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Birthday Party

Andre Maurice S. Rey

It was the night before Jim’s 20th birthday and before he can even go to sleep, he imagined his
birthday party full of food and drinks with his friends and family, a party he never had before, he
had all this in mind until he fell asleep. When day broke, Jim woke up and found the house was
very calm, and he could only hear murmurs of people. He became excited he presumed it was a
surprise birthday party, he peeked out of the living room and saw food on the table with bottles
of soft drinks, crackers bread and a bit of cake, probably the other food was hidden he thought,
he also smelled candles which made him even more excited. He decided to come out of his
hiding place and saw so many people his family and friends but to his horror he saw a casket
with a ribbon saying “WE LOVE YOU JIM” He walked and no one ever noticed him which
made him more horrified. As he came towards the casket, he look inside and saw himself.

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