Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8 I. Objectives

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

I. Objectives:
At the end of the sixty minute period, the students should be able to;
1. identify types of speech delivery as to memorized and manuscript methods;
2. differentiate manuscript method from memorized speech delivery; and
3. participate enthusiastically in classroom discussion and activities.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Memorized and Manuscript Methods of Speech Delivery
Visual Aids
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Daily Routine
 Prayer
Before we start, let us pray.
 Greetings
Good morning class!
 Classroom Management
Kindly arrange your chairs properly and pick up
any small pieces of paper under you seats.
You may now take your seats.
 Checking of Attendance
Is there any absentee today?

B. Activity
The teacher will play two videos. The students
will watch and analyze the videos to identify the
types of speech delivery.

Process Questions:
1. What can you say about the two videos?
Answers may vary.
2. What idea do you think is being presented by
these videos? Delivering a speech or public speaking.
The teacher will tell the students that they will be
learning about methods of speech delivery. They
will now analyze how the speech is being
delivered in those videos presented.

C. Analysis

1. What can you say about the speaker delivering

the speech in the first video? In the first speaker, he is just delivering the
speech spontaneously without looking in speech.

It seems that the speaker memorized his written

2. How about in the second speech? speech.

In the second speaker, she reads every word from

the written speech. She is reading directly from
3. In delivering their speech, how does the first the pages of a copy of her speech.
speaker differ from the second one?
The first speaker doesn’t have written piece or
script to read while delivering the speech while in
the second speaker, she reads every word from her
4. What do you call to the method of speech copy or script.
delivery wherein the speaker reads every word
from a written piece or script? Manuscript Method

5. How about the method of speech delivery in

which the speaker memorized a written speech?
Memorized Speech
6. Based from the video, what do you notice on
how the speaker delivers his/her speech using
memorized and manuscript methods? In the speaker using manuscript method, there is
no eye contact to the audience, it is sometimes
boring and there is no action coming from the
D. Abstraction speaker. In the speaker using memorized speech,
Sample! Sample! Sample! there is an eye contact.
The students will give example of speech that
uses memorized and manuscript method of speech
delivery. Answers may vary.

1. How are you going to categorize speech

It can be memorized or manuscript.
2. How manuscript method differs from
memorized speech delivery?
In manuscript method, the speaker reads every
word from a written piece of speech while in
memorized speech; the speaker memorized every
E. Application detail from a pre-written speech.
The students will identify the following speech
whether it can be delivered using memorized or
manuscript method.

1. Valedictory’s Speech
2. Declamation
3. Story Telling Memorized/Manuscript
4. Bedtime Stories Memorized
5. Entertainment Speech Manuscript/Memorized

IV. Remarks

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