Fantasy Fashions Had Used The Lifo Method of Costing Inventories

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Ques 1

General Journal Debit Credit

Inventory $ 15.00
Retained earnings $ 9.00
Deferred tax liability $ 6.00

* Prior to 2018, using FIFO:

Inventory would have been higher by $13, so cost of goods
sold would have been lower by $13, so pretax income $ 15.00
would have been higher by:
Less: Income tax at 40% $ (6.00)

Cumulative net income and thus retained earnings would

  have been higher by: $ 9.00

Ques 2
2017 2018
($ in millions)
Net income $25 $31

ques 3
Statement of Shareholders’ Equity
For the Years Ended Dec. 31, 2017 and 2018

Common Stock Additional Paid-in Retained Earnings

Total Shareholders’
Capital Equity

($ in millions)
Balance at Jan. 1, 2017 $ 245
Net income $ 25
Cash dividends $ (8)
Balance at Dec. 31, 2012 $ 262
Net income $ 31
Cash dividends $ (8)
Balance at Dec. 31, 2013 $ 285
Ques 1

General Journal Debit Credit

Inventory $ 13.00
Retained earnings $ 7.80
Deferred tax liability $ 5.20

* Prior to 2018, using FIFO:

Inventory would have been higher by $13, so
cost of goods sold would have been lower by
$13, so pretax income would have been $ 13.00
higher by:
Less: Income tax at 40% $ (5.20)
Cumulative net income and thus retained
earnings would
  have been higher by: $ 7.80

For financial reporting purposes, but not for tax, the company is retrospectively increasing
accounting income, but not taxable income. This creates a temporary difference between the
two that will reverse over time as the unsold inventory becomes cost of goods sold. When
that happens, taxable income will be higher than accounting income. When taxable income
will be higher than accounting income as a temporary difference reverses, we have a future
taxable amount and record a deferred tax liability.

Ques 2
2017 2018
($ in millions)
Net income $23 $29

Net income, which was reported in 2017 as $21 million, would be revised to $23 million in the
2018-2017 comparative income statements. Net income in 2018 would simply be reported at
$29 million, the amount resulting from using the new method (FIFO). The comparative income
statements and balance sheets also would be recast to reflect the balances as if the FIFO
method had been used in prior years.

ques 3
Statement of Shareholders’ Equity
For the Years Ended Dec. 31, 2017 and 2018
Common Stock Additional Paid-in Capital Retained Earnings Shareholders’
($ in millions)
Balance at Jan. 1, 2017 $ 243
Net income $ 23
Cash dividends $ (9)
Balance at Dec. 31, 2012 $ 257
Net income $ 29
Cash dividends $ (9)
Balance at Dec. 31, 2013 $ 277

Retained earnings:
Balance at Jan. 1, 2017 = 243
$233 million plus the difference in net income
before 2017: $243 – $233
lifo 29 higer using fifo

lifo 2011 2012

r/e 249 269
ni 37

fifo r/e 259 281


2013 ni 45
div 8
tax rate 40%
Ques 1

General Journal Debit Credit

Inventory $ 29.00
Retained earnings $ 17.40
Deferred tax liability $ 11.60

* Prior to 2018, using FIFO:

Inventory would have been higher by $13, so cost of goods $ 29.00
Less: Income tax at 40% $ (11.60)
Cumulative net income and thus retained earnings would
  have been higher by: $ 17.40

Ques 2
2017 2018
($ in millions)
Net income $39 $45

ques 3
Statement of Shareholders’ Equity
For the Years Ended Dec. 31, 2017 and 2018

Additional Total
Common Paid-in Retained Sharehold
Stock Earnings ers’
($ in millions)
Balance at Jan. 1, 2017 $ 259
Net income $ 39
Cash dividends $ (8)
Balance at Dec. 31, 2012 $ 290
Net income $ 45
Cash dividends $ (8)
Balance at Dec. 31, 2013 $ 327

Retained earnings:
Balance at Jan. 1, 2017 = 243
$233 million plus the difference in net income before 2017:
$243 – $233
Event Debit Credit
1 Inventory 29
Deferred tax

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