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Data Sheet

Grid Performance
ENERCON E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT Wind Energy

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Data Sheet
Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

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Document details

Document ID D0917338-0
Note Original document. Source document of this translation: D0914569-0/2020-01-20

Date Language DCC Plant/department

2020-01-22 en DA WRD GmbH / Validation

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Data Sheet
Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

Applicable documents

The titles of the documents listed are the titles of the original language versions, with translations of these titles in brack-
ets where applicable. The titles of superordinate standards and guidelines are indicated in the original language or as an
English translation. Document IDs always refer to the original language versions. If the document ID does not contain a
revision, the most recent revision of the document applies. This list contains documents concerning optional components
if necessary.

Document ID Document

IEC 60034-3:2007 Rotating electrical machines - Part 3: Specific requirements for synchronous gener-
ators driven by steam turbines or combustion gas turbines

IEC 61400-21:2008 Ed. 2.0 Wind turbines - Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power quality character-
istics of grid connected wind turbines

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Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

Table of contents
1 General information ................................................................................................ 6

2 Characteristics ........................................................................................................ 7

3 Reactive power range  ............................................................................................ 8

4 Reference point ..................................................................................................... 11

List of symbols  ..................................................................................................... 12

Glossary of terms  ................................................................................................. 13

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Data Sheet
Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

List of abbreviations

FACTS Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System

FT FACTS transmission (electrical configuration with FACTS properties)
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

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Data Sheet
Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

1 General information
The grid performance and characteristics of the ENERCON wind energy converter are
distributed on two document types.
The present wind energy converter-specific document includes the grid performance de-
pendent on wind energy converter type and electrical configuration.
In the corresponding applicable document independent of wind energy converter, the
functions and grid performance applicable for all wind energy converters and electrical
configurations are documented.
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Data Sheet
Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

2 Characteristics
All characteristics of the wind energy converter refer to the reference point specified in
ch. 4, p. 11. The electrical properties can only be achieved with the corresponding con-
trol system.
An excerpt from the power quality measurements according to IEC 61400-21:2008 Ed. 2.0
is available upon request.
Tab. 1: Wind energy converter characteristics
Characteristics Value
Nominal frequency fn
  50 Hz
60 Hz
Nominal active power Pn   5500 kW
Nominal reactive power Qn   2800 kvar
Rated apparent power Smax   6200 kVA
Nominal voltage Un   690 V

Subject to technical change without prior notice.

Nominal current In
  4602 A
Rated current Imax
  5188 A
Maximum initial symmetrical short-circuit current Ik",max
    5730 A
Maximum initial periodic short-circuit current Ip,max, √2 x Ik",max 8103 A

Maximum symmetrical breaking current Ib,max

  5730 A
Maximum continuous short-circuit current Ik,max
  5730 A
Number of power cabinets - 2

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Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

3 Reactive power range

The wind energy converter features a reactive power range that provides for the discharge
of reactive power (Qexport) into the grid and the intake of reactive power (Qimport) from the

Tab. 2: Reactive power values (export/import)
Parameter Value
Maximum reactive power (export) Qmax
  2800 kvar
Minimum reactive power (import) Qmin
  -2800 kvar

Reactive power export corresponds to the behaviour of an overexcited synchronous ma-

chine. Reactive power import corresponds to the behaviour of an underexcited synchro-
nous machine (acc. to IEC 60034-3:2007).
The chart below illustrates the reactive power range as determined by active power and
grid voltage.
Subject to technical change without prior notice.

Fig. 1: Reactive power range as determined by the active power and grid voltage

90 % Un  

95 % Un  

≥100 % Un  

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Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

The chart is given in table format below.

Tab. 3: Reactive power range as determined by active power and grid voltage (≥100 % Un)  

P/Pn   ≥100 % Un  

Q/Pn (Qexport)
    Q/Pn (Qimport)

1 0.509 -0.509
0.1 0.509 -0.509
0 0 0

Tab. 4: Reactive power range as determined by active power and grid voltage (<100 % Un)  

95 % Un   90 % Un  

P/Pn   Q/Pn   Q/Pn   Q/Pn   Q/Pn  


0.50 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509

0.52 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509

Subject to technical change without prior notice.

0.54 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.56 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.58 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.60 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.62 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.64 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.66 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.68 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.70 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.72 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.74 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.76 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.78 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.80 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.81 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.82 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.83 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.84 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.85 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.86 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.87 0.509 -0.509 0.509 -0.509
0.88 0.509 -0.509 0.505 -0.505
0.89 0.509 -0.509 0.487 -0.487
0.90 0.509 -0.509 0.468 -0.468

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Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

95 % Un   90 % Un  

P/Pn  Q/Pn   Q/Pn   Q/Pn   Q/Pn  


0.91 0.509 -0.509 0.449 -0.449

0.92 0.509 -0.509 0.428 -0.428
0.93 0.509 -0.509 0.405 -0.405
0.94 0.509 -0.509 0.382 -0.382
0.95 0.494 -0.494 0.356 -0.356
0.96 0.475 -0.475 0.328 -0.328
0.97 0.454 -0.454 0.297 -0.297
0.98 0.432 -0.432 0.262 -0.262
0.99 0.408 -0.408 0.222 -0.222
1.00 0.383 -0.383 0.171 -0.171

Reactive power points between two adjacent table values of voltage or active power must
Subject to technical change without prior notice.

be determined through linear interpolation.

Reactive power controller

The reactive power of the wind energy converter is configurable. The setpoints below can
be configured directly in the wind energy converter control system.
Tab. 5: Reactive power regulator adjustment range
Parameter Range Increment
Q Qmin … Qmax
    1 kvar
cos (phi) -0.891 … 0.891 0.001

Alternatively, a project-specific setpoint can be set in the wind energy converter using a
superordinate control system in the wind farm so as to apply the illustrated reactive power
The tolerance of the reactive power feed in is < ±2.5 % of nominal active power over a
10-minute average.

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Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

4 Reference point

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Reference point

Fig. 2: Reference point

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Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

List of symbols
Tab. 6: Symbols
Symbol Designation
  Nominal frequency
  Maximum symmetrical breaking current
  Maximum continuous short-circuit current
    Maximum initial symmetrical short-circuit current
  Rated current
  Nominal current
  Maximum peak symmetrical short-circuit current
Pn   Nominal active power
Qexport   Reactive power (export)
Qimport   Reactive power (import)
Subject to technical change without prior notice.

Qmax   Maximum reactive power (export)

Qmin   Minimum reactive power (import)
Qn   Nominal reactive power
Smax   Rated apparent power
Un   Nominal voltage

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Grid Performance E-160 EP5 E2 / 5500 kW / FT

Glossary of terms
Rated current Maximum continuous output current under normal operating con-
ditions for which an electrical system is designed.
Reactive power Electrical power that “commutes” between generators and con-
sumers in a grid. It puts load on the grid without actually being
used up. Reactive power is the result of phase shift between cur-
rent and voltage due to inductive and capacitive consumers (e.g.
electric motors) in a grid running with alternating or three-phase
current. For this reason, power stations must be able to provide
and absorb reactive power in addition to active power.

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