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English A/B

School Based Assessment

Candidate Name:
Centre #:
Registration #:
Theme: Suicide
Topic: Ways to Prevent Suicide
Year of Exam: 2019

Introduction/Plan of Investigation……………………………………………………….1
Reflection One……………………………………………………………………….......2
Reflection Two…………………………………………………………………………..3
Reflection Three…………………………………………………………………………4
Written Report…………………………………………………………………………...5
Outline of Oral…………………………………………………………………………..6
Appendix One…………………………………………………………………………...7
Appendix Two…………………………………………………………………………...8
Appendix Three………………………………………………………………………….9
This theme for my English School Based Assessment is “Suicide”. I became interested
in this topic because I love to read and I am interested as to why someone would kill
themselves. In order to accomplish this project. I have to complete the following tasks:
 Select three pieces of material that relates to this topic.
 Meet with group to exchange information about the pieces.
 Complete reflection one, two and three.
 Plan and present an oral presentation.
 Meet with teacher for individual presentation.
 Meet with group to have discussions.

In order for me to find more information on this topic, I will check the internet for
videos, collect daily newspapers and check the library for books. I also expect to
develop my ability to identify main ideas, to analyse writers’ way of writing and the
languages that they use. While researching this topic, I am not that sure that I will
understand everything completely and that I might not find the right information.
However, I plan to ensure that I find many relevant materials by searching all sources

“Suicide” is a very interesting theme. My three pieces are a newspaper article, a poem and a
video. My first piece was sourced by NewYork Times, my second piece was written by Sylvia
Chidi and my third piece was created by Mayo Clinic. The newspaper article is about someone
who was going to kill him/herself and ways that it can be prevented. My reaction to this was
very understanding meaning that I understand clearly what it was saying.

The poem is about someone telling another person who was going to kill him/herself that
he/she is not alone, that people should talk to them and see what is wrong. The video I chose
focuses on different teenagers advising us that if we see someone that we know really well
suddenly starts doing things that he/she would not usually do, ask him/her what is wrong. I chose
this newspaper article because I think it would be best to hear what an adult has to say on how to
prevent suicide. The poem was chosen because it is good to know that someone can put rhyming
words together to actually make sense as to how to prevent suicide and how persons should go
about it.

I chose this topic because I was very interested to see what I could do as an individual to
prevent other persons from committing suicide. I felt very good after watching this video
because I learnt that it is very important to ask the person what is wrong.

Finally, the newspaper article will be discussing the voice of the community’s experience.
This material influenced my interest in the topic because it helps to know what are other persons
thoughts on suicide.

In my article, I discovered several uses of language. The pieces were written using many
tones. The tone displayed in the newspaper article is informative. This is illustrated in the
article by phrases such as “they should talk about the subject, they should avoid sensationalizing
it or normalizing it.” In observing the use of language, the fact that the victims stated exactly
what they wanted and what they are experiencing, it gave me a wider understanding of what the
topic is about. The article displayed words like “sad” and “unhappy” which shows us how the
victim is feeling in the situations.

My poem displayed several uses of language and techniques such as rhymes and repetition
by phrases such as “You are not alone” and “Don’t tie yourself with a rope, with life, there is
always hope”. The tone used in the poem was sadness and disappointment. The fact that the
person talking about it got deeply in his/her feelings made me realize what exactly the topic is
about and how sad it actually is.

In my video several techniques were used, repetition was used and the tone that was
displayed is sadness and sympathy. They stated clearly what they are saying and I understand
clearly what I am supposed to do “All I have to do is ask”.

My English School Based Assessment on the theme “Suicide” has improved by ability to
have a discussion with my group, to be more thoughtful and to meet my SBA deadlines. This
SBA has helped me to develop my cooperation skills and to improve my thinking skills. In
doing this SBA I had a lot of things to be corrected but I accepted these errors and made the
necessary corrections.

In analysing each piece that was used in this SBA, I learnt how to identify different tones,
literary devices and techniques so this will be easier for me to apply in the future. It broadened
my understanding of the theme ‘Suicide’ and the effect that it has on individuals. Finally the
SBA has taught me how to be considerate about others emotions and it has helped me to have a
better understanding of life.

“Suicide” is a worldwide epidemic that has many different opinions on the prevention,
causes, effects on society and reactions (wrong or right). The three pieces chosen are
the poem: ‘The Reason for the Suicide Note’ by Robert Guerrero, an article: ‘Boy
driven to suicide by bullies’ by James Tozar and a song: ‘Her Last Words’ by Courtney
Parker. In the paragraphs below, we will discuss our reason for selecting the three
pieces, the tone and language used in each piece.

Our first piece is a poem: ‘The Reason for the Suicide Note’ by Robert Guerrero. We
selected this poem because of how it captures the life of two personas and their lives. It
also speaks of what led them to choosing suicide. ‘Her mother abused her day in and
day out’ and ‘was a child, no older than 3, trying to wake his mother and father’ are
some of those lines of each poem. The piece had a tone of complain, fear, agreement
and apology. The piece’s language was also formal. Our reactions were sympathy and

‘Boy Driven to Suicide by bullies; by James Tozar. We chose this piece because it
highlights a major issue that happen around us and we have no idea that it took place.
‘A distraught mother has claimed that her 11-year-old son was driven to suicide at
bullies at his school highlights our pain and sorrow felt for his mother. We also feel
awareness to suicide. The tone of this article is anger, disapproval, surprise, criticism
and authoritarian. The language is informal.

‘Her Last Words’ by Courtney Parker is about a girl who felt unloved, unaccepted due
to the children at her school and their reactions toward her. ‘Born in the wrong time and
wrong place’. The girl saw no point of living. We chose this piece because it speaks on
how people can go from good too bad because of others. It is also to let persons know
what happens to others throughout their life and what leads to suicide. The tone of this
piece is sadness, hurt and depression. The language is objective and formal.

To conclude, we were very sad and sympathetic towards all individual mentioned. We
feel that it should be highlighted and spoken of more.

POEM BY Sylvia Chidi

Why commit suicide?
Don’t tie yourself with a rope
With life, there is always hope
With life, there is always scope
Why commit suicide?
For you there is no roller coaster life ride
Your heart is filled with an empty hole so wide
Don’t put yourself on fire and fry
With life, you can still make an effort and try
Please leave us not with a permanent goodbye
Why commit suicide?
Believe me when I say ‘You are not alone’
Many out there are shivering to the bone
Express your feelings to someone on the phone
Full of debt, never properly slept, always sadly wept
Wish you had something wonderful, you could have treasured and kept
Unsuccessful with exams after hectic midnight crams who give a damn!
You are not alone! So you feel so empty inside
You are full of egoistical pride, to admit the thought of a suicide tide
Love has never been on your side
Believe me when I say ‘You are not alone’
With life there is no stone that you cannot eventually overthrow
To reclaim your rightful throne
So why commit suicide?

A SHORT FILM- Teen Suicide Prevention, published on June 5th, 2013

Aliya: I have my ups and downs just like anybody else.
James: Maybe more than anybody else.
Sandra: I can be hard to figure out.
Jowel: And I like my privacy
J- kwan: I don’t want you looking over my shoulder all the time.
Janique: But, you know him better than anybody else and if you think he is acting
different than usual.
James: Acting really down, crying all the time for o good reason.
Sandra: Or acting mad.
Aliya: Unable to sleep or sleeping too much.
Jowel: It might be that this kid is trying to kill himself.
Janique: So if you think he is acting different say something.
James: Say what is wrong, how can I help.
Sandra: Ask straight up are you thinking about killing yourself?
Aliya: Ask, in fact it helps.
J- kwan: When people are thinking about killing themselves they want someone to ask.
Janique: In fact the best way to keep a teenager from killing themselves is to ask.
published on August 17, 2017

Rates of teen suicide continue to rise, federal health officials reported this month, with rates for
girls higher than at any point in the last 40 years. A rational response would be to engage in
evidence-based measures to try to reverse this course. Too often, we assume that there’s nothing
we can do.

Sometimes, we even make things worse.

Suicide rates were even higher in the 1990s. But from 2007 to 2015 rates rose from 10.8 to 14.2
per 100,000 male teenagers and from 2.4 to 5.1 per 100,000 female teenagers. In 2011, for the
first time in more than 20 years, more teenagers died from suicide than homicide.

But these trends have been known for years. Our response to them hasn’t adequately
acknowledged their progression.

There are evidence-based ways to prevent suicide. The World Health Organization has a
guide for how media professionals should talk about the subject. They should avoid
sensationalizing it or normalizing it. They should be careful not to repeat accounts of suicide or
to provide explicit descriptions as to how suicide might be attempted or completed. They should
word headlines carefully, and avoid video or photos of suicides or the victims.

The centre for Disease Control and Prevention has an evidence-based guide on how to prevent
suicide as well. There are things the government can do, including strengthening economic
supports, making sure families are more financially secure and have stable housing. The health
care system needs to strengthen access to and delivery of mental health care, as well as improve
our ability to identify and support teenagers at risk.

There are things we as a society can do as well. We need to make things safer for teenagers,
which includes reducing their access to the means they might likely use in a suicide attempt.
Also important but more difficult, we need to promote connectedness and limit isolation. The
best thing we can do for teens at risk is to prevent them from cutting themselves off from others.

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