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Bina Darma Conference on Engineering Science e-ISSN: XXX-


The Title Should Contain Highlights or The

Subject of This Paper (Garamond 14pt,
Bold, Centered, Title Case)

First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3 (11 pt,


Informatics Departement , Bina Darma University, Palembang, Idnonesia
Information System Departement, Bina Darma University, Palembang,
Email: 1first_author_email, 2second_author_email, 3third_author_email


The abstract must contains: aims of the paper, methods, result, and
conclusion within 100-200 words maximum. Abstract should be
written stand-alone, means that no citation in the abstract, not
referring to figure/ table / references. Avoid using uncommon
abbreviations. You must be accurate, brief, clear and specific.
Keywords are the labels of your manuscript and critical to correct
indexing and searching. Therefore the keywords should represent
the content and highlight of your article. Keyword should be
separated by a comma (,) within three to five keywords. This file is
a template that contains the style guide in Scientific Journal of
Informatics. You can copy and paste the paper into this format.
Abstract is written using 10 pt font size. Abstract written in the
form of a single paragraph (1 paragraph) which includes an
introduction, methods and results achieved, without any reference
to the bibliography. Abstracts should describe the research
explicitly by straightforward and clear sentences. Abstract written
in English with maximum length to 200 words. At the end of the
abstract is given keyword with a maximum of 5 words / phrases.

Keywords: Writing Guidelines, Scientific Manusripts, BDCEC


The introduction must contain a general background

(shortly), a literature review (state of the art) in order to
record the existing method/solutions, to show which is the
best of previous researches and to show the main limitation
of the previous researches. It has be contain with at least 5

Bina Darma Conference on Engineering Science e-ISSN: XXX-

literature in order to justify novelty this paper. The

introduction should be clearly contain the gap analysis (why
this research needs to be done? What is the uniqueness of
this paper compared to previous papers?) as the basic of the
new research question, statements of the new scientific
article and main research problems (novelty).

Example of novelty statement or the gap analysis statement

in the end of Introduction section (after state of the art of
previous research survey): “........ (short summary of
background)......A few researchers focused on ....... There
have been limited studies concerned on ........ Therefore, this
research intends to ................. The objectives of this
research are .........”.
Manuscripts arranged with the following order of topics.


The method is applied to solve problems including

procedures, measuring and analytical methods. Methods
should make the reader able to reproduce your experiment.
Provide enough detail to allow the work to be reproduced.
The published method should be indicated by reference: only
relevant modifications should be explained. Do not repeat
details of existing methods, just refer it from the literature.

2.1. Research Methods

Research methods may include the theories which used in

the literature review which is obtained in the literature and
should be accompanied by reference. Inform briefly about
the research methods which used and explain how its stages.

2.2. Mathematical Equations

Mathematical equations are numbered in Arabic numerals,

open-close brackets, and in align right column position.

2 | Paper Tittle .....

Bina Darma Conference on Engineering Science e-ISSN: XXX-

The equation is written a bit indented and given
corresponding ordinal number.

net =∑ ❑ x i wi +b (2)

2.3. How to Reconciliation and Citations

Refernce in the discussion is marked by literature number

which is referenced in square brackets. Examples: [1], [2, 5–
7], or [2–5, 12–13].


Manuscripts can be presented with the support of tables,
graphs or images which needed to clarify the results of
presentation verbally. Results and discussion is shown
clearly and concisely.
Figure and format tables is using center alignment. Each of
figures and tables are given number and description, as well
as referred to the writing. Number and figure title is placed
below the image, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Cameraman was taking pictures

Provisions writing of title figure:

1) The initial letters are capitalized, unless an acronym
should be written in capital letters.
2) The writing of the corresponding provisions must be
uppercase, eg name of province (Central Java), etc.
3) Color figures are made in black and white, in order to
be readable when printed.

Author1, Author2, at all | 3

Bina Darma Conference on Engineering Science e-ISSN: XXX-

4) Figure should not be compressed in order to not


Number and title of the table is place on the table which

concerned and made in center alignment. In Table 1, shown
the following example of wrting the number and title of table.
The Table is recommended to not using vertical lines, only
horizontal lines (on the header and footer), as for example
shown in Table 1.

Tabel 1. The table form which used, table font is adjusting

ID ID 173 ID 174 ID 175 ID 176
m T N T N T N T N
1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1 0 0 0 0 2 1.3 0 0
7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Conclusions should be an answer to the research question.

Conclusions written in one paragraph in essay form, no in
numerical form.


References should be numbered and the numbering in order

of appearance in the text. When referring to a references in
document text, write the references number in square
brackets, eg: [1]. All the served data or quotes in the article
taken from the other author articles should attach the
reference sources. The references should use a reference
application management such as Mendeley, End Note, or
Zotero. The writing format that used in Agro Ekonomi, AE,
follows the format applied by IEEE standard.

4 | Paper Tittle .....

Bina Darma Conference on Engineering Science e-ISSN: XXX-

[1] H. K. Flora and S. V. Chande, "A review and analysis on

mobile application development processes using agile
methodologies," International Journal of Research in
Computer Science, vol. 3, pp. 8-18, 2013.
[2] R. Yunis and K. Surendro, "Perancangan model
enterprise architecture dengan TOGAF architecture
development method," in Seminar Nasional Aplikasi
Teknologi Informasi (SNATI), 2009.
[2] R. Pressman, "Software Engineering A Practitioner’s
Approach 7th Ed-Roger S. Pressman. Software
Engineering A Practitioner’s Approach 7th Ed-Roger S.
Pressman (p. 0)," ed, 2009.
[3] A. J. Abdellatif, B. McCollum, and P. McMullan, "Serious
games: Quality characteristics evaluation framework and
case study," in Integrated STEM Education Conference
(ISEC), 2018 IEEE, 2018, pp. 112-119.
[4] J. Nielsen, "Usability inspection methods," in Conference
companion on Human factors in computing systems,
1994, pp. 413-414.

Author1, Author2, at all | 5

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