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OPINION ADJECTIVES: Age: young, old, middle-aged; in his Eyes: big, small, round, slanting; blue,
twenties, in her early forties, in his green, black, brown
POSITIVE NEGATIVE middle fifties, in her late thirties Nose: big, small, snub, flat, straight
Height: tall, short, average height. Mouth: big, small, generous; thin lips,
pretty, ugly, homely,
Weight: skinny (-), thin, underweight, thick lips
beautiful, unattractive,
slim, slender, plump, overweight, fat(-) Complexion: pale, dark, tanned, olive-
handsome, untidy, plain,
Hair: long, short, medium length; skinned
attractive, vulgar, scruffy,
loose, ponytail, bunches, fringe, Built/Constitution: weak, stocky,
elegant, tidy, unpleasant
sideboards, parting, bald; straight, strong, muscular, stout
wavy, curly; grey, blond, fair, brown, OTHER ADJECTIVES:
striking, healthy
dark, reddish, red, black She’s long-legged, blue-eyed, dark-
Face: oval, square, round; wrinkled skinned, curly-haired

HOW DO WE USE THE ADJECTIVES IN A SENTENCE? There are many possibilities. Have a look!
She is/looks beautiful, untidy, healthy, tall, short, thin, skinny, strong, muscular. She has got long, dark, curly hair. He has a crew-cut. She
usually wears a ponytail. Her hair is medium length. His hair has gone grey. Her face is quite chubby. She’s got big, slanting, black eyes.
She has got a big mouth with generous lips. His complexion is quite dark.

Alice Eve Lara Rebeca

Who am I describing? She’s a very pretty young girl, who looks
quite fashionable and smart. She seems quite tall and slim.
She’s got long, dark, straight hair and she wears it loose. Her
face is oval. She’s blue-eyed and her nose is straight and a bit
long. She’s got a big mouth with thick lips. Her skin is tanned and
she seems fit and strong.

1. Let’s describe Eve. Choose the 2. Now, complete the sentences: 3. You are ready to write a
adjectives from above that you are Eve is a __________, __________ description on your own now!
going to use: - opinion: girl. She looks ________ and ______. Describe one of the two girls left.
- age: Her hair is __________, _________
- height: and __________. She’s got a _____
- weight: face. Her eyes are ________ and
- hair: _______. She’s _______-nosed. She’s
- face: got a _________ mouth with _______
- eyes: lips. Her complexion is __________
- nose: and she is __________ and
- mouth _____________.
- complexion:
- built:

4. Who is it?
1. He’s a plain, middle-aged man. He’s probably in his late forties. He’s quite tall and
thin. His hair is reddish and his face is round. He’s got a pale complexion and he
looks rather healthy and fit. He’s wearing elegant clothes.
2. She’s an unattractive, middle-aged woman. She’s probably in her early sixties,
though she’s wearing a lot of make-up to conceal it. Her face is round and her skin is
quite pale. She’s wearing a sophisticated hairstyle and some jewels. Her clothes are
3. She’s a beautiful, young girl. She’s probably in her early twenties. She’s long-
legged and slender. Her hair is long, dark and straight. She’s wearing a ponytail. Her
face is round and her eyes are big. She’s got rosy lips and a tanned-skin. She seems
fit and healthy.

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