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CRG 650



Annastasia Luyah Anak Henry 2016263132
Adibah Bt Ismail 2016263008
Farhani Arini Bt Pendi 2016263022
Nor Aina bt Nasrol 2016263064
Prepared for : Assoc Prof. Dr Hilwani Hariri
Movie title : Instant Family
Date of Submission : 29th March 2019
This movie is about a couple, Pete and Ellie who had married for a while but
unfortunately they have not been blessed with children. One day, after an argument with Ellie’s
sister, they start to involve into the world of foster care adoption and decide to adopt older
children. Little do they know, Pete and Ellie had to deal with not one child but three Mexican
siblings, Lizzy, Juan and Lita overnight. Chaos start to break out when Lizzy decided to bring
her siblings back to their mother. Pete and Ellie felt lost after the siblings return to their mother.
After reading Ellie Confession letter, Lizzy felt sorry and decided to accept Pete and Ellie as
their foster parents. Finally, they live as a complete happy family.

Stakeholders Stake(s)
Foster parents Foster parent need to take foster parents courses to adopt child and the
couples are brought to a fair where they have the chance to go up to kids
that they are interested in adopting. Every month they attend to group
therapy of foster parents to update about their adoptive child and share all
the problems. They need to create a ‘bond’ with their adoptive child.
Foster child They have to adapt and accept their new parents. They seek for love and
attention from foster parents.

Actor Ethical Dilemma(s)

She delivers a welcome touch of truth to a teen, by turns sweet and caring
towards her siblings, then rebellious to her guardians (“You’re just another
white lady who wants to adopt charity orphans to feel good about yourself!”
Villain - Lizzy
she tells Ellie). One day, Lizzy runs off with two friends from school while
Pete’s mother, Sandy taking the whole family to the Six Flag Theme park.
She also took naked selfies and sent to Jacob.
After being taunted by relatives from can’t be a good parents, they
eventually decide to enroll in a foster parent’s course where Pete and Ellie
decided to take Lizzy and her siblings. However, the journey was not
smooth for them.
Pete and Ellie later find out that the kids' mother Carla has been out of
prison for a few months and she wants to see the kids. They express their
Hero - Pete Wagner
feelings during the group therapy, but the social workers tell them that their
Heroin - Ellie Wagner
main goal is to keep families together and that the children might be
reunited with the biological mother, after all. Juan and Lita refuse to go, but
Lizzy is ready. However, Karen and Sharon inform Lizzy that Carla appears
to have started using drugs again. Heartbroken, Lizzy runs away from
home. They catch up and tell her they love her, and eventually the trio
Discussions on the Ethical/Legal Issue(s) in the Movie
Firstly, the movie highlighted enough of self-awareness where particular person need to make sure
that any potential objections or disturbance can be answered in advance. As an American guy, Pete
was worried that if he take the trio of Hispanic kids into his home will make him look like a self-
congratulary ‘white saviour” where in fact, his thought was simply not the point.

Next ethical issue will be seen in character of Lizzy, as the eldest sibling. She shows her true
capability and responsibility as an older sister where she can overcome her sister’s tantrum and his
brother anxiety.
Discussions on the action(s) taken by the Villain from a Consequentialist point of view
Act of the trio Lizzy, where at first she refused to call Pete and Ellie as “Mom’ and “Dad” because
she literally want to avoid the consequences that it will reminds them to her biological mother that
had left her since her young age. This is morally wrong act, because it will give bad outcome
towards Lizzy and even Pete and Ellie.

Next, the utilitarianism of consequentialist can be shown by act of Ellie and Pete as they decide to
adopt the trio Hispanic children because their relative think that they will never have kids. Thus, their
act will not just will benefits them, but also beneficial to the children as well.
Discussions on the action(s) taken by the Hero/Heroin from a Deontologist point of view
Actions taken by Pete and Ellie where they decided to make a report to Lizzy’s teacher right after
they found out Jacob , the school janitor who have illegal relationship with Lizzy where Jacob have
sent an inappropriate picture of himself that was unlawful. Pete and Ellie’s action were based on the
right of the action itself under series of the rules and not just based on the consequences of actions.

Next, also action taken by Ellie and Pete where they went to court to adopt the trio kids officially.
This action shown deontology aspect where the ethical doctrine holds worthiness of actions that
determined by its conformity of binding rule rather than the consequences.

If I am in Lizzy shoes, the ethical action that i will take based on the Golden Rule will be i
should try to be more understanding as Ellie and Pete never had a child before. I should feel
grateful toward my foster parent even though I am not willing to accept them but because
welfare of my siblings I had to. This shows the act of altruism whereby one acts opposite of

I should speak with respect toward them instead of shouting and help Ellie and Pete take
care of her siblings, Juan and Lita. As an oldest sister, for sure that my siblings will look at me
as their role model so I should not behave rudely toward older people. I should treat others as
one would like others to treat oneself and should respect the eldest because it is relativism.

Related to Lizzy’s egoism act, I must change my attitude which is stubborn and rebellious
where I should become more considerate toward other especially Ellie and Pete. As a young
girl, I should not act as a parent for my siblings even though we have been left by my mother, so
I should trust Ellie and Pete to be responsible parents for us instead of me.


Even though Pete and Ellie and the siblings are from different background where the
siblings are Mexican and Pete and Ellie are American, they still decided to take care of the
siblings despite of the consequences and people’s view.

As a first-time parents, Pete and Ellie try their best to become a great parents for their
foster children even though sometimes the siblings get into their nerve but Pete and Ellie does
not give up for becoming a great parents for them. Pete and Ellie care for the children and stand
by their side through every problem they had even though Lizzy always use harsh words
towards them.

From a child of view, Lizzy may behave rebellious as she kept the anger towards their
mother inside herself and her siblings had to live away from their own mother from a very young
age. However, time to time Lizzy begin to open up herself for Pete and Ellie and she care about
her siblings so much. Lizzy is a responsible older sister even though she made chaos

Conclusion, Pete and Ellie loves and care towards the siblings
manage to melt their heart and accept Pete and Ellie as their foster
parents especially Lizzy.

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