mind that the present book is a Work in

Progress and a Community Effort. If you can't find
a specific rule to play one of your idea, feel free to
create it and try to convince your players group
Courtesy of KrautScientist

that this is for the Greater Good. In the mean time,

we invite you to discuss and suggest rules on
Yaktribe's forums.

Let's have fun!

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Designing your Warband
In Inquisimunda, you do not choose a Warband in the same way as a House in Necromunda. Instead, to
embrace the great diversity of individuals, groups, allegiances and motivations, you will be able to design your
own warband by following four easy steps, each one of them determining one key aspect of your warband.

Courtesy of KrautScientist
The four steps to design your warband

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Leader's species Faction True Nature Archetype
The first step grants In addition to special Something to hide? The last step describes
you your first keyword rules, the choice of a Your choice may be both your motivation
and determines access faction sets access to kept undisclosed for and your way of
to specific factions. the next two steps. this step. fighting.

Warbands cards Skill Access

For each one of these steps, you are allowed to pick Your fighters must have access to four Skill sets:
up one card (and only one!). Each card is a way to • Two Primary Skill sets are determined by your
select the rules that will apply to your warband: Warband's Archetype (Step 4).
keywords, species, skill sets, equipment availability • Two Secondary Skill sets, if not specified by
and more. your Faction or True Nature, may be chosen
freely among any skill sets apart from
Note that the card's title is a Keyword in itself and Leadership (see Gang War 1).
thus it grants you access to corresponding items in
the Bizarre Bazaar. To ease navigation between the
cards, each one of them comes with mentions of What's next?
possible previous step(s) and/or available next step(s). With your four cards (and your skill sets), you are
Each mention is clickable and will lead you to the ready to start Recruiting Fighters for your warband.
corresponding card(s), in much the same way as a Don't forget to create a story to come along with your
gamebook. warband!

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Step 1: Choose your Leader's species
The first step to design your warband is to select a species for your Leader. Equipment accessibility and available
Factions will greatly depend of this first choice. The full characteristics, rules and cost of each species are
detailed in the chapter: Species.

Step 1 Step 1
Leader's species Mankind Leader's species Aeldari
Humans originated on the planet Terra (Old Earth), and first Aeldari possess longer and cleaner limbs than humans, almond-
colonised the galaxy during the Dark Age of Technology. shaped eyes, and slightly pointed ears. The most obvious
Throughout its long history and before, the human race has difference between humans and Aeldari can only be seen when
mutated into a variety of stable species known as Abhumans. they move, for the movements of an Aeldari radiate a subtle grace.

Available species Humans, Abhumans Available species Aeldari

Special rules Recruitment: a Human or Abhuman Special rules Recruitment: an Aeldari Leader may
Leader may recruit fighters from any recruit Aeldari fighters.
Mankind sub species.

Available Step 2 Independent Available Step 2 Independent

Factions T'au Empire, Imperium factions Factions Aeldari factions

Step 1 Step 1
Leader's species Greenskins Leader's species T'au
Orks and Grotz are green-skinned and red-blooded, a side effect of The Tau have hoofed feet and four-digit hands. Their skin is grey-
their symbiotic physiological and genetic relationship with fungi. blue, rough in texture, leathery, and exudes almost no moisture.
Orks feel surprisingly little pain, even from the most grievous of Their faces are flat, wide around the eyes, with an "I"-shaped slit
wounds, enabling them to fight on whilst horrifically injured. running from the center of the forehead, with no nose.

Available species Orks, Grotz Available species T'au (any castes)

Special rules Recruitment: a Greenskins Leader Special rules Recruitment: a T'au Leader may
may recruit Ork and/or Grot fighters. recruit T'au fighters.


Available Step 2 Independent Available Step 2 Independent

Factions Greenskins factions Factions T'au Empire, Farsight Enclaves

Step 1
Leader's species Minor Xenos species
Not all sentient species are posed to seize the galaxy for
themselves. Hundreds have failed to even prevent their own
extinction. Despite this, the galaxy continues to offer a great
diversity of alien life in a myriad of forms, all struggling to survive.

Available species Minor Xenos species

Special rules Recruitment: a Leader from one
Minor Xenos species may recruit
fighters from the same species.
Equipment: choose one keyword from
Mankind, Aeldari, Greenskins, T'au.

Available Step 2 Independent

Factions T'au Empire (Kroot, Vespid, Tarellian)

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Step 2: Choose your faction
At its inception, the Imperium of Man made one of its core objectives the extermination of all alien life forms that
posed any threat to humanity. Thus many species suffered extinction at the hands of the newborn Imperium which
perpetrated one act of genocide after another. This would also apply to the majority of human civilisations
encountered during the course of the Great Crusade like the Interex and Diasporex civilisations, which had founded
cultures where alien and human populations had successfully integrated into a single whole. Diplomacy was rarely
tried, and was more often offered only to other human civilisations encountered in the course of the Great Crusade.
Certain Xenos, such as the Aeldari, who were more technologically advanced than the Imperium were often simply left
alone so long as they did not threaten human interests. This policy of unconditional hatred persists into the modern
Imperium more than 10,000 standard years after the Great Crusade ended in the blood and fire of the Horus Heresy.
In that time, many more alien civilisations have been discovered and destroyed regardless of threat level, culture,
disposition or technology.

The second step to design your warband is to choose This step will also be important to determine the
a Faction. Don't be intimidated by the sheer amount available True Nature (Step 3) and Archetype (Step 4)
of cards in this section, you just need to pick up one. of your Warband.
In the following page, you will find different factions
sorted to ease reading as follow: Note that this choice of a faction is not the reflect of
• Imperium factions your indefectible loyalty to this faction, it is more to be
• Aeldari factions viewed as an origin. The True Nature of your warband
• Greenskins factions (Step 3) will be an opportunity to clarify your real
• T'au factions. allegiance.

If you would like to keep the most freedom in the

design of your warband, you may choose the
Independent Faction card below. It is the simplest way to
gather the most eclectic crew.

Step 2
Faction Independent
Some warbands belong to one of the numerous, sparse and minor
realms within the galaxy. Other individuals have rejected the
established order and do not owe allegiance to any particular
organisation. One thing in common: they are on their own.

Available species Any species

Courtesy of David Heathfield

Special rules WiP

Available Step 3 Any except Renegade

Available Step 4 Any Archetypes

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Imperium factions

The Imperium of Man is a galaxy-spanning interstellar human empire, the ultimate authority for the majority of the
human race in the Milky Way Galaxy in the late 41st Millennium. Teetering on the brink of collapse, it is ruled by the
living god who is known as the Emperor of Mankind. Several xenos species and dark forces now challenge the
supremacy of the Imperium and humanity's predominant place in the galaxy. From within, the Imperium is threatened
more insidiously by rebellion, mutation, dangerous psykers and subversive Chaos Cults.

Imperial citizens
Step 2 Step 2
Faction Ecclesiarchy Faction
The Adeptus Ministorum, more commonly known as the The Imperium is the largest and currently most powerful political
Ecclesiarchy, is the official face and militant arm of the Imperial entity in the galaxy. Most of its citizens rarely interact with other
Cult and is devoted to upholding the worship of the Emperor of worlds, whereas others are recruited to serve in the Astra Militarum
Mankind as the one, true God of Humanity. and will probably never see their homeworlds again.

Available species Humans, Abhumans (but no Beastman) Available species Humans, Abhumans

Special rules Human Leader only Special rules Hierarchy (Humans)


Available Step 3 Untainted Available Step 3 Any

Available Step 4 Cult Available Step 4 Cult, Enforcers, Military

Step 2 Step 2
Faction Inquisition Faction
The Inquisition acts as the secret police force of the Imperium, The servants of the Cult Mechanicus regard organic flesh as weak
hunting down any and all of the myriad threats to the stability of and worship the Machine God or the "Omnissiah” deity. In their
the God-Emperor's realm, from the corruption caused by the Quest for Knowledge, some adepts choose to follow a foul path into
Forces of Chaos, Heretics, mutants and rebels, to Xenos influences. forbidden tech-heresy within the Dark Mechanicus sect.

Available species Humans, Abhumans Available species Humans, Abhumans

Special rules Human Leader only Special rules Human Leader only


Available Step 3 Any except Mutants Available Step 3 Any except Mutants

Available Step 4 Enforcers, Explorers Available Step 4 Cult, Explorers, Military

Rogue Trader
Step 2 Step 2
Faction Noble Faction
The Imperium promotes the development of a neo-feudal political Rogue Traders are unique and powerful human individuals who
system. Many of the ruling noble houses from worlds across the serve as a combination freelance explorer, conquistador and
Imperium will send delegations to negotiate with other houses and interstellar merchant. Their inherited Warrant of Trade empowers
forge alliances and trade deals with local worlds and nations. them to journey beyond the boundaries of the imperium of Man.

Available species Humans, Abhumans Available species Humans, Abhumans (+Xenos?)

Special rules Hierarchy (Humans) Special rules Human Leader only


Available Step 3 Untainted, Chaos, Mutants, Renegade Available Step 3 Untainted, Renegade

Available Step 4 Diplomacy, Explorers Available Step 4 Diplomacy, Explorers

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Aeldari factions

The Aeldari are a dying race, a shadow of their former glory, on the brink of annihilation. Millennia ago, their
overweening pride and their fall into hedonistic practices led to a cataclysm that all but eradicated their kind and led
to the birth of the Chaos God Slaanesh. The heart of their civilization was torn out by this catastrophe, forcing most of
the surviving Eldar to flee upon gigantic starships. Now they cling to survival by a thread, fighting the horrors of the
galaxy with ritualised discipline and consummate skill.

Step 2 Step 2
Faction Craftworlds Faction
A Craftworld is a vast, planetoid-sized spacecraft, carrying the The forsaken and corrupt kindred of the Eldar, called Drukhari,
greater part of the surviving members of the Eldar race after their revel in piracy, enslavement and torture. They are concentrated in
Fall. Each Craftworld is a self-sufficient, independent realm with its one foul city-state - the Dark City of Commorragh - that lies within
own distinctive culture. the Immaterium of the Eldar Webway.

Available species Aeldari only Available species Aeldari, Sslyth

Special rules Any fighters of a Craftworld warband Special rules All Aeldari fighters gain the following
may be a Psyker (not just Leader & attributes: Night Vision, Not a Psyker.
Slavers & Slaves

Available Step 3 Untainted Available Step 3 Untainted

Available Step 4 Explorers, Diplomacy, Military Available Step 4 Cult, Explorers, Military, Outlaws

Step 2 Step 2
Faction Exodites Faction
The Exodites are members of the Aeldari race that rejected the The Harlequins are the keepers of the Black Library and serve the
slow degeneration of their ancient civilisation before the Fall of the enigmatic Eldar deity called the Laughing God. The Harlequins see
Eldar, exiling themselves from the core homeworlds of their star- no distinction between art and war, and their outlook can best be
spanning empire to newly-terraformed colony planets. explained by reference to the legend of the Fall.

Available species Aeldari only Available species Aeldari only

Special rules Access to < Primitive > Equipment Special rules WiP

Available Step 3 Untainted Available Step 3 Untainted

Available Step 4 Cult, Explorers, Military Available Step 4 Explorers, Military

Step 2
Faction Ynnari
The Ynnari are a newly formed Eldar group, that worship the God
Ynnead and believe their race can be saved from the predation of
Slaanesh, by helping to bring about the birth of the slumbering
God of the dead.

Available species Aeldari only

Special rules Ynnari warbands may purchase

equipment with any of the following
keywords: Craftworlds, Drukhari,
Exodites and Harlequins.

Available Step 3 Untainted

Available Step 4 Cult, Diplomacy, Military

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Greenskins factions

Feral Orks
Step 2 Step 2
Faction Orks Domains Faction
Living on innumerable worlds, on some, the Orks dominate Feral Orks or Wildboyz are Orks who arise on a world that a
completely, on others they live in a state of perpetual war, and on spaceborne Ork WAAAGH! has already assaulted, usually grown
others still they act as slave masters, bullying the local populations from the fungal reproductive spores left behind. They possess only
into doing their bidding. pre-industrial levels of technology and culture.

Available species Orks, Grotz Available species Orks, Grotz

Special rules Ork Leader only Special rules Ork Leader only

Access to < Primitive > Equipment

Available Step 3 Untainted Available Step 3 Untainted

Available Step 4 Cult, Explorers, Military Available Step 4 Cult, Military

Step 2
Faction Rebel Grotz
Due to unfair treatment, some Grotz decided to form Da
Kommittee, a group of rebels who led the rag-tag "revolushun".
They campaign for equal rights between Orks and grotz. Even by
outnumbering their oppressors, their chances of success are slim.

Available species Grotz only

Special rules Grot Leader only

Available Step 3 Untainted

Available Step 4 Military

T'au factions

Farsight Enclaves
Step 2 Step 2
Faction T'au Empire Faction
The T'au Empire is a rapidly expanding xenos empire. It was The Farsight Enclaves are a series of heavily-fortified T'au colony
founded by the Tau caste called the Ethereals, in the name of the worlds that are independent and indeed opposed to the rule of the
Greater Good. Several intelligent xenos races have allied T'au Empire. They are led by the legendary Commander Farsight,
themselves with the Tau, and even some humans. who knows the truth behind the Ethereal's great plan.

Available species T'au, Mankind, Kroot, Tarellian, Vespid Available species T'au only

Special rules Hierarchy (T'au) Special rules WiP


Available Step 3 Untainted, Renegade Available Step 3 Untainted, Chaos

Available Step 4 Cult, Diplomacy, Explorers, Military Available Step 4 Explorers, Military

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Step 3: Choose your True Nature
This step may be kept undisclosed until you decide to reveal your True Nature (or the truth has been uncovered
after investigations). You could even keep secret the real species or mutation status of some of your fighters.
You could also plan to use forbidden equipments. More explanations about secrecy are included into the
chapter: Inquisimunda Campaigns. Your default choice is to be Untainted.

Step 3 Step 3
True Nature Untainted True Nature Chaos
Being by fear or by will, some warbands have managed to keep The entities who embody Chaos are mostly daemons, but the term
themselves out of the influence of any Xenos masters, or truly also encompasses those mortals who have thrown in their lot with
untainted by the corruption of the Dark Gods. Among their ranks, Chaos, ranging from simple labourers who serve as Chaos Cultists,
no one contests the merits of their acknowledged allegiance. to Damned Guardsmen and Traitors of the Dark Mechanicus.

Requisite faction (step 2) Any faction Requisite faction (step 2) Independent, Farsight Enclaves,
Imperial citizens, Mechanicum, Noble

Special rules WiP Special rules WiP

Devotion: choose one keyword from

Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch,
Chaos Undivided.

Step 3 Step 3
True Nature Genestealer infection True Nature
A Genestealer Cult is a xenos-worshipping secret society made up Mutants are the millions of people across the Imperium of Man
of and controlled by Genestealers. These Tyranids are carried from who have been deformed from the baseline human phenotypic
world to world much as a virus is carried from host to host, unseen state by genetic mutation. Mutation is actually considered a
and unbidden. A cult can start with but a single organism. heretical crime by Imperial authorities.

Requisite faction (step 2) Independent, Mechanicum Requisite faction (step 2) Independent,

Imperial citizens, Inquisition Imperial citizens, Noble

Special rules WiP Special rules WiP

Step 3
True Nature Renegade
For those who question the established order, who can no longer
tolerate the oppression or who have seen another truth, there is
only two choices: rebellion or death. Renegades are not only
deserters, they may be spies, saboteurs and traitors under cover.

Requisite faction (step 2) Imperial citizens, Mechanicum, Noble,

Rogue Trader, T'au Empire

Special rules WiP

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Step 4: Choose an Archetype
The last step and not the least to design your warband is to select an Archetype, which is both the way your
warband will fight and the what it will fight for. Your Primary Skill sets depends of this last choice. For remainder,
if by this step no Secondary Skill sets have been specified, two of them may be chosen freely among any skill
sets apart from Leadership (see Gang War 1).

Step 4 Step 4
Archetype Cult Archetype Diplomacy
Cults is a term often referring to subversive groups within Some of the more important breakthroughs to prevent or to end a
humanity - some are dominated by hostile aliens while others are conflict have not been the fact of violence, but have been
worshippers of Chaos. Orks believe in Gork - or is it Mork? - and successfully accomplished through diplomacy. Beyond government
T'au's Greater Good goes far beyond a simple doctrine. and nobility, Diplomacy is an art practised by traders and guilds.

Requisite faction (step 2) WiP Requisite faction (step 2) WiP

Primary Skill sets Ferocity & Savant Primary Skill sets Combat & Savant

Special rules WiP Special rules WiP

Convert to the cause! (if of the same Start with +100 TG ?
Zealot or Preacher skills
Hatred (other cult)

Step 4 Step 4
Archetype Enforcers Archetype
The role and nature of Enforcer cadres vary widely. Many worlds Explorers are driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore and travel
have their own paramilitary force provided by the Imperial across the galaxy. Their function is to travel into the depths of the
Commander to enforce their will and dispense rough justice. Many unknown in order to acquire knowledge and secrets for the glory of
of these are little better than bandits and extortionists themselves. their empire or for their own benefit.

Requisite faction (step 2) WiP Requisite faction (step 2) WiP

Primary Skill sets Ferocity & Shooting Primary Skill sets Savant & Shooting

Special rules WiP Special rules WiP

Step 4 Step 4
Archetype Military Archetype Outlaws
In a time knowing only War, Military assets, comprised of either Renegades, mercenaries, and outcasts commonly form piratical
professionally trained elites or enrolled citizens with poor bands on the fringes of the Imperium, raiding space lanes for
experience, are legion among the worlds spread all over the plunder and glory. Others prefer to perpetrate their crime deep
galaxy. inside a system, as small gangs or as true criminal organisations.

Requisite faction (step 2) WiP Requisite faction (step 2) WiP

Primary Skill sets Combat & Shooting Primary Skill sets Combat & Ferocity

Special rules WiP Special rules WiP

Ruling By force

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Recruiting Fighters
After designing your warband by selecting 4 cards in the previous chapter, you will need to recruit some
fighters. In Inquisimunda, there is five types of fighter available for hire: Leaders, Champions, Warriors, Heavies
and Initiates. Each of these fighters may come from a variety of species as detailed by your choice of warband's
cards. Each of these fighter types are further detailed in the next page.

Warband composition
A Warband must follow the rules below when it is founded, and when new fighters are added to the warband:

• There must be one Leader (if the Leader is killed, see page 110 of N17 Rulebook). No more. No less!
• Champions: There can be no more than two Champions, plus one for every full 10 Reputation the
warband has – for example, a warband with Reputation 24 could have up to four Champions.
• Heavies: There can be no more than 2 Heavies, plus one for every full 10 Reputation the warband has.
• Warriors: The total number of Warriors in the warband must be equal to or higher than the total
number of other fighters (Leader, Champions, Heavies and Initiates) in the Warband.
• A fighter can be equipped with a maximum of three weapons. Weapons with the Unwieldy Trait take
up the space of two weapons – these are marked with an asterisk (*) in the equipment list.

In Inquisimunda, Credits are replaced by Thrones Gelt (TG). To start with you have 1500 TG to spend on
recruiting and arming your warband. Any Thrones unspent are added to the warband’s stash and can be used
later or hoarded to buy something more expensive.

Creating a fighter
Fighters in Inquisimunda are made by selecting one
position card on the next page and one species card
from those allowed by your warband rules in the next
chapter. The position characteristics modifiers are to
be applied to the species baseline stats, the costs are
to be added together.

From there, you may want to add a Mutation card

Courtesy of S. Andrews

(optional), some Bionics and Equipment as allowed

by your warband's keywords (visit the Bizarre
Bazaar), by paying the appropriate cost.

For instance, a Human (30TG) Warrior (+25TG) equipped

with an Autogun (+15TG) costs a total of 70TG.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Fighters positions
Fighters positions are each represented by a card below. If a card indicate several stat lines, you may choose the
one that best suits to your fighter's background and style. Characteristics modifiers and cost are to be added to
their equivalents on a species card available in the next chapter.

Fighter's +100 TG Fighter's +75 TG

Your warband must be guided by a leader. The leader keeps the Champions are the very best fighters available to a warband,
warband in line and decides when and where to fight. usually directly subordinate to the warband Leader.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
- -2 -1 - - +2 - 1 +1 - 3 -3 -2 -3 - -2 -1 - - +1 - +1 - 3 -1 -1 -1
- -2 -1 - - +1 - 2 +2 - 3 -3 -2 -2 - -2 -1 - - +1 - 1 +1 - 1 -2 -1 -1
- -1 -2 - - +2 - +1 - 2 -3 -4 -3 - -1 -2 - - +1 - 1 +1 - 2 -1 -1 -1
- -1 -2 - - +1 - 1 +2 - 3 -3 -3 -2 - -1 -2 - - +1 - +1 - 1 -1 -3 -1
Special rules Primary access to Leadership skill set. Special rules Secondary access to Leadership skill set.
Starts with one skill from his Primary skill sets. Starts with one skill from his Primary skill sets.
Activating groups (2), Leading by Example (12”) Activating groups (1), Leading by Example (6”)

Equipment Any equipment except Heavy weapons Equipment Any equipment except Heavy weapons

Fighter's +50 TG Fighter's


Fighters armed with heavy weaponry or technical equipment are Experienced and trustworthy fighters, Warriors make up the bulk of
called heavies, on account of the weight of the gear they carry! most warbands, coming in an infinite array of different forms.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
- -1 -1 - - +1 - - -1 -1 -1 -1 - -1 -1 - - - - - -1 -1 -1 -1
- -1 -1 - - - - +1 - 1 -1 -1 -1 - -1 -1 - - - - - - -1 -2 -1
- -2 - - - - - +1 - 1 -1 -1 -1 - -1 -1 - - - - - -1 -3 - -
- - -2 - - +1 - - -1 -1 -1 -1 - -1 -1 - - - - - -1 -1 - -2
Special rules None Special rules None

Equipment Any equipment Equipment Any equipment except Special, Heavy weapons

Fighter's +ZERO TG
Initiates are young or perhaps simply inexperienced fighters, but
with time they will improve and become valuable warriors.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Special rules None

Equipment Pistols, Close combat weapons and Wargear

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
It is not recorded exactly when the human race learned that it was not alone in the galaxy, or which intelligent alien
species it first made contact with, but what is known in early Imperial records is that humanity has been competing
with xenos since the Dark Age of Technology. The first human interstellar civilisation which existed at that time made
contact with many alien races, possibly including the Aeldari and the Orks, but the majority must have been hostile or
incapable of co-habitating with humans as no aliens are known to have ever willingly integrated into the broader
interstellar human civilisation of this time.

Chapter organisation Available species

Inquisimunda allows the recruitment of fighters from When a fighter is hired, he may come from any
many different species and sub species. species allowed by his warband rules.
Note that a Leader grants access to the same species
The rules to play each one of them are described on as him for any fighters under his command (Step 1).
cards (see below) in the following pages, sorted by Additional species may be available or further
main Species for the ease of reference of the reader. restrictions may be acknowledged according to the
Some of theses species are close to humans, and thus Warband's Faction (Step 2) or True Nature (Step 3).
are frequently associated with them, as abhumans.
About mutants & psykers
However, Mankind is not the only major species of Mutants and psykers are not strictly distinct species.
this galaxy. Seeking past or future glories, there are at They represent a deviation from an existing genetic
least three other major xenos species: Aeldari, T'au lineage. Thus, upon recruitment and unless otherwise
and Greenskins. Each one of them comes with its own stated by the warband rules, a fighter of a particular
related species, willful allies or submissive minor species may be a mutant, as explained in the next
xenos species. chapter: Mutations.

Humans originated on the planet Terra (Old Earth), and first colonised the galaxy during the Dark Age of Technology.
Throughout the long history of the Imperium and before, the human race has mutated into a variety of different stable
species as a result of different populations' adaptation to various environments across the galaxy over the millennia.


Species & sub species Cost Species & sub species 30 TG

< Species Keyword > Species name Humans, Mankind Human
In the next pages, each species card follows the The Human race is the most dominant intelligent race in
same template. After a short description of the the late 41st millennium. Humanity is divided into a
species history, physiology and/or fighting style, multitude of factions, either working for or against the
the species baseline is exposed. Just under this overall interests of Mankind in its attempts to retain
line, the species maximum reachable control over the galaxy and survive unscathed in an
characteristics are presented in grey. incredible hostile universe. Unfortunately, humans are
Any additional rules are listed after this profile. known to be easily corrupted to the service of Chaos.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int

---------------------------------- Starting Stats -------------- 5” 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 8+ 8+ 8+ 8+
------------------------------------------ Max Stats ---------------- 7” 2+ 2+ 4 4 3 2+ 3 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
Special rules Any specified rules can be find in the rules Special rules None

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35 TG
Blank 40 TG
Species & sub species Species & sub species
Humans, Mankind Afriel strain Humans, Mankind
The Afriel Strain was a shadowy experimental process A Blank, also known as an Untouchable and a Null, is a
which used genetic material from the Imperium's human who possesses the rare Pariah Gene that
greatest heroes to create the perfect fearless soldier. It makes them generate no presence in the Warp, leaving
resulted in unforeseen mishaps: they appeared to attract them essentially soulless, and thus radiates a sense of
the animosity of other warriors and suffer from the most unnatural “wrongness”. A Blank’s proximity to
appalling bad luck. They are universally albinos, with pale someone who possesses even a modicum of psychic
hair and colorless eyes. ability can be quite painful or even lethal.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int

5” 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 7+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 5” 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 7+ 7+ 7+ 7+
7” 2+ 2+ 4 4 3 2+ 3 4+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 7” 2+ 2+ 4 4 3 2+ 3 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
Special rules Disturbing Presence, Cursed Luck, Special rules Hollow, Not a Psyker, Limited leadership
Hatred (All opponents), Not a Psyker


In the long millennia since Mankind first began to settle amongst the stars, some human colonists have deviated to a
great degree from the base-line human genome due to exposure to the alien environments of their homeworlds and
long centuries of isolation from the rest of humanity during the Age of Strife. These sub-species of humanity often
differ in physical and cultural terms from the human baseline to such an extent that they are almost as inhuman as
true xenos. These variant human sub-species are generally referred to by the Administratum as Abhumans.

55 TG
Ogryn 100 TG
Species & sub species Species & sub species
Abhumans, Mankind Beastman Abhumans, Mankind
Beastmen combine the physical appearances of humans The Ogryn are a huge and physically powerful Abhuman
and Terran animals. They do not necessarily look mutant subspecies of humans, often employed as
alike. The origin of Beastmen is unknown; shock troopers in the Imperial Guard by the
though it is likely that they are the result of Imperium of Man. Ogryns possess many traits
genetic engineering stretching back to the Dark Age prized by the Imperium; they are brutally strong
of Technology or the result of exposure to the and completely loyal, although extremely limited
influence of the Warp. intellectually.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int

5” 4+ 5+ 4 4 1 4+ 1 8+ 8+ 9+ 9+ 5” 4+ 5+ 5 5 3 6+ 2 9+ 8+ 9+ 10+
7” 2+ 2+ 6 6 3 2+ 3 5+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 6” 2+ 3+ 6 6 5 3+ 4 6+ 3+ 5+ 6+
Special rules Access to Ferocity, No Savant skill Special rules Fear, Access to Brawn, Simple-Minded,
Limited leadership, Basic weapons (+Ripper Gun)

15 TG
Squat 40 TG
Species & sub species Species & sub species
Abhumans, Mankind Ratling Abhumans, Mankind
A Ratling is a member of a small, loud, hungry The Squats are short, stocky and physically hardy Abhumans.
and lecherous Abhuman species. Ratlings are The Squat species was ultimately destroyed by the invasion
granted full Imperial citizenship despite their of a Tyranid splinter Hive Fleet in the late 41st
mutant status and in the past have often Millennium. The few remaining homeworlds were
served in the Regiments of the Imperial annexed outright by the Imperium of Man,
Guard. However, they are still distrusted by the though some survivors still serve in the Imperial
more Puritanical members of the Inquisition. Guard, hoping for revenge.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int

4” 6+ 4+ 2 2 1 3+ 1 8+ 9+ 8+ 7+ 3” 5+ 5+ 3 4 1 5+ 1 7+ 7+ 8+ 7+
5” 3+ 2+ 3 3 2 2+ 2 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4” 2+ 2+ 5 5 4 2+ 3 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
Special rules Infiltrate (Cunning), Access to Agility, Light-fingered, Special rules Access to Savant, No Agility skill
Limited leadership, Basic weapons (+Long-Las)

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
The Eldar race has a long and complex spacefaring history, so long in fact that little is known for certain about the
course of their physical evolution and early planet-bound existence. The original Eldar homeworld was destroyed
during the catastrophic collapse of the Eldar civilisation known as the Fall of the Eldar. The remnants of Eldar culture
that survived the cataclysm preserved much of their species' history in the form of traditional stories, songs and dance.
Written records, monuments and visual records were almost completely destroyed except for a few instances where
they were taken aboard voidcraft fleeing from the doomed worlds.

Aeldari 70 TG
Species & sub species
About Drukhari
Aeldari, Xenos
Despite the fact that some scholars could see the
As a humanoid race, Eldar are physically similar to
Drukhari as a distinct sub species, for the sake of
humans, although not entirely identical by any means.
The Eldar mind, while similar in general to the simplicity, in Inquisimunda they are recruited as
human psyche, is far more inclined towards Aeldari fighters.
extremes. This natural inclination towards emotional
extremes is both a blessing and a curse to the Eldar, they
must maintain a measure of self-control at all times. The additional rules to better represent the
specificities of Drukhari fighters are included into the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
6” 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 3+ 1 7+ 8+ 7+ 7+ Drukhari Faction (Step 2).

8” 2+ 2+ 4 3 3 2+ 3 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
Special rules Acute Senses, Access to Agility, No Brawn skill

The Taus are a young, humanoid and technologically advanced intelligent race native to the Eastern Fringes of the
Milky Way Galaxy who are fighting to expand their interstellar empire and a philosophical concept they call the Greater
Good. The Tau claim to be a peaceful race when possible, asking if others will join their cause voluntarily instead of
fighting. Tau society is divided into a number of castes, each responsible for managing a specific aspect of their
society. The Tau’s central motivating ideal is that everyone in their empire regardless of their species will work for the
collective betterment of everyone else.

Species & sub species 20 TG

T'au, Xenos T'au About T'au castes
The Tau are a relatively young race (it has been only
6,000 Terran years since Imperial Inquisitors first
noted that the Tau had only just mastered fire and the
wheel), and they have evolved rapidly over the past few
millennia. Unlike other young intelligent races, the Tau
have made remarkable leaps in technology and now
represent a real threat to Imperial domination.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
5” 6+ 5+ 3 3 1 5+ 1 8+ 9+ 9+ 8+
7” 3+ 2+ 4 4 3 2+ 2 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
Special rules Not a Psyker

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Greenskins are a savage and warlike race of humanoids who are spread all across the Milky Way Galaxy. Orkoid
physique itself is so robust that it can withstand tremendous punishment. Ork stellar empires rise and fall. Mercifully
most are short-lived, soon destroying themselves in a maelstrom of violence and internecine conflict, but should the
Orks ever truly unify, they would crush all opposition.

Species & sub species 60 TG Species & sub species

Greenskins, Xenos Ork Greenskins, Xenos Grot 10 TG

The Orks are a green-skinned race of humanoids Grotz are a smaller subspecies of Orks, more
who are spread all across the Galaxy. They are cowardly and usually used as living
seen by their enemies as savage and crude, but shields. Quite low in the strict
they are the most successful species in the hierarchy of Ork society, they are often used
whole galaxy, outnumbering possibly every for the dirtiest jobs like scavenging, being used as
other intelligent race, even Mankind (with the the football when the bigger Orks get bored, or
very plausible exception of the Tyranids). sometimes even as emergency rations.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int

4” 4+ 6+ 4 4 1 5+ 2 8+ 8+ 9+ 9+ 5” 6+ 5+ 2 2 1 4+ 1 9+ 10+ 9+ 9+
6” 2+ 4+ 6 6 4 3+ 4 4+ 3+ 5+ 5+ 6” 3+ 2+ 3 3 3 2+ 2 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+
Special rules Access to Ferocity, Access to Brawn Special rules Evade (Cunning), Access to Cunning,
Night Vision, Craven, Limited leadership

Minor Xenos species

At its inception, the Imperium of Man made one of its core objectives the extermination of all alien life forms that
posed any threat to humanity. Thus many species suffered extinction at the hands of the newborn Imperium which
perpetrated one act of genocide after another. The Imperium of Man's extreme xenophobia and outright call for
genocide against all other intelligent species in the galaxy is in some ways justified by the sheer hopeless belligerence
of most xenos races encountered since the Great Crusade. Despite the many xenos dangers across the Imperium, there
are those who, in their ignorance or desperation, are willing to make pacts with aliens. Sometimes this is seemingly
innocuous: trading to gain advanced technology, hiring brute labour or buying mercenary help. So, concealed within
teeming Hive Worlds, xeno-tech draws high prices in illicit markets, while the carnivorous Kroot have been paid in flesh
to fight alongside planetary defence forces.

45 TG
Jokaero 80 TG
Species & sub species Species & sub species
Minor Xenos, Xenos Hrud Minor Xenos, Xenos
The Hrud are an intelligent alien race, prone to The Jokaero resemble the orange-furred great
living in subterranean conditions and who possess apes of Old Earth known as orangutans. They
an unknown biological ability to dramatically were created ages ago by the Old Ones
accelerate the aging of any living being or to during their war with the C’tan. The
accelerate the slide towards entropy of an object Jokaero’s defining racial trait is their
that comes within their vicinity. They are considered extraordinary in-born skill at crafting
as a dangerous xenos species. extremely advanced technologies.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int

5” 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 3+ 1 9+ 8+ 9+ 8+ 5” 6+ 5+ 2 3 3 4+ 2 8+ 8+ 7+ 6+
7” 2+ 2+ 4 4 3 2+ 3 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 7” 3+ 2+ 4 4 4 2+ 3 4+ 3+ 3+ 3+
Special rules Acute Senses, Night Vision, Special rules Munitioneer (Savant), Access to Savant,
Access to Cunning Clamber (Agility), Limited leadership

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
45 TG
Loxatl 60 TG
Species & sub species Species & sub species
Minor Xenos, Xenos Kroot Minor Xenos, Xenos
The Kroot are a species of savage humanoids who are a The Loxatl are slimy-skinned quadrupedal reptiles, often
member species of the Tau Empire. Kroot are tall aliens, working as mercenaries alongside pirates. They have
their avian ancestry giving them a bird-like beak and broad, fanged heads and a flickering purple tongue that
long quills protruding from their heads like constantly tastes the air. Ongoing efforts by the Ordo
hair. A unique feature of the Kroot is that Xenos are continuously made to find the point of
they evolve by selecting traits of their defeated origin of these loathsome creatures so that they can
foes to absorb by eating them. be exterminated.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int

6” 4+ 5+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 8+ 8+ 8+ 9+ 6” 4+ 5+ 3 3 1 3+ 1 8+ 7+ 7+ 8+
8” 2+ 2+ 5 5 3 2+ 3 3+ 3+ 5+ 5+ 8” 2+ 2+ 5 5 3+ 2+ 3 5+ 4+ 4+ 4+
Special rules Fieldcraft Special rules Fieldcraft (Water), Clamber (Agility),
Uncommon Physiology

140 TG
Stryxis 40 TG
Species & sub species Species & sub species
Minor Xenos, Xenos Sslyth Minor Xenos, Xenos
The Sslyth are a sentient race of reptilian creatures The Stryxis are a sparse, nomadic xenos race with a
with a snake-like lower body and vaguely reputation as untrustworthy traders, wanderers, and
humanoid torso, though they sport multiple sometimes slavers and pirates. They are described
arms and a head more serpentine than variously as a gangling and multi-eyed creature
human. Drukhari Archons have found the that resembles a human-sized, skinned, dog
Sslyth to be the most reliable and survivable embryo. Scavengers and obsessive hoarders, they
bodyguard species available for hire. possess a wealth of technology stolen or bartered.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int

7” 4+ 4+ 5 5 2 3+ 2 8+ 8+ 9+ 8+ 6” 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 3+ 1 9+ 9+ 9+ 9+
9” 2+ 2+ 6 6 4 2+ 4 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 8” 2+ 2+ 4 4 3 2+ 3 5+ 3+ 3+ 4+
Special rules Multi-armed, Limited leadership Special rules Savvy Trader (Savant), Hatred (Eldar)

55 TG
Vespid 60 TG
Species & sub species Species & sub species
Minor Xenos, Xenos Tarellian Minor Xenos, Xenos
Tarellians, more commonly known as Tarellian Dog-Soldiers The Vespid are a unique race of insect-like aliens
because of their snouts, are a minor reptilian species of who are members of the Tau Empire. In the Tau
xenos found throughout the galaxy. They most often are Lexicon, they are called “Mal’kor”. This derives from
encountered as mercenaries for the Tau Empire, the Tau words for insect, “Mal,” and air, “Kor.” The
particularly when Tau forces face the Imperium Vespids homeworld is a gas giant also called Vespid,
because of the Tarellians’ ancient grudge against three light years to the galactic south of the Tau’s D’yanoi
Mankind as a species. Sept.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int

5” 4+ 5+ 3 4 1 4+ 1 8+ 7+ 7+ 7+ 7” 5+ 5+ 3 4 1 3+ 1 9+ 9+ 8+ 9+
7” 2+ 2+ 5 5 3 2+ 3 4+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 8” 2+ 2+ 4 5 2 2+ 2 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+
Special rules Hatred (Human) Special rules Flying

Note: All stats have been documented from 40k and previous versions of Inquisimunda. Costs have been thoroughly
calculated following N17 standards. Feedbacks can be posted on Yaktribe here.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Mutants are creatures – both human and Xenos – who have been changed either through a quirk of biology, exposure
to toxins, or the corrupting influence of the Warp. Many mutants are used as slave labor on worlds throughout the
Imperium and beyond, which has led to several uprisings over the millennia.

Creating Mutants

WiP: Any fighter may be purchased as a Mutant when Mutants conform to all special rules specified on their
he or she is recruited by choosing a Mutation card species profile, in addition to the one(s) granted by
below (in addition to position and species cards) and their mutations. Furthermore, they gain the additional
paying the cost indicated within the mutations tables. keyword <mutant>.
A mutation can only be attributed once for the same
fighter. Note: The mutations listed in this section are for
indicative purposes only and could be represented
Unless otherwise stated, a fighter may only become a differently: A tentacle could stand for an agile and useful
Mutant at creation. The type and number of available tail, Long Legs could be depicted with a Snake-like body,
mutations depends of the fighter's position within the Caustic blood could be represented with Spikes.

Big Mutie
Fighter's Fighter's
Not all mutants are degenerate beasts. Many only bear a few Some mutants are terribly misshapen creatures, abominably
extraordinary traits setting them apart from the rest of their deviating from their original species. They are often taller and
normal species form. stronger than their former siblings and thus nicknamed Big Muties.

Fighter's Position Any positions Fighter's Position Heavies only

Mutations 1 from the Common Mutations table Mutations 1 from the Common Mutations table
+1 from the Heavy Mutations table

Special rules It is rare for mutations to be Special rules It is rare for mutations to be
duplicated within the same warband, duplicated within the same warband,
as such a mutant cannot be purchased as such a big mutie cannot be
with a mutation which another current purchased with a mutation which
warband member already has. another warband's big mutie already

Some of the psychic mutants are highly trained individuals whose
powers are well recognized. Others are Unsanctioned Psykers,
overlooked by the Black Ships or successfully hidden from them.

Fighter's Position Leader & Champions

Mutations 1 from the Psychic Mutations table

Special rules The rules for psyker and psychic

powers are exposed in the next
chapter: Psykers & Psychic Powers.

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Mutations tables
You can either roll dices (2D6, D6, D3) to generate mutations randomly on the tables below (re-roll any duplicate
results if necessary), or you can select the mutations you wish the mutant to have.

Common Mutations Table

2D6 Common Mutations Cost
2 Acute senses: The mutant gains the Acute senses attribute. 10 TG
3 Additional Eyes: The mutant gains a 180° vision and fire arc. 10 TG
Caustic Blood: If the fighter is injured in close combat, any enemy models in base contact
4 20 TG
immediately suffer a Strength 3 Hit. Dodge and Armour saves may be taken as normal.
Chitinous plates: The mutant's body is encased in an exoskeleton. The fighter gains a 5+
5 5 TG
armour save but may not wear any other type of armour.
Claw: The mutant's hand is a huge claw. It can be used as a Close Combat weapon instead
6 5 TG
of holding a regular weapon, in which case it counts as having User +2 Strength.
Forearm Spines: The mutant is able to make up to two parries in close combat, even if he is
7 15 TG
not equipped with any Melee weapon.
8 Hideous appearance: The mutant causes Fear. 10 TG
Long Legs: The mutant gains a permanent +2 bonus to his Movement characteristic
9 10 TG
(baseline and max stats).
10 Suckers: The mutant gains the Clamber skill (Agility). 20 TG
Tentacle: The mutant may re-roll Initiative check for falling hazards and in close combat
11 15 TG
may grapple his opponent to reduce his number of Attack dices by 1, to a minimum of 1.
12 Wings: The mutant can Fly. 30 TG

Heavy mutations Table

D6 Heavy Mutations Cost
Cold-blooded: If the Big Mutie needs to take a nerve test, roll 3D6 and choose the two
1 10 TG
highest rolls.
Extra Arm: Any fighter with an extra arm may use it to better handle an Unwieldy weapon,
or to gain an extra attack in combat. If armed with an unwieldy gun, shooting it becomes a
2 Basic action rather than a Double action. Otherwise, the fighter gains +1 attack in close 50 TG
combat. Furthermore, the fighter may be armed with up to four weapons. Thus he or she
may use up to three pistols or close combat weapons in close combat.
Heavily mutated: The Big Mutie can choose a second mutation from the previous
3 -
Mutations table at the indicated cost.
Regenerate: The Big Mutie gains the Unstoppable skill (Ferocity). In addition, he increases
4 30 TG
his Toughness characteristic by 1 (baseline and max stats).
Resilient: The Big Mutie gains the True Grit skill (Brawn). In addition, he increases his
5 30 TG
Wounds characteristic by 1 (baseline and max stats).
Two Heads: The fighter gains the Gunfighter skill (Shooting). However, he suffers from
Stupidity. In addition, when rolling a Head or Eye Injury, the fighter goes into recovery as
6 10 TG
normal but does not suffer the regular penalties to his Intelligence, Willpower or Ballistic
skill. Instead, he may choose to decrease by 1 either his Intelligence or his Willpower.

Psychic Mutations table

D3 Psychic Mutations Cost
1 Psyker Level 1: The mutant knows one power and the “Awaken Power – Level 1” action. 10 TG
2 Psyker Level 2: The mutant knows two powers and the “Awaken Power – Level 2” action. 55 TG
3 Psyker Level 3: The mutant knows three powers and the “Awaken Power – Level 3” action. 100 TG

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Psykers & Psychic Powers
A Psyker is an individual who possesses some degree of psychic ability or powers, sometimes referred to as "sorcery"
and their users as "witches", particularly when such powers are used in such a way that they show no regard for the
dangers they may spawn for others or are used in pursuit of the agenda of the Chaos Gods. Psykers are Mutants.

Manifesting Psychic Powers

Awaken Power Number of Active powers

To use a known Power, a Psyker must make an A Psyker can activate a number of Psychic Powers
Awaken Power action. The effects of this action equal to its Psyker Level.
depend of the Psyker Level:
When a Psyker reaches his maximum number of
Awaken Power – Level 1 (Double) – Make a simultaneously active Powers, and wishes to activate
Willpower check for the Psyker. If it is passed, select another Power, he must discard one of its currently
one of his known Psychic Powers. This Power is now active Powers. Note that he must do so before
active and remains active until the Psyker suffers a attempting the Awaken Power action. Thus, if the new
Wound or activates another Power. If a double one or Willpower check is failed, the discarded Power
a double six is rolled for the Willpower check, the remains inactive.
Psyker is taken Out of Action.
Active powers
Awaken Power – Level 2 (Basic) – Make a Willpower The powers of Psykers are many and varied and thus,
check for the Psyker. If it is passed, select one of his the way to use them may differ accordingly:
known Psychic Powers. This Power is now active and
remains active until the Psyker suffers a Wound. If a • Some of them allowed a special action to be
double six is rolled for the Willpower check, the Psyker taken, like hypnotizing an enemy fighter.
is taken Out of Action. • Other Powers work as an enhancement to an
available action, like moving faster.
Awaken Power – Level 3 (Simple) – Make a Willpower • Others are more of a passive ability, like a
check for the Psyker. If it is passed, select one of his psychic barrier to ranged attacks.
known Psychic Powers. This Power is now active and • Lastly, some psychic abilities may be useful in
remains active until the Psyker suffers a Wound. If a the pre or post-battle sequences.
double six is rolled for the Willpower check, the Psyker
is taken Out of Action. In any case, the conditions of use and the effects of a
Power are specified in its description.

Psychic study

Known Powers Gaining a Psyker Level

A Psyker start with a number of Psychic Powers equal A Psyker can gain a level by purchasing Advancements
to its Psyker Level. These powers are determined (see the Advancements table at the start of this
randomly upon creation by rolling on the relevant chapter).
Power Tables. Re-roll any duplicate powers.
Note that the Psyker does not gain additional powers
Learning new powers as part of this Psyker Level increase and must learn
Psykers can gain further powers in the same way as a new powers as explained before (note: he may learn
skill from one of their Secondary skill sets. A Psyker one power immediately after this advancement as
may know a number of Psychic Powers equal to its normal).
Psyker Level, plus one. He must discard any one
known power to be within its limit.

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Psychic Powers

Upon creation, a Psyker must choose one discipline among...

[WiP: any suggestions are welcomed. Ideally, this section may be a mix between 40k psychic powers and the
ones from OCE/V3.0]

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
A fighter may have artificial limbs and organs to replace diseased or damaged parts, or simply to improve their
abilities. Bionics include partial and full replacements of organic body parts, brain implants, cybernetic weaponry and
other devices. Even if the use of bionics is widespread, these artifacts are expensive and mostly limited to high-ranking
officials or valuable veteran warriors.

All Bionics follow the special rules below.

Purchasing bionics Bionics upon recruitment

Bionics may be purchased as any other equipment It is possible to hire a fighter who already has
from the Bizarre Bazaar. Note that if a Bionic item has implanted bionics, either at warband creation or upon
a Rarity value, a Seek Rare Equipment Action must be recruitment during a campaign. In this case, a visit to
made as usual. Any Bionics that are purchased are the sawbones is not necessary. Bionics may be
immediately added to the fighter's card, but are not purchased in the Bizarre Bazaar following the usual
yet implanted. A visit to the Sawbones is required, as rules, Rare equipment being restricted to Leader and
explained below. Champions.

Visit the Sawbones Not removable

To be used, Bionics must be implanted into the fighter's Bionics are specially designed to suit the host before
body. This surgical procedure is only performed by a implantation to become a living extension of the body.
capable person who is familiar with all aspects of Bionics,
be it a Tech Priest, a Heretek or any sort of Xenos Once implanted, bionics may not be removed and
surgeon. “Sawbones” is a frequent nickname for such an transferred to another model. For instance, it is not
individual. possible to swap a skull chip between warband
members once it has been installed, nor to steal a
“Visit the Sawbones” is an additional Post-Battle bionic from a captive sold into slavery. However,
Action and is always available, as “Trade” or “Medical certain Bionics may be upgraded as explained for
Escort” (GW1, p.23). Prosthetics at the next page.

The fighter escort to the Sawbones another warband's

member awaiting bionics transplantation or upgrade.
Bionics types
Note this visit could happen in the Post-battle There are three different sorts of Bionics:
sequence of any battle (and not just after the one • Prosthetics (limbs & organs)
during which the fighter has been injured). • Implant weaponry
• Implants (chips & accessory appendages)
Any number of bionics may be implanted during this
single post-battle action, provided that they have been Each types may have additional rules as detailed in the
specifically purchased for this fighter. There is no following pages.
additional cost associated to this surgery. After the
operation, the fighter goes into recovery.

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Prosthetic limbs or other artificial body parts and organs are Bionics to all rules purposes. In addition, all
Prosthetics follow the special rules below.

Bionic Replacement Prosthetics Benefits

Implanting a bionic could be a risky medical procedure. There is no standard level of bionic technology
Because of this few fighters would willingly chop off a throughout the galaxy. Many bionics are clumsy and
perfectly healthy appendage. inefficient replacements, while the best can replicate or
even improve upon the performance of the original limb
Prosthetics may be purchased for a specific fighter or organ. For the sake of space, where this makes a
only if this fighter is suffering from a Lasting Injury difference, the bionic is rated as crude, average or
(51-56). In this case, he can be implanted with an advanced.
appropriate prosthetic as specified in the Prosthetics
Table at the next page. All Prosthetics cancel out the negative modifier(s)
of any Lasting Injuries related to that body part.

Furthermore all prosthetics come in several variants,

Prosthetics Injury each with different benefits as detailed in the
While bionic parts are not living as such, many of them Prosthetics Table.
are tied into the user's bloodstream and nerve endings.
Damage to one may be as painful as an injury to the
original organic part, although bionic replacements are a
lot more durable than their organic counterparts. Upgrading Prosthetics
A fighter may want to have a better prosthetic or to

If a fighter suffers a Lasting injury to an area replaced benefit from a different kind of technology. He may

with prosthetics, then the injury roll is treated as a exchange an already implanted prosthetic for a new

Grievous Injury result instead (31-45) and as such, the one by following the same steps as previously

fighter must go into recovery. The bionic will be (purchasing bionics and visiting the Sawbones).

automatically repaired and the model will suffer no

If the fighter has several prosthetics, he may
Lasting Injury related to this body part.
exchange one or all of them in the same time, during
this single post-battle action.

Prosthetics copies Any removed prosthetics are discarded from the

In N17, in regard to Lasting Injury, there is no fighter's card and may not be retrieved for a later use

distinction between left or right body parts. or for another fighter. They are lost and their cost not

Furthermore, some species may have more than two refunded.

eyes, arms or legs. As such, for the sake of simplicity,

prosthetics may only be selected once for a given
Lasting Injury category, whether they represent one
or more copies of this body part (i.e. Bionic legs could
represent one, two or more artificial legs but are
purchased only once).

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[WiP: the idea of Crude/Average/Advanced bionics is taken from the original Inquisitor game (2001)]

Prosthetics Table
Bionics Lasting Injury Additional rules
Crude: The fighter suffers a -1 Initiative penalty.

Average: No additional benefit.

51: Head Injury
Bionic Heads
(-1 to Int & -1 to Wil) Advanced: The fighter gains the Headbutt Skill (Brawn). In addition,
when making a Headbutt action, if both dice score lower than the enemy
fighter's Toughness, the fighter suffers no hit.

Crude: If the fighter is hit by a Flash weapon, subtract 1 to the result of

the Initiative check to see wether the fighter is Pinned.
52: Eye Injury
Bionic Eyes Average: No additional benefit.
(-1 to BS)
Advanced: The fighter counts as being equipped with Photo-goggles. In
addition, the fighter is immune to the effect of a Flash weapon.

Crude: The fighter can't take any weapons with the Unwieldy trait.
53: Hand Injury
(-1 to WS) Average: No additional benefit.
Bionic Hands
and/or Advanced: Increase the fighter's Strength by 1. In addition, the fighter
& Arms
55: Spinal Injury may make one parry in close combat with bare hands, provided he is
(-1 to S) equipped with no more than one close combat weapon.

Crude: The fighter may never use a ladder.

Average: No additional benefit.

Advanced: Add 1” to the fighter's Movement. In addition, if the fighter

attempted to jump down from a ledge and the Initiative check is failed,
roll a D6. On a roll of 4+ the bionic leg takes the brunt of the force. The
fighter suffers no damage and may continue his move, just as if the
Initiative test was passed.

Combat leg: The fighter gains +1 to his Attacks characteristic. In

Bionic Legs addition, if the fighter is Engaged, he can use the following action:
54: Hobbled
& Lower body Kick (Basic): The fighter makes one close combat attack against
(-1 to M)
replacements an enemy fighter he is engaged with, resolved at +2 Strength
and with the Knockback trait.

Tracked motive unit: The fighter's Movement characteristic becomes

8” (baseline and max stats). In addition, he may never Crawl, nor Climb
any vertical surface or use a ladder but counts as being equipped with

Set of arachnoid limbs: The fighter's Movement characteristic becomes

5” (baseline and max stats). In addition, he counts as being equipped
with Grav-chute.

Crude: The fighter may never run.

56: Enfeebled
Bionic Chests Average: No additional benefit.
(-1 to T)
Advanced: The fighter counts as being equipped with a Respirator.

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Implants follow all the rules of Bionics above. They may be purchased in the Bizarre Bazaar but are limited to
one copies per fighter. The specific rules of each implant are presented in the Expanded Armoury. [WiP]

Implant weaponry

An implanted weapon is one that has been grafted onto an existing limb, replacing a hand or occasionally the entire
arm. The obvious benefit of finer weapon control is substantially offset by the loss of hand or arm functionality outside
of combat. Another reason for implantation of bionic weapons is the user not being expected to need his arm for other
tasks as most often seen in the case of combat Servitors.

Implanted weapons are Bionics to all rules purposes. In addition, they follow the special rules below.

Arm replacement Implanted weapon

A fighter may have an implanted weapon in An implanted weapon counts toward the maximum
replacement of each one of his organic arms number of weapons a fighter can be equipped with.
(generally two). All implanted weapons must be Weapons with the Unwieldy trait still take the space of
purchased at the same time, be it upon recruitment or two weapons but may be attached and wielded with
after an appropriate Lasting Injury (53: Hand Injury one single bionic arm.
and/or 55: Spinal Injury).
The weapon functions exactly as normal, with the
Implanting a weapon following improvements:
Any ranged or close combat weapon can be implanted
to replace a character's hand or arm by paying the • An implanted close combat weapon may
cost of the weapon, plus 25 TG for the cost of the never be disarmed. In addition, it grants one
surgery. The fighter may not use any other weapon additional Attack dice (allocated to it) in close
with that arm. combat.

As any bionics, this • An implanted ranged weapon grants a +1

weapon is now an integral modifier to Ammo checks made for this
part of the fighter and weapon. In addition, if a fighter makes an Aim
Courtesy of KrautScientist

thus it may not be (Basic) action, add 2 to the result of any hit
removed. Although, rolls (instead of +1).
the fighter may exchange
this weapon for another one No Hand
by undergoing another Obviously, the character has less hand (or even no hand

surgery, following the same at all) and this will limit him with some actions.

procedure (and paying the

If a fighter has no more free hand (i.e. all of his hands
appropriate cost for each implanted weapon). If the
have been replaced by an implanted weapon), he may
fighter has several implanted weapons, he may
not be able to climb any vertical surface nor can he
exchange one or all of them in the same time. Any
use ladders. He may neither do the following actions:
removed implants are discarded from the fighter's
Carry, Descend, Grapnel, Set Trap, Operate or Activate
card and may not be retrieved for a later use or for
any scenery or device (Door, Lock, Terminal, etc.).
another fighter. They are lost and their cost not
If a fighter want to retrieve at least one hand
functionality, he may replace one of his implanted
Weapon attachments may be purchased for the
weapons with one of the bionic arm variants by
weapon as usual.
undergoing a Bionic Replacement.

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Expanded armoury
This section is a complete replacement of the Underhive armoury presented in Necromunda: Underhive and its
supplements. We strongly encourage you to purchase a copy of these books to have access to the full ruleset
and special rules, notably the weapons traits. To keep track of each weapon or wargear, the source is specified:
NUR for Necromunda Underhive Rulebook; GW1, 2, … for Gang War 1, 2, …; FAQ1 for FAQ & Errata #1; WDMar18
for White Dwarf March 2018 issue; Inq for Inquisimunda created; with a “.A” for Amended stats.

Note that some N17 weapons and wargear have been voluntary kept aside to prevent balance issues in
Inquisimunda (e.g: Armoured undersuit). Furthermore, some weapons are known under different names
among the species. The Bizarre Bazaar could help figuring out if something is really missing or is already
available as an equivalent (e.g: Meltagun & Fusion gun). [Take part in the discussion on Yaktribe here]

In this section, are described Ranged weapons (Pistols, Basic weapons, Grenades, Special & Heavy weapons)
and Close combat weapons (Power, Force & Implanted weapons, Whips, Two-handed weapons and other Close
combat weapons).

Ranged weapons

Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Arc pistol 6” 12” +2 - 6 -2 1 4+ Pistol, Scarce Inq
Autopistol 4” 12” +1 - 3 - 1 4+ Pistol, Rapid Fire (1) GW3
Bolt pistol 6” 12” +1 - 4 -1 2 6+ Pistol GW3
Flechette blaster 6” 12” - +1 3 - 1 2+ Pistol, Rapid Fire (1), Plentiful Inq
Gamma pistol 6” 12” +2 - 6 -3 2 5+ Pistol, Scarce Inq
Hand flamer - T - - 3 - 1 5+ Template, Blaze GW3
Inferno pistol 3” 6” +1 - 8 -4 3 4+ Pistol, Melta, Scarce Inq
Kustom mega-slugga 6” 12” +1 - 8 -2 2 6+ Pistol, Scarce, Unstable Inq
Laspistol 8” 12” +1 - 3 - 1 2+ Pistol, Plentiful GW3
Macrostubber 6” 12” +2 - 4 -1 2 5+ Pistol, Rapid Fire (1) Inq
Needle pistol 4” 9” +2 - 4 -1 1 6+ Pistol, Scarce, Toxin GW3
Neuro-disruptor 4” 9” +2 - * -3 * 6+ Pistol, Scarce, Neural shredder Inq
Phosphor blast pistol 6” 12” - - 5 -1 2 5+ Pistol, No cover save allowed Inq
Plasma pistol GW3
- low power 6” 12” +2 - 5 -1 2 5+ Pistol, Scarce
- max power 6” 12” +2 - 7 -2 3 5+ Pistol, Scarce, Unstable
Pulse pistol 6” 12” +1 - 5 - 1 3+ Pistol, Plentiful Inq
Radium pistol 6” 12” +1 - 3 - 1 3+ Pistol, Rending Inq
Shuriken pistol 6” 12” +2 - 4 - 1 4+ Pistol, Rending Inq
Slugga 6” 12” +1 -1 4 - 2 6+ Pistol Inq
Stub gun 4” 12” +1 - 3 - 1 4+ Pistol, Plentiful GW3
Stubcarbine 8” 18” - - 4 - 1 4+ Pistol, Rapid Fire (1) Inq
Web pistol - T - - 4 - - 6+ Template, Web GW3

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Basic Weapons
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Autogun 8” 24” +1 - 3 - 1 4+ Rapid Fire (1) GW3
Avenger shuriken catapult 9” 18” - +1 4 - 1 4+ Rapid Fire (1), Rending Inq
Boltgun 12” 24” +1 - 4 -1 2 6+ Rapid Fire (1) GW3
Galvanic rifle 15” 30” - +1 4 -1 1 5+ - Inq
Kroot rifle 12” 24” +1 - 4 - 1 5+ Versatile Inq
Lasblaster 12” 24” +1 - 3 - 1 2+ Rapid Fire (1), Plentiful Inq
Lasgun 18” 24” +1 - 3 - 1 2+ Plentiful GW3
Needler 9” 18” +1 - 4 -1 * 6+ Scarce, Toxin GW3.A
Pulse blaster Inq
- close range 0” 5” - +2 6 -2 1 4+ Knockback
- medium range 5” 10” - +1 5 -1 1 4+ -
- long range 10” 15” - - 4 - 1 4+ -
Pulse carbine 9” 18” - - 5 -2 1 3+ Rapid Fire (1), Plentiful Inq
Pulse rifle 15” 30” - - 5 -2 1 3+ Plentiful Inq
Radium carbine 12” 18” +1 - 3 - 1 4+ Rapid Fire (1), Rending Inq
Shoota 6” 18” +1 - 4 - 2 6+ Rapid Fire (1) Inq
Shotgun GW3
- scatter 4” 8” +2 - 2 - 1 4+ Scattershot
- solid 8” 16” +1 - 4 - 2 4+ Knockback
Shuriken catapult 6” 12” - +1 4 - 1 4+ Rapid Fire (1), Rending Inq
Stub cannon 9” 18” - - 5 - 1 3+ Knockback GW3

All grenades listed below have the Grenade weapon trait.

Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Blasting charge - Sx2” - - 5 -1 2 5+ Blast (5”), Knockback GW3
Blight grenade - Sx3” - -1 3 - * 6+ Blast (3”), Toxin Inq
Choke gas grenade - Sx3” - - - - - 5+ Blast (3”), Gas GW3
Demolition charge - Sx2” - - 6 -3 3 * Blast (5”), Single Shot GW3
Frag grenade - Sx3” - - 3 - 1 4+ Blast (3”), Knockback GW3
Hallucinogen grenade Sx3” - - * * * 6+ Blast (3”), Hallucinogen, Gas [WiP] Inq
Incendiary charge - Sx3” - - 3 - 1 5+ Blast (5”), Blaze GW3
Krak grenade - Sx3” - -1 6 -2 2 4+ Demolition GW3
Melta bomb - Sx3” - -1 8 -4 3 6+ Demolition, Melta, Scarce GW3
Photo flash flare - Sx3” - - - - - 5+ Blast (5”), Flash GW3
Plasma grenade - Sx3” - - 4 -1 1 4+ Blast (3”) Inq
Scare gas grenade - Sx3” - - - - - 6+ Blast (3”), Fear, Gas GW3
Smoke bomb - Sx3” - - - - - 4+ Smoke GW3

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Special Weapons
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Arc rifle 12" 24" +2 - 6 -1 1 5+ Rapid fire (1) Inq
- boltgun 12" 24" +1 - 4 -1 2 6+ Combi, Rapid fire (1) GW3
Plus one of the following weapons:
-flamer - T - - 4 -1 1 5+ Combi, Blaze, Template GW3
-melta 6" 12" +1 - 8 -4 3 4+ Combi, Melta, Scarce GW3
-plasma 12" 24" +2 - 5 -1 2 5+ Combi, Rapid fire (1) GW3
Death spinner 6" 12" +1 - 6 -2 1 5+ Rapid fire (1), Rending Inq
Flamer - T - - 4 -1 1 5+ Blaze, Template GW3
Grav gun 9" 18" +1 - * -1 2 5+ Blast (3"), Concussion, Graviton Pulse GW3
Grenade launcher
- frag grenade 6" 24" -1 - 3 - 1 6+ Blast (3"), Knockback GW3
- krak grenade 6" 24" -1 - 6 -2 2 6+ - GW3
- choke 6” 24” -1 - - - - 5+ Blast (3”), Gas, Limited GW3
- scare 6” 24” -1 - - - - 6+ Blast (3”), Fear, Gas, Limited GW3
- smoke 6” 24” -1 - - - - 4+ Smoke GW3
Haywire blaster 12" 24" - - 4 -1 1 5+ Blast (3"), Pulverize Inq
Hot-shot volley gun 18" 24" +1 - 4 -2 1 4+ Rapid fire (1) Inq
Ion rifle Inq
- low power 12" 24" - -1 7 -1 1 5+ Rapid fire (1)
- max power 12" 24" - -1 8 -2 2 6+ -
Kustom Mega-blasta 6" 24" +1 - 8 -3 2 6+ Scarce, Unstable Inq
Kustom shoota 9" 18" +1 - 4 - 2 6+ Rapid fire (2) Inq
Liquifier gun - T - - 3 -2 1 5+ Template Inq
Long Las 18" 36" - +1 4 - 1 2+ Plentiful GW3
Meltagun 6" 12" +1 - 8 -4 3 4+ Melta, Scarce GW3
Needle rifle 9" 18" +2 - 4 -2 * 6+ Scarce, Toxin GW3
Neutron blaster 9" 18" +1 - 5 -3 1 5+ Rapid fire (1) Inq
Phosphor serpenta 9" 18" - +1 5 -1 2 5+ No cover save allowed Inq
Plasma gun GW3
- low power 12" 24" +2 - 5 -1 2 5+ Rapid fire (1), Scarce
- max power 12" 24" +1 - 7 -2 3 5+ Scarce, Unstable
Radium jezzail 12" 30" - +1 5 -1 1 6+ Rapid fire (1), Rending Inq
Rail rifle 15" 30" -1 - 6 -4 2 6+ Rapid fire (1) Inq
Ripper gun 6" 12" +2 - 5 -2 1 6+ Rapid fire (1), Versatile, Unwieldy Inq
Shredder 6" 12" +1 - 6 -1 1 5+ Blast (3"), Shock Inq
Sniper rifle 20" 40" -1 - 4 -1 1 6+ - Inq
Storm bolter 12" 24" +1 - 4 -1 2 6+ Rapid Fire (2) Inq
Webber - T - - 5 - - 5+ Template, Web GW3

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Heavy Weapons
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Assault cannon 12” 24” +2 - 6 -2 2 6+ Rapid fire (2), Unwieldy Inq
Autocannon 24” 48” - - 7 -2 2 4+ Rapid fire (1), Unwieldy Inq
Big shoota 18” 36” - - 5 -1 1 5+ Rapid fire (2), Unwieldy Inq
Burst cannon 9” 18” +1 - 5 -1 1 5+ Rapid fire (2), Unwieldy Inq
Dakkagun 9” 18” - - 5 - 1 5+ Rapid fire (2), Unwieldy Inq
Deffgun 24” 48” - -1 7 -2 2 6+ Rapid fire (1), Unwieldy Inq
Eldar lance 18” 36” - - 8 -4 3 5+ Unwieldy Inq
Eradication ray 12” 36” +2 - 8 -3 3 4+ Rapid fire (1), Unwieldy Inq
Grotzooka 6” 18” +1 - 6 - 1 6+ Blast (5”), Knockback, Scarce, Unwieldy Inq
Harpoon launcher 6” 18” +2 - 5 -3 1 5+ Impale, Drag, Scarce GW3
Heavy bolter 18” 36” +1 - 5 -2 2 6+ Rapid fire (2), Unwieldy GW3
Heavy flamer - T - - 5 -2 1 5+ Blaze, Template, Unwieldy GW3
Heavy stubber 20” 40” - -1 4 -1 1 4+ Rapid Fire (2), Unwieldy GW3
Lascannon 24” 48” - +1 10 -3 3 4+ Knockback, Unwieldy GW3
Mining laser 18” 24” - -1 9 -3 3 3+ Unwieldy GW3
Missile launcher GW3
- frag missile 24” 48” +1 - 4 -1 1 6+ Blast (5”), Knockback, Unwieldy
- krak missile 24” 48” +1 - 6 -2 3 6+ Unwieldy
Multi-laser 24” 36” +1 - 6 - 1 4+ Rapid fire (2), Unwieldy Inq
Multi-melta 12” 24” +1 - 8 -4 3 4+ Blast (3”), Melta, Scarce, Unwieldy GW3
Ossefactor 12” 24” +2 - 4 -3 1 6+ Scarce, Toxin, Unwieldy Inq
Plasma cannon GW3.A
- low power 18” 36” +1 - 6 -1 2 5+ Rapid Fire (1), Scarce, Unwieldy
- max power 18” 36” +1 - 8 -2 3 5+ Blast (3”), Scarce, Unstable, Unwieldy
Rokkit launcha 12” 24” - -1 8 -3 3 6+ Blast (3”), Scarce, Unwieldy Inq
Seismic cannon GW3
- short wave 12” 24” - -1 6 -1 2 5+ Rapid Fire (1), Seismic, Knockback, Unwieldy
- long wave 12” 24” -1 - 3 - 1 5+ Rapid Fire (2), Seismic, Knockback, Unwieldy
Shokk attack gun 24” 60” - - 2 -4 1 6+ Blast (5”), Rad-phage, Scarce, Unwieldy Inq
Shuriken cannon 12” 36” +2 - 6 - 1 4+ Rapid fire (2), Rending, Unwieldy Inq
Snazzgun 12” 24” +1 - 5 -2 1 6+ Blast (5”), Unstable, Scarce, Unwieldy Inq
Splinter cannon 18” 36” - - 4 -1 1 5+ Rapid fire (1), Toxin, Scarce, Unwieldy Inq
Starcannon 18” 36” - - 6 -3 2 6+ Rapid fire (1), Unwieldy Inq
Transuranic arquebus 20” 60” -1 - 7 -3 2 6+ Unwieldy Inq
Volkite blaster 12” 24” - - 6 - 1 5+ Blast (3”), Pulverize, Unwieldy Inq

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Close combat weapons

All close combat weapons listed below have the Melee weapon trait.

power weapons
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Power axe - E - - S+2 -2 1 - Power, Disarm GW3
Power fist - E - -1 S+3 -3 2 - Power, Pulverise Inq
Power glaive - E - - S+2 -3 1 - Power, Disarm, Unwieldy Inq
Power hammer - E - - S+1 -1 2 - Power GW3
Power knife - E - - S+1 -2 1 - Power, Backstab GW3
Power lance E 3" - - S+2 -1 1 - Power, Versatile, Impale Inq
Power maul - E - - S+2 -1 1 - Power GW3
Power pick - E - - S+1 -3 1 - Power, Pulverise GW3
Power sword - E - - S+1 -2 1 - Power, Parry GW3
Thunder hammer - E - - S+1 -1 3 - Power, Shock GW3
Triskele E 2xS - - S -1 1 6+ Power, Versatile, Scarce Inq
Two Power blades - E - +1 S -2 1 - Power, Parry (x2), Disarm, Unwieldy Inq
Two-handed Power weapon - E - -1 S+3 -2 1 - Power, Knockback, Unwieldy Inq

Force weapons
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Force axe - E - - S+1 - 1 - Force, Disarm Inq
Force rod - E - - S+1 -2 1 - Force Inq
Force stave E 2" - - S+2 -1 1 - Force, Versatile Inq
Force sword - E - - S -1 1 - Force, Parry Inq
Singing spear E 3" - - S+4 - 1 - Force, Versatile, Impale Inq
Witchblade - E - - S+4 - 1 - Force, Parry Inq

Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Electro-flail E 3" - - S+1 - 1 - Versatile, Entangle, Disarm, Implanted Inq
Power stabba - E - - S+1 -2 1 - Knockback, Implanted Inq
Shears - E - - S+1 -1 1 - Parry, Implanted Inq

Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Agonizer E 2" - - S -2 1 - Versatile, Toxin Inq
Lash whip E 2" - - S - 1 - Versatile WDMar18
Neural whip E 3" - - * -2 * - Versatile, Neural shredder Inq
Razorflail E 2" - - S+1 -1 1 - Versatile, Shock, Entangle Inq
Shock whip E 3" - - S+1 - 1 - Versatile, Shock GW3

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Other two-handed weapons
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Buzzsaw - E - - S+2 -2 2 - Unwieldy Inq
Eviscerator - E - -1 S+2 -2 2 - Unwieldy, Parry, Entangle, Rending Inq
Glaive - E - -1 S+1 -2 1 - Unwieldy, Disarm Inq
Heavy rock cutter - E - - S+4 -4 3 - Unwieldy GW3
Heavy rock drill - E - - S+2 -3 2 - Unwieldy, Pulverise GW3
Heavy rock saw - E - +1 S+3 -3 2 - Unwieldy, Rending GW3
Las cutter E 2" +1 - 9 -3 2 6+ Unwieldy, Scarce, Versatile GW3
Massive weapon - E - -1 S+2 - 2 - Unwieldy, Knockback Inq
Renderizer Serrated axe - E - - S+2 -1 2 - Unwieldy, Pulverise GW3
Two-handed axe - E - -1 S+2 - 2 - Unwieldy GW3
Two-handed Chain Axe - E - -1 S+2 -1 1 - Unwieldy, Disarm, Rending Inq
Two-handed hammer - E - -1 S+1 - 3 - Unwieldy, Knockback GW3

Other close combat weapons

Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L S AP D Am Traits Source
Arc maul - E - - S+1 -1 1 - Parry, Shock Inq
Axe - E - - S+1 - 1 - Disarm GW3
Bonesword - E - +1 S -2 1 - Parry WDMar18
Brute cleaver - E - +1 S -1 1 - Disarm GW3
Chain axe - E - +1 S+1 -1 1 - Disarm, Parry, Rending GW3
Chainsword - E - +1 S -1 1 - Parry, Rending GW3
Club, Maul or Hammer - E - - S - 2 - - GW3
Digi laser E 3" - - 1 - 1 - Digi, Versatile GW3
Fighting knife - E - - S -1 1 - Backstab GW3
Flail - E - +1 S+1 - 1 - Entangle GW3
Flensing claw - E - +1 S - 1 - Disarm WDApr18
Flesh gauntlet - E - +1 S -1 1 - Rending Inq
Grab hook E 2" - - S - 1 - Disarm, Versatile GW3
Harlequin's weapon E 2" - - S+1 -2 1 - Versatile, Pulverise Inq
Impaler E 3" - - S+1 - 2 - Versatile, Impale Inq
Laser lance E 6" - - 6 -3 2 5+ Versatile, Scarce Inq
Rending blade - E - +1 S+1 -2 1 - Rending, Parry Inq
Servo-claw - E - - S+2 - 2 - - GW3
Shardnet E 3" - - 4 - 1 6+ Entangled, Web, Versatile Inq
Shock baton - E - - S - 1 - Parry, Shock GW3
Shock stave E 2" - - S+1 - 1 - Shock, Versatile GW3
Spud-jacker - E - - S+1 - 1 - Knockback NUR
Staff of office - E - - S - 1 - Parry WDMar18
Stiletto knife - E - +1 S - 1 - Toxin GW3
Stiletto sword - E - - S -1 1 - Parry, Toxin GW3
Sword - E - +1 S -1 1 - Parry GW3
Taser lance E 3" - - S+2 -1 1 - Shock, Versatile Inq
Throwing knife E 2xS - - S-1 - 1 6+ Scarce, Versatile Inq
Toxin injector claw - E - - S -1 1 - Toxin WDMar18

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
The Bizarre Bazaar
The Bizarre Bazaar represents the various markets, void stations or traders where warbands can barter for weapons
and equipment. Either with the support of their employers or by the Cold Trade, fighters need to find a way to resupply.

This section is intended to replace the Necromunda Trading Post and House lists. [WiP]

Rarity Keywords
Each item in the Bizarre Bazaar has a Rarity, denoting In Inquisimunda, there is no such things as “House”
how hard is it to source. Common items are a regular lists within each warband section. Instead, all items in
sight, and can be purchased from any number of the following pages are listed with one or more
vendors, while Rare items must be sought out by a keywords. If a warband has at least one of the
Leader or Champion – the number in brackets after keywords (see the Warbands chapter), the item is
Rare shows how difficult it will be to find them. available for purchase.

Rare items & Warband creation

When creating a warband, rare items may be
purchased as common ones (no limit or special action

Visit the Bizarre Bazar

The following rules replace the corresponding section Purchase Equipment

in Gang War 1 supplement, “C. Visit the Trading Post” A Warband with an appropriate keyword can purchase
(GW1, p.24). any Common equipment from the Bizarre Bazaar, at
the price shown. Fighters cannot use this action to
The warband can make any of the Bizarre Bazaar purchase Rare equipment from the Bizarre Bazar –
actions described as follows, allowing them to hire that can only be obtained with the Seek Rare
new fighters and buy or sell equipment. The actions Equipment action, as follows.
can be taken in any order, and there is no limit to how
many times a warband can perform each one. Any Seek Rare Equipment
spent Thrones Gelt (TG) are deducted from the This action can be taken multiple times, but is only
warband’s Stash; any gained TG are added to the resolved once. Roll 2D6 to determine the availability of
warband’s Stash. items, adding the following bonuses:
• +2 if the warband’s Leader is making a Trade
Sell Unwanted Equipment post-battle action.
Any equipment in the warband’s Stash can be sold. • +1 for each Champion making a Trade post-
The item is deleted from the Stash, and the warband battle action.
gains its value in Thrones Gelt, minus D6x10 (to a • +1 for every full 10 Reputation the warband
minimum of 5 TG). has (for example, a Warband with Reputation
24 would get +2)
Hire a fighter
The warband can hire a new fighter and paying for The result is the Availability level – the higher it is, the
them as they did when creating the warband (see the rarer the equipment that is on offer. For each fighter
Creating a Warband chapter). The Warband making the action, the warband can now purchase
Composition section must be honoured when hiring one Rare item from the Bizarre Bazaar with a Rarity
new fighters. No equipment is purchased for them – value equal to or lower than the Availability level. Any
they receive equipment in the next step. items that are purchased are immediately added to
the warband's Stash.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Ranged weapons

Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Arc pistol 45 Rare (8) Mechanicum
Autopistol 10 Common MANKIND
Bolt pistol 50 Rare (8) MANKIND
Flechette blaster 25 Common Mechanicum Loxatl
Gamma pistol 70 Rare (9) Mechanicum
Hand flamer 75 Rare (8) Inquisition Genestealer infest.
Ordo Hereticus
Inferno pistol 80 Rare (10)
Ad. Sororitas AELDARI
Kustom mega-slugga 45 Rare (9) ORKS
Laspistol 10 Common MANKIND
Macrostubber 60 Rare (8) Mechanicum
Needle pistol 30 Rare (9) Inquisition Drukhari Genestealer infest.
Neuro-disruptor 90 Rare (11) Harlequins
Phosphor blast pistol 75 Rare (9) Mechanicum
Plasma pistol 50 Rare (9) MANKIND
Pulse pistol 25 Common TAU
Radium pistol 25 Common Mechanicum
Shuriken pistol 35 Common
Slugga 35 Common ORKS
Stub gun 5 Common MANKIND Grot
Stubcarbine 50 Rare (8) Mechanicum
Web pistol 90 Rare (9) Genestealer infest.

Basic weapons
Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Autogun 15 Common MANKIND
Avenger shuriken catapult 45 Rare (8) Craftworlds
Boltgun 55 Rare (8) MANKIND
Galvanic rifle 45 Common Mechanicum
Kroot rifle 25 Common Kroot
Lasblaster 25 Rare (8) Craftworlds
Lasgun 15 Common MANKIND
Needler 35 Common Drukhari
Pulse blaster 45 Common TAU
Pulse carbine 65 Common TAU
Pulse rifle 60 Common TAU
Radium carbine 30 Common Mechanicum
Shoota 45 Common ORKS
Shotgun (scatter & solid) 30 Common MANKIND
Shuriken catapult 40 Common Craftworlds
Stub cannon 20 Common MANKIND

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Blasting charge 35 Rare (8) Grot Genestealer infest.
Blight grenade 50 Rare (9) Nurgle
Choke gas grenade 50 Rare (9) MANKIND
Demolition charge 50 Rare (12) ALL
Frag grenade 30 Common MANKIND Greenskins
Hallucinogen grenade WiP WiP Drukhari
Incendiary charge 10 Rare (7) MANKIND
Krak grenade 45 Rare (8) MANKIND
Melta bomb 60 Rare (11) Imperium
Photo flash flare 15 Rare (9) TAU
Plasma grenade 35 Common AELDARI
Scare gas grenade 45 Rare (10) Drukhari
Smoke bomb 15 Common ALL

Special weapons
Special weapons are only available to Leaders, Champions & Heavies (see the Warband positions in the Creating
a Warband chapter).

Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------

Arc rifle 60 Rare (8) Mechanicum
Combi-flamer 195 Rare (8) MANKIND
Combi-melta 190 Rare (12) MANKIND
Combi-plasma 115 Rare (10) MANKIND
Death spinner 55 Rare (8) Craftworlds
Flamer 140 Rare (7) ALL
Grav gun 120 Rare (11) Imperium
Grenade launcher (frag&krak) 65 Rare (8) MANKIND
Haywire blaster 130 Rare (8) Drukhari
Hot-shot volley gun 55 Rare (8) Imperium
Ion rifle 130 Rare (10) TAU
Kustom Mega-blasta 85 Rare (9) ORKS
Kustom shoota 90 Rare (8) ORKS
Liquifier gun 125 Rare (9) Drukhari
Long Las 20 Common MANKIND
Meltagun 135 Rare (11) MANKIND AELDARI TAU
Needle rifle 40 Rare (9) MANKIND Drukhari
Neutron blaster 60 Rare (8) TAU
Phosphor serpenta 80 Rare (8) Mechanicum
Plasma gun 100 Rare (9) MANKIND TAU
Radium jezzail 60 Rare (8) Mechanicum
Rail rifle 155 Rare (9) TAU
Ripper gun 70 Rare (8) Ogryn
Shredder 110 Rare (10) Drukhari
Sniper rifle 30 Common MANKIND Craftworlds TAU
Storm bolter 110 Rare (10) Imperium
Webber 125 Rare (9) MANKIND Genestealer infest.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Heavy weapons
Only Heavies have access to Heavy weapons (see the Warband positions in the Creating a Warband chapter).

Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------

Assault cannon 175 Rare (11) Imperium
Autocannon 155 Rare (7) MANKIND
Big shoota 140 Rare (7) ORKS
Burst cannon 80 Rare (7) TAU
Dakkagun 70 Rare (8) ORKS
Deffgun 150 Rare (8) ORKS
Eldar lance 150 Rare (11) AELDARI
Eradication ray 205 Rare (11) Mechanicum
Grotzooka 110 Rare (9) ORKS
Harpoon launcher 110 Rare (9) MANKIND Genestealer infest.
Heavy bolter 160 Rare (10) MANKIND
Heavy flamer 195 Rare (10) MANKIND ORKS
Heavy stubber 160 Rare (7) MANKIND
Lascannon 155 Rare (10) MANKIND
Mining laser 125 Rare (9) MANKIND
Missile launcher (frag&krak) 165 Rare (10) MANKIND Craftworlds
Multi-laser 140 Rare (7) MANKIND Craftworlds
Multi-melta 180 Rare (11) MANKIND Craftworlds
Ossefactor 45 Rare (8) Drukhari
Plasma cannon 130 Rare (11) MANKIND
Rokkit launcha 150 Rare (10) ORKS
Seismic cannon 140 Rare (10) MANKIND Genestealer infest.
Shokk attack gun 185 Rare (11) ORKS
Shuriken cannon 150 Rare (8)
Snazzgun 135 Rare (11) ORKS
Splinter cannon 90 Rare (10) Drukhari
Starcannon 150 Rare (10) Craftworlds
Transuranic arquebus 160 Rare (11) Mechanicum
Volkite blaster 145 Rare (11) Mechanicum

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Close combat weapons

Power weapons
Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Power axe 35 Rare (8) MANKIND
Power fist 140 Rare (11) MANKIND Craftworlds ORKS
Power glaive 50 Rare (8) AELDARI
Power hammer 45 Rare (8) MANKIND
Power knife 25 Rare (9) MANKIND
Power lance 75 Rare (10) MANKIND AELDARI
Power maul 30 Rare (8) MANKIND
Power pick 40 Rare (8) MANKIND
Power sword 50 Rare (9) MANKIND AELDARI
Thunder hammer 70 Rare (11) Ordo Malleus
Triskele 35 Rare (11) Craftworlds
Two Power blades 75 Rare (9) Ecclesiarchy AELDARI
Two-handed Power weapon 60 Rare (11) ALL

FORCE weapons
Only Psykers can be equipped with Force weapons.

Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------

Force axe 45 Rare (9) Inquisition
Force rod 50 Rare (8) MANKIND
Force stave 65 Rare (8) ALL
Force sword 50 Rare (9) Inquisition
Singing spear 115 Rare (11) Craftworlds
Witchblade 85 Rare (10) Craftworlds

Except upon recruitment, a “Visit the Sawbones” action is necessary for fighter wishing to be equipped with the
following weapons, as described in the Bionics section of the Rules Addendum.

Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------

Electro-flail 40 Rare (9)
Power stabba 25 Rare (8) ORKS
Shears 25 Rare (8) MANKIND Drukhari ORKS

Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Agonizer 40 Rare (9) Drukhari
Lash whip 20 Rare (8) Genestealer infest.
Neural whip 145 Rare (11)
Razorflail 55 Rare (9) Drukhari
Shock whip 25 Rare (8) MANKIND

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Other two-handed weapons
Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Buzzsaw 45 Rare (8) MANKIND ORKS
Eviscerator 75 Rare (11)
Glaive 20 Common Drukhari TAU
Heavy rock cutter 135 Rare (9) MANKIND
Heavy rock drill 90 Rare (9) MANKIND
Heavy rock saw 120 Rare (9) MANKIND
Las cutter 85 Rare (10) MANKIND
Massive weapon 30 Common MANKIND ORKS
Renderizer Serrated axe 40 Rare (8) MANKIND
Two-handed axe 25 Common MANKIND ORKS
Two-handed Chain Axe 30 Rare (9) MANKIND ORKS
Two-handed hammer 35 Common MANKIND ORKS

Other close combat weapons

Weapon Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Arc maul 40 Rare (8) Mechanicum
Axe 5 Common MANKIND Greenskins
Bonesword 30 Rare (9) Genestealer infest.
Brute cleaver 20 Rare (7) MANKIND Drukhari
Chain axe 30 Rare (9) ORKS Khorne
Chainsword 25 Rare (8) MANKIND Craftworlds ORKS
Club, Maul or Hammer 25 Common MANKIND Greenskins
Digi laser 25 Rare (10) MANKIND
Fighting knife 15 Common ALL
Flail 20 Common MANKIND
Flensing claw 35 Common MANKIND
Flesh gauntlet 20 Rare (10) Mechanicum Drukhari
Grab hook 30 Rare (7) MANKIND ORKS
Harlequin's weapon 65 Rare (9) Harlequins
Impaler 45 Common Drukhari
Laser lance 95 Rare (10) Craftworlds
Rending blade 40 Rare (10) Mechanicum AELDARI
Servo-claw 35 Rare (10) MANKIND
Shardnet 105 Rare (8) Drukhari
Shock baton 30 Rare (8) MANKIND
Shock stave 25 Rare (9) MANKIND ORKS
Spud-jacker 15 Common MANKIND
Staff of office 25 Rare (7) ALL
Stiletto knife 20 Rare (9) Drukhari Nurgle
Stiletto sword 35 Rare (9) Drukhari Nurgle
Sword 20 Rare (6) ALL
Taser lance 35 Rare (10) Mechanicum
Throwing knife 10 Rare (8) MANKIND
Toxin injector claw 20 Rare (8) Genestealer infest.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Weapon Accessories

GunSights (Maximum of one per weapon)

Sights Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Infra-sight 40 Rare (8) ALL (Pistols, Basic, Special & Heavy weapons)
Mono-sight 35 Rare (9) ALL (Basic, Special & Heavy weapons)
Telescopic-sight 25 Common ALL (Pistols, Basic & Special weapons)

Other weapon Attachments

Attachments Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Gunshroud 20 Rare (8) ALL (Pistols & Basic weapons)
Hotshot Las Pack 20 Common ALL (Laspistol & Lasgun only)
Las-projector 35 Rare (9) ALL (Pistols, Basic & Special weapons)
Suspensor 60 Rare (10) ALL (Heavy weapons)

Special ammunitions
Ammunitions Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Condemnor bolt WiP WiP Inquisition (Bolter)

Armour & Field Armour

Armour (one per fighter)

Armour Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
6+ Armour 5 Common ALL
5+ Armour 15 Common ALL
4+ Armour 80 Rare (10) ALL
3+ Armour 160 Rare (12) ALL

Field Armour (one per fighter)

Armour Price Rarity ----------------------- Accessibility by <Keywords> -----------------------
Conversion field 60 Rare (11) ALL
Displacer field 70 Rare (12) ALL
Refractor field 50 Rare (10) ALL

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Special Rules
[Rules below are being discussed on Yaktribe (here).]

Access to [skill set] information onto the warband roster. Note the fighter
Fighters with this Attribute have always access to the is now classed as a warrior of the warband, meaning
specified skill set (Primary). he may lose access to skill sets, equipment and special
abilities (e.g. converted Heavies lose their ability to
use Heavy weapons). All of the convert's equipment is
also destroyed to help him adjust to his new
Activating groups (< X >) enlightened path, but will keep implanted bionic
When the players activate a Leader or a Champion, equipment, such as lobo-chips. If the prisoner equals
they can choose to activate at the same time < X > or beats the leader's score then he resists and refuses
additional Readied fighters within 4”. If the Leader or to join the cause. He may be sold or traded normally.
a Champion is activated this way, this does not allow
the players to activate even more fighters.

When the model fails a nerve test, resolve movement
Acute senses as normal. Once the model reaches cover, remove it
Fighters with this Attribute spot enemies faster and from play. The fighter counts as going Out of Action
from really far: add +2 to their 2D6 roll for for Bottle tests but does not have to roll on the
determining the spotting distance. In addition, add +1 Serious Injury (unless the model was down when it
to the D6 roll for spotting attackers. reached cover, in which case it must roll as normal to
determine if an injury was sustained).

Basic weapons (+Exception)

The fighter may not use Special or Heavy weapons, Cursed luck
but treats any weapon listed in parentheses as a Basic Once each turn, the fighter may re-roll one roll it
weapon. makes. Also once each turn, an opposing player may
re-roll a roll that directly affects the fighter with
Cursed Luck. In both cases, the result of the second
roll must be accepted.
An Equipment with this trait follows the rules of
Bionics as described in the corresponding section.

Disturbing presence
Allied fighters within 6" suffer a -1 penalty to Cool if
they are of a different species than this fighter.
Convert to the cause!
If a Warband with this rule captures any enemy
fighters who fit its normal hiring restrictions, then the
Fear is a natural reaction to horrific mutants,
leader can do a post-battle action and try to convert
unearthly psychic powers, and some particularly
them to the warband's cause, provided he did not go
gruesome injuries. To represent this, models must
out of action. The warband player rolls 2D6 and adds
take a Willpower check when confronted by fearsome
the leader's Leadership characteristic to the score; the
creatures or circumstances. If a fighter makes a
opposing player rolls 2D6 and adds the captured
Charge action that targets a model with the Fear
model's Leadership to the score. If the leader scores
attribute, the charging fighter must make a Willpower
highest then the prisoner becomes a faithful convert.
check before moving. If the check is failed, they
Copy his profile, skills, experience and any relevant
cannot move and their action ends immediately.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Fieldcraft (terrain) Force
The fighter ignores the movement penalty for difficult Only Psykers can handle Force weapons. Attacks made
terrain. When a terrain type is specified, the bonus by Force weapons cannot be parried except by other
applies only for this particular terrain type (e.g: Force weapons. In addition, before resolving each
Fieldcraft (water) allows a model to ignore any penalty Fight action with a model equipped with a Force
for water based difficult terrain). weapon, make a Willpower check. If the test is passed,
no save roll can be made against the Force weapon's
attacks and its Damage is increased by 1. If the target
is a Psyker, damage is increased to D3.
Some models possess special power, antigravity
motors, and Warp powers which allow them to hover
a few inches above the ground. Fighters with this Frenzy
Attribute are unaffected by terrain, though they may Some fighters are more than a bit crazed and can be
not end their movement over Impassable terrain. driven into a frenzy of slaughter during combat. Such
Additionally, Floating models may fall as normal, but wild and dangerous individuals are described as
never suffer damage from falling. frenzied. How or exactly why a fighter may go over the
edge in this way is not particularly important – he
could be psychotically deranged, under the influence
of dangerous hive fungi, or affected by localised gases
Flying or radiation. If an individual is frenzied the following
A fighter with the flying attribute counts as having the rules apply:
catfall (agility) skill. Furthermore, an Active fighter
with this ability has access to the following actions: 1. A frenzied model must always charge the
closest enemy within his charge move if able
Fly (Simple) - The fighter can move up to its to do so. When working this out, always add
normal movement distance in any direction 3” to his standard move. All other bonuses to
(horizontally, vertically, diagonally) without his charge range, such as from the Leap skill
penalties. It cannot move through or a berserker chip are ignored. Note this
solid/impassible terrain features and must automatic charge is only worked out once all
end its movement on a level surface where other regular charge moves have been
the miniature's base can be placed. resolved that turn.

Death from above (Double) - The fighter can 2. The frenzied model doubles his base
make two consecutive Fly (simple) actions. Attacks characteristic.
The fighter then makes an attack with a
ranged weapon. The hit roll has an additional 3. Frenzied models cannot parry.
-1 modifier, and Unwieldy weapons cannot be
used. 4. When consolidating, frenzied models must
use their 2" move to engage in close combat
Diving charge (Double) - The fighter makes a if possible. Otherwise they must use the extra
Standard Move, adding D6” to the distance it move to move closer to the nearest enemy.
can move, in any direction (horizontally, They may not consolidate to move away.
vertically, diagonally) without penalties. It can
move within 1” of a standing or Pinned 5. Frenzied models are never affected by fear
enemy (or more than one if it wish) but if it or terror, nor are they affected by hatred.
does, it must move into base contact
becoming Engaged. If it does this and is 6. If a frenzied model loses his nerve and is
Engaged at the end of the action, it can broken, then the Frenzy rules no longer apply
immediately make a free Fight (Basic) action. for the remainder of the game. The fighter
has taken a beating and his sense of self
preservation asserts itself.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
7. A player may try to gain full control over a Hollow
frenzied model at the start of his turn. This is Fighters with this Attribute may never be directly
purely up to you – you may not wish your affected by Psychic powers. Any psychic power that
splendidly berserk fighter to calm down and touches a Hollow Fighter may be negated on a D6 roll
behave sensibly! To gain control over the of 3+.
model take a Cool check as you would for
testing your nerve. If the check is passed then
the fighter is under control and can act Implanted
normally – however, none of the special A weapon with this trait follows the rules of Implant
Frenzy rules described above will apply. This Weaponry as described in the corresponding section.
control lasts until the start of your following
Inspiring (species)
Get the Inspirational Leadership skill. If a species is
specified, this attribute applies only to this species.
Hate is a powerful emotion and in the 41st millennium
there is plenty of opportunity for warbands to develop
bitter rivalries. The object of hatred is specified in Leading by Example (< X” >)
brackets. The following rules apply to models which A fighter is assumed to automatically pass their Cool
hate their rivals: check if there is a Leader or a Champion from their
warband within < X” > who has already passed their
1. If a fighter can see a hated adversary then Cool check this round. Champions cannot gain this
all nerve tests are taken as if he had a Cool benefit from other Champions, but can gain it from
characteristic of 3+. the Leader. Leaders cannot gain this benefit at all. This
only applies to Cool checks made as part of Bottle
2. A model in close combat against a hated tests.
foe can re-roll any of his Attack dice that roll a
natural 1 after charging or when making
reaction attacks after a charge by its
opponent. After these first attacks, the model Light fingered
has vented his pent-up anger and fights as Roll a D6 after each battle, before generating Income.
normal. On a roll of 1, the fighter pilfers 5 TG from the
warband’s stash. If the stash contains items but no
3. When consolidating, a model must use his TG, the fighter will steal a random item from the stash.
2" move to engage a hated enemy if possible. Stolen items are lost and must be marked off the
Otherwise he must use the extra move to warband list.
move closer to a hated enemy he can see. He
may not consolidate to move away from Limited leadership
hated enemies. If this model has the Inspiring attribute or Leadership
abilities (Activating groups, Leading by example,
Leadership skills), their effects only apply to friendly
models of the same species.
Hierarchy (< Species >)
You may recruit fighters from the < species > indicated
in brackets only if your leader is also from the same
species. Multiple arms
The fighter gains the benefit of the “Extra Arm”
mutation. (The fighter may use up to three pistols
and/or Close combat weapons in close combat [+2
attack dice], or hold a basic weapon with one hand
and still use 2 Close combat weapons with the others
[+1 attack dice]).

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Neural shredder Ruling By force
A weapon with this trait projects a resonant wave of Leader of a Warband with this trait has access to the
electromagnetism that is pitched to scramble the following special rule. Whenever a Nerve or Willpower
electric signals of the target's brain (or equivalent), test is made for another fighter from the warband
incapacitating or even killing it outright. who is within 9” of this model, use this model’s
characteristic value. If the test is failed, that fighter
A target that is hit by a weapon with this trait must suffers an automatic S3 hit which may be saved as
pass a Willpower test for every hit taken. If any one of normal.
them failed, the target is Seriously Injured, no matter
how many wounds it has left.

An armour save can be attempted against this attack. Simple minded

Fighters with this Attribute suffer from stupidity but
This weapon has no effect against Terrain features can use the Intelligence of any friendly model within
with a Toughness characteristic, like doors. 6” to pass the test if it is not an initiate.

Night Vision Slavers & Slaves

Fighters with this Attribute are unaffected by Low- Any fighters captured by slavers and not ransomed
light conditions. back to their own Warband may be kept as slaves. All
of the models Equipment are kept by the slavers. The
fighter counts as an Initiate for all purposes and
equipment options but may never become a Warrior.
No [skill set] skills
The Slave's old warband may attempt to rescue him
Fighters with this Attribute may never access to the
any number of times, although they may not attempt
specified skill set (neither Primary or Secondary).
two rescue missions in a row, otherwise following the
normal rescue rules. The model's new warband may
find the Slave outlives his usefulness and may choose

Not a Psyker to sell him into slavery after any battle.

Fighters with this Attribute cannot have the Psyker


Slow and Purposeful

A model with this attribute counts as being equipped

Preacher with suspensors and may never run or climb ladders.

Many high-level Cult or Inquisition members are

priests or preachers of the faith and as such, have the
ability to inspire great courage among their flock.
Increase the range of the effects of “Leading by
Example” by +6".

Fighters with this Attribute have access to Psychic
powers (see the sub section: Psychic Powers of this

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Stupidity Uncommon Physiology
Stupid models must take an Intelligence test at the The fighter must pay the cost of an MIU in order to
start of each of their turns to determine how they equip any weapon not designed for its race.
react. If the test is passed the model may act normally.
If the test is failed the following rules apply until the
start of the next turn.
1. If engaged in close combat, the model is Some of the more fanatical Cult or Inquisition
temporarily disoriented or confused. Roll a D6 members flagellate themselves into a blind rage
before each close combat phase. 1-3, Fight at before joining battle. A Zealot suffers the effects of
last; 4-6, Fight normally Frenzy and gains Hatred against everyone.

2. If not engaged, roll a D6 to determine how

the model moves at the start of your
movement phase. 1-3, Roll a Scatter dice. The Waaagh!
arrow indicates the direction in which the An Ork Leader may call a Waaagh! once per game. All

model moves this turn. The model moves its Ork models within 12" may triple their movement

full normal move distance. If the model instead of doubling when charging and suffer the

moves into contact with an enemy it becomes effects of Frenzy until the start of their next turn. Note

engaged in hand- to-hand combat and may or that they may not test to avoid Frenzy.

may not fight (roll as above). 4-6, The model

does not move.

3. The model can do nothing else this turn.

The fighter will not shoot weapons or
otherwise move unless he loses his nerve and
runs 2D6" to cover as described in the
Leadership section.

4. The model does not have to take any

further Leadership-based tests for fear or
terror, but must still take tests to keep its
nerve. If such a test is failed the model will
run 2D6" to cover. The rules for broken
fighters override the rules for stupidity. The
fighter is also unaffected by the rules for
hatred and frenzy.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Inquisimunda Campaigns
To adapt to the Inquisimunda gameplay, there is some necessary changes to the campaign system introduced in
Gang War 1. The following section replaces the N17 rules for gaining experience as described in GW1 p. 16-17.

At the start of a battle, during the pre-battle Two of the entries on the table allow a fighter to
sequence, each player has the chance to purchase change its position within the warband. Fighters
Advancements for all their fighters by spending who change their position keep all their skills and
their XP. The cost of these Advancements is shown their characteristics, but they are now considered
in the table below, the fighter's card is updated for all rules purposes as one member of their new
accordingly, the appropriate amount of XP is position. Thus, they gain access to the equipment
deducted from their total and the number in their and skills table as allowed by their new position.
Advancements box is increased by 1. Note that they don't gain any initial advancements
related to their position by this promotion.
The more experienced a fighter is, the more
Advancements cost. The cost of each
Advancements is increased by 2 for each Maximum Characteristics
Advancement the fighter already has. Initiates are Each of a fighter's characteristics has a maximum
not subject to this additional cost. value, depending of its species. Characteristics
can't be increased beyond maximum limits as
For example, a Champion already has an shown on their species profile in the chapter:
Advancement which has improved their Initiative by Species. When working out if a fighter's
1. If they wish to increase their Movement by 1”, the characteristic has reached beyond its maximum
cost will be 7 XP. limit, only characteristic experience advances are
considered. All other characteristic modifiers, such
as the fighter's serious injuries, skills and
equipment, are ignored.

Cost Advancement Value

3 Xp Improve the fighter's Willpower or Intelligence by 1 + 5 TG
4 XP Improve the fighter's Leadership or Cool by 1 +10 TG
5 Xp Improve the fighter's Initiative by 1 +10 TG
5 Xp Add 1” to the fighter's Movement +10 TG
6 Xp Improve the fighter's Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill by 1 +20 TG
6 Xp The fighter gains a random skill from one of their Primary skill sets +20 TG
8 Xp Increase the fighter's Strength or Toughness by 1 +30 TG
9 Xp Pick a skill from one of the fighter's Primary skill sets +20 TG
9 Xp The fighter gains a random skill from one of their Secondary skill sets +35 TG
12 Xp Increase the fighter's Wounds or Attacks by 1 +45 TG
12 Xp Psyker only: the Psyker gains a level (to a maximum of Psyker Level 3) +45 TG
12 Xp Initiate only: promote the fighter to Warrior. +40 TG
15 Xp Warrior only: promote the fighter to Champion or Heavy. +50 TG
15 Xp The fighter gains a random skill from any skill set +50 TG

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
The following section replaces the N17 rules when a Leader dies as described in GW1 p. 24.

Loss of a Leader
If a warband's Leader is killed or is retired, a new Furthermore, the eligible fighter with the best
Leader must be nominated from among the Leadership must be selected as the new leader. If
warband's Champions. If it has no Champions, the more than one eligible fighter is drawn for best
new Leader must be any other fighter. In any case, Leadership, use Advancements as a tie-breaker; if
this model must conform to all of the species there is still a tie, the controlling player can decide.
restrictions of the warband, if there is any.
When a fighter is promoted in this way, their Type
For example, a Grot fighter may not become the is changed to Leader on the gang roster, and from
Leader of a Feral Orks warband. An Abhuman or now on they count as a Leader for determining
Xenos fighter may not lead an Inquisition warband. which equipment and rules they can access. Note
that they now have access to the Leadership Skill
In the unlikely event of a lack of fighter able to set. Their characteristics do not change.
respect the warband species restrictions for
Leader, the warband immediately looses its Faction
keyword (and card) to become Independent. This
change is irreversible.

True nature & Secrecy

WiP: rules for revealing True Nature (voluntary or after an investigation).

WiP: rules for keeping secret fighter's nature and equipment.

Reserved stash amount to pay real cost of fighter and equipment once True nature revealed.

Species & sub species

Unknown Mysterious Fighter Recruiting a Mysterious fighter
The Mysterious Fighter card is the only one you have
Some fighters are shrouded in secrecy. Remaining
to show to other players. Any other cards for building
in dark shadows, their true nature are kept hidden
to the untrained eyes. Are they one of the a fighter is kept secret and unused (position, species,
many Xenos mercenaries or some vile mutations...). You must play with the limited
mutants? Do they possess a monstrous strength
Mysterious Fighter's stats line and rules until your
or a hidden psychic talent? Are they wanted
criminals or unknown threats? true nature is revealed. Note that there is no
associated cost to this card.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
5” 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 7+ 8+ 8+ 8+
- - - - - - - - - - - - Once your true nature is undisclosed, you must
discard this card and start playing with the stats line
Special rules Mysterious fighters do not gain experience.
When revealed, discard this card. and rules created with your choice of cards.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.
WiP: Path to Heresy (below). Maybe this stuff will be handled differently now that we have a new system.

The Path to Heresy

After every battle there's always a chance that a warband will be declared 'Heretic' by the Imperium. A warband may
show the behaviour of a Heretic yet not be caught or punished for it. Equally, a law abiding warband may make one
small mistake and be branded a Heretic immediately. Imperial law is uncompromising and any warband who is
declared Heretic will have no choice but to run or hide from those who would hunt them down.

How to become a Heretic

The Path to Heresy is an additional post-battle step, occurring just after « Gaining and Losing Reputation »
(see GW1 p.23). After each battle, each non heretic warband must roll 2D6 to see if they are declared Heretic:

2D6 Result
2 Heretic! The warband is declared Heretic!
The warband is under investigation. After the next game, the warband suffers an
3-6 Investigation
additional -1 modifier on this table.
7-11 Clear The authorities takes no notice of the warband at this time.
The authorities are so impressed by the warband's flawless conduct that they grant
12 Upstanding a commendation. The warband gains a 50TG income bonus and does not have to
roll on this chart for D3 battles.

The roll is subject to the following modifiers:


For each warband's fighter participating in the preceding battle that was Xenos, Mutant, Daemon
and/or model with a Mark of Chaos.

For each equipment that was used in the preceding battle that was of Xenos origin and/or Warp
related (e.g: Daemon weapon).

-1 If the last battle was against a non heretic warband.

+1 If none of the negative modifiers above have ever applied to the warband prior to the last battle.

+1 If none of the negative modifiers above currently apply to the warband.

+1 If the last battle was against a Heretic or Xenos warband.

If the last battle was against a warband containing any Xenos, Mutants, Daemons and/or models
with a Mark of Chaos.

+1 If the warband's reputation is under 10.

+1 If the warband's reputation is under 20.

Some warbands may be subject to additional modifiers (see the Warbands chapter).

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Being a Heretic

A radical warband must live by their wits and scavenge to survive, relying on fickle contacts and looting.
A Heretic warband is subject to the following rules.

no territory Heretics & The bizarre bazaar

When a warband is branded a Heretic in a campaign, From now, in the Bizarre Bazaar, prices of all items are
it immediately looses any territory or turf it previously increased by 10TG, Rarity value is increased by 1 and
controlled. Indeed, Heretic warbands do not hold turf Common items become Rare (6).
like other warbands. They do not therefore gain or
lose turf as a result of winning or losing battles and
they can never hold any Special Territories. Heretic captives
When non heretic warbands sell captives from a
heretic warband, they earn the full value of each
Alternative income fighter in Thrones Gelt rather than the usual half.
They do however collect Income after the first battle
of a cycle, but rather than multiplying their turf size by
10, they multiply their Reputation by 10 to determine
their income. This could represent the retainer they
are paid by their hidden masters to continue
operating in the area, or their capacity to pull strings
to get what they need.

Additionally, the warband’s Leader (and only the

Leader) may make a special ‘Work the Gang’s Turf’
action (see p.23 of GW1) in the post-battle sequence
to represent the warband making an appeal to their
contacts. However, should the D6 roll be a 1 the plea

Courtesy of KrautScientist
has fallen on deaf ears and no extra funding is

Finally, the Heretic warband will earn additional

income for every enemy fighter captured and not
rescued, which they will sell, and for any enemy
fighters killed:

• When the heretic warband sell captives, they

earn the full value of each fighter in Thrones
Gelt rather than the usual half. This
represents their motivation and capacity to
get valuable intel of their captives.

• When an opponent the heretic warband have

just fought deletes a dead fighter from their
roster during the Update Roster step of the
post-battle sequence, the Heretic warband
immediately gains half of that fighter’s value
rounded up to the nearest 5 TG. This
represents the positive impact the elimination
of this threat could have on their survival.

Fan rulebook completely unofficial & not endorsed by Games Workshop.

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