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Reactive Programming With

Creating Asynchronous,Event-Based Applications
By Mohammad Sianaki
Imperative and Functional

Java is an imperative,object-oriented language.
– Sequence of instructions
– Executed in the same order you write them
– Execution leads to changes in the state of the program

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Imperative and Functional

Define and create an input list.

Define and create an empty output list.

Take each item of the input list.

If the item is even, add it to the output list.

Continue until the end of the input list is reached. 3 / 40
Imperative and Functional

Functional Programming:
– Is an alternative to imperative programming
– The result of program derives from the evaluation of
mathematical function
– Without changing the internal program state
– the result of the f(x) depends on the arguments passed to
the function
– Passing the same parameter x, you get the same result

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Imperative and Functional
– the blocks with which you build the program are not
objects but functions.

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Reactive Programming

A general programming term that is focused on reacting to
– such as data values ,click events

Often done imperatively
– Callback is an approach to do that

takes functional programming a little bit further, by adding
the concept of data streams

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Example of Reactive Programming


The value of x will be updated automatically without re-
executing the statement(You MUST Implement a mechanism)

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Streams of Data

The main key to understand reactive programming

a sequence of events, where an event could be user input
(like a tap on a button), a response from an API request (like
a Facebook feed), data contained in a collection, or even a
single variable.

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When You Need Reactive

Processing user events such as: mouse clicks,keyboard
typing,GPS signals changing over time as users move with
their device

Responding to and processing any and all latency-bound IO
events from disk or network

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Functional vs Imperative Reactive

Handling only one system event
– Reactive-imperative programming with a callback is
going to be fine
– Reactive-functional programming is not going to give you
much benefit

Handling hundreds of different event streams which are all
completely independent:
– Still imperative approaches are going to be
the most efficient
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Functional vs Imperative Reactive

If you need to combine events,asynchronous responses from
functions or network calls,etc
– Imperative approach increase complexity
– But reactive-functional programming begins to shine

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Functional Programming with Java 8

With the release of Java 8 some constructs of functional
programming have been added,like:
– Lambda Expression
– Streams

But with RxJava we can use Functional Programming since
JDK 6.

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Lambda Expressions

Anonymous functions

Using arrow symbol (->)

Inputs are on the left and the function body is places at the

Lambda Expressions can be uses to replace anonymous
inner classes that implement an interface with just one

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Lambda Expressions

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Lambda Expressions

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Stream represents a sequence of objects from a source,
which supports aggregate operations

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The Observer Pattern

Observer : an object that
observes the changes of
one or more subjects

Subject : an object that
keeps a list of its observers
and automatically notifies
them when it changes its
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What is ReactiveX?

ReactiveX is a combination of the best ideas from the
Observer pattern, the Iterator pattern, and functional

a library that implements functional reactive programming in
many languages:
– RxJava,RxJS,Rx.NET,RxCpp,RxPY,RxSwift,RxPhp,RxKotlin,...

uses “observables” to represent asynchronous data streams

abstracts all details related to threading, concurrency, and
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Why RxJava

Avoid “callback hell”

A lot simpler to do Async / threaded work

A lot of operators that simplify work

Very simple to compose streams of data

Complex threading becomes very easy

You end up with a more cleaner, readable code base

Easy to implement back-pressure

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RxJava Basics: Observable, Observer

RxJava is all about two key components: Observable and

Observable: Observable is a data stream that do some work
and emits data.

Observer: Observer is the counter part of Observable. It
receives the data emitted by Observable.

Subscription: The bonding between Observable and
Observer is called as Subscription. There can be multiple
Observers subscribed to a single Observable.

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RxJava Basics: Observable, Observer

Operator / Transformation: Operators modifies the data
emitted by Observable before an observer receives them.

Schedulers: Schedulers decides the thread on which
Observable should emit the data and on which Observer
should receives the data i.e. background thread, main
thread etc.

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How to create Observable?

There are plenty of static methods!




Observable.just(new Integer[]{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10})

Observable.fromArray(new Integer[]{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12})

Observable.range(1,10) 22 / 40
How to create Observer?

Create an Observer that listen to Observable

Observer<T> interface provides below methods:
– onSubscribe()
– onNext()
– onError()
– onComplete()

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Make Subscription

Make Observer subscribe to Observable so that it can start
receiving the data

There are two methods:
– subscribeOn()
– observeOn()

Both method takes an scheduler as argument

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Schedulers jor role in supporting multi threading concept
in android applications.

Some of the most important Schedulers :
– AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()
– Schedulers.computation()

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So Far Now...

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Introducing Some Operators








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Map() Operator

It lets you transform every item of the emitted sequence
with a specified function.

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Filter() Operator

The filter operator uses a specified function to allow only
some items of the source sequence to be emitted.

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FlatMap() and conatMap()

They merges items emitted by multiple Observables and
returns a single Observable.

FlatMap operator:
– Preserves the order
– Asynchronous is not maintained

ConcatMap operator:
– Interleaving items
– Asynchronous

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Nested Observable

Discard the response and consider the latest one

E.X: Googling “Reactive Programming

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Debounce Operator

Debounce operator emits items only when a specified
timespan is passed.

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Zip() Operator

The zip operator takes multiple observables as inputs and
combines each emission via a specified function and emits
the results of this function as a new sequence.

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Project : RxJava Instant Search

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Project : RxJava Instant Search

CompositeDisposable is used to dispose the subscriptions
in onDestroy() method.

RxTextView.textChangeEvents Triggers an event
whenever the text is changed in search EditText.

debounce(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) – Emits the
search query every 300 milliseconds.

distinctUntilChanged() avoids making same search
request again

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Project : RxJava Instant Search

fetchContacts() fetches all contacts by making Retrofit
HTTP call

searchContacts() – Is an Observer that will be called when
search query is emitted. By calling
mAdapter.getFilter().filter(), the search query will filter the
data on ArrayList.

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Project : Flight Tickets App

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Project : Flight Tickets App

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Begin the Journey!

MVP,MVVM Architecture

Clean Architecture

Flowable Backpressure

Hot vs Cold Observables

RxJava Subject

And so many other things.

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Reactive Programming with RxJava by Ben Christensen

Reactive Java Programming by Andrea Magile

Exploring RxJava for Android by Jake Wharton

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