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Summer vacation work for 6th class

Chapter.NO.1 Subject; Science

Answers the following short questions;

Q.No.1: Define cells?

Cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known

Q.No.2 Define cell wall?

The outer most covering of plant cell is called cell wall.

Q.No.3 Define cell membrane?

The outermost covering of animal cell is called cell membrane.

Define Cytoplasm?

Jelly like material which is found inside the cell membrane is called cytoplasm.

Define chromosomes?

In the nucleus of cells there are many thread-like structures found are called

Define unicellular organism?

The living organism made of only one cell are called unicellular organism such
as, Bacteria, Amoeba etc.

Define multicellular organism?

The living organism made of two or more cells called multicellular organism
such as, human

Define Microscope?

Microscope is an instrument which is used to see small things that cannot see
with naked eyes?

Define objective lens?

The lens near the object to be seen is called objective lens?

Define tissues?

A group of cells performing same function is called tissues.

Define organ?

When one or more tissue combines together to formed organ.

Answers the following question in detail

Describe the parts and function of light microscope?

Microscope is an instrument which is used to see small things that cannot see
with naked eyes. The microscopes we use in our school are light microscope


 The Eyepiece Tubes

 The Microscope Arm
 The Microscope Base.
 The Microscope Illuminator
 Stage and Stage Clips
 The Microscope Nosepiece.
 The Objective Lenses.
 The microscope is used as an instrument for viewing the objects that are
too small for the naked eye to see.
 With help of microscope we study cell and its structure

Describe the structure of a plant cell. Also draw its Labelle diagram

 Cell wall is present.

 Nucleus lies near the side of cellwall because of large vacuole is present.
 Single large vacuole is present.
 Chloroplasts are present.
 Centrioles are absent
Q. Write a note on nucleus of cell?

 The most important part of a cell is its nucleus. It controls all the
activities of cells.
 Therefore a nucleus is the control center of the cell. A thin membrane
called nuclear membrane surround the nucleus.
 Many thread like structure called chromosomes.
 The number of chromosomes fixed in all cells. A human cell has 46

Q. Define cells, tissues an organ and organ system?


Cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known


A group of cells performing same function is called tissues. For example xylem
and phloem tissue

When one or more tissue combines together to formed organ. For example leaf
is an organ

Organ system:

An organ system is a group of organs which work together for example

digestive system

Fill in the blank

A group of different tissues which work together called organ

The cells of brain which control its function nerve cells

An organism consists of several cells called Multicellular organism

An instrument to see things which are not seen with naked eyes Microscope

Outer covering of plant cells cell wall

Circle the letter of the best answers

1. Animal cell do not make their own food because they do not have.

(a) Chloroplast (b)mitochondria (c)centrioles

2. The power house of small cells are

(a) Chloroplast (b) mitochondria (c) centrioles

3. Heart, liver and ears are example of animal

(a)Organ (b) Tissues (c) cells

4. Plant makes their own food in leaves it is stored in other parts because

(a)They have xylem tissue (b) they have phloem tissue (c) They have root


Define sense organ?

Sense organ is special parts of our body that tells us what is going on around us.
For example skin, nose etc.
Define cornea?

In the front of our eye the transparent part is called cornea.

Define Retina?

The light sensitive portion of eyeball is called retina

Define optic nerve?

When light hit the retina its cells make nerve signals these signals pass along the
optic nerve to the brain.

What do you know about auditory nerve?

The cochlea sends signals to the brain through a special nerve called auditory

Define olfactory nerve?

Nerve cells pass the messages to the brain through the olfactory nerve

Answers the following questions in detail

Q: Describe the structure of human eye?

We can see with our eye. Our eye tells us about colors, shapes and movement of
object around us.


Main parts of our eye are cornea, lenses, Irish, pupil and optic nerve


In the front of our eye the transparent part is called cornea.


The light sensitive portion of eyeball is called retina


Beneath the cornea the colored portion of eye is called Irish

Behind the pupil a flexible lens is present. The lens helps the eye to focus light

when light hit the retina its cells make nerve signals these signals pass along the
optic nerve to the brain

Q. what is the importance of our nose?

 Your nose regulates the temperature of the air your breathe

 he nose is also the main gate to the respiratory system
 The nose has two holes called nostrils.
 You can smell bad odor with the help of nose.
 Nerve cells pass the messages to brain through olfactory nerve our brain
tells whether the odors is pleasant and unpleasant
Q. Write a note on our sense of touch?
 The largest sense organ of our body is skin. Skin is the organ of touch.
Skin covers every part of our protect the inner parts of our body.
 Our skin has two main layers
 outer layer
 inner layer
Outer layer: has color pigment and protect the skin from harmful rays of
Inner layer: Have blood vessels, nerve, sweat glands and roots of hairs.

Q. Describe the structure and function of inner ear?

 We hear sound through our ears. Ear is an organ of hearing human ears
has three main parts
I. outer ear
II. Middle ear
III. Inner ear

Fill in the blank

It can feel the pressure skin

The hole in the middle of the iris pupil

Air enter the nose through it Nostrils

Carries signals from ear to brain

Present on our tongue Taste buds

Circle the letter of best answers

1. The control room of our body is

Heart brain stomach liver

2. the most sensitive part of our eye is

Retina cornea pupil lens

3. Help to maintain the body balance.

Outer ear Middle ear inner ear ear drum

4. Which sense organ also function as a sense organ for temperature

Nose tongue ears eye

Chapter NO 3

Photosynthesis and Respiration

Answers the following short questions

Define photosynthesis?

The process in which plant use carbon dioxide and water to make glucose and
oxygen is called photosynthesis.

Define respiration?

The process in which oxygen is use to break the glucose and release carbon
dioxide, water and energy is called respiration

Define stomata?

The smallest opening present in the leaf of pant for gases exchange is called

What do you know about chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is a green pigment in leaf of plant that traps sunlight for


Differentiate between upper and lower epidermis?

The outer layer of leaf is called upper epidermis

The inner layer of the leaf is called lower epidermis.

Write a net equation of photosynthesis.

6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2

sun light/chlorophyll
Write a net equation for respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O. Energy

Answers the following questions in detail

Q. Describe the internal structure of leaf?

Q. Describe the mechanism of respiration in plants?

Differentiate between respiration and photosynthesis?


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