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Arthroplasty Today 6 (2020) 59e61

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Surgical technique

Elephant’s ear sign: a new radiographic finding indicative of

acetabular retroversion
Shaoqi Tian, MD a, b, Hamed Vahedi, MD b, Karan Goswami, MD b,
Javad Parvizi, MD, FRCS b, *
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao, China
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Acetabular retroversion is a relatively common condition affecting the hip that can result in symptoms in
Received 19 June 2019 some patients. Diagnosis of acetabular retroversion relies on obtaining a proper anteroposterior radio-
Received in revised form graph of the pelvis. Cross-over, posterior wall, and ischial spine signs are usually present in patients on the
4 December 2019
radiographs of patients with acetabular retroversion. In this illustrative case report, we describe an
Accepted 10 December 2019
additional radiographic sign, elephant’s ear sign, associated with acetabular retroversion that we have
Available online 11 January 2020
seen to be present in patients with acetabular retroversion. A review of 26 acetabular retroversion case
series by 2 independent reviewers showed 100% consensus on the presence of elephant’s ear sign in pa-
Acetabular retroversion
tients with evidence of all other radiographic signs of this hip abnormality. This simple and previously
Hip unreported radiographic Elephant’s ear sign, in which flared iliac wings appear as elephant’s ears, high-
Radiographs lights the presence of acetabular retroversion.
Elephant’s ear sign © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The American Association of Hip and Knee
Surgeons. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction first introduced in 2008 by Kalberer et al [8]. Although the latter

radiographic signs are very useful, most patients with acetabular
Acetabular retroversion, and in particular cranial retroversion, retroversion may present with cross-sectional images that
has been associated with dysplasia of the hip (DDH) and is consid- demonstrate acetabular labral tear and evidence of FAI. The treating
ered a risk factor for hip pain, femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), physician needs to keep a high index of suspicion for the presence of
and hip osteoarthritis [1-7]. Recognition and early assessment of acetabular retroversion and request a proper AP radiograph of the
acetabular retroversion is important to allow implementation of pelvis that may reveal the presence of acetabular retroversion. The
appropriate management. The conventional anteroposterior (AP) management of patients with acetabular retroversion may differ
radiographs are widely used to recognize and assess acetabular from that of patients with FAI and no evidence of dysplasia.
retroversion. There are several radiographic markers to identify and In this case report, we describe an additional radiographic sign
quantify acetabular retroversion in AP radiographs. These include that appears to be less affected by the rotation of the radiographic
the cross-over sign (COS), the posterior wall sign (PWS), and the images, which is present in patients with acetabular retroversion. We
prominence of the ischial spine (PRIS) sign. The COS and PWS were will describe the case of a patient with classical acetabular retro-
first described in 1999 by Reynolds et al [1] and the PRIS sign was version who, like many others, presented with labral tear and FAI.

Office tip

One or more of the authors of this paper have disclosed potential or pertinent
We present a new radiographic sign, the “Elephant's ear sign”, to
conflicts of interest, which may include receipt of payment, either direct or indirect,
institutional support, or association with an entity in the biomedical field which help aid in the diagnosis of acetabular retroversion.”
may be perceived to have potential conflict of interest with this work. For full
disclosure statements refer to Case example
* Corresponding author. Rothman Orthopaedic Institute at Thomas Jefferson
University, 125 S 9th Street, Suite 1000, Philadelphia, PA 191017, USA. Tel.: þ1 267
339 7813. A 23-year-old female patient presented with the complaint of
E-mail address: [email protected] right hip pain that had started 4 months prior. The pain was in the
2352-3441/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (
60 S. Tian et al. / Arthroplasty Today 6 (2020) 59e61

groin region that was exacerbated by activities such as running, joint space is normal. The patient has a cam lesion on the femoral
sitting, or rotational movement. The pain radiated to buttock region head that is notable. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirms a
also. The patient described the pain as dull ache that was 7/10 on labral tear. A cyst at the femoral head and neck junction is noted. The
the visual analog scale. The patient works a 4- to 5-hour shift on a patient has a large bump with the alpha angle measuring 74 degrees.
daily basis and has pain at the end of the day. There was also a Patient underwent femoroacetabular osteoplasty procedure with
complaint of occasional catching in the hip joint. The pain in the hip acetabular labral repair by using mini-open approach. At the latest
had been getting progressively worst. She was asymptomatic on follow-up (4.6 years postoperatively), her modified Harris Hip Score
the left side. increased from 61.2 preoperatively to 92.2.
She had an intra-articular local anesthetic injection with To validate our new radiographic sign, 2 independent reviewers
arthrogram that provided relief for a period of only 4 hours. On evaluated the AP pelvis radiograph of 26 patients who were diag-
physical examination, the patient’s gait was normal. Bilateral lower nosed for acetabular retroversion from our prospectively collected
extremities were in neutral alignment and equal in length. Hip hip preservation database. All patients had evidence of all 3 signs of
range of motion was slightly restricted in the right hip compared acetabular retroversion (COS, PWS, and PRIS). There was 100%
with the left with flexion to 90 degrees and internal rotation of 30 consensus between both reviewers regarding the presence of ele-
degrees on the left and 10 degrees on the right. Impingement test phant’s ear sign on plain AP radiograph of all 26 patients. AP pelvic
was strongly positive. The external rotation of the right hip was 40 radiograph of 78 FAI patients from our institutional hip preserva-
degrees without pain. FABER (flexion in abduction and external tion database were reviewed as comparison group. None of the
rotation) and FADIR (flexion in adduction and internal rotation) patients in the comparison group showed elephant ear sign in their
both produced pain in the groin on the right side but no pain on the AP pelvic radiograph based on both reviewers' evaluation. Written
left. Stinchfield’s test was negative bilaterally. The neurovascular informed consent was obtained for inclusion of patient details and
examination was normal within the confines of hip examination. radiographs for this case report and the images.
Standard AP and lateral radiographs of the pelvis and hip and MR
arthrogram were reviewed. Radiographs demonstrated classical Discussion
picture of acetabular retroversion bilaterally (Figs. 1 and 2). The COS,
PWS, and PRIS sign were all present, and the patient has outward Acetabular retroversion is accepted as a variant of develop-
flaring of iliac wings appearing as elephant’s ears (Figs. 1 and 2). Her mental DDH, which can result in symptoms of pain and functional

Figure 1. (a) Radiograph shows classical picture of acetabular retroversion bilaterally

with outward flaring of iliac wings appearing as elephant’s ears. Positive COS (yellow
lines), PWS (blue dot), PRIS (green lines), cam lesion (red line). (b) Normal radiograph Figure 2. Schematic diagram of elephant’s ear appearance and a depiction of positive
without elephant ear sign for comparison. COS, PWS, and PRIS sign and elephant’s ear sign.
S. Tian et al. / Arthroplasty Today 6 (2020) 59e61 61

limitations for some patients [3]. In this condition, there is a relative and MRI are not used in the primary diagnosis, and CT exposes
over-coverage of the femoral head anteriorly and undercoverage patients to a higher and additional dose of radiation.
posteriorly. Although acetabular retroversion is thought to be The new radiographic marker Elephant’s ear sign is simple and
common and asymptomatic, being present in 18% of patients, it can easy to identify acetabular retroversion. Furthermore, it is less prone
result in acetabular labral tears and symptoms in some patients [9]. to the limitations associated with previously described radiographic
Diagnosis of acetabular retroversion is usually made on plain parameters. While viewing the radiographs of patients with
radiographs that may demonstrate COS [1], PWS [1], and PRIS sign acetabular retroversion, we found that not every acetabular retro-
[8]. Most patients with acetabular retroversion present with a version has the Elephant’s ear sign, but when the Elephant’s ear sign
labral tear and signs of FAI [10-13]. Thus, diagnosis of acetabular is present in plain AP pelvis radiograph, the acetabulum is more
retroversion may be missed in some patients unless the radio- likely to be retroverted. We are performing a new study with the
graphs are carefully scrutinized. purpose of determining the validity and reliability of the radio-
Distinction between acetabular retroversion resulting in labral graphic Elephant’s ear sign to detect acetabular retroversion.
tear or other symptoms and labral tear resulting from classical FAI
without DDH is important as the treatment modality for these Summary
patients differs. Patients with severe acetabular retroversion may
require reorientation osteotomy of the pelvis that has been In conclusion, this simple and previously unreported radio-
demonstrated to have excellent outcome in properly selected pa- graphic Elephant’s ear sign, in which flared iliac wings appear as
tient populations [10,11]. Isolated labral repair in patients with elephant’s ears, highlights the presence of acetabular retroversion.
moderate to severe DDH is likely to fail and result in accelerated In addition to the ease of identification, it is less prone to the lim-
arthritis of the hip [12,13]. Patients with acetabular retroversion itations associated with previously described radiographic param-
and positive PWS are best treated with reorientation osteotomy eters, such as COS, PWS, and PRIS sign.
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