Advance Metering Infrastructure and DLMS/COSEM Standards For Smart Grid

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Advance Metering Infrastructure and DLMS/COSEM Standards for Smart Grid

Article · December 2012

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Divyang D Vyas
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology


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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012

Advance Metering Infrastructure and

DLMS/COSEM Standards for Smart Grid
Divyang D. Vyas and Dr. H. N. Pandya

 Electotechnical Commission (IEC) under IEC 62056 series of

Abstract— There is an increasing interest in making utility standards. Though lot of communication standards and
services, more efficient, reliable, safe and with enhanced control techniques concerning to AMI are already in use, none of them
so as to meet the challenges and requirements of modern days. stands out as a well designed layer of intelligence that
The solution to this is identified in terms of intelligent utility completely covers the scope of smart gird. The DLMS seems
network popularly called Smart Grid. However, to achieve the
to be closest current solution and has become the standard of
goals of smart grid set-up of Advance Metering Infrastructure
(AMI) incorporating advanced two-way communication and
choice among many countries and meter designers to achieve
distributed computing capabilities is essential. A lot of ideas and interoperability among metering systems involved in metering
techniques concerning to AMI have been proposed and of most energy types (electricity, gas, heat and water), used at
attempted, however there was no unique and generally accepted multiple application levels (residential, transmission and
protocol for a long time. DLMS/COSEM has emerged out as one distribution) [2].
of the most widely accepted standards that are closest to meet the
needs of AMI. In the paper, basic functionalities expected from an This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, primary
AMI have been identified and required system architecture is functions that AMI is expected to support have been listed.
discussed. Overview of the DLMS/COSEM standard is presented
This is followed by discussion on system architecture of AMI
with detailed discussion on communication profile proposed in it.
Various communication technologies that can be used for various and role of each component in Section III. In Section IV,
interfaces in AMI are proposed and their characteristics are DLMS/COSEM standard is reviewed with emphasis on its
communication profile. Various communication technologies
that may be used for various interfaces in AMI has been
identified and compared in Section V. This is followed by

Index Terms—Smart grid, Embedded system, Communication

technologies, Remote monitoring and control conclusion in Section VI.


AMI is aimed to increase the level of observability and
O NE of the fastest upcoming paradigms in distribution and
management of utility services, particularly in power
sector, is Smart Grid. Smart grid basically represents an
controllability of a complex utility service network like power
system. In addition the infrastructure should support ease of
intelligent utility network that incorporates two-way interoperability and scalability. Following is the list of primary
functions [3] that AMI is expected to support
communication and distributed computing capabilities for
improved control, efficiency, reliability and safety. The first
 Meter registration to incorporate new meters in the gird.
step towards realizing smart gird is to setup Advance Metering
Infrastructure (AMI) that has added intelligence and  Remote tariff programming for updating parameters related
communication facilities compared to current metering to tariff, calendar, contract period etc.
infrastructures. For realizing AMI it is necessary for the power  Remote meter reading (cyclic and on demand) for the
market to change from monopoly market to more open and purpose like billing.
standardized market [1]. Device Language Message  Remote disconnection and reconnection of electrical power
Specifications (DLMS) and Companion Specification for to a customer on a designated date and time.
Energy Metering (COSEM) is suite of standards developed
 Synchronization of the internal clock of metering equipment
and maintained by DLMS User Association for the said
purpose. These standards has been co-opted by International with the overall system clock.
 Remote firmware updation.
 Management of alarm and event over the gird
Divyang D. Vyas, Research Scholar of Department of Electronics,
Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360 005, India. e-mail: [email protected]).
 Fraud detection.
Dr. H. N. Pandya, Head of Department of Electronics, Saurashtra  Remote access to system elements other then meters present
University, Rajkot-360 005, India (e-mail: [email protected]).
over the gird. 1
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012
 Remote programming and gathering of load profile for separate ad-on unit. In multi-utility metering, meters for
energy management. different utilities can be different which may all be connected
 Automatic adaptation to grid changes. to a common communication hub. Further, interfacing devices
other then meters may also be connected to the communication
 Load management and energy balance through activation/ hub.
deactivation of the demand power control mode in meters.
 Device management at customer end and prepayment Communication hub provides additional processing
options capabilities, memory and communication means for storage
 Power quality management. and transmissions of data to the electricity meter. It facilitates
data transfer between in-home network devices and the
external AMI network. It may be directly connected to the
III. AMI SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND COMPONENTS Central system or may be connected through Data concentrator
unit (DCU). In either of the cases, Communication hub may
operate in two different modes viz. as a Gateway or a Proxy
AMI system architecture [3] is shown in Figure 1. It represents Gateway. The later is more suitable as most of the units that
the reference frame work that satisfies the functional, technical are connected to communication hub namely Multi-utility
and other general requirements of AMI. Though initiatives meter and interfacing devices generally are battery operated
towards AMI have been dominantly taken up by the power and “always on” status may not be possible for them. Thus,
utility sector, the architecture supports multi-utility metering. spontaneous interaction with these devices may not be
However, compared to other utility meters, electricity meters possible, which makes pure Gateway function less suitable. As
are directly connected to the electricity network, which may a Proxy Gateway, Communication hub buffers the periodic
conveniently be used as a media for data exchange. Thus, it is data received from connected devices and forward it to higher
expected that the largest penetration and the back-bone of level on demand. Similarly, commands received from higher
AMI for multi-utility metering will be in electrical network. level are buffered in Proxy Gateway before being delivered to
The main components of AMI system are discussed as follows. the connected devices. Additionally, Communication hub may
A. Electricity meter and Communication HUB also have a facility of local interface.
This module performs two basic functionalities. First to
B. Data Concentrator Unit
measure and record electrical energy consumed/produced and
related parameters of interest, and second to act as a This module acts as an intermediate element between
communication hub. There can be more than one form in Communication hub and the Central system. Communication

which electricity meter and communication hub may exist. In hub may be directly connected to the Central system; however
new installations a single smart meter performing both the this may not be always efficient particularly towards the tail of
functions of metering and communication is possible. On the distribution network. In such a scenario number of
other hand, for installations where old electricity meter are not Communication hubs may be connected to a single DCU.
to be replaced, then a communication hub can be as a Function of DCU will be to manage two way data exchange. It
will collect and mange information received from various
Electricity meters and Communication hub and sent it to
Central system and will also transfer commands received from
Central system to Electricity meter and Communication hub.
Similar to Communication hub, functioning of DCU may be
as a Proxy Gateway. It may also support facility of local
interface for local access of data. Further, it may optionally
also feed to systems other then Central system on the network
like SCADA.

C. Central System and Legacy System

Central system acts as a central server responsible for the
management of all information and data related to smart
metering. It is also responsible for the configuration and
control of all system components and responding to all events
and alarms over the network. It is possible that Central system
may delegate part of its operation to DCU or Communication
hub so that some operations may be performed at lower level
in hierarchical structure.
Fig. 1: AMI system architecture.
Legacy System represents the commercial or technical
systems of a system operator. This may be more than one
depending on the number of different utility system operators
operating on common grid. It is responsible for the 2
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012
management of business processes such as meter registrations, system (OBIS)
remote meter reading, tariff adjustment, remote Green Book IEC 62056-21 Architecture and protocol to
connect/disconnect, billing, outage management, customer IEC 62056-42 transport the model
care etc. Legacy system is purely to support operational and IEC 62056-46
IEC 62056-47
business processes and operates independent of type of
IEC 62056-53
metering infrastructure and communication technologies.
Yellow Book -- Conformation testing process
Central system will execute the received request from the White Book -- Glossary of DLMS/COSEM
Legacy system over the network and also conveys back the terms
response received from meters thus completing the business
process. that define the standard method to model and transfer metered
data and other classified functions of the energy meter. These
D. Local Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Devices and protocols are officially endorsed and registered by the
External Devices International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) under IEC
62056 [6]. DLMS standards are published as set of colored
These are portable devices used by the system operator’s
books details of which is shown in Table 1.
service personnel to locally configure, operate and maintain
DLMS protocol is based on OSI (Open System
various elements over the network. Local O&M facility is
Interconnection); however 7 layers of OSI are primarily
made available with Electricity meter and Communication hub,
collapsed in to 4 layer structure which are physical, data link,
Multi-utility meters and DCU. Local O&M facility is useful
transport and application. The physical layer defines the
particularly at the time of installation and later to perform
transfer method and a communication parameter to transfer
maintenance or reconfiguration if not possible remotely by
information with the meter. The data link layer provides the
Central System. O&M facility may also help to retrieve meter
communication with the meter and the messaging method to
data as a redundant measure in case of sustained
change data. The transport layer enables data transfer using
communication failure.
IPv4 network. The application layer defines the energy meter
External devices refer to auxiliary equipments that may be
functions as objects so that the application program can access
optionally connected to the DCU which utilizes network
facilities to support objectives of AMI. Example of such
COSEM defines standards to model metering equipment as
facility can be SCADA system or other similar system related
a set of logical devices, hosted in a single physical device.
to substation automation.
Each logical device models a subset of the functionality of the
metering equipment in terms of attributes and methods and is
E. Multi-utility Meters and End Customer Devices

called COSEM objects. Various COSEM objects that have

Multi-utility meter represents smart metering devices that can same structure are covered under a common COSEM interface
measure utility services such as gas, water etc. These are class. OBIS (Object Identification System) naming is used to
expected to be battery operated and not connected to mains identify COSEM objects to make them self-describing. A full
power. list of standard OBIS codes [7] and valid combinations of
End customer devices are auxiliary equipments connected to standard values in each group is maintained by the DLMS
the meter installation that enables the customer to interact with User Association. Such a hierarchical structure defined by
the utility meters and/or load devices with in customer’s COSEM helps to combine standardized building blocks to
premises. These as such are not the part of AMI but can be model any complex metering system and that to independent
optionally given as an additional facility to customer. Simple of utility type and communication media.
example of an End customer device can be a display unit that DLMS/COSEM is based on client-server paradigm [4],
gives details of consumption, current tariffs etc. On the other where metering equipment plays the role of the server and data
hand, example of smarter End customer device can be of a collection system like DCU or Central system, plays the role of
device that enables customer to manage operation of specific a client. In cases of events or alarms, server can also execute
loads from single user interface using in-home network. an unsolicited service to notify clients. The communication
protocol stack, called a communication profile, is completely
IV. DLMS/COSEM STANDARD independent of the application layer so servers and clients may
independently support one or more communication profiles to
DLMS is a suite of open standards developed and maintained communicate over various media. The COSEM model, used
by the DLMS User Association [4]. COSEM is part of the for modeling the application process and the application layer,
DMLS protocol stack [5]. DLMS primarily covers two remain the same. When a meter is read, the necessary
protocols viz. Application protocol and Transport protocol attributes of described objects are accessed using an xDLMS
(Extended DLMS) service and transformed into a series of
TABLE I. bytes, called APDUs (Application Protocol Data Units).
DLMS User IEC Standards about Various DLMS communication profiles as shown in Figure 2
are discussed below [4].
Blue Book IEC 62056-61 COSEM meter object model
IEC 62056-62 and object identification 3
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012
1) 3 layer correction oriented High-level Data Link Control given in Table. 2. As Legacy system works almost independent
(HLDC) based communication profile: This comprises of of the communication technologies used in interface of other
COSEM application layer, HDLC based data link layer and elements in AMI, the interface between Central system and
the physical layer for correction oriented asynchronous data Legacy system can have number of options and hence not
exchange. It supports data exchange via a local optical or mentioned in the Table.
electrical port, leased lines and PSTN or the GSM network.
A. IEEE 802.11 Standards
2) TCP-UDP/IP based communication profile: These profiles IEEE 802.11 is a set of IEEE standards that govern wireless
support data exchange via the Internet over various physical
networking transmission methods [8]. They are commonly
media like Ethernet, ISDN, GPRS, UMTS, PSTN/GSM
used today in their 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n versions to
using PPP etc. In these profiles the COSEM application
provide indoor wireless local area network (WLAN) and home
layer is supported by the COSEM transport layer(s),
area network (HAN). They can be used in AMI for HAN and
comprising a wrapper and the Internet TCP or UDP
home automation. Use of these standards supports design of
protocol. Lower layers can be selected according to the
low cost application devices to be used at consumer end. Use
media to be used as the TCP-UDP layers hide their
of this however is up to 100m and security issues arising due
to multiple networks operating in the same locations has to be
3) S-FSK PLC based communication profiles: These profiles
IEEE 802.11s is amendment to IEEE 802.11 for mesh
support data exchange via power lines using S-FSK
networking in WLAN, popularly known as wireless mesh
modulation. In these profiles, the COSEM application layer
network (WMN). This consists of radio nodes organized in a
is supported by the connectionless Logical link control
mesh topology. In AMI this can be an option for defining how
(LLC) sublayer as specified in IEC 61334-4-32, or the LLC
wireless devices can interconnect to create a WLAN mesh
sublayer using the data link layer based on the HDLC
network, which may be used for static topologies and ad-hoc
protocol as specified in IEC 62056-46. The MAC and the
networks. This can act as an AMI backhaul particularly at
Physical layers are as specified in IEC 61334-5-1.
distribution end supporting automation, demand response and
remote monitoring. It is easily scalable and allows improved
coverage around obstacles, node failures and path degradation.

Interface Technology Type Proposed appropriate

Tag in Technology and lower layer
Fig. 1 protocol
I1 Wired PLC
IEC 61334
I2, I3 Wireless and wide GPRS/UMTS
I4,I5,I6, Wireless and local ZigBee, Wi-fi
I7, I8 area IEEE 802.15.4
IEEE 802.11
I9 Wireless and local ZigBee, Wi-Fi, Substation
area Automation
IEEE 802.15.4
IEEE 802.11
IEC 61850

B. IEC 61334
IEC 61334 is a standard for low-speed reliable power line
Fig. 2. DLMS/COSEM communication profile.
communications. It is also known as S-FSK (Spread Frequency
Shift Keying). A typical PLC system in AMI may consist of a
V. COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR AMI backbone-coupled DCU close to a MV/LV transformer. All
traffic on the line is initiated by the DCU, which acts on behalf
of Central system. More recent narrowband PLC technology
Communication technologies used for various interfaces in include sophisticated techniques such as OFDM (Orthogonal
AMI should be evaluated against number of factors like Frequency-Division Multiplexing) to provide higher data rates,
bandwidth, latency in communication, network coverage, and focuses on broadband solutions operating in the 1-30 MHz
reliability against failure, security and installation and band [9]. Further, installation of filters highly improves SNR
operational cost. For the AMI architecture discussed in ratios. Despite the difficulties, PLC technologies are at a clear
previous section, communication technologies that can be advantage for utility companies as no separate communication
proposed to be used for interface between various elements is 4
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012
channel is required and it can prove to be relatively cheaper opportunities lie for the researchers and market in general in
[10]. the mammoth work of smart grid implementation as it requires
a heterogeneous solution that allows integrating various
C. ZigBee existing open technologies and achieving interoperability and
co-existence of various communication protocols.
ZigBee is a low-cost, low-power communication standard
maintained and published by ZigBee Alliance [11] and is
suitable particularly for personal area network. It is based on
based on IEEE 802 standard and works in industrial, scientific [1] P. Gopalakrishnan,(Dec. 2008) , Need for open communication standard
and medical (ISM) radio bands. One of the important for metering and suitability of DLMS-COSEM, Available: https://
advantages of ZigBee is that it supports mesh-networking. This
[2] D. C. Klaas and D. Geert, (2010), Analysis of state-of-the-art smart
provides high reliability and more extensive range. For AMI,
metering communication standards, Available:
ZigBee is very suitable for realizing Home Area Network
(HAN) that includes interface between the Electric meter and [3] Open Public Extended Network Metering (2010), Available:
communication hub with other elements like Multi-utility
meter, Local O&M device, End customer device etc. [4] DLMS/COSEM: Architecture and protocols, Ed. 7.0, DLMS UA,2009.
Currently, under ZigBee Smart Energy profile [12], number of [5] COSEM: Identification system and interface classes, Ed. 10.0, DLMS
agencies is jointly working to develop a standard for 2010.
interoperable products that monitor, control, inform and [6] IEC smart grid standardization roadmap, Ed 1.0, Smart grid strategic
automate the delivery and use of energy to support goals of group, IEC 2010.
smart grid. [7] List of standard OBIS codes and COSEM objects, Ed. 2.5, DLMS UA
[8] IEEE 802.11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and
D. IEC 61850 Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, IEEE Standard Association, 2009.
IEC 61850 [13] is primarily designed for intra-substation [9] W. Liu, H. P. Widmer, J. Aldis, and T. Kaltenschnee,” Nature of power
line medium and design aspects for broadband PLC system, Broadband
communication for substation automation. The standard
Communications,” Proc. Int. Zurich Seminar 2000, pp. 185-189.
defines the application layer and is thus independent of the [10] G. Deconinck, “An evaluation of two-way communication means for
underlying communication medium. All services and models advanced metering in Flanders (Belgium),” Proc. IEEE Conf.
are designed in an abstract form called ACSI (Abstract Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, pp. 900-905
Communication Service Interface) which then can be mapped
[11] The ZigBee Alliance (2011), Available:
to protocols such as MMS (Manufacturing Message [12] ZigBee smart energy profile specification (2008), Available:
Specification) and TCP/IP over Ethernet. Typical use of this
standard in AMI is for interface between DCU and External /465/Default.aspx.
devices e.g. a SCADA system. [13] C. Brunner, “IEC 61850 for power system communication,” Proc.
Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, IEEE/PES,
pp. 1-6, 2008.
E. Cellular Technologies [14] B.A. Akyol, H Kirkham, S.L. Clements and M. D, Hadley (2010), A
survey of wireless communications for the electric power, Available:
For data communication over a large geographic area (Wide
Area Network) cellular technologies are one of the best
available options. With evolution of cellular technology from
2G (GSM) to 3G (GPRS/UMTS) and presently towards 4G
(LTE) it has became possible to achieve higher data rates,
better security and wide coverage [14]. Scalability is another
important advantage that these technologies provide. These
technologies can be used for interface between DCU and
Central system or where Electricity meter and communication
hub is directly connected to Central system. Because of
continuous rapid growth in this domain the major concern in
use of these technologies is their life span.

In this paper key functions and system architecture for AMI
has been discussed. DLMS/COSEM standards, which is the
closest current solution to the requirements of AMI and smart
grid is studied. Method to model the metering equipment and
OBIS naming is studied. Communication profile proposed
based on client-server architecture proposed in DLMS
standards is reviewed. Various communication technologies
that can be used for different interfaces in AMI has been
discussed and evaluated. The study reveals that enough 5
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