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1. “I always go to the beach on 1. She said that she always went to the
vacation”, she said. beach on vacation.
2. “We play soccer very well”, they said. 2. They said that they played soccer very
3. “My mother is a beautiful woman”, he 3. He said that his mother was a
said. beautiful woman.
4. “Marco isn`t very good singer”, Maria 4. Maria said Marco wasn’t very good
said. singer.
5. “Pablo and I cook together 5. Rose said that Pablo and she cooked
sometimes”, Rose said. together sometimes.
6. Daniel said, “I have a big dog”. 6. Daniel said that he had a big dog.
7. Tom said, “Maria likes red flowers”. 7. Tom said Maria liked red flowers.
8. Ana said, “I speak Spanish very well”. 8. Ana said that she spoke Spanish very
9. Louisa said, “Carlos and Roberta are 9. Louisa said that Carlos and Roberta
my friends”. were her friends.
10. “I love you”, Ron said her. 10. Ron said her that he loved her.
1. “Laura is singing in the shower now”, 1. She said that Laura was singing in the
she said. shower at that moment.
2. “We are going to school together”, he 2. He said that they were going to school
said. together.
3. Carlos said, “My dog is catching the 3. Carlos said that his dog was catching
ball”. the ball.
4. Steve said, “I’m swimming in the 4. Steve said that he was swimming in
river”. the river.
5. “We are walking home now”, she 5. She said that they were walking home
said. at that moment.
6. “My parents are living in New York”, 6. Luis said that his parents were living
Luis said. in New York.
7. Ana said, “I’m calling my boyfriend”. 7. Ana said that she was calling her
8. “I’m cooking fish and potatoes”, she 8. She said that she was cooking fish and
said. potatoes.
9. He said, “My mother isn’t making 9. He said that his mother wasn’t making
dinner tonight”. dinner that night.
10. “We are playing baseball in the park”, 10. He said that they were playing
he said. baseball in the park.
1. “I have been here twice”, she said. 1. She said that she had been here twice.
2. “We have begun without you”, he said 2. He said me that they had begun
me. without me.
3. “She has broken my heart”, he said. 3. He said that she had broken his heart.
4. “Carlos has done it again”, they said. 4. They said that Carlos had done it
5. Maria said, “I have driven for four 5. Maria said that she had driven for four
hours”. hours.
6. Taylor said, “We have found the ball 6. Taylor said that they had found the
under the table”. ball under the table.
7. Jose said, “Ana has not given me a 7. Jose said that Ana had not given him
gift”. a gift.
8. Paula said, “I have had a wonderful 8. Paula said that she had had a
day today”. wonderful day that day.
9. Rose said, “My sister has learned 9. Rose said that her sister had learned
Spanish very fast”. Spanish very fast.
10.“My mother has lost her keys”, Raul 10. Raul said that his mother had lost her
said. keys.
1. “Ana has been studying all the night”, 1. Ana’s mother said that Ana had been
Ana’s mother said. studying all that night.
2. “Peter has been playing baseball for 2. He said that Peter had been playing
two years”, he said. baseball for two years.
3. “My mother has been cooking chicken 3. Juan said that his mother had been
and rice for lunch”, Juan said. cooking chicken and rice for lunch.
4. “You have been sleeping for two 4. She said me that I had been sleeping
hours”, she said me. for two hours.
5. “Mario has been sitting here with 5. Rose said that Mario had been sitting
Karla”, Rose said. here with Karla.
6. Luisa said, “My parents have been 6. Luisa said that her parents had been
flying to Canada last year” flying to Canada the year before.
7. Miguel said, “I have been drinking all 7. Miguel said that he had been drinking
the night”. all that night.
8. Karen said, “They have been speaking 8. Karen said that they had been
French with my teacher”. speaking French with her teacher.
9. “I have been doing my homework 9. She said that she had been doing her
alone”, she said. homework alone.
10. Luis said, “My father has been 10. Luis said that his father had been
talking with me about my future”. talking with him about his future.

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