Section 11 - Drilling Mud Manual

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Section 11

OBM Mixing and Lab Tests

Mixing Procedures
You have to mix the following in order to achieve a good Inverted emulsion fluid with the
desired parameters:
Note: The following procedure is to have an Oil/Water of 75/25
1- Fill tank with Safra Oil Volume is to be calculated by the Oil/Water Ratio ( Oil
water ratio determines the percent of oil to water in Mud ) for example if you
have to mix a 500 bbls tank with an Oil / Water ration of 75/25 so you have to
add 300 bbls Safra Oil + 100 bbls Brine water
When you add the rest of the chemical including weighting material the
volume increase will give a result of 500 bbls OBM
2- Add To Safra Oil the following in order :
a- 6.5 LBS/BBL Lime ( 55 lbs Sacks )
b- 1.5 Gal/BBL Invermul ( 55 Gal Drums ) Primary Emulsifier
c- 1.5 Gal/BBL EZ Mul NT ( 55 Gal Drums ) Secondary Emulsifier

Now The Safra Oil is ready to receive the Brine water to create the
emulsion phase

Note: Brine is mixed in a separate tank by adding CaCl2 to water as per

program mostly its 40-50 LBS/BBL.

3- Transfer the brine to the safra oil tank and leave to mix for 30 minutes while
running agitation and Circulation on the same tank with mix pump
4- Add 7 LBS/BBL Duratone (Fluid loss control (55 LBS Sacks ))
5- Add 9 LBS/BBL Geltone ( Viscosifier ( 55 LBS Sacks ))
Note: For the Best result small water stream have to be applied on hopper
while mixing Viscosifier)

Now your Mud is ready to be weighted with waiting material

6- Add 15 LBS/BBL Marble Fine and 15 LBS/BBL Marble Medium ( Bridging and
weighting material)
7- Add Barite to reach the weight as per program

OES Recommendation:
1- For tank management leave always a clean tank for brine mixing
2- Leave an empty tank after mixing all your volume for Emergency situation
3- Safra Oil External tanks have to be always full especially in Loss Circulation
4- Dilution to active system have to be with fresh mud. Avoid Safra Oil or
brine alone.


5- After adding CaCl2 to water leave to mix for an hour before adding to
safra oil.

OBM lab Test

Add 1 ml OBM (Use Syringe)

Add 25 ml Isopropyl Alcohol
Add 25 ml Xylene
Mix for 30 seconds
Add Water to reach 100 ml
Note: You will see that Oil and water are separated
Add 10 Drops of Phenolphthalein (Pink Color will appear)
Titrate with N10 H2SO4 Till Color disappears
No of H2SO4 ml = PM (Mud Alkalinity)
Excess Lime = PM * 1.295 (Standard Value is 4.5-7)
To Same Sample add
10 Drop potassium Chromate Kmno4 (Yellow color will appear)
Titrate with silver Nitrate 10000 ppm. Till brake Brown color appears

(*)From Titration: ml of Silver Nitrate * 10000 = Whole Chloride Mud (mg/l)

(*)To Calculate CaCl2 Mud = Whole Chloride Mud *1.565

(*) To Calculate CL% / WT =

(15.65*ml of Silver Nitrate *100)
((15.65*ml of Silver Nitrate)+(Water factor*1000))

From CaCl2 Table using CL% WT we can get Water Phase Salinity (W.P.S

Alternative Additives Trade Name

Duratone / Carbotrol / M-I-LLC (Filtration Control)

Geltone / VG-69
EZ-Mul / Versa Coat
Invermul / Versa Mul
Marble Fine Or Medium / CaCo3 Fine or Medium


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