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What Someone Does

Activate: Games for Learning American English

Game 6: What Someone Does

What Someone Does provides an opportunity for students to use present tense verbs to
indicate a habitual action. In introducing the game, the teachers can explain the use of
the simple present (in contrast to the present progressive) to indicate habitual action,
as well as the use of prepositional phrases of place as modifiers in expressions such as
“a person in a movie theater.” The meaning of expressions such as “when sick” should
also be introduced as meaning “when someone is sick.”

1. Have students (the players) sit in groups of 3–4.

2. Determine who goes first and progress clockwise or counter-clockwise.

3. Each player rolls the dice in turn.

4. On their turns, the players move their game pieces along the path according to the
number of spaces indicated by the dice.

5. When players land on a space, they should read the phrase aloud.

6. The players say three things someone does in this place or in this condition.

7. No player is allowed to repeat something that has already been said.

8. The game continues until one or all players reach the ‘Finish’ space.

“Player Talk” in What Someone Does

Cue “Player Talk”

in a movie theater Someone in a movie theater sits, watches a film, and

eats popcorn. (Simple response)

at the beach A person at the beach lies in the sun, and he tries to get
a tan. Maybe he lies on a blanket and reads a book. And
I would guess that he probably drinks something cold.
(Complex response)

Activate: Games for Learning American English

Game Squares
1. in a movie theater
2. at the beach
3. on vacation
4. in a car
5. in New York
6. at a birthday party
8. at a wedding
9. on a large ship
10. in a kitchen
12. in China
13. in a forest
14. on a tropical island
15. in English class
16. when watching a scary film
17. when hungry
18. when in love
19. when late for an appointment
20. when sick

Variations for What Someone Does

Variation Directions “Player Talk”

Name 5 Things Have students name five things In a movie theater, you meet friends,
instead of three. If this is the buy tickets, give the ticket to the ticket
second time students have played collector, buy a drink, and wait for the
the game, they should not repeat movie to start.
things that were said in the
previous game. Other players
should listen and not accept
repeated responses.

You Shouldn’t Have students say three things In a movie theater, you shouldn’t talk
that would be bad to do in much, wear a big hat, or put your feet
these places. on the seat in front of you.


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