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Learning Materials

Introduction to Power Point

Ameena Abdullah

This unit will tend to teach you an introduction to the Power Point program.
You will be able to use power point program to do presentations. In this unit
you will know how to write, change the background, and add slides and how
to save your project. There are five main components that you will learn in
this unit:

 Interface.
 Inserting text box.
 Changing background.
 Adding new slid
 Saving project.

Objectives Process
Open Power Point program 1. Open the computer.
correctly. 2. Click start.
3. Choose all programs.
4. Choose Microsoft office.
5. Choose power point program.
Define Power Point program 1. Discuss the definition of
briefly. power point program.
State at least 4 components of the 1. Open MS power point.
program. 2. Mention the features or the
components in the program
Insert text box to add text. 1. Select insert menu.
2. Choose text box.
3. Write using keyboard.
Change background color. 1. Right click.
2. Choose format background.
3. Choose the color.
4. Click OK.
Add new slide from home menu. 1. Choose insert menu.
2. Click new slide.
3. Choose title and content theme
for the slide.
Save the slides using file menu. 1. Click the picture in the upper
2. Choose save as.
3. Give the project name.
4. Choose the place where to
save the project.
5. Click OK.

Learning resources

The book will help you to achieve the objectives of this unit and tutorial
also will help you. (Click here to see the tutorial)

Content and activities

Open the program

To open the program you should follow the coming steps:

1. Click the power button.

2. Click start.
3. Choose all programs.
4. Choose Microsoft office.


Choose the correct answer.

 Choose the correct order for penning MS Power Point program:

1. Click start, click power button, all programs, Microsoft office,
power point.
2. Click power button, click start, all programs, Microsoft office,
power point.
3. Power point, power button, start, Microsoft office, all programs.

Defining Power Point program

PowerPoint is a presentation program developed by Microsoft. This program

is used to design slides to show information.

Activity 2:

 In your word write brief description about Power Point program.

Program interface
2 1

1. Title bar.
2. Menu bar.
3. Toolbar.
4. Work place.

Activity 3:

 See the picture above and match Colum “A” with suitable
components in Colum “B”

Colum A Colum B

1 Working place

2 Title bar

3 Menu bar

4 Tool bar

Adding text

To add texts first choose the shap that picture one below refers to it. Then
draw the box in the place that you want to place your text in as you see in
picture two.

Activity 4:

 Open power point program and do the following:

o Insert text box.
o Write your name-class-school.

Changing the background color

To change the color of the background; see the following steps:

1. Right click in any place on your slide.

2. Choose format background.
3. Then click on the arrow beside the color as you see in the picture below.

4. Then choose the color that you want and click close.

Activity 5:

 Use the power point you create at previous practice and change
the background.
Adding new slide

You can add slide by following the steps below:

1. Click home menu.

2. Click new slide and choose the theme that you want for example here
choose title and content and write on it short paragraph about you.
(See the picture)

Activity 6:

 Go to the previous power point and do the following:

o Add new slide with two content themes.
o Write your skills on it.

Saving your work

To save your work you have to click at the icon on the upper left . Then
click save as. Give it a name represinting your work and then choose the
place that you want to save in for example on the desktop.

Activity 7:

Choose the correct answer:

 Which of the following picture show the correct place for
saving your project?





 The correct order that help you to open power point program is
the answer number 2.


 In this activity you have to mention the meaning of the power

point program and I cannot give you specific feedback.

Feedback 3

 If you see the picture above you will recognize that number1
forms the title bar, number2 the menu bar, number3 the tool bar
and number 4 the working place.


 To do this task you should first open power point program.

Then go to insert menu and choose text box from the tool bar.
After that use the keyboard write your name, class and school.

Feedback 5:

 On the slide that you did click right click, then choose format
background, from the color choose the color that you want and
click OK.

Feedback 6:

 To add new slide from the home menu choose new slide and
then choose the theme of two content. Then write your hop pies
as you learned how to add text box on the previous activity.

Feedback 7:
 If you focus on the picture you will find the last picture number
3 is the correct picture that you can save your project by
clicking on it and select the save as option.

Self Assessment Questions

Define in your word the Power point program?

State at least four components of the program interface?

Design a simple show using Power point program including the following:

1. 4 slides.
2. Change the background color to yellow.
3. Write about any topic that you interest in.
4. Save your work with the name of the topic that you choose.

Power point program is one of Microsoft office backage. It is used to produces the shows
to be prsented in front of people.

Title bar – toolbar – menu bar – working place.

You have to opent power point program and add 4 slides to your work from new slide
option. Right click, choose format baackground and selec the yellow color. Write about
any topic and save your work with the topic name.

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