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Training content 5

Combined technical/tactical training: 2. Various games on half-size pitches

1. 7 v 7 (8 v 8) game to improve movement and
positional play A B
− 2 teams of 7 players and 4 neutral passers in the squares.
− Marked out playing area and 4 squares. – Ball.
− 1 v 1 game and 2 v 2 with neutral extras.
Procedure (Pitch A):
− Unrestricted play or with a limited number of touches (2 to 3).
The passers are allowed 1 to 2 touches.
− The players have to try to retain possession, to switch play
and to exchange passes with the passers.
− One point is awarded when a passer has successfully given
the ball to the team playing with him.
Variations (Pitch B):
− One team plays with just two passers. − Switch the passers
around. − The same game but played in a smaller area.
2. 7 v 7 (6 v 6) game to practise occupying space
− 2 teams of 7 players. − Playing area marked out into A
6 zones + 4 small goals (gates with posts).
− When the ball goes out of play, the coach restarts the game.
− Restricted number of touches (1, 2 or 3 maximum).
− The ball is moved around and the players have to try to score; B
goals are scored from direct shots.
− Before scoring, the players must have passed through 4 zones.
− No more than 3 players from the same team are allowed in
one zone simultaneously.
Variations: C
− Only 1 or 2 touches are allowed in the defensive area, but
with unrestricted play allowed in the attacking zone.
− The same game, but with just 2 zones (A+B).

3. 7 v 7 game + 1 roving player to get into the

goalscoring area
Organisation: − 2 teams of 7 players + 2 neutral floaters and 2
goalkeepers. − Playing area marked out into 3 zones + 6 small
goals. − Cones or poles.
Procedure: − Unrestricted play or with limited touches (2-3) al-
lowed in the central zone. − The players have to try to gain
access to the goal zone via one of three gates (with a pass or
with the ball at their feet). They then take on the goalkeeper to
score (1 v 1). The floating players play with the attackers, but
each one occupies his own territory. 1 point is awarded for get-
ting the ball through the gate, 2 points for scoring in the goal.
Variations: − A defender can track back to provide opposition
for the attacker. − A 2nd attacker can come up to support the
player in possession (2 v 1). − A 2nd defender can come back,
and then all the players.
4. 8 v 8 (9 v 9) game to attack and defend
− 2 teams of 8 players + 2 goalkeepers.
− Marked out playing area + 2 large goals and 2 small goals.
− The game always starts with the team, which attacks.
− The team defends in a 4-4 formation. The team attacks
in a 3-3-2 formation (or another formation).
− Unrestricted play or limited touches for the attacking team.
− The attacking team tries to score; if the team wins the ball,
they have to string together 5 to 6 passes to score a point.
− The roles are reversed after 10 attacks.
− When the team wins the ball, they can score immediately
in the large goal or in one of the two small goals.
− The playing area can be increased or reduced in size.
Training content 5
Combined technical/tactical training: 3. Practice routines with numerical supremacy to
improve build-up play (retaining possession)
1. 7 v 5 or 7 v 6 game (8 v 6)
− The team has 7 players + a goalkeeper as an extra; the
Team has 5 players + a goalkeeper as an extra. Goalkeepers use
feet only. − Marked out playing area.
− The team moves the ball around with 2 (1 or 3) touches for
as long as possible (1 point is scored after 10 passes).
− When the ball goes out of play, the goalkeeper restarts play.
− If the team wins possession, it attempts to give the ball in
unrestricted play to the players with a long ball up the flanks.
The team tries to achieve movement, triangular passing
routines, switches in play, one-twos, etc.
Variations: – If the team wins the ball, it completes
5 passes before giving it to the player.
− The roles are reversed.

2. 8 v 6 (7 v 5 / 9 v 7) game and neutral goalkeepers

− The team has 8 players; the team has 6 players.
– Playing area marked out into 3 zones (central and 1 and 2).
– 2 neutral goalkeepers.

Neutral zone 1

Neutral zone 2
− The team keeps the ball (1 or 2 touches in the central zone
and in the neutral zone 2). After 8 successive passes, the play-
ers change sides and start again. − When the team wins the
ball, it can score in either of the two goals. − Each switch of
play is worth 1 point. Goals scored are worth 2 points. − When
the team is defending, it tries to win the ball to play it to a
– If the long ball and the switch of play are not successful, the
ball is given to the goalkeeper, who gives it to a player.

3. From 7 v 5 to 9 v 7 (switching halves)

Organisation: − The team has 7 in the narrow zone and 9 in
the wide zone. – The team has 5 in the narrow zone and 7
in the wide zone. – Marked out playing areas.
Procedure: − The team moves the ball around with 2 or 3
touches. − After 5 to 6 passes, the ball is played long to a
player in the wide zone and the whole team goes up into the
attacking half and positions itself to move the ball around with
1 touch play (9 v 7). − If the team gains possession, it plays
the ball to one of the players (1st pass) who were already in
the wide zone. − Play then restarts in the narrow zone.
Variations: – When the team wins the ball in an 8 v 7 situa-
tion, it tries to string together 5 passes – The team tries to
win the ball back so that it can play it back to one of the play-
ers who has remained in his own half.

4. 6 v 4 game (7 v 7) (playing the ball long)

Organisation: − The team has 7 players; the team has
6 + goalkeeper. − Marked out playing area + 1 large goal.
Procedure: − The team plays the ball to each other with 1 or 2
touches in its own half. After 8 or 10 passes, they try to play the
ball deep to a player on the edge of the 16-yard box.
The players go up into the other half to attack, apart from
one, who stays back. The players who are defending come
back. How many times it is possible to switch play to the
other end? If the team wins the ball, it plays the ball directly
(1st pass) to a player on the flank. – The ball is given back to
the team for play to resume.
Variations: – A shot on goal can be attempted after 4 passes in
the attacking half of the field. − The ball can also be played out
to the flanks (wings) in the attacking zone (switch from gradual
build-up to fast attack).
Training content 5
Combined technical/tactical training: 4. Finishing practice on reduced-size pitches
1. 6 v 3 + goalkeeper
− 2 teams of 6 players + goalkeeper. The teams play 6 v 3.
− Marked out playing area – 1 large goal, 2 small goals.
− The team with 6 players tries to score in the large goal.
After a goal or a save by the goalkeeper, the team restarts
play from its own half.
− If the defenders win the ball, they can score immediately in
either of the two small goals (1st pass).
− After a certain time, the defenders swap over.
− A time limit is imposed on play.
− If the defenders score in the small goals, the roles are imme-
diately reversed: they then play with 6 and the attackers play
with 3 as defenders.
2. 3 v 3 v 3 (4 v 4 v 4) + 2 goalkeepers
− 3 teams of 3 (or 4) players + 2 goalkeepers.
− Marked out playing area.
− 2 large goals.
− The team tries to score. If it loses possession, the team
attacks the other goal being defended by the team. The
team then goes out of the game.
− The team that scores retains possession of the ball and re-
mains in the game to attack the other goal.
− Unrestricted play
− If the attackers lose the ball in the attacking zone, they have
the chance to regain possession by pressing and marking.
3. 5 v 5 / 6 v 6 + goalkeepers
− 2 teams of 6 players + 2 goalkeepers.
− Marked out playing area + 2 large goals.
− Unrestricted play. The teams play 4 v 4 + 2 extras per team
on the flanks.
− When an extra receives the ball, he can play up to 2 touches
or come into the game with the ball at his feet
− The player who played the ball to the extra takes his place.
− A limited number of touches in the game.
− A goal scored from a cross by an extra is worth 2 points.

4. 7 v 7 (2 v 2 / 2 v 2 / 2 v 2) + goalkeepers
− 2 teams of 7 players + 2 goalkeepers.
− Playing area marked out into 3 zones + 2 goals.
− Unrestricted 5 v 5 play with 2 extras per team on the flanks.
− The game starts in the central zone with 2 v 2.
− The team in possession of the ball attempts to play it to the
attacker or to one of the extras.
− One of the midfield players may go into the attacking zone to
play 2 v 2.
− The extras are allowed 2 touches of the ball.
− If the defenders win the ball, they must always play it to one
of the midfielders.
− A goal scored from a cross = 2 points; a goal scored normally
= 1 point.
Training content 5
Combined technical/tactical training: 5. Gradual build-up attacks
1. 4 attackers against 4 defenders
− 4 attackers, 4 defenders + goalkeeper. − Marked out
playing area. − 1 large goal and 2 small goals.
− The attackers try to find a way through by circulating the ball
and by moving around themselves.
− If the defenders gain possession, they play the ball
quickly to the coach, who is in the centre circle.
The coach distributes the ball each time.
− If the defenders gain possession, they can score directly
in either of the 2 small goals.
− The teams must complete a certain number of passes before

2. 7 attackers against 5 defenders

− 7 attackers (3 attackers and 4 midfielders).
− 5 defenders playing 4-1 + 1 goalkeeper.
− Marked out playing area.
− 1 large goal and 2 small goals.
− The team has numerical supremacy and tries to find ways
to attack by circulating the ball and with the players moving
around and covering out wide.
− If the defenders win the ball, they can score in either of the
small goals.
The players have to try to use the flanks.
− When the ball is played along one flank and then crossed,
only the attackers are allowed to finish in the 16-yard box.

3. 7 attackers against 6 defenders

− 7 attackers, 6 defenders + 1 goalkeeper.
− Marked out playing area.
− 2 defenders waiting
− The team has numerical supremacy and tries to break
through by circulating the ball. The action always starts on
one of the flanks (by one of the players waiting there or
from a kick/throw-in).
− If the team, which is defending in a 3-3 formation, wins
the ball, it tries to play the ball to one of the 2 players
who runs into space and calls for it.
The coach directs the play and gives instructions.

4. 8 attackers against 5 defenders

Organisation: − The team attacks with 8 players (5 and
3 ). − The team defends with 5 + 1 goalkeeper. Marked
out pitch + goals.
Procedure: − The team tries to find ways of attacking from
the middle of the pitch to get into the attacking zone. − The
5 players facing the 3 players in the central zone move
the ball around and after 6 compulsory passes try to get the
ball to the attackers in the attacking zone (these players are
not allowed back into the central zone). − The players (with
a 3 v 2 supremacy) try to score as quickly as possible. − If
the team defending in the central zone wins the ball, it can
score 1 point by playing a long ball to the coach (1st pass). If
the team gain possession in their defensive zone, they play
the ball back to their goalkeeper. − Play always restarts from
the coach, who plays for the team.
Training content 5
Combined technical/tactical training: 6. Fast attacks
1. Attack through the centre (from a long pass)
Organisation: A B
− 8 players per exercise + 2 goalkeepers. − Play takes place
in a marked out area. − 2 goals are used; after each action,
the play switches to the other end of the field.
Procedure (Pitch A):
− The 3 and 3 players pass the ball to one other, with 1 A 1
touch each allowed. When the coach gives the signal, the
player with the ball plays a long pass to the attacker A of his 2
4 3
team, who peals off to receive the ball.
− After the ball has been controlled, it is passed 2 or 3 times
before one of the players who has broken from the central A
square attempts to score.
− The 3 attackers are changed after each attempt.
Variation (Pitch B):
− A defender can provide opposition for the attackers.
2. Attack through the centre after gaining possession
− 6 to 8 players are in attack; 8 to 9 players are in de-
fence + 2 goalkeepers. − Two large goals are used.
− Play takes place on the marked out area.
− A 4 v 2 game with 1 touch each in the marked out area. A B
− When a player gains possession, he plays the ball long to
the attacker A or to one of the two B attackers. B
− The two players chase after the ball to back up whichever
player has received the ball, leading to either a 3 v 1 or a
4 v 2 attack.
− The 4 players remain in the central square.
− The attempt must be completed within 10”.
− The players come back to defend.
3. Attack via the flanks after gaining possession in midfield
− 6 players attack, 4 to 5 are in defence + 1 goalkeeper.
− Marked out playing area.
− A 4 v 4 game in the marked out central area.
− The team tries to score in the 2 small goals (a limited
number of touches can be imposed).
− When the team gains possession, they play the ball (1st
pass) out to a player on one of the wings, who is allowed a
maximum of three touches to run goalwards to cross the ball.
− 2 players from the central area and the player from the
opposing wing join the move to try to score. 1 or 2 players
come back to defend.
− 1 or 2 players can be waiting in the defensive zone.
4. Fast attack game: 8 v 8
− 2 teams of 8 players + 2 goalkeepers and 2 floaters. – The
teams play 4 v 4 with 2 floaters in the central zone marked A
out. – The ball is fed into the playing area by the coach.
Procedure: A
− The ball is given to the team with 4 players, who then at-
tempt to string 5 to 6 passes together. The team + the 2 A A
floaters try to win the ball.
− After the team has gained possession, the ball is played to
the 2 attackers A (1st pass) or dribbled into the attacking
zone for the team with 4 against 2 to try to score.
− After each attempt, the coach gives the ball to another team.
– The team can come back to defend.
– The game can also be played as 9 v 9 / 10 v 10.
Training content 5
Combined technical/tactical training: 7. The counter attack
1. Playing the ball quickly after gaining possession
Organisation: A B
− 8 players per marked out area + cones.
− The exercise is carried out on both playing areas.
− The teams play 5 v 3 (or 6 v 4 is also possible).
Procedure (Pitch A):
− The team tries to retain possession with one-touch play.
− The team tries to gain possession. If a player wins the
ball, he tries to get out of the square as quickly as possible.
− The player who wins the ball may also pass to a team-mate
before taking the ball out of the square.
− The roles are then reversed.
− The defender who wins the ball goes out of the square and
passes to the player between the cones.

2. Launching a counter-attack
Organisation: − 6 players per marked out playing area (1 and 1
2). 4 to 6 players waiting. − 2 goalkeepers – 4 poles (or cones)
as opponents. − The teams play 4 v 2; the two defenders are A
swapped round.
Procedure: − When the coach gives the signal, the player in
possession runs out with the ball at his feet, together with two
team-mates. He runs towards one of the flags and lays the ball off
for one of his team-mates to finish (3 passes maximum allowed).
− The 2 defenders run towards the nearest goal to provide
opposition (e.g. the defenders from square 2 provide opposi- A
tion for the attackers running from square 1).
Variations: − A time limit can be placed on the counter-attack. 2
− The 2 defenders A standing next to the goal can also pro-
vide opposition.

3. Escaping pressing, and then counter-attacking

Organisation: − 5 players per square and 5 players in the game 1
+ goalkeeper. − Marked out playing area + squares 1 and 2 +
small goals. − The players are the attackers; the players
are the defenders. B
Procedure: − The teams play 3 v 2 in the squares. The action
always starts on pitch 1 and then is switched to pitch 2. − The
2 defenders try to score in the small goal. − The 3 attack- A
ers defend. When they win possession, they play the ball (1st
pass) to the attacker B, who lays the ball back to A in the centre
of the pitch. A then plays the ball long to one of the attackers C
from the square or to attacker C. To finish, the attacker has to
run through a gate and shoot at goal. − Only the attackers
from the square concerned and player C or B are involved in 2
the counter-attack.
Variation: − The players from the square concerned can also
come back to defend.
4. Counter-attack game: 8 v 8
− 2 teams of 8 players + 2 goalkeepers.
− Marked out playing area + 2 large goals.
− The game always starts in the playing zone.
− The team play the ball to each other, 2 to 3 touches, and
try to score.
− When the team win the ball, they attempt a quick counter-
attack by coming out of the zone (either by dribbling or pass-
ing out).
− 3 to 4 players set off on the counter.
− The players track back to defend.
− A limit should be imposed on the time available for the coun-
ter-attack or on the number of passes allowed before finishing.
Training content 5
Combined technical/tactical training: 8. Zonal defence (defensive unit)
1. Basic 2 v 1 situation
− 6 players per station.
− The players play 2 v 1 in a marked out area.
− The players change over after 5 to 6 attempts.
− The 2 attackers try to cross the square and bring the ball
to a stop behind the line.
The players learn how to defend according to the situa-
tion in the game.
− The defender gets himself between the two attackers,
slows down play but without launching into the players and
tries to provoke mistakes
Variation: − Once the attackers have crossed the square,
they try to score in the goal.

2. From 1 v 1 to 2 v 2
Organisation: A B
− 6 to 8 players per station + 2 small goals.
− 1 v 1 and 2 v 2.
− Marked out playing areas (pitch A and pitch B).
− Players are swapped around. Limited playing time.
− Pitch A: 1 v 1. The player tries to score in the small goal.
The defender provides opposition by forcing his opponent
out to one side and by trying to gain possession. When the
action is completed, the players are switched.
− Pitch B: 2 v 2. The players try to score in the small goals.
The defenders provide the opposition, close down the
angles and cover each other.

3. From 2 v 2 to 4 v 4 (or 3 v 3)
Organisation: − 8 players per station. − Played on marked A B
out areas (pitch A and pitch B). − 2 v 2. When the coach gives
the signal, the teams play 4 v 4 (or also 3 v 3).
− Pitch A: The team tries to score in the 2 small goals (2 v 2
game), and then in the 4 goals (4 v 4 game).
− If the team wins the ball, it tries to score by crossing the
end line (stop-ball).
− The teams switch from a 2-man defence (in one playing
area) to a 4-man defence on both playing areas and apply
the principles of zonal defence.
− Pitch B: Analytical work. The 4 defenders position them-
selves according to where the ball is played by the attack-
ers (roles are reversed).
The coach directs and corrects the exercise.
4. 4 v 4 (5 v 5) game
Organisation: A B
− 2 teams of 5 players + 1 goalkeeper. – The teams play 4 v 4
+ 1 goalkeeper and 2 extras. – Marked out playing areas (A + B)
+ 2 large and small goals. Roles are reversed every 3 minutes.
Procedure (Pitch A):
− The team attacks and tries to score in the large goal.
− The team defends zonally and can score in the small goals.
− When the ball goes out of play, one of the extras puts it back
into play.
Variation (Pitch B):
− 5 defenders (4 + 1 midfielder) defend 3 small goals and
score in the large goal.
− The 4 players score in the small goals.
The players apply the principles of zonal defence.
Training content 5
Combined technical/tactical training: 9. Zonal defence (defence and midfield)
1. Introductory 6 v 6 (7 v 7) game
− 2 teams of 6 v 6.
− Unrestricted play on a marked out playing area and 7 gates.
− Handling of the ball can also be allowed.
− The team with the ball attacks and their players attempt
to get through the gates, either with a pass to a team-mate
or with the ball at their feet (1 point).
− When a player stands in the way and blocks a gate, it is
not possible to score.
− Duration: 1’ or 2’; roles are reversed. Which team can score
the most goals?
Emphasis on co-operation and communication.

2. Defending as a compact unit

− The team with 7 players (or 6 or 8) is positioned in two
compact units. − 7 poles (of different colours) or 7 players.
The emphasis of the work is on the movements of the unit.
− The coach indicates the pole where the ball has to be played by
the team (slowly at first, and then at normal speed).
− The team moves according to where the ball is and applies
zonal defence principles.
Variation (switch from defence to attack):
− The exercise is done without the poles. The players move
the ball round. When the team wins the ball, its players
spread out and attempt to string 10 passes together.
− The players provide passive opposition initially and then
play normally.

3. 6 v 8 (5 v 7): defence and midfield co-operation

− 2 teams. The team with 6 players + goalkeeper defends;
the team with 8 players attacks. − Unrestricted play on a
marked out playing area with one large goal and 5 gates.
− The team, playing with no restrictions, has to go through
one of the gates with the ball at their feet and to try to score.
− The team defends zonally and tries to prevent the team
from scoring. − On winning the ball, a player delivers an
accurate pass to one of the 3 players. − If a player gets
through one of the gates, the other players can then go into
the defensive zone behind the gates. − If the attackers get
through a gate, 1 point is awarded; if they score in the large
goal, 2 points are awarded. The long pass by the team to
a player is worth 1 point.

4. 7 v 6 (8 v 6) game to work on regaining possession

− The team with 7 players defends high up the pitch to try
and win the ball. – The team has 6 players + goalkeeper.
– Playing area marked out into 4 zones. – Play always starts
with the team.
− The players try to play the ball deep to the extras.
1 point is awarded for every successful pass.
− The defenders try to break down play and to win the ball.
− If the team gains possession, they can either keep the ball
or try to score quickly (switch from defence to attack).
– After controlling the ball, the players can score in the goal
defended by the team goalkeeper.
– All the team comes back to defend.
Training content 5
Combined technical/tactical training: 10. Basic pressing
1. 3 v 4 practice game
Organisation: A B
− 7/8 players in marked out squares. − The teams play 4 v 3
(+ 1 extra outside pitch B). − Roles are changed after a prede-
termined playing time. − Play always begins with the team. A B
Procedure (Pitch A):
− The 4 players play the ball to each other, with 2 to 3
touches each. − The 3 players in the middle try to intercept
the ball. They decide on the best moment to start pressing with
2 players. The 3rd player comes in as cover.
The players have to decide on the right moment; they put
the player in possession under pressure, create numerical su-
premacy and show aggressiveness.
Variation (Pitch B):
− When the players gain possession, they try to deliver a
pass to the extra player.
2. 3 v 4 (3 v 2) practice game
− The teams play 4 v 3 (on pitch A) and 3 v 2 (on pitch B).
Marked out squares. A B
− The 3 players attack the 2 small goals (pitch A) and the
players attack 1 small goal. On pitch B, each team attacks
1 small goal.
− Roles and pitches are switched after a predetermined time
− Play always starts with the team, which attempts to score.
− After the 1st pass from the team, the players try to win
the ball (by pressing) and to score quickly.
The players seek to outnumber the player on the ball,
to force the opponent to go outside or inside – depending
on the situation, and to apply pressing.
3. 1 v 2 exercise: pressing while attacking
− 3 players in each of the marked out squares + 3 passers A.
− The teams play 2 v 1 + 1 passer / 1 goalkeeper in the goal.
− The exercise is performed on all 3 squares.
– Players switch roles and squares.
− The passer A plays the ball to his team-mate, who tries
to keep possession. − The 2 players challenge the player
with the ball and try to dispossess him and score quickly.
Emphasis is on countering the opponent, giving support to
a team-mate and trying to force a 1 v 2 situation.
– When the players launch their attack to try and score, A A A
the passer A comes into the game to defend and to allow
his team-mate to get back as well (to create a 2 v 2 situation).
4. 3 v 4 or 6 v 4 exercise, pressing and countering
Organisation: − 10 players + goalkeeper. – The players play
4 v 3 on the marked out square. − There are 3 extra players
outside the square. − The positions of the players should
be changed after a few attempts. − The teams’ roles should
also be changed.
Procedure: − The 4 players keep possession with 2 or 3
touches each. − The 3 players try to intercept the ball. Once
they gain possession, they attack the large goal with 6 players.
The 4 players come back to defend (6 v 4).
Emphasis on finding the right moment to start pressing.
Free attack on goal; individual move or passing game.
Variation: – The position of the square can be changed and
can be shifted to either of the flanks.
Training content 5
Combined technical/tactical training: 11. Pressing
1. 6 v 4 practice routine: pressing in attack
− 11 players in the 16-yard box. − The teams play 6 v 4
+ goalkeeper in the large goal + 3 small goals. − Roles are
changed after a predetermined playing time. − The 4 v 4 game
always starts with the goalkeeper, who plays the ball to the
− The game starts with 4 v 4. − The attackers attempt to
score in the large goal. − The defenders defend the large
goal and score in the 3 small goals. − The attackers press
in attack with the 2 extra players (to create numerical suprema-
cy) and try to score quickly.
Emphasis on defensive organisation, occupying space,
creating numerical supremacy around the ball, forcing the op-
ponent into mistakes, showing aggressiveness.

2. 5 v 5 v 5 game: pressing in attack

Organisation: 30m 10m 30m
− 3 teams of 5 players with 2 goalkeepers. – Playing area
marked out into 3 zones (A, B and C). – The teams play 5 v 5
in zones A + B. Zone C is neutral. – The coach decides on the
duration of the game.
− The team tries to get the ball from zone A to zone C.
− The players apply pressing in zone A to try to win the ball
and score as quickly as possible. − When the team manag-
es to get out of zone A and into zone C, they attack the team,
which defends the large goal in zone B. When the team
gains possession, the players press in zone B. − If the
team scores, play is restarted in zone A by the team. A C B
− Restrict the number of touches allowed in zones A + B.

3. 8 v 6 game: pressing in midfield

(switch from defence to attack) 20m
Organisation: − The team has 6 players + goalkeeper.
− The team has 8 players and defends the large goal without
a goalkeeper. − The playing area is marked out with a pressing
Procedure: − The team tries to score in the goal without the
goalkeeper by shooting directly on goal in the pressing zone.
− The team defends by pressing in the marked out zone with
the aim of winning possession and launching a quick attack.
The team starts to apply pressing according to the situa-
tion of play.
Variation: – Restrict the number of touches allowed by the
Pressing zone
team. − As soon as the team has won possession, restrict
the time allowed for the attack (e.g. less than 10 seconds).

4. 8 v 6 game: pressing in midfield

(transition from defence to attack)
Organisation: − The team has 6 players + goalkeeper.
– The team has 8 players + 1 goalkeeper. − The playing
area is marked out into 3 zones (A, B and C).
Procedure: − The team plays in zones A and C and tries to
cross (by dribbling or passing) the defensive line of the team.
A sole player goes to challenge the goalkeeper (1 v 1).
− The team, which is positioned according to its chosen
playing system, defends and tries to apply pressing in zone C.
Once it has gained possession, it counter-attacks or starts a
gradual build-up. The pressing is started according to the
situation of play and in the most favourable areas for pressing Pressing zone
(out on the flanks).
Variation: − When the team goes into zone B, it tries to
score. The players come back to defend.

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