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Lattice QCD on a novel vector architecture

arXiv:2001.07557v2 [cs.DC] 1 Feb 2020

Benjamin Huth, Nils Meyer, Tilo Wettig∗

Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

The SX-Aurora TSUBASA PCIe accelerator card is the newest model of NEC’s SX architecture
family. Its multi-core vector processor features a vector length of 16 kbits and interfaces with up to
48 GB of HBM2 memory in the current models, available since 2018. The compute performance
is up to 2.45 TFlop/s peak in double precision, and the memory throughput is up to 1.2 TB/s
peak. New models with improved performance characteristics are announced for the near future.
In this contribution we discuss key aspects of the SX-Aurora and describe how we enabled the
architecture in the Grid Lattice QCD framework.

The 37th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory - Lattice2019

16-22 June 2019
Wuhan, China

∗ Speaker.

c Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Lattice QCD on a novel vector architecture Tilo Wettig

1. Introduction

Grid [1] is a modern Lattice QCD framework targeting parallel architectures. Architecture-
specific code is confined to a few header files. The CPU implementations use compiler built-
in functions (a.k.a. intrinsics) and assembly. There is also a generic, architecture-independent
implementation based on C/C++ that relies on auto-vectorization.
Mainline Grid is limited to a vector register size of at most 512 bits. Here, we consider a
new architecture with 16-kbit vector registers. We describe how we modified Grid to enable larger
vector lengths and present initial performance benchmarks.


2.1 Overview

Figure 1: NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA PCIe ac- Figure 2: Liquid-cooled NEC A412-8 server
celerator card (type 10). Picture published with presented at SC 19, featuring 8 SX-Aurora
permission from NEC, c by NEC. cards of novel type 10E attached to a single-
socket AMD Rome host CPU and fitting in 2U.

The SX-Aurora TSUBASA, also called vector engine (VE), is the newest member of NEC’s
SX series [2]. In contrast to former vector supercomputer architectures, the SX-Aurora is designed
as an accelerator card, see Fig. 1. At present it is available with PCIe Gen3 x16 interconnect
(VE type 10). The accelerator hosts a vector processor with 8 cores. The card ships in 3 models,
which we list in Table 1. For instance, the type 10A flagship model clocks at 1.6 GHz and delivers
2.45 TFlop/s DP peak. The High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2) capacity is 48 GB with a throughput
of 1.2 TB/s peak. Improved accelerator models with higher main memory throughput (type 10E,
type 20) and 10 cores (type 20) have been announced [3, 4].
Multiple SX-Aurora platforms are available, including workstation, rack-mounted server and
supercomputer [2]. Up to 64 vector engines interconnected by InfiniBand fit into one A500 rack,
delivering 157 TFlop/s DP peak. In Fig. 2 we show the novel A412-8 server presented at SC 19.

Vector engine model Type 10A Type 10B Type 10C

Clock frequency [GHz] 1.6 1.4 1.4
SP/DP peak performance [TFlop/s] 4.91/2.45 4.30/2.15 4.30/2.15
HBM2 capacity [GB] 48 48 24
Memory throughput [TB/s] 1.20 1.20 0.75

Table 1: NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA type 10 models.

Lattice QCD on a novel vector architecture Tilo Wettig

2.2 Vector engine architecture

Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core


Network on chip

Memory Controller Memory Controller

4 / 8 GB 4 / 8 GB 4 / 8 GB 4 / 8 GB 4 / 8 GB 4 / 8 GB

Figure 3: High-level architecture of the SX-Aurora type 10.

The high-level architecture of the SX-Aurora type 10 is shown in Fig. 3 [5, 6]. The chip
contains 8 identical single-thread out-of-order cores. Each core comprises a scalar processing unit
(SPU) with 32 kB L1 cache and 256 kB L2 cache as well as a vector processing unit (VPU).
The VPU processes (optionally masked) 16-kbit vector registers (corresponding to 256 real DP
numbers) in 8 chunks of 2 kbits each.
There are 8 blocks of 2 MB last-level cache (LLC) connected by a 2d network on chip. The
VPUs directly access this (coherent) LLC. Two groups of 4 LLCs are connected to one memory
controller each. Every controller addresses 3 stacks of HBM2. A ring bus interconnects the LLCs
and allows for direct memory access (DMA) and PCIe traffic.

2.3 Programming models and software stack

The SX-Aurora does not run an operating system. It supports multiple modes of operation
described in [7]. Most attractive to us is the VE execution mode: all application code is run on the
accelerator, while system calls are directed to and executed on the host CPU.
Two C/C++ VE compilers by NEC are available: ncc (closed source) and clang/LLVM VE
(open source). The latter is still in an early development stage. Both compilers support OpenMP
for thread-level parallelization but differ in how they vectorize. ncc exclusively relies on auto-
vectorization and does not support intrinsics, while clang/LLVM VE currently does not support
auto-vectorization and relies on intrinsics instead.
The NEC software stack also includes support for MPI, debugging, profiling (ncc only) and
optimized math libraries, e.g., BLAS and LAPACK.

3. Grid on the NEC SX-Aurora

3.1 Enabling larger vector lengths in Grid

Grid decomposes the lattice into one-dimensional arrays (which we shall call Gridarrays in
the following) that usually have the same size as the architecture’s vector registers. Operations on
Gridarrays can achieve 100% SIMD efficiency.
On CPUs, mainline Grid is restricted by design to Gridarrays of at most 512 bits. This restric-
tion does not appear directly in the code. Rather, it is an assumption in shift and stencil operations.

Lattice QCD on a novel vector architecture Tilo Wettig

To explain the origin of this restriction, it is helpful to understand how the lattice sites are mapped
to Gridarrays. We first introduce some notation.

• We assume a d-dimensional lattice with V = L0 · . . . · Ld−1 lattice sites.

• The degrees of freedom of a single lattice site are given by m numbers. We assume that the
data type of these numbers is fixed (e.g., single real, single complex, etc.).
• A Gridarray contains n numbers of this fixed data type.1
• Grid defines an array of d integers {n0 , . . . , nd−1 } called “SIMD layout”. These integers are
powers of 2 and have to satisfy the condition n0 · . . . · nd−1 = n.

The mapping then proceeds as follows.

1. The lattice is decomposed into sublattices containing n lattice sites each. The number ni
(i = 0, . . . , d −1) equals the number of sublattice sites in dimension i. Note that Grid performs
the decomposition in such a way that adjacent sites of the full lattice are mapped to different
sublattices. In fact, the sites of a given sublattice are as far away from one another in the full
lattice as possible (see also Fig. 4).
2. A given sublattice is mapped onto m Gridarrays. One Gridarray contains one of the m degrees
of freedom of all n sublattice sites (see Fig. 4 for m = 1 with real numbers).

We first consider a single Grid process (without MPI communication). Given the decomposition
just described, shifts can be done by a few simple methods (see Fig. 4, cases A and B):

• If no site of a sublattice is part of the lattice boundary in the shift direction, a simple copy of
all involved Gridarrays is sufficient.
• Otherwise, in addition to the copy, the elements within a Gridarray must be rearranged.
Mainline Grid can handle two cases:

– Case A: A SIMD layout with all entries but one equal to 1. Then the Grid function
rotate performs the rearrangement.
– Case B: Any other SIMD layout than case A, with the restriction that no entry is larger
than 2. Then the Grid function permute rearranges the sites in the right way.

Other SIMD layouts are not supported by mainline Grid, and thus the maximum SIMD layout for
a 4-dimensional lattice is {2, 2, 2, 2}. For a lattice with SP real numbers this corresponds to a maxi-
mum vector register size of 512 bits, which explains the restriction mentioned above. However, the
SX-Aurora with its 16-kbit vector registers requires at least {2, 4, 4, 4} (for a DP complex lattice).
Therefore, an extension of the shift and stencil algorithms is necessary.
The new transformation should have the functionality of rotate and permute, but for
an arbitrary SIMD layout. Furthermore, this operation should be vectorizeable and have similar
performance. The new function split_rotate (shown in the following for the double-precision
case) fulfills these aims:
1 Forexample, if the Gridarray size is 512 bits, we have n = 4 for double complex, n = 8 for double real or single
complex, and n = 16 for single real.

Lattice QCD on a novel vector architecture Tilo Wettig

Circular Shift (Case A) Circular Shift (Case B) Circular Shift (new implementation)

0 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 0 4 1 5 5 0 4 1 0 8 1 9 2 10 3 11 11 0 8 1 9 2 10 3
8 12 9 13 10 14 11 15 8 12 9 13 13 8 12 9 16 24 17 25 18 26 19 27 27 16 24 17 25 18 26 19
2 6 3 7 7 2 6 3 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 15 4 12 5 13 6 14 7
7 0 4 1 5 2 6 3
10 14 11 15 15 10 14 11 20 28 21 29 22 30 23 31 31 20 28 21 29 22 30 23
15 8 12 9 13 10 14 11
Copy: Copy:
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Copy & Permute: Copy & Split-Rotate:
Copy & Rotate:
4 5 6 7 5 4 7 6 5 4 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 8 9 10 15 12 13 14 11 8 9 10 15 12 13 14
4 5 6 7 7 4 5 6 7 4 5 6
Copy: Copy:
8 9 10 11 8 9 10 11
8 9 10 11 8 9 10 11 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Copy & Permute:
Copy & Rotate: Copy & Split-Rotate:
12 13 14 15 13 12 15 14 13 12 15 14
12 13 14 15 15 12 13 14 15 12 13 14 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 24 25 26 31 28 29 30 27 24 25 26 31 28 29 30

Figure 4: Examples for shifts in a 2d lattice with m = 1. Case A (rotate) has SIMD layout
{4,1}, case B (permute) {2,2}. In both cases n = 4. The new implementation split_rotate
(right-most figure, n = 8) is able to handle a SIMD layout of, e.g., {4,2}. The colored boxes denote
positions in memory, where all boxes with the same color are in contiguous memory. At the bottom
we display the transformations of the underlying Gridarrays.

void split_rotate(double *out, const double *in, int s, int r)

int w = VL/s; // vector length VL = real DP elements fitting in Gridarray
for(int i=0; i<VL; ++i)
out[i] = in[(i+r)%w + (i/w)*w];

The split parameter s specifies into how many subarrays the Gridarray is split. Then these subarrays
are rotated by r. In the case of complex numbers, the input r must be multiplied by 2. For s = 1, we
obtain mainline Grid’s rotate function. The effect of split_rotate on a 2d lattice is shown
in Fig. 4. Examples for shifts on a 3d sublattice by split_rotate are shown in Fig. 5.
We have replaced rotate and permute by split_rotate in shift and stencil operations
and thereby enabled Grid to handle Gridarray sizes of 128 × 2k bits (with k ∈ N). Our implemen-
tation of split_rotate is done in generic C/C++ code, which is architecture-independent and
thus applicable beyond the SX-Aurora.
The algorithm described above works for a single Grid process. When using Grid on multiple
nodes (with MPI communication), some Gridarrays have to be broken up and partially transferred
to the neighboring node in order to perform a lattice shift. In mainline Grid, this is also restricted to
the same SIMD layouts as described above. We have enabled the required functionality for larger
Gridarray sizes of 128 × 2k bits. However, the implementation still needs to be optimized.

3.2 Status of porting Grid

For Grid we have chosen the VE execution model, relying mainly on the ncc compiler and
its auto-vectorization capabilities. The progress of porting was slowed down by some compiler
and toolchain issues (e.g., Grid compiled with OpenMP only since the summer of 2019). Whereas
the issue of enabling larger vector lengths is resolved, the performance of Grid still needs to be
tuned. Full MPI support is under ongoing development. We also experimented with Grid and
the intrinsics of the clang/LLVM VE compiler, but this option will only become viable once the
compiler matures. All sources are available at [8], where we forked Grid version 0.8.2.

Lattice QCD on a novel vector architecture Tilo Wettig

1 2 3 4
51 62 62 51 5 6 7 8
2 3 4 1
6 7 8 5
73 4 84 3 9 101112 101112 9 r = 1
13141516 14151613 s = 16
1 2 3 4 ... 3132 ... 61626364 2 3 4 1 ... 2833 ... 62 6364 61
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7

15 26 73 84 17181920 5 6 7 8
37 8 51 2 21222324
25262728 r = 16
9 101112 r=4
13141516 s=4
29303132 s = 1 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 7 8 5 6
17-32 33-48 49-64 1-16 5-8 9-12 13-16 1-4 ... 53-56 57-60 61-64 49-52

Figure 5: Shifts on a 3d sublattice with m = 1. Left: A small sublattice with side length = 2
and SIMD layout {2, 2, 2} is shifted by the permute function. Right: A larger sublattice with
side length = 4 and SIMD layout {4, 4, 4} is shifted using the split_rotate function. The
corresponding parameters s and r are also shown.

3.3 Preliminary performance results

In Fig. 6a we show how the size of the Gridarrays affects the performance of a custom imple-
mentation of SU(3) matrix-matrix multiplication. As in mainline Grid, the data layout in memory
is an array of two-element structures {re, im}. Best performance is achieved using clang/LLVM
VE intrinsics and when the Gridarray size is twice the register size (2 · 16 kbit). The SX-Aurora
supports a strided load instruction, which is applied twice to load the real and imaginary parts into
separate registers (strided store is analoguous). ncc also uses strided load/store, but the performance
is significantly worse due to superfluous copies between register file and LLC.
Figures 6c and 6b show SU(3) matrix-matrix multiplication (custom implementation vs Grid,
both 100% SIMD efficient) for two different scaling scenarios: increasing lattice volume using a
single thread, and strong thread scaling at constant volume. Again, the performance of clang/LLVM
VE intrinsics is significantly better than auto-vectorization by ncc due to the superfluous copies
mentioned above. For comparison we also show the performance of the Intel KNL 7210 in Fig. 6b.
Figure 6d compares the performance of both shift implementations on a platform where both
functions can be called, here Intel KNL 7210 with vector length 512 bits. In the generic version of
the Wilson kernel, split_rotate performs slightly better than permute. Both are surpassed
by the hand-unrolled version using permute, which we did not implement for split_rotate.

4. Summary and outlook

We have shown how to modify Grid to deal with larger vector register sizes than the current
512-bit limit and presented performance benchmarks on the SX-Aurora. Work on MPI support is
in progress. Once this support is available and further performance optimizations are implemented,
the SX-Aurora will be an interesting option for Lattice QCD.

Lattice QCD on a novel vector architecture Tilo Wettig

Single-thread SU(3) MM multiplication Single-thread SU(3) MM multiplication

(custom implementation, w/o OpenMP) (custom vs Grid, w/o OpenMP)
Performance in GFlop/s

% peak performance
200 80
clang/LLVM VE (intrinsics) Custom, clang/LLVM VE (intr.), NEC SX-Aurora
ncc (auto-vec.) Grid, clang/LLVM VE (intr.), NEC SX-Aurora
150 60 Grid, ncc (auto-vec.), NEC SX-Aurora
Grid, clang/LLVM (intr.), Intel KNL 7210

100 40

50 20

0 0
16 64 256 1024 4096 16384 0.25 1 4 16 64
Gridarray size in bytes Data size in MB

(a) Single-thread custom SU(3) matrix-matrix mul- (b) Single-thread SU(3) matrix-matrix multiplica-
tiplication without OpenMP, scaling up the size of tion without OpenMP, increasing the lattice size: in-
the Gridarray: intrinsics vs auto-vectorization. trinsics vs auto-vectorization, custom vs Grid.

Multi-thread SU(3) MM multiplication Wilson Dirac operator on Intel KNL 7210

(custom vs Grid, w/ OpenMP, V=404) (mainline Grid vs split_rotate, w/OpenMP)
Performance in GFlop/s

Performance in GFlop/s
600 120
Custom, clang/LLVM VE (intr.) split_rotate, generic kernel
500 Custom, ncc (auto-vec.) 100 permute, generic kernel
Grid, clang/LLVM VE (intr.) permute, unrolled loops
400 Grid, ncc (auto-vec.) 80 (clang/LLVM auto-vec.)
300 60
200 40
100 20
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 84 82x162 164 162x322 324
Number of cores Lattice volume

(c) Multi-thread SU(3) matrix-matrix multiplica- (d) Application of the Wilson Dirac operator on
tion using OpenMP: intrinsics vs auto-vectorization, KNL with OpenMP: mainline Grid implementation
custom vs Grid. (in this case, permute only) vs split_rotate.

Figure 6: Preliminary performance benchmarks. The SX-Aurora benchmarks were performed on a

type 10B card using ncc 2.5.1 and clang/LLVM VE 10.0.0. For KNL we used clang/LLVM 5.0.0.


This work was supported by DFG in the framework of SFB/TRR 55 (project QPACE 4). We
thank Erlangen University, Germany, and KEK, Japan, for access to the SX-Aurora and for support.

[1] P. Boyle, A. Yamaguchi, G. Cossu and A. Portelli, PoS (LATTICE 2015) 023 [1512.03487]
[3] S. Momose, 2nd Aurora Deep Dive Workshop at RWTH Aachen University (2019)
[5] Y. Yamada and S. Momose, Hot Chips (2018)
[7] K. Komatsu et al., Proceedings of SC 18 (2018) 54
[8] B. Huth, “Grid fork SX-Aurora”,

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