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[A.M. No. RTJ-10-2248. * September 29, 2010.]


ELISA SEMPIO DIY, Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court, Quezon
City, Branch 225 , respondent.



This is an administrative complaint for disbarment and dismissal from judiciary

service led by complainant Judge Adoracion G. Angeles (Judge Angeles) against
respondent Hon. Maria Elisa Sempio Diy (Judge Sempio Diy), Presiding Judge of the
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 225, which stemmed from consolidated
Criminal Case Nos. Q-95-61294 and Q-95-62690 entitled "People of the Philippines v.
Proclyn Pacay" and "People of the Philippines v. P/Insp. Roberto Ganias," respectively.
Judge Angeles charges respondent Judge Sempio Diy with Violations of Section
15 (1), Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution; Section 2, Canon 2 and Section 5 Canon 6
of the New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary; Rule 1.01 and 1.02,
Canon 1 and Rule 3.05, Canon 3 of the Code of Judicial Conduct; Number 6 of the Code
of Judicial Ethics; Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code of Professional Responsibility;
Section 4 paragraph b of Republic Act No. 6713 of the Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public O cials and Employees; Falsi cation of O cial Documents; and
Dishonesty. Complainant urges the O ce of the Court Administrator (OCA) to examine
the numerous violations allegedly committed by the respondent and to make an
assessment if, indeed, she is still worthy to wear the judicial robe or, if her continued
presence on the bench would unduly tarnish the image of the judiciary. 1
In her Comment, 2 respondent Judge Sempio Diy vehemently denies the material
allegations in the complaint. She claims that complainant's charges are harsh, rash and
baseless, calculated merely to harass and "destroy the reputation of a younger sister in
the profession." 3
As synthesized by the OCA in its Report 4 dated May 7, 2010, the facts of the
case are as follows:
Complainant Judge Angeles alleges that she is the private complainant in
the above-mentioned cases which, by order of respondent Judge Sempio-Diy
dated 20 June 2008, were submitted for decision, and the promulgation of
judgment was set for 11 September 2008. In a subsequent Order dated 8
September 2008, respondent Judge Sempio-Diy moved the promulgation of
judgment to 17 September 2008, for the reason that she had a previously
scheduled medical consultation concerning a neck ailment. Thereafter, the
promulgation of judgment on 17 September 2008 was cancelled and reset to 17
October 2008, with respondent Judge Sempio-Diy citing voluminous case records
and health problems as grounds to support her request before the Court of a thirty
(30)-day extension. IcADSE

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On 17 October 2008, the promulgation of judgment was once again
cancelled and reset to 14 November 2008 on account of a second request for
extension of time based on the ground that respondent Judge Sempio-Diy had
just recently arrived from a trip to the United States where she attended a
symposium on religious freedom. Following a third request for extension of time,
the promulgation of judgment was reset for the last time to 12 December 2008.

Finally, the Joint Decision in the subject criminal cases was promulgated
on 12 December 2008, wherein all the accused, except for accused SPO1 Roberto
C. Carino, were acquitted. To complainant Judge Angeles, the said Decision was
belatedly rendered because there was a lapse of six (6) months from the time it
was submitted for resolution to the time it was promulgated. She further avers
that her personal examination of the case records revealed that no requests for
extension of time to decide the subject cases were made by respondent Judge
Sempio-Diy. Likewise, she notes that the case records do not show that requests
for extension of time, if any had indeed been made by respondent Judge Sempio-
Diy, were granted by the Supreme Court. It is her opinion that such requests and
Resolutions of the Supreme Court granting the same should be made integral
parts of the case records.

As for the reasons proffered by respondent Judge Sempio-Diy for the

repeated cancellation and resetting of the dates for promulgation of judgment,
complainant Judge Angeles argues that: (1) respondent Judge Sempio-Diy's
medical check-up could have been done on any other day that would not con ict
with the scheduled promulgation; (2) the neck ailment was not as serious as it
was made to appear because respondent Judge Sempio-Diy was able to travel
abroad to attend a symposium; and (3) the claim that she needed time to study
the voluminous case records is not a valid excuse because respondent Judge
Sempio-Diy found time to travel abroad instead of attending to her pending

In ne, complainant Judge Angeles is adamant in her contention that the

Joint Decision in the subject criminal cases was rendered way beyond the 90-day
period prescribed by the Constitution. In addition, complainant Judge Angeles
raises another instance where respondent Judge Sempio-Diy is supposed to have
incurred unjustifiable delay.

As it happened, convicted accused SPO1 Roberto C. Carino assailed the

Joint Decision by ling an Urgent Motion for Reconsideration on 5 January 2009,
which the prosecution countered in its Opposition led on 14 January 2009.
However, it was not until 30 July 2009, or more than six (6) months later, that
respondent Judge Sempio-Diy issued an Order submitting the incident for
resolution, "it appearing that the accused through counsel has failed to le the
necessary pleading despite the period given by the Court." Less than a month
later, or on 24 August 2009, respondent Judge Sempio-Diy resolved the pending
matter by denying the Urgent Motion for Reconsideration for lack of merit.

Despite the denial of the said Urgent Motion for Reconsideration, things did
not sit well for complainant Judge Angeles. For her, the Resolution dated 24
August 2009 was belatedly issued by respondent Judge Sempio-Diy. First and
foremost, she contends that the incident should have been submitted for
resolution upon the ling of the prosecution's Opposition on 14 January 2009.
And yet, it was more than six (6) months later, or only on 30 July 2009, that
respondent Judge Sempio-Diy issued the Order submitting the said incident for
resolution. Secondly, complainant Judge Angeles asserts that there was no basis
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for the trial court to have to wait for more than six (6) months before submitting
the motion for resolution considering that there exists no order in the case records
directing the accused SPO1 Roberto C. Carino, through counsel, to le the
necessary pleading. Asserting that there was no basis for submitting the incident
for resolution only after the lapse of six (6) months, complainant Judge Angeles
further contends that the Resolution issued by respondent Judge Sempio-Diy on
24 August 2009 denying the Urgent Motion for Reconsideration was likewise
delayed for a total of more than seven (7) months. ICAcaH

To support her assertions, complainant Judge Angeles attached to her

COMPLAINT a Certi cation issued by Benedict S. Sta. Cruz, Branch Clerk of Court
of RTC, Branch 225, Quezon City, wherein the latter attested that, "based on the
record of People vs. Proclyn Pacay, et al., Criminal Case Nos. Q-95-61294 and Q-
95-62690, it appears that there is no order from the Court directing the defense to
le a reply to the Comment/Opposition (to the Motion for Reconsideration) led
by the prosecution on January 14, 2009." She also points out that there appears
to be an irregularity in the face of the Order submitting the incident for resolution.
In particular, she refers to the date of its issuance — "July 30, 2009" — which is
written in a different font when compared to the rest of the contents of the said
Order. She, therefore, contends that the said date was "merely typewritten in lieu
of another date which was snowpaked."
By failing to decide/resolve the subject cases and the Urgent Motion for
Reconsideration within the period mandated by law and jurisprudence, as well as
in falsifying o cial documents, complainant Judge Angeles now stresses,
respondent Judge Sempio-Diy violated the pertinent provisions of the
Constitution, New Code of Judicial Conduct, Code of Judicial Ethics, Code of
Professional Responsibility, and the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials.
For her part, respondent Judge Sempio-Diy belies the accusations hurled at
her by complainant Judge Angeles in the latter's COMPLAINT. In her COMMENT
dated 2 December 2009, respondent Judge Sempio-Diy counters that she decided
the subject cases in due time and within the extended period granted by the
Supreme Court. She maintains that the orders resetting the promulgation of
judgment were issued in good faith and in the interest of full transparency,
pursuant to her request to decide the subject cases expeditiously.
For starters, she notes that she merely inherited the subject cases which
had already been previously handled by three (3) other judges from the time they
were filed in 1995. Thus, the case records were voluminous.

For another, the rst resetting of the promulgation of judgment from 11

September to 17 September 2008 was occasioned by her illness, which assertion
she substantiated by way of a Medical Certi cate. She points out that the setting
of the promulgation of judgment on 17 September 2008 is still within the
Constitutionally-prescribed 90-day period for deciding the subject cases.

As for the three (3) subsequent re-settings, she avers that she timely asked
for extensions of the period, all of which were granted by the Supreme Court. To
support her claim that she did not incur delay in the promulgation of judgment,
she appended to her COMMENT certi ed true copies of her rst and second
letters/requests addressed to the then Assistant Court Administrator, Jesus Edwin
A. Villasor (now Deputy Court Administrator) and other related documents. These
requests were favorably considered by the Court and she was granted an
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extension of a total of ninety (90) days from 18 September 2008.
She likewise attached to her COMMENT a copy of her third letter/request to
prove that this was led prior to the lapse of the original 90-day extended period
granted to her. In ne, she insists that there was no unjusti ed delay when the
Joint Decision was nally promulgated on 12 December 2008 as the same was
still within the original 90-day extended period reckoned from 18 September 2008.
The Court's granting of her third request for an additional thirty (30) days in a
Resolution dated 16 February 2009 had, by then, become moot and academic. cDCEIA

While she admits that her letters/requests for extension and the Supreme
Court Resolutions granting the same were not attached to the voluminous records
of the subject cases, she nevertheless manifests that these were kept in a
separate folder.
With regard to the Urgent Motion for Reconsideration, she points out that
the delay was inadvertently incurred in good faith. During the hearing of the said
motion on 29 January 2009, the request of the defense for time to le the
necessary pleadings was granted, for which reason, she says, the said motion
could not yet be submitted for resolution. She deemed it prudent to give the
parties a reasonable period of time within which to submit their adversarial
pleadings. To substantiate this contention, respondent Judge Sempio-Diy
attached to her COMMENT the transcript of stenographic notes taken on that day
and the Minutes of the proceedings of the same day.
In the light of the foregoing, respondent Judge Sempio-Diy discredits the
import of the Certi cation issued by the Branch Clerk of Court, Benedict S. Sta.
Cruz, by arguing that, while there is no order appearing in the case records
directing accused SPO1 Carino to le his Reply to the prosecution's Comment to
his Urgent Motion for Reconsideration, the said directive appears in the Minutes
of the hearing conducted on 29 January 2009. She likewise notes that during the
said hearing, the said Branch Clerk of Court was not present.
Respondent Judge Sempio-Diy likewise attributes the inadvertent delay to
t h e "unfortunate crises" that befell her, her mother, and the court's personnel
sometime in May to July of 2009. She reported to the O ce of the Court
Administrator that they received a series of death threats which caused, among
others, disorientation. Thus, it was only on 30 July 2009, after the semi-annual
inventory, that an Order submitting the matter for resolution was issued. She
stresses that the incident was resolved within thirty (30) days from its
submission. As for the "snowpaked" correction of the date of the said Order, she
avers that this was simply due to a typographical error. 5

Complainant Judge Angeles led her Reply to respondent's Comment and,

thereafter, respondent Judge Sempio Diy led her Rejoinder in ampli cation of their
respective claims. Later, complainant led her Sur-Rejoinder on February 9, 2010 while
respondent filed her Reply to the Sur-Rejoinder on February 18, 2010.
In its evaluation, the OCA found that Judge Sempio Diy cannot be held guilty of
unreasonable delay in rendering the Joint Decision in Criminal Case Nos. Q-95-61294
and Q-95-62690 given her seasonably- led requests for extension of time. The
requests were all granted by this Court in the November 24, 2008 Resolution, giving
respondent a total extension period of ninety (90) days from September 18, 2008. The
OCA, however, opined that respondent should be administratively sanctioned for
incurring delay in the resolution of accused Carino's Urgent Motion for Reconsideration.

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The OCA recommended that the case be re-docketed as a regular administrative
matter against Judge Sempio Diy and that she be ned in the amount of P2,000.00 for
her delayed action on a motion for reconsideration with a stern warning that a
repetition of the same or similar act would be dealt with more severely. 6
After a judicious review of the records of the case, this Court determines that the
ndings of the OCA are well-taken. However, We modify the recommended disposition
in light of the circumstances of the case.
The Court nds no evidence to sustain the charges of delay against Judge
Sempio Diy in rendering the Joint Decision in the consolidated Criminal Case Nos. Q-95-
61294 and Q-95-62690. It is the stance of the complainant that Judge Sempio Diy
merely sat on the cases for an unreasonable length of time and failed to resolve them
within the constitutionally prescribed 90-day period. This constituted gross ine ciency
warranting the imposition of administrative sanctions. Judge Angeles accuses
respondent of concocting requests for extension and making it appear that these
requests were granted by this Court. Complainant avers that she perused the records
of the consolidated criminal cases but respondent's alleged requests for extension and
the Court's Resolutions allowing them were nowhere to be found.
Complainant's contentions fail.
Records reveal that Judge Sempio Diy timely sought for three successive
extensions 7 of the period to decide the consolidated criminal cases. All requests were
favorably considered by this Court. 8 Respondent was granted a total extension period
of ninety (90) days to be reckoned from September 18, 2008 or until December 18,
2008. So, the promulgation of Joint Decision on December 12, 2008 was made well
within the 90-day extension period. Complainant should have rst veri ed the veracity
and accuracy of her allegations from the records of Branch 225, this Court and the OCA,
before hurling accusations of dishonesty and slothful conduct against respondent.
Truly, respondent was charged with a litany of imagined sins relative to her alleged
undue delay in deciding the subject consolidated criminal cases without su cient
We hold, however, that there was indeed delay in resolving accused Carino's
Urgent Motion for Reconsideration filed on January 5, 2009.
Respondent Judge Sempio Diy claims that the delay in submitting accused's
motion for reconsideration was due to inadvertence and without bad faith on her part.
She explains that she opted to wait for the defense to le its reply to the prosecution's
comment on the motion for reconsideration because the offense of which accused was
convicted was serious and his liberty was at stake. She adds that the death threats she
and the members of her judicial staff received from May to July 2009, caused them
disorientation and contributed further to the delay in the resolution of the subject
motion. She readily admits that it was only after the semi-annual inventory that the
pending incidents in the consolidated criminal cases were considered submitted for
resolution in the July 30, 2009 Order.
Rule 3.05, Canon 3 of the Code of Judicial Conduct 9 admonishes all judges to
dispose of the court's business promptly and decide cases within the period speci ed
in Section 15 (1) and (2), Article VIII of the Constitution. 1 0 This is supplemented by
Section 5, Canon 6 of the New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary,
requiring judges to perform all judicial duties e ciently, fairly and with reasonable
promptness. 1 1

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A careful perusal of the transcript of stenographic notes 1 2 and the Minutes 1 3 of
the hearing held on January 29, 2009 in Criminal Case Nos. Q-95-61294 and Q-95-
62690, would clearly show that respondent indeed gave the defense ten (10) days to
submit its reply to the prosecution's comment on the motion for reconsideration and,
thereafter, she would resolve all pending incidents in said consolidated cases. As
correctly observed by the OCA, the reglementary period to resolve the motion in
question began to run from February 8, 2009 or after the lapse of ten days from
January 29, 2009. Respondent, however, did not act on the matter and allowed a hiatus
in the consolidated criminal cases. A judge cannot choose to prolong the period for
resolving pending incidents and deciding cases beyond the period authorized by law.
Let it be underscored that it is the sworn duty of judges to administer justice without
undue delay under the time-honored precept that justice delayed is justice denied.
Judges should act with dispatch in resolving pending incidents, so as not to frustrate
and delay the satisfaction of a judgment. 1 4 AaEcHC

Judge Sempio Diy, having been a member of the judiciary for several years,
should not have any trouble disposing the court's business and resolving motions for
reconsideration within the required period. Otherwise, she should formally request this
Court for an extension of the deadline to avoid administrative liability. Unfortunately,
she failed to do that in these cases. Delay in resolving motions and incidents within the
reglementary period of 90 days fixed by the law cannot be excused or condoned. 1 5
Respondent's claim of death threats on her and her staff, even if real, would not
constitute a valid excuse for her inaction. After all, as member of the judiciary, she must
display diligence and competence amid all adversities to live up to her oath of o ce.
Besides, when said threats were received from May to July 2009, the three-month
mandatory period for resolving the motion had already expired. Accordingly,
respondent cannot rely on said predicament to exonerate her from administrative
liability for incurring undue delay in resolving the subject motion. Although it is true that
Judge Sempio Diy nally issued a resolution 1 6 denying accused Carino's motion for
reconsideration on August 24, 2009 or within 30 days from the time the incident was
submitted for resolution on July 30, 2009, her inaction on the motion for more than 6
months is not excused.
It appears that respondent has simply forgotten about the pending motion for
reconsideration in Criminal Case Nos. Q-95-61294 and Q-95-62690 after said cases
became inactive due to the failure of the defense to submit its reply. The realization of
the blunder came only during the semi-annual inventory of the court's cases. This
situation could have been avoided had respondent adopted an effective system of
record management and organization of dockets to monitor the ow of cases for
prompt and e cient dispatch of the court's business. Elementary court management
practice requires her to keep her own records or notes of cases pending before her
sala, especially those that are pending for more than 90 days, so that she can act on
them promptly and without delay. In Ricolcol v. Judge Camarista, 1 7 the Court declared:

A judge ought to know the cases submitted to her for decision or resolution
and is expected to keep her own record of cases so that she may act on them
promptly. It is incumbent upon her to devise an e cient recording and ling
system in her court so that no disorderliness can affect the ow of cases and
their speedy disposition. Proper and e cient court management is as much her
responsibility. She is the one directly responsible for the proper discharge of her
official functions.
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The Court reminds the respondent of her duty to closely supervise and monitor
the monthly docket inventories to forestall future occurrences of this nature.
Pertinently, the Court held in Gordon v. Judge Lilagan: 1 8
The physical inventory of cases is instrumental to the expeditious
dispensation of justice. Although this responsibility primarily rests in the presiding
judge, it is shared with the court staff. This Court has consistently required
Judges for a "continuous inventory of cases on a monthly basis so that a trial
judge is aware of the status of each case. With the assistance of the branch clerk
of court, a checklist should be prepared indicating the steps to be taken to keep
the cases moving. In Juan v. Arias [72 SCRA 404 (1976)], the Court underscored
the importance of this physical inventory stressing "it is only by this that the judge
can keep himself abreast of the status of the pending cases and informed that
everything is in order in his court."

Pursuant to A.M. No. 02-9-02-SC, 1 9 this administrative case against respondent

shall also be considered a disciplinary proceeding against her as a member of the bar.
2 0 Violation of the basic tenets of judicial conduct embodied in the New Code of
Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary and the Code of Judicial Conduct
constitutes a breach of Canons 1 2 1 and 12 2 2 as well as Rules 1.03 2 3 and 12.04 2 4 of
the Code of Professional Responsibility.
In determining the sanction to be imposed on errant magistrates, the Court
considers the factual milieu of each case, the offending acts or omissions of the
judges, as well as previous transgressions, if any. In the instant case, there is no
evidence to show any dubious reason or improper motive that could have compelled
respondent to delay the resolution of the subject motion. In fact, when respondent
found out about the unresolved subject motion in the consolidated cases, she
immediately ordered its submission for resolution on July 30, 2009. In the absence of
malice, the delay could only be due to inadvertence. It is signi cant to note that
respondent resolved the motion within thirty days from its submission date which
clearly showed her effort to zealously attend to her duties. Lastly, it appears that this is
her rst infraction and the rst time for her to face an administrative complaint of this
Under Section 9, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court, undue delay in rendering a
decision or order constitutes a less serious charge punishable by either suspension
from o ce without salary and other bene ts for not less than one month nor more than
three months or a ne of not more than P10,000.00 but not exceeding P20,000.00.
However, considering that this is her first infraction due to inadvertence, We believe that
admonition will suffice.
WHEREFORE , respondent Judge Maria Elisa Sempio Diy is found to have been in
delay in the rendition of an order in Criminal Case Nos. Q-95-61294 and Q-95-62690
and is hereby ADMONISHED to be more circumspect in observing the reglementary
period for disposing of motions.
Carpio, Nachura, Peralta and Perez, ** JJ., concur.

*Formerly OCA I.P.I. No. 09-3281-RTJ.
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**Designated as additional member in lieu of Justice Roberto A. Abad per raffle dated
September 20, 2010.
1.Rollo, Complaint-Affidavit, pp. 1-15.
2.Id. at 63-75.

3.Id. at 72.
4.Id. at 275-289.
5.Id. at 275-281.
6.Id. at 289.
7.Id., September 16, 2008 letter-request for 1st extension of 30 days, p. 79; October 16, 2008
letter-request for 2nd extension of 30 days, p. 80; and November 10, 2008 final letter-
request, p. 97.
8.Id., Resolution dated November 24, 2008, pp. 95-96; and Resolution dated February 16, 2009,
pp. 135-136.
9.The New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary (A.M. No. 03-05-01-SC)
"This Code, which shall hereafter be referred to as the New Code of Judicial Conduct for
the Philippine Judiciary, supersedes the Canons of Judicial Ethics and the Code of
Judicial Conduct heretofore applied in the Philippines to the extent that the
provisions or concepts therein are embodied in this Code: Provided, however,
that in case of deficiency or absence of specific provisions in this New Code ,
the Canons of Judicial Ethics and the Code of Judicial Conduct shall be
applicable in a suppletory character. "
10.Acuzar v. Ocampo, 469 Phil. 479, 485 (2004). Section 15 (1) and (2) of the Constitution
provides: "Section 15. (1) All cases or matters filed after the effectivity of this
Constitution must be decided or resolved within twenty-four months from date of
submission for the Supreme Court, and, unless reduced by the Supreme Court, twelve
months for all lower collegiate courts, and three months for all lower courts. "(2) A case
or matter shall be deemed submitted for decision or resolution upon the filing of the last
pleading, brief, memorandum required by the Rules of Court or by the court itself."
11.A.M. No. 03-05-01-SC dated April 27, 2004.
12.Rollo, pp. 149-152.
13.Id. at 153.

14.Office of the Court Administrator v. Judge Marcelino L. Sayo, Jr., 431 Phil. 413, 431 (2002).
15.Office of the Court Administrator v. Judge Henry B. Avelino, MTJ No. 05-1606, December 9,
2005, 477 SCRA 9, 17.
16.Rollo, pp. 57-59.
17.371 Phil. 399, 406 (1999).
18.414 Phil. 221, 230-231 (2001).
19.Re: Automatic Conversion of Some Administrative Cases Against Justices of the Court of
Appeals and the Sandiganbayan, Judges of Regular and Special Courts, and Court
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Officials Who Are Lawyers as Disciplinary Proceedings Against Them Both as Officials
and as Members of the Philippine Bar dated September 17, 2002.
20.Juan de la Cruz (A Concerned Citizen of Legazpi City) v. Judge Carretas, A.M. No. RTJ-07-
2043, September 5, 2007, 532 SCRA 218, 232.
21.Canon 1 — A lawyer shall uphold the Constitution, obey the laws of the land and promote
respect for law and for legal processes.
22.Canon 12 — A lawyer shall exert every effort and consider it his duty to assist in the speedy
and efficient administration of justice.

23.Rule 1.03 — A lawyer shall not, for any corrupt motive or interest, encourage any suit or
proceeding or delay any man's cause.

24.Rule 12.04 — A lawyer shall not unduly delay a case, impede the execution of a judgment or
misuse court processes.

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