Name: Syed Mubashir Abidi ID: 14425 Course: Strategic Brand Management Course Instructor: Dr. Amir Adam Assignment: #2

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Name : Syed Mubashir Abidi

ID : 14425

Course : Strategic Brand Management

Course Instructor : Dr. Amir Adam

Assignment : #2
Holistic Marketing Concept
Holistic marketing concept is a part of the series on concepts of marketing and it can be defined as
a marketing strategy which considers the business as a whole and not as an entity with various
different parts.

According to holistic marketing concept, even if a business is made of various departments, the
departments have to come together to project a positive & united business image in the minds of
the customer. Holistic marketing concept involves interconnected marketing activities to ensure
that the customer is likely to purchase their product rather than competition.

Holistic Marketing Concept With Example

An organization will have different departments like sales and marketing, accounting and finance,
R&D and product development and finally HR and operations. Thus, if you want to implement a
holistic marketing concept in your organization, you need to ensure that R&D and product
development take the feedback from marketing and sales to launch the product which is most
likely to attract customers.

On the other hand they need to work closely with accounting and finance to find out the exact
budget for the project. Sales and marketing need to communicate to the HR the right kind of
people that they need, and finally, admin and operations need to devise a plan to retain these

Thus, in the above manner, you get the right product at a right price with the right profits. Along
with this you get the right people who will market your product in the right manner.

If you do all these things, you are sure to get the right customer to your doorstep. This is the
complete essence of holistic marketing concept. By doing the right things together as an
organization, your product and brand stands a far better chance in being successful than compared
to these elements working individually without any holistic vision.

Today, customer mindset is changing. Wealth is becoming lesser and debt is high. Thus customer
purchases are being made after lots of thinking. Customers search offline as well as online for the
right product and have good knowledge of the product before they purchase. It is likely that the
customer has already made a purchase decision even before he enters the showroom. Thus holistic
marketing concept is needed at this hour to ensure that the customer chooses your product over
everyone else.
A key driver of Holistic marketing is marketing communications. The job of marketing
communications is to send the right message to the target group. By approaching various customer
contact points, a uniform message can be sent to the customer. This consistency is likely to raise
confidence in the customer for your company thereby raising the brand image.

Samsung is an example of Holistic marketing where the products are developed keeping the
customer in mind, the showrooms are branded in the proper manner, the customer service is polite
and the service is fast. Thus Samsung is an excellent example of Holistic marketing.

Relationship Marketing 
Relationship marketing is a facet of customer relationship management (CRM) that focuses on
customer loyalty and long-term customer engagement rather than shorter-term goals like
customer acquisition and individual sales; for example:

 Attraction: The brand and the consumer lock eyes.

 Connection: The brand pulls it together, plays it cool and speaks to the consumer in a way
that pique's the consumer's interest. ...
 Dating: The brand wants to get to know the consumer a little better, so it asks for the
consumer's information.

Permission Marketing
The term was coined by marketer Seth Godin who describes it on his website as, ''the privilege (not
the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want
This is not the television ad you seen while watching the news or the billboard you encounter on
your commute home. These are purposeful, direct and targeted marketing messages to people
who have said ''yes'' to a brand.
Maybe it's a Facebook ad delivered to fans who have liked a social media account or a text message
about a sale to loyal consumers. Whatever it is, the audience has said they'd like to hear more and
has given permission to send content to them, perhaps by phone, email, text or social media.
Permission marketing puts the power of messaging in the consumer's hand because they have to
want to receive marketing, which they generally do by signing up, subscribing, joining loyalty
programs or consenting to text messages about products or services.
However, just like a consumer can say ''yes'' to a message, they also have the power to stop the
communication at any time.
You've probably seen permission-based marketing in some of these scenarios:
 Subscribing to a brand newsletter
 Joining a business' text club
 Adding an RSS feed to your email
 Subscribing to blog posts sent to your email
 Opting in to a loyalty or rewards program

One-to-one Marketing
One-to-one marketing or 1:1 marketing is a strategy that emphasizes having an individualized
experience with customers. The personalization of interactions is thought to improve customer
loyalty and have a high return on marketing investment.

One-to-one is not necessarily a new concept. The one-to-one approach is about as old as business
itself.  Since the birth of commerce, store owners have remembered details about their customers
to use that knowledge to improve service and boost sales.

Advantages OF One-to-one Marketing

 Builds customer base
 Generates referral business
 Retains the old customers
 Improves customer loyalty with loyalty programs
 Can be used for sales promotions or brand recall
 If executed perfectly, brand switching can be avoided as the customer will stick to your

Experiential Marketing
Experiential marketing is a strategy that provides customers and prospects with an in-person
experience – it doesn’t happen online. The experiences are unique and engaging. Due to that
interactive element, it is also known as engagement marketing or interactive marketing. An
experiential marketing strategy builds relationships between a brand and its consumers, giving a
memorable experience.

 Experiential marketing increases social media shares

 Experiential marketing is designed to get people talking, and when executed
correctly that’s just what those who engaged with your experience should be
 Experiential marketing involves emotions. Those participating are doing
something fun and making memories. Those memories are what people share with
their friends. Not only is that excitement contagious, the positive emotions affect
your bottom line.

Cybernet, a part of Lakson Group of Companies, is a leading Internet and Data Communication
Network Service Provider in Pakistan. Our company focuses on providing specialized solutions for
different enterprises with end-to-end solutions, be it Single-Site or Multi-Site Data and Internet
Connectivity Solutions, Wholesale or Multi-homed Internet Solutions, Local or International VPN
Solutions, Backhauling Solutions, Enterprise Voice Solutions, Cloud Powered Hosting, Disaster
Recovery and Data Center Co-location Services or Enterprise/SMB Web and E-mail Solutions.

We’re currently present in 20 cities within Pakistan, offering various technology services to more
than 1500 corporate customers in 52 cities and towns. We offer a range of connectivity options to
our enterprise clients from fixed line, GPON, Metro-Ethernet and DSL, to wireless solutions such as
Radio and WiMAX based services.

We currently stand at over 700 employees, providing on-ground support to valued clients across
Pakistan, backed by state-of-the-art Network Operations Center (NOC) and a call center, both
supporting clients round the clock.
Experiential Marketing by CYBERNET:

Cybernet storm fiber arranges the awareness sessions, conference and seminars to create the awareness
sessions among people as well as they also install their stalls in other events where the public can
experience the speed of the internet service.

They also offers the test connection to the corporates for the purpose of proof of concept of their service
and offer them to visit their data centers to show the security, technology and monitoring activities.

Relationship Marketing by CYBERNET:

Cybernet claims that their core mission at Cybernet is to provide the highest level of services and
support. The Service Desk is our customer’s first point of contact for support and assistance.

The Service Desk has an incident management feature, the goal of which is to restore the customer
to a productive state as quickly as possible, either through education, resolution or a workaround.
At the same time, the Service Desk is tightly integrated into many IT processes that include:

 Problem management (the process of identifying the root cause of reported problems)
 Change management (the methodology to make orderly changes in the IT infrastructure)
 Configuration management (the means to record asset information plus the relationships
among them)
The dedicated Service Desk system is based on comprehensive complaint lodging procedures and
market leading Customer Relationship Management software, which leads us to an organized way
of responding to customer calls and keep track record of the faults, so that we can build a
knowledge base and consistently improve the scope of our services. Cybernet Service Desk
provides support to our client’s day-to-day operations and eliminates their need to find solutions to
problems on their own. We provide Service Desk operations across the region, covering a wide
spectrum of clients and all time zones, with a high first call resolution. The Service Desk aims to fix
issues intuitively and ensure their resolution swiftly.

Key Differentiators
 Single-window clearance service for the client.
 Consolidation and standardization of operations and processes.
 24×7 multi-lingual, multi-channel support.
 Integrated solution to provide Level 1 to Level 3 support.
 ITIL® best practice standards and guidelines.

One-to-one Marketing By CYBERNET:

CYBERNET corporate division have a team of account managers who have been assigned to make new
relationships in the corporate industry so they directly visit to customers in person and market the product
and services of CYBERNET.

Once the customer is onboard so the account manager takes cares all upcoming and future requirements of
the customer.

Permission Marketing By CYBERNET:

Cybernet always popped up the notification on internet user screen that if he or she don’t want the
see the email or newsletters form CYBERNET so that they can unsubscribe the email notification
As E-mail marketing is not spamming. A proper email-marketing campaign is targeted to people
who want to hear about your products and services; typically, these are current customers,
prospective customers, or members, if you work in an association. Email marketing is part of a
marketing and communications function and should only be executed if you have permission from
your contacts.
Email Marketing:

 Does not clog your company mail server

 It’s extremely cost-effective and sometimes can be free
 Outbound emails can be scheduled and sent automatically
 Take advantage of email message templates for a professional look
 Manage your contacts, distribution lists, and subscription links
 Edit your content directly or insert content from external feeds
 Easy to read, up-to-the-minute reports


Banking sector is very important for the growth and survival of any country. But as a result of
Globalization this sector has faced a huge/massive competition which has forced this sector to
move up side down. In Pakistan this sector has been divided into four different areas (i) – Public
Sector, (ii) – Private Sector, (iii) - Specialized and (iv) – Micro-Finance Sector. Furthermore, Private
Sectors had two broad categories Conventional banking and Islamic Banking.

Bank Al – Habib Limited who started his operations after the privatization of banking sector in 1991
under the flagship of Habib family who are considered as the pioneer of the banking sector in
Pakistan. They have divided their company into two sectors i.e. Conventional banking and Islamic
Banking and have their major focus on Trade.

In this Sector there are almost 40 operational banks in all categories (Refer Table 01). Each and
every bank has a different management style goals and objectives. Few target only the Co-operates
while others go for niche market or for both, but the products offered by them are nearly of same
category with a small variation in discount rate.

Bank AL Habib with their major focus in Trade and Finance have few very valued brands like Apna
Current Account, Forex Accounts, Mahana Saving Accounts, Mothly TDR, Mahana Munafa
Accounts, Running Finance Facility, Cash Finance Facility and above all APNI CAR AUTO FINANC.
Beside this all Bank Al – Habib is very choosy when it comes to their exposure to Consumer
Financing (especially Credit Cards / Short term financing).

Company Preamble:

Dawood Habib Group, the sponsor of Bank AL Habib Limited has a history in the banking sector
dating back to the 1920’s. The group played a major role in meeting the financial needs of Pakistan
making it the first institution to provide banking services to the new Country.

Dawood Habib Group:

Dawood Habib Group, the sponsor of Bank AL Habib Limited has a long track record in banking that
dates back to the 1920s. The Group was among the founder members of Habib Bank Limited and
played a major role in meeting the financial and banking needs of Pakistan. It was nationalized
along with other Banks in Pakistan on January 1, 1974. Under the subsequent privatization policy of
Government of Pakistan, Dawood Habib Group was granted permission to set up a commercial

Bank AL Habib was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in October 1991 and started banking
operations in 1992. The Late Hamid D. Habib, grandson of the founder of Habib Group, was the first
Chairman of Bank AL Habib Limited. He was the Director in Habib Bank Limited from 1954 and its
Chairman from 1971 until its nationalization.

After the death of Mr. Hamid D. Habib in May 2000, Mr. Ali Raza D. Habib, who was Director on the
Board, he was appointed the Chairman of the Bank, a position he continued to hold till October
2016. The Late Rashid D. Habib, who was the Managing Director of Habib Bank Limited from 1953
till it's nationalization, was appointed as the Managing Director & Chief Executive of Bank AL Habib
Limited until he passed away in 1994.

After his demise, Mr. Abbas D. Habib, the Joint Managing Director and a close associate of Bank AL
Habib since its inception in 1991, was appointed as the Managing Director and the Chief Executive
of the Bank. He currently holds the prestigious position of Chairman of the Board of Directors while
Mr. Mansoor A. Khan has been appointed as Chief Executive effective November 1, 2016

Company Portfolio:

Due to strategic leadership and visionary approach and planning in a short span of 28 years, the
Bank's assets have grown to more than PKR 1 trillion, with a network of 775 plus branches and sub-
branches, a Wholesale Branch in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Seychelles and Malaysia and
Representative Offices in Dubai, Istanbul, Beijing and Kenya.
Bank AL Habib is also operating its Islamic Banking Operation separately in Pakistan with around
100 branches.

Habib Bank Limited:

The reputation and fair play of Habib Ismail was so famous that his customers and merchants
leave their surplus funds with him for the purpose of Investment or Safe Play. This encouraged
him to start a family bank business. In 1921 this business was started officially with the name
Habib and Sons and they traded in different things; infect they act as a merchant bank which
later on, became the flagship of Habib family and base for Habib Bank Limited.

Creation of Pakistan and Nationalization:

Habib Bank was established by the sons of Habib Ismail and at the time of independence it has 30
operational branches all over the subcontinent. Mr. Jinnah himself opened his personal account in
Habib Bank and showed his full confidence in it. After creation of Pakistan in 1947, Habib family
shifted this bank this bank and its business to newly born state. At that time this Bank played a vital
role in meeting the financial and banking needs for the newly born state.

On January 1st 1974 under the leadership of Mr. Nawaz Shareef this bank was made nationalize
along with all other banks.

Key Highlights:

Bank AL Habib Limited (Bank AL Habib) provides banking and other financial products and services.
The bank offers a range of personal banking and business banking products and services to private
individuals and small businesses. Its portfolio of products includes current accounts, saving
accounts, foreign currency accounts, home loans, personal loans, working capital financing, letter
of credit, car loans, debit cards and credit cards. It also offers services such as trade services, cash
management services, Islamic banking services, small and medium enterprise services, home
remittances, internet banking services, mobile banking services and bill payment services. The bank
provides these products and services through a network of its domestic and overseas branches. It
has a presence in Manama, Labuan, Victoria, Bahrain, Malaysia, Seychelles, China, Turkey and the
UAE. Bank Al Habib is headquartered in Multan, Pakistan.

Vision Statement:
"To be our customers' most convenient and trusted bank."
Mission Statement:
"To make banking safe, simple and pleasant."
Credit Rating

The Bank has been rated as "AA" for long-term rating  and "A1+" for short-term rating by the
Pakistan Credit Rating Agency (Private) Limited (PACRA).
Consumer Banking

Bank AL Habib Limited offer Consumer Loan facilities to its eligible customers. These facilities are
tailored to suit customer requirements with competitive rates and an easy means of payment. We
have the solution whether it may be for personal needs, a brand new car or a house
(building/renovating a house).
Following are the consumer banking products of Bank Al Habib:

 Personal Loan.
 Auto Loan.
 Home Loan.

Products Line:

Products and services are priced fairly and competitive with the market. Grievances of customers
are resolved in a timely and just manner through fair, accessible, transparent and efficient
complaint resolution mechanism. Customer feedback is welcomed to further improve Bank's
products and services.

 Bank AL Habib Senior Citizen Account

 Bank AL Habib Consumer Housing Finance
 Bank AL Habib Car Finance
 Bank AL Habib Monthly Saver Account
 Bank AL Habib Asaan Savings Account
 Bank AL Habib Mahana Munafa Account
 Credit Cards & Debit Cards
 ATM, Internet & Mobile Banking

Bank AL Habib Limited offers a wide range of services to the customers and recognizes the
importance for efficient business delivery and providing timely solutions to them.
Following are the services provided by Bank Al Habib to its customers:

 Online Banking.
 Safe Deposit Lockers.
 Tele Banking.
 Remittances.
 Cash Management.

The bank also maintains correspondent relations with leading international banks.
These include American Express Bank, USA; Banco Di Roma, Italy; Commerzbank and Dresdner
Bank, Germany; Midland Bank, PLC U.K.; The Royal Bank of Canada, Canada; Hong Kong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd., Hong Kong.
Relationship Marketing:
BAHL always maintains very strong relationship with their customers. If the client visit in BAHL so
they treat in a wonderful way so client feel good with them and become steadfast. They
additionally present some office for those clients who used to go the world over can undoubtedly
access with their records. BAHL offer various sorts of office and cards to their client. All cards have
diverse breaking point and rules. Consumer loyalty assumes a significant job in any administrations
in light of the fact that a fulfilled client is less opportunity to change to their rivals. In banking part
client need a drawn-out connection expand on trust. They need various administrations and offer
for them. BAHL utilizes overhaul innovation so their client has not to stress over their financial help.
A client can without much of a stretch get data in their portable by initiating network access and
this spare their time and it is helpful for the client.

Recently Chairman of BAHL Board Mr. Abbas Dawood Habib arranged a dinner for 1 st hundred
customers to show their gratitude towards them.

Permission Marketing:
As per the directives of regulator State Bank Of Pakistan BAHL took the permission from all the
customers through interactive SMS that if they allow so that BAHL will send the marketing SMS
alerts to them.

One-to-One Marketing

BAHL have a department of Corporate Banking Division where the team of relation managers take
care and manage the accounts of corporate account holders those have been assigned to them.

They also introduce and convince corporate account holders the new products of BAHL.

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