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Close-Up B1 Intermediate Contents


UNIT Reading Vocabulary Grammar

1 Family Ties Meet the ancestors; family-related words, present simple, present continuous,
multiple-choice questions collocations & expressions, stative verbs, countable &
p 5-16 prepositions uncountable nouns, quantifiers

2 Food, Food, Food! An Oil for Life; missing food-related words, phrasal past simple, past continuous, used to
sentences verbs, word formation & would, be used to & get used to
p 17-28
REVIEW 1: Vocabulary & Grammar p 29-30
3 The Wonders of Nature Cities Beneath the Sea; environment-related words, present perfect simple, present
multiple-choice questions prepositions, collocations & perfect continuous, articles
p 31-42 expressions

4 Special Relationships Dogs in a human world; relationship-related words, relative clauses, temporals
multiple matching word formation, phrasal verbs
p 43-54
REVIEW 2: Vocabulary & Grammar p 55-56
5 A Place to Call Home The World’s Coolest home-related words, future simple, be going to, future
Skyscraper; missing prepositions, collocations & continuous, future perfect simple
p 57-68 sentences expressions

6 Ready, Steady, Go! Advertisements, multiple- sport-related words, phrasal conditionals, wish & if only
choice questions verbs, word formation
p 69-80
REVIEW 3: Vocabulary & Grammar p 81-82
7 Extreme Situations Survival in the Andes; words related to extreme past perfect simple, past perfect
multiple-choice questions situations, prepositions, continuous, question tags, subject &
p 83-94 collocations & expressions object questions, negative questions

8 Time to Spare Deep into darkness; words related to free time, modals & semi-modals, modals
missing sentences word formation, phrasal verbs perfect
p 95-106
REVIEW 4: Vocabulary & Grammar p 107-108
9 High-Tech World They’re Watching You; technology-related words, passive voice: tenses, by & with,
multiple-choice questions prepositions, collocations & gerunds, infinitives & modal verbs
p 109-120 expressions

10 That’s Entertainment Music to my Ears; entertainment-related words, reported speech: statements,

multiple matching phrasal verbs, word formation questions, commands, requests &
p 121-132 reporting verbs

REVIEW 5: Vocabulary & Grammar p 133-134

11 Lessons to Learn Advertisements; multiple- education-related words, causative, gerunds, infinitives
choice questions collocations & expressions,
p 135-146 prepositions

12 The Body Beautiful Your Amazing Brain; body-related words, phrasal order of adjectives, adjectives ending
multiple-choice questions verbs, word formation in –ed and –ing, adverbs, so & such,
p 147-158 comparison of adjectives and adverbs

REVIEW 6: Vocabulary & Grammar p 159-160

Grammar Reference: p 161-173
Irregular Verbs: p 174-175
Writing Reference: p 176-183
Speaking Reference: p 184
Collocations and Expressions: p 185
Prepositions: p 186
Phrasal Verbs: p 187
Speaking Information: p 188
Close-Up B1 Intermediate Contents

Listening Speaking Writing DVD

multiple-choice questions talking about your family, comparing email, One Woman’s Choice
(pictures) photos, talking about people linking words & phrases 1

multiple-choice questions talking about food & restaurants, review, Greek Olives
comparing photos, using linking words order of adjectives

note-taking talking about the environment, decision article, Swimming with Sharks
making, opening discussions editing your work

multiple matching talking about relationships with people, story, Man’s Best Friend
problem solving, giving your opinion writing interesting stories

multiple-choice questions talking about homes, comparing photos, email, Living in Venice
talking about similarities and differences dealing with notes

multiple-choice questions talking about sport, decision making, article, Water Sports Adventure
agreeing & disagreeing linking words & phrases 2

note-taking talking about extreme situations, story, Coast Guard School

comparing photos, giving extra narrative tenses
information, giving yourself time to think

multiple-choice questions talking about free-time activities, article, Young Adventurers

(pictures) problem solving, giving advice making articles interesting

multiple-choice questions talking about technology, decision essay, Mars Rovers

(pictures) making, justifying choices topic sentences

multiple-choice questions talking about entertainment, comparing formal letter, Steel Drums
photos, expressing uncertainty clauses of purpose

multiple matching talking about school and education, report, The Maasai Teacher
decision making, reaching a decision both, either & neither

multiple-choice questions decision making, talking about your informal letter, The Memory Man
body, talking about advantages & order of paragraphs

Close-Up B1 Intermediate Contents

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