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(a) The following equation describes the release of electrons from a metal surface
illuminated by electromagnetic radiation.
hf = k.e.max + φ
Explain briefly what you understand by each of the terms in the equation.
hf Energy of a photon (1)
k.e.max Kinetic energy of emitted electron/equivalent (1)

φ Energy to release electron from surface / equivalent (1)

(3 marks)
(b) Calculate the momentum p of an electron travelling in a vacuum at 5% of the speed
of light.
p = mv (1)
= 9.11 × 10–31 kg × 0.05 × 3 × 108 m s–1 (1)
(no ecf for incorrect mass)
p = 1.37 × 10–23 N s/kg m s–1 (1) Unit penalty
(3 marks)
What is the de Broglie wavelength of electrons travelling at this speed?
6.63 × 10 34
− 23
λ = 1.37 × 10 ecf (b) (1)
λ = 4.84 × 10–11 m Unit penalty (1)
(2 marks)
Why are electrons of this wavelength useful for studying the structure of molecules?
λ </similar to size / spacing atoms / molecules (1)
Diffraction occurs (1)
(2 marks)
[Total 10 marks]

2. A 60 W light bulb converts electrical energy to visible light with an efficiency of 8%.
Calculate the visible light intensity 2 m away from the light bulb.
60 W × 8/100 (1)
4 π (2 m) 2 (1)
Intensity = 0.1 W m-2
(3 marks)
The average energy of the photons emitted by the light bulb in the visible region is 2 eV.
Calculate the number of these photons received per square metre per second at this distance from
the light bulb.
Idea that “N” × 2 → Intensity (1)
Number of photons = 3 × 1017 m-2 s-1 (1)

Error carried forward I Wm −2

OR 3.2 ×10 −19 J
(2 marks)
[Total 5 marks]

3. Calculation:

NT Exampro 1
E = hc/λ [seen or implied] (1)
physically correct substitutions (1)
÷ 1.6 × 10–19 eV J–1 (1)
5.78 eV (1) 4
Maximum kinetic energy:
3.52 eV [ecf but not if –ve.] (1)
Stopping potential:
3.52 V [Allow e.c.f., but not signs] (1) 2
Annotated graph:
Position of S (1)
Cuts V axis between origin and existing graph (1)
Similar shape [I levels off up/below existing line] (1) 3

4. Calculation of kinetic energy:

3 × 10 8 m s –1
f= λ (E = hf = 1.63 ×10–17 J) (1)
φ converted to J: 6.20 × 1.6 × 10–19 OR Photon energy converted to
eV: 1.63 ÷ 1.6 × 10
(Subtract to obtain kinetic energy)
Kinetic energy = (1.5 – 1.56) × 10–17 J[OR 95.7/97.4 eV]
[Beware 1.6398 0/3; > 101 eV 0/3]
Demonstration of speed of electrons:
1.53 × 10–17 J = ½ × 9.11 × 10–31 kg × υ 2 (1)
[e.c.f their kinetic energy in joules]
υ = 5.8 × 106 m s–1 (1)
[If υ is not between 5 and 7 must comment to get mark] 5
Calculation of de Broglie wavelength:
Use of p = mυ = mass × velocity (accept their velocity] (1)
Wavelength = 1.2/1.3 × 10–10 m [no e.c.f. allowed] (1)
Diffraction occurs (1)
as spacing/size of atoms/molecules of same order as wavelength (1) 4
[2nd mark is consequent upon first] (1)

NT Exampro 2
5. Ionisation energy of atomic hydrogen:
13.6 eV OR 2.18 × 10–18 J [– sign, X] (1)

Why energy levels are labelled with negative numbers:

Work/energy is needed to raise the electrons/atoms to an energy of 0 eV, so
must start negative (1)(1)
Work/energy is given out when the electrons/atoms move to the ground
state, so energy now less than 0, i.e. negative (1)(1)
the ground state is the most stable/lowest energy level of the
electrons/atoms and must be less than 0, i.e. negative (1)(1)

[1st mark essential: e– highest/maximum/surface/ionised/free has

energy = 0eV
2nd mark: raising levels means energy in OR falling levels means energy out ∴ negative
Wavelength of photon:
∆ E = 1.89 (eV) (1)
Convert ∆ E to joules, i.e. ×(1.6 × 10–19)
6.63 × 10 −34 × 3 × 108
λ = 1.89 (× 1.6 × 10 ) [Their E] (1)
= 6.6 × 10–7 (m) [6.5 – 6.7] (1)

Production of line spectrum of atomic hydrogen in a laboratory:

Source – hydrogen discharge tube/hydrogen lamp/low p hydrogen with
high V across (1)
(view through) diffraction grating/prism/spectrometer/spectroscope (1)

NT Exampro 3

A few vertical lines on a blank background OR sharp bands

Dark on light/light on dark NOT equally spaced (1)

Absorption spectrum:
White light through gas in container (1)
Diffraction grating/prism/spectrometer (1)
Must be dark lines on bright background (1)

6. (a) Describe briefly how you would demonstrate in a school laboratory that different
elements can be identified by means of their optical spectra
Discharge tube/flame test (1)
Diffraction grating/prism (1)
Each element has its own pattern of lines (1)
(3 marks)
(b) The diagram below is a simplified energy level diagram for atomic hydrogen.
_____________________ 0 eV
First excited state ______________________ –3.4 eV
Ground state _____________________ –13.6 eV
A free electron with kinetic energy 12 eV collides with an atom of hydrogen and causes is
to be raised to its first excited state.
Calculate the kinetic energy of the free electron (in eV) after the collision.
Kinetic energy = 1.8 eV (1)

Calculate the wavelength of the photon emitted when the atom returns to its
ground state.
∆ E = 10.2 eV (1)
λ = hc/Energy value in Joules (1)
Wavelength = 1.2 × 10-7 m (1)
(4 marks)
[Total 7 marks]

7. Ionisation energy = 2.18 × 10–18 joules 1

Use of E = hc/ λ
Energy converted to eV
giving ∆ E = 2.54 eV
between levels –0.85 eV and –3.4 eV 4
On diagram show arrow downwards between levels –0.85 eV and –3.4 eV 1

NT Exampro 4
Hydrogen absorbs energy or photon from the light
to raise an electron/atom to a higher level/state
from –3.4 eV up to –0.85 eV 3
The star has an atmosphere of hydrogen gas
The star is moving away from us
at a speed of 3.6 × 107m s–1 3

8. The graph shows how the maximum kinetic energy T of photoelectrons emitted from the surface
of sodium metal varies with the frequency f of the incident radiation.

T/ e V

0 4 8 1 2
ƒ / 1
1 4
0 H z
A parallel line (1)
starting at a higher frequency (1)

Why are no photoelectrons emitted at frequencies below 4.4 × 1014 Hz?

Photon energy too small/less than φ (1)
(1 mark)
Calculate the work function φ of sodium in eV.
If using φ = hf -T
then a valid pair of points (1)
with both points in the same units (1)
If using hfo = φ
with fo = 4.4 × 1014 Hz (1)

Work function = 1.8 eV (1)

(3 marks)
Explain how the graph supports the photoelectric equation hf = T + φ
T = hf – φ is similar to y = mx + c (1)
Straight line shows T/f relationship (1)
Negative intercept T axis shows φ (1)
Any two
(2 marks)

NT Exampro 5
How could the graph be used to find a value for the Planck constant?
From the gradient (1)
(not necessary to mention conversion factor)
(1 mark)
Add a line to the graph to show the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted from
a metal which has a greater work function than sodium. (See graph.)
(2 marks)
[Total 9 marks]

9. Ionisation energy:
2810 eV (4.5 ×10–16 J) (1)
Calculation of maximum wavelength:
Energy in eV chosen above converted to joules (1)
Use of λ = c/f (1)
Maximum wavelength = 4.4 × 10–10 m (1)
Part of electromagnetic spectrum:
γ -ray / X-ray (1) 5
Calculation of the de Broglie wavelength:
λ = h/p p identified as momentum (1)
Either m or υ correctly substituted (1)
Wavelength = 1.1 × 10–13 m (1) 3
[Total 8 marks]

10. The diagram shows monochromatic light falling on a photocell.

A node In c id e n t
m o n o c h r o m a tic
ra d ia tio n

P h o to c a th o d e

As the reverse potential difference between the anode and cathode is increased, the current
measured by the microammeter decreases. When the potential difference reaches a value Vs,
called the stopping potential, the current is zero.
Explain these observations.
Photons release e– at photocathode; e– travel to anode making a current (1)
Photon energy > work function of photocathode (1)
OR All energy of A photon goes to an electron (1)
Electrons released with a range of kinetic energies (1)
So smaller kinetic energy electrons stopped at lower pds (1)
PD opposes kinetic energy of these electrons (1)
Vs supplies enough energy to stop electrons with kinetic energy max (1)
(MAX 5 marks)
(5 marks)

NT Exampro 6
What would be the effect on the stopping potential of
(i) increasing only the intensity of the incident radiation,
No effect (1)

(ii) increasing only the frequency of the incident radiation?

Increases stopping potential (1)
(2 marks)
[Total 7 marks]

11. Explain what is meant by the term wave-particle duality.

The ability of something to exhibit both wave and particle behaviour (1)
Any example, such as light behaves like a wave when it is diffracted (1)
Light behaves like particles in the photoelectric effect (1)
(3 marks)
Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a snooker ball of mass 0.06 kg travelling at a speed
of 2 m s-1
h 6.63 × 10 −34 Js
λ= =
p 0.06 kg × 2 m s −1
for momentum substitution (1)
Wavelength = 6 × 10-33 m (5.5 × 10-33) (1)
(2 marks)
Comment on your answer.
Too small to detect / smaller than γ radiation (1)
(“very small” alone is NOT sufficient)
(1 mark)
[Total 6 marks]

12. Photoelectric effect

Any two features and explanation from the following:
Feature: Experiments show k.e(max) ∝ f, OR not intensity
[Accept depends upon] (1)
Explanation: Photon energy ∝ f (1)
k.e(max) ∝ intensity is a wave theory (1)
Feature: Emission of photoelectrons immediate (1)
Explanation: One photon releases one electron particle theory (1)
[Consequent] Wave theory allows energy to “build up” (1)
Feature: (Light) below a threshold frequency cannot release
electrons (1)

NT Exampro 7
Explanation: Particle theory-f too low as not enough energy is released
[Consequent] by photon to knock out an electron (1)
Wave theory- if leave a low frequency beam on long
enough, it will produce enough energy to release an
electron (1)
[Max 5]

13. Ionisation energy

Use of × 1.6 × 10–19
2.2 × 10–18[No u.e.] (1) 2
Addition to diagram
(i) From 4 to 3 labelled R / (i) (1)
(ii) From 1 to 4 labelled A / (ii) (1) 2
Emission spectrum
Hydrogen ‘excited’ in a discharge/thin tube/lamp [not bulb] (1)
Viewed through a diffraction grating/prism/spectrometer (1)
Appearance of emission spectrum
A series of lines / colours on a dark background [accept bands] (1) 3
Region of spectrum
Radio/microwave (1) 1
Speed of galaxy and deduction
∆ λ = 8 (mm) / 211 - 203 (mm) (1)
Use of 3 × 108 (1)
υ = 1. 1(4) × 107 ms–1 [No e.c.f.] (1)
Moving towards Earth (us) (1) 4

14. Monochromatic source

Single wavelength/frequency 1
Description of experiment
Record/have values/measure both I and d 1
More than 2 values (accept range) of I or d 1
Calculate Id2 for their values and check it is constant/
plot I vs d-2 and obtain a straight line through the origin 1
Precaution: black out room/eliminate reflections/use large d 1

NT Exampro 8
Maximum wavelength
Use of E = hf 1
Use of λ . = c/f 1
λ = 5.5-6 × 10-7 m 1

15. Experiments on the photoelectric effect show that

• the kinetic energy of photoelectrons released depends upon the frequency of the incident
light and not on its intensity,
light below a certain threshold frequency cannot release photoelectrons.
How do these conclusions support a particle theory but not a wave theory of light?
Particle theory: E = hf implied packets/photons (1)
One photon releases one electron giving it k.e. (1)
Increase f ⇒ greater k.e. electrons (1)
Lower f; finally ke = O ie no electrons released Waves (1)
Energy depends on intensity / (amplitude)2 (1)
More intense light should give greater k.e–NOT SEEN (1)
More intense light gives more electrons but no change in maximum kinetic
energy (1)
Waves continuous ∴ when enough are absorbed electrons should be
released–NOT SEEN (1)
(6 marks)
Calculate the threshold wavelength for a metal surface which has a work function of 6.2 eV.
6.2eV × 1.6 × 10–19 C (1)
λ =
Use of E (1)
Threshold wavelength = 2.0 × 10–7 m (1)

To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this wavelength belong?

UV ecf their λ (1)
(4 marks)
[Total 10 marks]

NT Exampro 9
16. The diagram shows some of the energy levels for atomic hydrogen.
– 0 . 8 5
– 1 . 5

– 3 . 4

E n e r g y / e V

– 1 3 . 6

For each of the statements below, indicate whether the statement is true (√) or false (x)
S t a t e m e n t T r / uF e a l s e
T h e s i n g l e e l e c t r o n o f a h y d r o g e n a t o m n o r m a l l
e n e r g y l e v e l .
A n e l e c t r o n o f e n e r g y 1 0 e V c o l l i d i n g w i t h a h y
s t a t e c o u l d h a v e a n e n e r g y o f 0 . 2 e V a f t e r t h e c o
A n e l e c t r o n m o v i n g f r o m t h e – 3 . 4 e V t o t h e – 0 .
p h o t o n o f e n e r g y 2 . 5 5 e V .
L i g h t o f w a v e l e n g t h 6 5 0 n m h a s s u f f i c i e n t e n e r
f r o m t h e – 3 . 4 e V t o t h e – 1 . 5 e V e n e r g y l e v e l .

Use this space for any calculations.

(4 marks)
[Total 4 marks]

17. Planck constant

Realise that h is the gradient
Correct attempt to find gradient [but ignore unit errors here]
h = (6.3 to 6.9) × 10–34 J s [No bald answers] 3
Work function
Use of hf0 / use intercept on T axis/use of φ = hf – T (1)
φ = (3.4 to 3.9) × 10–19 J [ -1 if –ve] [2.1 to 2.4 eV] (1) 2
Stopping potential
T = 2.3 × 10–19 //Use of T = hf -φ (1)
Use of V = their energy ÷ 1.6 × 10–19 (1)
V = 1.44 V // V = 1.1 – 1.8 V [ignore –ve sign] [ecf h] (1) 3

NT Exampro 10
18. The diagram shows some of the outer energy levels of the mercury atom.
0 I o n i s a t i o n

– 1 . 6 A n y 3

– 3 . 7 a c c e p t a b l e
E n e r g y / e V
– 5 . 5
p e n a l i s e O N C E o n l y

D r o p p i n g f r o m a n y
o t h e r l e v e l , m a x 1
– 1 0 . 4

Calculate the ionisation energy in joules for an electron in the -10.4 eV level.
any use of 1.6 × 10-19 (1)

Ionisation energy = 1.66/1.7 × 10-18 (J) (1)

[-1.66 × 10-18 → (1 only)]

Any other unit : unit penalty

(2 marks)
An electron has been excited to the –1.6 eV energy level. Show on the diagram all the possible
ways it can return to the –10.4 eV level.
(3 marks)
Which change in energy levels will give rise to a yellowish line (λ = 600 nm) in the
mercury spectrum?
34 8
hc 6.6 × 10 − × 3 × 10
Substitution in λ 600 × 10 − (1)
÷ 1.6 × 10-19 (1)
= 2.07 (2 – 2.1) (eV) (1)
Level change -1.6 to -3.7 (1)
[Insist on ‘-’ sign AND on higher → lower level, i.e. NOT -3.7 to -1.6]
Whole thing done backwards ⇒ 591 nm, can get 4/4
(4 marks)
[Total 9 marks]

19. Inverse square law

Two (I,d), pairs read off graph (1)
Show Id2 nearly the same for each or show I ratio = d ratio–2 (1)
Amount of light absorbed
Negligible (or no) absorption (1) 3
Energy of photon
Use of E = hc/λ (1)
3.2 × 10–19 [Minimum 2 significant figures] (1) 2

NT Exampro 11
Number of photons
Use of graph to find I [ at d = 0.2] [allow I = 0.25] (1)
Use of power (on pupil) = π r2I [not r = 0.2 not 4π ] [ allow 6 mm] (1)
Use of number per second = power or intensity/photon energy (1)
2.6 to 2.8 × 1012 (1) 4
Why light intensity decreases
Fewer hit unit area (per second) OR (1)
Same number over a larger area. 1

NT Exampro 12

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