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Wayne Harrison

Exclusive eBook Series

Soccer Awareness Training

Fast Transition 3 v 3 Plus Keeper

Game and Developments

• Ex-Professional Player with Blackpool; England and Oulu

Palloseura; Finland
• Represented Great Britain in the World Student Games in
• Bachelors of Arts in Sports Psychology
• UEFA ‘A’ License 1996
• NSCAA Premier Diploma holder
• Author of 14 Coaching Books and 4 DVD’s
• DOC for Al Ain Soccer Club; United Arab Emirates; Middle
East; 7 Youth National Championships in 2 years at
Professional level
• Proponent of Soccer Awareness One Touch
Developmental Training
• Owner Soccer Awareness Developmental Training
Coaching Points:
1. Teaching the thinking process of awareness and peripheral vision
2. Quick Play: One and two touch
3. Combination Plays; overlaps, give and goes, diagonal runs
4. Rotations of players, tactical positional changes
5. Changes in tempo; learning when to slow the game down / speed it up
6. Very fast Transitions of play based on a possession change
7. Mental transitions in changes of possession
8. Shooting and scoring goals
9. An Immense amount of touches on the ball for every player
10. At some point bring the offside rule in, you decide when its it’s the right
11. You can ensure the right players form the attacking and defending
team shape per your actual team set up. So have a back three / four work
together or a front four for example. So a SSG becomes a function.

Count the score to keep it competitive for example the first team to score 5
goals wins. Players love this game its dynamic and a lot of fun too.

Ensure the coach identifies coaching moments and educates the players
at every opportunity asking THEM to solve the problem; or create their own

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Fast Transition 3 v 3 Plus Keeper Game

Coach says go. (4) and (C) race to the cone and coach shouts one team or the other to
have possession (it could be the winner of the race). Two players join them to make a 3
v 3 but the keeper can be a keeper sweeper too.

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Fast Transition 3 v 3 Plus Keeper Game

Letters team get the ball. It is played to the central player to begin the 3 v 3 or 4 v 4
with the keepers. Play one game for an amount of time (can be 1 minute) then start
again with the next players.

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Combination Plays

Try to score and practice combination plays. Here we show (A) and (C) isolating (3) in
a 2 v 1 overlap situation. Everything done at pace when possible. (A) and (B) race to
receive the cross.

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Attacking Team Shape

You can work on team shape in a diamond using the keeper as the back pivot and free
player. Here defender (3) presses quickly so (C) passes back to keeper possession
and to slow the tempo.

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Defensive Team Shape

To equal numbers up you can have the keeper as the sweeper defensively too but
guarding the goal also. We need to develop our keepers to be totally comfortable on
the ball so encouraging them to play in the game itself here.

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Fast Transition 4 v 4 Plus Keeper Game

Now 2 v 2 in the middle; the coach can decide who gets the ball by who finishes first in
the run. This can build up into developing play from the back, for example.

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Fast Transition 4 v 4 Plus Keeper Game

Here working like a keeper and a back four. Or it could equate to a central midfielder
(8) and 4 attacking players (7, 9, 10, and 11).

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Example Of An Attacking Five From An 11 v 11

Showing how this can be used as an attacking set up with the central midfielder (8) and
4 attacking players (7, 9, 10, and 11). You can use the actual players in your team for
this for them to practice together and form an understanding in a SSG environment.

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Becomes An Attacking Tactical Movement Exercise

(9) Takes (D) short and creates space in behind. (11) cuts inside into the space to
receive the pass from (8). (10) takes (C) wide and opens up a passing lane. (7) cuts
inside behind (B) to receive the diagonal pass from (11). We get a shot on goal through
rotation and movement.

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Transition From Defending To Attacking

(7) Makes a bad pass and it goes straight to the keeper. Now the defending team need
to immediately find space and transition to the attacking team and try to créate a quick
counter. This equates more to the attacking four than a back four; per the set up.

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Transition From Defending To Attacking

Showing the letters team moving into passing lanes and open spaces for the Keeper to
pass to. The keeper can now be a midfield or back player. (8) can become the keeper
on the other team. Attacking players use the positioning of defenders to find the best
spaces to move into.

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From a coaching perspective how do we teach this idea? To empower the
players to work out solutions not the coach!!

The ball is at the Keeper (sweeper). Now ask the defending players to stand still. Ask
the attacking players to find space and open up passing lanes AND at the same time
increasing the Spacing between each other.. THEY make all the decisions not you the
coach. Now stop it and show the difference. Emphasize the open space and passing
lanes THEY have created.

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The Resulting Movements Off And Away From The Ball Create

Now showing the attacking set up with everyone stationary to emphasize what has
been achieved in a very fast moment in time creating a wonderful counter attacking
situation.. Showing potential open passing lanes for (K). Now bring them back to their
defensive shape have (7) make the bad pass to (K) and let it go free and see what

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Now Focusing On The Numbers Team In A 1-4-2-3-1

Now showing the attacking set up with everyone stationary to emphasize what has
been achieved in a very fast moment in time creating a wonderful counter attacking
situation.. Showing potential open passing lanes for (8/K).

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The Resulting Movements Off And Away From The Ball Create

There are many different ideas that can be developed from this initial defensive set
up. You can show how player movements affect the defenders as in slide 10 going the
other way with the numbers team attacking. Or like here without defenders moving to
emphasize it even more.

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Increasing The Challenges For Players

There are many different ideas that can be developed from this initial defensive set
up. You can show how player movements affect the defenders as in slide 10 going the
other way with the numbers team attacking. Or like here without defenders moving to
emphasize it even more.

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Increasing The Challenges For Players

Once they get good at this game both defensively and offensively it is time to increase
the difficulty and take players out of their comfort zones. The best one is the number
of touches on the ball so decrease them to 3 then 2 then 1 touch when possible. This
speeds up and challenges the thinking processes of awareness and visión and forces
players to think ahead of the ball.

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Showing The Benefit Of Being Able To Play 1 Touch In Passing And Movement

All attacking players have moved off the ball to find space to receive, but only shown
with (11). By passing and moving so quickly oppoents dont have time to stop this and
we score a goal. All this education starts in the simple Rondo to get to this point. This is
the end product we look for.

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Example Of An Attacking Six From An 11 v 11

Now building up the idea and adding another player to make a 5 v 5 plus keepers. (6)
can double up as a keeper and you can do the same with the other team. This is a 1-4-
2-3-1 set up for the numbers team.

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Example Of An Attacking Six From An 11 v 11

Now building up the idea and adding another player to make a 5 v 5 plus keepers. (6)
can double up as a keeper and you can do the same with the other team. Or just have
5 plus a regular keeper.

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Small-Sided Game Into A Function

Now we have the defending team setting up as a back four and a defensive midfielder
and the attacking team setting up as the attacking branch of the 1-4-2-3-1. This could
be your own team with attackers against defenders; but BOTH learning how to attack
and defend also.

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Attackers Against Defenders

In this small sided game / functional set up with your roster of players you can practice
important developmental ideas with them. Showing some basic movements of the
attacking 5 to get free. Just a couple of yards of moving into space can make all the

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Attackers Against Defenders

Now working on the back players building from the back. Can work on attacking team
pressing and defending team attacking. You can continue to build this up with numbers
and on a larger area until its 11 v 11.

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Married to Mary for 30 years with two daughters Sophie 26 and Johanna 23.

Wayne is available for Soccer Symposiums and Conventions wherever they are
needed; and able to offer field clinics and classroom presentations of your choosing.
He has vast experience in this field of work.

His specialist system of play is the 4-2-3-1. His favored type of development training is
that of creating the “THINKING PLAYER” through his SOCCER AWARENESS methods
of coaching.

His belief is developing the MIND of the player through ONE TOUCH training, which is
purely to help the development of the SKILL FACTOR (the when, where how and why
of decision making; or the thinking process). He wants all coaches to teach where it is
the player who becomes the decision maker not the coach.

You can contact him on [email protected] and / or view his website

This book was reproduced in partnership with Amplified Soccer Marketing, LLC. Find
out more at

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