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• Personal introduction with photo

My name is Wan Ali Imran B. Wan Othman and I’m currently in my 3rd Year 2nd Semester in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering in UTP . I was born in 31st of August in 1996 with 4
siblings and I’m also the eldest in my family . I live in Teluk Intan , Perak which is about an
hour from UTP . Both of my parents work as teachers as but my mother recently retired . I
went to SK Sungal Tungku and SK Kg. Bahagia for my primary school education , and
during my secondary school education , I went to SMK Sungai Manik and MRSM Kubang
Pasu .

• Describe your personal contributions in this project

It was well known that the event’s success was not based on an individual’s success but the
collective efforts of everyone that makes it running smoothly without facing much problems .
As the Vice of Head of Department for Protocol and Ceremony , it is up to me and my
department to make sure the event runs according to plan rand smoothly .

Months prior to the event , I would always made sure to attend the weekly meetings to give
my opinions on how the event runs . I was also among that draft the initial plan for the
official tentative of the event before it went some changes . It was a collective effort from
me , our project director Faidz Ghazali and Chong Zhen Xiang . It took about an hour to do
the first draft of the tentative and was quite a challenging task .

I also suggested our department that we did some small meetings besides our weekly
meetings to discuss things that are exclusive to our department . Such as we had a meeting to
discuss on what games we should be putting on in the tentative as to not bore the students
with mere academic activities

• Describe your thinking and reasoning as you worked on the project. Include
components that left you unsatisfied. What did you learn from working on this project?
Will your work help you in the future?

When I was in the Millennial Einstein project , I try to be active and aware of what’s going
on around me so that I can participate in any development made by the team . I also try to be
critical and open minded during discussions to ensure all ideas are accounted and considered
to be used in the program’s construction . From this project , I learnt to appreciate of the
value of volunteerism and how it can have a significant impact to the society no matter how
small the cause is . In today’s world , all members of the society needs to play a part in
developing our youths so that we can have a steady supply of high quality leaders to guide
the nation to a more prosperous era . I also learnt that no event can be executed perfectly with
the will of a single man but with the collective power of all its members in sharing one
common goal . Hopefully , this experience can help me to embrace the working world
efficiently by learning from my past volunteerism activities including this one . It’s because
there is so much in common between volunteerism and the employment world in terms of its
moral practices and benefits to the society .

• Was this project similar to any other activities that you have participated before in
UTP? How?

I’ve been with quite a few programs ad societies in my life in UTP . My major involvement is
in AIESEC which is an organization that specializes on exchange programs and cross culture
related activities . One of the activities that we would do is taking these foreign exchange
students and do activities in schools and orphanages with the children . Most of these
activities that we would do are sharing different cultures from these foreign exchange
students . These children would be thrilled when we came and it’s clear we made a positive
impact on them . In comparison with the Millennial Einstein , its somewhat similar . Only
instead of cross culture , our main theme is showing applications of what they learn in the
engineering and technology perspective . One of the activities we did with them is a tour
around the Chancellor complex . When we showed them the various facilities we have , they
seemed to be interested and some asked questions about what do some of these labs do . This
sparked their curiosity and hopefully they can consider taking them as their career
pathways .Another activity I did that involves school children was in a primary school in
Tronoh .What me and my team is that we did 3 consecutive program with them relating to the
subjects which are Math , Science and English . Some of these include tuitions , motivational
talks and games relating to their English vocabulary . This isn’t far off from our program
which teaches students to use their creativity in our case study activity . In this activity ,
students are divided into groups and are asked to come up an invention that can solve
common problems faced by humanity . This went out very well as it encourages them to be
competitive with each other and the facilitators can learn leadership skills in guiding the
students .

• Discuss about your team. What went well? What didn’t go well? Why?

This section can be divided into two parts . My specific team which is the Protocal and
Ceremony Department . And the overall team in general which includes everybody

For my department , it consists of me , Abdel Rahman and Shaun . We are supervised by our
project manager Faidz and occasionally he’ll join in for our discussions as well . Generally ,
everyone is actively involved in the discussions and in every of our department meetings .
Almost all of our department meetings have a perfect attendance . So this shows the level of
commitment these guys are willing to go to make this event successful. Besides that everyone
also pitch in by giving their ideas and commenting on other people’s ideas to make sure our
program foundation is sturdy .

For the team overall , they have just the same qualities as my department team in terms of
their efficiency and activeness in the event . In terms of efficiency , everyone is always up to
date to what’s going on so this shows that no on is left behind on what to do . This made sure
that all the wheels in our team are working efficiently .However , there doubts of activeness
in the team . It can’t be denied that all high committee members were active in supervising
and planning for the event . But the normal members bears little responsibilities and this
made some of them very inactive . In fact there were a few people who only attended the
meetings just once or twice . And this wasn’t very good . But overall , everyone played their
part on the day of the event and only had to run a few problems.
• How this project improve yourself in terms of the following:

* Social Skills;

This event has brought significant benefits to me socially as I have been able to make more
new friends than ever before . In the past , I may have been a little shy but this event brought
me out of that shell and encourages me to talk to people more . Throughout my time in this
project , I get to know the diversity of my group as it turns out that half of my team members
are international students . I get to know all of them and are still able to keep in touch with
them. So not only did I get to make many friends , but it improves my networking skills as
well .

Communication Skills

Communication is a vital component in any event . In my case , it is shown by my awareness

of keeping up to date with any announcements made by the high committee . I also asked any
one of them is I have any doubts about any changes as I don’t want to be left behind . Also I
updated with the team about my progress in the drafting of the tentative so that everyone can
comment or have opinions about it.

Critical and Problem Solving Skills

Problems are a norm in any events that took place . That doesn’t excludes our event as well .
One of them was creating the initial tentative draft . Me and my team had to think carefully
on what activities to do and arrange them so that it can fit our timeline perfectly . Another
challenge that really impacted my critical thinking skills is that when my team had some
problems with our finance , we know we need money quick and efficiently . So I suggested to
our project director that all team members give RM50 to cover the holes in our budget and
this did the trick .
Leadership Skills

When I was first elected vice head of department for the Protocol and Ceremony
Department , I had some doubts about myself whether I was right for the job . But my
project manager , assured me that the team would always be there whenever I needed help .
This confronted my fears and I was able to embrace my newfound leadership within the
team . From time to time , I would always ask for updates from my team about our progress
to make sure everyone is on track .

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