Bhanda Puta Valuka Puta Bhudhara Puta

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Rasashastra & B.

 CCIM Syllabus :
 Bhanda Puta
 Valukaputa
 Bhudharaputa

Dr Debasis Panigrahi

1/5/2020 डाां दे बाशिष पाणिग्राही 1

 In the previous class we already discussed about
Direct Heating Agni puta, in todays class following
Indirect heating Puta will be elaborated.
 Bhanda Puta
 Valukaputa
 Bhudharaputa
1.भाण्ड पट

स्थलु भाण्डे तष
ु ापि ू ण मध्ये मूषासमन्विते ।
िन्वहना विहहते पाके तद्भाण्डपुटमुच्यते ॥
ररस १०/६०
मुषागभे तष ु ापिु ेस्थल ु े भाण्डेऽन्ननयोजनात ् ।
दीयते यत्पुटां विज्ञैस्तद् भण्डपुटमुच्यते ॥
र त ३/४५
 Kumbha puta
 Mridubhanda puta
 Instead of any pit in the land an wide earthen pitcher
(स्थलु भाण्डे) is used here.
 The Bhanda or earthen pot is half Filld with the fuel
and the drug containing shrava samputa should be
place carefully and again other half person of the fuel
is filled up to the neck portion .
 तष
ु or husk is used here as fuel.
 The crucible containing drug substance is placed
inside the husk covering .The तुष fuel then ignited
with open mouth(no sealing is done) which burns
slowly inside the pitcher and creats a lesser intensity of
 According to Acharya Bhava Mishra the pot is to be
sealed and put on fireplace. But it is not practised as
the तुष inside the भाण्ड will act as a bad condoctor of
heat and no heating reaction could be occur.
 As no clear instruction regarding fuel quantity or pot
volume is given so temperature may vary accordingly .
 During rainy or windy season when outdoor put could
not be favorable this Bhanda puta may be utilised.
 Highly reactive drgs in lower temperature like
Harital,Manashila etc Aresenic preparation s are
ु ा पट

अधस्तादपु ररष्टाच्च क्रौgचचकाऽऽच्छाद्दाते खलु ।
बालुकाशभिः प्रतप्ताशभयणत्र त¯।लुकापुटम ् ॥
र र स १०/६१

प्रतप्तिालुकागभे वयस्य मूषाहदकां दृढम ् ।

यत ् दीयते पट
ु ां तत्तु िालुकापट
ु मुच्यते ॥
र त ३/४६
 It is similar to भाण्ड पट
ु , instead of तष
ु , बालुका or sand
is filled inside the भाण्ड .
 An earthen pot is half filled with sand and the crucible
containing drug material is kept on it, and the whole
pot then filled with the remaining sand.
Fuel & heating pattern
 DA Kulkarni the Commentator of RRS has
specified two methods for िालक ु ा पट
ु -:
1. Using Hot Sand as fuel-:Half of the earthen pot is
filled with heated sand and drug contacting
Crucible is placed carefully , and the remaining
part of pot is again filled by hot sand.
2. Using external heating media as fuel for heating
sand-:In this method instead of taking hot sand,
normal sand is filled and the pot is given heat
treatment over a heating device.
3. There is no mention of duration of Heating or
quantity or quality of sand
 Indirect heat but uniform heat in the
form of Sand bath devised during
ancient times.
 Like Valuka yanta here Jarana of
Gandhaka can be done for parada
ु र पट

बन्वहशमत्राां क्षिप्तौ सम्यड् ननखवयाद्द्द्चधयनडुलाद्अधिः ।
उपररष्टात्पुटां यत्र पुटां तद्भुधराह्ियम ् ॥
र र स १०/६२
भुशमगभे कुमुहदकाां विवयस्य ¯यनडुलोपरर ।
यद् दीयते पुटां तत्तु पुटां भुधरसांज्ञकम ् ॥
र त ३/४७
 The crucible or बन्वहशमत्राां(RRS)/ कुमुहदकाां
(RT) containing drug material is placed in
the underground cavity and sand is filled up
to the height of 2 Angula
ननखवयाद्द्द्चधयनडुलाद्अधिः .
Fuel & Heating Pattern
 It can be co-related with Bhudhara Yantra
 After the drug material filled in the Crucible it should
be sealed with lid. Then placed under earth the land
and filled with Valuka all sides up to the height of 2
Angula. Heat is given over the sand with cow-dung
cakes on the sand surface.
 Here also quantity of cow dung cake not mentioned
 Due to its low yielding temperature only those drug
materials should be processed which are soft in nature
or less hard substances like Parada, Somala etc
ु त पट

अनक् ु तपट ु माने तु साध्यद्रव्यबलाबलात ् ।
पुटां विज्ञाय दातव्यमूहापोहविचििौ ॥
र र स १०/६४
When there is no clear reference regarding the type of
Puta to be used for any particular Bhasma/maramna
process then the heating pattern or puta should be
decided on the hardness or softness of the drug
Puta selectction
 If the drug substance is Mridu or soft in nature then
puta having low intensity of heating should be
choosen. Lavaka Puta,Valuka Puta,Bhudhara or
Bhanda puta should be selected
 In case of Madhyam or moderate hardness of the drug
substance heating pattern should be selected
accordingly. Varaha puta,Kukkuta Puta,Kapota Puta
 In case of hard substance reletevly high temeprature
yelding Puta like Maha Puta or Gaja puta should be
Puta for Ratna/Upratna
 Generally no clear advice found regarding Puta paka of
Ratna and Uparatna- here mild to moderate heat
yealding puta may be used and high temperature
yielding puta should be avoided .
 Where fuel is also not recommended Vanyapola,
Wooden Charcoal, Coal or Tusha or husk may be used
depending upon the drug material nature.
1. स्थल
ु भाण्डे तष
ु ापि
ू ण मध्ये मूषासमन्विते statement is true
for which Puta?
a) Bhudhra Puta b) Valuka Puta
c) Bhanda Puta d)All
2.Kumbha Puta is a synonym of Which Puta?
a) a) Bhudhra Puta b) Valuka Puta
c) Bhanda Puta d)All
Subjective Question
 Write short notes on Valuka puta
 Write short notes on Anukta puta

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