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The Amber Alert

is to Manufacture Fear. . .
and distrust and division

by Miles Mathis

First published February 24, 2020

As usual, this is just my opinion, based on long internet research and a good nose. And eye.

As you may know, one of my readers recently sent me an iphone so that I can get on the internet. My
cable was cut and the only way I can get internet access is now via a hotspot. Anyway, I started getting
Amber Alerts, and of course I found it very annoying. I tried to turn them off, but they keep coming
back. I guess when I change SIMs, they turn back on. Finally, I had enough and said to myself, I am
going to blow the cover of this stinking project. Which is why I am on this page today.

I could tell just by its form this was a project to create fear and push the men-are-pigs project and
Project Chaos. Plus, I have recently blown the Elizabeth Smart project, and it links in here, since one
of the first things I discovered when I started digging is that Smart's parents have worked with the
parents of Amber Hagerman and Polly Klaas. I noticed on Amber's page this strange admission:

On hearing the news, Hagerman's father, Richard, called Marc Klaas, whose daughter, Polly, had
been abducted and murdered in Petaluma, California, on October 1, 1993. Richard, and Amber's
mother, Donna Whitson (now Donna Norris), called the news media and the FBI. They and their
neighbors began searching for Amber.

What? If your daughter got abducted, would the first thing you would do be to call the famous father
of a previous abductee? How did these families even know eachother? They live halfway across the
country from one another. So I then went to Polly Klaas' Wiki page, where it all began to unravel. The
story about her murderer Richard Allen Davis flipping off the court and claiming Polly had told him
she had been raped by her father was so over the top I could tell this was the usual fiction from Langley
or somewhere.

Can you say, “Acting!” Like Jon Lovitz, master thespian, SNL.

So I did a people search on this Richard Allen Davis, expecting to find he was a fictional character.
Sure enough, the only listing Intelius has for a Richard Allen Davis, age 65, of San Francisco, is this
guy, who is related to a lot of Ludwigs and has worked at Legacy Prime Investments. The only listings
for that are in Logan, UT, and San Bruno, CA. San Bruno is on his list, so that must be the one.
However, although Legacy Prime Investments has current Yellowpages, Yelp, and Mapquest listings, it
has no listing of its own. An investment firm with no webpage doesn't make much sense, does it? So
we are down another rabbit hole already, and I am smelling another CIA-front business.

InstantCheckmate has two listings for Richard A. Davis of California, but neither are listed as ever
having lived in San Francisco. Neither match the listing at Intelius. So according to the big computers,
no Richard Allen Davis, age 65, has ever been in San Quentin. Just to be sure, I went to the California
DCR and typed in that name. According to them, “No records found matching that criteria”. No
Richard Allen Davis exists in the CDCR Inmate Locator, meaning no Richard Allen Davis exists in the
California Prison System, at San Quentin or anywhere else.

That by itself blows the whole story, and with it the stories of Polly Klaas and Amber Hagerman.
This is just more crime theater, composed by the sick bastards who run the world in order to sell you
larger and more expensive jails, police, FBI, and the entire enforcement and legal apparatus.

The good news is that it means that little girls aren't getting kidnapped and murdered by bad guys, since
if they were the media would report on the real events instead of these fake ones. You only need to
manufacture fake events when you don't have ANY real events. In my years of researching these
things, I have never run across a real one. Never a real serial killer, never a real mass murderer, never
a cult murderer, never a child murderer. Just these very poorly manufactured stories, all of which read
like bad fiction.

Looking for more confirmation, I decided to do a people search on Marc Reed Klaas, a central
character in all this. Red flags all over this guy. A few years after the event he went to work for Fox
News. Not something you would expect of a real victim's father. After 1993 he is listed as working for
several companies he started to lobby for victims, so we may assume he profited from the fake death of
his fake daughter; but before that all his jobs have been scrubbed at Intelius. Since he was 43 at the
time, he had to have some work history before that. Why are we never told what he did for a living up
to 1993? Although InstantCheckmate doesn't list places of work, we can reconstruct a probable career
from his locations list. Most of his locations are near San Francisco, but some other curious locations
are on his profile, too. Such as. . . Minden, LA. What would he be doing in Minden? That's east of
Shreveport, so alarm bells went off. Barksdale AFB is just west of there, and of course Barksdale is
one of the most important AFBs in the country, being the site of Global Strike Command. More
important to our current story is that all the big AFBs have psychological operations units. We have
seen the one near me at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque has been assigned as one of their targets. . . me.
See Rational Wiki, which is run by spooks there. Klaas also has Suitland, MD, on his list, which is just
off Joint Base Andrews, also an AFB. Klaas' California locations follow this same trend, with Dana
Point being near Camp Pendleton and Chula Vista being near both Naval Base Coronado and NS San
Diego Navy Base. As you may know, most of south San Diego is Navy. Several of Klaas' San
Francisco locations are very near San Quentin, which ties us to his daughter's alleged killer Davis, who
was supposed to be there for years. So now we know why the fake killer Davis was said to have been
born in San Francisco: it was for the convenience of Marc Klaas.

Polly Klaas' mother Eve Nichol is also spooky, since we find she is also involved in the Polly Klaas
Foundation. A people search on her at InstantCheckmate finds she never actually lived in Petaluma,
but in the nearby small town of Point Reyes Station about ten miles away. So why do they tell us
Petaluma in the papers? Probably as misdirection. But whatever the case may be, it is a big red flag
th at they tell us Polly Klaas' house was on 4th street in Petaluma, while the big computer at
InstantCheckmate denies she ever lived there. They have 12 locations for her, but not Petaluma. And,
since Point Reyes Station has only about 800 people, it doesn't seem like a good place for a child
murderer to operate. But since Eve also lived in nearby Yountville, we are closing in on. . . Travis Air
Force Base. She also lived quite near San Quentin while in Fairfax, San Rafael, and Mill Valley. She
also lived in Pacific Grove and Pebble Beach, which indicates wealth. The Naval Postgraduate School
is also right there. Intelius tells us she also lived in San Pedro, which we already covered in my paper
on the Manson murders. It is spook central, being where Sharon Tate grew up. It is also the site of a
military base. Even weirder, we find that Eve worked at the Truck Lighthouse, a business in San Pedro
that allegedly sells truck parts. So do you smell another CIA front?

Another red flag on Eve Nichol is Moravian Prep School, which is on her list. The Moravians came
from Bohemia, a center of power for the Jewish/Phoenician governors we have been following. The
Moravian Church was founded by Jan Hus, remember, who we have studied before. So Moravian Prep
is probably another spook-feeder.

Yet another red flag on Eve Nichol is that she worked for the Press Democrat, the largest newspaper in
the North Bay, out of Santa Rosa. So she has media ties. Those would have been useful in spreading
this fake story quickly. That paper was owned by the New York Times in the 1990s.

How about this picture alleged to be of Marc Klaas with Polly.

Yep, it's a paste-up. Although it is a very good one for a change. It is hard to tell, since they hired a
professional. He even matched the touchlights in their eyes. You can't tell until you study the outline
of his head against the background. Look closely at the line where his hair meets the background to
your left. See the pixellation? The tech cut out his head beyond the wispy hair, so that the hair would
look natural. Good job so far. But the edge beyond the hair where the image ends can still be seen.
That is what that slight worminess beyond his hair is. Like little transparent worms crawling on the
image there. See it? That is what that is. That is the indication of a fake.

If you still don't see it, blow this pdf up to about 300%. Then look again at the whole line to your left,
where the head and bodies meet the background. If you don't see the pixellation now you need to
check your prescription.

Which brings us back to the Polly Klaas Foundation. If we check their list of key people, we find the
surnames Fish, Clementz, Freyer, Schlueter, Ford, Kerns, Linder, and Mayer. Again, no Gentiles there.
I wonder why? The only thing we are missing is a Cohen.

[I know, you will say, “Ford is a Jewish name? Since when?” Look up Harrison Ford, who admits he
is Jewish.]

We are told,

The Polly Klaas Foundation also provides kits for parents to teach abduction prevention in a way
that they state is not scary for kids.
Yeah, I'll bet. Why would kids be frightened by being told bad men were going to rape, torture, and
kill them? That's not psychologically scarring for life, is it? And we wonder why young people are so
screwed up.

The Polly Klaas Foundation has been around for years, but the missing children's list on its Wikipedia
page is ludicrously short. Since we are told children are being taken all the time, you would expect the
list to be long and shocking. Instead, it is only six names with four of them not linking out. Wikipedia
has no page on them, apparently. One of two that does link out is to Kiplyn Davis, allegedly taken in
Provo, UT. Sounds like a fake name, since I have never heard of anyone named Kiplyn. Also note the
name Davis, which we already saw above as the murderer of Klaas. I beg you to read Kiplyn's page,
which is far from convincing. They admit she had been fighting with her parents and told friends she
was running away that day. So why not assume she did? Her body was never found, but somehow we
are supposed to believe they managed to get a partial confession out of some guy named Timmy Olsen.
As in the Olsen twins? Does he have a page at IMDB? Sounds like another made-up name, since it
reminds us of. . . Jimmy Olsen, who worked with Clark Kent in the Superman stories.

The other name that links out is Jacob Wetterling. Danny Heinrich allegedly confessed to murdering
him and abducting Jared Scheierl. Hmmm. What do those names tell you? Scheierl allegedly won a
$17 million judgment against Heinrich in 2018, almost 30 years later, but since Heinrich is allegedly in
jail with no money, what was the point of that? We are supposed to believe Scheierl spent all that
money on attorneys and court costs for a pay-out of. . . zero?

What can we learn about Richard Hagerman, Amber's father? Not a damn thing. Neither Intelius nor
InstantCheckmate can give us any jobs or relatives for this guy, except another Richard Hagerman who
may be his son. This is very unlikely, given that these big computers know everything about us. The
only way a listing would be this blank is if it had been scrubbed down. However, we do find a Richard
Hagerman at IMDB, and it isn't for appearances on news shows. This guy has appeared in ten films,
including last year's Dark Waters, starring Tim Robbins, Anne Hathway, and Mark Ruffalo. It cannot
be the son, since he is listed as 29 and his first credit is 1993. So he would have been two years old

If we search on Amber's mother Donna Whitson, we do find her, but strangely she is not connected to
any Hagermans, not even her husband. She is connected only to Norrises and Vasilios. She has also
never worked anywhere according to Intelius.

The police have no leads in Amber's death 24 years later. But for some reason the whole Amber Alert
thing was quickly taken over from Richard Hagerman back in 1996 by a guy named Bruce Seybert.
All we are told is that he is the father of one of Amber's classmates. Yeah, which one? And why
would that qualify him to become lead speaker in this? On Amber's Wiki page, we are told:

In July 1996, Bruce Seybert (whose own daughter was a close friend of Amber)[23] and Richard
Hagerman attended a media symposium in Arlington. Although Hagerman had remarks prepared,
on the day of the event the organizers asked Seybert to speak instead. In his 20-minute speech, he
spoke about efforts that local police could take quickly to help fnd missing children and how the
media could facilitate those efforts.

What part of that starts making sense? Who were the organizers of the event and why would they ask
Seybert to speak instead? I am not following the logic here. . . since there isn't any. Why would
Seybert know more about finding missing children than the police or FBI? Even more strange, in 2009
this same Seybert filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against the National Center for Missing
Children for $150 million, claiming the Feds were screwing up his idea. Yeah, this guy is all about the
kids. But it does tell you he considers his idea to be worth big money, which should make you look at
this in a different light. According to Intelius, this 63-year-old guy has never worked anywhere. But
he is related to a Sherry Russell. And don't forget to check Wikipedia, which admits the name Seybert
is the same as Seibert, being specifically Ashkenazi Jewish, and being a variant of Seifert, meaning
Sefer Torah. Does that ring a bell? We have seen that recently in another paper of mine. It was in my
paper on Olaf Palme, Prime Minister of Sweden. Palme's first wife was Jelena Rennerova, who was a
Seifert, with links to the Nazis. I told you, all these people are related, so I wouldn't be surprised if this
Seybert in Texas was related to these folks. I have shown you Texas was settled by aristocrats from
Germany in the 1800s, via the King Ranch and other places. So best guess our Bruce Seybert is one of
these people.

And who actually drafted the Amber Hagerman Child Protection Act in Congress? That would be US
Representative Jonas Martin Frost III, whose grandfather founded the Frost department stores. His
father worked for Convair Aircraft, making him Air Force, or as good as. It was bought by General
Dynamics in 1953. It also manufactured the Mercury Project Atlas rockets. Frost himself started out
in newspapers, working for the News Journal of Wilmington, DE. He also worked for KERA TV. He
was Army Reserve. And. . . he is Jewish. So, let's see, we have the Jewish connection, check. The Air
Force connection, check. The newspaper connection, check.

Within days of her disappearance, Amber's mother “was calling for tougher laws governing kidnappers
and sex offenders.” That also makes no sense, since the laws on the books in Texas at the time were
already very tough. Do you think a state like Texas was soft on child rapists and murderers in 1996?
Texas, which likes to give the death penalty for everything down to parking tickets, was soft on crime
in 1996? C'mon! If Amber's murderer had been caught and then let off with a ridiculously short
sentence, I can see her mother complaining about that, but since the search for the murderer was just
beginning, Donna Whitson's remarks make no sense. They are obviously part of the usual bad script,
where fake victims' families are in the news way too fast pushing for legislation already in the docks
that they couldn't possibly know about. This whole Amber Alert saga was clearly planned by the
governors to spread fear, blackwash men, destroy the heterosexual relationship and thereby the family,
leading to ever higher profits for the Phoenician Navy.

I'll show you another set of links for fun. I redded Marc Klaas' middle name Reed above for a reason.
I would bet you dimes to donuts he is a near cousin of John Reed of the Reds hoax. See the Warren
Beatty movie of that name. These hoaxes run in families. In a previous paper I showed you that Beatty
is actually related to John Reed through the Pomeroys. Well, Beatty is also related to Winona Ryder
(all Hollywood people are close cousins). Which explains why Ryder was involved in publicizing the
Polly Klaas hoax. Ryder offered a $200,000 reward for the return of Polly, which of course she knew
she would never have to pay. She then dedicated her work in Little Women to Polly, since it was
allegedly Polly's favorite book. Gag. So I would say it is very likely Ryder is a cousin of Marc Klaas.
Which reminds us again that all these people are Jewish. Strange how these crazy child murderers
never think to kidnap and murder Gentile girls, isn't it? They only target Jewish children of prominent
military families.

All this tends to confirm this as a project of military intelligence. You may ask yourself why the
military doesn't have anything better to do than fake the brutal murders of pretty young girls. Your
federal tax dollars at work.
As a tack-on, I want to tell my readers that the whole coronavirus scare is a another hoax, being used to
spread fear and sell vaccines. Key on the Gates Foundation for this one. I am not working on a paper
on it, but one of my writers may hit it.

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