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Annual Report 2019
01 A letter from Chairman and CEO
Brian Moynihan: Responsible Growth
drove our performance in 2019
07 A message from Lead Independent
Director Jack Bovender
09 A message from Brian Moynihan:
Responsible Growth and stakeholder
capitalism in action
14 Q&A with Dean Athanasia:
Consumer & Small Business priorities
16 Q&A with Katy Knox and Andy Sieg:
Transforming wealth management
18 Personalized banking, digitally delivered
19 Building rewarding relationships
CONTENTS 20 Making financial lives better in
underserved communities
21 Market presidents deliver the bank
22 Q&A with Tom Montag:
Global Banking and Global Markets
23 Powerful CashPro® platform
24 Q&A with Anne Finucane:
Addressing society’s biggest challenges
27 A world of ESG innovation
28 Investing to improve the environment
29 Driving economic mobility:
one community’s story
30 Diversity at work and in our communities
32 Creating opportunities through employee
34 Supporting teammates in moments
that matter
35 Partnering to end AIDS
35 Courageous conversations
36 Total rewards
37 Funding the power to dream
37 2019 Human Capital Management Report
38 2019 ESG highlights
40 Financial highlights
A letter from Chairman and CEO Brian Moynihan:
Responsible Growth drove our performance in 2019

To our shareholders and clients,

To my teammates,
To leaders and partners in the communities we serve
across the U.S. and around the world,
I am pleased to share the 2019 Bank of America Annual Report with
you. In this report, my teammates and I share highlights of the progress
our company made during the year, which capped off a decade of
growth for our company and for the U.S. and global economy.
In 2019, your company followed its Responsible We enter 2020 with strength and momentum after a
Growth operating principles and delivered $27.4 billion decade of transformative change. Our capital, liquidity
in earnings, or $2.75 per share. After adjusting for a and capacity to serve clients are excellent, and we are
third-quarter non-cash impairment charge, we earned delivering strong earnings. Our products are best in
$29.1 billion.1 That adjusted figure exceeded our record class, and we continue to improve them. Our team gets
2018 results. We returned more than $34 billion in capital stronger every day, as we continue to invest heavily to
to you, our shareholders, including $28 billion in share make sure we are the best place to work.
buybacks and $6 billion in common dividends. We raised
Over the course of the decade that just ended, we
the annual dividend by 22%, from $0.54 to $0.66 cents
earned $127 billion and returned $97 billion to you,
per share. Through our capital deployment over the last
our common shareholders, and $111 billion to you and
few years, we reduced the number of outstanding shares
our preferred shareholders together. The rest is in our
to below 9 billion last year, 2.5 billion fewer than at the
capital base to serve our customers. Our stock returns
peak. We committed to you that we would wring out
have also been strong and you can see our one-, three-
the share dilution caused by the increased capital levels
and five-year charts below. We have balanced our risk
required under the new capital rules and the shares we
and streamlined our company, and our returns are well
issued to rebuild our base of capital last decade. We
in excess of our cost of capital.
remain committed to that reduction and will accomplish
it while continuing to invest in our company. What a difference a decade makes.

1-year stock 3-year stock 5-year stock

performance2 performance2 performance2


59.4% 60.1%
42.9% 44.4% 44.3% 43.8%
22.3% 23.5% 22.1%

500 Index Peers 500 Index Peers 500 Index Peers

1 The $29.1 billion net income represents a non-GAAP financial measure, as it excludes the third-quarter $2.1 billion pre-tax, $1.7 billion after-tax,
non-cash impairment charge related to the notice of termination of our merchant services joint venture which increased noninterest expense and
is included in the reported net income of $27.4 billion.
2 U.S. large cap (LC) peers include JPM, C, WFC, GS, and MS.


Client activity was strong across all business lines,
allowing the benefits of our growth in loans and
deposits to offset the impact of lower rates.

Total loans and leases Total deposits

(billions) (trillions)

$983 $1.43
$937 $947 $1.38
$897 $907 $1.31

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Those accomplishments are due to our team. It starts for customers, for teammates, for shareholders,
with our dedicated group of independent directors, AND for our communities and the society in which
led by Jack Bovender, our lead independent director. we operate.
You can see the board’s commitment to our strategy in
In a separate note on page 9 of this report, I offer a
Jack’s letter on page 7 of this report. I thank Jack for his
more extended discussion that addresses questions
board leadership; his term runs through our 2021 annual
being raised about whether the challenges we face are
meeting. Jack’s leadership is stellar, and his eventual
so profound that our capitalist system itself is incapable
successor will have big shoes to fill.
of addressing them.
Our team includes the 208,000 teammates who work
While we must acknowledge and address some short-
tirelessly every day to serve our customers well and
comings within our capitalist system, I will discuss our
deliver the returns for you. They are led by a talented
belief at Bank of America that the remedies to these
management team, many of whom share their insights
shortcomings are found within capitalism itself.
about our company in this report. I thank the board and
the management team for the work they do on behalf of So how does Bank of America produce these results?
our company. We do it by delivering on Responsible Growth. Let’s
discuss how we did in 2019.
At Bank of America, we focus on results and we
focus on how we deliver them. One of the things we
should all be proud of is how we have delivered for our Responsible Growth
traditional stakeholders, customers, teammates and Our 208,000 teammates delivered the 2019 results
shareholders, and how we delivered for the broader I mentioned earlier — $29.1 billion in adjusted earnings
society at the same time. A concept we embrace — the and $34 billion in capital returns to you — through their
“genius of the and”3 — applies to how we are delivering disciplined focus on Responsible Growth.

3 This is a concept developed by Jim Collins in his book Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies.


Responsible Growth has four straightforward tenets: We must grow and
We have to grow — no excuses. remain customer focused
We deliver Responsible Growth by focusing on our
We have to be client focused in our growth. clients and what they need to live their financial lives.
We have to grow within our risk appetite. All our growth is organic. We call it growth that will stick
to our ribs, not run off. We are seeing the results of our
And our growth must be sustainable, which has three client focus in many areas. Client satisfaction scores
elements: 1) we have to drive operational excellence; across our eight lines of business, for instance, are at
2) we have to be a great place to work; and 3) we an all-time high. Our brand continues to be very strong.
have to share our success with our communities. We see continued gains in attracting new clients, and
importantly our current clients continue to do more
Grow and win in the market — no excuses
with us. That means we are doing a great job for them.
The first pillar of Responsible Growth is to grow, no
excuses. And we did that in 2019. Client activity was Our 65,000-strong team in our consumer businesses
strong across all business lines, allowing the benefits of has grown Consumer Banking checking balances 44
our growth in loans and deposits to offset the impact consecutive quarters. At the end of 2019, Consumer
of lower rates. Average deposits grew $65 billion, or Banking held more than $700 billion in deposits. Our
5%, year over year. We have grown deposits every 66 million consumer and small business clients value
quarter over the prior year by more than $40 billion for our online and mobile capabilities along with the
nearly five years now. Average loans were up 3% last convenience of 4,300 financial centers and more than
year, again led by Consumer Banking, where average 16,800 ATMs. In addition to this high-touch capability,
loans grew 6%. Dean Athanasia, who leads Consumer our clients value the high-tech capabilities we offer.
Banking and Small Business, shares some insights in We interact with our clients almost 28 million times
his Q&A on page 14 about how we continue to deliver every day, and 81% of these interactions come from
for retail and preferred clients and small business with our 38 million active digital banking clients. Our clients
innovation and great service. benefit from our investments in artificial intelligence
(AI) to help personalize their individual financial habits,
We saw commercial loan growth last year of 4% and
goals and priorities. Clients who use Zelle® for sending
a 10% increase in our lending to small businesses and
and receiving money through their mobile phone made
loans to middle market clients. We are proud this year
300 million transfers representing $78 billion last year.
that we became the largest U.S. lender to small busi-
Our AI-driven digital assistant, Erica®, was launched in
nesses, the lifeblood of the American economy. We also
2018, and we topped 10 million users last year, while
became the largest commercial and industrial lender
roughly 10 million clients are active users of Zelle. More
in the U.S. Our growth efforts continue to bear fruit as
than 55% of our total consumer client payments are
we added hundreds of commercial and small business
made digitally. This is more than $1.6 trillion moved digi-
bankers across our footprint. And you can rest assured,
tally by Bank of America consumer clients each year.
we have done so by staying within our risk appetite,
as I will discuss below. In a Q&A on page 22, Chief Of our total deposit transactions, 27% were done
Operating Officer Tom Montag discusses the invest- through our mobile channels, and 79% through mobile
ments we are making to deepen our client relationships and ATMs together. More than 50% of our clients
and the other opportunities ahead in our Global Banking have gone paperless. Digital channels generated 29%
and Global Markets businesses. of overall sales, with 34% of mortgages and 56% of
auto loans now originating in our mobile app or online
Each of our businesses contributed to our strong earn-
banking site. Customers also arranged more than
ings last year. And most of them grew their market share
2.3 million appointments through digital and mobile in
while producing good bottom-line growth. Consumer
2019, up 19% from 2018. This enables our teammates
Banking earned $13 billion last year by deepening rela-
in the financial centers to efficiently address the more
tionships with our clients while we continued to invest
complex needs of their clients in person and contributes
in infrastructure and client capabilities. Our wealth
to a better client experience.
management teams saw net new household growth
of more than 20% last year, earning record income of There is much talk about what happens to traditional
$4.3 billion with average client deposits up $15 billion. banks when digitization occurs. You can see that in
the statistics above. We are enabling our clients, and
Our Global Banking business earned $8.1 billion, and our
the teammates who serve them, with the best, most
Global Markets business earned $3.5 billion. Combining
comprehensive high-tech digital capabilities, while
the results for these businesses, as other financial
investing and advancing high-touch service through
services companies report them, would result in
financial centers and other channels, for an unmatched
$11.6 billion for 2019.


TOTAL Bank of
range of access that reflects the many ways clients RETURN4
Rolling 5-year 114.1%
choose to do business with us.
Client-centered growth drove our results in our wealth
management businesses, too. Wealth management
client balances exceeded $3 trillion for the first time.
The Bank of America Private Bank saw an increase of
64% in net new households, while Merrill saw a 25%
gain. Merrill alone brought in more than 40,000 net
new affluent households, and we added 60% more S&P 500
private bank relationships in 2019 over 2018. Our
wealth management clients benefit from a high-touch 73.8% U.S.
Large Cap
and high-tech mix, too. Household mobile usage was Peer Avg.
up 39% in the private bank and 44% in Merrill, and
we had the most top advisor rankings in the industry. 60.5%
For a deeper look at how we are transforming wealth
management, look for a discussion on page 16 with
Katy Knox, president of Bank of America Private Bank,
and Andy Sieg, president of Merrill Lynch Wealth
We’re driving deeper client engagement with our Global
Banking and Global Markets teams, too. Our teams
continue to grow loans, adhering to our risk framework
that is more stringent than industry averages. They
are growing transaction services fees nicely, too. In
investment banking, we have gained share of the global
fee pools with a successful retooling of the business.
We are the largest U.S. commercial lending business
and have one of the top market-making and investment
banking platforms that can deliver for clients globally.
Global Banking deposits grew $23 billion, a reflection of Growing in a sustainable manner
the hundreds of additional relationship bankers we have Earlier I stated the three tenets to growth that is
added in the U.S. and globally in the last several years. sustainable. They are 1) drive operational excellence,
Our Global Markets business serves our clients well and 2) be the best place for teammates to work, and
last year made money on 98% of the trading days. 3) share our success with our communities. The combi-
nation of delivering all the results I’ve discussed rests
Grow while staying within
upon a bedrock of this pillar of Responsible Growth.
our risk appetite
This ensures that we are investing long term, while
Growing within our risk appetite is another tenet of
delivering near-term results. This tenet ensures that we
Responsible Growth. Our loan losses are at historic lows.
deliver for all our constituencies. And this tenet ensures
Asset and credit quality are strong across our consumer
we have the best team.
and commercial portfolios, and our capital and liquidity
are much higher than a decade ago. Even as we returned Operational excellence
$34 billion to shareholders last year, our Tier 1 common Operational excellence generates savings and efficien-
equity ratio was 11.2%, well above our 9.5% minimum cies that make it possible for us to continue to invest.
requirement. We continued to use our operational excel- By improving the way we serve clients, streamlining
lence work to drive operational risk out of the company. our internal processes and creating other efficiencies
We are growing the right way. that stem from the thousands of ideas our teammates
generated last year, we were able to invest in our capa-
bilities even as we managed our expenses consistent
with the $53 billion target for 2019, which we set in 2016.
This has been a continuous process of improvement.

4 Total shareholder return includes stock price appreciation and dividends paid. U.S. large cap (LC) peers include JPM, C, WFC, GS, and MS.


Since the beginning of 2010, we have invested $30 billion
in new technology initiatives, including the mobile and
digital capabilities we highlight throughout this report.
In addition, in just the last year, we completed the
upgrade of our network of more than 16,800 ATMs and
added 900 new ones, while modernizing more than
500 of our financial centers and opening 90 new ones.
We continue to add financial centers in new markets
starting where we already have wealth management
and business clients — all made possible by savings
from our focus on operational excellence. For instance,
we opened our first financial centers in Ohio in 2019,
and plan to open more than 30 centers in Cincinnati,
Columbus and the Cleveland area over the next two
years. We added about 100 ATMs in the state in the last
year and a half.
The investment in our financial centers and ATMs goes
beyond modernizing existing centers and building new
ones. It connects all of our client services and experi-
ences and creates the opportunity to build on existing
relationships, attract new ones and acquaint clients with
Preferred Rewards, which rewards members for doing
more with us across their entire banking relationship.
As our clients’ needs and expectations evolve, the
financial center client experience and design has to
evolve with them. Every day, 800,000 clients visit our
financial centers. The financial centers continue to
evolve to better serve the range of needs of our clients.
Last year, we developed 1,500 “One Team” financial
centers with dedicated wealth management, Business
We continue to Advantage and consumer lending specialists to make
it easier for clients to connect across all our products
use our operational and services.

excellence work to Another example of the type of investment that opera-

tional excellence helps generate is our Aira service—a
drive operational risk new technology to help blind and low-vision clients gain
better access to our financial centers and ATMs. Aira
out of the company. delivers instant access to visual information at the touch
of a button. This free service connects these special
We are growing the needs clients with visual information on demand.

right way. At the same time, we are making investments in tech-

nology to optimize the digital experience for chief
financial officers and treasurers of our corporate clients.
Some 500,000 clients now use CashPro®, our digital
application for our business client treasury and lending
needs. Mobile CashPro logins grew more than 100%
year over year. Adoption of other new tools relying on
AI and machine learning for corporate clients is growing
even faster.
Even as our team maintained expense discipline over
the past decade, we continued to invest in our people,
our technology, infrastructure, buildings and facilities,


and in helping make progress on many societal To highlight one area of focus, since 2012, there has
priorities. And — by the way — we made these invest- been no increase in medical premiums for teammates
ments while returning our excess of our earnings to earning less than $50,000. For all teammates, we vary
you — $34 billion — through dividends and buybacks. the medical premium contribution by annual pay level,
A company like ours can invest and manage its capital. with larger company subsidies for those earning less.
Also, our average contribution increases since 2012
Here are a few highlights of investments we made for
have been below national health care trends. Another
2019 alone:
area of focus in the report is the progress we continue
• We made $1.7 billion in capital investments in new and to make to ensure diverse representation at all levels
modernized facilities in 2019. This past decade, we of our company, including a board of directors and
invested in new buildings in Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, management team who are more than 45% diverse.
Chicago, Paris, Hong Kong and many other markets. Additionally, women comprise more than 45% of the
We modernized more than 1,300 financial centers the management team and 40% of the top three levels of
last three years, and the plan we announced in 2016 our company.
to upgrade and expand our entire financial center and
We saw significant internal and external awareness
ATM network by 2021 is on track.
for being a great place to work. In 2019, the Diversity
• In 2019, we added 3,600 new teammates. We hired & Inclusion Index in our 2019 Employee Engagement
32,000 employees, including 6,300 new employees Survey was the highest it has ever been. Bank of
from low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, and America also was the top financial institution in the
4,000 college and MBA graduates. We passed a major 2019 LinkedIn Top Companies list, which recognizes
milestone of our 100-year support for the military, the most sought-after places to work.
and reached our five-year goal to hire 10,000 military
veterans. Sharing success
One way we share our success is through our local
• For our employees, it was the third consecutive year market and country teams and their support of
in which we recognized approximately 95% (all but the local partners through community development lending
top 5% paid) of our teammates for driving Responsible and philanthropy. Over the last decade, we have
Growth with a special compensation award. (In total, provided around $50 billion in community development
more than $1.5 billion in the last three years.) In the lending, including for priorities in affordable housing
first quarter of 2020, we raised our minimum starting and economic mobility, and $2 billion in philanthropy.
salary to $20 per hour, up from $17 per hour in 2019. Last year alone, we delivered nearly $5 billion in
As you can see, operational excellence allows us to community development financing for affordable
deliver industry-leading efficiency, while investing housing and other community priorities, and made
heavily. And that serves us well no matter what environ- more than $250 million in philanthropic contributions.
ment is ahead of us. Our employees directed more than $60 million
through individual giving and matching gifts and
A great place to work logged nearly 2 million volunteer hours to strengthen
Being a great place to work is another driver of sustain- local communities.
able Responsible Growth. To provide the best service
Sharing success also includes the work we do in our
to our clients and to support the communities in which
Environmental Business Initiative. In 2019, we met our
we operate, we must continue to attract and retain
10-year, $125 billion environmental business initiative—
the best talent. Being a great place to work includes
six years ahead of schedule. We established a new
our ongoing commitment to developing and managing
target of $300 billion in clean energy finance by 2030.
talent, employee engagement, equal pay for equal work
Consistent with the objectives of our Environmental
and core values anchored in our commitment to diver-
Business Initiative, we have met our 2020 goal of
sity and inclusion.
becoming carbon neutral in our own activities. Look
In 2019, we published our first Human Capital for a discussion on page 24 with Vice Chairman Anne
Management Report. Throughout the report, we provide Finucane, who leads our sustainable development
detailed information about the actions our company work and co-chairs with Tom Montag our broader work
has taken for teammates and their families across the in sustainable finance, on the leadership we bring to
globe. I encourage you to review it carefully; there is driving progress on the societal priorities through our
additional detail and insight throughout this report core financing and other activities.
as well.


A message from
Lead Independent Director
Jack Bovender

of Responsible Growth, including risk management

and environmental, social and governance practices.
We remain abreast of developments in markets, the
economy and geopolitical issues that may affect
them. We discuss and assess trends in the financial
services industry, all with an eye toward ensuring
the long-term, sustainable value of the company.

I also meet regularly with shareholders and gather

viewpoints that I share with the board. This direct
engagement with shareholders provides feedback
Dear fellow shareholders, on executive compensation, capital allocation and
As the lead independent director and on behalf of the other important matters. That feedback informs
independent directors of Bank of America Corporation, our board meeting agendas and helps enhance our
thank you for choosing to invest in Bank of America. The governance discussions. You will find extensive
directors comprise individuals representing a diverse discussion of all of these matters throughout this
range of informed expertise. Sixteen of the 17 directors annual report and in our 2020 Proxy Statement.
are independent; 65% have CEO-level experience; I encourage you to review this material carefully.
and 35% have senior executive experience at financial
On behalf of the directors, I join Chairman and
CEO Brian Moynihan and the management team
Your board reviews and approves the company strategy in thanking you again for your investment in
as presented by the management team each fall. The our company.
directors oversee the execution of the strategy by
engaging in a year-round strategic assessment and
planning process. Throughout 2019, our dialogue at the
board and with the company’s management included
regular review of the company’s adherence to its tenets

In the United States, one of the important ways We are proud that Global Finance recognized Bank
we engage and share success in the communities we of America as the Best Bank in the World in 2019. In
serve is through our market president organization. early 2020, Fortune named your company to its list of
Our network of 90 market presidents is responsible the 100 Great Places to Work, and as the only global
for leading an integrated team to deliver for clients, financial services firm on its list of the top 18 Best Big
teammates and the community, serving as the chief Companies to Work For.
executive for Bank of America in that market. You will
Also last year, our research team was recognized as
see a more detailed discussion of how our market
Top Global Research Firm by Institutional Investor, an
president organization does this through the experience
honor we held for most of the last decade, including
of Raul Anaya, our Los Angeles market president, on
each year from 2011 to 2016.
page 21.
Global Finance also named Bank of America the
External recognition Best Consumer Digital Bank in America and Money
magazine ranked us the Best Bank for College Students.
Because of our investments in our capabilities and in
Reflecting our focus on managing risk well, for ourselves
our people, in 2019 we received recognition in many
and for our clients, we earned prestigious recognition
areas, including for our products and services, for our
from Risk magazine, which named us Derivatives House
commitment to our team and to diversity and inclu-
of the Year, Equity Derivatives House of the Year and
sion, and for our contributions addressing important
OTC Client Clearer of the Year.
societal priorities.


The external recognition includes several areas that Despite headwinds that may arise from time to time,
reflect our commitment to being a great place to work, over the last decade we have built a strong, stable
another tenet of Responsible Growth. Euromoney platform, with significant liquidity and capital, and we
named us the World’s Best Bank for Diversity & will remain resilient as we maintain disciplined focus on
Inclusion, and Forbes included us in their JUST 100: what we can control, which is embedded in delivering
Companies Doing Right by America ranking of how the Responsible Growth.
country’s largest publicly traded companies perform in
As we look ahead to 2020 and beyond, we will maintain
important areas including fair wages, acting ethically
our focus on delivering Responsible Growth through
and setting the standard in stakeholder treatment.
disciplined adherence to the tenets I’ve discussed: by
serving our clients, managing risk well and ensuring
Looking ahead those results are sustainable through operational excel-
to 2020 lence, being a great place to work for our teammates,
I hope you’ll enjoy reading about your company in and sharing our success. The three-year company
the following pages, where you can look at how we’re strategy that our board of directors reviewed in the
helping make financial lives better through every fall of 2019 is based on continued adherence to this
connection. approach. And as always, we will continue to learn what
is most important to those we serve by asking:
Our performance and recognition took place against a
backdrop of a growing U.S. and global economy, driven What would you like the power to do?
by solid consumer spending. While geopolitical and Let me know at [email protected]
trade uncertainty remains, we saw some of it clear up
as trade agreements with Canada, Mexico and China
were concluded in 2019.
There are factors beyond our control that impact the
markets and economies in which we operate. As this
report is being completed, we are experiencing volatility
because of uncertainties around the impacts of the Brian Moynihan
coronavirus. We are taking the necessary measures to March 3, 2020
look after our employees and serve them as this situa-
tion develops.

Total assets Return on average tangible

(trillions) common shareholders’ equity5

$2.43 15.55%
$2.35 14.86%
$2.14 $2.19

9.16% 9.51% 9.41%

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

5 Represents a non-GAAP financial measure. For more information on these measures and ratios, and a corresponding reconciliation to GAAP
financial measures, see Supplemental Financial Data on page 48 and Non-GAAP Reconciliations on page 101 of the 2019 Financial Review section.


A message from Brian Moynihan:
Responsible Growth and stakeholder
capitalism in action

What would you like the power to do?

Our core job is to ask this question of our teammates, our clients, our shareholders and the
communities we serve. By listening to the answer, we learn what is most important to them.
And then we try to help them do it.
Our clients want the best capabilities, services and ideas to help them live their financial lives.
Our employees want to be able to bring their authentic selves to work and to create a good
life for themselves and their families with competitive compensation and benefits.
Our shareholders want the best returns on their investment in Bank of America.

By driving Responsible Growth, we deliver for these the world by Institutional Investor for seven of the last
stakeholders. nine years — has published a series of research reports
demonstrating that companies that pay close attention
At the same time, we also serve broader society.
to environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities
We must tackle important societal priorities, such as
are much less likely to fail than companies that do not.
affordable housing, economic mobility and a clean
energy future. And we are. There is a lot of discussion At Bank of America, we believe capitalism is best at
today about the best ways to mobilize the resources creating opportunity for people to realize their hopes
needed to address these challenges. The discussion and dreams. We believe if we keep aiming capital-
includes questions about how effective our capitalist ism’s power toward the challenges we face, we can
economic system is at prioritizing these needs and make significant progress on society’s most pressing
whether we need to think differently about it. Simply problems.
stated: Can capitalism address the most challenging
Bank of America’s role in that system is to help all of our
societal priorities, or might we need to think about
stakeholders — our clients, shareholders, teammates
another economic model?
and those in the communities where we operate — grab
In 2019, the Business Roundtable in the U.S. issued a the opportunities they see for themselves by helping
Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation. Bank of with their financial lives.
America is a member of the Business Roundtable, and
We also believe, though, that it is important to acknowl-
I signed the statement, because it reflects the way
edge questions being raised, such as:
our company has operated for many, many years. The
statement is straightforward, and I encourage everyone • How do we ensure equal access to opportunity?
with an interest in Bank of America to read it.
• Are companies sharing their success equitably with
The Business Roundtable issued its statement in their employees?
the context of this ongoing discussion about capitalism.
• Are we doing all we can do to accelerate the transition
In that context, the statement has been interpreted
to a low carbon, clean energy economy?
in some quarters as a step away from the important
responsibility we have to deliver the best financial • What will happen to today’s employees as technology
returns to our shareholders so that companies can focus advancements change the nature of work?
on other, “more important” societal priorities.
• Can companies hold themselves accountable through
At Bank of America, we reject that false choice. strong self-governance?
The simple fact is that at Bank of America, we believe
These discussions are at the heart of the policy debates
we must continue to deliver great returns AND help
in legislative and executive bodies around the world.
drive progress on societal priorities. There is ample
These are concerns for our clients, our communities
evidence to suggest the wisdom of this approach. The
and increasingly for our shareholders. Our teammates
BofA Global Research team — ranked number one in
discuss them with their families and with each other.


How do we ensure the opportunities are available to all Fortune 500 delivered that amount of philanthropy in
and that we harness the energy of capitalism to address a year, we would still fall well short of the need.
society’s concerns? These issues can be solved if the
What the private sector is doing, and what is reflected
private sector is engaged and helping to drive forward.
in the Business Roundtable statement, is aligning
But it has to be done the right way.
our ordinary business activities to help solve these
Which brings me
For Bank of America, that means we have to bring our
back to our question. $2.4 trillion balance sheet to bear to the task.
What if we asked the world: “What would you like the
power to do?” We have to bring our $53 billion expense base to
the task.
The answer might be summed up in what the U.S. and
nearly 200 other countries agreed to at a summit in We have to bring our $268 billion equity base to
2015 when they set forth the Sustainable Development the task.
Goals (SDGs). The SDGs represent 17 categories of We have to bring our trillions a year of capital raising
societal priorities that address equality of opportunity … for our clients to the task.
access to clean water … renewable energy … affordable
housing … and other priorities, with specific goals to be Based on client desires, we have to usher the $3 trillion
met. World leaders agreed that these goals are the ones in assets in our wealth management business to
we need to address to build a sustainable future and the task.
create opportunity and prosperity for all. If all operating companies continue to align themselves
The SDGs are estimated to require about $6 trillion to deliver on those SDGs on which they can have the
annually of investment capital. This will take all sectors most impact, and if we measured ourselves to be sure
of society. Certainly philanthropy and governments we’re making progress, we would deliver the capital,
have critical roles to play, but all annual charitable the creativity and the expertise to address the world’s
contributions in the world total just over $800 billion. most pressing challenges.
Total global non-profit foundation assets are about
$1.5 trillion. Even if annual charitable contributions How does
and every endowment and foundation in the world Bank of America
were directed toward reaching the SDGs and no other
priorities — not the arts, not additional medical causes, do that?
not any of the other worthy priorities that get support First, we do it with our own operations. We are carbon
today — we still would fall far short of what is needed. neutral as of this year. We are reducing paper, we focus
on the environmental efficiency of our buildings and
Governments alone also cannot address the challenges we continuously reduce waste.
laid out in the SDGs. The U.S. operating budget is the
largest in the world at about $4.5 trillion. If all of it were Second, of course we drive our charity, our philan-
dedicated to the SDGs only — meaning not funding thropy and volunteering and our nearly $5 billion in
national security, basic research, basic services for the annual community development lending and investing
U.S. taxpayers, and not paying the federal debt — we to address the areas. You can find those in our
still would fall short of the annual need. annual report.
Third, we do it with our employment and human
So how can we resources practices, which are well laid out in our
fund these needs? 2019 Human Capital Management Report. We employ
teammates, support families and their economic devel-
The private sector and capitalism. opment by providing funding for education and many
This goes well beyond corporate philanthropy, as other useful purposes. We provide strong and progres-
important as that is. Since I became CEO of Bank of sive health and wellness benefits: All teammates get
America in 2010, we have delivered more than $2 billion the same plans, and lower paid teammates pay a lot
in philanthropy to support important priorities in the less for them. Other benefits include paid family leave
U.S. and around the world. Our teammates have, with of 16 weeks, industry-leading bereavement benefits
our support, volunteered about 2 million hours of their and a minimum starting salary of $20 an hour, about
time each year to non-profit organizations and causes. $42,000 a year. We make available to our teammates
We are proud of that, but even if every company on the the reskilling resources and opportunities as work


Bank of America is working with the World Economic
Forum (WEF) and the accounting firms Deloitte,
EY, KPMG and PwC to develop a framework to provide
all stakeholders, including shareholders, a consistent
method to evaluate the progress companies are making
to advance SDG priorities in the areas of human capital,
environmental sustainability, governance and other
sustainable development objectives.

changes. We hired 10,000 veterans over the last five investors can prioritize their investments and capital
years. Our hiring in low- and moderate-income neigh- to companies making progress over those that are
borhoods has produced more than 8,000 hires in the not. Remember, the BofA Global Research team has
last two years. demonstrated that operating companies that don’t pay
attention to these priorities are more risky and less
Fourth, we do it with our client financing capabilities —
our core activities. We provide examples of that in our
annual report. For example, Bank of America is one of There is no shortage of ways to measure this progress.
the largest underwriters of green bonds, and we have This actually has been a barrier to progress, because
helped companies raise more than $40 billion on behalf there is no standard method of gaining alignment
of more than 100 clients to provide critical funding on between the operators of companies that are doing
environmental projects. so much to address these priorities and the investors
seeking to direct capital toward them. There is a large
Another example is in our consumer product design.
and growing number of external forums and bodies
We have one of the lowest priced checking account
trying to advance this work. By some estimates, there
options in the industry, with a monthly maintenance
will be as many as 600 conferences in the U.S. alone
fee of just under $5 for access to our banking channels,
this year to discuss ESG, sustainability, and sustainable
including mobile, online services, ATMs and financial
business and finance models.
centers. And our Advantage SafeBalance Banking, intro-
duced in 2014, was one of the first banking accounts to There is a dizzying number of measurement systems
eliminate overdraft fees and non-sufficient fund fees. and metrics, too. Public companies face requests
The account was the primary reason Money magazine from many stakeholders — investors, public officials,
named us the “Best Bank for College Students” in regulators and developers of their own proprietary
2019. We surpassed 1 million Advantage SafeBalance measurement systems — that we adopt their preferred
Banking accounts in June 2019. metric or routine to address a particular priority. The
volume of approaches and the varied metrics and meth-
Fifth, we help our investor clients find opportunities
odologies make it difficult for those of us who operate
to drive impact investing, ESG investing or blended
companies to determine how best to provide consis-
finance across the SDGs.
tent reporting. And many of us would rather put our
We dedicate all of our business operations to driving energy into actually making progress on the SDGs than
great returns for our shareholders AND to addressing debating the measurement of progress.
these priorities. If each company focuses on delivering
Company management teams and the asset owners
both through their individual routine business opera-
and asset managers who invest in these companies
tions and practices, then we can channel the world’s
need a straightforward framework by which to compare
capital to make meaningful progress on the SDGs.
non-financial information in these areas across compa-
One important way to ensure we are making progress nies in a given industry, and across industries, to
is to have a basic framework for measuring it. We determine which companies are making progress on
need to do this so we can demonstrate progress to the issues most critical toward ensuring a sustainable
all stakeholders. With a measurement framework, global economy.
we can reward the companies that achieve both, as


The International Business Council, which I am priv- so that investors and other stakeholders can compare
ileged to chair, of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and evaluate progress. This is to simply show how
has recently addressed this need. The WEF asked capitalism is aligned generally and how each company
the accounting firms Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC is aligned specifically to delivering the progress. The
to develop a framework to provide all stakeholders, metrics also will help investors evaluate the long-term
including shareholders, a consistent method to evaluate value and sustainability of companies seeking to make
the progress companies are making to advance SDG progress on the SDGs.
priorities in the areas of human capital, environmental
Just imagine how much intellectual and financial
sustainability, governance and other sustainable devel-
creativity we can harness if we 1) accept that capitalism
opment objectives.
is the best way to create access to opportunity for the
Our objective is to develop a scorecard based on a most people; 2) acknowledge the shortcomings in our
consistent measurement framework for companies capitalist system just the same; and 3) address those
to disclose the progress they are making on specific shortcomings by harnessing the world’s capital toward
SDGs. Our scorecard is one step toward creating some the SDGs agreed to by nearly 200 countries. That’s a
convergence among the many existing ESG metrics powerful force for progress.
and measurement systems that are available. The
At Bank of America, we believe it is not only possible
experts working on this have identified a narrow and
but it is the desired outcome for us to serve our clients,
impactful range of metrics from some of the most
deliver for our shareholders AND deliver for the soci-
widely acknowledged measurement systems available.
eties and communities we serve. That’s Responsible
The intent is for stakeholders to have a common set of
Growth and stakeholder capitalism in action.
metrics to measure the material impact that companies
are having on the SDGs across and within industries,

Bank of America Board of Directors

Front row (from left): Michael White, David Yost, Maria Zuber, Jack Bovender,
Brian Moynihan, Susan Bies, Linda Hudson, Lionel Nowell
Back row (from left): Thomas Woods, Frank Bramble, Denise Ramos, Pierre de Weck,
Monica Lozano, Thomas May, Sharon Allen, Clayton Rose, Arnold Donald


What would you like
the power to do?

At Bank of America, we ask this question every day of those

we serve. By listening to the answers we learn what matters
most to people. It’s how we deliver Responsible Growth.

Bank of America
Executive Management Team
Front row (from left): Christine Katziff, Anne Finucane, Brian Moynihan,
Catherine Bessant, Thong Nguyen, Sheri Bronstein
Back row (from left): Andrew Sieg, Paul Donofrio, Dean Athanasia,
Andrea Smith, David Leitch, Kathleen Knox, Geoffrey Greener, Thomas Montag


Consumer &
Small Business
Q&A with Dean Athanasia,
President of Consumer & Small Business

Q: How are you driving Responsible Growth

in Consumer & Small Business?
Dean: We take an integrated high-tech and
high-touch approach, offering our clients the
convenience of our award-winning digital
platform even as we’re investing in our network
of 4,300 financial centers and approximately
16,800 ATMs. We staff our centers with
professionals who can help clients with all their
financial needs, from transacting and borrowing
for a home, auto or business to saving and
investing with Merrill. And we do it all with a
passion for client care that extends throughout
our organization. At the same time, we’re
focused on strengthening our communities,
because Responsible Growth needs to be both
shared and sustainable. And we’re investing in
our employees’ development, because the more
capable they become, the more we can do for
our clients and communities.

Q: What is your strategy for exceeding

expectations for Consumer & Small
Business clients?
Dean: Bank of America and Merrill offer clients
our full range of banking and investment
services wherever and whenever they want,
on our mobile app or talking with our expert
professionals over the phone, through online
chat, in a video conference or face-to-face in
one of our new and upgraded financial centers.
And then we provide extensive rewards and
benefits across their entire relationship with us
through programs like Preferred Rewards— the
more they do with us, the more their benefits
grow. These are among the many reasons we
have been able to grow average Consumer
Banking deposits by more than $155 billion
over the past five years, nearly 70% of that
in Checking.


66M 38M 4,300 25,200
Consumer and Small Digital banking Retail financial centers Client professionals offering
Business clients clients and 16,800 ATMs advice for investments,
(with about 1/3 located lending and small business
in LMI communities) in our financial centers

Behind the scenes, we’re taking advantage of the latest Q: How can employees develop and advance
advances in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and their careers at Bank of America?
business intelligence to enable us to deliver personalized, Dean: We’re helping our teammates in Consumer & Small
client-specific insights, recommendations and resources during Business, Merrill and the Private Bank build great careers at
moments that matter. Our virtual AI-driven financial assistant, Bank of America through The Academy, our award-winning
Erica®, uses all this intelligence to deliver a personalized coaching and development organization. Academy programs
experience for each and every client. provide robust coursework taught by subject matter experts,
dedicated training time for frontline employees — each
Q: What are you doing to support the communities teammate receives a minimum of 80 hours of training when
where you do business, especially low- and moderate- taking on a new role and up to 1,000 hours in the first five
income communities? years, depending on the career path — in addition to peer
Dean: We are helping to empower economic mobility for our mentoring and coaching. We also offer hands-on, high-tech
clients and small businesses through a community-centered immersion training programs using virtual reality and client
approach that offers resources tailored to meet their needs. engagement simulators, which is a first for our industry.
Our strategy is designed to connect clients with products and
services, employment opportunities and capital to increase More than 45,000 teammates participated in Academy
financial resilience and help our local communities thrive. programs in 2019, with nearly 11,000 advancing in their
careers as a result.
That means being focused on the needs of diverse commu-
nities. We serve 9.5 million Hispanic-Latino individuals and We encourage employees to consider their opportunities
more than 1 million Hispanic business owners. In 2019, our inside our company. Managers are expected to have that
market share as the primary bank for U.S. Hispanic-Latino conversation with their teams, so they understand the
consumers grew to 21%, maintaining our industry-leading opportunities they have to learn more about a different
position. And by the end of 2019, we had more than 2 million position in the market where they live, across all of our lines
users of our Spanish-language mobile app, a 23.5% increase of business. We want employees to think about their career
over the prior year. opportunities within our company, and we are empowering
them and their managers to help them gain the training
It also means being focused on underserved communities. and the resources to do that. As a result, we’re seeing the
Today, roughly one-third of our financial centers and ATMs are highest employee engagement scores and lowest turnover
located in low- and moderate-income (LMI) neighborhoods, we have ever experienced, even in an environment with
and 33% of our financial center employees work in these low unemployment.
locations. In the rural markets where we work and serve, we
have 235 financial centers, 820 ATMs and over 1,500 financial Our investment in our teammates is helping us better serve
center employees. Across our network, nearly two-thirds of our clients and the communities in which we live and work,
our financial centers are staffed by teammates who speak providing more professional expertise and improving client
more than one language. Of the total number of multilingual care in every interaction.
associates, 81% work in our centers located in LMI areas.

2019 | 15
wealth management
Q&A with Katy Knox, President of Bank of America Private Bank
and Andy Sieg, President of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management

Q: How is the wealth management landscape changing?

Andy: The demographics are shifting. More people are saving, investing and passing wealth on
to the next generation, and the financial power of women is growing. At the same time, financial
planning factors are evolving in a way that people want more information and greater choice in how
they receive financial advice. These range from brokerage to online robo-advisors, to high-tech and
high-touch full-service advisory relationships. And, clients want an integrated set of banking and
lending services to help them meet their financial goals. The result is transformational; it’s a golden
age for advice, with the advisor helping clients make smarter decisions.

Q: How are your businesses aligned to goals, our Private Bank specialists draw upon
capitalize on these opportunities? their experience and expertise in wealth struc-
Katy: Our goal is to enable individuals, turing, investment management and credit and
families, business owners and institutions banking to create a thoughtful, comprehensive
to preserve and share their wealth, build wealth plan. For business owners, we offer
legacies and plan for growth and success. strategies to plan for a business transfer while
We bring together business lines across Bank keeping clients’ personal and family needs top
of America — Consumer Banking, Business of mind. For families with significant wealth,
Banking, Global Commercial Banking, Global complex assets and ownership structures,
Corporate & Investment Banking and Global the Bank of America Private Bank Family
Markets — to harness all of our resources Office provides the highest level of expertise
designed to meet our clients’ needs. It’s a and service.
tremendous advantage to be able to holistically
address both business and personal needs. Q: How are your digital capabilities
From growing a business for the next gener- enhancing the wealth management
ation, to unlocking capital in an art collection, client experience?
to giving with passion and purpose, we help Andy: Clients, especially those with complex
clients with their connected priorities. wealth needs, want a personal connection plus
the convenience that technology offers. In the
Andy: Last year was a record year for Merrill in age of smartphones and mobile apps, Merrill
client balances, revenue and net income. We’re clients can easily see their investment and cash
in an era where Merrill advisors can serve as accounts across the company, keep track of their
indispensable partners over their clients’ entire financial goals and engage their advisor teams
financial lives. We can provide clients the finest when and how they choose. Also, Merrill’s digital
advice and service — investment management tools save our clients precious time by enabling
and access to banking, credit and lending — all them to quickly scan and sign documents and
through their advisor or the other channels we securely chat with their advisors through text.
offer clients to interact with us. In today’s world,
even the most astute families feel challenged Katy: The Private Bank offers that same
by high-stakes financial decisions. That’s why digital experience, with features such as
you see more and more people looking for seamless money transfers, document scanning,
comprehensive advice from a single relationship. educational podcasts and integration of
That’s what we offer our clients in a way no charitable gift fund accounts. As we look toward
one else can. an increasingly digital future, we’ve made it
easier for clients to have online access to their
Q: How is the company helping clients accounts across wealth and banking. Secure
looking to transition wealth to the messaging between our advisors and clients
next generation? facilitates a new type of relationship, including
Katy: We’ve helped individuals and families pass real-time engagement when that is what
down their values across generations for more clients want.
than 200 years. To meet a family’s financial

16 | BA NK OF
Personalized banking,
digitally delivered
Digital is more important than ever. Today, clients expect the best
mobile and digital technology in their financial relationships, just as
they do in other areas of their lives. Our award-winning high-tech
capabilities — our digital services earned 34 industry accolades in
2019 alone — together with our high-touch approach are making
banking better and delivering a more intuitive and efficient
experience for our clients across all channels.

Three core principles guide how we develop and deliver each digital
experience: The information and advice we provide should be in the
best interest of the client, timely and relevant, and offer a choice of
the next best step.

Our digital platforms bring never-before-possible convenience to

our more than 38 million digital clients, including more than 80%
of our small business owner clients. Significant investments in our
user interface (UI) and artificial intelligence (AI) allow us to deliver
a digital experience with powerful simplicity and groundbreaking

Our virtual AI-driven assistant, Erica®, is the engine that enables this
personalization at scale, delivering valuable client-specific insights
and advice at key moments. Clients interact with Erica through voice,
text chat or on-screen gesture, receiving help with their banking
needs and proactive insights to help make managing finances easier
and meet savings goals. For instance, Erica detects duplicate charges
on an account and notifies clients if their spending is higher than
usual or their checking account balance is trending toward $0. Erica
can also assist with common inquiries, including billing disputes, fees,
deposit holds and transaction-related questions. Since launching in
2018, Erica has already helped more than 10 million clients complete
over 100 million requests.

In 2019, clients logged into our digital platforms more than 8 billion
times, deposited more than 140 million checks through Mobile Check
Deposit, and sent and received over $78 billion using Zelle®. More
than one-quarter of all new products are provided through digital
channels, including auto loans and home mortgages.

In February 2019, we launched Business Advantage 360, our one-stop

digital dashboard for business owners, and we recently enhanced
the platform with the ability to integrate data from key third-party
business applications. Since the launch, more than 1 million business
owner clients have used Business Advantage 360, and Barlow
Research recently named Bank of America No. 1 in Small Business
Mobile Banking Adoption among the top 10 U.S. banks.

Our digital and mobile capabilities are aligned with the capabilities
clients receive in a financial center, too. For example, clients can
use our mobile app to easily book an appointment with an employee
to discuss a specific matter in a financial center. Alternatively, an
employee in the financial center can discuss and save products
to a client’s digital shopping cart, and the client can complete the
application digitally at a later date.


Building rewarding
The more clients do with us, the more their are “highly likely” to recommend Bank of
benefits grow. Our approach to deepening America to friends and family.
the relationships we have with our clients
rewards them by recognizing the value of Preferred Rewards for Business is having
their entire relationship. This sets us apart a significant impact, as well. During the
from our competitors. Preferred Rewards program’s inaugural year, we rewarded
is a first-of-its-kind relationship-based participating small business clients with
approach that provides members with approximately $175 million in benefits, in
extensive rewards and benefits across recognition of the tremendous value of their
their deposit accounts, investments, credit relationships with us. Preferred Rewards for
cards, mortgages and auto loans, along Business was recognized in 2019 by Barlow
with exclusive discounts. Research with a Monarch Innovation Award
in the “Business Banking Most Innovative
Launched in September 2014, the Preferred Product” category.
Rewards program has over 6 million mem-
bers, representing $501 billion in assets as Clients can also use My Rewards, an easy-
of Dec. 31, 2019. The program allows and to-use tool that tracks the rewards they
encourages members to get more from their have earned across Preferred Rewards,
banking relationship. On average, members credit cards, BankAmeriDeals® and Preferred
hold about twice the number of banking Rewards for Wealth Management. This
products as nonmembers and show higher information is conveniently presented in
levels of satisfaction with their banking our Mobile Banking app. Since My Rewards
experience. Our retention rate for Preferred launched in 2018, 17 million unique users
Rewards members was close to 99% at have reviewed their rewards, with 65% being
the end of last year and, in a 2019 bank repeat users.
survey, 8 out of 10 members told us they


Making financial Secure, transparent and
affordable products
Consumers have accessed this free
platform over 2.7 billion times. And

lives better Through our digital banking platform and

strong community presence, we offer all
it has had an impact on the habits of
those who use it: 1 in 4 users (1 in 3 LMI

in underserved our clients access to secure, transparent

and affordable products that can be
users) of Better Money Habits and the
Spending & Budgeting content grew

communities personalized to meet their unique needs.

For example, Bank of America Advantage
their savings by 20% or more.2

SafeBalance Banking® is a checkless Additionally, we’ve trained over 4,000

Core to how we drive Responsible bank account that helps clients avoid teammates who work in approximately
Growth is ensuring it is sustainable. We overdraft fees. SafeBalance Banking 700 community financial centers on how
do that through operational excellence, includes a debit card and has unlimited to help consumers build their financial
which creates the savings we generate access online and mobile services, skills and pursue their goals, delivering
to reinvest in serving our clients and in financial centers and more than 16,800 quarterly educational workshops in
our capabilities. We ensure sustainability Bank of America ATMs. English and Spanish.
by being a great place to work for our
teammates, which we discuss in more To help increase access to affordable Employment and
detail throughout this report. And and sustainable homeownership, business opportunities
sustainability is driven by the ways we in April 2019, we announced the We also are focused on helping people
share success with the communities in $5 billion Bank of America Community who live in our communities find mean-
which we operate. Homeownership Commitment™ to ingful employment. Externally — through
benefit LMI homebuyers over the next our Supplier Diversity Program — we
Our approach to serving low- and five years. The initiative will help more spend $2 billion each year with diverse-,
moderate-income (LMI) neighborhoods than 20,000 individuals and families veteran- and women-owned businesses.
reflects all these elements of sustain- achieve homeownership through grants In 2018, we committed to hiring and
ability. LMI neighborhoods include more that directly assist homebuyers with training 10,000 teammates in LMI
than 8.4 million unbanked households their down payments and closing costs. neighborhoods within five years. We are
and 24.2 million underbanked house- At the end of 2019, the program helped well ahead of that pace; our Consumer
holds.1 Today, about one-third of our over 9,000 new homeowners with & Small Business team has hired more
financial centers and ATMs are located $2.3 billion in mortgage lending. than 8,000 employees from these
in LMI neighborhoods and 33% of communities in just two years.
our financial center teammates work Personalized financial
in these locations. With the anchor education and tools Those teammates benefit from our
of that physical presence, we serve Through Better Money Habits®, we commitment to be a great place to work,
these communities in several ways support people in becoming more which includes offering fair and compet-
by providing: financially resilient by connecting them itive pay. We are an industry leader in
to the tools, resources and education establishing an internal minimum rate
• Access to secure, transparent and
they need to help achieve their financial of pay above all mandated minimums
affordable products, including credit
goals. This includes content to assist for our U.S. hourly teammates, and have
• Personalized financial education
with budgeting and saving, homeowner- made regular increases over the past
and tools
ship, reducing debt, and retirement several years. Our minimum hourly wage
• Employment and business
goals. Better Money Habits empowers for U.S. teammates is $20, as of the first
people to evaluate their life priorities, quarter of 2020.
such as family, health and home, and
helps them determine how they should
approach their finances. All content is
available in both English and Spanish.

1 Source: 2017 FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households

20 | BANK OF AMERICA 2019 2 Refer to footnote 1 on page 39 for Better Money Habits research study information
Market presidents Recently, to promote business integration, the market
hosted its first-ever “Power of Inclusion Summit,” an
deliver the bank event designed to engage with business leaders on
the strategic value of building a diverse and inclusive
Los Angeles Market President Raul Anaya workforce. Existing and prospective clients were invited
to attend and hear from leaders on how they are using
inclusion as a competitive advantage, creating an ideal
Bank of America operates locally in communities all across the opportunity to build relationships and create momentum
United States. Having a strong local presence with deep connections on an important issue.
in our communities drives performance in each of our lines of
business. Leading the way in these communities are Bank of America In 2019, the L.A. team also helped address a critical issue
market presidents who oversee integrated business teams to in the city — housing and homelessness — partnering
ensure we’re delivering the full capabilities of our company to each with groups such as the Central City Association and
client in every community, and lead our interactions with countless United Way to hold deep conversations about stemming
nonprofit partners. the tide of homelessness through lending and investing
in underserved areas and advocating for public-private
This coast-to-coast network of more than 90 local executives — solutions to complex housing issues. Coupled with the
each of whom also serves in full-time roles as division leaders, client bank’s community development lending and investing
managers, financial advisors and more—connects the banking and of over $315 million to help create more than 500 units
investment resources offered through our eight lines of business to of affordable housing in L.A., as well as local philan-
companies, families and individuals in each market, from the largest thropy of over $7 million to local groups, these efforts
cities in the country to suburban and rural communities. They also demonstrate that we’re not only talking the talk, we’re
lead our work in sharing our success by deploying Bank of America walking the walk to improve the economic mobility of
resources—including philanthropy and employee volunteerism—to all Angelenos.
address social and economic concerns and build strong communities.
To help make the bank a great place to work, the Los
One example is Los Angeles Market President Raul Anaya, who Angeles team established a number of ways to develop
has spent the past eight years leading in one of the country’s most local talent, including creating mentoring programs,
vibrant and dynamic cities. holding career events in partnership with groups such as
the National Black MBA Association and offering training
“As market president, I work with members of my team to bring the programs for those who serve on nonprofit boards.
expertise and resources of our company to our clients, serve as a
civic leader on community and social issues, and keep employees These are just a few examples of the work market
connected to reach their personal and career goals — all of which presidents are doing across the country to ensure Bank
enhance the strength of our 100-plus year heritage here in Los of America drives progress in every community where
Angeles,” said Raul. “I’m incredibly proud.” our clients and employees live and work.


Global Banking and Global Markets
Q&A with Tom Montag on deepening local client coverage
and driving Responsible Growth

Q: Who does your business serve, and what’s

your vision for delivering for those clients? line of credit, to raising capital or advising
on the sale of a company, we support our
Tom: Our Global Banking businesses serve companies of varying clients as their needs and aspirations evolve.
sizes. In Business Banking, we work with clients with more than
$5 million in revenue; our Global Commercial Banking clients are Q: How are Global Banking and Global
mid-sized companies with revenues of $50 million to $2–$3 billion; Markets evolving to serve clients?
and through Global Corporate & Investment Banking, we serve Tom: This year, we are continuing to
build our capabilities in Global Banking to
the largest companies and corporations in the world. Our Global
create more opportunity for middle market
Markets businesses serve institutional investors with sales and clients, who increasingly are global in their
trading services, liquidity, hedging strategies and ideas and perspective. We are hiring and assigning
insights they draw from our top-ranked Global Research platform. additional client relationship bankers to
serve clients through our local market teams,
Our strategy is straightforward: deliver the full benefits of our company to so they live and work in the same commu-
our clients. We do this by deepening relationships and connecting our clients nities as those clients. Being local with an
with the capabilities and solutions they need to drive their businesses forward. unparalleled global platform is a strength
Every relationship and every market matters. From a first credit card to a first that differentiates us.

Tom Montag, Chief Operating Officer of

Bank of America and President of Global Banking
and Global Markets


95% Powerful
We have relationships CashPro® platform
with 95% of the 2019 U.S.
Fortune 1,000; and 77% of Our mobile and digital capabilities extend beyond
the 2019 Global Fortune 500 our retail client offerings. Our business clients
also seek solutions to help them work faster and
more efficiently. Our commitment to providing
those solutions has earned the business of
approximately 35,000 companies and institutions
across 175 countries. Each year, we manage
$72 trillion in payments, receivables and deposit
transactions through CashPro®, our award-
winning platform accessed by approximately
500,000 users.

Through ongoing digitization of processes and

expansion of online, application-programming
interfaces and mobile capabilities, including
electronic signature, real-time payments and loan
We are also expanding the types of unique information, clients can now access the platform
solutions available to our clients, including anytime, anywhere. Last summer, one of our
the leading capabilities we have in environ- business clients used our mobile app to send a
mental, social and governance (ESG) and $1.6 billion payment, the biggest transaction ever
sustainable finance. Through BofA Securities, on our CashPro app. CashPro ranks first in the
we have led more green bond deals than Mobile category of Greenwich Associates latest
anyone else and we continue to provide Digital Banking Benchmarking study.
clients with options that help finance a more
environmentally sound planet. Our Investment Client feedback helps make all of our capabilities
Bank showed tremendous momentum in better. The CashPro Client Advisory Boards,
2019, with increased market share in key made up of clients of all sizes, help ensure that
countries across the world where we operate, we are delivering for our clients through our
including our U.S. middle market clients with digital platform and deepening our relationships
which we already hold primary core banking with them.

In Global Markets, we recently realigned

our business to cover clients more efficiently
and are making strategic investments in
technology and people to continue to innovate
across every asset class.

Q: What makes Global Banking

and Global Markets at Bank
of America unique?
Tom: We serve our clients by delivering
market-leading solutions across consumer
banking, wealth management, commercial
banking, corporate and investment banking,
sales and trading, and research. No one can
offer the range of services and capabilities at
the level that Bank of America can. By building
relationships, being in the local market and
consistently bringing the full value of our
company for our clients, we are delivering on
our commitment to Responsible Growth.


Addressing society’s
biggest challenges
Q&A with Vice Chairman Anne Finucane

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the world’s roadmap to a

sustainable future. The SDGs give governments, the private sector, foundations,
and others a framework to prioritize resources and policies toward goals we
all share: prosperity, equality, human rights, and a sustainable, clean energy
future. Brian Moynihan lays out in these pages the ways that the private
sector can align business operating models with investors seeking to drive
capital toward companies that are making progress on the SDGs.

At Bank of America, sustainability is a central characteristic of our operating

model. This includes our core financing and advisory capabilities for our
clients, how we manage our own operations — our New York headquarters
at One Bryant Park was the first Platinum certified LEED skyscraper in
the world — our global workplace practices and our philanthropy. By aligning
all of our capabilities, we create the scale needed to drive capital toward
the world’s most important priorities as defined in the SDGs: climate
change, affordable housing, clean water and equal access to opportunities
for prosperity.

Q: How are we driving progress Q: How have we accelerated

on the United Nations Sustainable progress on specific SDGs?
Development Goals? Anne: Last year, Bank of America directed more
Anne: To sharpen our focus on bringing even more than $50 billion in capital toward activities that
business solutions to this work, we recently estab- support achievement of the SDGs. I’ll highlight a few:
lished a Sustainable Markets Committee, co-chaired
by Chief Operating Officer Tom Montag and me, to
accelerate our progress, identify new opportunities
and build upon our work in sustainable finance
in particular. While we already are making great
progress — we are the largest underwriter of green
bonds in the world for instance — the Sustainable Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7) and Clean Water
Markets Committee will help us expand on that to and Sanitation (SDG6): From 2007 through the end
identify even more opportunities to develop products, of 2030, we will have financed more than $445 billion
capabilities and services in support of our clients as to low-carbon, sustainable business activities in
we work together to help realize the achievement support of energy efficiency, renewable energy
of the SDGs. and sustainable transportation, and in other areas
including water conservation, land use and waste.
In our own operations, we are carbon neutral as
of 2020.


Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG11): Good Health and Wellbeing (SDG3) and Decent Work
Between 2005 and 2019, we financed 202,800 and Economic Growth (SDG8): We are increasing
affordable housing units. In 2019 alone, our our U.S. minimum wage to $20 per hour in 2020,
Community Development Banking unit provided a and have strong and progressive health and wellness
record $4.88 billion in capital for affordable housing benefits. For example, for U.S. employees making
and community development, including financing less than $50,000, we reduced annual family coverage
more than 8,300 affordable housing units. medical premiums by 50% in 2011, and have kept
those premiums flat since 2012. We have paid family
leave of 16 weeks for maternity, paternity and
adoption, and generous bereavement benefits for
those who have lost a loved one. And externally, since
2014, we have partnered with (RED)® to achieve an
AIDS-free generation, pledging more than $35 million
by 2025 to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS.


These are just some of many examples of how
we bring our full company and broader influence
to address these 17 critical goals.

Q: How are you engaging with others

Gender Equality (SDG5): We support equal pay for externally to drive this work?
equal work. At our company, compensation received Anne: We drive global collaboration to address these
by women on average is greater than 99% of that major societal challenges by engaging with external
received by men, and compensation received by stakeholders. Brian Moynihan discusses in his letter
people of color on average is greater than 99% of the work he is doing at the International Business
non-people of color, as validated by third-party Council of the World Economic Forum to develop
analysis. In addition to compensation, our ongoing standardized metrics that define sustainable business
work to invest in women as they make meaningful practices. We also are working with the World Bank
contributions within our company and in our commu- and Stanford University to develop financial vehicles
nities includes our focus on being a great place to that will deploy greater capital to support the SDGs
work for our female employees, making the financial and close the funding gap. We are working with
lives of our female clients better, and advancing the the Vatican, the United Nations and the Prince of
economic empowerment of women around the world. Wales to help harness the power of the capitalist
system to be able to address society’s needs. In the
U.S., our National Community Advisory Council
(NCAC) consists of senior leaders from social justice,
consumer advocacy, community development,
environmental, research and advocacy organizations
who provide external perspectives, guidance and
Zero Hunger (SDG2), Quality Education (SDG4) and feedback on our business policies and practices. Our
Reduced Inequalities (SDG10): We invested nearly work in these areas is recognized by others: In 2019,
$250 million in 2019 in global philanthropic giving we were named to the CDP A list for leadership in
to advance economic mobility — with $2 billion in addressing climate change. This was our ninth year
giving since 2009. For example, since 2015, across as a CDP-recognized leader. And for the sixth straight
the globe we’ve invested nearly $50 million in year, we were recognized for ESG leadership on the
support of hunger relief, and $243 million to advance Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World Index.
skill building and jobs for young adults and those
with barriers to employment, including addressing In addition to the work I’m describing here, please see
issues affecting social justice and racial and the following pages for additional examples of the
gender inequality. progress we are making.

“ We are addressing some of society’s greatest challenges

by helping align the various sources of capital — from the
business community, the public sector, and philanthropy —
with all of Bank of America’s financial capabilities and talent,
calling on the expertise of our teams and the passion of our

employees around the globe.


A world of ESG 120,000 acres have been reforested with more than
500 landowners participating and 42 million trees

innovation planted. This ultimately helps communities in some

of the poorest counties in the U.S. to build resiliency
against climate change and flooding.
We have achieved carbon neutrality in our own
operations* one year ahead of schedule. In Peru, we supported a conservation program that
helps protect the Andes and Amazon forests by
How did we get there? We reduced Scope 1 and 2 establishing sustainable livelihoods for communities
emissions in our facilities by more than 52% since living around the Cordillera Azul National Park. The
2010 and met our goal to purchase 100% of our project created 624 jobs, 30% of which are held by
electricity from renewable sources. We installed women. It also returned $1.43 million to the local
on-site solar at our facilities, completed multiple economy through the production of fair trade,
long-term renewable agreements to add new wind organic cocoa, coffee and honey.
and solar electricity to the grid, and purchased
Renewable Energy Credits. Finally, in Kenya and Uganda, we supported an
endeavor that empowers small farmer communities
To compensate for unavoidable emissions, we pur- to learn to plant and maintain trees, for which
chased carbon offsets by supporting four projects in they receive cash stipends. They also receive
impoverished areas around the globe, which help to health training on HIV/AIDS, malaria, typhoid and
preserve biodiversity and drive reforestation, while tuberculosis, as well as vocational education and
furthering local economic mobility. leadership training.

In Indonesia, we supported peatland protection

through Cool Effect. The project is restoring 157,000
hectares of damaged vital peatland. It also directly We have achieved carbon
supports 34 communities, has 100% Indonesian
staff and has provided 948 micro-loans for sustain- neutrality in our own
able small business development.
operations* one year ahead
In the Mississippi River Valley, we supported an
Arbor Day tree planting as part of the largest refor-
of schedule.
estation program in North America — already over

*pending third-party validation

Investing to improve
the environment
Our financial commitment to improving the environment
helps inform our global business strategy, including how
we work with partners, support our employees, make our
operations more sustainable, manage issues and govern
our activities. These efforts are critical to our efforts to
achieve U.N. Sustainable Development Goals focused on
Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG6), Affordable and Clean
Energy (SDG7) and more.

Our $125 billion commitment to mobilize capital to

low-carbon, sustainable business activities was achieved
in 2019, six years ahead of schedule, and we’re not done
yet. In 2019, we announced an additional $300 billion
environmental business commitment, which we will meet
by 2030, in support of energy efficiency, renewable energy
and sustainable transportation, as well as important
areas like water conservation, land use and waste.

We are the first U.S. financial institution to issue five

corporate green bonds, which raised a total of $6.35 billion Driving
for renewable energy projects since 2013. And we have
been a leader in green bond underwriting globally. BofA economic
Securities has underwritten more than $49 billion on
behalf of over 100 clients, supporting more than 288 deals mobility:
and providing critical funding to environmental projects
since 2007. We have also been the top investor in tax one
equity projects in the U.S. since 2015. Our current portfolio
holds approximately $9.4 billion of renewable energy tax community’s
equity projects supporting wind and solar facilities.
We have achieved carbon neutrality in our own operations*
one year ahead of schedule.

Deployed to low-carbon
sustainable business activities

Green bonds underwritten
since 2007 supporting
environmental projects

Renewable energy tax
equity projects for wind and
solar facilities

*pending third-party validation


$1.5B Our investment across 255
Community Development Financial
Institutions to finance economic
development, small businesses,
affordable housing and community
facilities and services

$2B Philanthropic investments

since 2009 to drive economic
mobility and social progress in
the communities we serve

Part of our affordable home
ownership initiative for low- and
moderate-income homebuyers
and communities across the U.S.

Economic inequality is one of the

fundamental challenges of our time. 2M Volunteer hours by Bank of
America employees in their local
communities in 2019
Bank of America has a responsibility to
use our resources — including capital,
ideas, and the talent and passion of workforce, committing $1 million of $6 million raised from
the private sector over five years. This private sector
our team members — to help create investment leveraged $229 million in Mecklenburg County
solutions to this challenge. funding for pre-K and childcare subsidies over the same
period of time.
Our approach starts with a basic fact: Economic opportunity
often depends on where a person lives. Some neighborhoods To create pathways to job opportunities, we support
offer a path to a quality education, a decent home, a good job youth apprenticeship and other workforce development
and financial security; but others do not. initiatives. Participating CELC members, including Bank
of America, expect to hire 1,000 employees through local
In our headquarters city, Charlotte, North Carolina, we joined training programs and offer 1,500 work-based learning
with other business leaders, government agencies and experiences for K-12 students in the coming year.
nonprofit organizations to address this disparity and improve
economic mobility for our fellow citizens. Local corporations We have partnered with other financial institutions to
and academic institutions came together in 2015 to form the commit more than $135 million to affordable housing —
Charlotte Executive Leadership Council (CELC) to tackle struc- the largest private sector investment in affordable
tural obstacles to economic opportunity. Bank of America’s housing in Charlotte’s history. To help the project work
CEO, Brian Moynihan, has chaired the CELC since 2018. financially, our commitment includes below-market loans,
Following the detailed recommendations of a local task force a donation of land, an investment in the Charlotte
to address the roots of economic inequality, we are working Housing Opportunity Investment Fund, and economic
through the CELC to make an impact in education, workforce mobility grants and programs. In total, public and private
development, affordable housing, community engagement partners in Charlotte have committed over $270 million
and economic development. to affordable housing.

Investing in education, jobs and housing What’s happening in Charlotte is not an isolated effort.
Because early education is vital to economic mobility, extend- Many of the initiatives first used in Charlotte are now
ing free, public pre-K to all 4-year-olds in Charlotte was a top being piloted in other Bank of America markets, with
priority. We contributed to the initial studies and helped fund a goal of creating greater economic mobility for all our
scholarships and related expenses to expand the pre-K teacher communities — and the people who live and work in them.


Diversity at work and
in our communities

Diversity — in thought, style, age, sexual orientation, gender opportunities. Employee Networks such as our Hispanic-
identity, race, ethnicity, culture and experience — makes us Latino Organization for Leadership & Advancement (HOLA)
stronger and is essential to our ability to serve our clients, and Black Professional Group (BPG) have more than 14,500
fulfill our purpose and drive Responsible Growth. We have memberships each.
a longstanding commitment to invest in diverse communi-
ties, including supporting strong diversity in representation We’re committed to making the financial lives of our clients
across our company, reflecting the clients and communities better. Approximately 1 in every 3 checking accounts opened
we serve. We’re proud of the progress we’ve made, partic- at Bank of America is by Hispanic-Latino clients, and 15%
ularly our efforts in support of Black/African American and of checking accounts opened at Bank of America are by
Hispanic-Latino communities, which we feature below. A broad Black/African American clients. We deliver a full spectrum
discussion of our diversity commitment, how we execute on of products and services for these clients, whether they are
it and our results are discussed in detail throughout our 2019 looking to invest or just starting their financial journey. We
Human Capital Report, which is available on our Investor offer Spanish-language capabilities across multiple products
Relations website. and services including our free Better Money Habits® website,
which helps people build their financial know-how. In 2020,
We are sharply focused on building a diverse workforce, which we celebrate 30 years of our corporate Supplier Diversity &
is currently 13% Black/African American and 18% Hispanic- Development Program, which supports minority-, women- and
Latino, exceeding EEOC financial services and Department other diverse-owned suppliers, spending nearly $2 billion with
of Labor benchmarks; and last year, the number of executive diverse suppliers each year.
and senior-level officials and managers drawn from these
populations increased more than 14%. Partnerships and programs are helping to drive our focus
on economic mobility. In 2019 alone, we invested more than
In our efforts to further increase our diverse representation, $55 million to advance issues of economic mobility and social
we’re partnering with more than 200 external organizations justice affecting Blacks/African Americans and Hispanic-Latino
to identify diverse talent. And, we have networking groups to individuals. We partner with change-making organizations
provide professional development, mentoring and leadership like the NAACP, National Urban League and UnidosUS, all of


whom serve on our National Community Advisory Council, a Employee Networks
group that helps inform our approach to serving our clients Our 11 Employee Networks, which include more than
and communities. We use our voice to advocate for progress 300 chapters and 160,000 memberships worldwide, help
on societal challenges that disproportionately affect diverse teammates develop leadership skills, build ties with local
communities. For example, we signed the CEO Action Pledge communities and advance diversity recruitment.
for Diversity & Inclusion, continuing our leadership role
in making our sector more diverse and inclusive, expanding
Our Employee Networks include:
unconscious bias education and sharing best practices. In
• Asian Leadership Network
2019, we became the first financial services organization to
sign the Hispanic Promise, pledging our commitment to hire, • Black Professional Group
promote, retain and celebrate Hispanic-Latino individuals in • Disability Advocacy Network
the workplace. And last year, we renewed our commitment to • Hispanic/Latino Organization for Leadership and
Unlocked Futures, which invests in social entrepreneurs who Advancement (HOLA)
have been impacted by the criminal justice system. • Inter-Generational Employee Network
• Leadership, Education, Advocacy and Development (LEAD)
Helping break barriers to economic mobility and drive progress for Women
on social issues for diverse populations is important to our • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) Pride
employees, our clients, our investors and our communities, • Military Support and Assistance Group
and we will continue driving this work.
• Multicultural Leadership Network
• Native American Professional Network
• Parents and Caregivers Network

200+ $55M+ 160,000+

Number of external Amount invested in 2019 Memberships
organizations we’re to advance issues of in our 11 Employee
partnering with to economic mobility and social Networks
identify diverse talent justice affecting Blacks/
African Americans and
Hispanic-Latino individuals

Our diversity makes us stronger, and the value we deliver as a company is strengthened when
we bring broad perspectives together to meet the needs of our diverse stakeholders.

over 50% over 50% over 45%

of our management of our global workforce of our U.S.-based
team are women or are women workforce are people
people of color of color


Creating opportunities through
employee development
“A key element of sustainable growth is being a great place to
work for our more than 200,000 employees. That means creating
opportunities for our teammates to grow and develop so they
can deliver great service to our clients while having a rewarding
career at our company.”
Sheri Bronstein, Chief Human Resources Officer


Cordell Jackson started in the Consumer Banking
call center and has grown professionally over the
years thanks to his talent, support from managers
and teammates, and our career resources. As
part of his career progression, Cordell recently
transitioned roles, from a risk analysis senior
manager to a strategic consumer product analyst.
“If you aren’t learning, you aren’t growing,” Cordell
explains, and the bank has been with him every
step of the way. To help Cordell further develop
his skills, he was nominated to participate in our
Diverse Leader Sponsorship Program, a highly
selective 10-month development program that pairs
candidates with more senior executive sponsors
who will help them build skills, gain exposure and
broaden their network. In addition, our tuition
reimbursement program helped Cordell finance his
master’s certificate. Through our online Learning
Hub platform, he can access an extensive library
of career development resources, including white
papers, videos and articles from industry experts.
Now, Cordell continues to develop his skills, grow his
professional network and mentor other employees
as co-chair of the bank’s Black Professional Group
chapter in Delaware.


Judy Retana started her career as an intern with Bank of
America through long-time bank partner Year Up® before
becoming a full-time teammate through our Pathways
program. Through Pathways, we work with nonprofit partners
like Year Up to provide skills training and career pathways
to Consumer & Small Business teammates from low- and
moderate-income communities. “Year Up provided me with
the tools to help me create a professional brand to advance
my corporate career. Its mission is to close the opportunity
divide between those who have a college education and
work experience, and those who don’t but who have high
potential,” Judy explained. Today she’s thriving in her role as a
Merrill ongoing support specialist. “Our business is constantly
changing, with a lot of new opportunities. There are many
talented people who deserve the same chance in life I’ve had.
Programs like Year Up and Pathways enable people to start
their careers.”


London-based Daniel Burton-Morgan was in
his final year at university when he was offered
his first full-time job with our company as a
UK mergers and acquisitions analyst. Fourteen
years later, he’s a managing director in Global
Corporate & Investment Banking with deep
experience serving our global clients across
Europe, the Middle East and Africa. According
to Daniel, the opportunity to move into new
roles across business units and in different
locations is one of many reasons that Bank
of America is such a great place to work
and build a long-term career. Another is our
commitment to developing employees. Daniel is
an alumnus of our Emerging Leaders Program,
which brings together leaders to enhance their
effectiveness. “It was a fantastic opportunity
to meet teammates across the company and
exchange ideas around growing our business,”
he said. “Professional development is critically
important because it keeps work interesting and
rewarding,” Daniel added. “Even more, clients
expect us to grow with them, and they want
financial advice and solutions delivered through
a global lens.”


teammates in Chief Human Resources Officer Sheri Bronstein

moments that said, “Being a great place to work means having a

culture of caring. By supporting our teammates

matter through difficult moments, we help them to be their

best both at work and at home so they can deliver
for their families, our clients and our communities.”

Part of being a great place to work is supporting LES was there for Alison Harding, an employee in
our employees in the moments that matter most. Global Technology & Operations, when a hurricane
This includes helping our teammates navigate threatened her home in Charleston, South Carolina.
significant life events — connecting them to internal The area was under mandatory evacuation; however,
and external resources, benefits, counseling and Alison’s family did not have a vehicle large enough
other support options. In 2014, we established our to accommodate her special-needs child, his medical
Life Event Services (LES) group — an internal and equipment, nurse and the family. LES took action to
highly specialized team that has provided more help and within 20 minutes, secured a large vehicle
than 100,000 team members with empathetic and to meet their needs enabling the family to safely
personalized support for needs related to terminal evacuate. “I felt instant relief, followed by how proud
illness, taking a leave of absence, the death of a I was to work for a company that helped me in a
loved one, domestic violence, medical accommoda- time of need,” said Alison. “With a special-needs
tions, transgender and gender identity, retirement child, we have to consider and worry about so many
and military service. things and this obstacle was removed so we could
focus on caring for our family.”
Additionally, when disasters occur, LES provides
support for employees who are affected by an

event, such as a natural disaster, violence or
house fire. This can include providing paid time
off to handle the impacts of the event, temporary
housing and referrals to community organizations,
or arranging emotional support for the teammate
Employees supported
and family members. during the moments
they and their families
needed it the most


Our commitment to being a great place to work is
rooted in celebrating diversity and inclusion (D&I).
Women make up 50% of our workforce, and over
45% of our U.S. workforce are people of color.
Over the past few years, we have developed a new
forum for bringing us all together, called coura-
geous conversations. These candid dialogues,
focused on topics like race and gender equality,
social justice, emotional wellness and domestic
violence, engage teammates and drive inclusivity.
More than 60,000 teammates have participated
in these sessions.

We have incorporated courageous conversations

into our broad D&I learning, including our “Let’s
Get Real” program, a quarterly series sponsored
Partnering by the Global Diversity & Inclusion Council.

to end AIDS Due to the positive feedback we received about

these internal discussions, we began hosting
conversations with our clients and communities,
Since 2014, we have partnered with (RED)® including a recent Boston-based session on
to achieve an AIDS-free generation. As of substance misuse disorders and ways to support
December 31, 2019, our partnership has generated those in recovery.
nearly $19 million in contributions to the Global
Fund to Fight AIDS. In October 2019, we extended
our commitment to pledge more than $35 million
by 2025.

In partnership with brands worldwide, (RED) raises

money and awareness in the fight against AIDS.
Its partners contribute to Global Fund grants
that provide treatment, testing and preventative
care and counseling services, with a focus on
ending mother-to-child HIV transmission in eight photo
sub-Saharan African countries. FPO
Currently, 38 million people are living with HIV
globally, with 26 million in sub-Saharan Africa.
Thanks in large part to (RED) and the Global Fund,
more than 24.5 million people now have access to
life-saving treatment. Additionally, AIDS-related
illnesses have decreased by more than half since
peaking in 2004. 60,000+
Our work with (RED) is an example of how we Teammates
are partnering to help address local, national and have participated
global social priorities—including Good Health in courageous
and Wellbeing (SDG3) — to deliver Responsible conversations
Growth. By furthering our commitment and
working together, we will help end AIDS.


Total rewards In the first quarter of 2020, we are
increasing our minimum hourly wage
annual pay and benefits of over $77,000
per year. And this number could increase
for U.S. teammates to $20. As a result further depending on the other benefits
We listen and learn from our teammates of this change, our yearly minimum an employee may choose to use — such
about what matters most as we continue rate of pay for a full-time employee as tuition assistance, free confiden-
to deliver on our commitment to be a will increase to more than $41,000. tial counseling through our Employee
great place to work. Our teammates In addition to this yearly wage, we Assistance Program, company-provided
emphasize that they want the opportu- provide a variety of health care and matching gifts for charitable donations
nity to have rewarding, long-term careers; wellness benefits, which are significant, and more.
to be supported in physical, emotional additional components of the total
and financial wellness; and to make a dif- rewards that all employees receive. Each year, eligible U.S. employees have
ference in our local communities. the opportunity to review a summary of
As an example, an employee making what they earned, what they saved and
To support our employees with their per- just over our minimum hourly wage how much the company contributed to
sonal and professional goals, we pay our with a base salary of $45,572 who also their benefits for the prior year — all part
teammates competitively and provide receives company contributions for of our approach to total rewards and
broad and diverse benefits to meet their retirement, health and insurance cover- investing in our teammates.
needs both today and in the future. age and childcare, would have total

Assuming an
employee with a Company
base salary of contributions to
$45,572* family health and
insurance coverage
would be
contributions to
401(k) would be


provided child care
would be

contributions would
bring total annual pay
and benefits to

* Example is based on employee with a base salary of $45,572 and benefits profile, living in one of our markets in the U.S., who is enrolled
in a representative set of Bank of America employee benefit programs (including 401(k) plan, medical, dental, disability, life insurance,
accidental death & dismemberment insurance, and child care reimbursement). For the 401(k), it assumes the employee has at least 1 year
36 | BANK OF AMERICA 2019 of service, and is receiving 2% Annual Company Contribution and 5% Company Match (based on a contribution rate of at least 5%).
Funding the
power to dream
In 2019, we asked employees from across the globe “What would you like the power to do?” and
how they would put a financial grant to work in their communities. We responded with nearly
$1 million in funding for 42 employee ideas that focused on economic mobility, the environment,
and arts and culture. These ideas were selected to receive a $50,000 or $10,000 grant and
support from within the bank, in partnership with an eligible local nonprofit.

Among those selected was Ashton Similarly, Merrill Lynch Wealth

Ngwena, an employee in Investment Management Advisor Sue Harmon
Banking. Ashton knows firsthand was inspired to help young adults with
that a quality education is not afford- developmental disabilities achieve their
able or accessible for everyone. His dreams by ensuring they have trans-
journey from a small farming village in portation to get to work. She is tackling
Zimbabwe inspired his desire to assist this common problem by partnering
other children who are in a similar posi- with The Arc of Greater Williamsburg
tion. His idea will help build a community in Virginia to launch Wheels4Work, a
school for Education Matters Africa transportation and employment project.
in Zimbabwe. “Getting accepted into
Education Matters Africa was a key turn- This program is just one way we are
ing point in my life. I am grateful to Bank building on our progress to support
of America for helping this organization our teammates, their families and the
to further their impact through this communities where we work and live.
opportunity for the students to learn, to
hope and to dream of a brighter future
for their communities,” said Ashton. Photo courtesy of Education Matters Africa

2019 Human Capital

Being a Management Report
Place to Great
Work We are committed to being a great place to work and investing in the
people who serve our clients and live and work in our communities.
In 2019, we published our first human capital management report
detailing all we do to support our more than 200,000 teammates and
their families. The importance our stakeholders place on transparency
and how we engage our employees on key issues — such as talent
management, employee engagement and diversity — is an increasingly
common theme. To provide additional clarity on our company’s actions,
the 2019 Human Capital Management Report — available on our Investor
Relations website — illustrates how we promote a diverse and inclusive
workforce, recognize and reward performance, attract and develop
talent, and support our teammates’ physical, emotional and financial
2019 HU
wellness. Going forward, we will continue to report on these items and
the progress we’re making as part of our focus on making this the best
Pub lish ed
No vem ber
place for our employees to work.


2019 ESG highlights
At Bank of America, we are driving Responsible Growth with a strong focus on environmental,
social and governance (ESG) leadership. This helps us to serve clients, deliver attractive returns
for our shareholders and address some of society’s greatest challenges.

Sustainable finance Green bonds Blended Finance

Each year, we mobilize, conservatively, We have been a leader in green bond Catalyst Pool
more than $50 billion that impacts a underwriting globally since 2007. BofA In 2018, we launched our Blended
key subset of the SDGs. Securities has underwritten more than Finance Catalyst Pool to mobilize
$49 billion on behalf of 100+ clients, additional private capital to help address
supporting more than 288 deals and the U.N. Sustainable Development
providing critical funding to environ- Goals. This financing initiative provides
mental projects, since 2007. $60 million of capital for Affordable
Environmental business and Clean Energy (SDG7), Sustainable
commitment We are the first U.S. financial institution Cities and Communities (SDG11), Clean
Our Environmental Business Initiative to issue five corporate green bonds. Water and Sanitation (SDG6), and
will direct an additional $300 billion These five corporate green bonds raised Climate Action (SDG13), among others.
to low-carbon, sustainable business a total of $6.35 billion for renewable
activities over the next 10 years. Since energy projects since 2013.
2007 when it was launched, we have
already deployed $158 billion to these
efforts across the globe. Affordable homeownership
In April 2019, we announced our new
Climate risk and $5 billion Bank of America Community
ESG disclosure Homeownership Commitment™ to
We understand climate change presents benefit low- and moderate-income (LMI)
Tax equity for risks to the business community, and it homebuyers and communities across the
renewables is important for companies to articulate country over the next five years.
We have been the top tax equity how these risks are being managed.
investor in the U.S. since 2015. Our We will be issuing our Task Force on
portfolio at the end of 2019 was Climate-related Financial Disclosures
approximately $9.4 billion of Tax (TCFD) report in 2020 to ensure our
Equity renewable energy investment. shareholders, clients and communities Community
are aware of the financial risks of Development Banking
climate change to our business and how Bank of America Community
we are managing those risks. We also Development Banking (CDB) provided
continue to focus on transparency and a record $4.88 billion in loans, tax
driving data with organizations like the
Carbon neutrality World Economic Forum, Sustainability
credit equity investments and other
We achieved carbon neutrality by real estate development solutions.
Accounting Standards Board, the Global
reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions
Reporting Initiative and others, and how CDB deployed $3.1 billion in debt
from our facilities, purchasing 100%
best to align those metrics to the U.N. commitments and $1.78 billion in
renewable electricity and buying
Sustainable Development Goals. investments to help build strong,
carbon offsets for our remaining
unavoidable emissions. sustainable communities by financing
affordable housing, charter schools
and economic development across
the country.

Between 2005 and 2019, Bank of

America financed 202,800 affordable
housing units.


Community Development ESG client balances Employee giving
Financial Institutions We have $25.11 billion in assets in and volunteering
(CDFI) lending our wealth management business Last year, employees volunteered
We originated more than $325 million with a clearly defined ESG investment 2 million hours and directed
in loans as part of our more than approach as of Dec. 31, 2019. $77 million to communities through
$1.5 billion investment in 255 CDFIs to individual giving and the bank’s
finance affordable housing, economic matching gifts program.
development projects, small businesses,
health care centers, charter schools, and
other community facilities and services. Women’s economic
In 2019, we doubled our investment Pathways
in the Tory Burch Foundation Capital We are helping individuals of all
Program, committing $100 million in socioeconomic backgrounds find
Bank of America Art capital to connect women small business meaningful employment, including
Conservation Project owners to affordable loans. Since the through Pathways, our community
Since 2010, the Bank of America Art program’s launch five years ago, more hiring and development program that
Conservation Project has provided than 3,200 women entrepreneurs have provides entry-level jobs and career
grants to fund 170 conservation received $54 million in loans through training in Consumer & Small Business
projects in 33 countries to conserve CDFIs to help them grow and refine for individuals from LMI neighborhoods.
paintings, sculptures, and art and their businesses. To date, the bank has hired more than
cultural treasures that are important 8,000 employees from these commu-
to cultural heritage. We are a leader After launching the Bank of America nities, putting the company at over 80%
in helping the arts flourish across the Institute for Women’s Entrepreneurship of its five-year 10,000 hiring goal in
globe, supporting more than 2,000 at Cornell in 2018, we announced in 2019 just two years.
nonprofit cultural institutions that we are doubling our commitment
each year. and will provide access for 20,000 women
entrepreneurs to participate in the only
online Ivy League, certificate program
for women business owners in the world. Better Money Habits®
Representing over 65 countries including Since launching the Better Money Habits
Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Uruguay and program, we’ve reached consumers over
Small business lending the United States, more than 15,700
We provide advice, tools, solutions 2.7 billion times.
women are currently enrolled.
and dedicated support to meet the
unique needs of our 12 million small 1 in 4 users of Better Money Habits
business owners. We are a top lender content and tools grew their savings by
in the Small Business Administration’s 20% or more.1
(SBA’s) 504 and 7(a) programs, and
according to the FDIC, we are the top Philanthropic giving In 2019, visitors to Better Money Habits
small business lender with $37.6 billion We have delivered $2 billion in home loans content were 37 times
total outstanding small business loan philanthropic investments since 2009. more likely to obtain a home loan within
balances as of third quarter 2019. More In 2019, we delivered approximately 30 days.1
than half (57%) of all small business $250 million in philanthropic invest-
loans booked in 2019 were LMI loans ments to drive economic mobility and 71% of active Better Money Habits
for a total amount of $6.3 billion. social progress in the communities users have used the Spending &
we serve. Budgeting tool.

1 Represents Bank of America Consumer households for entire 12-months under study who used the Saving and Budgeting Tool during March 2017. Analysis
based on average balances for the 6 months prior to March 2017 (“pre” period) and the 6 months after March 2017 (“post” period).


Bank of America Corporation — Financial highlights
Bank of America Corporation (NYSE: BAC) is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. As of December 31, 2019, we operated
across the United States, its territories and more than 35 countries. Through our banking and various nonbank subsidiaries
throughout the United States and in international markets, we provide a diversified range of banking and nonbank financial
services and products through four business segments: Consumer Banking, Global Wealth and Investment Management,
Global Banking and Global Markets.

Financial highlights ($ in millions, except per share information)

For the year 2019 2018 2017
Revenue, net of interest expense $ 91,244 $ 91,020 $ 87,126
Net income 27,430 28,147 18,232
Earnings per common share 2.77 2.64 1.63
Diluted earnings per common share 2.75 2.61 1.56
Dividends paid per common share 0.66 0.54 0.39
Return on average assets 1.14% 1.21% 0.80%
Return on average tangible common shareholders’ equity1 14.86 15.55 9.41
Efficiency ratio 60.17 58.40 62.57
Average diluted common shares issued and outstanding 9,443 10,237 10,778

At year-end 2019 2018 2017

Total loans and leases $ 983,426 $ 946,895 $ 936,749
Total assets 2,434,079 2,354,507 2,281,234
Total deposits 1,434,803 1,381,476 1,309,545
Total shareholders’ equity 264,810 265,325 267,146
Book value per common share 27.32 25.13 23.80
Tangible book value per common share1 19.41 17.91 16.96
Market price per common share 35.22 24.64 29.52
Common shares issued and outstanding 8,836 9,669 10,287
Tangible common equity ratio1 7.3 7.6 7.9
1 Represents a non-GAAP financial measure. For more information on these measures and ratios, and a corresponding reconciliation to GAAP financial measures, see Supplemental
Financial Data on page 48 and Non-GAAP Reconciliations on page 101 of the 2019 Financial Review section.

Total Cumulative Shareholder Return2 BAC Five-Year Stock Performance

$250 $40
$35 KBW
$25 S&P
$150 $15
B of A
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HIGH $18.45 $23.16 $29.88 $32.84 $35.52
LOW 15.15 11.16 22.05 22.73 24.56
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CLOSE 16.83 22.10 29.52 24.64 35.22

December 31 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Book Value Per Share/
Bank of America Corporation $100 $95 $127 $172 $146 $214 Tangible Book Value Per Share
S&P 500 100 101 113 138 132 174

KBW Bank Sector Index 100 100 129 153 126 172



2 This graph compares the yearly change in the Corporation’s total cumulative shareholder return
on its common stock with (i) the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index and (ii) the KBW Bank Index for the
years ended December 31, 2014 through 2019. The graph assumes an initial investment of $100
at the end of 2014 and the reinvestment of all dividends during the years indicated.
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Book Value Per Share Tangible Book Value Per Share³

3 Tangible book value per share is a non-GAAP financial measure.


2019 Financial Review

Bank of America 2019 41

Financial Review
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 43
Recent Developments 44
Financial Highlights 45
Balance Sheet Overview 46
Supplemental Financial Data 48
Business Segment Operations 53
Consumer Banking 54
Global Wealth & Investment Management 56
Global Banking 58
Global Markets 60
All Other 61
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements and Contractual Obligations 62
Managing Risk 63
Strategic Risk Management 66
Capital Management 66
Liquidity Risk 71
Credit Risk Management 74
Consumer Portfolio Credit Risk Management 75
Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management 81
Non-U.S. Portfolio 87
Provision for Credit Losses 89
Allowance for Credit Losses 89
Market Risk Management 92
Trading Risk Management 93
Interest Rate Risk Management for the Banking Book 95
Mortgage Banking Risk Management 97
Compliance and Operational Risk Management 97
Reputational Risk Management 98
Complex Accounting Estimates 98
Non-GAAP Reconciliations 101
Statistical Tables 102

4242Bank of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Bank of America Corporation (the “Corporation”) and its impact of regulatory capital and liquidity requirements; the impact
management may make certain statements that constitute of adverse changes to total loss-absorbing capacity requirements
“forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private and/or global systemically important bank surcharges; the potential
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements can be impact of actions of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or System on the Corporation’s capital plans; the effect of regulations,
current facts. Forward-looking statements often use words such as other guidance or additional information on the impact from the Tax
“anticipates,” “targets,” “expects,” “hopes,” “estimates,” “intends,” Cuts and Jobs Act; the impact of implementation and compliance
“plans,” “goals,” “believes,” “continue” and other similar expressions with U.S. and international laws, regulations and regulatory
or future or conditional verbs such as “will,” “may,” “might,” “should,” interpretations, including, but not limited to, recovery and resolution
“would” and “could.” Forward-looking statements represent the planning requirements, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Corporation’s current expectations, plans or forecasts of its future assessments, the Volcker Rule, fiduciary standards and derivatives
results, revenues, expenses, efficiency ratio, capital measures, regulations; a failure or disruption in or breach of the Corporation’s
strategy and future business and economic conditions more operational or security systems or infrastructure, or those of third
generally, and other future matters. These statements are not parties, including as a result of cyber attacks or campaigns; the
guarantees of future results or performance and involve certain impact on the Corporation’s business, financial condition and results
known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are of operations from the United Kingdom's exit from the European
difficult to predict and are often beyond the Corporation’s control. Union; the impact of any future federal government shutdown and
Actual outcomes and results may differ materially from those uncertainty regarding the federal government’s debt limit; the impact
expressed in, or implied by, any of these forward-looking statements. of natural disasters, the emergence of widespread health
You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking emergencies or pandemics, military conflict, terrorism or other
statement and should consider the following uncertainties and risks, geopolitical events; and other matters.
as well as the risks and uncertainties more fully discussed under Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are
Item 1A. Risk Factors of our 2019 Annual Report on Form 10-K: the made, and the Corporation undertakes no obligation to update any
Corporation’s potential claims, damages, penalties, fines and forward-looking statement to reflect the impact of circumstances or
reputational damage resulting from pending or future litigation, events that arise after the date the forward-looking statement was
regulatory proceedings and enforcement actions; the possibility that made.
the Corporation's future liabilities may be in excess of its recorded Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements referred to in
liability and estimated range of possible loss for litigation, regulatory the Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and representations and warranties exposures; the possibility that and Results of Operations (MD&A) are incorporated by reference
the Corporation could face increased servicing, fraud, indemnity, into the MD&A. Certain prior-year amounts have been reclassified
contribution or other claims from one or more counterparties, to conform to current-year presentation. Throughout the MD&A,
including trustees, purchasers of loans, underwriters, issuers, the Corporation uses certain acronyms and abbreviations which
monolines, private-label and other investors, or other parties are defined in the Glossary.
involved in securitizations; the Corporation’s ability to resolve
representations and warranties repurchase and related claims, Executive Summary
including claims brought by investors or trustees seeking to avoid
the statute of limitations for repurchase claims; the risks related to Business Overview
the discontinuation of the London Interbank Offered Rate and other The Corporation is a Delaware corporation, a bank holding company
reference rates, including increased expenses and litigation and the (BHC) and a financial holding company. When used in this report,
effectiveness of hedging strategies; uncertainties about the “the Corporation,” “we,” “us” and “our” may refer to Bank of
financial stability and growth rates of non-U.S. jurisdictions, the risk America Corporation individually, Bank of America Corporation and
that those jurisdictions may face difficulties servicing their sovereign its subsidiaries, or certain of Bank of America Corporation’s
debt, and related stresses on financial markets, currencies and subsidiaries or affiliates. Our principal executive offices are
trade, and the Corporation’s exposures to such risks, including direct, located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Through our banking and
indirect and operational; the impact of U.S. and global interest rates, various nonbank subsidiaries throughout the U.S. and in
inflation, currency exchange rates, economic conditions, trade international markets, we provide a diversified range of banking
policies and tensions, including tariffs, and potential geopolitical and nonbank financial services and products through four
instability; the impact of the interest rate environment on the business segments: Consumer Banking, Global Wealth &
Corporation’s business,financial condition and results of operations; Investment Management (GWIM), Global Banking and Global
the possibility that future credit losses may be higher than currently Markets, with the remaining operations recorded in All Other. We
expected due to changes in economic assumptions, customer operate our banking activities primarily under the Bank of America,
behavior, adverse developments with respect to U.S. or global National Association (Bank of America, N.A. or BANA) charter. At
economic conditions and other uncertainties; the Corporation’s December 31, 2019, the Corporation had $2.4 trillion in assets
ability to achieve its expense targets and expectations regarding net and a headcount of approximately 208,000 employees.
interest income, provision for credit losses, net charge-offs, effective As of December 31, 2019, we served clients through
tax rate, loan growth or other projections; adverse changes to the operations across the U.S., its territories and approximately 35
Corporation’s credit ratings from the major credit rating agencies; countries. Our retail banking footprint covers approximately 90
an inability to access capital markets or maintain deposits or percent of the U.S. population, and we serve approximately 66
borrowing costs; estimates of the fair value and other accounting million consumer and small business clients with approximately
values, subject to impairment assessments, of certain of the 4,300 retail financial centers, approximately 16,800 ATMs, and
Corporation’s assets and liabilities; the estimated or actual impact leading digital banking platforms ( with
of changes in accounting standards or assumptions in applying more than 38 million active users, including over 29 million active
those standards; uncertainty regarding the content, timing and mobile users. We offer industry-leading support to approximately

Bank of America 2019 43

three million small business owners. Our wealth management financial market disruptions. We continue to assess potential
businesses, with client balances of $3.0 trillion, provide tailored risks, including operational, regulatory and legal risks.
solutions to meet client needs through a full set of investment
management, brokerage, banking, trust and retirement products. LIBOR and Other Benchmark Rates
We are a global leader in corporate and investment banking and Following the 2017 announcement by the U.K.’s Financial Conduct
trading across a broad range of asset classes serving Authority (FCA) that it will no longer persuade or require
corporations, governments, institutions and individuals around the participating banks to submit rates for the London Interbank
world. Offered Rate (LIBOR) after 2021, central banks and regulators
around the world have commissioned working groups to find
Recent Developments suitable replacements for Interbank Offered Rates (IBOR),
including LIBOR, and other benchmark rates and to implement
Capital Management financial benchmark reforms more generally. The future
During 2019, we repurchased $28.1 billion of common stock discontinuance of IBORs is a complex process that has resulted
pursuant to the Corporation's Board of Directors’ (the Board) in significant uncertainty regarding the transition to suitable
repurchase authorizations. For more information, see Capital alternative reference rates (ARRs) and could cause disruptions in
Management on page 66. a variety of global financial markets, as well as adversely impact
our business, operations and financial results.
Merchant Services Joint Venture IBORs, including LIBOR, are used in many of the Corporation’s
A significant portion of our merchant processing activity is products and contracts, including mortgages, consumer,
performed by a joint venture, formed in 2009, in which we own a commercial and corporate loans, derivatives, floating-rate notes
49 percent ownership interest. The joint venture is accounted for and other adjustable-rate products and financial instruments. The
as an equity method investment. As previously disclosed in the aggregate notional amount of these products and contracts is
Corporation's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended material to our business. As previously disclosed, to facilitate an
June 30, 2019, we gave notice on July 29, 2019 to the joint venture orderly transition from IBORs and other benchmark rates to ARRs,
partner of the termination of the joint venture upon the conclusion the Corporation has established an enterprise-wide initiative led
of its current term, after which we expect to pursue our own by senior management. As part of this initiative, the Corporation
merchant services strategy. In addition, the Corporation and the continues to identify, assess and monitor risks associated with
joint venture partner have an agreement to provide uninterrupted the expected discontinuation or unavailability of LIBOR and other
delivery of products and services to the joint venture merchants benchmarks and evaluate and address documentation and
through at least June 2023. As a result of the above actions, we contractual mechanics of outstanding IBOR-based products and
incurred a non-cash, pretax impairment charge of $2.1 billion contracts that mature after 2021 and new and potential future
included in other general operating expense in the three months ARR-based products and contracts to achieve operational
ended September 30, 2019. As stated above, the Corporation readiness. Additionally, the Corporation is continuing to evaluate
expects to pursue its own merchant services strategy, which is potential regulatory, tax and accounting impacts of the transition,
expected to begin in the third quarter of 2020. Under this strategy, including guidance published and/or proposed by the Internal
we will begin to record the revenues and expenses from those Revenue Service and Financial Accounting Standards Board,
operations in the Consolidated Statement of Income instead of engage impacted clients in connection with the transition to ARRs
recognizing our proportionate share of the joint venture's income and work actively with global regulators, industry working groups
under the equity method. For more information, see Note 13 – and trade associations to develop strategies for an effective
Commitments and Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial transition to ARRs.
Statements. The Corporation is also modifying its operational models,
systems, procedures and internal infrastructure to transition to
U.K. Exit from the EU ARRs. In 2019, the Corporation launched capabilities to support
On January 31, 2020, the U.K. formally exited the European Union issuance and trading in products indexed to the new Secured
(EU). Upon exit, a transition period began during which time the Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), which is the alternative
U.K. and the EU expect to negotiate a trade agreement and other benchmark rate to U.S. dollar LIBOR recommended by the
terms associated with their future relationship. The transition Alternative Reference Rates Committee, a group of private-market
period is scheduled to end on December 31, 2020. participants and official-sector entities convened by the Board of
We conduct business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve) and
primarily through our subsidiaries in the U.K., Ireland and France. the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and a broad measure of
For information on the changes we have implemented to enable the cost of borrowing cash overnight collateralized by U.S. Treasury
us to continue to operate in the region, including establishing a securities. Also, in 2019, the Corporation issued debt linked to
bank and broker-dealer in the EU, see the Corporation’s Quarterly SOFR, and the Corporation co-arranged one of the first credit
Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2019. While facilities linked to SOFR and has implemented fallback provisions
we have taken measures to minimize operational disruption and into certain new IBOR-based products and contracts. The
prepare for various potential outcomes of the U.K.’s withdrawal Corporation continues to monitor the development and usage of
from the EU, the preparedness of our counterparties and the ARRs, including SOFR. For more information on the expected
relevant financial markets infrastructure remain outside our replacement of LIBOR and other benchmark rates, see Item 1A.
control. The global economic impact of the U.K.’s withdrawal from Risk Factors of our 2019 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
the EU remains uncertain and could result in regional and global

4444Bank of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
Financial Highlights the Financial Highlights and Business Segment Operations
In the Consolidated Statement of Income, amounts related to sections in the MD&A of the Corporation's 2018 Annual Report
certain asset and liability management (ALM) activities have been on Form 10-K.
reclassified from other income to market making and similar
activities, which was previously referred to as trading account Net Interest Income
income. All prior periods presented reflect this change, which has Net interest income increased $729 million to $48.9 billion in
no impact on the Corporation's total noninterest income or net 2019 compared 2018. Net interest yield on a fully taxable-
income, and has no impact on business segment results. For more equivalent (FTE) basis decreased two basis points (bps) to 2.43
information, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting percent for 2019. The increase in net interest income was primarily
Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements. driven by loan and deposit growth, partially offset by lower long-
end rates. Assuming a stable economic and interest rate
environment compared to December 31, 2019, we expect quarterly
Table 1 Summary Income Statement and Selected net interest income for the first two quarters of 2020 to be lower
Financial Data compared to the fourth quarter of 2019 driven by the impact of
rates and one fewer day of interest accruals. Quarterly net interest
(Dollars in millions, except per share information) 2019 2018
income is expected to rise modestly in the second half of 2020
Income statement
due to one additional day of interest accruals and expected loan
Net interest income $ 48,891 $ 48,162
and deposit growth. For more information on net interest yield and
Noninterest income 42,353 42,858
Total revenue, net of interest expense 91,244 91,020
the FTE basis, see Supplemental Financial Data on page 48, and
Provision for credit losses 3,590 3,282 for more information on interest rate risk management, see
Noninterest expense 54,900 53,154 Interest Rate Risk Management for the Banking Book on page 95.
Income before income taxes 32,754 34,584
Income tax expense 5,324 6,437 Noninterest Income
Net income 27,430 28,147
Preferred stock dividends 1,432 1,451
Net income applicable to common
Table 2 Noninterest Income
shareholders $ 25,998 $ 26,696
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Per common share information Fees and commissions:
Earnings $ 2.77 $ 2.64 Card income $ 5,797 $ 5,824
Diluted earnings 2.75 2.61 Service charges 7,674 7,767
Dividends paid 0.66 0.54 Investment and brokerage services 13,902 14,160
Performance ratios Investment banking fees 5,642 5,327
Return on average assets 1.14% 1.21% Total fees and commissions 33,015 33,078
Return on average common shareholders’ Market making and similar activities 9,034 9,008
equity 10.62 11.04 Other income 304 772
Return on average tangible common Total noninterest income $ 42,353 $ 42,858
shareholders’ equity (1) 14.86 15.55
Efficiency ratio 60.17 58.40 Noninterest income decreased $505 million to $42.4 billion in
Balance sheet at year end 2019 compared to 2018. The following highlights the significant
Total loans and leases $ 983,426 $ 946,895
Total assets 2,434,079 2,354,507
Total deposits 1,434,803 1,381,476 Service charges decreased $93 million primarily driven by lower
Total liabilities 2,169,269 2,089,182 fees due to policy changes in 2018 and lower ATM volume in
Total common shareholders’ equity 241,409 242,999
Consumer Banking.
Total shareholders’ equity 264,810 265,325
Investment and brokerage services income decreased $258
(1) Return on average tangible common shareholders’ equity is a non-GAAP financial measure. For
more information and a corresponding reconciliation to the most closely related financial million primarily due to lower transactional revenue and a
measures defined by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, decrease in assets under management (AUM) pricing, partially
see Non-GAAP Reconciliations on page 101.
offset by the positive impact of AUM flows and higher market
Net income was $27.4 billion or $2.75 per diluted share in valuations.
2019 compared to $28.1 billion, or $2.61 per diluted share in Investment banking fees increased $315 million due to
2018. The decrease in net income was primarily driven by an increases in advisory fees and equity and debt underwriting
increase in noninterest expense as a result of the $2.1 billion fees.
pretax impairment charge related to the notice of termination of Other income decreased $468 million primarily due to lower
the merchant services joint venture at the conclusion of its current gains on sales of non-core consumer loans and higher
term. Also contributing to the decrease in net income were higher partnership losses associated with an increase in tax-
provision for credit losses and lower noninterest income, partially advantaged investments, partially offset by higher gains on
offset by an increase in net interest income. sales of debt securities.
For discussion and analysis of our consolidated and business
segment results of operations for 2018 compared to 2017, see

Bank of America 2019 45

Provision for Credit Losses aforementioned impairment charge related to our merchant
The provision for credit losses increased $308 million to $3.6 services joint venture of $2.1 billion as well as increased costs
billion in 2019 compared to 2018. The increase was primarily due associated with investment in the businesses, including brand-
to the energy reserve releases in the commercial portfolio in 2018, related marketing costs, and higher litigation expense. These
partially offset by the impact of recoveries recorded in connection were partially offset by efficiency savings, lower Federal Deposit
with sales of previously charged-off non-core consumer real estate Insurance Corporation (FDIC) expense and lower amortization of
loans. For more information on the provision for credit losses, see intangibles expense.
Provision for Credit Losses on page 89.
Income Tax Expense
Noninterest Expense
Table 4 Income Tax Expense
Table 3 Noninterest Expense
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 Income before income taxes $ 32,754 $ 34,584
Compensation and benefits $ 31,977 $ 31,880 Income tax expense 5,324 6,437
Occupancy and equipment 6,588 6,380 Effective tax rate 16.3% 18.6%
Information processing and communications 4,646 4,555
Product delivery and transaction related 2,762 2,857 The effective tax rates for 2019 and 2018 reflect the impact of
Marketing 1,934 1,674 our recurring tax preference benefits. The 2019 effective rate also
Professional fees 1,597 1,699 included net tax benefits primarily related to the resolution of
Other general operating 5,396 4,109 various tax controversy matters.
Total noninterest expense $ 54,900 $ 53,154 We expect the effective tax rate for 2020 to be approximately
18 percent, absent unusual items.
Noninterest expense increased $1.7 billion to $54.9 billion in
2019 compared to 2018. The increase was primarily due to the

Balance Sheet Overview

Table 5 Selected Balance Sheet Data

December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 % Change
Cash and cash equivalents $ 161,560 $ 177,404 (9)%
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell 274,597 261,131 5
Trading account assets 229,826 214,348 7
Debt securities 472,197 441,753 7
Loans and leases 983,426 946,895 4
Allowance for loan and lease losses (9,416) (9,601) (2)
All other assets 321,889 322,577 —
Total assets $ 2,434,079 $ 2,354,507 3
Deposits $ 1,434,803 $ 1,381,476 4
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase 165,109 186,988 (12)
Trading account liabilities 83,270 68,220 22
Short-term borrowings 24,204 20,189 20
Long-term debt 240,856 229,392 5
All other liabilities 221,027 202,917 9
Total liabilities 2,169,269 2,089,182 4
Shareholders’ equity 264,810 265,325 —
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity $ 2,434,079 $ 2,354,507 3

Assets Federal Funds Sold and Securities Borrowed or Purchased

At December 31, 2019, total assets were approximately $2.4 Under Agreements to Resell
trillion, up $79.6 billion from December 31, 2018. The increase Federal funds transactions involve lending reserve balances on a
in assets was primarily due to higher loans and leases and debt short-term basis. Securities borrowed or purchased under
securities primarily funded by deposit growth. agreements to resell are collateralized lending transactions
utilized to accommodate customer transactions, earn interest rate
Cash and Cash Equivalents spreads, and obtain securities for settlement and for collateral.
Cash and cash equivalents decreased $15.8 billion driven by Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under
investment of short-term excess cash into securities purchased agreements to resell increased $13.5 billion due to investment of
under agreements to resell, debt securities and growth in loans excess cash levels.
and leases.

4646Bank of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
Trading Account Assets Trading Account Liabilities
Trading account assets consist primarily of long positions in equity Trading account liabilities consist primarily of short positions in
and fixed-income securities including U.S. government and agency equity and fixed-income securities including U.S. Treasury and
securities, corporate securities and non-U.S. sovereign debt. agency securities, corporate securities and non-U.S. sovereign
Trading account assets increased $15.5 billion primarily driven by debt. Trading account liabilities increased $15.1 billion primarily
additional inventory in Global Markets to facilitate client demand. due to higher levels of short positions in government and corporate
bonds driven by client demand within Global Markets.
Debt Securities
Debt securities primarily include U.S. Treasury and agency Short-term Borrowings
securities, mortgage-backed securities (MBS), principally agency Short-term borrowings provide an additional funding source and
MBS, non-U.S. bonds, corporate bonds and municipal debt. We primarily consist of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) short-term
use the debt securities portfolio primarily to manage interest rate borrowings, notes payable and various other borrowings that
and liquidity risk and to take advantage of market conditions that generally have maturities of one year or less. Short-term
create economically attractive returns on these investments. Debt borrowings increased $4.0 billion primarily due to an increase in
securities increased $30.4 billion primarily driven by the short-term FHLB advances to manage liquidity needs. For more
deployment of deposit inflows. For more information on debt information on short-term borrowings, see Note 11 – Federal Funds
securities, see Note 4 – Securities to the Consolidated Financial Sold or Purchased, Securities Financing Agreements, Short-term
Statements. Borrowings and Restricted Cash to the Consolidated Financial
Loans and Leases
Loans and leases increased $36.5 billion primarily due to net loan Long-term Debt
growth driven by client demand for commercial loans and increases Long-term debt increased $11.5 billion primarily driven by debt
in residential mortgage. For more information on the loan portfolio, issuances and valuation adjustments, partially offset by maturities
see Credit Risk Management on page 74. and redemptions. For more information on long-term debt, see
Note 12 – Long-term Debt to the Consolidated Financial
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses Statements.
The allowance for loan and lease losses decreased $185 million
primarily due to the impact of improvements in credit quality from All Other Liabilities
a stronger economy and continued runoff and sales in the non- All other liabilities increased $18.1 billion primarily driven by an
core consumer real estate portfolio. For more information, see increase in broker-dealer payables within Global Markets due to
Allowance for Credit Losses on page 89. timing of unsettled trades and an increase in lease liabilities due
to implementation of the new lease accounting standard.
At December 31, 2019, total liabilities were approximately $2.2 Shareholders’ Equity
trillion, up $80.1 billion from December 31, 2018, primarily due Shareholders’ equity decreased $515 million driven by returns of
to deposit growth. capital to shareholders through share repurchases, common and
preferred stock dividends of $35.7 billion, as well as redemption
Deposits of preferred stock, largely offset by earnings, market value
Deposits increased $53.3 billion primarily due to increases in both increases on debt securities and issuances of preferred stock.
retail and wholesale deposits.
Cash Flows Overview
Federal Funds Purchased and Securities Loaned or Sold The Corporation’s operating assets and liabilities support our
Under Agreements to Repurchase global markets and lending activities. We believe that cash flows
Federal funds transactions involve borrowing reserve balances on from operations, available cash balances and our ability to
a short-term basis. Securities loaned or sold under agreements generate cash through short- and long-term debt are sufficient to
to repurchase are collateralized borrowing transactions utilized to fund our operating liquidity needs. Our investing activities primarily
accommodate customer transactions, earn interest rate spreads include the debt securities portfolio and loans and leases. Our
and finance assets on the balance sheet. Federal funds purchased financing activities reflect cash flows primarily related to customer
and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase deposits, securities financing agreements and long-term debt. For
decreased $21.9 billion primarily driven by balance sheet more information on liquidity, see Liquidity Risk on page 71.
efficiencies within Global Markets.

Bank of
of America
America 2019
2019 47
Supplemental Financial Data equity reduced by goodwill and intangible assets (excluding
In this Form 10-K, we present certain non-GAAP financial mortgage servicing rights (MSRs)), net of related deferred tax
measures. Non-GAAP financial measures exclude certain items or liabilities ("adjusted" shareholders' equity or common
otherwise include components that differ from the most directly shareholders' equity). These measures are used to evaluate our
comparable measures calculated in accordance with accounting use of equity. In addition, profitability, relationship and investment
principles generally accepted in the United States of America models use both return on average tangible common
(GAAP). Non-GAAP financial measures are provided as additional shareholders’ equity and return on average tangible shareholders’
useful information to assess our financial condition, results of equity as key measures to support our overall growth goals. These
operations (including period-to-period operating performance) or ratios are as follows:
compliance with prospective regulatory requirements. These non-
Return on average tangible common shareholders’ equity
GAAP financial measures are not intended as a substitute for GAAP
measures our net income applicable to common shareholders
financial measures and may not be defined or calculated the same
as a percentage of adjusted average common shareholders’
way as non-GAAP financial measures used by other companies.
equity. The tangible common equity ratio represents adjusted
We view net interest income and related ratios and analyses
ending common shareholders’ equity divided by total tangible
on an FTE basis, which when presented on a consolidated basis
are non-GAAP financial measures. To derive the FTE basis, net
Return on average tangible shareholders' equity measures our
interest income is adjusted to reflect tax-exempt income on an
net income as a percentage of adjusted average total
equivalent before-tax basis with a corresponding increase in
shareholders’ equity. The tangible equity ratio represents
income tax expense. For purposes of this calculation, we use the
adjusted ending shareholders’ equity divided by total tangible
federal statutory tax rate of 21 percent for 2019 and 2018 (35
percent for 2017) and a representative state tax rate. Net interest
Tangible book value per common share represents adjusted
yield, which measures the basis points we earn over the cost of
ending common shareholders’ equity divided by ending
funds, utilizes net interest income on an FTE basis. We believe
common shares outstanding.
that presentation of these items on an FTE basis allows for
comparison of amounts from both taxable and tax-exempt sources We believe that the use of ratios that utilize tangible equity
and is consistent with industry practices. provides additional useful information because they present
We may present certain key performance indicators and ratios measures of those assets that can generate income. Tangible
excluding certain items (e.g., debit valuation adjustment (DVA) book value per common share provides additional useful
gains (losses)) which result in non-GAAP financial measures. We information about the level of tangible assets in relation to
believe that the presentation of measures that exclude these items outstanding shares of common stock.
is useful because such measures provide additional information The aforementioned supplemental data and performance
to assess the underlying operational performance and trends of measures are presented in Tables 6 and 7.
our businesses and to allow better comparison of period-to-period For more information on the reconciliation of these non-GAAP
operating performance. financial measures to the corresponding GAAP financial measures,
We also evaluate our business based on certain ratios that see Non-GAAP Reconciliations on page 101.
utilize tangible equity, a non-GAAP financial measure. Tangible
equity represents shareholders’ equity or common shareholders’

4848Bank of America
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of America 2019
Table 6 Five-year Summary of Selected Financial Data
(In millions, except per share information) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Income statement
Net interest income $ 48,891 $ 48,162 $ 45,239 $ 41,486 $ 38,958
Noninterest income 42,353 42,858 41,887 42,012 44,007
Total revenue, net of interest expense 91,244 91,020 87,126 83,498 82,965
Provision for credit losses 3,590 3,282 3,396 3,597 3,161
Noninterest expense 54,900 53,154 54,517 54,880 57,617
Income before income taxes 32,754 34,584 29,213 25,021 22,187
Income tax expense 5,324 6,437 10,981 7,199 6,277
Net income 27,430 28,147 18,232 17,822 15,910
Net income applicable to common shareholders 25,998 26,696 16,618 16,140 14,427
Average common shares issued and outstanding 9,390.5 10,096.5 10,195.6 10,248.1 10,462.3
Average diluted common shares issued and outstanding 9,442.9 10,236.9 10,778.4 11,046.8 11,236.2
Performance ratios
Return on average assets 1.14% 1.21% 0.80% 0.81% 0.74%
Return on average common shareholders’ equity 10.62 11.04 6.72 6.69 6.28
Return on average tangible common shareholders’ equity (1) 14.86 15.55 9.41 9.51 9.16
Return on average shareholders’ equity 10.24 10.63 6.72 6.70 6.33
Return on average tangible shareholders’ equity (1) 13.85 14.46 9.08 9.17 8.88
Total ending equity to total ending assets 10.88 11.27 11.71 12.17 11.92
Total average equity to total average assets 11.14 11.39 11.96 12.14 11.64
Dividend payout 23.65 20.31 24.24 15.94 14.49
Per common share data
Earnings $ 2.77 $ 2.64 $ 1.63 $ 1.57 $ 1.38
Diluted earnings 2.75 2.61 1.56 1.49 1.31
Dividends paid 0.66 0.54 0.39 0.25 0.20
Book value 27.32 25.13 23.80 23.97 22.48
Tangible book value (1) 19.41 17.91 16.96 16.89 15.56
Market capitalization $ 311,209 $ 238,251 $ 303,681 $ 222,163 $ 174,700
Average balance sheet
Total loans and leases $ 958,416 $ 933,049 $ 918,731 $ 900,433 $ 876,787
Total assets 2,405,830 2,325,246 2,268,633 2,190,218 2,160,536
Total deposits 1,380,326 1,314,941 1,269,796 1,222,561 1,155,860
Long-term debt 201,623 200,399 194,882 204,826 240,059
Common shareholders’ equity 244,853 241,799 247,101 241,187 229,576
Total shareholders’ equity 267,889 264,748 271,289 265,843 251,384
Asset quality (2)
Allowance for credit losses (3) $ 10,229 $ 10,398 $ 11,170 $ 11,999 $ 12,880
Nonperforming loans, leases and foreclosed properties (4) 3,837 5,244 6,758 8,084 9,836
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total loans and leases
outstanding (4) 0.97% 1.02% 1.12% 1.26% 1.37%
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total nonperforming
loans and leases (4) 265 194 161 149 130
Net charge-offs $ 3,648 $ 3,763 $ 3,979 $ 3,821 $ 4,338
Net charge-offs as a percentage of average loans and leases outstanding (4) 0.38% 0.41% 0.44% 0.43% 0.50%
Capital ratios at year end (5)
Common equity tier 1 capital 11.2% 11.6% 11.5% 10.8% 9.8%
Tier 1 capital 12.6 13.2 13.0 12.4 11.2
Total capital 14.7 15.1 14.8 14.2 12.8
Tier 1 leverage 7.9 8.4 8.6 8.8 8.4
Supplementary leverage ratio 6.4 6.8 n/a n/a n/a
Tangible equity (1) 8.2 8.6 8.9 9.2 8.9
Tangible common equity (1) 7.3 7.6 7.9 8.0 7.8
(1) Tangible equity ratios and tangible book value per share of common stock are non-GAAP financial measures. For more information on these ratios and corresponding reconciliations to GAAP
financial measures, see Supplemental Financial Data on page 48 and Non-GAAP Reconciliations on page 101.
(2) Asset quality metrics include $75 million of non-U.S. consumer credit card net charge-offs in 2017 and $243 million of non-U.S. consumer credit card allowance for loan and lease losses, $9.2
billion of non-U.S. consumer credit card loans and $175 million of non-U.S. consumer credit card net charge-offs in 2016. The non-U.S. consumer credit card business was sold in 2017.
(3) Includes the allowance for loan and leases losses and the reserve for unfunded lending commitments.
(4) Balances and ratios do not include loans accounted for under the fair value option. For additional exclusions from nonperforming loans, leases and foreclosed properties, see Consumer Portfolio

Credit Risk Management – Nonperforming Consumer Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties Activity on page 80 and corresponding Table 29 and Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management
– Nonperforming Commercial Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties Activity on page 84 and corresponding Table 36.
(5) Basel 3 transition provisions for regulatory capital adjustments and deductions were fully phased-in as of January 1, 2018. Prior periods are presented on a fully phased-in basis. For more

information, including which approach is used to assess capital adequacy, see Capital Management on page 66.
n/a = not applicable

America 2019
America 2019 4949
Table 7 Selected Quarterly Financial Data
2019 Quarters 2018 Quarters
(In millions, except per share information) Fourth Third Second First Fourth Third Second First
Income statement
Net interest income $ 12,140 $ 12,187 $ 12,189 $ 12,375 $ 12,504 $ 12,061 $ 11,828 $ 11,769
Noninterest income 10,209 10,620 10,895 10,629 10,173 10,663 10,721 11,301
Total revenue, net of interest expense 22,349 22,807 23,084 23,004 22,677 22,724 22,549 23,070
Provision for credit losses 941 779 857 1,013 905 716 827 834
Noninterest expense 13,239 15,169 13,268 13,224 13,074 13,014 13,224 13,842
Income before income taxes 8,169 6,859 8,959 8,767 8,698 8,994 8,498 8,394
Income tax expense 1,175 1,082 1,611 1,456 1,420 1,827 1,714 1,476
Net income 6,994 5,777 7,348 7,311 7,278 7,167 6,784 6,918
Net income applicable to common shareholders 6,748 5,272 7,109 6,869 7,039 6,701 6,466 6,490
Average common shares issued and outstanding 9,017.1 9,303.6 9,523.2 9,725.9 9,855.8 10,031.6 10,181.7 10,322.4
Average diluted common shares issued and outstanding 9,079.5 9,353.0 9,559.6 9,787.3 9,996.0 10,170.8 10,309.4 10,472.7
Performance ratios
Return on average assets 1.13% 0.95% 1.23% 1.26% 1.24% 1.23% 1.17% 1.21%
Four-quarter trailing return on average assets (1) 1.14 1.17 1.24 1.22 1.21 1.00 0.93 0.86
Return on average common shareholders’ equity 11.00 8.48 11.62 11.42 11.57 10.99 10.75 10.85
Return on average tangible common shareholders’ equity (2) 15.43 11.84 16.24 16.01 16.29 15.48 15.15 15.26
Return on average shareholders’ equity 10.40 8.48 11.00 11.14 10.95 10.74 10.26 10.57
Return on average tangible shareholders’ equity (2) 14.09 11.43 14.88 15.10 14.90 14.61 13.95 14.37
Total ending equity to total ending assets 10.88 11.06 11.33 11.23 11.27 11.21 11.53 11.43
Total average equity to total average assets 10.89 11.21 11.17 11.28 11.30 11.42 11.42 11.41
Dividend payout 23.90 31.48 19.95 21.20 20.90 22.35 18.83 19.06
Per common share data
Earnings $ 0.75 $ 0.57 $ 0.75 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.67 $ 0.64 $ 0.63
Diluted earnings 0.74 0.56 0.74 0.70 0.70 0.66 0.63 0.62
Dividends paid 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.12
Book value 27.32 26.96 26.41 25.57 25.13 24.33 24.07 23.74
Tangible book value (2) 19.41 19.26 18.92 18.26 17.91 17.23 17.07 16.84
Market capitalization $ 311,209 $ 264,842 $ 270,935 $ 263,992 $ 238,251 $ 290,424 $ 282,259 $ 305,176
Average balance sheet
Total loans and leases $ 973,986 $ 964,733 $ 950,525 $ 944,020 $ 934,721 $ 930,736 $ 934,818 $ 931,915
Total assets 2,450,005 2,412,223 2,399,051 2,360,992 2,334,586 2,317,829 2,322,678 2,325,878
Total deposits 1,410,439 1,375,052 1,375,450 1,359,864 1,344,951 1,316,345 1,300,659 1,297,268
Long-term debt 206,026 202,620 201,007 196,726 201,056 203,239 199,448 197,787
Common shareholders’ equity 243,439 246,630 245,438 243,891 241,372 241,812 241,313 242,713
Total shareholders’ equity 266,900 270,430 267,975 266,217 263,698 264,653 265,181 265,480
Asset quality
Allowance for credit losses (3) $ 10,229 $ 10,242 $ 10,333 $ 10,379 $ 10,398 $ 10,526 $ 10,837 $ 11,042
Nonperforming loans, leases and foreclosed properties (4) 3,837 3,723 4,452 5,145 5,244 5,449 6,181 6,694
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total
loans and leases outstanding (4) 0.97% 0.98% 1.00% 1.02% 1.02% 1.05% 1.08% 1.11%
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total
nonperforming loans and leases (4) 265 271 228 197 194 189 170 161
Net charge-offs $ 959 $ 811 $ 887 $ 991 $ 924 $ 932 $ 996 $ 911
Annualized net charge-offs as a percentage of average loans
and leases outstanding (4) 0.39% 0.34% 0.38% 0.43% 0.39% 0.40% 0.43% 0.40%
Capital ratios at period end
Common equity tier 1 capital 11.2% 11.4% 11.7% 11.6% 11.6% 11.4% 11.4% 11.3%
Tier 1 capital 12.6 12.9 13.3 13.1 13.2 12.9 13.0 13.0
Total capital 14.7 15.1 15.4 15.2 15.1 14.7 14.8 14.8
Tier 1 leverage 7.9 8.2 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.3 8.4 8.4
Supplementary leverage ratio 6.4 6.6 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.7 6.8
Tangible equity (2) 8.2 8.4 8.7 8.5 8.6 8.5 8.7 8.7
Tangible common equity (2) 7.3 7.4 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.5 7.7 7.6
Total loss-absorbing capacity and long-term debt metrics (5)
Total loss-absorbing capacity to risk-weighted assets 24.6% 24.8% 25.5% 24.8%
Total loss-absorbing capacity to supplementary leverage
exposure 12.5 12.7 13.0 12.8
Eligible long-term debt to risk-weighted assets 11.5 11.4 11.8 11.4
Eligible long-term debt to supplementary leverage 5.8 5.8 6.0 5.9
(1) Calculated as total net income for four consecutive quarters divided by annualized average assets for four consecutive quarters.
(2) Tangible equity ratios and tangible book value per share of common stock are non-GAAP financial measures. For more information on these ratios and corresponding reconciliations to GAAP
financial measures, see Supplemental Financial Data on page 48 and Non-GAAP Reconciliations on page 101.
(3) Includes the allowance for loan and lease losses and the reserve for unfunded lending commitments.
(4) Balances and ratios do not include loans accounted for under the fair value option. For additional exclusions from nonperforming loans, leases and foreclosed properties, see Consumer Portfolio
Credit Risk Management – Nonperforming Consumer Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties Activity on page 80 and corresponding Table 29 and Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management
– Nonperforming Commercial Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties Activity on page 84 and corresponding Table 36.
(5) Effective January 1, 2019, we became subject to minimum total loss-absorbing capacity and long-term debt requirements. For more information, see Capital Management on page 66.

50 Bank
50 BankofofAmerica
Table 8 Average Balances and Interest Rates - FTE Basis

Interest Interest Interest

Average Income/ Yield/ Average Income/ Yield/ Average Income/ Yield/
Balance Expense (1) Rate Balance Expense (1) Rate Balance Expense (1) Rate
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
Earning assets
Interest-bearing deposits with the Federal Reserve, non-
U.S. central banks and other banks $ 125,555 $ 1,823 1.45% $ 139,848 $ 1,926 1.38% $ 127,431 $ 1,122 0.88%
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments 9,427 207 2.19 9,446 216 2.29 12,112 241 1.99
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased
under agreements to resell 279,610 4,843 1.73 251,328 3,176 1.26 222,818 1,806 0.81
Trading account assets 148,076 5,269 3.56 132,724 4,901 3.69 129,007 4,618 3.58
Debt securities 450,090 11,917 2.65 437,312 11,837 2.66 435,005 10,626 2.44
Loans and leases (2):
Residential mortgage 220,552 7,651 3.47 207,523 7,294 3.51 197,766 6,831 3.45
Home equity 44,600 2,194 4.92 53,886 2,573 4.77 62,260 2,608 4.19
Credit card 94,488 10,166 10.76 94,612 9,579 10.12 91,068 8,791 9.65
Non-U.S. credit card (3) — — — — — — 3,929 358 9.12
Direct/Indirect and other consumer (4) 90,656 3,261 3.60 93,036 3,104 3.34 96,002 2,734 2.85
Total consumer 450,296 23,272 5.17 449,057 22,550 5.02 451,025 21,322 4.73
U.S. commercial 321,467 13,016 4.05 304,387 11,937 3.92 292,452 9,765 3.34
Non-U.S. commercial 103,918 3,547 3.41 97,664 3,220 3.30 95,005 2,566 2.70
Commercial real estate (5) 62,044 2,741 4.42 60,384 2,618 4.34 58,502 2,116 3.62
Commercial lease financing 20,691 718 3.47 21,557 698 3.24 21,747 706 3.25
Total commercial 508,120 20,022 3.94 483,992 18,473 3.82 467,706 15,153 3.24
Total loans and leases (3) 958,416 43,294 4.52 933,049 41,023 4.40 918,731 36,475 3.97
Other earning assets 69,089 4,478 6.48 76,524 4,300 5.62 76,957 3,224 4.19
Total earning assets 2,040,263 71,831 3.52 1,980,231 67,379 3.40 1,922,061 58,112 3.02
Cash and due from banks 26,193 25,830 27,995
Other assets, less allowance for loan and lease losses 339,374 319,185 318,577
Total assets $ 2,405,830 $ 2,325,246 $ 2,268,633
Interest-bearing liabilities
U.S. interest-bearing deposits:
Savings $ 52,020 $ 5 0.01% $ 54,226 $ 6 0.01% $ 53,783 $ 5 0.01%
NOW and money market deposit accounts 741,126 4,471 0.60 676,382 2,636 0.39 628,647 873 0.14
Consumer CDs and IRAs 47,577 471 0.99 39,823 157 0.39 44,794 121 0.27
Negotiable CDs, public funds and other deposits 66,866 1,407 2.11 50,593 991 1.96 36,782 354 0.96
Total U.S. interest-bearing deposits 907,589 6,354 0.70 821,024 3,790 0.46 764,006 1,353 0.18
Non-U.S. interest-bearing deposits:
Banks located in non-U.S. countries 1,936 20 1.04 2,312 39 1.69 2,442 21 0.85
Governments and official institutions 181 — 0.05 810 — 0.01 1,006 10 0.95
Time, savings and other 69,351 814 1.17 65,097 666 1.02 62,386 547 0.88
Total non-U.S. interest-bearing deposits 71,468 834 1.17 68,219 705 1.03 65,834 578 0.88
Total interest-bearing deposits 979,057 7,188 0.73 889,243 4,495 0.51 829,840 1,931 0.23

Federal funds purchased, securities loaned or sold under

agreements to repurchase, short-term borrowings and
other interest-bearing liabilities 276,432 7,208 2.61 269,748 5,839 2.17 274,975 3,146 1.14
Trading account liabilities 45,449 1,249 2.75 50,928 1,358 2.67 45,518 1,204 2.64
Long-term debt 201,623 6,700 3.32 200,399 6,915 3.45 194,882 5,667 2.91
Total interest-bearing liabilities 1,502,561 22,345 1.49 1,410,318 18,607 1.32 1,345,215 11,948 0.89
Noninterest-bearing sources:
Noninterest-bearing deposits 401,269 425,698 439,956
Other liabilities (6) 234,111 224,482 212,173
Shareholders’ equity 267,889 264,748 271,289
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity $ 2,405,830 $ 2,325,246 $ 2,268,633
Net interest spread 2.03% 2.08% 2.13%
Impact of noninterest-bearing sources 0.40 0.37 0.27
Net interest income/yield on earning assets (7) $ 49,486 2.43% $ 48,772 2.45% $ 46,164 2.40%
(1) Includes the impact of interest rate risk management contracts. For more information, see Interest Rate Risk Management for the Banking Book on page 95.
(2) Nonperforming loans are included in the respective average loan balances. Income on these nonperforming loans is generally recognized on a cost recovery basis.
(3) Includes assets of the Corporation's non-U.S. consumer credit card business, which was sold during the second quarter of 2017.
(4) Includes non-U.S. consumer loans of $2.9 billion, $2.8 billion and $2.9 billion for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
(5) Includes U.S. commercial real estate loans of $57.3 billion, $56.4 billion and $55.0 billion, and non-U.S. commercial real estate loans of $4.7 billion, $4.0 billion and $3.5 billion for 2019, 2018
and 2017, respectively.
(6) Includes $35.5 billion, $30.4 billion and $30.3 billion of structured notes and liabilities for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
(7) Net interest income includes FTE adjustments of $595 million, $610 million and $925 million for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively.

Bank of America 2019 51

Table 9 Analysis of Changes in Net Interest Income - FTE Basis
Due to Change in (1) Due to Change in (1)
Volume Rate Net Change Volume Rate Net Change
(Dollars in millions) From 2018 to 2019 From 2017 to 2018
Increase (decrease) in interest income
Interest-bearing deposits with the Federal Reserve, non-U.S. central banks and other
banks $ (193) $ 90 $ (103) $ 109 $ 695 $ 804
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments — (9) (9) (53) 28 (25)
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell 347 1,320 1,667 230 1,140 1,370
Trading account assets 563 (195) 368 134 149 283
Debt securities 135 (55) 80 44 1,167 1,211
Loans and leases:
Residential mortgage 447 (90) 357 329 134 463
Home equity (446) 67 (379) (350) 315 (35)
Credit card (17) 604 587 339 449 788
Non-U.S. credit card (2) — — — (358) — (358)
Direct/Indirect and other consumer (76) 233 157 (82) 452 370
Total consumer 722 1,228
U.S. commercial 665 414 1,079 402 1,770 2,172
Non-U.S. commercial 209 118 327 71 583 654
Commercial real estate 75 48 123 70 432 502
Commercial lease financing (28) 48 20 (5) (3) (8)
Total commercial 1,549 3,320
Total loans and leases 2,271 4,548
Other earning assets (417) 595 178 (18) 1,094 1,076
Total interest income $ 4,452 $ 9,267
Increase (decrease) in interest expense
U.S. interest-bearing deposits:
Savings $ (1) $ — $ (1) $ — $ 1 $ 1
NOW and money market deposit accounts 254 1,581 1,835 74 1,689 1,763
Consumer CDs and IRAs 29 285 314 (13) 49 36
Negotiable CDs, public funds and other deposits 320 96 416 132 505 637
Total U.S. interest-bearing deposits 2,564 2,437
Non-U.S. interest-bearing deposits:
Banks located in non-U.S. countries (6) (13) (19) (1) 19 18
Governments and official institutions — — — (2) (8) (10)
Time, savings and other 41 107 148 26 93 119
Total non-U.S. interest-bearing deposits 129 127
Total interest-bearing deposits 2,693 2,564
Federal funds purchased, securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase,
short-term borrowings and other interest-bearing liabilities 160 1,209 1,369 (71) 2,764 2,693
Trading account liabilities (145) 36 (109) 140 14 154
Long-term debt 41 (256) (215) 165 1,083 1,248
Total interest expense 3,738 6,659
Net increase in net interest income (3) $ 714 $ 2,608
(1) The changes for each category of interest income and expense are divided between the portion of change attributable to the variance in volume and the portion of change attributable to the variance
in rate for that category. The unallocated change in rate or volume variance is allocated between the rate and volume variances.
(2) The Corporation sold its non-U.S. credit card business in the second quarter of 2017.
(3) Includes decreases in FTE basis adjustments of $15 million from 2018 to 2019 and $315 million from 2017 to 2018.

5252Bank of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
Business Segment Operations
Segment Description and Basis of Presentation
We report our results of operations through the following four business segments: Consumer Banking, GWIM, Global Banking and Global
Markets, with the remaining operations recorded in All Other. We manage our segments and report their results on an FTE basis. The
primary activities, products and businesses of the business segments and All Other are shown below.

We periodically review capital allocated to our businesses and units is comprised of allocated capital plus capital for the portion
allocate capital annually during the strategic and capital planning of goodwill and intangibles specifically assigned to the reporting
processes. We utilize a methodology that considers the effect of unit. For more information, including the definition of a reporting
regulatory capital requirements in addition to internal risk-based unit, see Note 8 – Goodwill and Intangible Assets to the
capital models. Our internal risk-based capital models use a risk- Consolidated Financial Statements.
adjusted methodology incorporating each segment’s credit, For more information on our presentation of financial
market, interest rate, business and operational risk components. information on an FTE basis, see Supplemental Financial Data on
For more information on the nature of these risks, see Managing page 48, and for reconciliations to consolidated total revenue, net
Risk on page 63. The capital allocated to the business segments income and year-end total assets, see Note 24 – Business Segment
is referred to as allocated capital. Allocated equity in the reporting Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Bank of America 2019 53

Consumer Banking

Deposits Consumer Lending Total Consumer Banking

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 % Change
Net interest income $ 16,904 $ 15,939 $ 11,254 $ 11,086 $ 28,158 $ 27,025 4%
Noninterest income:
Card income (33) (33) 5,117 5,135 5,084 5,102 —
Service charges 4,217 4,298 2 2 4,219 4,300 (2)
All other income 832 762 294 429 1,126 1,191 (5)
Total noninterest income 5,016 5,027 5,413 5,566 10,429 10,593 (2)
Total revenue, net of interest expense 21,920 20,966 16,667 16,652 38,587 37,618 3

Provision for credit losses 269 195 3,503 3,469 3,772 3,664 3
Noninterest expense 10,682 10,657 6,936 7,015 17,618 17,672 —
Income before income taxes 10,969 10,114 6,228 6,168 17,197 16,282 6
Income tax expense 2,687 2,578 1,526 1,572 4,213 4,150 2
Net income $ 8,282 $ 7,536 $ 4,702 $ 4,596 $ 12,984 $ 12,132 7

Effective tax rate (1) 24.5% 25.5%

Net interest yield 2.40% 2.34% 3.80% 3.97% 3.81 3.77

Return on average allocated capital 69 63 19 18 35 33
Efficiency ratio 48.73 50.83 41.61 42.12 45.66 46.98

Balance Sheet

Total loans and leases $ 5,373 $ 5,233 $ 295,562 $ 278,574 $ 300,935 $ 283,807 6%
Total earning assets (2) 703,444 682,592 296,051 279,217 738,770 717,189 3
Total assets (2) 735,232 710,925 306,169 290,068 780,676 756,373 3
Total deposits 702,908 678,640 5,368 5,533 708,276 684,173 4
Allocated capital 12,000 12,000 25,000 25,000 37,000 37,000 —

Year end
Total loans and leases $ 5,472 $ 5,470 $ 311,942 $ 288,865 $ 317,414 $ 294,335 8%
Total earning assets (2) 724,536 694,672 312,684 289,249 760,137 728,813 4
Total assets (2) 758,385 724,019 322,717 299,970 804,019 768,881 5
Total deposits 725,598 691,666 5,080 4,480 730,678 696,146 5
(1) Estimated at the segment level only.
(2) In segments and businesses where the total of liabilities and equity exceeds assets, we allocate assets from All Other to match the segments’ and businesses’ liabilities and allocated shareholders’
equity. As a result, total earning assets and total assets of the businesses may not equal total Consumer Banking.

Consumer Banking, which is comprised of Deposits and $17.6 billion primarily driven by lower FDIC expense and operating
Consumer Lending, offers a diversified range of credit, banking efficiencies, partially offset by continued investment in the
and investment products and services to consumers and small business.
businesses. Deposits and Consumer Lending include the net The return on average allocated capital was 35 percent, up
impact of migrating customers and their related deposit, from 33 percent, driven by higher net income. For information on
brokerage asset and loan balances between Deposits, Consumer capital allocated to the business segments, see Business
Lending and GWIM, as well as other client-managed businesses. Segment Operations on page 53.
Our customers and clients have access to a coast to coast
network including financial centers in 38 states and the District Deposits
of Columbia. Our network includes approximately 4,300 financial Deposits includes the results of consumer deposit activities
centers, approximately 16,800 ATMs, nationwide call centers, which consist of a comprehensive range of products provided to
and leading digital banking platforms with more than 38 million consumers and small businesses. Our deposit products include
active users, including over 29 million active mobile users. traditional savings accounts, money market savings accounts,
CDs and IRAs, and noninterest- and interest-bearing checking
Consumer Banking Results accounts, as well as investment accounts and products. Net
Net income for Consumer Banking increased $852 million to interest income is allocated to the deposit products using our
$13.0 billion in 2019 compared to 2018 primarily driven by higher funds transfer pricing process that matches assets and liabilities
net interest income and lower noninterest expense, partially with similar interest rate sensitivity and maturity characteristics.
offset by lower noninterest income. Net interest income increased Deposits generates fees such as account service fees, non-
$1.1 billion to $28.2 billion primarily due to growth in deposits sufficient funds fees, overdraft charges and ATM fees, as well as
and loans. Noninterest income decreased $164 million to $10.4 investment and brokerage fees from Merrill Edge accounts. Merrill
billion driven by lower service charges and lower mortgage Edge is an integrated investing and banking service targeted at
banking income, largely offset by higher results from ALM customers with less than $250,000 in investable assets. Merrill
activities. Edge provides investment advice and guidance, client brokerage
The provision for credit losses increased $108 million to $3.8 asset services, a self-directed online investing platform and key
billion driven by overdrafts and portfolio seasoning in the credit banking capabilities including access to the Corporation’s
card portfolio. Noninterest expense decreased $54 million to network of financial centers and ATMs.

54 Bank
54 of of
Bank America 2019
America 2019
Net income for Deposits increased $746 million to $8.3 billion Net income for Consumer Lending increased $106 million to
driven by higher net interest income. Net interest income $4.7 billion driven by higher net interest income and lower
increased $965 million to $16.9 billion primarily due to growth noninterest expense, partially offset by lower noninterest income.
in deposits and pricing discipline. Noninterest income decreased Net interest income increased $168 million to $11.3 billion driven
$11 million to $5.0 billion primarily driven by lower service by loan growth. Noninterest income decreased $153 million to
charges, largely offset by higher results from ALM activities. $5.4 billion primarily driven by lower mortgage banking income
The provision for credit losses increased $74 million to $269 and lower card income.
million in 2019. Noninterest expense increased $25 million to The provision for credit losses increased $34 million to $3.5
$10.7 billion driven by continued investment in the business, billion primarily driven by portfolio seasoning in the credit card
partially offset by lower FDIC expense and operating efficiencies. portfolio. Noninterest expense decreased $79 million to $6.9
Average deposits increased $24.3 billion to $702.9 billion in billion primarily driven by operating efficiencies.
2019 driven by strong organic growth. Growth in checking and Average loans increased $17.0 billion to $295.6 billion
time deposits of $27.0 billion was partially offset by a decline in primarily driven by increases in residential mortgages and credit
traditional savings and money market savings of $2.5 billion. card, partially offset by lower home equity loans.

Key Statistics – Deposits Key Statistics – Consumer Lending

2019 2018 (Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Total deposit spreads (excludes noninterest costs) (1) 2.34% 2.14% Total credit card (1)
Gross interest yield 10.76% 10.12%
Year end Risk-adjusted margin 8.28 8.25
Consumer investment assets (in millions) (2) $ 240,132 $185,881 New accounts (in thousands) 4,320 4,544
Active digital banking users (units in thousands) (3) 38,266 36,264 Purchase volumes $ 277,852 $264,706
Active mobile banking users (units in thousands) 29,174 26,433 Debit card purchase volumes $ 360,672 $338,810
Financial centers 4,300 4,341 (1) Includes GWIM's credit card portfolio.
ATMs 16,788 16,255
(1) Includes deposits held in Consumer Lending. During 2019, the total credit card risk-adjusted margin
(2) Includes client brokerage assets, deposit sweep balances and AUM in Consumer Banking.
(3) Active digital banking users represents mobile and/or online users.
increased 3 bps compared to 2018, primarily driven by a portfolio
shift away from promotional-rate loans. Total credit card purchase
Consumer investment assets increased $54 billion in 2019 volumes increased $13.1 billion to $277.9 billion, and debit card
driven by strong market performance and client flows. Active purchase volumes increased $21.9 billion to $360.7 billion,
mobile banking users increased 3 million reflecting continuing reflecting higher levels of consumer spending.
changes in our customers’ banking preferences. The number of
financial centers declined by a net 41 reflecting changes in
customer preferences to self-service options as we continue to
Key Statistics – Loan Production (1)
optimize our consumer banking network and improve our cost to (Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
serve. Total (2):
First mortgage $ 72,467 $ 41,195
Consumer Lending Home equity 11,131 14,869
Consumer Lending offers products to consumers and small Consumer Banking:
businesses across the U.S. The products offered include credit First mortgage $ 49,179 $ 27,280
and debit cards, residential mortgages and home equity loans, Home equity 9,755 13,251
and direct and indirect loans such as automotive, recreational (1) The loan production amounts represent the unpaid principal balance of loans and, in the case
of home equity, the principal amount of the total line of credit.
vehicle and consumer personal loans. In addition to earning net (2) In addition to loan production in Consumer Banking, there is also first mortgage and home
interest spread revenue on its lending activities, Consumer equity loan production in GWIM.
Lending generates interchange revenue from credit and debit card
transactions, late fees, cash advance fees, annual credit card First mortgage loan originations in Consumer Banking and for
fees, mortgage banking fee income and other miscellaneous the total Corporation increased $21.9 billion and $31.3 billion
fees. Consumer Lending products are available to our customers in 2019 primarily driven by a lower interest rate environment
through our retail network, direct telephone, and online and driving higher first-lien mortgage refinances.
mobile channels. Consumer Lending results also include the Home equity production in Consumer Banking and for the total
impact of servicing residential mortgages and home equity loans Corporation decreased $3.5 billion and $3.7 billion in 2019
in the core portfolio, including loans held on the balance sheet primarily driven by lower demand.
of Consumer Lending and loans serviced for others.

2019 55
Global Wealth & Investment Management

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 % Change

Net interest income $ 6,504 $ 6,265 4%
Noninterest income:
Investment and brokerage services 11,870 11,959 (1)
All other income 1,163 1,229 (5)
Total noninterest income 13,033 13,188 (1)
Total revenue, net of interest expense 19,537 19,453 —

Provision for credit losses 82 86 (5)

Noninterest expense 13,823 14,015 (1)
Income before income taxes 5,632 5,352 5
Income tax expense 1,380 1,364 1
Net income $ 4,252 $ 3,988 7

Effective tax rate 24.5% 25.5%

Net interest yield 2.33 2.41

Return on average allocated capital 29 28
Efficiency ratio 70.75 72.04

Balance Sheet

Total loans and leases $ 168,910 $ 161,342 5%
Total earning assets 279,684 259,808 8
Total assets 292,003 277,220 5
Total deposits 256,505 241,256 6
Allocated capital 14,500 14,500 —

Year end
Total loans and leases $ 176,600 $ 164,854 7%
Total earning assets 287,212 287,199 —
Total assets 299,756 305,907 (2)
Total deposits 263,103 268,700 (2)

GWIM consists of two primary businesses: Merrill Lynch Global Net interest income increased $239 million to $6.5 billion due
Wealth Management (MLGWM) and Bank of America Private Bank. to the impact of growth in deposits and loans.
MLGWM’s advisory business provides a high-touch client Noninterest income, which primarily includes investment and
experience through a network of financial advisors focused on brokerage services income, decreased $155 million to $13.0
clients with over $250,000 in total investable assets. MLGWM billion. The decrease was primarily driven by declines in AUM
provides tailored solutions to meet clients’ needs through a full pricing and transactional revenue, partially offset by the impact of
set of investment management, brokerage, banking and retirement positive AUM flows and higher market valuations.
products. Noninterest expense decreased $192 million to $13.8 billion,
Bank of America Private Bank, together with MLGWM’s Private as investments for business growth were more than offset by lower
Wealth Management business, provides comprehensive wealth amortization of intangibles and FDIC expense.
management solutions targeted to high net worth and ultra high The return on average allocated capital was 29 percent, up
net worth clients, as well as customized solutions to meet clients’ from 28 percent, due to higher net income.
wealth structuring, investment management, trust and banking MLGWM revenue of $16.1 billion increased one percent
needs, including specialty asset management services. primarily driven by higher net interest income and the impact of
Net income for GWIM increased $264 million to $4.3 billion positive AUM flows and higher market valuations, partially offset
due to lower noninterest expense and higher revenue. The by lower transactional volumes and AUM pricing.
operating margin was 29 percent compared to 28 percent in 2018. Bank of America Private Bank revenue of $3.4 billion decreased
one percent primarily due to lower net interest income.

5656Bank of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
Key Indicators and Metrics
(Dollars in millions, except as noted) 2019 2018
Revenue by Business
Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management $ 16,111 $ 15,998
Bank of America Private Bank 3,426 3,455
Total revenue, net of interest expense $ 19,537 $ 19,453

Client Balances by Business, at year end

Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management $ 2,558,102 $ 2,193,562
Bank of America Private Bank 489,690 427,294
Total client balances $ 3,047,792 $ 2,620,856

Client Balances by Type, at year end

Assets under management $ 1,275,555 $ 1,072,234
Brokerage and other assets 1,372,733 1,162,997
Deposits 263,103 268,700
Loans and leases (1) 179,296 167,938
Less: Managed deposits in assets under management (42,895) (51,013)
Total client balances $ 3,047,792 $ 2,620,856

Assets Under Management Rollforward

Assets under management, beginning of year $ 1,072,234 $ 1,121,383
Net client flows 24,865 44,607
Market valuation/other 178,456 (93,756)
Total assets under management, end of year $ 1,275,555 $ 1,072,234

Associates, at year end

Number of financial advisors 17,458 17,518
Total wealth advisors, including financial advisors 19,440 19,459
Total primary sales professionals, including financial advisors and wealth advisors 20,586 20,586

Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management Metric

Financial advisor productivity (in thousands) $ 1,082 $ 1,034

Bank of America Private Bank Metric, at year end

Primary sales professionals 1,766 1,748
(1) Includes margin receivables which are classified in customer and other receivables on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.

Client Balances net change in clients’ AUM balances over a specified period of
Client balances managed under advisory and/or discretion of time, excluding market appreciation/depreciation and other
GWIM are AUM and are typically held in diversified portfolios. Fees adjustments.
earned on AUM are calculated as a percentage of clients’ AUM Client balances increased $426.9 billion, or 16 percent, to
balances. The asset management fees charged to clients per year $3.0 trillion at December 31, 2019 compared to December 31,
depend on various factors, but are commonly driven by the breadth 2018. The increase in client balances was primarily due to higher
of the client’s relationship. The net client AUM flows represent the market valuations and positive net flows over the last year.

Bank of America 2019 57

Global Banking

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 % Change

Net interest income $ 10,675 $ 10,993 (3)%
Noninterest income:
Service charges 3,015 3,027 —
Investment banking fees 3,137 2,891 9
All other income 3,656 3,090 18
Total noninterest income 9,808 9,008 9
Total revenue, net of interest expense 20,483 20,001 2

Provision for credit losses 414 8 n/m

Noninterest expense 9,017 8,745 3
Income before income taxes 11,052 11,248 (2)
Income tax expense 2,984 2,923 2
Net income $ 8,068 $ 8,325 (3)

Effective tax rate 27.0% 26.0%

Net interest yield 2.75 3.01

Return on average allocated capital 20 20
Efficiency ratio 44.02 43.72

Balance Sheet

Total loans and leases $ 374,304 $ 354,236 6%
Total earning assets 388,152 364,748 6
Total assets 443,083 425,675 4
Total deposits 362,731 336,337 8
Allocated capital 41,000 41,000 —

Year end
Total loans and leases $ 379,268 $ 365,717 4%
Total earning assets 407,180 377,812 8
Total assets 464,032 442,330 5
Total deposits 383,180 360,248 6
n/m = not meaningful

Global Banking, which includes Global Corporate Banking, Revenue increased $482 million to $20.5 billion driven by
Global Commercial Banking, Business Banking and Global higher noninterest income, partially offset by lower net interest
Investment Banking, provides a wide range of lending-related income. Net interest income decreased $318 million to $10.7
products and services, integrated working capital management billion primarily due to the allocation of ALM results and credit
and treasury solutions, and underwriting and advisory services spread compression, partly offset by growth in loan and deposit
through our network of offices and client relationship teams. Our balances.
lending products and services include commercial loans, leases, Noninterest income increased $800 million to $9.8 billion
commitment facilities, trade finance, commercial real estate primarily due to higher leasing-related revenue and investment
lending and asset-based lending. Our treasury solutions business banking fees. The provision for credit losses increased $406
includes treasury management, foreign exchange and short-term million to $414 million primarily driven by reserve releases in 2018
investing options. We also provide investment banking products primarily from energy exposures. Noninterest expense increased
to our clients such as debt and equity underwriting and distribution, $272 million primarily due to continued investment in the business
and merger-related and other advisory services. Underwriting debt partially offset by lower FDIC expense.
and equity issuances, fixed-income and equity research, and The return on average allocated capital was 20 percent in 2019
certain market-based activities are executed through our global and 2018. For information on capital allocated to the business
broker-dealer affiliates, which are our primary dealers in several segments, see Business Segment Operations on page 53.
countries. Within Global Banking, Global Commercial Banking
clients generally include middle-market companies, commercial Global Corporate, Global Commercial and Business
real estate firms and not-for-profit companies. Global Corporate Banking
Banking clients generally include large global corporations, Global Corporate, Global Commercial and Business Banking each
financial institutions and leasing clients. Business Banking clients include Business Lending and Global Transaction Services
include mid-sized U.S.-based businesses requiring customized activities. Business Lending includes various lending-related
and integrated financial advice and solutions. products and services, and related hedging activities, including
Net income for Global Banking decreased $257 million to $8.1 commercial loans, leases, commitment facilities, trade finance,
billion in 2019 compared to 2018 primarily driven by higher real estate lending and asset-based lending. Global Transaction
provision for credit losses and noninterest expense partially offset Services includes deposits, treasury management, credit card,
by higher revenue. foreign exchange and short-term investment products.

5858Bank of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
The table below and following discussion present a summary of the results, which exclude certain investment banking activities in
Global Banking.

Global Corporate, Global Commercial and Business Banking

Global Corporate Banking Global Commercial Banking Business Banking Total
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Business Lending $ 3,994 $ 3,904 $ 4,132 $ 4,330 $ 363 $ 431 $ 8,489 $ 8,665
Global Transaction Services 3,994 3,832 3,499 3,346 1,064 987 8,557 8,165
Total revenue, net of interest expense $ 7,988 $ 7,736 $ 7,631 $ 7,676 $ 1,427 $ 1,418 $ 17,046 $ 16,830

Balance Sheet

Total loans and leases $ 177,713 $ 163,516 $ 181,485 $ 174,279 $ 15,058 $ 16,432 $ 374,256 $ 354,227
Total deposits 177,924 163,559 144,620 135,337 40,196 37,462 362,740 336,358

Year end
Total loans and leases $ 181,409 $ 174,378 $ 182,727 $ 175,937 $ 15,152 $ 15,402 $ 379,288 $ 365,717
Total deposits 185,352 173,183 157,322 149,118 40,504 37,973 383,178 360,274

Business Lending revenue decreased $176 million in 2019 banking fees, the following table presents total Corporation
compared to 2018. The decrease was primarily driven by the investment banking fees and the portion attributable to Global
allocation of ALM results, partly offset by higher leasing-related Banking.
Global Transaction Services revenue increased $392 million in
Investment Banking Fees
2019 compared to 2018 driven by the impact of higher deposit
balances. Global Banking Total Corporation
Average loans and leases increased six percent in 2019 (Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018
compared to 2018 driven by growth in the commercial and Products
industrial portfolio. Average deposits increased eight percent due Advisory $ 1,336 $ 1,153 $ 1,460 $ 1,258
to growth in domestic and international interest-bearing balances. Debt issuance 1,348 1,326 3,107 3,084
Equity issuance 453 412 1,259 1,183
Global Investment Banking Gross investment
3,137 2,891 5,826 5,525
banking fees
Client teams and product specialists underwrite and distribute
Self-led deals (62) (68) (184) (198)
debt, equity and loan products, and provide advisory services and Total investment
tailored risk management solutions. The economics of certain banking fees $ 3,075 $ 2,823 $ 5,642 $ 5,327
investment banking and underwriting activities are shared primarily
between Global Banking and Global Markets under an internal Total Corporation investment banking fees, excluding self-led
revenue-sharing arrangement. Global Banking originates certain deals, of $5.6 billion, which are primarily included within Global
deal-related transactions with our corporate and commercial Banking and Global Markets, increased six percent due to
clients that are executed and distributed by Global Markets. To increases in advisory fees as well as higher equity issuance fees.
provide a complete discussion of our consolidated investment

Bank of America 2019 59

Global Markets

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 % Change

Net interest income $ 3,915 $ 3,857 2%
Noninterest income:
Investment and brokerage services 1,738 1,780 (2)
Investment banking fees 2,288 2,296 —
Market making and similar activities 7,065 7,260 (3)
All other income 608 990 (39)
Total noninterest income 11,699 12,326 (5)
Total revenue, net of interest expense 15,614 16,183 (4)

Provision for credit losses (9) — n/m

Noninterest expense 10,722 10,835 (1)
Income before income taxes 4,901 5,348 (8)
Income tax expense 1,397 1,390 1
Net income $ 3,504 $ 3,958 (11)

Effective tax rate 28.5% 26.0%

Return on average allocated capital 10 11

Efficiency ratio 68.67 66.96

Balance Sheet
Trading-related assets:
Trading account securities $ 246,335 $ 215,112 15%
Reverse repurchases 116,883 125,084 (7)
Securities borrowed 83,216 78,889 5
Derivative assets 43,271 46,047 (6)
Total trading-related assets 489,705 465,132 5
Total loans and leases 71,334 72,651 (2)
Total earning assets 476,225 473,383 1
Total assets 679,297 666,000 2
Total deposits 31,380 31,209 1
Allocated capital 35,000 35,000 —

Year end
Total trading-related assets $ 452,496 $ 447,998 1%
Total loans and leases 72,993 73,928 (1)
Total earning assets 471,701 457,224 3
Total assets 641,806 641,923 —
Total deposits 34,676 37,841 (8)
n/m = not meaningful

Global Markets offers sales and trading services and research The following explanations for year-over-year changes in results
services to institutional clients across fixed-income, credit, for Global Markets, including those disclosed under Sales and
currency, commodity and equity businesses. Global Markets Trading Revenue, exclude net DVA, but the explanations would be
product coverage includes securities and derivative products in the same if net DVA was included.
both the primary and secondary markets. Global Markets provides Net income for Global Markets decreased $454 million to $3.5
market-making, financing, securities clearing, settlement and billion in 2019 compared to 2018. Net DVA losses were $222
custody services globally to our institutional investor clients in million compared to losses of $162 million in 2018. Excluding net
support of their investing and trading activities. We also work with DVA, net income decreased $408 million to $3.7 billion. These
our commercial and corporate clients to provide risk management decreases were primarily driven by a decrease in revenue, partially
products using interest rate, equity, credit, currency and commodity offset by lower noninterest expense.
derivatives, foreign exchange, fixed-income and mortgage-related Revenue declined $569 million to $15.6 billion as sales and
products. As a result of our market-making activities in these trading revenue decreased $492 million, and excluding net DVA,
products, we may be required to manage risk in a broad range of decreased $432 million. These decreases were primarily driven
financial products including government securities, equity and by a decline in Equities revenue. Noninterest expense decreased
equity-linked securities, high-grade and high-yield corporate debt $113 million to $10.7 billion, primarily driven by lower revenue-
securities, syndicated loans, MBS, commodities and asset-backed related expenses.
securities. The economics of certain investment banking and Average total assets increased $13.3 billion to $679.3 billion,
underwriting activities are shared primarily between Global Markets primarily due to increased levels of inventory in fixed-income,
and Global Banking under an internal revenue-sharing currencies and commodities (FICC) to facilitate expected client
arrangement. Global Banking originates certain deal-related demand. Year-end total assets were largely unchanged at $641.8
transactions with our corporate and commercial clients that are billion.
executed and distributed by Global Markets. For information on The return on average allocated capital was 10 percent, down
investment banking fees on a consolidated basis, see page 59. from 11 percent, reflecting lower net income. For information on

6060Bank of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
capital allocated to the business segments, see Business
Segment Operations on page 53. Sales and Trading Revenue (1, 2, 3)
Sales and Trading Revenue (Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Sales and trading revenue includes unrealized and realized gains Sales and trading revenue (2)
and losses on trading and other assets which are included in Fixed-income, currencies and commodities $ 8,188 $ 8,271
market making and similar activities, net interest income, and fees Equities 4,491 4,900
Total sales and trading revenue $ 12,679 $ 13,171
primarily from commissions on equity securities. Sales and trading
revenue is segregated into fixed-income (government debt Sales and trading revenue, excluding net DVA (4)
obligations, investment and non-investment grade corporate debt Fixed-income, currencies and commodities $ 8,396 $ 8,413
obligations, commercial MBS, residential mortgage-backed Equities 4,505 4,920
securities, collateralized loan obligations, interest rate and credit Total sales and trading revenue, excluding net DVA $ 12,901 $ 13,333
derivative contracts), currencies (interest rate and foreign (1) For more information on sales and trading revenue, see Note 3 – Derivatives to the Consolidated
Financial Statements.
exchange contracts), commodities (primarily futures, forwards, (2) Includes FTE adjustments of $189 million and $248 million for 2019 and 2018.
swaps and options) and equities (equity-linked derivatives and (3) Includes Global Banking sales and trading revenue of $533 million and $421 million for 2019
and 2018.
cash equity activity). The following table and related discussion (4) FICC and Equities sales and trading revenue, excluding net DVA, is a non-GAAP financial measure.
present sales and trading revenue, substantially all of which is in FICC net DVA losses were $208 million and $142 million for 2019 and 2018. Equities net DVA
losses were $14 million and $20 million for 2019 and 2018.
Global Markets, with the remainder in Global Banking. In addition,
the following table and related discussion present sales and FICC revenue decreased $17 million. Equities revenue
trading revenue, excluding net DVA, which is a non-GAAP financial decreased $415 million driven by under performance in equity
measure. For more information on net DVA, see Supplemental derivatives compared to a strong prior year which benefited from
Financial Data on page 48. higher client activity and a more volatile market environment.

All Other

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 % Change

Net interest income $ 234 $ 632 (63)%
Noninterest income (loss) (2,616) (2,257) 16
Total revenue, net of interest expense (2,382) (1,625) 47

Provision for credit losses (669) (476) 41

Noninterest expense 3,720 1,887 97
Loss before income taxes (5,433) (3,036) 79
Income tax benefit (4,055) (2,780) 46
Net loss $ (1,378) $ (256) n/m

Balance Sheet

Total loans and leases $ 42,933 $ 61,013 (30)%
Total assets (1) 210,771 199,978 5
Total deposits 21,434 21,966 (2)

Year end
Total loans and leases $ 37,151 $ 48,061 (23)%
Total assets (1) 224,466 195,466 15
Total deposits 23,166 18,541 25
(1)In segments where the total of liabilities and equity exceeds assets, which are generally deposit-taking segments, we allocate assets from All Other to those segments to match liabilities (i.e.,
deposits) and allocated shareholders’ equity. Average allocated assets were 544.2 billion and $517.0 billion for 2019 and 2018, and year-end allocated assets were $565.3 billion and $540.8
billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
n/m = not meaningful

All Other consists of ALM activities, equity investments, non-core Residential mortgage loans that are held for ALM purposes,
mortgage loans and servicing activities, liquidating businesses including interest rate or liquidity risk management, are classified
and certain expenses not otherwise allocated to a business as core and are presented on the balance sheet of All Other. During
segment. ALM activities encompass certain residential 2019, residential mortgage loans held for ALM activities
mortgages, debt securities, and interest rate and foreign currency decreased $3.2 billion to $21.7 billion primarily as a result of
risk management activities. Substantially all of the results of ALM payoffs and paydowns. Non-core residential mortgage and home
activities are allocated to our business segments. For more equity loans, which are principally runoff portfolios, are also held
information on our ALM activities, see Note 24 – Business Segment in All Other. During 2019, total non-core loans decreased $7.8
Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements. Equity billion to $15.7 billion due primarily to payoffs, paydowns and
investments include our merchant services joint venture, as well sales, as well as Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan
as a portfolio of equity, real estate and other alternative conveyances, partially offset by repurchases. For more information
investments. For information on our merchant services joint on the composition of the core and non-core portfolios, see
venture, see Note 13 – Commitments and Contingencies to the Consumer Portfolio Credit Risk Management on page 75.
Consolidated Financial Statements.

Bank of America 2019 61

The net loss for All Other increased $1.1 billion to a net loss to purchase products or services with a specific minimum quantity
of $1.4 billion, primarily driven by the $2.1 billion pretax at a fixed, minimum or variable price over a specified period of
impairment charge disclosed in Executive Summary – Recent time. Included in purchase obligations are vendor contracts, the
Developments – Merchant Services Joint Venture, as well as lower most significant of which include communication services,
revenue, partially offset by a higher benefit in the provision for processing services and software contracts. Debt, lease and other
credit losses. obligations are more fully discussed in Note 12 – Long-term Debt
Revenue decreased $757 million due to lower net interest and Note 13 – Commitments and Contingencies to the Consolidated
income and an increase in the loss in noninterest income. Net Financial Statements.
interest income decreased $398 million due to the impact of non- Other long-term liabilities include our contractual funding
core consumer real estate loan sales and portfolio run-off. The obligations related to the Non-U.S. Pension Plans and Nonqualified
loss in noninterest income increased $359 million primarily due and Other Pension Plans (together, the Plans). Obligations to the
to lower gains on sales of non-core consumer loans and higher Plans are based on the current and projected obligations of the
partnership losses associated with an increase in tax-advantaged Plans, performance of the Plans’ assets, and any participant
investments, partially offset by a $729 million charge related to contributions, if applicable. During 2019 and 2018, we contributed
the redemption of certain trust preferred securities in 2018. $135 million and $156 million to the Plans, and we expect to make
Noninterest expense increased $1.8 billion to $3.7 billion $128 million of contributions during 2020. The Plans are more
primarily due to the aforementioned $2.1 billion pretax impairment fully discussed in Note 18 – Employee Benefit Plans to the
charge. Consolidated Financial Statements.
The income tax benefit was $4.1 billion compared to a benefit We enter into commitments to extend credit such as loan
of $2.8 billion in 2018. The increase in the tax benefit was primarily commitments, standby letters of credit (SBLCs) and commercial
driven by the tax effect of the higher pretax loss, the positive impact letters of credit to meet the financing needs of our customers. For
from the resolution of various tax controversy matters and a higher a summary of the total unfunded, or off-balance sheet, credit
level of income tax credits. Both years included income tax benefit extension commitment amounts by expiration date, see Credit
adjustments to eliminate the FTE treatment of certain tax credits Extension Commitments in Note 13 – Commitments and
recorded in Global Banking. Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
We also utilize variable interest entities (VIEs) in the ordinary
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements and course of business to support our financing and investing needs
Contractual Obligations as well as those of our customers. For more information on our
We have contractual obligations to make future payments on debt involvement with unconsolidated VIEs, see Note 7 – Securitizations
and lease agreements. Additionally, in the normal course of and Other Variable Interest Entities to the Consolidated Financial
business, we enter into contractual arrangements whereby we Statements.
commit to future purchases of products or services from Table 10 includes certain contractual obligations at December
unaffiliated parties. Purchase obligations are defined as 31, 2019 and 2018.
obligations that are legally binding agreements whereby we agree

Table 10 Contractual Obligations

December 31
December 31, 2019 2018
Due After Due After
One Year Three Years
Due in One Through Through Due After
(Dollars in millions) Year or Less Three Years Five Years Five Years Total Total
Long-term debt $ 24,151 $ 46,049 $ 47,096 $ 123,560 $ 240,856 $ 229,392
Operating lease obligations 1,966 3,265 2,338 4,225 11,794 15,770
Purchase obligations 1,272 1,126 401 731 3,530 4,048
Time deposits 68,351 4,612 1,463 247 74,673 61,039
Other long-term liabilities 1,670 1,056 714 659 4,099 3,933
Estimated interest expense on long-term debt and time deposits (1) 5,571 8,073 6,870 23,871 44,385 56,852
Total contractual obligations $ 102,981 $ 64,181 $ 58,882 $ 153,293 $ 379,337 $ 371,034
(1) Represents forecasted net interest expense on long-term debt and time deposits based on interest rates at December 31, 2019 and 2018. Forecasts are based on the contractual maturity dates
of each liability, and are net of derivative hedges, where applicable.

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Representations and Warranties Obligations throughout the organization is critical to our success and is a clear
For information on representations and warranties obligations in expectation of our executive management team and the Board.
connection with the sale of mortgage loans, see Note 13 – Our Risk Framework serves as the foundation for the consistent
Commitments and Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial and effective management of risks facing the Corporation. The
Statements. Risk Framework sets forth clear roles, responsibilities and
accountability for the management of risk and provides a blueprint
Managing Risk for how the Board, through delegation of authority to committees
and executive officers, establishes risk appetite and associated
Overview limits for our activities.
Risk is inherent in all our business activities. Sound risk Executive management assesses, with Board oversight, the
management enables us to serve our customers and deliver for risk-adjusted returns of each business. Management reviews and
our shareholders. If not managed well, risks can result in financial approves the strategic and financial operating plans, as well as
loss, regulatory sanctions and penalties, and damage to our the capital plan and Risk Appetite Statement, and recommends
reputation, each of which may adversely impact our ability to them annually to the Board for approval. Our strategic plan takes
execute our business strategies. We take a comprehensive into consideration return objectives and financial resources, which
approach to risk management with a defined Risk Framework and must align with risk capacity and risk appetite. Management sets
an articulated Risk Appetite Statement which are approved financial objectives for each business by allocating capital and
annually by the Enterprise Risk Committee (ERC) and the Board. setting a target for return on capital for each business. Capital
The seven key types of risk faced by the Corporation are allocations and operating limits are regularly evaluated as part of
strategic, credit, market, liquidity, compliance, operational and our overall governance processes as the businesses and the
reputational. economic environment in which we operate continue to evolve. For
more information regarding capital allocations, see Business
Strategic risk is the risk resulting from incorrect assumptions Segment Operations on page 53.
about external or internal factors, inappropriate business The Corporation’s risk appetite indicates the amount of capital,
plans, ineffective business strategy execution, or failure to earnings or liquidity we are willing to put at risk to achieve our
respond in a timely manner to changes in the regulatory, strategic objectives and business plans, consistent with applicable
macroeconomic or competitive environments in the geographic regulatory requirements. Our risk appetite provides a common and
locations in which we operate. comparable set of measures for senior management and the Board
Credit risk is the risk of loss arising from the inability or failure to clearly indicate our aggregate level of risk and to monitor whether
of a borrower or counterparty to meet its obligations. the Corporation’s risk profile remains in alignment with our
Market risk is the risk that changes in market conditions may strategic and capital plans. Our risk appetite is formally articulated
adversely impact the value of assets or liabilities, or otherwise in the Risk Appetite Statement, which includes both qualitative
negatively impact earnings. components and quantitative limits.
Liquidity risk is the inability to meet expected or unexpected Our overall capacity to take risk is limited; therefore,we prioritize
cash flow and collateral needs while continuing to support our the risks we take in order to maintain a strong and flexible financial
businesses and customers under a range of economic position so we can withstand challenging economic conditions and
conditions. take advantage of organic growth opportunities. Therefore, we set
Compliance risk is the risk of legal or regulatory sanctions, objectives and targets for capital and liquidity that are intended
material financial loss or damage to the reputation of the to permit us to continue to operate in a safe and sound manner,
Corporation arising from the failure of the Corporation to comply including during periods of stress.
with the requirements of applicable laws, rules and regulations Our lines of business operate with risk limits (which may include
and our internal policies and procedures. credit, market and/or operational limits, as applicable) that align
Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate with the Corporation’s risk appetite. Executive management is
or failed processes, people and systems, or from external responsible for tracking and reporting performance measurements
events. as well as any exceptions to guidelines or limits. The Board, and
Reputational risk is the risk that negative perceptions of the its committees when appropriate, oversee financial performance,
Corporation’s conduct or business practices may adversely execution of the strategic and financial operating plans, adherence
impact its profitability or operations. to risk appetite limits and the adequacy of internal controls.
The following sections address in more detail the specific For a more detailed discussion of our risk management
procedures, measures and analyses of the major categories of activities, see the discussion below and pages 66 through 98.
risk. This discussion of managing risk focuses on the current Risk
Framework that, as part of its annual review process, was approved Risk Management Governance
by the ERC and the Board. The Risk Framework describes delegations of authority whereby
As set forth in our Risk Framework, a culture of managing risk the Board and its committees may delegate authority to
well is fundamental to fulfilling our purpose and our values and management-level committees or executive officers. Such
delivering responsible growth. It requires us to focus on risk in all delegations may authorize certain decision-making and approval
activities and encourages the necessary mindset and behavior to functions, which may be evidenced in, for example, committee
enable effective risk management, and promotes sound risk-taking charters, job descriptions, meeting minutes and resolutions.
within our risk appetite. Sustaining a culture of managing risk well

Bank of America 2019 63

The chart below illustrates the inter-relationship among the Board, Board committees and management committees that have
the majority of risk oversight responsibilities for the Corporation.

(1) Reports to the CEO and CFO with oversight by the Audit Committee

Board of Directors and Board Committees Other Board Committees

The Board is composed of 17 directors, all but one of whom are Our Corporate Governance, ESG, and Sustainability Committee
independent. The Board authorizes management to maintain an oversees our Board’s governance processes, identifies and
effective Risk Framework, and oversees compliance with safe and reviews the qualifications of potential Board members,
sound banking practices. In addition, the Board or its committees recommends nominees for election to our Board, recommends
conduct inquiries of, and receive reports from management on committee appointments for Board approval and reviews our
risk-related matters to assess scope or resource limitations that Environmental, Social and Governance and stockholder
could impede the ability of Independent Risk Management (IRM) engagement activities.
and/or Corporate Audit to execute its responsibilities. The Board Our Compensation and Human Capital Committee oversees
committees discussed below have the principal responsibility for establishing, maintaining and administering our compensation
enterprise-wide oversight of our risk management activities. programs and employee benefit plans, including approving and
Through these activities, the Board and applicable committees are recommending our Chief Executive Officer’s (CEO) compensation
provided with information on our risk profile and oversee executive to our Board for further approval by all independent directors;
management addressing key risks we face. Other Board reviewing and approving all of our executive officers’
committees, as described below, provide additional oversight of compensation, as well as compensation for non-management
specific risks. directors; and reviewing certain other human capital management
Each of the committees shown on the above chart regularly topics.
reports to the Board on risk-related matters within the committee’s
responsibilities, which is intended to collectively provide the Board Management Committees
with integrated insight about our management of enterprise-wide Management committees may receive their authority from the
risks. Board, a Board committee, another management committee or
from one or more executive officers. Our primary management-
Audit Committee level risk committee is the Management Risk Committee (MRC).
The Audit Committee oversees the qualifications, performance and Subject to Board oversight, the MRC is responsible for
independence of the Independent Registered Public Accounting management oversight of key risks facing the Corporation. This
Firm, the performance of our corporate audit function, the integrity includes providing management oversight of our compliance and
of our consolidated financial statements, our compliance with legal operational risk programs, balance sheet and capital
and regulatory requirements, and makes inquiries of management management, funding activities and other liquidity activities, stress
or the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) to determine whether there are testing, trading activities, recovery and resolution planning, model
scope or resource limitations that impede the ability of Corporate risk, subsidiary governance and activities between member banks
Audit to execute its responsibilities. The Audit Committee is also and their nonbank affiliates pursuant to Federal Reserve rules and
responsible for overseeing compliance risk pursuant to the New regulations, among other things.
York Stock Exchange listing standards.
Lines of Defense
Enterprise Risk Committee We have clear ownership and accountability across three lines of
The ERC has primary responsibility for oversight of the Risk defense: Front Line Units (FLUs), IRM and Corporate Audit. We
Framework and key risks we face and of the Corporation’s overall also have control functions outside of FLUs and IRM (e.g., Legal
risk appetite. It approves the Risk Framework and the Risk Appetite and Global Human Resources). The three lines of defense are
Statement and further recommends these documents to the Board integrated into our management-level governance structure. Each
for approval. The ERC oversees senior management’s of these functional roles is described in more detail below.
responsibilities for the identification, measurement, monitoring
and control of key risks we face. The ERC may consult with other
Board committees on risk-related matters.

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Executive Officers We employ our risk management process, referred to as
Executive officers lead various functions representing the Identify, Measure, Monitor and Control, as part of our daily
functional roles. Authority for functional roles may be delegated activities.
to executive officers from the Board, Board committees or
management-level committees. Executive officers, in turn, may Identify – To be effectively managed, risks must be clearly defined
further delegate responsibilities, as appropriate, to management- and proactively identified. Proper risk identification focuses on
level committees, management routines or individuals. Executive recognizing and understanding key risks inherent in our
officers review our activities for consistency with our Risk business activities or key risks that may arise from external
Framework, Risk Appetite Statement and applicable strategic, factors. Each employee is expected to identify and escalate
capital and financial operating plans, as well as applicable policies, risks promptly. Risk identification is an ongoing process,
standards, procedures and processes. Executive officers and incorporating input from FLUs and control functions, designed
other employees make decisions individually on a day-to-day basis, to be forward looking and capture relevant risk factors across
consistent with the authority they have been delegated. Executive all of our lines of business.
officers and other employees may also serve on committees and Measure – Once a risk is identified, it must be prioritized and
participate in committee decisions. accurately measured through a systematic risk quantification
process including quantitative and qualitative components.
Front Line Units Risk is measured at various levels including, but not limited
FLUs, which include the lines of business as well as the Global to, risk type, FLU, legal entity and on an aggregate basis. This
Technology and Operations Group, are responsible for risk quantification process helps to capture changes in our risk
appropriately assessing and effectively managing all of the risks profile due to changes in strategic direction, concentrations,
associated with their activities. portfolio quality and the overall economic environment. Senior
Three organizational units that include FLU activities and management considers how risk exposures might evolve under
control function activities, but are not part of IRM are first, the a variety of stress scenarios.
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Group; second, Environmental, Social Monitor – We monitor risk levels regularly to track adherence to
and Governance (ESG), Capital Deployment (CD) and Public Policy risk appetite, policies, standards, procedures and processes.
(PP); and third, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Group. We also regularly update risk assessments and review risk
exposures. Through our monitoring, we can determine our level
Independent Risk Management of risk relative to limits and can take action in a timely manner.
IRM is part of our control functions and includes Global Risk We also can determine when risk limits are breached and have
Management. We have other control functions that are not part of processes to appropriately report and escalate exceptions.
IRM (other control functions may also provide oversight to FLU This includes requests for approval to managers and alerts to
activities), including Legal, Global Human Resources and certain executive management, management-level committees or the
activities within the CFO Group; ESG, CD and PP; and CAO Group. Board (directly or through an appropriate committee).
IRM, led by the Chief Risk Officer (CRO), is responsible for Control – We establish and communicate risk limits and controls
independently assessing and overseeing risks within FLUs and through policies, standards, procedures and processes that
other control functions. IRM establishes written enterprise policies define the responsibilities and authority for risk-taking. The
and procedures that include concentration risk limits, where limits and controls can be adjusted by the Board or
appropriate. Such policies and procedures outline how aggregate management when conditions or risk tolerances warrant.
risks are identified, measured, monitored and controlled. These limits may be absolute (e.g., loan amount, trading
The CRO has the stature, authority and independence to volume) or relative (e.g., percentage of loan book in higher-risk
develop and implement a meaningful risk management framework. categories). Our lines of business are held accountable to
The CRO has unrestricted access to the Board and reports directly perform within the established limits.
to both the ERC and to the CEO. Global Risk Management is
organized into horizontal risk teams that cover a specific risk area The formal processes used to manage risk represent a part of
and vertical CRO teams that cover a particular front line unit or our overall risk management process. We instill a strong and
control function. These teams work collaboratively in executing comprehensive culture of managing risk well through
their respective duties. communications, training, policies, procedures and organizational
roles and responsibilities. Establishing a culture reflective of our
Corporate Audit purpose to help make our customers’ financial lives better and
Corporate Audit and the CAE maintain their independence from delivering our responsible growth strategy is also critical to
the FLUs, IRM and other control functions by reporting directly to effective risk management. We understand that improper actions,
the Audit Committee or the Board. The CAE administratively reports behaviors or practices that are illegal, unethical or contrary to our
to the CEO. Corporate Audit provides independent assessment core values could result in harm to the Corporation, our
and validation through testing of key processes and controls shareholders or our customers, damage the integrity of the
across the Corporation. Corporate Audit includes Credit Review financial markets, or negatively impact our reputation, and have
which periodically tests and examines credit portfolios and established protocols and structures so that such conduct risk is
processes. governed and reported across the Corporation. Specifically, our
Code of Conduct provides a framework for all of our employees to
Risk Management Processes conduct themselves with the highest integrity. Additionally, we
The Risk Framework requires that strong risk management continue to strengthen the link between the employee performance
practices are integrated in key strategic, capital and financial management process and individual compensation to encourage
planning processes and in day-to-day business processes across employees to work toward enterprise-wide risk goals.
the Corporation, with a goal of ensuring risks are appropriately
considered, evaluated and responded to in a timely manner.

Bank of America 2019 65

Corporation-wide Stress Testing management performs similar analyses throughout the year, and
Integral to our Capital Planning, Financial Planning and Strategic evaluates changes to the financial forecast or the risk, capital or
Planning processes, we conduct capital scenario management and liquidity positions as deemed appropriate to balance and optimize
stress forecasting on a periodic basis to better understand balance achieving the targeted risk appetite, shareholder returns and
sheet, earnings and capital sensitivities to certain economic and maintaining the targeted financial strength. Proprietary models are
business scenarios, including economic and market conditions used to measure the capital requirements for credit, country,
that are more severe than anticipated. These stress forecasts market, operational and strategic risks. The allocated capital
provide an understanding of the potential impacts from our risk assigned to each business is based on its unique risk profile. With
profile on the balance sheet, earnings and capital, and serve as oversight by the Board, executive management assesses the risk-
a key component of our capital and risk management practices. adjusted returns of each business in approving strategic and
The intent of stress testing is to develop a comprehensive financial operating plans. The businesses use allocated capital to
understanding of potential impacts of on- and off-balance sheet define business strategies, and price products and transactions.
risks at the Corporation and how they impact financial resiliency,
which provides confidence to management, regulators and our Capital Management
investors. The Corporation manages its capital position so that its capital is
more than adequate to support its business activities and aligns
Contingency Planning with risk, risk appetite and strategic planning. Additionally, we seek
We have developed and maintain contingency plans that are to maintain safety and soundness at all times, even under adverse
designed to prepare us in advance to respond in the event of scenarios, take advantage of organic growth opportunities, meet
potential adverse economic, financial or market stress. These obligations to creditors and counterparties, maintain ready access
contingency plans include our Capital Contingency Plan and to financial markets, continue to serve as a credit intermediary,
Financial Contingency and Recovery Plan, which provide remain a source of strength for our subsidiaries, and satisfy current
monitoring, escalation, actions and routines designed to enable and future regulatory capital requirements. Capital management
us to increase capital, access funding sources and reduce risk is integrated into our risk and governance processes, as capital
through consideration of potential options that include asset sales, is a key consideration in the development of our strategic plan,
business sales, capital or debt issuances, or other de-risking risk appetite and risk limits.
strategies. We also maintain a Resolution Plan to limit adverse We conduct an Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
systemic impacts that could be associated with a potential (ICAAP) on a periodic basis. The ICAAP is a forward-looking
resolution of Bank of America. assessment of our projected capital needs and resources,
incorporating earnings, balance sheet and risk forecasts under
Strategic Risk Management baseline and adverse economic and market conditions. We utilize
Strategic risk is embedded in every business and is one of the periodic stress tests to assess the potential impacts to our
major risk categories along with credit, market, liquidity, balance sheet, earnings, regulatory capital and liquidity under a
compliance, operational and reputational risks. This risk results variety of stress scenarios. We perform qualitative risk
from incorrect assumptions about external or internal factors, assessments to identify and assess material risks not fully
inappropriate business plans, ineffective business strategy captured in our forecasts or stress tests. We assess the potential
execution, or failure to respond in a timely manner to changes in capital impacts of proposed changes to regulatory capital
the regulatory, macroeconomic or competitive environments, in the requirements. Management assesses ICAAP results and provides
geographic locations in which we operate, such as competitor documented quarterly assessments of the adequacy of our capital
actions, changing customer preferences, product obsolescence guidelines and capital position to the Board or its committees.
and technology developments. Our strategic plan is consistent We periodically review capital allocated to our businesses and
with our risk appetite, capital plan and liquidity requirements, and allocate capital annually during the strategic and capital planning
specifically addresses strategic risks. processes. For more information, see Business Segment
On an annual basis, the Board reviews and approves the Operations on page 53.
strategic plan, capital plan, financial operating plan and Risk
Appetite Statement. With oversight by the Board, executive CCAR and Capital Planning
management directs the lines of business to execute our strategic The Federal Reserve requires BHCs to submit a capital plan and
plan consistent with our core operating principles and risk appetite. requests for capital actions on an annual basis, consistent with
The executive management team monitors business performance the rules governing the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and
throughout the year and provides the Board with regular progress Review (CCAR) capital plan.
reports on whether strategic objectives and timelines are being On June 27, 2019, following the Federal Reserve’s non-
met, including reports on strategic risks and if additional or objection to our 2019 CCAR capital plan, the Board authorized the
alternative actions need to be considered or implemented. The repurchase of approximately $30.9 billion in common stock from
regular executive reviews focus on assessing forecasted earnings July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, which includes approximately
and returns on capital, the current risk profile, current capital and $900 million to offset shares awarded under equity-based
liquidity requirements, staffing levels and changes required to compensation plans during the same period. During 2019,
support the strategic plan, stress testing results, and other pursuant to the Board’s authorizations, including those related to
qualitative factors such as market growth rates and peer analysis. our 2018 CCAR capital plan that expired June 30, 2019, we
Significant strategic actions, such as capital actions, material repurchased $28.1 billion of common stock, which includes
acquisitions or divestitures, and resolution plans are reviewed and common stock repurchases to offset equity-based compensation
approved by the Board. At the business level, processes are in awards. At December 31, 2019, our remaining stock repurchase
place to discuss the strategic risk implications of new, expanded authorization was $15.6 billion.
or modified businesses, products or services and other strategic Our stock repurchases are subject to various factors, including
initiatives, and to provide formal review and approval where the Corporation’s capital position, liquidity, financial performance
required. With oversight by the Board and the ERC, executive and alternative uses of capital, stock trading price and general

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market conditions, and may be suspended at any time. The the Basel 3 regulatory ratio requirements. U.S. banking regulators
repurchases may be effected through open market purchases or are required to take certain mandatory actions depending on the
privately negotiated transactions, including repurchase plans that category of capitalization, with no mandatory actions required for
satisfy the conditions of Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities Exchange well-capitalized banking organizations.
Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange Act). In order to avoid restrictions on capital distributions and
discretionary bonus payments, the Corporation must meet risk-
Regulatory Capital based capital ratio requirements that include a capital
As a financial services holding company, we are subject to conservation buffer greater than 2.5 percent, plus any applicable
regulatory capital rules, including Basel 3, issued by U.S. banking countercyclical capital buffer and a global systemically important
regulators. Basel 3 established minimum capital ratios and buffer bank (G-SIB) surcharge. The buffers and surcharge must be
requirements and outlined two methods of calculating risk- comprised solely of CET1 capital.
weighted assets, the Standardized approach and the Advanced The Corporation is also required to maintain a minimum
approaches. The Standardized approach relies primarily on supplementary leverage ratio (SLR) of 3.0 percent plus a leverage
supervisory risk weights based on exposure type, and the buffer of 2.0 percent in order to avoid certain restrictions on capital
Advanced approaches determine risk weights based on internal distributions and discretionary bonus payments. Our insured
models. depository institution subsidiaries are required to maintain a
The Corporation's depository institution subsidiaries are also minimum 6.0 percent SLR to be considered well capitalized under
subject to the Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) framework. The the PCA framework. The numerator of the SLR is quarter-end Basel
Corporation and its primary affiliated banking entity, BANA, are 3 Tier 1 capital. The denominator is total leverage exposure based
Advanced approaches institutions under Basel 3 and are required on the daily average of the sum of on-balance sheet exposures
to report regulatory risk-based capital ratios and risk-weighted less permitted Tier 1 deductions, as well as the simple average
assets under both the Standardized and Advanced approaches. of certain off-balance sheet exposures, as of the end of each month
The approach that yields the lower ratio is used to assess capital in a quarter.
adequacy including under the PCA framework. As of December 31,
2019, the Common equity tier 1 (CET1) and Tier 1 capital ratios Capital Composition and Ratios
for the Corporation were lower under the Standardized approach Table 11 presents Bank of America Corporation’s capital ratios
whereas the Advanced approaches yielded a lower Total capital and related information in accordance with Basel 3 Standardized
ratio. and Advanced approaches as measured at December 31, 2019
and 2018. As of the periods presented herein, the Corporation
Minimum Capital Requirements met the definition of well capitalized under current regulatory
Minimum capital requirements and related buffers were fully requirements.
phased in as of January 1, 2019. The PCA framework established
categories of capitalization, including well capitalized, based on

Bank of America 2019 67

Table 11 Bank of America Corporation Regulatory Capital under Basel 3
Standardized Advanced Regulatory
Approach Approaches Minimum (1)
(Dollars in millions, except as noted) December 31, 2019
Risk-based capital metrics:
Common equity tier 1 capital $ 166,760 $ 166,760
Tier 1 capital 188,492 188,492
Total capital (2) 221,230 213,098
Risk-weighted assets (in billions) 1,493 1,447
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio 11.2% 11.5% 9.5%
Tier 1 capital ratio 12.6 13.0 11.0
Total capital ratio 14.8 14.7 13.0

Leverage-based metrics:
Adjusted quarterly average assets (in billions) (3) $ 2,374 $ 2,374
Tier 1 leverage ratio 7.9% 7.9% 4.0

SLR leverage exposure (in billions) $ 2,946

SLR 6.4% 5.0

December 31, 2018

Risk-based capital metrics:
Common equity tier 1 capital $ 167,272 $ 167,272
Tier 1 capital 189,038 189,038
Total capital (2) 221,304 212,878
Risk-weighted assets (in billions) 1,437 1,409
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio 11.6% 11.9% 8.25%
Tier 1 capital ratio 13.2 13.4 9.75
Total capital ratio 15.4 15.1 11.75

Leverage-based metrics:
Adjusted quarterly average assets (in billions) (3) $ 2,258 $ 2,258
Tier 1 leverage ratio 8.4% 8.4% 4.0

SLR leverage exposure (in billions) $ 2,791

SLR 6.8% 5.0
(1) The capital conservation buffer and G-SIB surcharge were 2.5 percent at December 31, 2019 and 1.875 percent at December 31, 2018. The countercyclical capital buffer for both periods was zero.
The SLR minimum includes a leverage buffer of 2.0 percent.
(2) Total capital under the Advanced approaches differs from the Standardized approach due to differences in the amount permitted in Tier 2 capital related to the qualifying allowance for credit losses.
(3) Reflects total average assets adjusted for certain Tier 1 capital deductions.

At December 31, 2019, CET1 capital and Total capital under primarily due to loan growth and increased client activity in Global
the Advanced approaches were relatively unchanged compared to Markets and Global Banking.
December 31, 2018. Risk-weighted assets under the Standardized Table 12 shows the capital composition at December 31, 2019
approach, which yielded the lower CET1 capital ratio at December and 2018.
31, 2019, increased $56.3 billion during 2019 to $1,493 billion

Table 12 Capital Composition under Basel 3

December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Total common shareholders’ equity $ 241,409 $ 242,999
Goodwill, net of related deferred tax liabilities (68,570) (68,572)
Deferred tax assets arising from net operating loss and tax credit carryforwards (5,193) (5,981)
Intangibles, other than mortgage servicing rights and goodwill, net of related deferred tax liabilities (1,328) (1,294)
Other 442 120
Common equity tier 1 capital 166,760 167,272
Qualifying preferred stock, net of issuance cost 22,329 22,326
Other (597) (560)
Tier 1 capital 188,492 189,038
Tier 2 capital instruments 22,538 21,887
Eligible credit reserves included in Tier 2 capital 2,097 1,972
Other (29) (19)
Total capital under the Advanced approaches $ 213,098 $ 212,878

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Table 13 shows the components of risk-weighted assets as measured under Basel 3 at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Table 13 Risk-weighted Assets under Basel 3

Standardized Advanced Standardized Advanced
Approach Approaches Approach Approaches
December 31
(Dollars in billions) 2019 2018
Credit risk $ 1,437 $ 858 $ 1,384 $ 827
Market risk 56 55 53 52
Operational risk n/a 500 n/a 500
Risks related to credit valuation adjustments n/a 34 n/a 30
Total risk-weighted assets $ 1,493 $ 1,447 $ 1,437 $ 1,409
n/a = not applicable

Bank of America, N.A. Regulatory Capital

Table 14 presents regulatory capital information for BANA in accordance with Basel 3 Standardized and Advanced approaches as
measured at December 31, 2019 and 2018. BANA met the definition of well capitalized under the PCA framework at both year ends.

Table 14 Bank of America, N.A. Regulatory Capital under Basel 3

Standardized Advanced Regulatory
Approach Approaches Minimum (1)
(Dollars in millions, except as noted) December 31, 2019
Risk-based capital metrics:
Common equity tier 1 capital $ 154,626 $ 154,626
Tier 1 capital 154,626 154,626
Total capital (2) 166,567 158,665
Risk-weighted assets (in billions) 1,241 991
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio 12.5% 15.6% 7.0%
Tier 1 capital ratio 12.5 15.6 8.5
Total capital ratio 13.4 16.0 10.5

Leverage-based metrics:
Adjusted quarterly average assets (in billions) (3) $ 1,780 $ 1,780
Tier 1 leverage ratio 8.7% 8.7% 5.0

SLR leverage exposure (in billions) $ 2,177

SLR 7.1% 6.0

December 31, 2018

Risk-based capital metrics:
Common equity tier 1 capital $ 149,824 $ 149,824
Tier 1 capital 149,824 149,824
Total capital (2) 161,760 153,627
Risk-weighted assets (in billions) 1,195 959
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio 12.5% 15.6% 6.5%
Tier 1 capital ratio 12.5 15.6 8.0
Total capital ratio 13.5 16.0 10.0

Leverage-based metrics:
Adjusted quarterly average assets (in billions) (3) $ 1,719 $ 1,719
Tier 1 leverage ratio 8.7% 8.7% 5.0

SLR leverage exposure (in billions) $ 2,112

SLR 7.1% 6.0
(1) Risk-based capital regulatory minimums at December 31, 2019 are the minimum ratios under Basel 3 including a capital conservation buffer of 2.5 percent. The regulatory minimums for the leverage
ratios as of both period ends and risk-based capital ratios as of December 31, 2018 are the percent required to be considered well capitalized under the PCA framework.
(2) Total capital under the Advanced approaches differs from the Standardized approach due to differences in the amount permitted in Tier 2 capital related to the qualifying allowance for credit losses.
(3) Reflects total average assets adjusted for certain Tier 1 capital deductions.

Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity Requirements maturity of at least one year and satisfies additional requirements
Effective January 1, 2019, the Corporation is subject to the Federal as prescribed in the TLAC final rule. As with the risk-based capital
Reserve’s final rule requiring G-SIBs to maintain minimum levels ratios and SLR, the Corporation is required to maintain TLAC ratios
of total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC) and long-term debt. TLAC in excess of minimum requirements plus applicable buffers to
consists of the Corporation’s Tier 1 capital and eligible long-term avoid restrictions on capital distributions and discretionary bonus
debt issued directly by the Corporation. Eligible long-term debt for payments. Table 15 presents the Corporation's TLAC and long-
TLAC ratios is comprised of unsecured debt that has a remaining term debt ratios and related information as of December 31, 2019.

Bank of America 2019 69

Table 15 Bank of America Corporation Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity and Long-Term Debt
Regulatory Long-term Regulatory
TLAC Minimum (1) Debt Minimum (2)
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Total eligible balance $ 367,449 $ 171,349
Percentage of risk-weighted assets (3) 24.6% 22.0% 11.5% 8.5%
Percentage of SLR leverage exposure 12.5 9.5 5.8 4.5
(1) The TLAC risk-weighted assets regulatory minimum consists of 18.0 percent plus a TLAC risk-weighted assets buffer comprised of 2.5 percent plus the method 1 G-SIB surcharge of 1.5 percent.
The countercyclical buffer is zero for this period. The TLAC SLR leverage exposure regulatory minimum consists of 7.5 percent plus a 2.0 percent TLAC leverage buffer. The TLAC risk-weighted assets
and leverage buffers must be comprised solely of CET1 capital and Tier 1 capital, respectively.
(2) The long-term debt risk-weighted assets regulatory minimum is comprised of 6.0 percent plus an additional 2.5 percent requirement based on the Corporation’s method 2 G-SIB surcharge. The long­
term debt leverage exposure regulatory minimum is 4.5 percent.
(3) The approach that yields the higher risk-weighted assets is used to calculate TLAC and long-term debt ratios, which was the Standardized approach as of December 31, 2019.

Regulatory Capital and Securities Regulation Regulatory Developments

The Corporation’s principal U.S. broker-dealer subsidiaries are
BofA Securities, Inc. (BofAS), Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Revisions to Basel 3 to Address Current Expected Credit
Corp. (MLPCC) and Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Loss Accounting
Incorporated (MLPF&S). BofAS was formed as a result of the On January 1, 2020, the Corporation adopted the new accounting
reorganization of MLPF&S which was completed in May 2019. The standard that requires the measurement of the allowance for credit
Corporation's principal European broker-dealer subsidiaries are losses to be based on management’s best estimate of lifetime
Merrill Lynch International (MLI) and BofA Securities Europe SA expected credit losses inherent in the Corporation's relevant
(BofASE). financial assets. For more information, see Note 1 - Summary of
The U.S. broker-dealer subsidiaries are subject to the net Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial
capital requirements of Rule 15c3-1 under the Exchange Act. Statements. Our adoption of the standard resulted in a decrease
BofAS computes its minimum capital requirements as an to the CET1 capital ratio of 17 bps, which will be phased in evenly,
alternative net capital broker-dealer under Rule 15c3-1, and or approximately four bps per year, at the beginning of each year
MLPCC and MLPF&S compute their minimum capital requirements from January 1, 2020 through January 1, 2023 in accordance with
in accordance with the alternative standard under Rule 15c3-1. transition provisions issued by the U.S. banking regulators.
BofAS and MLPCC are also registered as futures commission
merchants and are subject to U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Security-Based Swap Dealer Capital, Margin and
Commission (CFTC) Regulation 1.17. Segregation Requirements
BofAS provides institutional services, and in accordance with On June 21, 2019, the SEC published a final rule establishing
the alternative net capital requirements, is required to maintain capital, margin and segregation requirements for security-based
tentative net capital in excess of $1.0 billion and net capital in swap dealers (SBSDs). The final rule increases the minimum net
excess of the greater of $500 million or a certain percentage of capital requirements for broker-dealers authorized to use internal
its reserve requirement. BofAS must also notify the Securities and models to compute alternative net capital (ANC broker-dealers).
Exchange Commission (SEC) in the event its tentative net capital For ANC broker-dealers, the minimum tentative net capital
is less than $5.0 billion. BofAS is also required to hold a certain requirement increased from $1.0 billion to $5.0 billion, and the
percentage of its risk-based margin in order to meet its CFTC net capital requirement was raised to the greater of $1.0 billion
minimum net capital requirement. At December 31, 2019, BofAS or two percent of the applicable risk-margin amount (initial margin
had tentative net capital of $12.5 billion. BofAS also had regulatory maintained for cleared and non-cleared security-based swaps) plus
net capital of $10.4 billion which exceeded the minimum two percent of certain customer-related assets. For stand-alone
requirement of $2.4 billion. SBSDs that use models to calculate haircuts, the minimum
MLPCC is a fully-guaranteed subsidiary of BofAS and provides tentative net capital requirement is $100 million and the minimum
clearing and settlement services. At December 31, 2019, MLPCC’s net capital requirement is the greater of $20 million or two percent
regulatory net capital of $5.3 billion exceeded the minimum of the risk-margin amount.
requirement of $1.3 billion.
Capital Requirements for Swap Dealers
MLPF&S provides retail services. At December 31, 2019,
On December 10, 2019, the CFTC re-opened the comment period
MLPF&S' regulatory net capital was $4.1 billion which exceeded
on its 2016 proposal to establish capital requirements for swap
the minimum requirement of $102 million.
dealers and major swap participants that are not subject to existing
Our European broker-dealers are regulated by non-U.S.
U.S. prudential regulation. Under the proposal, applicable
regulators. MLI, a U.K. investment firm, is regulated by the
subsidiaries of the Corporation would be permitted to elect one
Prudential Regulation Authority and the FCA and is subject to
of two approaches to compute their regulatory capital. The first
certain regulatory capital requirements. At December 31, 2019,
approach is a bank-based capital approach which requires that
MLI’s capital resources were $34.8 billion, which exceeded the
firms maintain CET1 capital greater than or equal to the larger of
minimum Pillar 1 requirement of $13.9 billion. BofASE, a French
8.0 percent of the entity’s RWA as calculated under Basel 3, or
investment firm, is regulated by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel
8.0 percent of the margin of the entity’s cleared and uncleared
et de Résolution and the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, and is
swaps, security-based swaps, futures and foreign futures
subject to certain regulatory capital requirements. At December
positions. The second approach is based on net liquid assets and
31, 2019, BofASE's capital resources were $5.5 billion which
requires that a firm maintain net capital greater than or equal to
exceeded the minimum Pillar 1 requirement of $1.3 billion.
8.0 percent of the margin as described above. The proposal also
includes liquidity and reporting requirements.

7070Bank of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
Single-Counterparty Credit Limits and agreed to transfer certain additional parent company assets
The Federal Reserve established single-counterparty credit limits not needed to satisfy anticipated near-term expenditures, to NB
(SCCL) for BHCs with total consolidated assets of $250 billion or Holdings Corporation, a wholly-owned holding company subsidiary
more. The SCCL rule is designed to ensure that the maximum (NB Holdings). The parent company is expected to continue to have
possible loss that a BHC could incur due to the default of a single access to the same flow of dividends, interest and other amounts
counterparty or a group of connected counterparties would not of cash necessary to service its debt, pay dividends and perform
endanger the BHC’s survival, thereby reducing the probability of other obligations as it would have had if it had not entered into
future financial crises. Beginning January 1, 2020, G-SIBs must these arrangements and transferred any assets.
calculate SCCL on a daily basis by dividing the aggregate net credit In consideration for the transfer of assets, NB Holdings issued
exposure to a given counterparty by the G-SIB’s Tier 1 capital, a subordinated note to the parent company in a principal amount
ensuring that exposures to other G-SIBs and nonbank financial equal to the value of the transferred assets. The aggregate
institutions regulated by the Federal Reserve do not breach 15 principal amount of the note will increase by the amount of any
percent of Tier 1 capital and exposures to most other future asset transfers. NB Holdings also provided the parent
counterparties do not breach 25 percent of Tier 1 capital. Certain company with a committed line of credit that allows the parent
exposures, including exposures to the U.S. government, U.S. company to draw funds necessary to service near-term cash
government-sponsored entities and qualifying central needs. These arrangements support our preferred single point of
counterparties, are exempt from the credit limits. entry resolution strategy, under which only the parent company
would be resolved under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. These
Liquidity Risk arrangements include provisions to terminate the line of credit,
forgive the subordinated note and require the parent company to
Funding and Liquidity Risk Management transfer its remaining financial assets to NB Holdings if our
Our primary liquidity risk management objective is to meet projected liquidity resources deteriorate so severely that resolution
expected or unexpected cash flow and collateral needs while of the parent company becomes imminent.
continuing to support our businesses and customers under a range
of economic conditions. To achieve that objective, we analyze and Global Liquidity Sources and Other Unencumbered Assets
monitor our liquidity risk under expected and stressed conditions, We maintain liquidity available to the Corporation, including the
maintain liquidity and access to diverse funding sources, including parent company and selected subsidiaries, in the form of cash
our stable deposit base, and seek to align liquidity-related and high-quality, liquid, unencumbered securities. Our liquidity
incentives and risks. buffer, referred to as Global Liquidity Sources (GLS), is comprised
We define liquidity as readily available assets, limited to cash of assets that are readily available to the parent company and
and high-quality, liquid, unencumbered securities that we can use selected subsidiaries, including holding company, bank and broker-
to meet our contractual and contingent financial obligations as dealer subsidiaries, even during stressed market conditions. Our
those obligations arise. We manage our liquidity position through cash is primarily on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank and,
line of business and ALM activities, as well as through our legal to a lesser extent, central banks outside of the U.S. We limit the
entity funding strategy, on both a forward and current (including composition of high-quality, liquid, unencumbered securities to
intraday) basis under both expected and stressed conditions. We U.S. government securities, U.S. agency securities, U.S. agency
believe that a centralized approach to funding and liquidity MBS and a select group of non-U.S. government securities. We
management enhances our ability to monitor liquidity can quickly obtain cash for these securities, even in stressed
requirements, maximizes access to funding sources, minimizes conditions, through repurchase agreements or outright sales. We
borrowing costs and facilitates timely responses to liquidity hold our GLS in legal entities that allow us to meet the liquidity
events. requirements of our global businesses, and we consider the impact
The Board approves our liquidity risk policy and the Financial of potential regulatory, tax, legal and other restrictions that could
Contingency and Recovery Plan. The ERC establishes our liquidity limit the transferability of funds among entities.
risk tolerance levels. The MRC is responsible for overseeing Table 16 presents average GLS for the three months ended
liquidity risks and directing management to maintain exposures December 31, 2019 and 2018.
within the established tolerance levels. The MRC reviews and
monitors our liquidity position and stress testing results, approves
Table 16 Average Global Liquidity Sources
certain liquidity risk limits and reviews the impact of strategic
decisions on our liquidity. For more information, see Managing Risk Three Months Ended
on page 63. Under this governance framework, we have developed December 31
certain funding and liquidity risk management practices which (Dollars in billions) 2019 2018
include: maintaining liquidity at the parent company and selected Parent company and NB Holdings $ 59 $ 76
subsidiaries, including our bank subsidiaries and other regulated Bank subsidiaries 454 420
Other regulated entities 63 48
entities; determining what amounts of liquidity are appropriate for
Total Average Global Liquidity Sources $ 576 $ 544
these entities based on analysis of debt maturities and other
potential cash outflows, including those that we may experience Typically, parent company and NB Holdings liquidity is in the
during stressed market conditions; diversifying funding sources, form of cash deposited with BANA.
considering our asset profile and legal entity structure; and Our bank subsidiaries’ liquidity is primarily driven by deposit
performing contingency planning. and lending activity, as well as securities valuation and net debt
NB Holdings Corporation activity. Liquidity at bank subsidiaries excludes the cash deposited
We have intercompany arrangements with certain key subsidiaries by the parent company and NB Holdings. Our bank subsidiaries
under which we transferred certain assets of Bank of America can also generate incremental liquidity by pledging a range of
Corporation, as the parent company, which is a separate and unencumbered loans and securities to certain FHLBs and the
distinct legal entity from our banking and nonbank subsidiaries, Federal Reserve Discount Window. The cash we could have

Bank of America 2019 71

obtained by borrowing against this pool of specifically-identified markets; potential deposit withdrawals; increased draws on loan
eligible assets was $372 billion and $344 billion at December 31, commitments, liquidity facilities and letters of credit; additional
2019 and 2018. We have established operational procedures to collateral that counterparties could call if our credit ratings were
enable us to borrow against these assets, including regularly downgraded; collateral and margin requirements arising from
monitoring our total pool of eligible loans and securities collateral. market value changes; and potential liquidity required to maintain
Eligibility is defined in guidelines from the FHLBs and the Federal businesses and finance customer activities. Changes in certain
Reserve and is subject to change at their discretion. Due to market factors, including, but not limited to, credit rating
regulatory restrictions, liquidity generated by the bank subsidiaries downgrades, could negatively impact potential contractual and
can generally be used only to fund obligations within the bank contingent outflows and the related financial instruments, and in
subsidiaries, and transfers to the parent company or nonbank some cases these impacts could be material to our financial
subsidiaries may be subject to prior regulatory approval. results.
Liquidity held in other regulated entities, comprised primarily We consider all sources of funds that we could access during
of broker-dealer subsidiaries, is primarily available to meet the each stress scenario and focus particularly on matching available
obligations of that entity and transfers to the parent company or sources with corresponding liquidity requirements by legal entity.
to any other subsidiary may be subject to prior regulatory approval We also use the stress modeling results to manage our asset and
due to regulatory restrictions and minimum requirements. Our liability profile and establish limits and guidelines on certain
other regulated entities also hold unencumbered investment-grade funding sources and businesses.
securities and equities that we believe could be used to generate
additional liquidity. Net Stable Funding Ratio
Table 17 presents the composition of average GLS for the three U.S. banking regulators issued a proposal for a Net Stable Funding
months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018. Ratio (NSFR) requirement applicable to U.S. financial institutions
following the Basel Committee’s final standard. The proposed U.S.
NSFR would apply to the Corporation on a consolidated basis and
Table 17 Average Global Liquidity Sources Composition to our insured depository institutions. While the final requirement
remains pending and is subject to change, if finalized as proposed,
Three Months Ended
December 31
we expect to be in compliance within the regulatory timeline. The
(Dollars in billions) 2019 2018 standard is intended to reduce funding risk over a longer time
Cash on deposit $ 103 $ 113 horizon. The NSFR is designed to provide an appropriate amount
U.S. Treasury securities 98 81 of stable funding, generally capital and liabilities maturing beyond
U.S. agency securities and mortgage-backed one year, given the mix of assets and off-balance sheet items.
securities 358 340
Non-U.S. government securities 17 10 Diversified Funding Sources
Total Average Global Liquidity Sources $ 576 $ 544 We fund our assets primarily with a mix of deposits, and secured
and unsecured liabilities through a centralized, globally
Our GLS are substantially the same in composition to what coordinated funding approach diversified across products,
qualifies as High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) under the final U.S. programs, markets, currencies and investor groups.
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) rules. However, HQLA for purposes The primary benefits of our centralized funding approach
of calculating LCR is not reported at market value, but at a lower include greater control, reduced funding costs, wider name
value that incorporates regulatory deductions and the exclusion recognition by investors and greater flexibility to meet the variable
of excess liquidity held at certain subsidiaries. The LCR is funding requirements of subsidiaries. Where regulations, time
calculated as the amount of a financial institution’s unencumbered zone differences or other business considerations make parent
HQLA relative to the estimated net cash outflows the institution company funding impractical, certain other subsidiaries may issue
could encounter over a 30-day period of significant liquidity stress, their own debt.
expressed as a percentage. Our average consolidated HQLA, on We fund a substantial portion of our lending activities through
a net basis, was $464 billion and $446 billion for the three months our deposits, which were $1.43 trillion and $1.38 trillion at
ended December 31, 2019 and 2018. For the same periods, the December 31, 2019 and 2018. Deposits are primarily generated
average consolidated LCR was 116 percent and 118 percent. Our by our Consumer Banking, GWIM and Global Banking segments.
LCR fluctuates due to normal business flows from customer These deposits are diversified by clients, product type and
activity. geography, and the majority of our U.S. deposits are insured by
the FDIC. We consider a substantial portion of our deposits to be
Liquidity Stress Analysis
a stable, low-cost and consistent source of funding. We believe
We utilize liquidity stress analysis to assist us in determining the
this deposit funding is generally less sensitive to interest rate
appropriate amounts of liquidity to maintain at the parent company
changes, market volatility or changes in our credit ratings than
and our subsidiaries to meet contractual and contingent cash
wholesale funding sources. Our lending activities may also be
outflows under a range of scenarios. The scenarios we consider
financed through secured borrowings, including credit card
and utilize incorporate market-wide and Corporation-specific
securitizations and securitizations with government-sponsored
events, including potential credit rating downgrades for the parent
enterprises (GSE), the FHA and private-label investors, as well as
company and our subsidiaries, and more severe events including
FHLB loans.
potential resolution scenarios. The scenarios are based on our
Our trading activities in other regulated entities are primarily
historical experience, experience of distressed and failed financial
funded on a secured basis through securities lending and
institutions, regulatory guidance, and both expected and
repurchase agreements, and these amounts will vary based on
unexpected future events.
customer activity and market conditions. We believe funding these
The types of potential contractual and contingent cash outflows
activities in the secured financing markets is more cost-efficient
we consider in our scenarios may include, but are not limited to,
and less sensitive to changes in our credit ratings than unsecured
upcoming contractual maturities of unsecured debt and reductions
financing. Repurchase agreements are generally short-term and
in new debt issuance; diminished access to secured financing
7272Bank of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
often overnight. Disruptions in secured financing markets for billion, $14.8 billion, $10.7 billion and $9.2 billion will do so during
financial institutions have occurred in prior market cycles which each of 2021 through 2024, respectively, and $53.9 billion
resulted in adverse changes in terms or significant reductions in thereafter.
the availability of such financing. We manage the liquidity risks We use derivative transactions to manage the duration, interest
arising from secured funding by sourcing funding globally from a rate and currency risks of our borrowings, considering the
diverse group of counterparties, providing a range of securities characteristics of the assets they are funding. For more information
collateral and pursuing longer durations, when appropriate. For on our ALM activities, see Interest Rate Risk Management for the
more information on secured financing agreements, see Note 11 Banking Book on page 95.
– Federal Funds Sold or Purchased, Securities Financing We may issue unsecured debt in the form of structured notes
Agreements, Short-term Borrowings and Restricted Cash to the for client purposes, certain of which qualify as TLAC-eligible debt.
Consolidated Financial Statements. During 2019, we issued $9.6 billion of structured notes, which are
We issue long-term unsecured debt in a variety of maturities debt obligations that pay investors returns linked to other debt or
and currencies to achieve cost-efficient funding and to maintain equity securities, indices, currencies or commodities. We typically
an appropriate maturity profile. While the cost and availability of hedge the returns we are obligated to pay on these liabilities with
unsecured funding may be negatively impacted by general market derivatives and/or investments in the underlying instruments, so
conditions or by matters specific to the financial services industry that from a funding perspective, the cost is similar to our other
or the Corporation, we seek to mitigate refinancing risk by actively unsecured long-term debt. We could be required to settle certain
managing the amount of our borrowings that we anticipate will structured note obligations for cash or other securities prior to
mature within any month or quarter. maturity under certain circumstances, which we consider for
Table 18 presents our long-term debt by major currency at liquidity planning purposes. We believe, however, that a portion of
December 31, 2019 and 2018. such borrowings will remain outstanding beyond the earliest put
or redemption date.
Substantially all of our senior and subordinated debt
Table 18 Long-term Debt by Major Currency obligations contain no provisions that could trigger a requirement
December 31
for an early repayment, require additional collateral support, result
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 in changes to terms, accelerate maturity or create additional
U.S. dollar $ 191,284 $ 180,724 financial obligations upon an adverse change in our credit ratings,
Euro 32,781 34,328 financial ratios, earnings, cash flows or stock price. For more
British pound 5,067 5,450 information on long-term debt funding, including issuances and
Japanese yen 4,310 3,038 maturities and redemptions, see Note 12 – Long-term Debt to the
Canadian dollar 3,857 2,936 Consolidated Financial Statements.
Australian dollar 1,957 1,722
Other 1,600 1,194 Contingency Planning
Total long-term debt $ 240,856 $ 229,392 We maintain contingency funding plans that outline our potential
responses to liquidity stress events at various levels of severity.
Total long-term debt increased $11.5 billion during 2019, These policies and plans are based on stress scenarios and
primarily due to debt issuances and valuation adjustments, include potential funding strategies and communication and
partially offset by maturities and redemptions. We may, from time notification procedures that we would implement in the event we
to time, purchase outstanding debt instruments in various experienced stressed liquidity conditions. We periodically review
transactions, depending on market conditions, liquidity and other and test the contingency funding plans to validate efficacy and
factors. Our other regulated entities may also make markets in assess readiness.
our debt instruments to provide liquidity for investors. Our U.S. bank subsidiaries can access contingency funding
During 2019, the Corporation issued $52.5 billion of long-term through the Federal Reserve Discount Window. Certain non-U.S.
debt consisting of $29.3 billion of notes issued by Bank of America subsidiaries have access to central bank facilities in the
Corporation, substantially all of which was TLAC compliant, $10.9 jurisdictions in which they operate. While we do not rely on these
billion of notes issued by Bank of America, N.A. and $12.3 billion sources in our liquidity modeling, we maintain the policies,
of other debt, substantially all of which was structured liabilities. procedures and governance processes that would enable us to
During 2018, the Corporation issued $64.4 billion of long-term access these sources if necessary.
debt consisting of $30.7 billion of notes issued by Bank of America
Corporation, substantially all of which was TLAC compliant, $18.7 Credit Ratings
billion of notes issued by Bank of America, N.A. and $15.0 billion Our borrowing costs and ability to raise funds are impacted by our
of other debt, substantially all of which was structured liabilities. credit ratings. In addition, credit ratings may be important to
During 2019, the Corporation had total long-term debt customers or counterparties when we compete in certain markets
maturities and redemptions in the aggregate of $50.6 billion and when we seek to engage in certain transactions, including
consisting of $21.1 billion for Bank of America Corporation, $19.9 over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives. Thus, it is our objective to
billion for Bank of America, N.A. and $9.6 billion of other debt. maintain high-quality credit ratings, and management maintains
During 2018, the Corporation had total long-term debt maturities an active dialogue with the major rating agencies.
and redemptions in the aggregate of $53.3 billion consisting of Credit ratings and outlooks are opinions expressed by rating
$29.8 billion for Bank of America Corporation, $11.2 billion for agencies on our creditworthiness and that of our obligations or
Bank of America, N.A. and $12.3 billion of other debt. securities, including long-term debt, short-term borrowings,
At December 31, 2019, Bank of America Corporation's senior preferred stock and other securities, including asset
notes of $159.8 billion included $107.7 billion of outstanding securitizations. Our credit ratings are subject to ongoing review by
notes that are both TLAC eligible and callable at least one year the rating agencies, and they consider a number of factors,
before their stated maturities. Of these senior notes, $7.4 billion including our own financial strength, performance, prospects and
will be callable and become TLAC ineligible during 2020, and $11.7 operations as well as factors not under our control. The rating

Bank of America 2019 73

agencies could make adjustments to our ratings at any time, and Lynch International Designated Activity Company, which Fitch
they provide no assurances that they will maintain our ratings at upgraded by one notch to AA-/F1+. The rating outlook for all long-
current levels. term ratings is currently stable.
Other factors that influence our credit ratings include changes On March 6, 2019, Moody’s Investors Service (Moody’s)
to the rating agencies’ methodologies for our industry or certain upgraded the long-term and short-term ratings of the Corporation
security types; the rating agencies’ assessment of the general by one notch to A2/P-1 from A3/P-2 for senior debt, as well as the
operating environment for financial services companies; our long-term ratings of its rated subsidiaries, including BANA, which
relative positions in the markets in which we compete; our various the agency upgraded to Aa2 from Aa3 for senior debt. Moody’s
risk exposures and risk management policies and activities; concurrently affirmed the short-term ratings of the Corporation’s
pending litigation and other contingencies or potential tail risks; rated subsidiaries, including BANA. Moody’s cited the
our reputation; our liquidity position, diversity of funding sources Corporation’s strengthening profitability, continued adherence to
and funding costs; the current and expected level and volatility of a conservative risk profile and stable capital ratios as rationale
our earnings; our capital position and capital management for the upgrade. The rating outlook for all long-term ratings is
practices; our corporate governance; the sovereign credit ratings currently stable.
of the U.S. government; current or future regulatory and legislative The ratings from Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings (S&P) for
initiatives; and the agencies’ views on whether the U.S. the Corporation and its subsidiaries did not change during 2019.
government would provide meaningful support to the Corporation The long-term and short-term debt ratings of BofAS and BofASE,
or its subsidiaries in a crisis. which were initially rated by S&P during the first quarter 2019,
On June 12, 2019, Fitch Ratings (Fitch) completed its periodic also remained unchanged during the rest of 2019.
review of the 12 large, complex securities trading and universal Table 19 presents the Corporation’s current long-term/short-
banks, including Bank of America Corporation. The agency affirmed term senior debt ratings and outlooks expressed by the rating
the long-term and short-term senior debt ratings of the Corporation agencies.
and all of its rated subsidiaries, except Bank of America Merrill

Table 19 Senior Debt Ratings

Moody’s Investors Service Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings Fitch Ratings
Long-term Short-term Outlook Long-term Short-term Outlook Long-term Short-term Outlook
Bank of America Corporation A2 P-1 Stable A- A-2 Stable A+ F1 Stable
Bank of America, N.A. Aa2 P-1 Stable A+ A-1 Stable AA- F1+ Stable
Bank of America Merrill Lynch International
Designated Activity Company NR NR NR A+ A-1 Stable AA- F1+ Stable
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith
Incorporated NR NR NR A+ A-1 Stable AA- F1+ Stable
BofA Securities, Inc. NR NR NR A+ A-1 Stable AA- F1+ Stable
Merrill Lynch International NR NR NR A+ A-1 Stable A+ F1 Stable
BofA Securities Europe SA NR NR NR A+ A-1 Stable A+ F1 Stable
NR = not rated

A reduction in certain of our credit ratings or the ratings of For more information on additional collateral and termination
certain asset-backed securitizations may have a material adverse payments that could be required in connection with certain OTC
effect on our liquidity, potential loss of access to credit markets, derivative contracts and other trading agreements as a result of
the related cost of funds, our businesses and on certain revenues, such a credit rating downgrade, see Note 3 – Derivatives to the
particularly in those businesses where counterparty Consolidated Financial Statements and Item 1A. Risk Factors of
creditworthiness is critical. In addition, under the terms of certain our 2019 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
OTC derivative contracts and other trading agreements, in the
event of downgrades of our or our rated subsidiaries’ credit ratings, Common Stock Dividends
the counterparties to those agreements may require us to provide For a summary of our declared quarterly cash dividends on
additional collateral, or to terminate these contracts or common stock during 2019 and through February 19, 2020, see
agreements, which could cause us to sustain losses and/or Note 14 – Shareholders’ Equity to the Consolidated Financial
adversely impact our liquidity. If the short-term credit ratings of Statements.
our parent company, bank or broker-dealer subsidiaries were
downgraded by one or more levels, the potential loss of access to Credit Risk Management
short-term funding sources such as repo financing and the effect Credit risk is the risk of loss arising from the inability or failure of
on our incremental cost of funds could be material. a borrower or counterparty to meet its obligations. Credit risk can
While certain potential impacts are contractual and also arise from operational failures that result in an erroneous
quantifiable, the full scope of the consequences of a credit rating advance, commitment or investment of funds. We define the credit
downgrade to a financial institution is inherently uncertain, as it exposure to a borrower or counterparty as the loss potential arising
depends upon numerous dynamic, complex and inter-related from all product classifications including loans and leases, deposit
factors and assumptions, including whether any downgrade of a overdrafts, derivatives, assets held-for-sale and unfunded lending
company’s long-term credit ratings precipitates downgrades to its commitments which include loan commitments, letters of credit
short-term credit ratings, and assumptions about the potential and financial guarantees. Derivative positions are recorded at fair
behaviors of various customers, investors and counterparties. For value and assets held-for-sale are recorded at either fair value or
more information on potential impacts of credit rating downgrades, the lower of cost or fair value. Certain loans and unfunded
see Liquidity Risk – Liquidity Stress Analysis on page 72. commitments are accounted for under the fair value option. Credit
risk for categories of assets carried at fair value is not accounted
for as part of the allowance for credit losses but as part of the fair
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value adjustments recorded in earnings. For derivative positions, Consumer Portfolio Credit Risk Management
our credit risk is measured as the net cost in the event the Credit risk management for the consumer portfolio begins with
counterparties with contracts in which we are in a gain position initial underwriting and continues throughout a borrower’s credit
fail to perform under the terms of those contracts. We use the cycle. Statistical techniques in conjunction with experiential
current fair value to represent credit exposure without giving judgment are used in all aspects of portfolio management
consideration to future mark-to-market changes. The credit risk including underwriting, product pricing, risk appetite, setting credit
amounts take into consideration the effects of legally enforceable limits, and establishing operating processes and metrics to
master netting agreements and cash collateral. Our consumer and quantify and balance risks and returns. Statistical models are built
commercial credit extension and review procedures encompass using detailed behavioral information from external sources such
funded and unfunded credit exposures. For more information on as credit bureaus and/or internal historical experience and are a
derivatives and credit extension commitments, see Note 3 – component of our consumer credit risk management process.
Derivatives and Note 13 – Commitments and Contingencies to the These models are used in part to assist in making both new and
Consolidated Financial Statements. ongoing credit decisions, as well as portfolio management
We manage credit risk based on the risk profile of the borrower strategies, including authorizations and line management,
or counterparty, repayment sources, the nature of underlying collection practices and strategies, and determination of the
collateral, and other support given current events, conditions and allowance for loan and lease losses and allocated capital for credit
expectations. We classify our portfolios as either consumer or risk.
commercial and monitor credit risk in each as discussed below.
We refine our underwriting and credit risk management Consumer Credit Portfolio
practices as well as credit standards to meet the changing Improvement in home prices continued during 2019 resulting in
economic environment. To mitigate losses and enhance customer improved credit quality compared to 2018. Net recoveries in the
support in our consumer businesses, we have in place collection consumer real estate portfolio due primarily to non-core loan sales
programs and loan modification and customer assistance were partially offset by seasoning in the credit card portfolio
infrastructures. We utilize a number of actions to mitigate losses compared to 2018.
in the commercial businesses including increasing the frequency Improved credit quality and continued loan balance runoff
and intensity of portfolio monitoring, hedging activity and our primarily in the non-core consumer real estate portfolio, partially
practice of transferring management of deteriorating commercial offset by seasoning within the credit card portfolio, drove a $260
exposures to independent special asset officers as credits enter million decrease in the consumer allowance for loan and lease
criticized categories. losses in 2019 to $4.5 billion. For more information, see Allowance
For more information on our credit risk management activities, for Credit Losses on page 89.
see Consumer Portfolio Credit Risk Management below, For more information on our accounting policies regarding
Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management on page 81, Non- delinquencies, nonperforming status, charge-offs and troubled
U.S. Portfolio on page 87, Provision for Credit Losses on page 89, debt restructurings (TDRs) for the consumer portfolio, see Note 1
Allowance for Credit Losses on page 89, and Note 5 – Outstanding – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles and Note 5 –
Loans and Leases and Note 6 – Allowance for Credit Losses to the Outstanding Loans and Leases to the Consolidated Financial
Consolidated Financial Statements. Statements.
Table 20 presents our outstanding consumer loans and leases,
consumer nonperforming loans and accruing consumer loans past
due 90 days or more.

Table 20 Consumer Credit Quality

Accruing Past Due
Outstandings Nonperforming 90 Days or More
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Residential mortgage (1) $ 236,169 $ 208,557 $ 1,470 $ 1,893 $ 1,088 $ 1,884
Home equity 40,208 48,286 536 1,893 — —
Credit card 97,608 98,338 n/a n/a 1,042 994
Direct/Indirect consumer (2) 90,998 91,166 47 56 33 38
Other consumer 192 202 — — — —
Consumer loans excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option $ 465,175 $ 446,549 $ 2,053 $ 3,842 $ 2,163 $ 2,916
Loans accounted for under the fair value option (3) 594 682
Total consumer loans and leases $ 465,769 $ 447,231
Percentage of outstanding consumer loans and leases (4) n/a n/a 0.44% 0.86% 0.47% 0.65%
Percentage of outstanding consumer loans and leases, excluding fully-insured
loan portfolios (4) n/a n/a 0.46 0.90 0.24 0.24
(1) Residential mortgage loans accruing past due 90 days or more are fully-insured loans. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, residential mortgage includes $740 million and $1.4 billion of loans on
which interest had been curtailed by the FHA, and therefore were no longer accruing interest, although principal was still insured, and $348 million and $498 million of loans on which interest was
still accruing.
(2) Outstandings primarily include auto and specialty lending loans and leases of $50.4 billion and $50.1 billion, U.S. securities-based lending loans of $36.7 billion and $37.0 billion and non-U.S.

consumer loans of $2.8 billion and $2.9 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(3) Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option include residential mortgage loans of $257 million and $336 million and home equity loans of $337 million and $346 million at December

31, 2019 and 2018. For more information on the fair value option, see Note 22 – Fair Value Option to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
(4) Excludes consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, $6 million and $12 million of loans accounted for under the fair value option were past due

90 days or more and not accruing interest.

n/a = not applicable

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Table 21 presents net charge-offs and related ratios for consumer loans and leases.

Table 21 Consumer Net Charge-offs and Related Ratios

Net Charge-offs Net Charge-off Ratios (1)
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018
Residential mortgage $ (47) $ 28 (0.02)% 0.01%
Home equity (358) (2) (0.81) —
Credit card 2,948 2,837 3.12 3.00
Direct/Indirect consumer 209 195 0.23 0.21
Other consumer 234 182 n/m n/m
Total $ 2,986 $ 3,240 0.66 0.72
(1)Net charge-off ratios are calculated as net charge-offs divided by average outstanding loans and leases excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option.
n/m = not meaningful

Table 22 presents outstandings, nonperforming balances, net as core loans. All other loans are generally characterized as non-
charge-offs, allowance for loan and lease losses and provision for core loans and represent runoff portfolios. Core loans as reported
loan and lease losses for the core and non-core portfolios within in Table 22 include loans held in the Consumer Banking and GWIM
the consumer real estate portfolio. We categorize consumer real segments, as well as loans held for ALM activities in All Other.
estate loans as core and non-core based on loan and customer As shown in Table 22, outstanding core consumer real estate
characteristics such as origination date, product type, loan-to-value loans increased $27.3 billion during 2019 driven by an increase
(LTV), Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) score and delinquency status of $32.1 billion in residential mortgage, partially offset by a $4.8
consistent with our current consumer and mortgage servicing billion decrease in home equity.
strategy. Generally, loans that were originated after January 1, During 2019, we sold $4.7 billion of consumer real estate
2010, qualified under GSE underwriting guidelines, or otherwise loans, primarily non-core, compared to $11.6 billion in 2018.
met our underwriting guidelines in place in 2015 are characterized

Table 22 Consumer Real Estate Portfolio (1)

Outstandings Nonperforming
December 31 Net Charge-offs
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Core portfolio
Residential mortgage $ 225,770 $ 193,695 $ 883 $ 1,010 $ 7 $ 11
Home equity 35,226 40,010 363 955 51 78
Total core portfolio 260,996 233,705 1,246 1,965 58 89
Non-core portfolio
Residential mortgage 10,399 14,862 587 883 (54) 17
Home equity 4,982 8,276 173 938 (409) (80)
Total non-core portfolio 15,381 23,138 760 1,821 (463) (63)
Consumer real estate portfolio
Residential mortgage 236,169 208,557 1,470 1,893 (47) 28
Home equity 40,208 48,286 536 1,893 (358) (2)
Total consumer real estate portfolio $ 276,377 $ 256,843 $ 2,006 $ 3,786 $ (405) $ 26

Allowance for Loan

and Lease Losses Provision for Loan
December 31 and Lease Losses
2019 2018 2019 2018
Core portfolio
Residential mortgage $ 229 $ 214 $ 22 $ 7
Home equity 120 228 (58) (60)
Total core portfolio 349 442 (36) (53)
Non-core portfolio
Residential mortgage 96 208 (134) (104)
Home equity 101 278 (510) (335)
Total non-core portfolio 197 486 (644) (439)
Consumer real estate portfolio
Residential mortgage 325 422 (112) (97)
Home equity 221 506 (568) (395)
Total consumer real estate portfolio $ 546 $ 928 $ (680) $ (492)
(1) Outstandings and nonperforming loans exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option. Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option include residential mortgage loans of $257
million and $336 million and home equity loans of $337 million and $346 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018. For more information, see Note 22 – Fair Value Option to the Consolidated Financial

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We believe that the presentation of information adjusted to delinquent FHA loans repurchased pursuant to our servicing
exclude the impact of the fully-insured loan portfolio and loans agreements with the Government National Mortgage Association
accounted for under the fair value option is more representative as well as loans repurchased related to our representations and
of the ongoing operations and credit quality of the business. As a warranties.
result, in the following tables and discussions of the residential Outstanding balances in the residential mortgage portfolio
mortgage and home equity portfolios, we exclude loans accounted increased $27.6 billion in 2019 as retention of new originations
for under the fair value option and provide information that was partially offset by loan sales of $2.7 billion and runoff.
excludes the impact of the fully-insured loan portfolio in certain At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the residential mortgage
credit quality statistics. portfolio included $18.7 billion and $20.1 billion of outstanding
fully-insured loans, of which $11.2 billion and $14.0 billion had
Residential Mortgage FHA insurance with the remainder protected by long-term standby
The residential mortgage portfolio made up the largest percentage agreements.
of our consumer loan portfolio at 51 percent of consumer loans Table 23 presents certain residential mortgage key credit
and leases at December 31, 2019. Approximately 50 percent of statistics on both a reported basis and excluding the fully-insured
the residential mortgage portfolio was in Consumer Banking and loan portfolio. The following discussion presents the residential
36 percent was in GWIM. The remaining portion was in All Other mortgage portfolio excluding the fully-insured loan portfolio.
and was comprised of loans used in our overall ALM activities,

Table 23 Residential Mortgage – Key Credit Statistics

Reported Basis (1) Excluding Fully-insured Loans (1)
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018
Outstandings $ 236,169 $ 208,557 $ 217,479 $ 188,427
Accruing past due 30 days or more 3,108 3,945 1,296 1,155
Accruing past due 90 days or more 1,088 1,884 — —
Nonperforming loans 1,470 1,893 1,470 1,893
Percent of portfolio
Refreshed LTV greater than 90 but less than or equal to 100 2% 2% 2% 2%
Refreshed LTV greater than 100 1 1 1 1
Refreshed FICO below 620 3 4 2 2
2006 and 2007 vintages (2) 4 6 4 6
(1) Outstandings, accruing past due, nonperforming loans and percentages of portfolio exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.
(2) These vintages of loans accounted for $365 million, or 25 percent, and $536 million, or 28 percent, of nonperforming residential mortgage loans at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Nonperforming residential mortgage loans decreased $423 compared to $1.3 billion, or one percent, for the entire residential
million in 2019 primarily driven by sales. Of the nonperforming mortgage portfolio. In addition, at December 31, 2019, $260
residential mortgage loans at December 31, 2019, $616 million, million, or four percent, of outstanding interest-only residential
or 42 percent, were current on contractual payments. Loans mortgage loans that had entered the amortization period were
accruing past due 30 days or more increased $141 million. nonperforming, of which $108 million were contractually current,
Net charge-offs improved $75 million to a net recovery of $47 compared to $1.5 billion, or one percent, for the entire residential
million in 2019 compared to net charge-offs of $28 million in 2018 mortgage portfolio. Loans that have yet to enter the amortization
primarily due to recoveries from the sales of previously charged- period in our interest-only residential mortgage portfolio are
off loans and continued improvement in credit quality. primarily well-collateralized loans to our wealth management
Of the $217.5 billion in total residential mortgage loans clients and have an interest-only period of three to ten years.
outstanding at December 31, 2019, as shown in Table 23, 26 Approximately 94 percent of these loans that have yet to enter the
percent were originated as interest-only loans. The outstanding amortization period will not be required to make a fully-amortizing
balance of interest-only residential mortgage loans that have payment until 2022 or later.
entered the amortization period was $7.4 billion, or 13 percent, Table 24 presents outstandings, nonperforming loans and net
at December 31, 2019. Residential mortgage loans that have charge-offs by certain state concentrations for the residential
entered the amortization period generally have experienced a mortgage portfolio. The Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana
higher rate of early stage delinquencies and nonperforming status Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) within California represented
compared to the residential mortgage portfolio as a whole. At 16 percent of outstandings at both December 31, 2019 and 2018.
December 31, 2019, $124 million, or two percent, of outstanding In the New York area, the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long
interest-only residential mortgages that had entered the Island MSA made up 13 percent of outstandings at both December
amortization period were accruing past due 30 days or more 31, 2019 and 2018.

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Table 24 Residential Mortgage State Concentrations
Outstandings (1) Nonperforming (1)
December 31 Net Charge-offs
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
California $ 88,998 $ 76,323 $ 274 $ 314 $ (22) $ (22)
New York 22,385 19,219 196 222 5 10
Florida 12,833 11,624 143 221 (12) (6)
Texas 8,943 7,820 65 102 1 4
New Jersey 8,734 7,051 77 98 (4) 8
Other 75,586 66,390 715 936 (15) 34
Residential mortgage loans $ 217,479 $ 188,427 $ 1,470 $ 1,893 $ (47) $ 28
Fully-insured loan portfolio 18,690 20,130
Total residential mortgage loan portfolio $ 236,169 $ 208,557
(1) Outstandings and nonperforming loans exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.

Home Equity At December 31, 2019, 80 percent of the home equity portfolio
At December 31, 2019, the home equity portfolio made up nine was in Consumer Banking, 12 percent was in All Other and the
percent of the consumer portfolio and was comprised of home remainder of the portfolio was primarily in GWIM. Outstanding
equity lines of credit (HELOCs), home equity loans and reverse balances in the home equity portfolio decreased $8.1 billion in
mortgages. We no longer originate home equity loans or reverse 2019 primarily due to paydowns and loan sales of $2.0 billion
mortgages. outpacing new originations and draws on existing lines. Of the total
At December 31, 2019, our HELOC portfolio had an outstanding home equity portfolio at December 31, 2019 and 2018, $15.0
balance of $37.5 billion, or 93 percent of the total home equity billion, or 37 percent, and $17.3 billion, or 36 percent, were in
portfolio, compared to $44.3 billion, or 92 percent, at December first-lien positions. At December 31, 2019, outstanding balances
31, 2018. HELOCs generally have an initial draw period of 10 in the home equity portfolio that were in a second-lien or more
years, and after the initial draw period ends, the loans generally junior-lien position and where we also held the first-lien loan totaled
convert to 15- or 20-year amortizing loans. $6.9 billion, or 17 percent of our total home equity portfolio.
At December 31, 2019, our home equity loan portfolio had an Unused HELOCs totaled $43.6 billion and $43.1 billion at
outstanding balance of $1.2 billion, or three percent of the total December 31, 2019 and 2018. The increase was primarily driven
home equity portfolio, compared to $1.8 billion, or four percent, by the impact of lower utilization of open lines and new production
at December 31, 2018. At December 31, 2019, our reverse partially offset by customers choosing to close accounts. The
mortgage portfolio had an outstanding balance of $1.5 billion, or HELOC utilization rate was 46 percent and 51 percent at December
four percent of the total home equity portfolio, compared to $2.2 31, 2019 and 2018.
billion, also four percent, at December 31, 2018. Table 25 presents certain home equity portfolio key credit

Table 25 Home Equity – Key Credit Statistics (1)

December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Outstandings $ 40,208 $ 48,286
Accruing past due 30 days or more (2) 218 363
Nonperforming loans (2) 536 1,893
Percent of portfolio
Refreshed CLTV greater than 90 but less than or equal to 100 1% 2%
Refreshed CLTV greater than 100 2 3
Refreshed FICO below 620 3 5
2006 and 2007 vintages (3) 18 22
(1) Outstandings, accruing past due, nonperforming loans and percentages of the portfolio exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.
(2) Accruing past due 30 days or more include $30 million and $48 million and nonperforming loans include $57 million and $218 million of loans where we serviced the underlying first lien at December
31, 2019 and 2018.
(3) These vintages of loans accounted for 34 percent and 49 percent of nonperforming home equity loans at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Nonperforming outstanding balances in the home equity collateral, less costs to sell. Accruing loans that were 30 days or
portfolio decreased $1.4 billion in 2019 as outflows, primarily more past due decreased $145 million in 2019.
sales, outpaced new inflows. Of the nonperforming home equity Net charge-offs decreased $356 million to a net recovery of
loans at December 31, 2019, $241 million, or 45 percent, were $358 million in 2019 compared to a net recovery of $2 million in
current on contractual payments. Nonperforming loans that are 2018 primarily driven by recoveries from the sales of previously
contractually current primarily consist of collateral-dependent charged off non-core home equity loans.
TDRs, including those that have been discharged in Chapter 7 Of the $40.2 billion in total home equity portfolio outstandings
bankruptcy, junior-lien loans where the underlying first lien is 90 at December 31, 2019, as shown in Table 25, 17 percent require
days or more past due, as well as loans that have not yet interest-only payments. The outstanding balance of HELOCs that
demonstrated a sustained period of payment performance have reached the end of their draw period and have entered the
following a TDR. In addition, $162 million, or 30 percent, of amortization period was $11.5 billion at December 31, 2019. The
nonperforming home equity loans were 180 days or more past due HELOCs that have entered the amortization period have
and had been written down to the estimated fair value of the experienced a higher percentage of early stage delinquencies and

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nonperforming status when compared to the HELOC portfolio as loans and lines, we can infer some of this information through a
a whole. At December 31, 2019, $149 million, or one percent, of review of our HELOC portfolio that we service and that is still in
outstanding HELOCs that had entered the amortization period were its revolving period. During 2019, 13 percent of these customers
accruing past due 30 days or more. In addition, at December 31, with an outstanding balance did not pay any principal on their
2019, $472 million, or four percent, were nonperforming. Loans HELOCs.
that have yet to enter the amortization period in our interest-only Table 26 presents outstandings, nonperforming balances and
portfolio are primarily post-2008 vintages and generally have net charge-offs by certain state concentrations for the home equity
better credit quality than the previous vintages that had entered portfolio. In the New York area, the New York-Northern New Jersey-
the amortization period. We communicate to contractually current Long Island MSA made up 13 percent of the outstanding home
customers more than a year prior to the end of their draw period equity portfolio at both December 31, 2019 and 2018. The Los
to inform them of the potential change to the payment structure Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana MSA within California made up 11
before entering the amortization period, and provide payment percent of the outstanding home equity portfolio at both December
options to customers prior to the end of the draw period. 31, 2019 and 2018.
Although we do not actively track how many of our home equity
customers pay only the minimum amount due on their home equity

Table 26 Home Equity State Concentrations

Outstandings (1) Nonperforming (1)
December 31 Net Charge-offs
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
California $ 11,232 $ 13,515 $ 101 $ 536 $ (117) $ (54)
Florida 4,327 5,418 71 315 (74) 1
New Jersey 3,216 3,871 56 150 (8) 25
New York 2,899 3,590 85 194 (1) 23
Massachusetts 2,023 2,400 29 65 (5) 5
Other 16,511 19,492 194 633 (153) (2)
Total home equity loan portfolio $ 40,208 $ 48,286 $ 536 $ 1,893 $ (358) $ (2)
(1) Outstandings and nonperforming loans exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.

Credit Card accruing interest increased $46 million and loans 90 days or more
At December 31, 2019, 97 percent of the credit card portfolio was past due and still accruing interest increased $48 million. These
managed in Consumer Banking with the remainder in GWIM. increases were driven by portfolio seasoning.
Outstandings in the credit card portfolio decreased $730 million Unused lines of credit for credit card increased to $336.9 billion
in 2019 to $97.6 billion. In 2019, net charge-offs increased $111 at December 31, 2019 from $334.8 billion at December 31, 2018.
million to $2.9 billion compared to net charge-offs of $2.8 billion Table 27 presents certain state concentrations for the credit
in 2018. Credit card loans 30 days or more past due and still card portfolio.

Table 27 Credit Card State Concentrations

Accruing Past Due
Outstandings 90 Days or More
December 31 Net Charge-offs
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
California $ 16,135 $ 16,062 $ 178 $ 163 $ 526 $ 479
Florida 9,075 8,840 135 119 363 332
Texas 7,815 7,730 93 84 241 224
New York 5,975 6,066 80 81 243 268
Washington 4,639 4,558 26 24 71 63
Other 53,969 55,082 530 523 1,504 1,471
Total credit card portfolio $ 97,608 $ 98,338 $ 1,042 $ 994 $ 2,948 $ 2,837

Direct/Indirect Consumer Outstandings of $91.0 billion in the direct/indirect portfolio

At December 31, 2019, 56 percent of the direct/indirect portfolio were relatively unchanged at December 31, 2019.
was included in Consumer Banking (consumer auto and specialty Table 28 presents certain state concentrations for the direct/
lending – automotive, recreational vehicle, marine, aircraft and indirect consumer loan portfolio.
consumer personal loans) and 44 percent was included in GWIM
(principally securities-based lending loans).

Bank of America 2019 79

Table 28 Direct/Indirect State Concentrations
Accruing Past Due
Outstandings 90 Days or More
December 31 Net Charge-offs
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
California $ 11,912 $ 11,734 $ 4 $ 4 $ 49 $ 21
Florida 10,154 10,240 4 4 27 36
Texas 9,516 9,876 5 6 29 30
New York 6,394 6,296 1 2 12 9
New Jersey 3,468 3,308 1 1 4 2
Other 49,554 49,712 18 21 88 97
Total direct/indirect loan portfolio $ 90,998 $ 91,166 $ 33 $ 38 $ 209 $ 195

Nonperforming Consumer Loans, Leases and Foreclosed percent, of nonperforming consumer loans were modified and are
Properties Activity now current after successful trial periods, or are current loans
Table 29 presents nonperforming consumer loans, leases and classified as nonperforming loans in accordance with applicable
foreclosed properties activity during 2019 and 2018. During 2019, policies.
nonperforming consumer loans decreased $1.8 billion to $2.1 Foreclosed properties decreased $15 million in 2019 to $229
billion primarily driven by loan sales of $1.5 billion. million as liquidations outpaced additions.
At December 31, 2019, $606 million, or 29 percent, of Nonperforming loans also include certain loans that have been
nonperforming loans were 180 days or more past due and had modified in TDRs where economic concessions have been granted
been written down to their estimated property value less costs to to borrowers experiencing financial difficulties. Nonperforming
sell. In addition, at December 31, 2019, $901 million, or 44 TDRs are included in Table 29.

Table 29 Nonperforming Consumer Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties Activity

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Nonperforming loans and leases, January 1 $ 3,842 $ 5,166
Additions 1,407 2,440
Paydowns and payoffs (701) (958)
Sales (1,523) (969)
Returns to performing status (1) (766) (1,283)
Charge-offs (111) (401)
Transfers to foreclosed properties (95) (151)
Transfers to loans held-for-sale — (2)
Total net reductions to nonperforming loans and leases (1,789) (1,324)
Total nonperforming loans and leases, December 31 2,053 3,842
Foreclosed properties, December 31 (2) 229 244
Nonperforming consumer loans, leases and foreclosed properties, December 31 $ 2,282 $ 4,086
Nonperforming consumer loans and leases as a percentage of outstanding consumer loans and leases (3) 0.44% 0.86%
Nonperforming consumer loans, leases and foreclosed properties as a percentage of outstanding consumer loans, leases and
foreclosed properties (3) 0.49 0.92
(1) Consumer loans may be returned to performing status when all principal and interest is current and full repayment of the remaining contractual principal and interest is expected, or when the loan
otherwise becomes well-secured and is in the process of collection.
(2) Foreclosed property balances do not include properties insured by certain government-guaranteed loans, principally FHA-insured, of $260 million and $488 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(3) Outstanding consumer loans and leases exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.

Table 30 presents TDRs for the consumer real estate portfolio. Performing TDR balances are excluded from nonperforming loans
and leases in Table 29.

Table 30 Consumer Real Estate Troubled Debt Restructurings

December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
(Dollars in millions) Nonperforming Performing Total Nonperforming Performing Total
Residential mortgage (1, 2) $ 921 $ 3,832 $ 4,753 $ 1,209 $ 4,988 $ 6,197
Home equity (3) 252 977 1,229 1,107 1,252 2,359
Total consumer real estate troubled debt restructurings $ 1,173 $ 4,809 $ 5,982 $ 2,316 $ 6,240 $ 8,556
(1) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, residential mortgage TDRs deemed collateral dependent totaled $1.2 billion and $1.6 billion, and included $748 million and $960 million of loans classified as
nonperforming and $468 million and $605 million of loans classified as performing.
(2) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, residential mortgage performing TDRs include $2.1 billion and $2.8 billion of loans that were fully-insured.
(3) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, home equity TDRs deemed collateral dependent totaled $442 million and $1.3 billion, and include $209 million and $961 million of loans classified as nonperforming
and $233 million and $322 million of loans classified as performing.

In addition to modifying consumer real estate loans, we work in the customer’s interest rate on the account and placing the
with customers who are experiencing financial difficulty by customer on a fixed payment plan not exceeding 60 months, all
modifying credit card and other consumer loans. Credit card and of which are considered TDRs (the renegotiated TDR portfolio).
other consumer loan modifications generally involve a reduction
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Modifications of credit card and other consumer loans are exposure to third parties, loan sales, hedging and other risk
made through renegotiation programs utilizing direct customer mitigation techniques to manage the size and risk profile of the
contact, but may also utilize external renegotiation programs. The commercial credit portfolio. For more information on our industry
renegotiated TDR portfolio is excluded in large part from Table 29 concentrations, see Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management
as substantially all of the loans remain on accrual status until – Industry Concentrations on page 85 and Table 38.
either charged off or paid in full. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, We account for certain large corporate loans and loan
our renegotiated TDR portfolio was $679 million and $566 million, commitments, including issued but unfunded letters of credit
of which $570 million and $481 million were current or less than which are considered utilized for credit risk management purposes,
30 days past due under the modified terms. The increase in the that exceed our single-name credit risk concentration guidelines
renegotiated TDR portfolio was primarily driven by new under the fair value option. Lending commitments, both funded
renegotiated enrollments outpacing runoff of existing portfolios. and unfunded, are actively managed and monitored, and as
appropriate, credit risk for these lending relationships may be
Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management mitigated through the use of credit derivatives, with our credit view
Credit risk management for the commercial portfolio begins with and market perspectives determining the size and timing of the
an assessment of the credit risk profile of the borrower or hedging activity. In addition, we purchase credit protection to cover
counterparty based on an analysis of its financial position. As part the funded portion as well as the unfunded portion of certain other
of the overall credit risk assessment, our commercial credit credit exposures. To lessen the cost of obtaining our desired credit
exposures are assigned a risk rating and are subject to approval protection levels, credit exposure may be added within an industry,
based on defined credit approval standards. Subsequent to loan borrower or counterparty group by selling protection. These credit
origination, risk ratings are monitored on an ongoing basis, and if derivatives do not meet the requirements for treatment as
necessary, adjusted to reflect changes in the financial condition, accounting hedges. They are carried at fair value with changes in
cash flow, risk profile or outlook of a borrower or counterparty. In fair value recorded in other income.
making credit decisions, we consider risk rating, collateral, country, In addition, we are a member of various securities and
industry and single-name concentration limits while also balancing derivative exchanges and clearinghouses, both in the U.S. and
these considerations with the total borrower or counterparty other countries. As a member, we may be required to pay a pro-
relationship. We use a variety of tools to continuously monitor the rata share of the losses incurred by some of these organizations
ability of a borrower or counterparty to perform under its as a result of another member default and under other loss
obligations. We use risk rating aggregations to measure and scenarios. For more information, see Note 13 – Commitments and
evaluate concentrations within portfolios. In addition, risk ratings Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
are a factor in determining the level of allocated capital and the
allowance for credit losses. Commercial Credit Portfolio
As part of our ongoing risk mitigation initiatives, we attempt to During 2019, credit quality among large corporate and middle-
work with clients experiencing financial difficulty to modify their market borrowers in our commercial and industrial portfolio
loans to terms that better align with their current ability to pay. In remained strong. Credit quality of commercial real estate
situations where an economic concession has been granted to a borrowers in most sectors remained stable with conservative LTV
borrower experiencing financial difficulty, we identify these loans ratios. However, some of the real estate markets experienced
as TDRs. For more information on our accounting policies regarding slowing tenant demand and decelerating rental income.
delinquencies, nonperforming status and net charge-offs for the Total commercial utilized credit exposure increased $14.3
commercial portfolio, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant billion in 2019 to $635.3 billion driven by higher loans and leases.
Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements. The utilization rate for loans and leases, SBLCs and financial
guarantees, and commercial letters of credit, in the aggregate,
Management of Commercial Credit Risk was 58 percent at December 31, 2019 and 59 percent at
Concentrations December 31, 2018.
Commercial credit risk is evaluated and managed with the goal Table 31 presents commercial credit exposure by type for
that concentrations of credit exposure continue to be aligned with utilized, unfunded and total binding committed credit exposure.
our risk appetite. We review, measure and manage concentrations Commercial utilized credit exposure includes SBLCs and financial
of credit exposure by industry, product, geography, customer guarantees and commercial letters of credit that have been issued
relationship and loan size. We also review, measure and manage and for which we are legally bound to advance funds under
commercial real estate loans by geographic location and property prescribed conditions during a specified time period, and excludes
type. In addition, within our non-U.S. portfolio, we evaluate exposure related to trading account assets. Although funds have
exposures by region and by country. Tables 35, 38 and 41 not yet been advanced, these exposure types are considered
summarize our concentrations. We also utilize syndications of utilized for credit risk management purposes.

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Table 31 Commercial Credit Exposure by Type
Commercial Utilized (1) Commercial Unfunded (2, 3, 4) Total Commercial Committed
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Loans and leases $ 517,657 $ 499,664 $ 405,834 $ 369,282 $ 923,491 $ 868,946
Derivative assets (5) 40,485 43,725 — — 40,485 43,725
Standby letters of credit and financial guarantees 36,062 34,941 468 491 36,530 35,432
Debt securities and other investments 25,546 25,425 5,101 4,250 30,647 29,675
Loans held-for-sale 7,047 9,090 15,135 14,812 22,182 23,902
Operating leases 6,660 6,060 — — 6,660 6,060
Commercial letters of credit 1,049 1,210 451 168 1,500 1,378
Other 800 898 — — 800 898
Total $ 635,306 $ 621,013 $ 426,989 $ 389,003 $ 1,062,295 $ 1,010,016
(1) Commercial utilized exposure includes loans of $7.7 billion and $3.7 billion and issued letters of credit with a notional amount of $170 million and $100 million accounted for under the fair value
option at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(2) Commercial unfunded exposure includes commitments accounted for under the fair value option with a notional amount of $4.2 billion and $3.0 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(3) Excludes unused business card lines, which are not legally binding.
(4) Includes the notional amount of unfunded legally binding lending commitments net of amounts distributed (i.e., syndicated or participated) to other financial institutions. The distributed amounts
were $10.6 billion and $10.7 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(5) Derivative assets are carried at fair value, reflect the effects of legally enforceable master netting agreements and have been reduced by cash collateral of $33.9 billion and $32.4 billion at December
31, 2019 and 2018. Not reflected in utilized and committed exposure is additional non-cash derivative collateral held of $35.2 billion and $33.0 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018, which
consists primarily of other marketable securities.

Outstanding commercial loans and leases increased $18.0 portfolio. The allowance for loan and lease losses for the
billion during 2019 primarily in the commercial and industrial commercial portfolio increased $75 million to $4.9 billion at
portfolio. Nonperforming commercial loans increased $397 million December 31, 2019. For more information, see Allowance for
and commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure increased Credit Losses on page 89. Table 32 presents our commercial loans
$391 million driven by a small number of client downgrades across and leases portfolio and related credit quality information at
industries which were not indicative of broader issues in the December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Table 32 Commercial Credit Quality

Accruing Past Due
Outstandings Nonperforming 90 Days or More
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Commercial and industrial:
U.S. commercial $ 307,048 $ 299,277 $ 1,094 $ 794 $ 106 $ 197
Non-U.S. commercial 104,966 98,776 43 80 8 —
Total commercial and industrial 412,014 398,053 1,137 874 114 197
Commercial real estate 62,689 60,845 280 156 19 4
Commercial lease financing 19,880 22,534 32 18 20 29
494,583 481,432 1,449 1,048 153 230
U.S. small business commercial (1) 15,333 14,565 50 54 97 84
Commercial loans excluding loans accounted for under
the fair value option 509,916 495,997 1,499 1,102 250 314
Loans accounted for under the fair value option (2) 7,741 3,667 — — — —
Total commercial loans and leases $ 517,657 $ 499,664 $ 1,499 $ 1,102 $ 250 $ 314
(1) Includes card-related products.
(2) Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option include U.S. commercial of $4.7 billion and $2.5 billion and non-U.S. commercial of $3.1 billion and $1.1 billion at December 31, 2019
and 2018. For more information on the fair value option, see Note 22 – Fair Value Option to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Table 33 presents net charge-offs and related ratios for our commercial loans and leases for 2019 and 2018.

Table 33 Commercial Net Charge-offs and Related Ratios

Net Charge-offs Net Charge-off Ratios (1)
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018
Commercial and industrial:
U.S. commercial $ 256 $ 215 0.08% 0.07%
Non-U.S. commercial 84 68 0.08 0.07
Total commercial and industrial 340 283 0.08 0.07
Commercial real estate 29 1 0.05 —
Commercial lease financing 21 (1) 0.10 (0.01)
390 283 0.08 0.06
U.S. small business commercial 272 240 1.83 1.70
Total commercial $ 662 $ 523 0.13 0.11
(1) Net charge-off ratios are calculated as net charge-offs divided by average outstanding loans and leases excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option.

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Table 34 presents commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure by loan type. Criticized exposure corresponds to the Special
Mention, Substandard and Doubtful asset categories as defined by regulatory authorities. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, 90 percent
and 91 percent of commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure was secured.

Table 34 Commercial Reservable Criticized Utilized Exposure (1, 2)

December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Commercial and industrial:
U.S. commercial $ 8,272 2.46% $ 7,986 2.43%
Non-U.S. commercial 989 0.89 1,013 0.97
Total commercial and industrial 9,261 2.07 8,999 2.08
Commercial real estate 1,129 1.75 936 1.50
Commercial lease financing 329 1.66 366 1.62
10,719 2.01 10,301 1.99
U.S. small business commercial 733 4.78 760 5.22
Total commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure (1) $ 11,452 2.09 $ 11,061 2.08
(1) Total commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure includes loans and leases of $10.7 billion and $10.3 billion and commercial letters of credit of $715 million and $781 million at December
31, 2019 and 2018.
(2) Percentages are calculated as commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure divided by total commercial reservable utilized exposure for each exposure category.

Commercial and Industrial repayment. Outstanding loans increased $1.8 billion, or three
Commercial and industrial loans include U.S. commercial and non- percent, during 2019 to $62.7 billion due to new originations
U.S. commercial portfolios. slightly outpacing paydowns. The portfolio remains diversified
across property types and geographic regions. California
U.S. Commercial represented the largest state concentration at 24 percent and 23
At December 31, 2019, 70 percent of the U.S. commercial loan percent of the commercial real estate portfolio at December 31,
portfolio, excluding small business, was managed in Global 2019 and 2018. The commercial real estate portfolio is
Banking, 16 percent in Global Markets, 13 percent in GWIM predominantly managed in Global Banking and consists of loans
(generally business-purpose loans for high net worth clients) and made primarily to public and private developers, and commercial
the remainder primarily in Consumer Banking. U.S. commercial real estate firms.
loans increased $7.8 billion during 2019, across lines of business. During 2019, we continued to see low default rates and solid
Non-U.S. Commercial credit quality in both the residential and non-residential portfolios.
At December 31, 2019, 83 percent of the non-U.S. commercial We use a number of proactive risk mitigation initiatives to reduce
loan portfolio was managed in Global Banking and 17 percent in adversely rated exposure in the commercial real estate portfolio,
Global Markets. Non-U.S. commercial loans increased $6.2 billion including transfers of deteriorating exposures to management by
during 2019, primarily in Global Banking. For information on the independent special asset officers and the pursuit of loan
non-U.S. commercial portfolio, see Non-U.S. Portfolio on page 87. restructurings or asset sales to achieve the best results for our
customers and the Corporation.
Commercial Real Estate Table 35 presents outstanding commercial real estate loans
Commercial real estate primarily includes commercial loans by geographic region, based on the geographic location of the
secured by non-owner-occupied real estate and is dependent on collateral, and by property type.
the sale or lease of the real estate as the primary source of

Bank of America 2019 83

Table 35 Outstanding Commercial Real Estate Loans
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
By Geographic Region
California $ 14,910 $ 14,002
Northeast 12,408 10,895
Southwest 8,408 7,339
Southeast 5,937 5,726
Florida 3,984 3,680
Illinois 3,349 2,989
Midwest 3,203 3,772
Midsouth 2,468 2,919
Northwest 1,638 2,178
Non-U.S. 3,724 4,240
Other (1) 2,660 3,105
Total outstanding commercial real estate loans $ 62,689 $ 60,845
By Property Type
Office $ 17,902 $ 17,246
Industrial / Warehouse 8,677 5,379
Shopping centers / Retail 8,183 8,798
Multi-family rental 7,250 7,762
Hotels / Motels 6,982 7,248
Unsecured 3,438 2,956
Multi-use 1,788 2,848
Other 6,958 7,029
Total non-residential 61,178 59,266
Residential 1,511 1,579
Total outstanding commercial real estate loans $ 62,689 $ 60,845
(1) Includes unsecured loans to real estate investment trusts and national home builders whose portfolios of properties span multiple geographic regions and properties in the states of Colorado, Utah,
Hawaii, Wyoming and Montana.

U.S. Small Business Commercial Nonperforming loans do not include loans accounted for under the
The U.S. small business commercial loan portfolio is comprised fair value option. During 2019, nonperforming commercial loans
of small business card loans and small business loans managed and leases increased $397 million to $1.5 billion. At December
in Consumer Banking. Credit card-related products were 52 percent 31, 2019, 94 percent of commercial nonperforming loans, leases
and 51 percent of the U.S. small business commercial portfolio and foreclosed properties were secured and 64 percent were
at December 31, 2019 and 2018. Of the U.S. small business contractually current. Commercial nonperforming loans were
commercial net charge-offs, 94 percent and 95 percent were credit carried at 88 percent of their unpaid principal balance before
card-related products in 2019 and 2018. consideration of the allowance for loan and lease losses as the
carrying value of these loans has been reduced to the estimated
Nonperforming Commercial Loans, Leases and Foreclosed collateral value less costs to sell.
Properties Activity
Table 36 presents the nonperforming commercial loans, leases
and foreclosed properties activity during 2019 and 2018.

Table 36 Nonperforming Commercial Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties Activity (1, 2)
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Nonperforming loans and leases, January 1 $ 1,102 $ 1,304
Additions 2,048 1,415
Paydowns (648) (771)
Sales (215) (210)
Returns to performing status (3) (120) (246)
Charge-offs (478) (361)
Transfers to foreclosed properties (9) (12)
Transfers to loans held-for-sale (181) (17)
Total net reductions to nonperforming loans and leases 397 (202)
Total nonperforming loans and leases, December 31 1,499 1,102
Foreclosed properties, December 31 56 56
Nonperforming commercial loans, leases and foreclosed properties, December 31 $ 1,555 $ 1,158
Nonperforming commercial loans and leases as a percentage of outstanding commercial loans and leases (4) 0.29% 0.22%
Nonperforming commercial loans, leases and foreclosed properties as a percentage of outstanding commercial loans, leases and
foreclosed properties (4) 0.30 0.23
(1) Balances do not include nonperforming loans held-for-sale of $239 million and $292 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(2) Includes U.S. small business commercial activity. Small business card loans are excluded as they are not classified as nonperforming.
(3) Commercial loans and leases may be returned to performing status when all principal and interest is current and full repayment of the remaining contractual principal and interest is expected, or
when the loan otherwise becomes well-secured and is in the process of collection. TDRs are generally classified as performing after a sustained period of demonstrated payment performance.
(4) Outstanding commercial loans exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.

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Table 37 presents our commercial TDRs by product type and performing status. U.S. small business commercial TDRs are comprised
of renegotiated small business card loans and small business loans. The renegotiated small business card loans are not classified
as nonperforming as they are charged off no later than the end of the month in which the loan becomes 180 days past due. For more
information on TDRs, see Note 5 – Outstanding Loans and Leases to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Table 37 Commercial Troubled Debt Restructurings

December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
(Dollars in millions) Nonperforming Performing Total Nonperforming Performing Total
Commercial and industrial:
U.S. commercial $ 617 $ 999 $ 1,616 $ 306 $ 1,092 $ 1,398
Non-U.S. commercial 41 193 234 78 162 240
Total commercial and industrial 658 1,192 1,850 384 1,254 1,638
Commercial real estate 212 14 226 114 6 120
Commercial lease financing 18 31 49 3 68 71
888 1,237 2,125 501 1,328 1,829
U.S. small business commercial — 27 27 3 18 21
Total commercial troubled debt restructurings $ 888 $ 1,264 $ 2,152 $ 504 $ 1,346 $ 1,850

Industry Concentrations as to provide ongoing monitoring. The MRC oversees industry limit
Table 38 presents commercial committed and utilized credit governance.
exposure by industry and the total net credit default protection Asset managers and funds, our largest industry concentration
purchased to cover the funded and unfunded portions of certain with committed exposure of $110.0 billion, increased $2.1 billion,
credit exposures. Our commercial credit exposure is diversified or two percent, during 2019.
across a broad range of industries. Total commercial committed Real estate, our second largest industry concentration with
exposure increased $52.3 billion, or five percent, during 2019 to committed exposure of $96.3 billion, increased $9.8 billion, or 11
$1.1 trillion. The increase in commercial committed exposure was percent, during 2019. This growth occurred primarily in the
concentrated in the Real estate, Utilities and Finance companies category of industrial and warehouse buildings, partially offset by
industry sectors. Increases were partially offset by decreased declines in REITs.
exposure to the Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, Technology Capital goods, our third largest industry concentration with
hardware and equipment, and Government and public education committed exposure of $80.9 billion, increased $5.8 billion, or
industry sectors. eight percent, during 2019 with the growth largely occurring in the
Industry limits are used internally to manage industry trading companies and distributors industry categories, partially
concentrations and are based on committed exposure that is offset by a decrease in industrial conglomerates. For more
allocated on an industry-by-industry basis. A risk management information on the commercial real estate and related portfolios,
framework is in place to set and approve industry limits as well see Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management – Commercial
Real Estate on page 83.

Bank of America 2019 85

Table 38 Commercial Credit Exposure by Industry (1)
Commercial Total Commercial
Utilized Committed (2)
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018
Asset managers and funds $ 71,289 $ 71,756 $ 109,972 $ 107,888
Real estate (3) 70,341 65,328 96,349 86,514
Capital goods 41,060 39,192 80,871 75,080
Finance companies 40,171 36,662 63,940 56,659
Healthcare equipment and services 34,353 35,763 55,918 56,489
Government and public education 41,889 43,675 53,566 54,749
Materials 26,663 27,347 52,128 51,865
Consumer services 28,434 25,702 49,071 43,298
Retailing 25,868 25,333 48,317 47,507
Food, beverage and tobacco 24,163 23,586 45,956 42,745
Commercial services and supplies 23,102 22,623 38,943 39,349
Energy 16,407 13,727 36,327 32,279
Utilities 12,383 12,035 36,060 27,623
Transportation 23,448 22,814 33,027 31,523
Global commercial banks 26,492 26,583 28,670 28,627
Individuals and trusts 18,926 18,643 27,815 25,019
Technology hardware and equipment 10,645 13,014 24,071 26,228
Media 12,429 12,132 23,629 24,502
Vehicle dealers 18,013 17,603 21,435 20,446
Consumer durables and apparel 10,193 9,904 21,245 20,199
Software and services 10,432 8,809 20,556 19,172
Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology 5,962 7,430 20,203 23,634
Telecommunication services 9,144 8,686 16,103 14,166
Insurance 6,669 8,674 15,214 15,807
Automobiles and components 7,345 7,131 14,910 13,893
Financial markets infrastructure (clearinghouses) 9,351 8,317 11,851 10,042
Food and staples retailing 6,290 4,787 10,392 9,093
Religious and social organizations 3,844 3,757 5,756 5,620
Total commercial credit exposure by industry $ 635,306 $ 621,013 $ 1,062,295 $ 1,010,016
Net credit default protection purchased on total commitments (4) $ (3,349) $ (2,663)
(1) Includes U.S. small business commercial exposure.
(2) Includes the notional amount of unfunded legally binding lending commitments net of amounts distributed (i.e., syndicated or participated) to other financial institutions. The distributed amounts
were $10.6 billion and $10.7 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(3) Industries are viewed from a variety of perspectives to best isolate the perceived risks. For purposes of this table, the real estate industry is defined based on the primary business activity of the
borrowers or counterparties using operating cash flows and primary source of repayment as key factors.
(4) Represents net notional credit protection purchased to hedge funded and unfunded exposures for which we elected the fair value option, as well as certain other credit exposures. For more information,
see Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management – Risk Mitigation.

Risk Mitigation option portfolio information in Table 45. For more information, see
We purchase credit protection to cover the funded portion as well Trading Risk Management on page 93.
as the unfunded portion of certain credit exposures. To lower the Tables 39 and 40 present the maturity profiles and the credit
cost of obtaining our desired credit protection levels, we may add exposure debt ratings of the net credit default protection portfolio
credit exposure within an industry, borrower or counterparty group at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
by selling protection.
At December 31, 2019 and 2018, net notional credit default Table 39 Net Credit Default Protection by Maturity
protection purchased in our credit derivatives portfolio to hedge
our funded and unfunded exposures for which we elected the fair December 31
value option, as well as certain other credit exposures, was $3.3 2019 2018
billion and $2.7 billion. We recorded net losses of $145 million Less than or equal to one year 54% 20%
in 2019 compared to net losses of $2 million in 2018 on these Greater than one year and less than or equal
to five years 45 78
positions. The gains and losses on these instruments were offset
Greater than five years 1 2
by gains and losses on the related exposures. The Value-at-Risk
Total net credit default protection 100% 100%
(VaR) results for these exposures are included in the fair value

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allow us to take additional protective measures such as early
Table 40 Net Credit Default Protection by Credit termination of all trades. For more information on credit derivatives
Exposure Debt Rating and counterparty credit risk valuation adjustments, see Note 3 –
Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Net Percent of Net Percent of
Notional (1) Total Notional (1) Total Non-U.S. Portfolio
December 31 Our non-U.S. credit and trading portfolios are subject to country
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
risk. We define country risk as the risk of loss from unfavorable
Ratings (2, 3)
economic and political conditions, currency fluctuations, social
A $ (697) 20.8% $ (700) 26.3%
BBB (1,089) 32.5 (501) 18.8
instability and changes in government policies. A risk management
BB (766) 22.9 (804) 30.2
framework is in place to measure, monitor and manage non-U.S.
B (373) 11.1 (422) 15.8 risk and exposures. In addition to the direct risk of doing business
CCC and below (119) 3.6 (205) 7.7 in a country, we also are exposed to indirect country risks (e.g.,
NR (4) (305) 9.1 (31) 1.2 related to the collateral received on secured financing transactions
Total net credit or related to client clearing activities). These indirect exposures
default protection $ (3,349) 100.0% $ (2,663) 100.0% are managed in the normal course of business through credit,
(1) Represents net credit default protection purchased. market and operational risk governance, rather than through
(2) Ratings are refreshed on a quarterly basis.
(3) Ratings of BBB- or higher are considered to meet the definition of investment grade. country risk governance.
(4) NR is comprised of index positions held and any names that have not been rated. Table 41 presents our 20 largest non-U.S. country exposures
In addition to our net notional credit default protection at December 31, 2019. These exposures accounted for 88 percent
purchased to cover the funded and unfunded portion of certain and 89 percent of our total non-U.S. exposure at December 31,
credit exposures, credit derivatives are used for market-making 2019 and 2018. Net country exposure for these 20 countries
activities for clients and establishing positions intended to profit increased $8.5 billion in 2019, primarily driven by increased
from directional or relative value changes. We execute the majority sovereign and corporate exposure across multiple countries.
of our credit derivative trades in the OTC market with large, Non-U.S. exposure is presented on an internal risk
multinational financial institutions, including broker-dealers and, management basis and includes sovereign and non-sovereign
to a lesser degree, with a variety of other investors. Because these credit exposure, securities and other investments issued by or
transactions are executed in the OTC market, we are subject to domiciled in countries other than the U.S.
settlement risk. We are also subject to credit risk in the event that Funded loans and loan equivalents include loans, leases, and
these counterparties fail to perform under the terms of these other extensions of credit and funds, including letters of credit and
contracts. In order to properly reflect counterparty credit risk, we due from placements. Unfunded commitments are the undrawn
record counterparty credit risk valuation adjustments on certain portion of legally binding commitments related to loans and loan
derivative assets, including our purchased credit default equivalents. Net counterparty exposure includes the fair value of
protection. derivatives, including the counterparty risk associated with credit
In most cases, credit derivative transactions are executed on default swaps (CDS), and secured financing transactions.
a daily margin basis. Therefore, events such as a credit downgrade, Securities and other investments are carried at fair value and long
depending on the ultimate rating level, or a breach of credit securities exposures are netted against short exposures with the
covenants would typically require an increase in the amount of same underlying issuer to, but not below, zero. Net country
collateral required by the counterparty, where applicable, and/or exposure represents country exposure less hedges and credit
default protection purchased, net of credit default protection sold.

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Table 41 Top 20 Non-U.S. Countries Exposure
Country Net Country (Decrease)
Funded Loans Unfunded Net Securities/ Exposure at Hedges and Exposure at from
and Loan Loan Counterparty Other December 31 Credit Default December 31 December 31
(Dollars in millions) Equivalents Commitments Exposure Investments 2019 Protection 2019 2018
United Kingdom $ 29,156 $ 17,341 $ 7,800 $ 3,545 $ 57,842 $ (1,998) $ 55,844 $ 990
Germany 21,920 7,408 1,828 1,967 33,123 (2,295) 30,828 2,171
Canada 7,967 8,255 1,690 2,879 20,791 (669) 20,122 607
France 7,243 9,208 876 969 18,296 (2,041) 16,255 3,604
China 13,304 497 1,085 949 15,835 (248) 15,587 946
India 7,817 364 398 3,660 12,239 (222) 12,017 905
Brazil 7,393 716 218 3,683 12,010 (238) 11,772 1,523
Australia 6,100 3,583 415 1,443 11,541 (439) 11,102 1,172
Japan 8,450 896 1,002 1,589 11,937 (1,405) 10,532 (9,491)
Netherlands 6,322 3,585 330 876 11,113 (786) 10,327 (1,250)
South Korea 5,981 758 386 1,762 8,887 (182) 8,705 (465)
Singapore 3,749 435 172 3,528 7,884 (58) 7,826 2,309
Mexico 4,190 1,733 224 1,814 7,961 (150) 7,811 1,575
Switzerland 4,387 2,947 213 325 7,872 (487) 7,385 (379)
Hong Kong 5,106 353 434 1,194 7,087 (31) 7,056 (180)
Belgium 5,077 1,259 526 159 7,021 (514) 6,507 929
Italy 2,353 2,303 510 1,386 6,552 (1,175) 5,377 2,296
Spain 3,153 1,073 258 867 5,351 (629) 4,722 72
United Arab Emirates 3,267 229 119 10 3,625 (38) 3,587 (62)
Ireland 2,142 979 76 201 3,398 (31) 3,367 1,206
Total top 20 non-U.S.
countries exposure $ 155,077 $ 63,922 $ 18,560 $ 32,806 $ 270,365 $ (13,636) $ 256,729 $ 8,478

A number of economic conditions and geopolitical events have 31, 2019 was the U.K. with net exposure of $55.8 billion, which
given rise to risk aversion in certain emerging markets. Additionally, represents a $990 million increase from December 31, 2018. Our
in light of ongoing trade tensions, we continue to closely monitor second largest EU exposure was Germany with net exposure of
our exposures to tariff-sensitive regions and industries, particularly $30.8 billion as of December 31, 2019, which represents a $2.2
to countries that account for a large percentage of U.S. trade, such billion increase from December 31, 2018. The increase in Germany
as China. was primarily driven by an increase in sovereign exposure.
Our largest emerging market country exposure at December Table 42 presents countries that had total cross-border
31, 2019 was China, with net exposure of $15.6 billion, exposure, including the notional amount of cash loaned under
concentrated in large state-owned companies, subsidiaries of secured financing agreements, exceeding one percent of our total
multinational corporations and commercial banks. assets at December 31, 2019. Local exposure, defined as
The economic performance in the EU remains uncertain, exposure booked in local offices of a respective country with clients
including as a result of the uncertainty surrounding the terms of in the same country, is excluded. At December 31, 2019, the U.K.
a potential trade agreement and other terms associated with the and France were the only countries where their respective total
future relationship between the U.K. and the EU, which could weigh cross-border exposures exceeded one percent of our total assets.
unevenly on the economic performance of EU countries generally, At December 31, 2019, Germany had total cross-border exposure
and even more heavily on that of the U.K. For more information, of $19.4 billion representing 0.80 percent of our total assets. No
see Item 1A. Risk Factors of our 2019 Annual Report on Form 10- other countries had total cross-border exposure that exceeded
K and Executive Summary – Recent Developments – U.K. Exit from 0.75 percent of our total assets at December 31, 2019.
the EU on page 44. Our largest EU country exposure at December

Table 42 Total Cross-border Exposure Exceeding One Percent of Total Assets

Exposure as a
Cross-border Percent of
(Dollars in millions) December 31 Public Sector Banks Private Sector Exposure Total Assets
United Kingdom 2019 $ 1,859 $ 3,580 $ 93,232 $ 98,671 4.05%
2018 1,505 3,458 46,191 51,154 2.17
2017 923 2,984 47,205 51,112 2.24
France 2019 736 2,473 23,172 26,381 1.08
2018 633 2,385 29,847 32,865 1.40
2017 2,964 1,521 27,903 32,388 1.42

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Provision for Credit Losses generally by product type. Loss forecast models are utilized that
The provision for credit losses increased $308 million to $3.6 consider a variety of factors including, but not limited to, historical
billion in 2019 compared to 2018. The provision for credit losses loss experience, estimated defaults or foreclosures based on
was $58 million lower than net charge-offs for 2019, resulting in portfolio trends, delinquencies, economic trends, credit scores
a decrease in the allowance for credit losses. This compared to a and the amount of loss in the event of default. Our consumer real
decrease of $481 million in the allowance for credit losses in estate loss forecast model estimates the portion of loans that will
2018. Net charge-offs in 2019 were $3.6 billion compared to $3.8 default based on individual loan attributes, the most significant of
billion in 2018. which are refreshed LTV or combined loan-to-value (CLTV), and
The provision for credit losses for the consumer portfolio borrower credit score as well as vintage and geography, all of which
decreased $117 million to $2.8 billion in 2019 compared to 2018. are further broken down into current delinquency status.
The decrease was primarily driven by consumer real estate loan Additionally, we incorporate the delinquency status of underlying
sales. first-lien loans on our junior-lien home equity portfolio in our
The provision for credit losses for the commercial portfolio, allowance process. Incorporating refreshed LTV and CLTV into our
including unfunded lending commitments, increased $425 million probability of default allows us to factor the impact of changes in
to $758 million in 2019 compared to 2018. The increase was due home prices into our allowance for loan and lease losses. These
in part to energy reserve releases in the prior-year periods. loss forecast models are updated on a quarterly basis to
Assuming a stable economic environment in 2020 compared incorporate information reflecting the current economic
to the end of 2019, we expect net charge-offs of approximately environment. As of December 31, 2019, the loss forecast process
$1 billion per quarter in 2020. In view of the newly adopted resulted in reductions in the allowance related to the residential
accounting standard on the measurement of the allowance for mortgage and home equity portfolios compared to December 31,
credit losses, we expect the provision for credit losses to be 2018.
modestly higher than net charge-offs in 2020, assuming no change The allowance for commercial loan and lease losses is
in the current economic outlook and estimates of loan growth, established by product type after analyzing historical loss
including product mix. For more information regarding the new experience, internal risk rating, current economic conditions,
accounting standard, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant industry performance trends, geographic and obligor
Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements. concentrations within each portfolio and any other pertinent
information. The statistical models for commercial loans are
Allowance for Credit Losses generally updated annually and utilize our historical database of
actual defaults and other data, including external default data. The
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses loan risk ratings and composition of the commercial portfolios
The allowance for loan and lease losses is comprised of two used to calculate the allowance are updated quarterly to
components. The first component covers nonperforming incorporate the most recent data reflecting the current economic
commercial loans and TDRs. The second component covers loans environment. For risk-rated commercial loans, we estimate the
and leases on which there are incurred losses that are not yet probability of default and the loss given default (LGD) based on
individually identifiable, as well as incurred losses that may not our historical experience of defaults and credit losses. Factors
be represented in the loss forecast models. We evaluate the considered when assessing the internal risk rating include the
adequacy of the allowance for loan and lease losses based on the value of the underlying collateral, if applicable, the industry in which
total of these two components, each of which is described in more the obligor operates, the obligor’s liquidity and other financial
detail below. The allowance for loan and lease losses excludes indicators, and other quantitative and qualitative factors relevant
loans held-for-sale (LHFS) and loans accounted for under the fair to the obligor’s credit risk. As of December 31, 2019, the allowance
value option as the fair value reflects a credit risk component. for the commercial real estate portfolio increased compared to
The first component of the allowance for loan and lease losses December 31, 2018.
covers both nonperforming commercial loans and all TDRs within Also included within the second component of the allowance
the consumer and commercial portfolios. These loans are subject for loan and lease losses are reserves to cover losses that are
to impairment measurement based on the present value of incurred but, in our assessment, may not be adequately
projected future cash flows discounted at the loan’s original represented in the historical loss data used in the loss forecast
effective interest rate, or in certain circumstances, impairment models. For example, factors that we consider include, among
may also be based upon the collateral value or the loan’s others, changes in lending policies and procedures, changes in
observable market price if available. Impairment measurement for economic and business conditions, changes in the nature and size
the renegotiated consumer credit card and small business credit of the portfolio, changes in portfolio concentrations, changes in
card TDR portfolios is based on the present value of projected the volume and severity of past due loans and nonaccrual loans,
cash flows discounted using the average portfolio contractual the effect of external factors such as competition, and legal and
interest rate, excluding promotionally priced loans, in effect prior regulatory requirements. Further, we consider the inherent
to restructuring. For purposes of computing this specific loss uncertainty in mathematical models that are built upon historical
component of the allowance, larger impaired loans are evaluated data.
individually and smaller impaired loans are evaluated as a pool We monitor differences between estimated and actual incurred
using historical experience for the respective product types and loan and lease losses. This monitoring process includes periodic
risk ratings of the loans. assessments by senior management of loan and lease portfolios
The second component of the allowance for loan and lease and the models used to estimate incurred losses in those
losses covers the remaining consumer and commercial loans and portfolios.
leases that have incurred losses that are not yet individually The allowance for loan and lease losses for the consumer
identifiable. The allowance for consumer (including credit card and portfolio, as presented in Table 43, was $4.5 billion at December
other consumer loans) and certain homogeneous commercial loan 31, 2019, a decrease of $260 million from December 31, 2018.
and lease products is based on aggregated portfolio evaluations, The decrease was primarily in the consumer real estate portfolio,
which include both quantitative and qualitative components, partially offset by an increase in the credit card portfolio. The
Bank of America 2019 89
reduction in the allowance for the consumer real estate portfolio Corporation’s relevant financial assets. Upon adoption of the
was driven by improved credit quality, a decrease in loan balances standard on January 1, 2020, the Corporation recorded a $3.3
in our non-core portfolio, proactive credit risk management billion, or 32 percent, increase to the allowance for credit losses.
initiatives and high credit quality originations. The improved credit After adjusting for deferred taxes and other adoption effects, a
quality was impacted by continuing improvements in the U.S. $2.4 billion decrease was recorded in retained earnings through
economy and strong labor markets evidenced by low levels of a cumulative-effect adjustment. For more information regarding
unemployment and increases in home prices. Nonperforming this new accounting standard, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant
consumer loans decreased $1.8 billion during 2019 as loan sales, Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
returns to performing status and paydowns continued to outpace
additions. The increase in allowance for the credit card portfolio Reserve for Unfunded Lending Commitments
was primarily driven by continued portfolio seasoning. In addition to the allowance for loan and lease losses, we also
The allowance for loan and lease losses for the commercial estimate probable losses related to unfunded lending
portfolio, as presented in Table 43, was $4.9 billion at December commitments such as letters of credit, financial guarantees,
31, 2019, an increase of $75 million from December 31, 2018. unfunded bankers’ acceptances and binding loan commitments,
Commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure increased to excluding commitments accounted for under the fair value option.
$11.5 billion at December 31, 2019 from $11.1 billion (to 2.09 Unfunded lending commitments are subject to the same
percent from 2.08 percent of total commercial reservable utilized assessment as funded loans, including estimates of probability
exposure) at December 31, 2018, and nonperforming commercial of default and LGD. Due to the nature of unfunded commitments,
loans increased to $1.5 billion at December 31, 2019 from $1.1 the estimate of probable losses must also consider utilization. To
billion (to 0.29 percent from 0.22 percent of outstanding estimate the portion of these undrawn commitments that is likely
commercial loans excluding loans accounted for under the fair to be drawn by a borrower at the time of estimated default, analyses
value option) at December 31, 2018 with the increases spread of our historical experience are applied to the unfunded
across multiple industries. See Tables 32, 33 and 34 for more commitments to estimate the funded exposure at default (EAD).
details on key commercial credit statistics. The expected loss for unfunded lending commitments is the
The allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of product of the probability of default, the LGD and the EAD, adjusted
total loans and leases outstanding was 0.97 percent at December for any qualitative factors including economic uncertainty and
31, 2019 compared to 1.02 percent at December 31, 2018. inherent imprecision in models.
On January 1, 2020, the Corporation adopted the new The reserve for unfunded lending commitments was $813
accounting standard that requires the measurement of the million at December 31, 2019 compared to $797 million at
allowance for credit losses to be based on management’s best December 31, 2018.
estimate of lifetime expected credit losses inherent in the

Table 43 Allocation of the Allowance for Credit Losses by Product Type

Percent of Percent of
Loans and Loans and
Percent of Leases Percent of Leases
Amount Total Outstanding (1) Amount Total Outstanding (1)
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
Allowance for loan and lease losses
Residential mortgage $ 325 3.45% 0.14% $ 422 4.40% 0.20%
Home equity 221 2.35 0.55 506 5.27 1.05
Credit card 3,710 39.39 3.80 3,597 37.47 3.66
Direct/Indirect consumer 234 2.49 0.26 248 2.58 0.27
Other consumer 52 0.55 n/m 29 0.30 n/m
Total consumer 4,542 48.23 0.98 4,802 50.02 1.08
U.S. commercial (2) 3,015 32.02 0.94 3,010 31.35 0.96
Non-U.S. commercial 658 6.99 0.63 677 7.05 0.69
Commercial real estate 1,042 11.07 1.66 958 9.98 1.57
Commercial lease financing 159 1.69 0.80 154 1.60 0.68
Total commercial 4,874 51.77 0.96 4,799 49.98 0.97
Allowance for loan and lease losses 9,416 100.00% 0.97 9,601 100.00% 1.02
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments 813 797
Allowance for credit losses $ 10,229 $ 10,398
(1) Ratios are calculated as allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of loans and leases outstanding excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option. Consumer loans accounted
for under the fair value option include residential mortgage loans of $257 million and $336 million and home equity loans of $337 million and $346 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option include U.S. commercial loans of $4.7 billion and $2.5 billion and non-U.S. commercial loans of $3.1 billion and $1.1 billion at December
31, 2019 and 2018.
(2) Includes allowance for loan and lease losses for U.S. small business commercial loans of $523 million and $474 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
n/m = not meaningful

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Table 44 presents a rollforward of the allowance for credit losses, which includes the allowance for loan and lease losses and the
reserve for unfunded lending commitments, for 2019 and 2018.

Table 44 Allowance for Credit Losses

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Allowance for loan and lease losses, January 1 $ 9,601 $ 10,393
Loans and leases charged off
Residential mortgage (93) (207)
Home equity (429) (483)
Credit card (3,535) (3,345)
Direct/Indirect consumer (518) (495)
Other consumer (249) (197)
Total consumer charge-offs (4,824) (4,727)
U.S. commercial (1) (650) (575)
Non-U.S. commercial (115) (82)
Commercial real estate (31) (10)
Commercial lease financing (26) (8)
Total commercial charge-offs (822) (675)
Total loans and leases charged off (5,646) (5,402)
Recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off
Residential mortgage 140 179
Home equity 787 485
Credit card 587 508
Direct/Indirect consumer 309 300
Other consumer 15 15
Total consumer recoveries 1,838 1,487
U.S. commercial (2) 122 120
Non-U.S. commercial 31 14
Commercial real estate 2 9
Commercial lease financing 5 9
Total commercial recoveries 160 152
Total recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off 1,998 1,639
Net charge-offs (3,648) (3,763)
Provision for loan and lease losses 3,574 3,262
Other (3) (111) (291)
Allowance for loan and lease losses, December 31 9,416 9,601
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, January 1 797 777
Provision for unfunded lending commitments 16 20
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, December 31 813 797
Allowance for credit losses, December 31 $ 10,229 $ 10,398

Loan and allowance ratios:

Loans and leases outstanding at December 31 (4) $ 975,091 $ 942,546
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total loans and leases outstanding at December 31 (4) 0.97% 1.02%
Consumer allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total consumer loans and leases outstanding at
December 31 (5) 0.98 1.08
Commercial allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total commercial loans and leases outstanding at
December 31 (6) 0.96 0.97
Average loans and leases outstanding (4) $ 951,583 $ 927,531
Net charge-offs as a percentage of average loans and leases outstanding (4) 0.38% 0.41%
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total nonperforming loans and leases at December 31 265 194
Ratio of the allowance for loan and lease losses at December 31 to net charge-offs 2.58 2.55
Amounts included in allowance for loan and lease losses for loans and leases that are excluded from nonperforming loans and
leases at December 31 (7) $ 4,151 $ 4,031
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total nonperforming loans and leases, excluding the allowance for loan
and lease losses for loans and leases that are excluded from nonperforming loans and leases at December 31 (7) 148% 113%
(1) Includes U.S. small business commercial charge-offs of $320 million and $287 million in 2019 and 2018.
(2) Includes U.S. small business commercial recoveries of $48 million and $47 million in 2019 and 2018.
(3) Primarily represents write-offs of purchased credit-impaired (PCI) loans, the net impact of portfolio sales, and transfers to loans held-for-sale.
(4) Outstanding loan and lease balances and ratios do not include loans accounted for under the fair value option of $8.3 billion and $4.3 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018. Average loans
accounted for under the fair value option were $6.8 billion and $5.5 billion in 2019 and 2018.
(5) Excludes consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option of $594 million and $682 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(6) Excludes commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option of $7.7 billion and $3.7 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(7) Primarily includes amounts allocated to credit card and unsecured consumer lending portfolios in Consumer Banking.

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Market Risk Management certain trading-related assets and liabilities, deposits, borrowings
Market risk is the risk that changes in market conditions may and derivatives. Hedging instruments used to mitigate these risks
adversely impact the value of assets or liabilities, or otherwise include derivatives such as options, futures, forwards and swaps.
negatively impact earnings. This risk is inherent in the financial
instruments associated with our operations, primarily within our Foreign Exchange Risk
Global Markets segment. We are also exposed to these risks in Foreign exchange risk represents exposures to changes in the
other areas of the Corporation (e.g., our ALM activities). In the values of current holdings and future cash flows denominated in
event of market stress, these risks could have a material impact currencies other than the U.S. dollar. The types of instruments
on our results. For more information, see Interest Rate Risk exposed to this risk include investments in non-U.S. subsidiaries,
Management for the Banking Book on page 95. foreign currency-denominated loans and securities, future cash
Our traditional banking loan and deposit products are non- flows in foreign currencies arising from foreign exchange
trading positions and are generally reported at amortized cost for transactions, foreign currency-denominated debt and various
assets or the amount owed for liabilities (historical cost). However, foreign exchange derivatives whose values fluctuate with changes
these positions are still subject to changes in economic value in the level or volatility of currency exchange rates or non-
based on varying market conditions, with one of the primary risks U.S. interest rates. Hedging instruments used to mitigate this risk
being changes in the levels of interest rates. The risk of adverse include foreign exchange options, currency swaps, futures,
changes in the economic value of our non-trading positions arising forwards, and foreign currency-denominated debt and deposits.
from changes in interest rates is managed through our ALM
activities. We have elected to account for certain assets and
Mortgage Risk
Mortgage risk represents exposures to changes in the values of
liabilities under the fair value option.
mortgage-related instruments. The values of these instruments
Our trading positions are reported at fair value with changes
are sensitive to prepayment rates, mortgage rates, agency debt
reflected in income. Trading positions are subject to various
ratings, default, market liquidity, government participation and
changes in market-based risk factors. The majority of this risk is
interest rate volatility. Our exposure to these instruments takes
generated by our activities in the interest rate, foreign exchange,
several forms. For example, we trade and engage in market-making
credit, equity and commodities markets. In addition, the values of
activities in a variety of mortgage securities including whole loans,
assets and liabilities could change due to market liquidity,
pass-through certificates, commercial mortgages and
correlations across markets and expectations of market volatility.
collateralized mortgage obligations including collateralized debt
We seek to manage these risk exposures by using a variety of
obligations using mortgages as underlying collateral. In addition,
techniques that encompass a broad range of financial
we originate a variety of MBS, which involves the accumulation of
instruments. The key risk management techniques are discussed
mortgage-related loans in anticipation of eventual securitization,
in more detail in the Trading Risk Management section.
and we may hold positions in mortgage securities and residential
Global Risk Management is responsible for providing senior
mortgage loans as part of the ALM portfolio. We also record MSRs
management with a clear and comprehensive understanding of
as part of our mortgage origination activities. Hedging instruments
the trading risks to which we are exposed. These responsibilities
used to mitigate this risk include derivatives such as options,
include ownership of market risk policy, developing and maintaining
swaps, futures and forwards as well as securities including MBS
quantitative risk models, calculating aggregated risk measures,
and U.S. Treasury securities. For more information, see Mortgage
establishing and monitoring position limits consistent with risk
Banking Risk Management on page 97.
appetite, conducting daily reviews and analysis of trading inventory,
approving material risk exposures and fulfilling regulatory
Equity Market Risk
requirements. Market risks that impact businesses outside of
Equity market risk represents exposures to securities that
Global Markets are monitored and governed by their respective
represent an ownership interest in a corporation in the form of
governance functions.
domestic and foreign common stock or other equity-linked
Model risk is the potential for adverse consequences from
instruments. Instruments that would lead to this exposure include,
decisions based on incorrect or misused model outputs and
but are not limited to, the following: common stock, exchange-
reports. Given that models are used across the Corporation, model
traded funds, American Depositary Receipts, convertible bonds,
risk impacts all risk types including credit, market and operational
listed equity options (puts and calls), OTC equity options, equity
risk. The Enterprise Model Risk Committee (EMRC), a
total return swaps, equity index futures and other equity derivative
subcommittee of the MRC, is responsible for providing
products. Hedging instruments used to mitigate this risk include
management oversight and approval of model risk management
options, futures, swaps, convertible bonds and cash positions.
and governance. The EMRC defines model risk standards,
consistent with the Corporation’s Risk Framework and risk Commodity Risk
appetite, prevailing regulatory guidance and industry best practice. Commodity risk represents exposures to instruments traded in
All models, including risk management, valuation and regulatory the petroleum, natural gas, power and metals markets. These
capital models, must meet certain validation criteria, including instruments consist primarily of futures, forwards, swaps and
effective challenge of the conceptual soundness of the model, options. Hedging instruments used to mitigate this risk include
independent model testing and ongoing monitoring through options, futures and swaps in the same or similar commodity
outcomes analysis and benchmarking. The EMRC oversees that product, as well as cash positions.
model standards are consistent with model risk requirements and
monitors the effective challenge in the model validation process Issuer Credit Risk
across the Corporation. Issuer credit risk represents exposures to changes in the
creditworthiness of individual issuers or groups of issuers. Our
Interest Rate Risk portfolio is exposed to issuer credit risk where the value of an
Interest rate risk represents exposures to instruments whose asset may be adversely impacted by changes in the levels of credit
values vary with the level or volatility of interest rates. These spreads, by credit migration or by defaults. Hedging instruments
instruments include, but are not limited to, loans, debt securities,
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used to mitigate this risk include bonds, CDS and other credit In order for the VaR model to reflect current market conditions, we
fixed-income instruments. update the historical data underlying our VaR model on a weekly
basis, or more frequently during periods of market stress, and
Market Liquidity Risk regularly review the assumptions underlying the model. A minor
Market liquidity risk represents the risk that the level of expected portion of risks related to our trading positions is not included in
market activity changes dramatically and, in certain cases, may VaR. These risks are reviewed as part of our ICAAP. For more
even cease. This exposes us to the risk that we will not be able information regarding ICAAP, see Capital Management on page 66.
to transact business and execute trades in an orderly manner Global Risk Management continually reviews, evaluates and
which may impact our results. This impact could be further enhances our VaR model so that it reflects the material risks in
exacerbated if expected hedging or pricing correlations are our trading portfolio. Changes to the VaR model are reviewed and
compromised by disproportionate demand or lack of demand for approved prior to implementation and any material changes are
certain instruments. We utilize various risk mitigating techniques reported to management through the appropriate management
as discussed in more detail in Trading Risk Management. committees.
Trading limits on quantitative risk measures, including VaR, are
Trading Risk Management independently set by Global Markets Risk Management and
To evaluate risks in our trading activities, we focus on the actual reviewed on a regular basis so that trading limits remain relevant
and potential volatility of revenues generated by individual and within our overall risk appetite for market risks. Trading limits
positions as well as portfolios of positions. Various techniques are reviewed in the context of market liquidity, volatility and
and procedures are utilized to enable the most complete strategic business priorities. Trading limits are set at both a
understanding of these risks. Quantitative measures of market granular level to allow for extensive coverage of risks as well as
risk are evaluated on a daily basis from a single position to the at aggregated portfolios to account for correlations among risk
portfolio of the Corporation. These measures include sensitivities factors. All trading limits are approved at least annually. Approved
of positions to various market risk factors, such as the potential trading limits are stored and tracked in a centralized limits
impact on revenue from a one basis point change in interest rates, management system. Trading limit excesses are communicated
and statistical measures utilizing both actual and hypothetical to management for review. Certain quantitative market risk
market moves, such as VaR and stress testing. Periods of extreme measures and corresponding limits have been identified as critical
market stress influence the reliability of these techniques to in the Corporation’s Risk Appetite Statement. These risk appetite
varying degrees. Qualitative evaluations of market risk utilize the limits are reported on a daily basis and are approved at least
suite of quantitative risk measures while understanding each of annually by the ERC and the Board.
their respective limitations. Additionally, risk managers In periods of market stress, Global Markets senior leadership
independently evaluate the risk of the portfolios under the current communicates daily to discuss losses, key risk positions and any
market environment and potential future environments. limit excesses. As a result of this process, the businesses may
VaR is a common statistic used to measure market risk as it selectively reduce risk.
allows the aggregation of market risk factors, including the effects Table 45 presents the total market-based portfolio VaR which
of portfolio diversification. A VaR model simulates the value of a is the combination of the total covered positions (and less liquid
portfolio under a range of scenarios in order to generate a trading positions) portfolio and the fair value option portfolio.
distribution of potential gains and losses. VaR represents the loss Covered positions are defined by regulatory standards as trading
a portfolio is not expected to exceed more than a certain number assets and liabilities, both on- and off-balance sheet, that meet a
of times per period, based on a specified holding period, defined set of specifications. These specifications identify the
confidence level and window of historical data. We use one VaR most liquid trading positions which are intended to be held for a
model consistently across the trading portfolios and it uses a short-term horizon and where we are able to hedge the material
historical simulation approach based on a three-year window of risk elements in a two-way market. Positions in less liquid markets,
historical data. Our primary VaR statistic is equivalent to a 99 or where there are restrictions on the ability to trade the positions,
percent confidence level, which means that for a VaR with a one- typically do not qualify as covered positions. Foreign exchange and
day holding period, there should not be losses in excess of VaR, commodity positions are always considered covered positions,
on average, 99 out of 100 trading days. except for structural foreign currency positions that are excluded
Within any VaR model, there are significant and numerous with prior regulatory approval. In addition, Table 45 presents our
assumptions that will differ from company to company. The fair value option portfolio, which includes substantially all of the
accuracy of a VaR model depends on the availability and quality funded and unfunded exposures for which we elect the fair value
of historical data for each of the risk factors in the portfolio. A VaR option, and their corresponding hedges. Additionally, market risk
model may require additional modeling assumptions for new VaR for trading activities as presented in Table 45 differs from VaR
products that do not have the necessary historical market data or used for regulatory capital calculations due to the holding period
for less liquid positions for which accurate daily prices are not being used. The holding period for VaR used for regulatory capital
consistently available. For positions with insufficient historical calculations is 10 days, while for the market risk VaR presented
data for the VaR calculation, the process for establishing an below, it is one day. Both measures utilize the same process and
appropriate proxy is based on fundamental and statistical analysis methodology.
of the new product or less liquid position. This analysis identifies The total market-based portfolio VaR results in Table 45 include
reasonable alternatives that replicate both the expected volatility market risk to which we are exposed from all business segments,
and correlation to other market risk factors that the missing data excluding credit valuation adjustment (CVA), DVA and related
would be expected to experience. hedges. The majority of this portfolio is within the Global Markets
VaR may not be indicative of realized revenue volatility as segment.
changes in market conditions or in the composition of the portfolio Table 45 presents year-end, average, high and low daily trading
can have a material impact on the results. In particular, the VaR for 2019 and 2018 using a 99 percent confidence level. The
historical data used for the VaR calculation might indicate higher amounts disclosed in Table 45 and Table 46 align to the view of
or lower levels of portfolio diversification than will be experienced. covered positions used in the Basel 3 capital calculations. Foreign
Bank of America 2019 93
exchange and commodity positions are always considered covered The annual average of total covered positions and less liquid
positions, regardless of trading or banking treatment for the trade, trading positions portfolio VaR slightly increased during 2019 with
except for structural foreign currency positions that are excluded no significant drivers.
with prior regulatory approval.

Table 45 Market Risk VaR for Trading Activities

2019 2018
Year Year
(Dollars in millions) End Average High (1) Low (1) End Average High (1) Low (1)
Foreign exchange $ 4 $ 6 $ 13 $ 2 $ 9 $ 8 $ 15 $ 2
Interest rate 25 24 49 14 36 25 45 15
Credit 26 23 32 16 26 25 31 20
Equity 29 22 33 14 20 20 40 11
Commodities 4 6 31 4 13 8 15 3
Portfolio diversification (47) (49) — — (59) (55) — —
Total covered positions portfolio 41 32 47 24 45 31 45 20
Impact from less liquid exposures — 3 — — 5 3 — —
Total covered positions and less liquid trading positions portfolio 41 35 53 27 50 34 51 23
Fair value option loans 8 10 13 7 8 11 18 8
Fair value option hedges 10 10 17 4 5 9 17 4
Fair value option portfolio diversification (9) (10) — — (7) (11) — —
Total fair value option portfolio 9 10 16 5 6 9 16 5
Portfolio diversification (5) (7) — — (3) (5) — —
Total market-based portfolio $ 45 $ 38 56 28 $ 53 $ 38 57 26
(1) The high and low for each portfolio may have occurred on different trading days than the high and low for the components. Therefore the impact from less liquid exposures and the amount of portfolio

diversification, which is the difference between the total portfolio and the sum of the individual components, is not relevant.

The graph below presents the daily covered positions and less liquid trading positions portfolio VaR for 2019, corresponding to the
data in Table 45.

Additional VaR statistics produced within our single VaR model are provided in Table 46 at the same level of detail as in Table 45.
Evaluating VaR with additional statistics allows for an increased understanding of the risks in the portfolio as the historical market
data used in the VaR calculation does not necessarily follow a predefined statistical distribution. Table 46 presents average trading
VaR statistics at 99 percent and 95 percent confidence levels for 2019 and 2018.

Table 46 Average Market Risk VaR for Trading Activities – 99 percent and 95 percent VaR Statistics
2019 2018
(Dollars in millions) 99 percent 95 percent 99 percent 95 percent
Foreign exchange $ 6 $ 3 $ 8 $ 5
Interest rate 24 15 25 16
Credit 23 15 25 15
Equity 22 11 20 11
Commodities 6 3 8 4
Portfolio diversification (49) (29) (55) (33)
Total covered positions portfolio 32 18 31 18
Impact from less liquid exposures 3 2 3 1
Total covered positions and less liquid trading positions portfolio 35 20 34 19
Fair value option loans 10 5 11 6
Fair value option hedges 10 6 9 6
Fair value option portfolio diversification (10) (5) (11) (7)
Total fair value option portfolio 10 6 9 5
Portfolio diversification (7) (5) (5) (3)
Total market-based portfolio $ 38 $ 21 $ 38 $ 21

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The accuracy of the VaR methodology is evaluated by backtesting,
which compares the daily VaR results, utilizing a one-day holding
period, against a comparable subset of trading revenue. A
backtesting excess occurs when a trading loss exceeds the VaR
for the corresponding day. These excesses are evaluated to
understand the positions and market moves that produced the
trading loss with a goal to ensure that the VaR methodology
accurately represents those losses. We expect the frequency of
trading losses in excess of VaR to be in line with the confidence
level of the VaR statistic being tested. For example, with a 99
percent confidence level, we expect one trading loss in excess of
VaR every 100 days or between two to three trading losses in
excess of VaR over the course of a year. The number of backtesting
Trading Portfolio Stress Testing
Because the very nature of a VaR model suggests results can
excesses observed can differ from the statistically expected
exceed our estimates and it is dependent on a limited historical
number of excesses if the current level of market volatility is
window, we also stress test our portfolio using scenario analysis.
materially different than the level of market volatility that existed
This analysis estimates the change in the value of our trading
during the three years of historical data used in the VaR calculation.
portfolio that may result from abnormal market movements.
The trading revenue used for backtesting is defined by
A set of scenarios, categorized as either historical or
regulatory agencies in order to most closely align with the VaR
hypothetical, are computed daily for the overall trading portfolio
component of the regulatory capital calculation. This revenue
and individual businesses. These scenarios include shocks to
differs from total trading-related revenue in that it excludes revenue
underlying market risk factors that may be well beyond the shocks
from trading activities that either do not generate market risk or
found in the historical data used to calculate VaR. Historical
the market risk cannot be included in VaR. Some examples of the
scenarios simulate the impact of the market moves that occurred
types of revenue excluded for backtesting are fees, commissions,
during a period of extended historical market stress. Generally, a
reserves, net interest income and intra-day trading revenues.
multi-week period representing the most severe point during a
We conduct daily backtesting on the VaR results used for
crisis is selected for each historical scenario. Hypothetical
regulatory capital calculations as well as the VaR results for key
scenarios provide estimated portfolio impacts from potential
legal entities, regions and risk factors. These results are reported
future market stress events. Scenarios are reviewed and updated
to senior market risk management. Senior management regularly
in response to changing positions and new economic or political
reviews and evaluates the results of these tests.
information. In addition, new or ad hoc scenarios are developed
During 2019, there were no days in which there was a
to address specific potential market events or particular
backtesting excess for our total covered portfolio VaR, utilizing a
vulnerabilities in the portfolio. The stress tests are reviewed on a
one-day holding period.
regular basis and the results are presented to senior management.
Total Trading-related Revenue Stress testing for the trading portfolio is integrated with
Total trading-related revenue, excluding brokerage fees, and CVA, enterprise-wide stress testing and incorporated into the limits
DVA and funding valuation adjustment gains (losses), represents framework. The macroeconomic scenarios used for enterprise-
the total amount earned from trading positions, including market- wide stress testing purposes differ from the typical trading portfolio
based net interest income, which are taken in a diverse range of scenarios in that they have a longer time horizon and the results
financial instruments and markets. Trading account assets and are forecasted over multiple periods for use in consolidated capital
liabilities are reported at fair value. For more information on fair and liquidity planning. For more information, see Managing Risk
value, see Note 21 – Fair Value Measurements to the Consolidated on page 63.
Financial Statements. Trading-related revenue can be volatile and
is largely driven by general market conditions and customer Interest Rate Risk Management for the Banking
demand. Also, trading-related revenue is dependent on the volume Book
and type of transactions, the level of risk assumed, and the The following discussion presents net interest income for banking
volatility of price and rate movements at any given time within the book activities.
ever-changing market environment. Significant daily revenue by Interest rate risk represents the most significant market risk
business is monitored and the primary drivers of these are exposure to our banking book balance sheet. Interest rate risk is
reviewed. measured as the potential change in net interest income caused
The following histogram is a graphic depiction of trading by movements in market interest rates. Client-facing activities,
volatility and illustrates the daily level of trading-related revenue primarily lending and deposit-taking, create interest rate sensitive
for 2019 and 2018. During 2019, positive trading-related revenue positions on our balance sheet.
was recorded for 98 percent of the trading days, of which 80 We prepare forward-looking forecasts of net interest income.
percent were daily trading gains of over $25 million, and the largest The baseline forecast takes into consideration expected future
loss was $35 million. This compares to 2018 where positive business growth, ALM positioning and the direction of interest rate
trading-related revenue was recorded for 98 percent of the trading movements as implied by the market-based forward curve. We
days, of which 79 percent were daily trading gains of over $25 then measure and evaluate the impact that alternative interest
million. rate scenarios have on the baseline forecast in order to assess
interest rate sensitivity under varied conditions. The net interest
income forecast is frequently updated for changing assumptions
and differing outlooks based on economic trends, market
conditions and business strategies. Thus, we continually monitor

Bank of America 2019 95

our balance sheet position in order to maintain an acceptable level changes in interest rates. As part of our ALM activities, we use
of exposure to interest rate changes. securities, certain residential mortgages, and interest rate and
The interest rate scenarios that we analyze incorporate balance foreign exchange derivatives in managing interest rate sensitivity.
sheet assumptions such as loan and deposit growth and pricing, The behavior of our deposits portfolio in the baseline forecast
changes in funding mix, product repricing, maturity characteristics and in alternate interest rate scenarios is a key assumption in our
and investment securities premium amortization. Our overall goal projected estimates of net interest income. The sensitivity analysis
is to manage interest rate risk so that movements in interest rates in Table 48 assumes no change in deposit portfolio size or mix
do not significantly adversely affect earnings and capital. from the baseline forecast in alternate rate environments. In higher
Table 47 presents the spot and 12-month forward rates used rate scenarios, any customer activity resulting in the replacement
in our baseline forecasts at December 31, 2019 and 2018. of low-cost or noninterest-bearing deposits with higher yielding
deposits or market-based funding would reduce our benefit in
those scenarios.
Table 47 Forward Rates
December 31, 2019
Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Derivative
Federal Three-month 10-Year Contracts
Funds LIBOR Swap Interest rate and foreign exchange derivative contracts are utilized
Spot rates 1.75% 1.91% 1.90% in our ALM activities and serve as an efficient tool to manage our
12-month forward rates 1.50 1.62 1.92 interest rate and foreign exchange risk. We use derivatives to
hedge the variability in cash flows or changes in fair value on our
December 31, 2018
Spot rates 2.50% 2.81% 2.71%
balance sheet due to interest rate and foreign exchange
12-month forward rates 2.50 2.64 2.75 components. For more information on our hedging activities, see
Note 3 – Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Table 48 shows the pretax impact to forecasted net interest Our interest rate contracts are generally non-leveraged generic
income over the next 12 months from December 31, 2019 and interest rate and foreign exchange basis swaps, options, futures
2018, resulting from instantaneous parallel and non-parallel and forwards. In addition, we use foreign exchange contracts,
shocks to the market-based forward curve. Periodically we evaluate including cross-currency interest rate swaps, foreign currency
the scenarios presented so that they are meaningful in the context futures contracts, foreign currency forward contracts and options
of the current rate environment. to mitigate the foreign exchange risk associated with foreign
During 2019, the asset sensitivity of our balance sheet currency-denominated assets and liabilities.
increased primarily due to decreases in interest rates. We continue Changes to the composition of our derivatives portfolio during
to be asset sensitive to a parallel move in interest rates with the 2019 reflect actions taken for interest rate and foreign exchange
majority of that impact coming from the short end of the yield rate risk management. The decisions to reposition our derivatives
curve. Additionally, higher interest rates impact the fair value of portfolio are based on the current assessment of economic and
debt securities and, accordingly, for debt securities classified as financial conditions including the interest rate and foreign currency
available for sale (AFS), may adversely affect accumulated other environments, balance sheet composition and trends, and the
comprehensive income (OCI) and thus capital levels under the relative mix of our cash and derivative positions.
Basel 3 capital rules. Under instantaneous upward parallel shifts, We use interest rate derivative instruments to hedge the
the near-term adverse impact to Basel 3 capital is reduced over variability in the cash flows of our assets and liabilities and other
time by offsetting positive impacts to net interest income. For more forecasted transactions (collectively referred to as cash flow
information on Basel 3, see Capital Management – Regulatory hedges). The net losses on both open and terminated cash flow
Capital on page 67. hedge derivative instruments recorded in accumulated OCI were
$496 million and $1.3 billion, on a pretax basis, at December 31,
2019 and 2018. These net losses are expected to be reclassified
Table 48 Estimated Banking Book Net Interest Income into earnings in the same period as the hedged cash flows affect
Sensitivity to Curve Changes earnings and will decrease income or increase expense on the
respective hedged cash flows. Assuming no change in open cash
Short Long
December 31
flow derivative hedge positions and no changes in prices or interest
Rate Rate
(Dollars in millions) (bps) (bps) 2019 2018
rates beyond what is implied in forward yield curves at December
Parallel Shifts 31, 2019, the pretax net losses are expected to be reclassified
+100 bps into earnings as follows: 17 percent within the next year, 44 percent
instantaneous shift +100 +100 $ 4,190 $ 2,833 in years two through five, 22 percent in years six through ten, with
-100 bps the remaining 17 percent thereafter. For more information on
instantaneous shift -100 -100 (6,536) (4,280)
derivatives designated as cash flow hedges, see Note 3 –
Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
instantaneous change +100 — 2,641 2,158 We hedge our net investment in non-U.S. operations determined
Long-end to have functional currencies other than the U.S. dollar using
instantaneous change — -100 (2,965) (1,618) forward foreign exchange contracts that typically settle in less than
Steepeners 180 days, cross-currency basis swaps and foreign exchange
Short-end options. We recorded net after-tax losses on derivatives in
instantaneous change -100 — (3,527) (2,648)
accumulated OCI associated with net investment hedges which
instantaneous change — +100 1,561 675 were offset by gains on our net investments in consolidated non-
U.S. entities at December 31, 2019.
The sensitivity analysis in Table 48 assumes that we take no Table 49 presents derivatives utilized in our ALM activities and
action in response to these rate shocks and does not assume any shows the notional amount, fair value, weighted-average receive-
change in other macroeconomic variables normally correlated with fixed and pay-fixed rates, expected maturity and average estimated
9696Bank of America
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durations of our open ALM derivatives at December 31, 2019 and swaps increased while pay-fixed interest rate swaps decreased,
2018. These amounts do not include derivative hedges on our driven by lower swap rates.
MSRs. During 2019, the fair value of receive-fixed interest rate

Table 49 Asset and Liability Management Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Contracts
December 31, 2019
Expected Maturity
(Dollars in millions, average estimated duration in Fair Estimated
years) Value Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Thereafter Duration
Receive-fixed interest rate swaps (1) $ 12,370 6.47
Notional amount $215,123 $ 16,347 $ 14,642 $ 21,616 $ 36,356 $ 21,257 $104,905
Weighted-average fixed-rate 2.68% 2.68% 3.17% 2.48% 2.36% 2.55% 2.79%
Pay-fixed interest rate swaps (1) (2,669) 6.99
Notional amount $ 69,586 $ 4,344 $ 2,117 $ — $ 13,993 $ 8,194 $ 40,938
Weighted-average fixed-rate 2.36% 2.16% 2.15% —% 2.52% 2.26% 2.35%
Same-currency basis swaps (2) (290)
Notional amount $152,160 $ 18,857 $ 18,590 $ 4,306 $ 2,017 $ 14,567 $ 93,823
Foreign exchange basis swaps (1, 3, 4) (1,258)
Notional amount 113,529 23,639 24,215 14,611 7,111 3,521 40,432
Foreign exchange contracts (1, 4, 5) 414
Notional amount (6) (53,106) (79,315) 4,539 2,674 2,340 4,432 12,224
Option products —
Notional amount 15 — — — 15 — —
Net ALM contracts $ 8,567

December 31, 2018

Expected Maturity
(Dollars in millions, average estimated duration Fair Estimated
in years) Value Total 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Thereafter Duration
Receive-fixed interest rate swaps (1) $ 2,128 5.17
Notional amount $198,914 $ 27,176 $ 16,347 $ 14,640 $ 19,866 $ 36,215 $ 84,670
Weighted-average fixed-rate 2.66% 1.87% 2.68% 3.17% 2.56% 2.37% 2.97%
Pay-fixed interest rate swaps (1) 295 6.30
Notional amount $ 49,275 $ 1,210 $ 4,344 $ 1,616 $ — $ 10,801 $ 31,304
Weighted-average fixed-rate 2.50% 2.07% 2.16% 2.22% —% 2.59% 2.55%
Same-currency basis swaps (2) 21
Notional amount $101,203 $ 7,628 $ 15,097 $ 15,493 $ 2,586 $ 2,017 $ 58,382
Foreign exchange basis swaps (1, 3, 4) (1,716)
Notional amount 106,742 13,946 21,448 19,241 10,239 6,260 35,608
Foreign exchange contracts (1, 4, 5) 82
Notional amount (6) (8,447) (27,823) 13 4,196 2,741 2,448 9,978
Option products 2
Notional amount 587 572 — — — 15 —
Net ALM contracts $ 812
(1) Does not include basis adjustments on either fixed-rate debt issued by the Corporation or AFS debt securities, which are hedged using derivatives designated as fair value hedging instruments, that
substantially offset the fair values of these derivatives.
(2) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the notional amount of same-currency basis swaps included $152.2 billion and $101.2 billion in both foreign currency and U.S. dollar-denominated basis swaps
in which both sides of the swap are in the same currency.
(3) Foreign exchange basis swaps consisted of cross-currency variable interest rate swaps used separately or in conjunction with receive-fixed interest rate swaps.
(4) Does not include foreign currency translation adjustments on certain non-U.S. debt issued by the Corporation that substantially offset the fair values of these derivatives.
(5) The notional amount of foreign exchange contracts of $(53.1) billion at December 31, 2019 was comprised of $29.0 billion in foreign currency-denominated and cross-currency receive-fixed swaps,
$(82.4) billion in net foreign currency forward rate contracts, $(313) million in foreign currency-denominated interest rate swaps and $644 million in net foreign currency futures contracts. Foreign
exchange contracts of $(8.4) billion at December 31, 2018 were comprised of $25.2 billion in foreign currency-denominated and cross-currency receive-fixed swaps, $(32.7) billion in net foreign
currency forward rate contracts, $(1.8) billion in foreign currency-denominated interest rate swaps and $814 million in foreign currency futures contracts.
(6) Reflects the net of long and short positions. Amounts shown as negative reflect a net short position.

Mortgage Banking Risk Management rates, the value of the MSRs will increase driven by lower
We originate, fund and service mortgage loans, which subject us prepayment expectations. Because the interest rate risks of these
to credit, liquidity and interest rate risks, among others. We hedged items offset, we combine them into one overall hedged
determine whether loans will be held for investment or held for item with one combined economic hedge portfolio consisting of
sale at the time of commitment and manage credit and liquidity derivative contracts and securities.
risks by selling or securitizing a portion of the loans we originate. During 2019, 2018 and 2017, we recorded gains of $291
Interest rate risk and market risk can be substantial in the million, $244 million and $118 million related to the change in
mortgage business. Changes in interest rates and other market fair value of the MSRs, IRLCs and LHFS, net of gains and losses
factors impact the volume of mortgage originations. Changes in on the hedge portfolio. For more information on MSRs, see Note
interest rates also impact the value of interest rate lock 21 – Fair Value Measurements to the Consolidated Financial
commitments (IRLCs) and the related residential first mortgage Statements.
LHFS between the date of the IRLC and the date the loans are Compliance and Operational Risk Management
sold to the secondary market. An increase in mortgage interest Compliance risk is the risk of legal or regulatory sanctions, material
rates typically leads to a decrease in the value of these financial loss or damage to the reputation of the Corporation
instruments. Conversely, when there is an increase in interest arising from the failure of the Corporation to comply with the
Bank of America 2019 97
requirements of applicable laws, rules, regulations and our internal comprehensive information security program designed to protect
policies and procedures (collectively, applicable laws, rules and the Corporation by enabling preventative, detective and responsive
regulations). measures to combat information and cybersecurity risks. The
Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate Board and the ERC provide cybersecurity and information security
or failed processes, people and systems or from external events. risk oversight for the Corporation and our Global Information
Operational risk may occur anywhere in the Corporation, including Security Team manages the day-to-day implementation of our
third-party business processes, and is not limited to operations information security program.
functions. Effects may extend beyond financial losses and may
result in reputational risk impacts. Operational risk includes legal Reputational Risk Management
risk. Additionally, operational risk is a component in the calculation Reputational risk is the risk that negative perceptions of the
of total risk-weighted assets used in the Basel 3 capital Corporation’s conduct or business practices may adversely impact
calculation. For more information on Basel 3 calculations, see its profitability or operations. Reputational risk may result from
Capital Management on page 66. many of the Corporation’s activities, including those related to the
FLUs and control functions are first and foremost responsible management of our strategic, operational, compliance and credit
for managing all aspects of their businesses, including their risks.
compliance and operational risk. FLUs and control functions are The Corporation manages reputational risk through
required to understand their business processes and related risks established policies and controls in its businesses and risk
and controls, including third-party dependencies, the related management processes to mitigate reputational risks in a timely
regulatory requirements, and monitor and report on the manner and through proactive monitoring and identification of
effectiveness of the control environment. In order to actively potential reputational risk events. If reputational risk events occur,
monitor and assess the performance of their processes and we focus on remediating the underlying issue and taking action to
controls, they must conduct comprehensive quality assurance minimize damage to the Corporation’s reputation. The Corporation
activities and identify issues and risks to remediate control gaps has processes and procedures in place to respond to events that
and weaknesses. FLUs and control functions must also adhere to give rise to reputational risk, including educating individuals and
compliance and operational risk appetite limits to meet strategic, organizations that influence public opinion, implementing external
capital and financial planning objectives. Finally, FLUs and control communication strategies to mitigate the risk, and informing key
functions are responsible for the proactive identification, stakeholders of potential reputational risks. The Corporation’s
management and escalation of compliance and operational risks organization and governance structure provides oversight of
across the Corporation. reputational risks, and reputational risk reporting is provided
Global Compliance and Operational Risk teams independently regularly and directly to management and the ERC, which provides
assess compliance and operational risk, monitor business primary oversight of reputational risk. In addition, each FLU has a
activities and processes, evaluate FLUs and control functions for committee, which includes representatives from Compliance,
adherence to applicable laws, rules and regulations, including Legal and Risk, that is responsible for the oversight of reputational
identifying issues and risks, determining and developing tests to risk. Such committees’ oversight includes providing approval for
be conducted by the Enterprise Independent Testing unit, and business activities that present elevated levels of reputational
reporting on the state of the control environment. Enterprise risks.
Independent Testing, an independent testing function within IRM,
works with Global Compliance and Operational Risk, the FLUs and Complex Accounting Estimates
control functions in the identification of testing needs and test Our significant accounting principles, as described in Note 1 -
design, and is accountable for test execution, reporting and Summary of Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated
analysis of results. Financial Statements, are essential in understanding the MD&A.
Corporate Audit provides independent assessment and Many of our significant accounting principles require complex
validation through testing of key compliance and operational risk judgments to estimate the values of assets and liabilities. We
processes and controls across the Corporation. have procedures and processes in place to facilitate making these
The Corporation's Global Compliance Enterprise Policy and judgments.
Operational Risk Management - Enterprise Policy set the The more judgmental estimates are summarized in the following
requirements for reporting compliance and operational risk discussion. We have identified and described the development of
information to executive management as well as the Board or the variables most important in the estimation processes that
appropriate Board-level committees in support of Global involve mathematical models to derive the estimates. In many
Compliance and Operational Risk’s responsibilities for conducting cases, there are numerous alternative judgments that could be
independent oversight of our compliance and operational risk used in the process of determining the inputs to the models. Where
management activities. The Board provides oversight of alternatives exist, we have used the factors that we believe
compliance risk through its Audit Committee and the ERC, and represent the most reasonable value in developing the inputs.
operational risk through the ERC. Actual performance that differs from our estimates of the key
A key operational risk facing the Corporation is information variables could materially impact our results of operations.
security, which includes cybersecurity. Cybersecurity risk Separate from the possible future impact to our results of
represents, among other things, exposure to failures or operations from input and model variables, the value of our lending
interruptions of service or breaches of security, including as a portfolio and market-sensitive assets and liabilities may change
result of malicious technological attacks, that impact the subsequent to the balance sheet date, often significantly, due to
confidentiality, availability or integrity of our, or third the nature and magnitude of future credit and market conditions.
parties' (including their downstream service providers, the Such credit and market conditions may change quickly and in
financial services industry and financial data aggregators) unforeseen ways and the resulting volatility could have a
operations, systems or data, including sensitive corporate and significant, negative effect on future operating results. These
customer information. The Corporation manages information fluctuations would not be indicative of deficiencies in our models
security risk in accordance with internal policies which govern our or inputs.

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Allowance for Credit Losses information, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting
The allowance for credit losses, which includes the allowance for Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
loan and lease losses and the reserve for unfunded lending
commitments, represents management’s estimate of probable Fair Value of Financial Instruments
incurred credit losses in the Corporation’s loan and lease portfolio Under applicable accounting standards, we are required to
excluding those loans accounted for under the fair value option. maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of
The allowance for credit losses includes both quantitative and unobservable inputs in measuring fair value. We classify fair value
qualitative components. The qualitative component has a higher measurements of financial instruments and MSRs based on the
degree of management subjectivity, and includes factors such as three-level fair value hierarchy in the accounting standards.
concentrations, economic conditions and other considerations. The fair values of assets and liabilities may include
Our process for determining the allowance for credit losses is adjustments, such as market liquidity and credit quality, where
discussed in Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles appropriate. Valuations of products using models or other
to the Consolidated Financial Statements. techniques are sensitive to assumptions used for the significant
Our estimate for the allowance for loan and lease losses is inputs. Where market data is available, the inputs used for
sensitive to the loss rates and expected cash flows from our valuation reflect that information as of our valuation date. Inputs
Consumer Real Estate and Credit Card and Other Consumer to valuation models are considered unobservable if they are
portfolio segments, as well as our U.S. small business commercial supported by little or no market activity. In periods of extreme
card portfolio within the Commercial portfolio segment. For each volatility, lessened liquidity or in illiquid markets, there may be
one-percent increase in the loss rates on loans collectively more variability in market pricing or a lack of market data to use
evaluated for impairment in our Consumer Real Estate portfolio in the valuation process. In keeping with the prudent application
segment, coupled with a one-percent decrease in the discounted of estimates and management judgment in determining the fair
cash flows on those loans individually evaluated for impairment value of assets and liabilities, we have in place various processes
within this portfolio segment, the allowance for loan and lease and controls that include: a model validation policy that requires
losses at December 31, 2019 would have increased $18 million. review and approval of quantitative models used for deal pricing,
Within our Credit Card and Other Consumer portfolio segment and financial statement fair value determination and risk
U.S. small business commercial card portfolio, for each one- quantification; a trading product valuation policy that requires
percent increase in the loss rates on loans collectively evaluated verification of all traded product valuations; and a periodic review
for impairment coupled with a one-percent decrease in the and substantiation of daily profit and loss reporting for all traded
expected cash flows on those loans individually evaluated for products. Primarily through validation controls, we utilize both
impairment, the allowance for loan and lease losses at December broker and pricing service inputs which can and do include both
31, 2019 would have increased $46 million. market-observable and internally-modeled values and/or valuation
Our allowance for loan and lease losses is sensitive to the risk inputs. Our reliance on this information is affected by our
ratings assigned to loans and leases within the Commercial understanding of how the broker and/or pricing service develops
portfolio segment (excluding the U.S. small business commercial its data with a higher degree of reliance applied to those that are
card portfolio). Assuming a downgrade of one level in the internal more directly observable and lesser reliance applied to those
risk ratings for commercial loans and leases, except loans and developed through their own internal modeling. For example, broker
leases already classified as Substandard and Doubtful as defined quotes in less active markets may only be indicative and therefore
by regulatory authorities, the allowance for loan and lease losses less reliable. These processes and controls are performed
would have increased $2.6 billion at December 31, 2019. independently of the business. For more information, see Note 21
The allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of – Fair Value Measurements and Note 22 – Fair Value Option to the
total loans and leases at December 31, 2019 was 0.97 percent Consolidated Financial Statements.
and these hypothetical increases in the allowance would raise the
Level 3 Assets and Liabilities
ratio to 1.24 percent.
Financial assets and liabilities, and MSRs, where values are based
These sensitivity analyses do not represent management’s
on valuation techniques that require inputs that are both
expectations of the deterioration in risk ratings or the increases
unobservable and are significant to the overall fair value
in loss rates but are provided as hypothetical scenarios to assess
measurement are classified as Level 3 under the fair value
the sensitivity of the allowance for loan and lease losses to
hierarchy established in applicable accounting standards. The fair
changes in key inputs. We believe the risk ratings and loss
value of these Level 3 financial assets and liabilities and MSRs
severities currently in use are appropriate and that the probability
is determined using pricing models, discounted cash flow
of the alternative scenarios outlined above occurring within a short
methodologies or similar techniques for which the determination
period of time is remote.
of fair value requires significant management judgment or
The process of determining the level of the allowance for credit
losses requires a high degree of judgment. It is possible that
Level 3 financial instruments may be hedged with derivatives
others, given the same information, may at any point in time reach
classified as Level 1 or 2; therefore, gains or losses associated
different reasonable conclusions.
with Level 3 financial instruments may be offset by gains or losses
The processes, judgments and estimates described herein
associated with financial instruments classified in other levels of
relate to the accounting standard in effect through December 31,
the fair value hierarchy. The Level 3 gains and losses recorded in
2019. On January 1, 2020, the Corporation adopted the new
earnings did not have a significant impact on our liquidity or capital.
accounting standard that requires the measurement of the
We conduct a review of our fair value hierarchy classifications on
allowance for credit losses to be based on management’s best
a quarterly basis. Transfers into or out of Level 3 are made if the
estimate of lifetime expected credit losses inherent in the
significant inputs used in the financial models measuring the fair
Corporation’s relevant financial assets. The Corporation’s lifetime
values of the assets and liabilities became unobservable or
expected credit losses are determined using macroeconomic
observable, respectively, in the current marketplace. For more
forecast assumptions and management judgments applicable to
information on transfers into and out of Level 3 during 2019, 2018
and through the expected life of the loan portfolios. For more
Bank of
of America
America 2019
2019 99
and 2017, see Note 21 – Fair Value Measurements to the See Note 20 – Income Taxes to the Consolidated Financial
Consolidated Financial Statements. Statements for a table of significant tax attributes and additional
information. For more information, see Item 1A. Risk Factors of
Accrued Income Taxes and Deferred Tax Assets our 2019 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Accrued income taxes, reported as a component of either other
assets or accrued expenses and other liabilities on the Goodwill and Intangible Assets
Consolidated Balance Sheet, represent the net amount of current The nature of and accounting for goodwill and intangible assets
income taxes we expect to pay to or receive from various taxing are discussed in Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting
jurisdictions attributable to our operations to date. We currently Principles, and Note 8 – Goodwill and Intangible Assets to the
file income tax returns in more than 100 jurisdictions and consider Consolidated Financial Statements.
many factors, including statutory, judicial and regulatory guidance, We completed our annual goodwill impairment test as of June
in estimating the appropriate accrued income taxes for each 30, 2019 for all of our reporting units that had goodwill. We
jurisdiction. performed that test by assessing qualitative factors to determine
Net deferred tax assets, reported as a component of other whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of each reporting
assets on the Consolidated Balance Sheet, represent the net unit is less than its respective carrying value. Factors considered
decrease in taxes expected to be paid in the future because of in the qualitative assessments include, among other things,
net operating loss (NOL) and tax credit carryforwards and because macroeconomic conditions, industry and market considerations,
of future reversals of temporary differences in the bases of assets financial performance of the respective reporting unit and other
and liabilities as measured by tax laws and their bases as reported relevant entity- and reporting-unit specific considerations. If based
in the financial statements. NOL and tax credit carryforwards result on the results of the qualitative assessment, it is more likely than
in reductions to future tax liabilities, and many of these attributes not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying
can expire if not utilized within certain periods. We consider the value, a quantitative assessment is performed.
need for valuation allowances to reduce net deferred tax assets Based on our qualitative assessments, we determined that for
to the amounts that we estimate are more likely than not to be each reporting unit with goodwill, it was more likely than not that
realized. its respective fair value exceeded its carrying value, indicating
Consistent with the applicable accounting guidance, we monitor there was no impairment. For more information regarding goodwill
relevant tax authorities and change our estimates of accrued balances at June 30, 2019, see Note 8 – Goodwill and Intangible
income taxes and/or net deferred tax assets due to changes in Assets to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
income tax laws and their interpretation by the courts and
regulatory authorities. These revisions of our estimates, which Certain Contingent Liabilities
also may result from our income tax planning and from the For more information on the complex judgments associated with
resolution of income tax audit matters, may be material to our certain contingent liabilities, see Note 13 – Commitments and
operating results for any given period. Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

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Non-GAAP Reconciliations
Tables 50 and 51 provide reconciliations of certain non-GAAP financial measures to GAAP financial measures.

Table 50 Five-year Reconciliations to GAAP Financial Measures (1)

(Dollars in millions, shares in thousands) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Reconciliation of average shareholders’ equity to average tangible shareholders’ equity and
average tangible common shareholders’ equity
Shareholders’ equity $ 267,889 $ 264,748 $ 271,289 $ 265,843 $ 251,384
Goodwill (68,951) (68,951) (69,286) (69,750) (69,772)
Intangible assets (excluding MSRs) (1,721) (2,058) (2,652) (3,382) (4,201)
Related deferred tax liabilities 773 906 1,463 1,644 1,852
Tangible shareholders’ equity $ 197,990 $ 194,645 $ 200,814 $ 194,355 $ 179,263
Preferred stock (23,036) (22,949) (24,188) (24,656) (21,808)
Tangible common shareholders’ equity $ 174,954 $ 171,696 $ 176,626 $ 169,699 $ 157,455
Reconciliation of year-end shareholders’ equity to year-end tangible shareholders’ equity and
year-end tangible common shareholders’ equity
Shareholders’ equity $ 264,810 $ 265,325 $ 267,146 $ 266,195 $ 255,615
Goodwill (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (69,744) (69,761)
Intangible assets (excluding MSRs) (1,661) (1,774) (2,312) (2,989) (3,768)
Related deferred tax liabilities 713 858 943 1,545 1,716
Tangible shareholders’ equity $ 194,911 $ 195,458 $ 196,826 $ 195,007 $ 183,802
Preferred stock (23,401) (22,326) (22,323) (25,220) (22,272)
Tangible common shareholders’ equity $ 171,510 $ 173,132 $ 174,503 $ 169,787 $ 161,530
Reconciliation of year-end assets to year-end tangible assets
Assets $ 2,434,079 $2,354,507 $2,281,234 $2,188,067 $2,144,606
Goodwill (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (69,744) (69,761)
Intangible assets (excluding MSRs) (1,661) (1,774) (2,312) (2,989) (3,768)
Related deferred tax liabilities 713 858 943 1,545 1,716
Tangible assets $ 2,364,180 $2,284,640 $2,210,914 $2,116,879 $2,072,793
(1) Presents reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to GAAP financial measures. For more information on non-GAAP financial measures and ratios we use in assessing the results of the
Corporation, see Supplemental Financial Data on page 48.

Table 51 Quarterly Reconciliations to GAAP Financial Measures (1)

2019 Quarters 2018 Quarters
(Dollars in millions) Fourth Third Second First Fourth Third Second First
Reconciliation of average shareholders’ equity to average tangible
shareholders’ equity and average tangible common shareholders’
Shareholders’ equity $ 266,900 $ 270,430 $ 267,975 $ 266,217 $ 263,698 $ 264,653 $ 265,181 $ 265,480
Goodwill (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951)
Intangible assets (excluding MSRs) (1,678) (1,707) (1,736) (1,763) (1,857) (1,992) (2,126) (2,261)
Related deferred tax liabilities 730 752 770 841 874 896 916 939
Tangible shareholders’ equity $ 197,001 $ 200,524 $ 198,058 $ 196,344 $ 193,764 $ 194,606 $ 195,020 $ 195,207
Preferred stock (23,461) (23,800) (22,537) (22,326) (22,326) (22,841) (23,868) (22,767)
Tangible common shareholders’ equity $ 173,540 $ 176,724 $ 175,521 $ 174,018 $ 171,438 $ 171,765 $ 171,152 $ 172,440
Reconciliation of period-end shareholders’ equity to period-end tangible
shareholders’ equity and period-end tangible common shareholders’
Shareholders’ equity $ 264,810 $ 268,387 $ 271,408 $ 267,010 $ 265,325 $ 262,158 $ 264,216 $ 266,224
Goodwill (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951)
Intangible assets (excluding MSRs) (1,661) (1,690) (1,718) (1,747) (1,774) (1,908) (2,043) (2,177)
Related deferred tax liabilities 713 734 756 773 858 878 900 920
Tangible shareholders’ equity $ 194,911 $ 198,480 $ 201,495 $ 197,085 $ 195,458 $ 192,177 $ 194,122 $ 196,016
Preferred stock (23,401) (23,606) (24,689) (22,326) (22,326) (22,326) (23,181) (24,672)
Tangible common shareholders’ equity $ 171,510 $ 174,874 $ 176,806 $ 174,759 $ 173,132 $ 169,851 $ 170,941 $ 171,344
Reconciliation of period-end assets to period-end tangible assets
Assets $ 2,434,079 $ 2,426,330 $2,395,892 $ 2,377,164 $ 2,354,507 $2,338,833 $ 2,291,670 $ 2,328,478
Goodwill (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951) (68,951)
Intangible assets (excluding MSRs) (1,661) (1,690) (1,718) (1,747) (1,774) (1,908) (2,043) (2,177)
Related deferred tax liabilities 713 734 756 773 858 878 900 920
Tangible assets $ 2,364,180 $ 2,356,423 $2,325,979 $ 2,307,239 $ 2,284,640 $2,268,852 $ 2,221,576 $ 2,258,270
(1) Presents reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to GAAP financial measures. For more information on non-GAAP financial measures and ratios we use in assessing the results of the
Corporation, see Supplemental Financial Data on page 48.

Bank of America 2019 101

Statistical Tables
Table of Contents
Table I – Outstanding Loans and Leases 102
Table II – Nonperforming Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties 103
Table III – Accruing Loans and Leases Past Due 90 Days or More 103
Table IV – Selected Loan Maturity Data 104
Table V – Allowance for Credit Losses 104
Table VI – Allocation of the Allowance for Credit Losses by Product Type 105

Table I Outstanding Loans and Leases

December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Residential mortgage $ 236,169 $ 208,557 $ 203,811 $ 191,797 $ 187,911
Home equity 40,208 48,286 57,744 66,443 75,948
Credit card 97,608 98,338 96,285 92,278 89,602
Non-U.S. credit card — — — 9,214 9,975
Direct/Indirect consumer (1) 90,998 91,166 96,342 95,962 90,149
Other consumer (2) 192 202 166 626 713
Total consumer loans excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option 465,175 446,549 454,348 456,320 454,298
Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option (3) 594 682 928 1,051 1,871
Total consumer 465,769 447,231 455,276 457,371 456,169
U.S. commercial 307,048 299,277 284,836 270,372 252,771
Non-U.S. commercial 104,966 98,776 97,792 89,397 91,549
Commercial real estate (4) 62,689 60,845 58,298 57,355 57,199
Commercial lease financing 19,880 22,534 22,116 22,375 21,352
494,583 481,432 463,042 439,499 422,871
U.S. small business commercial (5) 15,333 14,565 13,649 12,993 12,876
Total commercial loans excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option 509,916 495,997 476,691 452,492 435,747
Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option (3) 7,741 3,667 4,782 6,034 5,067
Total commercial 517,657 499,664 481,473 458,526 440,814
Less: Loans of business held for sale (6) — — — (9,214) —
Total loans and leases $ 983,426 $ 946,895 $ 936,749 $ 906,683 $ 896,983
(1) Includes primarily auto and specialty lending loans and leases of $50.4 billion, $50.1 billion, $52.4 billion, $50.7 billion and $43.9 billion, U.S. securities-based lending loans of $36.7 billion, $37.0
billion, $39.8 billion, $40.1 billion and $39.8 billion and non-U.S. consumer loans of $2.8 billion, $2.9 billion, $3.0 billion, $3.0 billion and $3.9 billion at December 31, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
and 2015, respectively.
(2) Substantially all of other consumer at December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 is consumer overdrafts. Other consumer at December 31, 2016 and 2015 also includes consumer finance loans of $465
million and $564 million, respectively.
(3) Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option include residential mortgage loans of $257 million, $336 million, $567 million, $710 million and $1.6 billion, and home equity loans of
$337 million, $346 million, $361 million, $341 million and $250 million at December 31, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value
option include U.S. commercial loans of $4.7 billion, $2.5 billion, $2.6 billion, $2.9 billion and $2.3 billion, and non-U.S. commercial loans of $3.1 billion, $1.1 billion, $2.2 billion, $3.1 billion and
$2.8 billion at December 31, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.
(4) Includes U.S. commercial real estate loans of $59.0 billion, $56.6 billion, $54.8 billion, $54.3 billion and $53.6 billion, and non-U.S. commercial real estate loans of $3.7 billion, $4.2 billion, $3.5
billion, $3.1 billion and $3.5 billion at December 31, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.
(5) Includes card-related products.
(6) Represents non-U.S. credit card loans, which were included in assets of business held for sale on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.

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Table II Nonperforming Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties (1)
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Residential mortgage $ 1,470 $ 1,893 $ 2,476 $ 3,056 $ 4,803
Home equity 536 1,893 2,644 2,918 3,337
Direct/Indirect consumer 47 56 46 28 24
Other consumer — — — 2 1
Total consumer (2) 2,053 3,842 5,166 6,004 8,165
U.S. commercial 1,094 794 814 1,256 867
Non-U.S. commercial 43 80 299 279 158
Commercial real estate 280 156 112 72 93
Commercial lease financing 32 18 24 36 12
1,449 1,048 1,249 1,643 1,130
U.S. small business commercial 50 54 55 60 82
Total commercial (3) 1,499 1,102 1,304 1,703 1,212
Total nonperforming loans and leases 3,552 4,944 6,470 7,707 9,377
Foreclosed properties 285 300 288 377 459
Total nonperforming loans, leases and foreclosed properties $ 3,837 $ 5,244 $ 6,758 $ 8,084 $ 9,836
(1) Balances exclude foreclosed properties insured by certain government-guaranteed loans, principally FHA-insured loans, that entered foreclosure of $260 million, $488 million, $801 million, $1.2
billion and $1.4 billion at December 31, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.
(2) In 2019, $422 million in interest income was estimated to be contractually due on $2.1 billion of consumer loans and leases classified as nonperforming at December 31, 2019, as presented in
the table above, plus $5.5 billion of TDRs classified as performing at December 31, 2019. Approximately $297 million of the estimated $422 million in contractual interest was received and included
in interest income for 2019.
(3) In 2019, $133 million in interest income was estimated to be contractually due on $1.5 billion of commercial loans and leases classified as nonperforming at December 31, 2019, as presented in
the table above, plus $1.3 billion of TDRs classified as performing at December 31, 2019. Approximately $88 million of the estimated $133 million in contractual interest was received and included
in interest income for 2019.

Table III Accruing Loans and Leases Past Due 90 Days or More (1)
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Residential mortgage (2) $ 1,088 $ 1,884 $ 3,230 $ 4,793 $ 7,150
Credit card 1,042 994 900 782 789
Non-U.S. credit card — — — 66 76
Direct/Indirect consumer 33 38 40 34 39
Other consumer — — — 4 3
Total consumer 2,163 2,916 4,170 5,679 8,057
U.S. commercial 106 197 144 106 113
Non-U.S. commercial 8 — 3 5 1
Commercial real estate 19 4 4 7 3
Commercial lease financing 20 29 19 19 15
153 230 170 137 132
U.S. small business commercial 97 84 75 71 61
Total commercial 250 314 245 208 193
Total accruing loans and leases past due 90 days or more $ 2,413 $ 3,230 $ 4,415 $ 5,887 $ 8,250
(1) Our policy is to classify consumer real estate-secured loans as nonperforming at 90 days past due, except the fully-insured loan portfolio and loans accounted for under the fair value option.
(2) Balances are fully-insured loans.

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Table IV Selected Loan Maturity Data (1, 2)
December 31, 2019
Due After One
Due in One Year Through Due After
(Dollars in millions) Year or Less Five Years Five Years Total
U.S. commercial $ 76,523 $ 200,298 $ 50,216 $ 327,037
U.S. commercial real estate 13,683 39,259 6,023 58,965
Non-U.S. and other (3) 47,828 56,072 7,875 111,775
Total selected loans $ 138,034 $ 295,629 $ 64,114 $ 497,777
Percent of total 28% 59% 13% 100%
Sensitivity of selected loans to changes in interest rates for loans due after one year:
Fixed interest rates $ 21,526 $ 31,383
Floating or adjustable interest rates 274,103 32,731
Total $ 295,629 $ 64,114
(1) Loan maturities are based on the remaining maturities under contractual terms.
(2) Includes loans accounted for under the fair value option.
(3) Loan maturities include non-U.S. commercial and commercial real estate loans.

Table V Allowance for Credit Losses

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Allowance for loan and lease losses, January 1 $ 9,601 $ 10,393 $ 11,237 $ 12,234 $ 14,419
Loans and leases charged off
Residential mortgage (93) (207) (188) (403) (866)
Home equity (429) (483) (582) (752) (975)
Credit card (3,535) (3,345) (2,968) (2,691) (2,738)
Non-U.S. credit card (1) — — (103) (238) (275)
Direct/Indirect consumer (518) (495) (491) (392) (383)
Other consumer (249) (197) (212) (232) (224)
Total consumer charge-offs (4,824) (4,727) (4,544) (4,708) (5,461)
U.S. commercial (2) (650) (575) (589) (567) (536)
Non-U.S. commercial (115) (82) (446) (133) (59)
Commercial real estate (31) (10) (24) (10) (30)
Commercial lease financing (26) (8) (16) (30) (19)
Total commercial charge-offs (822) (675) (1,075) (740) (644)
Total loans and leases charged off (5,646) (5,402) (5,619) (5,448) (6,105)
Recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off
Residential mortgage 140 179 288 272 393
Home equity 787 485 369 347 339
Credit card 587 508 455 422 424
Non-U.S. credit card (1) — — 28 63 87
Direct/Indirect consumer 309 300 277 258 271
Other consumer 15 15 49 27 31
Total consumer recoveries 1,838 1,487 1,466 1,389 1,545
U.S. commercial (3) 122 120 142 175 172
Non-U.S. commercial 31 14 6 13 5
Commercial real estate 2 9 15 41 35
Commercial lease financing 5 9 11 9 10
Total commercial recoveries 160 152 174 238 222
Total recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off 1,998 1,639 1,640 1,627 1,767
Net charge-offs (3,648) (3,763) (3,979) (3,821) (4,338)
Provision for loan and lease losses 3,574 3,262 3,381 3,581 3,043
Other (4) (111) (291) (246) (514) (890)
Total allowance for loan and lease losses, December 31 9,416 9,601 10,393 11,480 12,234
Less: Allowance included in assets of business held for sale (5) — — — (243) —
Allowance for loan and lease losses, December 31 9,416 9,601 10,393 11,237 12,234
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, January 1 797 777 762 646 528
Provision for unfunded lending commitments 16 20 15 16 118
Other (4) — — — 100 —
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, December 31 813 797 777 762 646
Allowance for credit losses, December 31 $ 10,229 $ 10,398 $ 11,170 $ 11,999 $ 12,880
(1) Represents amounts related to the non-U.S. credit card loan portfolio, which was sold in 2017.
(2) Includes U.S. small business commercial charge-offs of $320 million, $287 million, $258 million, $253 million and $282 million in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.
(3) Includes U.S. small business commercial recoveries of $48 million, $47 million, $43 million, $45 million and $57 million in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.
(4) Primarily represents write-offs of PCI loans, the net impact of portfolio sales, consolidations and deconsolidations, foreign currency translation adjustments, transfers to held for sale and certain
other reclassifications.
(5) Represents allowance related to the non-U.S. credit card loan portfolio, which was sold in 2017.

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Table V Allowance for Credit Losses (continued)
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Loan and allowance ratios (6):
Loans and leases outstanding at December 31 (7) $ 975,091 $ 942,546 $ 931,039 $ 908,812 $ 890,045
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total loans and leases outstanding
at December 31 (7) 0.97% 1.02% 1.12% 1.26% 1.37%
Consumer allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total consumer loans and
leases outstanding at December 31 (8) 0.98 1.08 1.18 1.36 1.63
Commercial allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total commercial loans
and leases outstanding at December 31 (9) 0.96 0.97 1.05 1.16 1.11
Average loans and leases outstanding (7) $ 951,583 $ 927,531 $ 911,988 $ 892,255 $ 869,065
Net charge-offs as a percentage of average loans and leases outstanding (7) 0.38% 0.41% 0.44% 0.43% 0.50%
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total nonperforming loans and
leases at December 31 265 194 161 149 130
Ratio of the allowance for loan and lease losses at December 31 to net charge-offs 2.58 2.55 2.61 3.00 2.82
Amounts included in allowance for loan and lease losses for loans and leases that are
excluded from nonperforming loans and leases at December 31 (10) $ 4,151 $ 4,031 $ 3,971 $ 3,951 $ 4,518
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total nonperforming loans and
leases, excluding the allowance for loan and lease losses for loans and leases that are
excluded from nonperforming loans and leases at December 31 (10) 148% 113% 99% 98% 82%
(6) Loan and allowance ratios for 2016 include $243 million of non-U.S. credit card allowance for loan and lease losses and $9.2 billion of ending non-U.S. credit card loans, which were sold in 2017.
(7) Outstanding loan and lease balances and ratios do not include loans accounted for under the fair value option of $8.3 billion, $4.3 billion, $5.7 billion, $7.1 billion and $6.9 billion at December 31,
2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. Average loans accounted for under the fair value option were $6.8 billion, $5.5 billion, $6.7 billion, $8.2 billion and $7.7 billion in 2019, 2018,
2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.
(8) Excludes consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option of $594 million, $682 million, $928 million, $1.1 billion and $1.9 billion at December 31, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015,
(9) Excludes commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option of $7.7 billion, $3.7 billion, $4.8 billion, $6.0 billion and $5.1 billion at December 31, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015,
(10) Primarily includes amounts allocated to credit card and unsecured consumer lending portfolios in Consumer Banking and, in 2016 and 2015, the non-U.S. credit card portfolio in All Other.

Table VI Allocation of the Allowance for Credit Losses by Product Type

December 31
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
(Dollars in millions) Amount of Total Amount of Total Amount of Total Amount of Total Amount of Total
Allowance for loan and lease losses
Residential mortgage $ 325 3.45% $ 422 4.40% $ 701 6.74% $ 1,012 8.82% $ 1,500 12.26%
Home equity 221 2.35 506 5.27 1,019 9.80 1,738 15.14 2,414 19.73
Credit card 3,710 39.39 3,597 37.47 3,368 32.41 2,934 25.56 2,927 23.93
Non-U.S. credit card — — — — — — 243 2.12 274 2.24
Direct/Indirect consumer 234 2.49 248 2.58 264 2.54 244 2.13 223 1.82
Other consumer 52 0.55 29 0.30 31 0.30 51 0.44 47 0.38
Total consumer 4,542 48.23 4,802 50.02 5,383 51.79 6,222 54.21 7,385 60.36
U.S. commercial (1) 3,015 32.02 3,010 31.35 3,113 29.95 3,326 28.97 2,964 24.23
Non-U.S. commercial 658 6.99 677 7.05 803 7.73 874 7.61 754 6.17
Commercial real estate 1,042 11.07 958 9.98 935 9.00 920 8.01 967 7.90
Commercial lease financing 159 1.69 154 1.60 159 1.53 138 1.20 164 1.34
Total commercial 4,874 51.77 4,799 49.98 5,010 48.21 5,258 45.79 4,849 39.64
Total allowance for loan and lease
losses 9,416 100.00% 9,601 100.00% 10,393 100.00% 11,480 100.00% 12,234 100.00%
Less: Allowance included in assets of
business held for sale (2) — — — (243) —
Allowance for loan and lease losses 9,416 9,601 10,393 11,237 12,234
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments 813 797 777 762 646
Allowance for credit losses $ 10,229 $ 10,398 $ 11,170 $ 11,999 $ 12,880
(1) Includes allowance for loan and lease losses for U.S. small business commercial loans of $523 million, $474 million, $439 million, $416 million and $507 million at December 31, 2019, 2018,
2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.
(2) Represents allowance for loan and lease losses related to the non-U.S. credit card loan portfolio, which was sold in 2017.

Bank of America 2019 105

Financial Statements and Notes
Table of Contents
Consolidated Statement of Income 110
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 110
Consolidated Balance Sheet 111
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity 112
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 113
Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles 114
Note 2 – Net Interest Income and Noninterest Income 122
Note 3 – Derivatives 123
Note 4 – Securities 130
Note 5 – Outstanding Loans and Leases 133
Note 6 – Allowance for Credit Losses 141
Note 7 – Securitizations and Other Variable Interest Entities 142
Note 8 – Goodwill and Intangible Assets 146
Note 9 – Leases 146
Note 10 – Deposits 147
Note 11 – Federal Funds Sold or Purchased, Securities Financing Agreements, Short-term Borrowings
and Restricted Cash 147
Note 12 – Long-term Debt 149
Note 13 – Commitments and Contingencies 150
Note 14 – Shareholders’ Equity 155
Note 15 – Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) 157
Note 16 – Earnings Per Common Share 158
Note 17 – Regulatory Requirements and Restrictions 158
Note 18 – Employee Benefit Plans 160
Note 19 – Stock-based Compensation Plans 164
Note 20 – Income Taxes 165
Note 21 – Fair Value Measurements 166
Note 22 – Fair Value Option 175
Note 23 – Fair Value of Financial Instruments 177
Note 24 – Business Segment Information 177
Note 25 – Parent Company Information 180
Note 26 – Performance by Geographical Area 182
Glossary 183
Acronyms 184

106 Bank
106 of America
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of America 2019
Report of Management on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries
The management of Bank of America Corporation is responsible Management assessed the effectiveness of the Corporation’s
for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019
financial reporting. based on the framework set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring
The Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting is a Organizations of the Treadway Commission in Internal Control –
process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the Integrated Framework (2013). Based on that assessment,
reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial management concluded that, as of December 31, 2019, the
statements for external purposes in accordance with accounting Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting is effective.
principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The The Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting
Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting includes as of December 31, 2019 has been audited by
those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, an independent registered public
of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect accounting firm, as stated in their accompanying report which
the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Corporation; expresses an unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of the
(ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting as of
as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in December 31, 2019.
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States of America, and that receipts and expenditures of
the Corporation are being made only in accordance with
authorizations of management and directors of the Corporation;
and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or
timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition Brian T. Moynihan
of the Corporation’s assets that could have a material effect on Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President
the financial statements.
Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over
financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also,
projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are
subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because
of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with
the policies or procedures may deteriorate. Paul M. Donofrio
Chief Financial Officer

Bank of America 2019 107

Bank of America 2019 107
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an
understanding of internal control over financial reporting,
To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Bank assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing
of America Corporation: and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal
control based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included
Opinions on the Financial Statements and Internal performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in
Control over Financial Reporting the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets basis for our opinions.
of Bank of America Corporation and its subsidiaries (the
"Corporation") as of December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018,
Definition and Limitations of Internal Control over
and the related consolidated statements of income, Financial Reporting
comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity and cash A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process
flows for each of the three years in the period ended December designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability
31, 2019, including the related notes (collectively referred to as of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements
the “consolidated financial statements”). We also have audited for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
the Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting as of accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial
December 31, 2019, based on criteria established in Internal reporting includes those policies and procedures that (i) pertain
Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately
of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred of the company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that
to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of
position of the Corporation as of December 31, 2019 and financial statements in accordance with generally accepted
December 31, 2018, and the results of its operations and its cash accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the
flows for each of the three years in the period ended December company are being made only in accordance with authorizations
31, 2019 in conformity with accounting principles generally of management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide
accepted in the United States of America. Also in our opinion, the reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of
Corporation maintained, in all material respects, effective internal unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s
control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019, based assets that could have a material effect on the financial
on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework statements.
(2013) issued by the COSO. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over
financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also,
Basis for Opinions projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are
The Corporation’s management is responsible for these subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because
consolidated financial statements, for maintaining effective of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with
internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting,
included in the accompanying Report of Management on Internal Critical Audit Matters
Control Over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express The critical audit matters communicated below are matters arising
opinions on the Corporation’s consolidated financial statements from the current period audit of the consolidated financial
and on the Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting statements that were communicated or required to be
based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered communicated to the audit committee and that (i) relate to
with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United accounts or disclosures that are material to the consolidated
States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect financial statements and (ii) involved our especially challenging,
to the Corporation in accordance with the U.S. federal securities subjective, or complex judgments. The communication of critical
laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities audit matters does not alter in any way our opinion on the
and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB. consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of not, by communicating the critical audit matters below, providing
the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the separate opinions on the critical audit matters or on the accounts
audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the or disclosures to which they relate.
consolidated financial statements are free of material
misstatement, whether due to error or fraud, and whether effective
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses
As described in Notes 1 and 6 to the consolidated financial
internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all
statements, the allowance for loan and lease losses represents
material respects.
management’s estimate of probable incurred credit losses in the
Our audits of the consolidated financial statements included
Corporation’s loan and lease portfolio. As of December 31, 2019,
performing procedures to assess the risks of material
the allowance for loan and lease losses was $9.4 billion on total
misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether
loans and leases of $975.1 billion, which excludes loans
due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to
accounted for under the fair value option. The allowance for loan
those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis,
and lease losses includes both quantitative and qualitative
evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the
components. The allowance for certain consumer loan portfolios
consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included
considers a variety of factors including historical loss experience,
evaluating the accounting principles used and significant
estimated defaults or foreclosures based on portfolio trends,
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
delinquencies, bankruptcies, economic conditions, credit scores
presentation of the consolidated financial statements. Our audit
and the amount of loss in the event of default. The allowance for
108 Bank of America 2019
108 Bank of America 2019
certain commercial loans is calculated using loss rates delineated management judgment or estimation. The Corporation determines
by risk rating and product type. In addition, the qualitative the fair value of certain Level 3 financial instruments using
component has a higher degree of management subjectivity, and quantitative models that utilize multiple significant unobservable
includes factors such as concentrations, economic conditions and inputs, including long-dated volatility and forward price, as
other considerations. applicable. As disclosed by management, estimation risk is greater
The principal considerations for our determination that for financial instruments that are either option-based or have
performing procedures relating to the allowance for loan and lease longer maturity dates where observable market inputs are less
losses is a critical audit matter are (i) there was significant readily available, or are unobservable, in which case, quantitative-
judgment and estimation by management in determining the based extrapolations are used in determining fair values.
allowance for loan and lease losses, which in turn led to a high The principal considerations for our determination that
degree of auditor judgment, subjectivity and effort in performing performing procedures relating to the valuation of certain Level 3
procedures and in evaluating audit evidence obtained relating to financial instruments is a critical audit matter are the significant
the allowance for loan and lease losses, including the qualitative judgment and estimation used by management to determine the
component, and (ii) the audit effort involved professionals with fair value of these financial instruments. This in turn led to a high
specialized skill and knowledge to assist in evaluating certain audit degree of auditor judgment and effort in performing procedures,
evidence. including the involvement of professionals with specialized skill
Addressing the matter involved performing procedures and and knowledge to assist in evaluating certain audit evidence.
evaluating audit evidence in connection with forming our overall Addressing the matter involved performing procedures and
opinion on the consolidated financial statements. These evaluating audit evidence in connection with forming our overall
procedures included testing the effectiveness of controls relating opinion on the consolidated financial statements. These
to the allowance for loan and lease losses. These procedures also procedures included testing the effectiveness of controls relating
included, among others, testing management’s process for to the valuation of financial instruments, including controls related
estimating the allowance for loan and lease losses, including to valuation models, significant unobservable inputs, and data.
evaluating the appropriateness of the loss forecast models and These procedures also included, among others, the involvement
methodology, testing the completeness and accuracy of certain of professionals with specialized skill and knowledge to assist in
data used in the allowance for loan and lease losses, and developing an independent estimate of fair value for a sample of
evaluating the reasonableness of significant assumptions and these certain financial instruments and comparison of
judgments used by management to estimate the qualitative management’s estimate to the independently developed estimate
component of the allowance for loan and lease losses including of fair value. Developing the independent estimate involved testing
those judgments related to the impact of concentrations, economic the completeness and accuracy of data provided by management
conditions and other considerations. The procedures also included and evaluating the reasonableness of management’s
the involvement of professionals with specialized skill and assumptions used to develop the significant unobservable inputs.
knowledge to assist in evaluating the reasonableness of certain
loss forecast models and methodologies, evaluating the
reasonableness of risk ratings used in the allowance for
commercial loans, and evaluating the reasonableness of certain
judgments used by management in estimating the qualitative
component of the allowance for loan and lease losses. Charlotte, North Carolina
February 19, 2020
Valuation of Certain Level 3 Financial Instruments
As described in Notes 1 and 21 to the consolidated financial We have served as the Corporation’s auditor since 1958.
statements, the Corporation carries certain financial instruments
at fair value, which includes $10.3 billion of assets and $5.9 billion
of liabilities classified as Level 3 fair value measurements for
which the determination of fair value requires significant

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America 2019
2019 109
Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Income

(In millions, except per share information) 2019 2018 2017
Net interest income
Interest income $ 71,236 $ 66,769 $ 57,579
Interest expense 22,345 18,607 12,340
Net interest income 48,891 48,162 45,239

Noninterest income
Fees and commissions 33,015 33,078 33,341
Market making and similar activities 9,034 9,008 7,102
Other income 304 772 1,444
Total noninterest income 42,353 42,858 41,887
Total revenue, net of interest expense 91,244 91,020 87,126

Provision for credit losses 3,590 3,282 3,396

Noninterest expense
Compensation and benefits 31,977 31,880 31,931
Occupancy and equipment 6,588 6,380 6,264
Information processing and communications 4,646 4,555 4,530
Product delivery and transaction related 2,762 2,857 3,041
Marketing 1,934 1,674 1,746
Professional fees 1,597 1,699 1,888
Other general operating 5,396 4,109 5,117
Total noninterest expense 54,900 53,154 54,517
Income before income taxes 32,754 34,584 29,213
Income tax expense 5,324 6,437 10,981
Net income $ 27,430 $ 28,147 $ 18,232
Preferred stock dividends 1,432 1,451 1,614
Net income applicable to common shareholders $ 25,998 $ 26,696 $ 16,618

Per common share information

Earnings $ 2.77 $ 2.64 $ 1.63
Diluted earnings 2.75 2.61 1.56
Average common shares issued and outstanding 9,390.5 10,096.5 10,195.6
Average diluted common shares issued and outstanding 9,442.9 10,236.9 10,778.4

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
Net income $ 27,430 $ 28,147 $ 18,232
Other comprehensive income (loss), net-of-tax:
Net change in debt securities 5,875 (3,953) 61
Net change in debit valuation adjustments (963) 749 (293)
Net change in derivatives 616 (53) 64
Employee benefit plan adjustments 136 (405) 288
Net change in foreign currency translation adjustments (86) (254) 86
Other comprehensive income (loss) 5,578 (3,916) 206
Comprehensive income $ 33,008 $ 24,231 $ 18,438

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Balance Sheet

December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Cash and due from banks $ 30,152 $ 29,063
Interest-bearing deposits with the Federal Reserve, non-U.S. central banks and other banks 131,408 148,341
Cash and cash equivalents 161,560 177,404
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments 7,107 7,494
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell
(includes $50,364 and $56,399 measured at fair value) 274,597 261,131
Trading account assets (includes $90,946 and $119,363 pledged as collateral) 229,826 214,348
Derivative assets 40,485 43,725
Debt securities:
Carried at fair value 256,467 238,101
Held-to-maturity, at cost (fair value – $219,821 and $200,435) 215,730 203,652
Total debt securities 472,197 441,753
Loans and leases (includes $8,335 and $4,349 measured at fair value) 983,426 946,895
Allowance for loan and lease losses (9,416) (9,601)
Loans and leases, net of allowance 974,010 937,294
Premises and equipment, net 10,561 9,906
Goodwill 68,951 68,951
Loans held-for-sale (includes $3,709 and $2,942 measured at fair value) 9,158 10,367
Customer and other receivables 55,937 65,814
Other assets (includes $15,518 and $19,739 measured at fair value) 129,690 116,320
Total assets $ 2,434,079 $ 2,354,507

Deposits in U.S. offices:
Noninterest-bearing $ 403,305 $ 412,587
Interest-bearing (includes $508 and $492 measured at fair value) 940,731 891,636
Deposits in non-U.S. offices:
Noninterest-bearing 13,719 14,060
Interest-bearing 77,048 63,193
Total deposits 1,434,803 1,381,476
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase
(includes $16,008 and $28,875 measured at fair value) 165,109 186,988
Trading account liabilities 83,270 68,220
Derivative liabilities 38,229 37,891
Short-term borrowings (includes $3,941 and $1,648 measured at fair value) 24,204 20,189
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (includes $15,434 and $20,075 measured at fair value
and $813 and $797 of reserve for unfunded lending commitments) 182,798 165,026
Long-term debt (includes $34,975 and $27,689 measured at fair value) 240,856 229,392
Total liabilities 2,169,269 2,089,182
Commitments and contingencies (Note 7 – Securitizations and Other Variable Interest Entities
and Note 13 – Commitments and Contingencies)
Shareholders’ equity
Preferred stock, $0.01 par value; authorized – 100,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding – 3,887,440 and 3,843,140 shares 23,401 22,326
Common stock and additional paid-in capital, $0.01 par value; authorized – 12,800,000,000 shares;
issued and outstanding – 8,836,148,954 and 9,669,286,370 shares 91,723 118,896
Retained earnings 156,319 136,314
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (6,633) (12,211)
Total shareholders’ equity 264,810 265,325
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity $ 2,434,079 $ 2,354,507

Assets of consolidated variable interest entities included in total assets above (isolated to settle the liabilities of the variable interest entities)
Trading account assets $ 5,811 $ 5,798
Loans and leases 38,837 43,850
Allowance for loan and lease losses (807) (912)
Loans and leases, net of allowance 38,030 42,938
All other assets 540 337
Total assets of consolidated variable interest entities $ 44,381 $ 49,073
Liabilities of consolidated variable interest entities included in total liabilities above
Short-term borrowings $ 2,175 $ 742
Long-term debt (includes $8,717 and $10,943 of non-recourse debt) 8,718 10,944
All other liabilities (includes $19 and $27 of non-recourse liabilities) 22 30
Total liabilities of consolidated variable interest entities $ 10,915 $ 11,716

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Bank of America 2019 111
Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

Common Stock and Other Total
Preferred Additional Paid-in Capital Retained Comprehensive Shareholders’
(In millions) Stock Shares Amount Earnings Income (Loss) Equity
Balance, December 31, 2016 $ 25,220 10,052.6 $ 147,038 $ 101,225 $ (7,288) $ 266,195
Net income 18,232 18,232
Net change in debt securities 61 61
Net change in debit valuation adjustments (293) (293)
Net change in derivatives 64 64
Employee benefit plan adjustments 288 288
Net change in foreign currency translation adjustments 86 86
Dividends declared:
Common (4,027) (4,027)
Preferred (1,578) (1,578)
Common stock issued in connection with exercise of warrants and
exchange of preferred stock (2,897) 700.0 2,933 (36) —
Common stock issued under employee plans, net, and other 43.3 932 932
Common stock repurchased (508.6) (12,814) (12,814)
Balance, December 31, 2017 $ 22,323 10,287.3 $ 138,089 $ 113,816 $ (7,082) $ 267,146
Cumulative adjustment for adoption of hedge accounting standard (32) 57 25
Adoption of accounting standard related to certain tax effects
stranded in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) 1,270 (1,270) —
Net income 28,147 28,147
Net change in debt securities (3,953) (3,953)
Net change in debit valuation adjustments 749 749
Net change in derivatives (53) (53)
Employee benefit plan adjustments (405) (405)
Net change in foreign currency translation adjustments (254) (254)
Dividends declared:
Common (5,424) (5,424)
Preferred (1,451) (1,451)
Issuance of preferred stock 4,515 4,515
Redemption of preferred stock (4,512) (4,512)
Common stock issued under employee plans, net, and other 58.2 901 (12) 889
Common stock repurchased (676.2) (20,094) (20,094)
Balance, December 31, 2018 $ 22,326 9,669.3 $ 118,896 $ 136,314 $ (12,211) $ 265,325
Cumulative adjustment for adoption of lease accounting standard 165 165
Net income 27,430 27,430
Net change in debt securities 5,875 5,875
Net change in debit valuation adjustments (963) (963)
Net change in derivatives 616 616
Employee benefit plan adjustments 136 136
Net change in foreign currency translation adjustments (86) (86)
Dividends declared:
Common (6,146) (6,146)
Preferred (1,432) (1,432)
Issuance of preferred stock 3,643 3,643
Redemption of preferred stock (2,568) (2,568)
Common stock issued under employee plans, net, and other 123.3 971 (12) 959
Common stock repurchased (956.5) (28,144) (28,144)
Balance, December 31, 2019 $ 23,401 8,836.1 $ 91,723 $ 156,319 $ (6,633) $ 264,810

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
Operating activities
Net income $ 27,430 $ 28,147 $ 18,232
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Provision for credit losses 3,590 3,282 3,396
Gains on sales of debt securities (217) (154) (255)
Depreciation and amortization 1,729 2,063 2,103
Net amortization of premium/discount on debt securities 2,066 1,824 2,251
Deferred income taxes 2,435 3,041 8,175
Stock-based compensation 1,974 1,729 1,649
Impairment of equity method investment 2,072 — —
Loans held-for-sale:
Originations and purchases (28,874) (28,071) (43,506)
Proceeds from sales and paydowns of loans originally classified as held for sale and instruments
from related securitization activities 30,191 28,972 40,548
Net change in:
Trading and derivative assets/liabilities 7,920 (23,673) (14,663)
Other assets (11,113) 11,920 (20,090)
Accrued expenses and other liabilities 16,363 13,010 4,673
Other operating activities, net 6,211 (2,570) 7,351
Net cash provided by operating activities 61,777 39,520 9,864
Investing activities
Net change in:
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments 387 3,659 (1,292)
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell (13,466) (48,384) (14,523)
Debt securities carried at fair value:
Proceeds from sales 52,006 5,117 73,353
Proceeds from paydowns and maturities 79,114 78,513 93,874
Purchases (152,782) (76,640) (166,975)
Held-to-maturity debt securities:
Proceeds from paydowns and maturities 34,770 18,789 16,653
Purchases (37,115) (35,980) (25,088)
Loans and leases:
Proceeds from sales of loans originally classified as held for investment and instruments
from related securitization activities 12,201 21,365 11,996
Purchases (5,963) (4,629) (6,846)
Other changes in loans and leases, net (46,808) (31,292) (41,104)
Other investing activities, net (2,974) (1,986) 8,411
Net cash used in investing activities (80,630) (71,468) (51,541)
Financing activities
Net change in:
Deposits 53,327 71,931 48,611
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase (21,879) 10,070 7,024
Short-term borrowings 4,004 (12,478) 8,538
Long-term debt:
Proceeds from issuance 52,420 64,278 53,486
Retirement (50,794) (53,046) (49,480)
Preferred stock:
Proceeds from issuance 3,643 4,515 —
Redemption (2,568) (4,512) —
Common stock repurchased (28,144) (20,094) (12,814)
Cash dividends paid (5,934) (6,895) (5,700)
Other financing activities, net (698) (651) (397)
Net cash provided by financing activities 3,377 53,118 49,268
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (368) (1,200) 2,105
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (15,844) 19,970 9,696
Cash and cash equivalents at January 1 177,404 157,434 147,738
Cash and cash equivalents at December 31 $ 161,560 $ 177,404 $ 157,434
Supplemental cash flow disclosures
Interest paid $ 22,196 $ 19,087 $ 12,852
Income taxes paid, net 4,359 2,470 3,235

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Bank of America 2019 113

Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries Adoption of the standards did not have a significant effect on the
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Corporation’s regulatory capital measures.

Accounting for Financial Instruments -- Credit Losses

NOTE 1 Summary of Significant Accounting On January 1, 2020, the Corporation adopted the new accounting
Principles standard that requires the measurement of the allowance for credit
Bank of America Corporation, a bank holding company and a losses to be based on management’s best estimate of lifetime
financial holding company, provides a diverse range of financial expected credit losses inherent in the Corporation’s relevant
services and products throughout the U.S. and in certain financial assets. The Corporation’s lifetime expected credit losses
international markets. The term “the Corporation” as used herein are determined using macroeconomic forecast assumptions and
may refer to Bank of America Corporation, individually, Bank of management judgments applicable to and through the expected
America Corporation and its subsidiaries, or certain of Bank of life of the loan portfolios, and are net of expected recoveries on
America Corporation’s subsidiaries or affiliates. loans that were previously charged off. The standard also expands
credit quality disclosures beginning in the first quarter of 2020.
Principles of Consolidation and Basis of Presentation While the standard changes the measurement of the allowance
The Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of for credit losses, it does not change the Corporation’s credit risk
the Corporation and its majority-owned subsidiaries and those of its lending portfolios or the ultimate losses in those portfolios.
variable interest entities (VIEs) where the Corporation is the Upon adoption of the standard on January 1, 2020, the Corporation
primary beneficiary. Intercompany accounts and transactions have recorded a $3.3 billion, or 32 percent, increase to the allowance
been eliminated. Results of operations of acquired companies are for credit losses. After adjusting for deferred taxes and other
included from the dates of acquisition, and for VIEs, from the dates adoption effects, a $2.4 billion decrease was recorded in retained
that the Corporation became the primary beneficiary. Assets held earnings through a cumulative-effect adjustment.
in an agency or fiduciary capacity are not included in the
Consolidated Financial Statements. The Corporation accounts for Significant Accounting Principles
investments in companies for which it owns a voting interest and
for which it has the ability to exercise significant influence over Cash and Cash Equivalents
operating and financing decisions using the equity method of Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, cash items in
accounting. These investments are included in other assets. Equity the process of collection, cash segregated under federal and other
method investments are subject to impairment testing, and the brokerage regulations, and amounts due from correspondent
Corporation’s proportionate share of income or loss is included in banks, the Federal Reserve Bank and certain non-U.S. central
other income. banks. Certain cash balances are restricted as to withdrawal or
The preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements in usage by legally binding contractual agreements or regulatory
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the requirements.
United States of America requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect reported amounts and disclosures.
Securities Financing Agreements
Securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell and
Actual results could materially differ from those estimates and
securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase
assumptions. Certain prior-period amounts have been reclassified
(securities financing agreements) are treated as collateralized
to conform to current-period presentation.
financing transactions except in instances where the transaction
In the Consolidated Statement of Income, amounts related to
is required to be accounted for as individual sale and purchase
certain asset and liability management (ALM) activities have been
transactions. Generally, these agreements are recorded at
reclassified from other income to market making and similar
acquisition or sale price plus accrued interest, except for certain
activities, which was previously referred to as trading account
securities financing agreements that the Corporation accounts for
income. All prior periods presented reflect this change, which has
under the fair value option. Changes in the fair value of securities
no impact on the Corporation's total noninterest income or net
financing agreements that are accounted for under the fair value
income, and has no impact on business segment results. The
option are recorded in market making and similar activities in the
amounts included in market making and similar activities related
Consolidated Statement of Income.
to this change in presentation are increases of $930 million, $1.1
The Corporation’s policy is to monitor the market value of the
billion and $332 million for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
principal amount loaned under resale agreements and obtain
New Accounting Standards collateral from or return collateral pledged to counterparties when
appropriate. Securities financing agreements do not create
Lease Accounting material credit risk due to these collateral provisions; therefore,
On January 1, 2019, the Corporation adopted the new accounting an allowance for loan losses is not necessary.
standards that require lessees to recognize operating leases on In transactions where the Corporation acts as the lender in a
the balance sheet as right-of-use assets and lease liabilities based securities lending agreement and receives securities that can be
on the value of the discounted future lease payments. Lessor pledged or sold as collateral, it recognizes an asset on the
accounting is largely unchanged. Expanded disclosures about the Consolidated Balance Sheet at fair value, representing the
nature and terms of lease agreements are required prospectively securities received, and a liability, representing the obligation to
and are included in Note 9 – Leases. The Corporation elected to return those securities.
retain prior determinations of whether an existing contract
contains a lease and how the lease should be classified. The Collateral
Corporation elected to recognize leases existing on January 1, The Corporation accepts securities and loans as collateral that it
2019 through a cumulative-effect adjustment which increased is permitted by contract or practice to sell or repledge. At December
retained earnings by $165 million, with no adjustment to prior 31, 2019 and 2018, the fair value of this collateral was $693.0
periods presented. Upon adoption, the Corporation also billion and $599.0 billion, of which $593.8 billion and $508.6
recognized right-of-use assets and lease liabilities of $9.7 billion.
114 of America
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of America 2019
billion were sold or repledged. The primary source of this collateral Trading Derivatives and Other Risk Management Activities
is securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell. Derivatives held for trading purposes are included in derivative
The Corporation also pledges company-owned securities and assets or derivative liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet
loans as collateral in transactions that include repurchase with changes in fair value included in market making and similar
agreements, securities loaned, public and trust deposits, U.S. activities.
Treasury tax and loan notes, and short-term borrowings. This Derivatives used for other risk management activities are
collateral, which in some cases can be sold or repledged by the included in derivative assets or derivative liabilities. Derivatives
counterparties to the transactions, is parenthetically disclosed on used in other risk management activities have not been designated
the Consolidated Balance Sheet. in qualifying accounting hedge relationships because they did not
In certain cases, the Corporation has transferred assets to qualify or the risk that is being mitigated pertains to an item that
consolidated VIEs where those restricted assets serve as is reported at fair value through earnings so that the effect of
collateral for the interests issued by the VIEs. These assets are measuring the derivative instrument and the asset or liability to
included on the Consolidated Balance Sheet in Assets of which the risk exposure pertains will offset in the Consolidated
Consolidated VIEs. Statement of Income to the extent effective. The changes in the
In addition, the Corporation obtains collateral in connection fair value of derivatives that serve to mitigate certain risks
with its derivative contracts. Required collateral levels vary associated with mortgage servicing rights (MSRs), interest rate
depending on the credit risk rating and the type of counterparty. lock commitments (IRLCs) and first-lien mortgage loans held-for-
Generally, the Corporation accepts collateral in the form of cash, sale (LHFS) that are originated by the Corporation are recorded in
U.S. Treasury securities and other marketable securities. Based other income. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that serve
on provisions contained in master netting agreements, the to mitigate interest rate risk and foreign currency risk are included
Corporation nets cash collateral received against derivative in market making and similar activities. Credit derivatives are also
assets. The Corporation also pledges collateral on its own used by the Corporation to mitigate the risk associated with various
derivative positions which can be applied against derivative credit exposures. The changes in the fair value of these derivatives
liabilities. are included in market making and similar activities and other
Trading Instruments
Financial instruments utilized in trading activities are carried at Derivatives Used For Hedge Accounting Purposes
fair value. Fair value is generally based on quoted market prices (Accounting Hedges)
for the same or similar assets and liabilities. If these market prices For accounting hedges, the Corporation formally documents at
are not available, fair values are estimated based on dealer quotes, inception all relationships between hedging instruments and
pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies, or similar hedged items, as well as the risk management objectives and
techniques where the determination of fair value may require strategies for undertaking various accounting hedges. Additionally,
significant management judgment or estimation. Realized gains the Corporation primarily uses regression analysis at the inception
and losses are recorded on a trade-date basis. Realized and of a hedge and for each reporting period thereafter to assess
unrealized gains and losses are recognized in market making and whether the derivative used in an accounting hedge transaction is
similar activities. expected to be and has been highly effective in offsetting changes
in the fair value or cash flows of a hedged item or forecasted
Derivatives and Hedging Activities transaction. The Corporation discontinues hedge accounting when
Derivatives are entered into on behalf of customers, for trading or it is determined that a derivative is not expected to be or has
to support risk management activities. Derivatives used in risk ceased to be highly effective as a hedge, and then reflects changes
management activities include derivatives that are both in fair value of the derivative in earnings after termination of the
designated in qualifying accounting hedge relationships and hedge relationship.
derivatives used to hedge market risks in relationships that are Fair value hedges are used to protect against changes in the
not designated in qualifying accounting hedge relationships fair value of the Corporation’s assets and liabilities that are
(referred to as other risk management activities). The Corporation attributable to interest rate or foreign exchange volatility. Changes
manages interest rate and foreign currency exchange rate in the fair value of derivatives designated as fair value hedges are
sensitivity predominantly through the use of derivatives. recorded in earnings, together and in the same income statement
Derivatives utilized by the Corporation include swaps, futures and line item with changes in the fair value of the related hedged item.
forward settlement contracts, and option contracts. If a derivative instrument in a fair value hedge is terminated or the
All derivatives are recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheet hedge designation removed, the previous adjustments to the
at fair value, taking into consideration the effects of legally carrying value of the hedged asset or liability are subsequently
enforceable master netting agreements that allow the Corporation accounted for in the same manner as other components of the
to settle positive and negative positions and offset cash collateral carrying value of that asset or liability. For interest-earning assets
held with the same counterparty on a net basis. For exchange- and interest-bearing liabilities, such adjustments are amortized to
traded contracts, fair value is based on quoted market prices in earnings over the remaining life of the respective asset or liability.
active or inactive markets or is derived from observable market- Cash flow hedges are used primarily to minimize the variability
based pricing parameters, similar to those applied to over-the- in cash flows of assets and liabilities or forecasted transactions
counter (OTC) derivatives. For non-exchange traded contracts, fair caused by interest rate or foreign exchange rate fluctuations. The
value is based on dealer quotes, pricing models, discounted cash Corporation also uses cash flow hedges to hedge the price risk
flow methodologies or similar techniques for which the associated with deferred compensation. Changes in the fair value
determination of fair value may require significant management of derivatives used in cash flow hedges are recorded in
judgment or estimation. accumulated other comprehensive income (OCI) and are
Valuations of derivative assets and liabilities reflect the value reclassified into the line item in the income statement in which
of the instrument including counterparty credit risk. These values the hedged item is recorded in the same period the hedged item
also take into account the Corporation’s own credit standing. affects earnings. Components of a derivative that are excluded in
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assessing hedge effectiveness are recorded in the same income Loans and Leases
statement line item as the hedged item. Loans, with the exception of loans accounted for under the fair
Net investment hedges are used to manage the foreign value option, are measured at historical cost and reported at their
exchange rate sensitivity arising from a net investment in a foreign outstanding principal balances net of any unearned income,
operation. Changes in the spot prices of derivatives that are charge-offs, unamortized deferred fees and costs on originated
designated as net investment hedges of foreign operations are loans, and for purchased loans, net of any unamortized premiums
recorded as a component of accumulated OCI. The remaining or discounts. Loan origination fees and certain direct origination
components of these derivatives are excluded in assessing hedge costs are deferred and recognized as adjustments to interest
effectiveness and are recorded in market making and similar income over the lives of the related loans. Unearned income,
activities. discounts and premiums are amortized to interest income using
a level yield methodology. The Corporation elects to account for
Securities certain consumer and commercial loans under the fair value option
Debt securities are reported on the Consolidated Balance Sheet with interest reported in interest income and changes in fair value
at their trade date. Their classification is dependent on the purpose reported in market making and similar activities or other income.
for which the securities were acquired. Debt securities purchased Under applicable accounting guidance, for reporting purposes,
for use in the Corporation’s trading activities are reported in trading the loan and lease portfolio is categorized by portfolio segment
account assets at fair value with unrealized gains and losses and, within each portfolio segment, by class of financing
included in market making and similar activities. Substantially all receivables. A portfolio segment is defined as the level at which
other debt securities purchased are used in the Corporation’s ALM an entity develops and documents a systematic methodology to
activities and are reported on the Consolidated Balance Sheet as determine the allowance for credit losses, and a class of financing
either debt securities carried at fair value or as held-to-maturity receivables is defined as the level of disaggregation of portfolio
(HTM) debt securities. Debt securities carried at fair value are segments based on the initial measurement attribute, risk
either available-for-sale (AFS) securities with unrealized gains and characteristics and methods for assessing risk. The Corporation’s
losses net-of-tax included in accumulated OCI or carried at fair three portfolio segments are Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card
value with unrealized gains and losses reported in other income. and Other Consumer, and Commercial. The classes within the
HTM debt securities, which are certain debt securities that Consumer Real Estate portfolio segment are residential mortgage
management has the intent and ability to hold to maturity, are and home equity. The classes within the Credit Card and Other
reported at amortized cost. Consumer portfolio segment are credit card, direct/indirect
The Corporation regularly evaluates each AFS and HTM debt consumer and other consumer. The classes within the Commercial
security where the value has declined below amortized cost to portfolio segment are U.S. commercial, non-U.S. commercial,
assess whether the decline in fair value is other than temporary. commercial real estate, commercial lease financing and U.S. small
In determining whether an impairment is other than temporary, the business commercial.
Corporation considers the severity and duration of the decline in
fair value, the length of time expected for recovery, the financial Leases
condition of the issuer, and other qualitative factors, as well as The Corporation provides equipment financing to its customers
whether the Corporation either plans to sell the security or it is through a variety of lessor arrangements. Direct financing leases
more likely than not that it will be required to sell the security and sales-type leases are carried at the aggregate of lease
before recovery of the amortized cost. For AFS debt securities the payments receivable plus the estimated residual value of the
Corporation intends to hold, an analysis is performed to determine leased property less unearned income, which is accreted to
how much of the decline in fair value is related to the issuer’s interest income over the lease terms using methods that
credit and how much is related to market factors (e.g., interest approximate the interest method. Operating lease income is
rates). If any of the decline in fair value is due to credit, an other- recognized on a straight-line basis. The Corporation's lease
than-temporary impairment (OTTI) loss is recognized in the arrangements generally do not contain non-lease components.
Consolidated Statement of Income for that amount. If any of the
decline in fair value is related to market factors, that amount is Allowance for Credit Losses
recognized in accumulated OCI. In certain instances, the credit The allowance for credit losses, which includes the allowance for
loss may exceed the total decline in fair value, in which case, the loan and lease losses and the reserve for unfunded lending
difference is due to market factors and is recognized as an commitments, represents management’s estimate of probable
unrealized gain in accumulated OCI. If the Corporation intends to incurred credit losses in the Corporation’s loan and lease portfolio
sell or believes it is more likely than not that it will be required to excluding loans and unfunded lending commitments accounted
sell the debt security, it is written down to fair value as an OTTI for under the fair value option. The allowance for credit losses
loss. includes both quantitative and qualitative components. The
Interest on debt securities, including amortization of premiums qualitative component has a higher degree of management
and accretion of discounts, is included in interest income. subjectivity, and includes factors such as concentrations,
Premiums and discounts are amortized or accreted to interest economic conditions and other considerations. The allowance for
income at a constant effective yield over the contractual lives of loan and lease losses represents the estimated probable credit
the securities. Realized gains and losses from the sales of debt losses on funded consumer and commercial loans and leases
securities are determined using the specific identification method. while the reserve for unfunded lending commitments, including
Equity securities with readily determinable fair values that are standby letters of credit (SBLCs) and binding unfunded loan
not held for trading purposes are carried at fair value with commitments, represents estimated probable credit losses on
unrealized gains and losses included in other income. Equity these unfunded credit instruments based on utilization
securities that do not have readily determinable fair values are assumptions. Lending-related credit exposures deemed to be
recorded at cost less impairment, if any, plus or minus qualifying uncollectible, excluding loans carried at fair value, are charged off
observable price changes. These securities are reported in other against these accounts.

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The Corporation performs periodic and systematic detailed lease losses unless these are secured consumer loans that are
reviews of its lending portfolios to identify credit risks and to solely dependent on collateral for repayment, in which case the
assess the overall collectability of those portfolios. The allowance amount that exceeds the fair value of the collateral is charged off.
on certain homogeneous consumer loan portfolios, which Generally, the Corporation initially estimates the fair value of
generally consist of consumer real estate loans within the the collateral securing these consumer real estate-secured loans
Consumer Real Estate portfolio segment and credit card loans using an automated valuation model (AVM). An AVM is a tool that
within the Credit Card and Other Consumer portfolio segment, is estimates the value of a property by reference to market data
based on aggregated portfolio segment evaluations generally by including sales of comparable properties and price trends specific
product type. Loss forecast models are utilized for these portfolios to the Metropolitan Statistical Area in which the property being
which consider a variety of factors including, but not limited to, valued is located. In the event that an AVM value is not available,
historical loss experience, estimated defaults or foreclosures the Corporation utilizes publicized indices or if these methods
based on portfolio trends, delinquencies, bankruptcies, economic provide less reliable valuations, the Corporation uses appraisals
conditions, credit scores and the amount of loss in the event of or broker price opinions to estimate the fair value of the collateral.
default. While there is inherent imprecision in these valuations, the
For consumer loans secured by residential real estate, using Corporation believes that they are representative of the portfolio
statistical modeling methodologies, the Corporation estimates the in the aggregate.
number of loans that will default based on the individual loan In addition to the allowance for loan and lease losses, the
attributes aggregated into pools of homogeneous loans with Corporation also estimates probable losses related to unfunded
similar attributes. The attributes that are most significant to the lending commitments, such as letters of credit, financial
probability of default and are used to estimate defaults include guarantees and binding unfunded loan commitments. Unfunded
refreshed loan-to-value (LTV) or, in the case of a subordinated lien, lending commitments are subject to individual reviews and are
refreshed combined LTV (CLTV), borrower credit score, months analyzed and segregated by risk according to the Corporation’s
since origination and geography, all of which are further broken internal risk rating scale. These risk classifications, in conjunction
down by present collection status (whether the loan is current, with an analysis of historical loss experience, utilization
delinquent, in default or in bankruptcy). The severity or loss given assumptions, current economic conditions, performance trends
default is estimated based on the refreshed LTV for first-lien within the portfolio and any other pertinent information, result in
mortgages or CLTV for subordinated liens. The estimates are the estimation of the reserve for unfunded lending commitments.
based on the Corporation’s historical experience with the loan The allowance for credit losses related to the loan and lease
portfolio, adjusted to reflect an assessment of environmental portfolio is reported separately on the Consolidated Balance Sheet
factors not yet reflected in the historical data underlying the loss whereas the reserve for unfunded lending commitments is
estimates, such as changes in real estate values, local and reported on the Consolidated Balance Sheet in accrued expenses
national economies, underwriting standards and the regulatory and other liabilities. The provision for credit losses related to the
environment. The probability of default models also incorporate loan and lease portfolio and unfunded lending commitments is
recent experience with modification programs including re-defaults reported in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
subsequent to modification, a loan’s default history prior to
modification and the change in borrower payments post- Nonperforming Loans and Leases, Charge-offs and
modification. On home equity loans where the Corporation holds Delinquencies
only a second-lien position and foreclosure is not the best Nonperforming loans and leases generally include loans and
alternative, the loss severity is estimated at 100 percent. leases that have been placed on nonaccrual status. Loans
The allowance on certain commercial loans (except business accounted for under the fair value option and LHFS are not reported
card and certain small business loans) is calculated using loss as nonperforming.
rates delineated by risk rating and product type. Factors considered In accordance with the Corporation’s policies, consumer real
when assessing loss rates include the value of the underlying estate-secured loans, including residential mortgages and home
collateral, if applicable, the industry of the obligor, and the obligor’s equity loans, are generally placed on nonaccrual status and
liquidity and other financial indicators along with certain qualitative classified as nonperforming at 90 days past due unless repayment
factors. These statistical models are updated regularly for changes of the loan is insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
in economic and business conditions. Included in the analysis of or through individually insured long-term standby agreements with
consumer and commercial loan portfolios are qualitative Fannie Mae (FNMA) or Freddie Mac (FHLMC) (the fully-insured
estimates which are maintained to cover uncertainties that affect portfolio). Residential mortgage loans in the fully-insured portfolio
the Corporation’s estimate of probable losses including domestic are not placed on nonaccrual status and, therefore, are not
and global economic uncertainty and large single-name defaults. reported as nonperforming. Junior-lien home equity loans are
For individually impaired loans, which include nonperforming placed on nonaccrual status and classified as nonperforming when
commercial loans as well as consumer and commercial loans and the underlying first-lien mortgage loan becomes 90 days past due
leases modified in a troubled debt restructuring (TDR), even if the junior-lien loan is current. The outstanding balance of
management measures impairment primarily based on the present real estate-secured loans that is in excess of the estimated
value of payments expected to be received, discounted at the property value less costs to sell is charged off no later than the
loans’ original effective contractual interest rates. Credit card end of the month in which the loan becomes 180 days past due
loans are discounted at the portfolio average contractual annual unless the loan is fully insured, or for loans in bankruptcy, within
percentage rate, excluding promotionally priced loans, in effect 60 days of receipt of notification of filing, with the remaining
prior to restructuring. Impaired loans and TDRs may also be balance classified as nonperforming.
measured based on observable market prices, or for loans that Consumer loans secured by personal property, credit card loans
are solely dependent on the collateral for repayment, the estimated and other unsecured consumer loans are not placed on nonaccrual
fair value of the collateral less costs to sell. If the recorded status prior to charge-off and, therefore, are not reported as
investment in impaired loans exceeds this amount, a specific nonperforming loans, except for certain secured consumer loans,
allowance is established as part of the allowance for loan and including those that have been modified in a TDR. Personal

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property-secured loans (including auto loans) are charged off to paid in full or charged off, which occurs no later than the end of
collateral value no later than the end of the month in which the the month in which the loan becomes 180 days past due or, for
account becomes 120 days past due, or upon repossession of an loans that have been placed on a fixed payment plan, 120 days
auto or, for loans in bankruptcy, within 60 days of receipt of past due.
notification of filing. Credit card and other unsecured customer A loan that had previously been modified in a TDR and is
loans are charged off no later than the end of the month in which subsequently refinanced under current underwriting standards at
the account becomes 180 days past due, within 60 days after a market rate with no concessionary terms is accounted for as a
receipt of notification of death or bankruptcy, or upon confirmation new loan and is no longer reported as a TDR.
of fraud.
Commercial loans and leases, excluding business card loans, Loans Held-for-sale
that are past due 90 days or more as to principal or interest, or Loans that the Corporation intends to sell in the foreseeable future,
where reasonable doubt exists as to timely collection, including including residential mortgages, loan syndications, and to a lesser
loans that are individually identified as being impaired, are degree, commercial real estate, consumer finance and other loans,
generally placed on nonaccrual status and classified as are reported as LHFS and are carried at the lower of aggregate
nonperforming unless well-secured and in the process of cost or fair value. The Corporation accounts for certain LHFS,
collection. including residential mortgage LHFS, under the fair value option
Business card loans are charged off in the same manner as with interest recorded in interest income and changes in fair value
consumer credit card loans. Other commercial loans and leases recorded in other income. Loan origination costs related to LHFS
are generally charged off when all or a portion of the principal that the Corporation accounts for under the fair value option are
amount is determined to be uncollectible. recognized in noninterest expense when incurred. Loan origination
The entire balance of a consumer loan or commercial loan or costs for LHFS carried at the lower of cost or fair value are
lease is contractually delinquent if the minimum payment is not capitalized as part of the carrying value of the loans and recognized
received by the specified due date on the customer’s billing as a reduction of noninterest income upon the sale of such loans.
statement. Interest and fees continue to accrue on past due loans LHFS that are on nonaccrual status and are reported as
and leases until the date the loan is placed on nonaccrual status, nonperforming, as defined in the policy herein, are reported
if applicable. Accrued interest receivable is reversed when loans separately from nonperforming loans and leases.
and leases are placed on nonaccrual status. Interest collections
Premises and Equipment
on nonaccruing loans and leases for which the ultimate
Premises and equipment are carried at cost less accumulated
collectability of principal is uncertain are applied as principal
depreciation and amortization. Depreciation and amortization are
reductions; otherwise, such collections are credited to income
recognized using the straight-line method over the estimated
when received. Loans and leases may be restored to accrual status
useful lives of the assets. Estimated lives range up to 40 years
when all principal and interest is current and full repayment of the
for buildings, up to 12 years for furniture and equipment, and the
remaining contractual principal and interest is expected.
shorter of lease term or estimated useful life for leasehold
Troubled Debt Restructurings improvements.
Consumer and commercial loans and leases whose contractual
Lessee Arrangements
terms have been restructured in a manner that grants a concession
Substantially all of the Corporation’s lessee arrangements are
to a borrower experiencing financial difficulties are classified as
operating leases. Under these arrangements, the Corporation
TDRs. Concessions could include a reduction in the interest rate
records right-of-use assets and lease liabilities at lease
to a rate that is below market on the loan, payment extensions,
commencement. Right-of-use assets are reported in other assets
forgiveness of principal, forbearance or other actions designed to
on the Consolidated Balance Sheet, and the related lease
maximize collections. Loans that are carried at fair value and LHFS
liabilities are reported in accrued expenses and other liabilities.
are not classified as TDRs.
All leases are recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheet except
Loans and leases whose contractual terms have been modified
leases with an initial term less than 12 months for which the
in a TDR and are current at the time of restructuring may remain
Corporation made the short-term lease election. Lease expense
on accrual status if there is demonstrated performance prior to
is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term and is
the restructuring and payment in full under the restructured terms
recorded in occupancy and equipment expense in the Consolidated
is expected. Otherwise, the loans are placed on nonaccrual status
Statement of Income.
and reported as nonperforming, except for fully-insured consumer
The Corporation made an accounting policy election not to
real estate loans, until there is sustained repayment performance
separate lease and non-lease components of a contract that is or
for a reasonable period, generally six months. If accruing TDRs
contains a lease for its real estate and equipment leases. As such,
cease to perform in accordance with their modified contractual
lease payments represent payments on both lease and non-lease
terms, they are placed on nonaccrual status and reported as
components. At lease commencement, lease liabilities are
nonperforming TDRs.
recognized based on the present value of the remaining lease
Secured consumer loans that have been discharged in Chapter
payments and discounted using the Corporation’s incremental
7 bankruptcy and have not been reaffirmed by the borrower are
borrowing rate. Right-of-use assets initially equal the lease liability,
classified as TDRs at the time of discharge. Such loans are placed
adjusted for any lease payments made prior to lease
on nonaccrual status and written down to the estimated collateral
commencement and for any lease incentives.
value less costs to sell no later than at the time of discharge. If
these loans are contractually current, interest collections are Goodwill and Intangible Assets
generally recorded in interest income on a cash basis. Consumer Goodwill is the purchase premium after adjusting for the fair value
real estate-secured loans for which a binding offer to restructure of net assets acquired. Goodwill is not amortized but is reviewed
has been extended are also classified as TDRs. Credit card and for potential impairment on an annual basis, or when events or
other unsecured consumer loans that have been renegotiated in circumstances indicate a potential impairment, at the reporting
a TDR generally remain on accrual status until the loan is either

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unit level. A reporting unit is a business segment or one level below significant activities of the trust. The Corporation generally does
a business segment. not have the power to direct the most significant activities of a
The Corporation assesses the fair value of each reporting unit residential mortgage agency trust except in certain circumstances
against its carrying value, including goodwill, as measured by in which the Corporation holds substantially all of the issued
allocated equity. For purposes of goodwill impairment testing, the securities and has the unilateral right to liquidate the trust. The
Corporation utilizes allocated equity as a proxy for the carrying power to direct the most significant activities of a commercial
value of its reporting units. Allocated equity in the reporting units mortgage securitization trust is typically held by the special
is comprised of allocated capital plus capital for the portion of servicer or by the party holding specific subordinate securities
goodwill and intangibles specifically assigned to the reporting unit. which embody certain controlling rights. The Corporation
In performing its goodwill impairment testing, the Corporation consolidates a whole-loan securitization trust if it has the power
first assesses qualitative factors to determine whether it is more to direct the most significant activities and also holds securities
likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than issued by the trust or has other contractual arrangements, other
its carrying value. Qualitative factors include, among other things, than standard representations and warranties, that could
macroeconomic conditions, industry and market considerations, potentially be significant to the trust.
financial performance of the respective reporting unit and other The Corporation may also transfer trading account securities
relevant entity- and reporting-unit specific considerations. and AFS securities into municipal bond or resecuritization trusts.
If the Corporation concludes it is more likely than not that the The Corporation consolidates a municipal bond or resecuritization
fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying value, a trust if it has control over the ongoing activities of the trust such
quantitative assessment is performed. If the fair value of the as the remarketing of the trust’s liabilities or, if there are no ongoing
reporting unit exceeds its carrying value, goodwill of the reporting activities, sole discretion over the design of the trust, including
unit is considered not impaired; however, if the carrying value of the identification of securities to be transferred in and the structure
the reporting unit exceeds its fair value, an additional step is of securities to be issued, and also retains securities or has
performed to measure potential impairment. liquidity or other commitments that could potentially be significant
This step involves calculating an implied fair value of goodwill to the trust. The Corporation does not consolidate a municipal
which is the excess of the fair value of the reporting unit, as bond or resecuritization trust if one or a limited number of third-
determined in the first step, over the aggregate fair values of the party investors share responsibility for the design of the trust or
assets, liabilities and identifiable intangibles as if the reporting have control over the significant activities of the trust through
unit was being acquired in a business combination. If the implied liquidation or other substantive rights.
fair value of goodwill exceeds the goodwill assigned to the reporting Other VIEs used by the Corporation include collateralized debt
unit, there is no impairment. If the goodwill assigned to a reporting obligations (CDOs), investment vehicles created on behalf of
unit exceeds the implied fair value of goodwill, an impairment customers and other investment vehicles. The Corporation does
charge is recorded for the excess. An impairment loss recognized not routinely serve as collateral manager for CDOs and, therefore,
cannot exceed the amount of goodwill assigned to a reporting unit. does not typically have the power to direct the activities that most
An impairment loss establishes a new basis in the goodwill, and significantly impact the economic performance of a CDO. However,
subsequent reversals of goodwill impairment losses are not following an event of default, if the Corporation is a majority holder
permitted under applicable accounting guidance. of senior securities issued by a CDO and acquires the power to
For intangible assets subject to amortization, an impairment manage its assets, the Corporation consolidates the CDO.
loss is recognized if the carrying value of the intangible asset is The Corporation consolidates a customer or other investment
not recoverable and exceeds fair value. The carrying value of the vehicle if it has control over the initial design of the vehicle or
intangible asset is considered not recoverable if it exceeds the manages the assets in the vehicle and also absorbs potentially
sum of the undiscounted cash flows expected to result from the significant gains or losses through an investment in the vehicle,
use of the asset. Intangible assets deemed to have indefinite derivative contracts or other arrangements. The Corporation does
useful lives are not subject to amortization. An impairment loss not consolidate an investment vehicle if a single investor controlled
is recognized if the carrying value of the intangible asset with an the initial design of the vehicle or manages the assets in the
indefinite life exceeds its fair value. vehicles or if the Corporation does not have a variable interest
that could potentially be significant to the vehicle.
Variable Interest Entities Retained interests in securitized assets are initially recorded
A VIE is an entity that lacks equity investors or whose equity at fair value. In addition, the Corporation may invest in debt
investors do not have a controlling financial interest in the entity securities issued by unconsolidated VIEs. Fair values of these debt
through their equity investments. The Corporation consolidates a securities, which are classified as trading account assets, debt
VIE if it has both the power to direct the activities of the VIE that securities carried at fair value or HTM securities, are based
most significantly impact the VIE’s economic performance and an primarily on quoted market prices in active or inactive markets.
obligation to absorb losses or the right to receive benefits that Generally, quoted market prices for retained residual interests are
could potentially be significant to the VIE. On a quarterly basis, not available; therefore, the Corporation estimates fair values
the Corporation reassesses its involvement with the VIE and based on the present value of the associated expected future cash
evaluates the impact of changes in governing documents and its flows.
financial interests in the VIE. The consolidation status of the VIEs
with which the Corporation is involved may change as a result of Fair Value
such reassessments. The Corporation measures the fair values of its assets and
The Corporation primarily uses VIEs for its securitization liabilities, where applicable, in accordance with accounting
activities, in which the Corporation transfers whole loans or debt guidance that requires an entity to base fair value on exit price.
securities into a trust or other vehicle. When the Corporation is Under this guidance, an entity is required to maximize the use of
the servicer of whole loans held in a securitization trust, including observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs
non-agency residential mortgages, home equity loans, credit cards, in measuring fair value. Under applicable accounting standards,
and other loans, the Corporation has the power to direct the most fair value measurements are categorized into one of three levels

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based on the inputs to the valuation technique with the highest recognized and the tax benefit claimed on a tax return is referred
priority given to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets and to as an unrecognized tax benefit. The Corporation records income
the lowest priority given to unobservable inputs. The Corporation tax-related interest and penalties, if applicable, within income tax
categorizes its fair value measurements of financial instruments expense.
based on this three-level hierarchy.
Revenue Recognition
Level 1 Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical The following summarizes the Corporation’s revenue recognition
assets or liabilities. Level 1 assets and liabilities include accounting policies for certain noninterest income activities.
debt and equity securities and derivative contracts that
are traded in an active exchange market, as well as Card Income
certain U.S. Treasury securities that are highly liquid and Card income includes annual, late and over-limit fees as well as
are actively traded in OTC markets. fees earned from interchange, cash advances and other
miscellaneous transactions and is presented net of direct costs.
Level 2 Observable inputs other than Level 1 prices, such as
Interchange fees are recognized upon settlement of the credit and
quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities, quoted
debit card payment transactions and are generally determined on
prices in markets that are not active, or other inputs that
a percentage basis for credit cards and fixed rates for debit cards
are observable or can be corroborated by observable
based on the corresponding payment network’s rates.
market data for substantially the full term of the assets
Substantially all card fees are recognized at the transaction date,
or liabilities. Level 2 assets and liabilities include debt
except for certain time-based fees such as annual fees, which are
securities with quoted prices that are traded less
recognized over 12 months. Fees charged to cardholders that are
frequently than exchange-traded instruments and
estimated to be uncollectible are reserved in the allowance for
derivative contracts where fair value is determined using
loan and lease losses. Included in direct cost are rewards and
a pricing model with inputs that are observable in the
credit card partner payments. Rewards paid to cardholders are
market or can be derived principally from or corroborated
related to points earned by the cardholder that can be redeemed
by observable market data. This category generally
for a broad range of rewards including cash, travel and gift cards.
includes U.S. government and agency mortgage-backed
The points to be redeemed are estimated based on past
(MBS) and asset-backed securities (ABS), corporate debt
redemption behavior, card product type, account transaction
securities, derivative contracts, certain loans and LHFS.
activity and other historical card performance. The liability is
Level 3 Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no reduced as the points are redeemed. The Corporation also makes
market activity and that are significant to the overall fair
payments to credit card partners. The payments are based on
value of the assets or liabilities. Level 3 assets and
revenue-sharing agreements that are generally driven by
liabilities include financial instruments for which the
cardholder transactions and partner sales volumes. As part of the
determination of fair value requires significant
revenue-sharing agreements, the credit card partner provides the
management judgment or estimation. The fair value for
Corporation exclusive rights to market to the credit card partner’s
such assets and liabilities is generally determined using
members or customers on behalf of the Corporation.
pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies or
similar techniques that incorporate the assumptions a Service Charges
market participant would use in pricing the asset or Service charges include deposit and lending-related fees. Deposit-
liability. This category generally includes retained related fees consist of fees earned on consumer and commercial
residual interests in securitizations, consumer MSRs, deposit activities and are generally recognized when the
certain ABS, highly structured, complex or long-dated transactions occur or as the service is performed. Consumer fees
derivative contracts, certain loans and LHFS, IRLCs and are earned on consumer deposit accounts for account
certain CDOs where independent pricing information maintenance and various transaction-based services, such as ATM
cannot be obtained for a significant portion of the transactions, wire transfer activities, check and money order
underlying assets. processing and insufficient funds/overdraft transactions.
Commercial deposit-related fees are from the Corporation’s Global
Income Taxes Transaction Services business and consist of commercial deposit
There are two components of income tax expense: current and and treasury management services, including account
deferred. Current income tax expense reflects taxes to be paid or maintenance and other services, such as payroll, sweep account
refunded for the current period. Deferred income tax expense and other cash management services. Lending-related fees
results from changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities between generally represent transactional fees earned from certain loan
periods. These gross deferred tax assets and liabilities represent commitments, financial guarantees and SBLCs.
decreases or increases in taxes expected to be paid in the future
because of future reversals of temporary differences in the bases Investment and Brokerage Services
of assets and liabilities as measured by tax laws and their bases Investment and brokerage services consist of asset management
as reported in the financial statements. Deferred tax assets are and brokerage fees. Asset management fees are earned from the
also recognized for tax attributes such as net operating loss management of client assets under advisory agreements or the
carryforwards and tax credit carryforwards. Valuation allowances full discretion of the Corporation’s financial advisors (collectively
are recorded to reduce deferred tax assets to the amounts referred to as assets under management (AUM)). Asset
management concludes are more likely than not to be realized. management fees are earned as a percentage of the client’s AUM
Income tax benefits are recognized and measured based upon and generally range from 50 basis points (bps) to 150 bps of the
a two-step model: first, a tax position must be more likely than not AUM. In cases where a third party is used to obtain a client’s
to be sustained based solely on its technical merits in order to be investment allocation, the fee remitted to the third party is recorded
recognized, and second, the benefit is measured as the largest net and is not reflected in the transaction price, as the Corporation
dollar amount of that position that is more likely than not to be is an agent for those services.
sustained upon settlement. The difference between the benefit

120 of America
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of America 2019
Brokerage fees include income earned from transaction-based Other Revenue Measurement and Recognition Policies
services that are performed as part of investment management The Corporation did not disclose the value of any open performance
services and are based on a fixed price per unit or as a percentage obligations at December 31, 2019, as its contracts with customers
of the total transaction amount. Brokerage fees also include generally have a fixed term that is less than one year, an open
distribution fees and sales commissions that are primarily in the term with a cancellation period that is less than one year, or
Global Wealth & Investment Management (GWIM) segment and are provisions that allow the Corporation to recognize revenue at the
earned over time. In addition, primarily in the Global Markets amount it has the right to invoice.
segment, brokerage fees are earned when the Corporation fills
customer orders to buy or sell various financial products or when Earnings Per Common Share
it acknowledges, affirms, settles and clears transactions and/or Earnings per common share (EPS) is computed by dividing net
submits trade information to the appropriate clearing broker. income allocated to common shareholders by the weighted-
Certain customers pay brokerage, clearing and/or exchange fees average common shares outstanding, excluding unvested common
imposed by relevant regulatory bodies or exchanges in order to shares subject to repurchase or cancellation. Net income allocated
execute or clear trades. These fees are recorded net and are not to common shareholders is net income adjusted for preferred
reflected in the transaction price, as the Corporation is an agent stock dividends including dividends declared, accretion of
for those services. discounts on preferred stock including accelerated accretion when
preferred stock is repaid early, and cumulative dividends related
Investment Banking Income to the current dividend period that have not been declared as of
Investment banking income includes underwriting income and period end, less income allocated to participating securities.
financial advisory services income. Underwriting consists of fees Diluted EPS is computed by dividing income allocated to common
earned for the placement of a customer’s debt or equity securities. shareholders plus dividends on dilutive convertible preferred stock
The revenue is generally earned based on a percentage of the and preferred stock that can be tendered to exercise warrants, by
fixed number of shares or principal placed. Once the number of the weighted-average common shares outstanding plus amounts
shares or notes is determined and the service is completed, the representing the dilutive effect of stock options outstanding,
underwriting fees are recognized. The Corporation incurs certain restricted stock, restricted stock units (RSUs), outstanding
out-of-pocket expenses, such as legal costs, in performing these warrants and the dilution resulting from the conversion of
services. These expenses are recovered through the revenue the convertible preferred stock, if applicable.
Corporation earns from the customer and are included in operating
expenses. Syndication fees represent fees earned as the agent Foreign Currency Translation
or lead lender responsible for structuring, arranging and Assets, liabilities and operations of foreign branches and
administering a loan syndication. subsidiaries are recorded based on the functional currency of each
Financial advisory services consist of fees earned for assisting entity. When the functional currency of a foreign operation is the
clients with transactions related to mergers and acquisitions and local currency, the assets, liabilities and operations are translated,
financial restructurings. Revenue varies depending on the size of for consolidation purposes, from the local currency to the U.S.
the transaction and scope of services performed and is generally dollar reporting currency at period-end rates for assets and
contingent on successful completion of the transaction. Revenue liabilities and generally at average rates for results of operations.
is typically recognized once the transaction is completed and all The resulting unrealized gains and losses are reported as a
services have been rendered. Additionally, the Corporation may component of accumulated OCI, net-of-tax. When the foreign
earn a fixed fee in merger and acquisition transactions to provide entity’s functional currency is the U.S. dollar, the resulting
a fairness opinion, with the fees recognized when the opinion is remeasurement gains or losses on foreign currency-denominated
delivered to the client. assets or liabilities are included in earnings.

Bank of America 2019 121

NOTE 2 Net Interest Income and Noninterest Income
The table below presents the Corporation’s net interest income and noninterest income disaggregated by revenue source for 2019,
2018 and 2017. For more information, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles. For a disaggregation of noninterest
income by business segment and All Other, see Note 24 – Business Segment Information.

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017

Net interest income
Interest income
Loans and leases $ 43,086 $ 40,811 $ 36,221
Debt securities 11,806 11,724 10,471
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell 4,843 3,176 2,390
Trading account assets 5,196 4,811 4,474
Other interest income 6,305 6,247 4,023
Total interest income 71,236 66,769 57,579

Interest expense
Deposits 7,188 4,495 1,931
Short-term borrowings 7,208 5,839 3,538
Trading account liabilities 1,249 1,358 1,204
Long-term debt 6,700 6,915 5,667
Total interest expense 22,345 18,607 12,340
Net interest income $ 48,891 $ 48,162 $ 45,239

Noninterest income
Fees and commissions
Card income
Interchange fees (1) $ 3,834 $ 3,866 $ 3,777
Other card income 1,963 1,958 1,899
Total card income 5,797 5,824 5,676
Service charges
Deposit-related fees 6,588 6,667 6,708
Lending-related fees 1,086 1,100 1,110
Total service charges 7,674 7,767 7,818
Investment and brokerage services
Asset management fees 10,241 10,189 9,310
Brokerage fees 3,661 3,971 4,526
Total investment and brokerage services 13,902 14,160 13,836
Investment banking fees
Underwriting income 2,998 2,722 2,821
Syndication fees 1,184 1,347 1,499
Financial advisory services 1,460 1,258 1,691
Total investment banking fees 5,642 5,327 6,011
Total fees and commissions 33,015 33,078 33,341
Market making and similar activities 9,034 9,008 7,102
Other income 304 772 1,444
Total noninterest income $ 42,353 $ 42,858 $ 41,887
(1) Gross interchange fees were $10.0 billion, $9.5 billion and $8.8 billion for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively, and are presented net of $6.2 billion, $5.6 billion and $5.1 billion of expenses for
rewards and partner payments for the same periods.

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of America 2019
NOTE 3 Derivatives activities, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting
Principles. The following tables present derivative instruments
Derivative Balances included on the Consolidated Balance Sheet in derivative assets
Derivatives are entered into on behalf of customers, for trading or and liabilities at December 31, 2019 and 2018. Balances are
to support risk management activities. Derivatives used in risk presented on a gross basis, prior to the application of counterparty
management activities include derivatives that may or may not be and cash collateral netting. Total derivative assets and liabilities
designated in qualifying hedge accounting relationships. are adjusted on an aggregate basis to take into consideration the
Derivatives that are not designated in qualifying hedge accounting effects of legally enforceable master netting agreements and have
relationships are referred to as other risk management derivatives. been reduced by cash collateral received or paid.
For more information on the Corporation’s derivatives and hedging

December 31, 2019

Gross Derivative Assets Gross Derivative Liabilities
Trading and Trading and
Other Risk Qualifying Other Risk Qualifying
Contract/ Management Accounting Management Accounting
(Dollars in billions) Notional (1) Derivatives Hedges Total Derivatives Hedges Total
Interest rate contracts
Swaps $ 15,074.4 $ 162.0 $ 9.7 $ 171.7 $ 168.5 $ 0.4 $ 168.9
Futures and forwards 3,279.8 1.0 — 1.0 1.0 — 1.0
Written options 1,767.7 — — — 32.5 — 32.5
Purchased options 1,673.6 37.4 — 37.4 — — —
Foreign exchange contracts
Swaps 1,657.7 30.3 0.7 31.0 31.7 0.9 32.6
Spot, futures and forwards 3,792.7 35.9 0.1 36.0 38.7 0.3 39.0
Written options 274.3 — — — 3.8 — 3.8
Purchased options 261.6 4.0 — 4.0 — — —
Equity contracts
Swaps 315.0 6.5 — 6.5 8.1 — 8.1
Futures and forwards 125.1 0.3 — 0.3 1.1 — 1.1
Written options 731.1 — — — 34.6 — 34.6
Purchased options 668.6 42.4 — 42.4 — — —
Commodity contracts
Swaps 42.0 2.1 — 2.1 4.4 — 4.4
Futures and forwards 61.3 1.7 — 1.7 0.4 — 0.4
Written options 33.2 — — — 1.4 — 1.4
Purchased options 37.9 1.4 — 1.4 — — —
Credit derivatives (2)
Purchased credit derivatives:
Credit default swaps 321.6 2.7 — 2.7 5.6 — 5.6
Total return swaps/options 86.6 0.4 — 0.4 1.3 — 1.3
Written credit derivatives:
Credit default swaps 300.2 5.4 — 5.4 2.0 — 2.0
Total return swaps/options 86.2 0.8 — 0.8 0.4 — 0.4
Gross derivative assets/liabilities $ 334.3 $ 10.5 $ 344.8 $ 335.5 $ 1.6 $ 337.1
Less: Legally enforceable master netting agreements (270.4) (270.4)
Less: Cash collateral received/paid (33.9) (28.5)
Total derivative assets/liabilities $ 40.5 $ 38.2
(1) Represents the total contract/notional amount of derivative assets and liabilities outstanding.
(2) The net derivative asset (liability) and notional amount of written credit derivatives for which the Corporation held purchased credit derivatives with identical underlying referenced names were $2.8
billion and $309.7 billion at December 31, 2019.

Bank of America 2019 123

December 31, 2018
Gross Derivative Assets Gross Derivative Liabilities
Trading and Trading and
Other Risk Qualifying Other Risk Qualifying
Contract/ Management Accounting Management Accounting
(Dollars in billions) Notional (1) Derivatives Hedges Total Derivatives Hedges Total
Interest rate contracts
Swaps $ 15,977.9 $ 141.0 $ 3.2 $ 144.2 $ 138.9 $ 2.0 $ 140.9
Futures and forwards 3,656.6 4.7 — 4.7 5.0 — 5.0
Written options 1,584.9 — — — 28.6 — 28.6
Purchased options 1,614.0 30.8 — 30.8 — — —
Foreign exchange contracts
Swaps 1,704.8 38.8 1.4 40.2 42.2 2.3 44.5
Spot, futures and forwards 4,276.0 39.8 0.4 40.2 39.3 0.3 39.6
Written options 256.7 — — — 5.0 — 5.0
Purchased options 240.4 4.6 — 4.6 — — —
Equity contracts
Swaps 253.6 7.7 — 7.7 8.4 — 8.4
Futures and forwards 100.0 2.1 — 2.1 0.3 — 0.3
Written options 597.1 — — — 27.5 — 27.5
Purchased options 549.4 36.0 — 36.0 — — —
Commodity contracts
Swaps 43.1 2.7 — 2.7 4.5 — 4.5
Futures and forwards 51.7 3.2 — 3.2 0.5 — 0.5
Written options 27.5 — — — 2.2 — 2.2
Purchased options 23.4 1.7 — 1.7 — — —
Credit derivatives (2)
Purchased credit derivatives:
Credit default swaps 408.1 5.3 — 5.3 4.9 — 4.9
Total return swaps/options 84.5 0.4 — 0.4 1.0 — 1.0
Written credit derivatives:
Credit default swaps 371.9 4.4 — 4.4 4.3 — 4.3
Total return swaps/options 87.3 0.6 — 0.6 0.6 — 0.6
Gross derivative assets/liabilities $ 323.8 $ 5.0 $ 328.8 $ 313.2 $ 4.6 $ 317.8
Less: Legally enforceable master netting agreements (252.7) (252.7)
Less: Cash collateral received/paid (32.4) (27.2)
Total derivative assets/liabilities $ 43.7 $ 37.9
(1) Represents the total contract/notional amount of derivative assets and liabilities outstanding.
(2) The net derivative asset (liability) and notional amount of written credit derivatives for which the Corporation held purchased credit derivatives with identical underlying referenced names were $(185)
million and $342.8 billion at December 31, 2018.

Offsetting of Derivatives Sheet at December 31, 2019 and 2018 by primary risk (e.g.,
The Corporation enters into International Swaps and Derivatives interest rate risk) and the platform, where applicable, on which
Association, Inc. (ISDA) master netting agreements or similar these derivatives are transacted. Balances are presented on a
agreements with substantially all of the Corporation’s derivative gross basis, prior to the application of counterparty and cash
counterparties. Where legally enforceable, these master netting collateral netting. Total gross derivative assets and liabilities are
agreements give the Corporation, in the event of default by the adjusted on an aggregate basis to take into consideration the
counterparty, the right to liquidate securities held as collateral and effects of legally enforceable master netting agreements which
to offset receivables and payables with the same counterparty. include reducing the balance for counterparty netting and cash
For purposes of the Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Corporation collateral received or paid.
offsets derivative assets and liabilities and cash collateral held For more information on offsetting of securities financing
with the same counterparty where it has such a legally enforceable agreements, see Note 11 – Federal Funds Sold or Purchased,
master netting agreement. Securities Financing Agreements, Short-term Borrowings and
The following table presents derivative instruments included Restricted Cash.
in derivative assets and liabilities on the Consolidated Balance

124 of America
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of America 2019
Offsetting of Derivatives (1)
Derivative Derivative Derivative Derivative
Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities
(Dollars in billions) December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
Interest rate contracts
Over-the-counter $ 203.1 $ 196.6 $ 174.2 $ 169.4
Exchange-traded 0.1 0.1 — —
Over-the-counter cleared 6.0 5.3 4.8 4.0
Foreign exchange contracts
Over-the-counter 69.2 73.1 82.5 86.3
Over-the-counter cleared 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.9
Equity contracts
Over-the-counter 21.3 17.8 24.6 14.6
Exchange-traded 26.4 22.8 16.1 15.1
Commodity contracts
Over-the-counter 2.8 4.2 3.5 4.5
Exchange-traded 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.9
Over-the-counter cleared — 0.1 — —
Credit derivatives
Over-the-counter 6.4 6.6 7.7 8.2
Over-the-counter cleared 2.5 2.2 2.5 2.3
Total gross derivative assets/liabilities, before netting
Over-the-counter 302.8 298.3 292.5 283.0
Exchange-traded 27.3 23.7 17.1 16.0
Over-the-counter cleared 9.0 8.1 8.2 7.2
Less: Legally enforceable master netting agreements and cash collateral received/paid
Over-the-counter (274.7) (269.3) (264.4) (259.2)
Exchange-traded (21.5) (21.5) (13.5) (13.5)
Over-the-counter cleared (8.1) (8.1) (7.2) (7.2)
Derivative assets/liabilities, after netting 34.8 31.2 32.7 26.3
Other gross derivative assets/liabilities (2) 5.7 7.0 11.0 11.6
Total derivative assets/liabilities 40.5 38.2 43.7 37.9
Less: Financial instruments collateral (3) (14.6) (16.1) (16.3) (8.6)
Total net derivative assets/liabilities $ 25.9 $ 22.1 $ 27.4 $ 29.3
(1) OTC derivatives include bilateral transactions between the Corporation and a particular counterparty. OTC-cleared derivatives include bilateral transactions between the Corporation and a counterparty
where the transaction is cleared through a clearinghouse. Exchange-traded derivatives include listed options transacted on an exchange.
(2) Consists of derivatives entered into under master netting agreements where the enforceability of these agreements is uncertain under bankruptcy laws in some countries or industries.
(3) Amounts are limited to the derivative asset/liability balance and, accordingly, do not include excess collateral received/pledged. Financial instruments collateral includes securities collateral received
or pledged and cash securities held and posted at third-party custodians that are not offset on the Consolidated Balance Sheet but shown as a reduction to derive net derivative assets and liabilities.

ALM and Risk Management Derivatives Corporation also utilizes derivatives such as interest rate options,
The Corporation’s ALM and risk management activities include the interest rate swaps, forward settlement contracts and eurodollar
use of derivatives to mitigate risk to the Corporation including futures to hedge certain market risks of MSRs.
derivatives designated in qualifying hedge accounting The Corporation uses foreign exchange contracts to manage
relationships and derivatives used in other risk management the foreign exchange risk associated with certain foreign currency-
activities. Interest rate, foreign exchange, equity, commodity and denominated assets and liabilities, as well as the Corporation’s
credit contracts are utilized in the Corporation's ALM and risk investments in non-U.S. subsidiaries. Exposure to loss on these
management activities. contracts will increase or decrease over their respective lives as
The Corporation maintains an overall interest rate risk currency exchange and interest rates fluctuate.
management strategy that incorporates the use of interest rate The Corporation purchases credit derivatives to manage credit
contracts, which are generally non-leveraged generic interest rate risk related to certain funded and unfunded credit exposures.
and basis swaps, options, futures and forwards, to minimize Credit derivatives include credit default swaps (CDS), total return
significant fluctuations in earnings caused by interest rate swaps and swaptions. These derivatives are recorded on the
volatility. The Corporation’s goal is to manage interest rate Consolidated Balance Sheet at fair value with changes in fair value
sensitivity and volatility so that movements in interest rates do recorded in other income.
not significantly adversely affect earnings or capital. As a result
of interest rate fluctuations, hedged fixed-rate assets and liabilities Derivatives Designated as Accounting Hedges
appreciate or depreciate in fair value. Gains or losses on the The Corporation uses various types of interest rate and foreign
derivative instruments that are linked to the hedged fixed-rate exchange derivative contracts to protect against changes in the
assets and liabilities are expected to substantially offset this fair value of its assets and liabilities due to fluctuations in interest
unrealized appreciation or depreciation. rates and exchange rates (fair value hedges). The Corporation also
Market risk, including interest rate risk, can be substantial in uses these types of contracts to protect against changes in the
the mortgage business. Market risk in the mortgage business is cash flows of its assets and liabilities, and other forecasted
the risk that values of mortgage assets or revenues will be transactions (cash flow hedges). The Corporation hedges its net
adversely affected by changes in market conditions such as investment in consolidated non-U.S. operations determined to
interest rate movements. To mitigate the interest rate risk in have functional currencies other than the U.S. dollar using forward
mortgage banking production income, the Corporation utilizes exchange contracts and cross-currency basis swaps, and by
forward loan sale commitments and other derivative instruments, issuing foreign currency-denominated debt (net investment
including purchased options, and certain debt securities. The hedges).

Bank of America 2019 125

Fair Value Hedges
The table below summarizes information related to fair value hedges for 2019, 2018 and 2017.

Gains and Losses on Derivatives Designated as Fair Value Hedges

Derivative Hedged Item
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017
Interest rate risk on long-term debt (1) $ 6,113 $ (1,538) $ (1,537) $ (6,110) $ 1,429 $ 1,045
Interest rate and foreign currency risk on long-term debt (2) 119 (1,187) 1,811 (101) 1,079 (1,767)
Interest rate risk on available-for-sale securities (3) (102) (52) (67) 98 50 35
Total $ 6,130 $ (2,777) $ 207 $ (6,113) $ 2,558 $ (687)
(1) Amounts are recorded in interest expense in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
(2) In 2019, 2018 and 2017, the derivative amount includes gains (losses) of $73 million, $(116) million and $(365) million in interest expense, $28 million, $(992) million and $2.2 billion in market
making and similar activities, and $18 million and $(79) million in accumulated OCI, respectively. Line item totals are in the Consolidated Statement of Income and in the Consolidated Balance
(3) Amounts are recorded in interest income in the Consolidated Statement of Income.

The table below summarizes the carrying value of hedged assets and liabilities that are designated and qualifying in fair value
hedging relationships along with the cumulative amount of fair value hedging adjustments included in the carrying value that have been
recorded in the current hedging relationships. These fair value hedging adjustments are open basis adjustments that are not subject
to amortization as long as the hedging relationship remains designated.

Designated Fair Value Hedged Assets (Liabilities)

Cumulative Cumulative
Fair Value Fair Value
Carrying Value Adjustments (1) Carrying Value Adjustments (1)
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
Long-term debt (2) $ (162,389) $ (8,685) $ (138,682) $ (2,117)
Available-for-sale debt securities (2) 1,654 64 981 (29)
(1) For assets, increase (decrease) to carrying value and for liabilities, (increase) decrease to carrying value.
(2) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the cumulative fair value adjustments remaining on long-term debt and AFS debt securities from discontinued hedging relationships resulted in a decrease in the
related liability of $1.3 billion and $1.6 billion and an increase (decrease) in the related asset of $8 million and $(29) million, which are being amortized over the remaining contractual life of the de-
designated hedged items.

Cash Flow and Net Investment Hedges earnings in the next 12 months. These net losses reclassified into
The following table summarizes certain information related to cash earnings are expected to primarily reduce net interest income
flow hedges and net investment hedges for 2019, 2018 and 2017. related to the respective hedged items. For terminated cash flow
Of the $400 million after-tax net loss ($526 million pretax) on hedges, the time period over which the majority of the forecasted
derivatives in accumulated OCI at December 31, 2019, $68 million transactions are hedged is approximately 3 years, with a maximum
after-tax ($90 million pretax) is expected to be reclassified into length of time for certain forecasted transactions of 16 years.

Gains and Losses on Derivatives Designated as Cash Flow and Net Investment Hedges
Gains (Losses) in Gains (Losses) in Income
Accumulated OCI on Derivatives Reclassified from Accumulated OCI
(Dollars in millions, amounts pretax) 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017
Cash flow hedges
Interest rate risk on variable-rate assets (1) $ 671 $ (159) $ (109) $ (104) $ (165) $ (327)
Price risk on certain compensation plans (2) 34 4 59 (2) 27 148
Total $ 705 $ (155) $ (50) $ (106) $ (138) $ (179)
Net investment hedges
Foreign exchange risk (3) $ 22 $ 989 $ (1,588) $ 366 $ 411 $ 1,782
(1) Amounts reclassified from accumulated OCI are recorded in interest income in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
(2) Amounts reclassified from accumulated OCI are recorded in compensation and benefits expense in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
(3) Amounts reclassified from accumulated OCI are recorded in other income in the Consolidated Statement of Income. Amounts excluded from effectiveness testing and recognized in market making
and similar activities were gains of $154 million, $47 million and $120 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively.

Other Risk Management Derivatives

Other risk management derivatives are used by the Corporation to reduce certain risk exposures by economically hedging various
assets and liabilities. The following table presents gains (losses) on these derivatives for 2019, 2018 and 2017. These gains (losses)
are largely offset by the income or expense recorded on the hedged item.

126 of America
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of America 2019
transactions where the Corporation acts as agent, which include
Gains and Losses on Other Risk Management Derivatives exchange-traded futures and options, fees are recorded in other
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 The following table, which includes both derivatives and non-
Interest rate risk on mortgage activities (1, 2) $ 315 $ (107) $ 8 derivative cash instruments, identifies the amounts in the
Credit risk on loans (2) (58) 9 (6) respective income statement line items attributable to the
Interest rate and foreign currency risk on
ALM activities (3) 1,112 3,278 (1,318) Corporation’s sales and trading revenue in Global Markets,
Price risk on certain compensation plans (4) 943 (495) 704 categorized by primary risk, for 2019, 2018 and 2017. This table
(1) Primarily related to hedges of interest rate risk on MSRs and IRLCs to originate mortgage loans includes debit valuation adjustment (DVA) and funding valuation
that will be held for sale. The net gains on IRLCs, which are not included in the table but are adjustment (FVA) gains (losses). Global Markets results in Note 24
considered derivative instruments, were $73 million, $47 million and $220 million in 2019,
2018 and 2017, respectively. – Business Segment Information are presented on a fully taxable-
(2) Gains (losses) on these derivatives are recorded in other income. equivalent (FTE) basis. The table below is not presented on an FTE
(3) Gains (losses) on these derivatives are recorded in market making and similar activities. Prior-
period amounts have been updated to conform to the current-period presentation. basis.
(4) Gains (losses) on these derivatives are recorded in compensation and benefits expense.

Transfers of Financial Assets with Risk Retained Sales and Trading Revenue
through Derivatives Market
The Corporation enters into certain transactions involving the making and Net
transfer of financial assets that are accounted for as sales where similar Interest
activities Income Other (1) Total
substantially all of the economic exposure to the transferred
(Dollars in millions) 2019
financial assets is retained through derivatives (e.g., interest rate
Interest rate risk $ 916 $ 1,831 $ 121 $ 2,868
and/or credit), but the Corporation does not retain control over
Foreign exchange risk 1,300 54 43 1,397
the assets transferred. As of December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Equity risk 3,565 (638) 1,574 4,501
Corporation had transferred $5.2 billion and $5.8 billion of non- Credit risk 1,158 1,800 511 3,469
U.S. government-guaranteed MBS to a third-party trust and Other risk 123 75 57 255
retained economic exposure to the transferred assets through Total sales and trading
derivative contracts. In connection with these transfers, the revenue $ 7,062 $ 3,122 $ 2,306 $ 12,490

Corporation received gross cash proceeds of $5.2 billion and $5.8

billion at the transfer dates. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, Interest rate risk $ 784 $ 1,696 $ 259 $ 2,739
the fair value of the transferred securities was $5.3 billion and Foreign exchange risk 1,486 11 14 1,511
$5.5 billion. Equity risk 3,874 (662) 1,644 4,856
Credit risk 1,063 1,861 588 3,512
Sales and Trading Revenue Other risk 50 202 53 305
The Corporation enters into trading derivatives to facilitate client Total sales and trading
revenue $ 7,257 $ 3,108 $ 2,558 $ 12,923
transactions and to manage risk exposures arising from trading
account assets and liabilities. It is the Corporation’s policy to 2017
include these derivative instruments in its trading activities which Interest rate risk $ 429 $ 1,846 $ 248 $ 2,523
include derivatives and non-derivative cash instruments. The Foreign exchange risk 1,409 12 9 1,430
resulting risk from these derivatives is managed on a portfolio Equity risk 2,598 (427) 1,904 4,075
basis as part of the Corporation’s Global Markets business Credit risk 1,685 1,945 578 4,208
segment. The related sales and trading revenue generated within Other risk 79 170 75 324
Global Markets is recorded in various income statement line items Total sales and trading
$ 6,200 $ 3,546 $ 2,814 $ 12,560
including market making and similar activities and net interest (1) Represents amounts in investment and brokerage services and other income that are recorded
income as well as other revenue categories. in Global Markets and included in the definition of sales and trading revenue. Includes investment
and brokerage services revenue of $1.7 billion, $1.7 billion and $2.0 billion in 2019, 2018 and
Sales and trading revenue includes changes in the fair value 2017, respectively.
and realized gains and losses on the sales of trading and other
assets, net interest income, and fees primarily from commissions Credit Derivatives
on equity securities. Revenue is generated by the difference in the The Corporation enters into credit derivatives primarily to facilitate
client price for an instrument and the price at which the trading client transactions and to manage credit risk exposures. Credit
desk can execute the trade in the dealer market. For equity derivatives derive value based on an underlying third-party
securities, commissions related to purchases and sales are referenced obligation or a portfolio of referenced obligations and
recorded in the “Other” column in the Sales and Trading Revenue generally require the Corporation, as the seller of credit protection,
table. Changes in the fair value of these securities are included to make payments to a buyer upon the occurrence of a predefined
in market making and similar activities. For debt securities, credit event. Such credit events generally include bankruptcy of
revenue, with the exception of interest associated with the debt the referenced credit entity and failure to pay under the obligation,
securities, is typically included in market making and similar as well as acceleration of indebtedness and payment repudiation
activities. Unlike commissions for equity securities, the initial or moratorium. For credit derivatives based on a portfolio of
revenue related to broker-dealer services for debt securities is referenced credits or credit indices, the Corporation may not be
typically included in the pricing of the instrument rather than being required to make payment until a specified amount of loss has
charged through separate fee arrangements. Therefore, this occurred and/or may only be required to make payment up to a
revenue is recorded in market making and similar activities as part specified amount.
of the initial mark to fair value. For derivatives, the majority of Credit derivatives are classified as investment and non-
revenue is included in market making and similar activities. In investment grade based on the credit quality of the underlying
referenced obligation. The Corporation considers ratings of BBB-
or higher as investment grade. Non-investment grade includes non-
Bank of America 2019 127
rated credit derivative instruments. The Corporation discloses Credit derivative instruments where the Corporation is the
internal categorizations of investment grade and non-investment seller of credit protection and their expiration at December 31,
grade consistent with how risk is managed for these instruments. 2019 and 2018 are summarized in the following table.

Credit Derivative Instruments

Less than One to Three to Over Five
One Year Three Years Five Years Years Total
December 31, 2019
(Dollars in millions) Carrying Value
Credit default swaps:
Investment grade $ — $ 5 $ 60 $ 164 $ 229
Non-investment grade 70 292 561 808 1,731
Total 70 297 621 972 1,960
Total return swaps/options:
Investment grade 35 — — — 35
Non-investment grade 344 — — — 344
Total 379 — — — 379
Total credit derivatives $ 449 $ 297 $ 621 $ 972 $ 2,339
Credit-related notes:
Investment grade $ — $ 3 $ 1 $ 639 $ 643
Non-investment grade 6 2 1 1,125 1,134
Total credit-related notes $ 6 $ 5 $ 2 $ 1,764 $ 1,777
Maximum Payout/Notional
Credit default swaps:
Investment grade $ 55,827 $ 67,838 $ 71,320 $ 17,708 $ 212,693
Non-investment grade 19,049 26,521 29,618 12,337 87,525
Total 74,876 94,359 100,938 30,045 300,218
Total return swaps/options:
Investment grade 56,488 — 62 76 56,626
Non-investment grade 28,707 657 104 60 29,528
Total 85,195 657 166 136 86,154
Total credit derivatives $ 160,071 $ 95,016 $ 101,104 $ 30,181 $ 386,372

December 31, 2018

Carrying Value
Credit default swaps:
Investment grade $ 2 $ 44 $ 436 $ 488 $ 970
Non-investment grade 132 636 914 1,691 3,373
Total 134 680 1,350 2,179 4,343
Total return swaps/options:
Investment grade 105 — — — 105
Non-investment grade 472 21 — — 493
Total 577 21 — — 598
Total credit derivatives $ 711 $ 701 $ 1,350 $ 2,179 $ 4,941
Credit-related notes:
Investment grade $ — $ — $ 4 $ 532 $ 536
Non-investment grade 1 1 1 1,500 1,503
Total credit-related notes $ 1 $ 1 $ 5 $ 2,032 $ 2,039
Maximum Payout/Notional
Credit default swaps:
Investment grade $ 53,758 $ 95,699 $ 95,274 $ 20,054 $ 264,785
Non-investment grade 24,297 33,881 34,530 14,426 107,134
Total 78,055 129,580 129,804 34,480 371,919
Total return swaps/options:
Investment grade 60,042 822 59 72 60,995
Non-investment grade 24,524 1,649 39 70 26,282
Total 84,566 2,471 98 142 87,277
Total credit derivatives $ 162,621 $ 132,051 $ 129,902 $ 34,622 $ 459,196

The notional amount represents the maximum amount payable instruments equals the Corporation’s maximum exposure to loss.
by the Corporation for most credit derivatives. However, the The Corporation is not obligated to make any payments to the
Corporation does not monitor its exposure to credit derivatives entities under the terms of the securities owned.
based solely on the notional amount because this measure does
not take into consideration the probability of occurrence. As such, Credit-related Contingent Features and Collateral
the notional amount is not a reliable indicator of the Corporation’s The Corporation executes the majority of its derivative contracts
exposure to these contracts. Instead, a risk framework is used to in the OTC market with large, international financial institutions,
define risk tolerances and establish limits so that certain credit including broker-dealers and, to a lesser degree, with a variety of
risk-related losses occur within acceptable, predefined limits. non-financial companies. A significant majority of the derivative
Credit-related notes in the table above include investments in transactions are executed on a daily margin basis. Therefore,
securities issued by CDO, collateralized loan obligation (CLO) and events such as a credit rating downgrade (depending on the
credit-linked note vehicles. These instruments are primarily ultimate rating level) or a breach of credit covenants would typically
classified as trading securities. The carrying value of these require an increase in the amount of collateral required of the
counterparty, where applicable, and/or allow the Corporation to
128 of America
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of America 2019
take additional protective measures such as early termination of
all trades. Further, as previously discussed on page 124, the Derivative Liabilities Subject to Unilateral Termination
Corporation enters into legally enforceable master netting Upon Downgrade at December 31, 2019
agreements which reduce risk by permitting closeout and netting
of transactions with the same counterparty upon the occurrence One Second
incremental incremental
of certain events. (Dollars in millions) notch notch
Certain of the Corporation’s derivative contracts contain credit Derivative liabilities $ 57 $ 783
risk-related contingent features, primarily in the form of ISDA Collateral posted 42 411
master netting agreements and credit support documentation that
enhance the creditworthiness of these instruments compared to Valuation Adjustments on Derivatives
other obligations of the respective counterparty with whom the The Corporation records credit risk valuation adjustments on
Corporation has transacted. These contingent features may be for derivatives in order to properly reflect the credit quality of the
the benefit of the Corporation as well as its counterparties with counterparties and its own credit quality. The Corporation
respect to changes in the Corporation’s creditworthiness and the calculates valuation adjustments on derivatives based on a
mark-to-market exposure under the derivative transactions. At modeled expected exposure that incorporates current market risk
December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation held cash and factors. The exposure also takes into consideration credit
securities collateral of $84.3 billion and $81.6 billion and posted mitigants such as enforceable master netting agreements and
cash and securities collateral of $69.1 billion and $56.5 billion in collateral. CDS spread data is used to estimate the default
the normal course of business under derivative agreements, probabilities and severities that are applied to the exposures.
excluding cross-product margining agreements where clients are Where no observable credit default data is available for
permitted to margin on a net basis for both derivative and secured counterparties, the Corporation uses proxies and other market
financing arrangements. data to estimate default probabilities and severity.
In connection with certain OTC derivative contracts and other Valuation adjustments on derivatives are affected by changes
trading agreements, the Corporation can be required to provide in market spreads, non-credit related market factors such as
additional collateral or to terminate transactions with certain interest rates and foreign exchange rates that affect the expected
counterparties in the event of a downgrade of the senior debt exposure, and other factors like changes in collateral
ratings of the Corporation or certain subsidiaries. The amount of arrangements and partial payments. Credit spreads and non-credit
additional collateral required depends on the contract and is factors can move independently. For example, for an interest rate
usually a fixed incremental amount and/or the market value of the swap, changes in interest rates may increase the expected
exposure. exposure, which would increase the counterparty credit valuation
At December 31, 2019, the amount of collateral, calculated adjustment (CVA). Independently, counterparty credit spreads may
based on the terms of the contracts, that the Corporation and tighten, which would result in an offsetting decrease to CVA.
certain subsidiaries could be required to post to counterparties The Corporation enters into risk management activities to
but had not yet posted to counterparties was $2.3 billion, including offset market driven exposures. The Corporation often hedges the
$913 million for Bank of America, National Association (BANA). counterparty spread risk in CVA with CDS. The Corporation hedges
Some counterparties are currently able to unilaterally other market risks in both CVA and DVA primarily with foreign
terminate certain contracts, or the Corporation or certain exchange and interest rate swaps. In certain instances, the net-
subsidiaries may be required to take other action such as find a of-hedge amounts in the table below move in the same direction
suitable replacement or obtain a guarantee. At December 31, as the gross amount or may move in the opposite direction. This
2019 and 2018, the liability recorded for these derivative contracts movement is a consequence of the complex interaction of the risks
was not significant. being hedged, resulting in limitations in the ability to perfectly
The following table presents the amount of additional collateral hedge all of the market exposures at all times.
that would have been contractually required by derivative contracts The table below presents CVA, DVA and FVA gains (losses) on
and other trading agreements at December 31, 2019 if the rating derivatives, which are recorded in market making and similar
agencies had downgraded their long-term senior debt ratings for activities, on a gross and net of hedge basis for 2019, 2018 and
the Corporation or certain subsidiaries by one incremental notch 2017. CVA gains reduce the cumulative CVA thereby increasing
and by an additional second incremental notch. the derivative assets balance. DVA gains increase the cumulative
DVA thereby decreasing the derivative liabilities balance. CVA and
DVA losses have the opposite impact. FVA gains related to
Additional Collateral Required to be Posted Upon
derivative assets reduce the cumulative FVA thereby increasing
Downgrade at December 31, 2019 the derivative assets balance. FVA gains related to derivative
One Second liabilities increase the cumulative FVA thereby decreasing the
incremental incremental derivative liabilities balance. FVA losses have the opposite impact.
(Dollars in millions) notch notch
Bank of America Corporation $ 480 $ 491
Bank of America, N.A. and subsidiaries (1) 222 353 Valuation Adjustments Gains (Losses) on Derivatives (1)
(1) Included in Bank of America Corporation collateral requirements in this table.
Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
2019 2018 2017
The following table presents the derivative liabilities that would
Derivative assets (CVA) $ 72 $ 45 $ 77 $ 187 $ 330 $ 98
be subject to unilateral termination by counterparties and the
Derivative assets/liabilities
amounts of collateral that would have been contractually required (FVA) (2) 46 (15) 14 160 178
at December 31, 2019 if the long-term senior debt ratings for the Derivative liabilities (DVA) (147) (135) (19) (55) (324) (281)
Corporation or certain subsidiaries had been lower by one (1) At December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017, cumulative CVA reduced the derivative assets balance
by $528 million, $600 million and $677 million, cumulative FVA reduced the net derivatives
incremental notch and by an additional second incremental notch. balance by $153 million, $151 million and $136 million, and cumulative DVA reduced the
derivative liabilities balance by $285 million, $432 million and $450 million, respectively.

Bank of America 2019 129

NOTE 4 Securities
The table below presents the amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses, and fair value of AFS debt securities, other debt
securities carried at fair value and HTM debt securities at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Debt Securities
Gross Gross
Amortized Unrealized Unrealized Fair
Cost Gains Losses Value
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Available-for-sale debt securities
Mortgage-backed securities:
Agency $ 121,698 $ 1,013 $ (183) $ 122,528
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations 4,587 78 (24) 4,641
Commercial 14,797 249 (25) 15,021
Non-agency residential (1) 948 138 (9) 1,077
Total mortgage-backed securities 142,030 1,478 (241) 143,267
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 67,700 1,023 (195) 68,528
Non-U.S. securities 11,987 6 (2) 11,991
Other taxable securities, substantially all asset-backed securities 3,874 67 — 3,941
Total taxable securities 225,591 2,574 (438) 227,727
Tax-exempt securities 17,716 202 (6) 17,912
Total available-for-sale debt securities 243,307 2,776 (444) 245,639
Other debt securities carried at fair value (2) 10,596 255 (23) 10,828
Total debt securities carried at fair value 253,903 3,031 (467) 256,467
Held-to-maturity debt securities, substantially all U.S. agency mortgage-backed securities 215,730 4,433 (342) 219,821
Total debt securities (3, 4) $ 469,633 $ 7,464 $ (809) $ 476,288

December 31, 2018

Available-for-sale debt securities
Mortgage-backed securities:
Agency $ 125,116 $ 138 $ (3,428) $ 121,826
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations 5,621 19 (110) 5,530
Commercial 14,469 11 (402) 14,078
Non-agency residential (1) 1,792 136 (11) 1,917
Total mortgage-backed securities 146,998 304 (3,951) 143,351
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 56,239 62 (1,378) 54,923
Non-U.S. securities 9,307 5 (6) 9,306
Other taxable securities, substantially all asset-backed securities 4,387 29 (6) 4,410
Total taxable securities 216,931 400 (5,341) 211,990
Tax-exempt securities 17,349 99 (72) 17,376
Total available-for-sale debt securities 234,280 499 (5,413) 229,366
Other debt securities carried at fair value (2) 8,595 172 (32) 8,735
Total debt securities carried at fair value 242,875 671 (5,445) 238,101
Held-to-maturity debt securities, substantially all U.S. agency mortgage-backed securities 203,652 747 (3,964) 200,435
Total debt securities (3, 4) $ 446,527 $ 1,418 $ (9,409) $ 438,536
(1) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the underlying collateral type included approximately 49 percent and 68 percent prime, six percent and four percent Alt-A and 45 percent and 28 percent subprime.
(2) Primarily includes non-U.S. securities used to satisfy certain international regulatory requirements. Any changes in value are reported in other income. For detail on the components, see Note 21 –
Fair Value Measurements.
(3) Includes securities pledged as collateral of $67.0 billion and $40.6 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(4) The Corporation held debt securities from FNMA and FHLMC that each exceeded 10 percent of shareholders’ equity, with an amortized cost of $157.2 billion and $54.1 billion, and a fair value of
$160.6 billion and $55.1 billion at December 31, 2019, and an amortized cost of $161.2 billion and $52.2 billion, and a fair value of $158.5 billion and $51.4 billion at December 31, 2018.

At December 31, 2019, the accumulated net unrealized gain The gross realized gains and losses on sales of AFS debt
on AFS debt securities, excluding the amount related to debt securities for 2019, 2018 and 2017 are presented in the table
securities previously transferred to held to maturity, included in below.
accumulated OCI was $1.8 billion, net of the related income tax
expense of $569 million. The Corporation had nonperforming AFS
debt securities of $9 million and $11 million at December 31,
Gains and Losses on Sales of AFS Debt Securities
2019 and 2018. (Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
At December 31, 2019, the Corporation held equity securities Gross gains $ 336 $ 169 $ 352
at an aggregate fair value of $891 million and other equity Gross losses (119) (15) (97)
securities, as valued under the measurement alternative, at cost Net gains on sales of AFS debt securities $ 217 $ 154 $ 255
of $183 million, both of which are included in other assets. At Income tax expense attributable to realized
December 31, 2019, the Corporation also held equity securities net gains on sales of AFS debt securities $ 54 $ 37 $ 97
at fair value of $1.0 billion included in time deposits placed and
other short-term investments.

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The table below presents the fair value and the associated gross unrealized losses on AFS debt securities and whether these
securities have had gross unrealized losses for less than 12 months or for 12 months or longer at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Temporarily Impaired and Other-than-temporarily Impaired AFS Debt Securities

Less than Twelve Months Twelve Months or Longer Total
Gross Gross Gross
Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized
Value Losses Value Losses Value Losses
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Temporarily impaired AFS debt securities
Mortgage-backed securities:
Agency $ 17,641 $ (41) $ 17,238 $ (142) $ 34,879 $ (183)
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations 255 (1) 925 (23) 1,180 (24)
Commercial 2,180 (22) 442 (3) 2,622 (25)
Non-agency residential 19 (1) 1 — 20 (1)
Total mortgage-backed securities 20,095 (65) 18,606 (168) 38,701 (233)
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 12,836 (71) 18,866 (124) 31,702 (195)
Non-U.S. securities 851 — 837 (2) 1,688 (2)
Other taxable securities, substantially all asset-backed securities 938 — 222 — 1,160 —
Total taxable securities 34,720 (136) 38,531 (294) 73,251 (430)
Tax-exempt securities 4,286 (5) 190 (1) 4,476 (6)
Total temporarily impaired AFS debt securities 39,006 (141) 38,721 (295) 77,727 (436)
Other-than-temporarily impaired AFS debt securities (1)
Non-agency residential mortgage-backed securities 103 (5) 21 (3) 124 (8)
Total temporarily impaired and other-than-temporarily impaired
AFS debt securities $ 39,109 $ (146) $ 38,742 $ (298) $ 77,851 $ (444)

December 31, 2018

Temporarily impaired AFS debt securities
Mortgage-backed securities:
Agency $ 14,771 $ (49) $ 99,211 $ (3,379) $ 113,982 $ (3,428)
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations 3 — 4,452 (110) 4,455 (110)
Commercial 1,344 (8) 11,991 (394) 13,335 (402)
Non-agency residential 106 (8) 49 (3) 155 (11)
Total mortgage-backed securities 16,224 (65) 115,703 (3,886) 131,927 (3,951)
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 288 (1) 51,374 (1,377) 51,662 (1,378)
Non-U.S. securities 773 (5) 21 (1) 794 (6)
Other taxable securities, substantially all asset-backed securities 183 (1) 185 (5) 368 (6)
Total taxable securities 17,468 (72) 167,283 (5,269) 184,751 (5,341)
Tax-exempt securities 232 (2) 2,148 (70) 2,380 (72)
Total temporarily impaired AFS debt securities 17,700 (74) 169,431 (5,339) 187,131 (5,413)
Other-than-temporarily impaired AFS debt securities (1)
Non-agency residential mortgage-backed securities 131 — 3 — 134 —
Total temporarily impaired and other-than-temporarily impaired
AFS debt securities $ 17,831 $ (74) $ 169,434 $ (5,339) $ 187,265 $ (5,413)
(1) Includes other-than-temporarily impaired AFS debt securities on which an OTTI loss, primarily related to changes in interest rates, remains in accumulated OCI.

In 2019, 2018 and 2017, the Corporation had $24 million, assumptions such as default rates, loss severity and prepayment
$33 million and $41 million, respectively, of credit-related OTTI rates. Assumptions used for the underlying loans that support the
losses on AFS debt securities which were recognized in other MBS can vary widely from loan to loan and are influenced by such
income. The amount of non-credit related OTTI losses for these factors as loan interest rate, geographic location of the borrower,
AFS debt securities, which is recognized in OCI, was not significant borrower characteristics and collateral type. Based on these
for all periods presented. assumptions, the Corporation then determines how the underlying
The cumulative OTTI credit losses recognized in income on AFS collateral cash flows will be distributed to each MBS issued from
debt securities that the Corporation does not intend to sell were the applicable special purpose entity. Expected principal and
$85 million, $120 million and $274 million at December 31, interest cash flows on an impaired AFS debt security are
2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. discounted using the effective yield of each individual impaired
The Corporation estimates the portion of a loss on a security AFS debt security.
that is attributable to credit using a discounted cash flow model Significant assumptions used in estimating the expected cash
and estimates the expected cash flows of the underlying collateral flows for measuring credit losses on non-agency residential
using internal credit, interest rate and prepayment risk models mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) were as follows at December
that incorporate management’s best estimate of current key 31, 2019.

Bank of America 2019 131

Significant Assumptions
Range (1)
Weighted 10th 90th
average Percentile (2) Percentile (2)
Prepayment speed 16.6% 5.5% 27.8%
Loss severity 14.7 8.0 30.7
Life default rate 11.9 1.0 36.5
(1) Represents the range of inputs/assumptions based upon the underlying collateral.
(2) The value of a variable below which the indicated percentile of observations will fall.

Annual constant prepayment speed and loss severity rates are by collateral type were 7.8 percent for prime, 11.6 percent for Alt-
projected considering collateral characteristics such as LTV, A and 13.6 percent for subprime at December 31, 2019.
creditworthiness of borrowers as measured using Fair Isaac The remaining contractual maturity distribution and yields of
Corporation (FICO) scores, and geographic concentrations. The the Corporation’s debt securities carried at fair value and HTM
weighted-average severity by collateral type was 12.9 percent for debt securities at December 31, 2019 are summarized in the table
prime, 11.1 percent for Alt-A and 18.8 percent for subprime at below. Actual duration and yields may differ as prepayments on
December 31, 2019. Default rates are projected by considering the loans underlying the mortgages or other ABS are passed
collateral characteristics including, but not limited to, LTV, FICO through to the Corporation.
and geographic concentration. Weighted-average life default rates

Maturities of Debt Securities Carried at Fair Value and Held-to-maturity Debt Securities
Due in One Due after One Year Due after Five Years Due after
Year or Less through Five Years through Ten Years Ten Years Total
(Dollars in millions) Amount Yield (1) Amount Yield (1) Amount Yield (1) Amount Yield (1) Amount Yield (1)
Amortized cost of debt securities carried at fair value
Mortgage-backed securities:
Agency $ — —% $ 11 5.25% $ 66 4.56% $124,618 3.24% $124,695 3.24%
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations — — — — 27 2.48 4,560 3.16 4,587 3.16
Commercial — — 3,806 2.37 10,136 2.57 868 2.99 14,810 2.54
Non-agency residential — — — — 12 — 2,157 9.26 2,169 9.22
Total mortgage-backed securities — — 3,817 2.38 10,241 2.58 132,203 3.33 146,261 3.25
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 1,350 0.92 35,544 1.67 30,789 2.25 20 2.45 67,703 1.92
Non-U.S. securities 15,648 1.17 2,598 1.03 7 4.17 96 6.74 18,349 1.18
Other taxable securities, substantially all asset-backed
securities 1,189 2.80 1,650 3.02 440 3.32 595 2.91 3,874 2.97
Total taxable securities 18,187 1.26 43,609 1.74 41,477 2.34 132,914 3.34 236,187 2.70
Tax-exempt securities 2,189 1.72 7,472 2.10 4,849 2.06 3,206 2.44 17,716 2.10
Total amortized cost of debt securities carried at
fair value $ 20,376 1.31 $ 51,081 1.79 $ 46,326 2.31 $ 136,120 3.32 $ 253,903 2.67
Amortized cost of HTM debt securities (2) $ 1,025 2.83 $ 48 3.57 $ 1,102 2.57 $ 213,555 3.19 $ 215,730 3.19

Debt securities carried at fair value

Mortgage-backed securities:
Agency $ — $ 11 $ 71 $125,449 $125,531
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations — — 26 4,615 4,641
Commercial — 3,854 10,287 893 15,034
Non-agency residential — — 25 2,386 2,411
Total mortgage-backed securities — 3,865 10,409 133,343 147,617
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 1,347 35,686 31,478 20 68,531
Non-U.S. securities 15,751 2,606 8 98 18,463
Other taxable securities, substantially all asset-backed
securities 1,196 1,687 465 596 3,944
Total taxable securities 18,294 43,844 42,360 134,057 238,555
Tax-exempt securities 2,192 7,509 4,976 3,235 17,912
Total debt securities carried at fair value $ 20,486 $ 51,353 $ 47,336 $ 137,292 $ 256,467
Fair value of HTM debt securities (2) $ 1,025 $ 48 $ 1,113 $ 217,635 $ 219,821
(1) The weighted-average yield is computed based on a constant effective interest rate over the contractual life of each security. The average yield considers the contractual coupon and the amortization
of premiums and accretion of discounts, excluding the effect of related hedging derivatives.
(2) Substantially all U.S. agency MBS.

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NOTE 5 Outstanding Loans and Leases
The following tables present total outstanding loans and leases and an aging analysis for the Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card and
Other Consumer, and Commercial portfolio segments, by class of financing receivables, at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Total Loans
Total Past Current or Accounted
90 Days or Due 30 Less Than for Under
30-59 Days 60-89 Days More Days 30 Days the Fair Total
Past Due (1) Past Due (1) Past Due (2) or More Past Due (3) Value Option Outstandings
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Consumer real estate
Core portfolio
Residential mortgage $ 1,378 $ 261 $ 565 $ 2,204 $ 223,566 $ 225,770
Home equity 135 70 198 403 34,823 35,226
Non-core portfolio
Residential mortgage 458 209 1,263 1,930 8,469 10,399
Home equity 34 16 72 122 4,860 4,982
Credit card and other consumer
Credit card 564 429 1,042 2,035 95,573 97,608
Direct/Indirect consumer (4) 297 85 35 417 90,581 90,998
Other consumer — — — — 192 192
Total consumer 2,866 1,070 3,175 7,111 458,064 465,175
Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value
option (5) $ 594 594
Total consumer loans and leases 2,866 1,070 3,175 7,111 458,064 594 465,769
U.S. commercial 788 279 371 1,438 305,610 307,048
Non-U.S. commercial 35 23 8 66 104,900 104,966
Commercial real estate (6) 144 19 119 282 62,407 62,689
Commercial lease financing 100 56 39 195 19,685 19,880
U.S. small business commercial 119 56 107 282 15,051 15,333
Total commercial 1,186 433 644 2,263 507,653 509,916
Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value
option (5) 7,741 7,741
Total commercial loans and leases 1,186 433 644 2,263 507,653 7,741 517,657
Total loans and leases (7) $ 4,052 $ 1,503 $ 3,819 $ 9,374 $ 965,717 $ 8,335 $ 983,426
Percentage of outstandings 0.41% 0.15% 0.39% 0.95% 98.20% 0.85% 100.00%
(1) Consumer real estate loans 30-59 days past due includes fully-insured loans of $517 million and nonperforming loans of $139 million. Consumer real estate loans 60-89 days past due includes
fully-insured loans of $206 million and nonperforming loans of $114 million.
(2) Consumer real estate includes fully-insured loans of $1.1 billion.
(3) Consumer real estate includes $856 million and direct/indirect consumer includes $45 million of nonperforming loans.
(4) Total outstandings primarily includes auto and specialty lending loans and leases of $50.4 billion, U.S. securities-based lending loans of $36.7 billion and non-U.S. consumer loans of $2.8 billion.
(5) Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option includes residential mortgage loans of $257 million and home equity loans of $337 million. Commercial loans accounted for under the fair
value option includes U.S. commercial loans of $4.7 billion and non-U.S. commercial loans of $3.1 billion. For more information, see Note 21 – Fair Value Measurements and Note 22 – Fair Value
(6) Total outstandings includes U.S. commercial real estate loans of $59.0 billion and non-U.S. commercial real estate loans of $3.7 billion.
(7) Total outstandings includes loans and leases pledged as collateral of $25.9 billion. The Corporation also pledged $168.2 billion of loans with no related outstanding borrowings to secure potential
borrowing capacity with the Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank.

Bank of America 2019 133

Total Loans
Total Past Current or Accounted
90 Days or Due 30 Less Than for Under
30-59 Days 60-89 Days More Days 30 Days the Fair Total
Past Due (1) Past Due (1) Past Due (2) or More Past Due (3) Value Option Outstandings
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2018
Consumer real estate
Core portfolio
Residential mortgage $ 1,188 $ 249 $ 793 $ 2,230 $ 191,465 $ 193,695
Home equity 200 85 387 672 39,338 40,010
Non-core portfolio
Residential mortgage 757 309 2,201 3,267 11,595 14,862
Home equity 139 69 339 547 7,729 8,276
Credit card and other consumer
Credit card 577 418 994 1,989 96,349 98,338
Direct/Indirect consumer (4) 317 90 40 447 90,719 91,166
Other consumer (5) — — — — 202 202
Total consumer 3,178 1,220 4,754 9,152 437,397 446,549
Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value
option (6) $ 682 682
Total consumer loans and leases 3,178 1,220 4,754 9,152 437,397 682 447,231
U.S. commercial 594 232 573 1,399 297,878 299,277
Non-U.S. commercial 1 49 — 50 98,726 98,776
Commercial real estate (7) 29 16 14 59 60,786 60,845
Commercial lease financing 124 114 37 275 22,259 22,534
U.S. small business commercial 83 54 96 233 14,332 14,565
Total commercial 831 465 720 2,016 493,981 495,997
Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value
option (6) 3,667 3,667
Total commercial loans and leases 831 465 720 2,016 493,981 3,667 499,664
Total loans and leases (8) $ 4,009 $ 1,685 $ 5,474 $ 11,168 $ 931,378 $ 4,349 $ 946,895
Percentage of outstandings 0.42% 0.18% 0.58% 1.18% 98.36% 0.46% 100.00%
(1) Consumer real estate loans 30-59 days past due includes fully-insured loans of $637 million and nonperforming loans of $217 million. Consumer real estate loans 60-89 days past due includes
fully-insured loans of $269 million and nonperforming loans of $146 million.
(2) Consumer real estate includes fully-insured loans of $1.9 billion.
(3) Consumer real estate includes $1.8 billion and direct/indirect consumer includes $53 million of nonperforming loans.
(4) Total outstandings primarily includes auto and specialty lending loans and leases of $50.1 billion, U.S. securities-based lending loans of $37.0 billion and non-U.S. consumer loans of $2.9 billion.
(5) Substantially all of other consumer is consumer overdrafts.
(6) Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option includes residential mortgage loans of $336 million and home equity loans of $346 million. Commercial loans accounted for under the fair
value option includes U.S. commercial loans of $2.5 billion and non-U.S. commercial loans of $1.1 billion. For more information, see Note 21 – Fair Value Measurements and Note 22 – Fair Value
(7) Total outstandings includes U.S. commercial real estate loans of $56.6 billion and non-U.S. commercial real estate loans of $4.2 billion.
(8) Total outstandings includes loans and leases pledged as collateral of $36.7 billion. The Corporation also pledged $166.1 billion of loans with no related outstanding borrowings to secure potential
borrowing capacity with the Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank.

The Corporation categorizes consumer real estate loans as severely delinquent. All of these loans are individually insured and
core and non-core based on loan and customer characteristics therefore the Corporation does not record an allowance for credit
such as origination date, product type, LTV, FICO score and losses related to these loans.
delinquency status consistent with its current consumer and During 2019, the Corporation sold $4.7 billion of consumer
mortgage servicing strategy. Generally, loans that were originated real estate compared to $11.6 billion in 2018.
after January 1, 2010, qualified under government-sponsored
enterprise (GSE) underwriting guidelines, or otherwise met the Nonperforming Loans and Leases
Corporation’s underwriting guidelines in place in 2015 are The Corporation classifies consumer real estate loans that have
characterized as core loans. All other loans are generally been discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy and not reaffirmed by
characterized as non-core loans and represent runoff portfolios. the borrower as TDRs, irrespective of payment history or
The Corporation has entered into long-term credit protection delinquency status, even if the repayment terms for the loans have
agreements with FNMA and FHLMC on loans totaling $7.5 billion not been otherwise modified. The Corporation continues to have
and $6.1 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018, providing full a lien on the underlying collateral.
credit protection on residential mortgage loans that become

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The table below presents the Corporation’s nonperforming loans and leases including nonperforming TDRs, and loans accruing past
due 90 days or more at December 31, 2019 and 2018. Nonperforming LHFS are excluded from nonperforming loans and leases as
they are recorded at either fair value or the lower of cost or fair value. For more information on the criteria for classification as
nonperforming, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles.

Credit Quality
Nonperforming Loans Accruing Past Due
and Leases 90 Days or More
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018
Consumer real estate
Core portfolio
Residential mortgage (1) $ 883 $ 1,010 $ 176 $ 274
Home equity 363 955 — —
Non-core portfolio
Residential mortgage (1) 587 883 912 1,610
Home equity 173 938 — —
Credit card and other consumer
Credit card n/a n/a 1,042 994
Direct/Indirect consumer 47 56 33 38
Total consumer 2,053 3,842 2,163 2,916
U.S. commercial 1,094 794 106 197
Non-U.S. commercial 43 80 8 —
Commercial real estate 280 156 19 4
Commercial lease financing 32 18 20 29
U.S. small business commercial 50 54 97 84
Total commercial 1,499 1,102 250 314
Total loans and leases $ 3,552 $ 4,944 $ 2,413 $ 3,230
(1)Residential mortgage loans in the core and non-core portfolios accruing past due 90 days or more are fully-insured loans. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, residential mortgage includes $740
million and $1.4 billion of loans on which interest has been curtailed by the FHA and therefore are no longer accruing interest, although principal is still insured, and $348 million and $498 million
of loans on which interest is still accruing.
n/a = not applicable

Credit Quality Indicators scores updated. FICO scores are also a primary credit quality
The Corporation monitors credit quality within its Consumer Real indicator for the Credit Card and Other Consumer portfolio segment
Estate, Credit Card and Other Consumer, and Commercial portfolio and the business card portfolio within U.S. small business
segments based on primary credit quality indicators. For more commercial. Within the Commercial portfolio segment, loans are
information on the portfolio segments, see Note 1 – Summary of evaluated using the internal classifications of pass rated or
Significant Accounting Principles. Within the Consumer Real Estate reservable criticized as the primary credit quality indicators. The
portfolio segment, the primary credit quality indicators are term reservable criticized refers to those commercial loans that
refreshed LTV and refreshed FICO score. Refreshed LTV measures are internally classified or listed by the Corporation as Special
the carrying value of the loan as a percentage of the value of the Mention, Substandard or Doubtful, which are asset quality
property securing the loan, refreshed quarterly. Home equity loans categories defined by regulatory authorities. These assets have
are evaluated using CLTV which measures the carrying value of an elevated level of risk and may have a high probability of default
the Corporation’s loan and available line of credit combined with or total loss. Pass rated refers to all loans not considered
any outstanding senior liens against the property as a percentage reservable criticized. In addition to these primary credit quality
of the value of the property securing the loan, refreshed quarterly. indicators, the Corporation uses other credit quality indicators for
FICO score measures the creditworthiness of the borrower based certain types of loans.
on the financial obligations of the borrower and the borrower’s The following tables present certain credit quality indicators
credit history. FICO scores are typically refreshed quarterly or more for the Corporation's Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card and Other
frequently. Certain borrowers (e.g., borrowers that have had debts Consumer, and Commercial portfolio segments, by class of
discharged in a bankruptcy proceeding) may not have their FICO financing receivables, at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Bank of America 2019 135

Consumer Real Estate – Credit Quality Indicators (1)

Core Non-core Core Non-core Core Non-core Core Non-core

Residential Residential Home Home Residential Residential Home Home
Mortgage Mortgage Equity Equity Mortgage Mortgage Equity Equity
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
Refreshed LTV
Less than or equal to 90 percent $ 205,357 $ 7,433 $ 34,733 $ 4,127 $ 173,911 $ 10,272 $ 39,246 $ 6,478
Greater than 90 percent but less than or equal to
100 percent 3,100 273 226 348 2,349 533 354 715
Greater than 100 percent 1,049 267 267 507 817 545 410 1,083
Fully-insured loans (2) 16,264 2,426 16,618 3,512
Total consumer real estate $ 225,770 $ 10,399 $ 35,226 $ 4,982 $ 193,695 $ 14,862 $ 40,010 $ 8,276
Refreshed FICO score
Less than 620 $ 2,127 $ 1,230 $ 751 $ 541 $ 2,125 $ 1,974 $ 1,064 $ 1,503
Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680 4,821 1,053 1,550 800 4,538 1,719 2,008 1,720
Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740 26,905 1,981 6,025 1,412 23,841 3,042 7,008 2,188
Greater than or equal to 740 175,653 3,709 26,900 2,229 146,573 4,615 29,930 2,865
Fully-insured loans (2) 16,264 2,426 16,618 3,512
Total consumer real estate $ 225,770 $ 10,399 $ 35,226 $ 4,982 $ 193,695 $ 14,862 $ 40,010 $ 8,276
(1) Excludes $594 million and $682 million of loans accounted for under the fair value option at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(2) Credit quality indicators are not reported for fully-insured loans as principal repayment is insured.

Credit Card and Other Consumer – Credit Quality Indicators

Credit Direct/Indirect Other Credit Direct/Indirect Other
Card Consumer Consumer Card Consumer Consumer
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
Refreshed FICO score
Less than 620 $ 5,179 $ 1,720 $ 5,016 $ 1,719
Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680 12,277 2,734 12,415 3,124
Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740 35,301 8,460 35,781 8,921
Greater than or equal to 740 44,851 37,825 45,126 36,709
Other internal credit metrics (1, 2) 40,259 $ 192 40,693 $ 202
Total credit card and other consumer $ 97,608 $ 90,998 $ 192 $ 98,338 $ 91,166 $ 202
(1) Other internal credit metrics may include delinquency status, geography or other factors.
(2) Direct/indirect consumer includes $39.6 billion and $39.9 billion of securities-based lending which is overcollateralized and therefore has minimal credit risk at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Commercial – Credit Quality Indicators (1)

Commercial U.S. Small
U.S. Non-U.S. Commercial Lease Business
Commercial Commercial Real Estate Financing Commercial (2)
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Risk ratings
Pass rated $ 299,380 $ 104,051 $ 61,598 $ 19,551 $ 231
Reservable criticized 7,668 915 1,091 329 18
Refreshed FICO score
Less than 620 308
Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680 756
Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740 2,267
Greater than or equal to 740 4,607
Other internal credit metrics (3) 7,146
Total commercial $ 307,048 $ 104,966 $ 62,689 $ 19,880 $ 15,333

December 31, 2018

Risk ratings
Pass rated $ 291,918 $ 97,916 $ 59,910 $ 22,168 $ 389
Reservable criticized 7,359 860 935 366 29
Refreshed FICO score
Less than 620 264
Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680 684
Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740 2,072
Greater than or equal to 740 4,254
Other internal credit metrics (3) 6,873
Total commercial $ 299,277 $ 98,776 $ 60,845 $ 22,534 $ 14,565
(1) Excludes $7.7 billion and $3.7 billion of loans accounted for under the fair value option at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(2) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, U.S. small business commercial includes $715 million and $731 million of criticized business card and small business loans which are evaluated using refreshed
FICO scores or internal credit metrics, including delinquency status, rather than risk ratings. Refreshed FICO score and other internal credit metrics are applicable only to the U.S. small business
commercial portfolio.
(3) Other internal credit metrics may include delinquency status, application scores, geography or other factors. At both December 31, 2019 and 2018, 99 percent of the balances where internal credit
metrics are used were current or less than 30 days past due.

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Impaired Loans and Troubled Debt Restructurings Alternatively, consumer real estate TDRs that are considered to
A loan is considered impaired when, based on current information, be dependent solely on the collateral for repayment (e.g., due to
it is probable that the Corporation will be unable to collect all the lack of income verification) are measured based on the
amounts due from the borrower in accordance with the contractual estimated fair value of the collateral and a charge-off is recorded
terms of the loan. For more information, see Note 1 – Summary if the carrying value exceeds the fair value of the collateral.
of Significant Accounting Principles. Consumer real estate loans that reached 180 days past due prior
to modification had been charged off to their net realizable value,
Consumer Real Estate less costs to sell, before they were modified as TDRs in accordance
Impaired consumer real estate loans within the Consumer Real with established policy. Therefore, modifications of consumer real
Estate portfolio segment consist entirely of TDRs. Most estate loans that are 180 or more days past due as TDRs do not
modifications of consumer real estate loans meet the definition have an impact on the allowance for loan and lease losses nor
of TDRs when a binding offer is extended to a borrower. are additional charge-offs required at the time of modification.
Modifications of consumer real estate loans are done in Subsequent declines in the fair value of the collateral after a loan
accordance with government programs or the Corporation’s has reached 180 days past due are recorded as charge-offs. Fully-
proprietary programs. These modifications are considered to be insured loans are protected against principal loss, and therefore,
TDRs if concessions have been granted to borrowers experiencing the Corporation does not record an allowance for loan and lease
financial difficulties. Concessions may include reductions in losses on the outstanding principal balance, even after they have
interest rates, capitalization of past due amounts, principal and/ been modified in a TDR.
or interest forbearance, payment extensions, principal and/or At December 31, 2019 and 2018, remaining commitments to
interest forgiveness, or combinations thereof. lend additional funds to debtors whose terms have been modified
Prior to permanently modifying a loan, the Corporation may in a consumer real estate TDR were not significant. Consumer real
enter into trial modifications with certain borrowers under both estate foreclosed properties totaled $229 million and $244 million
government and proprietary programs. Trial modifications generally at December 31, 2019 and 2018. The carrying value of consumer
represent a three- to four-month period during which the borrower real estate loans, including fully-insured loans, for which formal
makes monthly payments under the anticipated modified payment foreclosure proceedings were in process at December 31, 2019
terms. Upon successful completion of the trial period, the was $1.6 billion. During 2019 and 2018, the Corporation
Corporation and the borrower enter into a permanent modification. reclassified $611 million and $670 million of consumer real estate
Binding trial modifications are classified as TDRs when the trial loans to foreclosed properties or, for properties acquired upon
offer is made and continue to be classified as TDRs regardless of foreclosure of certain government-guaranteed loans (principally
whether the borrower enters into a permanent modification. FHA-insured loans), to other assets. The reclassifications
Consumer real estate loans of $632 million that have been represent non-cash investing activities and, accordingly, are not
discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy with no change in repayment reflected in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.
terms and not reaffirmed by the borrower were included in TDRs The following table provides the unpaid principal balance,
at December 31, 2019, of which $101 million were classified as carrying value and related allowance at December 31, 2019 and
nonperforming and $275 million were loans fully insured by the 2018 and the average carrying value and interest income
FHA. For more information on loans discharged in Chapter 7 recognized in 2019, 2018 and 2017 for impaired loans in the
bankruptcy, see Nonperforming Loans and Leases in this Note. Corporation’s Consumer Real Estate portfolio segment. Certain
Consumer real estate TDRs are measured primarily based on impaired consumer real estate loans do not have a related
the net present value of the estimated cash flows discounted at allowance as the current valuation of these impaired loans
the loan’s original effective interest rate. If the carrying value of a exceeded the carrying value, which is net of previously recorded
TDR exceeds this amount, a specific allowance is recorded as a charge-offs.
component of the allowance for loan and lease losses.

Bank of America 2019 137

Impaired Loans – Consumer Real Estate
Unpaid Unpaid
Principal Carrying Related Principal Carrying Related
Balance Value Allowance Balance Value Allowance
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
With no recorded allowance
Residential mortgage $ 4,224 $ 3,354 $ — $ 5,396 $ 4,268 $ —
Home equity 1,176 706 — 2,948 1,599 —
With an allowance recorded
Residential mortgage $ 1,426 $ 1,399 $ 70 $ 1,977 $ 1,929 $ 114
Home equity 543 523 69 812 760 144
Residential mortgage $ 5,650 $ 4,753 $ 70 $ 7,373 $ 6,197 $ 114
Home equity 1,719 1,229 69 3,760 2,359 144

Average Interest Average Interest Average Interest

Carrying Income Carrying Income Carrying Income
Value Recognized (1) Value Recognized (1) Value Recognized (1)
2019 2018 2017
With no recorded allowance
Residential mortgage $ 3,831 $ 155 $ 5,424 $ 207 $ 7,737 $ 311
Home equity 1,221 76 1,894 105 1,997 109
With an allowance recorded
Residential mortgage $ 1,635 $ 62 $ 2,409 $ 91 $ 3,414 $ 123
Home equity 637 22 861 25 858 24
Residential mortgage $ 5,466 $ 217 $ 7,833 $ 298 $ 11,151 $ 434
Home equity 1,858 98 2,755 130 2,855 133
(1) Interest income recognized includes interest accrued and collected on the outstanding balances of accruing impaired loans as well as interest cash collections on nonaccruing impaired loans for
which the principal is considered collectible.

The table below presents the December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 unpaid principal balance, carrying value, and average pre- and
post-modification interest rates of consumer real estate loans that were modified in TDRs during 2019, 2018 and 2017. The following
Consumer Real Estate portfolio segment tables include loans that were initially classified as TDRs during the period and also loans
that had previously been classified as TDRs and were modified again during the period.

Consumer Real Estate – TDRs Entered into During 2019, 2018 and 2017
Unpaid Pre- Post-
Principal Carrying Modification Modification
Balance Value Interest Rate Interest Rate (1)
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Residential mortgage $ 464 $ 377 4.19% 4.13%
Home equity 141 101 5.04 4.31
Total $ 605 $ 478 4.39 4.17

December 31, 2018

Residential mortgage $ 774 $ 641 4.33% 4.21%
Home equity 489 358 4.46 3.74
Total $ 1,263 $ 999 4.38 4.03

December 31, 2017

Residential mortgage $ 824 $ 712 4.43% 4.16%
Home equity 764 590 4.22 3.49
Total $ 1,588 $ 1,302 4.33 3.83
(1) The post-modification interest rate reflects the interest rate applicable only to permanently completed modifications, which exclude loans that are in a trial modification period.

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The table below presents the December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 carrying value for consumer real estate loans that were modified
in a TDR during 2019, 2018 and 2017, by type of modification.

Consumer Real Estate – Modification Programs

TDRs Entered into During
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
Modifications under government programs (1) $ 35 $ 61 $ 85
Modifications under proprietary programs (1) 174 523 437
Loans discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy (2) 68 130 211
Trial modifications 201 285 569
Total modifications $ 478 $ 999 $ 1,302
(1) Includes other modifications such as term or payment extensions and repayment plans. During 2018, this included $198 million of modifications that met the definition of a TDR related to the 2017
hurricanes; there were no such modifications in 2019 or 2017. These modifications were written down to their net realizable value less costs to sell or were fully insured as of December 31, 2018.
(2) Includes loans discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy with no change in repayment terms that are classified as TDRs.

The table below presents the carrying value of consumer real estate loans that entered into payment default during 2019, 2018
and 2017 that were modified in a TDR during the 12 months preceding payment default. A payment default for consumer real estate
TDRs is recognized when a borrower has missed three monthly payments (not necessarily consecutively) since modification.

Consumer Real Estate – TDRs Entering Payment Default that were Modified During the Preceding 12 Months
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
Modifications under government programs $ 26 $ 39 $ 81
Modifications under proprietary programs 88 158 138
Loans discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy (1) 30 64 116
Trial modifications (2) 57 107 391
Total modifications $ 201 $ 368 $ 726
(1) Includes loans discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy with no change in repayment terms that are classified as TDRs.
(2) Includes trial modification offers to which the customer did not respond.

Credit Card and Other Consumer provide solutions to customers’ entire unsecured debt structures
Impaired loans within the Credit Card and Other Consumer portfolio (external programs). The Corporation classifies other secured
segment consist entirely of loans that have been modified in TDRs. consumer loans that have been discharged in Chapter 7
The Corporation seeks to assist customers that are experiencing bankruptcy as TDRs which are written down to collateral value and
financial difficulty by modifying loans while ensuring compliance placed on nonaccrual status no later than the time of discharge.
with federal and local laws and guidelines. Credit card and other For more information on the regulatory guidance on loans
consumer loan modifications generally involve reducing the discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, see Nonperforming Loans and
interest rate on the account, placing the customer on a fixed Leases in this Note.
payment plan not exceeding 60 months and canceling the The following table provides the unpaid principal balance,
customer’s available line of credit, all of which are considered carrying value and related allowance at December 31, 2019 and
TDRs. The Corporation makes loan modifications directly with 2018 and the average carrying value for 2019, 2018 and 2017
borrowers for debt held only by the Corporation (internal programs). on TDRs within the Credit Card and Other Consumer portfolio
Additionally, the Corporation makes loan modifications for segment.
borrowers working with third-party renegotiation agencies that

Impaired Loans – Credit Card and Other Consumer

Unpaid Unpaid
Principal Carrying Related Principal Carrying Related
Balance Value (1) Allowance Balance Value (1) Allowance Average Carrying Value (2)
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 2019 2018 2017
With no recorded allowance
Direct/Indirect consumer $ 73 $ 32 $ — $ 72 $ 33 $ — $ 33 $ 30 $ 21
With an allowance recorded
Credit card (3) $ 633 $ 647 $ 188 $ 522 $ 533 $ 154 $ 594 $ 491 $ 511
(1) Includes accrued interest and fees.
(2) The related interest income recognized, which includes interest accrued and collected on the outstanding balances of accruing impaired loans as well as interest cash collections on nonaccruing
impaired loans for which the principal was considered collectible, was not significant in 2019, 2018 and 2017.
(3) The average carrying value in 2017 includes $47 million related to the non-U.S. credit card portfolio, which was sold in the second quarter of 2017.

Bank of America 2019 139

The table below provides information on the Corporation’s primary modification programs for the Credit Card and Other Consumer
TDR portfolio at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Credit Card and Other Consumer – TDRs by Program Type at December 31

Credit Card Direct/Indirect Consumer Total TDRs by Program Type
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Internal programs $ 339 $ 259 $ — $ — $ 339 $ 259
External programs 308 273 — — 308 273
Other — 1 32 33 32 34
Total $ 647 $ 533 $ 32 $ 33 $ 679 $ 566
Percent of balances current or less than 30 days past due 85% 85% 78% 81% 84% 85%

The table below provides information on the Corporation’s Credit Card and Other Consumer TDR portfolio including the December
31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 unpaid principal balance, carrying value, and average pre- and post-modification interest rates of loans that
were modified in TDRs during 2019, 2018 and 2017.

Credit Card and Other Consumer – TDRs Entered into During 2019, 2018 and 2017

Unpaid Pre- Post-

Principal Carrying Modification Modification
Balance Value (1) Interest Rate Interest Rate
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Credit card $ 340 $ 355 19.18% 5.35%
Direct/Indirect consumer 40 21 5.23 5.21
Total $ 380 $ 376 18.42 5.34

December 31, 2018

Credit card $ 278 $ 292 19.49% 5.24%
Direct/Indirect consumer 42 23 5.10 4.95
Total $ 320 $ 315 18.45 5.22

December 31, 2017

Credit card $ 203 $ 213 18.47% 5.32%
Non-U.S. credit card 37 22 4.81 4.30
Total $ 240 $ 235 17.17 5.22
(1) Includes accrued interest and fees.

Credit card and other consumer loans are deemed to be in with foreclosure, short sale or other settlement agreements
payment default during the quarter in which a borrower misses the leading to termination or sale of the loan.
second of two consecutive payments. Payment defaults are one At the time of restructuring, the loans are remeasured to reflect
of the factors considered when projecting future cash flows in the the impact, if any, on projected cash flows resulting from the
calculation of the allowance for loan and lease losses for impaired modified terms. If there was no forgiveness of principal and the
credit card and other consumer loans. Based on historical interest rate was not decreased, the modification may have little
experience, the Corporation estimates that 14 percent of new or no impact on the allowance established for the loan. If a portion
credit card TDRs and 20 percent of new direct/indirect consumer of the loan is deemed to be uncollectible, a charge-off may be
TDRs may be in payment default within 12 months after recorded at the time of restructuring. Alternatively, a charge-off
modification. may have already been recorded in a previous period such that no
charge-off is required at the time of modification. For more
Commercial Loans information on modifications for the U.S. small business
Impaired commercial loans include nonperforming loans and TDRs commercial portfolio, see Credit Card and Other Consumer in this
(both performing and nonperforming). Modifications of loans to Note.
commercial borrowers that are experiencing financial difficulty are At December 31, 2019 and 2018, remaining commitments to
designed to reduce the Corporation’s loss exposure while providing lend additional funds to debtors whose terms have been modified
the borrower with an opportunity to work through financial in a commercial loan TDR were $445 million and $297 million.
difficulties, often to avoid foreclosure or bankruptcy. Each The balance of commercial TDRs in payment default was not
modification is unique and reflects the individual circumstances significant at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
of the borrower. Modifications that result in a TDR may include The table below provides information on impaired loans in the
extensions of maturity at a concessionary (below market) rate of Commercial loan portfolio segment including the unpaid principal
interest, payment forbearances or other actions designed to balance, carrying value and related allowance at December 31,
benefit the customer while mitigating the Corporation’s risk 2019 and 2018, and the average carrying value for 2019, 2018
exposure. Reductions in interest rates are rare. Instead, the and 2017. Certain impaired commercial loans do not have a
interest rates are typically increased, although the increased rate related allowance because the valuation of these impaired loans
may not represent a market rate of interest. Infrequently, exceeded the carrying value, which is net of previously recorded
concessions may also include principal forgiveness in connection charge-offs.

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Impaired Loans – Commercial
Unpaid Unpaid
Principal Carrying Related Principal Carrying Related
Balance Value Allowance Balance Value Allowance Average Carrying Value (1)
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 2019 2018 2017
With no recorded allowance
U.S. commercial $ 534 $ 520 $ — $ 638 $ 616 $ — $ 635 $ 655 $ 772
Non-U.S. commercial 123 123 — 93 93 — 79 43 46
Commercial real estate 67 58 — — — — 96 44 69
Commercial lease financing 12 12 — — — — 5 3 —
With an allowance recorded
U.S. commercial $ 1,776 $ 1,574 $ 216 $ 1,437 $ 1,270 $ 121 $ 1,316 $ 1,162 $ 1,260
Non-U.S. commercial 113 113 9 155 149 30 218 327 463
Commercial real estate 322 236 64 247 162 16 149 46 73
Commercial lease financing 57 51 1 71 71 — 73 42 8
U.S. small business commercial (2) 91 77 30 83 72 29 75 73 73
U.S. commercial $ 2,310 $ 2,094 $ 216 $ 2,075 $ 1,886 $ 121 $ 1,951 $ 1,817 $ 2,032
Non-U.S. commercial 236 236 9 248 242 30 297 370 509
Commercial real estate 389 294 64 247 162 16 245 90 142
Commercial lease financing 69 63 1 71 71 — 78 45 8
U.S. small business commercial (2) 91 77 30 83 72 29 75 73 73
(1) The related interest income recognized, which includes interest accrued and collected on the outstanding balances of accruing impaired loans as well as interest cash collections on nonaccruing

impaired loans for which the principal was considered collectible, was not significant in 2019, 2018 and 2017.
(2) Includes U.S. small business commercial renegotiated TDR loans and related allowance.

Loans Held-for-sale
The Corporation had LHFS of $9.2 billion and $10.4 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018. Cash and non-cash proceeds from sales
and paydowns of loans originally classified as LHFS were $30.6 billion, $29.2 billion and $41.3 billion for 2019, 2018 and 2017,
respectively. Cash used for originations and purchases of LHFS totaled $28.9 billion, $28.1 billion and $43.5 billion for 2019, 2018
and 2017, respectively.

NOTE 6 Allowance for Credit Losses

The table below summarizes the changes in the allowance for credit losses by portfolio segment for 2019, 2018 and 2017.

Consumer Credit Card and

Real Estate Other Consumer Commercial Total
(Dollars in millions) 2019
Allowance for loan and lease losses, January 1 $ 928 $ 3,874 $ 4,799 $ 9,601
Loans and leases charged off (522) (4,302) (822) (5,646)
Recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off 927 911 160 1,998
Net charge-offs 405 (3,391) (662) (3,648)
Provision for loan and lease losses (680) 3,512 742 3,574
Other (1) (107) 1 (5) (111)
Allowance for loan and lease losses, December 31 546 3,996 4,874 9,416
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, January 1 — — 797 797
Provision for unfunded lending commitments — — 16 16
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, December 31 — — 813 813
Allowance for credit losses, December 31 $ 546 $ 3,996 $ 5,687 $ 10,229

Allowance for loan and lease losses, January 1 $ 1,720 $ 3,663 $ 5,010 $ 10,393
Loans and leases charged off (690) (4,037) (675) (5,402)
Recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off 664 823 152 1,639
Net charge-offs (26) (3,214) (523) (3,763)
Provision for loan and lease losses (492) 3,441 313 3,262
Other (1) (274) (16) (1) (291)
Allowance for loan and lease losses, December 31 928 3,874 4,799 9,601
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, January 1 — — 777 777
Provision for unfunded lending commitments — — 20 20
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, December 31 — — 797 797
Allowance for credit losses, December 31 $ 928 $ 3,874 $ 5,596 $ 10,398

Allowance for loan and lease losses, January 1 $ 2,750 $ 3,229 $ 5,258 $ 11,237
Loans and leases charged off (770) (3,774) (1,075) (5,619)
Recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off 657 809 174 1,640
Net charge-offs (113) (2,965) (901) (3,979)
Provision for loan and lease losses (710) 3,437 654 3,381
Other (1) (207) (38) (1) (246)
Allowance for loan and lease losses, December 31 1,720 3,663 5,010 10,393
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, January 1 — — 762 762
Provision for unfunded lending commitments — — 15 15
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, December 31 — — 777 777
Allowance for credit losses, December 31 $ 1,720 $ 3,663 $ 5,787 $ 11,170
(1) Primarily represents write-offs of purchased credit-impaired loans, the net impact of portfolio sales, and transfers to LHFS.

Bank of America 2019 141

The table below presents the allowance and the carrying value of outstanding loans and leases by portfolio segment at December
31, 2019 and 2018.

Consumer Credit Card and

Real Estate Other Consumer Commercial Total
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Impaired loans and troubled debt restructurings (1)
Allowance for loan and lease losses $ 139 $ 188 $ 320 $ 647
Carrying value (2) 5,982 679 2,764 9,425
Allowance as a percentage of carrying value 2.32% 27.69% 11.58% 6.86%
Loans collectively evaluated for impairment
Allowance for loan and lease losses $ 407 $ 3,808 $ 4,554 $ 8,769
Carrying value (2, 3) 270,395 188,119 507,152 965,666
Allowance as a percentage of carrying value (3) 0.15% 2.02% 0.90% 0.91%
Allowance for loan and lease losses $ 546 $ 3,996 $ 4,874 $ 9,416
Carrying value (2, 3) 276,377 188,798 509,916 975,091
Allowance as a percentage of carrying value (3) 0.20% 2.12% 0.96% 0.97%

December 31, 2018

Impaired loans and troubled debt restructurings (1)
Allowance for loan and lease losses $ 258 $ 154 $ 196 $ 608
Carrying value (2) 8,556 566 2,433 11,555
Allowance as a percentage of carrying value 3.02% 27.21% 8.06% 5.26%
Loans collectively evaluated for impairment
Allowance for loan and lease losses $ 670 $ 3,720 $ 4,603 $ 8,993
Carrying value (2, 3) 248,287 189,140 493,564 930,991
Allowance as a percentage of carrying value (3) 0.27% 1.97% 0.93% 0.97%
Allowance for loan and lease losses $ 928 $ 3,874 $ 4,799 $ 9,601
Carrying value (2, 3) 256,843 189,706 495,997 942,546
Allowance as a percentage of carrying value (3) 0.36% 2.04% 0.97% 1.02%
(1) Impaired loans include nonperforming commercial loans and leases, as well as all TDRs, including both commercial and consumer TDRs. Impaired loans exclude nonperforming consumer loans
unless they are TDRs, and all consumer and commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option.
(2) Amounts are presented gross of the allowance for loan and lease losses.
(3) Outstanding loan and lease balances and ratios do not include loans accounted for under the fair value option of $8.3 billion and $4.3 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

NOTE 7 Securitizations and Other Variable arrangements. The Corporation’s maximum loss exposure does
not include losses previously recognized through write-downs of
Interest Entities assets.
The Corporation utilizes VIEs in the ordinary course of business The Corporation invests in ABS issued by third-party VIEs with
to support its own and its customers’ financing and investing which it has no other form of involvement and enters into certain
needs. The Corporation routinely securitizes loans and debt commercial lending arrangements that may also incorporate the
securities using VIEs as a source of funding for the Corporation use of VIEs, for example to hold collateral. These securities and
and as a means of transferring the economic risk of the loans or loans are included in Note 4 – Securities or Note 5 – Outstanding
debt securities to third parties. The assets are transferred into a Loans and Leases. In addition, the Corporation has used VIEs in
trust or other securitization vehicle such that the assets are legally connection with its funding activities.
isolated from the creditors of the Corporation and are not available The Corporation did not provide financial support to
to satisfy its obligations. These assets can only be used to settle consolidated or unconsolidated VIEs during 2019, 2018 and 2017
obligations of the trust or other securitization vehicle. The that it was not previously contractually required to provide, nor
Corporation also administers, structures or invests in other VIEs does it intend to do so.
including CDOs, investment vehicles and other entities. For more The Corporation had liquidity commitments, including written
information on the Corporation’s use of VIEs, see Note 1 – put options and collateral value guarantees, with certain
Summary of Significant Accounting Principles. unconsolidated VIEs of $1.1 billion and $218 million at December
The tables in this Note present the assets and liabilities of 31, 2019 and 2018.
consolidated and unconsolidated VIEs at December 31, 2019 and
2018 in situations where the Corporation has continuing First-lien Mortgage Securitizations
involvement with transferred assets or if the Corporation otherwise As part of its mortgage banking activities, the Corporation
has a variable interest in the VIE. The tables also present the securitizes a portion of the first-lien residential mortgage loans it
Corporation’s maximum loss exposure at December 31, 2019 and originates or purchases from third parties, generally in the form
2018 resulting from its involvement with consolidated VIEs and of RMBS guaranteed by GSEs, FNMA and FHLMC (collectively the
unconsolidated VIEs in which the Corporation holds a variable GSEs), or the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA)
interest. The Corporation’s maximum loss exposure is based on primarily in the case of FHA-insured and U.S. Department of
the unlikely event that all of the assets in the VIEs become Veterans Affairs (VA)-guaranteed mortgage loans. Securitization
worthless and incorporates not only potential losses associated usually occurs in conjunction with or shortly after origination or
with assets recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheet but also purchase, and the Corporation may also securitize loans held in
potential losses associated with off-balance sheet commitments, its residential mortgage portfolio. In addition, the Corporation may,
such as unfunded liquidity commitments and other contractual from time to time, securitize commercial mortgages it originates

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or purchases from other entities. The Corporation typically services the Corporation does not provide guarantees or recourse to the
the loans it securitizes. Further, the Corporation may retain securitization trusts other than standard representations and
beneficial interests in the securitization trusts including senior and warranties.
subordinate securities and equity tranches issued by the trusts. The table below summarizes select information related to first-
Except as described in Note 13 – Commitments and Contingencies, lien mortgage securitizations for 2019, 2018 and 2017.

First-lien Mortgage Securitizations

Residential Mortgage - Agency Commercial Mortgage
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017
Proceeds from loan sales (1) $ 6,858 $ 5,801 $ 16,161 $ 8,661 $ 6,991 $ 5,887
Gains on securitizations (2) 27 62 158 103 101 91
Repurchases from securitization trusts (3) 881 1,485 2,713 — — —
(1) The Corporation transfers residential mortgage loans to securitizations sponsored primarily by the GSEs or GNMA in the normal course of business and primarily receives RMBS in exchange.
Substantially all of these securities are classified as Level 2 within the fair value hierarchy and are sold shortly after receipt.
(2) A majority of the first-lien residential mortgage loans securitized are initially classified as LHFS and accounted for under the fair value option. Gains recognized on these LHFS prior to securitization,
which totaled $64 million, $71 million and $243 million, net of hedges, during 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively, are not included in the table above.
(3) The Corporation may have the option to repurchase delinquent loans out of securitization trusts, which reduces the amount of servicing advances it is required to make. The Corporation may also
repurchase loans from securitization trusts to perform modifications. Repurchased loans include FHA-insured mortgages collateralizing GNMA securities.

The Corporation recognizes consumer MSRs from the sale or at December 31, 2019 and 2018. For more information on MSRs,
securitization of consumer real estate loans. The unpaid principal see Note 21 – Fair Value Measurements.
balance of loans serviced for investors, including residential During 2019, the Corporation deconsolidated agency
mortgage and home equity loans, totaled $192.1 billion and residential mortgage securitization trusts with total assets of $1.2
$226.6 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018. Servicing fee billion. There were no significant deconsolidations in 2018 or
and ancillary fee income on serviced loans was $585 million, $710 2017.
million and $893 million during 2019, 2018 and 2017. Servicing The following table summarizes select information related to
advances on serviced loans, including loans serviced for others first-lien mortgage securitization trusts in which the Corporation
and loans held for investment, were $2.4 billion and $3.3 billion held a variable interest at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

First-lien Mortgage VIEs

Residential Mortgage
Agency Prime Subprime Alt-A Commercial Mortgage
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Unconsolidated VIEs
Maximum loss exposure (1) $ 12,554 $ 16,011 $ 340 $ 448 $ 1,622 $ 1,897 $ 98 $ 217 $ 1,036 $ 767
On-balance sheet assets
Senior securities:
Trading account assets $ 627 $ 460 $ 5 $ 30 $ 54 $ 36 $ 24 $ 90 $ 65 $ 97
Debt securities carried at fair
value 6,392 9,381 193 246 1,178 1,470 72 125 — —
Held-to-maturity securities 5,535 6,170 — — — — — — 809 528
All other assets — — 2 3 49 37 2 2 38 40
Total retained positions $ 12,554 $ 16,011 $ 200 $ 279 $ 1,281 $ 1,543 $ 98 $ 217 $ 912 $ 665
Principal balance outstanding (2) $ 160,226 $ 187,512 $ 7,268 $ 8,954 $ 8,594 $ 8,719 $ 19,878 $ 23,467 $ 60,129 $ 43,593

Consolidated VIEs
Maximum loss exposure (1) $ 10,857 $ 13,296 $ 5 $ 7 $ 44 $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 76
On-balance sheet assets
Trading account assets $ 780 $ 1,318 $ 116 $ 150 $ 149 $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 76
Loans and leases, net 9,917 11,858 — — — — — — — —
All other assets 161 143 — — — — — — — —
Total assets $ 10,858 $ 13,319 $ 116 $ 150 $ 149 $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 76
Total liabilities $ 4 $ 26 $ 111 $ 143 $ 105 $ — $ — $ — $ — $ —
(1) Maximum loss exposure includes obligations under loss-sharing reinsurance and other arrangements for non-agency residential mortgage and commercial mortgage securitizations, but excludes the
reserve for representations and warranties obligations and corporate guarantees and also excludes servicing advances and other servicing rights and obligations. For more information, see Note 13
– Commitments and Contingencies and Note 21 – Fair Value Measurements.
(2) Principal balance outstanding includes loans where the Corporation was the transferor to securitization VIEs with which it has continuing involvement, which may include servicing the loans.

Bank of America 2019 143

Other Asset-backed Securitizations
The following table summarizes select information related to home equity, credit card and other asset-backed VIEs in which the
Corporation held a variable interest at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Home Equity Loan, Credit Card and Other Asset-backed VIEs

Home Equity (1) Credit Card (2, 3) Resecuritization Trusts Municipal Bond Trusts
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Unconsolidated VIEs
Maximum loss exposure $ 412 $ 908 $ — $ — $ 7,526 $ 7,647 $ 3,701 $ 2,150
On-balance sheet assets
Senior securities (4):

Trading account assets $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 2,188 $ 1,419 $ — $ 26

Debt securities carried at fair value 11 27 — — 1,126 1,337 — —
Held-to-maturity securities — — — — 4,212 4,891 — —
Total retained positions $ 11 $ 27 $ — $ — $ 7,526 $ 7,647 $ — $ 26
Total assets of VIEs (5) $ 1,023 $ 1,813 $ — $ — $ 21,234 $ 16,949 $ 4,395 $ 2,829

Consolidated VIEs
Maximum loss exposure $ 64 $ 85 $ 17,915 $ 18,800 $ 54 $ 128 $ 2,656 $ 1,540
On-balance sheet assets
Trading account assets $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 73 $ 366 $ 2,480 $ 1,553
Loans and leases 122 133 26,985 29,906 — — — —
Allowance for loan and lease losses (2) (5) (800) (901) — — — —
All other assets 3 4 119 136 — — 176 1
Total assets $ 123 $ 132 $ 26,304 $ 29,141 $ 73 $ 366 $ 2,656 $ 1,554
On-balance sheet liabilities
Short-term borrowings $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 2,175 $ 742
Long-term debt 64 55 8,372 10,321 19 238 — 12
All other liabilities — — 17 20 — — — —
Total liabilities $ 64 $ 55 $ 8,389 $ 10,341 $ 19 $ 238 $ 2,175 $ 754
(1) For unconsolidated home equity loan VIEs, the maximum loss exposure includes outstanding trust certificates issued by trusts in rapid amortization, net of recorded reserves. For both consolidated
and unconsolidated home equity loan VIEs, the maximum loss exposure excludes the reserve for representations and warranties obligations and corporate guarantees. For more information, see
Note 13 – Commitments and Contingencies.
(2) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, loans and leases in the consolidated credit card trust included $10.5 billion and $11.0 billion of seller’s interest.
(3) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, all other assets in the consolidated credit card trust included unbilled accrued interest and fees.
(4) The retained senior securities were valued using quoted market prices or observable market inputs (Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy).
(5) Total assets of VIEs includes loans the Corporation transferred with which it has continuing involvement, which may include servicing the loan.

Home Equity Loans Resecuritization Trusts

The Corporation retains interests, primarily senior securities, in The Corporation transfers securities, typically MBS, into
home equity securitization trusts to which it transferred home resecuritization VIEs at the request of customers seeking
equity loans. In addition, the Corporation may be obligated to securities with specific characteristics. Generally, there are no
provide subordinate funding to the trusts during a rapid significant ongoing activities performed in a resecuritization trust,
amortization event. This obligation is included in the maximum and no single investor has the unilateral ability to liquidate the
loss exposure in the table above. The charges that will ultimately trust.
be recorded as a result of the rapid amortization events depend The Corporation resecuritized $24.4 billion, $22.8 billion and
on the undrawn portion of the home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), $25.1 billion of securities during 2019, 2018 and 2017,
performance of the loans, the amount of subsequent draws and respectively. Securities transferred into resecuritization VIEs were
the timing of related cash flows. measured at fair value with changes in fair value recorded in market
making and similar activities prior to the resecuritization and,
Credit Card Securitizations accordingly, no gain or loss on sale was recorded. During 2019,
The Corporation securitizes originated and purchased credit card 2018 and 2017, resecuritization proceeds included securities with
loans. The Corporation’s continuing involvement with the an initial fair value of $5.2 billion, $4.1 billion and $3.3 billion,
securitization trust includes servicing the receivables, retaining an respectively. Substantially all of the other securities received as
undivided interest (seller’s interest) in the receivables, and holding resecuritization proceeds were classified as trading securities and
certain retained interests including subordinate interests in were categorized as Level 2 within the fair value hierarchy.
accrued interest and fees on the securitized receivables.
During 2019, 2018 and 2017, new senior debt securities Municipal Bond Trusts
issued to third-party investors from the credit card securitization The Corporation administers municipal bond trusts that hold highly-
trust were $1.3 billion, $4.0 billion and $3.1 billion, respectively. rated, long-term, fixed-rate municipal bonds. The trusts obtain
At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation held financing by issuing floating-rate trust certificates that reprice on
subordinate securities issued by the credit card securitization trust a weekly or other short-term basis to third-party investors.
with a notional principal amount of $7.4 billion and $7.7 billion. The Corporation’s liquidity commitments to unconsolidated
These securities serve as a form of credit enhancement to the municipal bond trusts, including those for which the Corporation
senior debt securities and have a stated interest rate of zero was transferor, totaled $3.7 billion and $2.1 billion at December
percent. During 2019, 2018 and 2017, the credit card 31, 2019 and 2018. The weighted-average remaining life of bonds
securitization trust issued $202 million, $650 million and $500 held in the trusts at December 31, 2019 was 10.0 years. There
million, respectively, of these subordinate securities. were no significant write-downs or downgrades of assets or issuers
during 2019, 2018 and 2017.

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Other Variable Interest Entities
The table below summarizes select information related to other VIEs in which the Corporation held a variable interest at December 31,
2019 and 2018.

Other VIEs
Consolidated Unconsolidated Total Consolidated Unconsolidated Total
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Maximum loss exposure $ 4,055 $ 26,326 $ 30,381 $ 4,177 $ 24,498 $ 28,675
On-balance sheet assets
Trading account assets $ 2,213 $ 549 $ 2,762 $ 2,335 $ 860 $ 3,195
Debt securities carried at fair value — 74 74 — 84 84
Loans and leases 1,810 3,214 5,024 1,949 3,940 5,889
Allowance for loan and lease losses (2) (38) (40) (2) (30) (32)
All other assets 81 20,547 20,628 53 18,885 18,938
Total $ 4,102 $ 24,346 $ 28,448 $ 4,335 $ 23,739 $ 28,074
On-balance sheet liabilities
Long-term debt $ 46 $ — $ 46 $ 152 $ — $ 152
All other liabilities 2 5,087 5,089 7 4,231 4,238
Total $ 48 $ 5,087 $ 5,135 $ 159 $ 4,231 $ 4,390
Total assets of VIEs $ 4,102 $ 98,491 $ 102,593 $ 4,335 $ 94,746 $ 99,081

Customer VIEs Leveraged Lease Trusts

Customer VIEs include credit-linked, equity-linked and commodity- The Corporation’s net investment in consolidated leveraged lease
linked note VIEs, repackaging VIEs and asset acquisition VIEs, trusts totaled $1.7 billion and $1.8 billion at December 31, 2019
which are typically created on behalf of customers who wish to and 2018. The trusts hold long-lived equipment such as rail cars,
obtain market or credit exposure to a specific company, index, power generation and distribution equipment, and commercial
commodity or financial instrument. aircraft. The Corporation structures the trusts and holds a
The Corporation’s maximum loss exposure to consolidated and significant residual interest. The net investment represents the
unconsolidated customer VIEs totaled $2.2 billion and $2.1 billion Corporation’s maximum loss exposure to the trusts in the unlikely
at December 31, 2019 and 2018, including the notional amount event that the leveraged lease investments become worthless.
of derivatives to which the Corporation is a counterparty, net of Debt issued by the leveraged lease trusts is non-recourse to the
losses previously recorded, and the Corporation’s investment, if Corporation.
any, in securities issued by the VIEs.
Tax Credit VIEs
Collateralized Debt Obligation VIEs The Corporation holds investments in unconsolidated limited
The Corporation receives fees for structuring CDO VIEs, which hold partnerships and similar entities that construct, own and operate
diversified pools of fixed-income securities, typically corporate affordable housing, wind and solar projects. An unrelated third
debt or ABS, which the CDO VIEs fund by issuing multiple tranches party is typically the general partner or managing member and has
of debt and equity securities. CDOs are generally managed by third- control over the significant activities of the VIE. The Corporation
party portfolio managers. The Corporation typically transfers earns a return primarily through the receipt of tax credits allocated
assets to these CDOs, holds securities issued by the CDOs and to the projects. The maximum loss exposure included in the Other
may be a derivative counterparty to the CDOs. The Corporation’s VIEs table was $18.9 billion and $17.0 billion at December 31,
maximum loss exposure to consolidated and unconsolidated 2019 and 2018. The Corporation’s risk of loss is generally
CDOs totaled $304 million and $421 million at December 31, mitigated by policies requiring that the project qualify for the
2019 and 2018. expected tax credits prior to making its investment.
The Corporation’s investments in affordable housing
Investment VIEs partnerships, which are reported in other assets on the
The Corporation sponsors, invests in or provides financing, which Consolidated Balance Sheet, totaled $10.0 billion and $8.9 billion,
may be in connection with the sale of assets, to a variety of including unfunded commitments to provide capital contributions
investment VIEs that hold loans, real estate, debt securities or of $4.3 billion and $3.8 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
other financial instruments and are designed to provide the desired The unfunded commitments are expected to be paid over the next
investment profile to investors or the Corporation. At December five years. During 2019, 2018 and 2017, the Corporation
31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation’s consolidated investment recognized tax credits and other tax benefits from investments in
VIEs had total assets of $104 million and $270 million. The affordable housing partnerships of $1.0 billion, $981 million and
Corporation also held investments in unconsolidated VIEs with $1.0 billion and reported pretax losses in other income of $882
total assets of $32.4 billion and $37.7 billion at December 31, million, $798 million and $766 million, respectively. Tax credits
2019 and 2018. The Corporation’s maximum loss exposure are recognized as part of the Corporation’s annual effective tax
associated with both consolidated and unconsolidated investment rate used to determine tax expense in a given quarter. Accordingly,
VIEs totaled $6.4 billion and $7.2 billion at December 31, 2019 the portion of a year’s expected tax benefits recognized in any
and 2018 comprised primarily of on-balance sheet assets less given quarter may differ from 25 percent. The Corporation may
non-recourse liabilities. from time to time be asked to invest additional amounts to support
a troubled affordable housing project. Such additional investments
have not been and are not expected to be significant.

Bank of America 2019 145

NOTE 8 Goodwill and Intangible Assets financing leases are not significant. Right-of-use assets were $9.7
billion and lease liabilities were $10.1 billion at December 31,
Goodwill 2019. The weighted-average discount rate used to calculate the
The table below presents goodwill balances by business segment present value of future minimum lease payments was four percent.
and All Other at December 31, 2019 and 2018. The reporting units Lease terms may contain renewal and extension options and
utilized for goodwill impairment testing are the operating segments early termination features. Generally, these options do not impact
or one level below. the lease term because the Corporation is not reasonably certain
that it will exercise the options. The weighted-average lease term
was 8.2 years at December 31, 2019.
Goodwill The table below provides the components of lease cost and
supplemental information for 2019.
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Consumer Banking $ 30,123 $ 30,123
Lease Cost and Supplemental Information for 2019
Global Wealth & Investment Management 9,677 9,677
Global Banking 23,923 23,923 (Dollars in millions)
Global Markets 5,182 5,182
Operating lease cost $ 2,085
All Other 46 46
Variable lease cost (1) 498
Total goodwill $ 68,951 $ 68,951
Total lease cost (2) $ 2,583

During 2019, the Corporation completed its annual goodwill Right-of-use assets obtained in exchange for new
impairment test as of June 30, 2019 using qualitative operating lease liabilities (3) $ 931
assessments for all applicable reporting units. Based on the Operating cash flows from operating leases (4) 2,009
(1) Primarily consists of payments for common area maintenance and property taxes.
results of the annual goodwill impairment test, the Corporation (2) Amounts are recorded in occupancy and equipment expense in the Consolidated Statement
determined there was no impairment. For more information on the of Income.
(3) Represents non-cash activity and, accordingly, is not reflected in the Consolidated Statement
use of qualitative assessments, see Note 1 – Summary of of Cash Flows.
Significant Accounting Principles. (4) Represents cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of lease liabilities.

Intangible Assets Maturity Analysis

At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the net carrying value of The maturities of lessor and lessee arrangements outstanding at
intangible assets was $1.7 billion and $1.8 billion. At December December 31, 2019 are presented in the table below based on
31, 2019 and 2018, intangible assets included $1.6 billion of undiscounted cash flows.
intangible assets associated with trade names, substantially all
of which had an indefinite life and, accordingly, are not being
amortized. Amortization of intangibles expense was $112 million, Maturities of Lessor and Lessee Arrangements
$538 million and $621 million for 2019, 2018 and 2017,
Lessor Lessee (1)
Sales-type and
Operating Direct Financing Operating
NOTE 9 Leases Leases Leases (2) Leases
The Corporation enters into both lessor and lessee arrangements. (Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
For more information on lease accounting, see Note 1 – Summary 2020 $ 843 $ 4,657 $ 1,966
of Significant Accounting Principles, and on lease financing 2021 746 4,887 1,763
receivables, see Note 5 – Outstanding Loans and Leases. 2022 651 4,259 1,502
2023 530 3,416 1,240
2024 397 1,939 1,098
Lessor Arrangements
Thereafter 1,057 1,910 4,225
The Corporation’s lessor arrangements primarily consist of
Total undiscounted
operating, sales-type and direct financing leases for equipment. cash flows $ 4,224 21,068 11,794
Lease agreements may include options to renew and for the lessee Less: Net present
to purchase the leased equipment at the end of the lease term. value adjustment 1,756 1,701
At December 31, 2019, the total net investment in sales-type Total (3) $ 19,312 $ 10,093
Excludes $1.5 billion in commitments under lessee arrangements that have not yet commenced
and direct financing leases was $21.9 billion, comprised of $19.3

with lease terms that will begin in 2020.

billion in lease receivables and $2.6 billion in unguaranteed (2) Includes $15.1 billion in commercial lease financing receivables and $4.2 billion in direct/
indirect consumer lease financing receivables.
residuals. In certain cases, the Corporation obtains third-party (3) Represents lease receivables for lessor arrangements and lease liabilities for lessee
residual value insurance to reduce its residual asset risk. The arrangements.
carrying value of residual assets with third-party residual value
insurance for at least a portion of the asset value was $5.8 billion. At December 31, 2018, operating lease commitments under
For 2019, total lease income was $1.7 billion, consisting of lessee arrangements were $2.4 billion, $2.2 billion, $2.0 billion,
$797 million from sales-type and direct financing leases and $891 $1.7 billion and $1.3 billion for 2019 through 2023, respectively,
million from operating leases. and $6.2 billion in the aggregate for all years thereafter. These
amounts include variable lease payments and commitments under
Lessee Arrangements leases that have not yet commenced, both of which are excluded
The Corporation’s lessee arrangements predominantly consist of from the lessee maturity analysis presented in the table above.
operating leases for premises and equipment; the Corporation’s

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NOTE 10 Deposits
The table below presents information about the Corporation’s time deposits of $100 thousand or more at December 31, 2019 and
2018. The Corporation also had aggregate time deposits of $15.8 billion and $16.4 billion in denominations that met or exceeded
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance limit at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Time Deposits of $100 Thousand or More

December 31
December 31, 2019 2018
Over Three
Three Months Months to
(Dollars in millions) or Less Twelve Months Thereafter Total Total
U.S. certificates of deposit and other time deposits $ 16,115 $ 21,351 $ 2,273 $ 39,739 $ 29,505
Non-U.S. certificates of deposit and other time deposits 7,108 4,821 1,105 13,034 10,792

The scheduled contractual maturities for total time deposits at December 31, 2019 are presented in the table below.

Contractual Maturities of Total Time Deposits

(Dollars in millions) U.S. Non-U.S. Total
Due in 2020 $ 56,351 $ 12,000 $ 68,351
Due in 2021 3,503 101 3,604
Due in 2022 990 18 1,008
Due in 2023 280 15 295
Due in 2024 187 981 1,168
Thereafter 212 35 247
Total time deposits $ 61,523 $ 13,150 $ 74,673

NOTE 11 Federal Funds Sold or Purchased, Securities Financing Agreements, Short-term Borrowings
and Restricted Cash
The table below presents federal funds sold or purchased, securities financing agreements (which include securities borrowed or
purchased under agreements to resell and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase) and short-term borrowings. The
Corporation elects to account for certain securities financing agreements and short-term borrowings under the fair value option. For
more information on the fair value option, see Note 22 – Fair Value Option.

Amount Rate Amount Rate

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell
Average during year $ 279,610 1.73% $ 251,328 1.26%
Maximum month-end balance during year 281,684 n/a 279,350 n/a
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase
Average during year $ 201,797 2.31% $ 193,681 1.80%
Maximum month-end balance during year 203,063 n/a 201,089 n/a
Short-term borrowings
Average during year 24,301 2.42 36,021 2.69
Maximum month-end balance during year 36,538 n/a 52,480 n/a
n/a = not applicable

Bank of America, N.A. maintains a global program to offer up in the event of default by the counterparty, the right to liquidate
to a maximum of $75 billion outstanding at any one time, of bank securities held and to offset receivables and payables with the
notes with fixed or floating rates and maturities of at least seven same counterparty. The Corporation offsets securities financing
days from the date of issue. Short-term bank notes outstanding transactions with the same counterparty on the Consolidated
under this program totaled $11.7 billion and $12.1 billion at Balance Sheet where it has such a legally enforceable master
December 31, 2019 and 2018. These short-term bank notes, netting agreement and the transactions have the same maturity
along with Federal Home Loan Bank advances, U.S. Treasury tax date.
and loan notes, and term federal funds purchased, are included The Securities Financing Agreements table presents securities
in short-term borrowings on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. financing agreements included on the Consolidated Balance Sheet
in federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under
Offsetting of Securities Financing Agreements agreements to resell, and in federal funds purchased and
The Corporation enters into securities financing agreements to securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase at
accommodate customers (also referred to as “matched-book December 31, 2019 and 2018. Balances are presented on a gross
transactions”), obtain securities to cover short positions and basis, prior to the application of counterparty netting. Gross assets
finance inventory positions. Substantially all of the Corporation’s and liabilities are adjusted on an aggregate basis to take into
securities financing activities are transacted under legally consideration the effects of legally enforceable master netting
enforceable master repurchase agreements or legally enforceable agreements. For more information on the offsetting of derivatives,
master securities lending agreements that give the Corporation, see Note 3 – Derivatives.

Bank of America 2019 147

Securities Financing Agreements
Gross Assets/ Net Balance Financial Net Assets/
Liabilities (1) Amounts Offset Sheet Amount Instruments (2) Liabilities
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell (3) $ 434,257 $ (159,660) $ 274,597 $ (244,486) $ 30,111
Securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase $ 324,769 $ (159,660) $ 165,109 $ (141,482) $ 23,627
Other (4) 15,346 — 15,346 (15,346) —
Total $ 340,115 $ (159,660) $ 180,455 $ (156,828) $ 23,627

December 31, 2018

Securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell (3) $ 366,274 $ (106,865) $ 259,409 $ (240,790) $ 18,619
Securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase $ 293,853 $ (106,865) $ 186,988 $ (176,740) $ 10,248
Other (4) 19,906 — 19,906 (19,906) —
Total $ 313,759 $ (106,865) $ 206,894 $ (196,646) $ 10,248
(1) Includes activity where uncertainty exists as to the enforceability of certain master netting agreements under bankruptcy laws in some countries or industries.
(2) Includes securities collateral received or pledged under repurchase or securities lending agreements where there is a legally enforceable master netting agreement. These amounts are not offset
on the Consolidated Balance Sheet, but are shown as a reduction to derive a net asset or liability. Securities collateral received or pledged where the legal enforceability of the master netting
agreements is uncertain is excluded from the table.
(3) Excludes repurchase activity of $12.9 billion and $11.5 billion reported in loans and leases on the Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(4) Balance is reported in accrued expenses and other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet and relates to transactions where the Corporation acts as the lender in a securities lending agreement
and receives securities that can be pledged as collateral or sold. In these transactions, the Corporation recognizes an asset at fair value, representing the securities received, and a liability, representing
the obligation to return those securities.

Repurchase Agreements and Securities Loaned securities lending agreement and receives securities that can be
pledged as collateral or sold. Certain agreements contain a right
Transactions Accounted for as Secured Borrowings
to substitute collateral and/or terminate the agreement prior to
The following tables present securities sold under agreements to
maturity at the option of the Corporation or the counterparty. Such
repurchase and securities loaned by remaining contractual term
agreements are included in the table below based on the remaining
to maturity and class of collateral pledged. Included in “Other” are
contractual term to maturity.
transactions where the Corporation acts as the lender in a

Remaining Contractual Maturity

Overnight and After 30 Days Greater than
Continuous 30 Days or Less Through 90 Days 90 Days (1) Total
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase $ 129,455 $ 122,685 $ 25,322 $ 21,922 $ 299,384
Securities loaned 18,766 3,329 1,241 2,049 25,385
Other 15,346 — — — 15,346
Total $ 163,567 $ 126,014 $ 26,563 $ 23,971 $ 340,115

December 31, 2018

Securities sold under agreements to repurchase $ 139,017 $ 81,917 $ 34,204 $ 21,476 $ 276,614
Securities loaned 7,753 4,197 1,783 3,506 17,239
Other 19,906 — — — 19,906
Total $ 166,676 $ 86,114 $ 35,987 $ 24,982 $ 313,759
(1) No agreements have maturities greater than three years.

Class of Collateral Pledged

Securities Sold
Under Agreements Securities
to Repurchase Loaned Other Total
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
U.S. government and agency securities $ 173,533 $ 1 $ — $ 173,534
Corporate securities, trading loans and other 10,467 2,014 258 12,739
Equity securities 14,933 20,026 15,024 49,983
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 96,576 3,344 64 99,984
Mortgage trading loans and ABS 3,875 — — 3,875
Total $ 299,384 $ 25,385 $ 15,346 $ 340,115

December 31, 2018

U.S. government and agency securities $ 164,664 $ — $ — $ 164,664
Corporate securities, trading loans and other 11,400 2,163 287 13,850
Equity securities 14,090 10,869 19,572 44,531
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 81,329 4,207 47 85,583
Mortgage trading loans and ABS 5,131 — — 5,131
Total $ 276,614 $ 17,239 $ 19,906 $ 313,759

148 of America
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Under repurchase agreements, the Corporation is required to group of counterparties, providing a range of securities collateral
post collateral with a market value equal to or in excess of the and pursuing longer durations, when appropriate.
principal amount borrowed. For securities loaned transactions, the
Corporation receives collateral in the form of cash, letters of credit Restricted Cash
or other securities. To determine whether the market value of the At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation held restricted
underlying collateral remains sufficient, collateral is generally cash included within cash and cash equivalents on the
valued daily, and the Corporation may be required to deposit Consolidated Balance Sheet of $24.4 billion and $22.6 billion,
additional collateral or may receive or return collateral pledged predominantly related to cash held on deposit with the Federal
when appropriate. Repurchase agreements and securities loaned Reserve Bank and non-U.S. central banks to meet reserve
transactions are generally either overnight, continuous (i.e., no requirements and cash segregated in compliance with securities
stated term) or short-term. The Corporation manages liquidity risks regulations.
related to these agreements by sourcing funding from a diverse

NOTE 12 Long-term Debt

Long-term debt consists of borrowings having an original maturity of one year or more. The table below presents the balance of long-
term debt at December 31, 2019 and 2018, and the related contractual rates and maturity dates as of December 31, 2019.

Weighted- December 31
(Dollars in millions) average Rate Interest Rates Maturity Dates 2019 2018
Notes issued by Bank of America Corporation (1)
Senior notes:
Fixed 3.30 % 0.25 - 8.05 % 2020 - 2050 $ 140,265 $ 120,548
Floating 1.81 0.25 - 6.68 2020 - 2044 19,552 25,574
Senior structured notes 16,941 13,815
Subordinated notes:
Fixed 4.89 2.94 - 8.57 2021 - 2045 21,632 20,843
Floating 2.74 2.56 - 2.89 2022 - 2026 782 1,742
Junior subordinated notes:
Fixed 6.71 6.45 - 8.05 2027 - 2066 736 732
Floating (2) 2.71 2.71 2056 1 1
Total notes issued by Bank of America Corporation 199,909 183,255
Notes issued by Bank of America, N.A.
Senior notes:
Fixed 3.34 3.34 2023 508 —
Floating 2.18 1.99 - 2.51 2020 - 2041 6,519 1,770
Subordinated notes 6.00 6.00 2036 1,744 1,617
Advances from Federal Home Loan Banks:
Fixed 4.98 0.01 - 7.72 2020 - 2034 112 130
Floating 1.79 1.77 - 1.84 2020 2,500 14,751
Securitizations and other BANA VIEs (3) 8,373 10,326
Other 402 442
Total notes issued by Bank of America, N.A. 20,158 29,036
Other debt
Structured liabilities 20,442 16,483
Nonbank VIEs (3) 347 618
Total other debt 20,789 17,101
Total long-term debt $ 240,856 $ 229,392
(1) Includes total loss-absorbing capacity compliant debt.
(2) Includes amounts related to trust preferred securities. For more information, see Trust Preferred Securities in this Note.
(3) Represents liabilities of consolidated VIEs included in total long-term debt on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.

During 2019, the Corporation issued $52.5 billion of long-term Bank of America Corporation and Bank of America, N.A.
debt consisting of $29.3 billion of notes issued by Bank of America maintain various U.S. and non-U.S. debt programs to offer both
Corporation, $10.9 billion of notes issued by Bank of America, senior and subordinated notes. The notes may be denominated
N.A. and $12.3 billion of other debt, substantially all of which was in U.S. dollars or foreign currencies. At December 31, 2019 and
structured liabilities. During 2018, the Corporation issued $64.4 2018, the amount of foreign currency-denominated debt translated
billion of long-term debt consisting of $30.7 billion of notes issued into U.S. dollars included in total long-term debt was $49.6 billion
by Bank of America Corporation, $18.7 billion of notes issued by and $48.6 billion. Foreign currency contracts may be used to
Bank of America, N.A. and $15.0 billion of other debt, substantially convert certain foreign currency-denominated debt into U.S.
all of which was structured liabilities. dollars.
During 2019, the Corporation had total long-term debt At December 31, 2019, long-term debt of consolidated VIEs in
maturities and redemptions in the aggregate of $50.6 billion the table above included debt from credit card, residential
consisting of $21.1 billion for Bank of America Corporation, $19.9 mortgage, home equity, other VIEs and ABS of $8.4 billion, $217
billion for Bank of America, N.A. and $9.6 billion of other debt. million, $64 million, $46 million and $19 million, respectively.
During 2018, the Corporation had total long-term debt maturities Long-term debt of VIEs is collateralized by the assets of the VIEs.
and redemptions in the aggregate of $53.3 billion consisting of For more information, see Note 7 – Securitizations and Other
$29.8 billion for Bank of America Corporation, $11.2 billion for Variable Interest Entities.
Bank of America, N.A. and $12.3 billion of other debt.
Bank of America 2019 149
The weighted-average effective interest rates for total long-term subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation, the parent company,
debt (excluding senior structured notes), total fixed-rate debt and and is fully and unconditionally guaranteed by the parent company.
total floating-rate debt were 3.26 percent, 3.55 percent and 1.92 The table below shows the carrying value for aggregate annual
percent, respectively, at December 31, 2019, and 3.29 percent, contractual maturities of long-term debt as of December 31, 2019.
3.66 percent and 2.26 percent, respectively, at December 31, Included in the table are certain structured notes issued by the
2018. The Corporation’s ALM activities maintain an overall interest Corporation that contain provisions whereby the borrowings are
rate risk management strategy that incorporates the use of redeemable at the option of the holder (put options) at specified
interest rate contracts to manage fluctuations in earnings that are dates prior to maturity. Other structured notes have coupon or
caused by interest rate volatility. The Corporation’s goal is to repayment terms linked to the performance of debt or equity
manage interest rate sensitivity so that movements in interest securities, indices, currencies or commodities, and the maturity
rates do not significantly adversely affect earnings and capital. may be accelerated based on the value of a referenced index or
The weighted-average rates are the contractual interest rates on security. In both cases, the Corporation or a subsidiary may be
the debt and do not reflect the impacts of derivative transactions. required to settle the obligation for cash or other securities prior
Debt outstanding of $5.7 billion at December 31, 2019 was to the contractual maturity date. These borrowings are reflected
issued by BofA Finance LLC, a 100 percent owned finance in the table as maturing at their contractual maturity date.

Long-term Debt by Maturity

(Dollars in millions) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Thereafter Total
Bank of America Corporation
Senior notes $ 9,312 $ 15,978 $ 14,875 $ 23,045 $ 17,236 $ 79,371 $ 159,817
Senior structured notes 822 453 2,232 288 547 12,599 16,941
Subordinated notes — 360 386 — 3,213 18,455 22,414
Junior subordinated notes (1) — — — — — 737 737
Total Bank of America Corporation 10,134 16,791 17,493 23,333 20,996 111,162 199,909
Bank of America, N.A.
Senior notes 3,000 3,499 — 509 — 19 7,027
Subordinated notes — — — — — 1,744 1,744
Advances from Federal Home Loan Banks 2,509 2 3 1 — 97 2,612
Securitizations and other Bank VIEs (2) 3,099 4,080 1,185 9 — — 8,373
Other 134 55 — 130 — 83 402
Total Bank of America, N.A. 8,742 7,636 1,188 649 — 1,943 20,158
Other debt
Structured liabilities 5,275 1,884 1,057 1,372 745 10,109 20,442
Nonbank VIEs (2) — — — 1 — 346 347
Total other debt 5,275 1,884 1,057 1,373 745 10,455 20,789
Total long-term debt $ 24,151 $ 26,311 $ 19,738 $ 25,355 $ 21,741 $ 123,560 $ 240,856
(1) Includes amounts related to trust preferred securities. For more information, see Trust Preferred Securities in this Note.
(2) Represents liabilities of consolidated VIEs included in total long-term debt on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.

Trust Preferred Securities reviews as those instruments recorded on the Consolidated

At December 31, 2019, trust preferred securities (Trust Securities) Balance Sheet.
with a carrying value of $1 million, issued by BAC Capital Trust XV
(the Trust), a 100 percent owned, non-consolidated finance Credit Extension Commitments
subsidiary of the Corporation, were issued and outstanding. The The Corporation enters into commitments to extend credit such
Trust Securities are mandatorily redeemable preferred security as loan commitments, SBLCs and commercial letters of credit to
obligations of the Trust. The sole asset of the Trust is a junior meet the financing needs of its customers. The following table
subordinated deferrable interest note of the Corporation (the includes the notional amount of unfunded legally binding lending
Note). commitments net of amounts distributed (i.e., syndicated or
Periodic cash payments and payments upon liquidation or participated) to other financial institutions. The distributed
redemption with respect to Trust Securities are guaranteed by the amounts were $10.6 billion and $10.7 billion at December 31,
Corporation to the extent of funds held by the Trust (the Preferred 2019 and 2018. At December 31, 2019, the carrying value of
Securities Guarantee). The Preferred Securities Guarantee, when these commitments, excluding commitments accounted for under
taken together with the Corporation’s other obligations including the fair value option, was $829 million, including deferred revenue
its obligations under the Note, generally will constitute a full and of $16 million and a reserve for unfunded lending commitments
unconditional guarantee, on a subordinated basis, by the of $813 million. At December 31, 2018, the comparable amounts
Corporation of payments due on the Trust Securities. were $813 million, $16 million and $797 million, respectively. The
carrying value of these commitments is classified in accrued
NOTE 13 Commitments and Contingencies expenses and other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
In the normal course of business, the Corporation enters into a Legally binding commitments to extend credit generally have
number of off-balance sheet commitments. These commitments specified rates and maturities. Certain of these commitments have
expose the Corporation to varying degrees of credit and market adverse change clauses that help to protect the Corporation
risk and are subject to the same credit and market risk limitation against deterioration in the borrower’s ability to pay.

150 of America
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of America 2019
The table below includes the notional amount of commitments which is classified in accrued expenses and other liabilities. For
of $4.4 billion and $3.1 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018 more information regarding the Corporation’s loan commitments
that are accounted for under the fair value option. However, the accounted for under the fair value option, see Note 22 – Fair Value
table excludes cumulative net fair value of $90 million and $169 Option.
million at December 31, 2019 and 2018 on these commitments,

Credit Extension Commitments

Expire After One Expire After Three
Expire in One Year Through Years Through Expire After
Year or Less Three Years Five Years Five Years Total
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Notional amount of credit extension commitments
Loan commitments (1) $ 97,454 $ 148,000 $ 173,699 $ 24,487 $ 443,640
Home equity lines of credit 1,137 1,948 6,351 34,134 43,570
Standby letters of credit and financial guarantees (2) 21,311 11,512 3,712 408 36,943
Letters of credit (3) 1,156 254 65 25 1,500
Legally binding commitments 121,058 161,714 183,827 59,054 525,653
Credit card lines (4) 376,067 — — — 376,067
Total credit extension commitments $ 497,125 $ 161,714 $ 183,827 $ 59,054 $ 901,720

December 31, 2018

Notional amount of credit extension commitments
Loan commitments (1) $ 84,910 $ 142,271 $ 155,298 $ 22,683 $ 405,162
Home equity lines of credit 2,578 2,249 3,530 34,702 43,059
Standby letters of credit and financial guarantees (2) 22,571 9,702 2,457 1,074 35,804
Letters of credit (3) 1,168 84 69 57 1,378
Legally binding commitments 111,227 154,306 161,354 58,516 485,403
Credit card lines (4) 371,658 — — — 371,658
Total credit extension commitments $ 482,885 $ 154,306 $ 161,354 $ 58,516 $ 857,061
(1) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, $5.1 billion and $4.3 billion of these loan commitments are held in the form of a security.
(2) The notional amounts of SBLCs and financial guarantees classified as investment grade and non-investment grade based on the credit quality of the underlying reference name within the instrument
were $27.9 billion and $8.6 billion at December 31, 2019, and $28.3 billion and $7.1 billion at December 31, 2018. Amounts in the table include consumer SBLCs of $413 million and $372 million
at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(3) At December 31, 2019 and 2018, included are letters of credit of $1.4 billion and $422 million related to certain liquidity commitments of VIEs. For more information, see Note 7 – Securitizations
and Other Variable Interest Entities.
(4) Includes business card unused lines of credit.

Other Commitments $9.8 billion. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation’s
At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation had maximum exposure related to these guarantees totaled $1.1
commitments to purchase loans (e.g., residential mortgage and billion and $1.5 billion, with estimated maturity dates between
commercial real estate) of $86 million and $329 million, which 2033 and 2039.
upon settlement will be included in loans or LHFS, and
commitments to purchase commercial loans of $1.1 billion and
In the ordinary course of business, the Corporation enters into
$463 million, which upon settlement will be included in trading
various agreements that contain indemnifications, such as tax
account assets.
indemnifications, whereupon payment may become due if certain
At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation had
external events occur, such as a change in tax law. The
commitments to purchase commodities, primarily liquefied natural
indemnification clauses are often standard contractual terms and
gas, of $830 million and $1.3 billion, which upon settlement will
were entered into in the normal course of business based on an
be included in trading account assets.
assessment that the risk of loss would be remote. These
At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation had
agreements typically contain an early termination clause that
commitments to enter into resale and forward-dated resale and
permits the Corporation to exit the agreement upon these events.
securities borrowing agreements of $97.2 billion and $59.7 billion,
The maximum potential future payment under indemnification
and commitments to enter into forward-dated repurchase and
agreements is difficult to assess for several reasons, including
securities lending agreements of $24.9 billion and $21.2 billion.
the occurrence of an external event, the inability to predict future
These commitments expire primarily within the next 12 months.
changes in tax and other laws, the difficulty in determining how
At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation had a
such laws would apply to parties in contracts, the absence of
commitment to originate or purchase up to $3.3 billion and $3.0
exposure limits contained in standard contract language and the
billion on a rolling 12-month basis, of auto loans and leases from
timing of any early termination clauses. Historically, any payments
a strategic partner. This commitment extends through November
made under these guarantees have been de minimis. The
2022 and can be terminated with 12 months prior notice.
Corporation has assessed the probability of making such
Other Guarantees payments in the future as remote.

Bank-owned Life Insurance Book Value Protection Merchant Services

The Corporation sells products that offer book value protection to In accordance with credit and debit card association rules, the
insurance carriers who offer group life insurance policies to Corporation sponsors merchant processing servicers that process
corporations, primarily banks. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, credit and debit card transactions on behalf of various merchants.
the notional amount of these guarantees totaled $7.3 billion and If a merchant processor fails to meet its obligation regarding

Bank of America 2019 151

disputed transactions, then the Corporation could be held liable. no material payments under these guarantees. For more
In 2019 and 2018, the sponsored entities processed $916.6 information on maximum potential future payments under VIE-
billion and $874.3 billion of transactions and recorded losses of related liquidity commitments, see Note 7 – Securitizations and
$24 million and $31 million. Other Variable Interest Entities.
At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the maximum potential During 2019, the Corporation recognized a loss of $210 million
exposure for sponsored transactions totaled $384.2 billion and in other income under its indemnity obligation in connection with
$348.1 billion. However, the Corporation believes that the the 2017 sale of its non-U.S. consumer credit card business
maximum potential exposure is not representative of the actual (payment protection insurance).
potential loss exposure and does not expect to make material In the normal course of business, the Corporation periodically
payments in connection with these guarantees. guarantees the obligations of its affiliates in a variety of
A significant portion of the Corporation's merchant processing transactions including ISDA-related transactions and non-ISDA
activity is performed by a joint venture, formed in 2009, in which related transactions such as commodities trading, repurchase
the Corporation holds a 49 percent ownership interest. The agreements, prime brokerage agreements and other transactions.
carrying value of the Corporation’s investment was $640 million
and $2.8 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018. The joint venture Guarantees of Certain Long-term Debt
is accounted for as an equity method investment and reported in The Corporation, as the parent company, fully and unconditionally
All Other. On July 29, 2019, the Corporation gave notice to the guarantees the securities issued by BofA Finance LLC, a 100
joint venture partner of the termination of the joint venture upon percent owned finance subsidiary of the Corporation, and
the conclusion of its current term in June 2020. As a result, the effectively provides for the full and unconditional guarantee of trust
Corporation incurred a non-cash, pretax impairment charge in securities issued by certain statutory trust companies that are
2019 of $2.1 billion, included in other general operating expense. 100 percent owned finance subsidiaries of the Corporation.

Exchange and Clearing House Member Guarantees Representations and Warranties Obligations and
The Corporation is a member of various securities and derivative Corporate Guarantees
exchanges and clearinghouses, both in the U.S. and other The Corporation securitizes first-lien residential mortgage loans
countries. As a member, the Corporation may be required to pay generally in the form of RMBS guaranteed by the GSEs or by GNMA
a pro-rata share of the losses incurred by some of these in the case of FHA-insured, VA-guaranteed and Rural Housing
organizations as a result of another member default and under Service-guaranteed mortgage loans, and sells pools of first-lien
other loss scenarios. The Corporation’s potential obligations may residential mortgage loans in the form of whole loans. In addition,
be limited to its membership interests in such exchanges and in prior years, legacy companies and certain subsidiaries sold
clearinghouses, to the amount (or multiple) of the Corporation’s pools of first-lien residential mortgage loans and home equity loans
contribution to the guarantee fund or, in limited instances, to the as private-label securitizations or in the form of whole loans. In
full pro-rata share of the residual losses after applying the connection with these transactions, the Corporation or certain of
guarantee fund. The Corporation’s maximum potential exposure its subsidiaries or legacy companies make and have made various
under these membership agreements is difficult to estimate; representations and warranties. Breaches of these
however, the Corporation has assessed the probability of making representations and warranties have resulted in and may continue
any such payments as remote. to result in the requirement to repurchase mortgage loans or to
otherwise make whole or provide indemnification or other remedies
Prime Brokerage and Securities Clearing Services to sponsors, investors, securitization trusts, guarantors, insurers
In connection with its prime brokerage and clearing businesses, or other parties (collectively, repurchases).
the Corporation performs securities clearance and settlement
services with other brokerage firms and clearinghouses on behalf Unresolved Repurchase Claims
of its clients. Under these arrangements, the Corporation stands Unresolved representations and warranties repurchase claims
ready to meet the obligations of its clients with respect to securities represent the notional amount of repurchase claims made by
transactions. The Corporation’s obligations in this respect are counterparties, typically the outstanding principal balance or the
secured by the assets in the clients’ accounts and the accounts unpaid principal balance at the time of default. In the case of first-
of their customers as well as by any proceeds received from the lien mortgages, the claim amount is often significantly greater than
transactions cleared and settled by the Corporation on behalf of the expected loss amount due to the benefit of collateral and, in
clients or their customers. The Corporation’s maximum potential some cases, mortgage insurance or mortgage guarantee
exposure under these arrangements is difficult to estimate; payments.
however, the potential for the Corporation to incur material losses The notional amount of unresolved repurchase claims at
pursuant to these arrangements is remote. December 31, 2019 and 2018 was $10.7 billion and $14.4 billion.
These balances included $3.7 billion and $6.2 billion at December
Other Guarantees 31, 2019 and 2018 of claims related to loans in specific private-
The Corporation has entered into additional guarantee agreements label securitization groups or tranches where the Corporation owns
and commitments, including sold risk participation swaps, liquidity substantially all of the outstanding securities or will otherwise
facilities, lease-end obligation agreements, partial credit realize the benefit of any repurchase claims paid. The balance for
guarantees on certain leases, real estate joint venture guarantees, 2019 also includes $1.6 billion of repurchase claims related to a
divested business commitments and sold put options that require single monoline insurer and is the subject of litigation.
gross settlement. The maximum potential future payments under During 2019, the Corporation received $461 million in new
these agreements are approximately $8.7 billion and $5.9 billion repurchase claims that were not time-barred. During 2019, $4.2
at December 31, 2019 and 2018. The estimated maturity dates billion in claims were resolved, including $2.1 billion of claims that
of these obligations extend up to 2049. The Corporation has made were deemed time-barred.

152 of America
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of America 2019
Reserve and Related Provision range of possible loss is possible, as well as for representations
The reserve for representations and warranties obligations and and warranties exposures, management currently estimates the
corporate guarantees was $1.8 billion and $2.0 billion at aggregate range of reasonably possible loss for these exposures
December 31, 2019 and 2018 and is included in accrued is $0 to $1.6 billion in excess of the accrued liability, if any.
expenses and other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet The estimated range of possible loss, as well as the
and the related provision is included in other income in the Corporation's accrued liability, is based upon currently available
Consolidated Statement of Income. The representations and information and is subject to significant judgment, a variety of
warranties reserve represents the Corporation’s best estimate of assumptions and known and unknown uncertainties. The matters
probable incurred losses, is based on our experience in previous underlying the estimated range of possible loss and liability accrual
negotiations, and is subject to judgment, a variety of assumptions, are unpredictable and will change from time to time, and actual
and known or unknown uncertainties. Future representations and losses may vary significantly from the current estimate and
warranties losses may occur in excess of the amounts recorded accrual. The estimated range of possible loss does not represent
for these exposures; however, the Corporation does not expect the Corporation’s maximum loss exposure.
such amounts to be material to the Corporation's financial Information is provided below regarding the nature of the
condition and liquidity. See Litigation and Regulatory Matters in litigation and associated claimed damages. Based on current
this Note below for the Corporation's combined range of possible knowledge, and taking into account accrued liabilities,
loss in excess of the reserve for representations and warranties, management does not believe that loss contingencies arising from
and the accrued liability for litigation. pending matters, including the matters described herein, will have
a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial condition
Litigation and Regulatory Matters or liquidity of the Corporation. However, in light of the significant
In the ordinary course of business, the Corporation and its judgment, variety of assumptions and uncertainties involved in
subsidiaries are routinely defendants in or parties to many pending these matters, some of which are beyond the Corporation’s control,
and threatened legal, regulatory and governmental actions and and the very large or indeterminate damages sought in some of
proceedings. In view of the inherent difficulty of predicting the these matters, an adverse outcome in one or more of these
outcome of such matters, particularly where the claimants seek matters could be material to the Corporation’s business or results
very large or indeterminate damages or where the matters present of operations for any particular reporting period, or cause
novel legal theories or involve a large number of parties, the significant reputational harm.
Corporation generally cannot predict the eventual outcome of the
pending matters, timing of the ultimate resolution of these matters, Ambac Bond Insurance Litigation
or eventual loss, fines or penalties related to each pending matter. Ambac Assurance Corporation and the Segregated Account of
In accordance with applicable accounting guidance, the Ambac Assurance Corporation (together, Ambac) have filed four
Corporation establishes an accrued liability when those matters separate lawsuits against the Corporation and its subsidiaries
present loss contingencies that are both probable and estimable. relating to bond insurance policies Ambac provided on certain
In such cases, there may be an exposure to loss in excess of any securitized pools of HELOCs, first-lien subprime home equity loans,
amounts accrued. As a matter develops, the Corporation, in fixed-rate second-lien mortgage loans and negative amortization
conjunction with any outside counsel handling the matter, pay option adjustable-rate mortgage loans. Ambac alleges that
evaluates on an ongoing basis whether such matter presents a they have paid or will pay claims as a result of defaults in the
loss contingency that is probable and estimable. Once the loss underlying loans and asserts that the defendants misrepresented
contingency is deemed to be both probable and estimable, the the characteristics of the underlying loans and/or breached certain
Corporation will establish an accrued liability and record a contractual representations and warranties regarding the
corresponding amount of litigation-related expense. The underwriting and servicing of the loans. In those actions where
Corporation continues to monitor the matter for further the Corporation is named as a defendant, Ambac contends the
developments that could affect the amount of the accrued liability Corporation is liable on various successor and vicarious liability
that has been previously established. Excluding expenses of theories. These actions are at various procedural stages with
internal and external legal service providers, litigation-related material developments provided below.
expense of $681 million and $469 million was recognized in 2019
Ambac v. Countrywide I
and 2018.
The Corporation, Countrywide and other Countrywide entities are
For a limited number of the matters disclosed in this Note for
named as defendants in an action filed on September 28, 2010
which a loss, whether in excess of a related accrued liability or
in New York Supreme Court. Ambac asserts claims for fraudulent
where there is no accrued liability, is reasonably possible in future
inducement as well as breach of contract and seeks damages in
periods, the Corporation is able to estimate a range of possible
excess of $2.2 billion, plus punitive damages.
loss. In determining whether it is possible to estimate a range of
On May 16, 2017, the First Department issued its decisions
possible loss, the Corporation reviews and evaluates its matters
on the parties’ cross-appeals of the trial court’s October 22, 2015
on an ongoing basis, in conjunction with any outside counsel
summary judgment rulings. Ambac appealed the First
handling the matter, in light of potentially relevant factual and legal
Department’s rulings requiring Ambac to prove all of the elements
developments. With respect to the matters disclosed in this Note,
of its fraudulent inducement claim, including justifiable reliance
in cases in which the Corporation possesses sufficient appropriate
and loss causation; restricting Ambac’s sole remedy for its breach
information to estimate a range of possible loss, that estimate is
of contract claims to the repurchase protocol of cure, repurchase
aggregated and disclosed below. There may be other disclosed
or substitution of any materially defective loan; and dismissing
matters for which a loss is probable or reasonably possible but
Ambac’s claim for reimbursements of attorneys’ fees. On June 27,
such an estimate of the range of possible loss may not be possible.
2018, the New York Court of Appeals affirmed the First Department
For such matters disclosed in this Note, where an estimate of the
rulings that Ambac appealed.

Bank of America 2019 153

Ambac v. Countrywide II Corporation’s additional contribution was not material. The District
On December 30, 2014, Ambac filed a complaint in New York Court granted final approval of the settlement in December 2019.
Supreme Court against the same defendants, claiming fraudulent Beginning in January 2020, a number of class members who
inducement against Countrywide, and successor and vicarious objected to the settlement appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals
liability against the Corporation. Ambac seeks damages in excess for the Second Circuit.
of $600 million, plus punitive damages. On December 19, 2016,
the Court granted in part and denied in part Countrywide’s motion LIBOR, Other Reference Rates, Foreign Exchange (FX) and
to dismiss the complaint. Bond Trading Matters
Government authorities in the U.S. and various international
Ambac v. Countrywide IV jurisdictions continue to conduct investigations of, to make
On July 21, 2015, Ambac filed an action in New York Supreme inquiries of, and to pursue proceedings against, the Corporation
Court against Countrywide asserting the same claims for and its subsidiaries regarding FX and other reference rates as well
fraudulent inducement that Ambac asserted in the now-dismissed as government, sovereign, supranational and agency bonds in
Ambac v. Countrywide III. The complaint seeks damages in excess connection with conduct and systems and controls. The
of $350 million, plus punitive damages. Corporation is cooperating with these inquiries and investigations,
and responding to the proceedings.
Ambac v. First Franklin
On April 16, 2012, Ambac filed an action against BANA, First LIBOR
Franklin and various Merrill Lynch entities, including Merrill Lynch, The Corporation, BANA and certain Merrill Lynch entities have been
Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, in New York Supreme Court named as defendants along with most of the other London
relating to guaranty insurance Ambac provided on a First Franklin Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) panel banks in a number of
securitization sponsored by Merrill Lynch. The complaint alleges individual and putative class actions by persons alleging they
fraudulent inducement and breach of contract, including breach of sustained losses on U.S. dollar LIBOR-based financial instruments
contract claims against BANA based upon its servicing of the loans as a result of collusion or manipulation by defendants regarding
in the securitization. Ambac seeks as damages hundreds of the setting of U.S. dollar LIBOR. Plaintiffs assert a variety of claims,
millions of dollars that Ambac alleges it has paid or will pay in including antitrust,Commodity Exchange Act,Racketeer Influenced
claims. and Corrupt Organizations (RICO), Securities Exchange Act of
1934, common law fraud and breach of contract claims, and seek
Deposit Insurance Assessment
compensatory, treble and punitive damages, and injunctive relief.
On January 9, 2017, the FDIC filed suit against BANA in the U.S.
All cases naming the Corporation and its affiliates relating to U.S.
District Court for the District of Columbia alleging failure to pay a
dollar LIBOR are pending in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
December 15, 2016 invoice for additional deposit insurance
District of New York.
assessments and interest in the amount of $542 million for the
The District Court has dismissed all RICO claims, and
quarters ending June 30, 2013 through December 31, 2014. On
dismissed all manipulation claims based on alleged trader conduct
April 7, 2017, the FDIC amended its complaint to add a claim for
against Bank of America entities. The District Court has also
additional deposit insurance and interest in the amount of $583
substantially limited the scope of antitrust, Commodity Exchange
million for the quarters ending March 31, 2012 through March 31,
Act and various other claims, including by dismissing in their
2013. The FDIC asserts these claims based on BANA’s alleged
entirety certain individual and putative class plaintiffs’ antitrust
underreporting of counterparty exposures that resulted in
claims for lack of standing and/or personal jurisdiction. Plaintiffs
underpayment of assessments for those quarters and its
whose antitrust claims were dismissed by the District Court are
Enforcement Section is also conducting a parallel investigation
pursuing appeals in the Second Circuit. Certain individual and
related to the same alleged reporting error. BANA disagrees with
putative class actions remain pending in the District Court against
the FDIC’s interpretation of the regulations as they existed during
the Corporation, BANA and certain Merrill Lynch entities.
the relevant time period and is defending itself against the FDIC’s
On February 28, 2018, the District Court denied certification
claims. Pending final resolution, BANA has pledged security
of proposed classes of lending institutions and persons that
satisfactory to the FDIC related to the disputed additional
transacted in eurodollar futures, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for
assessment amounts.
the Second Circuit subsequently denied petitions filed by those
On March 27, 2018, the U.S. District Court for the District of
plaintiffs for interlocutory appeals of those rulings. Also on
Columbia denied BANA’s partial motion to dismiss certain of the
February 28, 2018, the District Court granted certification of a
FDIC’s claims.
class of persons that purchased OTC swaps and notes that
Interchange Litigation referenced U.S. dollar LIBOR from one of the U.S. dollar LIBOR
In 2005, a group of merchants filed a series of putative class panel banks, limited to claims under Section 1 of the Sherman
actions and individual actions directed at interchange fees Act. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit subsequently
associated with Visa and MasterCard payment card transactions. denied a petition filed by the defendants for interlocutory appeal
These actions, which were consolidated in the U.S. District Court of that ruling.
for the Eastern District of New York under the caption In re Payment
Mortgage Appraisal Litigation
Card Interchange Fee and Merchant Discount Anti-Trust Litigation,
The Corporation, Countrywide and certain affiliates are named as
named Visa, MasterCard, the Corporation, BANA and other banks
defendants in two consolidated putative class action lawsuits filed
as defendants. Plaintiffs alleged antitrust claims and sought
in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
compensatory and treble damages as well as injunctive relief.
(Waldrup and Williams, et al.). Plaintiffs allege that Countrywide
In 2018, defendants reached a settlement of the putative Rule
and a former Countrywide subsidiary, LandSafe Appraisal Services,
23(b)(3) damages class. Defendants agreed to pay an additional
Inc., arranged for and completed appraisals that were not in
amount to participating class members by contribution to the
compliance with applicable laws and appraisal standards.
escrow fund established as part of the settlement previously
Plaintiffs assert a RICO claim and seek, among other forms of
rejected by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The
relief, compensatory and treble damages. On February 8, 2018,
154 of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
the District Court granted plaintiffs’ motion for class certification. common stock from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, which
On May 22, 2018, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit includes approximately $900 million in repurchases to offset
denied defendants’ petition for permission to file an interlocutory shares awarded under equity-based compensation plans during
appeal of the District Court’s ruling granting class certification. the same period.
On January 21, 2020, the parties agreed to resolve the During 2019, the Corporation repurchased 956 million shares
litigation for an amount that is not material to the Corporation, and of common stock in connection with the Board's 2018 and 2019
which was fully accrued as of December 31, 2019. The agreement repurchase authorizations, which reduced shareholders’ equity by
is subject to court approval. $28.1 billion.
In connection with employee stock plans, in 2019, the
U.S. Bank - Harborview and SURF/OWNIT Repurchase Corporation issued 91 million shares of its common stock and, to
Litigation satisfy tax withholding obligations, repurchased 35 million shares
Beginning in 2011, U.S. Bank, National Association (U.S. Bank), of its common stock. At December 31, 2019, the Corporation had
as trustee for the HarborView Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-10 and reserved 579 million unissued shares of common stock for future
various SURF/OWNIT RMBS trusts filed complaints against the issuances under employee stock plans, convertible notes and
Corporation, Countrywide entities, Merrill Lynch entities and other preferred stock.
affiliates in New York Supreme Court alleging breaches of
representations and warranties. The defendants and certain Preferred Stock
certificate-holders in the trusts agreed to settle the respective The cash dividends declared on preferred stock were $1.4 billion,
matters in amounts not material to the Corporation, subject to $1.5 billion and $1.6 billion for 2019, 2018 and 2017,
acceptance by U.S. Bank. The litigations have been stayed pending respectively.
finalization of the settlements. On June 20, 2019, the Corporation issued 40,000 shares of
5.125% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock,
NOTE 14 Shareholders’ Equity Series JJ for $1.0 billion. On June 25, 2019, the Corporation issued
55,900 shares of 5.375% Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series
Common Stock KK for $1.4 billion. On September 17, 2019, the Corporation
issued 52,400 shares of 5.000% Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock,
Series LL for $1.3 billion. Additionally, on January 24, 2020, the
Declared Quarterly Cash Dividends on Common Stock (1)
Corporation issued 44,000 shares of 4.300% Fixed-to-Floating
Dividend Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series MM for $1.1 billion.
Declaration Date Record Date Payment Date Per Share In 2019, the Corporation fully redeemed Series V and Series
January 29, 2020 March 6, 2020 March 27, 2020 $ 0.18 W preferred stock for $2.6 billion. Additionally, on January 27,
October 22, 2019 December 6, 2019 December 27, 2019 0.18 2020, the Corporation fully redeemed Series Y preferred stock for
July 25, 2019 September 6, 2019 September 27, 2019 0.18
April 24, 2019 June 7, 2019 June 28, 2019 0.15
$1.1 billion.
January 30, 2019 March 1, 2019 March 29, 2019 0.15 All series of preferred stock in the Preferred Stock Summary
(1) In 2019, and through February 19, 2020. table have a par value of $0.01 per share, are not subject to the
operation of a sinking fund, have no participation rights, and with
The cash dividends paid per share of common stock were $0.66, the exception of the Series L Preferred Stock, are not convertible.
$0.54 and $0.39 for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. The holders of the Series B Preferred Stock and Series 1 through
The following table summarizes common stock repurchases 5 Preferred Stock have general voting rights and vote together with
during 2019, 2018 and 2017. the common stock. The holders of the other series included in the
table have no general voting rights. All outstanding series of
Common Stock Repurchase Summary preferred stock of the Corporation have preference over the
Corporation’s common stock with respect to the payment of
(in millions) 2019 2018 2017 dividends and distribution of the Corporation’s assets in the event
Total share repurchases, including CCAR of a liquidation or dissolution. With the exception of the Series B,
capital plan repurchases 956 676 509
F, G and T Preferred Stock, if any dividend payable on these series
Purchase price of shares repurchased and is in arrears for three or more semi-annual or six or more quarterly
retired dividend periods, as applicable (whether consecutive or not), the
CCAR capital plan repurchases $ 25,644 $16,754 $ 9,347 holders of these series and any other class or series of preferred
Other authorized repurchases 2,500 3,340 3,467 stock ranking equally as to payment of dividends and upon which
Total shares repurchased $ 28,144 $20,094 $12,814
equivalent voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable
On June 28, 2018, following the non-objection of the Board of (voting as a single class) will be entitled to vote for the election
Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve) to the of two additional directors. These voting rights terminate when the
Corporation’s 2018 Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review Corporation has paid in full dividends on these series for at least
(CCAR) capital plan, the Corporation’s Board of Directors (Board) two semi-annual or four quarterly dividend periods, as applicable,
authorized the repurchase of approximately $20.6 billion in following the dividend arrearage.
common stock from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, which The 7.25% Non-Cumulative Perpetual Convertible Preferred
included approximately $600 million in repurchases to offset Stock, Series L (Series L Preferred Stock) does not have early
shares awarded under equity-based compensation plans during redemption/call rights. Each share of the Series L Preferred Stock
the same period. On February 7, 2019, following approval by the may be converted at any time, at the option of the holder, into 20
Federal Reserve, the Board authorized the repurchase of an shares of the Corporation’s common stock plus cash in lieu of
additional $2.5 billion of common stock by June 30, 2019. fractional shares. The Corporation may cause some or all of the
On June 27, 2019, following the Federal Reserve's non- Series L Preferred Stock, at its option, at any time or from time to
objection to the Corporation's 2019 CCAR capital plan, the Board time, to be converted into shares of common stock at the then-
authorized the repurchase of approximately $30.9 billion in applicable conversion rate if, for 20 trading days during any period

Bank of America 2019 155

of 30 consecutive trading days, the closing price of common stock record date but prior to the dividend payment date, the Corporation
exceeds 130 percent of the then-applicable conversion price of will still pay any accrued dividends payable.
the Series L Preferred Stock. If a conversion of Series L Preferred The table below presents a summary of perpetual preferred
Stock occurs at the option of the holder, subsequent to a dividend stock outstanding at December 31, 2019.

Preferred Stock Summary

(Dollars in millions, except as noted)
Initial Total Preference Dividend per
Issuance Shares per Share Carrying Per Annum Share Annual
Series Description Date Outstanding (in dollars) Value Dividend Rate (in dollars) Dividend Redemption Period (1)
7% Cumulative June
Series B Redeemable 1997 7,110 $ 100 $ 1 7.00% $ 7.00 $ — n/a
Floating Rate Non- November On or after
Series E (2) Cumulative 2006 12,691 25,000 317 3-mo. LIBOR + 35 bps (3) 1.01 13 November 15, 2011
Floating Rate Non- March On or after
Series F Cumulative 2012 1,409 100,000 141 3-mo. LIBOR + 40 bps (3) 4,055.56 6 March 15, 2012
Adjustable Rate Non- March On or after
Series G Cumulative 2012 4,926 100,000 493 3-mo. LIBOR + 40 bps (3) 4,055.56 20 March 15, 2012
7.25% Non-
Perpetual January
Series L Convertible 2008 3,080,182 1,000 3,080 7.25% 72.50 223 n/a
Series T 6% Non-cumulative 2011 354 100,000 35 6.00% 6,000.00 2 After May 7, 2019
5.2% to, but excluding,
Fixed-to-Floating May 6/1/23; 3-mo. LIBOR + On or after
Series U (4) Rate Non-Cumulative 2013 40,000 25,000 1,000 313.5 bps thereafter 52.00 52 June 1, 2023
6.250% to, but excluding,
Fixed-to-Floating September 9/5/24; 3-mo. LIBOR + On or after
Series X (4) Rate Non-Cumulative 2014 80,000 25,000 2,000 370.5 bps thereafter 62.50 125 September 5, 2024
6.500% Non- January On or after
Series Y (2) Cumulative 2015 44,000 25,000 1,100 6.500% 1.63 72 January 27, 2020
6.500% to, but excluding,
Fixed-to-Floating October 10/23/24; 3-mo. LIBOR + On or after
Series Z (4) Rate Non-Cumulative 2014 56,000 25,000 1,400 417.4 bps thereafter 65.00 91 October 23, 2024
6.100% to, but excluding,
Fixed-to-Floating March 3/17/25; 3-mo. LIBOR + On or after
Series AA (4) Rate Non-Cumulative 2015 76,000 25,000 1,900 389.8 bps thereafter 61.00 116 March 17, 2025
6.200% Non- January On or after
Series CC (2) Cumulative 2016 44,000 25,000 1,100 6.200% 1.55 68 January 29, 2021
6.300% to, but excluding,
Fixed-to-Floating March 3/10/26; 3-mo. LIBOR + On or after
Series DD (4) Rate Non-Cumulative 2016 40,000 25,000 1,000 455.3 bps thereafter 63.00 63 March 10, 2026
6.000% Non- April On or after
Series EE (2) Cumulative 2016 36,000 25,000 900 6.000% 1.50 54 April 25, 2021

5.875% to, but excluding,

Fixed-to-Floating March 3/15/28; 3-mo. LIBOR + On or after
Series FF (4) Rate Non-Cumulative 2018 94,000 25,000 2,350 293.1 bps thereafter 58.75 138 March 15, 2028
6.000% Non- May On or after
Series GG (2) Cumulative 2018 54,000 25,000 1,350 6.000% 1.50 81 May 16, 2023
5.875% Non- July On or after
Series HH (2) Cumulative 2018 34,160 25,000 854 5.875% 1.47 50 July 24, 2023
5.125% to, but excluding,
Fixed-to-Floating June 6/20/24; 3-mo. LIBOR + On or after
Series JJ (4) Rate Non-Cumulative 2019 40,000 25,000 1,000 329.2 bps thereafter 25.63 26 June 20, 2024
5.375% Non- June On or after
Series KK (2) Cumulative 2019 55,900 25,000 1,398 5.375% 0.67 38 June 25, 2024
5.000% Non- September On or after
Series LL (2) Cumulative 2019 52,400 25,000 1,310 5.000% 0.31 16 September 17, 2024
Floating Rate Non- November On or after
Series 1 (5) Cumulative 2004 3,275 30,000 98 3-mo. LIBOR + 75 bps (6) 0.82 3 November 28, 2009
Floating Rate Non- March On or after
Series 2 (5) Cumulative 2005 9,967 30,000 299 3-mo. LIBOR + 65 bps (6) 0.81 10 November 28, 2009
Floating Rate Non- November On or after
Series 4 (5) Cumulative 2005 7,010 30,000 210 3-mo. LIBOR + 75 bps (3) 1.01 9 November 28, 2010
Floating Rate Non- March On or after
Series 5 (5) Cumulative 2007 14,056 30,000 422 3-mo. LIBOR + 50 bps (3) 1.01 17 May 21, 2012
Issuance costs and certain adjustments (357)
Total 3,887,440 $ 23,401
(1) The Corporation may redeem series of preferred stock on or after the redemption date, in whole or in part, at its option, at the liquidation preference plus declared and unpaid dividends. Series B
and Series L Preferred Stock do not have early redemption/call rights.
(2) Ownership is held in the form of depositary shares, each representing a 1/1,000th interest in a share of preferred stock, paying a quarterly cash dividend, if and when declared.
(3) Subject to 4.00% minimum rate per annum.
(4) Ownership is held in the form of depositary shares, each representing a 1/25th interest in a share of preferred stock, paying a semi-annual cash dividend, if and when declared, until the first

redemption date at which time, it adjusts to a quarterly cash dividend, if and when declared, thereafter.
(5) Ownership is held in the form of depositary shares, each representing a 1/1,200th interest in a share of preferred stock, paying a quarterly cash dividend, if and when declared.
(6) Subject to 3.00% minimum rate per annum.

n/a = not applicable

156 of America
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of America 2019
NOTE 15 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
The table below presents the changes in accumulated OCI after-tax for 2019, 2018 and 2017.

Debit Valuation Employee Foreign

(Dollars in millions) Debt Securities Adjustments Derivatives Benefit Plans Currency Total
Balance, December 31, 2016 $ (1,267) $ (767) $ (895) $ (3,480) $ (879) $ (7,288)
Net change 61 (293) 64 288 86 206
Balance, December 31, 2017 $ (1,206) $ (1,060) $ (831) $ (3,192) $ (793) $ (7,082)
Accounting change related to certain tax effects (393) (220) (189) (707) 239 (1,270)
Cumulative adjustment for hedge accounting change — — 57 — — 57
Net change (3,953) 749 (53) (405) (254) (3,916)
Balance, December 31, 2018 $ (5,552) $ (531) $ (1,016) $ (4,304) $ (808) $ (12,211)
Net change 5,875 (963) 616 136 (86) 5,578
Balance, December 31, 2019 $ 323 $ (1,494) $ (400) $ (4,168) $ (894) $ (6,633)

The table below presents the net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI, net realized gains and losses reclassified into
earnings and other changes for each component of OCI pre- and after-tax for 2019, 2018 and 2017.

Tax After- Tax After- Tax After-

Pretax effect tax Pretax effect tax Pretax effect tax
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
Debt securities:
Net increase (decrease) in fair value $ 8,020 $ (2,000) $ 6,020 $ (5,189) $ 1,329 $ (3,860) $ 240 $ 14 $ 254
Net realized (gains) reclassified into earnings (1) (193) 48 (145) (123) 30 (93) (304) 111 (193)
Net change 7,827 (1,952) 5,875 (5,312) 1,359 (3,953) (64) 125 61
Debit valuation adjustments:
Net increase (decrease) in fair value (1,276) 289 (987) 952 (224) 728 (490) 171 (319)
Net realized losses reclassified into earnings (1) 18 6 24 26 (5) 21 42 (16) 26
Net change (1,258) 295 (963) 978 (229) 749 (448) 155 (293)
Net increase (decrease) in fair value 692 (156) 536 (232) 74 (158) (50) 1 (49)
Reclassifications into earnings:
Net interest income 104 (26) 78 165 (40) 125 327 (122) 205
Compensation and benefits expense 2 — 2 (27) 7 (20) (148) 56 (92)
Net realized losses reclassified into earnings 106 (26) 80 138 (33) 105 179 (66) 113
Net change 798 (182) 616 (94) 41 (53) 129 (65) 64
Employee benefit plans:
Net increase (decrease) in fair value 41 (21) 20 (703) 164 (539) 223 (55) 168
Net actuarial losses and other reclassified into earnings (2) 150 (36) 114 171 (46) 125 179 (61) 118
Settlements, curtailments and other 3 (1) 2 11 (2) 9 3 (1) 2
Net change 194 (58) 136 (521) 116 (405) 405 (117) 288
Foreign currency:
Net (decrease) in fair value (13) (52) (65) (8) (195) (203) (439) 430 (9)
Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings (3) (110) 89 (21) (149) 98 (51) (606) 701 95
Net change (123) 37 (86) (157) (97) (254) (1,045) 1,131 86
Total other comprehensive income (loss) $ 7,438 $ (1,860) $ 5,578 $ (5,106) $ 1,190 $ (3,916) $ (1,023) $ 1,229 $ 206
(1) Reclassifications of pretax debt securities and DVA are recorded in other income in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
(2) Reclassifications of pretax employee benefit plan costs are recorded in other general operating expense in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
(3) Reclassifications of pretax debt securities, DVA and foreign currency (gains) losses are recorded in other income in the Consolidated Statement of Income.

Bank of America 2019 157

NOTE 16 Earnings Per Common Share
The calculation of EPS and diluted EPS for 2019, 2018 and 2017 is presented below. For more information on the calculation of EPS,
see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles.

(In millions, except per share information) 2019 2018 2017

Earnings per common share
Net income $ 27,430 $ 28,147 $ 18,232
Preferred stock dividends (1,432) (1,451) (1,614)
Net income applicable to common shareholders $ 25,998 $ 26,696 $ 16,618
Average common shares issued and outstanding 9,390.5 10,096.5 10,195.6
Earnings per common share $ 2.77 $ 2.64 $ 1.63

Diluted earnings per common share

Net income applicable to common shareholders $ 25,998 $ 26,696 $ 16,618
Add preferred stock dividends due to assumed conversions (1) — — 186
Net income allocated to common shareholders $ 25,998 $ 26,696 $ 16,804
Average common shares issued and outstanding 9,390.5 10,096.5 10,195.6
Dilutive potential common shares (2) 52.4 140.4 582.8
Total diluted average common shares issued and outstanding 9,442.9 10,236.9 10,778.4
Diluted earnings per common share $ 2.75 $ 2.61 $ 1.56
(1) Represents the Series T dividends under the "If-converted" method prior to conversion.
(2) Includes incremental dilutive shares from RSUs, restricted stock and warrants.

For 2019, 2018 and 2017, 62 million average dilutive potential Federal Reserve. The Corporation’s banking entity affiliates are
common shares associated with the Series L preferred stock were subject to capital adequacy rules issued by the OCC.
not included in the diluted share count because the result would The Corporation and its primary banking entity affiliate, BANA,
have been antidilutive under the “if-converted” method. For 2018 are Advanced approaches institutions under Basel 3. As Advanced
and 2017, average options to purchase four million and 21 million approaches institutions, the Corporation and its banking entity
shares of common stock were outstanding but not included in the affiliates are required to report regulatory risk-based capital ratios
computation of EPS because the result would have been and risk-weighted assets under both the Standardized and
antidilutive under the treasury stock method. For 2017, average Advanced approaches. The approach that yields the lower ratio is
warrants to purchase 122 million shares of common stock were used to assess capital adequacy, including under the Prompt
outstanding but not included in the computation of EPS because Corrective Action (PCA) framework. At December 31, 2019 and
the result would have been antidilutive under the treasury stock 2018, Common equity tier 1 and Tier 1 capital ratios were lower
method. These warrants expired on October 29, 2018. For 2019, under the Standardized approach whereas the Advanced
2018 and 2017, average warrants to purchase three million, 136 approaches yielded a lower result for the Total capital ratio.
million and 143 million shares of common stock, respectively, were The Corporation is required to maintain a minimum
included in the diluted EPS calculation under the treasury stock supplementary leverage ratio (SLR) of 3.0 percent plus a leverage
method. Substantially all of these warrants were exercised on or buffer of 2.0 percent in order to avoid certain restrictions on capital
before their expiration date of January 16, 2019. distributions and discretionary bonus payments. The Corporation’s
insured depository institution subsidiaries are required to maintain
NOTE 17 Regulatory Requirements and a minimum 6.0 percent SLR to be considered well capitalized under
Restrictions the PCA framework.
The Federal Reserve, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency The following table presents capital ratios and related
(OCC) and FDIC (collectively, U.S. banking regulators) jointly information in accordance with Basel 3 Standardized and
establish regulatory capital adequacy guidelines, including Basel Advanced approaches as measured at December 31, 2019 and
3, for U.S. banking organizations. As a financial holding company, 2018 for the Corporation and BANA.
the Corporation is subject to capital adequacy rules issued by the

158 of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
Regulatory Capital under Basel 3
Bank of America Corporation Bank of America, N.A.
Standardized Advanced Regulatory Standardized Advanced Regulatory
Approach Approaches Minimum (1) Approach Approaches Minimum (2)
(Dollars in millions, except as noted) December 31, 2019
Risk-based capital metrics:
Common equity tier 1 capital $ 166,760 $ 166,760 $ 154,626 $ 154,626
Tier 1 capital 188,492 188,492 154,626 154,626
Total capital (3) 221,230 213,098 166,567 158,665
Risk-weighted assets (in billions) 1,493 1,447 1,241 991
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio 11.2% 11.5% 9.5% 12.5% 15.6% 7.0%
Tier 1 capital ratio 12.6 13.0 11.0 12.5 15.6 8.5
Total capital ratio 14.8 14.7 13.0 13.4 16.0 10.5

Leverage-based metrics:
Adjusted quarterly average assets (in billions) (4) $ 2,374 $ 2,374 $ 1,780 $ 1,780
Tier 1 leverage ratio 7.9% 7.9% 4.0 8.7% 8.7% 5.0

SLR leverage exposure (in billions) $ 2,946 $ 2,177

SLR 6.4% 5.0 7.1% 6.0

December 31, 2018

Risk-based capital metrics:
Common equity tier 1 capital $ 167,272 $ 167,272 $ 149,824 $ 149,824
Tier 1 capital 189,038 189,038 149,824 149,824
Total capital (3) 221,304 212,878 161,760 153,627
Risk-weighted assets (in billions) 1,437 1,409 1,195 959
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio 11.6% 11.9% 8.25% 12.5% 15.6% 6.5%
Tier 1 capital ratio 13.2 13.4 9.75 12.5 15.6 8.0
Total capital ratio 15.4 15.1 11.75 13.5 16.0 10.0

Leverage-based metrics:
Adjusted quarterly average assets (in billions) (4) $ 2,258 $ 2,258 $ 1,719 $ 1,719
Tier 1 leverage ratio 8.4% 8.4% 4.0 8.7% 8.7% 5.0

SLR leverage exposure (in billions) $ 2,791 $ 2,112

SLR 6.8% 5.0 7.1% 6.0
(1) The capital conservation buffer and global systemically important bank surcharge were 2.5 percent at December 31, 2019 and 1.875 percent at December 31, 2018. The countercyclical capital
buffer for both periods was zero. The SLR minimum includes a leverage buffer of 2.0 percent.
(2) Risk-based capital regulatory minimums at December 31, 2019 are the minimum ratios under Basel 3 including a capital conservation buffer of 2.5 percent. The regulatory minimums for the leverage
ratios as of both period ends and risk-based capital ratios as of December 31, 2018 are the percent required to be considered well capitalized under the PCA framework.
(3) Total capital under the Advanced approaches differs from the Standardized approach due to differences in the amount permitted in Tier 2 capital related to the qualifying allowance for credit losses.
(4) Reflects total average assets adjusted for certain Tier 1 capital deductions.

The capital adequacy rules issued by the U.S. banking addition, at December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation had
regulators require institutions to meet the established minimums cash deposited with clearing organizations of $7.6 billion and $8.1
outlined in the table above. Failure to meet the minimum billion primarily recorded in other assets on the Consolidated
requirements can lead to certain mandatory and discretionary Balance Sheet.
actions by regulators that could have a material adverse impact
on the Corporation’s financial position. At December 31, 2019 and Bank Subsidiary Distributions
2018, the Corporation and its banking entity affiliates were well The primary sources of funds for cash distributions by the
capitalized. Corporation to its shareholders are capital distributions received
from its bank subsidiaries, BANA and Bank of America California,
Other Regulatory Matters N.A. In 2019, the Corporation received dividends of $20.5 billion
The Federal Reserve requires the Corporation’s bank subsidiaries from BANA and $215 million from Bank of America California, N.A.
to maintain reserve requirements based on a percentage of certain In addition, BANA returned capital of $8.0 billion to the Corporation
deposit liabilities. The average daily reserve balance requirements, in 2019.
in excess of vault cash, maintained by the Corporation with the The amount of dividends that a subsidiary bank may declare
Federal Reserve Bank were $14.6 billion and $11.4 billion for in a calendar year without OCC approval is the subsidiary bank’s
2019 and 2018. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Corporation net profits for that year combined with its retained net profits for
had cash and cash equivalents in the amount of $6.3 billion and the preceding two years. Retained net profits, as defined by the
$5.8 billion, and securities with a fair value of $14.7 billion and OCC, consist of net income less dividends declared during the
$16.6 billion that were segregated in compliance with securities period. In 2020, BANA can declare and pay dividends of
regulations. Cash held on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank approximately $9.4 billion to the Corporation plus an additional
to meet reserve requirements and cash and cash equivalents amount equal to its retained net profits for 2020 up to the date
segregated in compliance with securities regulations are of any such dividend declaration. Bank of America California, N.A.
components of restricted cash. For more information, see Note 11 can pay dividends of $94 million in 2020 plus an additional amount
– Federal Funds Sold or Purchased, Securities Financing equal to its retained net profits for 2020 up to the date of any
Agreements, Short-term Borrowings and Restricted Cash. In such dividend declaration.
Bank of America 2019 159
NOTE 18 Employee Benefit Plans The Corporation’s noncontributory, nonqualified pension plans
are unfunded and provide supplemental defined pension benefits
Pension and Postretirement Plans to certain eligible employees.
The Corporation sponsors a qualified noncontributory trusteed In addition to retirement pension benefits, certain benefits-
pension plan (Qualified Pension Plan), a number of noncontributory eligible employees may become eligible to continue participation
nonqualified pension plans, and postretirement health and life as retirees in health care and/or life insurance plans sponsored
plans that cover eligible employees. Non-U.S. pension plans by the Corporation. These plans are referred to as the
sponsored by the Corporation vary based on the country and local Postretirement Health and Life Plans.
practices. The Pension and Postretirement Plans table summarizes the
The Qualified Pension Plan has a balance guarantee feature changes in the fair value of plan assets, changes in the projected
for account balances with participant-selected investments, benefit obligation (PBO), the funded status of both the
applied at the time a benefit payment is made from the plan that accumulated benefit obligation (ABO) and the PBO, and the
effectively provides principal protection for participant balances weighted-average assumptions used to determine benefit
transferred and certain compensation credits. The Corporation is obligations for the pension plans and postretirement plans at
responsible for funding any shortfall on the guarantee feature. December 31, 2019 and 2018. The estimate of the Corporation’s
Benefits earned under the Qualified Pension Plan have been PBO associated with these plans considers various actuarial
frozen. Thereafter, the cash balance accounts continue to earn assumptions, including assumptions for mortality rates and
investment credits or interest credits in accordance with the terms discount rates. The discount rate assumptions are derived from
of the plan document. a cash flow matching technique that utilizes rates that are based
The Corporation has an annuity contract that guarantees the on Aa-rated corporate bonds with cash flows that match estimated
payment of benefits vested under a terminated U.S. pension plan benefit payments of each of the plans. The decreases in the
(Other Pension Plan). The Corporation, under a supplemental weighted-average discount rates in 2019 resulted in increases to
agreement, may be responsible for, or benefit from actual the PBO of approximately $2.2 billion at December 31, 2019. The
experience and investment performance of the annuity assets. increases in the weighted-average discount rates in 2018 resulted
The Corporation made no contribution under this agreement in in decreases to the PBO of approximately $1.3 billion at December
2019 or 2018. Contributions may be required in the future under 31, 2018. Significant gains and losses related to changes in the
this agreement. PBO for 2019 and 2018 primarily resulted from changes in the
discount rate.

Pension and Postretirement Plans (1)

Qualified Non-U.S. Nonqualified and Other Postretirement
Pension Plan Pension Plans Pension Plans Health and Life Plans
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Fair value, January 1 $ 18,178 $ 19,708 $ 2,461 $ 2,943 $ 2,584 $ 2,724 $ 252 $ 300
Actual return on plan assets 3,187 (550) 273 (181) 228 8 5 5
Company contributions — — 20 22 91 91 24 43
Plan participant contributions — — 1 1 — — 103 115
Settlements and curtailments — — (42) (107) — — — —
Benefits paid (1,090) (980) (108) (52) (237) (239) (185) (214)
Federal subsidy on benefits paid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a — 3
Foreign currency exchange rate changes n/a n/a 91 (165) n/a n/a n/a n/a
Fair value, December 31 $ 20,275 $ 18,178 $ 2,696 $ 2,461 $ 2,666 $ 2,584 $ 199 $ 252
Change in projected benefit obligation
Projected benefit obligation, January 1 $ 14,144 $ 15,706 $ 2,589 $ 2,814 $ 2,779 $ 3,047 $ 928 $ 1,056
Service cost — — 17 19 1 1 5 6
Interest cost 593 563 65 65 113 105 38 36
Plan participant contributions — — 1 1 — — 103 115
Plan amendments — — 2 13 — — — —
Settlements and curtailments — — (42) (107) — — — —
Actuarial loss (gain) 1,714 (1,145) 288 (29) 263 (135) 99 (73)
Benefits paid (1,090) (980) (108) (52) (237) (239) (185) (214)
Federal subsidy on benefits paid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a — 3
Foreign currency exchange rate changes n/a n/a 75 (135) n/a n/a 1 (1)
Projected benefit obligation, December 31 $ 15,361 $ 14,144 $ 2,887 $ 2,589 $ 2,919 $ 2,779 $ 989 $ 928
Amounts recognized on Consolidated Balance Sheet
Other assets $ 4,914 $ 4,034 $ 364 $ 316 $ 733 $ 754 $ — $ —
Accrued expenses and other liabilities — — (555) (444) (986) (949) (790) (676)
Net amount recognized, December 31 $ 4,914 $ 4,034 $ (191) $ (128) $ (253) $ (195) $ (790) $ (676)
Funded status, December 31
Accumulated benefit obligation $ 15,361 $ 14,144 $ 2,841 $ 2,542 $ 2,919 $ 2,778 n/a n/a
Overfunded (unfunded) status of ABO 4,914 4,034 (145) (81) (253) (194) n/a n/a
Provision for future salaries — — 46 47 — 1 n/a n/a
Projected benefit obligation 15,361 14,144 2,887 2,589 2,919 2,779 $ 989 $ 928
Weighted-average assumptions, December 31
Discount rate 3.32% 4.32% 1.81% 2.60% 3.20% 4.26% 3.27% 4.25%
Rate of compensation increase n/a n/a 4.10 4.49 4.00 4.00 n/a n/a
Interest-crediting rate 5.06 5.18 1.53 1.47 4.52 4.50 n/a n/a
(1) The measurement date for all of the above plans was December 31 of each year reported.

n/a = not applicable

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of America 2019
The Corporation’s estimate of its contributions to be made to minimum funding amount required by the Employee Retirement
the Non-U.S. Pension Plans, Nonqualified and Other Pension Plans, Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).
and Postretirement Health and Life Plans in 2020 is $21 million, Pension Plans with ABO and PBO in excess of plan assets as
$92 million and $15 million, respectively. The Corporation does of December 31, 2019 and 2018 are presented in the table below.
not expect to make a contribution to the Qualified Pension Plan in For these plans, funding strategies vary due to legal requirements
2020. It is the policy of the Corporation to fund no less than the and local practices.

Plans with ABO and PBO in Excess of Plan Assets

Non-U.S. and Other
Pension Plans Pension Plans
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018
PBO $ 744 $ 615 $ 988 $ 950
ABO 720 605 988 949
Fair value of plan assets 191 173 1 1

Components of Net Periodic Benefit Cost

Qualified Pension Plan Non-U.S. Pension Plans
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017
Components of net periodic benefit cost (income)
Service cost $ — $ — $ — $ 17 $ 19 $ 24
Interest cost 593 563 606 65 65 72
Expected return on plan assets (1,088) (1,136) (1,068) (99) (126) (136)
Amortization of net actuarial loss 135 147 154 6 10 8
Other — — — 4 12 (7)
Net periodic benefit cost (income) $ (360) $ (426) $ (308) $ (7) $ (20) $ (39)
Weighted-average assumptions used to determine net cost for years ended December 31
Discount rate 4.32% 3.68% 4.16% 2.60% 2.39% 2.56%
Expected return on plan assets 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.13 4.37 4.73
Rate of compensation increase n/a n/a n/a 4.49 4.31 4.51

Nonqualified and Postretirement Health

Other Pension Plans and Life Plans
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017
Components of net periodic benefit cost (income)
Service cost $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 5 $ 6 $ 6
Interest cost 113 105 117 38 36 43
Expected return on plan assets (95) (84) (95) (5) (6) —
Amortization of net actuarial loss (gain) 34 43 34 (24) (27) (21)
Other — — — (2) (3) 4
Net periodic benefit cost (income) $ 53 $ 65 $ 57 $ 12 $ 6 $ 32
Weighted-average assumptions used to determine net cost for years ended December 31
Discount rate 4.26% 3.58% 4.01% 4.25% 3.58% 3.99%
Expected return on plan assets 3.73 3.19 3.50 2.00 2.00 n/a
Rate of compensation increase 4.00 4.00 4.00 n/a n/a n/a
n/a = not applicable

The asset valuation method used to calculate the expected Assumed health care cost trend rates affect the postretirement
return on plan assets component of net periodic benefit cost for benefit obligation and benefit cost reported for the Postretirement
the Qualified Pension Plan recognizes 60 percent of the prior year’s Health and Life Plans. The assumed health care cost trend rate
market gains or losses at the next measurement date with the used to measure the expected cost of benefits covered by the
remaining 40 percent spread equally over the subsequent four Postretirement Health and Life Plans is 6.50 percent for 2020,
years. reducing in steps to 5.00 percent in 2026 and later years.
Gains and losses for all benefit plans except postretirement The Corporation’s net periodic benefit cost (income) recognized
health care are recognized in accordance with the standard for the plans is sensitive to the discount rate and expected return
amortization provisions of the applicable accounting guidance. Net on plan assets. For the Qualified Pension Plan, Non-U.S. Pension
periodic postretirement health and life expense was determined Plans, Nonqualified and Other Pension Plans, and Postretirement
using the “projected unit credit” actuarial method. For the Health and Life Plans, a 25 bp decline in discount rates and
Postretirement Health and Life Plans, 50 percent of the expected return on assets would not have had a significant impact
unrecognized gain or loss at the beginning of the year (or at on the net periodic benefit cost for 2019.
subsequent remeasurement) is recognized on a level basis during
the year.

Bank of America 2019 161

Pretax Amounts included in Accumulated OCI and OCI

Nonqualified Postretirement
Qualified Non-U.S. and Other Health and
Pension Plan Pension Plans Pension Plans Life Plans Total
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Net actuarial loss (gain) $ 3,865 $ 4,386 $ 559 $ 454 $ 1,008 $ 912 $ 48 $ (75) $ 5,480 $ 5,677
Prior service cost (credits) — — 18 18 — — (6) (9) 12 9
Amounts recognized in accumulated OCI $ 3,865 $ 4,386 $ 577 $ 472 $ 1,008 $ 912 $ 42 $ (84) $ 5,492 $ 5,686

Current year actuarial loss (gain) $ (385) $ 541 $ 110 $ 270 $ 130 $ (59) $ 99 $ (73) $ (46) $ 679
Amortization of actuarial gain (loss) and
prior service cost (135) (147) (7) (11) (34) (43) 26 30 (150) (171)
Current year prior service cost (credit) — — 2 13 — — — — 2 13
Amounts recognized in OCI $ (520) $ 394 $ 105 $ 272 $ 96 $ (102) $ 125 $ (43) $ (194) $ 521

Plan Assets of the plans' liabilities. The selected asset allocation strategy is
The Qualified Pension Plan has been established as a retirement designed to achieve a higher return than the lowest risk strategy.
vehicle for participants, and trusts have been established to The expected rate of return on plan assets assumption was
secure benefits promised under the Qualified Pension Plan. The developed through analysis of historical market returns, historical
Corporation’s policy is to invest the trust assets in a prudent asset class volatility and correlations, current market conditions,
manner for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to anticipated future asset allocations, the funds’ past experience,
participants and defraying reasonable expenses of administration. and expectations on potential future market returns. The expected
The Corporation’s investment strategy is designed to provide a return on plan assets assumption is determined using the
total return that, over the long term, increases the ratio of assets calculated market-related value for the Qualified Pension Plan and
to liabilities. The strategy attempts to maximize the investment the Other Pension Plan and the fair value for the Non-U.S. Pension
return on assets at a level of risk deemed appropriate by the Plans and Postretirement Health and Life Plans. The expected
Corporation while complying with ERISA and any applicable return on plan assets assumption represents a long-term average
regulations and laws. The investment strategy utilizes asset view of the performance of the assets in the Qualified Pension
allocation as a principal determinant for establishing the risk/ Plan, the Non-U.S. Pension Plans, the Other Pension Plan, and
return profile of the assets. Asset allocation ranges are Postretirement Health and Life Plans, a return that may or may not
established, periodically reviewed and adjusted as funding levels be achieved during any one calendar year. The Other Pension Plan
and liability characteristics change. Active and passive investment is invested solely in an annuity contract which is primarily invested
managers are employed to help enhance the risk/return profile of in fixed-income securities structured such that asset maturities
the assets. An additional aspect of the investment strategy used match the duration of the plan’s obligations.
to minimize risk (part of the asset allocation plan) includes The target allocations for 2020 by asset category for the
matching the exposure of participant-selected investment Qualified Pension Plan, Non-U.S. Pension Plans, and Nonqualified
measures. and Other Pension Plans are presented in the following table.
The assets of the Non-U.S. Pension Plans are primarily Equity securities for the Qualified Pension Plan include common
attributable to a U.K. pension plan. This U.K. pension plan’s assets stock of the Corporation in the amounts of $315 million (1.55
are invested prudently so that the benefits promised to members percent of total plan assets) and $221 million (1.22 percent of
are provided with consideration given to the nature and the duration total plan assets) at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

2020 Target Allocation

Qualified Non-U.S. and Other
Asset Category Pension Plan Pension Plans Pension Plans
Equity securities 15 - 50% 5 - 30% 0 - 5%
Debt securities 45 - 80% 40 - 70% 95 - 100%
Real estate 0 - 10% 0 - 15% 0 - 5%
Other 0 - 5% 10 - 40% 0 - 5%

Fair Value Measurements

For more information on fair value measurements, including descriptions of Level 1, 2 and 3 of the fair value hierarchy and the valuation
methods employed by the Corporation, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles and Note 21 – Fair Value Measurements.
Combined plan investment assets measured at fair value by level and in total at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are summarized in the
Fair Value Measurements table.

162 of America
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of America 2019
Fair Value Measurements
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
Cash and short-term investments
Money market and interest-bearing cash $ 1,426 $ — $ — $ 1,426 $ 1,530 $ — $ — $ 1,530
Cash and cash equivalent commingled/mutual funds — 250 — 250 — 644 — 644
Fixed income
U.S. government and agency securities 4,403 890 8 5,301 3,637 805 9 4,451
Corporate debt securities — 3,676 — 3,676 — 2,852 — 2,852
Asset-backed securities — 2,684 — 2,684 — 2,119 — 2,119
Non-U.S. debt securities 748 1,015 — 1,763 539 961 — 1,500
Fixed income commingled/mutual funds 804 1,439 — 2,243 933 1,177 — 2,110
Common and preferred equity securities 4,655 — — 4,655 4,414 — — 4,414
Equity commingled/mutual funds 147 1,355 — 1,502 288 1,275 — 1,563
Public real estate investment trusts 91 — — 91 104 — — 104
Real estate
Private real estate — — — — — — 5 5
Real estate commingled/mutual funds — 18 927 945 — 13 885 898
Limited partnerships — 173 90 263 — 158 82 240
Other investments (1) 11 390 636 1,037 93 364 588 1,045
Total plan investment assets, at fair value $ 12,285 $ 11,890 $ 1,661 $ 25,836 $ 11,538 $ 10,368 $ 1,569 $ 23,475
(1) Other investments include commodity and balanced funds of $233 million and $305 million, insurance annuity contracts of $614 million and $562 million and other various investments of $190
million and $178 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

The Level 3 Fair Value Measurements table presents a reconciliation of all plan investment assets measured at fair value using
significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) during 2019, 2018 and 2017.

Level 3 Fair Value Measurements

Actual Return on
Plan Assets Still
Balance Held at the Purchases, Sales Balance
January 1 Reporting Date and Settlements December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019
Fixed income
U.S. government and agency securities $ 9 $ — $ (1) $ 8
Real estate
Private real estate 5 — (5) —
Real estate commingled/mutual funds 885 33 9 927
Limited partnerships 82 — 8 90
Other investments 588 6 42 636
Total $ 1,569 $ 39 $ 53 $ 1,661

Fixed income
U.S. government and agency securities $ 9 $ — $ — $ 9
Real estate
Private real estate 93 (7) (81) 5
Real estate commingled/mutual funds 831 52 2 885
Limited partnerships 85 (12) 9 82
Other investments 74 — 514 588
Total $ 1,092 $ 33 $ 444 $ 1,569

Fixed income
U.S. government and agency securities $ 10 $ — $ (1) $ 9
Real estate
Private real estate 150 8 (65) 93
Real estate commingled/mutual funds 748 63 20 831
Limited partnerships 38 14 33 85
Other investments 83 5 (14) 74
Total $ 1,029 $ 90 $ (27) $ 1,092

Bank of America 2019 163

Projected Benefit Payments
Benefit payments projected to be made from the Qualified Pension Plan, Non-U.S. Pension Plans, Nonqualified and Other Pension Plans,
and Postretirement Health and Life Plans are presented in the table below.

Projected Benefit Payments

Nonqualified Postretirement
Qualified Non-U.S. and Other Health and
(Dollars in millions) Pension Plan (1) Pension Plans (2) Pension Plans (2) Life Plans (3)
2020 $ 917 $ 108 $ 242 $ 83
2021 926 107 245 80
2022 927 110 232 77
2023 917 116 230 74
2024 924 126 223 72
2025 - 2029 4,409 594 1,011 313
(1) Benefit payments expected to be made from the plan’s assets.
(2) Benefit payments expected to be made from a combination of the plans’ and the Corporation’s assets.
(3) Benefit payments (net of retiree contributions) expected to be made from a combination of the plans’ and the Corporation’s assets.

Defined Contribution Plans anniversaries of the grant date provided that the employee remains
The Corporation maintains qualified and non-qualified defined continuously employed with the Corporation during that time, and
contribution retirement plans. The Corporation recorded expense will be expensed ratably over the vesting period, net of estimated
of $1.0 billion in each of 2019, 2018 and 2017 related to the forfeitures, based on the grant-date fair value of the shares.
qualified defined contribution plans. At December 31, 2019 and The compensation cost for the stock-based plans was $2.1
2018, 189 million and 212 million shares of the Corporation’s billion, $1.8 billion and $2.2 billion and the related income tax
common stock were held by these plans. Payments to the plans benefit was $511 million, $433 million and $829 million for 2019,
for dividends on common stock were $133 million, $115 million 2018 and 2017, respectively.
and $86 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
Certain non-U.S. employees are covered under defined Restricted Stock/Units
contribution pension plans that are separately administered in The table below presents the status at December 31, 2019 of the
accordance with local laws. share-settled restricted stock/units and changes during 2019.

NOTE 19 Stock-based Compensation Plans Stock-settled Restricted Stock/Units

The Corporation administers a number of equity compensation
plans, with awards being granted predominantly from the Bank of Weighted-
America Key Employee Equity Plan (KEEP). On April 24, 2019, Bank average Grant
Shares/Units Date Fair Value
of America's shareholders approved an amendment to the KEEP
Outstanding at January 1, 2019 165,621,246 $ 23.22
to increase the number of shares available for grant by 150 million.
Granted 91,164,482 27.72
Subsequent to this amendment, 600 million shares of the
Vested (92,215,549) 19.30
Corporation’s common stock are authorized to be used for grants Canceled (6,660,864) 27.49
of awards. Outstanding at December 31, 2019 157,909,315 27.93
During 2019 and 2018, the Corporation granted 94 million and
71 million RSU awards to certain employees under the KEEP. These The table below presents the status at December 31, 2019 of
RSUs were authorized to settle predominantly in shares of common the cash-settled RSUs and changes during 2019.
stock of the Corporation. Certain RSUs will be settled in cash or
contain settlement provisions that subject these awards to variable
accounting whereby compensation expense is adjusted to fair Cash-settled Restricted Units
value based on changes in the share price of the Corporation’s
common stock up to the settlement date. Of the RSUs granted in Outstanding at January 1, 2019 2,609,122
2019 and 2018, 71 million and 63 million will vest predominantly Granted 2,455,177
over three years with most vesting occurring in one-third Vested (3,006,707)
increments on each of the first three anniversaries of the grant Canceled (93,170)
date provided that the employee remains continuously employed Outstanding at December 31, 2019 1,964,422
with the Corporation during that time, and will be expensed ratably
over the vesting period, net of estimated forfeitures, for non- At December 31, 2019, there was an estimated $1.6 billion of
retirement eligible employees based on the grant-date fair value total unrecognized compensation cost related to certain share-
of the shares. For RSUs granted to employees who are retirement based compensation awards that is expected to be recognized
eligible, the awards are deemed authorized as of the beginning of over a period of up to four years, with a weighted-average period
the year preceding the grant date when the incentive award plans of 2.2 years. The total fair value of restricted stock vested in 2019,
are generally approved. As a result, the estimated value is 2018 and 2017 was $2.6 billion, $2.3 billion and $1.3 billion,
expensed ratably over the year preceding the grant date. respectively. In 2019, 2018 and 2017, the amount of cash paid
Additionally, 23 million and eight million of the RSUs granted in to settle equity-based awards for all equity compensation plans
2019 and 2018 will vest predominantly over four years with most was $84 million, $1.3 billion and $1.9 billion, respectively.
vesting occurring in one-fourth increments on each of the first four

164 of America
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of America 2019
NOTE 20 Income Taxes Income tax expense for 2019, 2018 and 2017 varied from the
The components of income tax expense for 2019, 2018 and 2017 amount computed by applying the statutory income tax rate to
are presented in the table below. income before income taxes. The Corporation’s federal statutory
tax rate was 21 percent for 2019 and 2018, and 35 percent for
2017. A reconciliation of the expected U.S. federal income tax
Income Tax Expense expense, calculated by applying the federal statutory tax rate, to
the Corporation’s actual income tax expense, and the effective tax
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
rates for 2019, 2018 and 2017 are presented in the table below.
Current income tax expense
U.S. federal $ 1,136 $ 816 $ 1,310
On December 22, 2017, the President signed into law the Tax
U.S. state and local 901 1,377 557 Act which made significant changes to federal income tax law
Non-U.S. 852 1,203 939 including, among other things, reducing the statutory corporate
Total current expense 2,889 3,396 2,806 income tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent and changing the
Deferred income tax expense taxation of the Corporation’s non-U.S. business activities. The
U.S. federal 2,001 2,579 7,238 impact on net income in 2017 was $2.9 billion, driven by $2.3
U.S. state and local 223 240 835 billion in income tax expense, largely from a lower valuation of
Non-U.S. 211 222 102 certain U.S. deferred tax assets and liabilities. The change in the
Total deferred expense 2,435 3,041 8,175 statutory tax rate also impacted the Corporation’s tax-advantaged
Total income tax expense $ 5,324 $ 6,437 $ 10,981 energy investments, resulting in a downward valuation adjustment
of $946 million recorded in other income and a related income
Total income tax expense does not reflect the tax effects of
tax benefit of $347 million, which when netted against the $2.3
items that are included in OCI each period. For more information,
billion, resulted in a net impact on income tax expense of $1.9
see Note 15 – Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss).
Other tax effects included in OCI each period resulted in an
expense of $1.9 billion in 2019 and a benefit of $1.2 billion in
both 2018 and 2017.

Reconciliation of Income Tax Expense

Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
Expected U.S. federal income tax expense $ 6,878 21.0% $ 7,263 21.0% $ 10,225 35.0%
Increase (decrease) in taxes resulting from:
State tax expense, net of federal benefit 1,283 3.9 1,367 4.0 881 3.0
Affordable housing/energy/other credits (2,365) (7.2) (1,888) (5.5) (1,406) (4.8)
Changes in prior-period UTBs, including interest (613) (1.9) 144 0.4 133 0.5
Tax-exempt income, including dividends (433) (1.3) (413) (1.2) (672) (2.3)
Stock-based compensation (225) (0.7) (257) (0.7) (236) (0.8)
Rate differential on non-U.S. earnings 504 1.5 98 0.3 (272) (0.9)
Nondeductible expenses 290 0.9 302 0.9 97 0.3
Tax law changes — — — — 2,281 7.8
Other 5 0.1 (179) (0.6) (50) (0.2)
Total income tax expense $ 5,324 16.3% $ 6,437 18.6% $ 10,981 37.6%

The reconciliation of the beginning unrecognized tax benefits At December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017, the balance of the
(UTB) balance to the ending balance is presented in the following Corporation’s UTBs which would, if recognized, affect the
table. Corporation’s effective tax rate was $814 million, $1.6 billion and
$1.2 billion, respectively. Included in the UTB balance are some
items the recognition of which would not affect the effective tax
Reconciliation of the Change in Unrecognized Tax rate, such as the tax effect of certain temporary differences, the
portion of gross state UTBs that would be offset by the tax benefit
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 of the associated federal deduction and the portion of gross non-
Balance, January 1 $ 2,197 $ 1,773 $ 875 U.S. UTBs that would be offset by tax reductions in other
Increases related to positions taken jurisdictions.
during the current year 238 395 292 It is reasonably possible that the UTB balance may decrease
Increases related to positions taken by as much as $64 million during the next 12 months, since
during prior years (1) 401 406 750
resolved items will be removed from the balance whether their
Decreases related to positions
taken during prior years (1) (1,102) (371) (122) resolution results in payment or recognition.
Settlements (541) (6) (17) The Corporation recognized an interest benefit of $19 million
Expiration of statute of limitations (18) — (5) in 2019 and interest expense of $43 million and $1 million in
Balance, December 31 $ 1,175 $ 2,197 $ 1,773 2018 and 2017. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the
(1) The sum of the positions taken during prior years differs from the $(613) million, $144 million Corporation’s accrual for interest and penalties that related to
and $133 million in the Reconciliation of Income Tax Expense table due to temporary items,
state items and jurisdictional offsets, as well as the inclusion of interest in the Reconciliation income taxes, net of taxes and remittances, was $147 million and
of Income Tax Expense table. $218 million.
The Corporation files income tax returns in more than 100 state
and non-U.S. jurisdictions each year. The IRS and other tax
authorities in countries and states in which the Corporation has
Bank of America 2019 165
significant business operations examine tax returns periodically Management concluded that no valuation allowance was
(continuously in some jurisdictions). The following table necessary to reduce the deferred tax assets related to the U.K.
summarizes the status of examinations by major jurisdiction for NOL carryforwards and U.S. federal and certain state NOL
the Corporation and various subsidiaries at December 31, 2019. carryforwards since estimated future taxable income will be
sufficient to utilize these assets prior to their expiration. The
Tax Examination Status majority of the Corporation’s U.K. net deferred tax assets, which
consist primarily of NOLs, are expected to be realized by certain
Status at subsidiaries over an extended number of years. Management’s
Years under December 31 conclusion is supported by financial results, profit forecasts for
Examination (1) 2019
the relevant entities and the indefinite period to carry forward
United States 2017-2018 To begin in 2020
NOLs. However, a material change in those estimates could lead
California 2012-2017 Field examination
New York 2016-2018 Field examination
management to reassess such valuation allowance conclusions.
United Kingdom 2018 Field examination
At December 31, 2019, U.S. federal income taxes had not been
(1) All tax years subsequent to the years shown remain subject to examination. provided on approximately $5.0 billion of temporary differences
associated with investments in non-U.S. subsidiaries that are
Significant components of the Corporation’s net deferred tax essentially permanent in duration. If the Corporation were to
assets and liabilities at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are record the associated deferred tax liability, the amount would be
presented in the following table. approximately $1.0 billion.

Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities NOTE 21 Fair Value Measurements

Under applicable accounting standards, fair value is defined as
December 31 the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most
Deferred tax assets
Net operating loss carryforwards $ 7,417 $ 7,993
advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly
Allowance for credit losses 2,354 2,400 transaction between market participants on the measurement
Lease liability 2,321 — date. The Corporation determines the fair values of its financial
Security, loan and debt valuations 1,860 1,818 instruments under applicable accounting standards that require
Accrued expenses 1,719 1,875
an entity to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize
Employee compensation and retirement benefits 1,622 1,564
Credit carryforwards 183 623
the use of unobservable inputs. The Corporation categorizes its
Available-for-sale securities — 1,854 financial instruments into three levels based on the established
Other 1,203 1,037 fair value hierarchy and conducts a review of fair value hierarchy
Gross deferred tax assets 18,679 19,164 classifications on a quarterly basis. Transfers into or out of fair
Valuation allowance (1,989) (1,569)
value hierarchy classifications are made if the significant inputs
Total deferred tax assets, net of valuation
allowance 16,690 17,595 used in the financial models measuring the fair values of the
assets and liabilities become unobservable or observable in the
Deferred tax liabilities current marketplace. For more information regarding the fair value
Equipment lease financing 2,933 2,684 hierarchy and how the Corporation measures fair value, see Note
Right-to-use asset 2,246 —
Tax credit investments 1,577 940
1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles. The Corporation
Fixed assets 1,505 1,104 accounts for certain financial instruments under the fair value
Available-for-sale securities 100 — option. For more information, see Note 22 – Fair Value Option.
Other 1,885 2,126
Gross deferred tax liabilities 10,246 6,854 Valuation Techniques
Net deferred tax assets $ 6,444 $ 10,741 The following sections outline the valuation methodologies for the
Corporation’s assets and liabilities. While the Corporation believes
The table below summarizes the deferred tax assets and
its valuation methods are appropriate and consistent with other
related valuation allowances recognized for the net operating loss
market participants, the use of different methodologies or
(NOL) and tax credit carryforwards at December 31, 2019.
assumptions to determine the fair value of certain financial
instruments could result in a different estimate of fair value at the
Net Operating Loss and Tax Credit Carryforward Deferred reporting date.
Tax Assets During 2019, there were no significant changes to valuation
approaches or techniques that had, or are expected to have, a
Net material impact on the Corporation’s consolidated financial
Deferred Valuation Deferred First Year
(Dollars in millions) Tax Asset Allowance Tax Asset Expiring position or results of operations.
Net operating losses -
U.S. $ 312 $ — $ 312 After 2028 Trading Account Assets and Liabilities and Debt Securities
Net operating losses - The fair values of trading account assets and liabilities are primarily
U.K. (1) 5,276 — 5,276 None based on actively traded markets where prices are based on either
Net operating losses - direct market quotes or observed transactions. The fair values of
other non-U.S. 493 (423) 70 Various
debt securities are generally based on quoted market prices or
Net operating losses -
U.S. states (2) 1,336 (580) 756 Various market prices for similar assets. Liquidity is a significant factor in
Foreign tax credits 183 (183) — 2028 the determination of the fair values of trading account assets and
(1) Represents U.K. broker-dealer net operating losses that may be carried forward indefinitely. liabilities and debt securities. Market price quotes may not be
(2) The net operating losses and related valuation allowances for U.S. states before considering readily available for some positions such as positions within a
the benefit of federal deductions were $1.7 billion and $734 million.
market sector where trading activity has slowed significantly or
ceased. Some of these instruments are valued using a discounted

166 of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
cash flow model, which estimates the fair value of the securities risk to determine the fair value of MSRs. This approach consists
using internal credit risk, and interest rate and prepayment risk of projecting servicing cash flows under multiple interest rate
models that incorporate management’s best estimate of current scenarios and discounting these cash flows using risk-adjusted
key assumptions such as default rates, loss severity and discount rates.
prepayment rates. Principal and interest cash flows are discounted
using an observable discount rate for similar instruments with Loans Held-for-sale
adjustments that management believes a market participant The fair values of LHFS are based on quoted market prices, where
would consider in determining fair value for the specific security. available, or are determined by discounting estimated cash flows
Other instruments are valued using a net asset value approach using interest rates approximating the Corporation’s current
which considers the value of the underlying securities. Underlying origination rates for similar loans adjusted to reflect the inherent
assets are valued using external pricing services, where available, credit risk. The borrower-specific credit risk is embedded within
or matrix pricing based on the vintages and ratings. Situations of the quoted market prices or is implied by considering loan
illiquidity generally are triggered by the market’s perception of performance when selecting comparables.
credit uncertainty regarding a single company or a specific market
Short-term Borrowings and Long-term Debt
sector. In these instances, fair value is determined based on
The Corporation issues structured liabilities that have coupons or
limited available market information and other factors, principally
repayment terms linked to the performance of debt or equity
from reviewing the issuer’s financial statements and changes in
securities, interest rates, indices, currencies or commodities. The
credit ratings made by one or more rating agencies.
fair values of these structured liabilities are estimated using
Derivative Assets and Liabilities quantitative models for the combined derivative and debt portions
The fair values of derivative assets and liabilities traded in the of the notes. These models incorporate observable and, in some
OTC market are determined using quantitative models that utilize instances, unobservable inputs including security prices, interest
multiple market inputs including interest rates, prices and indices rate yield curves, option volatility, currency, commodity or equity
to generate continuous yield or pricing curves and volatility factors rates and correlations among these inputs. The Corporation also
to value the position. The majority of market inputs are actively considers the impact of its own credit spread in determining the
quoted and can be validated through external sources, including discount rate used to value these liabilities. The credit spread is
brokers, market transactions and third-party pricing services. determined by reference to observable spreads in the secondary
When third-party pricing services are used, the methods and bond market.
assumptions are reviewed by the Corporation. Estimation risk is
Securities Financing Agreements
greater for derivative asset and liability positions that are either
The fair values of certain reverse repurchase agreements,
option-based or have longer maturity dates where observable
repurchase agreements and securities borrowed transactions are
market inputs are less readily available, or are unobservable, in
determined using quantitative models, including discounted cash
which case, quantitative-based extrapolations of rate, price or
flow models that require the use of multiple market inputs including
index scenarios are used in determining fair values. The fair values
interest rates and spreads to generate continuous yield or pricing
of derivative assets and liabilities include adjustments for market
curves, and volatility factors. The majority of market inputs are
liquidity, counterparty credit quality and other instrument-specific
actively quoted and can be validated through external sources,
factors, where appropriate. In addition, the Corporation
including brokers, market transactions and third-party pricing
incorporates within its fair value measurements of OTC derivatives
a valuation adjustment to reflect the credit risk associated with
the net position. Positions are netted by counterparty, and fair Deposits
value for net long exposures is adjusted for counterparty credit The fair values of deposits are determined using quantitative
risk while the fair value for net short exposures is adjusted for the models, including discounted cash flow models that require the
Corporation’s own credit risk. The Corporation also incorporates use of multiple market inputs including interest rates and spreads
FVA within its fair value measurements to include funding costs to generate continuous yield or pricing curves, and volatility factors.
on uncollateralized derivatives and derivatives where the The majority of market inputs are actively quoted and can be
Corporation is not permitted to use the collateral it receives. An validated through external sources, including brokers, market
estimate of severity of loss is also used in the determination of transactions and third-party pricing services. The Corporation
fair value, primarily based on market data. considers the impact of its own credit spread in the valuation of
these liabilities. The credit risk is determined by reference to
Loans and Loan Commitments
observable credit spreads in the secondary cash market.
The fair values of loans and loan commitments are based on
market prices, where available, or discounted cash flow analyses Asset-backed Secured Financings
using market-based credit spreads of comparable debt The fair values of asset-backed secured financings are based on
instruments or credit derivatives of the specific borrower or external broker bids, where available, or are determined by
comparable borrowers. Results of discounted cash flow analyses discounting estimated cash flows using interest rates
may be adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect other market conditions approximating the Corporation’s current origination rates for
or the perceived credit risk of the borrower. similar loans adjusted to reflect the inherent credit risk.
Mortgage Servicing Rights
The fair values of MSRs are primarily determined using an option-
adjusted spread valuation approach, which factors in prepayment

Bank of America 2019 167

Recurring Fair Value
Assets and liabilities carried at fair value on a recurring basis at December 31, 2019 and 2018, including financial instruments that
the Corporation accounts for under the fair value option, are summarized in the following tables.

December 31, 2019

Fair Value Measurements
Netting Assets/Liabilities
(Dollars in millions) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Adjustments (1) at Fair Value
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments $ 1,000 $ — $ — $ — $ 1,000
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under
agreements to resell — 50,364 — — 50,364
Trading account assets:
U.S. Treasury and agency securities (2) 49,517 4,157 — — 53,674
Corporate securities, trading loans and other — 25,226 1,507 — 26,733
Equity securities 53,597 32,619 239 — 86,455
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 3,965 23,854 482 — 28,301
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS:
U.S. government-sponsored agency guaranteed (2) — 24,324 — — 24,324
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS — 8,786 1,553 — 10,339
Total trading account assets (3) 107,079 118,966 3,781 — 229,826
Derivative assets 14,079 328,442 2,226 (304,262) 40,485
AFS debt securities:
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 67,332 1,196 — — 68,528
Mortgage-backed securities:
Agency — 122,528 — — 122,528
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations — 4,641 — — 4,641
Non-agency residential — 653 424 — 1,077
Commercial — 15,021 — — 15,021
Non-U.S. securities — 11,989 2 — 11,991
Other taxable securities — 3,876 65 — 3,941
Tax-exempt securities — 17,804 108 — 17,912
Total AFS debt securities 67,332 177,708 599 — 245,639
Other debt securities carried at fair value:
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 3 — — — 3
Agency MBS — 3,003 — — 3,003
Non-agency residential MBS — 1,035 299 — 1,334
Non-U.S. and other securities 400 6,088 — — 6,488
Total other debt securities carried at fair value 403 10,126 299 — 10,828
Loans and leases — 7,642 693 — 8,335
Loans held-for-sale — 3,334 375 — 3,709
Other assets (4) 11,782 1,376 2,360 — 15,518
Total assets (5) $ 201,675 $ 697,958 $ 10,333 $ (304,262) $ 605,704
Interest-bearing deposits in U.S. offices $ — $ 508 $ — $ — $ 508
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under
agreements to repurchase — 16,008 — — 16,008
Trading account liabilities:
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 13,140 282 — — 13,422
Equity securities 38,148 4,144 2 — 42,294
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 10,751 11,310 — — 22,061
Corporate securities and other — 5,478 15 — 5,493
Total trading account liabilities 62,039 21,214 17 — 83,270
Derivative liabilities 11,904 320,479 4,764 (298,918) 38,229
Short-term borrowings — 3,941 — — 3,941
Accrued expenses and other liabilities 13,927 1,507 — — 15,434
Long-term debt — 33,826 1,149 — 34,975
Total liabilities (5) $ 87,870 $ 397,483 $ 5,930 $ (298,918) $ 192,365
(1) Amounts represent the impact of legally enforceable master netting agreements and also cash collateral held or placed with the same counterparties.
(2) Includes $26.7 billion of GSE obligations.
(3) Includes securities with a fair value of $14.7 billion that were segregated in compliance with securities regulations or deposited with clearing organizations. This amount is included in the parenthetical
disclosure on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(4) Includes MSRs of $1.5 billion which are classified as Level 3 assets.
(5) Total recurring Level 3 assets were 0.42 percent of total consolidated assets, and total recurring Level 3 liabilities were 0.27 percent of total consolidated liabilities.

168 of America
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of America 2019
December 31, 2018
Fair Value Measurements
Netting Assets/Liabilities
(Dollars in millions) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Adjustments (1) at Fair Value
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments $ 1,214 $ — $ — $ — $ 1,214
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under
agreements to resell — 56,399 — — 56,399
Trading account assets:
U.S. Treasury and agency securities (2) 53,131 1,593 — — 54,724
Corporate securities, trading loans and other — 24,630 1,558 — 26,188
Equity securities 53,840 23,163 276 — 77,279
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 5,818 19,210 465 — 25,493
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS:
U.S. government-sponsored agency guaranteed (2) — 19,586 — — 19,586
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS — 9,443 1,635 — 11,078
Total trading account assets (3) 112,789 97,625 3,934 — 214,348
Derivative assets 9,967 315,413 3,466 (285,121) 43,725
AFS debt securities:
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 53,663 1,260 — — 54,923
Mortgage-backed securities:
Agency — 121,826 — — 121,826
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations — 5,530 — — 5,530
Non-agency residential — 1,320 597 — 1,917
Commercial — 14,078 — — 14,078
Non-U.S. securities — 9,304 2 — 9,306
Other taxable securities — 4,403 7 — 4,410
Tax-exempt securities — 17,376 — — 17,376
Total AFS debt securities 53,663 175,097 606 — 229,366
Other debt securities carried at fair value:
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 1,282 — — — 1,282
Non-agency residential MBS — 1,434 172 — 1,606
Non-U.S. and other securities 490 5,357 — — 5,847
Total other debt securities carried at fair value 1,772 6,791 172 — 8,735
Loans and leases — 4,011 338 — 4,349
Loans held-for-sale — 2,400 542 — 2,942
Other assets (4) 15,032 1,775 2,932 — 19,739
Total assets (5) $ 194,437 $ 659,511 $ 11,990 $ (285,121) $ 580,817
Interest-bearing deposits in U.S. offices $ — $ 492 $ — $ — $ 492
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under
agreements to repurchase — 28,875 — — 28,875
Trading account liabilities:
U.S. Treasury and agency securities 7,894 761 — — 8,655
Equity securities 33,739 4,070 — — 37,809
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 7,452 9,182 — — 16,634
Corporate securities and other — 5,104 18 — 5,122
Total trading account liabilities 49,085 19,117 18 — 68,220
Derivative liabilities 9,931 303,441 4,401 (279,882) 37,891
Short-term borrowings — 1,648 — — 1,648
Accrued expenses and other liabilities 18,096 1,979 — — 20,075
Long-term debt — 26,872 817 — 27,689
Total liabilities (5) $ 77,112 $ 382,424 $ 5,236 $ (279,882) $ 184,890
(1) Amounts represent the impact of legally enforceable master netting agreements and also cash collateral held or placed with the same counterparties.
(2) Includes $20.2 billion of GSE obligations.
(3) Includes securities with a fair value of $16.6 billion that were segregated in compliance with securities regulations or deposited with clearing organizations. This amount is included in the parenthetical
disclosure on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(4) Includes MSRs of $2.0 billion which are classified as Level 3 assets.
(5) Total recurring Level 3 assets were 0.51 percent of total consolidated assets, and total recurring Level 3 liabilities were 0.25 percent of total consolidated liabilities.

Bank of America 2019 169

The following tables present a reconciliation of all assets and primarily due to decreased price observability, and transfers out
liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis using of Level 3 occur primarily due to increased price observability.
significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) during 2019, 2018 and Transfers occur on a regular basis for long-term debt instruments
2017, including net realized and unrealized gains (losses) included due to changes in the impact of unobservable inputs on the value
in earnings and accumulated OCI. Transfers into Level 3 occur of the embedded derivative in relation to the instrument as a whole.

Level 3 – Fair Value Measurements (1)

Change in
Total Gains
Realized/ (Losses) in
Unrealized Net Income
Gains Gross Gross Related to
(Losses) in Gains Transfers Transfers Financial
Balance Net (Losses) Gross into out of Balance Instruments
(Dollars in millions) January 1 Income (2) in OCI (3) Purchases Sales Issuances Settlements Level 3 Level 3 December 31 Still Held (2)
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Trading account assets:
Corporate securities, trading loans and other $ 1,558 $ 105 $ — $ 534 $ (390) $ 18 $ (578) $ 699 $ (439) $ 1,507 $ 29
Equity securities 276 (12) — 38 (87) — (9) 79 (46) 239 (18)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 465 46 (12) 1 — — (51) 39 (6) 482 47
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 1,635 99 (2) 662 (899) — (175) 738 (505) 1,553 26
Total trading account assets 3,934 238 (14) 1,235 (1,376) 18 (813) 1,555 (996) 3,781 84
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4,5) (935) (37) — 298 (837) — (97) 147 (1,077) (2,538) 228
AFS debt securities:
Non-agency residential MBS 597 13 64 — (73) — (40) 206 (343) 424 —
Non-U.S. securities 2 — — — — — — — — 2 —
Other taxable securities 7 2 — — — — (5) 61 — 65 —
Tax-exempt securities — — — — — — — 108 — 108 —
Total AFS debt securities 606 15 64 — (73) — (45) 375 (343) 599 —
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-
agency residential MBS 172 36 — — — — (17) 155 (47) 299 38
Loans and leases (6,7) 338 — — 230 (35) 217 (57) — — 693 (1)
Loans held-for-sale (6,7) 542 48 (6) 12 (71) 36 (245) 59 — 375 22
Other assets (7) 2,932 (81) 19 — (10) 179 (683) 5 (1) 2,360 (267)
Trading account liabilities – Equity securities — (2) — — — — — — — (2) (2)
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
and other (18) 8 — (1) (3) (1) — — — (15) —
Long-term debt (5,6) (817) (59) (64) — — (40) 180 (350) 1 (1,149) (55)

Year Ended December 31, 2018

Trading account assets:
Corporate securities, trading loans and other $ 1,864 $ (32) $ (1) $ 436 $ (403) $ 5 $ (568) $ 804 $ (547) $ 1,558 $ (117)
Equity securities 235 (17) — 44 (11) — (4) 78 (49) 276 (22)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 556 47 (44) 13 (57) — (30) 117 (137) 465 48
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 1,498 148 3 585 (910) — (158) 705 (236) 1,635 97
Total trading account assets 4,153 146 (42) 1,078 (1,381) 5 (760) 1,704 (969) 3,934 6
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4) (1,714) 106 — 531 (1,179) — 778 39 504 (935) (116)
AFS debt securities:
Non-agency residential MBS — 27 (33) — (71) — (25) 774 (75) 597 —
Non-U.S. securities 25 — (1) — (10) — (15) 3 — 2 —
Other taxable securities 509 1 (3) — (23) — (11) 60 (526) 7 —
Tax-exempt securities 469 — — — — — (1) 1 (469) — —
Total AFS debt securities (8) 1,003 28 (37) — (104) — (52) 838 (1,070) 606 —
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-
agency residential MBS — (18) — — (8) — (34) 365 (133) 172 (18)
Loans and leases (6,7) 571 (16) — — (134) — (83) — — 338 (9)
Loans held-for-sale (6) 690 44 (26) 71 — 1 (201) 23 (60) 542 31
Other assets (7,8) 2,425 414 (38) 2 (69) 96 (792) 929 (35) 2,932 149
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
and other (24) 11 — 9 (12) (2) — — — (18) (7)
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (6) (8) — — — — — 8 — — — —
Long-term debt (6) (1,863) 103 4 9 — (141) 486 (262) 847 (817) 95
(1) Assets (liabilities). For assets, increase (decrease) to Level 3 and for liabilities, (increase) decrease to Level 3.
(2) Includes gains (losses) reported in earnings in the following income statement line items: Trading account assets/liabilities - predominantly market making and similar activities; Net derivative assets
(liabilities) - market making and similar activities and other income; Other debt securities carried at fair value - other income; Loans and leases - predominantly other income; Loans held-for-sale -
other income; Other assets - primarily other income related to MSRs; Long-term debt - primarily market making and similar activities.
(3) Includes unrealized gains (losses) in OCI on AFS debt securities, foreign currency translation adjustments and the impact of changes in the Corporation’s credit spreads on long-term debt accounted
for under the fair value option. Amounts include net unrealized gains (losses) of $3 million and $(105) million related to financial instruments still held at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(4) Net derivative assets (liabilities) include derivative assets of $2.2 billion and $3.5 billion and derivative liabilities of $4.8 billion and $4.4 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
(5) Transfers into long-term debt include a $1.4 billion transfer in of Level 3 derivative assets to reflect the Corporation's change to present bifurcated embedded derivatives with their respective host
(6) Amounts represent instruments that are accounted for under the fair value option.
(7) Issuances represent loan originations and MSRs recognized following securitizations or whole-loan sales.
(8) Transfers out of AFS debt securities and into other assets primarily relate to the reclassification of certain securities.

170 of America
Bank 2019
of America 2019
Level 3 – Fair Value Measurements (1)

Change in
Total Gains/
Realized/ (Losses) in
Unrealized Net Income
Gains/ Related to
Gross Gross
(Losses) in Gains/ Transfers Transfers Financial
Balance Net (Losses) Gross Balance Instruments
into out of
(Dollars in millions) January 1 Income (2) in OCI (3) Purchases Sales Issuances Settlements Level 3 Level 3 December 31 Still Held (2)
Year Ended December 31, 2017
Trading account assets:
Corporate securities, trading loans and other $ 2,777 $ 229 $ — $ 547 $ (702) $ 5 $ (666) $ 728 $(1,054) $ 1,864 $ 2
Equity securities 281 18 — 55 (70) — (10) 146 (185) 235 (1)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 510 74 (8) 53 (59) — (73) 72 (13) 556 70
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 1,211 165 (2) 1,210 (990) — (233) 218 (81) 1,498 72
Total trading account assets 4,779 486 (10) 1,865 (1,821) 5 (982) 1,164 (1,333) 4,153 143
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4) (1,313) (984) — 664 (979) — 949 48 (99) (1,714) (409)
AFS debt securities:
Non-U.S. securities 229 2 16 49 — — (271) — — 25 —
Other taxable securities 594 4 8 5 — — (42) 34 (94) 509 —
Tax-exempt securities 542 1 3 14 (70) — (11) 35 (45) 469 —
Total AFS debt securities 1,365 7 27 68 (70) — (324) 69 (139) 1,003 —
Other debt securities carried at fair value –
Non-agency residential MBS 25 (1) — — (21) — (3) — — — —
Loans and leases (5) 720 15 — 3 (34) — (126) — (7) 571 11
Loans held-for-sale (5,6) 656 100 (3) 3 (189) — (346) 501 (32) 690 14
Other assets (6) 2,986 144 (57) 2 (214) 258 (758) 64 — 2,425 (226)
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned
or sold under agreements to repurchase (5) (359) (5) — — — (12) 171 (58) 263 — —
Trading account liabilities – Corporate
securities and other (27) 14 — 8 (17) (2) — — — (24) 2
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (5) (9) — — — — — 1 — — (8) —
Long-term debt (5) (1,514) (135) (31) 84 — (288) 514 (711) 218 (1,863) (196)
(1) Assets (liabilities). For assets, increase (decrease) to Level 3 and for liabilities, (increase) decrease to Level 3.
(2) Includes gains (losses) reported in earnings in the following income statement line items: Trading account assets/liabilities - market making and similar activities; Net derivative assets (liabilities)
- primarily market making and similar activities and other income; Other debt securities carried at fair value - other income; Loans and leases - other income; Loans held-for-sale - other income; Other
assets - primarily other income related to MSRs; Long-term debt - predominantly market making and similar activities.
(3) Includes unrealized gains (losses) in OCI on AFS debt securities, foreign currency translation adjustments and the impact of changes in the Corporation’s credit spreads on long-term debt accounted
for under the fair value option.
(4) Net derivative assets (liabilities) include derivative assets of $4.1 billion and derivative liabilities of $5.8 billion.
(5) Amounts represent instruments that are accounted for under the fair value option.
(6) Issuances represent loan originations and MSRs recognized following securitizations or whole-loan sales.

Bank of America 2019 171

The following tables present information about significant unobservable inputs related to the Corporation’s material categories of
Level 3 financial assets and liabilities at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Quantitative Information about Level 3 Fair Value Measurements at December 31, 2019
(Dollars in millions) Inputs

Fair Valuation Significant Unobservable Ranges of Weighted

Financial Instrument Value Technique Inputs Inputs Average (1)
Loans and Securities (2)

Instruments backed by residential real estate assets $ 1,407 Yield 0% to 25% 6%

Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 332 Prepayment speed 1% to 27% CPR 17% CPR
Loans and leases 281 Discounted cash Default rate 0% to 3% CDR 1% CDR
flow, Market
Loans held-for-sale 4 comparables Loss severity 0% to 47% 14%
AFS debt securities, primarily non-agency residential 491 Price $0 to $160 $94
Other debt securities carried at fair value - Non-agency residential 299
Instruments backed by commercial real estate assets $ 303 Yield 0% to 30% 14%
Trading account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other 201 Discounted cash Price $0 to $100 $55
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 85 flow
Loans held-for-sale 17
Commercial loans, debt securities and other $ 3,798 Yield 1% to 20% 6%
Trading account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other 1,306 Prepayment speed 10% to 20% 13%
Trading account assets – Non-U.S. sovereign debt 482 Discounted cash Default rate 3% to 4% 4%
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 1,136 flow, Market Loss severity 35% to 40% 38%
AFS debt securities – Other taxable securities 108 Price $0 to $142 $72
Loans and leases 412 Long-dated equity volatilities 35% n/a
Loans held-for-sale 354
Other assets, primarily auction rate securities $ 815 Discounted cash Price $10 to $100 $96
flow, Market

MSRs $ 1,545 Weighted-average life, fixed rate (5) 0 to 14 years 5 years

Discounted cash Weighted-average life, variable rate (5) 0 to 9 years 3 years
flow Option-adjusted spread, fixed rate 7% to 14% 9%
Option-adjusted spread, variable rate 9% to 15% 11%
Structured liabilities
Long-term debt $ (1,149) Yield 2% to 6% 5%
Discounted cash
flow, Market Equity correlation 9% to 100% 63%
comparables, Long-dated equity volatilities 4% to 101% 32%
Industry standard
Price $0 to $116 $74
derivative pricing (3)
Natural gas forward price $1/MMBtu to $5/MMBtu $3/MMBtu
Net derivative assets (liabilities)
Credit derivatives $ 13 Yield 5% n/a
Upfront points 0 to 100 points 63 points
Discounted cash
flow, Stochastic Prepayment speed 15% to 100% CPR 22% CPR
recovery correlation Default rate 1% to 4% CDR 2% CDR
Loss severity 35% n/a
Price $0 to $104 $73
Equity derivatives $ (1,081) Industry standard Equity correlation 9% to 100% 63%
derivative pricing (3) Long-dated equity volatilities 4% to 101% 32%
Commodity derivatives $ (1,357) Discounted cash Natural gas forward price $1/MMBtu to $5/MMBtu $3/MMBtu
flow, Industry Correlation 30% to 69% 68%
standard derivative
pricing (3) Volatilities 14% to 54% 27%
Interest rate derivatives $ (113) Correlation (IR/IR) 15% to 94% 52%
Industry standard Correlation (FX/IR) 0% to 46% 2%
derivative pricing (4) Long-dated inflation rates -23% to 56% 16%
Long-dated inflation volatilities 0% to 1% 1%
Total net derivative assets (liabilities) $ (2,538)
(1) For loans and securities, structured liabilities and net derivative assets (liabilities), the weighted average is calculated based upon the absolute fair value of the instruments.
(2) The categories are aggregated based upon product type which differs from financial statement classification. The following is a reconciliation to the line items in the table on page 168: Trading
account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other of $1.5 billion, Trading account assets – Non-U.S. sovereign debt of $482 million, Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans,
ABS and other MBS of $1.6 billion, AFS debt securities of $599 million, Other debt securities carried at fair value - Non-agency residential of $299 million, Other assets, including MSRs, of $2.4
billion, Loans and leases of $693 million and LHFS of $375 million.
(3) Includes models such as Monte Carlo simulation and Black-Scholes.
(4) Includes models such as Monte Carlo simulation, Black-Scholes and other methods that model the joint dynamics of interest, inflation and foreign exchange rates.
(5) The weighted-average life is a product of changes in market rates of interest, prepayment rates and other model and cash flow assumptions.

CPR = Constant Prepayment Rate

CDR = Constant Default Rate
MMBtu = Million British thermal units
IR = Interest Rate
FX = Foreign Exchange
n/a = not applicable

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Quantitative Information about Level 3 Fair Value Measurements at December 31, 2018

(Dollars in millions) Inputs

Fair Valuation Significant Unobservable Ranges of Weighted

Financial Instrument Value Technique Inputs Inputs Average (1)
Loans and Securities (2)

Instruments backed by residential real estate assets $ 1,536 Yield 0% to 25% 8%

Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 419 Prepayment speed 0% to 21% CPR 12% CPR
Loans and leases 338 Discounted cash Default rate 0% to 3% CDR 1% CDR
flow, Market
Loans held-for-sale 1 comparables Loss severity 0% to 51% 17%
AFS debt securities, primarily non-agency residential 606 Price $0 to $128 $72
Other debt securities carried at fair value - Non-agency residential 172
Instruments backed by commercial real estate assets $ 291 Yield 0% to 25% 7%
Discounted cash
Trading account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other 200 Price $0 to $100 $79
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 91
Commercial loans, debt securities and other $ 3,489 Yield 1% to 18% 13%
Trading account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other 1,358 Discounted cash Prepayment speed 10% to 20% 15%
Trading account assets – Non-U.S. sovereign debt 465 flow, Market Default rate 3% to 4% 4%
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 1,125 Loss severity 35% to 40% 38%
Loans held-for-sale 541 Price $0 to $141 $68
Other assets, primarily auction rate securities $ 890 Discounted cash Price $10 to $100 $95
flow, Market

MSRs $ 2,042 Weighted-average life, fixed rate (5) 0 to 14 years 5 years

Discounted cash Weighted-average life, variable rate (5) 0 to 10 years 3 years
flow Option-adjusted spread, fixed rate 7% to 14% 9%
Option-adjusted spread, variable rate 9% to 15% 12%
Structured liabilities
Long-term debt $ (817) Discounted cash Equity correlation 11% to 100% 67%
flow, Market Long-dated equity volatilities 4% to 84% 32%
Industry standard Yield 7% to 18% 16%
derivative pricing (3) Price $0 to $100 $72
Net derivative assets (liabilities)
Credit derivatives $ (565) Yield 0% to 5% 4%
Upfront points 0 points to 100 points 70 points
Discounted cash Credit correlation 70% n/a
flow, Stochastic
Prepayment speed 15% to 20% CPR 15% CPR
recovery correlation
model Default rate 1% to 4% CDR 2% CDR
Loss severity 35% n/a
Price $0 to $138 $93
Equity derivatives $ (348) Industry standard Equity correlation 11% to 100% 67%
derivative pricing (3) Long-dated equity volatilities 4% to 84% 32%
Commodity derivatives $ 10 Discounted cash Natural gas forward price $1/MMBtu to $12/MMBtu $3/MMBtu
flow, Industry Correlation 38% to 87% 71%
standard derivative
pricing (3) Volatilities 15% to 132% 38%
Interest rate derivatives $ (32) Correlation (IR/IR) 15% to 70% 61%
Industry standard Correlation (FX/IR) 0% to 46% 1%
derivative pricing (4) Long-dated inflation rates -20% to 38% 2%
Long-dated inflation volatilities 0% to 1% 1%
Total net derivative assets (liabilities) $ (935)
(1) For loans and securities, structured liabilities and net derivative assets (liabilities), the weighted average is calculated based upon the absolute fair value of the instruments.
(2) The categories are aggregated based upon product type which differs from financial statement classification. The following is a reconciliation to the line items in the table on page 169: Trading
account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other of $1.6 billion, Trading account assets – Non-U.S. sovereign debt of $465 million, Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans,
ABS and other MBS of $1.6 billion, AFS debt securities of $606 million, Other debt securities carried at fair value - Non-agency residential of $172 million, Other assets, including MSRs, of $2.9
billion, Loans and leases of $338 million and LHFS of $542 million.
(3) Includes models such as Monte Carlo simulation and Black-Scholes.
(4) Includes models such as Monte Carlo simulation, Black-Scholes and other methods that model the joint dynamics of interest, inflation and foreign exchange rates.
(5) The weighted-average life is a product of changes in market rates of interest, prepayment rates and other model and cash flow assumptions.

CPR = Constant Prepayment Rate

CDR = Constant Default Rate
MMBtu = Million British thermal units
IR = Interest Rate
FX = Foreign Exchange
n/a = not applicable

Bank of America 2019 173

In the previous tables, instruments backed by residential and have resulted in a significantly lower fair value for protection sellers
commercial real estate assets include RMBS, commercial MBS, and higher fair value for protection buyers. The impact of changes
whole loans and mortgage CDOs. Commercial loans, debt in prepayment speeds would have resulted in differing impacts
securities and other include corporate CLOs and CDOs, depending on the seniority of the instrument.
commercial loans and bonds, and securities backed by non-real Structured credit derivatives are impacted by credit correlation.
estate assets. Structured liabilities primarily include equity-linked Default correlation is a parameter that describes the degree of
notes that are accounted for under the fair value option. dependence among credit default rates within a credit portfolio
The Corporation uses multiple market approaches in valuing that underlies a credit derivative instrument. The sensitivity of this
certain of its Level 3 financial instruments. For example, market input on the fair value varies depending on the level of
comparables and discounted cash flows are used together. For a subordination of the tranche. For senior tranches that are net
given product, such as corporate debt securities, market purchases of protection, a significant increase in default
comparables may be used to estimate some of the unobservable correlation would have resulted in a significantly higher fair value.
inputs and then these inputs are incorporated into a discounted Net short protection positions would have been impacted in a
cash flow model. Therefore, the balances disclosed encompass directionally opposite way.
both of these techniques. For equity derivatives, commodity derivatives, interest rate
The level of aggregation and diversity within the products derivatives and structured liabilities, a significant change in long-
disclosed in the tables result in certain ranges of inputs being dated rates and volatilities and correlation inputs (i.e., the degree
wide and unevenly distributed across asset and liability categories. of correlation between an equity security and an index, between
two different commodities, between two different interest rates,
Uncertainty of Fair Value Measurements from or between interest rates and foreign exchange rates) would have
Unobservable Inputs resulted in a significant impact to the fair value; however, the
magnitude and direction of the impact depend on whether the
Loans and Securities Corporation is long or short the exposure. For structured liabilities,
A significant increase in market yields, default rates, loss a significant increase in yield or decrease in price would have
severities or duration would have resulted in a significantly lower resulted in a significantly lower fair value.
fair value for long positions. Short positions would have been
impacted in a directionally opposite way. The impact of changes Nonrecurring Fair Value
in prepayment speeds would have resulted in differing impacts The Corporation holds certain assets that are measured at fair
depending on the seniority of the instrument and, in the case of value only in certain situations (e.g., the impairment of an asset),
CLOs, whether prepayments can be reinvested. A significant and these measurements are referred to herein as nonrecurring.
increase in price would have resulted in a significantly higher fair The amounts below represent assets still held as of the reporting
value for long positions, and short positions would have been date for which a nonrecurring fair value adjustment was recorded
impacted in a directionally opposite way. during 2019, 2018 and 2017. In the tables below, other assets
includes the measurement of the Corporation's merchant services
Structured Liabilities and Derivatives equity method investment on which the Corporation recorded an
For credit derivatives, a significant increase in market yield, upfront impairment charge of $2.1 billion during 2019. For more
points (i.e., a single upfront payment made by a protection buyer information, see Note 13 – Commitments and Contingencies.
at inception), credit spreads, default rates or loss severities would

Assets Measured at Fair Value on a Nonrecurring Basis

December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
(Dollars in millions) Level 2 Level 3 Level 2 Level 3
Loans held-for-sale $ 53 $ 102 $ 274 $ —
Loans and leases (1) — 257 — 474
Foreclosed properties (2, 3) — 17 — 42
Other assets 178 646 331 14

Gains (Losses)
2019 2018 2017
Loans held-for-sale $ (14) $ (18) $ (6)
Loans and leases (1) (81) (202) (336)
Foreclosed properties (9) (24) (41)
Other assets (2,145) (64) (124)
(1) Includes $36 million, $83 million and $135 million of losses on loans that were written down to a collateral value of zero during 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
(2) Amounts are included in other assets on the Consolidated Balance Sheet and represent the carrying value of foreclosed properties that were written down subsequent to their initial classification
as foreclosed properties. Losses on foreclosed properties include losses recorded during the first 90 days after transfer of a loan to foreclosed properties.
(3) Excludes $260 million and $488 million of properties acquired upon foreclosure of certain government-guaranteed loans (principally FHA-insured loans) at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

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The table below presents information about significant unobservable inputs at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Quantitative Information about Nonrecurring Level 3 Fair Value Measurements

Fair Valuation Unobservable Ranges of Weighted
Financial Instrument Value Technique Inputs Inputs Average (1)
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019
Loans held-for-sale $ 102 Discounted cash flow Price $85 to $97 $88
Loans and leases (2) 257 Market comparables OREO discount 13% to 59% 24%
Costs to sell 8% to 26% 9%
Other assets (3) 640 Discounted cash flow Customer attrition 0% to 19% 5%
Costs to service 11% to 19% 15%
December 31, 2018
Loans and leases (2) $ 474 Market comparables OREO discount 13% to 59% 25%
Costs to sell 8% to 26% 9%
(1) The weighted average is calculated based upon the fair value of the loans.
(2) Represents residential mortgages where the loan has been written down to the fair value of the underlying collateral.
(3) The fair value of the merchant services joint venture was measured using a discounted cash flow method in which the two primary drivers of fair value were the customer attrition rate and certain
costs to service the customers. The weighted averages are calculated based on variations of the attrition rates and costs to service the customers.

NOTE 22 Fair Value Option Other Assets

The Corporation elects to account for certain long-term fixed-rate
Loans and Loan Commitments margin loans that are hedged with derivatives under the fair value
The Corporation elects to account for certain loans and loan option. Election of the fair value option allows the Corporation to
commitments that exceed the Corporation’s single-name credit reduce the accounting volatility that would otherwise result from
risk concentration guidelines under the fair value option. Lending the asymmetry created by accounting for the financial instruments
commitments are actively managed and, as appropriate, credit risk at historical cost and the derivatives at fair value.
for these lending relationships may be mitigated through the use
of credit derivatives, with the Corporation’s public side credit view Securities Financing Agreements
and market perspectives determining the size and timing of the The Corporation elects to account for certain securities financing
hedging activity. These credit derivatives do not meet the agreements, including resale and repurchase agreements, under
requirements for designation as accounting hedges and therefore the fair value option based on the tenor of the agreements, which
are carried at fair value. The fair value option allows the Corporation reflects the magnitude of the interest rate risk. The majority of
to carry these loans and loan commitments at fair value, which is securities financing agreements collateralized by U.S. government
more consistent with management’s view of the underlying securities are not accounted for under the fair value option as
economics and the manner in which they are managed. In addition, these contracts are generally short-dated and therefore the
the fair value option allows the Corporation to reduce the interest rate risk is not significant.
accounting volatility that would otherwise result from the
asymmetry created by accounting for the financial instruments at Long-term Deposits
historical cost and the credit derivatives at fair value. The Corporation elects to account for certain long-term fixed-rate
and rate-linked deposits that are hedged with derivatives that do
Loans Held-for-sale not qualify for hedge accounting under the fair value option.
The Corporation elects to account for residential mortgage LHFS, Election of the fair value option allows the Corporation to reduce
commercial mortgage LHFS and certain other LHFS under the fair the accounting volatility that would otherwise result from the
value option. These loans are actively managed and monitored asymmetry created by accounting for the financial instruments at
and, as appropriate, certain market risks of the loans may be historical cost and the derivatives at fair value. The Corporation
mitigated through the use of derivatives. The Corporation has has not elected to carry other long-term deposits at fair value
elected not to designate the derivatives as qualifying accounting because they are not hedged using derivatives.
hedges, and therefore, they are carried at fair value. The changes
in fair value of the loans are largely offset by changes in the fair Short-term Borrowings
value of the derivatives. The fair value option allows the The Corporation elects to account for certain short-term
Corporation to reduce the accounting volatility that would borrowings, primarily short-term structured liabilities, under the
otherwise result from the asymmetry created by accounting for the fair value option because this debt is risk-managed on a fair value
financial instruments at the lower of cost or fair value and the basis.
derivatives at fair value. The Corporation has not elected to account The Corporation elects to account for certain asset-backed
for certain other LHFS under the fair value option primarily because secured financings, which are also classified in short-term
these loans are floating-rate loans that are not hedged using borrowings, under the fair value option. Election of the fair value
derivative instruments. option allows the Corporation to reduce the accounting volatility
that would otherwise result from the asymmetry created by
Loans Reported as Trading Account Assets accounting for the asset-backed secured financings at historical
The Corporation elects to account for certain loans that are held cost and the corresponding mortgage LHFS securing these
for the purpose of trading and are risk-managed on a fair value financings at fair value.
basis under the fair value option.

Bank of America 2019 175

Long-term Debt assets and liabilities accounted for under the fair value option at
The Corporation elects to account for certain long-term debt, December 31, 2019 and 2018, and information about where
primarily structured liabilities, under the fair value option. This long- changes in the fair value of assets and liabilities accounted for
term debt is either risk-managed on a fair value basis or the related under the fair value option are included in the Consolidated
hedges do not qualify for hedge accounting. Statement of Income for 2019, 2018 and 2017.

Fair Value Option Elections

The following tables provide information about the fair value
carrying amount and the contractual principal outstanding of

Fair Value Option Elections

December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
Fair Value Fair Value
Fair Value Contractual Carrying Fair Value Contractual Carrying
Carrying Principal Amount Less Carrying Principal Amount Less
(Dollars in millions) Amount Outstanding Unpaid Principal Amount Outstanding Unpaid Principal
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or
purchased under agreements to resell $ 50,364 $ 50,318 $ 46 $ 56,399 $ 56,376 $ 23
Loans reported as trading account assets (1) 6,989 14,703 (7,714) 6,195 13,088 (6,893)
Trading inventory – other 19,574 n/a n/a 13,778 n/a n/a
Consumer and commercial loans 8,335 8,372 (37) 4,349 4,399 (50)
Loans held-for-sale (1) 3,709 4,879 (1,170) 2,942 4,749 (1,807)
Other assets 4 n/a n/a 3 n/a n/a
Long-term deposits 508 496 12 492 454 38
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or
sold under agreements to repurchase 16,008 16,029 (21) 28,875 28,881 (6)
Short-term borrowings 3,941 3,930 11 1,648 1,648 —
Unfunded loan commitments 90 n/a n/a 169 n/a n/a
Long-term debt (2) 34,975 35,730 (755) 27,689 29,198 (1,509)
(1)A significant portion of the loans reported as trading account assets and LHFS are distressed loans that were purchased at a deep discount to par, and the remainder are loans with a fair value near
contractual principal outstanding.
(2)Includes structured liabilities with a fair value of $34.6 billion and $27.3 billion, and contractual principal outstanding of $35.3 billion and $28.8 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
n/a = not applicable

Gains (Losses) Relating to Assets and Liabilities Accounted for Under the Fair Value Option
Market making and Other
similar activities Income Total
(Dollars in millions) 2019
Loans reported as trading account assets $ 203 $ — $ 203
Trading inventory – other (1) 5,795 — 5,795
Consumer and commercial loans 92 12 104
Loans held-for-sale (2) — 98 98
Long-term debt (3) (1,098) (78) (1,176)
Other (4) (15) 52 37
Total (5) $ 4,977 $ 84 $ 5,061

Loans reported as trading account assets $ 8 $ — $ 8
Trading inventory – other (1) 1,750 — 1,750
Consumer and commercial loans (422) (53) (475)
Loans held-for-sale (2) 1 24 25
Long-term debt (3) 2,157 (93) 2,064
Other (4) 8 (31) (23)
Total (5) $ 3,502 $ (153) $ 3,349

Loans reported as trading account assets $ 318 $ — $ 318
Trading inventory – other (1) 3,821 — 3,821
Consumer and commercial loans (9) 35 26
Loans held-for-sale (2) — 298 298
Long-term debt (3) (1,044) (146) (1,190)
Other (4) (93) 49 (44)
Total (5) $ 2,993 $ 236 $ 3,229
(1) The gains in market making and similar activities are primarily offset by losses on trading liabilities that hedge these assets.
(2) Includes the value of IRLCs on funded loans, including those sold during the period.
(3) The net gains (losses) in market making and similar activities relate to the embedded derivatives in structured liabilities and are typically offset by (losses) gains on derivatives and securities that
hedge these liabilities. For the cumulative impact of changes in the Corporation’s own credit spreads and the amount recognized in accumulated OCI, see Note 15 – Accumulated Other Comprehensive
Income (Loss). For more information on how the Corporation’s own credit spread is determined, see Note 21 – Fair Value Measurements.
(4) Includes gains (losses) on federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell, long-term deposits, federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under
agreements to repurchase, short-term borrowings and unfunded loan commitments.
(5) Gains (losses) related to borrower-specific credit risk were $194 million, $(148) million and $38 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively.

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NOTE 23 Fair Value of Financial Instruments NOTE 24 Business Segment Information
Financial instruments are classified within the fair value hierarchy The Corporation reports its results of operations through the
using the methodologies described in Note 21 – Fair Value following four business segments: Consumer Banking, GWIM,
Measurements. Certain loans, deposits, long-term debt and Global Banking and Global Markets, with the remaining operations
unfunded lending commitments are accounted for under the fair recorded in All Other.
value option. For more information, see Note 22 – Fair Value Option.
The following disclosures include financial instruments that are Consumer Banking
not carried at fair value or only a portion of the ending balance is Consumer Banking offers a diversified range of credit, banking and
carried at fair value on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. investment products and services to consumers and small
businesses. Consumer Banking product offerings include
Short-term Financial Instruments traditional savings accounts, money market savings accounts, CDs
The carrying value of short-term financial instruments, including and IRAs, checking accounts, and investment accounts and
cash and cash equivalents, certain time deposits placed and other products, as well as credit and debit cards, residential mortgages
short-term investments, federal funds sold and purchased, certain and home equity loans, and direct and indirect loans to consumers
resale and repurchase agreements and short-term borrowings, and small businesses in the U.S. Consumer Banking includes the
approximates the fair value of these instruments. These financial impact of servicing residential mortgages and home equity loans
instruments generally expose the Corporation to limited credit risk in the core portfolio.
and have no stated maturities or have short-term maturities and
carry interest rates that approximate market. The Corporation Global Wealth & Investment Management
accounts for certain resale and repurchase agreements under the GWIM provides a high-touch client experience through a network
fair value option. of financial advisors focused on clients with over $250,000 in
Under the fair value hierarchy, cash and cash equivalents are total investable assets, including tailored solutions to meet
classified as Level 1. Time deposits placed and other short-term clients’ needs through a full set of investment management,
investments, such as U.S. government securities and short-term brokerage, banking and retirement products. GWIM also provides
commercial paper, are classified as Level 1 or Level 2. Federal comprehensive wealth management solutions targeted to high net
funds sold and purchased are classified as Level 2. Resale and worth and ultra high net worth clients, as well as customized
repurchase agreements are classified as Level 2 because they solutions to meet clients’ wealth structuring, investment
are generally short-dated and/or variable-rate instruments management, trust and banking needs, including specialty asset
collateralized by U.S. government or agency securities. Short-term management services.
borrowings are classified as Level 2.
Global Banking
Fair Value of Financial Instruments Global Banking provides a wide range of lending-related products
The carrying values and fair values by fair value hierarchy of certain and services, integrated working capital management and treasury
financial instruments where only a portion of the ending balance solutions, and underwriting and advisory services through the
was carried at fair value at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are Corporation’s network of offices and client relationship teams.
presented in the following table. Global Banking also provides investment banking products to
clients. The economics of certain investment banking and
underwriting activities are shared primarily between Global Banking
Fair Value of Financial Instruments and Global Markets under an internal revenue-sharing
arrangement. Global Banking clients generally include middle-
Fair Value
market companies, commercial real estate firms, not-for-profit
Value Level 2 Level 3 Total companies, large global corporations, financial institutions,
(Dollars in millions) December 31, 2019 leasing clients, and mid-sized U.S.-based businesses requiring
Financial assets customized and integrated financial advice and solutions.
Loans $ 950,093 $ 63,633 $ 914,597 $ 978,230
Loans held-for-sale 9,158 8,439 719 9,158 Global Markets
Financial liabilities
Global Markets offers sales and trading services and research
Deposits (1) 1,434,803 1,434,809 — 1,434,809
Long-term debt 240,856 247,376 1,149 248,525 services to institutional clients across fixed-income, credit,
Commercial currency, commodity and equity businesses. Global Markets
unfunded lending provides market-making, financing, securities clearing, settlement
commitments (2) 903 90 4,777 4,867
and custody services globally to institutional investor clients in
December 31, 2018
support of their investing and trading activities. Global Markets
Financial assets product coverage includes securities and derivative products in
Loans $ 911,520 $ 58,228 $ 859,160 $ 917,388 both the primary and secondary markets. Global Markets also
Loans held-for-sale 10,367 9,592 775 10,367 works with commercial and corporate clients to provide risk
Financial liabilities management products. As a result of market-making activities,
Deposits (1) 1,381,476 1,381,239 — 1,381,239
Long-term debt 229,392 230,019 817 230,836
Global Markets may be required to manage risk in a broad range
Commercial of financial products. In addition, the economics of certain
unfunded lending investment banking and underwriting activities are shared primarily
commitments (2) 966 169 5,558 5,727
between Global Markets and Global Banking under an internal
(1) Includes demand deposits of $545.5 billion and $531.9 billion with no stated maturities at
December 31, 2019 and 2018.
revenue-sharing arrangement.
(2) The carrying value of commercial unfunded lending commitments is included in accrued
expenses and other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. The Corporation does not
estimate the fair value of consumer unfunded lending commitments because, in many instances,
the Corporation can reduce or cancel these commitments by providing notice to the borrower.
For more information on commitments, see Note 13 – Commitments and Contingencies.

Bank of America 2019 177

All Other and maturity characteristics. In segments where the total of
All Other consists of ALM activities, equity investments, non-core liabilities and equity exceeds assets, which are generally deposit-
mortgage loans and servicing activities, liquidating businesses taking segments, the Corporation allocates assets to match
and certain expenses not otherwise allocated to business liabilities. Net interest income of the business segments also
segments. ALM activities encompass certain residential includes an allocation of net interest income generated by certain
mortgages, debt securities, interest rate and foreign currency risk of the Corporation’s ALM activities.
management activities. Substantially all of the results of ALM The Corporation’s ALM activities include an overall interest rate
activities are allocated to the business segments. Equity risk management strategy that incorporates the use of various
investments include the merchant services joint venture as well derivatives and cash instruments to manage fluctuations in
as a portfolio of equity, real estate and other alternative earnings and capital that are caused by interest rate volatility. The
investments. Corporation’s goal is to manage interest rate sensitivity so that
movements in interest rates do not significantly adversely affect
Basis of Presentation earnings and capital. The results of substantially all of the
The management accounting and reporting process derives Corporation’s ALM activities are allocated to the business
segment and business results by utilizing allocation segments and fluctuate based on the performance of the ALM
methodologies for revenue and expense. The net income derived activities. ALM activities include external product pricing decisions
for the businesses is dependent upon revenue and cost allocations including deposit pricing strategies, the effects of the Corporation’s
using an activity-based costing model, funds transfer pricing, and internal funds transfer pricing process and the net effects of other
other methodologies and assumptions management believes are ALM activities.
appropriate to reflect the results of the business. Certain expenses not directly attributable to a specific
Total revenue, net of interest expense, includes net interest business segment are allocated to the segments. The costs of
income on an FTE basis and noninterest income. The adjustment certain centralized or shared functions are allocated based on
of net interest income to an FTE basis results in a corresponding methodologies that reflect utilization.
increase in income tax expense. The segment results also reflect The following table presents net income (loss) and the
certain revenue and expense methodologies that are utilized to components thereto (with net interest income on an FTE basis for
determine net income. The net interest income of the businesses the business segments, All Other and the total Corporation) for
includes the results of a funds transfer pricing process that 2019, 2018 and 2017, and total assets at December 31, 2019
matches assets and liabilities with similar interest rate sensitivity and 2018 for each business segment, as well as All Other.

Results of Business Segments and All Other

At and for the year ended December 31 Total Corporation (1) Consumer Banking
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017
Net interest income $ 49,486 $ 48,772 $ 46,164 $ 28,158 $ 27,025 $ 24,203
Noninterest income 42,353 42,858 41,887 10,429 10,593 10,101
Total revenue, net of interest expense 91,839 91,630 88,051 38,587 37,618 34,304
Provision for credit losses 3,590 3,282 3,396 3,772 3,664 3,525
Noninterest expense 54,900 53,154 54,517 17,618 17,672 17,847
Income before income taxes 33,349 35,194 30,138 17,197 16,282 12,932
Income tax expense 5,919 7,047 11,906 4,213 4,150 4,897
Net income $ 27,430 $ 28,147 $ 18,232 $ 12,984 $ 12,132 $ 8,035
Period-end total assets $ 2,434,079 $ 2,354,507 $ 804,019 $ 768,881

Global Wealth &

Investment Management Global Banking
2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017
Net interest income $ 6,504 $ 6,265 $ 6,152 $ 10,675 $ 10,993 $ 10,615
Noninterest income 13,033 13,188 12,447 9,808 9,008 9,510
Total revenue, net of interest expense 19,537 19,453 18,599 20,483 20,001 20,125
Provision for credit losses 82 86 56 414 8 212
Noninterest expense 13,823 14,015 13,770 9,017 8,745 8,811
Income before income taxes 5,632 5,352 4,773 11,052 11,248 11,102
Income tax expense 1,380 1,364 1,807 2,984 2,923 4,204
Net income $ 4,252 $ 3,988 $ 2,966 $ 8,068 $ 8,325 $ 6,898
Period-end total assets $ 299,756 $ 305,907 $ 464,032 $ 442,330

Global Markets All Other

2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017
Net interest income $ 3,915 $ 3,857 $ 4,264 $ 234 $ 632 $ 930
Noninterest income 11,699 12,326 11,698 (2,616) (2,257) (1,869)
Total revenue, net of interest expense 15,614 16,183 15,962 (2,382) (1,625) (939)
Provision for credit losses (9) — 164 (669) (476) (561)
Noninterest expense 10,722 10,835 10,997 3,720 1,887 3,092
Income (loss) before income taxes 4,901 5,348 4,801 (5,433) (3,036) (3,470)
Income tax expense (benefit) 1,397 1,390 1,666 (4,055) (2,780) (668)
Net income (loss) $ 3,504 $ 3,958 $ 3,135 $ (1,378) $ (256) $ (2,802)
Period-end total assets $ 641,806 $ 641,923 $ 224,466 $ 195,466
(1) There were no material intersegment revenues.

178 of America
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of America 2019
The table below presents noninterest income and the components thereto for 2019, 2018 and 2017 for each business segment,
All Other and the total Corporation. For more information, see Note 2 – Net Interest Income and Noninterest Income.

Noninterest Income by Business Segment and All Other

Global Wealth &
Total Corporation Consumer Banking Investment Management
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017
Fees and commissions:
Card income
Interchange fees $ 3,834 $ 3,866 $ 3,777 $ 3,174 $ 3,196 $ 3,038 $ 60 $ 81 $ 109
Other card income 1,963 1,958 1,899 1,910 1,906 1,846 41 46 44
Total card income 5,797 5,824 5,676 5,084 5,102 4,884 101 127 153
Service charges
Deposit-related fees 6,588 6,667 6,708 4,219 4,300 4,266 68 73 77
Lending-related fees 1,086 1,100 1,110 — — — — — —
Total service charges 7,674 7,767 7,818 4,219 4,300 4,266 68 73 77
Investment and brokerage services
Asset management fees 10,241 10,189 9,310 144 147 133 10,130 10,042 9,177
Brokerage fees 3,661 3,971 4,526 149 172 184 1,740 1,917 2,217
Total investment and brokerage services 13,902 14,160 13,836 293 319 317 11,870 11,959 11,394
Investment banking fees
Underwriting income 2,998 2,722 2,821 — (1) — 401 335 316
Syndication fees 1,184 1,347 1,499 — — — — — —
Financial advisory services 1,460 1,258 1,691 — — — — 2 2
Total investment banking fees 5,642 5,327 6,011 — (1) — 401 337 318
Total fees and commissions 33,015 33,078 33,341 9,596 9,720 9,467 12,440 12,496 11,942
Market making and similar activities 9,034 9,008 7,102 6 8 3 113 112 144
Other income 304 772 1,444 827 865 631 480 580 361
Total noninterest income $ 42,353 $ 42,858 $ 41,887 $ 10,429 $ 10,593 $ 10,101 $ 13,033 $ 13,188 $ 12,447

Global Banking Global Markets All Other (1)

2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017

Fees and commissions:
Card income
Interchange fees $ 519 $ 503 $ 478 $ 81 $ 86 $ 86 $ — $ — $ 66
Other card income 13 8 12 (1) (2) (2) — — (1)
Total card income 532 511 490 80 84 84 — — 65
Service charges
Deposit-related fees 2,121 2,111 2,197 156 161 147 24 22 21
Lending-related fees 894 916 928 192 184 182 — — —
Total service charges 3,015 3,027 3,125 348 345 329 24 22 21
Investment and brokerage services
Asset management fees — — — — — — (33) — —
Brokerage fees 34 94 97 1,738 1,780 2,049 — 8 (21)
Total investment and brokerage services 34 94 97 1,738 1,780 2,049 (33) 8 (21)
Investment banking fees
Underwriting income 1,227 1,090 1,172 1,555 1,495 1,588 (185) (197) (255)
Syndication fees 574 648 742 610 698 756 — 1 1
Financial advisory services 1,336 1,153 1,557 123 103 133 1 — (1)
Total investment banking fees 3,137 2,891 3,471 2,288 2,296 2,477 (184) (196) (255)
Total fees and commissions 6,718 6,523 7,183 4,454 4,505 4,939 (193) (166) (190)
Market making and similar activities 235 260 134 7,065 7,260 6,203 1,615 1,368 618
Other income 2,855 2,225 2,193 180 561 556 (4,038) (3,459) (2,297)
Total noninterest income $ 9,808 $ 9,008 $ 9,510 $ 11,699 $ 12,326 $ 11,698 $ (2,616) $ (2,257) $ (1,869)
(1) All Other includes eliminations of intercompany transactions.

Bank of America 2019 179

Business Segment Reconciliations
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
Segments’ total revenue, net of interest expense $ 94,221 $ 93,255 $ 88,990
Adjustments (1):
ALM activities 241 (325) 161
Liquidating businesses, eliminations and other (2,623) (1,300) (1,100)
FTE basis adjustment (595) (610) (925)
Consolidated revenue, net of interest expense $ 91,244 $ 91,020 $ 87,126
Segments’ total net income 28,808 28,403 21,034
Adjustments, net-of-tax (1):
ALM activities 202 (222) 154
Liquidating businesses, eliminations and other (1,580) (34) (2,956)
Consolidated net income $ 27,430 $ 28,147 $ 18,232

December 31
2019 2018
Segments’ total assets $ 2,209,613 $ 2,159,041
Adjustments (1):
ALM activities, including securities portfolio 721,806 669,204
Elimination of segment asset allocations to match liabilities (565,346) (540,798)
Other 68,006 67,060
Consolidated total assets $ 2,434,079 $ 2,354,507
(1) Adjustments include consolidated income, expense and asset amounts not specifically allocated to individual business segments.

NOTE 25 Parent Company Information

The following tables present the Parent Company-only financial information.

Condensed Statement of Income

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
Dividends from subsidiaries:
Bank holding companies and related subsidiaries $ 27,820 $ 28,575 $ 12,088
Nonbank companies and related subsidiaries — 91 202
Interest from subsidiaries 9,502 8,425 7,043
Other income (loss) 74 (1,025) 28
Total income 37,396 36,066 19,361
Interest on borrowed funds from related subsidiaries 451 235 189
Other interest expense 5,899 6,425 5,555
Noninterest expense 1,641 1,600 1,672
Total expense 7,991 8,260 7,416
Income before income taxes and equity in undistributed earnings of subsidiaries 29,405 27,806 11,945
Income tax expense (benefit) 341 (281) 950
Income before equity in undistributed earnings of subsidiaries 29,064 28,087 10,995
Equity in undistributed earnings (losses) of subsidiaries:
Bank holding companies and related subsidiaries (1,717) 306 8,725
Nonbank companies and related subsidiaries 83 (246) (1,488)
Total equity in undistributed earnings of subsidiaries (1,634) 60 7,237
Net income $ 27,430 $ 28,147 $ 18,232

180 of America
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of America 2019
Condensed Balance Sheet
December 31
(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018
Cash held at bank subsidiaries (1) $ 5,695 $ 5,141
Securities 656 628
Receivables from subsidiaries:
Bank holding companies and related subsidiaries 173,301 152,905
Banks and related subsidiaries 51 195
Nonbank companies and related subsidiaries 391 969
Investments in subsidiaries:
Bank holding companies and related subsidiaries 297,465 293,045
Nonbank companies and related subsidiaries 3,663 3,432
Other assets 9,438 14,696
Total assets $ 490,660 $ 471,011
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Accrued expenses and other liabilities $ 13,381 $ 8,828
Payables to subsidiaries:
Banks and related subsidiaries 458 349
Nonbank companies and related subsidiaries 12,102 13,301
Long-term debt 199,909 183,208
Total liabilities 225,850 205,686
Shareholders’ equity 264,810 265,325
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity $ 490,660 $ 471,011
(1) Balance includes third-party cash held of $4 million and $389 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018.

Condensed Statement of Cash Flows

(Dollars in millions) 2019 2018 2017
Operating activities
Net income $ 27,430 $ 28,147 $ 18,232
Reconciliation of net income to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
Equity in undistributed (earnings) losses of subsidiaries 1,634 (60) (7,237)
Other operating activities, net 16,973 (3,706) (2,593)
Net cash provided by operating activities 46,037 24,381 8,402
Investing activities
Net sales (purchases) of securities (17) 51 312
Net payments to subsidiaries (19,121) (2,262) (7,087)
Other investing activities, net 7 48 (1)
Net cash used in investing activities (19,131) (2,163) (6,776)
Financing activities
Net increase (decrease) in other advances (1,625) 3,867 (6,672)
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt 29,315 30,708 37,704
Retirement of long-term debt (21,039) (29,413) (29,645)
Proceeds from issuance of preferred stock 3,643 4,515 —
Redemption of preferred stock (2,568) (4,512) —
Common stock repurchased (28,144) (20,094) (12,814)
Cash dividends paid (5,934) (6,895) (5,700)
Net cash used in financing activities (26,352) (21,824) (17,127)
Net increase (decrease) in cash held at bank subsidiaries 554 394 (15,501)
Cash held at bank subsidiaries at January 1 5,141 4,747 20,248
Cash held at bank subsidiaries at December 31 $ 5,695 $ 5,141 $ 4,747

Bank of America 2019 181

NOTE 26 Performance by Geographical Area requires certain judgments related to the allocation of revenue so
The Corporation’s operations are highly integrated with operations that revenue can be appropriately matched with the related capital
in both U.S. and non-U.S. markets. The non-U.S. business or expense deployed in the region. Certain asset, liability, income
activities are largely conducted in Europe, the Middle East and and expense amounts have been allocated to arrive at total assets,
Africa and in Asia. The Corporation identifies its geographic total revenue, net of interest expense, income before income taxes
performance based on the business unit structure used to manage and net income by geographic area as presented below.
the capital or expense deployed in the region as applicable. This

Total Revenue,
Total Assets at Net of Interest Income Before
(Dollars in millions) Year End (1) Expense (2) Income Taxes Net Income
U.S. (3) 2019 $ 2,122,734 $ 81,236 $ 30,699 $ 25,937
2018 2,051,182 80,777 31,904 26,407
2017 74,604 25,108 15,550
Asia 2019 102,440 3,491 765 570
2018 94,865 3,507 865 520
2017 3,405 676 464
Europe, Middle East and Africa 2019 178,889 5,310 921 672
2018 185,285 5,632 1,543 1,126
2017 7,907 2,990 1,926
Latin America and the Caribbean 2019 30,016 1,207 369 251
2018 23,175 1,104 272 94
2017 1,210 439 292
Total Non-U.S. 2019 311,345 10,008 2,055 1,493
2018 303,325 10,243 2,680 1,740
2017 12,522 4,105 2,682
Total Consolidated 2019 $ 2,434,079 $ 91,244 $ 32,754 $ 27,430
2018 2,354,507 91,020 34,584 28,147
2017 87,126 29,213 18,232
(1) Total assets include long-lived assets, which are primarily located in the U.S.
(2) There were no material intercompany revenues between geographic regions for any of the periods presented.
(3) Substantially reflects the U.S.

182 of America
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of America 2019
Alt-A Mortgage – A type of U.S. mortgage that is considered riskier Margin Receivable – An extension of credit secured by eligible
than A-paper, or “prime,” and less risky than “subprime,” the securities in certain brokerage accounts.
riskiest category. Typically, Alt-A mortgages are characterized by
borrowers with less than full documentation, lower credit scores Matched Book – Repurchase and resale agreements or securities
and higher LTVs. borrowed and loaned transactions where the overall asset and
liability position is similar in size and/or maturity. Generally, these
Assets Under Management (AUM) – The total market value of are entered into to accommodate customers where the
assets under the investment advisory and/or discretion of GWIM Corporation earns the interest rate spread.
which generate asset management fees based on a percentage
of the assets’ market values. AUM reflects assets that are Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR) – The right to service a mortgage
generally managed for institutional, high net worth and retail loan when the underlying loan is sold or securitized. Servicing
clients, and are distributed through various investment products includes collections for principal, interest and escrow payments
including mutual funds, other commingled vehicles and separate from borrowers and accounting for and remitting principal and
accounts. interest payments to investors.

Banking Book – All on- and off-balance sheet financial instruments Net Interest Yield – Net interest income divided by average total
of the Corporation except for those positions that are held for interest-earning assets.
trading purposes. Nonperforming Loans and Leases – Includes loans and leases that
Brokerage and Other Assets – Non-discretionary client assets have been placed on nonaccrual status, including nonaccruing
which are held in brokerage accounts or held for safekeeping. loans whose contractual terms have been restructured in a manner
that grants a concession to a borrower experiencing financial
Committed Credit Exposure – Any funded portion of a facility plus difficulties.
the unfunded portion of a facility on which the lender is legally
bound to advance funds during a specified period under prescribed Operating Margin – Income before income taxes divided by total
conditions. revenue, net of interest expense.

Credit Derivatives – Contractual agreements that provide Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) – A framework established by the
protection against a specified credit event on one or more U.S. banking regulators requiring banks to maintain certain levels
referenced obligations. of regulatory capital ratios, comprised of five categories of
capitalization: “well capitalized,” “adequately capitalized,”
Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA) – A portfolio adjustment required “undercapitalized,” “significantly undercapitalized” and “critically
to properly reflect the counterparty credit risk exposure as part of undercapitalized.” Insured depository institutions that fail to meet
the fair value of derivative instruments. certain of these capital levels are subject to increasingly strict
limits on their activities, including their ability to make capital
Debit Valuation Adjustment (DVA) – A portfolio adjustment required distributions, pay management compensation, grow assets and
to properly reflect the Corporation’s own credit risk exposure as take other actions.
part of the fair value of derivative instruments and/or structured
liabilities. Subprime Loans – Although a standard industry definition for
subprime loans (including subprime mortgage loans) does not
Funding Valuation Adjustment (FVA) – A portfolio adjustment exist, the Corporation defines subprime loans as specific product
required to include funding costs on uncollateralized derivatives offerings for higher risk borrowers.
and derivatives where the Corporation is not permitted to use the
collateral it receives. Troubled Debt Restructurings (TDRs) – Loans whose contractual
terms have been restructured in a manner that grants a concession
Interest Rate Lock Commitment (IRLC) – Commitment with a loan to a borrower experiencing financial difficulties. Certain consumer
applicant in which the loan terms are guaranteed for a designated loans for which a binding offer to restructure has been extended
period of time subject to credit approval. are also classified as TDRs.
Letter of Credit – A document issued on behalf of a customer to Value-at-Risk (VaR) – VaR is a model that simulates the value of
a third party promising to pay the third party upon presentation of a portfolio under a range of hypothetical scenarios in order to
specified documents. A letter of credit effectively substitutes the generate a distribution of potential gains and losses. VaR
issuer’s credit for that of the customer. represents the loss the portfolio is expected to experience with a
Loan-to-value (LTV) – A commonly used credit quality metric. LTV given confidence level based on historical data. A VaR model is
is calculated as the outstanding carrying value of the loan divided an effective tool in estimating ranges of potential gains and losses
by the estimated value of the property securing the loan. on our trading portfolios.

Bank of America 2019 183

ABS Asset-backed securities GSE Government-sponsored enterprise
AFS Available-for-sale G-SIB Global systemically important bank
ALM Asset and liability management GWIM Global Wealth & Investment Management
ARR Alternative reference rates HELOC Home equity line of credit
AUM Assets under management HQLA High Quality Liquid Assets
AVM Automated valuation model HTM Held-to-maturity
BANA Bank of America, National Association ICAAP Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
BHC Bank holding company IRM Independent Risk Management
BofAS BofA Securities, Inc. IBOR Interbank Offered Rates
BofASE BofA Securities Europe SA IRLC Interest rate lock commitment
bps basis points ISDA International Swaps and Derivatives Association,
CAE Chief Audit Executive Inc.
CAO Chief Administrative Officer LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio
CCAR Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review LGD Loss given default
CDO Collateralized debt obligation LHFS Loans held-for-sale
CDS Credit default swap LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
CET1 Common equity tier 1 LTV Loan-to-value
CFPB Consumer Financial Protection Bureau MBS Mortgage-backed securities
CLO Collateralized loan obligation MD&A Management’s Discussion and Analysis of
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission Financial Condition and Results of Operations
CLTV Combined loan-to-value MLGWM Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management
CRO Chief Risk Officer MLI Merrill Lynch International
CVA Credit valuation adjustment MLPCC Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp
DIF Deposit Insurance Fund MLPF&S Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated
DVA Debit valuation adjustment MRC Management Risk Committee
EAD Exposure at default MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area
EMRC Enterprise Model Risk Committee MSR Mortgage servicing right
EPS Earnings per common share NOL Net operating loss
ERC Enterprise Risk Committee NSFR Net Stable Funding Ratio
EU European Union OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
FCA Financial Conduct Authority OCI Other comprehensive income
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation OREO Other real estate owned
FDICIA Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation OTC Over-the-counter
Improvement Act of 1991 OTTI Other-than-temporary impairment
FHA Federal Housing Administration PCA Prompt Corrective Action
FHFA Federal Housing Finance Agency RMBS Residential mortgage-backed securities
FHLB Federal Home Loan Bank RSU Restricted stock unit
FHLMC Freddie Mac SBLC Standby letter of credit
FICC Fixed-income, currencies and commodities SCCL Single-counterparty credit limits
FICO Fair Isaac Corporation (credit score) SBSDs Security-based swap dealers
FLUs Front line units SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
FNMA Fannie Mae SLR Supplementary leverage ratio
FTE Fully taxable-equivalent SOFR Secured Overnight Financing Rate
FVA Funding valuation adjustment TDR Troubled debt restructurings
GAAP Accounting principles generally accepted in the TLAC Total loss-absorbing capacity
United States of America
VA U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
VaR Value-at-Risk
GLS Global Liquidity Sources
VIE Variable interest entity
GNMA Government National Mortgage Association

184 of America
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of America 2019
Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries
As of the end of the period covered by this report and pursuant to Rule 13a-15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
(Exchange Act), Bank of America’s management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, conducted an evaluation
of the effectiveness and design of our disclosure controls and procedures (as that term is defined in Rule 13a-15(e) of the Exchange
Act). Based upon that evaluation, Bank of America’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that Bank of America’s
disclosure controls and procedures were effective, as of the end of the period covered by this report.

Bank of
of America
America 2019
2019 185
Executive Management Team and Management Committee
Bank of America Corporation

Executive Management Team Management Committee**

Brian T. Moynihan* Michael C. Ankrom, Jr. Lauren A. Mogensen
Chairman of the Board and Global Banking Chief Risk Officer Global Compliance and Operational
Chief Executive Officer and Enterprise Credit Risk Executive Risk Executive
Dean C. Athanasia* Keith T. Banks Tram V. Nguyen
President, Retail and Preferred Vice Chairman, Wealth Management & Global Corporate Strategy Executive
& Small Business Banking Head of Investment Solutions Group Holly O’Neill
Catherine P. Bessant* Aditya Bhasin Head of Consumer, Small Business &
Chief Operations and Consumer, Small Business & Wealth Wealth Management Client Care
Technology Officer Management, Global Human Resources, David Reilly
Sheri B. Bronstein* Corporate Audit & Credit Review, Legal Global Banking & Markets, Enterprise
Chief Human Resources Officer Technology, Third-Party Management Risk & Finance Technology, and Core
and Workspace Services Executive Technology Infrastructure Executive
Paul M. Donofrio*
Chief Financial Officer Alexandre Bettamio Lorna R. Sabbia
President, Latin America Head of Retirement and Personal
Anne M. Finucane
Vice Chairman, Bank of America Rudolf A. Bless Wealth Solutions
Chief Accounting Officer Robert A. Schleusner
Geoffrey S. Greener*
Chief Risk Officer D. Steve Boland Head of Wholesale Credit
Head of Consumer Lending April Schneider
Christine P. Katziff
Chief Audit Executive Alastair M. Borthwick Head of Consumer & Small Business
Head of Global Commercial Banking Products
Kathleen A. Knox*
President, Private Bank Candace E. Browning-Platt Thomas M. Scrivener
Head of Global Research Consumer, Small Business & Wealth
David G. Leitch* Management Operations Executive
Global General Counsel James P. DeMare
Co-Head of Global Fixed Income, Jiro Seguchi
Thomas K. Montag* Currencies & Commodities Trading Co-President of Asia Pacific, and
Chief Operating Officer Head of Asia Pacific Global Corporate
Fabrizio Gallo
Thong M. Nguyen* Head of Global Equities and Investment Banking
Vice Chairman, Bank of America Jin Su
Matthew M. Koder
Andrew M. Sieg* Head of Global Corporate and Co-President, Asia Pacific and
President, Merrill Lynch Wealth Investment Banking Co-Head of Asia Pacific Fixed Income,
Management Currencies & Commodities
Aron D. Levine
Andrea B. Smith* Head of Consumer Banking and David C. Tyrie
Chief Administrative Officer Investments Head of Consumer & Small Business
Advanced Solutions and Digital Banking
Bruce R. Thompson Bernard A. Mensah
Vice Chairman and President of President of United Kingdom and Anne Walker
European Union and Switzerland Central & Eastern Europe, the Middle Global Real Estate and Strategic
East and Africa and Co-Head of Initiatives Executive
Global Fixed Income, Currencies & Ather Williams III
Commodities Trading Head of Business Banking and Global
Sharon L. Miller Banking and Markets Anti-Money
Head of Small Business Laundering

Andrei Magasiner Sanaz Zaimi

Treasurer Head of Global Fixed Income,
Currencies & Commodities Sales and
E. Lee McEntire Country Executive, France
Investor Relations Executive

* Executive Officer
** All members of the Executive Management Team are also members of the Management Committee

184 Bank of America 2019

186 Bank of America 1842019 2/24/20 7:06 PM
Board of Directors
Bank of America Corporation

Board of Directors
Brian T. Moynihan Monica C. Lozano
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, College
Chief Executive Officer, Futures Foundation; Former Chairman,
Bank of America Corporation US Hispanic Media Inc.
Jack O. Bovender, Jr. Thomas J. May
Lead Independent Director, Former Chairman, President, and Chief
Bank of America Corporation; Executive Officer, Eversource Energy
Former Chairman and Lionel L. Nowell III
Chief Executive Officer, HCA Inc. Former Senior Vice President and
Sharon L. Allen Treasurer, PepsiCo, Inc.
Former Chairman, Deloitte LLP Denise L. Ramos
Susan S. Bies Former Chief Executive Officer, ITT Inc.
Former Member, Board of Governors Clayton S. Rose
of the Federal Reserve System President, Bowdoin College
Frank P. Bramble, Sr. Michael D. White
Former Executive Vice Chairman, Former Chairman, President, and
MBNA Corporation Chief Executive Officer, DIRECTV
Pierre J.P. de Weck Thomas D. Woods
Former Chairman and Global Head Former Vice Chairman and Senior
of Private Wealth Management, Executive Vice President, Canadian
Deutsche Bank AG Imperial Bank of Commerce
Arnold W. Donald R. David Yost
President and Chief Executive Officer, Former Chief Executive Officer,
Carnival Corporation and Carnival plc AmerisourceBergen Corporation
Linda P. Hudson Maria T. Zuber
Former Chairman and Chief Executive Vice President for Research and
Officer, The Cardea Group, LLC; E.A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics,
Former President and Chief Executive Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Officer, BAE Systems, Inc.

Bank of America 2019 185

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2/24/20 PM
Corporate Information
Bank of America Corporation

Headquarters Annual Report on Form 10-K

The principal executive offices of Bank of America The Corporation’s 2019 Annual Report on Form 10-K is available
Corporation (the Corporation) are located in the Bank at The Corporation also
of America Corporate Center, 100 North Tryon Street, will provide a copy of the 2019 Annual Report on Form 10-K
Charlotte, NC 28255. (without exhibits) upon written request addressed to:
Bank of America Corporation
Stock Listing
Office of the Corporate Secretary
The Corporation’s common stock is listed on the New Bank of America Corporate Center
York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol BAC. The 100 North Tryon Street
stock is typically listed as BankAm in newspapers. As of NC1-007-56-06
December 31, 2019, there were 163,072 registered holders Charlotte, NC 28255
of the Corporation’s common stock.
Shareholder Inquiries
Investor Relations
For inquiries concerning dividend checks, electronic deposit
Analysts, portfolio managers and other investors seeking of dividends, dividend reinvestment, tax statements,
additional information about Bank of America stock electronic delivery, transferring ownership, address changes
should contact our Equity Investor Relations group at or lost or stolen stock certificates, contact Bank of America
1.704.386.5681 or [email protected]. For addi- Shareholder Services at Computershare Trust Company,
tional information about Bank of America from a credit N.A., via the Internet at; call
perspective, including debt and preferred securities, 1.800.642.9855; or write to P.O. Box 505005, Louisville, KY
contact our Fixed Income Investor Relations group at 40233. For general shareholder information, contact Bank of
1.866.607.1234 or [email protected]. Visit America Office of the Corporate Secretary at 1.800.521.3984.
the Investor Relations area of the Bank of America website, Shareholders outside of the United States and Canada may, for stock and dividend call 1.781.575.2621.
information, financial news releases, links to Bank of America
SEC filings, electronic versions of our annual reports and Electronic Delivery
other items of interest to the Corporation’s shareholders.
As part of our ongoing commitment to reduce paper
consumption, we offer electronic methods for customer
communications and transactions. Customers can sign up to
For assistance with Bank of America products and services, receive online statements through their Bank of America or
call 1.800.432.1000, or visit the Bank of America website Merrill Lynch Wealth Management account website. In 2012,
at Additional toll-free numbers for we adopted the SEC’s Notice and Access rule, which allows
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News Media
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186 Bank of America 2019

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Investment products:
Are Not FDIC Insured May Lose Value Are Not Bank Guaranteed

“Bank of America” and “BofA Securities” are the marketing names used by the Global Banking and Global Markets
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Bank of America is a marketing name for the Retirement Services business of Bank of America Corporation
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Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (also referred to as “MLPF&S” or “Merrill”) makes available
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