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広 島 経 済 大 学 研 究 論 集

第39巻第 1 ・ 2 号 2016年 9 月


Japanese Temple Geometry Problems and Inversion

Kenji Hiraoka* and Aljosa Matulic**

religious offerings, and works of mathematics.

1. Introduction
They are called sangaku, which simply means
In ancient Japan mathematicians used to mathematical tablet. These were hung in Buddhist
carry their best theorems to a shrine or temple, temples and Shinto shrines throughout Japan,
and hang them somewhere on the wall. Such and for that reason the entire collection of sangaku
theorems were usually painted on piece of wooden problems has come to be known as “temple
board. If there was a geometric construction, geometry”.
then quite often the picture was very colorful. The year 1600 is the time when we should
Sometimes such a picture contained decorations start looking for the origins of wasan, Japanese
with flowers, plants, mountains, etc. Some of mathematics of the Edo period. At that time,
them were real pieces of art. It was probably a Japan was controlled by the daimyo, or in western
way to thank the Gods for the moment of enlight- terms warlords, who were still fighting for
enment while solving the problem. dominancy. Some of them were very powerful
They were simultaneously works of art, and the country was in a constant state of unrest.

Figure 1  Sangaku of the Takemizuke shrine, Nagano perfecture

* Professor, Hiroshima University of Economics,

Hiroshima, Japan
** Mathematics and Computer Science Teacher,
Junior High School of Sveti Matej, Viskovo, Croatia
94 広島経済大学研究論集 第39巻第 1 ・ 2 号

In 1600, during the famous Sekigahara battle, the science. The local art, science and culture started
daimyo were defeated by Tokugawa Ieyasu. developing rapidly. This was also the case with
Three years later, Tokugawa Ieyasu became the mathematics. In this period Japanese mathemat-
shogun of Japan. This was the starting point of a ics (wasan) was born and developed.
new period in the history of Japan – a period of It is difficult to say in what year exactly the
almost 250 years without war known as “Great tradition of sangaku began, but the oldest surviv-
Peace”. After the battle, Tokugawa Ieyasu moved ing sangaku dates from 1683 and was found in
to a small, at that time, provincial town of Edo, Togachi prefecture. Yamaguchi Kanzan, nine-
today’s Tokyo. For this reason, the rule of the teenth century mathematician, mentions in his
Tokugawa is also known as the Edo period. The travel diary an even older tablet from 1668, but
country was united and many changes started that one is now lost.
taking place. Over the next two centuries, the tablets
This was also the time when the Spanish, spread and appeared all over Japan in Shinto
Portuguese and Dutch tried to settle down in shrines and Buddhist temples, two thirds of them
Japan, and strengthen their trade. At the same in Shinto shrines. Many of the sangaku men-
time, missionaries from these countries wanted tioned in contemporary mathematics texts were
to convert as many souls as possible. The trade lost, but we can guess that there were originally
with foreigners was not considered problematic, thousands more than the 900 tablets which exist
however, conversion of people to Christianity was today. This practice of hanging tablets gradually
not very welcomed by the two main religions in died out after the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate,
Japan – Shinto and Buddhism. This was in fact but some examples date as late as 1980. The
the main source of tensions in the country. In latest sangaku were discovered in 2005. Five
order to keep people calm, Tokugawa Ieyasu tablets were found in the Toyama prefecture.
issued an edict ordering the Portuguese and Earlier tablets were generally about 50 cm by 30
Spanish to leave Japan, removal of missionaries, cm, but later tablets were sometimes as large as
the destruction of all Christian churches, and 180 cm by 90 cm, each displaying several geom-
forbidding Christianity in Japan. Tokugawa Ieyasu etry problems.
died a few years later, but his grandson Tokugawa Some of the Japanese temple geometry
Iemitsu finished the task of removing the foreign- (sangaku) or problems of Japanese mathematics
ers. In 1641, there were practically no foreigners before Meiji period (wasan) can be solved by
left in Japan. using really useful method of inversion. There
All of these changes were the catalyst for are many problems with multiple circles with a
new period in Japan, sometimes called sakoku, contact with one another. The main example was
or a “Closed country”. Closing the country did a problem proposed by Hotta Jinsuke and hung
not have exclusively negative effects. Most impor- in 1788 at the Yanagijima Myōkendō temple of
tantly, it stopped both internal and external con- Tokyo. Yoshida Tameyuki solved this problem
flicts. It also forced, and in fact helped, the with traditional methods, this solution has been
Japanese to develop their own forms of art and found in an unpublished manuscript “Solutions
Japanese Temple Geometry Problems and Inversion 95

to Shinpeki Sanpō Problems”. Yoshida’s original

solution of Hotta’s problem was solved by using
a Japanese equivalent of Descartes theorem, but
this problem and many similar ones can be solved
more easily by technique known as inversion.
Inversion was discovered by western mathemati-
cians between 1824 and 1845. This method was
unknown to Japanese traditional mathematicians.

2. Hotta s problem and its traditional

Figure 3

As shown in Figure 2, a large circle of radius

r contains two circles r1 and r1′ , each of radius If three circles of radii r1 , r2 and r3 touch
r1 = , which are both tangent to each other and each other, touch a small circle of radius t
touch circle r internally. The bottom circle r1′ externally and touch a circle of radius r internally,
also touches a chain of cirlces rn , as illustrated. as shown in a Figure 3, than the following relation
Further, a chain of circles with radius tn is placed hold:
between the circles rn and r1′ such that each tn
 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1
touches r1′ as well as circles rn and rn+1 . Find rn 2 2 + 2 + 2 + 2  =  + + +  ,
 r1 r2 r3 t   r1 r2 r3 t 
and tn in terms of n.
 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1
2 2 + 2 + 2 + 2  =  + + −  .
 1 r2 r3 r   r1 r2 r3 r 

Yoshida uses Descartes circle theorem on suc-

cessive triplets of circles to inductively establish
a recursion relationship for the rn and tn . For
simplicity of the calculation, we will take = a
1 r
and = pn , which we will be used in further
Let’s find r1 : r1 = , p1 = 2a .
Let’s find r2 : Using Descartes circle theorem
for {r1 , r1 , r2 , r } , we get
Figure 2
 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1
2 2 + 2 + 2 + 2  =  + + −  ,
 r1 r2 r3 r   r1 r2 r2 r 
The Descartes circle theorem gives the
relationship between the radii of four mutually or
tangent, or kissing, circles.
( )
2 4 a2 + 4 a2 + p22 + a2 = (2a + 2a + p2 − a) .
96 広島経済大学研究論集 第39巻第 1 ・ 2 号

From above, we get p2 = 3a or r2 = . r
3 which yields rn = .
2 + ( n − 1)
Let’s find r3 : Using Descartes circle theorem
for {r1 , r2 , r3 , r }, we get To find tn , Yoshida was using Descartes
circle theorem for {rn , rn +1 , tn , r1 }. For simplicity,
 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1 1
2 2 + 2 + 2 + 2  =  + + −  , we will take qn to be qn = ,
 r1 r2 r3 r   r1 r2 r3 r  tn

( )
2 pn2 + pn2+1 + qn2 + p12 = ( pn + pn +1 + qn + p1 ) .

Letting pn = 2a + ( n − 1) a from above, we


( )
2 4 a2 + 9a2 + p32 + a2 = (2a + 3a + p3 − a) .

get quadratic equation in qn ,

From above, we get p3 = 6 a or r3 = .
Let’s find r4 : Using Descartes circle theo-
qn2 − 2a 2n2 − 2n + 7 qn − 4 n2 − 4 n + 15 a2 = 0( ) ( )
rem for {r1 , r3 , r4 , r } ,we get ( )
qn2 − 2a 2n2 − 2n + 7 qn − 4 n2 − 4 n + 15 a2 = 0 , ( )
 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1
2 {q − (4n
− 4 n + 15 a {qn + a} = 0
2 2 + 2 + 2 + 2  =  + + −  ,
 r1 r3 r4 r   r1 r3 r4 r 
Then we have solutions qn1 and qn2 , such that,
qn1 = 4 n2 − 4 n + 15 a , qn2 = − a . )
= (7a + p4 ) .
2 2
82a + 2 p42
We discard second solution and we get the final
From above, we get p4 = 11a or r4 = . result
Let’s find rn : Using Descartes circle theo-
r 1 r 
rem for {r1 , rn , rn +1 , r } , we get tn = , or n =  − 14 + 1 ,
( 2n − 1 ) 2
+ 14 2  tn 
2 ( p12 + pn2 + pn2+1 +a 2
) = (p + p
1 n + pn +1 − a) ,

which was written on the tablet.

or Before we show a solution we get by using
a method of inversion we have to introduce
pn2+1 − 2 (a + pn ) pn +1 + 10 a2 + 2 pn2 − (a + pn ) = 0

+ pn ) pn +1 + 10 a2 + 2 pn2 − (a + pn ) = 0.

3. Inversion
Regarding this as a quadratic equation in x = pn +1,
the two solutions are x1 = pn +1, and x2 = pn −1 . Then, 3.1 Definition of Inversion
Inversion is the process of transforming
x1 + x2 = pn +1 + pn −1 = 2 (a + pn ) ,
points P to a corresponding set of points P ′
or pn +1 − 2 pn + pn −1 = 2a ,
known as their inverse points. Two points P and
which is the desired recursion relationship. P ′ are said to be inverses with respect to an
The general solution: inversion circle having inversion center
T = ( x0 , y0 ) and inversion radius k if TP ′ is the
p1 = 2a , p2 = 3a = 2a + a, p3 = 6 a = 2a + 4 a,
perpendicular foot of the altitude of ∆TQP , where
p4 = 11a = 2a + 9a, p5 = 18 a = 2a + 16 a ・・・,
Q is a point on the circle such that TQ is per-
and pn = 2a + ( n − 1) a ,

pendicualr to PQ .
Japanese Temple Geometry Problems and Inversion 97

to be used in a proof of Hatta’s theorem in

chapter 4. We will give only the statements of
theorems, without proofing them. The theorems
will tell us how line and circles are going to be
convert, relations between radius of original and
converted circle and some other important rela-
Theorem 1.
A straight line passing through the center of
inversion inverts into itself. A straight line not
Figure 4
passing through the center of inversion inverts
into a circle that passes through the center of
If P and P ′ are inverse points, then the line inversion. (Figure 5)
L through P and perpendicular to OP is some-
times called a “polar” with respect to point P ′ ,
known as the “inversion pole”. In addition, the
curve to which a given curve is transformed
under inversion is called its inverse curve or its
inverse. From similar triangles, it immediately
follows that the inverse points P and P ′ obey

TP k
= or k2 = TP ⋅ TP ′ , Figure 5
k TP ′

where the quantity k2 is known as the circle Theorem 2.

power. If circle C does not pass through the center
The general equation for the inverse of the of inversion T , then C inverts into another circle
point ( x , y ) relative to the inversion circle with C ′ . (Figure 6)
the center of inversion ( x0 , y0 ) and inversion
radius k is given by

k 2 ( x − x0 )
x ′ = x0 + ,
( x − x0 )2 + ( y − y0 )2
k 2 ( y − y0 )
y ′ = y0 + .
( x − x0 )2 + ( y − y0 )2
Figure 6
3.2 Properties of Inversions
In this section we are going to introduce a Theorem 3.
few Inversion theorems, some of which are going If circle C does pass through the center of
98 広島経済大学研究論集 第39巻第 1 ・ 2 号

inversion T , then C inverts into a straight line Theorem 9.

that does not pass through the center of the If two circles are tangent to each other at T ,
inversion. (Figure 7) they invert into parallel lines. If two circles are
tangent to each other at a point P that is not the
center of inversion, then the inverse circles must
be tangent to each other at some point P ′ . Point
of tangency are preserved.
Theorem 10.
A circle, it’s inverse, and the center of inver-
Figure 7
sion are collinear.
Theorem 4. Theorem 11.
If r is the radius of C and r ′ is the radius of By the proper choice of the center of inver-
C ′ , then r and r ′ are related by sion T , two circles that are not in contact can be
inverted into two concentric cirlces.
r′ = r, Theorem 12.
d2 − r 2
If four circles can be inverted into four circles
where d is the distance between T and the center of equal radii r ′ , whose centers form the vertices
of C . of a rectangle, then
Theorem 5.
1 1 1 1
If L is the length of the tangent from T to + = + ,
r1 r3 r2 r4
the inverse circle C ′ , then
where r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 are the radii of the original
rL2 = k2r ′. (Figure 8)

4. Solution to Hatta s problem by using


Figure 8

Theorem 6.
Point on the circle of inversion are invariant.
Theorem 7.
Concentric circles whose center is the center
of inversion invert into concentric circles.
Theorem 8.
The center of the inverse circle is not the
inverse of the center of the original circle. Figure 9
Japanese Temple Geometry Problems and Inversion 99

Radius of the outer circle α is r , radii of two

largest inscribed circles β and γ are r1 = . We
need to find and proof what is the radius of the
nth circle in outer or inner contact chains in terms
of r ( rn and tn are used to designate the radii of
the nth circle in the outer and inner chains, also
to designate the circles themselves).
Pythagorean theorem gives (r1 + r2 ) = r12 + (r − r2 )
2 2

(r1 + r2 )2 = r12 + (r − r2 ) which leads to r2 = r .
Similarly, by using Pythagorean theorem on Figure 11
small circle t1 (Figure 10) one gets t1 = .
to to circles α and β so it must invert into a circle
r1′ that lies between α ’ and β ’ as shown in a
Figure 12.

Figure 12

Similarly, circle r2 is tangent to α, β and γ = r1 so

it must invert into the circle r2′ shown in above
picture. The same is true for all the circles in
Figure 10
outer chain. We get a result that all the inverse
Now we’ll start employing inversion, we’ll circles in outer chain have the same radius,
invert figure with respect of the point T , chosen
r1′ = r2′ = r3′ =  = rn′ = r ′ .
as shown in a Figure 11. Because they pass
through the center of inversion T, α and β must In the same way we get that all the circles
invert into straight lines (Theorem 3), and hori- of inner chain invert into circles of equal radius,
zontal line because we have chosen T to lie
t1′ = t2′ = t3′ =  = tn′ = t ′ .
directly below O .
For simplicity, we will take the radius of Let’s relate r ′ and t ′ to r , considering r1 = .
inversion circle to be k = 1. By definition, we have The distance from T to a center of circle
TO ⋅ TO ′ = 1. Then TO = r so TO ′ = . Similarly γ is d (by definition in Theorem 4), d = 3r1 .
r 1
( )
for point B, TB ⋅ TB ′ = 1, TB = 2r so TB ′ = . Theorem 4 states that r1′ 2 d 2 − r12 = r12 ,
2r 1 1
Next we have to consider upper circle which which yields r ′ = r1′ = , r′ = .
1 8 r1 4 r
does not pass trough T , so it must invert into Similarly, t ′ = .
16 r
another circle (Theorem 2). This circle is tangent Now when we have r ′ and t ′ in terms of r
100 広島経済大学研究論集 第39巻第 1 ・ 2 号

we can get rn′ and tn′ . Let Ln be a tangent from

T to rn′ , as show in a picture below.
Aljosa Matulic, one of the authors, has also learned
why and how Japanese mathematics – Wasan was
developed.1) We have learned about birth, life and death
of sangaku. Sangaku is at the same time a piece of art
and a work of mathematics, but also a religious offering
which was hanged in shrines and temples and that is
why it is called “temple geometry”.
A. Matulic has found interesting the fact that
Japanese mathematicians, in that period of closed
country, had similar problems, which they’ve trying to
proof and find solutions for, as their Western colleagues.
Some areas of their interests were almost the same,
Figure 13
they have just used different methods for solving the
problems. Some of the sangaku problems are nice
From the Figure 13 we can see that examples of that. Many of those problems were solved
by using traditional Japanese methods.2–6) If we try to
xn = 2 ( n − 1) r ′ . The distance Ln between T and
solve some of these problems today, by using “western”
rn′ can be calculated by Pythagorean theorem, theorems, one finds that solution can be much simpler
but the final result is the same.
2 One of the methods which is really useful and
 1
M n2 = Ln2 + r ′ 2 , M n2 =  r ′ +  + xn2 . ancient Japanese mathematicians didn’t know about if
 2r  is method we introduced in this paper, method of
r′ inversion. This method makes a lot of problems under-
By Theorem 5, Ln2 = . standable and easier to solve even to a high school
students. Although is simple and useful, this method is
By inserting r ′, xn and Ln in above equation, not well known today because it isn’t taught in schools
r or universities any more (at least not in Croatian and
one gets rn = . many European schools and universities).
2 + ( n − 1)

For inner chain (Figure 14) procedure is similar, References

1) Fukagawa H. and Rothman T. (2008) Scared
Mathematics, Japanese Temple Geometry. Princeton,
New Jersey, USA; Woodstock, Oxfordshire, United
Kingdom; Princeton University Press
2)  Majewski M., Jen-Chung Chuan, Nishizawa H. The
New Temple Geometry Problems in Hirotaka’s
Ebisui Files,
3)  Vincent J. and Vincent C. Japanese temple geom-
etry, university of Melbourne,
Figure 14
4)  Murata T. Indigenous Japanese Mathematics,
1 
Ln2 = M n2 − t ′ 2 , M n2 =  − t ′ + xn2 Indigenous.pdf
r 
5)  Wolfram Math World,
In this case, Theorem 5 gives Ln2 = . By insert- 6) Pinterest,
ing t ′, xn and Ln in above equation one gets,

tn = .
(2n − 1) + 14

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