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Mobile QA & Testing Best Practices

Software testing of mobile applications uses a lot of the same QA & Testing
practices typically used for other software applications. However, there are
important distinctions that can define how successful the mobile application is
ultimately. This whitepaper discusses some of best practices in developing and
performing Quality Assurance on Mobile Applications and outlines strategies for
addressing specific aspects of the testing process.

The demand for mobility shows now signs of slowing fueled by both consumer
and enterprise appetites for mobile applications. That brings up not only the need
to create apps but to test them, and ensure that they run on an increasing array
of platforms and devices.
While many of the typical Software QA practices also apply to performing QA &
Testing on mobile applications, the reality is that mobile applications are quite
different in some critical ways. Mobile Applications therefore require some
special considerations.

Belatrix Software is a leading Software Services Outsourcing company with

its main offices and delivery centers based in Mendoza, Argentina and Lima,
Peru. We provide Software Development, Quality Assurance, Localization and
Graphics Design Services using the “Agile Near-Shore Model”.
How and Where to Test
It’s important to test the application using the actual device model(s) on which
the application will run. This ensures a good level of coverage and also guarantees
that the results of the tests will be much more realistic. Only by having the exact
device and model can you be 100% sure that the application will compatible and
behave the way it’s intended to behave. For example, in the case of iPhone, you
cannot go back in versions unless you have the same hardware model multiplied
by the number of software versions you want to support. This can get extremely
complex and very expensive very quickly.
While helpful for initial testing, none of the alternatives such as emulators,
simulators, are 100% reliable. That’s true even for emulators / simulators that
come with the official SDKs. It’s not uncommon for companies to want to target
all existing devices. However, that’s unrealistic given the actual cost of sourcing,
managing and maintaining all the physical devices.
The only realistic approach is to select a list of devices that your company will
ensure compatibility combined with a well-managed user Beta testing program.
Aside from assigning resources to focus on the most critical devices, the only cost-
effective approach to addressing the other field of devices is to engage groups of
Beta testers. These Beta groups test the application on their devices and report
any issues or incompatibilities. This will result in a compatibility database that can
be used to adapt or fix the application as necessary.
Another important best practice is that companies should, if at all possible, avoid
supporting devices or operating systems that the manufacturers or vendors no
longer support. Trying to test on unsupported devices and O.S. versions increases
costs exponentially.

Good mobile testing practices

Ensure that you have access to all physical devices on which the
application run (Not just emulators or simulators)
Consider the additional time and/or personnel needed to test all the
application's modules on all the devices.
Have an explicit list of devices on which QA will be performed. Basically
this means that the company is committing to supporting certain devices
and Operating Systems on which the application will perform as designed.
The users will be informed that even though the application might work
on other devices, the company will not be held responsible for
unexpected issues. This is the approach taken by most leading vendors
today, including for example, Skype.
Implement a mixed strategy when you have a scenario where you do not
have all the possible devices and therefore cannot do exhaustive testing
on each: Use an emulator on the early stages of app development. Keep
adding real devices into the testing later down the development cycle.
This way you can certify that all the requirements and goals are being

Interface Testing
Validation of buttons, text inputs, labels, etc.
Validate each screen in a comprehensive manner (does it do what it is
supposed to do?)
Validate navigation flow (i.e. from the list of restaurants screen, can I
access bookmarks?)
What happens when you change

Is it easy to navigate between screens or does it require weird steps?
Does it show user redundant information or low value information?
Can it display text properly, in the language selected?
ALL (repeat, ALL) user interactions with the system should generate some
kind of feedback!
Clicks on buttons
Calls over the Internet
Any potentially slow operation: always assume the worst case!
Verification of the functionality OFFLINE / ONLINE. Does the user lose
information that is sent to a server while in a non-coverage area?

This is one of the most important factors to verify when developing Mobile apps.
Users will not accept apps that take too long to load or perform simple actions.
Load and performance testing is a must on Mobile testing. Here are some topics
to consider before writing the test plan:
What if the connection to a server is over 3G instead of WiFi? What about
What about when to send / receive much information from a Web
Are the images used the "right" size?
Optimize: redundant code => CPU cycles => + battery consumption =>
unhappy users
Does the App comply with the response times required by users?
Are there memory leaks?
Are all resources being freed (GPS, camera)?
Do you have any tool for running Load tests? (There are several options
on the market that could help a lot).


Any sensitive data being sent or received must be encoded: Encryption +

Authentication (HMAC-SHA)
Consider potential detection of areas in the app that could receive
malicious information. Corollary: the server is not necessarily our friend.
Do not assume good behavior: the world is evil, cruel and vile!
Any file you saved in the application can reach the hands of unintended
third parties.
Multiuser support without interfering with the data between them.
Make sure that attacker cannot take your app offline.
Could an ordinary user take administrator privileges on your app?


The Mobile Apps should act as the client, not the server.
Validate what happens should a service goes down. If it returns
malformed responses, control errors, etc.
What if the service takes too long to respond?
What happens if you try to access a service offline?
What if I get disconnected during transmission of info?
Have we included API testing? This is very important since our app could
be using APIs and we should make sure that we know these APIs and the
way to interact with them. Sometimes the problem is not in the mobile

Low-level resources

Is the App generating "garbage" of some sort? Temporary files not

cleaned, local database growing too much...
Are we correctly using the sensors? Are we freeing the GPS? Do we make
more calls to the server than needed?
Are we using too much memory? Or, are we not releasing memory

Are we "backing up" necessary information in the app?
Are we prepared for "shock" mode? If the battery dies, we need a
Recovery and Save Plan.
If you upgrade to a new version of the App on the corresponding
"Market", is data lost?
What if the user gets a call while using the app? What if there comes an
Does the battery seem to go down dramatically with the use of our App?

Compatibility and multi-device environments

Have you validated the app on devices, OS versions and models agreed?
How does your application behave on different screens and resolutions?
What if the integration server changes? Does it support a seamless
Can our application affect other third-party systems? Can it jeopardize
other systems or degrade them?

The latest HTML5 and mobile web-based apps are optimized to adapt content
according to geography. This means your app can be accessed from everywhere in
the world, allowing it to work as expected.
Have you considered the following items while you developed your testing plan?

Date formats
Text direction (some languages are written from
right to left)
Languages with different set of characters
Address formats
Currency conversion

There are also several other things to keep in mind when writing your test scripts.
The key here is to always think that your app could be accessed by people all over
the world. The goal is to get it to work as if it were in your own country. A proxy
service could help on testing different localizations without being present on all
the countries. This is a cheap option to test localization. Consider taking
advantage of remote real devices as another low-cost option to test localization.

Native vs. Web

There are some important things to differentiate when you test a native app
versus a web based app.
Some considerations when testing native mobile apps:
Testing cycle starts from the installation and launching process
You may probably need physical access to the device ID
Your app may have access to other APIs. Make sure those connections are
under your testing scope.
Important factors when testing mobile Web-based apps:
Requires internet connection (WiFi, 3/2G, GPRS,
Different web browsers render on their own way
the pages.
Make sure performance and load speed is tested (and they are satisfying
the requirements).

Native apps developed by cross-platform SDKs -- It is getting more frequent to use

cross-platform SDKs to develop mobile apps that work for several devices/OS.
One of them is Titanium. Despite that it brings you a native app, you may want to
assure the app is running as it is expected on all the supported devices. Just
testing in one of them is not an option!

About Belatrix Software

Belatrix Software helps clients achieve the full impact of their R&D capabilities.
Belatrix develops high quality, innovative software, QA and testing that enables
clients to generate best-in-class, revenue producing software products, decrease
time to market, and gain competitive edge. The company’s mission is to be a
passionate global partner delivering software innovation to enhance our client’s
Belatrix's clients include both established Fortune level and emerging, venture
backed firms. A rising brand in Nearshore Agile outsourced software
development, Belatrix Software has relationships with some of the fastest growing
software startups to Fortune 500 companies. Belatrix is headquartered in
Mendoza, Argentina with offices in Boston, Naples, Mendoza, and Lima. For more
information, please call 617-608-1413 or visit

Belatrix’s Quality Assurance Department provides testing and

quality assurance services for projects developed within the company (internal
projects) or by other companies (external projects). It also supplies mechanisms to
improve existing practices by developing standardized processes for the entire
company and by
applying ISO™ standards, international standards, and lessons learned from
CMMI™-SEI. Belatrix’s QA team specializes in high value-added QA services such
as Load Testing, Scripted Testing, etc. Because of this we are extremely selective
in our recruitment process and only hire top software engineers that have a
passion for Quality Assurance.
Some of the Testing Strategies we follow are:

Functional Testing
Risk-Based Testing
Graphic User Interface
Acceptance, Usability and Accessibility
Performance (Stress and Load)
Installation and Configuration
API Testing (N.Unit and MS-VSTester Edition)
Automation (Python, VBscript, Apodora,
Mercury QTP)
Smoke Test

Experience how a relationship with Belatrix can give your company a distinctive
advantage through high quality Agile software development and quality
assurance services. Contact us now!

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