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Document No.: Version No.: 1.

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Effective Date:
Revised: 01-22-13

Sections Included in this Document and Change History

1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Responsibilities
4. Background
5. References
6. Procedure/(6. B – changed Division of Field Science and DFS to Office of
Regulatory Science and ORS)
7. Definitions
8. Records
9. Supporting Documents/(DFS.2 changed to ORS.002 and ORA-LAB 1
changed to ORA-LAB.001)
10. Attachments
Document History

1. This procedure describes the monitoring activities in a laboratory quality

Purpose control (QC) program to ensure the quality of test results.

2. This procedure is applicable to Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)

Scope laboratories performing chemical, biological, microbiological and physical

3. ORA laboratories are responsible for establishing a laboratory quality control

Responsibilities program. Laboratory Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that quality
control is performed and for reviewing quality control data for acceptability.
Analysts are responsible for conducting quality control analyses in accordance
with the laboratory quality control program.

Background None

5. Taylor, J. K. (1993).Handbook for SRM users. Gaithersburg, MD: National

References Institute of Standards and Technology

6. A. Laboratory Quality Control Program

Procedure Laboratory quality control is an essential aspect of ensuring that data
released is fit for the purpose determined by the quality objectives (i.e.
accuracy and precision).

When properly executed, quality control samples can monitor the various
aspects of data quality on a routine basis. In instances where performance
falls outside acceptable limits, the data produced can be questioned and,
after investigation, a determination made as to its validity. With
professional experience and a common sense approach quality control is

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the principal recourse available for ensuring that only quality data is
released. The dual foundations of the laboratory quality control program is
its internal quality control, composed of day-to-day and sample-set to
sample-set monitoring of analytical performance, and its external QC,
based on the laboratory’s performance in proficiency testing programs.
The QC data generated is recorded in such a manner to detect trends.

1. Internal quality control: QCs are used to measure accuracy, precision,

contamination, and matrix effects. Generally, QCs are run per batch or
set of samples at a frequency of 5% or one every twenty samples. This
level sufficiently demonstrates the validity of results. The laboratory
determines, where feasible, the accuracy and precision of all analyses

a. QC schemes utilized for chemistry consist of:

• Blanks, either matrix or reagent, to determine and measure

contamination and interferences - The results of blanks should
be compared with the sample analyzed per analysis to
determine whether the source of any analyte present is due to
sample or laboratory contamination, interferences, the sample
matrix, or the actual analyte in the samples. Blanks should be
below the method detection limit where possible. Blank
results are evaluated and corrected where possible. If blank
results are consistently above the method detection level
(MDL) established, the MDL should be re-established. High
blank results may also indicate contamination either from the
solvent, laboratory equipment or laboratory environment.

• Matrix spikes - Matrix spikes measure the effects the sample

matrix may have on the analytical method, usually the analyte
recovery. Method accuracy is documented and controlled
based on the percent recovery of matrix spikes for quantitative
analysis and the positive response of the analyte for
qualitative analysis.

• Duplicate samples or matrix spike duplicates - Duplicate

sample or matrix spike duplicates measure precision of the
analytical process. Duplicate analysis usually involves a
replicate sample, sub-sampled in the laboratory, but for some
methods it is in the form of a matrix spike duplicate. Method


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precision is documented and controlled based on the relative

percent difference (RPD) or the positive response for
qualitative analysis.

• Quality control samples - Quality control samples (QCS)

measure method performance. The matrix of the QCS should
match the matrix of the samples being analyzed and should
pass through the entire sample preparation process. The QCS,
therefore, measures both the sample preparation process and
the analytical process.

• Standards - Calibration check standards referred to as initial

calibration verification (ICV) and continuing calibration
verification (CCV) are used to determine whether an
analytical procedure is in control and stays within control.
They are used to detect analytical method errors from
procedural or operator errors or contamination from
laboratory sources.

• Accuracy and precision control charts

b. QC schemes utilized for microbiology include running QC controls

concurrently with each sample batch or set. They are:

• positive and negative culture controls - positive and negative

controls give correct response,

• system and collector controls,

• applicable kit controls (positive and negative),

• media quality - the culture controls additionally verify the

acceptability of the media,

• un-inoculated media – un-inoculated media control reveals

no visible growth, and

• accuracy and precision control charts.

c. QC schemes utilized for miscellaneous testing (i.e. microscopic)

includes QC samples for:

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• accuracy – a known or reference sample,

• precision – a duplicate sample, and
• blank – a system control, reagent blank to check for
environmental or laboratory contamination.

B. External Quality Control Program

Participation in proficiency testing is an important means of quality

control and assessing laboratory performance. Accrediting agencies
require laboratories to participate in programs relevant to the laboratory’s
scope of testing. The ORA laboratories participate in the Association of
Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) Standard Microbiology Proficiency
Program and the FDA National Check Sample Program (NCSP) for foods,
drugs, colors, metals, nutrition, sulfites, and filth. The Office of
Regulatory Science (ORS) has the principal responsibility for managing
the NCSP. Proficiency surveys are used as a tool to assist personnel in the
identification of laboratory problems that may exist and that have eluded
the internal quality control program. Therefore, it is essential that
proficiency testing samples are treated as routine samples to the extent
possible. Analyses of proficiency samples should not be repeated, unless it
is necessary to repeat the entire procedure or the data on those specific
samples exceed the method’s linearity. Samples should be run in duplicate
only in those procedures where samples are normally analyzed in
duplicate. Supervisors are individually responsible to ensure that the
performance and evaluation of proficiency samples are submitted within
the designated time frame. The Laboratory Director reviews all data and
forwards the packet to ORS by the date defined when issued. In addition,
for the Microbiology Proficiency Program, the AOAC forms are
completed and faxed to AOAC. Copies are retained in the laboratory. The
results are reviewed upon receipt of the ORS report. A corrective action is
initiated if necessary according to the laboratory’s corrective action
process. All unacceptable results are investigated and the cause or causes
identified for the unacceptable performance, and corrective action

C. Other Quality Control Monitoring Activities

There are other QC procedures that may be occasionally used. These are:

a. Replicate testing - Replicate testing may be performed on samples


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which are found to be violative. The original sample results are verified
by using an alternative method or by rechecking results by the same
method. A violative chemistry result may be verified by a second
instrument, another method, a second analyst or repeated by the same
analyst. A violative microbiology result by a rapid screening method is
verified by a culture method.

b. Retesting of retained items - Retained samples can be re-introduced

into the workload as regular samples in order to assess laboratory

c. Correlation - Checking for correlation means evaluating the

interrelated characteristics (analytes) of the sample. By comparing
results from different analyses on the same test item, one checks for
reasonableness (i.e. Does the data make sense or correspond as
anticipated?). Certain characteristics within the sample will maintain
an analogous relationship to one another with regard to the type of test
being performed. If one characteristic is dependent on or at all
indicative of another characteristic, they should be compared for
consistency. The supervisor or designated reviewer should be able to
anticipate and recognize an analogous relationship with different
characteristics of the same sample. Any deviation such as the absence
of expected primary characteristics or the sudden appearance of
previously unobserved characteristics of the sample, signals the
probability of error.

D. Evaluation of Quality Control Data

All worksheets are submitted to the supervisor or designee for review. The
QC range of each quality control data is evaluated for acceptability. Data
that fall inside established control limits are judged to be acceptable, while
data lying outside of the control interval are considered suspect. Control
limits established by the laboratory are not be exceeded except as resolved
under a documented corrective action process. This planned action
includes the checking of results for calculation or transcription errors,
preparation or use of new standards, recalibration of instrument, reanalysis
of all samples with new controls or reagents, use of alternate system,
repeating analysis.

E. Quality Control Charts

1. Accuracy and precision control charts are used to determine if the

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measurement system process is in control and whether the results

generated by the measurement system are acceptable. The control
chart provides the tool for distinguishing the pattern of indeterminate
(random) variation from the determinate (assignable cause) variation.
This technique displays the test data from a process or method in a
form which graphically compares the variability of all test results with
the average or expected variability of small groups of data, in effect, a
graphical analysis of variance. The average or mean value is calculated
and the spread (dispersion or range) is established. Common practice
sets the warning limits at ±2 standard deviations while control limits
are set at ±3 standard deviations on each side of the mean. Since the
distribution of averages exhibits a normal form, the probability of
results exceeding the control limits is readily calculated. The control
chart is actually a graphical presentation of QC efficiency. If the
procedure is in-control, the results will almost always be within
established control limits. Further, the chart will disclose trends and
cycles from assignable causes which can be corrected. It is emphasized
that there is absolutely no substitute for sound judgment based on an
appreciation of the analytical system, the technique, the quality control
materials utilized, and the analytical interpretation of the data generated
by the procedure.

a. Accuracy charts (other names are Mean Chart, Levy (Levey)-

Jennings or Shewhart Control Chart) - The data from a series of
analytical tests are plotted with the vertical scale in units such as
percent (percent recovery), and the horizontal scale in units of
batch number or time. The mean and standard deviation is
calculated on the data. Upper and lower control limits are
established at the mean ±3X the calculated standard deviation.
Upper and lower warning limits are established at the mean ± 2X
the calculated standard deviation.

b. Precision charts (other names are Range Chart or R-chart) – The

data from duplicates are plotted with the vertical scale in units such
as percent (RPD), and the horizontal scale in units of batch number
or time. The mean and standard deviation is calculated on the data.
The upper control limit is established at the mean X 3.27 and the
upper warning limit is established at the mean X 2.51. Precision
control charts do not have a lower warning and control limit.

F. Statistical Process Control


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Statistical limits are determined at the 99% confidence interval. The

evaluation of control limits is made after no less than seven to ten points
are accumulated.

1. Accuracy is expressed as percent recovery of spiked samples.

a. Percent recovery is calculated as follows for spikes in solvent or

standard spikes:

% Recovery = 100 X

X = observed value
K = known value

b. Accuracy is calculated for spikes into natural matrices as follows:

Xs − Xu
Recovery = 100 X


Xs = measured value for spiked sample

Xu = measured value for unspiked sample
K = known value of the spike in the sample

c. For accuracy this interval is computed as :

Accuracy Interval = Mean Recovery ±3 X S

where: S = Standard deviation for individual values

∑ (X X)
σ =
N −1


Xi = value of individual measurement


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X = arithmetic mean of the measurements

N = number of the measurements

d. For qualitative analysis, accuracy expressed as positive (presence)

or negative (absence).

2. Precision is expressed as relative standard deviation (RSD) or relative

percent difference (RPD) of duplicate samples.

a. RSD is calculated from standard deviation and mean recovery,

when the standard deviation is derived from multiple recovery
results as follows:
RSD = CV = 100 X


RSD = relative standard deviation

CV = coefficient of variation
σ = standard deviation
X = arithmetic mean of the measurements

b. RPD is calculated when only two sample results are available as

R1 − Rs
RPD = X 100


| R1 - R2 | = absolute difference between the

R = arithmetic mean of the two values

c. For precision based on RPD of duplicate samples this limit is

computed as:

Upper Control Limit = 3.27 X RPD

where: RPD = mean relative percent difference

d. For qualitative analysis, precision is expressed as true and false


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positive rates; and true and false negative rates.

# falsepositives
% false positive = X 100
total # knownnegatives

# falsenegatives
% false negative = X 100
total # knownpositives

3. Treatment of Outliers and Trends

a. An outlier is a datum that is different from the main data pattern,

and/or is not representative of the data set. Outliers are extreme
cases of one variable, or a combination of variables, which have a
strong influence on the calculation or statistics. The principal
safeguards against obtaining or using an outlier are vigilance during
all operations and visual inspection of data before performing
statistical analyses. Each suspected outlier is evaluated and rejected
if found to be unrepresentative, or to have a high probability of
being unrepresentative. Rejection for a reason is referred to as
rejection for assignable cause.

b. A plotting outside of the control limits may be an indication of an

assignable cause. If a quality control result falls above or below the
control limits (3 SD) of the control chart, the value is investigated.
The investigation is a planned action to correct the problem and to
prevent the reporting of incorrect results. Sometimes the
investigation will reveal a recording or computational mistake that
can be revised to obtain the correct value. If the investigation
reveals an assignable cause, i.e. deterioration of reagents,
improperly prepared reagents, inadequate storage of reagents or
standards, the analysis is repeated. When outliers are found, all
analytical results for that analytical batch are inspected to ensure
that erroneous results are not reported.

c. Quality control data outside of the control limits (3SD) rejected due
to assignable cause remain in the permanent records of the
laboratory, for example, on QC charts. However, a datum so
determined to be an outlier will be flagged as such and is excluded
from the data set before statistical calculations are made. Control
limits calculated from data sets containing outliers are not valid.


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d. The chart will disclose trends and shifts from assignable causes
which can be corrected. A trend will show a tendency or movement
in a particular direction. If a series of consecutive plottings move
steadily either upward or downward, a trend is indicated. If a series
of consecutive plottings fall either above or below the center line, a
shift is indicated. When a trend or shift is detected, it is annotated as
such on the chart and reviewed to the extent possible to identify if a
significant concern is indicated. If the review indicates a significant
concern, a corrective action is initiated to determine the cause.

7. Accuracy – Accuracy is the nearness of a measurement or the mean of a set of

Definitions measurements to the true value. Accuracy is assessed in terms of percent
recovery for quality control check samples and matrix spikes.

Analytical solution – An analytical solution is the sample in the form as

introduced to an instrument. The analytical solution is the end result of the
sample preparation, extraction, and digestion procedures.

Analytical spike – An analytical spike is a sample made by spiking an

analytical solution after the sample preparation or digestion process.

Batch - A batch is the basic unit of measure by which the number of quality
control samples needed is determined The analytical batch is those samples,
sample extracts, or sample digestates that are analyzed together with the same
method sequence, the same lots of reagents, and manipulations common to
each sample within the same time period or in continuous sequential time
periods. The extraction batch is those samples extracted or digested using the
same techniques. Samples in each analytical or extraction batch should be of
similar composition.

Calibration blank – A calibration blank is usually an organic or aqueous

solution that is as free of analyte as possible and prepared with the same
volume of chemical reagents used in the preparation of the calibration
standards and diluted to the same volume with the same solvent (water or
organic) used in the preparation of the calibration standard. The calibration
blank is used to give the null reading for the calibration curve. For methods in
which the calibration solutions receive the full sample preparation treatment,
the calibration blank is identical to, and becomes referred to as, the method

Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) – A CCV is a standard solution


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used to verify freedom of excessive instrument drift. The CCV is a periodic

check of the calibration.
Control charts – This is a chart consisting of an expected value (typically the
mean) and an acceptable range of occurrences expressed as control limits.
The values obtained from measurements versus the time sequence of entries
are plotted to produce control charts.

Duplicate samples – Duplicate samples are two separate samples taken from
the same source (i.e. samples in separate containers and analyzed

Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) – This is an independent standard

solution used to verify the calibration standard level. An independent standard
solution is defined as a standard solution composed of the analyte of interest
from a separate (different) source, a different lot or a separately prepared set
of two primary standards may be used.

Matrix spike sample – A matrix spike sample is prepared by adding a

predetermined quantity of stock solution of representative analytes to an
actual sample matrix (as opposed to an ideal matrix, e.g. reagent water, or site
blanks, etc.) prior to sample extraction/digestion and analysis. The matrix
spike is used to measure accuracy of the method in the sample matrix.

Matrix spike duplicate analysis - Equal and predetermined quantities of stock

solutions of certain analytes are added to each of two aliquots of a sample
prior to extraction or digestion and analysis. Matrix spike duplicates can be
used to measure precision.

Method detection limit (MDL) – The MDL is the minimum concentration of a

substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that the
analyte concentration is greater than zero. It is determined from the analysis of
replicates of a sample containing the analyte at very low concentration.

Monitor – To monitor is to observe and record activity to measure compliance

with a specific standard of performance; routine and ongoing collection of
data about the indicator.

Precision – Precision is the agreement between a set of replicate

measurements without assumption or knowledge of the true value. Analytical
precision is assessed by means of laboratory duplicate or replicate or duplicate
matrix spike analysis. The most commonly used estimates of precision are the
relative standard deviation (RSD) or the coefficient of variation (CV).

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Revised: 01-22-13

Quality Assurance – Quality assurance is an integrated system of management

activities involving planning, implementation, assessment, reporting, and
quality improvement to ensure that a process, item, or service is the type and
quality needed and expected by the client.

8. Control charts for accuracy and precision

Records Proficiency test results

9. Laboratory Corrective Action procedure

Supporting ORS.002 Standard Operating Procedures National Check Sample Program
Documents ORA-LAB.001 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): Microbiological
Controls for Sample Analysis

Attachments None

Document History
Version Status Date Location of Name & Title
No. (I, R, C) Approved Change History Author Approving Official
1.2 R 12/06/06 In Document LMEB LMEB
1.3 R 04/03/07 In Document LMEB LMEB
1.4 R 11/15/07 In Document LMEB LMEB
1.5 R 09/14/10 In Document LMEB LMEB
1.6 R 01-22-13 In Document LMEB LMEB

Approving Official’s signature: _________________________________ Date: _____________


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