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4765 / March 20, 2008


Atty. Eduardo Marino Jr. was the president of the UST Faculty Union. There’s a long history of
collective bargaining agreement between UST and UST Faculty Union. During the series of
agreements between UST and the UST Faculty Union, Atty. Marino was removed from his
position but continued to serve as a lawyer for the UST Faculty Union. In the end, the UST
Faculty won and was awarded 42 million pesos for back wages, salaries, additional
compensations, etc. Complainants are members of the UST Faculty Union questioning the lack
of transparency in the disbursement of the monetary benefits (42M) for the faculty members,
and prays for the expulsion of Atty. Marino for failure to account for the balance of 42M ceded
to them by UST and the attorney’s fees amounting to 4.2M which he deducted from the
benefits allotted to faculty members.


Whether or not Atty. Marino’s acts violated the Code of Professional Responsibility Held:


Yes. Although the record shows that the Bureau of Labor Relations found respondent as having
adequately accounted for the disbursement of the funds which the UST Faculty Union received
through the series of agreements with the management of UST, this Court believes that Atty.
Mariño failed to avoid conflict of interests, first, when he negotiated for the compromise
agreement wherein he played the diverse roles of union president, union attorney and
interested party being one of the dismissed employees seeking his own restitution, and
thereafter, when he obtained thE attorney’s fees of P4,200,000.00 without full prior disclosure
of the circumstances justifying such claim to the members of the UST Faculty Union. As one of
the sixteen (16) union officers and directors seeking compensation from the University of Santo
Tomas for their illegal dismissal, respondent was involved in obvious conflict of interests when
in addition he chose to act as concurrent lawyer and president of the UST Faculty Union in
forging the compromise agreement. The test of conflict of interest among lawyers is “whether
the acceptance of a new relation will prevent an attorney from the full discharge of his duty of
undivided fidelity and loyalty to his client or invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or doubledealing
in the performance thereof.” In the same manner, it is undoubtedly a conflict of interests for an
attorney to put himself in a position where selfinterest tempts, or worse, actually impels him to
do less than his best for his client. Necessarily, a lawyer cannot continue representing a client in
an action or any proceeding against a party even with the client’s consent after the lawyer
brings suit in his own behalf against the same defendant if it is uncertain whether the
defendant will be
able to satisfy both judgments. No doubt, a lawyer is not authorized to have financial stakes in
the subject matter of the suit brought in behalf of his client. Atty. Eduardo J. Mariño, Jr. is
REPRIMANDED for his misconduct with a warning that a more drastic punishment will be
imposed on him upon a repetition of the same act.

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