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While you are required to work together on this quiz, each member of the group

must submit his or her own answers in order to receive credit. 

If needed, here's a link to the Normal Probability Applet.

You will need the following data set:


When calculating anything, please remember to round to three decimal places,

unless otherwise specified. DO NOT ROUND until your calculation is

Question 1 1 / 1 point

Remember, you should take this quiz once before you meet with your group, and
then a second time with your group during group preparation.  

I met with my group and completed this group quiz with them. (Mark this false
when you take the quiz alone for the first time.)


Question 0.67 / 1
2 point

Which of the following variables is/are categorical?

The number of animals in the local zoo.

A randomly selected brand of toothpaste at a convenience store. 
Age in years of randomly selected vehicle in a parking lot.
Question 3

The mean I.Q. test score in the United States is 100. Twenty randomly selected
Statistics students took an I.Q. test, and the mean of their scores was 112. Which
of the following statements is/are true?

100 is a parameter.
112 is a parameter.
100 is a statistic.
112 is a statistic
Question 0/1
4 point

Rotham City has four distinct neighborhoods. The property values are very
similar within each neighborhood, but they vary considerably from neighborhood
to neighborhood. One neighborhood has very low property values and another
has extremely high property values. Property taxes are usually roughly
proportional to the property values. What type of sample should we collect to
gage the residents' responses to a proposed increase in property taxes?

A simple random sample (SRS).

A systematic sample.
A cluster sample.
A stratified sample.
Question 0/1
5 point

When designed experiments are conducted in public school systems,

researchers typically choose a particular district, and randomly select teachers
of, say, fourth grade students in that district. The experiment is then conducted
using all the students in the selected classes. Which type of sampling scheme is

A simple random sample (SRS)

A voluntary response sample
A systematic random sample
A stratified random sample
A cluster sample
Question 1/1
6 point

At a school fund raiser, the name of every person who attended was entered into
a drawing. At the end of the evening, six names were selected to receive door
prizes. Which type of sampling scheme was implemented?

A simple random sample (SRS)

A voluntary response sample
A systematic random sample
A stratified random sample
A cluster sample
Question 0/1
7 point

A special interest group is conducting a survey regarding wolves in Yellowstone

National Park. To adequately gauge opinions on both sides of the political
spectrum, the researchers took the list of registered Democrats and selected a
simple random sample of 100 people. Then, they took a list of registered
Republicans and selected a simple random sample of 100 people. Which type of
sampling scheme was implemented?

A simple random sample (SRS)

A voluntary response sample
A systematic random sample
A stratified random sample
A cluster sample

A survey was taken of purchases at the Crossroads. Open the data

file CrossroadsPurchases.sav and use this data to answer the next three

Question 8 1 / 1 point

Using software, calculate the mean of the amount spent. (Round to three



Question 1 / 1
9 point

Using software, calculate the standard deviation of the amount spent. (Round to

three decimals)

Question 1/1
10 point

Start by creating a histogram of the amounts spent in Crossroads purchases.

Then mark the following statement as True or False.

I created a histogram representing the amounts spent in Crossroads purchases.


Jessica Meir and her research team measured the body temperatures of a
sample of diving elephant seals. (cite:Meir10) A thermistor was placed at a
specific location on each seal to measure its body temperature. The body
temperature of seals tends to decrease as they dive. The researchers estimated
the typical body temperature of each seal at the time they initiate a dive and
called this the "representative temperature'' of the seal.

Thermistors were placed in the hepatic sinus of four of the seals (named Bodil,
Roberta, Larry, and Per.) The seal's body temperature at the start of the dive was
calculated to be:

Complete the following table and use your work to answer the next four

Question 11 0 / 1 point

What is the value of the number that goes in the position marked with an "A" in
the table above? (Round your answer to three decimal places)

Question 12 0/1

What is the value of the number that goes in the position marked with an "B" in
the table above?(Round your answer to three decimal places)


0.54 (0.681)
Question 13

What quantity is equal to the sum of the numbers in the "Squared Deviations"

The mean
The standard deviation
The variance
None of these is correct
Question 0/1
14 point

What is the standard deviation of these temperatures? (Round your answer to

three decimal places)


0.67 (0.715)
Question 15

Under certain conditions, the standard deviation can be negative.


In the same study, the researchers placed thermistors (temperature sensors) in

the three seals (named Chick, Starburst, and Patty) near their spinal cord and
brain in the extradural vein. They placed thermistors in six other seals (named Sir
Richard, Jerry, Sammy, Knut, Jonesie, and Butler) in their aorta, the largest
artery in the body. Finally, they placed thermistors in four other seals (named
Bodil, Roberta, Larry, and Per) in their hepatic sinus. The results from this study
are summarized in the table below.

Question 16 1 / 1 point

Which location resulted in the most consistent temperature measurements from

one seal to another?

Hepatic Sinus

The number of hours’ students spent studying for an exam were recorded. The
data are represented by the boxplot below. Use this boxplot to answer the
next 2 questions. 

Question 17 1 / 1 point

What is the third quartile (Q3)?


Question 1/1
18 point

What percentage of the data lies between 4 hours and 8 hours? Note: List the
number as a percent and not a decimal, and don't include the percent sign. 
Example:  If the answer is 66%, then input only 66, not 0.66.

Use the following information to answer the next three questions.

An observation from a normally distributed population is considered "unusual" if it

is more than 2 standard deviations away from the mean. There are several
contaminants that can harm a city's water supply. Nitrate concentrations above
10 ppm (parts per million) are considered a health risk for infants less than six
month of age. The City of Rexburg reports that the nitrate concentration in the
city's drinking water supply is between 1.59 and 2.52 ppm (parts per million,) and
values outside of this range are unusual. We will
assume μ−2σ=1.59{"version":"1.1","math":"\mu-2\sigma = 1.59"} ppm
and μ+2σ=2.52{"version":"1.1","math":"\mu +2\sigma = 2.52"} ppm. It is
reasonable to assume the measured nitrate concentration is normally distributed.
(Source: City of Rexburg)

Question 19 1 / 1 point

Estimate the mean of the measured nitrate concentration in Rexburg's drinking

water. (Round your answer to three decimal places)


Question 1/1
20 point

Estimate the standard deviation of the measured nitrate concentration in

Rexburg's drinking water.(Round your answer to three decimal places)


Question 1/1
21 point

Between what two measured nitrate concentrations do approximately 68% of the

data values lie?

1.357 and 2.753 ppm

2.055 and 2.520 ppm
1.590 and 2.520 ppm
1.823 and 2.288 ppm

Use the following information to answer the remaining questions.

The admissions committees for most masters of business administration (MBA)

programs require the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) as part of
the application for new students. It has been shown that the scores on the GMAT
are normally distributed with a mean of 542.3 and a standard deviation of 120.54.
(Source: The minimum GMAT score required for admission to the
MAcc program in the School of Accountancy at BYU is 500, but it is rare for
students with scores less than 600 to be admitted. (Source: Marriot school of

Question 22 1 / 1 point

What is the probability that a randomly selected student will score above 542.3
on the GMAT?


Question 0/1
23 point

What is the probability that a randomly selected student will score below 600 on
the GMAT?


0.68 (0.684)
Question 24

What is the probability that a randomly selected student will score 600 or above
on the GMAT?


0.32 (0.316)
Question 25
Find the GMAT score that corresponds to the 10th percentile. (Round to the
nearest whole number)


Question 1/1
26 point

Find the GMAT score that corresponds to the 90th percentile. (Round to the
nearest whole number)


Question 1/1
27 point

Find the first quartile of the distribution of GMAT scores. (Round to the nearest
whole number)


Question 1/1
28 point

Find the third quartile of the distribution of GMAT scores. (Round to the nearest
whole number)


Question 1/1
29 point

Consider a simple random sample of n = 15 students taking the GMAT. What is

the mean of the distribution of sample mean scores for all such
samples? (Round to the nearest tenth, one decimal place)

Question 1/1
30 point

What is the standard deviation of the distribution of sample mean scores for all
such samples? (Round to three decimal places)


Question 1/1
31 point

What is the probability that the sample mean GMAT score for an SRS of n = 15
students will be greater than 600? (Round to three decimal places)


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