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Jade Lyn V.


10 Commandments of Tour Guiding

1. Love the tourist

Tour guides must love the tourist genuinely because they are the one reasons why tour guide
exist. Sincerity is easy to see, it shows when one id passionate about on what he or she does.

2. Honor and promote your country

Tourist appreciate interesting positive information about the places they visit, sharing good stuff
about he’s or her own country can help a tour guide keeps the tourist attention and of course
possibly seeing them again.

3. Respect local culture

Respect is the basic trait that all tour guides must have, tour guides should follow rules and even
proper conduct at places visited and they must be polite to the host or the people who welcome
the tour group at the destination.

4. Be professional at all times

During tours tour guides are at work, does they must show professionalism at all times, which
means they must carry themselves properly so that they will get the same respect that he or she
shows to the host and the tourist.

5. Keep on learning
There is no education quite like the lessons of child-well even if one has visit the destination
several times. Tour guide must continue to learn from nature and even from the people around
them. They must always strive to sharpen their abilities as well such as learning new trends and
of course technologies.

6. Communicate properly
Communication is important aspects of a tour guide profession, if a tourist is travelling with the
tour guide the others ability to communicate briefly contributes to the tourist travel experience.

7. Do not be late
A tour guides form of quality is a first sign of professionalism and its sign of respect from a
8. Do not provide false information
Honesty is the best policy in any profession, tour guides must day truthful information and admit
if he or she doesn’t know the answer to the question.

9. Do not provide illegal services

A tour guide must not break any law in a country or a city on he or she id working in, they must
not provide nor tolerate such services to the tourist.

10. Take care of your body

A tour guide must protect he’s or her own body from too much defect of element of he or she
exposed in every tour, does he or she must wear proper and comfortable clothes and get ample
rest during tours.

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