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Begun and held at the City of Manila on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of January, nineteen hundred
and forty-one



Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines:

SECTION 1. There shall be published in the Official Gazette (1) all important legislative acts and
resolutions of a public nature of the Congress of the Philippines; (2) all executive and administrative
orders and proclamations, except such as have no general applicability; (3) decisions or abstracts of
decisions of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals as may be deemed by said courts of
sufficient importance to be so published; (4) such documents or classes of documents as may be
required so to be published by law; and (5) such documents or classes of documents as the
President of the Philippines shall determine from time to time to have general applicability and legal
effect, or which he may authorize so to be published: Provided, That for the purpose of this section
every order or document which shall prescribe a penalty shall be deemed to have general applicability
and legal effect: And provided, further, That the term “document” as used in this section shall include
any order, regulation, rule, certificate, license, notice, or similar instrument issued, prescribed, or
promulgated by any executive department, bureau, office, commission, independent board, agency, or
instrumentality of the administrative branch of the Government, but not the legislative or judicial
branch of the Government.

SEC. 2. The Director of Printing is authorized to publish the Official Gazette as frequently as the public
interest of the Government may require; to appoint, with the approval of the proper department head,
such personnel as may be necessary, in addition to that at present employed in the Bureau of
Printing, for carrying out the provisions hereof; and to make and collect charges for subscriptions to
the Official Gazette and for publications published therein which shall by law be payable by the
person interested. The Official Gazette shall be edited in the Executive Office and shall be published in
the English language, but edition in Spanish may also be issued if the interest of the service to be
determined by the President of the Philippines so requires it. The sale and distribution of the Official
Gazette shall also be effected by the Bureau of Printing which shall promptly mail copies thereof to
subscribers free of postage. At the end of each quarter, an index shall be supplied as a part of the
Official Gazette. The index published at the end of the last quarter shall be complete for the entire

SEC. 3. Each department, bureau, office, and agency or instrumentality of the National Government,
as well as each provincial, city, and municipal government, shall subscribe to the Official Gazette and
pay for the same out of their respective funds. The Official Gazette shall be filed and properly kept
with the public records of the department, bureau, office, agency or instrumentality, province, city, or
municipality concerned for references.
SEC. 4. Such funds as may have been appropriated for the publication of the Official Gazette are
continued to be available to carry out the provisions of this Act.

SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.



Speaker of the National Assembly

This Act was passed by the National Assembly on May 22, 1941.


Secretary of the National Assembly

Approved at 9:58 a.m.,  June 10, 1941:


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