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Joint Publication 3-17

S W E' L L


• DE P






Air Mobility Operations

5 February 2019
1. Scope

This publication provides fundamental principles and guidance for planning,

employing, and assessing air mobility operations across the range of military operations.

2. Purpose

This publication has been prepared under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). It sets forth joint doctrine to govern the activities and performance
of the Armed Forces of the United States in joint operations, and it provides considerations
for military interaction with governmental and nongovernmental agencies, multinational
forces, and other interorganizational partners. It provides military guidance for the exercise
of authority by combatant commanders and other joint force commanders (JFCs), and
prescribes joint doctrine for operations and training. It provides military guidance for use
by the Armed Forces in preparing and executing their plans and orders. It is not the intent
of this publication to restrict the authority of the JFC from organizing the force and
executing the mission in a manner the JFC deems most appropriate to ensure unity of effort
in the accomplishment of objectives.

3. Application

a. Joint doctrine established in this publication applies to the Joint Staff, commanders
of combatant commands, subordinate unified commands, joint task forces, subordinate
components of these commands, the Services, and combat support agencies.

b. This doctrine constitutes official advice concerning the enclosed subject matter;
however, the judgment of the commander is paramount in all situations.

c. If conflicts arise between the contents of this publication and the contents of Service
publications, this publication will take precedence unless the CJCS, normally in
coordination with the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has provided more current
and specific guidance. Commanders of forces operating as part of a multinational (alliance
or coalition) military command should follow multinational doctrine and procedures
ratified by the United States. For doctrine and procedures not ratified by the United States,
commanders should evaluate and follow the multinational command’s doctrine and
procedures, where applicable and consistent with US law, regulations, and doctrine.

For the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

Lieutenant General, USMC
Director, Joint Force Development


Intentionally Blank

ii JP 3-17

• Updates relationships and roles.

• Updates for consistency with other joint publications (JPs).

• Adds description of air mobility liaison officers.

• Updates information on joint deployment and distribution operations center,

joint task forces, host-nation support, mobility air forces cost avoidance
tankering, public affairs, and Army aviation.

• Adds descriptions of United States Navy and United States Marine Corps
reserve airlift.

• Clarifies and reorganizes mission funding categories.

• Clarifies role of the director of mobility forces.

• Removes tactical details of airdrop and arrivals.

• Reorganizes order of chapters and updates chapter on Air Mobility Support.

• Updates aeromedical evacuation section and removes redundancy with JP 4-

02, Joint Health Services.

• Updates description of channel airlift missions to distinguish between

distribution and contingency channels, as well as role of United States
Transportation Command.

• Updates mobility support to special operations.

Summary of Changes

Intentionally Blank

iv JP 3-17
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................. vii


 Introduction ................................................................................................................. I-1

 Deployment ................................................................................................................. I-1
 Air Mobility Forces Employment Missions ............................................................... I-2
 Movement and Maneuver ........................................................................................... I-2
 Sustainment ................................................................................................................. I-3
 Air Mobility Fundamentals ......................................................................................... I-3
 Global Mobility Enterprise ......................................................................................... I-8


 General .......................................................................................................................II-1
 Command Relationships ............................................................................................II-1
 Command and Control ...............................................................................................II-2
 Command and Control Structures ..............................................................................II-4
 Command and Control of Airfields During Contingency Operations .....................II-12


 Air Mobility Planning Considerations ..................................................................... III-1

 Marshalling .............................................................................................................. III-2
 Intelligence ............................................................................................................... III-8
 Vulnerabilities and Threats ...................................................................................... III-8
 Communications Systems ...................................................................................... III-11
 Sustainment ............................................................................................................ III-13
 Assessment ............................................................................................................. III-14
 Multinational Planning Considerations.................................................................. III-15
 Other Planning Factors .......................................................................................... III-16


 General ..................................................................................................................... IV-1

 Air Mobility Support................................................................................................ IV-1
 Capabilities of Air Mobility Support ....................................................................... IV-5
 Global Air Mobility Support System Elements ....................................................... IV-7
 Airfield Opening and Global Air Mobility Support System.................................. IV-11

Table of Contents


 General ...................................................................................................................... V-1

 Airlift Operations ...................................................................................................... V-1
 Airlift Missions ......................................................................................................... V-2
 Airland Delivery ..................................................................................................... V-11
 Airdrop .................................................................................................................... V-17
 Planning Considerations for Airborne Assaults
and Follow-on Airland Operations ................................................................. V-23


 General ..................................................................................................................... VI-1

 Air Refueling Operations ......................................................................................... VI-2
 Air Refueling Missions ............................................................................................ VI-4
 Planning Air Refueling Operations .......................................................................... VI-8

A Points of Contact ....................................................................................... A-1
B References ..................................................................................................B-1
C Administrative Instructions ........................................................................C-1

Part I Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms .............................................. GL-1
Part II Terms and Definitions ............................................................................. GL-6

II-1 Mobility Air Forces Command and Control ..............................................II-5
II-2 The Joint Air Operations Center and Command Relationships
for Air Mobility Forces ..............................................................................II-7
III-1 Factors Affecting Selection of Marshalling Areas
and Departure Airfields ............................................................................ III-3
III-2 Departure Airfield Operations .................................................................. III-5
III-3 Arrival Airfield Operations ...................................................................... III-7
V-1 Illustration of Hub and Spoke and Direct Delivery................................. V-14
V-2 Illustration of Lily Pad Operations .......................................................... V-15
V-3 Illustration of Air Bridge Operations ...................................................... V-15
V-4 Area Drop Zone ....................................................................................... V-22
V-5 Circular Drop Zone ................................................................................. V-23


vi JP 3-17

• Describes how the air mobility network combines airlift, air refueling,
aeromedical evacuation, and air mobility support assets, processes, and
procedures to support the transport of personnel and materiel

• Explains command and control of air mobility operations

• Discusses planning air mobility operations

• Describes air mobility support, airlift, and air refueling missions

• Outlines the Global Air Mobility Support System

General Overview

The Secretary of Defense directs Air mobility is the rapid movement of personnel,
the assignment of air mobility materiel, and forces to and from, or within, a theater
forces to the Commander, United by air. This includes both airlift and air refueling
States Transportation Command, (AR). The air mobility network combines airlift,
and other combatant AR, aeromedical evacuation (AE), and air mobility
commanders. support assets, processes, and procedures to support
the transport of personnel and materiel.

Air mobility enables commanders to simultaneously

execute the joint functions of movement and
maneuver and sustainment at the strategic,
operational, and tactical levels of warfare.

Deployment Deployment encompasses all activities from origin

or home station through destination, specifically
including intracontinental US, intertheater, and
intratheater movement legs, staging, and holding

Air Mobility Forces Employment Air mobility forces conduct employment missions
Missions when they airlift units, cargo, or personnel; offload
fuel in ground operations; or refuel aircraft during
operations. Given the assumption of immediate
combat, user requirements should dictate
scheduling and load planning.

Executive Summary

Movement and Maneuver Rapid global mobility uniquely contributes to

movement and maneuver. Air mobility forces
enhance other forces’ combat power and flexibility,
either by extending their range, bolstering their
staying power, or providing them with greater
maneuverability. Airlift allows deployment of
critical early entry force packages over strategic
distances without delays caused by terrain or

Sustainment Routine sustainment air mobility missions

involve movement of materiel and personnel to
reinforce or resupply forces already deployed or
employed in operations and include missions
flown in support of military and nonmilitary
organizations involved in humanitarian relief

Combat sustainment air mobility operations

involve movement of supplies, materiel, and
personnel to reinforce or resupply units already
engaged in combat. Combat sustainment planning
usually assumes requirements and threat situations
limit flexibility of delivery times, locations, and
configurations of specific loads.

Air Mobility Fundamentals There are two basic methods of delivery: airland
and airdrop. The delivery method is based on user
requirements, type of environment, availability,
adequacy, security of airfields, landing zones,
drop zones near the objective area, threats to the
objective area, and aircraft/aircrew capability.

Air mobility missions are conducted on either a

recurrent or surge basis. Recurrent operations
establish a scheduled flow of individual aircraft to
make the most of available aircraft and Global Air
Mobility Support System (GAMSS) assets. Surge
operations allow for rapid and substantial
movement of cargo and personnel because a large
number of assets are committed toward the
operation but can only be sustained for a short

Global Mobility Enterprise The global mobility enterprise (GME) is an

integrated series of nodes that support air mobility
operations. The four components of the enterprise

viii JP 3-17
Executive Summary

consist of Airmen, equipment, infrastructure, and

command and control (C2). The GME optimizes
the capacity and velocity of the air mobility
system to support the combatant commanders
(CCDRs). The enterprise requires global
situational awareness through collaboration,
coordinated operations, and adherence to air
mobility processes.

Command and Control of Air Mobility Operations

The value of air mobility forces Centralized control and decentralized execution of
lies in their ability to exploit and air mobility missions are the keys to effective and
enhance the speed, range, efficient air mobility operations. Centralized control
flexibility, and versatility inherent allows commanders to focus on those priorities that
in air operations. lead to victory, while decentralized execution fosters
initiative, situational responsiveness, and tactical
flexibility. Although it is not necessary for a single
global organization to centrally control all air
mobility forces, all commanders should envision air
mobility as a global system capable of
simultaneously performing intertheater and
intratheater missions.

Command and Control Effective and efficient employment of air

Structures mobility forces requires a clear understanding of
the associated command relationships and control
processes affecting the application of these forces.

Intertheater air mobility serves the continental

United States (CONUS)-to-theater and theater-to-
theater air mobility needs of the geographic
combatant commanders (GCCs). Air mobility
assets assigned to United States Transportation
Command (USTRANSCOM) execute the majority
of intertheater airlift missions.

Intratheater air mobility operations are defined by

geographic boundaries. Air mobility forces
assigned or attached to the GCC normally conduct
these operations. Intratheater common-user air
mobility assets are normally scheduled and
controlled by the theater air operations center or
joint air operations center (JAOC) if established.

Joint Task Force (JTF) Air Mobility Operations.

During joint operations, it may be necessary to

Executive Summary

establish a JTF within a GCC’s area of

responsibility (AOR). This allows the GCC to
maintain a theater-wide focus and, at the same time,
respond to a regional requirement within the theater.
When this occurs, a JTF will be designated and
forces made available for this operation.

The air mobility C2 system relies on consistent

processes and the ability to rapidly expand to meet
the specific needs of the task at hand. When a JTF
is formed, command relationships for air mobility
forces will be established by the JTF establishing
authority, normally exercised through the joint
force air component commander/commander, Air
Force forces.

Command and Control of USTRANSCOM, through the Air Mobility

Airfields During Contingency Command (AMC), performs single port manager
Operations (SPM) functions necessary to support the strategic
flow of the deploying forces’ equipment and
sustainment from the aerial port of embarkation
(APOE) and hand-off to the supported CCDR in
the aerial port of debarkation (APOD). The SPM
provides strategic deployment status information
to the supported CCDR and to manage workload
of the APOE and APOD based on the CCDR’s
priorities and guidance.

To facilitate C2 at joint-use airfields, the joint

force commander designates a senior airfield
authority (SAA) responsible for safe airfield
operations. The SAA controls airfield access and
coordinates for airfield security with the base
commander or base cluster commander or the
joint security coordinator for the area if a base
commander has not been designated.

Planning Air Mobility Operations

Air Mobility Planning Joint Airspace Control. Air mobility planners

Considerations should be involved in the creation of the airspace
control plan. Air mobility aircraft typically require
preferred altitudes and routing to avoid or mitigate

Air Corridors or Operating Areas. Airlift and

AR operations often require secure air corridors or

x JP 3-17
Executive Summary

operating areas. These may be shared with other air

missions. Regardless, the use of a corridor requires
close coordination between the appropriate airspace
control authority, the area air defense commander,
the JAOC, and all other joint force component
ground and aviation elements.

Marshalling Marshalling includes the preparations required to

plan, document, and load equipment and personnel
aboard the aircraft. The marshalling plan provides
the administrative and logistic procedures to
accomplish these tasks. The marshalling area is
usually located near departure camps and airfields
to conserve resources and reduce the opportunity
for observation.

Intelligence The intelligence planning effort must be focused

to ensure it is responsive to the commander’s
requirements and the requirements of the
subordinate units. To ensure the intelligence
effort addresses the commander’s needs and is
fully synchronized with operations, it is
imperative the appropriate intelligence staff
elements be fully involved in the operations
planning process from the outset. Pertinent
information must be analyzed concerning the
operational environment pertaining to potential
threats. Information shortfalls and the
commander’s critical information requirements
must be identified early, converted into
intelligence requirements, and submitted for
collection or production as requests for

Vulnerabilities and Threats Air mobility forces are vulnerable during all
phases of theater and international flight
operations, at home station, APOEs, en route
locations, APODs, and forward airfields. Mission
planning must include a thorough analysis of
vulnerabilities requirements throughout all phases
of flight and ground operations.

Air mobility planning must begin with threat

analysis and threat avoidance. Normally, mobility
assets operate in a permissive to low-threat
environment. However, antiaccess and area denial

Executive Summary

capabilities of threats should be considered when

planning and conducting air mobility operations.

Communications Systems Communication planning integrates the

communications capabilities of joint force
components. These plans should include en route
communications procedures and automated
information systems to support movement
reporting; call words or call signs, frequencies,
communications equipment, and supplies to be
delivered; the sequence of their delivery; and code
words for significant events.

Sustainment Operations and logistics are most effectively

integrated as part of a collaborative planning
process that includes subordinate component
commands, supporting commands, and global
providers. Equally important with planning is the
active integration of sustainment movements
from point of origin to point of need to ensure
seamless delivery and retrograde of sustainment
cargo. USTRANSCOM develops integrated
distribution route structures based on the needs of
the CCDRs to ensure timely performance through
all segments of the joint distribution pipeline.

Assessment Assessments must be conducted prior to and

during air mobility operations. Airfields, to
include capabilities and limitations, and airland
facilities available in the departure and arrival
areas must be assessed, particularly those in
underdeveloped countries where their status may
be questionable. Assessors must ensure the user’s
requirement is being met in accordance with
established priorities and air mobility forces are
being used efficiently and adapting to changes in
the operations tempo or focus. Evaluation tools
must include metrics to determine on-time
delivery amount of cargo/fuel on- or off-loaded
and airdrop delivery precision.

Continuous operational assessment that links

operational objectives to airlift tasks is the key to
ensuring effective employment of air mobility

xii JP 3-17
Executive Summary

Multinational Planning In planning for multinational operations, the joint

Considerations planner should be aware of the legal
considerations in providing or receiving logistics
support from multinational partners. The
planning process should include the legal advisor
in all stages of multinational operations planning
and execution for legal compliance.

Air Mobility Support

Airlift and air refueling force Air mobility support force is divided between
USTRANSCOM, which controls the majority of
assets in its global/functional combatant command
(CCMD) role, and the geographic CCMDs that
control other assets to meet their specific regional
needs. These forces, combined with the interrelated
processes that move information, cargo, and
passengers, make up GAMSS. This structure
consists of a number of CONUS and en route
locations, as well as deployable forces capable of
augmenting the fixed en route locations or
establishing operating locations where none exist.

Capabilities of Air Mobility The capabilities provided by the GAMSS are C2,
Support aerial port operations, and aircraft maintenance.
While GAMSS functions at fixed locations are
robust, the deployable assets are designed to be
temporary in nature with a planned redeployment or

Global Air Mobility Support AMC GAMSS forces are aligned under the US Air
System Elements Force Expeditionary Center’s administrative
control, with assets at fixed overseas locations, as
well as CONUS-based deployable assets.

GAMSS fixed assets are sized, manned, and

equipped to support peacetime common-user air
mobility operation.

GAMSS deployable assets are tailored to meet

mission requirements, designed for a decreased
transportation and logistics footprint, and are not
designed as long-term assets.

Airfield Opening and Global Air GAMSS forces may be the first US Air Force
Mobility Support System presence on an expeditionary airfield regardless of
how the airfield is gained (e.g., seizure or

Executive Summary

acceptance from a host nation) or which follow-on

US or multinational entity will operate the airfield.
When opening an airfield, GAMSS forces normally
coordinate actions with theater command elements
to ensure theater-specific responsibilities, such as
force protection, meet mission requirements.


Airlift operations transport and Airlift offers its customers a high degree of speed,
deliver forces and materiel range, and flexibility. Airlift enables commanders
through the air in support of to respond and operate in a wide variety of
strategic, operational, and/or circumstances and time frames that would be
tactical objectives impractical through other modes of transportation.

Airlift Missions The primary mission of airlift is passenger and cargo

movement. This includes combat employment and
sustainment, AE, special operations support, and
operational support airlift. The airlift system has the
flexibility to surge and meet requirements that
exceed routine, peacetime demands for passenger
and cargo movement.

Combat employment missions allow a commander

to insert surface forces directly and quickly into
battle and to sustain combat operations. Airlift
affords commanders a high degree of combat
maneuverability permitting them to bypass
adversary troop strongholds.

Airland Delivery Planners should view airland delivery as the

primary means for most air movements. In the
airland delivery method, airlifted personnel and
materiel are disembarked, unloaded, or unslung
from an aircraft after it has landed or, in the case of
vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, after it has
entered a hover.

Airdrop Airdrop of forces, equipment, and/or supplies

support the joint functions movement and
maneuver and sustainment.

In relation to airland delivery, airdrop delivery has

several disadvantages. It carries an increased risk of
injury to personnel or damage to cargo. It requires
special training for the riggers, transported
personnel, and the aircrews. It can limit allowable

xiv JP 3-17
Executive Summary

cabin load utilization substantially because of the

special rigging required for airdropped materiel.

Planning airlift operations is a This responsibility includes performing and

complicated process. arranging to: bring units and materiel to departure
terminals; prepare those resources for air
movement; provide support services (meals,
medical, billeting, and other appropriate services) to
transient and arriving units; receive and transport
units and materiel from arrival terminals; and
prepare all manifests, movement documents, and
reports related to the actual movement.

Air Refueling

AR allows air assets to rapidly reach any trouble spot

around the world with less dependence on forward
staging bases. Furthermore, AR significantly
expands the force options available to a commander
by increasing the range, payload, loiter time, and
flexibility of other aircraft.

Air refueling Operations Intertheater AR supports the long-range

movement of combat and combat support aircraft
between theaters. Intertheater AR operations also
support global strike missions and airlift assets in
an air bridge. AR enables deploying aircraft to fly
nonstop to their destination, reducing closure

Intratheater AR supports operations within a

GCC’s AOR by extending the range, payload, and
endurance of combat and combat support assets.
Both theater-assigned and USTRANSCOM-
assigned AR aircraft can perform these

Air Refueling Missions AR is a critical force multiplier across the full range
of global and theater employment scenarios.
Tankers directly enhance the operational flexibility
of US and allied/coalition strike, support, and
surveillance aircraft. AR missions represent the
broad, fundamental, and continuing activities of the
AR system.

AR significantly increases the range and

endurance of bomber aircraft, directly enhancing

Executive Summary

their flexibility to strike at distant targets and

maximizing their operational utility for warfighter
mission requirements.

An air bridge creates air lines of communications

linking CONUS and a theater, or any two theaters.
AR makes possible accelerated air bridge
operations since en route refueling stops for
receivers are reduced or eliminated.


This publication provides fundamental principles

and guidance for planning, employing, and
assessing air mobility operations across the range
of military operations.

xvi JP 3-17

“…our forces are in distant countries fighting organized terrorists who seek to
destroy our nation and destabilize the world. Military operations in these austere
places are challenged by the need to deploy and supply troops over great
distances. Airlift is a precious lifeline that keeps them fed and equipped, brings
the wounded home, and eventually, brings our forces home.”

Former Congressman Jim Saxton, 4 April 2005

1. Introduction

Air mobility is the rapid movement of personnel, materiel, and forces to and from, or
within, a theater by air. This includes both airlift and air refueling (AR). The air mobility
network combines airlift, AR, aeromedical evacuation (AE), and air mobility support
assets, processes, and procedures to support the transport of personnel and materiel. Air
mobility operations are a rapid means to project and sustain power across the globe in
support of US national interests and a critical enabler of US national military strategy. The
Secretary of Defense (SecDef) directs the assignment of air mobility forces to the
Commander, United States Transportation Command (CDRUSTRANSCOM), and other
combatant commanders (CCDRs). To deter threats against, or to assist in the defense or
pursuit of, US national interests, the Department of Defense (DOD) maintains forces,
organizations, and processes necessary to conduct air mobility operations. The United
States Air Force (USAF) programs the air mobility forces assigned to United States
Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), while USTRANSCOM manages the
Defense Transportation System (DTS) and serves as the Joint Deployment and Distribution
Coordinator (JDDC). As the JDDC, CDRUSTRANSCOM exercises coordinating
authority for joint deployment and distribution enterprise (JDDE) operations and planning
and collaborates with other combatant commands (CCMDs), the Services, and, as directed,
United States Government (USG) departments and agencies. USTRANSCOM maintains
the global capability for rapid and decisive military force power projection and to
coordinate, sustain, and improve DOD distribution processes. This includes coordinating
the capability to transport units, equipment, and initial sustainment from the point of origin
to the point of need and provides JDDE resources to augment or support operational
movement requirements of the joint force commander (JFC). Rapid global mobility is the
timely movement, positioning, and sustainment of military forces and capabilities across
the range of military operations. Air mobility enables commanders to simultaneously
execute the joint functions of movement and maneuver and sustainment at the strategic,
operational, and tactical levels of warfare.

2. Deployment

Deployment is the movement of forces into operational areas (OAs) or the relocation
of forces and materiel within OAs. Deployment encompasses all activities from origin or
home station through destination, specifically including intracontinental US, intertheater,
and intratheater movement legs, staging, and holding areas. If these operations must occur

Chapter I

in a higher threat environment, tactics, escort requirements, and objective area support
requirements could reduce the throughput of the overall air mobility system and limit airlift
capacity or AR offload amounts. Commanders and planners should also consider the
backhaul capacity of the air mobility forces. Using this capacity for rearward movement
of personnel, patients, materiel, and reparable items or the repositioning or redeployment
of units can save additional missions from being scheduled or diverted.

Deployment and redeployment are covered in detail in Joint Publication (JP) 3-35,
Deployment and Redeployment Operations.

3. Air Mobility Forces Employment Missions

Air mobility forces conduct employment missions when they airlift units, cargo, or
personnel; offload fuel in ground operations; or refuel aircraft during operations. Airlift
forces can move combat-loaded units to maximize their readiness for immediate combat
operations. Given the assumption of immediate combat, user requirements should dictate
scheduling and load planning. However, the threat or peculiarities of large-scale operations
may dictate adjustments to the user’s plans or operations to accommodate the allowable
cabin load (ACL) limitations, tactical procedures, and defensive support requirements of
the airlift force. AR missions also primarily serve combat air assets directly engaging in
combat operations. Fuel loads, flight profiles, and orbits should be determined by combat
aircraft requirements. Threats may dictate modifications to the optimum plan to protect
these limited resources. All air mobility forces can support surge employment operations
during the initial stages of a conflict or when required. Commanders should consider the
impact that surge operations would have on sustainment and force extraction missions.
Backhaul is difficult during this type of mission, as the situation typically limits ground
and loiter times and should be limited except for the rearward movement of essential
personnel, wounded personnel, or other friendly evacuees.

4. Movement and Maneuver

a. Rapid global mobility uniquely contributes to movement and maneuver. Air

mobility forces enhance other forces’ combat power and flexibility, either by extending
their range, bolstering their staying power, or providing them with greater maneuverability.
Airlift allows deployment of critical early entry force packages over strategic distances
without delays caused by terrain or obstacles. AR extends the range and expedites the
arrival of self-deploying aircraft, precluding the need for intermediate staging bases. Airlift
and airdrop capabilities allow shifting, regrouping, or movement of joint forces in a theater
to gain operational reach and positional advantage.

b. Redeployment air mobility operations involve air movement of personnel, units,

and materiel from deployed positions within or between an area of responsibility (AOR)
and joint operations area (JOA).

c. Withdrawal operations involve combat air movement of personnel, units, and

materiel from positions in the immediate vicinity of the threat. The purpose of these
movements may range from withdrawal operations to lateral movement of forces to new

I-2 JP 3-17
General Overview

operating locations. These operations generally are planned to accomplish a movement

with the minimum expenditure of air mobility resources. However, in higher threat
situations, it may also be necessary to preserve the combat capabilities of departing units
for as long as possible at the departure terminal, while building them up as rapidly as
possible at the arrival terminal. In such cases, operational requirements may be more
important than the efficient use of ACLs. In the latter stages of a complete extraction of
friendly forces from a combat area, commanders should provide suitable operational assets
to protect both the forces being extracted and the air mobility forces conducting their

5. Sustainment

a. Routine sustainment air mobility missions involve movement of materiel and

personnel to reinforce or resupply forces already deployed or employed in operations.
Routine sustainment missions also include missions flown in support of military and
nonmilitary organizations involved in humanitarian relief operations. These operations
normally deliver requirements with the minimum expenditure of air mobility resources.
Routine sustainment planning usually assumes user requirements and the general air and
ground security situation allow some flexibility in the actual delivery times of specific
loads. Flight schedules and load plans are made to maximize throughput from available
ACLs and support resources. However, when sustainment channels are operated as part of
an integrated, end-to-end distribution process, time-definite delivery (TDD) and
interoperable load configurations may drive schedules and load plans. When practical,
routine sustainment should be planned to utilize backhaul capacity. Depending on theater
and user priorities, typical backhaul loads might include other friendly evacuees, enemy
prisoners of war, excess or repairable weapons, and materiel of moderate to high value. In
some cases, retrograde movements of repairable items must be planned and executed with
the same TDD discipline as sustainment movements to ensure timely return of items to
repair facilities.

b. Combat sustainment air mobility operations involve movement of supplies,

materiel, and personnel to reinforce or resupply units already engaged in combat. Combat
sustainment planning usually assumes requirements and threat situations limit flexibility
of delivery times, locations, and configurations of specific loads. Flight schedules and load
plans are usually driven by combat requirements rather than to maximize utilization of

6. Air Mobility Fundamentals

a. Airlift Delivery Methods. There are two basic methods of delivery: airland and
airdrop. The delivery method is based on user requirements, type of environment,
availability, adequacy, security of airfields, landing zones (LZs), and drop zones (DZs)
near the objective area, threats to the objective area, and aircraft/aircrew capability.

(1) Airland is the most frequently used airlift delivery method. It permits delivery
of larger loads with less risk of cargo loss or damage than the airdrop method. Airland
encompasses all situations where personnel and cargo are offloaded while the aircraft is on

Chapter I

the ground or, in the case of vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, after it has entered a
hover. Although crews normally accomplish offloading from a stationary aircraft with
engines shut down, procedures exist to onload or offload with engines running. In
situations where the aircrew elects to not shut down engines (e.g., minimum ground time
due to high threat, limited ground support), combat offload procedures can be utilized.

(2) Airdrop includes all methods of delivering personnel, equipment, and

supplies from an airborne aircraft. This enables commanders to project combat power into
areas lacking suitable or secure airfields. Airdrops are an alternative when using an
uncontaminated aircraft to deliver mission critical cargo into a chemical, biological,
radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) environment; however, the level of airborne
contaminants may dictate the aircraft be quarantined and decontaminated upon mission
completion. Airdrop enables commanders to capitalize on the element of surprise because
of the speed of delivery and the vast number of potential objective areas for the
employment of forces. However, the additional weight and space required for parachute
rigging and cushioning material reduces the amount of cargo or personnel each aircraft can
deliver. The most common means of rigging equipment and supplies for airdrop are the
heavy equipment method, container delivery system (CDS), and door bundles. Precision-
guided rigging equipment should be considered for combat troops operating in austere

The various tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) associated with each delivery
method are discussed in Chapter V, “Airlift.”

b. AR. AR is an integral part of US air operations. It significantly expands

deployment, employment, and redeployment options available by increasing the range,
payload, and flexibility of air forces. AR is an essential capability in conducting air
operations worldwide and is especially important when overseas basing is limited or not
available. Receiver requirements and tanker availability dictate how much fuel can be
offloaded, where the refueling will take place, and when the rendezvous (RV) will occur.
The receiver aircraft’s performance characteristics will dictate AR speed, altitude, and
allowable maneuvering during the refueling.

(1) AR Anchors and Tracks. AR is normally conducted in one of two types of

airspace: an anchor area or along an AR track. A detailed discussion of tracks and anchors
is contained in Chapter VI, “Air Refueling.”

(2) AR Systems. AR is conducted using one of two systems: boom or drogue.

Most USAF and some allied aircraft use boom refueling. United States Navy (USN),
United States Marine Corps (USMC), USAF, and US Army special operations refuelable
rotary-wing aircraft; USAF special operations tiltrotor aircraft; and most allied aircraft use
drogue refueling. All KC-10s and a small number of KC-135s can also be refueled in-
flight. The USN has a limited, organic aerial refueling capability using tactical aircraft
(e.g., F/A-18 equipped with aerial refueling system) and also utilize contracted AR support
(Omega Air). While the USMC has organic KC-130 AR aircraft, these platforms are
dedicated and direct support to Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) operations. Marine
KC-130s are not considered strategic or national assets.

I-4 JP 3-17
General Overview

(a) In boom refueling, the tanker aircraft inserts its AR boom into the
receiver aircraft’s AR receptacle. Boom refueling allows for the rapid transfer of fuel under
high pressure to the receiver. This is especially important when passing large quantities of
fuel to either large receiver aircraft or multiple fighter-type aircraft.

(b) In drogue refueling, a hose and basket system is reeled into the air by the
tanker aircraft. Receiver aircraft then “plug” the basket with an external probe. Due to
hose limitations, fuel transfer during drogue refueling is slower than boom refueling. KC-
135 tanker aircraft must have the drogue assembly mounted on the boom prior to flight,
and are thus limited to drogue-only refueling while airborne. Therefore, once airborne,
most KC-135s can only perform one type of refueling at a time. KC-10 refueling aircraft
are equipped with a centerline drogue and an AR boom. They can also be equipped with
wingtip AR pods to expand their drogue refueling capability. They can refuel via both
methods on the same mission although they cannot do this simultaneously. Additionally,
there are a limited number of KC-135 aircraft in the inventory that can be equipped with
external wing-mounted pods to conduct drogue AR while still maintaining boom AR
capability on the same mission. As noted above, this cannot be accomplished
simultaneously. In certain scenarios, this dual refueling capability makes KC-10s and KC-
135s with multipoint refueling systems ideal for use as ground alert aircraft. The USAF
special operations MC-130 is capable of providing dedicated drogue refueling to rotary-
wing and tiltrotor special operations aircraft or conventional aircraft in support of special
operations missions. Detailed discussions of AR operations, missions, and planning are
discussed in Chapter VI, “Air Refueling.”

c. The AE system provides time-sensitive (TS) en route care of casualties to and

between medical treatment facilities (MTFs) using organic and/or contracted aircraft with
medical aircrew trained explicitly for this mission. AE forces can operate as far forward
as aircraft are able to conduct air operations in all operating environments. Specialty
medical teams may be assigned to work with the AE aircrew to support patients requiring
more intensive en route care.

d. Scheduling Categories. For scheduling purposes, air mobility missions are

conducted on either a recurrent or surge basis. Recurrent operations establish a scheduled
flow of individual aircraft to make the most of available aircraft and Global Air Mobility
Support System (GAMSS) assets. Surge operations allow for rapid and substantial
movement of cargo and personnel because a large number of assets are committed toward
the operation but can only be sustained for a short time. Surge operations may disrupt the
efficiency of the National Air Mobility System (NAMS), require significant regeneration
time, and complicate interactions of intertheater and intratheater forces. Geographic
combatant commanders (GCCs) request intertheater airlift in support of deployment,
sustainment, and redeployment operations through the Adaptive Planning and Execution
(APEX) enterprise and Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) process.
GCCs, in coordination with supporting commanders and Services, establish movement
requirements and develop time-phased force and deployment data (TPFDD) in
APEX/JOPES. USTRANSCOM, in turn, reviews the movement requirements in the
TPFDD and validates those requirements (which includes mode of transportation) and
forwards the tasking to its appropriate Service component(s) for movement. Intertheater

Chapter I

airlift sustainment involves movement of replacement supplies, equipment, and personnel.

Users requiring AR support submit their requests through the Air Refueling Management
System for validation and support through the theater’s air operations center (AOC)/air
mobility division (AMD) or USTRANSCOM.

Detailed procedures are outlined in JP 3-35, Deployment and Redeployment Operations.

e. Air Mobility Mission Categories. There are various categories of missions flown.

(1) AE missions support the movement of patients with qualified aeromedical air
crew members (including civilian specialists with approval), may require special air traffic
control (ATC) considerations to comply with patient-driven altitude and pressurization
restrictions, and utilize medical equipment approved for use on aircraft systems.

(2) Channel airlift missions provide common-user airlift service on a scheduled

basis between two or more predesignated points. Channel airlift missions support
passenger and cargo movement over established worldwide routes (CCMD- or Service-
validated) that are served by scheduled DOD aircraft under the Air Mobility Command
(AMC) or under the control of a GCC's AOC/AMD. USTRANSCOM also conducts
channel missions via contracted and scheduled commercial aircraft. The vast majority of
airlift sustainment will move on either distribution or contingency channel missions.
Distribution channel missions are volume–driven, in which airlift is regularly scheduled
against the volume of cargo moving through an aerial port of embarkation (APOE).
Contingency channel missions support specific operations and fly on an as-needed
schedule based on cargo and passenger movement requirements from/to the predesignated
points of the channel. Distribution and contingency channels are structured such that there

United States Marine Corps F-18 receiver aircraft using drogue air refueling system

I-6 JP 3-17
General Overview

can be flexibility in adding airlift to accommodate surges in volume of cargo. Both types
of channel users reimburse the Transportation Working Capital Fund (TWCF) based on
weight/cube of cargo or a designated cost per passenger. In many cases, channel missions
operate as part of an integrated or linked set of movements from point of origin to point of
need to consistently deliver requested logistics support when and where the customer
requires. USTRANSCOM, in collaboration with supported CCDRs, establishes TDD
goals and parameters that are key to successful warfighter support. These TDD goals and
parameters can act as indicators of channel performance. JP 4-01, The Defense
Transportation System, provides further details on channel airlift.

(3) Special assignment airlift missions (SAAMs) are airlift missions that are
bought by a user to satisfy one or more validated requirements. SAAMs support DOD
users, as well as other government agencies such as the US Secret Service, Federal Bureau
of Investigation, and Drug Enforcement Administration.

(4) A Coronet mission is a movement of air assets, usually fighter aircraft, in

support of contingencies, rotations, and exercises or aircraft movements for logistics
purposes. The tanker aircraft in a Coronet mission provides fuel to avoid intermediate
stops and provides weather avoidance, oceanic navigation, communication, and command
and control (C2) of the mission.

(5) Contingency missions operate in direct support of an operation order

(OPORD) in which movement requirements are identified in the appropriate TPFDD in

(6) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) exercise missions operate in
support of CJCS-directed or sponsored exercises. These movement requirements are also
identified in a TPFDD.

(7) AR missions provide in-flight refueling to users; for example, foreign military
sales, aircraft transfers, and unit moves.

(8) Training missions are flown for crew currency and proficiency for airlift, AR
and AE. A specific type of training mission is the joint airborne and air transportability
training (JA/ATT) mission. JA/ATT missions are a joint effort between air mobility units
and other DOD agencies to provide training for both. JA/ATT missions are part of a Joint
Chiefs of Staff (JCS)-directed, AMC-managed, or theater USAF component command-
managed program that provides basic airborne and combat airlift continuation and
proficiency training conducted in support of DOD agencies. These missions include
airdrop, air assault, aircraft load training, AR, and Service school support.

(9) Intratheater common-user airlift missions provide routine, and TS mission-

critical (MC), support to the GCC and are missions flown by theater airlift aircraft to
support common-user theater movement requirements.

Chapter I

7. Global Mobility Enterprise

The global mobility enterprise (GME) is an integrated series of nodes that support air
mobility operations. The four components of the enterprise consist of Airmen, equipment,
infrastructure, and C2. The GME optimizes the capacity and velocity of the air mobility
system to support the CCDRs. The enterprise requires global situational awareness through
collaboration, coordinated operations, and adherence to air mobility processes.

a. NAMS Functions. The mobility air forces (MAF) are those forces assigned to
CCMDs that provide rapid global mobility and conduct air mobility operations. The MAF’s
four core capabilities are airlift, AR, air mobility support/GAMSS, and AE.

(1) Airlift is the movement of personnel and materiel via air mobility forces to
support strategic, operational, and tactical objectives. These forces provide common-user
airlift between or within theaters. Delivery to destination can be done via airland or airdrop

(2) AR is the in-flight transfer of fuel from an air mobility aircraft to a receiver(s)
in support of strategic, operational, and tactical objectives.

(3) Air mobility support is the capability of providing responsive C2 and ground
support to air mobility forces worldwide. This capability is provided by a limited number of
permanent en route support locations and deployable forces capable of augmenting the fixed
en route locations or establishing new en route locations which is known as the GAMSS.

(4) AE is the movement of regulated patients between medical facilities by air

mobility assets or contracted commercial aircraft. AE patients are airlifted using organic
and/or contracted aircraft with medical aircrew trained explicitly for this mission. AE is
further discussed in JP 4-02, Joint Health Services.

b. NAMS Forces. NAMS consists of forces that perform intertheater, intratheater, and
organic mobility operations. USTRANSCOM and the GCCs possess air mobility assets that
are capable of performing both intertheater and intratheater operations. Each Service also
possesses some organic air mobility capability.

(1) Conventional air mobility forces under combatant command (command

authority) (COCOM) of either CDRUSTRANSCOM or the GCCs provide common-user
assets to conduct operations between or within theaters.

(2) The bulk of intertheater air mobility operations are conducted in response to
requests from the CCMDs and Services in accordance with (IAW) guidelines set by the
President and SecDef. AMC, as the USAF component of USTRANSCOM, is capable of
conducting and controlling intertheater air mobility operations across the globe.

(a) The GAMSS is comprised of a limited number of permanent en route

support locations plus expeditionary forces that deploy under the global reach laydown plan.
Permanent en route support locations are manned to handle day-to-day peacetime operations.
Deployable GAMSS forces can be tailored to augment permanent locations during large-

I-8 JP 3-17
General Overview

scale contingencies or to establish en route support at new locations where this support does
not exist. GAMSS forces enable USTRANSCOM to establish a network of support locations
(terminals) linked together by air lines of communications (ALOCs) to create an air bridge.
GAMSS forces, by augmenting permanent terminals or establishing new ones, enable airlift
aircraft to move personnel, equipment, and supplies to the desired location. Airlift, AR, and
GAMSS forces are limited assets; therefore, their use requires detailed and coordinated
planning to meet validated requirements.

(b) The AMC’s 618th Air Operations Center (Tanker Airlift Control Center)
(618 AOC [TACC]) is the C2 node for all USTRANSCOM air mobility missions.
Specifically, the 618 AOC (TACC) receives validated common-user requests; tasks the
appropriate unit; plans the mission; and provides continuous communications connectivity
between intertheater forces, the common-user, and supporting GAMSS forces.

(c) Air Mobility Liaison Officers (AMLOs). The principal purpose of the
AMLO program is to facilitate joint operations integration between air and ground
component commanders (CCs) and their agencies during all phases of joint air movement
and maneuver, and sustainment operations.

(3) Intratheater air mobility forces under the COCOM of designated GCCs, or the
operational control (OPCON) or tactical control (TACON) of designated subordinate
commanders, provide two types of support. General support is provided through a common-
user airlift service to conduct operations within the theater or JOA in response to JFCs’
movement priorities. Direct support may be provided with Service-organic transportation
assets in a combat zone IAW the Service CC’s priorities or one Service component may be
tasked to provide direct support to another Service CC or subordinate commander.
Intratheater air mobility operations are directed by CCDRs or designated subordinate
commanders to meet theater operational and tactical requirements. GCC’s can execute
intertheater operations using their assigned and attached air mobility forces to meet the JFCs
time, place, and mission-sensitive needs and requirements. Each GCC has also established
a joint deployment and distribution operations center (JDDOC), which is patterned after the
USTRANSCOM Deployment and Distribution Operations Center (DDOC). The JDDOC
mission is to support the GCC’s operational objectives by synchronizing and optimizing
strategic and multi-modal resources to maximize force deployment, distribution, and
sustainment. Its objective is to maximize GCC combat effectiveness through improved end-
to-end distribution and asset visibility. During contingencies, a theater direct delivery,
intertheater mission under USTRANSCOM’s control could be redirected to another location
instead of its scheduled aerial port of debarkation (APOD) due to the dynamics (e.g., threats)
in a JOA. In these scenarios, the GCC, through the AOC/AMD, is normally responsible for
the GAMSS’s transload of resources from an intertheater asset to an intratheater asset and
the forward movement of the resources to the final APOD. Interaction between MAF C2
agencies is critical during all intertheater and intratheater operations and can only be
supported by specific C2 arrangements and MAF apportionment both prior to and after a
joint task force (JTF) has been established.

See JP 3-30, Command and Control of Joint Air Operations.

Chapter I

(a) Common-user intratheater movements are usually controlled through a

theater-specific C2 node, and requirements are met using theater-assigned/attached forces.
In United States European Command (USEUCOM), United States Central Command
(USCENTCOM), United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), United States Indo-
Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM), United States Northern Command
(USNORTHCOM), and United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM), this node is an
AMD within the joint air operations center (JAOC). The AMD functions are similar to those
of the 618 AOC (TACC). The AMD’s theater focus is critical in teaming with the JDDOC
or joint movement center (JMC) to coordinate and prioritize the phasing of intertheater and
intratheater airlift requirements. The AMD has vast theater expertise and familiarity and is
best able to assess theater requirements, allocate forces to meet those requirements, initiate
requests for additional forces through the request for forces process, or seek additional
USTRANSCOM support by other means. Intertheater missions are typically flown to major
airfields (terminals) often referred to as “hubs.” From these hubs, transported personnel or
cargo is distributed by intratheater forces to other terminals, referred to as “spokes” within
the JFC’s OA. Chapter V, “Airlift,” provides more details on hub and spoke operations.

(b) Alternatively, when a JTF is established, intratheater movements may be

controlled through a JTF-specific C2 node that interfaces with the JDDOC/JMC, JAOC’s
AMD, and 618 AOC (TACC). The JTF-specific C2 node could be a joint, combined, or
component AOC as specified by the commander, joint task force (CJTF).

(c) When requirements exceed the capability of assigned or attached forces,

JTF air mobility capabilities may be augmented. The supported CCDR may attach additional
theater-assigned forces to the CJTF. SecDef may attach USTRANSCOM forces to the
supported CCDR, or JFC; USTRANSCOM may support the CCDR by making air mobility
capabilities available as a supporting CCDR. Regardless of the source, intratheater,
common-user air mobility forces assigned, attached, or made available to a subordinate joint
force should be organized under a commander, Air Force forces (COMAFFOR), as
appropriate and directed by the JAOC for optimum efficiency and effectiveness. The
COMAFFOR, joint force air component commander (JFACC) (if designated), and the
director of mobility forces (DIRMOBFOR) must ensure conventional intratheater air
mobility forces are organized to properly interact with other intratheater and intertheater

(4) Organic air mobility forces primarily provide specialized airlift and AR to
Service users. Normally, these forces exist as elements of Service or functional component
aviation arms and are assigned directly to their primary user organizations. These forces, if
assigned to a CCMD, operate under the COCOM of that CCDR. While these forces are not
under the control of the USAF CC, their capabilities and resources should be identified and
operations visible to the 618 AOC (TACC); AMD; and, for a GCC, the JDDOC or a JMC,
which may be established at a subordinate unified or JTF level to support the concept of
operations (CONOPS) and COMAFFOR. In special circumstances under the latter case,
these forces may be utilized to augment intratheater forces and accomplish tasks on behalf
of their Service or made available for common-user tasking.

I-10 JP 3-17
General Overview

c. NAMS Components. The NAMS draws its forces and capabilities from both the
civil and military air mobility components. Forces and capabilities apportioned to
USTRANSCOM, geographic CCMDs, and the Services are determined by each
organization’s requirements for the specialized contributions of each NAMS component.
Each component contributes unique capabilities, such as airlifting outsized or oversized
cargo or AR other aircraft, or contributes greater efficiencies, such as passenger or small
cargo express delivery, that collectively give the NAMS its overall ability to meet the
Nation’s needs.

(1) The civil component of the NAMS is increasingly called upon to accomplish
various air mobility operations. It is therefore prudent for all DOD components of NAMS
to maximize their ability to accommodate civil components within the system. The civil
component is comprised of civilian airlift carriers who have signed up as members of the
Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF). The CRAF is a voluntary contractual program where
civil carriers agree to augment military airlift during a crisis in exchange for peacetime
defense business. During peacetime, regional contingencies, and major exercises, CRAF
carriers voluntarily contract to fulfill personnel and cargo movement requirements. CRAF
carriers are contracted daily to fly various categories of airlift, to include channel airlift,
SAAMs, exercise support, contingency support, and charter airlift. This augmentation is
crucial to all common-users since it allows USTRANSCOM to continue to meet routine
scheduled and surge commitments simultaneously. When needed, carriers participating in
the CRAF program can be activated in one of three stages with each stage providing greater
airlift capacity. These stages include Stage I—Committed Expansion (Regional Crisis or
Small-Scale Contingency), Stage II—Defense Airlift Emergency (Major Theater War),
and Stage III—National Emergency (Multiple Theater Wars and National Mobilization).
CDRUSTRANSCOM, with SecDef approval, is the activation authority for each stage of
CRAF. DOD tasks the minimum percentage of assets in each stage necessary to augment
military airlift to meet crisis requirements. During activation, USTRANSCOM, in
coordination with the civil carriers, exercises mission control over the civil aircraft. CRAF
carriers are generally not subject to the same host nation (HN) diplomatic clearance
procedures as DOD military aircraft. When necessary and authorized, foreign flag carriers
may augment US air carriers.

(2) Commanders and their staffs should be aware that the CRAF may not conduct
operations into an airbase that is under attack or contaminated at the time of arrival. Further
information regarding joint operations under CBRN threat conditions is available in JP 3-
11, Operations in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Environments, and
AMC Pamphlet 10-260, Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) Aircrew Chemical-Biological
(CB) Warfare Defense Procedures.

(3) Additional Contracted Capabilities

(a) Tenders. AMC and Military Surface Deployment and Distribution

Command have standardized freight tenders for most modes of transportation. The tender
structure allows for companies participating in CRAF the freedom to carry cargo internally
or via subcontractors, a practice known as CRAF Prime. Tenders offer many advantages.
These include less than full-planeload movement flexibility, lower overall airlift costs,

Chapter I

enhanced economic development (in line with national airlift policy), and swift
redeployment. Tender companies also cover beddown and aircrew issues and they enjoy
faster overflight clearance processing since they are not usually required to undergo
extensive diplomatic clearance procedures. Furthermore, the use of civilian aircraft for
military means usually lowers the overall theater presence of the military airlift effort.

(b) Air Mobility Express (AMX). At the request of the supported CCDR,
CDRUSTRANSCOM can establish a special channel mission called AMX to move critically
needed items rapidly to an AOR. The supported CCDR may apportion part of the CJCS-
allocated lift on AMX by pallet positions to each component. For AMX missions to be
effective, the supported CCDR should establish a theater distribution system to deliver
express cargo from APODs to final destination.

(c) Theater Express (THX). Under this construct, GCCs contract

commercial air cargo companies to move intratheater cargo in single-pallet increments. The
THX program is advantageous because it uses civilian aircraft, personnel, and infrastructure
to facilitate expeditious movement and use local businesses. It is cost effective, because each
offering is bid competitively between all authorized carriers, and payment is based solely on
weight versus contracting an entire aircraft. Therefore, the benefits of THX are multi-fold:
the burden on organic airlift and facilities is reduced, costs are contained and easily and
discretely tracked, local businesses are used in pursuing US goals, and fewer airmen have to
be deployed to build up capacity quickly. Furthermore, contracting by the pallet gives
commercial carriers the capability to blend their commercial and military freight, resulting
in economies of scale and lower costs.

(4) The military component of NAMS is comprised of active and reserve

components of the USAF and organic lift assets in the Army, USN, and USMC.

(a) Active USAF component forces conduct routine and contingency air
mobility missions in support of all common-user requirements worldwide.
Commanders have full access to these forces, and they are continuously available for
immediate worldwide tasking. Most continental United States (CONUS)-based active duty
air mobility forces are under COCOM of CDRUSTRANSCOM and, in turn, OPCON of
CDRUSTRANSCOM’s USAF component, AMC. Similarly, most conventional theater-
based active duty air mobility forces are under COCOM of their GCC (e.g., Commander,
USEUCOM) and, in turn, under OPCON of their respective USAF component (e.g.,
Commander, US Air Forces, Europe).

(b) Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) and the Air National Guard
(ANG) provide vital airlift, AR, AE, and air mobility support capabilities to NAMS.
Their forces possess the same capabilities as active duty forces and, in some cases, unique
capabilities not found in the active force (e.g., LC-130). They complement active duty forces
during peacetime through a volunteer system. During contingencies or other national
emergencies, where requirements exceed the capability gained by volunteerism, these forces
may be brought to active duty status either by federalizing guard forces or activating reserve
forces. Approximately 50 percent of the air mobility capabilities are resident in AFRC and

I-12 JP 3-17
General Overview

ANG. AFRC and ANG personnel are experienced operators and train to the same standards
as their active duty counterparts.

(c) The Navy Reserve conducts vital routine and contingency air mobility and
limited AE and provides support that is unique to naval fleet operations to NAMS. This is a
unique capability within the Navy Reserve that does not exist in the active force, though they
support the active force fleet. This capability is known as Navy-unique fleet essential airlift
and is designed for intratheater airlift support by linking the APOD to the final fleet logistics
support point for carrier onboard delivery, vertical onboard delivery, or shipping supply.
Composed of support in peacetime through a volunteer system, during contingencies or other
national emergencies where requirements exceed the capability gained by volunteerism,
these forces may be brought to active duty status by activating the Navy Reserve forces. All
of the Navy’s air mobility capabilities are resident in the Navy Reserve. Navy Reserve
personnel are experienced operators and train to the same standards as counterparts in other

(d) Active and Reserve USMC forces conduct vital airlift, AR, AE, and air
mobility support that is unique to MAGTF requirements. USMC forces require common-
user airlift when deploying into a theater as part of either a maritime pre-positioning force
MAGTF or as an air contingency MAGTF. During maritime pre-positioning force
operations, USMC forces are airlifted to join maritime pre-positioned equipment and
supplies at the arrival and assembly area. Additional fly-in echelons of personnel,
equipment, and supplies are airlifted into the theater to complete and sustain the force. The
air contingency MAGTF requires intertheater airlift of both personnel and equipment.
Depending on the mission, amphibious MAGTF operations ashore may require intertheater
and intratheater common-user airlift support to sustain and/or support the force.

Reserve component mobilization is addressed in JP 4-05, Joint Mobilization Planning.

d. Air Mobility Operations Considerations

(1) To maximize air mobility effectiveness and efficiency, users and providers
should carefully plan and coordinate its employment. Its flexibility and vulnerability make
it a responsive, but potentially costly, asset to use. The flexibility of the NAMS may,
however, be constrained by its logistic support requirements and its dependence on ground
equipment for some operations (which may not be available in desired locations or
configurations). Properly organized, trained, and equipped air mobility forces can usually
be shifted rapidly between missions and terminals. For example, planes and crews dispersed
on sustainment missions throughout an AOR can be concentrated for a large formation
employment mission. Modern aircraft offer increased mission flexibility because they can
be quickly reconfigured for a variety of loads (palletized and unpalletized cargo, rolling
stock, passengers, AE, and airdrop loads) or different types of in-flight refueling missions.

(a) Operating the air mobility force at its optimal capacity each day
should not undermine its timely reaction to unforeseen emergencies or the shifting
priorities of an operation or campaign. Attempts to bank air mobility forces for later

Chapter I

missions are usually ill advised, because holding them in reserve entails the certain loss of
irrecoverable daily transportation productivity.

(b) Air mobility aircraft are vulnerable to air and surface attacks.
Similarly, GAMSS units and command elements are organized to provide only for their
local security. These vulnerabilities usually mean that optimal air mobility operations are
most effective in a low-threat environment. Ideally, friendly air defense forces should protect
large-scale or high-frequency operations. Air mobility forces can operate in higher threat
environments by using aircraft equipped with defensive systems; by using other assets to
protect them; or by accepting a possible combination of operational risk, higher loss rates,
and reduced efficiency.

Further information regarding local security is available in JP 3-10, Joint Security

Operations in Theater.

(c) When CBRN contamination affects airfield operations, an important

contamination control measure available to air mobility planners is use of the exchange zone
(EZ) concept. An EZ is a transload base, located beyond the CBRN-threat area, for the
transfer of cargo and passengers between uncontaminated (clean) aircraft and previously
contaminated (dirty) aircraft. From the EZ, the dirty aircraft shuttle to and from the
contaminated APOD to continue TPFDD deliveries. EZ minimizes the number of air
mobility aircraft exposed to contaminants and enables continued use of CRAF aircraft when
APODs have been contaminated. Further information regarding EZ is found in the Air
Mobility Command Counter-Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Concept of

(d) Split mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP) is a protection measure

that can be used under certain conditions (e.g., split MOPP operations must take into
consideration wind shifts). Air mobility planners use split MOPP to divide an APOD into
clean and dirty sectors, allowing a MOPP reduction in the uncontaminated sectors. If airlift
operations must continue into a contaminated airfield, look for clean sections of the runway
and/or ramp (upwind of the contaminated sectors) for the conduct of on/offload activities.
The contingency response element (CRE) officer in charge at the contaminated airfield
should direct the aircrew to clean sectors during ground operations.

(e) CBRN decontamination activities may help sustain military operations in

CBRN-contaminated environments by preventing or minimizing mission performance
degradation, casualties, or loss of resources. Prior to implementing decontamination
activities, the value of these efforts should be assessed based on the objective (e.g., if the
installation started in MOPP 4 and will be in MOPP 4 at the end of the decontamination
operation, were decontamination activities the best use of resources). In addition, there are
levels of decontamination up to, and including, verification that the asset is deemed
uncontaminated and safe for unlimited use.

Further information regarding split MOPP and decontamination is available in the Air
Mobility Command Counter-Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Concept of

I-14 JP 3-17
General Overview

Operations; JP 3-11, Operations in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear

Environments; and JP 3-41, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response.

(2) The Phoenix Raven program is designed to ensure adequate protection for
air mobility aircraft transiting airfields where security is unknown or deemed
inadequate to counter local threats. AMC Phoenix Raven teams will deter, detect, and
counter threats to personnel and aircraft by performing close-in aircraft security, advising
aircrews on force protection measures, accomplishing airfield assessments to document
existing security measures and vulnerabilities, and assisting aircrew members in the
performance of their duties when not performing Phoenix Raven duties. Phoenix Raven
teams should be considered for all missions that transit high-risk areas. It should be noted
that these are limited resources. Therefore, assigning a fly-away security team may be an
alternative option if Phoenix Raven teams are unavailable.

(3) Limited air mobility forces may not be able to fill all demands placed on
them. The scarcity of air mobility assets is a consequence of both their high cost
(particularly of aircraft) and of limitations on the dimensions and weight of cargo that
individual aircraft or ground support units can handle. Effective and well-coordinated
allocation of these assets requires careful prioritization, especially in the face of changing
mission requirements. This becomes crucial when distances are long or in the absence of a
well-developed surface infrastructure. When time is critical, airlift may be the only choice
to ensure the success of high-priority missions. The central problem of theater planning is
maximizing air mobility operations for immediate requirements, while also maximizing their
contribution to the long-term requirements of the overall operation or campaign. Planners
and operators should weigh the immediate needs of the user against the overall requirements
and priorities of the JFC. As a general guideline, air mobility forces should not be tasked
for movements when surface assets meet shipment requirements.

(4) The operational and logistic characteristics of air mobility forces require
commanders to:

(a) Establish priorities for the air mobility effort that reflect national priorities
and the CONOPS and intent of the commanders they support.

(b) Monitor and assess air mobility capacity, usually expressed in tons or
sorties, on a continual basis.

(c) Specifically task, properly support, and control air mobility forces to
achieve desired objectives.

(d) Require air mobility forces to plan their specific missions and transmit
required statistical data through the logistics and operational systems.

e. Force Visibility. Force visibility shows the current and accurate status of forces at
the strategic and operational level, their current mission, future missions, location, mission
priority, and readiness status. Force visibility provides information on the location,
operational tempo, assets, and sustainment requirements of a force as part of an overall
capability for a CCDR. Force visibility integrates operations and logistics information,

Chapter I

facilitates global force management, and enhances the capability of the entire joint planning
and execution community (JPEC) to adapt rapidly to unforeseen events to respond and ensure
capability delivery. Force visibility enhances situational awareness and is required to support
force sourcing, allocation, and assignment of forces; force position; sustainment forecasting
and delivery; and forecasting for future force requirements.

(1) Asset Visibility (AV). AV is a subcomponent of force visibility. AV

provides the capability to determine the identity, location, and status of equipment and
supplies by class of supply, nomenclature, and unit. It includes the ability to determine the
status of personnel. It provides visibility over equipment maintenance and retrograde
actions. It also includes the capability to act upon that information to improve the overall
performance of the DOD logistic practices supporting operations. DOD-wide AV requires
horizontal integration of supply and transportation activities and one-time data capture.
AV includes in-process, in-storage, and in-transit visibility. The function of performing
AV is a shared responsibility among deploying forces, supporting commands and agencies,
USTRANSCOM, and the supported CCDR. The Defense Logistics Agency (as Executive
Agent for Integrated Data Environment AV) and USTRANSCOM (with Integrated Data
Environment/Global Transportation Network Convergence [IGC]) work collaboratively to
ensure supply and in-transit data is shared and fused resulting in a complete seamless
picture for end-users.

(2) In-Transit Visibility (ITV). ITV refers to the capability to track the identity,
status, and location of DOD units and non-unit cargo (excluding bulk petroleum, oils, and
lubricants [POL]), passengers, and personal property from origin to consignee or destination
across the range of military operations as part of AV.

For more information on force visibility, AV, and ITV, see JP 3-35, Deployment and
Redeployment Operations, and JP 4-09, Distribution Operations.

f. Planning Considerations. Common users directly benefit from understanding the

air mobility infrastructure by becoming familiar with the airlift mission funding categories.
The NAMS is impacted by several variables. For example, choosing the correct method of
delivery, correctly determining whether requirements can best be served through routine or
surge operations, and understanding the funding implications associated with each choice.
These variables influence the type of support received by the requesting user. Therefore,
users, when submitting their requests, must not only make their choices on an objective
analysis of their exact needs but must also remain flexible as their desires must be balanced
against the CJCS priority system and other common-user needs.

(1) Mission Funding Categories. Use of air mobility aircraft is funded either
through the TWCF or operation and maintenance (O&M) funds. Users reimburse the TWCF
upon completion of their movement of requirements by common-user air mobility forces.
USTRANSCOM/AMC-assessed fees are based on the mission type supporting the user’s
movement. O&M funding occurs out of the Service component budget and, generally, there
is no charge levied directly against the user. The various types of NAMS missions are
designed and scheduled according to their funding category.

I-16 JP 3-17
General Overview

(a) TWCF

1. Channel airlift missions use O&M funds to reimburse the TWCF

based on weight/cube of cargo and per passenger from APOE to APOD.

2. SAAM users reimburse TWCF at a SAAM rate based on mission

flying time, to include positioning (originating station to required APOE) and repositioning
(APOD to originating station) legs.

3. Contingency mission users reimburse the TWCF based on mission

flying time, to include positioning and repositioning when directly supporting an OPORD,
disaster, or emergency.

4. JCS Exercise mission users reimburse TWCF based on mission flying

time, to include positioning and repositioning.

5. Intratheater common-user airlift missions flown on USAF airlift

aircraft are paid for using contingency funding or the TWCF.

(b) O&M Funded

1. AR missions are executed with O&M funds; the cost of fuel

transferred is charged to the serviced unit, including on dual-role missions.

2. Training missions flown for currency and proficiency are paid from
O&M funds.

3. JA/ATT missions are paid by O&M funds that are specifically

allocated for joint training that enhances the mutual readiness of both the aviation unit and
the users.

4. Service-organic missions flown by Service-assigned assets (including

other Air Force major commands [MAJCOMs]) to meet their own requirements are paid
from Service/MAJCOM O&M funding.

5. Operational support airlift (OSA) missions are paid with O&M.

(2) Air Mobility Infrastructure. Each type of infrastructure has unique

advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when planning air mobility

(a) ALOCs and Air Terminals. Establishing ALOCs between air terminals
is key to rapid global mobility. ALOCs are air routings connecting a military force with a
base of operations that maximize load and fuel efficiencies for airlift, AR, and receiver
aircraft, while providing a structure to the airflow. An effective ALOC structure rests on
the proper mix of stage and air bridge operations. Stage operations (known to the air
mobility community as “lily pad” operations) are typified as missions that originate from
a CONUS terminal; delay en route at an intermediate location for refueling, crew stage,

Chapter I

and/or crew rest; and terminate at an outside the continental United States (OCONUS)
terminal. Air bridge operations are defined as flights between theaters and AORs where
the receiver aircraft’s range is augmented by in-flight refueling on designated AR tracks.
These established routings, air terminals, and AR tracks allow commanders to effectively
and efficiently move and position aircraft, cargo, or personnel. Terminals serving ALOCs
include ground-based locations where resources are either loaded or offloaded. AR tracks
are a series of specified points (usually along a receiver’s route of flight) where refueling
and receiver aircraft conduct in-flight refueling operations. This applies to tankers
refueling cargo aircraft, refueling bombers, or assisting in the movement of fighters as part
of a deployment.

(b) Aerial Port. An aerial port is an airfield that has been designated for the
sustained air movement of personnel and materiel, as well as an authorized port for
entrance into or departure from the country where located. An airfield is an area prepared
to accommodate transiting aircraft (to include any buildings, installations, and equipment).
Some air mobility aircraft are capable of operating on unimproved surfaces, but, for large
operations, it is more effective to establish APODs and APOEs on prepared airfields.
Prepared airfields are usually preexisting facilities, with hard-surface runways, extensive
ground operations areas (for taxiing, parking, cargo handling, and other appropriate uses),
and support infrastructure required for sustained operations. These attributes usually make
prepared airfields the best available locations for air mobility main bases and the best
available terminal for deployment, redeployment, and large-scale employment operations.
These attributes limit the number and location of these types of terminals. As a result,
commanders should expect these terminals to be targeted by adversary forces.

(c) LZ. An LZ is any specified zone used for the landing of aircraft. LZs
are usually less sophisticated than airfields, with facilities meeting only the minimum
requirements of anticipated operations by specific aircraft. They may vary from isolated
dirt strips with no off-runway aircraft-handling areas to hard surface airfields with limited
support infrastructure. The main advantage of LZs is that, in many cases, it is possible to
find or construct them near the operating area of supported forces. A close-by, but less
sophisticated, LZ may offer fewer delays in providing airland resupply to forward-
deployed troops or assistance to humanitarian operations. Due to their isolation and
possible proximity to threats, operating at these terminals requires significant planning.

(d) DZ. A DZ is a specific area upon which airborne troops, equipment, or

supplies are airdropped. Although DZs are normally on relatively open, flat terrain, they
may be situated on almost any site (including water) suited in size and shape for intact
delivery and recovery of airdropped personnel and materiel. The main advantage of a DZ
is the ability to deliver forces or materiel when an LZ or airfield cannot be constructed or
used because of expense, time constraints, security risks, political sensitivities, or terrain.
Similar to LZs, their isolation and possible proximity to threats makes security more
difficult. Operations at DZs require significant planning because of limited on-ground
support and likely threats to the aircraft and support personnel.

Detailed information on planning air mobility operations can be found in Chapter III,
“Planning Air Mobility Operations.”

I-18 JP 3-17

“The real excitement from running a successful airlift comes from seeing a dozen
lines climbing on a dozen charts.”

Major General (later Lieutenant General) William H. Tunner,

Combined Airlift Task Force Commander for the Berlin Airlift, 1948

1. General

The value of air mobility forces lies in their ability to exploit and enhance the
speed, range, flexibility, and versatility inherent in air operations. Centralized control
and decentralized execution of air mobility missions are the keys to effective and efficient
air mobility operations. Centralized control allows commanders to focus on those priorities
that lead to victory, while decentralized execution fosters initiative, situational
responsiveness, and tactical flexibility. Although it is not necessary for a single global
organization to centrally control all air mobility forces, all commanders should envision
air mobility as a global system capable of simultaneously performing intertheater and
intratheater missions. Separate but integrated command structures exercise centralized
control over USTRANSCOM-assigned and theater-assigned and attached air mobility
forces. This arrangement ensures a smooth interaction of the intertheater and intratheater

a. Effective support of the supported CCDR’s mobility requirements demands theater

and CONUS-based forces form a mutual partnership. This partnership must operate as an
integrated force with interoperable planning, tasking, scheduling, and C2 systems. A
critical element of this partnership is linking centralized control agencies such as the
CONUS-based forces’ USTRANSCOM DDOC and the 618 AOC (TACC) to the theaters’
JDDOCs and JAOCs. These MAF partners exercise centralized control to ensure the JFC
is supported with responsive, capable, and seamless air mobility.

b. Theater Air Control System (TACS). TACS is the USAF mechanism for
commanding and controlling theater air operations for the COMAFFOR. The AOC is the
senior C2 element of TACS and includes personnel and equipment of the necessary
disciplines to ensure effective control of air operations (e.g., communications, operations,

Further details concerning the structure, functions, processes, and personnel within the
AOC can be found in Air Force Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (AFTTP) 3-3.AOC,
Operational Employment-Air and Space Operations Center, and Air Force Instruction 13-
1AOC series publications.

2. Command Relationships

Effective and efficient employment of air mobility forces requires a clear

understanding of the associated command relationships and control processes affecting the

Chapter II

application of these forces. Because they may operate simultaneously across three
environments—intertheater, intratheater, and within a JTF’s JOA—C2 of air mobility
forces can be a particularly complex task. Normally, USTRANSCOM forces remain under
OPCON of CDRUSTRANSCOM when supporting missions in theater.

3. Command and Control

There are three independent C2 structures that, when integrated, constitute the
global air mobility C2 system. They are the intertheater, intratheater, and JTF

a. Intertheater Air Mobility Operations. Intertheater air mobility serves the

CONUS-to-theater and theater-to-theater air mobility needs of the GCCs. Air mobility
assets assigned to USTRANSCOM execute the majority of intertheater airlift missions. C2
of these assets is normally exercised by AMC through Eighteenth Air Force (18 AF)
Air Forces Transportation (AFTRANS) and through the 618 AOC (TACC). 18 AF is
the primary worldwide planning and execution agency for activities involving
USTRANSCOM-assigned air mobility forces operating to fulfill CDRUSTRANSCOM-
directed requirements. Theater-assigned forces may also conduct theater-to-theater air
mobility operations. For intertheater air mobility operations, OPCON is normally retained
by the CCDR who owns the forces. Specific command relationships for air mobility forces
should be established in a manner that best supports the joint tasking and circumstances of
the operation.

See JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States, for further discussion on
command relationships. See the current Global Force Management Implementation
Guidance for additional information on force assignment, allocation, and apportionment.

b. Intratheater Air Mobility Operations. Intratheater air mobility operations are

defined by geographic boundaries. Air mobility forces assigned or attached to the GCC
normally conduct these operations. Intratheater common-user air mobility assets are
normally scheduled and controlled by the theater AOC or JAOC if established. The ability
to identify and coordinate movement requirements (visible in JDDE-common systems) is
critical to providing theater reachback support from the 618 AOC (TACC). When
intratheater air mobility requirements exceed the capability of assigned or attached forces,
other mobility forces can support intratheater airlift using a support relationship. The
supported commander may also request augmentation from SecDef through the request for
forces process.

For more information on request for forces/capabilities, see Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff Manual (CJCSM) 3122.01, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System
(JOPES) Volume I: (Planning Policies and Procedures).

c. JTF Air Mobility Operations. During joint operations, it may be necessary to

establish a JTF within a GCC’s AOR. This allows the GCC to maintain a theater-wide
focus and, at the same time, respond to a regional requirement within the theater. When
this occurs, a JTF will be designated and forces made available for this operation. The

II-2 JP 3-17
Command and Control of Air Mobility Operations

A typical joint air operations center

COMAFFOR may be delegated OPCON of USAF assets and, if designated the JFACC,
will typically exercise TACON of air mobility forces made available to the JFACC. If the
JTF requires additional air mobility forces beyond those already made available for tasking,
additional augmentation may be requested.

(1) The COMAFFOR may appoint a DIRMOBFOR to function as coordinating

authority for air mobility with all commands and agencies, both internal and external to the
JTF, including the JAOC, the 618 AOC (TACC), and the JDDOC and/or the JMC.


(a) Functions as coordinating authority for air mobility with all commands
and agencies, both internal and external to the JTF. The DIRMOBFOR exercises
coordinating authority among the JAOC, AMCs 618 AOC (TACC), and the JMC/JDDOC
for air mobility issues. An essential role for the DIRMOBFOR is serving as the principal
interface between the JAOC, the theater’s logistics directorate of a joint staff (J-4), and the
JMC/JDDOC to ensure appropriate prioritization of air mobility tasks as directed by the
JFACC. The theater’s AOC/AMD chief fulfills the DIRMOBFOR duties during daily

(b) Collaborates with the theater JAOC/AMD chief on integration of

intertheater forces with intratheater forces during air mobility operations, on behalf of the

Chapter II

(c) Also has distinct responsibilities in relation to JFC staffs. Air mobility
requirements do not originate in the JAOC. They originate at the component level and are
validated by either the theater JMC/DDOC (when established) or by the CCDR’s
operations directorate of a joint staff in coordination with the J-4. This may vary slightly
in different theaters. Consequently, an essential role for the DIRMOBFOR is to serve as
the principal interface between the JAOC, the theater’s J-4, and the JMC/JDDOC to obtain
appropriate prioritization of intertheater air mobility tasks while balancing requirements
and air mobility capability. The DIRMOBFOR coordinates/deconflicts intertheater
movements with the intratheater movements controlled by the theater JAOC/AMD, and
ensures intertheater movement are annotated to the air tasking order (ATO). Clear and
timely communication between the DIRMOBFOR and the JAOC director is essential, as
the JAOC director is responsible to the JFACC for operations (intertheater and

(3) Specific duties of the DIRMOBFOR include the following:

(a) Coordinate integration of intertheater air mobility capability provided by


(b) Coordinate with the JAOC director/commander and AMD chief to

integrate intertheater air mobility operations supporting the JFC into the air assessment,
planning, and execution process and deconflicts intertheater movements with intratheater
air operations. The AMD chief is directly responsible to the JAOC director for the planning
and execution of allocated mobility forces IAW JFACC guidance.

(c) Coordinate with the 18 AF AFTRANS and 618 AOC (TACC) to ensure
the joint force air mobility support requirements are met.

(d) Assist in the integration and coordination of the multinational air

mobility plan.

4. Command and Control Structures

The air mobility C2 system relies on consistent processes and the ability to rapidly
expand to meet the specific needs of the task at hand. This facilitates rapid transition from
peacetime to contingency or wartime operations.

a. Routine Operations. To assist in the employment of mobility forces, each of the

GCCs has a USTRANSCOM transportation liaison officer (LNO). GCCs with assigned
air mobility forces have COCOM over those forces and normally delegate OPCON over
those forces through Service CCs. The COMAFFOR executes the C2 of USAF air
operations in the theater or AOR through the AOC. One of the AOC divisions, the AMD,
usually oversees intratheater air mobility operations. Figure II-1 illustrates these routine,
day-to-day command relationships for controlling air mobility forces.

b. Establishing a JTF. JTFs can be established by SecDef, a CCDR, subordinate

unified commander, or an existing JTF commander. The establishing authority designates
the commander, assigns the mission, designates forces, and delegates command authorities

II-4 JP 3-17
Command and Control of Air Mobility Operations

Mobility Air Forces Command and Control

Secretary of Defense

CDRUSTRANSCOM Combatant Commander




Wings Attached
Airlift Ground Forces



A/DACG arrival/departure airfield control group JFACC joint force air component
AFTRANS Air Forces Transportation commander
AMC Air Mobility Command JFLCC joint force land component
AMLO air mobility liaison officer commander
AMOW air mobility operations wing JOC joint operations center
AOC air operations center JTF-PO joint task force-port opening
BCD battlefield coordination detachment LNO liaison officer
CC component commander LRST long-range surveillance team
CDRUSTRANSCOM Commander, United States MCT movement control team
Transportation Command 618 AOC (TACC) 618 Air Operations Center
COMAFFOR commander, Air Force forces (Tanker Airlift Control Center)
CRG contingency response group TACT tactical aviation control team
CRW contingency response wing TOC tactical operations center
DIRMOBFOR director of mobility forces USTRANSCOM United States Transportation
DZST drop zone support team Command
18 AF Eighteenth Air Force
EC expeditionary center command
EOC emergency operations center combatant command
GLO ground liaison officer (command authority)
GPMIC Global Patient Movement Integration operational control
Center administrative control
JDDOC joint deployment and distribution coordinating authority
operations center support

Figure II-1. Mobility Air Forces Command and Control

and will determine appropriate military objectives and set priorities for the JTF. The JTF
commander establishes appropriate subordinate command relationships, including those

Chapter II

with functional and Service components. The JTF commander will normally assign
JFACC responsibilities to the CC having the preponderance of air assets and the capability
to effectively plan, task, and control joint air operations. If a GCC requires additional air
mobility capabilities, the request must be processed through the Joint Staff for SecDef

c. Establishment of a JAOC and Associated AMC Relationships. The JFACC

requires a C2 organization appropriately sized and tailored to support JTF or subordinate
command-related air operations. The JAOC is the air planning and execution focal point
for the JTF (or other subordinate command). Centralized planning, direction, and
coordination of air mobility operations occur in the AMD.

(1) When a JTF is formed, command relationships for air mobility forces will be
established by the JTF establishing authority, normally exercised through the
JFACC/COMAFFOR. The JAOC director is charged with the effectiveness of joint air
operations and focuses on planning, coordinating, allocating, tasking, executing, and
assessing air operations in the OA based on JFACC guidance. The DIRMOBFOR and
JAOC/AMD chief will coordinate with the JAOC director to ensure the intertheater and
intratheater air mobility scheme of maneuver meets the JFACC’s guidance.

(2) The AMD is made up of an air mobility control team, an airlift control team,
an AR control team, an AE control team, and an aerial port control team. Additionally, an
AMD may also include a theater direct delivery cell, an air mobility support team, and
other specialty teams. The AMD integrates and directs the execution of theater assigned
or attached Service organic mobility forces operating in the AOR or JOA in support of JFC
objectives. OPCON of USTRANSCOM-assigned air mobility forces supporting, but not
attached to, the JTF or subordinate command will remain with AMC. This expansion of
C2 systems requires the AMD to interface with the 618 AOC (TACC), other AMDs if
required, and the JAOC combat operations and combat plans divisions to ensure air
mobility missions are included in the ATO. Figure II-2 illustrates the arrangement of the
JAOC and associated command relationships with respect to air mobility operations.

d. Additional C2 Structures. These consist of fixed and mobile units and facilities
that provide the JAOC with the information and communications required to monitor the
ongoing air operation and control USAF aircraft in theater air operations. The broad
organization and functions of these units and facilities are discussed here in their
relationship to intratheater air mobility.

(1) JDDOC. The integration of intertheater and intratheater movement control

is the responsibility of the supported CCMD and USTRANSCOM. The JDDOC is a
GCC’s movement control organization designed to synchronize and optimize national and
theater multimodal resources for deployment, distribution, and sustainment. The JDDOC
is normally placed under the control and direction of the CCMD J-4 but may also be placed
under other command or staff organizations.

(2) Joint Task Force–Port Opening (JTF-PO). USTRANSCOM also provides

a JTF-PO to rapidly open and operate ports of debarkation and initial distribution networks

II-6 JP 3-17
Command and Control of Air Mobility Operations

The Joint Air Operations Center and Command Relationships for

Air Mobility Forces

Secretary of Defense




Numbered 18 AF
Theater Assigned
Air Mobility Forces

JAOC Division
Combat Plans
Air Mobility
Attached Combat Ops
Air Mobility Forces Strategy


Attached Service Air Mobility Forces Assigned
Organic Mobility Forces Supporting JTF Air Mobility Forces
Attached to JTF

AF Air Force JFACC joint force air component
AFTRANS Air Forces Transportation commander
AMC Air Mobility Command JFC joint force commander
AOC air operations center JTF joint task force
CC component commander 618 AOC (TACC) 618 Air Operations Center (Tanker
CDRUSTRANSCOM Commander, United States Airlift Control Center)
Transportation Command USTRANSCOM United States Transportation
COMAFFOR commander, Air Force forces Command
DIRMOBFOR director of mobility forces
18 AF Eighteenth Air Force command
ISR intelligence, surveillance, and combatant command
reconnaissance (command authority)
JAOC joint air operations center operational control
as designated
coordinating authority

Figure II-2. The Joint Air Operations Center and Command Relationships
for Air Mobility Forces

for joint distribution operations supporting humanitarian, disaster relief, and contingency
operations. The JTF-PO (APOD) consists of an air element for airfield operations and a
surface element for cargo transfer and movement control. The surface element operates a
forward distribution node for clearance of cargo from the APOD. The JTF-PO (APOD) is

Chapter II

designed to arrive early at an airfield to establish single port management and provide ITV
from the beginning of an operation. The JTF-PO deploys under the authority of the
CDRUSTRANSCOM, in direct support of the CCDR; it is designed to operate for 45-60
days and be relieved by follow-on forces.

(3) Contingency Response Forces (CRFs). CRFs conduct expeditionary port

opening operations for USTRANSCOM and GCCs to enable rapid global mobility. CRFs
conduct an array of missions, including assessing airbase capabilities, opening
expeditionary airbases, and conducting airfield operations. Active duty CRFs maintain
readiness to deploy within 12 hours of notification. CRFs are designed for a decreased
transportation and logistics footprint to enable rapid deployment and are not designed as
long-term sustainment assets. They usually deploy with organic supplies and must be
resupplied after five days. CRFs normally coordinate actions with theater command
elements to ensure theater-specific responsibilities such as force protection meet their
mission requirements. CRFs are normally planned to operate for 45-60 days before
handling off responsibilities to follow-on sustainment forces so they can redeploy and
reconstitute for subsequent contingency operations. Planners should consider follow-on
requirements early on to facilitate timely CRF replacement and coordinate with the
deployed CRF to ensure a smooth mission transition. When CRFs deploy to a GCC’s
AOR, command and support relationships should be specified and coordinated before
operations begin. 18 AF normally retains OPCON of USTRANSCOM-assigned CRFs,
but TACON may be transferred to the theater COMAFFOR or JFACC with SecDef
approval for unique missions. CRFs are organized into tailored force elements known as
contingency response groups (CRGs), CREs, and contingency response teams (CRTs) that
are comprised of broad cross-section of USAF skill sets to accomplish a range of airbase
opening and mobility support operations.

(4) Patient Movement Requirements Centers (PMRCs)

(a) Joint Patient Movement Requirements Center (JPMRC). A JPMRC

is a joint activity established to coordinate the joint patient movement requirements
(PMRs) function for a JTF operating within a GCC’s AOR. JPMRCs coordinate
intratheater patient movement (PM) and coordinate with the appropriate United States
Transportation Command patient movement requirements center (TPMRC) (East, West,
Americas) to provide management for intertheater regulating and PM. Synchronization of
plans and additional guidance related to the world wide PM system is coordinated through
the USTRANSCOMs Office of the Command Surgeon.

(b) TPMRCs. TPMRC-Americas supports PMRs in the Americas

(USNORTHCOM and USSOUTHCOM AORs); TPMRC-East supports PMRs in the
PMRs in the USINDOPACOM AOR. TPMRCs are responsible for theater-wide PM and
coordinate with MTFs to identify the proper treatment/transportation assets required. The
TPMRC communicates this transport to bed plans to the theater Service transportation
component or other agencies responsible for executing the mission. TPMRCs coordinate
with the USTRANSCOM Office of the Command Surgeon, which provides global

II-8 JP 3-17
Command and Control of Air Mobility Operations

oversight; implements policy; and standardizes regulations, clinical standards, and safe
movement of uniformed Services and other authorized or designated patients.

(c) USTRANSCOM Office of the Command Surgeon. USTRANSCOM

Office of the Command Surgeon is a joint activity, reporting directly to
CDRUSTRANSCOM, that serves as the DOD single manager for the development of
policy and standardization of procedures and information support systems for global PM.
The Command Surgeon’s office implements policy and standardizes procedures for the
regulation, clinical standards, and safe movement of patients. The Command Surgeon’s
office orchestrates and maintains “global oversight” of the PMRCs in coordination with
the GCCs and external international organizations as required. The Command Surgeon’s
office synchronizes current and future operational PM plans to identify available assets and
validate transport to bed plans through the supporting USTRANSCOM PMRCs.

See JP 4-02, Joint Health Services, for more information on PMRCs.

(5) Emergency operations center (EOC). As the C2 facility of wings, EOCs

link wing commanders to the JAOC and enable them to command their forces. To facilitate
joint operations, Army ground liaison officers (GLOs) or other component representatives
may be assigned to an EOC.

(6) Control and Reporting Center (CRC). The CRC is directly subordinate to
the JAOC and is charged with broad air defense, surveillance, and control functions. The
CRC provides the means to flight-follow, direct, and coordinate the support and defense of
air mobility aircraft operating in the OA.

(7) Tactical Air Control Party (TACP). TACPs consist of personnel equipped
and trained to assist US ground commanders to plan and request tactical air support.

(8) Special Tactics Team (STT). An STT is comprised of USAF combat control
team, pararescue, special operations weather, and selected TACP team personnel capable
of providing terminal control, reconnaissance, and recovery. Special tactics core
competencies include austere airfield control; environmental reconnaissance/objective area
weather forecasting; terminal attack control/fire support operations; personnel rescue and
recovery; battlefield trauma care; and landing/assault zone assessment, establishment, and
control. In addition, the STT include aircrew flight equipment, logistics, weapons, supply,
medical logistics, vehicle maintenance, and radio maintenance. These are highly skilled
individuals who are technical experts and are worldwide deployable to support any type of
contingency. They are uniquely organized, trained, and equipped to facilitate the air-
ground interface during joint special operations and sensitive recovery missions. These
teams can prepare the operational environment for air mobility operations by conducting
survey assessments, weather observations, and reconnaissance and surveillance of
objective airfields, DZs, and assault zones. STTs establish terminal area airspace control
(attack, C2, and air traffic services) at remote assault (e.g., drop or landing) zones and
austere or expeditionary airfields. As special operations forces (SOF), they cannot sustain
these operations for long periods of time. When deployed, STTs become part of the theater
SOF and normally fall under the OPCON of the joint force special operations component

Chapter II

commander (JFSOCC) or the joint special operations task force. When supporting theater
mobility operations, command authority over STTs should remain in the SOF chain of
command. Command relationships and authority should be clearly stated and understood
by special operations and air CCs. STTs are requested from the JFSOCC for tasking.

(9) The global reach laydown team is an Air Force medical support team that
provides the personnel and equipment required to administer medical care for injuries and
illness, and to administer preventive medical care reducing the risk of a catastrophic or
detrimental event that could impact on mission effectiveness. The team also makes
recommendations to CRF commanders and team chiefs for countermeasures against
environmental and physiological stressors to enhance mission effectiveness. While they
support deployed CRF operations, the medical support team will be under the same
command relationship as the CRF (i.e., if the CRF is OPCON to the JTF, the medical
support team should be also).

(10) AMLOs. AMLOs are highly qualified, rated mobility Air Force officers
selected, trained, and equipped to integrate with and provide air mobility planning and
expertise to supported Army, USMC, and special operations Service and joint force
component staffs. They facilitate joint operations integration between air and ground CCs
and their agencies during all phases of joint air movement and maneuver, and sustainment
operations. AMLOs are capable of providing tactical combat support and training, to
include DZ control and survey, LZ safety officer duties, and basic airfield assessments.
The Commander, 18 AF, normally retains OPCON of the AMLOs assigned to AMC and
gains OPCON of AMLOs assigned to other major commands through the Secretary of
Defense Orders Book process when appropriate. Delegation of TACON of AMLOs will
be articulated in specific 18 AF execution and/or fragmentary orders. AMLOs are granted
direct liaison authority (and coordinating authority when specified) to provide essential
coordination with and between agencies supporting joint air movement and maneuver and
sustainment operations including, but not limited to, the JDDOC; 618 AOC (TACC);
theater DIRMOBFOR; theater AMD; and operations and sustainment components of
Army, USMC, and special operations units supporting aircrews, CRFs, other AMLOs.

(11) Airborne Elements. As airborne C2 nodes, the E-2 Hawkeye and the E-3
Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) may perform limited C2 functions in
support of theater air mobility operations.

(12) Army Tactical Operations Centers (TOCs). TOCs are found in Army
units down to maneuver battalions. AMLOs provide input to TOCs at the appropriate
echelon depending on the type or phase of an operation but will normally locate at the
division level and above where air movement and sustainment planning, validation, or
prioritization decisions are made. Intratheater airlift requests will be validated and
prioritized by the Army Service CC.

(13) Battlefield Coordination Detachment (BCD). The airlift section of the

BCDs will be located within the JAOC and will consist of support personnel organized into
airlift, air defense, fire support, and airspace control elements. Overall, the BCD monitors
and interprets the land battle situation and provides the necessary interface for the exchange

II-10 JP 3-17
Command and Control of Air Mobility Operations

of current intelligence and operational data. The airlift section is collocated with the AMD
and is responsible for monitoring movements on joint airlift operations supporting Army
forces (ARFOR) and providing feedback to ARFOR operations and logistics staff officers.
The airlift section is the single point of contact within the JAOC for coordinating and
monitoring Army airlift requests, changes, and cancellations. The other sections
coordinate fire and close air support for intratheater airlift missions, as appropriate.

(14) Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group (A/DACG). The A/DACG is

a provisional organization designed to assist AMC and the deploying unit in receiving,
processing, and loading or unloading personnel and equipment. A/DACGs are designed
to coordinate and control the movement of personnel and materiel through air terminals.
The capabilities of the A/DACGs are tailored based on the mission and military units
performing aerial port operations. Comprised mainly of personnel and resources from
theater sustainment units along with elements of the moving unit, the A/DACG is task-
organized to reflect the type of move and degree of support available at the air terminal.
Service transportation support at air terminals assist with the deployment, redeployment,
and sustainment of forces. Normally, an Army, USN, or USMC A/DACG assists the
mobility forces in processing, loading, and off-loading deploying and arriving Service
component personnel and equipment. A/DACGs are deploying Service component’s
counterpart to an USAF CRG/CRE. When units from more than one component will transit
a terminal simultaneously, the JFC should direct one component to provide the A/DACG.
This will normally be the component with the largest movement requirement and
augmented, as necessary, by the other components.

(15) Army Movement Control Teams (MCTs). MCTs are responsible for
coordinating the movement of personnel and materiel from air terminals to their designated
destinations. MCTs operate independently of the A/DACG and are responsible for
controlling movement on an area basis.

(16) Army Long-Range Surveillance Teams (LRSTs). LRSTs can support

airlift by conducting reconnaissance and surveillance operations of named areas of interest
around terminal areas. LRSTs, which are organized from long-range surveillance
detachments and companies, are organic to each Army division. Typically, one to six
LRSTs support an airborne or air assault operation. If required, LRSTs can also mark DZs
and LZs and direct fire support for airlift operations.

(17) Army Drop Zone Support Teams (DZSTs). Assigned, attached, or

supporting DZSTs provide the supported ground CC with organic capability to support
airdrop operations. When the supported ground force commander has insufficient organic
capability or capacity to support airdrop operations, USAF STTs and/or AMLOs may be
requested to provide needed capabilities or additional capacity. DZSTs direct airdrop
operations on DZs and consist of at least two personnel, including an airborne jumpmaster-
or pathfinder-qualified leader. They can support airdrops (up to three aircraft) of personnel,
equipment, and CDS bundles. Their responsibilities are to:

(a) Evaluate DZs.

Chapter II

(b) Evaluate ground hazards.

(c) Ensure the suitability of the DZ and the ability to recover airdropped
personnel and materiel.

(18) Army Tactical Aviation Control Teams (TACTs). Composed of ATC or

pathfinder-qualified personnel, TACTs locate, identify, and establish DZs and LZs. They
install and operate navigational aids and communications around the terminal, control air
traffic in that vicinity, and, to a limited degree, gather and transmit weather information.

(19) GLOs. Army units may assign GLOs to the JAOC/AOC and theater airlift
EOCs. In those positions, they monitor and report on the current airlift situation to their
parent units. They also advise USAF mission commanders and staffs on Army component
air movement requirements, priorities, and other matters affecting the airlift situation.
GLOs assigned to the JAOC/AOC report through the BCD. They are also the principal
points of contact between the USAF CRGs and A/DACGs for controlling Army theater
airlift movements.

5. Command and Control of Airfields During Contingency Operations

a. During contingency operations, efficient and effective use of limited airfield

capacity and resources is often critical to a successful military response. The task is
complicated when airfields in the theater of operations are host to a variety of allied
military, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and commercial air activities.
USTRANSCOM, through AMC, performs single port manager (SPM) functions necessary
to support the strategic flow of the deploying forces’ equipment and sustainment from the
APOE and hand-off to the supported CCDR in the APOD. The SPM provides strategic
deployment status information to the supported CCDR and to manage workload of the
APOE and APOD based on the CCDR’s priorities and guidance.

b. To facilitate C2 at joint-use airfields, the JFC designates a senior airfield authority

(SAA) responsible for safe airfield operations. The SAA is trained and certified in SAA
duties and responsibilities, including ATC and airfield/airspace management, and ensures
unity of effort among the various commands and other activities operating on the airfield
and serves as the arbitrator between competing interests on the airfield. Depending on the
types of air operations being conducted at a specific airfield, the SAA will normally be
selected from one of the following commands: Army aviation battalion/brigade; USAF
expeditionary wings, groups, or squadrons; USMC aircraft wing/group/squadron;
USTRANSCOM’s CRF; or Air Force Special Operations Command special tactics
squadrons. The SAA is responsible for overall effectiveness of the airfield and
coordination of all requirements for use of the airfield and its facilities. The SAA controls
airfield access and coordinates for airfield security with the base commander or base cluster
commander or the joint security coordinator for the area if a base commander has not been

(1) In situations where US forces are not the overarching authority for airfield
operations (e.g., the HN maintains airfield control, operational civil airfield), the SAA

II-12 JP 3-17
Command and Control of Air Mobility Operations

maintains oversight for all US/multinational airfield operations and is the primary
negotiator with the respective airfield officials for any support required.

(2) If dual-hatted as the base commander, the SAA has control and responsibility
for security operations and will exercise TACON over all forces performing base defense
within the base boundary through the C2 mechanism of the base defense operations center
(BDOC) (see JP 3-10, Joint Security Operations in Theater). The base commander,
through the BDOC, addresses threats with attached forces within the designated base
boundary, coordinates with the designated area commander(s) for additional support or
forces, and, if required, requests joint fires within the base boundary. Within this context,
clear lines of authority are required to ensure resources and personnel are protected from
ground-based attacks and standoff attacks commensurate with the commander’s integrated
base defense plan.

Chapter II

Intentionally Blank

II-14 JP 3-17

“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning
is indispensable.”

General, Dwight D. Eisenhower, US Army, (1890-1969)

1. Air Mobility Planning Considerations

Mobility aircraft can accomplish a variety of missions. The joint planning process
determines the mobility requirements, which drives mobility planning. Joint planning
occurs within APEX used by the JPEC to plan and execute mobilization, deployment,
employment, sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization activities associated with
joint operations. Successful movements start with well-defined requirements from the
users and may involve significant upfront coordination with lift providers. In short, airlift
planning is based on the requirements, and the lift planning process is a joint effort between
the user and provider that requires lead time and diligence. Therefore, mission planning
must include an intelligent application of sound tactical concepts learned from previous
conflicts, operational evaluations, training exercises, tactics development programs, and
threat analysis. Prior to specific tasking and detailed mission planning, a preliminary study
must be done to develop mission profiles and determine the potential for mission success.
Feasibility studies are usually done at the joint command level but may be delegated as low
as wing level planners. Planners are responsible for providing commanders with accurate
assessments during all phases of planning. Most contingency operations will involve joint
forces and should integrate the user in mission planning. In addition, planners should
include intelligence, C2, escort, security/defense, engineering, combat air patrol (CAP),
suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD), Service LNOs, weather, maintenance, AE
planner and AE PM item medical logistics specialist, cargo handlers and inspectors, and
airspace controllers. The degree of integration will influence the outcome of the mission.
Sharing critical information, especially operational intelligence, between all players
clarifies objectives, develops alternatives, and assesses risk. When aircrew, operator, and
planner are geographically separated, secure communication is imperative.

a. Joint Airspace Control. Air mobility planners should be involved in the creation
of the airspace control plan. Air mobility aircraft typically require preferred altitudes and
routing to avoid or mitigate threats. Congested airspace and potential friendly fire are also
major concerns. In addition, air mobility planning considers international, HN, and
military airspace control plans and procedures.

For further information on airspace control at the operational level of warfare, see JP 3-
52, Joint Airspace Control. For further information on terminal airfield ATC, see Army
Techniques Publication 3-52.3 (Field Manual [FM] 3-52.3)/Marine Corps Reference
Publication (MCRP) 3-25A/Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (NTTP) 3-
56.3/AFTTP 3-2.23, Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Joint Air
Traffic Control.

Chapter III

b. Air Corridors or Operating Areas. Airlift and AR operations often require

secure air corridors or operating areas (e.g., DZ and landing/assault zone run-in and AR
tracks). These may be shared with other air missions. Regardless, the use of a corridor
requires close coordination between the appropriate airspace control authority, the area air
defense commander, JAOC, and all other joint force component ground and aviation
elements. Changing of the corridor system may be required depending on the threat lay
down and enemy actions.

2. Marshalling

Marshalling includes the preparations required to plan, document, and load equipment
and personnel aboard the aircraft. The marshalling plan provides the administrative and
logistic procedures to accomplish these tasks. The marshalling area is usually located near
departure camps and airfields to conserve resources and reduce the opportunity for
observation. When the number of departure airfields is limited or when requirements
dictate dispersion, loading may be accomplished on a phased schedule. The USAF
component’s portion of the marshalling operation is developed during air movement
planning and consists of instructions regulating aircraft movement and the parking plan.
These procedures are stipulated in appendix 5 (Mobility and Transportation) to annex D
(Logistics) of the OPORD.

a. Preparations

(1) Planning. The joint force staff coordinates with administrative and logistic
agencies for maximum support during marshalling. This support includes transportation,
communications, and personnel support functions (campsite construction, operation, and
maintenance; messing; and religious, fitness, recreation, and other morale services) and
permits the unit to concentrate on preparation for the movement. Support may also include
local security personnel to supplement normal USAF security at the departure airfield. The
Air Transportability Test Loading Activity is the DOD agency responsible for the approval
of airlift cargo (see Department of Defense Instruction [DODI] 4540.07, Operation of the
DOD Engineering for Transportability and Deployability Program) on fixed-wing USAF
cargo aircraft. Items that exceed certain parameters will create air transportability
problems and delays unless a certificate already exists on the Air Transportability Test
Loading Activity Website.

For details on air base defense, see JP 3-10, Joint Security Operations in Theater.

(2) Logistics. The unit logistics officer normally prepares the marshalling plan.
The plan is an appendix to the service support annex of the OPORD or an annex to the
administrative and logistics order of the airlifted force. It should contain procedures for
cover and deception. The marshalling plan includes procedures for moving units from
marshalling areas through the alert holding and call forward areas to the ready line. Finally,
it includes methods for loading troops and equipment into individual aircraft.

(3) Selection of Marshalling Areas and Departure Airfields. The selection of

marshalling areas and departure airfields is based on the air movement plan and influenced

III-2 JP 3-17
Planning Air Mobility Operations

by several common factors. There is no order of priority among these factors, but any one
of them could become the basis for final selection. To avoid concentration of forces,
multiple marshalling areas and departure airfields should be selected. Excessive
dispersion, however, makes C2 more difficult and may diminish the effectiveness of
supporting activities. The factors affecting selection of marshalling areas and departure
airfields are illustrated in Figure III-1.

(4) Unit Preparation. For security reasons, marshalling should be accomplished

quickly. To prepare for marshalling, deploying units:

(a) Establish liaison with the departure airfield control group (DACG).

(b) Obtain equipment and supplies as early as possible.

(c) Issue prepackaged supplies and equipment to the airborne forces to

expedite loading operations.

(d) Perform final preparation of vehicles and equipment.

(e) Ensure adequate shoring and dunnage materials are readily available.

(f) Receive parachutes and other airdrop items and prepare airdrop loads in
coordination with the responsible airdrop support unit.

Factors Affecting Selection of Marshalling Areas and

Departure Airfields
 Mission to be accomplished
 Airfields (number, location, type)
 Air support available
 Communications
 Initial location of participating units
 Vulnerability to adversary action
 Distance to the objective area
 Logistic support required and available
 Unit integrity
 Adequacy of air defense
 Capacity of each airfield to handle sustained operations
 Security requirements, to include camouflage, concealment, and
deception measures
 Health hazards and expected weather
 Surface lines of communications
 Types of airlift aircraft used

Figure III-1. Factors Affecting Selection of Marshalling Areas and Departure Airfields

Chapter III

(g) Prepare and certify aircraft load plans (appropriate USAF officials verify and
approve load plans), personnel, and equipment manifests (and annotate any hazardous
materials by class) and submit them through the DACG (or designated CCDR agent if no
DACG is present) to the supporting airlift elements. As a minimum, manifest information
should be submitted electronically, either via disk or direct system interface, to facilitate
movement processing and ITV reporting. En route messing is a deploying unit responsibility.

b. Responsibilities. Arrival and departure airfield operations are conducted by USAF

units and the deploying component units.

(1) CRFs marshall the deploying unit and associated equipment for airlift. The
organization employed depends on the size of the unit being deployed and the number of
aircraft involved.

(2) The A/DACG is the deploying Service component’s counterpart to the CRG,
CRE, or CRT. This organization is sized to support the unit being deployed.

c. Execution

(1) The deploying unit assembles, prepares, and documents its cargo and personnel
for air movement. Discrepancies are identified and corrected prior to air movement. Departure
airfield operations consist of four separate areas of activity. Each activity takes place in a
designated area and involves specific tasks. Figure III-2 shows the four separate areas of
activity and outlines the major functions of each area.

(2) Movement to Aircraft Loading Sites. The deploying commander assigns

priorities for deploying unit cargo, vehicles, and equipment to loading sites based on required
loading and scheduled station times published in the air movement plan. The deploying unit’s
installation MAJCOM provides transportation to move personnel and chalk loads (by chalk
number) to aircraft. Personnel in charge of aircraft chalk loads should receive mission briefings
concerning the route to their respective aircraft. Personnel and equipment should arrive at on-
load airfields IAW prescribed times published in the air movement plan. The GAMSS units
control airlift movement at the departure airfield. Routes to and from loading areas should be
clearly marked. Strict control of air and ground traffic is maintained on and across runways
and strips.

(3) Preparation of Platform Loads. If airdrop is part of the operation, platform

loads are prepared during marshalling. When planning the preparation and marshalling of
platform loads, the following factors should be anticipated:

(a) Additional lead-time may be required;

(b) Skilled rigging supervision is needed;

(c) Materials handling equipment (MHE) required; and

(d) Adequate facilities, to include a relatively clean and illuminated rigging area,
should be provided if tactically feasible.

III-4 JP 3-17
Planning Air Mobility Operations

Departure Airfield Operations

Marshalling Alert Holding Call Forward Ready Line/

Area Area Area Loading Ramp Area
Deploying unit DACG area of Dual DACG and CRF CRF area of
responsibility. responsibility. area of responsibility. responsibility.
Prepare vehicles, The DACG ensures the Joint inspection and Receives control of
equipment, cargo, movement of vehicles, discrepancy corrections chalks from the
and personnel into equipment, and cargo are conducted in this DACG and
chalk loads for from the alert holding area. conducts additional
delivery to the area to the call forward Chalk loads are moved briefings and
DACG alert holding area in orderly fashion. from the call forward inspections as
area for air The reception of aircraft area and released into required.
movement. loads and conducting the CRF at the ready Responsibility for
preinspections are line. all air movement
accomplished here. operations.

In-check, Inspections
Unit Assembly
Area and
Unit Final
Area Briefing

Frustrated Final Manifest

Cargo Area Corrections

Major Functions Major Functions Major Functions Major Functions

 In-checks cargo  Accepts chalk from  Conducts joint  Establishes aircraft
 Prepares personnel deploying unit inspection parking plan
and cargo manifests  Conducts inspection  Conducts final briefing  Receives load at
 Prepares other  Establishes traffic flow and performs final ready line, directs
documentation pattern manifest corrections to aircraft and, in
agreed upon during  Compiles statistical data conjunction with
 Establishes aircraft load master
the joint planning communications with  Provides area for
conference or load team chief,
deploying units and correction of supervises the
 Conducts initial other functional areas discrepancies identified supported
inspection of each  Provides backup during the joint component while
chalk communications with inspection loading and
 Releases each CRF restraining cargo
chalk to the DACG aboard aircraft
at the alert holding

CRF contingency response force DACG departure airfield control group

Figure III-2. Departure Airfield Operations

(4) Cross-Loading. Whether administrative or combat-loaded, aircraft may also

be cross-loaded. Cross-loading distributes supplies and/or personnel among aircraft
to ensure the entire supply of one item or unit is not lost by an abort or loss of one or

Chapter III

Airmen from the 730th Air Mobility Squadron push cargo into a C-17 Globemaster III.

a few aircraft. Cross-loading does not alter the desirability of keeping ground force crews
in the same aircraft as their vehicles, weapon systems, or other crew-served equipment.

(5) Arrival Airfield Operations. Although arrival operations are not part of the
marshalling process, they are important in air movement. If not orderly, arrival operations
could adversely affect the mission. Arrival operations take place in three main areas—the
offloading ramp, the holding area, and unit area—and begins the “reception” segment of
the joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration (JRSOI) phase of
deployment operations. JRSOI is the essential process that transitions deploying forces,
consisting of personnel, equipment, and materiel arriving in theater, into forces capable of
meeting the CCDR’s operational requirements. Reception operations include all those
functions required to receive and clear personnel, equipment, and materiel through the port
of debarkation. This process may be modified or streamlined for combat offload
operations. Figure III-3 shows a typical layout of arrival airfield operations.

(6) Debarkation Airfield Operations. There are major considerations for

debarkation that can dramatically affect the overall amount of equipment or personnel
received in a given amount of time. These include maximum (aircraft) on ground (MOG),
airfield operating hours, customs operating hours and restrictions, special handling
(hazardous cargo handling/parking), HN restrictions, fueling operations, fleet
requirements, MHE, on-site maintenance support, and aircraft ground equipment.

For more information on the JRSOI phase of the deployment process, see JP 3-35,
Deployment and Redeployment Operations.

III-6 JP 3-17
Planning Air Mobility Operations

Arrival Airfield Operations

Off-Load Ramp Area Holding Area Unit Area
CRF area of AACG area of Deployed unit area of
responsibility. responsibility. responsibility.
Responsible for air traffic Receives and Unit receives
control, aircraft parking, processes planeloads planeloads from the
supervision of offloading (chalks) for release to AACG which terminates
operation, and releasing the deployed unit. the air movement.
planeload to AACG.

Provide Minor
Assembly and Services
(Gas, Oil, Unit
Inspection Area

Intransit Area
Holding Area

Major Functions Major Functions Major Functions

 Performs base operations and other  Assembles chalk and  Accepts aircraft loads
related operational functions inspects for  Reception segment of joint reception,
 Coordinates flight clearances completeness staging, onward movement, and
 Maintains aircraft traffic logs and  Provides minor services integration
operations records (gas, oil, minor
 Accomplishes aircraft parking and
provides parking plan to AACG  Develops statistical data
 Monitors intelligence functions  Establishes radio and/or
land lines to the unit
 Establishes communication with the area, functional areas,
AACG and backup
 Provides MHE, MHE operators, and communication with
MHE mechanics beyond the unloading area (CRF)
capability of the user and provides  Establishes temporary
and operates any MHE that is unique storage area
to Commander, USTRANSCOM

AACG arrival airfield control group MHE materials handling equipment
CRF contingency response force USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command

Figure III-3. Arrival Airfield Operations

(7) Unit commanders or team chiefs coordinate with the A/DACG for use of
available facilities and areas at departure airfields for a command post, communications
centers, briefing areas, and equipment and supply handling points.

Chapter III

3. Intelligence

Intelligence is fundamental to effective planning, security, and deception. The

intelligence planning effort must be focused to ensure it is responsive to the commander’s
requirements and the requirements of the subordinate units. To ensure the intelligence
effort addresses the commander’s needs and is fully synchronized with operations, it is
imperative the appropriate intelligence staff elements be fully involved in the operations
planning process from the outset. Pertinent information must be analyzed concerning the
operational environment pertaining to potential threats. Information shortfalls and the
commander’s critical information requirements must be identified early, converted into
intelligence requirements, and submitted for collection or production as requests for
information. A joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE) effort
should be initiated early to identify and assess possible adversary course of action (COA)
that could threaten friendly air mobility operations. Effective intelligence planning
provides commanders at all levels with the intelligence they need to apply their available
forces wisely, efficiently, and effectively. The 618 AOC (TACC) intelligence along with
AMC A2 [Directorate of Intelligence] support operational level planning of all
USTRANSCOM air mobility missions and coordinates with USTRANSCOM’s
Intelligence Directorate to fulfill collection and production requirements. In the JAOC,
intelligence professionals are integrated into the AMD to support mobility planning and
execution with support from the JAOC intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
division to ensure AMD intelligence analysis and information is current and consistent.

For more information regarding the criticality of intelligence support, see JP 2-0, Joint

4. Vulnerabilities and Threats

a. Vulnerabilities. Air mobility forces are vulnerable during all phases of theater and
international flight operations, at home station, APOEs, en route locations, APODs, and
forward airfields. Mission planning must include a thorough analysis of vulnerabilities
requirements throughout all phases of flight and ground operations. Military and CRAF
flights into civilian airfields and off-base billeting of aircrews create unique vulnerabilities
that must be addressed with local policy authorities. Force protection specialists will work
to ensure that all air mobility vulnerabilities are considered.

For additional information on force protection in a theater of operations, see JP 3-10,

Joint Security Operations in Theater.

b. Threats. Air mobility planning must begin with threat analysis and threat
avoidance. Normally, mobility assets operate in a permissive to low-threat environment.
However, antiaccess and area denial capabilities of threats should be considered when
planning and conducting air mobility operations. These capabilities consist not only of
advanced counter-maritime and counterair systems designed to destroy critical mobile
assets, such as surface ships and aircraft, but also long-range land attack capabilities that
threaten APODs and extend into space and cyberspace. Threat mitigation in the OA begins
with planning and before entry of air mobility assets into the region and may require

III-8 JP 3-17
Planning Air Mobility Operations

significant integration with joint/multinational air and ground combat forces for force
protection during execution. Planners must address the unique aspects of airborne, ground,
space, cyberspace, electromagnetic, medical, and CBRN threats to air mobility operations.

(1) Airborne Threats. Air mobility aircraft are vulnerable to surface-to-surface,

surface-to-air, and air-to-air threats. Large fixed-wing air mobility assets have significant
radar signatures and lack maneuverability, fly slower speeds, and in many instances are
equipped with limited or no onboard defensive systems. The smaller fixed-wing airlift
aircraft and helicopters have lower radar cross sections; however, they suffer equally with
limited onboard defensive systems.

(2) Ground Threats. Air mobility aircraft, aircrews, and support personnel are
particularly vulnerable during ground activities. On/offload operations offer large,
stationary targets for adversary direct fire and standoff weapons. Commanders and their
staffs should consider the employment of expedited ground operations (e.g., engine-
running offload and combat offload/onload) to reduce vulnerability to ground threats.
Perimeter and other security measures should be planned and coordinated with those
responsible for the area outside the base/airfield compound (e.g., joint security area

(3) Cyberspace Threats. The GME is dependent on cyberspace (computers,

phones, radios) to plan, execute, and debrief current and future operations. MAF aircraft
and C2 capabilities are reliant upon cyberspace to function. Those dependencies must be
secured and defended against adversary action to deny or manipulate critical elements of
the GME.

(4) Electronic Warfare (EW) Threats. Air mobility operations are increasingly
threatened by emerging EW capabilities. Aircrews must plan to use alternative procedures
to overcome communications and Global Positioning System (GPS) jamming capabilities.
Adversaries may attempt to employ EW to disrupt airfield operations at APODs.

(5) CBRN Threat. CBRN threats include the capability to employ and the
intentional employment of, or intent to employ, weapons or improvised devices to produce
CBRN hazards. Use of CBRN weapons against air mobility forces represents a significant
threat. Although aircrews are trained and equipped to operate in a contaminated
environment, the contamination of airlift aircraft may limit options for the deployment,
sustainment, and redeployment of forces. The JFC must take every precaution available to
prevent the contamination of air mobility aircraft and develop plans to decontaminate
aircraft which may become compromised.

(6) Emergence of Pandemic Disease. Regional endemic diseases are

characterized by high human-to-human transmissibility and rapid onset of severe morbidity.
When an endemic disease becomes pandemic, it threatens military readiness and imposes
significant constraints on global air mobility operations. Although the Department of State
(DOS) has a shelter-in-place policy for infected overseas areas, civil disturbance or political
instability may necessitate a noncombatant evacuation operation (NEO) of noninfected
individuals from areas abroad experiencing outbreaks. DOD will support the NEO with

Chapter III

United States Air Force C-17 aircraft dispensing flares.

USTRANSCOM and/or GCC assets when directed by SecDef to do so. DOD movement of
contagious patients requires approval of the GCCs, CDRUSTRANSCOM, and SecDef in
consultation with medical authorities. To prevent the spread of disease, the JFC will institute
passenger screening measures. Patients with known or suspected highly contagious diseases
should receive treatment in place.

c. Threat Avoidance and Mitigation

(1) Ideally, threat avoidance is the preferred defensive tactic for mobility aircraft.
Threat avoidance tactics include over-flight, alternate routing, operating at night or in
adverse weather, and using EZ operations. Since not all mobility aircraft, especially
tankers, possess warning and defensive systems, they must depend upon CAP and SEAD
assets for protection and threat warnings, as well as basing outside the range of antiaccess
and area denial capabilities such as long-range aircraft and cruise missiles. While mobility
aircraft can reduce risk through threat-avoidance tactics, commanders should consider the
lack of defensive countermeasures and perform proper operational risk management prior
to operating air mobility aircraft in uncertain or hostile environments. This limitation can
reduce air mobility assets’ flexibility to support national policy across the range of military
operations and should be considered by planners of both combat and combat support
missions. Therefore, using the most up-to-date intelligence from the JFC to identify
potential threat locations is key to mission planning.

(2) When avoidance is not possible, threat mitigation is the next preferred option.
Planners can mitigate the threat to mobility aircraft by using a variety of active and passive
measures. Active protective measures include fighter escort, ground support forces

III-10 JP 3-17
Planning Air Mobility Operations

employing measures that deny potential threats from interdicting air routes, antiaircraft
defenses, ballistic missile defenses and tactical lasers for airfield defense, and SEAD.
Passive measures include such things as air base defense; route and altitude selection;
reduced ground times; dispersed aircraft basing operating at night or in adverse weather;
and self-defense systems, including the use of onboard warning receivers, flare/chaff
dispensers, and CBRN detection devices. For CBRN hazards, it may not be possible to
avoid aircraft contamination, especially if the mission is critical. Some measures to
mitigate the effects of CBRN hazards include limiting the retrograde of contaminated cargo
to “MC” cargo and identification of a theater decontamination plan for air mobility aircraft.
The Services do not have the capability to conduct clearance decontamination; therefore,
once an aircraft is contaminated, its utility will be restricted.

(3) Operations Security (OPSEC). Conduct mission planning to heighten

uncertainty by threat elements concerning the location, timing, and avenues of approach.
This includes employing OPSEC procedures to deny knowledge of schedules, routes,
departure points, and arrival location and times. Planners should also consider employing
deception when conducting operations in hostile or uncertain environments to confuse the
threat about the route, timing, and location of air mobility operations.

5. Communications Systems

a. Communication planning integrates the communications capabilities of joint

force components. These plans should include en route communications procedures and
automated information systems to support movement reporting; call words or call signs,
frequencies, communications equipment, and supplies to be delivered; the sequence of their
delivery; and code words for significant events.

b. The most appropriate component will have responsibility for the following

(1) Provide communications-electronics during air movement/aerial refueling.

(2) Develop and maintain a communications net for early operations in the
objective area.

(3) Develop and maintain a communications net between the departure airfield
and LZ (or arrival airfield) for airland operations.

(4) Secure rapid and reliable communications from the objective area through the
communications and computer systems of geographic CCMDs and other headquarters
immediately upon the arrival of airlift personnel, communications from the joint force
headquarters to and between component commands, and from DOS or other agencies in
the objective area.

(5) Formulate, publish, and distribute the communications-electronics operating

instructions and joint communications-electronics operating instructions.

Chapter III

(6) Provide relay-type communications for disseminating intelligence or mission

changes to the airborne force commanders while they are en route to the objective area.

(7) Provide jamming operations and coordination to prevent interference with

friendly C2.

c. Various computer and communications systems along with their associated

databases and peripheral equipment are included as elements of the GAMSS and are used
when planning and executing air mobility operations. Use of these systems for air mobility
operations is highly encouraged to facilitate the flow of critical information between
operational components. These include, but are not limited to:

(1) APEX Enterprise. A DOD enterprise of joint policies, procedures, and

reporting structures, supported by communications and computer systems, which is used
by the JPEC to monitor, plan, and execute mobilization, deployment, employment,
sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization activities associated with joint operations.

(2) Global Air Transportation Execution System (GATES). GATES is

AMC’s aerial port operations and management information system designed to support
automated cargo and passenger processing, reporting of ITV data to IGC, and billing to
AMC’s financial management directorate.

(3) Global C2 System. Highly mobile, deployable C2 system supporting forces

for joint and multinational operations across the range of military operations, anytime and
anywhere in the world with compatible, interoperable, and integrated command, control,
communications, computers, and intelligence systems.

(4) Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System. Provides air mobility mission
planners with an integrated view for airlift and AR requirements management, planning,
and scheduling of air mobility forces to support peacetime, contingency, humanitarian, and
wartime operations. It also provides advanced user capabilities for operational planning
and allocation management for AR missions, SAAMs, and GCC airlift requirements.

(5) Global Decision Support System (GDSS). As the primary C2 system for
airlift and AR missions, GDSS provides aircraft schedules, arrival and/or departure, and
aircraft status data to support ITV of aircraft and aircrews.

(6) High-Frequency Global Communications System. A global, high-power,

communications system providing beyond line-of-sight connectivity to GAMSS forces
world-wide. This includes weather information, threat warnings, emergency action
messages, message relay, phone patches, automatic link establishment, Mayday
transmissions, and high-frequency e-mail.

(7) Joint Enterprise Network Manager (JENM). JENM is an enterprise

network planner and management tool used to support end-to-end services and connections
to the DOD information networks. This tool supports the network architecture from a joint
communication plan allowing for network connectivity across Service and geographical

III-12 JP 3-17
Planning Air Mobility Operations

lines using Internet protocol-based tactical waveforms (e.g., Wideband Networking

Waveform, Soldier Radio Waveform, and Mobile User Objective System).

Additional information concerning communication system planning can be found in JP 6-

0, Joint Communications System.

6. Sustainment

Operations and logistics are most effectively integrated as part of a collaborative

planning process that includes subordinate component commands, supporting commands,
and global providers. Equally important with planning is the active integration of
sustainment movements from point of origin to point of need to ensure seamless delivery
and retrograde of sustainment cargo. USTRANSCOM develops integrated distribution
route structures based on the needs of the CCDRs to ensure timely performance through
all segments of the joint distribution pipeline.

a. Historically, demand for items increases faster than the supply system can provide,
and special management actions might become necessary. Anticipating the demand for
sustainment movements requires a shared situational awareness and close collaboration
between staffs during development of future plans and future operations concepts.
Sustainment movements are usually a combination of push and pull resupply that requires
a flexible means of modulating airlift capacity to respond to varying demand patterns and
TDD parameters.

b. A key consideration during sustainment planning is the modal balance between

airlift and surface movements. USTRANSCOM supports routine sustainment operations
through scheduled airlift operations such as channel service and scheduled sealift via
commercial liner service. Levels of transportation service for sustainment movements are
often predicated on rules and transportation priorities applied during requisition or
acquisition of supplies, which includes air clearance authority processes established by
each service. However, there is no substitute for active planning to ensure sustainment
movements are supported with the appropriate transportation mode to efficiently meet the
needs of the CCDRs, Service components, and other supported organizations.

c. Routine sustainment planning usually assumes that user requirements and general
air and ground security situations allow some flexibility in the actual delivery times of
specific loads.

d. Combat sustainment operations reinforce or resupply units engaged in combat and

permit timely return of reparable parts, often in critically short supply, to designated repair
points. Once delivered to the combat zone, an inserted force may be totally dependent
upon subsequent airlift operations for sustainment, movement, withdrawal, redeployment,
or AE of casualties. Combat sustainment planning usually assumes that operational
requirements and assessed threats allow little or no flexibility in the delivery times,
locations, and load configurations. Combat requirements and cargo handling limitations
at forward operating locations drive flight schedules and determine whether palletized

Chapter III

cargo can be handled effectively. Operational effectiveness is the primary objective, and
the efficient use of aircraft and support resources is secondary.

e. Sustainment should be planned to utilize backhaul capacity. Depending on theater

and user priorities, typical backhaul loads might include redeploying forces, friendly
evacuees, detainees, and excess or repairable material. However, reset and reconstitution
of military forces may drive scheduled retrograde movements with the same operational
urgency and TDD objectives as other sustainment movements.

Additional information concerning sustainment can be found in JP 4-0, Joint Logistics,

and JP 4-09, Distribution Operations.

7. Assessment

Assessments must be conducted prior to and during air mobility operations.

a. Prior to executing air mobility operations, consideration must be given to the

following planning factors:

(1) Airfields, to include capabilities and limitations, and airland facilities

available in the departure and arrival areas must be assessed, particularly those in
underdeveloped countries where their status may be questionable. Mobility planners
should consider runway characteristics as well as taxiway, parking, ramp, and cargo
handling areas for operational suitability, and determination of MOG. Additionally,
planners should consider establishing a regional air movement control center (RAMCC) to
coordinate movements of civilian fixed-wing airlift in support of coalition military,
humanitarian, and commercial air operations throughout the designated AOR by assigning
arrival and departure times at selected airfields in the AOR and coordinating over flights.
Arrival slot time coordination between the RAMCC and airlift control team ensures the
MOG is not exceeded. Preplanned aircraft arrival slot times avoid ramp congestion and
foster the synergistic effect of the entire rapid global air mobility force.

Additional information concerning RAMCC procedures can be found in Air Force

Doctrine Annex 3-52, Airspace Control.

(2) An airfield’s infrastructure also impacts the support GAMSS/JTF-PO forces

can provide to the air mobility flow. The hours of operation, climatology, weather services,
flight planning support, airfield lighting systems, airfield navigational aids,
communications, marshalling/storage areas, and road networks are all requirements that
need consideration during planning phases.

(3) Host-nation support (HNS) capability and willingness is a critical

consideration in the planning phase. HNS can include diplomatic clearances, airspace
access, lodging, food services, water, communications, labor, local transportation, or other
types of support.

(4) Availability of fuel at support locations may limit air mobility support. POL
planning/requirements should include the amount needed for aircraft and ground

III-14 JP 3-17
Planning Air Mobility Operations

equipment. Planners should consider POL storage capacity, fueling system condition
and type, and dispense rates, as well as POL acquisition, either from the HN or by
resupply. Aircraft fuel is usually a major limiting factor and should therefore be the
primary focus. At austere locations, aerial refueling can lessen the effects of shortages
in ground refueling capabilities.

b. Assessments must be conducted continuously during air mobility operations.

Assessors must ensure the user’s requirement is being met IAW established priorities and
air mobility forces are being used efficiently and adapting to changes in the operations
tempo or focus. Evaluation tools must include metrics to determine on-time delivery
amount of cargo/fuel on- or off-loaded and airdrop delivery precision.

c. Continuous operational assessment that links operational objectives to airlift tasks

is the key to ensuring effective employment of air mobility assets. At the same time,
economy of force in air mobility operations has a global impact. USTRANSCOM and
the MAF in general support all Services and government agency operational
requirements simultaneously with a finite force to effectively meet the highest priority
air mobility needs. Effectiveness is paramount, but economy of force in planning and
execution is an essential consideration.

Additional information concerning assessment factors associated with air mobility

operation planning can be found in JP 3-0, Joint Operations.

8. Multinational Planning Considerations

a. The joint planner should consider complementary multinational capabilities

during COA development. However, this capability should be balanced against the
potential for competition for US transportation assets to deliver those multinational units
into the theater.

b. In planning for multinational operations, the joint planner should be aware of the
legal considerations in providing or receiving logistics support from multinational
partners. The Foreign Assistance Act, the Arms Export Control Act, acquisition and
cross-servicing agreement authority, the Federal Property and Administrative Services
Act of 1949 (as amended), the Fly America Act, and the Cargo Preference Acts all
address the degree of support that the US can provide to or receive from other nations.
In addition, specific legislative language contained in DOD authorization or
appropriation acts may limit US ability to receive and/or provide logistic support from
and/or to allies. The joint planner should include the legal advisor in all stages of
multinational operations planning and execution for legal compliance.

c. The legal considerations of multinational support notwithstanding, air operations

are an integral part of most multinational planning efforts. The multinational force air
CC is responsible for air operations planning and develops a concept for integrating air
operations capabilities. US CCs and multinational force commanders should provide
highly trained liaison staffs to facilitate integration, coordination, and synchronization of
air operations. Air planning should also include the use of logistic air assets and airfields.

Chapter III

It is important to ensure all planners understand the capabilities and limitations that each
country brings to the fight. In the event no established multinational guidance is
available, planning considerations for multinational air operations should resemble those
for joint operations.

For additional information, refer to JP 3-16, Multinational Operations.

9. Other Planning Factors

a. Materiel Collection and Classification Planning. Because much abandoned or

captured materiel or contaminated equipment may be usable by friendly forces, ground
and air commanders should develop plans for their retrograde, consistent with the
urgency and length of the primary mission.

b. Planning for Mobility Air Forces Cost Avoidance Tankering. The process of
ferrying “lower-cost” fuel for use in follow-on mission legs in lieu of buying “higher-
cost” en route fuel. AMC’s visibility of Defense Logistics Agency cost of delivering fuel
allows MAF planners to leverage economic benefit by aircraft ferrying lower-cost fuel
without reducing payload or producing a negative mission impact.

c. Planning for Detainees. Detainee collection points should be located near air
terminal facilities to aid in air evacuation but not so close that they are endangered by
possible enemy targeting.

For additional information, see JP 3-63, Detainee Operations.

d. Medical Support Planning. A complete medical estimate is usually conducted

for each phase of an operation. The respective Service component medical planners
should conduct detailed medical supply planning and medical support operations. Plans
should allow for probable losses of medical equipment and supplies during delivery into
the objective area. Estimates should be made for replacement items to cover losses due
to battle actions, evacuation of patients, and other causes. The evacuating medical
activity usually provides litters, blankets, splints, and other medical items accompanying
patients during evacuation. Planners also need to identify the need for patient movement
items and appropriate medical logisticians for support. Planners responsible for AE
should ensure plans address decontaminating CBRN contaminated patients before they
enter the intratheater or intertheater patient movement system unless the applicable GCC,
CDRUSTRANSCOM, and SecDef approve otherwise.

For additional information regarding medical support planning and evacuation of

contaminated patients, see JP 4-02, Joint Health Services.

e. AE

(1) Responsibilities. AE refers to TS en route care of patients to and between

MTFs, using organic and/or contracted aircraft with medical aircrew trained explicitly
for this mission. AE forces can operate as far forward as aircraft are able to conduct air
operations, across the full range of military operations, and in all operating environments.

III-16 JP 3-17
Planning Air Mobility Operations

Specialty medical teams may be assigned to work with the AE aircrew to support patients
requiring more intensive en route care.

Information on the AE mission, Service component and common-user systems,

organizations, and C2 procedures is contained in JP 4-02, Joint Health Services.

(2) Common-User System. USTRANSCOM and GCCs perform common-

user AE with available air mobility assets. PMs are managed through the
USTRANSCOM Regulating and C2 Evacuation System. Normally, patients are
evacuated from theater hospitalization to OCONUS definitive care facilities and then on
to CONUS definitive care facilities. Medical evacuation is the system within the
“forward/or tactical” area and is performed by dedicated, standardized medical
evacuation platforms (air ambulances), with medical professionals who provide timely,
efficient, and en route care of regulated or unregulated wounded, injured, or ill persons.
The Army provides intratheater aeromedical evacuation to all land maneuver forces (once
ashore) and also provides support to ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship PMRs. The USAF
AE system provides intertheater PM support and is the vital linkage between roles of care
for regulated patients of extended distances and to CONUS for final patient disposition
to meet patients’ definitive care needs. The JFC may use AE assets for far forward PM
operations. Those efforts will be coordinated with JAOC/AOC and the joint force

f. Weather. The anticipation of weather effects on operations mitigated through

planning provides invaluable dividends in efficiencies on strategic mobility.
Incorporation of weather considerations into mission planning is essential to mitigate
risk, identify opportunity, select ideal environmental conditions, and to optimize routing
and DZ/LZ selection. Planning for weather considerations is accomplished in the JAOC
at the operational level.

Information on integrating weather considerations into planning is contained in JP 3-

59, Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations.

g. Withdrawal or Restaging Plan. The withdrawal or restaging of forces by air

should be done IAW the general guidelines for redeployment and extraction airlift

(1) Other specific considerations that may be important to the success of these
operations are local air superiority and the possible need for friendly military deception
(MILDEC). Such operations should mask these withdrawal movements for as long as
possible. Clearly, the likelihood of success will be increased by conducting these
operations early enough to allow for comprehensive planning and organized
execution. Once the appropriate ground force commander orders an operation and
establishes movement priorities, load plans, and departure points, the COMAFFOR or
JFACC (if designated) should control the air movement. GAMSS units should be
placed at the departure points, if possible.

Chapter III

(2) The ground force commander should provide trained loading teams at
the departure points to assist airfield support units in loading and securing equipment,
with technical assistance and supervision from USAF personnel. Specific withdrawal and
equipment destruction procedures are contained in appropriate Service manuals.

h. Space Support Planning. Friendly space-based capabilities can greatly enhance

any air mobility operation. In general, space-based capabilities such as GPS signals and
satellite communications (SATCOM) are readily available for use by friendly forces
without needing to be requested. However, planners should be aware of possible
constraints on space-based capabilities and should also assess their need for tailored space
capabilities which must be requested prior to mission execution.

(1) Constraints. Availability of space-based capabilities can be constrained by

many factors including the space environment and enemy activity. Planners should consult
their weather office for environmental factors which could cause signal interference or
anomalies. Additionally, planners should request intelligence assessments of enemy
capability to disrupt friendly space capabilities and plan accordingly. This includes enemy
jamming of GPS and SATCOM signals.

(2) Tailored Capabilities. Tailored space capabilities can provide additional

resources toward mission success. Often times, these capabilities require intensive
planning prior to mission execution and should be requested as early in the mission
planning process as possible.

i. Information Activity Planning. Information is integral to the successful planning

and execution of air mobility operations. The use of information planning in support of
global air mobility operations is conducted by the AMC-matrixed staff in support of the
618 AOC (TACC) and at the theater level in the JAOC/COMAFFOR staffs. Information
operations can support both offensive and defensive operations simultaneously, but
mobility operations focus is primarily on defensive operations while deconflicting theater
offensive operations planning. Integrating information into planning requires early and
detailed JIPOE and must be an integral part of, not an addition to, the overall planning

(1) EW. EW threat planning is critical to airlift operations. The threat of directed
energy (e.g., lasers and high-power microwave) weapons, as well as the adversary’s
infrared and traditional electronic attack radio frequency energy capabilities to MAF
operations, is increasing in sophistication and effectiveness at an accelerating rate.
Mobility forces also require enhanced situational awareness, force protection, reduced
radar cross section, and defensive systems to survive in the electromagnetic environment.
Effective countermeasures such as flare-based defensive systems and large aircraft infrared
countermeasures reduce the lethality of threats encountered when avoidance is not possible
or unknown. The MAF generally accepts aircraft arrivals and departures to be in the
“public domain” and are concerned with probable/likely threat in the vicinity of airfields.

(2) Cybersecurity. Based on mission classification, the MAF conducts mission

planning on both classified and unclassified C2 systems using the SECRET Internet

III-18 JP 3-17
Planning Air Mobility Operations

Protocol Router Network and Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network. Because
threats attack our information sources and information systems at multiple locations
simultaneously, cyberspace security actions are essential. The MAF must ensure Service
components comply with established US Cyber Command cyberspace policy and guidance
to provide well-defined boundaries with protection mechanisms (e.g., firewalls, system
interoperability solutions, data management zones, and intrusion detection and protection
systems) that monitor and detect unauthorized internal and external activity.

(3) MILDEC. MILDEC planning and execution is used to deliberately mislead

adversary decision makers as to air mobility capabilities, intentions, and operations,
causing the adversary to take specific actions (or inactions) that will contribute to the
accomplishment of the mission.

(4) OPSEC. OPSEC denies the threat information required to correctly assess
friendly capabilities and intentions. OPSEC planning identifies critical information to
determine if air mobility plans can be observed by a threat intelligence systems. Once
critical information has been identified (such as for protection reasons, force composition,
movement and refueling schedules, troop and equipment), then security measures and
procedures are executed to eliminate or reduce adversary exploitation. Unlike other
security programs that seek to protect classified information, OPSEC measures identify,
control, and protect generally unclassified mobility operations mission profiles and
signatures associated with sensitive operations and activities.

(5) MILDEC and OPSEC. Working in tandem, MILDEC and OPSEC

complement each other. Controlling access to information by denying or permitting access
to specific information can shape a threats’ perceptions. Through the vulnerabilities
identified by OPSEC, MILDEC seeks to encourage incorrect analysis, causing the
adversary to arrive at specific false deductions, while OPSEC seeks to deny real
information to a threat and prevent correct deduction of friendly plans. OPSEC planning
in support of the deception plan is just as important as OPSEC of the real plan, since
compromise of the deception may expose the real plan. MILDEC can directly support the
OPSEC plan by creating numerous false signatures and indicators. The intent is to
manipulate indicators which give insight into operations. Signatures should be managed
and adjusted to produce the planned effect. Air mobility operations must protect MC
information identified by the supported commander for both airlift and AR operations.
Appropriate deception or misinformation plans, developed early in the planning stages,
may help conceal or divert attention from aircraft and troop movements. However, these
plans should not jeopardize alternate plans or other operations within the area.

For more information on integrating information into planning, see JP 3-0, Joint
Operation; JP 3-13, Information Operations, and JP 5-0, Joint Planning.

j. Public Affairs (PA). For air mobility operations, PA planners use information and
knowledge gained through research to enhance the commander’s understanding of the
operational environment to shape the commander’s initial planning guidance and intent,
which must include communication considerations. Communication plans are not separate
from operation planning and operations plans should include communication

Chapter III

considerations and activities from the beginning. Communication plans highlight higher
headquarters PA guidance and messaging, identify the communication challenges or
opportunities, identify and segment key publications, define communication objectives that
support command/mission goals, develop measurable objectives to achieve these goals,
and employ communication activities appropriate to the situation and desired outcome that
do not compromise OPSEC or information security. Throughout the planning process, PA
professionals lead communication synchronization with other information-related
capabilities to minimize the adverse effects of inaccurate information and analysis,
propaganda, violations of OPSEC, and the spread of disinformation and misinformation
that could otherwise threaten US and multinational efforts.

k. Special Technical Operations (STO) Planning. The AMC or JAOC STO cell
integrates STO capabilities in direct support of mobility operations during deployment and
redeployment. The AMC STO cell coordinates with appropriate JAOC STO cells and
capability providers to ensure planning and execution of STO capabilities. The JAOC STO
cell is integrated into the JAOC divisions to develop the required classified annexes for
STO capabilities. Effective support for the JFC’s mobility requirements demands air
mobility experts are integrated into the STO and that STO cell representatives understand
and develop support plans to enhance mobility operations.

III-20 JP 3-17

“Air power is not made up of airplanes alone. Air power is a composite of

airplanes, air crews, maintenance crews, air bases, air supply, and sufficient
replacements in both planes and crews to maintain a constant fighting strength...”

General Henry “Hap” Arnold

General of the Air Force (1949)

1. General

Successful employment of the airlift and AR force is contingent upon establishing

and maintaining a GAMSS force that enables aerial deployment, employment,
sustainment, and redeployment of US forces throughout the range of military operations.
Specifically, air mobility support forces provide a responsive, worldwide foundation for
airlift and AR operations. This force is divided between USTRANSCOM, which controls
the majority of assets in its global/functional CCMD role, and the geographic CCMDs that
control other assets to meet their specific regional needs. These forces, combined with the
interrelated processes that move information, cargo, and passengers, make up the GAMSS.
This structure consists of a number of CONUS and en route locations, as well as deployable
forces capable of augmenting the fixed en route locations or establishing operating
locations where none exist. These deployable forces are stationed both in CONUS and at
select overseas bases and are controlled by either AMC or one of the geographic CCMDs.
Pre-positioning GAMSS forces at locations supporting sustained airlift or aerial refueling
operations should be accomplished ahead of any combat force deployment.

a. The reduction in forward-deployed forces following the end of the Cold War
resulted in an increased dependence on air mobility to project US military presence
throughout the world. In turn, there grew an increased dependence on the GAMSS to
provide rapid global air mobility. The mobile forces of the GAMSS enable the en route
system to expand or contract as necessary, providing worldwide coverage and lending
direct support to the rapid global air mobility concept.

b. GAMSS forces are drawn from active duty, USAF Reserve, and ANG components.
Collectively, these components provide the forces that make up the fixed CONUS and
overseas GAMSS organizations, as well as the deployable forces stationed primarily in
CONUS. These components support operations throughout the range of military

2. Air Mobility Support

a. Various Service organizations support air mobility operations by providing the

operational capabilities essential for APOD reception. The USAF, through AMC’s air
mobility squadrons (AMSs), aerial port flights, and CRFs, provide much of the operational
and logistic support needed to receive arriving aircraft. USN air cargo companies unload
aircraft and operate air cargo and passenger terminals. Through its cargo transfer

Chapter IV

capability, the Army provides the required support to interface with the CRF and begin the
staging and onward movement phases for deploying personnel, equipment, and materiel.
Specific Service organizations include:



In February 2010, the 571st Contingency Response Group (CRG)

deployed Airmen to Mazar-e-Sharif (MeS), Afghanistan, tasked by
Commander, United States Transportation Command
(CDRUSTRANSCOM), to establish a forward logistics base in support
of the 30,000-troop surge for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. The
571 CRG was also tasked to provide command and control, aerial
port, aircraft maintenance, security, air traffic control, and logistical
support (weather, intelligence, etc.). Working in conjunction with the
41st Transportation Company (TC) and Soldiers from the 82nd
Sustainment Battalion (SB), the mission of this 250-member US
Transportation Command Joint Task Force-Port Opening (JTF-PO)
team was to build a high-speed logistics lane to facilitate the flow of
US Army personnel, equipment, and supplies into Northern
Afghanistan and the onward movement to other provinces. To
accomplish its mission, the JTF-PO would need to dramatically
increase the throughput and movement velocity of the existing
airfield at MeS so it could handle a significant increase in airflow, to
include commercial and military aircraft. CRGs and rapid port
opening elements (RPOEs) are intimately familiar with each other’s
capabilities because they train and exercise together during JTF-PO
validation exercises. For this mission, however, the assigned RPOE
was retasked to align with another CRG to support the humanitarian
relief mission in Haiti after a devastating earthquake. With no other
RPOE available, agreements were generated with the 82nd Airborne
Sustainment Brigade that provided tactical control of the 41st TC and
direct support of a team from the 82nd Support Brigade Headquarters
Staff allowing the generating of an ad hoc JTF-PO. The 41 TC
provided ground movement capability to transport cargo/personnel
to a forward distribution node, while 82 SB provided passenger
processing and in-transit visibility and an Army perspective during
negotiations with Regional Command–North (RC-N) and host nation
entities. The JTF-PO worked with their German International Security
Assistance Force (ISAF) hosts, RC-N leadership, and Afghan military
and civilian officials to ensure smooth airfield/ramp operations,
security, and communications.

The JTF-PO also built a strong relationship with the Navy Seabee
element that was invaluable in the structural building of the new cargo
yard and fuel farms that were essential to mission success. Finally, the
JTF-PO established a close working relationship with the joint special
operations task force element that provided information and intelligence
for JTF-PO operations and in return were provided a section of the cargo

IV-2 JP 3-17
Air Mobility Support

yard to be used as a forward area rearming and refueling point for their
rotary-wing assets.

For this mission, the JTF-PO remained under the operational control of
CDRUSTRANSCOM but worked in a direct supporting relationship with
United States Central Command (USCENTCOM). The JTF-PO worked
closely with, and provided support to, multiple agencies, including US
Forces Afghanistan, RC-N of the ISAF, the USCENTCOM Joint
Deployment and Distribution Operations Center, the Air Mobility
Divisions at Air Forces Central Command and US Air Forces in Europe,
and 618th Air Operations Center (Tanker Airlift Control Center).

The JTF-PO at MeS ensured the expeditious movement of over 18,100

short tons and 8,700 passengers, handling 824 Air Mobility Command,
coalition, and commercial aircraft across two ground operations areas,
while coordinating operations with multiple agencies. The JTF-PO
delivered 530 mine–resistant, ambush-protected all-terrain vehicles to
US counterterrorism and counterinsurgency forces at nine forward
operating bases in Northern Afghanistan, providing vital, life-saving
equipment for the warfighter and ensuring the security of the northern
distribution network.

Various Sources

(1) USMC Component. During a major theater deployment, the USMC will
employ a Marine air-ground task force deployment and distribution operations center
(MDDOC) to coordinate all strategic, operational, and tactical lift requirements for land
and air forces. The MDDOC is a standing organization located within the MAGTF
command element. The MDDOC will conduct integrated planning, provide guidance, and
coordinate and monitor transportation and inventory resources as they relate to
management of the MAGTF’s distribution process. Functions normally conducted by the
MDDOC must be performed simultaneously both in garrison and forward to facilitate force
generation, embarkation/deployment, debarkation, employment, sustainment, and
retrograde/redeployment. The size and scope of the MDDOC scales to meet mission
requirements for the size of the MAGTF it supports. In theater, the MDDOC coordinates
activities per the respective CCDR theater policy and guidance.

(2) Army Theater Sustainment Command (TSC). The TSC is the logistics C2
element assigned to the Army Service component command (ASCC) and is the single
Army sustainment (less medical) headquarters within a theater of operations. It is
responsible for executing logistics and distribution capabilities for port opening, theater
opening, theater distribution, and sustainment functions in support of ARFOR.
Additionally, the TSC may provide lead Service support for designated common-user
logistics to other USG departments or agencies, multinational forces, and NGOs as
directed. The TSC manages theater distribution and executes distribution operations IAW
ASCC component logistics staff officer priorities. It develops the ASCC’s distribution
plan and synchronizes materiel and movement management and is also responsible for
coordinating the protection of theater distribution nodes. The TSC can employ one or more

Chapter IV

expeditionary sustainment commands as an extension of its C2 capability. Each

expeditionary sustainment command provides rapidly deployable, regionally focused
capability for executing logistic operations that are limited in scope and scale when
compared to those the TSC can support.

(3) Army Sustainment Brigades (SUST BDEs). SUST BDEs are subordinate
commands of the TSC. All SUST BDE headquarters plan, synchronize, monitor, and
control sustainment operations within their assigned area of operations. SUST BDEs are
task-organized to conduct theater opening tasks, sustainment, and theater distribution tasks
during the early phases of an operation or across all phases of an operation if it is the only
SUST BDE in the JOA. With a different task organization, the same SUST BDE can
transition to a theater distribution mission or sustainment mission. Theater opening
functions set the conditions for effective support and lay the groundwork for subsequent
expansion of the theater distribution system. The critical tasks for a SUST BDE in a theater
opening role include: theater reception support, staging onward movement/distribution
management, life support, and initial theater sustainment.

(4) Army Aviation. The theater airfield operations group and airfield operations
battalions are organized and equipped to facilitate early entry contingencies and the
establishment of expeditionary airfields in support of Army and joint aviation operations.
These organizations provide expeditionary airfield management and C2 at theater-level
airfields, forward operating bases (FOBs), LZs, and other areas designated by the JFC.

(5) Normally, an Army, USN, or USMC A/DACG assists the mobility forces in
processing, loading, and off-loading of deploying and arriving Service component
personnel and equipment; for the Army, elements of an MCT and an inland cargo transfer
company typically operate the A/DACG. The capabilities of the A/DACGs are tailored
based on the mission and military units performing aerial port operations. An A/DACG

(a) Coordinate and control the reception and/or loading of units for
deployment and redeployment.

(b) Coordinate with the installation commander and the commander of each
Service deploying unit.

(c) Provide a liaison to the mobility force (normally the air terminal
operations center).

(d) Perform the processing, loading, and off-loading of deploying and

arriving Service component personnel and equipment when no mobility force is available.

b. In addition, HNS may be used to free up reception assets and minimize the logistic
footprint at the APOD and/or APOE. Close coordination with HNS activities is necessary
to balance the operational requirements of all organizations competing for limited

IV-4 JP 3-17
Air Mobility Support

3. Capabilities of Air Mobility Support

The capabilities provided by the GAMSS are C2, aerial port operations, and aircraft
maintenance. While GAMSS functions at fixed locations are robust, the deployable assets
are designed to be temporary in nature with a planned redeployment or replacement. En
route locations are normally tasked to provide C2, aerial port operations, and aircraft
maintenance services. However, basic and other support functions (e.g., combat support,
aircrew flight equipment, intelligence) can augment in-place operations, creating a more
robust throughput and support capability. The level of support can be tailored to match the
workload requirements. Consequently, deployable GAMSS forces can provide a method
for expanding capabilities at an existing location or establishing capabilities where none
exist. To ensure continuity of operations and to allow GAMSS forces to appropriately
reconstitute for follow-on operations, planners should coordinate the replacement and
redeployment of GAMSS forces early in the planning process.

a. C2 of GAMSS Forces. Air mobility support operations encompass both

global/functional support and focused regional support. When GAMSS forces deploy to a
GCC’s AOR, command relationships should be specified before operations begin. The
command relationships should specify the type and degree of control exercised by
commanders in the theater, the providing commander, and the associated C2 organizations.

(1) Whether OPCON is maintained by Commander, 18 AF, or a GCC’s

COMAFFOR, GAMSS forces usually provide initial C2 to higher headquarters for
deploying forces through organic, deployable C2 systems. In addition, they set up stand-
alone C2 operations for airlift operations. GAMSS forces perform C2 functions on behalf
of the higher headquarters at the local level to accurately plan, flow, and track air
movements and provide ITV of equipment and passengers. C2 requirements may include
various radio and SATCOM systems, as well as mobility mission planning and execution
systems supporting their airfield operations, as well as those of supported air mobility
aircrews that may transit or operate from their location. AMC assigned mobility support
forces normally use this capability to report to the 618 AOC (TACC), while theater
assigned support forces normally report to their theater AOC.

(2) Timely exchange of information within, between, and among GAMSS

components is critical to mobility operations. This includes the following:

(a) Geospatial imagery intelligence and geospatial information requirements.

(b) Airspace coordination and management requirements.

(c) Restrictions imposed at airfields.

(d) CRF, STT, AMLO, and ground force assault team requirements.

(e) Unique requirements such as security and command, control, and

communications for nuclear weapons.

(f) Asset ITV.

Chapter IV

(g) Cargo, hazardous materials, passengers, and patient information.

(h) Weather information.

(i) JIPOE products and exchange of current and early warning intelligence.

(3) One of the most important features of the GAMSS is its support of ITV and
mission tracking/planning. Commanders depend on accurate, timely ITV of assets to more
efficiently manage those assets and associated supporting operations. Consequently, the
effectiveness of the GAMSS relies significantly on integration of ITV data into a
comprehensive picture. Without such integration, the ability to achieve rapid global
mobility is compromised. In selected cases, SOF STTs can provide a limited initial C2
capability, both traffic control and aircraft reporting.

(4) Various computer and communications systems along with their associated
databases and peripheral equipment are included as elements of the GAMSS.

b. Aerial Port Characteristics. An aerial port is an operating location, usually an

established airfield, which has been designated for the sustained air movement of personnel
and materiel. Deployed aerial port operations are sized based on forecast workload
requirements. GAMSS units possess a robust aerial port capability. GAMSS units are
designed to establish and operate air mobility terminals and have the ability to onload and
offload a set number of aircraft based on forecast workload requirements. In addition,
GAMSS aerial port specialists provide expertise to establish marshalling yards and traffic
routing for cargo, aircraft servicing, passenger manifesting, and air terminal operations
center services. GAMSS aerial port personnel are also responsible for the transmission of
departure and arrival information to IGC, to include movement manifests and ITV data
provided electronically by the moving unit. Deployable GAMSS aerial port services are
not designed for long-term sustained aerial port operations. Commanders and planners
should plan to backfill these deployed units quickly to allow them to redeploy and
reconstitute for further use.

c. Maintenance

(1) GAMSS aircraft maintenance support is based on forces and materiel sourced
from CONUS and OCONUS units. Planners and units receiving maintenance
augmentation from GAMSS forces should consider supplementing maintenance capability
as soon as practical to ensure sustained operations. Designed primarily to support mobility
aircraft operations, deployable GAMSS maintenance units are not intended to provide
sustained maintenance.

(2) Deployable units providing aircraft maintenance capability are contingency

support elements (CSEs) and maintenance recovery teams (MRTs). Maintenance CSE
packages are tasked to established locations for a specified amount of time to provide
limited support for specific mission(s) flow. CSEs are normally deployed as part of a CRF
to set up or work from an austere location. Their capability is essentially limited to basic
ground handling and routine servicing operations. MRTs are small teams consisting of

IV-6 JP 3-17
Air Mobility Support

specific maintenance specialties tasked to provide aircraft troubleshooting and repair

for a specific aircraft requirement.

4. Global Air Mobility Support System Elements

Several USAF MAJCOMs possess GAMSS elements. AMC GAMSS forces are
aligned under the USAF Expeditionary Center’s administrative control, with assets at
fixed overseas locations, as well as CONUS-based deployable assets. Unless otherwise
directed, Commander, 18 AF, retains OPCON of deployed GAMSS forces.

a. GAMSS fixed assets are sized, manned, and equipped to support peacetime
common-user air mobility operation. Fixed assets consist of the following:

(1) Contingency Response Wing (CRW). AMC has one CRW that is organized
to produce deployable CRFs, building partner forces, rapid AMD augmentation, and
AMLOs. The CRW as an organization does not deploy. However, it coordinates the
readiness and deployment of subordinate contingency GAMSS elements providing
expeditionary en route support, airbase opening, support for building partner capacity,
rapid AMD augmentation, and AMLO capabilities. These forces deploy on order from
CDRUSTRANSCOM or 18 AF/CC. CRW elements are designed for a decreased
transportation and logistics footprint to support short duration operations or as a quickly
deployable force that can support mission requirements until a more robust unit can deploy
for a longer duration. CRFs deployments do not normally exceed 45 days. Written
approval from the commander with OPCON authority is required to use CRF assets and
personnel to support any non-primary mission requirement. The C2 of GAMSS elements
follows the normal C2 pattern of air mobility forces.

(2) Air Mobility Operations Wings (AMOWs). AMOWs are located

overseas and provide a single-commander, distinct-mission capability with the
appropriate level of authority to ensure response time and agility to meet changing
theater requirements and support the CCDR.

(a) Air Mobility Operations Groups (AMOGs). AMOGs are located

overseas and composed of AMSs. AMOGs formulate plans; establish procedures; and
direct the administration of their subordinate AMS, operating locations, and detached
units in support of operations. The AMOG provides logistics, intelligence, and air
transportation planning to meet operational requirements.

(b) AMSs. AMSs are situated at key overseas en route locations to

operate air terminal facilities in support of the DTS for numerous DOD common users.
AMS personnel generate, launch, and recover air mobility missions and en route
support aircraft. Each AMS operates an air mobility control center, which tracks air
mobility missions and serves as the C2 conduit to the 618 AOC (TACC) and theater
AOC/AMDs executing DTS missions.

b. GAMSS deployable assets are tailored to meet mission requirements, designed

for a decreased transportation and logistics footprint, and are not designed as long-term
assets. Training for members of these deployable assets consists of CBRN and weapons

Chapter IV

training. These assets are equipped and manned to support the contingency and/or
wartime air mobility operation. The deployable assets consist of the:

(1) CRG. The CRG is an organization tasked to deploy to secure, assess,

open, and initially operate airbases for the USAF component of their CCMD. The CRG
may initially represent the senior USAF leadership and, for this reason, the CRG is
normally commanded by an O-6. The groups consist of a standardized force module
dedicated to the base opening task. This module includes a tailored section of all forces
needed after seizure, or handoff from seizure forces, to assess and maintain security of
an airfield, establish initial air mobility C2, and operate the flow of air mobility into
and out of the airfield. CRGs may open the airfield for the USAF, another Service, or
even a multinational force partner. To ensure continuity of operations, CRGs
coordinate with USTRANSCOM, AFTRANS, theater COMAFFOR/JFACC staff, and
follow-on forces to expedite and synchronize transfer of authority to sustainment forces
and the development of host unit support agreements. CRGs are comprised of
approximately 115 personnel with a capability to support a continuous working MOG
of two aircraft for 24-hour a day operations. CRGs may be augmented with various
support forces to meet unique mission requirements, such as explosive ordnance
disposal or rapid engineer deployable heavy operational repair squadron engineer,
which provides initial airfield assessment and expedient construction/repair capabilities
for some scenarios.

(2) Air Mobility Operations Squadron (AMOS). An AMOS trains and

equips personnel to augment geographic AOC/AMD positions and provides personnel
to manage assigned mobility forces in support of contingency operations; humanitarian
efforts; and unilateral, joint, and combined exercises. AMOS personnel, when
deployed to a geographic AOC/AMD, will normally be under the direction of the AMD
chief and AOC commander.

(3) CRE. A CRE is an expeditionary C2 force responsible for providing

continuous on-site air mobility operations management. It is a temporary organization
commanded by a commissioned officer that deploys to provide air mobility mission
support when C2, mission reporting, and/or other support functions at the destination do
not meet operational requirements. In addition to providing C2 and communications
capabilities, CREs provide aerial port, logistics, maintenance, force protection, weather,
medical, and intelligence services, as necessary. CRE size is based on projected operations
flow and local conditions. CREs are comprised of approximately 58 personnel with a
capability to support a continuous working MOG of two aircraft for 24-hour a day

(4) CRT. A CRT is an expeditionary C2 force that performs the same functions
as a CRE but on a smaller scale. CRTs are comprised of 11-30 personnel and normally led
by a non-commissioned officer. They provide a level of aerial port and C2 services capable
of supporting a working MOG of one aircraft for 12-hour a day operations, with 24-hour
C2 coverage.

IV-8 JP 3-17
Air Mobility Support

(5) CSE. A CSE consists of personnel and equipment providing specific

contingency support capabilities other than core C2 such as a contingency air load
planning team, joint air cargo inspections, or an airfield survey team. They may be
deployed as an element of CRE or CRT, or as a small scale, stand-alone capability.
These teams may require base operating support (BOS).

(6) USN Support to the GAMSS. USN air cargo companies are units
subordinate to both active duty and reserve component USN cargo handling battalions.
They may augment the USAF’s aerial port operators or conduct independent aerial port
operations. They interface with USN fleet logistics and AMC’s air operations.

c. GAMSS capabilities include:

(1) C2,

(2) Aerial port,

(3) Aircraft maintenance, and

(4) Other CSEs.

(a) Airfield Survey Team. These personnel are trained and equipped to
deploy to airfields, assess the capabilities of the airfield and its supporting facilities,
and relay that information to the appropriate authorities who deploy any needed
augmentation or engineer forces.

(b) AMLO. For detailed discussion on AMLOs, see Chapter II,

“Command and Control of Air Mobility Operations,” subparagraph 4.d.(10),

(c) Airlift Control Flight (ALCF). ALCFs are part of the GAMSS that
are gained by AMC. Personnel deployed from the ALCFs perform the core C2
functions of a CRE or CRT. Additional capability beyond C2 such as aerial port and
aircraft maintenance are sourced and tasked elsewhere (typically from the CRWs or
various mobility wings).

(d) En Route Patient Staging System (ERPSS). ERPSS is a deployable

asset for temporary staging, casualty care, and administration support during
contingency operations. It is located at designated transportation hubs to support the
en route care of patients in the AE system. ERPSS holding capability is 2-6 hours for
patients in the tactical environment entering the patient movement system and up to 24
hours at en route strategic locations. The ERPSS requires logistical, clinical, ancillary
medical, and administrative support from the supporting base. The ERPSS may be
augmented with additional personnel and equipment to increase casualty staging
capability as needed.

Chapter IV

(e) Security Forces. Air mobility missions operate in areas where a threat
may exist. To mitigate these threats and provide limited aircraft security when appropriate
base defense forces are not present, AMC maintains deployable security forces called
Phoenix Raven teams comprised of individuals trained and equipped to provide protection
of the aircraft when transiting high-risk areas. These forces may be augmented by CCDR-
controlled fly-away security teams, who are trained to meet requirements to detect, deter,
and counter threats to personnel and aircraft at deployed locations by performing close-in
aircraft security and advising aircrew on dealing with detainee personnel. These forces
may be part of an airfield opening effort but do not provide sustained primary airfield


On 12 January 2010, the country of Haiti was ravaged by a magnitude

7.0 earthquake that devastated the capital city of Port-au-Prince and
caused an estimated 112,000 deaths and 194,000 casualties.

Special operations forces (SOF), including an Air Force special tactics

team, arrived at Toussaint Louverture Airport on the evening of 13
January 2010 to conduct austere airfield operations. Within hours,
United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) deployed an
Air Force assessment team to assess airfield status and prepare for the
joint task force-port opening (JTF-PO) main body arrival. The 818th
Contingency Response Group (CRG) assessment team consisted of a
CRG commander, an expeditionary mobility operations subject matter
expert, an airfield operations officer, two civil engineering pavement
specialists, a communications specialist, and a security forces

Shortly behind this small team was the first real-world use of an entire
Air Force CRG and Army Rapid Port Opening Element (RPOE)
combined. The 817 CRG and 688 RPOE joined to form USTRANSCOM’s
JTF-PO. Their mission was to safely run aerial port operations and
maximize humanitarian assistance throughput at the relatively small,
single-runway airport. After waiting in the holding pattern of Toussaint
Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince for 2.5 hours, the joint
assessment team (JAT) stepped off the aircraft the morning of 14
January to chaotic conditions.

The parking area at Toussaint Louverture only had 10 spots for large
aircraft. Prior to the JAT’s arrival, aircraft were parked close together
and the airfield was crowded with all manner of trucks and people
resulting in dangerous aircraft ground operations. If an accident
occurred on the airfield’s only runway, it could shut down the only major
airport in Haiti—with disastrous consequences for the relief effort. The
JAT immediately began inspecting the control tower, passenger
terminal, and areas for the JTF-PO main body use immediately upon

IV-10 JP 3-17
Air Mobility Support

A couple of hours after the JAT landed, the JTF-PO commander and
main body arrived on five C-17s. The team immediately began
coordinating bed-down and operations efforts with the JAT, SOF
controllers, special tactics teams, and Soldiers from the 688th RPOE.
On the periphery of the busy airfield, a 26-man security forces (SFs)
team set up a layered defense of the damaged perimeter. It soon
became apparent more SF assistance was needed. On 24 January, a
squadron of SF airmen from the 820th Base Defense Group, Moody Air
Force Base, Georgia, arrived and began working alongside JTF-PO
defenders to fully secure the airfield.

The JTF-PO brought order to the parking area by controlling the flow of
aircraft. A CRG maintenance crew chief was assigned to the SOF
special tactics teams who were directing aircraft ground and air traffic.
This Airman’s role was approving movement into the parking areas and
assigning parking locations to arriving flights, preventing taxiway
bottlenecks, and delays. Within a day, this logistical solution doubled
the number of aircraft transiting the airfield. Due to the myriad of aircraft
supporting the relief effort and a lack of compatible ground handling
equipment, foreign aircraft were often unloaded by hand.

The JTF-PO airfield manager developed a close working relationship

with his Haitian counterparts that proved invaluable to quickly and
efficiently solving countless problems across the airfield. Based on this
relationship and recommendation of Haitian airfield authorities, the
Haitian prime minister transferred airfield management responsibility to
the JTF-PO team.

Joint Task Force-Port Opening (JTF-PO): Port-au-Prince, Haiti

5. Airfield Opening and Global Air Mobility Support System

a. GAMSS forces may be the first USAF presence on an expeditionary airfield

regardless of how the airfield is gained (e.g., seizure or acceptance from a HN) or which
follow-on US or multinational entity will operate the airfield. When opening an airfield,
GAMSS forces normally coordinate actions with theater command elements to ensure
theater-specific responsibilities, such as force protection, meet mission requirements. All
deployed GAMSS forces should integrate with the host organization to the maximum
extent possible for force protection and communications. Additional issues that should be
considered during planning are: the handoff of the airfield from any seizure force to the
CRG or other GAMSS element, the CRG/GAMSS element to follow-on sustainment unit
or HN forces, and redeployment and reconstitution of the CRG/GAMSS.

b. Air Mobility Support Planning

(1) Successful deployment and employment of forces and materiel depend upon
timely and accurate planning of all US and coalition supported and supporting components.
The GAMSS is an integral part of the air mobility force, and its integration into the initial
deployment flow is critical to any effective planning process. Although relatively small in

Chapter IV

numbers, GAMSS forces fill a vital niche, and successful accomplishment of air mobility
operations hinges on this support. Defined areas of operations and responsibilities for
GAMSS personnel should be specified during planning of seizure/airfield opening

(2) These forward-deployed forces may augment the JDDOC in managing the
deployment of intertheater and intratheater assets for the supported CCDRs and, when a
contingency is complete, the redeployment of forces. Their effectiveness is directly related
to a commander’s understanding of a number of planning factors. Each factor needs careful
consideration to ensure the GCC’s requirements and objectives are achieved. All these
factors are interrelated and, therefore, should not be considered in isolation. To ensure
adequate support, coordination between GAMSS forces and theater planners should occur.
The following planning factors, while not all-inclusive for every operation, give
commanders the parameters involved in the proper use of GAMSS forces.

(3) Fundamental Considerations. Within the overall mobility support-planning

framework, there are four fundamental considerations: task, threat, core capabilities, and

(a) Task. Although specific circumstances and deployed locations may vary
and the GAMSS composition will change, the operational task and purpose of the GAMSS
remains constant. The basic requirement is to deploy GAMSS forces to a location where
they either establish operations at a previously unsupported base or augment the in-place
or permanent en route support system to conduct mobility support to worldwide common
users. Worldwide taskings for GAMSS forces center on this operation. The fixed
infrastructure is composed of CONUS and overseas en route locations. This entire network
is the foundation for GAMSS operations and their locations provide C2, logistics, and
aerial port services to meet DOD operational requirements.

(b) Threat. CCDRs should always be alert to the possible threats facing
GAMSS forces. This includes noncombat missions like humanitarian support missions.
Forces may face threats to security from individuals and groups, as well as military and
paramilitary units. Threat assessments should be conducted in consultation with
intelligence, security forces, counterintelligence forces, medical planners, interagency
partners, and in-country diplomatic and defense liaison personnel. A provision for force
protection is required for any operation. The threat assessment will determine the level of
force protection required. It may be necessary to consider delaying deployments until the
situation and area are stabilized. Threats can directly affect the flow of air mobility
operations and objectives of the JFC. Although GAMSS forces are trained to protect
themselves against both conventional weapons and CBRN threats and hazards, they should
be augmented by a dedicated force protection element whenever the assessed threat affects
operational success.

(c) Core Capabilities. The capabilities of the trained GAMSS forces are a
fundamental consideration. These forces have unique capabilities. They have multiple
technical qualifications and are packaged as deployment modules. They train as modules
and every effort should be made to deploy them as such. This training, experience, and

IV-12 JP 3-17
Air Mobility Support

organization makes them ready for autonomous operations in uncertain environments.

Consequently, commanders must carefully manage their allocation against prioritized

(d) Timing. The timing of force movements is a critical consideration.

GAMSS forces usually preposition upon receipt of the CJCS warning/alert order. This
early positioning enables effective airlift and aerial refueling operations. GAMSS forces
are sequenced early in the TPFDD or deployment order (DEPORD) planning. For large-
scale mobility operations, this early integration in the deployment flow ensures APODs are
prepared to receive cargo and passengers.

c. Planning Considerations. There are additional planning considerations impacting

throughput and affecting operation or campaign objectives.

(1) Footprint. The number of people, the amount of equipment deployed for an
operation, and the physical space they occupy on the ground comprise the footprint of the
force. The scale of any operation determines the footprint, but the proper balance of people
and equipment and using the reachback concept can minimize the footprint of deployed
forces. As footprint size increases, more airlift is required to support these forces and less
airlift is available to meet other JFC requirements. Diplomatic restrictions may affect the
size of a footprint. A HN may limit the number of foreign personnel on its soil, making
the need for reachback support even more crucial. Paring and tailoring of forces based on
the in-place infrastructure can also reduce the footprint. This reduction allows airlift assets
to be reassigned for other priority taskings.

(2) BOS and Expeditionary Combat Support (ECS). GAMSS forces may
deploy with limited or no organic BOS or ECS assets. Therefore, the supported
commander should be prepared to meet the additional requirements of GAMSS forces. If
tasked to augment theater-assigned BOS or ECS personnel, the GAMSS force commander
can plan for and deploy with additional support personnel.

(3) HNS. Deployed operations always rely to some extent on HNS. HNS can
include diplomatic clearances, airspace access, lodging, food services, POL, water,
communications, labor, or other types of support. Assessment of HNS capability and
willingness is a critical consideration in the planning phases. Shortfalls in HNS are
normally overcome through additional supply efforts including contract support. If this
assessment is not accurate, forces will not have adequate support to conduct operations or
finite transportation capacity will be wasted on cargo already available at the deployed
location. Use of HNS agreements can be an effective force enabler and force multiplier.
Obtaining local labor support from the HN affords US forces economy of force. The force
multiplying effect is the reduced airlift required for force support. Footprint size is also
dramatically reduced when HN services and support are maximized. To comply with
congressional oversight, HNS should be tracked and reported to the applicable command

(4) Contracted support can be a significant force multiplier. Operational contract

support provides tools and processes to manage the variety of services that may be required

Chapter IV

to support air mobility operations (i.e., base operational support, transportation, and
security). Contracted support and its associated contractor management challenges must
be integrated early in the operation planning process.

For more information on operational contract support, see JP 4-10, Operational Contract
Support, and DODI 3020.41, Operational Contract Support (OCS). For detailed
information on planning operational contract support, see CJCSM 4301.01, Planning
Operational Contract Support.

(5) Diplomatic Clearances. Diplomatic clearances are crucial planning

considerations. These types of clearances include aircraft overflight and landing rights,
communications connection approval, personnel visas, and other entry requirements. No
TPFDD, DEPORD flow, or sustainment channel mission can occur without appropriate
clearances obtained in advance. Without these clearances, the ability of GAMSS forces to
enable rapid global mobility can be halted. Diplomatic clearances impact footprint,
throughput, force protection, and, ultimately, operational success and should be acquired
prior to execution of a TPFDD or DEPORD.

IV-14 JP 3-17

“ The actual operation of a successful airlift is about as glamorous as drops of

water on stone. There’s no frenzy, no flap, just the inexorable process of getting
the job done. In a successful airlift, you don't see planes parked all over the
place; they're either in the air, on loading or unloading ramps, or being worked

Major General (later Lieutenant General) William H. Tunner,

Combined Airlift Task Force Commander for the Berlin Airlift, 1948

1. General

a. Airlift operations transport and deliver forces and materiel through the air
in support of strategic, operational, and/or tactical objectives. Airlift offers its
customers a high degree of speed, range, and flexibility. Airlift enables commanders to
respond and operate in a wide variety of circumstances and time frames that would be
impractical through other modes of transportation.

b. Airlift supports the US national military strategy by rapidly transporting

personnel and materiel to and from or within a theater. Airlift is a cornerstone of global
force projection. It provides the means to rapidly deploy and redeploy forces, on short
notice, to any location worldwide. Within a theater, airlift employment missions can be
used to transport forces directly into combat. To maintain a force’s level of effectiveness,
airlift sustainment missions provide resupply of equipment, personnel, and supplies.
Finally, airlift supports the movement of patients to treatment facilities and
noncombatants to safe havens. Airlift’s characteristics—speed, flexibility, range, and
responsiveness—complement other US mobility assets.

2. Airlift Operations

Airlift operations are defined by the nature of the mission rather than the airframe
used. Most aircraft are not exclusively assigned to one operational classification. In fact,
the vast majority of the air mobility force is capable of accomplishing any classification
of airlift. Intertheater and intratheater capabilities are available to all users of USAF

a. Intertheater Airlift. Intertheater airlift provides the critical link between


(1) During deployment operations, intertheater airlift requirements, while

significant, are to a large degree predictable. Such requirements normally are identified
in the TPFDD associated with a particular operation plan (OPLAN) or OPORD. A
TPFDD can be tailored to meet specific requirements when the mission is not aligned
with an OPLAN or modified to meet the requirements associated with a particular COA.
TDD resupply via airlift from CONUS to the theaters is critical in maintaining the flow
of materiel necessary to sustain operations. This concept uses both military and

Chapter V

commercial aircraft to support the sustainment flow that must begin as soon as
deployment operations begin.

(2) A key strength of airlift is its ability to quickly redeploy forces from one
theater to another. Airlift enables commanders to rapidly reposition forces between
theaters, thereby deterring threats from acting when US forces are engaged elsewhere.

(3) Diplomatic overflight and landing clearances are key to establishing an

efficient air bridge for deployment of TPFDD forces and sustainment. En route aircraft
clearances may be denied to aircraft suspected of having been contaminated. The
diplomatic clearances are processed IAW Department of Defense Directive (DODD)
4500.54E, DOD Foreign Clearance Program (FCP).

(4) The JFC must anticipate that formerly contaminated aircraft may be
removed from intertheater airlift operations.

b. Intratheater Airlift. Intratheater airlift provides air movement of resources,

personnel, and materiel within a GCC’s AOR. Typically, aircraft capable of
accomplishing a wide range of operational and tactical level missions conduct these
operations. Intratheater operations provide both general support, usually through
common-user airlift in response to the JFC’s movement priorities, and direct support,
normally using GCC-assigned and attached common-user air mobility forces.
Additionally, Service-organic airlift assets are responsive to the Service CC’s priorities.
Intratheater airlift requirements include TPFDD force movements and the continuation
of sustainment movements arriving in the theater, as well as on-demand movements and
routinely scheduled airlift missions for the movement of non-unit related cargo and

(1) Unit movements within the theater are in response to the JFC’s operation or
campaign plan. Once combat units are deployed to a theater, the JFC may use intratheater
airlift to maneuver forces to exploit weaknesses in the adversary’s position. In this
capacity, airlift allows the JFC to reposition forces expeditiously, achieve surprise, and
control the timing and tempo of operations.

(2) Movements within a theater also permit the continuing resupply of forward
units. These requirements normally are predictable, regular, and quantifiable when the
forces are not engaged in combat operations. During pre- or post-hostilities, these
requirements can usually be fulfilled through a fixed resupply schedule. However, once
forces are engaged, resupply requirements increase dramatically and become more
unpredictable and variable. The ability of airlift to rapidly and flexibly accommodate the
critical resupply requirements of units engaged and operating in such a dynamic
environment provides commanders with an essential warfighting capability.

3. Airlift Missions

The primary mission of airlift is passenger and cargo movement. This includes
combat employment and sustainment, AE, special operations support, and OSA. USAF
airlift forces perform these missions to achieve strategic-, operational-, and tactical-level

V-2 JP 3-17


On 26 December 2004 an undersea earthquake struck the Indian Ocean,

triggering a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most
bordering landmasses. With waves up to 100 feet, the tsunami killed
more than 225,000 people in eleven countries, and inundated coastal
communities. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in history.

The plight of the many affected people and countries prompted a

widespread humanitarian response. In all, the worldwide community
donated more than $7 billion (2004 US dollars) in humanitarian aid,
which was needed because of widespread damage of the infrastructure,
shortages of food and water, and economic damage. Epidemics were of
special concern due to the high population density and tropical climate
of the affected areas. The main focus of humanitarian and government
agencies was to provide sanitation facilities and fresh drinking water to
contain the spread of diseases such as cholera, diphtheria, dysentery,
typhoid and hepatitis. There was also a great concern that the death toll
could increase as disease and hunger spread. However, because of the
initial quick response, this was minimized.

Operation UNIFIED ASSISTANCE, controlled by Combined Support

Force (CSF) 536, delivered 6,685 passengers, 5,444 cargo tons of relief
supplies and medical aid. With a focus on air mobility as opposed to
combat operations, CSF 536 showcased how Air Mobility contributes to
humanitarian relief operations as part of a multinational effort that
included nongovernmental organizations.

Brigadier General Jan-Marc Jouas, US Air Force,

Director, Air Component Coordination Element

objectives across the range of military operations. Normally, movement requirements are
fulfilled through regularly scheduled channel missions over fixed-route structures with
personnel and cargo capacity available to all customers. These regularly scheduled
requirements are validated through the appropriate Service organization to
USTRANSCOM or GCC and then tasked by the 618 AOC (TACC), an AMD, or another
appropriate C2 node. Depending on user requirements, requests not supportable through
the channel structure can be fulfilled through use of other mission categories such as
SAAM, exercise, and contingency missions. Requests that cannot be satisfied by any of
the above missions may be referred to other transportation modes of the DTS. The airlift
system has the flexibility to surge and meet requirements that exceed routine, peacetime
demands for passenger and cargo movement. For example, during Operation ENDURING
FREEDOM (OEF) and Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF), new channel routes and
structures were established to support significantly increased airlift demands.

a. Combat Employment and Sustainment. Combat airlift missions are missions

that rapidly move forces, equipment, and supplies from one area to another in response to
changing battle conditions. Combat employment missions allow a commander to insert

Chapter V

surface forces directly and quickly into battle and to sustain combat operations. For
example, combat missions may involve airdropping paratroopers behind adversary lines.
Combat sustainment missions may consist of reinforcement of front-line forces engaged
with the enemy. Airlift affords commanders a high degree of combat maneuverability
permitting them to bypass adversary troop strongholds. This provides friendly forces a
potent offensive advantage and complicates the adversary’s defensive preparations. The
combat employment and sustainment mission usually accounts for a small percentage of
total airlift sorties; nevertheless, its importance is far greater than the number of sorties
indicates. This is a capability which, in most circumstances, cannot be accomplished by
other means.

(1) While this mission provides significant capabilities, it also carries substantial
risk. Success in combat and combat support hinges on air superiority and threat avoidance.
This requires accurate and timely intelligence regarding threats along the ingress and egress
routes and over the target area. Once delivered to the target area, the inserted force may
be totally dependent upon subsequent airlift operations for sustainment, movement,
withdrawal, or redeployment.

(2) Another important aspect of combat employment and sustainment is the

concept of forcible entry. In performing this mission, airlift forces are usually matched
with airborne, air assault, light infantry, or special forces specifically designed for delivery
by air. This mission normally involves inserting airborne forces via airdrop and will most
likely require integration with combat air forces (CAF) who will provide SEAD and escort
operations. However, carefully planned airland assault operations can be equally effective.
An example of intertheater forcible entry operations is the airdrop capability that the USAF
provides for the Army.

For more information, see JP 3-18, Joint Forcible Entry Operations.

(3) Deployment and Sustainment in Nonlinear Operations. In nonlinear

operations, forces orient on objectives without geographic reference to adjacent forces.
These operations require significant airlift/aerial delivery support for each deployment and
continued sustainment. Nonlinear operations were applied during Operation JUST
CAUSE. The joint forces oriented more on their assigned objectives (e.g., destroying an
enemy force or seizing and controlling critical terrain or population centers) and less on
their geographic relationship to other friendly forces. Nonlinear operations place a
premium on air mobility.

b. AE. AE is the movement of patients under medical supervision to and between

MTFs by air transportation. AE specifically refers to USAF-provided movement of
patients using organic and/or contracted mobility airframes with AE aircrew trained
explicitly for this mission. Movement of patients requires special ATC considerations to
comply with patient-driven altitude and pressurization restrictions, as well as medical
equipment approved for use with aircraft systems. Several processes occur once validated
PMRs have been identified.

V-4 JP 3-17


When Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry Regiment, a Canadian unit with

850 troops and 1500 tons of equipment, redeployed from Kandahar,
Afghanistan, following their tour supporting Operation ENDURING
FREEDOM in 2002, United States Transportation Command
(USTRANSCOM) determined airlift was the best mode available. The Air
Mobility Command (AMC) had several options, including what type of
aircraft to use and the route they would fly. In the end, C-5s were used
in a stage operation based in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Five C-
5s, six complete aircrews, 50 maintainers and aerial porters, and a
planning staff were prepositioned at Diego Garcia. Because of the fuel
requirement, the C-5s could not carry their maximum cargo loads and
fly nonstop from Afghanistan to Diego Garcia, so enroute air refueling
was required. This allowed the C-5s to fly at their maximum cargo
weight, which decreased the number of aircraft and sorties into
Kandahar by half.

This operation highlights two key points: first, it shows the Commander,
USTRANSCOM, as a warfighting commander with the appropriate
authorities to determine resource allocation. Had C-17s been used, it
would have required 45 sorties, as opposed to 28 C-5 sorties. The
aircrews flew tactical arrivals and departures, and ground personnel
conducted engine running onloads to minimize ground time in
Kandahar- ground times were cut to as little as 25 minutes, vice the
normal 3 hours, 15 minutes. Most of this time savings was due to
eliminating the ground refueling requirement. Minimizing the number of
aircraft and sorties maximizes safety in all cases, but it is especially
important in combat zones.

The second point this operation highlighted was the fact that often it is
better to use a supported/supporting command relationship. There are
times when it’s more effective to delegate operational control of aircraft
to the supported combatant command component commander, but
many times it is more effective to pass tasking requirements to
USTRANSCOM and let AMC draw from its entire air mobility fleet and
utilize its vast command and control and planning resources to conduct
the operation.

Various Sources

(1) The aeromedical evacuation control team (AECT) within each theater’s
JAOC/AOC performs AE operational mission planning, tasking, scheduling of airlift and
AE assets to support PMRs during intratheater and intertheater missions. The AECT
responds to PM requests that have been validated by the PMRC.

(2) For contingency or wartime operations, the AECT provides AE C2 for

assigned and attached AE forces. The AECT is the source of AE operational expertise
within the AMD. The AECT will coordinate AE operational mission planning, tasking,

Chapter V


The ability to use virtually any aircraft on-site or in-system (vice the old
system of dedicated aeromedical evacuation [AE] aircraft) provided a
quick response to casualty movement requirements. Air Mobility
Command AE forces supported approximately 7,847 patient movements
between 1January and 20 May 2004. “Some of the guys are hurt pretty
bad (sic). I wish that I could help them somehow, but the most I can do
is make sure the aircraft are configured right before every launch, make
sure that there is always a crew that is ready to fly, and that the aircraft
launches on time. You will never know how much it means to me that I
have had the opportunity to participate.”—Deployed AE support troop,
in email home.

General John W. Handy, USAF, Operation Iraqi Freedom - Air Mobility

By The Numbers (Headquarters Air Mobility Command,
October 1, 2003)

scheduling, and execution of airlift and AE assets to support PM in coordination with the
PMRC. The AECT will work closely with other JAOC divisions and teams to ensure AE
missions are completely integrated into the ATO.

(3) Intertheater AE will typically be OPCON to USTRANSCOM with C2

provided by the 618 AOC (TACC) and is accomplished using designated or retrograde
organic AE aircraft. Alternatives to organic AE aircraft may be pursued when competing
airlift or evacuee requirements reduce airframe availability. These alternatives could
include use of other organic military airlift, contracted commercial passenger aircraft, or
authorization for commercial travel for ambulatory patients who do not require in-flight
supportive medical care.

(4) Use of contracted commercial aircraft for AE is dependent on the threat in the
region. Normally, civilian aircrews are neither trained nor equipped to fly in contaminated
conditions. Except in very limited circumstances involving contracting for specialized air
ambulance services, commercial aircraft will not be used to move contaminated or
contagious patients.

(5) Intratheater AE is the movement of casualties and/or patients within the

theater of operations by aircraft directly or laterally to hospitals or to definitive care within

A variety of operational support airlift aircraft illustrate the variety of airlift missions.

V-6 JP 3-17

Aeromedical evacuation missions require use of medical equipment approved for use with
aircraft systems.

the theater. Intratheater-assigned AE forces will be OPCON to the GCC with C2

provided by the GCC’s JAOC to provide ITV of PMs and a handoff to the 618 AOC
(TACC) for intertheater lift using designated or retrograde organic AE aircraft.

Further information on AE PM can be found in JP 4-02, Joint Health Services; AFTTP

3-3.AOC, Operational Employment–Air and Space Operations Center; Air Force
Doctrine Annex 3-17, Air Mobility Operations; and AFTTP 3-42.5, Aeromedical

c. Special Operations Support. Specified airlift forces provide unique airland and
airdrop support to SOF. Since there are a limited number of airlift assets dedicated to
this mission, the principle of economy of force is particularly applicable. When
performing special operations missions, highly trained airlift and AR crews normally act
as an integral member of a larger joint package. Because these airlift missions routinely
operate under adverse conditions in a hostile environment, extensive planning,
coordination, and training are required to enhance mission success. Airlift and AR used
in a special operations role provides commanders the capability to achieve specific
operations or campaign objectives, which may not be feasible through more conventional
airlift practices.

d. OSA. OSA is the movement of high-priority passengers and cargo with time,
place, or mission-sensitive requirements. OSA missions are a special classification of
airlift mission support to provide for the timely movement of limited numbers of priority
personnel or cargo. The OSA aircraft fleet consists of executive and non-executive
aircraft. Executive aircraft are dedicated to the airlift of DOD and federal senior officials

Chapter V

and DOD-approved senior officials. Non-executive aircraft support passenger and cargo
airlift during peacetime but also support CCMD wartime requirements during conflict.
USTRANSCOM is responsible for the scheduling and tasking of OSA operations
regarding CONUS-based assets while the Services validate OSA requests. Theaters with
their own OSA aircraft are responsible for scheduling and execution tasking of OSA
operations within their AORs. Within a theater, OSA assets and their scheduling should
reside with their respective Service component and may be made available for tasking at
the CCDRs direction.

Further information on OSA missions can be found in DODD 4500.56, DOD Policy on
the Use of Government Aircraft and Air Travel, and DODI 4500.43, Operational Support
Airlift (OSA).

(1) In theory, almost any aircraft could contribute to the intratheater effort. In
practice, however, the bulk of intratheater missions are normally done by fixed-wing
aircraft provided by the USAF component, while some limited or specialized missions
may be accomplished by fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft provided by other Services.
It is important to consider that aircraft performance characteristics will be directly
affected by such factors as gross weight, atmospheric conditions, runway length and
condition, and flight obstacles as outlined in Service publications. Additionally, the
Services operate more specialized fixed-wing transports capable of performing TS/MC
requirements for forward-deployed units. TS/MC missions are those that are generally
unplanned in nature and which respond to the supported commanders’ immediate
operational or tactical requirements.

(2) It is often difficult to view the relative contributions of the components of

the joint force in isolation. Each is critical to the success of a joint operation and each
has unique capabilities that cannot be duplicated. Common-user airlift achieves an
economy of force. Rather than each Service and non-DOD agency providing its own
airlift, airlift is consolidated and tasked to support all organizations. While different
types of operations will have varying requirements, the following highlights some of the
airlift requirements of the various organizations that use common-user airlift.

(a) USTRANSCOM. GAMSS forces normally deploy early in an

operation to establish en route and destination support. This may consume a large portion
of the first airlift missions.

(b) Army. Even though the Army has significant organic airlift assets, it
often has the largest requirement for common-user airlift. ARFOR rely heavily on
intertheater and intratheater airlift for deployment, airborne operations, and
redeployment of personnel and early arriving or departing unit equipment. Sustainment
is also moved during deployment, but its delivery must frequently be balanced against
force deployment or redeployment requirements because these operations share the same
deployment and distribution infrastructure and other resources. The Army’s pre-
positioning program also requires significant airlift to move troops to designated
locations to link up with prepositioned equipment.

V-8 JP 3-17

Limited or specialized missions may be accomplished by fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft

provided by Services other than the Air Force.

(c) USN. Sustainment and combat readiness of deployed naval forces

depends on flexible and highly responsive intertheater airlift support. Afloat naval forces
normally serve as a force enabler and consequently require the least amount of common-
user airlift support. However, the USN depends on common-user airlift to sustain forward-
deployed operations with personnel, materiel, and mail from CONUS to overseas bases.
The Navy depends on organic, land-based, fleet-essential airlift assets to transport
passengers and cargo intratheater from the APOD to forward logistics sites for further
transfer to fleet units. Naval organic airlift, known as Navy-unique fleet essential airlift,
then transports passengers, mail, and critical materiel from forward sites to underway
forces. Although naval organic airlift satisfies most intratheater requirements, the Navy
requires some common-user airlift to augment this capability.

(d) USMC. USMC forces require common-user airlift when deploying into
a theater as part of either a maritime pre-positioning force MAGTF or as an air contingency
MAGTF. During maritime pre-positioning force operations, USMC forces are airlifted to
join maritime pre-positioned equipment and supplies at the arrival and assembly area.
Additional fly-in echelons of personnel, equipment, and supplies are airlifted into the
theater to complete and sustain the force. The air contingency MAGTF requires
intertheater airlift of both personnel and equipment. Depending on the mission, operations
ashore may require intertheater and intratheater common-user airlift support to sustain
and/or support the force.

Chapter V

(e) USAF. Most USAF mobility aircraft self-deploy; however, unit support
personnel and equipment require airlift to the destination with or before the deploying unit
aircraft. Dedication of significant airlift assets to USAF units may be required early in
deployment operations. USAF units normally begin air operations shortly after arrival.
Therefore, airlift must be able to rapidly deploy full squadron support packages, to include
combat support elements, their equipment, and both initial and sustainment supplies.

(f) United States Coast Guard (USCG). The USCG operates fixed-wing
and rotary-wing aircraft, which are capable of providing flexible and responsive common-
user airlift but is limited by statutory priorities and a lack of strategic support facilities.
USCG organic airlift is normally sufficient to satisfy USCG airlift requirements. In
addition, the USCG often relies on DOD airlift assistance for OCONUS deployments and
CCMD-supported missions. If Congress or the President transfers the USCG from
Department of Homeland Security to DOD during wartime (as a Service within the
Department of the Navy, per Title 14, United States Code [USC], Section 3), designated
USCG aircraft may be available as common-user airlift. Otherwise, USCG airlift may be
requested from Commander, USCG Atlantic Area, or Commander, USCG Pacific Area,
under Title 31, USC, Sections 1535 and 1536.

(g) SOF. SOF have highly trained aircrews and specially configured aircraft
dedicated to conduct specialized air mobility tasks, including infiltration, exfiltration, and
resupply of SOF. These aircraft are not part of the common-user system and have limited
capability to perform large-scale deployment, sustainment, and redeployment operations.
Due to their unique capabilities, special operations aircrew and aircraft may be requested
to support other specific specialized air mobility missions, but their use must be
deconflicted with higher-priority special operations requirements. Although it is possible
for SOF to provide some common-user airlift to the theater if directed by the JFC, this
would only be done in exceptional cases. SOF are augmented by common-user airlift
support. Additionally, selected conventional airlift forces with specially trained aircrews
and modified aircraft may augment SOF airlift capability.

1. The JFSOCC obtains airlift and provides an STT to support airlift

operations by following the procedures in this publication and in JP 3-05, Special
Operations. Intratheater airlift forces provide valuable support for SOF. For routine
logistics requirements, SOF request intratheater airlift support through their respective
supporting Service component. When SOF units require airlift to perform special
operations-specific missions that require specially trained and equipped airlift forces, they
transmit their request through their SOF command channels. Airlift personnel (particularly
aircrews) expected to provide employment airlift support to SOF should be fully
incorporated into the SOF operation planning process and, if necessary, entered into
isolation for tactical rehearsals.

2. Airlift aircraft and crews should not be taken out of the airlift system
any longer than necessary to prepare them for the anticipated operation. Standing down
aircraft for longer periods could waste valuable lift capacity and increase the signature of
the SOF’s preparation phase.

V-10 JP 3-17

(h) Contract Airlift. National airlift policy dictates that commanders shift
airlift workload to commercial carriers if surge and training requirements have been met
and threat conditions allow. Gaining rapid access to commercial carriers through a flexible
and responsive contractual mechanism is a significant force multiplier. Commercial
carriers can provide tremendous capability using existing commercial networks on short
notice allowing JFCs the flexibility to use organic aircraft for higher priority missions or
for special missions unsuited for commercial airlift.

(i) Other Non-DOD Agencies. USG departments and agencies, such as

DOS and the Drug Enforcement Administration, use DOD airlift for activities such as
NEO, counterdrug operations, foreign humanitarian assistance, and defense support of civil
authorities. Non-DOD agencies may use common-user airlift, providing the DOD mission
is not impaired. The movement must be of an emergency, lifesaving nature, specifically
authorized by statute, in direct support of the DOD mission, or requested by the head of an
agency of the government under the Economy Act (Title 31, USC, Sections 1535 and 1536)
and/or the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (or Stafford
Act) (Title 42, USC, Chapter 68, Section 5121). The Economy Act permits one federal
agency to request the support of another, provided that the requested services cannot be
obtained more cheaply or conveniently by contract. Under this act, a lead federal agency
may request the support of the DOD without a presidential declaration of an emergency as
required by the Stafford Act. The Stafford Act sets the policy of the USG to provide an
orderly and continuing means of supplemental assistance to state and local governments in
their responsibilities to alleviate the suffering and damage that result from major disasters
or emergencies. It is the primary legal authority for federal participation in domestic
disaster relief. Under the Stafford Act, the President may direct federal agencies, including
DOD, to support disaster relief. DOD may be directed to provide assistance in one of three
different scenarios: a presidential declaration of a major disaster, a presidential order to
perform emergency work for the preservation of life and property, or a presidential
declaration of emergency. To obtain common-user airlift, non-DOD agencies submit
requests IAW Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR) 4500.9-R, The Defense
Transportation Regulations.

4. Airland Delivery

a. Airland is the preferred method of aerial delivery. Planners should view airland
delivery as the primary means for most air movements. In the airland delivery method,
airlifted personnel and materiel are disembarked, unloaded, or unslung from an aircraft
after it has landed or, in the case of vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, after it has entered
a hover.

b. Airland delivery is usually the most efficient delivery method for moving
equipment, personnel, and supplies for the following reasons:

(1) It allows a greater degree of unit integrity and the capability to rapidly employ
units after landing.

(2) It carries the least risk of injuring personnel and damaging loads.

Chapter V

(3) It requires minimal specialized training and equipment for transported


(4) It seldom requires special rigging of materiel.

(5) It permits the maximum utilization of ACL by eliminating the volume and
weight penalties of preparing loads for airdrop deliveries.

(6) It maximizes the opportunity to backhaul or evacuate cargo, patients, and


c. The principal disadvantages of airland operations are:

(1) It requires airfields or LZs that are moderately level or unobstructed and
adequate for the anticipated operation.

(2) It may increase mission intervals and, thus, the total time for delivery of a
given force, depending on airfield size, offload equipment availability, and airfield support

(3) It normally requires airlift mission support such as ground-handling and

transportation assets.

(4) It prolongs exposure of aircraft, crews, and ground support personnel to air or
ground attacks.

(5) It reduces available airlift flexibility when using uncontaminated aircraft to

land in a contaminated environment. Once an aircraft is contaminated, it will not be
allowed to be operated in an uncontaminated environment.

(6) It may require additional sorties to deliver MHE.

d. When planning airland operations, consideration should be given, but not limited,
to the following:

(1) The duration and location of the operation.

(2) The type and amount of cargo or number of passengers for delivery.

(3) The number and type airlift assets available and aircrews and ground crews
available to fly and service them.

(4) The desired phasing of forces into the operating area.

(5) The expected threats throughout the mission.

(6) Force protection requirements.

(7) APOE/en route/APOD airfield capabilities, to include:

V-12 JP 3-17

(a) Working MOG reflecting the number of aircraft that can cycle through
an airfield in a given time based on services available.

(b) Available MHE.

(c) POL storage and dispensing capability.

(d) Available transportation assets to transport cargo and personnel.

(e) Pavement strength and obstacle clearance requirements.

(f) Aircraft servicing, maintenance, and damage repair capabilities.

(g) Crew rest facilities.

(8) Airspace considerations, to include the ability to control airspace in the

absence of ATC facilities.

For further information on TTP for terminal airfield ATC, see Army Techniques
Publication 3-52.3 (FM 3-52.3)/MCRP 3-25A/NTTP 3-56.3/AFTTP 3-2.23, Multi-Service
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Joint Air Traffic Control.

(9) The weather conditions.

(10) Night operation/night vision device requirements.

(11) Aircrew survival measures, including escape and evasion points, routes,
corridors, and safe haven locations.

e. Airland operations generally fall within the following four concepts:

(1) Hub and Spoke Operations. Intertheater airland operations normally

offload personnel and materiel at a main operating location within the theater.
Subsequently, intratheater airlift moves designated personnel and equipment to forward
operating locations, an employment concept referred to as a hub and spoke operation (see
Figure V-1). Hub and spoke operations allow planners to maximize the capabilities of each
aircraft type and they provide a safe location for transloading operations by avoiding flights
into high-threat or contaminated locations. This is particularly important for nonmilitary
aircraft which typically lack defensive countermeasure equipment.

(a) Hub and spoke operations permit flexible dispersion (to include last-
minute changes in requirements) between the various FOBs.

(b) Units should consider the required MHE and transportation assets needed
to transfer personnel, equipment, and cargo from one aircraft to another.

(2) Direct Delivery. Direct delivery involves airlifting personnel and materiel
from ports of embarkation to forward operating locations in the theater. By bypassing
intermediate operating bases and the transshipment of payloads typically associated

Chapter V

Illustration of Hub and Spoke and Direct Delivery

Employment Concepts


APOD aerial port of debarkation hub and spoke
APOE aerial port of embarkation direct delivery
FOB forward operating base

Figure V-1. Illustration of Hub and Spoke and Direct Delivery

with hub and spoke operations (see Figure V-1), direct delivery typically shortens in-
transit time and reduces congestion at main operating bases. Direct delivery can use
airland or airdrop delivery methods. For example, personnel can be airlifted from
CONUS and delivered directly to the theater by airlanding or airdropping them at a
forward operating location.

(a) Direct delivery is often the quickest method for delivery of TS cargo.
While these operations are more complex, they can significantly reduce the GAMSS
footprint by eliminating transshipping operations, reducing the number of diplomatic
clearances required and, in most cases, decreasing closure time. Direct delivery is not,
however, the best solution for large movements or when there are multiple FOBs that
must be serviced.

(b) Most direct delivery operations will require an air bridge and
associated AR support. AR support will increase the number of aircraft required to
accomplish the mission.

(3) Stage Operations. Aircraft ranges, crew requirements, and mission

limitations may dictate the need for intermediate stops. This practice is also called “lily
pad operations” (see Figure V-2). The final leg into the AOR or JOA may terminate at
the final destination or at a theater hub. These operations require en route support
locations and may place a heavier burden on the GAMSS.

V-14 JP 3-17

Illustration of Lily Pad Operations

Intermediate Stop
 Refuel
 New crew

Onload Point Offload Point

Figure V-2. Illustration of Lily Pad Operations

(4) Air Bridge. Air bridge operations refer to flights between CONUS and
OCONUS terminals where the receiver aircraft’s range is augmented by an in-flight
refueling on designated AR tracks (see Figure V-3).

f. Planners should also consider the following for airland operations:

(1) Airfield and aerial port capabilities may result in mission delays and backlog
cargo at intermediate or theater offload terminals.

(2) AR and airlift forces have finite maintenance and regeneration cycles, which
may quickly be exceeded.

(3) GAMSS forces have limited organic resources and can only operate
“barebase” terminals for limited time periods.

g. For movement planning purposes, airlift aircraft load planning considerations are
either administrative-loading or combat-loading.

Illustration of Air Bridge Operations

Air Refueling Point

Stop Bypassed
or Minimized

Onload Point Offload Point

Figure V-3. Illustration of Air Bridge Operations

Chapter V

(1) Administrative-loading gives primary consideration to using airlift assets

most efficiently. Administrative-loading maximizes use of volumes and weight capacities
of airlift aircraft and their ACL without regard to ground force tactical considerations.
Routine air movement is usually unopposed and uses secure airfields or well-established
LZs; the majority of these missions involve the administrative loading of troops and

(2) Combat-loading arranges personnel and materiel to arrive at their intended

destination in an order and condition so they are ready for immediate use. Combat-loading
maximizes the combat readiness of the organizations and equipment being moved and
stresses effectiveness. Airlift forces can move combat-loaded units to maximize their
readiness for immediate combat operations. Given the assumption of immediate combat,
user requirements should dictate scheduling and load planning.

h. LZ Considerations:

(1) The JFC determines the most suitable LZ locations. The selected sites must
meet aircraft operational requirements, ground component requirements, and construction

(a) If an airfield is to be constructed, the supported component engineer, the

JFC-designated representative, and the USAF staff engineer must agree on its specific site.
The supported component engineer controls the selected site until the designated airlift
representative accepts use of the LZ.

(b) Aircraft may have to use LZ facilities before construction is completed.

In addition to emergency landing situations, delivery of additional construction equipment,
emergency supplies, or reinforcing units may be necessary. The supported component
construction engineer and the designated airlift representative should jointly agree to such

(c) When established construction requirements have been met and the
designated airlift representative accepts the LZ, control of the LZ passes to the airlift
mission commander. The JFC staff assigns an appropriate engineer force to repair and
maintain the critical landing surfaces, taxiway, and hardstands. The composition and size
of the unit will depend on the threat situation, type and location of the LZ, availability of
engineering forces, expected LZ use, and weather.

(2) Although the senior planning headquarters assigns the general landing area,
subordinate units usually designate specific LZs. Desirable characteristics of LZs are ease
of identification from the air; suitable airfield capabilities; a straight, unobstructed, and
secure approach for aircraft; and close proximity to ground objectives. Depending upon
mission requirements, some LZs may be developed into more sophisticated facilities.

For additional information, see JP 3-34, Joint Engineer Operations.

(3) LZs should be classified according to the applicable aircraft and airfield
criteria furnished by the construction engineer. Essential airland facilities should be

V-16 JP 3-17

identified before the operation begins. Minimum facilities are provided initially to permit
early occupancy and for safe and efficient landing operations. Plans and orders should
provide for later improvements to increase the efficiency of operations and safety factors
of the facility.

(4) Suitability of LZ dimensions vary according to the types of aircraft involved.

Factors considered include aircraft ground roll, temperature, field elevation, and nature and
conditions of the landing surface. Expected maximum takeoff and landing gross weights,
obstructions, and terrain on approach and departure must also be considered.

(5) Existing facilities, such as roads and open areas, should be used to reduce the
time and effort for new construction. Furthermore, airland facilities should be dispersed to
avoid becoming lucrative targets. HN agencies may be used to identify emergency or
contingency runways.

5. Airdrop

In the various airdrop methods, airlifted personnel and materiel are deployed from
aircraft still in flight. Airdrop of forces, equipment, and/or supplies support the joint
functions movement and maneuver, and sustainment.

a. Airdrop is often militarily advantageous.

(1) It permits sustainment deliveries to units operating away from airfields and

(2) It permits the delivery of combat forces and materiel, concentrated and in
mass, in minimum space and time (often with the element of surprise).

(3) It may allow airlift aircraft to deploy personnel and materiel in conditions of
poor visibility that would otherwise preclude airland operations.

(4) Medium-/high-altitude airdrop methods enable aircraft to remain above some

low-altitude threats.

(5) It permits critical cargo delivery by an uncontaminated aircraft into a

contaminated LZ or airfield.

(6) It may require SEAD escort operations, which will require reallocation of
CAF assets.

b. In relation to airland delivery, airdrop delivery has several disadvantages.

(1) It carries an increased risk of injury to personnel or damage to cargo.

(2) It requires special training for the riggers, transported personnel, and the

Chapter V

(3) It can limit ACL utilization substantially because of the special rigging
required for airdropped materiel.

(4) It requires more mission planning time due to the complexity of airdrop

(5) If employed by a large formation, it represents an operational-level risk.

Detection and successful attack by the adversary could result in the loss of two critical
assets: the airlift force and the unit and/or materiel being carried. Accordingly, the decision
to use the airdrop method is predicated on determining if a user’s requirements justify the
risk to, and expenditure of, scarce and costly airdrop resources.

(6) It is less precise than with airland delivery and carries greater potential for
unplanned dispersion.

c. Responsibilities. The JFC makes the decision to continue, cancel, or postpone

airdrop operations based on the recommendations of the ground and air CCs. The airborne
force commander and airlift mission commander should coordinate with each other
throughout the aerial delivery planning and mission execution on matters such as:

(1) Flight routing to/from the objective area to include re-attack options.

(2) DZ size and geographic relationship to the initial objective.

(3) Terrain conditions on the DZ that could cause an unacceptable number of

injuries, excessive equipment damage or loss, or other deployment delays.

(4) Routes to the DZ, terrain obstructions, ease of zone identification, and
adversary defenses.

(5) Earliest possible collaboration on intelligence matters, to include

requirements for intelligence data, information, and geospatial products.

(6) Identification of MC cargo and a “go or no-go” decision point.

d. The airlift mission commander should also coordinate with the supported force
commander before determining the tactics to employ. Many factors influence this decision,
including the size of DZs, surrounding terrain features, tactical scheme of maneuver,
enemy air defenses, and en route and objective area weather.

e. C2. Clear C2 authorities are essential. The airdrop system should be designed to
be responsive in supporting requirements. Airdrop resupply is a joint action between the
USAF component and the component being supported. Supported components are
responsible for providing required supplies, rigging them for airdrop, and delivering them
to the departure airfield. The supported component is also responsible for loading the
supplies onto the airdrop aircraft under supervision of USAF personnel.

V-18 JP 3-17

(1) Units requesting airdrop resupply have responsibilities to accomplish both

before and after submission of airdrop requests. Before submitting requests, units should

(a) Supplies and equipment needed,

(b) Location of DZ, and

(c) Time and date airdrop is desired.

(2) After airdrop requests are submitted, units:

(a) Prepare and secure the DZ.

(b) Control the DZ in the absence of a USAF STT. DZST personnel may
operate DZs under visual meteorological conditions and instrument meteorological
conditions (peacetime training based upon equipment availability) for a single aircraft and
formations up to and including three aircraft).

(c) Recover airdropped supplies and equipment.

(d) Recover, retrograde, or destroy airdrop equipment.

f. Airdrop Methods. Airdrop is an alternate to airland for delivering personnel,

equipment, and supplies. The type of airdrop (low or medium-high altitude, low velocity
drop, high velocity drop, free drop, single aircraft, or multi-aircraft) depends on the threat,
the required payload, the accuracy required, and whether mass is required on the DZ. Units
requesting airdrop should request a capability. The supporting command should task the
appropriate asset and tacticians should determine the appropriate method of airdrop.

(1) Personnel Airdrop. Personnel airdrops use static line or free fall procedures.
In general, static line airdrops occur from fixed-wing/rotary-wing aircraft at altitudes below
1,500 feet above ground level (AGL) and are often used to minimize paratroopers’
exposure to ground threats while under the canopy. Conversely, free all airdrops normally
occur above 5000 feet AGL. Specialized free fall procedures (high-altitude low-
opening/high-altitude high-opening) may be used to insert personnel as part of a
clandestine operation.

For additional information, see applicable Service manuals and directives (i.e., FM 3-
21.220, Static Line Parachuting Techniques and Training, and Army Techniques
Publication 3-18.11, Special Forces Military Free-Fall Operations).

(2) Heavy-Equipment Airdrop. Heavy equipment loads consist of vehicles,

equipment, or supplies rigged for airdrop on Type V platforms which are extracted
singularly or sequentially by extraction parachutes.

(3) CDS Airdrop. A CDS airdrop is a gravity assisted airdrop utilizing A-22
containers rigged to different parachutes. There are two basic rigging varieties for CDS:

Chapter V

CDS (using low rate of fall chutes) and high-velocity container delivery system (HVCDS)
in which the loads are cushioned with extra energy absorbing material and contain supplies
that can withstand high-velocity impact. A subset of the HVCDS is the low-cost aerial
delivery system (LCADS) which uses one-time-use, low-cost parachutes to deploy

(a) Extracted Container Delivery System (XCDS). XCDS airdrop

deploys standard CDS bundles from the aircraft ramp and door at very-low altitudes via an
extraction chute. XCDS provides a circular error (CE) within 100 meters while enabling a
higher-density/smaller-dispersal footprint on the DZ.

(b) Low-Cost, Low-Altitude. Low-cost, low-altitude airdrop is an aerial

delivery system consisting of low-weight airdrop bundles deployed from the aircraft ramp
and door at very-low altitudes, enabling CE accuracy within 100 meters. This airdrop is
appropriate for employment within or near a FOB or close to troops.

(4) Improved Container Delivery System (ICDS) Airdrop. An ICDS airdrop

uses standard A-22 containers (up to 10,000 pounds in weight) rigged with various types
of parachutes. The improved aspect is achieved by using joint precision airdrop system
(JPADS) software to leverage 557th Weather Wing wind data and dropsonde (an
expendable weather reconnaissance device designed to be dropped from an aircraft at
altitude to measure atmospheric conditions as it falls to the surface) GPS telemetry data to
calculate a more accurate ballistic wind and a more refined release point. The resultant
effect is potential increased drop accuracy from low- and high-altitude airdrops (chute-type
dependent) operations, in day/night/instrument meteorological conditions/visual
meteorological conditions. Similar to conventional CDS, ICDS may be rigged as CDS or
HVCDS, or LCADS. LCADS offers the accuracy and threat mitigation benefits of ICDS,
while also mitigating the equipment retrograde requirement through the use of one-time-
use chutes.

(5) JPADS. JPADS is a family of GPS-guided, self-maneuvering systems. The

overall basic system consists of a common mission planner, an airborne guidance unit, and
multiple steerable parachute/parafoil systems. Certain systems require dropsonde
employment. Flight profiles can vary significantly with system type utilized. Airspace
deconfliction is a critical JPADS employment operations planning factor. While JPADS
is not a universal airdrop solution, it is the preferred method for high-altitude drops over
difficult terrain where limiting the exposure of ground troops to enemy fire and minimizing
risk to aircraft and aircrews are at a premium.

(6) Free Fall Airdrop. Free fall airdrop involves dropping small items such as
packaged meals or unbreakable objects like hay bales without the use of a parachute.

(a) Leaflet Airdrop. Leaflets are used in support of military information

support operations. The required leaflet dispersion pattern is based on leaflet size, paper
weight utilized, target/coverage area size, and wind speed. These factors impact drop
altitude and possible run-in headings. An accurate weather forecast is the single most
important requirement.

V-20 JP 3-17

Container delivery system bundles departing a C-17 during an airdrop mission.

(b) Tri-wall Aerial Distribution System Airdrop. Tri-wall Aerial

Distribution System is used to airdrop containers of humanitarian daily rations during
humanitarian airdrop operations. It uses standard CDS procedures with boxes rigged to
destruct at the end of a static line as they exit the aircraft, causing their contents to be
dispersed into the air. Like leaflet drops, target/coverage area size is a factor when
determining drop altitude.

g. DZ Considerations. DZ size and selection are the shared responsibility of the

supporting and supported JFCs and depend on the load being dropped, method of delivery,
dispersal pattern, and the level of risk the JFC is willing to accept. A physical survey,
accomplished by a qualified surveyor, and a safety-of-flight review are required before a
DZ can be approved for use. The supported force is responsible for DZ establishment,
operation, safety, and elimination or acceptance of ground hazards associated with the DZ.
The airlift mission commander is responsible for the safety-of-flight review.

(1) DZ Types. There are several different types of DZs that can be tailored to
specific operations and locations.

(a) Rectangular. DZs are normally rectangular due to the longer length
requirements. These DZs have one axis of flight that permit run-ins from opposite

(b) Area. An area DZ, illustrated in Figure V-4, consists of a start point
(point A), an end point (point B), and a prearranged flight path (line of flight) over a series
of acceptable drop sites between these points.

Chapter V

Area Drop Zone

+ Point A
Drop Sites

A ir
ft L
i ne
of F

Point B

Figure V-4. Area Drop Zone

(c) Circular. A circular DZ, shown in Figure V-5, has multiple run-in
headings and is inherently random. Mission requirements and usable terrain govern its
size. The radius of a circular DZ corresponds to the minimum required distance from the
point of impact to one of the trailing edge corners of a rectangular DZ for the same type
and number of loads being dropped. In other words, the entire DZ box fits inside the circle.
Water DZs and JPADS DZs are normally circular in shape.

(2) Airdrop Considerations. A wide variety of factors determine the conduct

of airdrop operations.

(a) DZ Wind. The JFC, based on recommendations by the ground and air
CCs, may accept the high risk, cancel, or postpone the operation because of excessive wind
velocity on the DZ.

(b) Drop Altitudes. Minimum altitudes for airdrop operations are based on
the operational requirements of the personnel and cargo airdrop systems used. In a high-
risk, high-threat environment, survivability of airlift aircraft may require dropping
parachutists and equipment at the lowest possible altitude. However, if the threat situation
permits, aircraft performing normal low-altitude, low-velocity drop operations should drop
above the minimum altitude to increase load survivability.

(c) DZ Size and Selection. The JFC determines the general area for the
airborne operation. Factors influencing DZ selection are:

V-22 JP 3-17

Circular Drop Zone

Line of Flight
Point of Impact


Figure V-5. Circular Drop Zone

1. Physical characteristics of available DZs and surrounding areas,

2. Threat assessment,

3. Method of air delivery,

4. Number of airdrop loads or personnel, and

5. Length of the desirable dispersion pattern.

6. Planning Considerations for Airborne Assaults and Follow-on Airland Operations

a. Planning airlift operations is a complicated process involving a few basic

principles and numerous interdependent considerations. Service components must
facilitate their airlift movement process. This responsibility includes performing and
arranging to:

(1) Bring units and materiel to departure terminals;

(2) Prepare those resources for air movement;

(3) Provide support services (meals, medical, billeting, and other appropriate
services) to transient and arriving units;

Chapter V

(4) Receive and transport units and materiel from arrival terminals; and

(5) Prepare all manifests, movement documents, and reports related to the actual

For additional information on airborne assaults and follow-on land operations, see JP 3-
18, Joint Forcible Entry Operations.

b. The purpose of these actions is to move component resources expeditiously, with

minimum expenditure of resources and minimum exposure to hostile actions.
Responsibility for controlling movements does not equate to command authority over
airlift forces. Studies, concepts, and OPLANs for employment of forces are prepared to
cover possible missions and locations. Detailed planning for specific operations is
performed by the participating component commands and subordinate commands; to
enhance efficiency, all participants should make maximum use of existing plans.

c. Consider these principles when planning for airlift movements:

(1) Minimize movement congestion and vulnerability by reducing the time units
and materiel spend en masse at forward terminals and synchronize the positioning of units
and material with airlift capability.

(2) Maximize the productivity and survivability of airlift aircraft by minimizing

aircraft ground times at forward locations.

(3) Minimize sortie requirements by repackaging all materiel for air shipment,
ensuring combat personnel travel with their maximum authorized individual loads of
rations, ammunition, or other personal protective equipment and splitting units into air-
essential and surface movement echelons (whenever possible).

(4) Ensure personnel are adequately fed, rested, and protected at en route stops.

(5) Deploy personnel and communications equipment necessary to track and

report on all air movements.

d. Different missions will require the use of different airlift assets. The Services
possess a variety of fixed-wing and rotary-wing platforms capable of performing the air
mobility role.

(1) The main advantage of fixed-wing aircraft over ground surface transportation
modes is that they combine speed (250 to 500 knots, depending on aircraft type) and the
ability to carry substantial to very large cargo capacities (7 to over 100 tons, also depending
on aircraft type). This provides the capability to quickly move large amounts of personnel
and materiel over greater distances. Airlift can also be employed to reduce the need for
ground convoy operations that are vulnerable to enemy attack. The combination of their
speed and tactics also enhances their survivability, while their range generally allows them
to be based in relatively secure and logistically easier-to-support rear areas. The main
disadvantages are their terminal requirements, which can limit their flexibility, and their

V-24 JP 3-17

size and limited maneuverability, which increases their vulnerability to ground and air
attack. These disadvantages are particularly pronounced for the larger transports. Under
most circumstances, smaller transports, such as the C-130, are usually suited to a sustained
intratheater airlift role, and the larger transports are best suited for the intertheater airlift

(2) In a CBRN-contaminated environment, plan to avoid contaminating air

mobility aircraft, thus preserving limited assets for future use. Avoid airland operations
into contaminated airfields by airdropping critical supplies and equipment or shifting
deliveries to uncontaminated airfields (consider use of austere LZs such as highway
landing strips and dirt and/or gravel LZ construction).

(3) The Services and US Special Operations Command also operate rotary-wing
and tiltrotor aircraft, such as the UH-1, H-60, V-22, CV-22, CH-46, CH-47, and CH-53,
which possess intrinsic intratheater airlift capabilities. Rotary-wing and tiltrotor aircraft
can be useful for intratheater purposes for the following reasons:

(a) Their ability to operate at smaller, undeveloped LZs increases their

flexibility and often reduces ground-transit times for their loads.

(b) Their ability to transport personnel and materiel to and from forward-
deployed ships increases expeditionary flexibility.

(c) Their terrain-hugging flight capabilities enhance their survivability in

certain threat situations.

(d) Their ability to sling-load some types of materiel allows them to pick up
and deliver loads with minimal ground-handling delays.

(4) However, in relation to fixed-wing aircraft, the inherent aerodynamic

inefficiencies of rotary-wing aircraft sharply restrict payload and range capabilities. In
addition, their mechanical characteristics give them a high ratio of support-man-hours to
flight-hours. Consequently, rotary-winged assets:

(a) Usually are not suited to sustained airlift operations beyond about 50-100
nautical miles from a refueling point.

(b) Usually require more maintenance hours per hour of flight time.

(c) Usually are based at LZs not well suited to large-scale, sustained, fixed-
wing airlift operations.

(5) For these reasons, airlift-capable rotary-wing and tiltrotor assets are normally
assigned as organic combat and combat support elements to surface combat organizations.
Thus, in deciding to use the capabilities of any organic rotary-wing assets to support the
intratheater airlift effort, the JFC should consider their vital importance to their assigned
organizations, as well as their utility to specific airlift missions. Intratheater airlift
requirements that might best be filled by rotary-wing aircraft could include large

Chapter V

requirement, short-distance operations, such as resupplying ships at sea and unloading

ships at undeveloped water terminals, or routine small-payload operations to sites not
collocated with LZs, such as daily courier flights to deployed air defense units.

V-26 JP 3-17

“I had to fly nine sorties on the day the St. Mihiel offensive started… We all
wished we could refuel somehow without having to return to our bases just when
the action got interesting.”

Lieutenant John Richter, US Army Air Service Pilot

in World War I

1. General

a. AR allows air assets to rapidly reach any trouble spot around the world with less
dependence on forward staging bases. Furthermore, AR significantly expands the force
options available to a commander by increasing the range, payload, loiter time, and
flexibility of other aircraft.

b. Because AR increases the range of other aircraft, many types of aircraft may be
based at locations well outside the range of an adversary threat. AR allows some aircraft
to participate in contingency operations without having to forward-deploy. Operations
based from CONUS or established main operating bases reduce the theater logistics
requirements, thereby simplifying sustainment efforts. Positioning forces outside the
threat’s reach permits a greater portion of combat assets to concentrate on offensive rather
than defensive action. As a result of the reduced need to forward-deploy forces, AR
reduces force protection requirements as well.

c. AR permits aircraft to operate beyond their unrefueled ranges, carry larger takeoff
payloads, and extends operational endurance. By maximizing their payload, the combat
potential of receiver aircraft is significantly increased.

d. Although other Services and nations maintain some organic AR capability, the
USAF possesses the overwhelming preponderance of common-user AR assets. With boom
and drogue capability, these assets are capable of refueling most USAF, USN, and USMC
aircraft and can accommodate most foreign aircraft.

e. Force extension is the AR of one tanker by another and is the most efficient means
to provide deployment support, given a limited number of tanker aircraft. This capability
can be used whenever the fuel requirements of the escorting tanker and its receivers exceed
the tanker’s takeoff fuel capacity. Since takeoff fuel is limited by the amount of payload
carried, dual-role tankers may require force extension. Not all tankers are refuelable. All
KC-10s and a small number of KC-135s are equipped as receivers and therefore can be
force extended. Whenever possible, force extension missions should be planned along air
bridge routes to use tankers supporting air bridge movements.

f. USAF tanker aircraft may perform a bulk cargo role to augment core airlift assets.
Under the dual-role concept, AR aircraft can transport a combination of passengers and
cargo while performing AR. In some circumstances, it may be more efficient to employ
AR aircraft strictly in an airlift role. Deploying AR units may be tasked to use their organic

Chapter VI

capacity to transport unit personnel and support equipment or passengers and cargo from
other units. AR aircraft may also be used to support airlift requirements such as routine
channel operations or SAAMs.

g. Components of the AR Force. The majority of the USAF’s AR assets are

assigned to USAF Reserve and ANG units.

(1) Active Duty Forces. Similar to airlift forces, CDRUSTRANSCOM has

COCOM of most CONUS-based active duty AR forces and delegates OPCON to AMC/CC
who further delegates OPCON to 18 AF/CC. Similarly, theater-assigned AR forces come
under COCOM of their GCC (e.g., Commander, USEUCOM, or Commander,
USINDOPACOM) and under OPCON of the theater COMAFFOR (e.g., USAFs in Europe
or Pacific numbered air forces). These forces perform core and specialized AR missions
and are readily available for tasking and deployment. In addition to the USAF, the USN
and USMC possess some organic AR resources, which may also augment joint AR

(2) Air Force Reserve and ANG Forces. During crises, volunteers or activated
AFRC and/or ANG units augment the active duty AR force, providing substantial increases
in AR capacity. AFRC and ANG personnel train to the same standards as the active duty
AR force. Peacetime access to AFRC and ANG forces is provided through a system of
volunteerism or mobilization authorization for non-wartime events such as defense support
of civil authorities and preplanned missions. Major contingencies, however, normally
require activation of AFRC and/or ANG units.

2. Air Refueling Operations

AR’s contribution to air operations is based on the force enabling and force
multiplying effects of increased range, payload, and endurance provided to refueled
aircraft. AR forces conduct both intertheater and intratheater AR operations.

a. Intertheater AR. Intertheater AR supports the long-range movement of combat

and combat support aircraft between theaters. Intertheater AR operations also support
global strike missions and airlift assets in an air bridge. AR enables deploying aircraft to
fly nonstop to their destination, reducing closure time.

b. Intratheater AR. Intratheater AR supports operations within a GCC’s AOR by

extending the range, payload, and endurance of combat and combat support assets. Both
theater-assigned and USTRANSCOM-assigned AR aircraft can perform these operations.
When USTRANSCOM-assigned AR forces participate in these operations, they are
typically attached to the GCC who exercises OPCON over these forces through the
COMAFFOR. Although the primary purpose is to refuel CAF operating within the theater,
consideration should be given to the best utilization of the tanker aircraft fleet to meet the
President’s and SecDef’s objectives.

c. Anchor Areas and AR Tracks. While AR is normally conducted in friendly

airspace, missions may require operations over hostile territory and in contested airspace.
Anchor areas and tracks may place tankers in an extremely vulnerable position and should

VI-2 JP 3-17
Air Refueling

Air refueling missions in United States Central Command’s area of responsibility refuel almost
74,000 aircraft per year.

be limited to friendly airspace when possible. AR missions over hostile territory should be
conducted only after careful risk considerations and when at least regional air superiority
is achieved.

(1) In anchor areas, the tanker flies a racetrack pattern within defined airspace
while waiting for receiver aircraft to arrive. Once joined with the receiver, the tanker then
flies in an expanded racetrack pattern while refueling the receiver. Anchor AR is
normally used for intratheater operations where airspace is confined or where
receivers operate in a central location. Anchor areas are best suited for small, highly
maneuverable aircraft, especially in marginal weather conditions.

(2) An AR track is a published track or precoordinated series of navigation points,

which can be located anywhere throughout the world. To maximize effectiveness, AR
tracks will normally be placed along the receiver’s route of flight. However, AR track
location(s) must be balanced with tanker availability and basing to develop an integrated
AR plan making the best use of limited receiver and tanker assets overall. AR along an
AR track is the preferred method for intertheater operations.

(3) The tanker RV can be accomplished in multiple ways.

For more information about RV procedures, see North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) Standard Allied Tactical Publication (ATP)-, Air-to-Air Refueling.

d. Tanker Formation Refueling. Many missions require tankers to refuel their

receivers while in a multiple-aircraft formation. Mission requirements may dictate several
different types of tankers (boom and/or drogue equipped) and multiple receiver types (from
a variety of nations) in the same formation. Formation refueling is one of the most

Chapter VI

demanding operations due to the number of aircraft in a confined block of airspace and
because receiver aircraft may be constantly joining and leaving the formation. It also
brings in additional planning factors and requires a significant amount of coordination to
ensure smooth, safe execution of the mission.

e. Joint and Multinational Operations. Joint and multinational operations require

teamwork, unity of effort, and principles that are fundamental to AR. When working with
other Services and nations, there is a potential for differences in capabilities, procedures,
and terminology, which may cause misunderstandings and confusion. Such operations
therefore require a standard set of tactics, terminology, and procedures.

(1) For example, NATO Standard ATP-, Air-to-Air Refueling,

standardizes operating procedures and enhances interoperability among NATO member
nations possessing AR assets. While the detailed procedures will depend on aircraft type,
mode of employment, and national requirements, many allies should be able to achieve
sufficient commonality so that a combined set of procedures can be developed.
Commanders of a multinational force should agree as soon as possible on a common set of
doctrine, tactics, and procedures for particular operations.

(2) In addition, airspace may be a primary limitation to AR operations.

Standardizing multinational cell formation procedures allows a variety of AR assets to
operate in compressed airspace. This is particularly important when large numbers of
tankers may be refueling multiple receivers or formations of receivers. To generate the
maximum combat power in multinational operations, all military capabilities must be
integrated to the fullest extent. Multinational exercises are a key component to common
doctrine and interoperability. These exercises should be used as often as feasible to foster
a common understanding. The doctrine and procedures established by the multinational
commander will provide additional flexibility, deployability, and sustainability in
multinational air operations.

3. Air Refueling Missions

The Basic Missions of AR. AR is a critical force multiplier across the full range of
global and theater employment scenarios. Tankers directly enhance the operational
flexibility of US and allied/coalition strike, support, and surveillance aircraft. AR missions
represent the broad, fundamental, and continuing activities of the AR system. In the same
manner, the nearly unlimited flight endurance provided by tanker assets is an
indispensable component of the US strategic airborne command post concept. It
provides the President and SecDef the ability to continue to direct military action from an
airborne platform—regardless of the situation.

a. Global Strike Support. AR assets are a critical enabler for global strike operations
(conventional or nuclear). For example, AR significantly increases the range and
endurance of bomber aircraft, directly enhancing their flexibility to strike at distant targets
and maximizing their operational utility for warfighter mission requirements. Tanker
availability can also be critical to overall mission success through support of a wide variety
of support package aircraft refueling requirements. In addition, AR can mitigate

VI-4 JP 3-17
Air Refueling

operational risk for strike or support aircraft by decreasing reliance on OCONUS/forward

basing locations. AR is key to US ability to rapidly strike targets in distant locations and
recover to safe areas. The ability to perform long-range strike missions from CONUS is
particularly crucial.

b. Air Bridge Support. An air bridge creates an ALOC linking CONUS and a theater
or any two theaters. AR makes possible accelerated air bridge operations since en route
refueling stops for receivers are reduced or eliminated. It reduces reliance on forward
staging bases, minimizes potential en route maintenance delays, and enables airlift assets
to maximize their payloads. This significantly increases the efficiency of airlift operations
by making possible the direct delivery of personnel and materiel.

c. Aircraft Deployment Support. AR assets can extend the range of deploying

combat and combat support aircraft, allowing them to fly nonstop to an AOR or JOA. This
capability increases the deterrent effect of CONUS-based forces and allows a rapid
response to regional crises. The capability of air assets to fly nonstop to a theater may
eliminate the need to obtain landing or overflight rights from foreign countries that may
want to remain neutral in a given conflict. Successful execution of the USAF’s aerospace
expeditionary force concept, for example, is heavily dependent on the capabilities rendered
through deployment support. Coronets normally have long lead times for planning,
tasking, and execution. Planners should use this time to maximize the overall efficiency
of the movement for both receivers and tankers, while remembering their purpose is safe
and effective movement of the receivers.

d. Theater Support to CAF. Intratheater AR enables fighter aircraft to increase their

range, endurance, and flexibility. During a combat operation, the highest priority for
intratheater AR forces is normally supporting combat and combat support aircraft
executing air operations. This is especially true during the initial phases of a conflict.
Theater-based AR assets bolster the security of combat and combat support air assets by
allowing them to be based beyond the range of adversary threats. Extending endurance
reduces the number of sorties required, decreases ground support requirements at forward
locations, and may reduce the number of aircraft deployed to an AOR.

(1) AR allows combat aircraft to carry a larger payload on initial takeoff by

decreasing the amount of fuel carried in its tanks. Fuel necessary for mission range
requirements is onloaded after takeoff on either pre-strike or post-strike refuelings. The
ability to increase an aircraft’s weapons load multiplies the combat force and combat
efficiency of that aircraft.

(2) OEF, OIF, and Operation ALLIED FORCE have highlighted the importance
of airspace required for AR, especially during combat support missions. A lack of AR
airspace can limit the amount of combat and combat support sorties the JFACC is able to
schedule and execute. Airspace planning for these operations includes sufficient
allowances for ingress/egress of both receivers and tankers and allow deconflicting aircraft
operating at significantly different speeds. Experience in OEF and OIF shows that without
sufficient airspace deconfliction, the greatest threat to friendly forces can be from mid-air
collisions with our own forces.

Chapter VI

(3) Tankers allocated for theater support may be called upon to provide AR
support to air bridge operations. In conjunction with the JAOC director, the DIRMOBFOR
must coordinate with the COMAFFOR on the capabilities of, and requirements for, tankers
assigned or attached to the theater to determine their ability to provide air bridge support.
The COMAFFOR will determine air bridge support using GCC-assigned and attached
forces based on the JFC’s guidance, as doing so may adversely impact the theater’s
operation/campaign, as well as impact logistics support. If air bridge cannot be fully
supported by theater-assigned/attached forces, the DIRMOBFOR will coordinate with
USTRANSCOM for air bridge support using USTRANSCOM forces.

e. Special Operations Support. AR enables SOF to maintain a long-range operating

capability. The USAF maintains AR crews who are trained to air refuel fixed-wing, rotary-
wing, and tiltrotor special operations aircraft. Successful mission completion requires
special equipment, specialized crew training, and modified operational procedures.

f. Other Associated AR Missions. Additional taskings for AR aircraft include

emergency AR, airlift, AE, and personnel recovery (PR).

(1) Emergency AR. Some AR aircraft may be kept on ground or airborne alert
to provide short-notice support for airborne fuel emergencies. Fuel emergencies can result
from missed refuelings, en route winds greater than planned, battle damage, or excessive
time engaged with adversary or enemy aircraft or targets. While dedicated ground alert
aircraft sometimes meet emergency AR requirements, excess fuel capacity of airborne
tankers is another method of providing emergency AR capability. Putting more fuel in a
tanker than is required to complete the mission, known as “tankering fuel,” gives that
aircraft an automatic, though limited, emergency refueling capability.

(a) Intertheater Operations. OPCON of intertheater AR will typically be

delegated to 18 AF/CC with C2 provided by the 618 AOC (TACC). Whenever possible,
intertheater missions should be planned either over, or in close proximity to, existing air
bridge routes. This allows tankers positioned for air bridge support to also provide
emergency AR support. When intertheater missions cannot be planned along air bridge
routes and the mission is deemed important enough to provide emergency AR support,
planners should use a combination of ground and airborne spare aircraft. Ground spare
aircraft are maintained in various stages of readiness depending on mission requirements.
Airborne spare aircraft consist of one or more tankers that accompany the AR formation
but do not participate in any ARs unless required to do so. No matter which option is used,
the concepts must be adequately delineated in mission directives so tankers, receivers, and
participating C2 elements are thoroughly familiar with procedures to be used in a fuel

(b) Intratheater Operations. The dynamic environment and quick tempo

of intratheater operations provide a greater need for emergency AR support. The shorter
distances involved and the larger number of available assets makes providing emergency
AR support much easier to accomplish. The preferred method of providing emergency
support is through a combination of ground and airborne aircraft.

VI-6 JP 3-17
Air Refueling

1. Ground alert aircraft and crews primarily provide units with the
capability to meet mission requirements when fuel emergencies occur due to battle damage
or excessive time engaged with adversary or enemy aircraft or targets. The best tanker
aircraft for ground alert duties are those capable of quick response times, high cruise
speeds, and a takeoff fuel load large enough to accommodate all offloads. Ideally, ground
spare aircraft should be capable of refueling drogue and boom type refueling on the same
mission. Otherwise, units must maintain separate aircraft on ground alert, configured for
each type of refueling. Ground alert tankers and crews can be dedicated solely to that

2. Refuelers are normally based well away from tactical operations areas
for safety reasons. Ground spares might not be able to reach an area in a timely manner
should tasked tankers not be able to provide adequate offload or receivers miss scheduled
refuelings. Reliability tankers operate in a given area with no scheduled receivers and act
as flying spares. Because of the cascading effects of the loss of AR, reliability tankers
should be used when assets are available. If a reliability tanker can also accept fuel, the
capability is leveraged through extended endurance.

(2) Airlift. Refueling platforms may act as augmentation to airlift. This

capability is most important during deployment operations when airlift requirements are
highest and requirements for theater support refuelings are the lowest. During
contingencies, commanders should continually evaluate tanker allocations to airlift
missions, weighing the loss of assets from traditional tanker missions against the benefits
gained by a larger, augmented airlift capacity. This evaluation must consider the objectives
of the entire joint operation or campaign and not just those of the USAF component.

(a) Another key application of tanker aircraft in an airlift role occurs during
tanker unit movements. Tanker units deploying to a theater or en route location will
typically airlift their own support requirements under the integral tanker unit deployment
concept. This allows tanker units to have key supplies and personnel on hand as soon as
they arrive at their deployed location, and it relieves the air transportation system of at least
a portion of their requirements.

(b) Dual-Role Tanker. Accomplishing airlift and AR on the same mission

(dual-role operations) maximizes the full capabilities of tanker aircraft. Dual-role
operations may be as simple as carrying opportune cargo or passengers on a routine
intertheater AR mission, or it may be as complex as a fighter unit move. On Coronet
missions, tankers carry a unit’s personnel and equipment while escorting its fighters to a
deployed location. Upon arrival, the tankers download their cargo and passengers who
may immediately reconstitute and launch the deployed fighters. This allows arriving
aircraft to be ready for follow-on missions quickly, simplifying required coordination for
airlift support of deployments and reducing the number of dedicated airlift aircraft required
to support an operation.

(3) AE. KC-135 and KC-10 tankers can be used for AE when crewed by a fully
qualified and current AE crew using AE equipment tested/modified for use on the aircraft.

Chapter VI

(4) PR. Tanker aircraft provide a limited capability to assist PR operations as a

communications and coordination link between airborne and ground-based elements. This
capability derives from the tanker’s long endurance characteristics and organic
communications equipment. In the case of a downed fighter, the wingman will attempt to
remain on scene to ascertain the downed crewmen’s status and provide protection until PR
forces arrive. During this process, the tanker will normally remain at altitude, relaying
information where communications connectivity is easiest, and will refuel on scene forces
as required. During Operation ALLIED FORCE, KC-135s were diverted to the scene of a
downed airman. Once on the scene, tankers refueled two A-10 aircraft that were providing
close air support for the rescue effort, AWACS aircraft providing C2 for the operation, and
combat search and rescue aircraft affecting the rescue.

Refer to JP 3-50, Personnel Recovery, for further information on PR.

4. Planning Air Refueling Operations

a. While many considerations for air mobility forces are the same for airlift and AR
assets, there are some specific considerations unique to tanker operations. These include
the following:

(1) Boom Versus Drogue. If planned operations will include a significant

number of receivers requiring drogue-type refueling intermixed with receivers requiring
boom-type refueling, planners should consider using tankers capable of both types of
refueling on the same mission.

(2) Total Offload Versus Booms in the Air. Planners must consider whether
planned operations will emphasize total offload capability for only a few receivers or a
rapid refueling capability for multiple receivers. If total offload capability is more
important (such as for large aircraft), fewer numbers of tankers with larger fuel loads
should be planned. If the mission emphasis is on frequent, rapid refuelings to multiple
receivers (such as multiple fighter strike packages), it is more effective to use a larger
number of tankers maximizing the number of available “booms in the air.”

b. Daily Allocation. At the operational level, force allocation consists of translating

the JFC’s air apportionment decisions into total number of AR sorties, by aircraft type,
available for each operation or task. AR assets are matched against receivers in the ATO
based on the JFC’s air apportionment guidance but tempered by changing conditions. At
this level, the most important decisions are those that place tanker aircraft types against
receiver requirements, while optimizing the use of those assets.

c. AR capability can be increased without increasing the number or size of tanker

aircraft by carefully matching tanker aircraft types against receiver mission requirements.
This involves greater use of refuelable reliability tankers, assigning individual tankers to
multiple receivers or receiver packages, and ensuring receiver AR requests accurately
reflect their mission requirements. The considerations for daily allocation decisions are
much the same as for contingency allocations as discussed above. When developing daily

VI-8 JP 3-17
Air Refueling

AR allocations, planners must consider boom versus drogue requirements, emphasis on

total offload versus booms in the air, and SOF requirements.

d. Airspace and ATC. Many countries have specific restrictions on AR operations

conducted within their sovereign airspace. Planners need to be aware of potential

e. Altitude Reservation (ALTRV). Most intertheater AR operations require an

ALTRV to reserve AR airspace. ALTRVs must be submitted IAW rules of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in international airspace and must be
submitted IAW ICAO and HN rules when conducted over territorial airspace. Planners
must ensure ALTRV approval is received prior to conducting AR operations. ALTRVs do
not relieve aircrews of the requirement to obtain diplomatic clearances or to file flight

f. AR Airspace. Most intratheater AR is conducted in airspace specifically

designated for AR. For peacetime operations, AR airspace is published in flight
information publications with boundaries, altitudes, and communications frequencies
agreed to by the ATC authorities. During a contingency, AR airspace close to the adversary
will change frequently, and its altitudes and communications frequencies will be classified
to avoid predictability. Routing to and from the AR airspace will also change in response
to changes in air operations and threats to friendly forces.

g. Communications Capabilities and Emissions Control. AR operations are highly

dependent on both air-to-air and air-to-ground communications. Throughout AR
operations, tankers must be able to communicate with their receivers, AWACS controllers,
local ATC, and other tankers in formation and maintain at least a listening watch on
designated high frequency channels. Mission requirements normally dictate that tankers
maintain positive contact on most all of these frequencies simultaneously. Combat or
politically sensitive missions may require both the tanker and receiver to exercise emission
control (EMCON) procedures. These procedures minimize an aircraft’s transmission of
electronic signals (communication and navigation) to reduce the amount of information
other forces can gather. Use of EMCON entails bringing two aircraft together, in the same
airspace with an intentionally degraded communication and navigation capability. To be
successful in refueling under EMCON conditions, standardized procedures must be
developed between tanker and receiver(s). The procedures must be regularly exercised by
both tanker and receiver aircrews, and they must be thoroughly briefed on the procedures
to be used prior to each mission.

Chapter VI

Intentionally Blank

VI-10 JP 3-17

Joint Staff/J-7/Joint Doctrine Division

Phone number: 1-703-692-7273 (DSN 222)

Joint Staff Doctrine Sponsor/J-4

Joint Air Mobility Distribution Branch

Lead Agent/United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)

Policy and Doctrine Division (TCJ4-P)
E-mail Support: [email protected]
Phone Number: 1-618-220-4764 (DSN 770)

Technical Review Authority (TRA)/United States Special Operations Command

Joint Civil Affairs Proponent: Phone: 813-826-2319 (DSN 299)

TRA/United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC)

Phone number: 1-910-432-1654/8253/1548

Appendix A

Intentionally Blank

A-2 JP 3-17

The development of JP 3-17 is based upon the following primary references.

1. General

a. National Security Decision Directive Number 280, 24 June 1987, National Airlift

b. Executive Order 12148, 20 July 1979, Federal Emergency Management, as


2. Department of Defense Publications

a. DODD 4500.09E, Transportation and Traffic Management.

b. DODD 4500.54E, DOD Foreign Clearance Program (FCP).

c. DODD 5100.01, Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major


d. DODD 5158.04, United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM).

e. DODI 3020.41, Operational Contract Support (OCS).

f. DODI 4500.43, Operational Support Airlift (OSA).

g. DODI 4515.13, Air Transportation Eligibility.

h. DODI 4540.07, Operation of the DOD Engineering for Transportability and

Deployability Program.

i. DODI 5154.06, Armed Service Medical Regulation.

j. DTR 4500.9-R, The Defense Transportation Regulations.

k. DODI 4515.13, Air Transportation Eligibility.

l. DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.

m. Unified Command Plan.

3. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Publications

a. CJCSM 3122.01A, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES)

Volume I (Planning Policies and Procedures).

Appendix B

b. CJCSM 3122.02D, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES)

Volume III (Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data Development and Deployment

c. CJCSM 3130.03, Adaptive Planning and Execution (APEX) Planning Formats and

d. JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States.

e. JP 2-0, Joint Intelligence.

f. JP 3-0, Joint Operations.

g. JP 3-02, Amphibious Operations.

h. JP 3-05, Special Operations.

i. JP 3-10, Joint Security Operations in Theater.

j. JP 3-11, Operations in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Environments.

k. JP 3-13, Information Operations.

l. JP 3-16, Multinational Operations.

m. JP 3-18, Joint Forcible Entry Operations.

n. JP 3-30, Command and Control of Joint Air Operations.

o. JP 3-34, Joint Engineer Operations.

p. JP 3-35, Deployment and Redeployment Operations.

q. JP 3-41, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response.

r. JP 3-50, Personnel Recovery.

s. JP 3-52, Joint Airspace Control.

t. JP 3-59, Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations.

u. JP 3-61, Public Affairs.

v. JP 3-63, Detainee Operations.

w. JP 4-0, Joint Logistics.

x. JP 4-01, The Defense Transportation System.

B-2 JP 3-17

y. JP 4-01.5, Joint Terminal Operations.

z. JP 4-02, Joint Health Services.

aa. JP 4-05, Joint Mobilization Planning.

bb. JP 4-09, Distribution Operations.

cc. JP 6-0, Joint Communications System.

4. Multi-Service Publication

Army Techniques Publication 3-52.3 (FM 3-52.3)/MCRP 3-25A/NTTP 3-

56.3/AFTTP 3-2.23, Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Joint Air
Traffic Control.

5. United States Army Publications

a. Army Doctrine Publication 3-0, Unified Land Operations.

b. Army Doctrine Reference Publication 3-0, Unified Land Operations.

6. United States Air Force Publications

a. Air Force Doctrine Annex 3-05, Special Operations.

b. Air Force Doctrine Annex 3-17, Air Mobility Operations.

c. Air Force Doctrine Annex 3-52, Airspace Control

d. Air Force Doctrine Annex 4-02, Medical Operation.

e. Air Force Instruction 13-1, AOC series publications.

f. Air Force Instruction 13-217, Drop Zone and Landing Zone Operations.

g. AFTTP 3-3.AOC, Operational Employment-Air and Space Operations Center.

h. AFTPP 3-42.5, Aeromedical Evacuation.

7. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Publication

ATP-, Air-to-Air Refueling.

Appendix B

Intentionally Blank

B-4 JP 3-17

1. User Comments

Users in the field are highly encouraged to submit comments on this publication using the
Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at:
and e-mail it to: [email protected]. These comments should address
content (accuracy, usefulness, consistency, and organization), writing, and appearance.

2. Authorship

a. The lead agent for this publication is the US Transportation Command. The Joint
Staff doctrine sponsor for this publication is the Joint Staff Logistics Directorate (J-4).

b. The following staff, in conjunction with the joint doctrine development community,
made a valuable contribution to the revision of this joint publication: lead agent, Mr. Ray
Van Zwienan, US Transportation Command, and Mr. Scott Amato, US Transportation
Command; Joint Staff doctrine sponsor, Lt Col Elizabeth Hanson, Joint Staff J-4; Mr. Craig
Corey, Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Analysis Division; and LCDR Adam Yates, Joint
Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Division.

3. Supersession

This publication supersedes JP 3-17, Air Mobility Operations, 20 September 2013.

4. Change Recommendations

a. To provide recommendations for urgent and/or routine changes to this publication,

please complete the Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at: and e-mail it to:
[email protected].

b. When a Joint Staff directorate submits a proposal to the CJCS that would change
source document information reflected in this publication, that directorate will include a
proposed change to this publication as an enclosure to its proposal. The Services and other
organizations are requested to notify the Joint Staff J-7 when changes to source documents
reflected in this publication are initiated.

5. Lessons Learned

The Joint Lessons Learned Program (JLLP) primary objective is to enhance joint force
readiness and effectiveness by contributing to improvements in doctrine, organization,
training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy. The Joint
Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) is the DOD system of record for lessons
learned and facilitates the collection, tracking, management, sharing, collaborative
resolution, and dissemination of lessons learned to improve the development and readiness
of the joint force. The JLLP integrates with joint doctrine through the joint doctrine

Appendix C

development process by providing lessons and lessons learned derived from operations,
events, and exercises. As these inputs are incorporated into joint doctrine, they become
institutionalized for future use, a major goal of the JLLP. Lessons and lessons learned are
routinely sought and incorporated into draft JPs throughout formal staffing of the
development process. The JLLIS Website can be found at

6. Distribution of Publications

Local reproduction is authorized, and access to unclassified publications is

unrestricted. However, access to and reproduction authorization for classified JPs must be
IAW DOD Manual 5200.01, Volume 1, DOD Information Security Program: Overview,
Classification, and Declassification, and DOD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3, DOD
Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information.

7. Distribution of Electronic Publications

a. Joint Staff J-7 will not print copies of JPs for distribution. Electronic versions are
available on JDEIS Joint Electronic Library Plus (JEL+) at
(NIPRNET) and (SIPRNET), and on the JEL at (NIPRNET).

b. Only approved JPs are releasable outside the combatant commands, Services, and
Joint Staff. Defense attachés may request classified JPs by sending written requests to
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)/IE-3, 200 MacDill Blvd., Joint Base Anacostia-
Bolling, Washington, DC 20340-5100.

c. JEL CD-ROM. Upon request of a joint doctrine development community member,

the Joint Staff J-7 will produce and deliver one CD-ROM with current JPs. This JEL CD-
ROM will be updated not less than semi-annually and when received can be locally
reproduced for use within the combatant commands, Services, and combat support

C-2 JP 3-17

ACL allowable cabin load

A/DACG arrival/departure airfield control group
AE aeromedical evacuation
AECT aeromedical evacuation control team
AFRC Air Force Reserve Command
AFTRANS Air Forces Transportation
AFTTP Air Force tactics, techniques, and procedures
AGL above ground level
ALCF airlift control flight
ALOC air line of communications
ALTRV altitude reservation
AMC Air Mobility Command
AMD air mobility division
AMLO air mobility liaison officer
AMOG air mobility operations group
AMOS air mobility operations squadron
AMOW air mobility operations wing
AMS air mobility squadron
AMX air mobility express
ANG Air National Guard
AOC air operations center
AOR area of responsibility
APEX Adaptive Planning and Execution
APOD aerial port of debarkation
APOE aerial port of embarkation
AR air refueling
ARFOR Army forces
ASCC Army Service component command
ATC air traffic control
ATO air tasking order
ATP Allied tactical publication
AV asset visibility
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System

BCD battlefield coordination detachment (USA)

BDOC base defense operations center
BOS base operating support

C2 command and control

CAF combat air forces
CAP combat air patrol
CBRN chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
CC component commander


CCDR combatant commander

CCMD combatant command
CDRUSTRANSCOM Commander, United States Transportation Command
CDS container delivery system
CE circular error
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual
CJTF commander, joint task force
COA course of action
COCOM combatant command (command authority)
COMAFFOR commander, Air Force forces
CONOPS concept of operations
CONUS continental United States
CRAF Civil Reserve Air Fleet
CRC control and reporting center
CRE contingency response element
CRF contingency response force
CRG contingency response group
CRT contingency response team
CRW contingency response wing
CSE contingency support element

DACG departure airfield control group

DDOC Deployment and Distribution Operations Center
DEPORD deployment order
DIRMOBFOR director of mobility forces
DOD Department of Defense
DODD Department of Defense directive
DODI Department of Defense instruction
DOS Department of State
DTR Defense Transportation Regulation
DTS Defense Transportation System
DZ drop zone
DZST drop zone support team

18 AF Eighteenth Air Force

ECS expeditionary combat support
EMCON emission control
EOC emergency operations center
ERPSS En Route Patient Staging System
EW electronic warfare
EZ exchange zone

FM field manual (USA)

FOB forward operating base

GL-2 JP 3-17

GAMSS Global Air Mobility Support System

GATES Global Air Transportation Execution System
GCC geographic combatant commander
GDSS Global Decision Support System
GLO ground liaison officer
GME global mobility enterprise
GPS Global Positioning System

HN host nation
HNS host-nation support
HVCDS high-velocity container delivery system

IAW in accordance with

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICDS improved container delivery system
IGC Integrated Data Environment/Global Transportation
Network Convergence
ITV in-transit visibility

J-4 logistics directorate of a joint staff

JA/ATT joint airborne and air transportability training
JAOC joint air operations center
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JDDC Joint Deployment and Distribution Coordinator
JDDE joint deployment and distribution enterprise
JDDOC joint deployment and distribution operations center
JENM joint enterprise network manager
JFACC joint force air component commander
JFC joint force commander
JFSOCC joint force special operations component commander
JIPOE joint intelligence preparation of the operational
JMC joint movement center
JOA joint operations area
JOPES Joint Operation Planning and Execution System
JP joint publication
JPADS joint precision airdrop system
JPEC joint planning and execution community
JPMRC joint patient movement requirements center
JRSOI joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration
JTF joint task force
JTF-PO joint task force-port opening

LCADS low-cost aerial delivery system


LNO liaison officer

LRST long-range surveillance team
LZ landing zone

MAF mobility air forces

MAGTF Marine air-ground task force
MAJCOM major command (USAF)
MC mission-critical
MCRP Marine Corps reference publication
MCT movement control team
MDDOC Marine air-ground task force deployment
and distribution operations center
MHE materials handling equipment
MILDEC military deception
MOG maximum (aircraft) on ground
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
MRT maintenance recovery team
MTF medical treatment facility

NAMS National Air Mobility System

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NEO noncombatant evacuation operation
NGO nongovernmental organization
NTTP Navy tactics, techniques, and procedures

O&M operation and maintenance

OA operational area
OCONUS outside the continental United States
OPCON operational control
OPLAN operation plan
OPORD operation order
OPSEC operations security
OSA operational support airlift

PA public affairs
PM patient movement
PMR patient movement requirement
PMRC patient movement requirements center
POL petroleum, oils, and lubricants
PR personnel recovery

RAMCC regional air movement control center

RV rendezvous

GL-4 JP 3-17

618 AOC (TACC) 618th Air Operations Center (Tanker Airlift Control
SAA senior airfield authority
SAAM special assignment airlift mission
SATCOM satellite communications
SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses
SecDef Secretary of Defense
SOF special operations forces
SPM single port manager
STO special technical operations
STT special tactics team
SUST BDE sustainment brigade

TACON tactical control

TACP tactical air control party
TACS theater air control system
TACT tactical aviation control team
TDD time-definite delivery
THX theater express
TOC tactical operations center
TPFDD time-phased force and deployment data
TPMRC United States Transportation Command
patient movement requirements center
TS time-sensitive
TSC theater sustainment command (USA)
TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures
TWCF Transportation Working Capital Fund

USAF United States Air Force

USAFRICOM United States Africa Command
USC United States Code
USCENTCOM United States Central Command
USCG United States Coast Guard
USEUCOM United States European Command
USG United States Government
USINDOPACOM United States Indo-Pacific Command
USMC United States Marine Corps
USN United States Navy
USNORTHCOM United States Northern Command
USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command
USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command

XCDS extracted container delivery system


aerial port. An airfield that has been designated for the sustained air movement of
personnel and materiel, as well as an authorized port for entrance into or departure
from the country where located. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD

aeromedical evacuation control team. A core team assigned to a component-numbered

Air Force air operations center air mobility division that provides operational planning,
scheduling, and execution of theater aeromedical evacuation missions and positioning
of aeromedical evacuation ground forces. Also called AECT. (Approved for
incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)

airborne. 1. In relation to personnel, troops especially trained to effect, following transport

by air, an assault debarkation, either by parachuting or touchdown. 2. In relation to
equipment, pieces of equipment that have been especially designed for use by airborne
troops during or after an assault debarkation, as well as some aeronautical equipment
used to accomplish a particular mission. 3. When applied to materiel, items that form
an integral part of the aircraft. 4. The state of an aircraft, from the instant it becomes
entirely sustained by air until it ceases to be so sustained. (Approved for incorporation
into the DOD Dictionary.)

airdrop. The unloading of personnel or materiel from aircraft in flight. (DOD Dictionary.
SOURCE: JP 3-17)

airfield. An area prepared for the accommodation (including any buildings, installations,
and equipment), landing, and takeoff of aircraft. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

airhead. None. (Approved for removal from the DOD Dictionary.)

airland. Move by air and disembark, or unload, after the aircraft has landed or while an
aircraft is hovering. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

airland operation. An operation involving movement by air with a designated destination

for further ground deployment of units and personnel and/or further ground
distribution of supplies. (Approved for replacement of “air land operation” in the
DOD Dictionary.)

airlift capability. The total capacity expressed in terms of number of passengers and/or
weight/cubic displacement of cargo that can be carried at any one time to a given
destination by available airlift. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

airlift control team. A core team within the joint air operations center with intratheater
airlift functional expertise to plan, coordinate, manage, and execute intratheater airlift
operations in support of the joint force air component commander. Also called ALCT.
(DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

GL-6 JP 3-17

airlift mission commander. A commander designated when airlift aircraft are

participating in airlift operations specified in the implementing directive. (DOD
Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

airlift requirement. The total number of passengers and/or weight/cubic displacement of

cargo required to be carried by air for a specific task. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP

air mobility. The rapid movement of personnel, materiel, and forces to and from or within
a theater by air. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

Air Mobility Command. The Air Force component command of the United States
Transportation Command. Also called AMC. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

air mobility control team. A core team within the joint air operations center that directs
or redirects air mobility forces in response to requirements changes, higher priorities,
or immediate execution requirements. Also called AMCT. (DOD Dictionary.
Source: JP 3-17)

air mobility division. Located in the joint air operations center to plan, coordinate, task,
and execute the air mobility mission consisting of the air mobility control team, airlift
control team, air refueling control team, and aeromedical evacuation control team.
Also called AMD. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

air mobility liaison officer. A rated United States Air Force mobility air forces officer
selected, trained, and equipped to assess, train, advise, and assist with mobility air
forces and ground force integration for air movement and sustainment. Also called
AMLO. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

air movement. Air transport of units, personnel, supplies, and equipment, including
airdrops and air landings. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)

air refueling. The refueling of an aircraft in flight by another aircraft. Also called AR.
(DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

air refueling control team. A core team within the joint air operations center that
coordinates aerial refueling to support combat air operations or to support a strategic
airbridge. Also called ARCT. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

air terminal. A facility on an airfield that functions as an air transportation hub and
accommodates the loading and unloading of airlift aircraft and the in-transit processing
of traffic. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)

allowable cabin load. The maximum payload that can be carried on an individual sortie.
Also called ACL. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

chalk number. The number given to a complete load and to the transporting carrier.
(DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)


channel airlift. Airlift provided for movement of sustainment cargo, scheduled either
regularly or depending upon volume of workload, between designated ports of
embarkation and ports of debarkation over validated contingency or distribution
routes. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

Civil Reserve Air Fleet. A program in which the Department of Defense contracts for the
services of specific aircraft, owned by a United States entity or citizen, during national
emergencies and defense-oriented situations when expanded civil augmentation of
military airlift activity is required. Also called CRAF. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP

combat control team. A task-organized team of special operations forces who are
certified air traffic controllers that are trained and equipped to deploy into hostile
environments to establish and control assault zones and airfields. Also called CCT.
(DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

common-user airlift service. The airlift service provided on a common basis for all
Department of Defense agencies and, as authorized, for other agencies of the United
States Government. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

cross-loading. The distribution of leaders, key weapons, personnel, and key equipment
among the aircraft, vessels, or vehicles of a formation to aid rapid assembly of units
at the drop zone or landing zone or preclude the total loss of command and control or
unit effectiveness if an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle is lost. (DOD Dictionary. Source:
JP 3-17)

departure airfield. An airfield on which troops and/or materiel are enplaned for flight.
(DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

departure point. A navigational check point used by aircraft as a marker for setting
course. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

director of mobility forces. The designated agent for all air mobility issues in the area of
responsibility or joint operations area exercising coordinating authority between the
air operations center (or appropriate theater command and control node), the 618th Air
Operations Center (Tanker Airlift Control Center), and the joint deployment and
distribution operations center or joint movement center to expedite the resolution of
air mobility issues. Also called DIRMOBFOR. (Approved for incorporation into the
DOD Dictionary.)

dispersion. 1. The spreading or separating of troops, materiel, establishments, or activities,

which are usually concentrated in limited areas to reduce vulnerability. (JP 5-0) 2. In
chemical and biological operations, the dissemination of agents in liquid or aerosol
form. (JP 3-41) 3. In airdrop operations, the scatter of personnel and/or cargo on the
drop zone. (JP 3-17) 4. In naval control of shipping, the reberthing of a ship in the
periphery of the port area or in the vicinity of the port for its own protection in order
to minimize the risk of damage from attack. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 4-01.2)

GL-8 JP 3-17

drop altitude. The altitude above mean sea level at which airdrop is executed. (DOD
Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

drop zone. A specific area upon which airborne troops, equipment, or supplies are
airdropped. Also called DZ. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

dual-role tanker. An aircraft that can carry support personnel, supplies, and equipment
for the deploying force while escorting and/or refueling combat aircraft to the area of
responsibility. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

free drop. The dropping of equipment or supplies from an aircraft without the use of
parachutes. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

free fall. A parachute maneuver in which the parachute is manually activated at the
discretion of the jumper or automatically at a preset altitude. (DOD Dictionary.
Source: JP 3-17)

Global Air Transportation Execution System. The Air Mobility Command’s aerial port
operations and management information system designed to support automated cargo
and passenger processing, the reporting of in-transit visibility data to the Global
Transportation Network, and billing to Air Mobility Command’s financial
management directorate. Also called GATES. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

Global Decision Support System. The command and control system employed by
mobility air forces that provides schedules, arrival and/or departure information, and
status data to support in-transit visibility of mobility airlift and air refueling aircraft
and aircrews. Also called GDSS. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

high velocity drop. A drop procedure in which the drop velocity is greater than 30 feet
per second and lower than free drop velocity. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

intertheater airlift. The common-user airlift linking theaters to the continental United
States and to other theaters, as well as the airlift within the continental United States.
(Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)

intratheater airlift. Airlift conducted within a theater with assets assigned to a geographic
combatant commander or attached to a subordinate joint force commander. (DOD
Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

jumpmaster. The assigned airborne-qualified individual who controls paratroops from

the time they enter the aircraft until they exit. (Approved for incorporation into the
DOD Dictionary.)

landing zone. Any specified zone used for the landing of aircraft. Also called LZ. (DOD
Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

low velocity drop. A drop procedure in which the drop velocity does not exceed 30 feet
per second. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)


marshalling. 1. The process by which units participating in an amphibious or airborne

operation group together or assemble when feasible or move to temporary camps in
the vicinity of embarkation points, complete preparations for combat, or prepare for
loading. 2. The process of assembling, holding, and organizing supplies and/or
equipment, especially vehicles of transportation, for onward movement. (DOD
Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

mobility. A quality or capability of military forces which permits them to move from place
to place while retaining the ability to fulfill their primary mission. (DOD Dictionary.
Source: JP 3-17)

mobility air forces. Air components and Service components that are assigned and/or
routinely exercise command authority over mobility operations. Also called MAF.
(DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

multipoint refueling system. KC-135 aircraft equipped with external wing-mounted pods
to conduct drogue air refueling, while still maintaining boom air refueling capability
on the same mission. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

Navy-unique fleet essential aircraft. Combatant commander-controlled airlift assets

deemed essential for providing air transportation in support of naval operations’
transportation requirements. Also called NUFEA. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

node. 1. A location in a mobility system where a movement requirement is originated,

processed for onward movement, or terminated. (JP 3-17) 2. In communications and
computer systems, the physical location that provides terminating, switching, and
gateway access services to support information exchange. (JP 6-0) 3. An element of
a system that represents a person, place, or physical thing. (DOD Dictionary. Source:
JP 3-0)

operational support airlift. Airlift movements of high-priority passengers and cargo with
time, place, or mission-sensitive requirements. Also called OSA. (DOD Dictionary.
Source: JP 3-17)

oversized cargo. 1. Large items of specific equipment such as a barge; side loadable
warping tug; causeway section, powered; or causeway section, nonpowered that
require transport by sea. 2. Air cargo exceeding the usable dimension of a 463L pallet
loaded to the design height of 96 inches but equal to or less than 1,000 inches in length,
117 inches in width, and 105 inches in height. (Approved for incorporation into the
DOD Dictionary.)

rapid global mobility. The timely movement, positioning, and sustainment of military
forces and capabilities across the range of military operations. (DOD Dictionary.
Source: JP 3-17)

senior airfield authority. An individual designated by the joint force commander to be

responsible for the control, operation, and maintenance of an airfield, to include the
runways, associated taxiways, parking ramps, land, and facilities whose proximity

GL-10 JP 3-17

directly affects airfield operations. Also called SAA. (Approved for incorporation
into the DOD Dictionary.)

station time. In air transport operations, the time at which crews, passengers, and cargo
are to be on board and ready for the flight. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-17)

unit aircraft. Those aircraft provided to an aircraft unit for the performance of a flying
mission. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)

withdrawal operation. None. (Approved for removal from the DOD Dictionary.)


Intentionally Blank

GL-12 JP 3-17
JP 1


JP 1-0 JP 2-0 JP 3-0 JP 4-0 JP 5-0 JP 6-0


All joint publications are organized into a comprehensive hierarchy as shown in the chart above. Joint
Publication (JP) 3-17 is in the Operations series of joint doctrine publications. The diagram below
illustrates an overview of the development process:

STEP #4 - Maintenance STEP #1 - Initiation

l JP published and continuously l Joint doctrine development
assessed by users community (JDDC) submission to fill
l Formal assessment begins extant operational void
24-27 months following l Joint Staff (JS) J-7 conducts front-
publication end analysis
l Revision begins 3.5 years l Joint Doctrine Planning Conference
after publication validation
l Each JP revision is completed l Program directive (PD) development
no later than 5 years after and staffing/joint working group
signature l PD includes scope, references,
outline, milestones, and draft
l JS J-7 approves and releases PD to
lead agent (LA) (Service, combatant
Maintenance command, JS directorate)


Approval Development

STEP #3 - Approval STEP #2 - Development

l JSDS delivers adjudicated matrix to JS J-7 l LA selects primary review authority (PRA) to develop the first
l JS J-7 prepares publication for signature draft (FD)
l PRA develops FD for staffing with JDDC
l JSDS prepares JS staffing package
l FD comment matrix adjudication
l JSDS staffs the publication via JSAP for
signature l JS J-7 produces the final coordination (FC) draft, staffs to
JDDC and JS via Joint Staff Action Processing (JSAP) system
l Joint Staff doctrine sponsor (JSDS) adjudicates FC comment
l FC joint working group

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